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Created January 13, 2022 22:09
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Naive re-implementation of Phoenix's templating macros.
defmodule Lector.Template do
@moduledoc """
Defines helper functions for rendering Templates.
What this allows is a naive re-implementation of how Phoenix handles views/templates.
When 'using' `Lector.Template`, files sharing the same module name as the view being used get pre-compiled
into named render functions. In other words, `Lector.Templates.Home` will pre-compile a `home.html.eex` file
in the same folder into a function of the same name (`Lector.Templates.Home.home(assigns)`), which renders
the template.
NOTE: As a next step, it makes sense to divvy up the templates into folders named after the parent view module,
as it's done in Phoenix. This means that instead of only pre-compiling one file, we can pre-compile many into the
same view module, and they will all share the context and layout declared in said file.
'Using' `Lector.Template` will also inject a `render(conn, file, assigns \\ [])` function. While at the moment
I haven't built in support for multiple template files per view, the <file> parameter will match the given file
to a named function for rendering. If, for example, we pass in `home.html.eex`, the `home` function will get called
for rendering.
The render function renders both the template and the base layout, passing in the rendered template as
`:inner_content` in the `assigns` made available to the layout.
The default layout can be adjusted by passing in a `layout: $layout` option to the `use` declaration,
and specifying a filename to be pulled from the `lib/templates/layouts` directory.
require EEx
@template_dir Application.compile_env!(:lector, :template_dir)
@layout_dir Application.compile_env!(:lector, :layout_dir)
@default_layout Application.compile_env!(:lector, :default_layout)
@doc """
Injects the render, and template-render functions into our "views".
defmacro __using__(opts) do
%{ module: calling_module } = __CALLER__
# layout optionally defined by passing a `layout: <new_file>` option to `use`
layout = get_layout_path(opts)
# for now, we only retrieve template files that have the same name as the module `using` this macro
tmplt_base_name = normalize_module_name(calling_module)
tmplt_filename = tmplt_base_name <> ".html.eex"
# the precompiled function to render is has the same name as the normalized module name.
# again, in future iterations we could have multiple pages with multiple names, where rendering gets
# dispatched according to the "filename" passed in
tmplt_fn_name = tmplt_base_name |> String.to_atom
quoted_template = EEx.compile_file(Path.join(@template_dir, tmplt_filename))
quoted_layout = EEx.compile_file(layout)
quoted_template_render_fn = craft_render_fn(tmplt_fn_name, quoted_template)
quoted_layout_render_fn = craft_render_fn(:layout, quoted_layout)
quote do
def render(conn, file, assigns \\ []), do: Lector.Template.render(__MODULE__, conn, file, assigns)
# injects `def home(assigns) do`
# injects `def layout(assigns) do`
@doc """
Renders a template file with the given assigns, sends a response with a 200 status and the rendered body.
def render(module, %{ status: status } = conn, file, assigns) do
template_render_fn_name = get_fn_name_from_filename(file)
# Render the "template" - i.e. "home.html.eex"
assigns = Keyword.put(assigns, :conn, conn)
rendered_template = apply(module, template_render_fn_name, [assigns])
# Render the layout with template as inner_content
assigns = Keyword.put(assigns, :inner_content, rendered_template)
rendered_layout = apply(module, :layout, [assigns])
conn = Plug.Conn.assign(conn, :timing_end, System.monotonic_time(:millisecond))
|> Plug.Conn.assign(:time_taken, conn.assigns[:timing_end] - conn.assigns[:timing_init])
|> Plug.Conn.send_resp((status || 200), rendered_layout)
defp normalize_module_name(module) do
|> Module.split
|> List.last
|> Macro.underscore
defp get_layout_path(opts) do
Keyword.get(opts, :layout, @default_layout)
|> (&(Path.join(@layout_dir, &1))).()
defp get_fn_name_from_filename(filename) do
|> String.split(".")
|> List.first
|> String.to_atom
defp craft_render_fn(fn_name, quoted_content) do
quote do
def unquote(fn_name)(var!(assigns)) do
_ = var!(assigns)
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