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Last active October 13, 2017 15:52
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
#niko h[ost]i[nfo]
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use 5.010;
my $VERSION = '0.3';
my %FONTS = (
default => {
charset => " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789?\!#+-*\\/()[]{}.:,;\"'=",
bmp => [
[qw/.. ███ ███ ███ ██. ███ ███ ███ █.█ █ ..█ █.█ █.. █.█ ██. ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ █.█ █.█ █.█ █.█ █.█ ███ .█. ..█ ██. ██. █.. ███ █.. ███ ███ ███ ███ █ █.█ ... ... ... ... ... .█ █. .██ ██. .██ ██. . ... .. .. █.█ █ .../],
[qw/.. █.█ █.█ █.. █.█ █.. █.. █.. █.█ . ..█ █.█ █.. ███ █.█ █.█ █.█ █.█ █.█ █.. .█. █.█ █.█ █.█ █.█ █.█ ..█ █.█ .██ ..█ ..█ █.█ █.. █.. ..█ █.█ █.█ ..█ █ ███ .█. ... █.█ █.. ..█ █. .█ .█. .█. .█. .█. . .█. .. .█ █.█ █ ███/],
[qw/.. ███ ██. █.. █.█ ██. ██. █.█ ███ █ ..█ ██. █.. ███ █.█ █.█ ███ █.█ ██. ███ .█. █.█ █.█ ███ .█. ███ .█. █.█ █.█ .█. .█. ███ ██. ███ .█. ███ ███ .██ █ █.█ ███ ███ .█. .█. .█. █. .█ .█. .█. █.. ..█ . ... .. .. ... . .../],
[qw/.. █.█ █.█ █.. █.█ █.. █.. █.█ █.█ █ █.█ █.█ █.. █.█ █.█ █.█ █.. ███ █.█ ..█ .█. █.█ █.█ ███ █.█ .█. █.. █.█ ..█ █.. ..█ ..█ ..█ █.█ █.. █.█ ..█ ... . ███ .█. ... █.█ ..█ █.. █. .█ .█. .█. .█. .█. . .█. .█ .█ ... . ███/],
[qw/.. █.█ ███ ███ ███ ███ █.. ███ █.█ █ ███ █.█ ███ █.█ █.█ ███ █.. ..█ █.█ ███ .█. ███ .█. █.█ █.█ .█. ███ .█. ..█ ███ ██. ..█ ██. ███ █.. ███ ..█ .█. █ █.█ ... ... ... ... ... .█ █. .██ ██. .██ ██. █ ... █. █. ... . .../],
perl => {
charset => " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789?\!#+-*\\/()[]{}.:,;\"'=",
bmp => [
[split ' ','.. .##. ###. .### ###. #### #### .##. #..# # ...# #..# #... #...# #..# .##. ###. .##. ###. .### ##### #..# #...# #...# #...# #...# ##### .#. ..# ##. ##. #.. ### #.. ### ### ### ### # #.# ... ... ... ... ... .# #. .## ##. .## ##. . ... .. .. #.# # ...'],
[split ' ','.. #..# #..# #... #..# #... #... #.. #..# . ...# #..# #... ##.## ##.# #..# #..# #..# #..# #... ..#.. #..# #...# #...# .#.#. .#.#. ...#. #.# .## ..# ..# #.# #.. #.. ..# #.# #.# ..# # ### .#. ... #.# #.. ..# #. .# .#. .#. .#. .#. . .#. .. .# #.# # ###'],
[split ' ','.. #### ###. #... #..# ###. ###. #.## #### # ...# ###. #... #.#.# #.## #..# ###. #..# ###. .##. ..#.. #..# #...# #.#.# ..#.. ..#.. ..#.. #.# #.# .#. .#. ### ##. ### .#. ### ### .## # #.# ### ### .#. .#. .#. #. .# .#. .#. #.. ..# . ... .. .. ... . ...'],
[split ' ','.. #..# #..# #... #..# #... #... #..# #..# # #..# #..# #... #...# #..# #..# #... #.## #..# ...# ..#.. #..# .#.#. ##.## .#.#. ..#.. .#... #.# ..# #.. ..# ..# ..# #.# #.. #.# ..# ... . ### .#. ... #.# ..# #.. #. .# .#. .#. .#. .#. . .#. .# .# ... . ###'],
[split ' ','.. #..# ###. .### ###. #### #... .##. #..# # .##. #..# #### #...# #..# .##. #... .### #..# ###. ..#.. .##. ..#.. #...# #...# ..#.. ##### .#. ..# ### ##. ..# ##. ### #.. ### ..# .#. # #.# ... ... ... ... ... .# #. .## ##. .## ##. # ... #. #. ... . ...'],
