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Last active July 4, 2019 10:12
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Dart Class
void main() {
Car newMercedes = Car(brandName:'Benz', modelName:'G', currency:'USD', msrp:1000.0);
print('Car: ${newMercedes.brandName} ${newMercedes.modelName}');
print('Price: ${newMercedes.currency} ${newMercedes.msrp}');
print(''.padLeft(20, '-'));
Car newHonda = Car.shorter(brandName:'Honda', modelName:'Fit');
print('Car: ${newHonda.brandName} ${newHonda.modelName}');
print(''.padLeft(20, '-'));
// use static property
var Secret = Car.SECRET;
print(''.padLeft(20, '-'));
print('Static Property | Car Secret: $Secret');
// use static method
print(''.padLeft(20, '-'));
print(Car.toCapitalCase(Secret, false));
// Object Memory Storage - Objects
print(''.padLeft(20, '-'));
var copyOfHonda = newHonda;
var copy2OfHonda = newHonda;
copyOfHonda.brandName = 'Point To Same Memory Storage Address';
print('copyOfHonda - ${copyOfHonda.brandName}');
print('copy2OfHonda - ${copy2OfHonda.brandName}');
// Object Memory Storage - Primitives
print(''.padLeft(20, '-'));
var name = 'Nikk';
var cName = name;
var cName1 = name;
cName = 'Johnny';
print(cName); // Johnny
print(cName1); // Nikk
// Inheritence
print(''.padLeft(20, '-'));
var tesla = new ElectricCar(brandName: 'Tesla', modelName: 'X');
print('ElectricCar: ${tesla.brandName} ${tesla.modelName}');
print('Price: ${tesla.currency} ${tesla.msrp}');
print(ElectricCar.toCapitalCase('EC - toCapitalCase'));
// named constructor
print(''.padLeft(20, '-'));
var teslaShort = new ElectricCar.shorter(brandName: 'Tesla');
print('ElectricCarShort: ${teslaShort.brandName} ${teslaShort.modelName}');
class Car {
// static property
static const SECRET = 'niklee2009';
// normal property
String brandName;
String modelName;
String currency;
double msrp;
Car({this.brandName, this.modelName, this.currency, this.msrp}){
print('default constructor');
// named constructor
Car.shorter({String brandName, String modelName}) :
this.brandName = brandName,
this.modelName = modelName {
print('named constructor');
// methods
void printModelName() {
var brandName = 'Local Name';
print('method executed - printModelName()');
print('Car: ${brandName} ${modelName}');
print('Car: ${this.brandName} ${modelName}');
// static method
static String toCapitalCase(String original, [bool optionalParam = true]) {
if(original == null) { original = ''; }
return '${original.toUpperCase()} - ${optionalParam}';
// Inheritance
class ElectricCar extends Car {
// call Parent Constructor and has child its own constructor
String brandName,
String modelName,
String currency = 'USD',
double msrp = 500.00
}) :
// parent constructor -> execute first
brandName: brandName,
modelName: modelName,
currency: currency,
msrp: msrp) {
// child constructor -> execute after
print('Electric Car Constructor');
// override named constructor
String brandName,
String modelName = 'shorter model'
}) :
// parent constructor -> execute first
brandName: brandName,
modelName: modelName) {
// child constructor -> execute after
print('Electric Car shorter Constructor');
// override parent methods
// if we don't mark as override, the override work is still done.
void printModelName() {
print(''.padLeft(20, '-'));
print('@Method Override');
// execute parent method
// execute child method
var brandName = 'Local Name';
print('method executed - Electric printModelName()');
print('Electric Car: ${brandName} ${modelName}');
print('Electric Car: ${this.brandName} ${modelName}');
// static method
// static method doesn't inherit, but you can still override it without @override
static String toCapitalCase(String original, [bool optionalParam = false]) {
// super.toCapitalCase('Parent'); ---> error, super is not available
if(original == null) { original = 'Electric Static Method'; }
return '${original.toUpperCase()} - ${optionalParam}';
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