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This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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[ | |
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[ | |
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[ | |
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[ | |
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"SVGFEDisplacementMapElement", | |
"SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement", | |
"SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement", | |
"SVGFECompositeElement", | |
"SVGFEComponentTransferElement", | |
"SVGFEColorMatrixElement", | |
"SVGFEBlendElement", | |
"SVGEllipseElement", | |
"SVGElement", | |
"SVGDescElement", | |
"SVGDefsElement", | |
"SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement", | |
"SVGClipPathElement", | |
"SVGCircleElement", | |
"SVGAnimationElement", | |
"SVGAnimatedTransformList", | |
"SVGAnimatedString", | |
"SVGAnimatedRect", | |
"SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio", | |
"SVGAnimatedNumberList", | |
"SVGAnimatedNumber", | |
"SVGAnimatedLengthList", | |
"SVGAnimatedLength", | |
"SVGAnimatedInteger", | |
"SVGAnimatedEnumeration", | |
"SVGAnimatedBoolean", | |
"SVGAnimatedAngle", | |
"SVGAnimateTransformElement", | |
"SVGAnimateMotionElement", | |
"SVGAnimateElement", | |
"SVGAngle", | |
"SVGAElement", | |
"Response", | |
"ResizeObserverSize", | |
"ResizeObserverEntry", | |
"ResizeObserver", | |
"Request", | |
"ReportingObserver", | |
"ReadableStreamDefaultReader", | |
"ReadableStreamDefaultController", | |
"ReadableStreamBYOBRequest", | |
"ReadableStreamBYOBReader", | |
"ReadableStream", | |
"ReadableByteStreamController", | |
"Range", | |
"RadioNodeList", | |
"RTCTrackEvent", | |
"RTCStatsReport", | |
"RTCSessionDescription", | |
"RTCSctpTransport", | |
"RTCRtpTransceiver", | |
"RTCRtpSender", | |
"RTCRtpReceiver", | |
"RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent", | |
"RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent", | |
"RTCPeerConnection", | |
"RTCIceTransport", | |
"RTCIceCandidate", | |
"RTCErrorEvent", | |
"RTCError", | |
"RTCEncodedVideoFrame", | |
"RTCEncodedAudioFrame", | |
"RTCDtlsTransport", | |
"RTCDataChannelEvent", | |
"RTCDataChannel", | |
"RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent", | |
"RTCDTMFSender", | |
"RTCCertificate", | |
"PromiseRejectionEvent", | |
"ProgressEvent", | |
"Profiler", | |
"ProcessingInstruction", | |
"PopStateEvent", | |
"PointerEvent", | |
"PluginArray", | |
"Plugin", | |
"PictureInPictureWindow", | |
"PictureInPictureEvent", | |
"PeriodicWave", | |
"PerformanceTiming", | |
"PerformanceServerTiming", | |
"PerformanceResourceTiming", | |
"PerformancePaintTiming", | |
"PerformanceObserverEntryList", | |
"PerformanceObserver", | |
"PerformanceNavigationTiming", | |
"PerformanceNavigation", | |
"PerformanceMeasure", | |
"PerformanceMark", | |
"PerformanceLongTaskTiming", | |
"PerformanceEventTiming", | |
"PerformanceEntry", | |
"PerformanceElementTiming", | |
"Performance", | |
"Path2D", | |
"PannerNode", | |
"PageTransitionEvent", | |
"OverconstrainedError", | |
"OscillatorNode", | |
"OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D", | |
"OffscreenCanvas", | |
"OfflineAudioContext", | |