my %COLORS = (
black => [0,0,0], bright_black => [0x82,0x82,0x82],
red => [0xbf,0x79,0x79], bright_red => [0xf4,0xa4,0x5f],
green => [0x97,0xb2,0x6b], bright_green => [0xc5,0xf7,0x79],
yellow => [0xcd,0xcd,0xa1], bright_yellow => [0xff,0xff,0xaf],
blue => [0x86,0xa2,0xbe], bright_blue => [0x98,0xaf,0xd9],
magenta => [0x96,0x3c,0x59], bright_magenta => [0xef,0x9e,0xbe],
cyan => [0x7f,0x9f,0x7f], bright_cyan => [0x71,0xbe,0xbe],
white => [0xde,0xde,0xde], bright_white => [0xff,0xff,0xff],
grey => [0x82,0x82,0x82],
black => 30, bright_black => 90,
red => 31, bright_red => 91,
green => 32, bright_green => 92,
yellow => 33, bright_yellow => 93,
blue => 34, bright_blue => 94,
magenta => 35, bright_magenta => 95,
cyan => 36, bright_cyan => 96,
white => 37, bright_white => 97,
my( $fg, $bg, $fglab, $font , $small, $fontname, $info, $help, $txt, $colormode );
for( my $n=0; $n<@ARGV; $n++ ) {
my $a = $ARGV[$n];
if( $a =~ m/^--?(\w+)=?(.*)?$/ ) {
my( $a1, $a2 ) = ( $1, $2 );
if( $a1 =~ /^(foreground|fg)$/i ) { $fg = $a2 || $ARGV[++$n] }
elsif( $a1 =~ /^(background|bg)$/i ) { $bg = $a2 || $ARGV[++$n] }
elsif( $a1 =~ /^f(ont(name)?)?$/i ) { $fontname = $a2 || $ARGV[++$n] }
elsif( $a1 =~ /^i(nfo)?$/i ) { $info = $a2 || $ARGV[++$n] }
elsif( $a1 =~ /^m(ono)?$/i ) { $colormode = 1 }
elsif( $a1 =~ /^c(olors?)?$/i ) { $colormode = $a2 || $ARGV[++$n] }
elsif( $a1 =~ /^(1|16|256)$/ ) { $colormode = $a1 }
elsif( $a1 =~ /^s(mall)?$/i ) { $small = 1 }
elsif( $a1 =~ /^h(elp)?$/i ) { $help = 1 }
else { die "unknown option -$a1\n" }
} else {
$txt = length($txt) ? "$txt $a" : $a;
### HELP
if( $help ) {
my $fontlist = join(',', sort keys %FONTS);
my $colorlist = join(',', sort keys %COLORS);
die <<EOHELP
syntax: hi [-options] [text]
default text is your hostname
-fg=color foreground color/gradient
-bg=color background color/gradient (not supported yet)
-c[olor]=1|16|256 set color mode
-1|16|256 set color mode as well
-m[ono] set color mode to 1
-s[mall] set small mode
-font=default font name (avalaible: $fontlist)
-i[nfo]=kumic choose info to display
infos can be given as follow:
k=kernel u=uptime c=cpumodel
m=memory i=ip
color can be given as follow:
name eg: green
d,d,d eg: 0,255,0
h:h:h eg: 0:ff:0
hhhhhh eg: 00ff00
hhh eg: 0f0
gradient can be given as follow:
color-color eg: white-blue
available colors: $colorlist
available fonts: $fontlist
my $cols = `tput cols`;
my $macmode = `uname` =~ m/darwin/i;
my $cheapmode = $ENV{'TERM'} && $ENV{'TERM'} eq 'linux';
my $rootmode = $ENV{'USER'} eq 'root';
$colormode = ( $cheapmode ? 16 : 256 ) unless $colormode;
die "colors can only by 1,16 or 256\n" unless $colormode =~ m/^(1|16|256)$/;
$small = 0 if $cheapmode; #no utf8 =x
$fglab = rgb( 'grey' );
unless( $fg ) {
if( $cheapmode ) { $fg = $rootmode ? "red" : "cyan" }
else { $fg = $rootmode ? "f88-fff" : "66c-fff" }
$fg = rgb( $fg );
$fontname = ($fontname && exists $FONTS{$fontname}) ? $fontname : 'default';
