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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Save nilium/142624882eccf0a0747a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A vim plugin to insert vim: ... : comment lines at the end of a buffer if no such modeline already exists.
" auto-vim-comment.vim
" Noel Cower
" A quick plugin to insert a vim settings line comment as the last line of
" a buffer if none is found.
" Although it would be possible to insert the settings line comment at the top
" of the buffer, certain languages reserve the first line for special purposes
" (e.g., a hashbang). As such, this plugin does not attempt to do that.
" -- Globals --
" g:preserve_vim_comment
" Whether to automatically preserve vim comments at the end of a buffer.
" If 0, vim settings comments won't be added to a buffer on write when
" not found. You can write a vim settings comment by executing
" :PreserveVimComment<CR>.
" May be set per-buffer using b:preserve_vim_comment.
" Defaults to 0.
" g:vim_settings_line_expr
" An expr to eval() when generating the settings line. This should yield
" something like 'set ts=8'.
" Defaults to 'VimSettingsLine()', a function that returns a settings
" line containing filetype, tabstop, shiftwidth, textwidth, softtabstop,
" formatoptions, expandtab, and smarttab. You can override this globally
" or per-buffer to preserve different options as needed.
" -- Buffer Variables --
" b:preserve_vim_comment
" See g:preserve_vim_comment.
" b:vim_settings_line_expr
" See g:vim_settings_line_expr.
" b:prefix_comment
" b:suffix_comment
" The prefix and suffix comment variables should be set per-filetype,
" indicating the start and end of a comment respectively. prefix_comment
" is required while suffix_comment is optional and only necessary for
" inserting block comments (in which case, prefix_comment should begin
" a block comment).
" Prefix comments are defined for a handful of the languages I use, but
" this isn't by any means comprehensive and would need to be adjusted in
" your own ftplugin vim scripts.
" -- Functions --
" VimSettingsLine()
" Returns the vim settings line that will be preserved.
" -- Commands --
" :PreserveVimComment[!]
" Inserts a vim settings comment as the last line of a buffer if no
" settings comment is found.
" If a bang is used, this inserts a comment regardless of whether the
" settings comment exists.
if !exists('g:preserve_vim_comment')
let g:preserve_vim_comment = 0
if !exists('g:nl_before_vim_comment')
let g:nl_before_vim_comment = 1
if !exists('g:vim_settings_line_expr')
let g:vim_settings_line_expr = 'VimSettingsLine()'
function! s:setno(optname, opt)
return a:opt ? a:optname : 'no'.a:optname
function! VimSettingsLine()
return 'set'
\ . ' ft=' . &ft
\ . ' ts=' . &ts
\ . ' sw=' . &sw
\ . ' tw=' . &tw
\ . ' sts=' . &sts
\ . ' fo=' . &fo
\ . ' ' . s:setno('et', &et)
\ . ' ' . s:setno('sta', &sta)
function! s:PreserveVimComment(prefix, suffix, bang) abort
if strlen(a:prefix) ==# 0
echom 'No prefix comment given'
let l:suffix = exists('b:suffix_comment') ? b:suffix_comment : ''
let l:force = a:bang ==# '!'
let l:loc = search('\svim:\s\+.*:', 'cnw')
if l:loc && !l:force
echom 'Vim comment already detected'
elseif l:force && l:loc
echom 'Inserting vim settings comment, but there already is one at line '.l:loc
let l:nl_before = g:nl_before_vim_comment
if exists('b:nl_before_vim_comment')
let l:nl_before = b:nl_before_vim_comment
let l:expr = g:vim_settings_line_expr
if exists('b:vim_settings_line_expr')
let l:expr = b:vim_settings_line_expr
if strlen(l:expr) == 0 || type(l:expr) != 1
echom 'Settings line expression is empty'
let l:settings = eval(l:expr)
if strlen(l:settings) == 0
echom 'Settings line is empty'
let l:pos = getpos('.')
let l:tfo = &fo
set fo=
normal! G
if strlen(getline(line('.'))) > 0 && l:nl_before
normal! o
normal! |D
normal! o
normal! |D
execute 'normal! I'
\ . a:prefix . ' vim: '
\ . l:settings
\ . ' :' . (strlen(a:suffix) > 0 ? ' '.a:suffix : '')
let &fo = l:tfo
call cursor(l:pos[1], l:pos[2], l:pos[3])
function! s:AutoWriteVimComment()
let l:preserve = exists('g:preserve_vim_comment') && g:preserve_vim_comment
if exists('b:preserve_vim_comment')
let l:preserve = b:preserve_vim_comment
if !l:preserve
silent PreserveVimComment
command! -bang PreserveVimComment call <SID>PreserveVimComment(
\ exists('b:prefix_comment') ? b:prefix_comment : '',
\ exists('b:suffix_comment') ? b:suffix_comment : '',
\ "<bang>",
\ )
augroup AutoVimComment
" Line comments for various files.
au FileType c,cpp,java,scala,go,asciidoc,d,javascript,objc,objcpp,rust,php
\ let b:prefix_comment = '//'
au FileType vim let b:prefix_comment = '"'
au FileType blitzmax let b:prefix_comment = "'"
au FileType lua let b:prefix_comment = '--'
au FileType scheme,lisp,clojure let b:prefix_comment = ';'
au FileType python,ruby,bash,zsh,sh,yaml let b:prefix_comment = '#'
au FileType xml,sgml,html,markdown let b:prefix_comment = '<!--'
au FileType xml,sgml,html,markdown let b:suffix_comment = '-->'
au BufWritePre * call <SID>AutoWriteVimComment()
augroup END
" vim: set ft=vim ts=8 sw=8 tw=79 sts=8 fo=n1jcroql noet sta :
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