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Last active January 4, 2018 18:39
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  • Save nils-werner/76c1118c370f9f291eca0e444cba82fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Generate DotA 2 changelogs using LSTN DNN
'''Use this if you have a pre trained net and dont want to wait for a few hours'''
from __future__ import print_function
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation, Dropout
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM
from keras.utils.data_utils import get_file
import numpy as np
import random
import sys
path = 'input.txt'
text = open(path).read().lower()
print('corpus length:', len(text))
chars = set(text)
print('total chars:', len(chars))
char_indices = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(chars))
indices_char = dict((i, c) for i, c in enumerate(chars))
# cut the text in semi-redundant sequences of maxlen characters
maxlen = 40
step = 3
sentences = []
next_chars = []
for i in range(0, len(text) - maxlen, step):
sentences.append(text[i: i + maxlen])
next_chars.append(text[i + maxlen])
print('nb sequences:', len(sentences))
X = np.zeros((len(sentences), maxlen, len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
y = np.zeros((len(sentences), len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
X[i, t, char_indices[char]] = 1
y[i, char_indices[next_chars[i]]] = 1
# build the model: 2 stacked LSTM
print('Build model...')
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(512, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(maxlen, len(chars))))
model.add(LSTM(512, return_sequences=False))
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop')
def sample(a, temperature=1.0):
# helper function to sample an index from a probability array
a = np.log(a) / temperature
a = np.exp(a) / np.sum(np.exp(a))
return np.argmax(np.random.multinomial(1, a, 1))
iteration = 20
model.load_weights("weights_%d.hdf5" % iteration)
start_index = random.randint(0, len(text) - maxlen - 1)
diversity = 0.2
print('----- diversity:', diversity)
generated = ''
sentence = text[start_index: start_index + maxlen]
# sentence = "intelligence steal decreased from 4/6/8"
generated += sentence
print('----- Generating with seed: "' + sentence + '"')
for i in range(4000):
x = np.zeros((1, maxlen, len(chars)))
for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
x[0, t, char_indices[char]] = 1.
preds = model.predict(x, verbose=0)[0]
next_index = sample(preds, diversity)
next_char = indices_char[next_index]
generated += next_char
sentence = sentence[1:] + next_char
* Hand of God cooldown is no longer decreased by Aghanims Scepter
* Invoker base agility reduced from 20 to 14
* Deafening Blast manacost increased from 200 to 300
===Aether Lens===
* Now has a 550 gold recipe instead of a Cloak (no longer grants Magic Resistance)
==Bug Fixes==
* Arc Wardens Tempest Double now grants XP to Arc Warden if it lands the killing blow on enemy heroes.
* Fixed a bug with Chens Holy Persuasion and Lifestealers Infest that would break Chens selection state.
* Fixed a bug which would cause doubleclick orders with upgraded Boots of Travel to target an ally in the fountain rather than the fountain itself.
==External Links==
*[ Dota 2 Update - 6.86d]
* Radiant Small Camps spawn box is now smaller
==Bug Fixes==
* Fixed Lone Druids HP not increasing when upgrading True Form
* Nightmare cooldown increased from 16/15/14/13 to 22/19/16/13
===Dark Seer===
* Surge manacost increased from 20/30/40/50 to 50
* Shallow Grave cast point increased from 0.35 to 0.4
* Shadow Wave manacost increased from 80/90/100/110 to 90/100/110/120
===Death Prophet===
* Death Prophet base intelligence increased by 3
* Spirit Siphon HP Drain increased from 1/1.8/2.6/3.4% to 1/2/3/4%
* Spirit Siphon slow rescaled from 6/10/14/18% to 5/10/15/20%
* Exorcism duration increased from 30 to 35 seconds
===Faceless Void===
* Time Walk cast range increased from 550 to 625
* Faceless Void strength gain increased from 1.6 to 1.8
* Time Dilation duration increased from 5.5/7/8.5/10 to 6/8/10/12
* Time Dilation cooldown increased from 34/28/22/16 to 36/30/24/18
* Call Down first missile damage decreased from 220/285/350 to 200/275/350
* Alacrity damage/speed rescaled from 30/40/50/60/70/80/90 to 10/25/40/55/70/85/100
* Invoker base strength reduced by 2
===Outworld Devourer===
* Arcane Orb int steal increased from 1/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5
* Arcane Orb int steal duration increased from 40 to 50
* Tricks of the Trade cooldown reduced from 70 to 40
* Tricks of the Trade AoE increased from 475 to 500
* Blink Strike cast range increased from 700 to 800
* Blink Strike cast point reduced from 0.4 to 0.3
* Walrus Punch cooldown increased from 20/16/12 to 36/24/12
* Tombstone cooldown increased from 60 to 70
===Winter Wyvern===
* Winters Curse attack speed bonus increased from 50 to 70
==External Links==
*[ Dota 2 Update - 6.86c]
* Arcane Rune mana reduction reduced from 50% to 40%
===Captains Mode===
* Enabled Doom, Faceless Void, Death Prophet, Lone Druid, and Winter Wyvern in Captains Mode
===Death Prophet===
* Spirit Siphon duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
===Faceless Void===
* Time Dilation AoE increased from 650 to 725
* Time Dilation slow rescaled from 4/6/8/10 to 7/8/9/10%
* Time Dilation duration rescaled from 6/7/8/9 to 5.5/7/8.5/10 seconds
===Outworld Devourer===
* Arcane Orb Int steal increased from 0/1/2/3 to 1/2/3/4
* Astral Imprisonment cooldown rescaled from 20/17/14/11 to 22/18/14/10
* Meat Hook Scepter damage reduced from 175/275/375/475 to 180/270/360/450
* Cloak and Dagger backstab damage multiplier increased from 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0 to 0.5/0.75/1.0/1.25
* Tricks of the Trade now only affects heroes
* Tricks of the Trade AoE increased from 450 to 475
* Tricks of the Trade cooldown rescaled from 90/80/70 to 70
==External Links==
*[ Dota 2 Update - 6.86b]
* Added Arcane Rune
===Game Modes===
* Random Draft hero pool increased from 24 to 50
* Added Random Draft to Ranked Matchmaking
* Random Draft now uses the same picking mechanics as Ranked All Pick
* Ranked All Pick initial pre-picking time reduced from 15 to 5
===Lane Creeps===
* Creep bounty increases by 1 gold per normal upgrade cycle
* Creeps now arrive slightly closer to the top Dire tower and bottom Radiant tower
===Neutral Creeps===
* Centaur Courser now has a stacking magic resistance aura (20% for units, 5% for heroes)
* Hellbear now has a stacking magic resistance aura (20% for units, 5% for heroes)
* Dragonhide Auras stackable armor increased from 2 to 3
* Ancient Dragon Camp|Ancient Dragons armor reduced by 1
* Neutral Creeps#Ancient Camps|Ancient neutrals now behave like normal neutrals and split experience with all heroes in the AoE
* Added a new ability to Ancient Black Dragon, Fireball
* Ancient Thunderhides Frenzy is now unit targetable
* Hill Troll Priests Mana Aura increased from 2 to 3
* Satyr Banishers Satyr Camp#Purge|Purge cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 seconds
* Satyr Tormenters Unholy Aura HP regen increased from 4 to 6
* Satyr Tormenters Large Satyr Camp#Shockwave|Shockwave distance increased from 800 to 1200
* Satyr Tormenters Shockwave speed reduced from 1050 to 900
* Satyr Tormenters Shockwave damage increased 125 to 160
* Dark Troll Summoners and Hill Trolls attack range reduced from 500 to 400
* Dark Troll Summoners attack damage increased by 6
* Roshans base armor increased by 1
* Roshans Base Attack Time increased from 1.0 to 2.0
* Roshan now has +100 Attack Speed
* Added a Patrol command
* You are now able to bring up the targeting cursor when silenced, and instead get the error upon targeting rather than clicking the button
* Single Target spells with AoE effects now have a new targeting UI
===Gameplay Mechanics===
* Siege damage against heroes increased from 75% to 85%
* Towers no longer have a very minor experience bounty (previously was 25 XP that split evenly in an area)
* Hero base HP increased from 150 to 180
* Simplified some minor damage and armor types
* Added a new neutral hard camp for each team, near their respective Secret Shops
* Added a small ramp from the Radiant Secret Shop to the ward spot right above it
* Moved the Radiant hard camp closer to the Dire offlane
* Swapped Medium and Hard camp in Radiant Jungle
* Added a new pathway from Radiant mid to Radiant jungle
* Added a ramp connecting the Radiant jungle to the area near Roshan
* Created a walkable pathway to the Radiant rune ward
* Created a new juke spot behind the Dire Secret Shop
* Expanded Terrain around the top Tier 2 Radiant tower
* Moved the bottom rune up a little bit
* Radiant middle tier 1 tower has been moved back
* Adjusted Radiant small camp spawn box
* Added a new ward spot near the Radiant ancients (does not reveal top rune)
* Created a new pathway leading to the wardspot below the Radiant Secret Shop
* Moved the Radiant ramp leading to the top rune further away from the rune (slightly closer to mid lane)
* Moved the Dire ramp leading to the top rune closer up
* Adjusted the terrain and the ramp going down from the Radiant Ancients slightly
* Improved jukability in the terrain around the Dire side shop
* Added a path through the trees at Radiant offlane sideshop moving south and added juke paths
* Added a new ward spot to the right of the top tier 1 Radiant tower
* Added a couple of trees to right of the ramp leading down from the Radiant ancients (covering some vision to the left of it)
* Dire is now able to enter the jungle through the middle Radiant ramp and walk to the side without being in range to dispel their smoke
* Added a new pathway above the top Dire side shop
* Created a new pathway in the middle of the long column of trees at the bottom Radiant Tier 2 area
* Added a walkable path to the ward spot near bottom rune
* Reduced the size of the pull camp box on the Dire safelane hard camp
* Added a pathable walkway from the cliff above the top rune to the Dire area to the right of it
* Added a new pathway to the south of the bottom side shop
* Added a couple of trees in the Dire base between the mid and top towers along the ledge
* Adjusted juke paths near the Radiant ward spot near the hard camp
* Added a new juke spot to the south of the bottom Radiant hard camp
* Added a hiding spot in the Dire middle lane near the edge of the Secret Shop
* Added some trees below the top Radiant T2 tower
* Adjusted trees to the left of the Dire offlane (affecting visibility of heroes coming from the left)
* Added a pathway above the Radiant Ancient (leading up to the new ward spot)
* Adjusted Dire secret shop location slightly
* Adjusted the terrain pathing a little bit around the loop where the Radiant bottom left ward spot is
* Adjusted tree layout of the high ground to the right of the Radiant middle camp
* Moved Radiant ramp to the bottom rune back a little bit
* Added hiding spots in the clump of trees above the formerly Radiant hard camp (now the Radiant medium camp)
* Nudged the Radiant small camp down very slightly
* Moved the Radiant mid medium camp down slightly and adjusted nearby trees
* Added a new hiding spot on the Dire bottom lane, in the area higher ground to the right of the Dire Ancients
* Adjusted the position of the Radiant middle ramp slightly
* Added a new juke spot to the terrain to the right of the Radiant small camp
* Adjusted tree pathway and added a couple of hiding spots above the top Dire T2 tower
* Greevils Greed Bounty Rune multiplier rescaled from 5x to 3/4/5/6x
* Fixed Greevils Greed granting full gold during Buyback gold penalty phase
===Arc Warden===
;Undocumented Changes
* Spark Wraith mana cost increased from 50 to 100/110/120/130
* Movement speed reduced from 315 to 310
* Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 2.0
* Flamebreak mana cost reduced from 140 to 110/120/130/140
* Wild Axes no longer has unit targeting
* Call of the Wild cooldown rescaled from 40 to 42/38/34/30
* Blood Rite cooldown rescaled from 29/26/23/20 to 30/25/20/15
===Bounty Hunter===
* Jinada movement and attack speed reduction increased from 25% to 25/27/29/31%
* Drunken Haze cooldown reduced from 8 to 8/7/6/5
* Primal Splits Dispel Magic damage to summons increased from 200 to 500
* Primal Splits Dispel Magic cooldown reduced from 6 to 4
* Primal Splits Brewmaster#Wind Walk|Wind Walk cooldown reduced from 7 to 5
* Added Scepter to Bristleback
* Viscous Nasal Goo mana cost reduced from 30 to 25
* Quill Spray max damage increased from 400 to 450
* Spawn Spiderlings damage reduced from 75/150/225/300 to 70/140/210/280
===Centaur Warrunner===
* Return damage increased from 30/42/54/66 to 30/45/60/75%
===Chaos Knight===
* Reality Rift bonus damage increased from 60/80/100/120 to 60/100/140/180
* Base strength increased from 20 to 23
* Penitence mana cost reduced from 100 to 70
* Penitence duration increased from 5/6/7/8 to 8
* Agility growth increased from 3 to 3.3
* Strength growth increased from 2.7 to 2.9
* Power Cogs now spawn in a circle rather than a rectangle
===Crystal Maiden===
* Crystal Nova cooldown reduced from 13 to 12
* Arcane Aura level 4 mana regen increased from 2.5/5 (allies/self) to 3/6
===Dark Seer===
* Base intelligence reduced from 27 to 25
* Ion Shell is now purgeable
* Poison Touch mana cost reduced from 100 to 70
* Shallow Grave cast point increased from 0.3 to 0.35
* Shallow Grave mana cost increased from 140/130/120/110 to 150
* Weave no longer provides 800 flying vision. Now provides ground vision for the AoE of the ability for 3 seconds
===Death Prophet===
* Temporarily removed from Captains Mode
* Replaced Witchcraft with a new ability, Spirit Siphon
* Base movement speed increased from 280 to 310
* Crypt Swarm cooldown reduced from 8 to 8/7/6/5
* Silence cooldown reduced from 15 to 15/14/13/12
* Exorcism spirit count increased from 8/14/21 to 8/16/24
* Exorcism spawn rate decreased from 1 ghost per 0.1 seconds to 0.3 seconds
* Temporarily removed from Captains Mode
* Replaced Level Death with a new ability, Infernal Blade
* Base Attack Time increased from 1.7 to 2.0
* Scorched Earth damage/heal reduced from 12/23/34/45 to 10/20/30/40
* Scorched Earth movement speed from 16% to 14%
* Doom#Doom|Doom cooldown increased from 100 to 125
===Dragon Knight===
* Dragon Blood HP regen increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/6/9/12
* Elder Dragon Form Frost AoE increased from 250 to 300
===Drow Ranger===
* Added Scepter to Drow Ranger
===Earth Spirit===
* Enabled Earth Spirit in Captains Mode
* Intelligence growth reduced from 2.4 to 2.1
* Boulder Smash stun AoE reduced from 200 to 160
* Geomagnetic Grip can now only pull allied heroes when using Scepter
===Elder Titan===
* Earth Splitter damage rescaled from 35% to 30/40/50%
* Earth Splitter mana cost rescaled from 175 to 125/175/225
* Earth Splitters physical damage component is no longer reduced by Damage Block
===Ember Spirit===
* Fire Remnants no longer give vision
* Enchant cooldown reduced from 30/25/20/15 to 30/24/18/12
* Eidolon movement speed increased from 250/250/260/260 to 260/280/300/320
* Malefice damage increased from 25/40/55/70 to 30/50/70/90
* Black Hole cooldown reduced from 200/190/180 to 200/180/160
===Faceless Void===
* Temporarily removed from Captains Mode
* Replaced Backtrack with a new ability, Time Dilation
* Time Walk no longer slows units
* Time Walk now undoes any damage taken in the last 2 seconds
* Time Walk cooldown rescaled from 19/17/15/13 to 24/18/12/6
* Time Walk mana cost reduced from 90 to 40
* Time Walk range reduced from 700/900/1100/1300 to 550
* Time Walk cast point reduced from 0.35 to 0.2
* Call Downs first missile damage reduced from 250/300/350 to 220/285/350
* Berserkers Blood bonuses are provided linearly from full until 10% HP (rather than stepwise at 7% increments)
* Berserkers Blood maximum magic resistance reduced from 42/56/70/84% to 20/30/40/50%
* Invoker now starts with Invoke Level 1 at the beginning of the game
* Invoke now has the standard 6/11/16 leveling
* Level 25 invoker (since he is now missing an ability level) has an attribute bonus ability that grants 6 all stats
* Base damage increased by 7
===Keeper of the Light===
* Chakra Magic cooldown reduction increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
* Chakra Magic buff duration increased from 12 to 15 seconds
* Chakra Magic now restores and increases mana capacity by 75/150/225/300
* Added Scepter to Kunkka
* Torrent now gives your team vision over target area immediately upon cast, rather than just when triggering
* Tidebringer is now an autocast ability, will only trigger if turned on or cast directly on the target
* Tidebringer damage bonus increased from 20/35/50/65 to 25/40/55/70
* Tidebringer AoE from rescaled 500/500/500/600 to 450/500/550/600
* Ghost Ship mana cost reduced from 150/200/250 to 125/175/225
===Legion Commander===
* Moment of Courage cooldown reduced from 2.7/2.1/1.5/0.9 to 2.6/2.0/1.4/0.8
* Legion Commanders Scepter now makes you and your target immune to all damage unless the source is between the Duel participants.
