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Last active February 25, 2017 22:43
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"""Library for obtaining data from BGS WMS servers.
Unfortunately the BGS do not provide a simple text based API to access geology information for specific coordinates
or areas within a bounding box.
Available classes:
- GeoBGS: When called instantiates a GeoBGS object.
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import numpy
import datetime
class GeoBGS(object):
"""Represents an area from which a BGS geology image tile may be formed or records of geologies shown in image maybe
Available functions:
- get_map: Requests a map tile based on either a bounding box set by the user, or a bounding box generated from an
OSGB coordinate and bounding box size.
- get_map_geology: Analyses a user requested image or automatically calls the 'get_map' method, the image is then
analysed for distinct colours and forms requests for geology relating to each colour.
def __init__(self, bounding_box={'minx': None, 'maxx': None, 'miny': None, 'maxy': None}, coordinate=None, buffer=None):
"""Initialisation of the GeoBGS class.
Attributes, if not set on initialisation, maybe set through 'class.attribute = x'
bounding_box: Optional Dictionary containing keys [minx, maxx, miny, maxy]
coordinate: Optional String of an osgb easting, northing coordinate e.g. '400000,410000'
buffer: Optional Integer of a buffer in metres to form a bounding box around a given coordinate. Value must
not exceed 1000.
self.coordinate = coordinate # make something to validate this
self.buffer = buffer
self.bounding_box = bounding_box
self._baseurl = ''
self._map_params = {'SERVICE': 'WMS',
'VERSION': '1.3.0',
'REQUEST': '',
'BBOX': '',
'CRS': 'EPSG:27700',
'WIDTH': '',
'HEIGHT': '',
'LAYERS': '',
'STYLES': '',
'FORMAT': ''}
self._query_params = {'QUERY_LAYERS': '',
'INFO_FORMAT': 'text/html',
'I': '',
'J': '',
self._layers = ['BGS.50k.Linear.features',
self._image_formats = ['image/png8', 'image/png24', 'image/png32', 'image/jpeg', 'image/bmp', 'image/gif',
def _bbmin(self, coord, buffer):
"""Simple function to return min value for bounding box.
coord: Integer or Float representing a single easting or northing coordinate
buffer: Integer of a buffer in metres
return coord - buffer
def _bbmax(self, coord, buffer):
"""Simple function to return max value for bounding box.
coord: Integer or Float representing a single easting or northing coordinate
buffer: Integer of a buffer in metres
return coord + buffer
def _create_bbox(self):
"""Help text
if self.coordinate is None:
return 'Coordinate value not set - Cannot generate bounding box'
elif self.buffer is None:
return 'Buffer value not set - Cannot generate bounding box'
x, y = [int(i.strip()) for i in self.coordinate.split(',')]
return {'minx': self._bbmin(x, self.buffer),
'maxx': self._bbmax(x, self.buffer),
'miny': self._bbmin(y, self.buffer),
'maxy': self._bbmax(y, self.buffer)}
def _memoize(self, f):
"""Help text"""
memo = {}
def helper(x):
if x not in memo:
memo[x] = f(x)
return memo[x]
return helper
def _merge_dict(self, dictA, dictB):
"""python 3.5 only"""
dict = {**dictA, **dictB}
return dict
def _string_bbox(self):
"""some text"""
bbox = [self.bounding_box['minx'],
return ','.join(map(str, bbox))
def _make_request(self, params):
"""bit of text"""
return requests.get(self._baseurl, params=params)
def _prepare_request(self):
self._map_params['BBOX'] = self._string_bbox()
self._map_params['REQUEST'] = 'GetMap'
self._map_params['WIDTH'] = 1000 # self.bounding_box['maxx'] - self.bounding_box['minx'] #TODO Add some sort of scaling if over 1000
self._map_params['HEIGHT'] = 1000 # self.bounding_box['maxy'] - self.bounding_box['miny']
self._map_params['LAYERS'] = ','.join([self._layers[4]]) # multiple layers can be used
self._map_params['FORMAT'] = self._image_formats[1]
def _save_image(self, data):
"""TODO put the watermarking into its own method and call at end of get_map_geology
as its been messing with geology id in some cases.
with, mode='r') as img:
img = img.convert(mode='RGBA')
width, height = img.size
padding = 16
font_size = 16
rect_height = height - (font_size + padding * 2)
rect_coords = (0, rect_height, width, height)
message = 'Contains British Geological Survey materials © NERC {}'.format(
# make a blank image for the text
background ='RGBA', img.size, (180, 180, 180, 0))
# get a font
fnt = ImageFont.truetype('arialbd.ttf', font_size)
# get a drawing context
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(background)
draw.rectangle(rect_coords, fill=(180, 180, 180, 100), outline=None)
draw.text((padding, height - padding - font_size), message, font=fnt, fill=(0, 0, 0, 255))
out = Image.alpha_composite(img, background)'geology.{}'.format('png'))
def _make_query(self):
self._query_params['REQUEST'] = 'GetFeatureInfo'
self._query_params['QUERY_LAYERS'] = ','.join([self._layers[4]]) # multiple layers can be used
self._query_params['I'] = 1000 #TODO link to _map_params width setting and buffer
self._query_params['J'] = 1000
self._query_params['FEATURE_COUNT'] = 10 # Sensible default
def _extract_data(self):
"""right now not coping with multiple geologies in same data table"""
if self.bounding_box is None:
#self._make_query() call this from get_map_geology and overwrite I & J
merged = self._merge_dict(self._map_params, self._query_params)
r = self._make_request(merged)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'lxml')
table_data = [[cell.text for cell in row(['th', 'td'])] for row in soup("tr")]
geology_table = {}
for i, header in enumerate(soup('th')):
geology_table[header.text] = soup('td')[i].text
return geology_table['LEX_RCS_D']
def _open_image(self):
img ='geology.{}'.format('png')).convert(mode='RGB')
return img
def _get_colours(self):
img = self._open_image()
data = numpy.asarray(img, dtype="int32")
colours = [x[1] for x in img.getcolors() if (181, 181, 181) != x[1]] # 181 ignore is for borderlines
return data, colours
def get_map(self):
""""Make something up"""
if self.bounding_box is None:
r = self._make_request(self._map_params)
def get_map_geology(self):
data, colours = self._get_colours()
geology_types = {}
for colour in colours:
indices = numpy.where(numpy.all(data == colour, axis=-1))
self._query_params['I'] = indices[0][0]
self._query_params['J'] = indices[1][0]
geology_types[colour] = self._extract_data()
except KeyError:
print('Colour {} is invalid'.format(colour))
def __str__(self):
"""Help text"""
return '<GeoBGS Object: Bounding Box = {}>'.format(self.bounding_box)
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