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Last active December 17, 2015 01:49
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  • Save nileshgr/5530780 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nileshgr/5530780 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Import Twitter Archive into Tweet Nest.
Download your Twitter Archive, extract -- get a fresh one.
Upload data/js/tweets to your server.
Login to server and execute the following commands:
mv tweets tweets_src
mkdir tweets
cd tweets
for f in ../tweets_src/*; do tail -n +2 $f > $(basename $f); done
Copy this script into . (tweets/ where all modified .js files exist).
Edit the script to set TWEETNEST ROOT in line 4
Truncate existing tables: login to mysql and run:
truncate table tweets; truncate table tweetwords; truncate table words;
Run the script (inside tweets directory):
php loadtweetarchive.php (all js files must be present in current directory)
------ SCRIPT ------
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ini_set("display_errors", true); // For easy debugging, this is not a production page
set_include_path(get_include_path() . ":<PATH TO TWEETNEST ROOT>/inc");
include 'preheader.php';
include 'config.php';
define('DTP', $config['db']['table_prefix']);
$db = new DB('mysql', $config['db']);
$search = new TweetNestSearch;
$twitterApi = new TwitterApi;
foreach(glob("*.js") as $filename) {
print "Processing $filename\n";
$tweets = json_decode(file_get_contents($filename), true);
if(count($tweets) > 0){
// Ascending sort, oldest first
$tweets = array_reverse($tweets);
echo "All tweets collected. Reconnecting to DB...\n";
$db->reconnect(); // Sometimes, DB connection times out during tweet loading. This is our counter-action
echo "Inserting into DB...\n";
$error = false;
foreach($tweets as $tweet){
$tweet['time'] = strtotime($tweet['created_at']);
$tweet['tweetid'] = $tweet['id_str'];
$tweet['userid'] = $tweet['user']['id_str'];
$q = $db->query($twitterApi->insertQuery($tweet));
die("DATABASE ERROR: " . $db->error());
$text = $tweet['text'];
$te = $tweet['extra'];
if(is_string($te)){ $te = @unserialize($tweet['extra']); }
// Because retweets might get cut off otherwise
$text = (array_key_exists("rt", $te) && !empty($te['rt']) && !empty($te['rt']['screenname']) && !empty($te['rt']['text']))
? "RT @" . $te['rt']['screenname'] . ": " . $te['rt']['text']
: $tweet['text'];
$search->index($db->insertID(), $text);
echo !$error ? "Done!\n" : "";
} else {
echo "Nothing to insert.\n";
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