* Legion Commanders Scepter duration is now 4.75/5.5/6.25
* Rage attack speed bonus increased from 30/45/60/80 to 50/60/70/80
* Feast damage and lifesteal increased from 4/5/6/7% to 4.5/5.5/6.5/7.5%
* Infest cooldown reduced from 100 to 100/75/50
* Earth Spike mana cost reduced from 100/120/145/170 to 100/120/140/160
* Earth Spike duration increased from 1.02/1.52/2.02/2.52 to 1.1/1.6/2.1/2.6
* Mana Drain reduced cooldown from 20/15/10/5 to 16/12/8/4
===Lone Druid===
* Temporarily removed from Captains Mode
* Replaced Synergy with a new ability for Lone Druid, Savage Roar
* Spirit Bear attack damage increased from 33 to 35/45/55/65
* Spirit Bear movement speed increased from 320/320/330/340 to 320/330/340/350
* Rabid duration increased from 10 to 18/22/26/30
* Rabid movement speed increased from 5/10/15/20% to 10/15/20/25%
* True Form Health Bonus increased from 250/400/600 to 300/600/900
* Turn rate increased from 0.4 to 0.6
* Eclipse Scepter beam interval reduced from 0.6 to 0.3
* Lycan Wolves and Shapeshift no longer grant critical strike
* Lycan Wolves now gain Lycan#Cripple|Cripple at level 2, granting a 20% chance to cripple the target, causing it to take 8 damage per second and lose 40 Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
* Shapeshift now grants all units under your control a 40% chance for 1.4/1.6/1.8x critical strike
* Added Scepter to Magnus
* Skewer distance increased from 750/900/1050/1200 to 900/1000/1100/1200
* Skewer slow reduced from 40% to 25/30/35/40%
* Skewer slow duration increased from 2.5 to 2.5/2.75/3/3.25 seconds
* Mystic Snake no longer increases manasteal per jump
* Mystic Snake manasteal is now 11/14/17/20% of total mana
* Double Damage no longer affects all Meepo units
* Attack range increased from 600 to 630
* Starstorm radius increased from 625 to 650
* Sacred Arrow now instantly kills the first unit it hits if it is a non-ancient creep
* Adaptive Strike base damage increased from 50/60/70/80 to 100
* Adaptive Strike mana cost reduced from 100 to 100/90/80/70
* Morph (Agility Gain)|Morph rate increased from 2/4/6/10 per second to 2/4/8/16
* Morph now shifts in intervals of 1 rather than 2
* Hybrid cooldown reduced from 140 to 120
===Naga Siren===
* Base Intelligence increased from 18 + 1.95 to 21 + 2.0
===Natures Prophet===
* Base intelligence increased by 4
* Natures Call|Treant damage increased from 28 to 32
* Base armor increased by 1
===Night Stalker===
* Night Stalker#Void|Void slow at night reduced from 4 to 2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds
===Nyx Assassin===
* Nyx Impale duration increased from 1.27/1.77/2.27/2.77 to 1.6/2.0/2.4/2.8
* Spiked Carapace cooldown reduced from 23/20/17/14 to 22/18/14/10
===Ogre Magi===
* Base health regen increased from 2.5 to 3.5
* Enabled Oracle in Captains Mode
* Fates Edict cooldown rescaled from 12 to 16/13/10/7
* Fates Edict duration reduced from 3/4/5/6 to 3/3.5/4/4.5
* Fates Edict cast range rescaled from 700 to 500/600/700/800
* Fortunes End mana cost reduced from 130 to 110
* Fortunes End can now target allies
* False Promise no longer continuously dispels after the initial cast
* False Promise duration increased from 6/7/8 to 7/8/9
* False Promise cooldown rescaled from 80/60/40 to 90/60/30
* False Promise mana cost reduced from 200 to 100
===Outworld Devourer===
* Reworked how Astral Imprisonment works
* Astral Imprisonment cooldown rescaled from 18/16/14/12 to 20/17/14/11
* Astral Imprisonment cast range rescaled from 500 to 450/500/550/600
* Astral Imprisonment duration increased from 1/2/3/4 to 4
* Essence Aura AoE reduced from 1000 to the standard 900 aura radius
* Arcane Orb now steals 0/1/2/3 intelligence per hit for 40 seconds (heroes only)
* Outworld Devourer intelligence growth reduced from 3.3 to 2.7
===Phantom Assassin===
* Base Intelligence increased from 13 + 1 to 15 + 1.4
* Sun Ray turn rate increased from 20 to 25
* Supernova damage per second increased from 60/80/100 to 60/90/120
* Illusory Orb mana cost reduced from 150 to 80/100/120/140
* Illusory Orb cooldown increased from 11 to 14/13/12/11
* Waning Rift cooldown reduced from 16 to 16/15/14/13
* Waning Rift no longer only silences heroes
* Reworked Scepter on Pudge
* Dismember damage from 75/125/175 to 60/90/120 +30/40/50% of strength
* Dismember now heals you for the damage it does
* Decrepify no longer slows allies
===Queen of Pain===
* Scream of Pain damage reduced from 85/165/225/300 to 75/150/225/300
* Sonic Wave travel speed reduced from 1100 to 900
* Temporarily removed from Captains Mode
* Reworked Permanent Invisibility to include Backstab
* Blink Strike back to basic ability without charges
* Added a new ultimate for Riki, Tricks of the Trade
* Strength growth reduced from 2.0 to 1.6
* Agility growth reduced from 2.9 to 2.2
* Base armor reduced by 1
* Smoke Screen no longer slows turn rates
* Fade Bolt attack damage reduction increased from 14/20/26/32 to 20/25/30/35
===Sand King===
* Reworked Scepter on Sand King
* Base strength increased from 18 to 21
* Caustic Finale slow increased from 25% to 30%
===Shadow Demon===
* Disruption illusions duration from 5/6/7/8 to 6/8/10/12 seconds
===Shadow Fiend===
* Added Scepter to Shadow Fiend
* Base armor reduced by 1
* Shadowraze mana cost increased from 75 to 90
===Shadow Shaman===
* Shackles total damage increased from 120/180/240/300 to 120/200/280/360
* Mass Serpent Wards require 2 hits to destroy
* Replaced Curse of the Silent with a new ability, Arcane Curse
* Glaives of Wisdom is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
===Skywrath Mage===
* Concussive Shot mana cost reduced from 110 to 95
* Amplify Damage now only reveals the target rather than the area around it
===Storm Spirit===
* Electric Vortex mana cost reduced from 100/110/120/130 to 85
* Base damage increased by 4
* Gods Strength Scepter aura bonus damage increased from 50/75/100% to 75/100/125%
===Templar Assassin===
* Refraction is now always visible
* Enabled Terrorblade in Captains Mode
* Added Scepter to Tidehunter
* Anchor Smash cast time reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
* Ravage stun duration rescaled from 2.02/2.32/2.77 to 2.0/2.4/2.8
* Whirling Death debuff duration increased from 7 to 11
* Whirling Death mana cost decreased from 70/80/90/100 to 70
* Reactive Armor duration rescaled from 16 to 14/16/18/20
* Laser cast time improved from 0.53 to 0.4
* Laser cast range increased from 550 to 650
* Craggy Exterior now triggers on attacks landing, rather than on start
===Treant Protector===
* Leech Seed mana cost reduced from 100/110/120/130 to 80/95/110/125
* Overgrowth AoE increased from 675 to 800
* Scepter Overgrowth damage and vision AoE increased from 700 to 800
===Troll Warlord===
* Fervor reduced from 20/25/30/35 to 15/20/25/30
* Fervor max stacks increased from 4 to 6
* Whirling Axes (Ranged)|Ranged Whirling Axes cooldown reduced from 20/19/18/17 to 20/18/16/14
* Movement speed reduced from 305 to 300
* Ice Shards damage reduced from 70/140/210/280 to 60/120/180/240
* Snowball can no longer pull units out of Black Hole or Chronosphere
* Snowball gather radius reduced from 400 to 350
* Tombstone Zombie damage reduced from 35 to 33
* Tombstone bounty increased from 75/100/125/150 to 125/150/175/200
* Tombstone no longer grants 44 XP
* Scepter added to Ursa
* Enrage is no longer purgeable
===Vengeful Spirit===
* Added Scepter bonus to Vengeful Spirit
* Venomous Gale cooldown reduced from 22 to 21/20/19/18
* Stone Form AoE increased from 340 to 350
* Base strength increased by 4
* Shadow Word duration increased from 11 to 12 seconds
* Base damage increased by 3
* The Swarm Beetles Base Attack Time improved from 1.4/1.25/1.1/0.95 to 1.25/1.1/0.95/0.8
* Shackleshot is now disjointable
* Shackleshot speed increased from 1515 to 1650
* Shackleshot angle reduced from 26 degrees to 23 degrees
* Powershot speed no longer decreases by a small amount as it goes through units
===Winter Wyvern===
* Temporarily removed from Captains Mode
* Cold Embrace cooldown increased from 17/16/15/14 to 24/21/18/15
* Arctic Burn slow reduced from 25/30/35/40% to 19/26/33/40%
* Winters Curse primary and secondary units are now immune to all damage from their enemies
* Winters Curse secondary units now have 50 attack speed bonus
* Winters Curse AoE increased increased from 400 to 500
* Winters Curse cooldown increased from 110/100/90 to 120/110/100
* Winters Curse duration increased from 2.5/3/3.5 to 3.25/4/4.75
* Fixed Winters Curse lingering if the primary target died
===Witch Doctor===
* Maledict mana cost reduced from 120 to 105/110/115/120
* Maledict cast range increased from 525 to 575
===Wraith King===
* Vampiric Aura can now be toggled to make the lifesteal for heroes only
==New Items==
===Faerie Fire===
* New consumable item, Faerie Fire
===Dragon Lance===
* New item formed from Ogre Club and Quarterstaff.
===Aether Lens===
* New item formed from Energy Booster, Ring of Health, and Cloak.
===Iron Talon===
* New item formed from Quelling Blade, Ring of Protection, and a Recipe.
==Item Changes==
===Abyssal Blade===
* Abyssal Blade#Bash|Bash damage increased from 60 to 120
* Damage bonus decreased from 85 to 70
===Animal Courier===
* Courier purchase cooldown increased from 7 seconds to 2 minutes
* Animal Courier cost decreased from 120 to 100
===Arcane Boots===
* Movement speed reduced by 5 and total cost reduced by 50 Version 6.86#Boots of Speed|(see Boots of Speed changes)
===Assault Cuirass===
* Attack speed aura bonus now affects buildings
===Blade Mail===
* Cooldown reduced from 15 to 13
===Boots of Speed===
* Cost reduced from 450 to 400
* Movement speed reduced by 5
* Cost reduced from 700 to 660
* Health regen per charge reduced from 110 to 90
* Mana regen per charge reduced from 70 to 60
* A charge now heals over 2.5 seconds instead of 3 seconds (total amount is still 90/60)
* Added Bottle to Side Shop, starts with only 1 charge.
* Flutter movement speed increased from 25 to 35%
* Flutter duration reduced from 6 to 4 seconds
* Mana regeneration increased from 170 over 45 seconds to 190 over 50 seconds
* Magic resistance reduced from 20% to 15%
===Crimson Guard===
* Crimson Guard chance from 75% to block 40/20 to 100% to block 32/16
* Cooldown reduced from 70 to 60
* Daedalus#Ability|Critical Strike from 25% chance for 2.4x to 30% chance for 2.2x
===Diffusal Blade===
* Agility bonus increased from 20/35 to 25/35
* Intelligence bonus increased from 6/10 to 10/15
===Drum of Endurance===
* Endurance bonus movement speed increased from 10% to 13%
===Ethereal Blade===
* Mana cost reduced from 150 to 100
===Flying Courier===
* Cost reduced from 220 to 200
===Glimmer Cape===
* Base magic resistance reduced from 20% to 15%
===Heart of Tarrasque===
* HP regeneration increased from 4% to 4.75%
===Helm of the Dominator===
* Dominate now sets the dominated creeps base movement speed to 350
===Hood of Defiance===
* Hood of Defiance now has an active ability.
===Iron Branch===
* Can now be used by targeting the ground, planting a happy little tree that lasts 20 seconds. 200 Cast Range.
* Pierce improved from 20% to deal 40 damage to 25% to deal 85 bonus damage
* Damage bonus reduced from 21 to 10
===Linkens Sphere===
* Cooldown reduced from 16 to 13
* Damage bonus increased from 10 to 15
===Mantle of Intelligence===
* Removed from Side Shop
===Monkey King Bar===
* Monkey King Bar#Mini-Bash|Mini-Bash proc damage increased from 100 to 160
* Damage bonus reduced from 88 to 66
* Recipe cost reduced from 1250 to 1200
* Necronomicon Archer attack range increased from 350/450/550 to 450/500/550
===Observer and Sentry Wards===
* Observer and Sentry Wards now have an AoE indicator before placing
===Observer Ward===
* Experience bounty increased from 50 to 100
===Octarine Core===
* Now affects the replenish time of charged abilities
===Orb of Venom===
* Orb of Venom is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
===Phase Boots===
* Phase Boots#Phase|Phase active no longer cancels when casting
* Movement speed reduced by 5 and total cost reduced by 50 Version 6.86#Boots of Speed|(see Boots of Speed changes)
===Power Treads===
* Movement speed reduced by 5 and total cost reduced by 50 Version 6.86#Boots of Speed|(see Boots of Speed changes)
===Quelling Blade===
* Cost reduced from 225 to 200
===Ring of Protection===
* Cost reduced from 200 to 175
* Armor bonus reduced from 3 to 2
===Rod of Atos===
* Cripple cooldown increased from 10 to 12
* Cripple now grants units that attack the target 40% accuracy
* Sange#Lesser Maim|Maim no longer pierces Spell Immunity
===Sange and Yasha===
* Greater Maim no longer pierces Spell Immunity
* Duration increased from 4 to 4.5
===Scythe of Vyse===
* Scythe of Vyse#Hex|Hex cooldown reduced from 30 to 25
===Silver Edge===
* Silver Edge debuff is no longer dispellable
===Skull Basher===
* Strength bonus increased from 8 to 10
* Bash damage increased from 60 to 120
* Damage reduced from 25 to 10
===Smoke of Deceit===
* Cost reduced from 100 to 50
* Boosted Tangoes now last for double the duration instead of providing double the healing rate
* Using Tango on Iron Branch trees provides double healing duration
===Tranquil Boots===
* Tranquil Boots armor reduced from 4 to 3
* Movement speed reduced by 5 Version 6.86#Boots of Speed|(see Boots of Speed changes)
* Vanguard chance from 75% to block 40/20 to 100% to block 32/16
===Veil of Discord===
* Now requires 2x Robe of the Magi instead of a 900 gold recipe (Int bonus increased by 12)
===Vitality Booster===
* Added to Side Shop
===Ultimate Orb===
* Removed from Side Shop
* Movement speed bonus reduced from 10% to 8%
==External Links==
*[ Gameplay Update 6.86]
* Spiderlings Spiderling|Poison Sting slow reduced from 12% to 8%
* Aghs|Scepter Doomed|Doom no longer increases damage
* Scorched Earth damage and heal reduced from 12/24/36/48 to 12/23/34/45
* Scorched Earth cooldown rescaled from 60/55/50/45 to 55
==External Links==
*[ Dota 2 Update - 6.85b]
===Gameplay Mechanics===
*Purge no longer deals bonus damage to summoned units
*Fixed the following passive abilities not being disabled by Break: Nethertoxin, Tidebringer, Essence Aura, Hunter in the Night, Poison Sting, and neutral ability passives
===Lane Creeps===
*Siege Creeps now behave like normal lane creeps for spell targeting rules
*Siege Creeps now have 80% Magic Resistance
===Neutral Creeps===
*Ancient Thunderhide has a new ability: War Drums Aura - provides +15 Attack Speed and +15% Attack Damage
*Ancient Black Dragon has a new ability: Dragonhide Aura - provides +2 Armor, stackable
*Ancient Dragon Camp units now have 2 less armor
*Mist Coil cooldown reduced from 5 to 4.5
*Borrowed Time Aghanims Scepter damage redirection increased from 35% to 50%
*Acid Spray damage increased from 12/16/20/24 to 15/20/25/30
*Greevils Greed Bounty Rune bonus increased from 4x to 5x
===Ancient Apparition===
*Cold Feet cast range increased from 700 to 700/800/900/1000
*Blink distance rescaled from 1000/1075/1150/1150 to 925/1000/1075/1150
*Mana Void stun rescaled from 0.1/0.2/0.3 to 0.15
*Enfeeble cooldown reduced from 10 to 8
*Brain Sap mana cost reduced from 100/125/150/175 to 70/100/130/160
*Fixed Fiends Grip sometimes not granting True Sight over the target properly
*Flamebreak damage over time reduced from 50 per second to 25/30/35/40
*Flamebreak damage duration increased from 1/2/3/4 to 3/4/5/6
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade: Flaming Lasso grabs its target, as well as the targets nearest allied hero within 400 range. The secondary target is tethered to the first. Also causes Lasso to deal 100 damage per second.
