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Last active July 10, 2019 12:03
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media queries mixins mobilefirst
$extra_small: 599px
$small: 600px
$medium: 900px
$large: 1200px
$extra_large: 1550px
@media screen and (max-width: #{$extra_small})
@media screen and (min-width: #{$small})
@media screen and (min-width: #{$small}) and (max-width: #{$medium - 1})
@media screen and (min-width: #{$medium})
@media screen and (min-width: #{$medium}) and (max-width: #{$large - 1})
@media screen and (min-width: #{$large})
@media screen and (min-width: #{$large}) and (max-width: #{$extra_large - 1})
@media screen and (min-width: #{$extra_large})
@media screen and (min-width: $point)
$grid-breakpoints: (sm: 620px, md: 900px, lg: 1200px, xl: 1550px)
$column-gutter-breakpoints: (xs: 8px, sm: 16px)
$grid-gutter-breakpoints: (xs: 4%, sm: 6%, xl: 8%)
$max-width: 1440px
$columns: 6
@function breakpoint($breakpoint)
@if map-has-key($grid-breakpoints, $breakpoint)
@return map-get($grid-breakpoints, $breakpoint)
@warn "breakpoint: could not find #{$breakpoint} in $grid-breakpoints map. Please make sure it is defined"
@function column-gutter($breakpoint)
@if map-has-key($column-gutter-breakpoints, $breakpoint)
@return map-get($column-gutter-breakpoints, $breakpoint)
@warn "gutter: could not find #{$breakpoint} in $gutter-breakpoints map. Please make sure it is defined"
@function grid-gutter($breakpoint)
@if map-has-key($grid-gutter-breakpoints, $breakpoint)
@return map-get($grid-gutter-breakpoints, $breakpoint)
@warn "grid-gutter: could not find #{$breakpoint} in $grid-breakpoints map. Please make sure it is defined"
margin-left: grid-gutter("xs")
margin-right: grid-gutter("xs")
padding-left: column-gutter("xs")
padding-right: column-gutter("xs")
max-width: $max-width
width: calc(100% - #{grid-gutter("xs") * 2})
display: flex
flex-wrap: wrap
margin: 0 (column-gutter("xs") * -1)
margin: 0 (column-gutter("sm") * -1)
margin-left: grid-gutter("sm")
margin-right: grid-gutter("sm")
padding-left: column-gutter("sm")
padding-right: column-gutter("sm")
width: calc(100% - #{grid-gutter("sm") * 2})
margin-left: grid-gutter("xl")
margin-right: grid-gutter("xl")
width: calc(100% - #{grid-gutter("xl") * 2})
position: relative
width: 100%
min-height: 1px
padding: 0 column-gutter("xs")
padding: 0 column-gutter("sm")
@for $i from 1 through $columns
+flex-basis(100% * $i / $columns)
@each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints)
@media (min-width: breakpoint($breakpoint))
flex: 0 0 auto
width: auto
@for $i from 1 through $columns
+flex-basis(100% * $i / $columns)
.col-xs, .col-sm, .col-md, .col-lg, .col-xl
flex-basis: 0
flex: 1
flex-grow: 1
max-width: 100%
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