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Created January 19, 2024 09:52
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+-------------------------------------+----------+ | TableName | RowCount | +-------------------------------------+----------+ | Achievements | 12 | | AiGameResults | 74 | | AiGameRules | 10 | | BadgeLevelRewards | 0 | | BadgeLevels | 12 | | CameraStreams | 37 | | Characteristics | 16 | | CharacterItemTypes | 58 | | ChatBotConfigurations | 0 | | CoachDanConfigurations | 1 | | CoachDanMotivations | 0 | | Coaches | 3224 | | CoachQuests | 156 | | CoinsTransactions | 228766 | | Contests | 4 | | CouponActivations | 71 | | Coupons | 20 | | CustomerGroupCoaches | 0 | | Customers | 738 | | CustomersGroups | 2584 | | Devices | 76974 | | DrillsCategories | 14 | | DrillsCategoryQuest | 398 | | Exercises | 2 | | FeedPostComments | 6442 | | FeedPostLikes | 12225 | | FeedPosts | 25341 | | Langs | 12 | | LangStringResources | 65594 | | LevelRewards | 22 | | Levels | 21 | | MessageTemplates | 10 | | NbaGameForecastRewards | 46997 | | NbaGameResultForecasts | 94295 | | NbaGames | 2711 | | NbaGameStats | 16796 | | NbaPlayerPhoto | 0 | | NbaPlayerStats | 43777 | | NbaTeams | 35 | | OnlineCoaches | 3162 | | OnlineCoachReviews | 0 | | OrganizationInvoices | 536 | | OrganizationLocations | 43 | | Organizations | 2461 | | OrganizationStripeOptions | 139 | | OrganizationSubscriptions | 91 | | OrganizationWorkoutPlans | 108 | | ParentAccounts | 8 | | Payments | 9 | | Payouts | 1 | | PlaygroundCameras | 1 | | Playgrounds | 1 | | QuestImages | 132 | | QuestInputs | 41 | | QuestRewards | 1173 | | Quests | 596 | | QuestTags | 654 | | RolePermissions | 2 | | Roles | 3 | | ScheduleEventActivities | 5279 | | ScheduleEventClips | 4 | | ScheduleEventParticipants | 16405 | | ScheduleEvents | 25271 | | ScheduleEventStreams | 37 | | ScoringGameResults | 55894 | | Tags | 98 | | UserAccessTokens | 320812 | | UserAchievements | 11 | | UserActionLogs | 3581595 | | UserBadges | 105 | | UserCharacteristicGains | 142905 | | UserCharacteristicHistoryValues | 145909 | | UserCharacterItems | 1022330 | | UserCompletedWorkoutPlanItems | 169 | | UserDevices | 75345 | | UserEventParameters | 0 | | UserEvents | 0 | | UserExperienceFlows | 27780 | | UserFavouredQuests | 4284 | | UserLevels | 24166 | | UserNotifications | 818261 | | UserOnlineCoachStatuses | 83724 | | UserProStatuses | 99012 | | UserQuestResults | 1604 | | UserQuests | 42062 | | Users | 233671 | | UserSubscriptions | 41699 | | UserWorkoutClips | 12 | | UserWorkoutPlans | 76 | | UserWorkoutReviews | 60 | | UserWorkouts | 62740 | | UserWorkoutStreams | 27 | | WorkoutExercises | 743 | | WorkoutPlans | 121 | | Workouts | 149 | | WorkoutTemplateCategories | 8 | | WorkoutTemplateDrills | 479 | | WorkoutTemplates | 51 | +-------------------------------------+----------+

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