*Thirst scaling changed from 100%→25% to 75%→25%
*Bloodrage heal reduced from 25% to 19/21/23/25%
===Bounty Hunter===
*Track now provides vision only of the target rather than the area around it
*Track allied bonus gold reduced from 50/100/150 to 40/80/120
*Primal Split Brewmaster#Storm|Storms Dispel Magic area of effect increased from 200 to 600
*Primal Split Storms Dispel Magic cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
*Primal Split Earths Hurl Boulder cooldown reduced from 7 to 5 seconds
*Quill Spray damage threshold reduced from 250 to 230
===Centaur Warrunner===
*Centaur#Return|Return strength as bonus damage increased from 26/34/42/50% to 30/42/54/66%
===Chaos Knight===
*Chaos Strike now lowers the targets armor by 5 for 8 seconds whenever it crits
*Chaos Strike critical damage reduced from 150/200/250/300% to 125/175/225/275%
*Penitence slow/damage amplification increased from 14/18/22/26% to 15/20/25/30%
*Test of Faith (Damage) mana cost reduced from 175 to 90/100/110/120
*Test of Faith (Damage) cooldown reduced from 24 to 16
*Strafe cooldown reduced from 45/40/35/30 to 40/35/30/25
===Crystal Maiden===
*Crystal Nova cooldown reduced from 15 to 13
===Dark Seer===
*Base intelligence reduced by 2
*Poison Touch mana cost reduced from 100/115/130/145 to 100
===Death Prophet===
*Exorcism spirits increased from 6/13/21 to 8/14/21
*Thunder Strike cooldown reduced from 16 to 12/11/10/9
*Thunder Strike now only provides vision over the target itself
*Scorched Earth damage/heal increased from 12/18/24/30 to 12/24/36/48
*LVL? Death cooldown reduced from 8 to 7
===Dragon Knight===
*Breathe Fire debuff duration increased from 8 to 11 seconds
===Drow Ranger===
*Precision Aura bonus damage increased from 18/24/30/36% to 20/26/32/38%
*Precision Aura cooldown reduced from 120 to 100
===Earth Spirit===
*Stone Remnant is now placed in front of you when double-clicking it
*Fissure damage reduced from 125/175/225/275 to 110/160/210/260
===Elder Titan===
*Echo Stomp area of effect increased from 475 to 500
*Ancestral Spirit mana cost rescaled from 110 to 80/90/100/110
*Ancestral Spirit attack damage per creep increased from 3/6/9/12 to 6/9/12/15
*Natural Order aura sticky duration increased from 0.5 to 1.0
*Natures Attendants wisp count increased from 3/5/7/9 to 4/6/8/10
*Impetus is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
*Midnight Pulse cast time reduced from 0.2 to 0.1
*Midnight Pulse area of effect reduced from 600 to 550
*Black Hole radius increased from 400 to 420
*Rocket Barrage damage per rocket reduced from 8/13/18/23 to 7/12/17/22
*Call Down slow no longer pierces Spell Immunity
*Berserkers Blood Magic Resistance per stack reduced from 4/5/6/7 to 3/4/5/6
*Intelligence growth increased from 3.2 to 4.0
*Alacrity speed/damage bonus increased from 20→80 to 30→90
*Aghanims Scepter now adds one level to the stats provided by Quas, Wex, and Exort on all Invoked spells
*Max level Deafening Blast now retains its normal location targeting UI
*Dual Breaths fiery wave now moves at the same speed as its icy wave: 850 to 1050
*Dual Breath damage increased from 16/26/56/76 to 20/40/60/80
*Ice Path range increased from 1100 to 1200
*Blade Fury damage increased from 80/100/120/140 to 80/105/130/155
===Keeper of the Light===
*Chakra Magic spell cooldown reduction increased from 1/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5
*Tidebringer damage increased from 15/30/45/60 to 20/35/50/65
*X Marks the Spot cast range rescaled from 350/550/750/1000 to 400/600/800/1000
*X Marks the Spot cooldown rescaled from 19/16/13/10 to 26/20/14/8
*Ghost Ship cast point reduced from 0.4 to 0.3
===Legion Commander===
*Base damage increased by 4
*Overwhelming Odds cooldown reduced from 18 to 15
*Press The Attack cast time reduced from 0.3 to 0.2
*Fixed Legion Commander sometimes auto-attacking nearby units after Duel ends instead of continuing to attack the dueled target
*Base damage reduced by 4
*Lightning Storm jump distance reduced from 650 to 475
*Lightning Storm damage reduced from 80/140/200/260 to 50/100/150/200
*Sacrifice no longer splits XP with enemies
*Chain Frost projectile speed increased from 750 to 850
*Chain Frost attack speed slow increased from 20 to 30
*Rage cooldown reduced from 19 to 16
*Infest and Control can now be used on Ancient Creeps
*Light Strike Array damage reduced from 120/160/200/240 to 80/120/160/200
*Laguna Blade damage reduced from 450/675/950 to 450/650/850
*Finger of Death Aghanims Scepter upgrade area of effect increased from 200 to 300
===Lone Druid===
*Summon Spirit Bear cooldown reduced from 180/160/140/120 to 120
*Battle Cry bonus damage increased from 60/90/120 to 90/120/150
*Battle Cry bonus armor increased from 6/12/18 to 10/15/20
*Strength gain increased from 1.9 to 2.2
*Eclipse cooldown reduced from 160/150/140 to 140
*Eclipse Aghanims Scepter beam count increased from 6/10/14 to 6/12/18
*Strength gain increased from 2.75 to 3.0
*Shapeshift critical strike chance increased from 30% to 30/35/40%
*Empower cooldown reduced from 12 to 8
*Mystic Snake damage and mana steal boost per jump increased from 25% to 35%
*Agility growth from increased 2.75 to 3.3
*Starstorm secondary strike search radius increased from 325 to 425
*Agility growth increased from 3 to 3.4
*Adaptive Strike damage rescaled from 20/40/60/80 to 50/60/70/80
*Hybrid no longer hides Morphling or restricts its usage when a Replicate is out
*Hybrids are visibly known to enemies
===Naga Siren===
*Rip Tide damage rescaled from 130/160/190/220 to 100/140/180/220
*Song of the Siren Aghanims Scepter heal increased from 6% to 8%
===Natures Prophet===
*Sprout cast time reduced from 0.5 to 0.35
*Sprout mana cost reduced from 100/120/140/160 to 70/90/110/130
*Natures Call Natures Prophet#Summoned Units|Treants movement speed increased from 300 to 325
*Natures Call Treants vision reduced from 1200 to 1000
*Greater Treant Base Attack Time reduced from 1.75 to 1.0
*Wrath of Nature Aghanims Scepter now applies a 4 second buff on the units it hits, which will spawn the extra treant if the unit dies during that time
*Death Pulse damage increased from 75/125/200/275 to 125/175/225/275
*Heartstopper Aura no longer affects ancient creeps
*Sadist health regen increased from 1/2/3/4 to 1/2/3/6
*Sadist mana regen increased from 2/4/6/10 to 2/4/6/12
===Night Stalker===
*Base health regen increased from 0.25 to 2
===Nyx Assassin===
*Burrow Impale cooldown reduced from 9 to 7
*Burrow Impale and Mana Burn bonus range increased from 50% to 75%
*Vendetta duration increased from 25/35/50 to 40/50/60
===Ogre Magi===
*Base armor increased by 1
*Bloodlust attack speed bonus increased from 20/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60
*Bloodlust can now be cast on towers
*Fixed Multicast Bloodlust not affecting nearby Spell Immune allies
*Purification cast point reduced from 0.4 to 0.25
*Degen Aura stickiness reduced from 2 to 1
*Fortunes End cast time reduced from 0.3 to 0
*Fortunes End cast range increased from 650 to 850
*Fortunes End radius increased from 215 to 300
*Fortunes End damage rescaled from 75/150/225/300 to 90/120/150/180
*Fortunes End cooldown rescaled from 12 to 15/12/9/6
*Fates Edict no longer amplifies incoming non-magical damage
*Fates Edict now has normal Purge|purgability rules
*Purifying Flames cooldown reduced from 2.5 to 2.25
===Outworld Devourer===
*Strength gain increased from 1.85 to 2.3
*Sanitys Eclipse now always removes 40% of affected heroes max mana
*Sanitys Eclipse mana loss no longer pierces Spell Immunity
*Sanitys Eclipse cast range increased from 600/650/700 to 700
*Sanitys Eclipse cast range is no longer increased with Aghanims Scepter
===Phantom Assassin===
*Stifling Dagger now applies your attacks on-hit effects
*Blur no longer has a 0.75 second delay
===Phantom Lancer===
*Agility growth reduced from 3 to 2.6
*Doppelganger cast time increased from 0 to 0.1
*Sun Ray max health damage per second increased from 1/2/3/4% to 1.25/2.5/3.75/5%
*Illusory Orb speed increased from 600 to 650
*Illusory Orb cooldown reduced from 12 to 11 seconds
*Dream Coil cooldown reduced from 85 to 75
*Rot damage rescaled from 35/60/85/110 to 30/60/90/120
*Rot move slow increased from 20/22/24/26% to 27%
*Base movement speed increased from 320 to 330
*Nether Ward is now placed at the target location using a 150 cast range ability
*Life Drain damage/steal per second increased from 150/185/220 to 150/200/250
===Queen of Pain===
*Sonic Wave damage reduced from 290/390/490 to 290/380/470 (Aghanims Scepter damage reduced from 325/450/575 to 325/440/555)
*Static Link now drains damage smoothly over its duration rather than every second
*Permanent Invisibility health regen increased from 4/5/6/7 to 6/8/10/12
===Sand King===
*Caustic Finale debuff expire damage increased from 30% to 50%
*Caustic Finale debuff slow increased from 20% to 25%
===Shadow Demon===
*Shadow Poison cooldown reduced from 2.75 to 2.5
===Shadow Shaman===
*Shackles cooldown reduced from 16 to 10
*Shackles total damage increased from 120/160/160/200 to 120/180/240/300
*Fixed Last Word countdown debuff not being purgeable
===Skywrath Mage===
*Concussive Shot cooldown reduced from 20/18/16/14 to 18/16/14/12
*Mystic Flare no longer splits its damage over Spell Immune heroes
*Sprint now provides phased movement
*Sprint cooldown reduced from 23 to 17
*Sprint duration reduced from 16 to 12
*Shrapnel delay reduced from 1.4 to 1.2 seconds
*Desolate now works on non-hero units if they are alone
*Dispersion now reflects damage before reductions and returns it as the same damage type
===Spirit Breaker===
*Greater Bash now uses pseudo random chance
===Storm Spirit===
*Static Remnant mana cost increased from 70/80/90/100 to 100
*Static Remnant unobstructed vision reduced from 800 to 600
*Ball Lightning base mana cost increased from 15 + 7% to 30 + 8%
*Base intelligence increased by 2
*Great Cleave damage increased from 20/35/50/65 to 30/42/54/66%
*Techies mines are no longer triggered when destroyed
*Techies mines can now be destroyed using Quelling Blade/Battle Fury
*Techies mines now provide 10 Gold for destroying them
*Land Mines cooldown and mana cost reduced by 50%
*Land Mines damage reduced by 50%
*File:Techies land mines.png|30px|link=Land Mines Land Mines no longer have a max count
*Land Mines and Stasis Traps no longer block neutral spawns
*Land Mines no longer stack exactly on top of each other
*Temporarily removed from Captains Mode
*Reflection now affects all enemy heroes in a 900 area of effect
*Reflection attack and move slow reduced from 60% to 25%
*Reflection cooldown rescaled from 22/18/14/10 to 22/20/18/16
*Conjure Image illusions are known as illusions to enemies
*Conjure Image cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.15
*Metamorphosis now emits a 900 range aura that affects his nearby illusions, causing them to match his current form
*Sunder cast range increased from 325 to 550
*Sunder minimum health increased from 20% to 25%
*Gush armor reduction increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
*Whirling Death cooldown reduced from 8 to 6
*Rearm channel time reduced from 3/2/1 to 3/1.5/0.75
*Base strength increased from 24 to 26
*Base intelligence increased from 14 to 17
===Treant Protector===
*Leech Seed mana cost reduced from 140 to 100/110/120/130
===Troll Warlord===
*Fervor attack speed per stack increased from 16/22/28/34 to 20/25/30/35
*Ice Shards mana cost increased from 90 to 100/105/110/115
*Snowball max launch time reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
*Frozen Sigil no longer goes through Spell Immunity
*Aghanims Scepter Walrus Kick now deals 200 damage
*Aghanims Scepter no longer improves Flesh Golem
*Aghanims Scepter now increases Decays strength steal from 4 to 10
*Tombstone Zombies attack damage reduced from 41 to 35
*Tombstone now requires a constant number of attacks to be destroyed: 3/4/5/7 from heroes
*Soul Rip can now restore 1/2/3/4 health to Tombstone
*Strength gain reduced from 2.9 to 2.7
*Earthshock cooldown reduced from 6 to 5
*Enrage fury swipes multiplier reduced from 1.5/2/2.5 to 1.5/1.75/2
*Enrage cooldown reduced from 50/45/40 to 50/40/30
===Vengeful Spirit===
*Agility gain increased from 2.8 to 3.3
*Base movement speed increased from 295 to 300
*Poison Sting damage increased from 5/10/15/20 to 6/12/18/24
*Poison Sting now works normally on illusions
*Poison Nova damage per second reduced from 36/58/81 to 30/55/80 (Aghanims Scepter damage per second increased from 58/81/108 to 60/85/110)
*Poison Nova duration increased from 12/14/15/16 to 16
*Agility growth increased from 2.5 to 2.9
*Corrosive Skin slow no longer pierces Spell Immunity
*Familiars Stone Form area of effect increased from 325 to 340
*Golems can no longer be destroyed by Purge
*The Swarm mana cost rescaled from 100 to 70/80/90/100
*The Swarm cooldown reduced from 36/33/30/27 to 35/30/25/20
===Winter Wyvern===
*Winters Curse no longer affects Spell Immune enemies in the area, but it still affects the primary target
===Witch Doctor===
*Death Ward damage increased from 60/90/120 to 60/105/150
*Death Ward no longer bounces once at level 3
===Wraith King===
*Base damage increased by 7
*Vampiric Aura does not show the healing effect if Wraith King is in the fog of war or is invisible to the enemy
*Reincarnation Aghanims Scepter ally death delay increased from 5 to 7 seconds
*Reincarnation Aghanims Scepter ally wraith aura now remains active during Reincarnation
*The following target unit items are now like Bottle, self cast by default and target cast with control: Clarity Potion, Mango, Healing Salve
===Aegis of the Immortal===
*Aegis now provides temporary ground vision near your death area while reincarnating
===Battle Fury===
*Chop cooldown reduced from 5 to 4 seconds (same for Quelling Blade)
*Respawn time reduction reduced from 4 per charge to 3 per charge
*Bloodstone no longer reduces gold lost on death
*Bloodstone no longer grants vision/experience where its owner died
*Health/mana restore reduced from 135/70 to 110/70
===Crimson Guard===
*Recipe cost reduced from 825 to 600
===Diffusal Blade===
*Purge cooldown reduced from 8 to 0
===Drum of Endurance===
*Endurance active buff increased from 20 to 25 bonus attack speed
===Dust of Appearance===
*Cooldown reduced from 60 to 30
===Enchanted Mango===
*Cost reduced from 150 to 125
*Cast range increased from 250 to 400
===Ethereal Blade===
*Ether Blast cooldown reduced from 30 to 20
===Euls Scepter of Divinity===
*Cyclone cast range reduced from 700 to 575
===Guardian Greaves===
*Mend cooldown reduced from 45 to 40
===Glimmer Cape===
*Glimmer fade time increased from 0.4 to 0.6
*Glimmer buff is now purgeable
*Glimmer buff magic resistance reduced from 55 to 45%
