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Last active December 12, 2015 03:18
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Save nilium/4705561 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rudimentary tree packing class. Mainly intended for use with packing images for use in texture atlases. Uses pointers, so it's inherently evil.
// -- Noel Cower -- Public Domain
#include "binpack.hh"
namespace snow
binpack_t::binpack_t(const recti_t &frame, binpack_t *right, binpack_t *bottom) :
pack_right_(right), pack_bottom_(bottom), frame_(frame), loaded_(false)
binpack_t::binpack_t(const recti_t &frame) :
pack_right_(nullptr), pack_bottom_(nullptr), frame_(frame), loaded_(false)
if (pack_right_) delete pack_right_;
if (pack_bottom_) delete pack_bottom_;
auto binpack_t::find_unused_bin(const dimensi_t &size) -> binpack_t*
const int f_width = frame_.size.width;
const int f_height = frame_.size.height;
if (loaded_ || f_width < size.width || f_height < size.height) {
binpack_t *result = nullptr;
if (pack_right_ && pack_bottom_ && ! (pack_bottom_->loaded() || pack_right_->loaded())) {
int delta, opposite;
if (size.width >= size.height) {
delta = pack_bottom_->dimens().width - size.width;
opposite = pack_right_->dimens().width;
} else {
delta = pack_bottom_->dimens().height - size.height;
opposite = pack_right_->dimens().height;
const bool bottom_first = (0 < delta && delta < opposite);
if (! (result = (bottom_first ? pack_bottom_ : pack_right_)->find_unused_bin(size)))
result = (bottom_first ? pack_right_ : pack_bottom_)->find_unused_bin(size);
} else { // pack_right_ && pack_bottom_ && ...
if (pack_right_)
result = pack_right_->find_unused_bin(size);
if ( ! result && pack_bottom_)
result = pack_bottom_->find_unused_bin(size);
} // pack_right_ && pack_bottom_ && ...
return result;
} // loaded_ || f_width < size.width || ...
if (loaded_ && pack_right_ && pack_bottom_) {
return nullptr;
if (pack_right_ || pack_bottom_) {
const int bottom_delta = f_height - size.height;
const int right_delta = f_width - size.width;
if (bottom_delta > 0 && ! pack_bottom_) {
pack_bottom_ = new binpack_t(make_rect(0, 0, f_width, bottom_delta), nullptr, pack_bottom_);
if (right_delta > 0 && ! pack_right_) {
pack_right_ = new binpack_t(make_rect(0, 0, right_delta, f_height), pack_right_, nullptr);
} else { // pack_right_ || pack_bottom_
const int width_delta = f_width - size.width;
const int height_delta = f_height - size.height;
recti_t right_rect = {0}, bottom_rect = {0};
if (height_delta < width_delta) {
right_rect.size = make_dimens(width_delta, size.height);
bottom_rect.size = make_dimens(f_width, height_delta);
} else {
right_rect.size = make_dimens(width_delta, f_height);
bottom_rect.size = make_dimens(size.width, height_delta);
pack_right_ = new binpack_t(right_rect);
pack_bottom_ = new binpack_t(bottom_rect);
} // pack_right_ || pack_bottom_
if (pack_right_)
pack_right_->frame_.origin = make_point(frame_.origin.x + size.width, frame_.origin.y);
if (pack_bottom_)
pack_bottom_->frame_.origin = make_point(frame_.origin.x, frame_.origin.y + size.height);
frame_.size = size;
loaded_ = true;
return this;
void binpack_t::merge_empty_recursive()
const int f_width = frame_.size.width;
const int f_height = frame_.size.height;
if (pack_right_)
if (pack_bottom_)
if (pack_right_) {
if ( ! pack_right_->loaded() && pack_right_->dimens().height == f_height) {
frame_.size.width += pack_right_->dimens().width;
binpack_t *old_right = pack_right_;
pack_right_ = pack_right_->pack_right_;
delete old_right;
if (pack_bottom_ && ! pack_bottom_->loaded() && pack_bottom_->dimens().width == f_width) {
frame_.size.height += pack_bottom_->dimens().height;
binpack_t *old_bottom = pack_bottom_;
pack_bottom_ = pack_bottom_->pack_bottom_;
delete old_bottom;
if (pack_bottom_) {
if ( ! pack_bottom_->loaded() && pack_bottom_->dimens().width == f_width) {
frame_.size.height += pack_bottom_->dimens().height;
binpack_t *old_bottom = pack_bottom_;
pack_bottom_ = pack_bottom_->pack_bottom_;
delete old_bottom;
if (pack_right_ && ! pack_right_->loaded() && pack_right_->dimens().height == f_height) {
frame_.size.width += pack_right_->dimens().width;
binpack_t *old_right = pack_right_;
pack_right_ = pack_right_->pack_right_;
delete old_right;
void binpack_t::unload()
loaded_ = false;
auto binpack_t::loaded() const -> bool
return loaded_;
auto binpack_t::origin() const -> pointi_t
return frame_.origin;
auto binpack_t::dimens() const -> dimensi_t
return frame_.size;
auto binpack_t::frame() const -> recti_t
return frame_;
// binpack.hh -- Noel Cower -- Public Domain
#ifndef __SNOW_BINPACK_HH__
#define __SNOW_BINPACK_HH__
#include "types_2d.hh"
namespace snow
class binpack_t
binpack_t *pack_right_;
binpack_t *pack_bottom_;
recti_t frame_;
bool loaded_;
binpack_t(const recti_t &frame, binpack_t *right, binpack_t *bottom);
// This is the constructor you want.