"OfflineAudioCompletionEvent", | |
"NodeList", | |
"NodeIterator", | |
"NodeFilter", | |
"Node", | |
"NetworkInformation", | |
"Navigator", | |
"NavigationTransition", | |
"NavigationHistoryEntry", | |
"NavigationDestination", | |
"NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent", | |
"Navigation", | |
"NavigateEvent", | |
"NamedNodeMap", | |
"MutationRecord", | |
"MutationObserver", | |
"MouseEvent", | |
"MimeTypeArray", | |
"MimeType", | |
"MessagePort", | |
"MessageEvent", | |
"MessageChannel", | |
"MediaStreamTrackProcessor", | |
"MediaStreamTrackGenerator", | |
"MediaStreamTrackEvent", | |
"MediaStreamTrack", | |
"MediaStreamEvent", | |
"MediaStreamAudioSourceNode", | |
"MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode", | |
"MediaStream", | |
"MediaSourceHandle", | |
"MediaSource", | |
"MediaRecorder", | |
"MediaQueryListEvent", | |
"MediaQueryList", | |
"MediaList", | |
"MediaError", | |
"MediaEncryptedEvent", | |
"MediaElementAudioSourceNode", | |
"MediaCapabilities", | |
"MathMLElement", | |
"Location", | |
"LayoutShiftAttribution", | |
"LayoutShift", | |
"LargestContentfulPaint", | |
"KeyframeEffect", | |
"KeyboardEvent", | |
"IntersectionObserverEntry", | |
"IntersectionObserver", | |
"InputEvent", | |
"InputDeviceInfo", | |
"InputDeviceCapabilities", | |
"ImageData", | |
"ImageCapture", | |
"ImageBitmapRenderingContext", | |
"ImageBitmap", | |
"IdleDeadline", | |
"IIRFilterNode", | |
"IDBVersionChangeEvent", | |
"IDBTransaction", | |
"IDBRequest", | |
"IDBOpenDBRequest", | |
"IDBObjectStore", | |
"IDBKeyRange", | |
"IDBIndex", | |
"IDBFactory", | |
"IDBDatabase", | |
"IDBCursorWithValue", | |
"IDBCursor", | |
"History", | |
"Headers", | |
"HashChangeEvent", | |
"HTMLVideoElement", | |
"HTMLUnknownElement", | |
"HTMLUListElement", | |
"HTMLTrackElement", | |
"HTMLTitleElement", | |
"HTMLTimeElement", | |
"HTMLTextAreaElement", | |
"HTMLTemplateElement", | |
"HTMLTableSectionElement", | |
"HTMLTableRowElement", | |
"HTMLTableElement", | |
"HTMLTableColElement", | |
"HTMLTableCellElement", | |
"HTMLTableCaptionElement", | |
"HTMLStyleElement", | |
"HTMLSpanElement", | |
"HTMLSourceElement", | |
"HTMLSlotElement", | |
"HTMLSelectElement", | |
"HTMLScriptElement", | |
"HTMLQuoteElement", | |
"HTMLProgressElement", | |
"HTMLPreElement", | |
"HTMLPictureElement", | |
"HTMLParamElement", | |
"HTMLParagraphElement", | |
"HTMLOutputElement", | |
"HTMLOptionsCollection", | |
"HTMLOptionElement", | |
"HTMLOptGroupElement", | |
"HTMLObjectElement", | |
"HTMLOListElement", | |
"HTMLModElement", | |
"HTMLMeterElement", | |
"HTMLMetaElement", | |
"HTMLMenuElement", | |
"HTMLMediaElement", | |
"HTMLMarqueeElement", | |
"HTMLMapElement", | |
"HTMLLinkElement", | |
"HTMLLegendElement", | |
"HTMLLabelElement", | |
"HTMLLIElement", | |
"HTMLInputElement", | |
"HTMLImageElement", | |
"HTMLIFrameElement", | |
"HTMLHtmlElement", | |
"HTMLHeadingElement", | |
"HTMLHeadElement", | |
"HTMLHRElement", | |
"HTMLFrameSetElement", | |
"HTMLFrameElement", | |
"HTMLFormElement", | |
"HTMLFormControlsCollection", | |
"HTMLFontElement", | |
"HTMLFieldSetElement", | |
"HTMLEmbedElement", | |
"HTMLElement", | |
"HTMLDocument", | |
"HTMLDivElement", | |
"HTMLDirectoryElement", | |
"HTMLDialogElement", | |
"HTMLDetailsElement", | |
"HTMLDataListElement", | |
"HTMLDataElement", | |