*Glimmer buff cast range reduced from 900 to 800
*Glimmer buff mana cost reduced from 130 to 110
*Glimmer visual effect on initial cast is now more obvious
===Heart of Tarrasque===
*Health restore per second increased from 3.25 to 4%
===Heavens Halberd===
*Can now be disassembled
===Helm of the Dominator===
*Now sets the Dominated units health to a minimum of 1400
===Helm of Iron Will===
*Cost reduced from 950 to 900
===Lotus Orb===
*Echo Shell mana cost reduced from 100 to 75
*Echo Shell cooldown reduced from 17 to 15
===Manta Style===
*Mirror Image range/melee cooldown reduced from 50/35 to 45/30
*Mirror Image mana cost reduced from 165 to 125
===Medallion of Courage===
*Can no longer target Spell Immune enemies
*Reduces armor values by half against Roshan
===Solar Crest===
*Evasion and miss chance reduced from 30% to 25%
*Can no longer target Spell Immune enemies
*Reduces armor values by half against Roshan
*Chain Lightning targets count increased from 8 to 12
===Moon Shard===
*No longer requires a recipe
*Necronomicon Warrior and Necronomicon Archer health increased from 600/700/800 to 700/800/900
===Octarine Core===
*Fixed interaction with Guardian Greaves
===Pipe of Insight===
*Insight Aura now works on the carrier
===Phase Boots===
*Phase duration reduced from 3.6 seconds to 2.5 seconds
*Phase bonus speed increased from 16% to 24% for melee heroes, 20% for ranged
===Power Treads===
*Attack speed reduced from 30 to 25
===Quelling Blade===
*Chop cooldown reduced from 5 to 4 seconds (same for Battle Fury)
*Recipe cost reduced from 1425 to 1350
===Scythe of Vyse===
*Cooldown reduced from 35 to 30
===Town Portal Scroll===
*Town Portal Scroll cost reduced from 100 to 75
===Ring of Health===
*Ring of Health cost reduced from 875 to 850
===Void Stone===
*Void Stone cost reduced from 875 to 850
===Veil of Discord===
*Recipe cost reduced from 1100 to 900
==External Links==
*[ Gameplay Update 6.85]
* Haste Rune duration reduced from 30 to 25
===Gold & Experience===
* The fixed portion of the XP Hero Bounty for first 5 levels is reduced from 100/120/160/220/300 to 100/120/140/160/180 (then continues +100 per level as usual)
* AoE Gold Bounty, for teams that are behind, now has a small additional component that doesnt fully scale with net worth (100/75/50/35/25 for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes, scales linearly from 0 to 4k net worth difference)
* Small adjustments to AoE Gold (non-networth component):
* Base Attack Time increased from 1.7 to 1.8
* Spiderlings Brood#Poison Sting|Poison Sting slow reduced from 15 to 12%
* Holy Persuasion now provides a base HP minimum of 700/800/900/1000 instead of raw bonus HP
===Drow Ranger===
* Precision Auras passive no longer has an exception for pseudo-heroes like Familiars (still affects them when cast, like creeps)
* Rocket Barrage damage reduced from 11/15/19/23 to 8/13/18/23
* Tether movespeed bonus reduced from 17% to 14/15/16/17%
* Tombstone HP reduced from 200/400/600/800 to 175/350/525/700
*Mekansm cooldown increased from 45 to 65
==External Links==
*[ Dota 2 Update - 6.84c]
* Roshan armor upgrade increased from 1 per 8 minutes to 1.4 per 8 minutes
* Hawk movement speed from 250/300/350/400 to 250/275/300/325
===Centaur Warrunner===
* Stampede Scepter damage reduction from 70% to 60%
* Base Intelligence reduced from 23 to 19
===Queen of Pain===
* Base movement speed reduced from 300 to 295
* Flesh Golem minimum damage amplification reduced from 5/10/15% to 1% (same for scepter)
* Flesh Golem minimum slow reduced from 5% to 1%
* Soul Rip manacost increased from 50/75/100/125 to 100/110/120/130
* Zombies no longer require two hits to kill from Towers
* Enrage damage multiplier reduced from 2/2.5/3 to 1.5/2/2.5
* Familiars hit requirement reduced from 4 to 3
===Glimmer Cape===
* Glimmer Cape Magic Resistance reduced 66% to 55%
* Glimmer Cape and Shadow Amulet Attack Speed reduced from 30 to 20
===Shadow Amulet===
* Glimmer Cape and Shadow Amulet Attack Speed reduced from 30 to 20
===Silver Edge===
* Silver Edge recipe cost increased from 350 to 600
==External Links==
*[ Dota 2 Update - 6.84b]
===Gold & Experience===
*AoE Bonus Gold component based on Team Net Worth difference reduced by 25%
*AoE Bonus XP component based on Team XP difference reduced by 40%
*Melee lane creep bounty reduced from 43 to 40 (-7%)
*Range lane creep bounty reduced from 48 to 45 (-6.25%)
*Hero kills (the non-net worth portions) are worth 10% more
*Reduced the direct hero last hit bounty by 100 and redistributed that gold into AoE gold (in ratio of 100/75/40/25/20 for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes)
:If you are the only person contributing to a kill, you still get the same gold overall
*AoE Bonus Gold is now distributed based on the relative net worth amongst the heroes involved in killing the hero by +/- 25%
:Example: If 3 heroes kill an enemy hero, and the extra AoE bounty would normally be 200 gold for each player, it is instead 200+25% for the poorest hero, 200 for the middle, and 200-25% for the richest
*The amount of AoE Bonus Gold given is now increased/decreased by up to 20% based on the dying hero’s relative rank in net worth amongst all the enemies on that team.
:Example: If the total AoE gold would normally have been 600, if the hero dying is the lowest in net worth, the bounty is reduced by 20% giving only 480. If the dying hero is the highest, it is increased by 20%, giving 720
*Instead of Buyback temporarily preventing unreliable gold gain, it now reduces all gold gained (including hero and aoe gold) by 60%
:This means that if you buyback when the enemy is pushing and you get a few kills, the amount of gold you get for that, including the networth difference bonus, is reduced by 60%
*Melee Barracks team bounty increased from 175 to 275
*Ranged Barracks team bounty increased from 100 to 225
*Tier 2 and 3 towers armor reduced from 25 to 22
===Lane Creeps===
*Extra melee creeps additions spawn time changed from 17:30/34:00/50:30 to 15:00/30:00/45:00
:This means that you will get an extra melee creep at 15 minutes instead of at 17:30
*Extra range/siege creep additions spawntime from 45:30 to 45:00
*Creeps now meet slightly closer to the Dire safelane
===Neutral Creeps===
*Ancient Black Dragon bounty reduced from 199 to 170
*Ancient Black Drake bounty reduced from 50 to 40
*Ancient Rumblehide bounty reduced from 83 to 65
*Satyr Tormenter gold bounty reduced from 104 to 84
*Hellbear health reduced from 950 to 700
*Hellbear bounty reduced from 65 to 50
*Ogre Frostmage bounty reduced from 52 to 40
*Reworked Mud Golems:
===Gameplay Mechanics===
*Hero kills achieved by units under your control now provide XP credit to your hero (Affects things like Spirit Bear, Golems, Familiars, etc getting kills)
*Melee attacks now miss if the target is farther than 350 range more than their attack range
*Reduced All Pick drafting time from 40 to 35 seconds per turn
*The following abilities no longer ignore units classified as Unit Type#Ancient|Ancients (Neutral Ancients, Warlocks Golem, etc): Ice Vortex, Mana Void, Berserkers Call, Blood Rite, Blade Fury, Omnislash, Torrent, Ghost Ship, Smoke Screen, Static Remnant, Primal Roar, Earth Spike, Heartstopper Aura, Shrapnel, Golems Warlock#Permanent Immolation|Immolation, Sticky Napalm, Primal Splits Brew#Permanent Immolation|Immolation, Call Down, Invokers Tornado, EMP, Chaos Meteor, Sun Strike, Ice Wall, Deafening Blast, Pulse Nova, Eclipse, Battery Assault, Rocket Flare, Shadow Poison, Dispersion, The Swarm, Kinetic Field, Static Storm, Astral Spirit, Echo Stomp, Overwhelming Odds, Stone Gaze, Earthbind, Poof, Rip Tide, Nyxs Impale, Fire Spirits, Supernova, Mystic Flare, Dark Pact, Suicide Squad, Attack!, Ravage, Demonic Purge, Fortunes End
:Note: This does not mean that all these spells fully affect Neutral Ancients. It still depends on the units with Ancient tag being Spell Immune or not. It primarily means that those spells have no specific rule around the Ancient flag itself.
*Damage Block no longer affects physical spells (previously it affected some physical spells and some not)
*Cast behavior while turning to cast has been adjusted.
*Reworked the Item Silencing and Passive Disabling behaviors.
*Hex no longer applies the Break mechanic
:Affects Scythe of Vyse, Hex|Voodoo, etc
*Silence no longer disables Invisibility
:Previously it disabled some and not others
*Moved Ring of Health, Void Stone, and Orb of Venom from Secret Shop to the Base
*Moved Platemail, Talisman of Evasion, and Ultimate Orb from the Base to the Secret Shop
*Added Void Stone and Mantle of Intelligence to Side Shop
*Runes now have a higher hit box priority over units
*Armor now shows decimal places in the hover tooltip
*Fixed buyback respawn timer penalty being reset if you die holding Aegis
*The following heroes are no longer restricted from buying Basher/Abyssal (but they are still restricted from activating Bash): Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, Slardar and Troll
*Borrowed Time can now be cast while disabled (same rules as Morphlings Morph)
*Unstable Concoction countdown can now be seen by enemies
*Unstable Concoction now has an area targeting cursor
*Greevils Greed now grants 4x gold bounty from Runes
*Alchemist can now cast Aghanims Scepter to directly grant any allied hero all Aghanims Scepter bonuses as a buff (the hero upgrade and the stat upgrade). The scepter is consumed in the process. Multiple instances of this buff do not stack. Alchemist can target himself as well
===Ancient Apparition===
*Chilling Touch buff can now be removed by clicking on the buff icon above the health bar
*Berserkers Call cast point from 0.3 to 0.4
*Counter Helix now triggers when attacks land rather than when they start
:Affects Centaur Warrunners Return and Timbersaws Reactive Armor as well
*Culling Blade movement and attack speed bonuses reduced from 40% to 30%
*Brain Sap mana cost from 125/150/175/200 to 100/125/150/175
*Units affected by Nightmare no longer provide vision
*Nightmare End can now be used by Bane to end all other existing Nightmares
*Flamebreak damage changed from an instant 75/150/225/300 damage to 50 damage per second for 1/2/3/4 seconds
*Firefly damage reduced from 20/40/60/80 to 10/30/50/70
*Beastmaster base damage increased by 4
*Wild Axes cast point from 0.5 to 0.4
*Call of the Wild Boar attack point from 0.633 to 0.5
*Thirst bonuses scale from 100 to 25% HP instead of 100 to 0%
*Thirst vision threshold from 30% health to 25%
===Bounty Hunter===
*Bounty Hunter Intelligence growth increased from 1.4 to 2.0
*Shuriken Toss damage from 100/200/250/325 to 150/225/300/375
*Shuriken Toss cast range reduced from 650 to 400
*Shuriken Toss mana cost from 90/115/135/155 to 120/130/140/150
*Tracks Shuriken Toss bounce range from 900 to 1200
*Track now shows how much gold the enemy is carrying in the debuff tooltip
*Primal Split units no longer provide a bounty when killed (was 11-35 depending on level)
*Bristleback movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
*Viscous Nasal Goo armor reduction rescaled from 1/1/2/2 per stack to 1/1.4/1.8/2.2
*Incapacitating Bite is no longer a Unique Attack Attack Modifier
*Insatiable Hunger attack damage from 60/80/100 to 60/90/120
===Centaur Warrunner===
*Return now triggers when attacks land rather than when they start
:Affects Axes Counter Helix and Timbersaws Reactive Armor as well
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade to Centaur: Stampede reduces all incoming damage by 70% and allows allies to run through obstructions (trees, cliffs, etc). Destroys trees
===Chaos Knight===
*Chaos Bolt minimum damage from 1/50/75/100 to 75/100/125/150
*Skeleton Walk cooldown from 20 to 20/19/18/17
*Death Pact cooldown from 45/40/35 to 45/35/25
*Rocket Flare speed from 1500 to 1750
===Crystal Maiden===
*Crystal Nova movement and attack slow from -30 to -20/30/40/50
*Crystal Nova slow duration from 3.5/4/4.5/5 to 4.5
*Frostbite cooldown reduced from 10/9/8/7 to 9/8/7/6
*Freezing Field cooldown from 150/120/90 to 90
===Dark Seer===
*Ion Shell duration increased from 20 to 25 seconds
*Wall of Replica damage dealt by illusions from 70/80/90% to 60/75/90%
*Wall of Replica duration from 15/30/45 to 45
*Wall of Replica mana cost from 200/300/400 to 125/250/375
*Poison Touch level 4 damage from 32 to 36
===Death Prophet===
*Exorcism spirit count from 4/12/21 to 6/13/21
*Kinetic Field duration from 2.5/3/3.5/4 to 2.6/3.2/3.8/4.4
===Dragon Knight===
*Breathe Fire now also reduces base damage by 20/25/30/35% for 8 seconds
*Corrosive Breath damage is now lethal
*Elder Dragon Forms Splash Attack damage percentage radius from 100/200/250 (for 100/75/50% damage) to 150/225/300
===Earth Spirit===
*Boulder Smash damage from 125 to 50/100/150/200
*Geomagnetic Grip manacost from 75 to 100
*Geomagnetic Grip damage from 50/125/200/275 to 50/100/150/200
*Magnetize can now be dispelled
*Fixed Hex not interrupting Rolling Boulder if cast during the initial 0.6 seconds
===Elder Titan===
*Echo Stomp channel time from 1.8 to 1.6
*Echo Stomp cooldown from 15 to 14/13/12/11
*Untouchable attack slow from 30/60/90/120 to 40/70/100/130
*Enchant can now be cast on controlled units to refresh the Enchant duration
*Impetus now pierces Spell Immunity
*Midnight Pulse cast point improved from 0.3 to 0.2
*Black Hole now does a constant 55/110/165 damage per second regardless of proximity to the center
*Black Hole mana cost from 275/350/425 to 275/325/375
*Rocket Barrage no longer has a cast point (Previously had 0.3)
*Call Down missile two slow duration from 3 to 4
*Inner Vitality cast range increased from 550 to 800
*Inner Vitality cooldown from 25/22/19/16 to 22/18/14/10
*Invoker Intelligence gain from 2.5 to 3.2
*Invoke no longer triggers cooldown if it only swaps the ability slots
*Sun Strike cooldown from 30 to 25
*Max level Deafening Blast (Quas, Wex, and Exort all at max level) is now a non-targetable circular wave released in every direction around Invoker
*Relocate double click now teleports to fountain
*Jakiro base strength increased from 24 to 25
*Macropyre duration increased from 7 (14 Scepter) to 10 (20 Scepter)
*Macropyre area of effect increased from 225 to 240
*Blade Fury cooldown from 30/25/22/18 to 42/34/26/18
*Blade Fury now has the same Spell Immunity on cast dispel behavior as other Spell Immunities
:Previously it also removed your positive buffs
*Healing Ward movement speed from 450 to 420
*Omnislash no longer ministuns on cast
*Using items/abilities in Omnislash no longer requires facing direction
===Keeper of the Light===
*Mana Leak cooldown from 16 to 16/14/12/10
*Chakra Magic now adds a buff that that reduces the cooldown of the next spell its target casts by 1/2/3/4 seconds. Buff lasts 12 seconds.
