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Last active February 8, 2023 09:39
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Code snippet for colormaps by linear interpolation and 2D heatmaps in dex-lang
import png
' ## Colormaps
Here we model colormaps as sequences of RGB colors which are then
piecewise linearly interpolated in the interval [0,1] upon evaluation.
RGB = (Fin 3)=>Float
cmap_viridis = [[253.0, 231.0, 37.0]
,[ 94.0, 201.0, 98.0]
,[ 33.0, 145.0, 140.0]
,[ 59.0, 82.0, 139.0]
,[ 68.0, 1.0, 84.0]] / 255.0
def piecewise_linear {n v} [VSpace v] (points: n=>v) (x: Float) : v =
x = max x 0
x = min x 1
xn = x * (n_to_f (size n) - 1.0)
lo = floor xn
hi = ceil xn
p1 = points.(f_to_n lo @ _)
p2 = points.(f_to_n hi @ _)
(1 - (xn - lo)) .* p1 + (xn - lo) .* p2
-- util to inspect a cmap visually
def plot_cmap {n} (cmap: n=>RGB) : (Fin 10)=>(Fin 100)=>RGB =
for i:(Fin 10). for j:(Fin 100).
piecewise_linear cmap (n_to_f (ordinal j) / 100.0)
:html imshow $ plot_cmap cmap_viridis
cmap_jax = [[157.0, 34.0, 178.0]
,[106.0, 20.0, 155.0]
,[ 37.0, 85.0, 199.0]
,[ 94.0, 152.0, 246.0]
,[ 33.0, 167.0, 155.0]] / 255.0
:html imshow $ plot_cmap cmap_jax
-- to reverse a cmap we just reverse the array of control points
:html imshow $ plot_cmap (reverse cmap_jax)
' ## 2D heatmap
def heatmap2d {n m c}
(ymin: Float)
(ymax: Float)
(ygrid: n=>m=>Float)
(cmap: c=>RGB)
: (n=>m=>RGB) =
img = for i j.
y = (ygrid.i.j - ymin) / (ymax - ymin)
piecewise_linear cmap y
' ## 2D discretization of a function on a grid
def discretize2d {n m}
(f: Float -> Float -> Float)
(xs1: n=>Float)
(xs2: m=>Float)
: n=>m=>Float =
fgrid = for i j. f xs1.i xs2.j
' ## Example: Himmelblau's function
def himmelblau (x1: Float) (x2: Float) : Float =
sq (sq x1 + x2 - 11.0) + sq (x1 + sq x2 - 7.0)
example_fn = himmelblau
ymin = -30.0
ymax = 200.0
xs1 = for i:(Fin 100). n_to_f (ordinal i) / 10.0 - 5.0
xs2 = for i:(Fin 100). n_to_f (ordinal i) / 10.0 - 5.0
ygrid = discretize2d example_fn xs1 xs2
:html imshow $ heatmap2d ymin ymax ygrid cmap_viridis
def hcat {l n m a} (mat1: l=>n=>a) (mat2: l=>m=>a) : l=>(n|m)=>a =
for i j. case j of
Left j1 -> mat1.i.j1
Right j2 -> mat2.i.j2
img_viridis = heatmap2d ymin ymax ygrid cmap_viridis
img_viridisr = heatmap2d ymin ymax ygrid (reverse cmap_viridis)
img_jax = heatmap2d ymin ymax ygrid cmap_jax
img_jaxr = heatmap2d ymin ymax ygrid (reverse cmap_jax)
:html imshow $ hcat img_viridis $ hcat img_viridisr $ hcat img_jax img_jaxr
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