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Replaces a target file with a reference file if the reference file has a newer file version.
The function replaces a target file with a reference file if the reference file has a newer file version.
.PARAMETER ReferencePath
The path to the reference file. This file will be used to determine whether the target file should be replaced.
niko-la-petrovic / speedtest.ps1
Created March 26, 2022 13:49
Speedtest to CSV
// CLI util at
$results = 1..10 | % { .\speedtest.exe -f json }
$results | % { $j = ConvertFrom-Json $_; @{download=$; upload=$j.upload.bandwidth; ping=$; jitter = $}} | ConvertTo-Csv
niko-la-petrovic / wavheader.cs
Created March 23, 2022 15:48
Wav Header Parsing
// Spec
public static WavHeader ParseWavHeader(this Stream fs)
int bitDepth;
int channelCount;
int samplingRate;
int dataSectionByteCount;