*Scepter Illuminate heal percentage from 75% to 100%
*Kunkka no longer turns to cast Torrent
*Torrent cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds
*X Marks The Spot mana cost from 80 to 50
===Legion Commander===
*Moment of Courage counterattack chance from 16/18/20/22 to 25%
*Moment of Courage lifesteal from 20/40/60/80% to 55/65/75/85%
*Moment of Courage cooldown from 0.9 to 2.7/2.1/1.5/0.9
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade to Legion Commander: Duel lasts until either Legion Commander or her target dies. Ends if duelists are ever more than 2,000 range apart.
*Leshrac movement speed from 315 to 320
*Lightning Storm cast point from 0.7 to 0.6
*Lightning Storm slow duration from 0.75 to 0.7/0.8/0.9/1
*Ice Armor cast range from 800 to 1000
*Chain Frost projectile speed from 675 to 750
*Feast is now considered as normal bonus damage (can Crit and Cleave off it)
*Open Wounds lifesteal increased from 15/20/25/30% to 50%
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade to Lifestealer: Grants a new skill, Assimilate. Assimilate allows Lifestealer to target an allied hero and swallow them, allowing them to hide inside of Lifestealer. Any healing Lifestealer receives is shared with the assimilated hero. The assimilated hero can release itself at any time by clicking on the buff icon to erupt outward and deal 300 damage to enemies in a 700 area of effect. If Lifestealer dies or assimilates another hero, the currently assimilated hero will automatically exit. Issuing any order with your hero, a few seconds after being assimilated, will take you out.
*Aghanims Scepter-upgraded Laguna Blade no longer increases cast range
===Lone Druid===
*True Form is no longer removed on death
:Other toggle forms change as well: Medusas Split Shot and Mana Shield, and Troll Warlords Berserkers Rage
*Battle Cry armor increased from 5/10/15 to 6/12/18
*Battle Cry damage increased from 50/75/100 to 60/90/120
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade to Lone Druid: Allows Spirit Bear to attack at any range from Lone Druid, and prevents Spirit Bear from dying if Lone Druid dies
*Luna base armor increased by 1
*Eclipse per unit cap increased from 4 to 5
*Improved Aghanims Scepter: Allows Eclipse to be cast on an area within 2,500 range. Grants obstructed vision of that area. Can also target any allied unit to center Eclipse on their location, even while moving (can double click or target Luna)
*Split Shot and Mana Shield are no longer removed on death
:Other toggle forms change as well: Lone Druids True Form and Troll Warlords Berserkers Rage
*Geostrike damage from 7/14/21/28 to 8/16/24/32
*Divided We Stand no longer causes Meepo to respawn 20% faster
*Starstorms second hit range from 175 to 325, and the second hit now strikes the unit closest to Mirana
*Adaptive Strike now has a 1150 speed projectile
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade to Morphling: Grants a new ability, Hybrid. Allows morphling to target an ally, turning himself into a hybrid illusion, removing the Morphling himself. This hybrid illusion can cast non-ultimate abilities and has your original attributes. Lasts 20 seconds. When the duration ends or the hybrid dies, your hero emerges (cannot end prematurely). Cooldown: 140, Manacost: 200, 600 cast range. Note: Ability is not available while you have a Replicate living.
===Naga Siren===
*Ensnare cooldown from 14 to 12
*Ensnare is now dispellable
:Can still be cast on Spell Immune units
*Ensnare is no longer removed if the target becomes Ethereal
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade: Song of the Siren Scepter now regenerates you and nearby allies by 6% of maximum HP per second for up to 7 seconds.
===Natures Prophet===
*Sprout cast range increased from 600 to 625/700/775/850
*Sprout duration increased from 3/3.75/4.5/5.25 to 3/4/5/6
*Natures Call treant base damage from 22 to 28
*Aghanims Scepter-upgraded Wrath of Nature now spawns a Natures Call treant whenever it kills a unit. Killing a hero will spawn a stronger treant (3x damage and health of a normal one)
===Night Stalker===
*Void attack speed slow increased from -35 to -50 (now matches movement speed slow)
===Nyx Assassin===
*Using Spiked Carapace no longer removes Vendetta
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade to Nyx: Adds a new ability, Burrow, with a one second cast time. While Burrowed, Nyx Assassin is invisible and unable to move/attack, but has 40% damage resistance, and regenerates 1.5% of his health and mana per second. Nyx Assassins abilities also have improved properties while burrowed: Mana Burn and Impale have 50% increased cast range, Impale Cooldown is reduced from 13 to 9, and Spiked Carapace instantly stuns any enemy units within a 300 area of effect without requiring them to hurt him first. Casting Vendetta causes Burrow to end
*Purification cast point from 0.5 to 0.4
*Purifying Flames mana cost reduced from 55/70/85/100 to 50/60/70/80
*Purifying Flames cooldown reduced from 3 to 2.5
*Purifying Flames can now target non-hero units
*False Promise no longer makes the target invisible
*False Promise now continuously removes debuffs and disables, instead of only when first cast
*False Promise duration from 7/8/9 to 6/7/8
*False Promise cooldown from 20 to 80/60/40
===Outworld Devourer===
*Aghanims Scepter Sanitys Eclipse upgrade now affects everyone in the area of effect with Astral Imprisonment after it deals its damage
*Aghanims Scepter Sanitys Eclipse upgrade no longer always triggers the mana drain and does not increase the damage multiplier by 1
*Fire Spirits now does an obstructed reveal of the area it hits for 1 second
*Waning Rift damage increased from 70/140/210/280 to 100/160/220/280
*Rot move slow from 20% to 20/22/24/26%
*Decrepify enemy slow from 50% to 30/40/50/60%
*Decrepify enemy magic damage amplification from 50% to 30/40/50/60%
*Decrepify duration from 2/2.5/3/3.5 to 3.5
*Decrepify cooldown from 12/10/8/6 to 15/12/9/6
*Life Drain damage and restore per second from 120/160/200 to 150/185/220
*Life Drain cast range from 1100 to 900/1050/1200
*Pugnas Aghanims Scepter-upgraded Life Drain no longer increases cast range
*Smoke Screen no longer slows attack speed
*Smoke Screen now reduces turn rate by 30%
*Null Field now also affects creeps
===Sand King===
*Caustic Finale duration from 8 to 6
*Caustic Finale now always triggers (via unit death or when its duration expires). If triggered by timer expiration, it deals 30% of the damage
*Caustic Finale no longer resets the duration on a unit that already has the debuff
*Caustic Finale now applies a 20% move slow when the damage triggers (via unit death or when timer expires). Slow lasts for 3 seconds
===Shadow Demon===
*Shadow Poison mana cost from 50 to 40
*Demonic Purge Aghanims Scepter upgrade now applies Break (disabling passive abilities)
===Shadow Shaman===
*Shadow Shaman base strength increased from 19 to 21
*Shadow Shaman strength gain increased from 1.6 to 1.8
*Silencer base movement speed from 300 to 295
*Last Word initial enemy cast allowance window from 5 to 4 seconds
*Last Word no longer disarms
*Last Word now applies a 14/16/18/20% movespeed slow whenever it triggers
*Slithereen Crush damage from 50/100/150/200 to 75/125/175/225
*Sniper agility gain from 2.9 to 2.5
*Shrapnel recharge time increased from 40 to 55
*Shrapnel delay increased from 0.8 to 1.4 seconds
*Shrapnel now gives vision when the shrapnel lands rather than instantly
*Headshot can now miss
*Assassinate damage from 355/505/655 to 320/485/650
*Reality no longer kills the target illusion, it now swaps positions
===Spirit Breaker===
*Empowering Haste cooldown from 16 to 12
===Storm Spirit===
*Storm Spirit movement speed reduced from 290 to 285
*Ball Lightning flying vision from 1000 to 400
*Warcry armor bonus increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20
*Land Mines activation delay reduced from 1.75 to 0.5 seconds
*Stasis Trap Activation delay from 2 to 1.5
*Stasis Trap Detonation delay from 2 to 1.5
*Suicide Squad, Attack! cooldown reduced from 180/170/160/150 to 160/140/120/100
*Minefield Sign cooldown from 120 to 360
*Minefield Sign now requires Techies to walk precisely to the targeted spot
*Minefield Sign now has an area of effect targeting cursor
*Minefield Sign now has a limited lifetime of 180 seconds
*Techies Aghanims Scepter upgrade now causes the Minefield Sign to make all Land Mines, Stasis Traps and Remote Mines within 125 area of effect immune to True Sight. Can only have one sign out at a time
===Templar Assassin===
*Meld cooldown from 7 to 6
*Reflection cast range from 275 to 325
*Reflection illusion outgoing damage from 40/50/60/70% to 40/60/80/100%
*Kraken Shell damage block increased from 10/20/30/40 to 12/24/36/48
*Reactive Armor now triggers when attacks land rather when attacks begin
:Affects Axes Counter Helix and Centaur Warrunners Return as well
*Reactive Armor max stacks increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20
*Laser hero blind duration increased from 3 to 3/3.5/4/4.5
*Rearm mana cost from 150/250/350 to 125/225/325
*Aghanims Scepter Laser no longer has additional cast range
*Aghanims Scepter Laser now refracts to visible enemy heroes with a 550 bounce range
*Toss grab radius increased from 250 to 275
*Toss now grabs the closest unit rather than a random unit
===Treant Protector===
*Eyes in the Forest area of effect reduced from 800 to 700
===Troll Warlord===
*Berserkers Rage no longer provides +15 damage
*Ranged Whirling Axes no longer provide 800 vision
*Melee Whirling Axes no longer provide 500 vision
*Battle Trance duration reduced from 7 to 5 seconds
*Berserker’s Rage is no longer removed on death
:Other toggle forms changed as well: Medusas Split Shot and Mana Shield, and Lone Druids True Form
*Ice Shards mana cost reduced from 120 to 90
*Ice Shards cooldown from 18/16/14/12 to 19/16/13/10
*Ice Shards vision reveal from 0.5 seconds to 2 seconds
*Snowball speed is now a constant 675
*Snowball no longer auto-loads units in 100 range
*Tusk can now add allies to Snowball while it is moving
*Added Aghanims Scepter to Tusk: Adds a new ability called Walrus Kick. Kicks the target back 900 units. The kick slows by 40% for 4 seconds. 12 second cooldown
*Soul Rip is now considered one damage instance on the enemy
*Removed Tombstone Zombie targeting from Soul Rip
*Tombstone Zombies now require 1 attack to kill rather than having 30 health (zombies require 2 hits from creeps)
*Reworked Enrage
*Venomous Gale tick damage from 0/30/60/90 to 10/40/70/100
*Viper Strike cooldown reduced from 80/50/30 to 70/50/30
*Gravekeepers Cloak recharge time from 6 to 4
*Familiars no longer have 300/450/600 health
*Familiars now require 4 hero attacks to be killed (creeps/illusions do 1/4 damage, towers do 1/2)
*Fatal Bonds cast range increased from 900 to 1000
*Fatal Bonds cast time from 0.5 to 0.2
*Chaotic Offering Golems health regeneration from 15/30/45 to 25/50/75
*The Swarm duration rescaled from 14/16/18/20 to 16
*The Swarm damage from 15/20/25/30 to 20
*The Swarm attack rate from an attack every 1.35 seconds to 1.4/1.25/1.1/0.95
*Geminate Attack now launches the second projectile 0.25 seconds after the initial one fires instead of after impacting the target
*Geminate Attack no longer has a range limit
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade to Weaver: reduces the cooldown of Time Lapse to 20 seconds and allows Time Lapse to target allied heroes. 1000 cast range
*Shackleshot cast point from 0.3 to 0.15
===Winter Wyvern===
*Enabled Winter Wyvern in Captains Mode
*Reworked Winters Curse
*Arctic Burn is now dispellable
*Arctic Burn damage per second from 6% of health to 8%
*Arctic Burn damage type from Pure to Magic
*Arctic Burn no longer pierces Spell Immunity
*Splinter Blast speed increased 500->650 (1.35 to 1.0 seconds max)
*Splinter Blast debuff is now dispellable
*Cold Embrace now behaves as normal regeneration instead of 0.1 interval heals
===Wraith King===
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade to Wraith King: Allies who are near Wraith King (within 1200 aoe) when slain become Wraiths for 5 seconds, delaying their death. They can continue attacking, casting, etc. When the duration ends, the hero dies, and credit for the kill goes to whowever landed the original killing blow.
*Thundergods Wrath area vision reduced from 1000 to 500
*Fixed Thundergods Wrath sometimes hitting invisible units depending on the order of player slots.
==New Items==
===Enchanted Mango===
*New consumable
===Lotus Orb===
*New item formed from Perseverance, Platemail, and a recipe
===Glimmer Cape===
*New item formed from Cloak and Shadow Amulet
===Guardian Greaves===
*New item formed from Arcane Boots, Mekansm, and a recipe
===Moon Shard===
*New item formed from 2 Hyperstones and a recipe
===Silver Edge===
*New item formed from Shadow Blade, Sange, and a recipe
===Solar Crest===
*New item formed from Medallion of Courage and Talisman of Evasion
===Octarine Core===
*New item formed from Mystic Staff and Soul Booster
==Item Additions==
===Observer & Sentry Wards===
*Observer and Sentry Wards now stack into one inventory slot. Double clicking toggles which ward type is currently active.
:You can see the charge count of each type of ward. The number on the right is for the currently active ward
===Upgraded Boots of Travel===
*Boots of Travel can now be upgraded by purchasing the recipe again. Allows you to target and teleport to allied heroes.