"HTMLDListElement", | |
"HTMLCollection", | |
"HTMLCanvasElement", | |
"HTMLButtonElement", | |
"HTMLBodyElement", | |
"HTMLBaseElement", | |
"HTMLBRElement", | |
"HTMLAudioElement", | |
"HTMLAreaElement", | |
"HTMLAnchorElement", | |
"HTMLAllCollection", | |
"GeolocationPositionError", | |
"GeolocationPosition", | |
"GeolocationCoordinates", | |
"Geolocation", | |
"GamepadHapticActuator", | |
"GamepadEvent", | |
"GamepadButton", | |
"Gamepad", | |
"GainNode", | |
"FormDataEvent", | |
"FormData", | |
"FontFaceSetLoadEvent", | |
"FontFace", | |
"FocusEvent", | |
"FileReader", | |
"FileList", | |
"File", | |
"FeaturePolicy", | |
"External", | |
"EventTarget", | |
"EventSource", | |
"EventCounts", | |
"Event", | |
"ErrorEvent", | |
"ElementInternals", | |
"Element", | |
"DynamicsCompressorNode", | |
"DragEvent", | |
"DocumentType", | |
"DocumentFragment", | |
"Document", | |
"DelayNode", | |
"DecompressionStream", | |
"DataTransferItemList", | |
"DataTransferItem", | |
"DataTransfer", | |
"DOMTokenList", | |
"DOMStringMap", | |
"DOMStringList", | |
"DOMRectReadOnly", | |
"DOMRectList", | |
"DOMRect", | |
"DOMQuad", | |
"DOMPointReadOnly", | |
"DOMPoint", | |
"DOMParser", | |
"DOMMatrixReadOnly", | |
"DOMMatrix", | |
"DOMImplementation", | |
"DOMException", | |
"DOMError", | |
"CustomStateSet", | |
"CustomEvent", | |
"CustomElementRegistry", | |
"Crypto", | |
"CountQueuingStrategy", | |
"ConvolverNode", | |
"ConstantSourceNode", | |
"CompressionStream", | |
"CompositionEvent", | |
"Comment", | |
"CloseEvent", | |
"ClipboardEvent", | |
"CharacterData", | |
"ChannelSplitterNode", | |
"ChannelMergerNode", | |
"CanvasRenderingContext2D", | |
"CanvasPattern", | |
"CanvasGradient", | |
"CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack", | |
"CSSVariableReferenceValue", | |
"CSSUnparsedValue", | |
"CSSUnitValue", | |
"CSSTranslate", | |
"CSSTransformValue", | |
"CSSTransformComponent", | |
"CSSSupportsRule", | |
"CSSStyleValue", | |
"CSSStyleSheet", | |
"CSSStyleRule", | |
"CSSStyleDeclaration", | |
"CSSSkewY", | |
"CSSSkewX", | |
"CSSSkew", | |
"CSSScale", | |
"CSSRuleList", | |
"CSSRule", | |
"CSSRotate", | |
"CSSPropertyRule", | |
"CSSPositionValue", | |
"CSSPerspective", | |
"CSSPageRule", | |
"CSSNumericValue", | |
"CSSNumericArray", | |
"CSSNamespaceRule", | |
"CSSMediaRule", | |
"CSSMatrixComponent", | |
"CSSMathValue", | |
"CSSMathSum", | |
"CSSMathProduct", | |
"CSSMathNegate", | |
"CSSMathMin", | |
"CSSMathMax", | |
"CSSMathInvert", | |
"CSSMathClamp", | |
"CSSLayerStatementRule", | |
"CSSLayerBlockRule", | |
"CSSKeywordValue", | |
"CSSKeyframesRule", | |
"CSSKeyframeRule", | |
"CSSImportRule", | |
"CSSImageValue", | |
"CSSGroupingRule", | |
"CSSFontPaletteValuesRule", | |
"CSSFontFaceRule", | |
"CSSCounterStyleRule", | |
"CSSContainerRule", | |
"CSSConditionRule", | |
"CSS", | |
"CDATASection", | |
"ByteLengthQueuingStrategy", | |
"BroadcastChannel", | |
"BlobEvent", | |
"Blob", | |
"BiquadFilterNode", | |
"BeforeUnloadEvent", | |
"BeforeInstallPromptEvent", | |
"BaseAudioContext", | |
"BarProp", | |
"AudioWorkletNode", | |
"AudioSinkInfo", | |
"AudioScheduledSourceNode", | |
"AudioProcessingEvent", | |
"AudioParamMap", | |
"AudioParam", | |
"AudioNode", | |
"AudioListener", | |
"AudioDestinationNode", | |
"AudioContext", | |
"AudioBufferSourceNode", | |
