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Last active September 15, 2019 01:31
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minimalist dom manipulation clojure script library
(ns dom.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.set :refer [difference union]]))
; sample usage:
; (-> (all ".class") (hide) (+css "titi") (clear) (html "<span>zob</span>") (show))
(defn- nodelist-coll [nodelist]
(doall (map #(.item nodelist %) (range (.-length nodelist)))))
(defn- coll! [item]
(coll? item) item
(nil? item) []
(defn +css
"add classname(s) to given nodes"
[nodes css]
(let [cnodes (coll! nodes)
+cn (set (str/split css #"\s+"))]
(doseq [n cnodes]
(let [c (union (set (str/split (.-className n) #"\s+")) +cn)]
(set! (.-className n) (str/join " " c))))
(defn -css
"remove classname(s) of given nodes"
[nodes css]
(let [cnodes (coll! nodes)
-cn (set (str/split css #"\s+"))]
(doseq [n cnodes]
(let [c (difference (set (str/split (.-className n) #"\s+")) -cn)]
(set! (.-className n) (str/join " " c))))
(defn hide
"hide the given nodes"
(doseq [n (coll! nodes)]
(set! (.-display (.-style n)) "none"))
(defn show
"display the given nodes"
(doseq [n (coll! nodes)]
(set! (.-display (.-style n)) "block"))
(defn html
([nodes html]
"setup inner html of given nodes"
(doseq [n (coll! nodes)]
(set! (.-innerHTML n) (or html "")))
"create html element from an html string,
returning generated nodes"
(let [div (.createElement js/document "div")]
(set! (.-innerHTML div) (or html ""))
(nodelist-coll (.childNodes div)))))
(defn clear
"remove children of given nodes"
(html nodes ""))
(defn all
"return an HTMLElement collection matching the given selector"
(let [nodelist (.querySelectorAll js/document selector)]
(nodelist-coll nodelist)))
(defn one
"return the first HTMLElement matching the given selector"
(first (all selector)))
(defn append-to
"append nodes to the first match of given selector"
[nodes selector]
(let [dst-node (one selector)]
(if (not (nil? dst-node))
(doseq [n (coll! nodes)]
(.appendChild dst-node n)))
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