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Last active December 30, 2015 19:19
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  • Save niklasl/7873635 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save niklasl/7873635 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generates a JSON-LD Context for
from rdflib import *
SDO = Namespace("")
datatype_coerce_map = {
#SDO.Number: XSD.double,
SDO.Date: 'xsd:date',
SDO.DateTime: "xsd:dateTime",
def make_context(graph, use_vocab=False, dt_coercion=False, object_coercion=False):
ctx = {'xsd': unicode(XSD)}
if use_vocab:
ctx['@vocab'] = SDO
for cls in graph[:RDF.type:RDFS.Class]:
term_key = graph.value(cls, RDFS.label)
ctx[term_key] = unicode(cls)
for prop in graph[:RDF.type:RDF.Property]:
term_key = graph.value(prop, RDFS.label)
ranges = list(graph.objects(prop, SDO.rangeIncludes))
coercion = None
if len(ranges) == 1:
if ranges[0] == SDO.URL:
coercion = "@id"
elif dt_coercion:
coercion = datatype_coerce_map.get(ranges[0])
elif object_coercion and not any(SDO.DataType in
graph.objects(rng, RDFS.subClassOf*'*') for rng in ranges):
coercion = "@id"
if coercion:
dfn = ctx[term_key] = {"@type": coercion}
if not use_vocab:
dfn["@id"] = unicode(prop)
elif not use_vocab:
ctx[term_key] = unicode(prop)
return {"@context": ctx}
if __name__ == '__main__':
from sys import argv
import json
from rdflib.util import guess_format
args = argv[1:]
source = args.pop(0)
use_vocab = '-V' not in args
dt_coercion = '-d' in args
object_coercion = '-o' in args
graph = Graph().parse(source, format=guess_format(source))
context = make_context(graph, use_vocab, dt_coercion, object_coercion)
s = json.dumps(context, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '),
import re
print re.sub(r'{\s+(\S+: "[^"]+")\s+}', r'{\1}', s)
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This generates an JSON-LD @context from elasticearch mappings with rudimentary xsd: type mappings:

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The TopBraid RDF versions of the ontology can be transformed to JSON-LD (e.g. with rdfpipe or a short pyld script w/ framing and compaction, etc.), but do lag just a bit (due to lack of build automation integration)):

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