binpack_t(const recti_t &frame);
virtual ~binpack_t();
virtual auto find_unused_bin(const dimensi_t &size) -> binpack_t*;
virtual void merge_empty_recursive();
// After calling unload(), one should discard any pointers to the binpack_t
// it's called from.
virtual void unload();
virtual auto loaded() const -> bool;
virtual auto origin() const -> pointi_t;
virtual auto dimens() const -> dimensi_t;
virtual auto frame() const -> recti_t;
#endif /* end __SNOW_BINPACK_HH__ include guard */
// types_2d.hh -- Noel Cower -- Public Domain
#ifndef __TYPES_2D_HH__
#define __TYPES_2D_HH__
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
namespace snow
template <class T>
struct rect_t;
template <class T>
struct dimens_t;
template <class T = int>
struct point_t
T x;
T y;
auto max(const point_t &other) const -> point_t
return {
std::max(x, other.x),
std::max(y, other.y)
auto min(const point_t &other) const -> point_t
return {
std::min(x, other.x),
std::min(y, other.y)
operator rect_t<T> () const
return {
{ T(), T() }
template <class T = int>
struct dimens_t
T width;
T height;
auto max(const dimens_t &other) const -> dimens_t
return {
std::max(width, other.width),
std::max(height, other.height)
auto min(const dimens_t &other) const -> dimens_t
return {
std::min(width, other.width),
std::min(height, other.height)
operator rect_t<T> () const
return {
{ T(), T(), },
template <class T = int>
struct rect_t
point_t<T> origin;
dimens_t<T> size;
auto intersects(const rect_t &other) const -> bool
return !(other.right() < left() ||
other.bottom() < top() ||
right() < other.left() ||
bottom() <;
auto intersection(const rect_t &other) const -> rect_t
point_t<T> point_max = origin.max(other.origin);
return {
std::max(T(), std::min(right(), other.right()) - point_max.x),
std::max(T(), std::min(top(), - point_max.y)
auto padded(T horizontal, T vertical) const -> rect_t
return {
origin.x - horizontal,
origin.y - vertical
size.width + horizontal * 2,
size.height + vertical * 2
auto pad(T horizontal, T vertical) -> rect_t&
origin.x -= horizontal;
origin.y -= vertical;
size.width += horizontal * 2;
size.height += vertical * 2;
return *this;
auto right() const -> T
if (size.width < T())
return origin.x;
return origin.x + size.width;
auto left() const -> T
if (size.width < T())
return origin.x + size.width;
return origin.x;
auto top() const -> T
if (size.height < T())
return origin.y;
return origin.y + size.height;
auto bottom() const -> T
if (size.height < T())
return origin.y + size.height;
return origin.y;
auto contains(const point_t<T> &point) const -> bool
return (left() <= point.x && point.x <= right() &&
bottom() <= point.y && point.y <= top());
template <class T = int>
auto make_point(T x, T y) -> point_t<T>
return {
x, y
template <class T = int>
auto make_dimens(T width, T height) -> dimens_t<T>
return {
width, height
template <class T = int>
auto make_rect(T x, T y, T width, T height) -> rect_t<T>
return {
{ x, y },
{ width, height }
template <class T>
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const point_t<T> &in)
return out << "{ x: " << in.x << ", y: " << in.y << " }";
template <class T>
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const dimens_t<T> &in)
return out << "{ width: " << in.width << ", height: " << in.height << " }";
template <class T>
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const rect_t<T> &in)
return out << "{ origin: " << in.origin << ", size: " << in.size << " }";
typedef point_t<float> pointf_t;
typedef point_t<double> pointd_t;
typedef point_t<long> pointl_t;
typedef point_t<int> pointi_t;
typedef dimens_t<float> dimensf_t;
typedef dimens_t<double> dimensd_t;
typedef dimens_t<long> dimensl_t;
typedef dimens_t<int> dimensi_t;
typedef rect_t<float> rectf_t;
typedef rect_t<double> rectd_t;
typedef rect_t<long> rectl_t;
typedef rect_t<int> recti_t;
#endif /* end __TYPES_2D_HH__ include guard */
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