==Item Changes==
===Skull Basher===
*Strength increased from 6 to 8
*Damage reduced from 40 to 25
*Bash now deals 60 bonus damage
*Bash cooldown increased from 2 to 2.3
===Abyssal Blade===
*Damage reduced from 100 to 85
*Bash now deals 60 bonus damage
*Bash cooldown increased from 2 to 2.3
===Energy Booster===
*Cost reduced from 1000 to 900
===Arcane Boots===
*Replenish radius from 600 to 900
*Replenish no longer costs 35 mana to activate
*Recipe increased from 800 to 900
===Armlet of Mordiggian===
*Attack Speed from +15 to +25
*Unholy Strength no longer grants +10 Attack Speed
*Unholy Strength strength gain period from 0.7 to 0.6 seconds
===Quelling Blade===
*Changed from full damage bonus to base damage bonus
*Quell damage bonus from 32/12% to 40/15%
*Quell no longer deals bonus damage to Roshan
*Chop active ability now kills wards rather than dealing 100 damage
*Chop active ability range increased from 350 to 450 when targeting wards
===Battle Fury===
*Battle Fury now requires and provides the bonuses of Quelling Blade
*Quell bonus is now 60% for melee heroes and 25% for ranged heroes
*Attack damage reduced from 65 to 55
*Cleave radius from 250 to 280
===Black King Bar===
*Black King Bar can now be sold
:Repurchasing does not reset its duration
===Blade Mail===
*Damage Return cooldown reduced from 17 to 15
===Blades of Attack===
*Cost reduced from 450 to 420
===Phase Boots===
*Phase duration from 4 to 3.6 seconds
===Boots of Travel===
*BoT#Teleport|Teleport cooldown from 50 to 45
*Armor Bonus radius increased from 750 to 900
*Flutter duration from 8 to 6 and bonus movement speed from 20 to 25%
*Duration from 40 to 45
*Total mana restored from 150 to 170
*Ally cast range from 100 to 250
*Magic Resistance from 15% to 20%
*Damage Block chance increased from 67% to 75%
===Crimson Guard===
*Damage Block chance increased from 67% to 75%
*Guard active damage block increased from 50 to 55
*Guard active area of effect from 750 to 900
*Damage decreased from 60 to 50
*Recipe cost decreased from 900 to 300
===Diffusal Blade===
*Diffusal Blade now works on ranged illusions for half the value
===Divine Rapier===
*Damage increased from 300 to 330
===Dust of Appearance===
*Movement speed slow from 15% to 20%
===Drum of Endurance===
*Endurance attack speed bonus increased from 10 to 20
*Cost reduced from 3300 to 3200
===Euls Scepter of Divinity===
*Cyclone mana cost increased from 75 to 175
===Eye of Skadi===
*Cold Attack slow duration for ranged heroes from 3 to 2.5 seconds
:Remains 5 seconds for melee
===Flying Courier===
*Vision from 400 to 300
*Speed Burst speed from 650 to 800 speed
===Force Staff===
*Health regeneration increased from 3 to 4 health per second
===Ghost Scepter===
*Cost reduced from 1600 to 1500
*All attribute bonus decreased from 7 to 5
===Gloves of Haste===
*Attack Speed increased from 15 to 20
*Regeneration Aura radius increased from 750 to 900
===Healing Salve===
*Healing duration from 10 to 8 seconds
:Still provides the same total heal
*Ally cast range from 100 to 250
*Cost decreased from 3200 to 3000
===Heart of Tarrasque===
*Recipe cost increased from 1200 to 1400
*Health regeneration increased from 2% to 3.25% of total health per second
*Regeneration disable time increased from 4 melee and 6 ranged, to 5 melee and 7 ranged
===Linkens Sphere===
*Spellblock cooldown reduced from 17 to 16
===Magic Wand===
*Requirements from Magic Stick + 3 Branches + Recipe, to Magic Stick + 2 branches + Circlet
*All attribute bonus from 3 to 4
===Mask of Madness===
*Berserk movement speed bonus reduced from 30% to 17%
*Restore active and Mekansm Aura radius increased from 750 to 900
*Static Charge no longer jumps to units that are invisible or in the fog of war
:Same behavior as Chain Lightning
*Static Charge cast range increased from 600 to 800
*Necronomicon Warrior/Archer health from 400/600/800 to 600/700/800
*Necronomicon Warrior damage from 25/50/75 to 45/60/75
*Necronomicon Archer damage from 40/80/120 to 60/90/120
*Necronomicon Archer Aura move speed from 3/6/9 to 5/7/9%
===Observer Ward===
*Observer Wards now come in single increments
*Cost and restock time reduced by half and stock doubled
*Observer Wards now provide a 50 XP bounty when destroyed
*Attacking a ward can no longer miss (same for Sentry Ward|Sentry Wards)
===Orb of Venom===
*Poison Attack damage over time can now be lethal
===Pipe of Insight===
*Insight Aura now also provides a 10% Magic Resistance aura to nearby allies (does not affect the equipped hero)
*Insight Aura radius increased from 750 to 900
===Power Treads===
*Attribute bonus increased from 8 to 9
*Cost reduced from 900 to 875
*Radiance recipe from 1350 to 1425
*Radiance Burn Damage now causes affected enemies to have a 17% miss rate
===Refresher Orb===
*Reworked components and bonuses
===Rod of Atos===
*Intelligence from 25 to 30
*Unholy Rage duration increased from 3.5 to 4 seconds
===Sentry Ward===
*Attacking a ward can no longer miss (same for Observer Ward|Observer Wards)
===Shivas Guard===
*Freezing Aura enemy attack speed reduction improved from 40 to 45
===Stout Shield===
*Cost reduced from 250 to 200
*Damage Block chance reduced from 53% to 50%
*Damage Block blocked damage reduced from 20 (10 for ranged) to 16 (8 for ranged)
*Can now be used on to eat Wards. Eating a ward heals for double the amount, 230 HP over 16 seconds.
:Cause Wards taste better
*Has a 450 cast range when targeting Wards
===Town Portal Scroll===
*Teleport cooldown increased from 65 to 70
*Teleport no longer removes Ethereal state when it is cast
===Urn of Shadows===
*Casting Soul Release on an enemy already under the effects of Soul Release now refreshes the existing debuff rather than applying a separate instance
:Same as how the heal works
===Veil of Discord===
*Recipe from 1250 to 1100
*Cooldown reduced from 30 to 20
*Duration reduced from 25 to 16
*Mana cost reduced from 75 to 50
===Vladmirs Offering===
*Lifesteal decreased from 16% to 15%
*Now grants 10% lifesteal to ranged heroes
*Now requires Headdress instead of Ring of Regeneration. Vladmirs Offering now provides +2 all stats, and Vladmirs Aura now provides 3 health regen.
==External Links==
*[ Gameplay Update 6.84]
* Dire Ancients spawn box restriction area is now a bit smaller
* Berserkers Call no longer affects invulnerable units (like Cycloned units)
* Berserkers Call no longer keeps the targets disabled if Axe dies while the targets still have the debuff
* Culling Blade kill threshold reduced from 250/350/450 to 250/325/400 (Scepter from 300/450/625 to 300/425/550)
* Agility growth reduced from 2.85 to 2.4
* Healing Ward manacost rescaled from 80/100/120/140 to 120/125/130/135
* Blade Fury manacost rescaled from 110 to 120/110/100/90
* Hex unit movement speed reduced from 100 to 140 (same as Scythe of Vyse)
===Phantom Lancer===
* Enabled Phantom Lancer in Captains Mode
===Vengeful Spirit===
* Wave of Terror duration reduced from 20 to 15 seconds
===Winter Wyvern===
;Undocumented Changes
* Arctic Burn slow duration increased from 4 to 5 to match the burn duration
* Arctic Burn now pierces Spell Immunity
* Arctic Burn now only gives bonus night vision for the duration of the spell instead of permanently when learned
* Splinter Blast no longer ignores Linkens Sphere
* Cold Embrace can now be cast on spell immune allies
* Cold Embrace can no longer be dispelled
* Winters Curse now fully pierces spell immunity and forces spell immune units to attack the cursed target
==External Links==
* [ New Bloom 2015 - 6.83c]
* Respawn time rescaled from 4*Level to 5 + 3.8*Level (total is still 100 at level 25)
* Melee/Ranged Barracks team bounty from 125/75 to 175/100 gold
* Hurl Boulder damage reduced from 100 to 50 damage
===Faceless Void===
* Chronosphere manacost increased from 150/175/200 to 150/225/300
* Base armor reduced by 1
* Omnislash cast range reduced from 450 to 350
* Pounce damage reduced from 55/110/165/220 to 50/100/150/200
* Anchor Smash radius reduced from 400 to 375
===Vengeful Spirit===
* Magic Missile cooldown rescaled from 10 to 13/12/11/10
==External Links==
*[ Dota 2 Update - 6.83b]
===Game Modes===
*All Pick|Ranked All Pick initial planning phase reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
*Private Lobby games now use the Captains Mode creep spawn timer when in All Pick
*First rune spawns are now both Runes|Bounty Runes that are twice as effective (50/50 gold/xp to 100/100)
*All Illusions now deal 25% less damage to structures
*Melee and Ranged Barracks bounty reduced from 352-370 to 100-150
*Melee and Ranged Barracks now give 125 and 75 gold to each player, respectively
*Ward location to the right of Roshan is now pathable
*Fixed a ward location near the Dire ancients that could not be easily seen
;Undocumented Change
* Added a tree in the river to the left of the Roshan pit entrance
*Ancient Granite Golem health reduced from 2000 to 1700
*Ancient Granite Golem now has an aura which grants 15% bonus health to its allies
===Gameplay Mechanics===
====Attack Speed====
*Maximum Attack Speed increased from 500 to 600 (the primary impact of this is on abilities like Windrangers Focus Fire and Ursas Overpower)
====Spell Immunity====
*The following abilities no longer have restrictions when cast on Spell Immune Allies: Kunkkas X Marks The Spot, Magnuss Empower, Treant Protectors Living Armor, and Warlocks Shadow Word
====Damage Block====
*The tooltips for Vanguard, Stout Shield, Poor Mans Shield and Crimson Guard now reflect their internal proc chance instead of their legacy representation (no actual balance change)
====Fog of War====
*Vision and Fog of War can now be any numerical value, rather than specific intervals (previously it was 0, 64, 192, 320, 448, 576, 704, 800, 832, 960, 1088, 1216, 1344, 1472, 1600, 1728)
:Previously if you had a vision between the fixed intervals, it would clamp to a fixed value.
*Borrowed Time duration increased from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6
*Greevils Greed base bonus gold increased from 4/6/8/10 to 6/8/10/12
*Greevils Greed extra bonus gold per stack from 1/2/3/4 to 3
*Greevils Greed max bonus gold from 30 to 12/20/28/36
*Greevils Greed recent kill window duration increased from 25 to 30
*Battle Hunger duration from 10/12/14/16 to 10
*Battle Hunger damage from 15/20/25/30 to 16/24/32/40
:Total damage from 150/240/350/480 over 10/12/14/16 seconds to 160/240/320/400 over 10 seconds
*Battle Hunger cast range from 900 to 750
*Battle Hunger movement and slow from 10 to 12%
*Battle Hunger mana cost from 75/85/95/105 to 75
*Nightmare cooldown from 15 to 16/15/14/13
*Call of the Wild now always provides a Hawk and a Boar at each level, and each now scales per level
*Hawk health from 50/50/100/100 to 40/60/80/100
*Hawk movement speed from 270/270/400/400 to 250/300/350/400
*Hawk day sight from 500/500/1600/1600 to 700/1000/1300/1600
*Hawk night sight from 500/500/1200/1200 to 700/800/900/1000
*Hawk kill bounty from 30/30/65/65 to 30/40/50/60
*Boar health from 0/400/400/500 to 200/300/400/500
*Boar base damage from 0/26/26/46 to 15/30/45/60
*Boar base attack time from 0/1.5/1.5/1 to 1.25
*Boar poison slow from 0/20/20/35% to 10/20/30/40%
*Added to Captains Mode
:Will be enabled next week
*Bloodrage no longer amplifies outgoing damage if the damage has the no-reflection flag
:This is similar to how Blademail, Spiked Carapace, Fatal Bonds, etc work.
===Bounty Hunter===
*Track bonus gold for self increased from 150/200/250 to 200/275/350
*Track cooldown reduced from 10/7/5 to 4
*Base Armor reduced from 4 to 2
*Thunder Clap hero slow duration from 4.25 to 4
*Thunder Clap cooldown from 12 to 13
*Quill Spray stack damage increased from 30 to 30/32/34/36
*Spiderlings day vision reduced from 1400 to 1100
===Chaos Knight===
*Reality Rift damage increased from 25/50/75/100 to 60/80/100/120
*Reality Rift mana cost from 70 to 50
*Phantasm illusion duration increased from 34 to 42
*Test of Faith now teleports all of your units to you when cast on yourself
:Has the same delay as when cast on allied heroes
*Holy Persuasion max units increased from 1/1/2/3 to 1/2/3/4
*Base attack range increased from 600 to 630
*Battery Assault damage increased from 15/35/55/75 to 20/40/60/80
===Crystal Maiden===
*Crystal Nova attack speed slow from 20 to 30
*Frostbite cooldown from 10 to 10/9/8/7
*Freezing Field duration increased from 7 to 10 seconds
*Freezing Field explosion spawn radius and slow radius increased by 150
*Freezing Field explosion damage radius increased by 50
===Dark Seer===
*Base armor increased by 1
*Vacuum pull duration increased from 0.4 to 0.5
*Base attack range increased from 500 to 550
===Death Prophet===
*Strength growth reduced from 2.2 to 1.9
*Glimpse mana cost rescaled from 160/130/100/70 to 100
*Glimpse cooldown reduced from 65/50/35/20 to 60/46/32/18
*Kinetic Field cooldown reduced from 14/13/12/11 to 13/12/11/10
*Static Storm cooldown from 85 to 90/80/70
===Dragon Knight===
*Elder Dragon Form level 3 now maintains the Corrosive Breath ability from levels 1 and 2
===Drow Ranger===
*Illusions now benefit from the Marksmanship bonus
:Illusions will still lose the bonus if an enemy is nearby
===Earth Spirit===
*Rolling Boulder no longer reduces attack speed by 80 for 2 seconds
*Rolling Boulder no longer does an additional 45 damage when used with a stone remnant
*Rolling Boulder base damage increased from 90 to 100
*Enchant Totem mana cost reduced from 50 to 20/30/40/50
===Elder Titan===
*Astral Spirit damage reduced from 60/100/140/180 to 60/90/120/150
*Fixed a few cases where Elder Titan could move his Astral Spirit while casting Echo Stomp
*Base movement speed increased from 315 to 335
===Faceless Void===
*Time Walk no longer slows attack speed
*Chronosphere cooldown increased from 130/110/90 to 130/115/100
*Ward unit types are no longer able to attack while inside the Chronosphere
*Call Down area of effect increased from 450 to 600
*Call Down missile one slow amount reduced from 50% to 30%
*Call Down missile two slow amount increased from 20% to 60%
*Force Staff can now be used on Homing Missile
*Inner Vitality base health regen from 2/4/6/8 to 10
*Inner Vitality regen bonus when hurt form 30/45/60/75% to 20/40/60/80%
*No longer requires Turn Rate|turning to perform any actions
*Liquid Fire damage reduced from 15/20/25/30 to 12/16/20/24
*Base agility increased from 20 to 26
*Blade Dance critical strike chance rescaled from 15/20/25/35% to 20/25/30/35%
===Keeper of the Light===
*Chakra Magic mana cost from 25/45/65/85 to 25/35/45/55
*Blinding Light blind duration increased from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6
*X Marks the Spot enemy delay from 1/2/3/4 to 4, and allied delay from 2/4/6/8 to 8
*X Marks the Spot cast range from 500/650/800/950 to 350/550/750/1000
*X Marks the Spot cooldown from 14/13/12/11 to 19/16/13/10
*Kunkka#Return|X Marks the Spot Return mana cost reduced from 50 to 0
*Diabolic Edict duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds
*Lightning Storm slow duration increased from 0.5 to 0.75
*Lightning Storm cast range increased from 700 to 800
*Chain Frost cooldown from 145/115/60 to 120/90/60
*Infest now allows you to control the unit you are in using a sub-ability
**Allows you to take control of the unit you are infesting, including their abilities
**If you take control of a unit, it will maintain its cover, however it will become attackable by your enemy
**Controlled units share Lifestealers movement speed
**Cannot be used on heroes
*Attack projectile speed from 900 to 1000
*Dragon Slave damage increased from 100/170/230/280 to 110/180/250/320
*Dragon Slave mana cost increased from 90/105/125/140 to 100/115/130/145
*Light Strike Array damage rescaled from 90/150/210/280 to 120/160/200/240
*Light Strike Array mana cost increased from 90/100/110/125 to 100/110/120/130
*Light Strike Array stun duration increased from 1.6/1.8/2/2.2 to 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5
*Fiery Soul duration increased from 9 to 10
*Base attack damage increased by 7
*Mana Drain drain interval from 0.25 to 0.1
:Kills illusions on the first tick
===Lone Druid===
*Removed the cast time on Spirit Bears Return
