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Created April 11, 2009 23:25
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Last login: Tue Apr 7 02:56:43 on ttys002
/Users/noel/Source/Misc/bmax/lua-reflection/test ; exit;
[noel@Ouroboros ~]$ /Users/noel/Source/Misc/bmax/lua-reflection/test ; exit;
~>Unhandled Exception:Not handling this shit
~>Function test
~>Global Running:Int=1
~>Local lvm:Byte Ptr=$003a1e80
~>Function lua_implementtypes
~>Local state:Byte Ptr=$003a1e80
~>Local typeIter:TTypeId=$002d3e60
~>Local <local>
~>Function lua_implementtype
~>Local state:Byte Ptr=$003a1e80
~>Local from:TTypeId=$002d3e60
~>Local expose:Int=1
~>Local static:Int=1
~>Local noclass:Int=1
~>Local hidefields:Int=0
~>Local <local>
~>Local <local>
~>Local <local>
~>Function LREF_PushBMaxObject
~>Local state:Byte Ptr=$003a1e80
~>Local obj:Object=$17ae5630
~>Local from:TTypeId=$002d3e60
~>Local expose:Int=1
~>Local static:Int=1
~>Local noclass:Int=1
~>Local hidefields:Int=0
~>Local objidx:Int=1
~>Local methIter:TMethod=Null
~>Local tableIdx:Int=0
~>Local rename:String=""
~>Local name:String=""
~>Local ownObjIdx:Int=1
~>Local <local>
~>Function LREF_AttachMetatable
~>Local state:Byte Ptr=$003a1e80
~>Local idx:Int=1
~>Local metatable:String="LREF_metatable_objects"
~>Local <local>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
static NSCharacterSet* emptySet = nil;
static void scanScopedString(NSString* input) {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
NSScanner* scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:input];
NSString* scope = nil;
if ( [scanner scanUpToString:@" " intoString:&scope] )
NSLog(@"Scope: %@", scope);
NSString* name = nil;
if ( [scope compare:@"Function"] == NSOrderedSame || [scope compare:@"Method"] == NSOrderedSame )
NSString* methodName = nil;
if ( [scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:emptySet intoString:&methodName] )
NSLog(@"Open %@: %@", scope, methodName);
NSLog(@"Error reading function/method name");
else if ( [scope compare:@"Local"] == NSOrderedSame && [scanner scanString:@"<local>" intoString:NULL] )
NSLog(@"Local stack frame");
else if ( ( [scope compare:@"Local"] == NSOrderedSame || [scope compare:@"Global"] == NSOrderedSame ) &&
[scanner scanUpToString:@":" intoString:&name] )
NSLog(@"Name: %@", name);
[scanner scanString:@":" intoString:NULL];
NSString* type = nil;
[scanner scanUpToString:@"=" intoString:&type];
NSLog(@"Type: %@", type);
[scanner scanString:@"=" intoString:NULL];
if ( [scanner scanString:@"$" intoString:NULL] )
unsigned long long address = 0LL;
[scanner scanHexLongLong:&address];
if ( address & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000LL )
NSLog(@"Address: 0x%.16lX", address);
NSLog(@"Address: 0x%.8lX", address);
if ( [type compare:@"Int"] == NSOrderedSame || [type compare:@"Short"] == NSOrderedSame || [type compare:@"Byte"] == NSOrderedSame )
int value = 0;
[scanner scanInt:&value];
NSLog(@"Value: %i", value);
else if ( [type compare:@"Long"] == NSOrderedSame )
long long value = 0LL;
[scanner scanLongLong:&value];
NSLog(@"Value: %li", value);
else if ( [type compare:@"Float"] == NSOrderedSame )
float value = 0.0f;
[scanner scanFloat:&value];
NSLog(@"Value: %f", value);
else if ( [type compare:@"Double"] == NSOrderedSame )
double value = 0.0;
[scanner scanDouble:&value];
NSLog(@"Value: %Lf", value);
NSString* value = nil;
if ( [scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:emptySet intoString:&value] )
NSLog(@"Value: %@", value);
[pool drain];
static void scanString(NSString* input) {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
if ( ![input hasPrefix:@"~>"] || [input length] == 2 )
[pool drain];
NSScanner* scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:[input substringFromIndex:2]];
if ( [scanner scanString:@"StackTrace{" intoString:NULL] )
NSLog(@"Beginning of stack trace");
else if ( [scanner scanString:@"}" intoString:NULL] )
NSLog(@"End of stack trace");
else if ( [scanner scanString:@"@" intoString:NULL] )
// @/Path/To/Source/File.bmx<line,col>
NSString* path = nil;
int line = 0;
int column = 0;
if ( [scanner scanUpToString:@"<" intoString:&path] )
NSURL* fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
[scanner scanString:@"<" intoString:NULL];
[scanner scanInt:&line];
[scanner scanString:@"," intoString:NULL];
[scanner scanInt:&column];
NSLog(@"Scope for %@ on line %i, column %i", fileURL, line, column);
else if ( [scanner scanString:@"Unhandled Exception:" intoString:NULL] )
NSString* exceptionMessage = nil;
if ( [scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:emptySet intoString:&exceptionMessage] )
NSLog(@"Unhandled exception found: %@", exceptionMessage);
NSLog(@"Error reading unhandled exception message");
if ( [scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:emptySet intoString:&input] )
NSLog(@"FAILED TO READ STRING: %@", input);
[pool drain];
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) {
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
emptySet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@""];
NSCharacterSet* wpnlSet = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];
if ( argc == 1 ) {
char line[256];
while ( fgets(line, 256, stdin) ) {
scanString( [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:line] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:wpnlSet] );
NSLog(@" ");
for ( int i = 2; i < argc; ++i )
scanString([NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[i]]);
[pool drain];
return 0;
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