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nikolayvitaev / isJson.php
Created May 8, 2019 08:45
Check is json string on php
function isJson($string) {
return (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE);
nikolayvitaev / rand-string.js
Created January 22, 2019 15:36
Generate a random string in JavaScript In a short and fast way!
Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 5); // 3 symbols

Git diff show only name


$ git diff --name-only 4c2d3df99947b4406c3032e599e8e820d82a6a7b 511b49a17a7e0b99ea65c48c0b885c09f7bc06c5


nikolayvitaev / logger.js
Created November 9, 2018 15:25 — forked from ludwig/logger.js
winston logger with filename:linenumber
// NOTE: this adds a filename and line number to winston's output
// Example output: 'info (routes/index.js:34) GET 200 /index'
var winston = require('winston')
var path = require('path')
var PROJECT_ROOT = path.join(__dirname, '..')
var logger = new winston.logger({ ... })
// this allows winston to handle output from express' morgan middleware
'use strict';
const winston = require('winston');
// Or use `Symbol.for` instead of `triple-beam`:
// - const LEVEL = Symbol.for('level');
// - const MESSAGE = Symbol.for('message');
const { LEVEL, MESSAGE } = require('triple-beam');
{rabbit_shovel, [
{shovels, [
{my_first_shovel, [
{sources, [
{brokers, ["amqp://user:pwd@host1/vhost"]},
{declarations, [
{'exchange.declare', [{exchange, <<"source_exchange">>}, {type, <<"direct">>}, durable]}
{'queue.declare', [{queue, <<"source_queue">>}, durable]},
{'queue.bind', [{exchange, <<"source_exchange">>}, {queue, <<"source_queue">>}]}
nikolayvitaev / rabbitmq.config
Created September 25, 2018 14:42 — forked from brendanhay/rabbitmq.config
Example Shovel Config
{rabbit, [
%% snip...
{rabbitmq_shovel, [
{shovels, [
{sources, [
{broker, "amqp://"}
nikolayvitaev / base64.js
Created August 1, 2018 14:52 — forked from jarus/base64.js
Base64 encode and decode in javascript
var Base64 = {
characters: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" ,
encode: function( string )
var characters = Base64.characters;
var result = '';
var i = 0;
do {
<!DOCTYPE html>
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nikolayvitaev / example.js
Created May 23, 2018 06:16
JQuery get path. Return selector path
getPath: function () {
let path, node = this;
while (node.length) {
let realNode = node[0], name = realNode.localName;
if (!name) break;
name = name.toLowerCase();
let parent = node.parent();