"AudioBuffer", | |
"Attr", | |
"AnimationEvent", | |
"AnimationEffect", | |
"Animation", | |
"AnalyserNode", | |
"AbstractRange", | |
"AbortSignal", | |
"AbortController", | |
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"performance", | |
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"onbeforeinstallprompt", | |
"crypto", | |
"indexedDB", | |
"sessionStorage", | |
"localStorage", | |
"onbeforexrselect", | |
"onabort", | |
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"onfocus", | |
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"onloadedmetadata", | |
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"onmousemove", | |
"onmouseout", | |
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"onmousewheel", | |
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"onplay", | |
"onplaying", | |
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"onscroll", | |
"onsecuritypolicyviolation", | |
"onseeked", | |
"onseeking", | |
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"onslotchange", | |
"onstalled", | |
"onsubmit", | |
"onsuspend", | |
"ontimeupdate", | |
"ontoggle", | |
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"onwaiting", | |
"onwebkitanimationend", | |
"onwebkitanimationiteration", | |
"onwebkitanimationstart", | |
"onwebkittransitionend", | |
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"ongotpointercapture", | |
"onlostpointercapture", | |
"onpointerdown", | |
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"onpointerrawupdate", | |
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"onpointerover", | |
"onpointerout", | |
"onpointerenter", | |
"onpointerleave", | |
"onselectstart", | |
"onselectionchange", | |
"onanimationend", | |
"onanimationiteration", | |
"onanimationstart", | |
"ontransitionrun", | |
"ontransitionstart", | |
"ontransitionend", | |
"ontransitioncancel", | |
"onafterprint", | |
"onbeforeprint", | |
"onbeforeunload", | |
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"onlanguagechange", | |
"onmessage", | |
"onmessageerror", | |
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"ononline", | |
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"onrejectionhandled", | |
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"onunhandledrejection", | |
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"crossOriginIsolated", | |
"scheduler", | |
"alert", | |
"atob", | |
"blur", | |
"btoa", | |
"cancelAnimationFrame", | |
"cancelIdleCallback", | |
"captureEvents", | |
"clearInterval", | |
"clearTimeout", | |
"close", | |
"confirm", | |
"createImageBitmap", | |
"fetch", | |
"find", | |
"focus", | |
"getComputedStyle", | |
"getSelection", | |
"matchMedia", | |
"moveBy", | |
"moveTo", | |
"open", | |
"postMessage", | |
"print", | |
"prompt", | |
"queueMicrotask", | |
"releaseEvents", | |
"reportError", | |
"requestAnimationFrame", | |
"requestIdleCallback", | |
"resizeBy", | |
"resizeTo", | |
"scroll", | |
"scrollBy", | |
"scrollTo", | |
"setInterval", | |
"setTimeout", | |
"stop", | |
"structuredClone", | |
"webkitCancelAnimationFrame", | |
"webkitRequestAnimationFrame", | |
"chrome", | |
"WebAssembly", | |
"fence", | |
"caches", | |
"cookieStore", | |
"ondevicemotion", | |
"ondeviceorientation", | |
"ondeviceorientationabsolute", | |
"launchQueue", | |