*Battle Cry cooldown increased from 30 to 60
*Battle Cry duration reduced from 8 to 6
*Battle Cry bonus damage increased from 20/40/60 to 50/75/100
*Battle Cry bonus armor increased from 2/4/6 to 5/10/15
*Moon Glaive level 4 bounces increased from 5 to 6
*Eclipse beam count increased from 4/7/10 to 5/8/11 (Aghanims_Scepter|Scepter increased from 4/8/12 to 6/10/14)
*Divided We Stand respawn time reduction now 20% instead of 10/20/30%
*Adaptive Strike stun max duration increased from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 to 1.25/2.25/3.25/4.25
===Night Stalker===
*Base attack damage increased by 4
*Crippling Fear mana cost reduced from 90 to 50
*Darkness now sets all enemy vision to a maximum of 675, instead of reducing it by 25%
:This includes Wards, Buildings, etc
*Darkness no longer pauses the day/night timer
*Darkness duration from 40/60/80 to 50
*Darkness cooldown reduced from 180/150/120 to 160/120/80
===Ogre Magi===
*Fireblast damage reduced from 60/120/180/240 to 55/110/165/220
*Fireblast cast range reduced from 600 to 475
===Outworld Devourer===
*Astral Imprisonment intelligence steal increased from 4/6/8/10 to 4/7/10/13
*Astral Imprisonment intelligence steal duration reduced from 60 to 50
===Phantom Assassin===
*Coup de Grace critical strike damage from 250/350/450% to 230/340/450%
*Supernova attacks required to destroy increased from 5/7/10 to 5/8/11
*Fixed Stop Icarus Dive ability sometimes being interrupted by auto-attacks
*Meat Hook range increased from 700/900/1100/1300 to 1000/1100/1200/1300
*Decrepify movement slow on allies reduced from 50% to 25%
*Nether Ward attacks required to destroy increased from 3 to 4
*Blademail no longer reflects Nether Ward damage onto Pugna
===Queen of Pain===
*Blink range increased from 700/850/1000/1150 to 1300
*Blink cooldown from 12/10/8/6 to 15/12/9/6
*Sonic Wave now does Pure Damage and affects Spell Immune
*Sonic Wave damage reduced from 350/475/600 to 290/390/490 (Aghanims_Scepter|Scepter reduced from 350/530/725 to 325/450/575)
*Blink Strike max charges increased from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6
*Blink Strike charge restore time increased from 30 to 35
*Blink Strike bonus damage from 50/70/90 to 40/70/100
*Fade Bolt mana cost from 150 to 120/130/140/150
*Aghanims_Scepter|Scepter Spell Steal cooldown reduced from 5 to 2
===Shadow Fiend===
*Shadowraze damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 100/175/250/325
*Glaives of Wisdom intelligence into damage bonus from 30/48/66/84% to 30/50/70/90%
*Last Word cooldown reduced from 36/28/20/12 to 30/24/18/12
*Aghanims_Scepter|Scepter Global Silence no longer increases duration by 1 second
===Skywrath Mage===
*Base agility reduced from 18 to 13
*Sprint duration reduced from 20 to 16
*Sprint cooldown reduced from 28 to 23
*Amplify Damage cooldown reduced from 10 to 5
*Pounce damage reduced from 60/120/180/240 to 55/110/165/220
*Shrapnel no longer does damage to buildings
*Shrapnel now has 3 charges with a 40 second replenish time
:Shrapnels slow and damage does not stack with itself
*Shrapnel mana cost reduced from 120 to 50
*Shrapnel duration increased from 9 to 10
===Spirit Breaker===
*Empowering Haste cooldown from 20 to 16
===Storm Spirit===
*Turn Rate improved from 0.6 to 0.8
*Warcry duration increased from 7 to 8 seconds
*Aghanims_Scepter|Scepter Gods Strength ally bonus damage from 40/60/80% to 50/75/100%
*Added to Captains Mode
:Will be enabled next week
*Land Mines damage increased from 225/300/375/450 to 300/375/450/525
*Reflection cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.3
*Sunder minimum HP from 25/20/15% to 20%
*Base movement speed reduced by 5
*Ravage damage reduced from 200/325/450 to 200/290/380
*Heat-Seeking Missile damage increased from 100/175/250/325 to 125/200/275/350
*Toss duration increased from 1 to 1.3 seconds
*Grow move speed bonus rescaled from 20/40/60 to 40/50/60
===Treant Protector===
*Eyes In The Forests Overgrowth damage increased from 135 to 175 per second
*Eyes In The Forest cooldown reduced from 55 to 25
===Troll Warlord===
*Fixed Fervor stack count being 1 stack too slow
*Ice Shards projectile speed from 900 to 1100
*Ice Shards shard duration from 5 to 7 seconds
*Walrus PUNCH! is now an enemy target ability, and is auto-castable
*Walrus PUNCH! cooldown reduced from 25/20/15 to 20/16/12
*Soul Rip max units from 5/10/15/20 to 10/12/14/16
*Soul Rip damage/heal per unit from 25 to 18/22/26/30
*Tombstone armor increased by 1
*Flesh Golem max slow increased from 15 to 20%
===Vengeful Spirit===
*Wave of Terror cooldown increased from 15 to 20
*Gravekeepers Cloak recovery time from 12/10/8/6 to 6
*Fatal Bonds cast range increased from 800 to 900
*Fatal Bonds radius increased from 575 to 700
*Powershot travel range increased from 1825 to 2600
*Powershot max damage is now dealt after 1 second channel instead of 0.7
:It always channeled to 1.0 previously
*Powershot cast point improved from 0.3 to 0
*Reduced the area of the lingering vision at the end of Powershot from 800 to 400
*Focus Fire attack speed bonus increased from 400 to 500
===Animal Courier===
*Cost reduced from 150 to 120
===Armlet of Mordiggian===
*Recipe cost reduced from 600 to 500
===Blink Dagger===
*Blink is no longer disabled if you take no damage (e.g. Spiked Carapace, Refraction, etc)
*A courier carrying a non-full bottle will always be slowed
:Instead of only slowing when carrying an empty bottle
*Replaced Talisman of Evasion with Broadsword in the Side Shop
*Cost reduced from 185 to 165 (Null Talisman, Wraith Band, and Bracer Recipe costs increased by 20)
*Mana restore increased from 135 to 150
===Crimson Guard===
*Guard duration increased from 9 to 10
===Diffusal Blade===
*Diffusal Blade is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
*Multiple Mana Break type abilities do not stack
===Drum of Endurance===
*Endurance charges increased from 5 to 6
===Euls Scepter of Divinity===
*Recipe cost increased from 500 to 650
===Healing Salve===
*Cost reduced from 115 to 110
===Helm of the Dominator===
*Dominated unit bonus health increased from 250 to 500
===Magic Wand===
*Max charges increased from 15 to 17
===Medallion of Courage===
*Recipe cost increased from 200 to 325
*Valor can now be cast on allies to give them armor
*Passive armor and exchange armor increased from 6 to 7
===Pipe of Insight===
*Recipe cost reduced from 900 to 800
*Barrier duration increased from 10 to 12
===Refresher Orb===
*Cooldown increased from 185 to 195
===Shadow Amulet===
*Cost reduced from 1600 to 1400
*Your movement is now only interrupted when the invisibility starts rather than when you cast it
==External Links==
*[ Gameplay Update 6.83]
* Buyback cooldown increased from 6 to 7 minutes
* AoE Gold NWFactor reduced from 0.06/0.06/0.05/0.04/0.03 to 0.05/0.05/0.05/0.04/0.03
* AoE XP XPFactor reduced from 0.3/0.3/0.2/0.15/0.12 to 0.23/0.23/0.2/0.15/0.12
* Bloodrage now only amplifies for half of the value when the dealer and the receiver are over 2200 range apart
* Primal Split cast time increased from 0.4 to 0.65 seconds
* Primal Split delay after cast time (while invulnerable) reduced from 0.85 to 0.6 seconds
===Death Prophet===
* Crypt Swarm damage rescaled from 100/175/250/300 to 75/150/225/300
* Exorcism cooldown increased from 135 to 145
===Faceless Void===
* Chronosphere cooldown increased from 120/100/80 to 130/110/90
===Naga Siren===
* Song of the Siren cast point increased from 0.65 to 0.8 seconds
* Guardian Angel no longer provides HP Regeneration
===Phantom Lancer===
* Juxtapose max illusions reduced from 6/8/10 to 5/7/9
* Eye of the Storm Scepter interval increased from 0.55/0.45/0.35 to 0.6/0.5/0.4
* Static Link cooldown increased from 25 to 32/30/28/26
===Skywrath Mage===
* Mystic Flare damage is now dealt over 2.4 seconds instead of 2.2 seconds
* Ancient Seal cooldown increased from 11 to 14
* Haunt illusion outgoing damage decreased from 40% to 30%
* Spectre movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
* Metamorphosis movement speed reduced from 315 to 290
* Conjure Image damage intake increased from 300% to 425%
* Sunder no longer interrupts the target
* Sunder cast range increased from 250 to 325
* Flaming Fists damage type changed from Magical to Pure (pierces Spell Immunity)
* Flaming Fists damage reduced from 100/150/200 to 80/115/150
===Ethereal Blade===
* Ethereal Blade projectile speed increased from 1100 to 1200
==External Links==
*[ Dota 2 Update - 6.82c]
===Gold & Experience===
* Reworked how the AoE bonus Gold calculation is done slightly: NWDifference variable is now (EnemyTeamNW/AlliedTeamNW) - 1 [Min 0, Max 1]
* Rescaled the AoE Gold constant multipliers (in part to account for the formula tweak) from 0.26/0.22/0.18/0.14/0.1 to 0.06/0.06/0.05/0.04/0.03
* Reduced AoE XP bonus factor for 1/2/3/4/5 hero kills from 0.5/0.35/0.25/0.2/0.15 to 0.3/0.3/0.2/0.15/0.12
===6.82b Full details (from initial 6.82 to 6.82b)===
* Kill Streak Bounty from 100→800 to 60→480 (6.81: 125→1000)
* Adjusted bonus area of effect Gold and XP
==External Links==
*[ Dota 2 Update - 6.82b]
*Fountain area is now at a higher elevation level
*Fountain vision increased from 1400 to 1800
*Fountain attack range increased from 1100 to 1200
*Fountain True Sight increased from 900 to 1200
*Reworked terrain surrounding the Roshan area
*Reworked terrain around the Dire bottom lane
*Reworked terrain below the Top Radiant Tier 1 Tower
*Reworked the area to the left of the bottom Dire Tier 2 Tower
*Moved Dire bottom Tier 2 Tower back very slightly
*Added an alternate path to the north of the bottom lane Side Shop
*Added an alternate path to the right of the bottom Dire Tier 1 Tower
*Added a new ward spot near the bottom Dire Tier 2 Tower
*Added a new ward spot near the top Radiant Tier 2 Tower
*Added a new ward spot between Roshan and the Dire bottom lane
*Bottom Lane Dire creeps now arrive slightly closer to the Dire Tier 1 Tower
*Top Lane Radiant creeps now arrive slightly farther from the Radiant Tier 1 Tower
*Added a Bounty Rune
*Two runes now spawn in the river every two minutes. One of them will always be a Bounty Rune
*Runes are replaced every two minutes if they are not picked up
===Gold & Experience===
*Denied creeps now give less experience
*First Blood bonus gold decreased from 200 to 150
*Reworked the bonus area of effect XP
*Reworked bonus area of effect Gold and Streak ending
*Glyph of Fortification cooldown is now refreshed whenever you lose a Tier 1 tower
*Tier 2 Towers armor increased from 20 to 25
*Tower bounty gold for destroying Tier 1/2/3/4 reduced from 264/312/358/405 to 160/200/240/280 (denied is 50%)
===Game Modes===
*In Captains Mode, the 3rd ban phase order is swapped
*Reworked how All Pick works in Ranked Matchmaking
*Aegis duration decreased from 6 minutes to 5
*Roshans Slam area of effect increased from 250 to 350
*Roshans Slam damage increases by 20 every 4 minutes
*Centaur Conquerors Swiftness Aura has been moved to Hellbear Smasher
*Hellbear Smasher Attack Time increased from 1.35 to 1.55
*Hellbear Attack Time increased from 1.35 to 1.5
*Centaur Conqueror Attack Time improved from 1.65 to 1.5
*Centaur Courser Attack Time improved from 1.35 to 1.3
*Dark Troll Summoners Troll Camp#Ensnare|Ensnare duration increased from 1.5 to 1.75
*Satyr Banisher HP increased from 240 to 300
*Satyr Banisher movement speed increased from 300 to 330
*Satyr Banisher attack range reduced from 600 to 300
*Satyr Banisher Base Attack Time improved from 1.8 to 1.7
*Satyr Banishers Satyr Camp#Purge|Purge cast range increased from 200 to 350
*Wildwing Rippers Toughness Aura now works on Siege units
*Fixed some rare edge cases with pathing malfunctioning
*The following abilities can now be cast on Spell Immune allies: Ice Armor, Surge, Alacrity, Natures Guise, Chakra Magic, Recall, and Mist Coil
*The following buffs are now properly dispellable: Chilling Touch, Thunder Strike, Inner Vitality, Alacrity, Chaos Meteor, Shadow Word, Liquid Fire, Shadow Strike, Warcry, Concussive Shot, Overpower, Mana Leak, Curse of the Silent, Press The Attack, Poison Touch, Flame Guard, Whirling Death, Vipers Poison Attack, Sticky Napalm, DKs Frost Breath, Whirling Axes, Walrus Punchs slow
*Dark Pact/Kraken Shell/Aphotic Shield/Press The Attack/Time Lapse no longer have a special condition for purging the following otherwise unpurgeable spells: Poison Nova, Heavens Halberd, Ensnare, Eye of Skadi slow
*Mist Coil mana cost rescaled from 75 to 50/60/70/80
*Acid Spray negative armor increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7
*Base strength increased from 20 to 22
*Counter Helix chance to activate increased from 17% to 20%
*Culling Blade no longer ignores Linkens Sphere
*Aghanims Scepter Fiends Grip now also causes anyone who attacks Bane while he is channeling to be afflicted with Nightmare
*Flaming Lasso cooldown increased from 90/70/50 to 90/75/60
*Wild Axes damage type from Composite to Physical
*Wild Axes damage reduced from 90/120/150/180 to 70/100/130/160
*Primal Roar side knockback radius increased from 250 to 300
*Primal Roar side damage same as primary damage now (100/200/300 to 200/250/300)
*Primal Roar push distance increased from 240 to 300
*Primal Roar side push duration increased from 0.4 to 0.6
*Removed from Captains Mode
*Base movement speed from 300 to 290
*Reworked Bloodrage
*Replaced Blood Bath with a new active ability, Blood Rite
*Thirst visibility and true sight are granted only when the target is at or below 30% HP (instead of 50/25% for vision/true sight)
*Thirst now shows a debuff and a visible effect to the enemy when they are revealed
*Thirst movement and damage bonuses are now proportional to how low the enemys health is
*Thirst movement speed and damage bonus increased from 5/15/25/35 to 10/20/30/40
*Rupture no longer deals initial damage
*Rupture duration increased from 7/8/9 to 12
*Rupture cooldown reduced from 70/60/50 to 60
===Bounty Hunter===
*Shuriken Toss now bounces to all Tracked units within a 900 range
*Drunken Brawlers critical strike/evasion timer increased from 10 to 16/14/12/10 seconds
*Spin Web now has 1/2/3/4 charges with a 40 second replenish time, instead of a 30 second cooldown
*Spin Web time to enter hidden mode after taking damage increased from 3 to 6 seconds
*Spin Web movement speed bonus is doubled whenever Broodmother is in hidden mode (having not taken damage recently)
*Spin Web phasing and speed bonuses now work on Spiderlings
*Spin Webs are now selectable and have an ability to destroy themselves
*Spin Web can now be cast from anywhere as long as the new web touches another
*Whenever Broodmother is taken out of Spin Webs free pathing, she destroys nearby trees
===Centaur Warrunner===
*Stampede mana cost increased from 80 to 100
===Chaos Knight===
*Phantasm Illusion duration increased from 24 to 34
*Penitence duration rebalanced from 7 to 5/6/7/8
*Penitence slow and damage amplification rebalanced from 8/16/24/32 to 14/18/22/26
*Penitence now amplifies a damage source directly instead of attempting to re-deal a percentage of the damage taken as Physical damage
*Penitence cast range increased from 600 to 800
*Holy Persuasion is no longer restricted from targeting Spell Immune neutral creeps
*Aghanims Scepter now allows Holy Persuasion to target Ancient Creeps (maximum 1 Ancient Creep per level of Hand of God)
*Searing Arrows is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
*Hookshot now pulls Clockwerk to neutral creeps normally like any unit
===Crystal Maiden===
*Frostbite damage interval from 70 per 1 second to 50 per 0.5 seconds (total damage now 150/200/250/300)
*Freezing Field explosion radius increased from 230 to 250
* Aghanims Scepter Weave armor reduction per second increased from 1/1.25/1.5 to 1.25/1.5/1.75
===Death Prophet===
* Exorcism cooldown increased from 115 to 135
*Doom#Doom|Doom now requires Aghanims Scepter to disable passives
*Doom ability cast point increased from 0.3 to 0.5
===Drow Ranger===
*Frost Arrows slow increased from 11/24/37/60 to 15/30/45/60
===Earth Spirit===
*Added Aghanims Scepter: Grants Earth Spirit a new ability, Enchant Remnant, which lets him temporarily convert a hero into a Stone Remnant.
