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Created April 28, 2014 08:35
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Save nikolaygit/11365571 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Wordpress Theme Translation
'use strict';
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// load all grunt tasks
var base = 'static';
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
po2mo: {
files: {
src: 'languages/*.po',
expand: true
pot: {
options: {
text_domain: 'attitude-de_DE',
dest: 'languages/',
keywords: ['__', '_e', 'esc_html__', 'esc_html_e', 'esc_attr__', 'esc_attr_e', 'esc_attr_x', 'esc_html_x', 'ngettext', '_n', '_ex', '_nx' ],
files: {
src: [
expand: true
grunt.registerTask( 'build', [ 'pot', 'po2mo'] );
"name": "ecg_balancing",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "ECG Balancing",
"main": "Gruntfile.js",
"author": "Sinnwerkstatt",
"license": "none",
"readmeFilename": "",
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.1",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.4.4",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.2.2",
"grunt-contrib-sass": "~0.3.0",
"matchdep": "~0.1.2",
"grunt-contrib-connect": "~0.3.0",
"grunt-open": "~0.2.0",
"grunt-contrib-concat": "~0.3.0",
"grunt-newer": "~0.5.4",
"grunt-po2mo": "~0.1.0",
"grunt-pot": "~0.1.0"
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