"sharedStorage", | |
"documentPictureInPicture", | |
"onbeforematch", | |
"AbsoluteOrientationSensor", | |
"Accelerometer", | |
"AudioWorklet", | |
"BatteryManager", | |
"Cache", | |
"CacheStorage", | |
"Clipboard", | |
"ClipboardItem", | |
"CookieChangeEvent", | |
"CookieStore", | |
"CookieStoreManager", | |
"Credential", | |
"CredentialsContainer", | |
"CryptoKey", | |
"DeviceMotionEvent", | |
"DeviceMotionEventAcceleration", | |
"DeviceMotionEventRotationRate", | |
"DeviceOrientationEvent", | |
"FederatedCredential", | |
"GPU", | |
"GPUAdapter", | |
"GPUAdapterInfo", | |
"GPUBindGroup", | |
"GPUBindGroupLayout", | |
"GPUBuffer", | |
"GPUBufferUsage", | |
"GPUCanvasContext", | |
"GPUColorWrite", | |
"GPUCommandBuffer", | |
"GPUCommandEncoder", | |
"GPUCompilationInfo", | |
"GPUCompilationMessage", | |
"GPUComputePassEncoder", | |
"GPUComputePipeline", | |
"GPUDevice", | |
"GPUDeviceLostInfo", | |
"GPUError", | |
"GPUExternalTexture", | |
"GPUInternalError", | |
"GPUMapMode", | |
"GPUOutOfMemoryError", | |
"GPUPipelineError", | |
"GPUPipelineLayout", | |
"GPUQuerySet", | |
"GPUQueue", | |
"GPURenderBundle", | |
"GPURenderBundleEncoder", | |
"GPURenderPassEncoder", | |
"GPURenderPipeline", | |
"GPUSampler", | |
"GPUShaderModule", | |
"GPUShaderStage", | |
"GPUSupportedFeatures", | |
"GPUSupportedLimits", | |
"GPUTexture", | |
"GPUTextureUsage", | |
"GPUTextureView", | |
"GPUUncapturedErrorEvent", | |
"GPUValidationError", | |
"GravitySensor", | |
"Gyroscope", | |
"Keyboard", | |
"KeyboardLayoutMap", | |
"LinearAccelerationSensor", | |
"Lock", | |
"LockManager", | |
"MIDIAccess", | |
"MIDIConnectionEvent", | |
"MIDIInput", | |
"MIDIInputMap", | |
"MIDIMessageEvent", | |
"MIDIOutput", | |
"MIDIOutputMap", | |
"MIDIPort", | |
"MediaDeviceInfo", | |
"MediaDevices", | |
"MediaKeyMessageEvent", | |
"MediaKeySession", | |
"MediaKeyStatusMap", | |
"MediaKeySystemAccess", | |
"MediaKeys", | |
"NavigationPreloadManager", | |
"NavigatorManagedData", | |
"OrientationSensor", | |
"PasswordCredential", | |
"RelativeOrientationSensor", | |
"Sanitizer", | |
"ScreenDetailed", | |
"ScreenDetails", | |
"Sensor", | |
"SensorErrorEvent", | |
"ServiceWorker", | |
"ServiceWorkerContainer", | |
"ServiceWorkerRegistration", | |
"StorageManager", | |
"SubtleCrypto", | |
"VirtualKeyboard", | |
"WGSLLanguageFeatures", | |
"WebTransport", | |
"WebTransportBidirectionalStream", | |
"WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream", | |
"WebTransportError", | |
"Worklet", | |
"XRDOMOverlayState", | |
"XRLayer", | |
"XRWebGLBinding", | |
"AudioData", | |
"EncodedAudioChunk", | |
"EncodedVideoChunk", | |
"ImageTrack", | |
"ImageTrackList", | |
"VideoColorSpace", | |
"VideoFrame", | |
"AudioDecoder", | |
"AudioEncoder", | |
"ImageDecoder", | |
"VideoDecoder", | |
"VideoEncoder", | |
"AuthenticatorAssertionResponse", | |
"AuthenticatorAttestationResponse", | |
"AuthenticatorResponse", | |
"PublicKeyCredential", | |
"Bluetooth", | |
"BluetoothCharacteristicProperties", | |
"BluetoothDevice", | |
"BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic", | |
"BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor", | |
"BluetoothRemoteGATTServer", | |
"BluetoothRemoteGATTService", | |
"CaptureController", | |
"DocumentPictureInPicture", | |
"EyeDropper", | |
"Fence", | |