$font = $FONTS{$fontname};
unless( defined($txt) && length($txt) ) {
$txt = `hostname`;
chomp $txt;
$txt = (split( /\./,$txt ))[0];
$info = $small ? "imu" : "kicmu"
my @infos;
for my $c ( split(//,lc($info || '')) ) {
my( $l, $i);
if( $c eq 'k' ) {
$l = 'kernel';
$i = `uname -r`;
$i = `cat /etc/`.' - '.$i if -f '/etc/';
$i =~ s/[\n\r]+//g;
} elsif( $c eq 'u' ) {
$l = 'load/up';
my($up,$load,$cf) = ( `uptime` =~ m/up ([^,]+),.+((\d+[\.\,]\d+)[ \,]+\d+[\.\,]\d+[ \,]+\d+[\.\,]\d+)/ );
$up = '?' unless defined $up;
if( defined $load ) {
$cf =~ s/,/./;
} else {
$cf = 0;
$load = '?';
$i = bar(10, $cf)." $load ($up)";
} elsif( $c eq 'i' ) {
$l = 'ip';
my @ips = grep { ! /255|^127\.0/ } ( `/sbin/ifconfig 2>/dev/null` =~ m/([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})/gm );
$i = join(' / ',@ips);
} elsif( $c eq 'c' ) {
$l = 'cpu';
if( $macmode ) {
my $nbcpu = `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`;
chomp $nbcpu;
my $cpu = `sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string`;
chomp $cpu;
$i = "$nbcpu x $cpu";
} else {
my @cpus = grep { /model name/i } ( `cat /proc/cpuinfo` );
if( @cpus ) {
my $cpu = $cpus[0];
$cpu =~ s/^\s*model name\s*\:\s//i;
$cpu =~ s/\s\s+/ /g;
$i = scalar @cpus.' x '.$cpu;
} else {
$i = 'not found';
} elsif( $c eq 'm' ) {
$l = 'mem';
$i = '?';
if( $macmode ) {
my $tot = `sysctl -n hw.memsize`;
chomp $tot;
$tot = int($tot / 1024 / 1024);
my $free = `vm_stat | grep "Pages free"`;
$free =~ s/\D//gm;
$free = int(4096 * $free / 1024 / 1024);
my $used = $tot - $free;
$i = bar(10, $used / $tot).' '.$used.'mo used / '.$tot.'mo';
} else {
my @ram = `free -m`;
if( @ram ) {
@ram = grep { m|Mem| } @ram;
if( my $mem = shift @ram ) {
my $used = +( split /\s+/, $mem )[2];
my $tot = +( split /\s+/, $mem )[1];
$i = bar(10, $used / $tot).' '.$used.'mo used / '.$tot.'mo';
if( $i ) {
chomp $i;
push @infos, labinfo($l,$i);
### RUN
if( $small ) { smalldraw( $txt, @infos ) }
else { draw( $txt, @infos ) }
### LIBS
sub rgb {
my $c = shift;
return undef if $colormode == 1;
return [ @{rgb($1)}, @{rgb($2)} ] if $c =~ /^([^-]+)-(.*)$/; #gradient
my( $r, $g, $b ) = ( 0, 0, 0 );
if( $c =~ m{^(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)} ) {
( $r, $g, $b ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
} elsif( $c =~ m{^([a-f0-9]+):([a-f0-9]+):([a-f0-9]+)}i ) {
( $r, $g, $b ) = ( hex($1), hex($2), hex($3) );
} elsif( $c =~ m{^([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})}i ) {
( $r, $g, $b ) = ( hex($1), hex($2), hex($3) );
} elsif( exists $COLORS{$c} ) {
( $r, $g, $b ) = @{$COLORS{$c}};
} elsif( $c =~ m{^([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])}i ) {
( $r, $g, $b ) = ( hex("$1$1"), hex("$2$2"), hex("$3$3") );
#256 colors
return [ $r, $g, $b ] if $colormode == 256;
#16 colors
my $near;
my $delta = 0xff*3;
for( keys %SYSCOLORNAMES ) {
my $n = $SYSCOLORNAMES{$_};
my ($nr, $ng, $nb ) = @{$COLORS{$_}};
