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Created February 4, 2019 20:28
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CMake 3.12.4 formula
class Cmake < Formula
desc "Cross-platform make"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "5255584bfd043eb717562cff8942d472f1c0e4679c4941d84baadaa9b28e3194"
head ""
bottle do
cellar :any_skip_relocation
sha256 "7bcd5ae043d2a6fd5983b026ccdc70b7594e0dbe9de4d367cfcead7edf3c8596" => :mojave
sha256 "11eab1d25ca73bbc2099058af7a434af465e61d028c4114627069fdb999df9ba" => :high_sierra
sha256 "ef818ca63a0a2836aa881c9333bec61738261d0dc0e975cd82e4cacb1fc8fa3d" => :sierra
depends_on "sphinx-doc" => :build
# The completions were removed because of problems with system bash
# The `with-qt` GUI option was removed due to circular dependencies if
# CMake is built with Qt support and Qt is built with MySQL support as MySQL uses CMake.
# For the GUI application please instead use `brew cask install cmake`.
def install
ENV.cxx11 if MacOS.version < :mavericks
# Avoid the following compiler error:
# SecKeychain.h:102:46: error: shift expression '(1853123693 << 8)' overflows
ENV.append_to_cflags "-fpermissive" if MacOS.version <= :lion
args = %W[
# There is an existing issue around macOS & Python locale setting
# See for explanation
ENV["LC_ALL"] = "en_US.UTF-8"
system "./bootstrap", *args, "--", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
system "make"
system "make", "install"
elisp.install "Auxiliary/cmake-mode.el"
test do
system bin/"cmake", "."
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