"FencedFrameConfig", | |
"HTMLFencedFrameElement", | |
"FileSystemDirectoryHandle", | |
"FileSystemFileHandle", | |
"FileSystemHandle", | |
"FileSystemWritableFileStream", | |
"FontData", | |
"FragmentDirective", | |
"HID", | |
"HIDConnectionEvent", | |
"HIDDevice", | |
"HIDInputReportEvent", | |
"IdentityCredential", | |
"IdentityProvider", | |
"IdleDetector", | |
"LaunchParams", | |
"LaunchQueue", | |
"OTPCredential", | |
"PaymentAddress", | |
"PaymentRequest", | |
"PaymentResponse", | |
"PaymentMethodChangeEvent", | |
"Presentation", | |
"PresentationAvailability", | |
"PresentationConnection", | |
"PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent", | |
"PresentationConnectionCloseEvent", | |
"PresentationConnectionList", | |
"PresentationReceiver", | |
"PresentationRequest", | |
"Serial", | |
"SerialPort", | |
"SharedStorage", | |
"SharedStorageWorklet", | |
"USB", | |
"USBAlternateInterface", | |
"USBConfiguration", | |
"USBConnectionEvent", | |
"USBDevice", | |
"USBEndpoint", | |
"USBInTransferResult", | |
"USBInterface", | |
"USBIsochronousInTransferPacket", | |
"USBIsochronousInTransferResult", | |
"USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket", | |
"USBIsochronousOutTransferResult", | |
"USBOutTransferResult", | |
"WakeLock", | |
"WakeLockSentinel", | |
"WindowControlsOverlay", | |
"WindowControlsOverlayGeometryChangeEvent", | |
"XRAnchor", | |
"XRAnchorSet", | |
"XRBoundedReferenceSpace", | |
"XRCPUDepthInformation", | |
"XRCamera", | |
"XRDepthInformation", | |
"XRFrame", | |
"XRHitTestResult", | |
"XRHitTestSource", | |
"XRInputSource", | |
"XRInputSourceArray", | |
"XRInputSourceEvent", | |
"XRInputSourcesChangeEvent", | |
"XRLightEstimate", | |
"XRLightProbe", | |
"XRPose", | |
"XRRay", | |
"XRReferenceSpace", | |
"XRReferenceSpaceEvent", | |
"XRRenderState", | |
"XRRigidTransform", | |
"XRSession", | |
"XRSessionEvent", | |
"XRSpace", | |
"XRSystem", | |
"XRTransientInputHitTestResult", | |
"XRTransientInputHitTestSource", | |
"XRView", | |
"XRViewerPose", | |
"XRViewport", | |
"XRWebGLDepthInformation", | |
"XRWebGLLayer", | |
"getScreenDetails", | |
"openDatabase", | |
"queryLocalFonts", | |
"showDirectoryPicker", | |
"showOpenFilePicker", | |
"showSaveFilePicker", | |
"originAgentCluster", | |
"credentialless", | |
"speechSynthesis", | |
"oncontentvisibilityautostatechange", | |
"onscrollend", | |
"AnimationPlaybackEvent", | |
"AnimationTimeline", | |
"CSSAnimation", | |
"CSSTransition", | |
"DocumentTimeline", | |
"BackgroundFetchManager", | |
"BackgroundFetchRecord", | |
"BackgroundFetchRegistration", | |
"BluetoothUUID", | |
"BrowserCaptureMediaStreamTrack", | |
"CropTarget", | |
"CSSScopeRule", | |
"CSSStartingStyleRule", | |
"ContentVisibilityAutoStateChangeEvent", | |
"DelegatedInkTrailPresenter", | |
"Ink", | |
"DocumentPictureInPictureEvent", | |
"Highlight", | |
"HighlightRegistry", | |
"MediaMetadata", | |
"MediaSession", | |
"MutationEvent", | |
"NavigatorUAData", | |
"Notification", | |
"PaymentManager", | |
"PaymentRequestUpdateEvent", | |
"PeriodicSyncManager", | |
"PermissionStatus", | |
"Permissions", | |
"PushManager", | |
"PushSubscription", | |
"PushSubscriptionOptions", | |
"RemotePlayback", | |
"ScrollTimeline", | |
"ViewTimeline", | |
"SharedWorker", | |
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