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Created December 4, 2017 20:54
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expand package for Go to handle ${VAR:-foo} style expansions
// Package expand is used to handle basic ${VAR:-DEFAULT} style text interpolations.
// It currently only supports ASCII variable names, since you probably won't see variations on that
// in the wild.
package expand
import (
// LookupFunc is any function that looks up a variable with the given name and returns its value and
// whether it's defined.
type LookupFunc func(key string) (value string, ok bool)
// GetFunc converts a function that returns a value for a string and returns a LookupFunc for it.
// The LookupFunc returns that a value is not defined if fn returns an empty string.
func GetFunc(fn func(string) string) LookupFunc {
return func(key string) (string, bool) {
v := fn(key)
return v, v != ""
// Expand expands an input string using shell-like expansions $VAR, ${VAR}, ${VAR:-if_undefined}, and
// ${VAR:+if_defined} and returns the result of the expansions.
// Cases of "$VAR" and "${VAR}" are replaced with empty strings if VAR is not defined.
// "${VAR:-if_undefined}" replaces VAR with the text "if_undefined" if VAR is not defined.
// "${VAR:+if_defined}" replaces VAR with the text "if_defined" if VAR is defined.
func Expand(in string, fn LookupFunc) string {
return ExpandCustom(in, '$', false, fn)
// ExpandCustom expands an input string using shell-like expansions <lead>VAR, <lead>VAR},
// <lead>VAR:-if_undefined}, and <lead>VAR:+if_defined} and returns the result of the expansions.
// If curlyOnly is true, <lead>VAR expansions are ignored.
// Cases of "<lead>VAR" and "<lead>{VAR}" are replaced with empty strings if VAR is not defined.
// "<lead>{VAR:-if_undefined}" replaces VAR with the text "if_undefined" if VAR is not defined.
// "<lead>{VAR:+if_defined}" replaces VAR with the text "if_defined" if VAR is defined.
func ExpandCustom(in string, lead byte, curlyOnly bool, fn LookupFunc) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.Grow(len(in) * 2)
_, ex := parse(in, -1, idChar(lead), curlyOnly)
ex.expand(&buf, fn)
return buf.String()
type expansion struct {
value string
kind exKind
children []*expansion
type exKind int
const (
exPrefix exKind = iota // Literal text
exVariable // $VAR ${VAR} ${VAR:-UNDEFINED TEXT}
exDefined // ${VAR:+DEFINED TEXT}
func (e *expansion) expand(w *bytes.Buffer, fn LookupFunc) {
if e == nil {
switch e.kind {
case exPrefix:
if v := e.value; v != "" {
case exVariable:
if v, ok := fn(e.value); ok {
if v != "" {
case exDefined:
if _, ok := fn(e.value); !ok {
for _, e := range e.children {
e.expand(w, fn)
type idChar byte
func (r idChar) is(c byte) bool {
return !(c == ':' || c == '}' || c == byte(r) || unicode.IsSpace(rune(c)))
func parse(in string, until rune, lead idChar, curlyOnly bool) (n int, root *expansion) {
var (
i int
c byte
consume = func(ex *expansion) {
switch {
case len(ex.value) == 0 && ex.kind == exPrefix:
case root == nil && ex.kind == exPrefix:
root = ex
case root == nil:
root = &expansion{children: []*expansion{ex}}
case ex.kind == exPrefix && len(root.children) == 0:
root.value += ex.value
root.children = append(root.children, ex)
n += len(in[:i])
in = in[i:]
i = 0
for ; i < len(in); i++ {
c = in[i]
switch {
case until != -1 && rune(c) == until:
in = in[:i]
goto done
case curlyOnly && i+3 < len(in) && c == '\\' && // Treat \\LEAD{ as literal text \ followed by an expansion
in[i+1] == '\\' && in[i+2] == byte(lead) && in[i+3] == '{':
consume(&expansion{value: in[:i]})
in = in[i+1:]
case curlyOnly && i+2 < len(in) && c == '\\' && // Treat \LEAD{ as literal text LEAD{
in[i+1] == byte(lead) && in[i+2] == '{':
consume(&expansion{value: in[:i]})
in = in[i+1:]
case c != byte(lead):
case len(in) <= i+1:
// consume(&expansion{value: in[:i], kind: exPrefix})
