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Last active October 29, 2015 13:21
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  • Save nikolay-pshenichny/c28f7d210926352c81b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nikolay-pshenichny/c28f7d210926352c81b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerShell script to convert filter settings from DotSettings to XML
Converts *.sln.DotSettings file to xml format suitable to be used with dotcover from command line
Converts DotSettings file (created from DotCover VS Extension) to its xml representation that can be used with dotcover from command line
.PARAMETER inputFileath
A xxx.sln.DotSettings file
.PARAMETER executable
Value for the "<Executable>" node in the generated Xml
.PARAMETER arguments
Value for the "<Arguments>" node in the generated Xml
Value for the "<output>" node in the generated Xml
Author : Nikolay Pshenichny
.\ConvertFrom-DotSettings.ps1 -inputFile MySolution.sln.DotSettings
[string]$inputFile = $(throw "-inputFile is required. Should be a xxx.sln.DotSettings file."),
[string]$executable = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe",
[string]$arguments = "/testcontainer:.\UnitTest\bin\Debug\UnitTest.dll /resultsfile:.\TestResults.trx",
[string]$output = "dotCover.dotCoverSnapshot"
function ToFilterEntryNode([System.Xml.XmlDocument]$ownerDocument, [System.Xml.XmlElement]$dotCoverFilterNode)
$filtersFragment = $ownerDocument.CreateDocumentFragment()
$filtersFragment.InnerXml = @"
return $filtersFragment
# Read the xxx.sln.DotSettings file
[xml]$dotSettingsFile = Get-Content $inputFile
# Get the string resource that has filters and convert it to xml
$resource = $dotSettingsFile.ResourceDictionary.String | Where {$_.Key -eq "/Default/FilterSettingsManager/CoverageFilterXml/@EntryValue"} | Select-Object Key, InnerText
$filters = [xml]$resource.InnerText
# Prepare output "template"
[xml]$output = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# Convert "IncludeFilters" data
$includeFilters = $filters.SelectSingleNode("//data/IncludeFilters")
if ($includeFilters.HasChildNodes -eq $True)
$outputIncludeFiltersNode = $output.SelectSingleNode("//AnalyseParams/Filters/IncludeFilters")
foreach($includeFilter in $includeFilters.Filter)
$filterEntry = ToFilterEntryNode -ownerDocument $output -dotCoverFilterNode $includeFilter
$appendedChild = $outputIncludeFiltersNode.AppendChild($filterEntry)
# Convert "ExcludeFilters" data
$excludeFilters = $filters.SelectSingleNode("//data/ExcludeFilters")
if ($excludeFilters.HasChildNodes -eq $True)
$outputIncludeFiltersNode = $output.SelectSingleNode("//AnalyseParams/Filters/ExcludeFilters")
foreach($excludeFilter in $excludeFilters.Filter)
$filterEntry = ToFilterEntryNode -ownerDocument $output -dotCoverFilterNode $excludeFilter
$appendedChild = $outputIncludeFiltersNode.AppendChild($filterEntry)
#Note: Writing to console output directly (ie. $output.Save([Console]::Out)) will change encoding to IBM437
$memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
$memoryStream.Position = 0
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader $memoryStream
SET INPUT=-inputFile MySolution.sln.DotSettings
SET EXECUTABLE=-executable "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe"
SET ARGS=-arguments "/testcontainer:.\UnitTest\bin\Debug\UnitTest.dll /resultsfile:.\TestResults.trx"
SET OUTPUT=-output dotCover.dotCoverSnapshot
ECHO Invoke-WebRequest %GIST% -method GET -outfile ".\temp.ps1" | powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -command -
powershell -f .\temp.ps1 %INPUT% %EXECUTABLE% %ARGS% %OUTPUT%> dotCoverConfig.xml
DEL .\temp.ps1
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