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Last active March 31, 2022 13:42
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Barotrauma Dedicated Server

Server setup

The server will be running 24/7 missions. Admins and moderators can switch to campaigns when they are in the server but they have to switch back to missions before they leave. No point in playing a campaign if there is no one around to have at least some supervision.


There are currently 4 ranks. None, Moderator, Admin, and God.

Moderator has the following permissions:

  • Manage round
  • Kick
  • Select sub
  • Select mode
  • Manage campaign
  • Console commands
  • Server log

Permitted console commands:

  • clientlist
  • gamemode
  • sub
  • shuttle
  • water
  • fire
  • difficulty
  • kick
  • kickid
  • campaigninfo
  • campaigndestination
  • respawnnow
  • traitorlist

Admin has the following permissions:

  • Manage round
  • Kick
  • Ban
  • Revoke ban
  • Select sub
  • Select mode
  • Manage campaign
  • Console commands
  • Server log
  • Manage settings
  • Manage permissions
  • Karma immunity
  • All

Permitted console commands:

  • clientlist
  • difficulty
  • kick
  • kickid
  • campaigninfo
  • campaigndestination
  • showperm
  • spawn
  • spawnitem
  • gamemode
  • sub
  • shuttle
  • ban
  • banid
  • banendpoint
  • unban
  • unbanip
  • teleportcharacter
  • mute
  • unmute
  • godmode
  • lock
  • lockx
  • locky
  • water
  • fire
  • heal
  • giveaffliction
  • revive
  • freeze
  • freecamera
  • explosion
  • fixitems
  • fixhulls
  • power
  • oxygen
  • setclientcharacter
  • respawnnow
  • traitorlist

God has the following permissions:

  • Manage round
  • Kick
  • Ban
  • Revoke ban
  • Select sub
  • Select mode
  • Manage campaign
  • Console commands
  • Server log
  • Manage settings
  • Manage permissions
  • Karma immunity
  • All

Permitted console commands:

  • giverank
  • clientlist
  • autorestart
  • autorestartinterval
  • autorestarttimer
  • botcount
  • botspawnmode
  • difficulty
  • kick
  • kickid
  • campaigninfo
  • campaigndestination
  • servermsg
  • showperm
  • spawn
  • spawnitem
  • disablecrewai
  • gamemode
  • sub
  • shuttle
  • enablecrewai
  • ban
  • banid
  • banendpoint
  • unban
  • unbanip
  • teleportcharacter
  • mute
  • unmute
  • godmode
  • lock
  • lockx
  • locky
  • water
  • fire
  • heal
  • giveaffliction
  • revive
  • freeze
  • freecamera
  • explosion
  • fixitems
  • fixhulls
  • power
  • oxygen
  • setclientcharacter
  • togglekarma
  • setkarma
  • resetkarma
  • showkarma
  • togglekarmatestmode
  • respawnnow
  • traitorlist
  • restart
  • restart
  • endgame
  • endgame
  • endgame
  • msg

If you are not familiar with server commands please check out Barotrauma's Wiki page of console commands.



  • Toxic
  • GooseTea
  • Twitchy Ken
  • Altera


  • WickedNik
  • God
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