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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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  • Save nikuyoshi/89f649f6a1ce7d2c1f43 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nikuyoshi/89f649f6a1ce7d2c1f43 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bootstrap-sassのためにSass、Compassの導入をした ref:
$ sudo gem install bootstrap-sass
Fetching: sass-3.4.11.gem (100%)
Successfully installed sass-3.4.11
Fetching: execjs-2.3.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed execjs-2.3.0
Fetching: autoprefixer-rails-5.1.5.gem (100%)
Successfully installed autoprefixer-rails-5.1.5
Fetching: bootstrap-sass-3.3.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bootstrap-sass-3.3.3
Parsing documentation for sass-3.4.11
Installing ri documentation for sass-3.4.11
Parsing documentation for execjs-2.3.0
Installing ri documentation for execjs-2.3.0
Parsing documentation for autoprefixer-rails-5.1.5
Installing ri documentation for autoprefixer-rails-5.1.5
Parsing documentation for bootstrap-sass-3.3.3
Installing ri documentation for bootstrap-sass-3.3.3
4 gems installed
$ compass create my-new-project -r bootstrap-sass --using bootstrap
directory my-new-project/
directory my-new-project/fonts/bootstrap/
directory my-new-project/javascripts/
directory my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/
directory my-new-project/sass/
directory my-new-project/stylesheets/
create my-new-project/config.rb
create my-new-project/sass/styles.scss
create my-new-project/sass/_bootstrap-variables.scss
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/affix.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/alert.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/button.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/carousel.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/collapse.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/dropdown.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/modal.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/popover.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/scrollspy.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/tab.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/tooltip.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap/transition.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap-sprockets.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap.js
create my-new-project/javascripts/bootstrap.min.js
create my-new-project/fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
create my-new-project/fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
create my-new-project/fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
create my-new-project/fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
create my-new-project/fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2
write my-new-project/stylesheets/styles.css
Congratulations! Your compass project has been created.
You may now add and edit sass stylesheets in the sass subdirectory of your project.
Sass files beginning with an underscore are called partials and won't be
compiled to CSS, but they can be imported into other sass stylesheets.
You can configure your project by editing the config.rb configuration file.
You must compile your sass stylesheets into CSS when they change.
This can be done in one of the following ways:
1. To compile on demand:
compass compile [path/to/project]
2. To monitor your project for changes and automatically recompile:
compass watch [path/to/project]
More Resources:
* Website:
* Sass:
* Community:
To import your new stylesheets add the following lines of HTML (or equivalent) to your webpage:
<link href="/stylesheets/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
$ sudo gem install compass
Fetching: multi_json-1.10.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed multi_json-1.10.1
Fetching: compass-core-1.0.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed compass-core-1.0.3
Fetching: compass-import-once-1.0.5.gem (100%)
Successfully installed compass-import-once-1.0.5
Fetching: chunky_png-1.3.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed chunky_png-1.3.3
Fetching: rb-fsevent-0.9.4.gem (100%)
Successfully installed rb-fsevent-0.9.4
Fetching: ffi-1.9.6.gem (100%)
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed ffi-1.9.6
Fetching: rb-inotify-0.9.5.gem (100%)
Successfully installed rb-inotify-0.9.5
Fetching: compass-1.0.3.gem (100%)
Compass is charityware. If you love it, please donate on our behalf at Thanks!
Successfully installed compass-1.0.3
Parsing documentation for multi_json-1.10.1
Installing ri documentation for multi_json-1.10.1
Parsing documentation for compass-core-1.0.3
Installing ri documentation for compass-core-1.0.3
Parsing documentation for compass-import-once-1.0.5
Installing ri documentation for compass-import-once-1.0.5
Parsing documentation for chunky_png-1.3.3
Installing ri documentation for chunky_png-1.3.3
Parsing documentation for rb-fsevent-0.9.4
Installing ri documentation for rb-fsevent-0.9.4
Parsing documentation for ffi-1.9.6
Installing ri documentation for ffi-1.9.6
Parsing documentation for rb-inotify-0.9.5
Installing ri documentation for rb-inotify-0.9.5
Parsing documentation for compass-1.0.3
Installing ri documentation for compass-1.0.3
8 gems installed
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