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Created June 15, 2021 20:03
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// failure-status: 101
// rustc-env:RUST_BACKTRACE=0
// normalize-stderr-test "note: .*\n\n" -> ""
// normalize-stderr-test "thread 'rustc' panicked.*\n" -> ""
// compile-flags: --crate-type=rlib
// Regression test for
pub trait AssociatedImpl {
type ImplTrait;
fn f() -> Self::ImplTrait;
struct S<T>(T);
trait Associated {
type A;
// ICE
impl<'a, T: Associated<A = &'a ()>> AssociatedImpl for S<T> {
type ImplTrait = impl core::fmt::Debug;
fn f() -> Self::ImplTrait {
//~^ ERROR unexpected concrete region in borrowck: ReEarlyBound(0, 'a)
fn main() {}
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