case !curlyOnly && in[i+1] == byte(lead):
consume(&expansion{value: in[:i]})
in = in[i+1:]
case curlyOnly && c == byte(lead) && in[i+1] != '{':
case i > 0:
consume(&expansion{value: in[:i], kind: exPrefix})
if i >= len(in) {
goto done
} else if in[i] == '{' {
} else {
head := i
for ; i < len(in); i++ {
if[i]) {
} else if i != head {
consume(&expansion{value: in[head:i], kind: exVariable})
goto reset
consume(&expansion{value: in[head:i], kind: exVariable})
goto done
for head := i; i < len(in); i++ {
switch c = in[i]; c {
case '}':
tail := i
if head == tail {
} else {
consume(&expansion{value: in[head:tail], kind: exVariable})
goto reset
case ':':
var (
n int
back *expansion
tail = i
kind = exVariable
varname string
if head == tail { // No variable name
goto reset
varname = strings.TrimSpace(in[head:tail])
switch in[i] {
case '-':
case '+':
kind = exDefined
goto reset
n, back = parse(in[i:], '}', lead, curlyOnly)
i += n
if i < len(in) && in[i] == '}' {
consume(&expansion{value: varname, kind: kind, children: []*expansion{back}})
} else {
consume(&expansion{value: in[:tail+2], kind: exPrefix})
goto reset
if ! {
consume(&expansion{value: in[:i]})
goto reset
if len(in) > 0 {
consume(&expansion{value: in})
if root != nil && root.value == "" && len(root.children) == 1 {
root = root.children[0]
return n, root
package expand
import "testing"
func TestExpansions(t *testing.T) {
lookup := func(key string) (value string, ok bool) {
return "text", key != "none"
type testCase struct {
Name string
In string
Want string
cases := []testCase{
"$$${key:+defined: ${key} ${none:-undefined}}$$",
"$defined: text undefined$",
"$$${key:-undefined: ${key} ${none:-undefined}}$$",
"literal $key $none ${key} ${none} ${key:-undefined} ${none:-undefined} ${key:+defined} ${none:+defined}",
"literal text text text undefined defined ",
"${}${ }${:}${:+}${:-}$ ",
"${}${ }${:}${:+}${:-}$ ",
"Foo${ }Bar",
"Foo${ }Bar",
for _, c := range cases {
c := c
t.Run(c.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := Expand(c.In, lookup); got != c.Want {
t.Fatalf("Expand(%q) = %q; want %q", c.In, got, c.Want)
func TestCurlyOnlyExpansions(t *testing.T) {
lookup := func(key string) (value string, ok bool) {
return "text", key != "none"
type testCase struct {
Name string
In string
Want string
cases := []testCase{
"#\\#{key:+defined: #{key} #{none:-undefined}}\\\\#{key:+ defined}##",
"##{key:+defined: text undefined}\\ defined##",
"##{key:+defined: #{key} #{none:-undefined}}##",
"#defined: text undefined##",
"###{key:-undefined: #{key} #{none:-undefined}}##",
"literal #key #none #{key} #{none} #{key:-undefined} #{none:-undefined} #{key:+defined} #{none:+defined}",
"literal #key #none text text undefined defined ",
"#{}#{ }#{:}#{:+}#{:-}# ",
"#{}#{ }#{:}#{:+}#{:-}# ",
"Foo#{ }Bar",
"Foo#{ }Bar",
for _, c := range cases {
c := c
t.Run(c.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := ExpandCustom(c.In, '#', true, lookup); got != c.Want {
t.Fatalf("Expand(%q, '#', true) = %q; want %q", c.In, got, c.Want)
func TestUnicodeExpand(t *testing.T) {
const want = "你好"
const wantKey = "မင်္ဂလာပါ"
const input = "${" + wantKey + "}"
gotKey := false
fn := func(key string) (string, bool) {
if gotKey = wantKey == key; gotKey {
return want, true
return "", false
got := Expand(input, fn)
if got != want {
t.Fatalf("Expand(%q) = %q; want %q", input, got, want)
func TestGetFunc(t *testing.T) {
want, wantOK := "value", true
got, gotOK := GetFunc(func(string) string { return "value" })("key")
if got != want || gotOK != wantOK {
t.Errorf("GetFunc(-> value) = %q, %t; want %q, %t", got, gotOK, want, wantOK)
want, wantOK = "", false
got, gotOK = GetFunc(func(string) string { return "" })("key")
if got != want || gotOK != wantOK {
t.Errorf("GetFunc(-> value) = %q, %t; want %q, %t", got, gotOK, want, wantOK)
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