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Created September 15, 2015 01:17
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Fetch data from all tables (MS SQL)
declare @table_name varchar(200);
declare @table_object_id int;
declare @primary_key_column_name varchar(200);
declare all_tables cursor for select name, object_id from sys.tables order by name
open all_tables
fetch next from all_tables into @table_name , @table_object_id
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
print '=============================='
print @table_name
print @table_object_id
@primary_key_column_name = col_name(idxcols.object_id, idxcols.column_id)
from sys.indexes idx
inner join sys.index_columns idxcols ON idx.object_id = idxcols.object_id AND idx.index_id = idxcols.index_id
idx.is_primary_key = 1
and idx.object_id = @table_object_id
print @primary_key_column_name
declare @query varchar(max) = 'select * from ' + @table_name + ' order by ' + @primary_key_column_name ;
print @query
fetch next from all_tables into @table_name, @table_object_id
close all_tables
deallocate all_tables
sqlcmd -S %DB_SERVER% -d %DATABASE% -E -o output.txt -i fetch-data-from-all-tables.sql
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