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Created August 30, 2017 23:24
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Daylight Algorithm
def get_julian_day(date):
a = (14 - date.month) // 12
y = date.year + 4800 - a
m = date.month + 12 * a - 3
julian_date = + (153 * m + 2) // 5 + 365 * y + y // 4 - y // 100 + y // 400 - 32045
return julian_date - 2451545 + .0008
def daylight(date, lat, lon):
""" Returns daylight hours for a single lat/lon point """
julian_day = get_julian_day(date)
solar_noon = julian_day - lon//360
solar_anomaly = (357.5291 + 0.98560028*solar_noon) % 360
equation_of_center = (
1.9148*math.sin(math.radians(solar_anomaly)) +
0.0200*math.sin(math.radians(2*solar_anomaly)) +
ecliptic_longitude = (solar_anomaly + equation_of_center + 180 + 102.9372) % 360
solar_transit = (
2451545.5 + solar_noon + 0.0053*math.sin(math.radians(solar_anomaly)) -
declination = math.asin(math.sin(math.radians(ecliptic_longitude))*math.sin(math.radians(23.44)))
hour_angle = math.acos(
(math.sin(math.radians(-.83)) - math.sin(math.radians(lat))*math.sin(declination)) /
sunrise = solar_transit - math.degrees(hour_angle)/360
sunset = solar_transit + math.degrees(hour_angle)/360
return (sunset - sunrise) * 24
def daylight_array(date, lat, lon):
""" Returns daylight hours for arrays of lat/lon points """
julian_day = get_julian_day(date)
lat_arr = numpy.tile(lat.reshape(len(lat), 1), (1, len(lon)))
lon_arr = numpy.tile(lon, (len(lat), 1))
# solar_noon = julian_day - lon//360
solar_noon = lon_arr
del lon_arr
solar_noon //= 360
solar_noon -= julian_day
solar_noon *= -1
# solar_anomaly = (357.5291 + 0.98560028 * solar_noon) % 360
solar_anomaly = solar_noon * 0.98560028
solar_anomaly += 357.5291
solar_anomaly %= 360
# equation_of_center = (
# 1.9148 * math.sin(math.radians(solar_anomaly)) +
# 0.0200 * math.sin(math.radians(2 * solar_anomaly)) +
# 0.0003 * math.sin(math.radians(3 * solar_anomaly))
# )
equation_of_center = numpy.radians(solar_anomaly)
numpy.sin(equation_of_center, equation_of_center)
equation_of_center *= 1.9148
equation_of_center_2 = solar_anomaly * 2
numpy.radians(equation_of_center_2, equation_of_center_2)
numpy.sin(equation_of_center_2, equation_of_center_2)
equation_of_center_2 *= 0.0200
equation_of_center += equation_of_center_2
equation_of_center_2 = solar_anomaly * 3
numpy.radians(equation_of_center_2, equation_of_center_2)
numpy.sin(equation_of_center_2, equation_of_center_2)
equation_of_center_2 *= 0.0003
equation_of_center += equation_of_center_2
del equation_of_center_2
# ecliptic_longitude = (solar_anomaly + equation_of_center + 180 + 102.9372) % 360
ecliptic_longitude = equation_of_center
del equation_of_center
ecliptic_longitude += solar_anomaly
ecliptic_longitude += 282.9372 # 180 + 102.9372
ecliptic_longitude %= 360
# solar_transit = (
# 2451545.5 + solar_noon + 0.0053*math.sin(math.radians(solar_anomaly)) -
# 0.0069*math.sin(math.radians(2*ecliptic_longitude))
# )
solar_transit = solar_noon
del solar_noon
solar_transit += 2451545.5
numpy.radians(solar_anomaly, solar_anomaly)
numpy.sin(solar_anomaly, solar_anomaly)
solar_anomaly *= 0.0053
solar_transit += solar_anomaly
del solar_anomaly
solar_transit_2 = ecliptic_longitude * 2
numpy.radians(solar_transit_2, solar_transit_2)
numpy.sin(solar_transit_2, solar_transit_2)
solar_transit_2 *= 0.0069
solar_transit -= solar_transit_2
del solar_transit_2
# declination = math.asin(math.sin(math.radians(ecliptic_longitude))*math.sin(math.radians(23.44)))
declination = ecliptic_longitude
del ecliptic_longitude
numpy.radians(declination, declination)
numpy.sin(declination, declination)
declination *= math.sin(math.radians(23.44))
numpy.arcsin(declination, declination)
# hour_angle = math.acos(
# (math.sin(math.radians(-.83)) - math.sin(math.radians(lat)) * math.sin(declination)) /
# math.cos(math.radians(lat)) * math.cos(declination)
# )
hour_angle = numpy.radians(lat_arr)
numpy.sin(hour_angle, hour_angle)
hour_angle *= numpy.sin(declination)
hour_angle -= math.sin(math.radians(-.83))
hour_angle *= -1
numpy.radians(lat_arr, lat_arr)
numpy.cos(lat_arr, lat_arr)
numpy.cos(declination, declination)
lat_arr *= declination
del declination
hour_angle /= lat_arr
del lat_arr
numpy.arccos(hour_angle, hour_angle)
# sunrise = solar_transit - math.degrees(hour_angle) / 360
# sunset = solar_transit + math.degrees(hour_angle) / 360
# return (sunset - sunrise) * 24
numpy.degrees(hour_angle, hour_angle)
hour_angle /= 360
solar_transit = solar_transit.astype('float64')
days = (solar_transit + hour_angle) - (solar_transit - hour_angle)
days *= 24
return days
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