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Last active September 12, 2019 15:26
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Save nikreiman/736032 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Code snippits for creating a VST 2.x plugin host
void resumePlugin(AEffect *plugin) {
dispatcher(plugin, effMainsChanged, 0, 1, NULL, 0.0f);
void suspendPlugin(AEffect *plugin) {
dispatcher(plugin, effMainsChanged, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
extern "C" {
VstIntPtr VSTCALLBACK hostCallback(AEffect *effect, VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index,
VstInt32 value, void *ptr, float opt) {
switch(opcode) {
case audioMasterVersion:
return 2400;
case audioMasterIdle:
effect->dispatcher(effect, effEditIdle, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Handle other opcodes here... there will be lots of them
printf("Plugin requested value of opcode %d\n", opcode);
int initPlugin(AEffect *plugin) {
// Check plugin's magic number
// If incorrect, then the file either was not loaded properly, is not a real
// VST plugin, or is otherwise corrupt.
if(plugin->magic != kEffectMagic) {
printf("Plugin's magic number is bad\n");
return -1;
// Create dispatcher handle
dispatcherFuncPtr dispatcher = (dispatcherFuncPtr)(plugin->dispatcher);
// Set up plugin callback functions
plugin->getParameter = (getParameterFuncPtr)plugin->getParameter;
plugin->processReplacing = (processFuncPtr)plugin->processReplacing;
plugin->setParameter = (setParameterFuncPtr)plugin->setParameter;
return plugin;
AEffect* loadPlugin() {
AEffect *plugin = NULL;
audioMasterCallback hostCallbackFuncPtr = hostCallback;
char *pluginPath = "/wherever/the/plugin/is/located.vst";
// Create a path to the bundle
CFStringRef pluginPathStringRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, pluginPath, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
CFURLRef bundleUrl = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault,
pluginPathStringRef, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);
if(bundleUrl == NULL) {
printf("Couldn't make URL reference for plugin\n");
return NULL;
// Open the bundle
CFBundleRef bundle;
bundle = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleUrl);
if(bundle == NULL) {
printf("Couldn't create bundle reference\n");
return NULL;
vstPluginFuncPtr mainEntryPoint = NULL;
mainEntryPoint = (vstPluginFuncPtr)CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(bundle, CFSTR("VSTPluginMain"));
// VST plugins previous to the 2.4 SDK used main_macho for the entry point name
if(mainEntryPoint == NULL) {
mainEntryPoint = (vstPluginFuncPtr)CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(bundle, CFSTR("main_macho"));
if(mainEntryPoint == NULL) {
printf("Couldn't get a pointer to plugin's main()\n");
return NULL;
plugin = mainEntryPoint(hostCallback);
if(plugin == NULL) {
printf("Plugin's main() returns null\n");
return NULL;
// Clean up
return plugin;
AEffect* loadPlugin() {
AEffect *plugin = NULL;
char *vstPath = "c:\\wherever\\the\\plugin\\is\\located.vst";
modulePtr = LoadLibrary(vstPath);
if(modulePtr == NULL) {
printf("Failed trying to load VST from '%s', error %d\n", vstPath, GetLastError());
return NULL;
vstPluginFuncPtr mainEntryPoint = (vstPluginFuncPtr)GetProcAddress(modulePtr, "VSTPluginMain");
// Instantiate the plugin
plugin = mainEntryPoint(hostCallback);
return plugin;
void initPlugin(AEffect *plugin) {
dispatcher(plugin, effOpen, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
// Set some default properties
float sampleRate = 44100.0f;
dispatcher(plugin, effSetSampleRate, 0, 0, NULL, sampleRate);
int blocksize = 512;
dispatcher(plugin, effSetBlockSize, 0, blocksize, NULL, 0.0f);
#include "aeffectx.h"
// C callbacks
extern "C" {
// Main host callback
VstIntPtr VSTCALLBACK hostCallback(AEffect *effect, VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index,
VstInt32 value, void *ptr, float opt);
// Plugin's entry point
typedef AEffect *(*vstPluginFuncPtr)(audioMasterCallback host);
// Plugin's dispatcher function
typedef VstIntPtr (*dispatcherFuncPtr)(AEffect *effect, VstInt32 opCode, VstInt32 index,
VstInt32 value, void *ptr, float opt);
// Plugin's getParameter() method
typedef float (*getParameterFuncPtr)(AEffect *effect, VstInt32 index);
// Plugin's setParameter() method
typedef void (*setParameterFuncPtr)(AEffect *effect, VstInt32 index, float value);
// Plugin's processEvents() method
typedef VstInt32 (*processEventsFuncPtr)(VstEvents *events);
// Plugin's process() method
typedef void (*processFuncPtr)(AEffect *effect, float **inputs, float **outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames);
bool canPluginDo(char *canDoString) {
return (dispatcher(plugin, effCanDo, 0, 0, (void*)canDoString, 0.0f) > 0);
void processAudio(AEffect *plugin, float **inputs, float **outputs, long numFrames) {
// Note: If you are processing an instrument, you should probably zero out the input
// channels first to avoid any accidental noise. If you are processing an effect, you
// should probably zero the values in the output channels. See the silenceChannel()
// method below.
plugin->processReplacing(plugin, inputs, outputs, numFrames);
void silenceChannel(float **channelData, int numChannels, long numFrames) {
for(int channel = 0; channels < numChannels; ++channel) {
for(long frame = 0; frame < numFrames; ++frame) {
channelData[channel][frame] = 0.0f;
void processMidi(AEffect *plugin, VstEvents *events) {
dispatcher(plugin, effProcessEvents, 0, 0, events, 0.0f);
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nikreiman commented Sep 2, 2019

does this support vst3? i have been looking for something like this for a long time

@demberto Nope, it's VST 2.x only. I'll update the title of this gist for clarity's sake.

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ghost commented Sep 3, 2019

Can you make snippet for vst3.x as well?

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@demberto Sorry, no. I have no idea how VST 3.x works and have no experience with that version of the SDK at all.

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