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Created March 7, 2017 05:58
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ZMV-Examples (require autoload zmv)

rename a section of a filename, i. e. example.1.{txt,conf,db} or 12345.1.{wav,ogg,mp3} and

change the 1 to a 2 in the filename while preserving the rest of it.

$ zmv -n '(.)(<->)(.[^.]#)' '$1$(($2+1))$3' # would rename x.0001.y to x.2.y. $ zmv -n '(.0#)(<->)(.[^.]#)' '$1$(($2+1))$3'

Rename files to lower case

$ zmv '*' '${(L)f}'

serially all files ( >, >, ..)

$ autoload zmv $ ls * 1.c foo.fnord $ c=1 zmv '*.foo' '$((c++)).foo' $ ls * 1.c foo.fnord

Rename "file.with.many.dots.txt" by substituting dots (exept for the last

one!) with a space

$ touch {1..20}-file.with.many.dots.txt $ zmv '(.)(.*)' '${1//./ }$2'

Remove the first 4 chars from a filename

$ zmv -n '*' '$f[5,-1]' # NOTE: The "5" is NOT a mistake in writing!

Rename names of all files under the current Dir to lower case, but keep Dir names as-is.

$ zmv -Qv '(**/)(*)(.D)' '$1${(L)2}'

replace all 4th character, which is "1", with "2" and so on

$ autoload -U zmv $ zmv '(???)1(???[1-4].txt)' '${1}2${2}'

Remove the first 15 characters from a string

$ touch 111111111111111{a-z} $ autoload zmv $ zmv '*' '$f[16,-1]'

Replace spaces (any number of them) with a single dash in file names

$ autload zmv $ zmv -n '(**/)(* *)' '$1${2//( #-## #| ##)/-}'

or - with Bash

$ find . -depth -name '* *' -exec bash -c '

shopt -s extglob file=$1 dir=${file%/} name=${file##/} newname=${name//*([ -]) *([ -])/-} mv -i -- "$file" "$Dir/$newname"' {} {} ;

Clean up file names and remove special characters

$ autoload zmv $ zmv -n '(**/)(*)' '$1${2//[^A-Za-z0-9._]/_}'

Add *.py to a bunch of python scripts in a directory (some of them end in *.py and give them

all a proper extension

$ autoload zmv $ zmv -n '(**/)(con*)(#qe,file $REPLY | grep "python script",)' '$1$'

lowercase all extensions (i. e. *.JPG) incl. subfolders

$ autoload zmv $ zmv '(**/)(*).(#i)jpg' '$1$2.jpg'

Or - without Zsh

$ find Dir -name '*.[jJ][pP][gG]' -print | while read f

do case $f in *.jpg) ; ) mv "$f" "${f%.}.jpg" ; esac done

remove leading zeros from file extension

$ autoload zmv $ ls filename.001 filename.003 filename.005 filename.007 filename.009 filename.002 filename.004 filename.006 filename.008 filename.010 $ zmv '(filename.)0##(?*)' '$1$2' $ ls filename.1 filename.10 filename.2 filename.3 filename.4 filename.5 filename.6 ...

renumber files.

$ autoload zmv $ ls * foo_10.jpg foo_2.jpg foo_3.jpg foo_4.jpg foo_5.jpg foo_6.jpg foo_7.jpg foo_8.jpg foo_9.jpg $ zmv -fQ 'foo_(<0->).jpg(.nOn)' 'foo_$(($1 + 1)).jpg' $ ls * foo_10.jpg foo_11.jpg foo_3.jpg foo_4.jpg foo_5.jpg foo_6.jpg foo_7.jpg foo_8.jpg foo_9.jpg

adding leading zeros to a filename (1.jpg -> 001.jpg, ..

$ autoload zmv $ zmv '(<1->).jpg' '${(l:3::0:)1}.jpg'

See above, but now only files with a filename >= 30 chars

$ autoload zmv $ c=1 zmv "${(l:30-4::?:)}*.foo" '$((c++)).foo'

Replace spaces in filenames with a underline

$ autoload zmv $ zmv '* *' '$f:gs/ /_'

Change the suffix from *.sh to *.pl

$ autoload zmv $ zmv -W '.sh' '.pl'

Add a "".txt" extension to all the files within ${HOME}

``-.'' is to only rename regular files or symlinks to regular files,

``D'' is to also rename hidden files (dotfiles))

$ autoload zmv $ zmv -Q '/home/**/*(D-.)' '$f.txt'

Or to only rename files that don't have an extension:

$ zmv -Q '/home/**/^?.(D-.)' '$f.txt'

Recursively change filenames with characters ? [ ] / = + < > ; : " , - *

$ autoload zmv $ chars='[][?=+<>;",-]' $ zmv '(**/)()' '$1${2//$~chars/%}'

Removing single quote from filenames (recursively)

$ autoload zmv $ zmv -Q "(**/)(')(D)" "$1${2//'/}"

When a new file arrives (named file.txt) rename all files in order to get (e. g.

file119.txt becomes file120.txt, file118.txt becomes file119.txt and so on ending

with file.txt becoming file1.txt

$ autoload zmv $ zmv -fQ 'file([0-9]##).txt(On)' 'file$(($1 + 1)).txt'

lowercase/uppercase all files/directories

$ autoload zmv $ zmv '()' '${(L)1}' # lowercase $ zmv '()' '${(U)1}' # uppercase

Remove the suffix *.c from all C-Files

$ autoload zmv $ zmv '(*).c' '$1'

Uppercase only the first letter of all *.mp3 - files

$ autoload zmv $ zmv '([a-z])(*).mp3' '${(C)1}$2.mp3'

Copy the target README' in same directory as each Makefile'

$ autoload zmv $ zmv -C '(**/)Makefile' '${1}README'

Removing single quote from filenames (recursively)

$ autoload zmv $ zmv -Q "(**/)(')(D)" "$1${2//'/}"

Rename pic1.jpg, pic2.jpg, .. to pic0001.jpg, pic0002.jpg, ..

$ autoload zmv $ zmv 'pic().jpg' 'pic${(l:4::0:)1}.jpg' $ zmv '(**/)pic().jpg' '$1/pic${(l:4::0:)2}.jpg' # recursively

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