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Last active May 1, 2024 17:59
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Angle and 2D Rotation for Unity
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;
public readonly struct Angle : IEquatable<Angle>
private const float PIRad = Mathf.PI;
private const float TwoPIRad = PIRad * 2f;
private const float HalfPIRad = PIRad * 0.5f;
public enum RotationAxis
private Angle(float radians)
Radians = radians;
public float Radians { get; }
public float Degrees => Radians * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
public Rotation2D Counterclockwise => new Rotation2D(this);
public Rotation2D Clockwise => new Rotation2D(new Angle(-Radians));
public static Angle Zero => new Angle(0f);
public static Angle TwoPI => new Angle(TwoPIRad);
public static Angle HalfPI => new Angle(HalfPIRad);
public static Angle PI => new Angle(PIRad);
public static Angle FromDegrees(float degrees)
return new Angle(degrees * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
public static Angle FromRadians(float radians)
return new Angle(radians);
public static Angle FromQuaternionY(Quaternion quaternion)
return FromQuaternion(quaternion, RotationAxis.Y);
public static Angle Normalize360(Angle angle)
float angleRad = angle.Radians % TwoPIRad;
if (angleRad < 0)
angleRad += TwoPIRad;
else if (angleRad >= TwoPIRad)
angleRad -= TwoPIRad;
return new Angle(angleRad);
public static Angle Normalize180(Angle angle)
float angleRad = angle.Radians % TwoPIRad;
if (angleRad <= -PIRad)
angleRad += TwoPIRad;
else if (angleRad > PIRad)
angleRad -= TwoPIRad;
return new Angle(angleRad);
public static Angle Lerp360(Angle from, Angle to, float factor)
Angle difference = Normalize180(to - from);
return Normalize360(from + difference * Mathf.Clamp01(factor));
public static Angle Lerp180(Angle from, Angle to, float factor)
Angle difference = Normalize180(to - from);
return Normalize180(from + difference * Mathf.Clamp01(factor));
public static Angle Abs(Angle angle)
return new Angle(Mathf.Abs(angle.Radians));
public static Angle Delta(Angle from, Angle to)
return Normalize180(to - from);
public static Angle UnsignedDelta(Angle from, Angle to)
return Abs(Delta(from, to));
public static Angle MoveTowards(Angle from, Angle to, Angle maxDelta)
Angle delta = Angle.Delta(from, to);
if (-maxDelta < delta && delta < maxDelta)
return to;
return Angle.FromRadians(Mathf.MoveTowards(from.Radians, (from + delta).Radians, maxDelta.Radians));
public static Angle Max(Angle a, Angle b)
return Angle.FromRadians(Mathf.Max(a.Radians, b.Radians));
public static Angle Min(Angle a, Angle b)
return Angle.FromRadians(Mathf.Min(a.Radians, b.Radians));
public static Angle operator *(Angle angle, float value)
return new Angle(angle.Radians * value);
public static Angle operator *(float value, Angle angle)
return angle * value;
public static Angle operator *(Angle angle, int value)
return new Angle(angle.Radians * value);
public static Angle operator *(int value, Angle angle)
return angle * value;
public static Angle operator /(Angle angle, float value)
return new Angle(angle.Radians / value);
public static Angle operator /(Angle angle, int value)
return new Angle(angle.Radians / value);
public static Angle operator +(Angle a, Angle b)
return new Angle(a.Radians + b.Radians);
public static Angle operator -(Angle a)
return new Angle(-a.Radians);
public static Angle operator -(Angle a, Angle b)
return -b + a;
public static bool operator ==(Angle a, Angle b)
return Mathf.Approximately(a.Radians, b.Radians);
public static bool operator !=(Angle a, Angle b)
return !(a == b);
public static bool operator >=(Angle a, Angle b)
return a.Radians >= b.Radians;
public static bool operator <=(Angle a, Angle b)
return a.Radians <= b.Radians;
public static bool operator >(Angle a, Angle b)
return a.Radians > b.Radians;
public static bool operator <(Angle a, Angle b)
return a.Radians < b.Radians;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is Angle other && Equals(other);
public bool Equals(Angle other) => Radians.Equals(other.Radians);
public override int GetHashCode() => Radians.GetHashCode();
public override string ToString() => $"{Degrees}°";
public static Angle FromQuaternion(Quaternion quaternion, RotationAxis rotationAxis = RotationAxis.Y)
float test = quaternion.x * quaternion.y + quaternion.z * quaternion.w;
if (test > 0.4999f) // Singularity at north pole
switch (rotationAxis)
case RotationAxis.Y: return new Angle(2 * Mathf.Atan2(quaternion.x, quaternion.w));
case RotationAxis.Z: return new Angle(PIRad / 2);
case RotationAxis.X: return new Angle(0);
default: throw new Exception("This cannot happened! Check input axis.");
if (test < -0.4999f) // Singularity at south pole
switch (rotationAxis)
case RotationAxis.Y: return new Angle(-2 * Mathf.Atan2(quaternion.x, quaternion.w));
case RotationAxis.Z: return new Angle(-PIRad / 2);
case RotationAxis.X: return new Angle(0);
default: throw new Exception("This cannot happened! Check input axis.");
switch (rotationAxis)
case RotationAxis.Y: return new Angle(Mathf.Atan2(2 * quaternion.y * quaternion.w - 2 * quaternion.x * quaternion.z, 1 - 2 * (quaternion.y * quaternion.y) - 2 * (quaternion.z * quaternion.z)));
case RotationAxis.Z: return new Angle(Mathf.Asin(2 * test));
case RotationAxis.X: return new Angle(Mathf.Atan2(2 * quaternion.x * quaternion.w - 2 * quaternion.y * quaternion.z, 1 - 2 * (quaternion.x * quaternion.x) - 2 * (quaternion.z * quaternion.z)));
default: throw new Exception("This cannot happened! Check input axis.");
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;
public readonly struct Rotation2D
public Rotation2D(Angle angle)
Sin = Mathf.Sin(angle.Radians);
OneMinusCos = 1f - Mathf.Cos(angle.Radians);
private Rotation2D(float sin, float oneMinusCos)
Sin = sin;
OneMinusCos = oneMinusCos;
public float Sin { get; }
public float OneMinusCos { get; }
public float Cos => 1f - OneMinusCos;
public Angle CounterclockwiseAngle => Angle.FromRadians(Mathf.Atan2(Sin, Cos));
public Angle ClockwiseAngle => -CounterclockwiseAngle;
public Vector2 UpAxis => new Vector2(-Sin, Cos);
public Vector2 RightAxis => new Vector2(Cos, Sin);
public Rotation2D Inverse => new Rotation2D(-Sin, OneMinusCos);
public static Rotation2D Identity => new Rotation2D();
public static Vector2 operator *(Rotation2D rotation2D, Vector2 vector)
float sin = rotation2D.Sin;
float cos = rotation2D.Cos;
return new Vector2(
vector.x * cos - vector.y * sin,
vector.x * sin + vector.y * cos
public static Rotation2D operator *(Rotation2D a, Rotation2D b)
float sinA = a.Sin;
float cosA = a.Cos;
float sinB = b.Sin;
float cosB = b.Cos;
float cos = cosA * cosB - sinA * sinB;
float sin = sinA * cosB + cosA * sinB;
return new Rotation2D(sin, 1f - cos);
public static Rotation2D FromToRotation(Vector2 fromDirection, Vector2 toDirection)
float angleRadians = Mathf.Atan2(toDirection.y, toDirection.x) - Mathf.Atan2(fromDirection.y, fromDirection.x);
return new Rotation2D(Angle.FromRadians(angleRadians));
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