my $d = abs($r - $nr) + abs($g - $ng) + abs($b - $nb);
if( $d < $delta ) {
$near = $n;
$delta = $d;
return [ $near ];
sub termcolor {
return "" unless @_;
my( $bg, $r, $g, $b ) = @_;
if( $colormode == 16 ) {
$r +=10 if $bg;
return "\e[${r}m";
state $cf;
unless( $cf ) {
for my $r ( 0..5 ) {
for my $g ( 0..5 ) {
for my $b ( 0..5 ) {
16 + ($r * 36) + ($g * 6) + $b,
$r * 51, $g * 51, $b * 51
$cf = 6/256;
my $col = 16 + int($cf * $r) * 36 + int($cf * $g) * 6 + int($cf * $b);
return $bg ? "\x1b[48;5;${col}m" : "\x1b[38;5;${col}m";
sub color {
my( $fg, $bg ) = @_;
my $c = '';
$c .= termcolor( 0, @$fg ) if $fg;
$c .= termcolor( 1, @$bg ) if $bg;
sub gradient {
my( $c, $r ) = @_;
return undef unless $c;
6 != @$c ? $c : [
$c->[0] + int($r * ( $c->[3] - $c->[0] )),
$c->[1] + int($r * ( $c->[4] - $c->[1] )),
$c->[2] + int($r * ( $c->[5] - $c->[2] )),
sub nocolor {
$colormode == 1
? ""
: $colormode == 16
? "\e[0m"
: "\x1b[0m";
sub textidx {
my $t = lc shift;
$t =~ s/[éèêë]/e/g;
$t =~ s/[àâä]/a/g;
$t =~ s/[ûü]/u/g;
$t =~ s/[îï]/i/g;
$t =~ s/[ÿŷ]/y/g;
my @o;
my $dft = index($font->{charset},'?');
for( split //,$t ) {
my $i = index($font->{charset},$_);
push @o, $i<0 ? $dft : $i;
sub charswidth {
my @chr = @_;
my $l = @chr;
$l += length( $font->{bmp}->[0]->[$_] ) for @chr;
sub draw {
my $txt = shift @_;
my @chr = textidx $txt;
my @cmt = @_;
my $bmp = $font->{bmp};
my $h = @{$font->{bmp}};
my $w = charswidth( @chr );
die "text \"$txt\" too large\n" if $cols && $cols < $w;
for my $y ( 0..$h-1 ) {
my $r = 0;
for my $c ( @chr ) {
for( split(//,$bmp->[$y]->[$c].' ') ) {
s/\./ /;
print color(gradient($fg,$r/$w)).$_;
print nocolor().$cmt[$y] if $cmt[$y];
print "\n";
sub smalldraw {
my @dots = (' ','▘','▝','▀','▖','▌','▞','▛','▗','▚','▐','▜','▃','▙','▟','█');
my $txt = shift @_;
my @chr = textidx $txt;
my @cmt = @_;
my $bmp = $font->{bmp};
my $h = @{$font->{bmp}};
my $col = $bg ? "$fg on_$bg" : $fg;
my $w = charswidth( @chr ) / 2;
die "text \"$txt\" too large\n" if $cols && $cols < $w;
for(my $y=0; $y<$h; $y+=2) {
my $r = 0;
for my $c ( @chr ) {
my @l1 = split(//,$bmp->[$y]->[$c].'.');
my @l2 = $y+1<$h ? split(//,$bmp->[$y+1]->[$c].'.') : ();
for(my $j=0; $j<@l1; $j+=2) {
my $b = 0;
$b += 1 if $l1[$j] ne '.';
$b += 2 if $l1[$j+1] && $l1[$j+1] ne '.';
$b += 4 if $l2[$j] && $l2[$j] ne '.';
$b += 8 if $l2[$j+1] && $l2[$j+1] ne '.';
print color(gradient($fg,$r/$w)),$dots[$b];
print $cmt[$y>>1] if $cmt[$y>>1];
print "\n";
sub labinfo {
my( $label, $info ) = @_;
color($fglab).sprintf("%-7s: ",$label).nocolor.$info;
sub bar {
my( $width, $cf ) = @_;
my @chr = $cheapmode ? ('#','-') : ('◼','◻');
$cf = 1 if $cf > 1;
my $used = int( $width * $cf );
my $free = $width - $used;
my $col = $cf > .8 ? 'red' : $cf > .5 ? 'yellow' : 'green';
color(rgb($col)).($chr[0] x $used).nocolor.($chr[1] x $free);
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nikopol commented Oct 13, 2017

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