*Boulder Smash unit targeting now only selects units
*Boulder Smash point targeting now knocks back the closest Remnant (within 200 area of effect) in the direction selected
*Geomagnetic Grip silence rebalanced from 2/3/4/5 to 2.5/3/3.5/4
*Geomagnetic Grip damage rebalanced from 100/150/200/250 to 50/125/200/275
*Geomagnetic Grip pull speed on allies reduced from 1000 to 600
*Stone Remnant drop range reduced from 1400 to 1100
*Fixed Stone Remnant being unable to travel as a projectile through Chronosphere
*Fixed Stone Remnants not appearing in fog of war
*Magnetize search radius increased from 300 to 400
*Magnetized Stone Remnants disappear after 8 seconds instead of 5
*Fissure no longer has unit targeting
*Fissure is no longer blocked by Linkens Sphere
===Elder Titan===
*Added Aghanims Scepter: Causes units that are pulled in by Earth Splitter to be disarmed in addition to being slowed. Slow/disarm duration increased from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6.
*Natural Order armor reduction increased from 25/50/75/100% to 40/60/80/100%
*Natural Order magic resistance reduction increased from 8/16/25/33% to 12/19/26/33%
*Base movement speed increased from 310 to 315
*Midnight Pulse cooldown increased from 25 to 35
*Black Hole max damage rebalanced from 60/100/140 to 50/100/150
*Black Hole max damage area of effect increased from 150 to 200
*Black Hole min damage rebalanced from 30/50/70 to 25/50/75
*Black Hole min damage area of effect reduced from 500 to 400
*Black Hole mana cost rebalanced from 250/350/450 to 275/350/425
===Faceless Void===
*Chronosphere area of effect reduced from 450 to 425
*Chronosphere flying vision area reduced from 1000 to 425
*Chronosphere no longer disables passives
*Chronospheres effects no longer linger for an extra 0.5 seconds (like normal auras do) at the end of its duration
*Homing Missile Maximum damage increased from 110/220/330/440 to 125/250/375/500
*Inner Vitality cooldown reduced from 25 to 25/22/19/16
*Berserkers Blood attack speed bonus increased from 8/12/16/20 to 14/16/18/20
*Life Break cooldown reduced from 45/30/15 to 12
*Life Break damage reduced from 50% to 35%
*Life Break self damage rebalanced from 40/35/30% to 35%
*Life Break slow duration rebalanced from 5 to 4/5/6
*Life Break slow rebalanced from 50% to 40/50/60%
*Tornado flying vision area reduced from 1200 to 600
*Tornado damage from 2*Wex+Quas to 3*Wex
;Undocumented Change
*Sun Strike now pierces spell immunity
*Dual Breath movement and attack slow rebalanced from 30% to 28/32/36/40%
*The following abilities no longer cancel Blade Fury: Chronosphere, Toss, Black Hole, Global Silence, Doom.
*Blade Fury cooldown from 30/27/24/21 to 30/26/22/18
===Keeper of the Light===
*Mana Leak mana removal percentage increased from 3.5/4/4.5/5 to 5
*Mana Leak duration increased from 4/5/6/7 to 5/6/7/8
*Recall can now target invulnerable allies (e.g. allies affected by Song of the Siren)
*Blinding Light knockback distance from 250 to 400
*X Marks The Spot cooldown from 13 to 14/13/12/11
===Legion Commander===
*Enabled in Captains Mode
*Duel no longer disables passives
*Overwhelming Odds base damage from 60/100/140/180 to 40/80/120/160
*Press The Attack mana cost from 80/90/100/110 to 110
*Pulse Nova damage increased from 80/120/160 to 100/130/160; Aghanims Scepter damage from 100/160/220 to 160/190/220
*Pulse Nova activation cost reduced from 110 to 70/90/110
*Ice Armor now slows ranged heroes for the full amount (instead of half)
*Light Strike Array cast range increased from 600 to 625
*Light Strike Array stun duration increased from 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9 to 1.6/1.8/2/2.2
*Earth Spike damage increased from 60/130/200/260 to 80/140/200/260
===Lone Druid===
*Spirit Bear now has 300 mana
*Spirit Bear using Hand of Midas now grants the XP to Lone Druid
*Shapeshift no longer grants 1.5 Base Attack Time
*Shapeshift cooldown increased from 100/70/40 to 120/90/60
*Shapeshift speed increased from 522 to 650
*Shapeshift now has a 1.5 seconds transformation time
*Empower is no longer removed by Spell Immunity
*Empower mana cost increased from 40 to 30/40/50/60
*Mana Shield damage absorption rate increased from 50% to 60%
*Mystic Snake outgoing speed increased from 633 to 800
*Mystic Snake return speed reduced from 833 to 800
*Mystic Snake mana steal increased from 20/30/40/50 to 20/35/50/65
*Meepo clones boot item slots now match whichever slot Meepo Prime has his boots in
*Leap speed reduced from 2000 to 1600
*Leap distance rebalanced from 630/720/780/870 to 600/700/800/900
===Natures Prophet===
*Natures Call Treant magic resistance reduced from 20% to 0%
*Reapers Scythe added respawn time penalty from 30% to a constant 30 seconds
===Night Stalker===
*Hunter in the Night attack speed increased from 45/55/65/75 to 45/60/75/90
*Darkness duration increased from 25/50/80 to 40/60/80
===Ogre Magi===
*Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 2.5
*Fireblast damage reduced from 80/145/210/275 to 60/120/180/240
*2x Multicast chance increased from 25/40/50 to 40/50/60%
*Multicast spread interval increased from 0.3 to 0.4 (affects Ignite and Fireblast)
*Base armor increased by 1
*Purification damage area of effect increased from 240 to 260
===Outworld Devourer===
*Essence Aura chance to activate increased from 10/20/30/40% to 40%
*Essence Aura percentage of mana restored reduced from 25% to 10/15/20/25%
*Aghanims Scepter Sanitys Eclipse now always triggers the mana drain
===Phantom Assassin===
*Blur minimap hide now has the opposite effect, and is active when no enemies are near
===Phantom Lancer===
*Removed from Captains Mode
*Agility gain reduced from 4.2 to 3.0
*Base Agility increased from 23 to 29
*Base Strength increased from 18 to 21
*Reworked Phantom Lancer:
:*Spirit Lance: unchanged
:*Phantom Rush: a passive basic ability for Phantom Lancer, or his illusions, to quickly close the distance to an enemy
:*Doppelganger: a new ability for dodging immediate danger, and confusing enemies with deceiving illusions
:*Juxtapose: now his Ultimate, and allows both Phantom Lancer and his illusions to create more illusions
*Added Aghanims Scepter: Allows Phoenix to cast Supernova on an allied hero, bringing both into the Sun to be reborn together. This does not refresh either heros ultimate. 500 cast range. If the Sun is destroyed, both heroes will die.
*Turn Rate improved from 0.5 to 0.7
*Dream Coil no longer ignores invisible units or Illusions
*Aghanims Scepter Dream Coil snap stun now pierces Spell Immunity
*Aghanims Scepter Dream Coil snap stun duration increased from 1.5/2.25/3 to 1.5/3/4.5
*Life Drain can now be targeted on allies, allowing Pugna to drain his own life into them
===Queen of Pain===
*Base Attack Time improved from 1.7 to 1.6
*Removed unit targeting from Sonic Wave
*Sonic Wave final area of effect increased from 300 to 450
*Plasma Field minimum damage from 60/100/140/180 to 30/50/70/90
*Static Link no longer ignores Linkens Sphere
*Static Link mana cost from 20/30/40/50 to 50
*Eye of the Storm no longer lingers through aegis reincarnation
*Base movement speed reduced from 300 to 290
*Base damage reduced by 10
*Base HP regeneration reduced from 1.5 to the default 0.25
*Permanent Invisibility is now a basic ability
*Permanent Invisibility fade delay from 3/2/1 to 8/6/4/2
*Permanent Invisibility now provides 4/5/6/7 HP regeneration while invisible
*Blink Strike is now an Ultimate and can target Spell Immune
*Blink Strike bonus damage from 30/60/90/120 to 50/70/90
*Blink Strike now has 3/4/5 charges, with a 30 second replenish time, instead of a 20/15/10/5 cooldown
*Blink Strike mana cost reduced from 50 to 40
*Blink Strike cast range increased from 700 to 800
===Shadow Demon===
*Soul Catcher now amplifies damage by 20/30/40/50% instead of attempting to re-deal 20/30/40/50% of the damage as Pure damage
*Aghanims Scepter Demonic Purge charges increased from 2 to 3
===Shadow Fiend===
*Necromastery soul cap increased from 12/20/28/36 to 15/22/29/36
*Requiem of Souls debuff is now applied when the wave hits units instead of in a slightly smaller area independently
*Requiem of Souls slow increased from 20% to 25%
===Shadow Shaman===
*Shackles mana cost rebalanced from 110/130/155/185 to 140/150/160/170
*Mass Serpent Ward cooldown increased from 110 to 120
*Glaives of Wisdom percent intelligence to damage from 30/45/60/75 to 30/48/66/84
*Global Silence mana cost from 250/350/450 to 250/375/500
===Skywrath Mage===
*Concussive Shot movement slow rebalanced from 40% to 30/35/40/45%
*Concussive Shot is now disjointable
*Mystic Flare damage is now dealt over 2.2 seconds instead of 2 seconds
*Slithereen Crush stun duration increased from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5
*Slark is no longer visible inside Chronosphere during Shadow Dance
*Headshot now causes a 0.5 second 100% MS and AS slow instead of a 0.25 second stun
*Shrapnel area of effect increased from 400 to 450
*Spectral Dagger movement speed change increased from 5/9/14/18% to 8/12/16/20%
*Spectral Dagger projectile speed reduced from 857 to 800
===Spirit Breaker===
*Charge of Darkness cooldown reduced from 35 to 12
*Charge of Darkness cooldown is now triggered when Charge hits its target or is cancelled, instead of when cast
*Empowering Haste can now be cast to improve the Aura by 50% for 6 seconds. 20 second cooldown. After it is used, the aura is 50% weaker while the ability is on cooldown.
*Greater Bash damage from 10/20/30/40% to 22/28/34/40% of movement speed
===Storm Spirit===
*Ball Lightning mana cost per 100 units from 10 + 1% to 12 + 0.7%
*Added Aghanims Scepter: While activated, Gods Strength grants an allied aura (900 area of effect) for 40/60/80% of base damage.
*Land Mines cooldown from 25/20/15/10 to 19/16/13/10
*Stasis Trap stun duration from 3/4/5/6 to 2.5/3/3.5/4
*Stasis Trap activation area now matches stun area (200→450)
*Stasis Trap duration from 270/300/330/360 to 360
*Remote Mine duration increased from 8 to 10 minutes
*Remote Mines vision reduced from 900 to 700
*Remote Mines area from 400/410/425 to 425
*Batrider in Firefly, Visages Familiars, Beastmasters Hawk, and Flying Couriers no longer trigger or get hurt by Land Mines
===Templar Assassin===
*Psionic Trap cooldown from 11/9/7 to 11/8/5
*Enabled in Captains Mode
*Sunder cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.35
*Anchor Smash damage reduction reduced from 60% to 45/50/55/60%
*Added Aghanims Scepter: Grants Timbersaw a second Chakram.
*March of the Machines no longer affects Spell Immune units
===Treant Protector===
*Natures Guise mana cost reduced from 90/80/70/60 to 60
*Added Aghanims Scepter: Grants a new ability, Eyes in the Forest, which allows Treant to enchant trees to spy on his enemies and expand the area Overgrowth affects.
===Troll Warlord===
*Ranged Whirling Axes cooldown from 20 to 20/19/18/17 seconds
*Acquisition Range increased from 600 to 800
*Ice Shards no longer stops when it hits a hero
*Ice Shards now travels until the cast location and creates its blockade there
*Ice Shards cast range increased from 1500 to 1800
*Ice Shards no longer destroys trees
*Snowball bonus speed per hero increased from 75 to 100
*Allies can now click in the snowball to jump into it
*Tombstone area of effect increased from 400/600/800/1000 to 600/800/1000/1200
*Aghanims Scepter Flesh Golem damage amplification increased by 5% at all levels, both min and max
*Flesh Golem slow aura increased from 9% to variable from 5% to 15%, based on distance to Undying (same mechanic as the damage amplification)
===Vengeful Spirit===
*Nether Swap range increased from 650/925/1200 to 700/950/1200
*Poison Nova applies its debuff on Spell Immune enemies
*Corrosive Skin now only affects enemies within 1400 area of effect
*Corrosive Skin damage cannot be reflected multiple times
*Familiar Stone Form cooldown from 30 to 26
*Fatal Bonds now shares the same damage type that is dealt to it, before it is reduced
*Fatal Bonds damage percentage from 20% to 25%
*Golem attack range increased from 100 to 225
*Golem Base Attack Time improved from 1.35 to 1.2
*Golem HP regeneration increased from 15/20/25 to 15/30/45
*Golem Golem#Permanent Immolation|Immolation area of effect increased from 250 to 300
*Golem Flaming Fists chance reduced from 60% to 40%
*The Swarm duration increased from 8/12/16/20 to 14/16/18/20
*Shukuchi no longer ignores invisible units
*Shukuchi damage reduced from 90/110/130/150 to 75/100/125/150
*Geminate Attack can now proc items
*Geminate Attack cooldown increased from 6/5/4/2.5 to 6/5/4/3
*Shackleshot max latch distance from 525 to 575
*Windrun duration increased from 2.75/3.5/4.25/5.0 to 3/4/5/6
===Witch Doctor===
*Maledict area of effect increased from 165 to 180
*Death Ward bounces now behave the same as the Death Ward attacks with regards to Blademail (neither redirects damage to Witch Doctor)
===Wraith King===
*Reincarnation mana cost increased from 140 to 160
*Static Field area of effect increased from 1000 to 1200
==New Items==
===Crimson Guard===
*New Item that is formed from Vanguard and Buckler
===Armlet of Mordiggian===
*Recipe cost reduced from 700 to 600
===Assault Cuirass===
*Assault Aura no longer displays its debuff on the enemy if the carrier is not visible
===Black King Bar===
*Avatar spell immunity duration and cooldown are now tied to the hero, instead of the item
*Minimum immunity duration increased from 4 to 5
===Blink Dagger===
*Gold cost increased from 2150 to 2250
*Now requires Soul Ring and a 800 gold recipe instead of Perseverance (1600 vs 1750 total gold)
*No longer grants +10 damage (other bonuses stay the same)
*Gold cost increased from 650 to 700
===Boots of Travel===
*Boots of Travel#Teleport|Teleport cooldown reduced from 60 to 50
*Butterfly now has an active ability, Flutter, which can be cast to trade Butterflys evasion for a 20% movement speed bonus for 8 seconds. 35 second cooldown.
*Cloak, Hood, and Pipe magic resistances now stack like all other normal magic resistance do
*Intelligence bonus per level increased from 13/15/17/19/21 to 13/16/19/22/25
*Energy Burst mana cost increased from 180/160/140/120/100 to 180
===Diffusal Blade===
*Recipe cost reduced from 850 to 700
*Agility bonus rebalanced from 25/30 to 20/35
*Feedback rebalanced from 20/36 to a constant 25
===Ethereal Blade===
*Ether Blast now has a projectile
*Ether Blast now only turns the caster ethereal if they target themself
===Eye of Skadi===
*Frost Attack attack speed slow increased from 35 to 45
===Flying Courier===
*Base movement speed increased from 350 to 430
*Flying Courier now takes 50% extra damage from melee heroes
*Flying Courier Speed Burst cooldown increased from 40 to 90
*Flying Courier Speed Burst duration reduced from 20 to 4
*Flying Courier Speed Burst speed increased from 522 to 650
===Helm of the Dominator===
*Now provides +3 HP regeneration (to match its components)
*Dominated units now have 250 bonus HP
===Hood of Defiance===
*HP regeneration increased from 8 to 9 (to match its components)
===Linkens Sphere===
*Linkens Sphere only blocks Wrath of Natures initial bounce, not subsequent bounces
*Linkens Sphere only blocks Lightning Storms initial bounce, not subsequent bounces
*Nether Ward no longer triggers Linkens Sphere
*Lightning Bolt now triggers Linkens Sphere when targeted at the ground
*Maelstrom and Mjollnir no longer trigger Linkens Sphere
*Recipe cost increased from 600 to 700
===Manta Style===
*Manta#Ability|Mirror Image vision type changed from Unobstructed/Flying to Ground
*Recipe cost reduced from 900 to 800
===Mask of Madness===
*Recipe cost reduced from 1000 to 900
*Restore mana cost increased from 150 to 225
===Pipe of Insight===
*HP regeneration increased from 8 to 9 (to match its components)
===Refresher Orb===
*Reset Cooldowns cooldown increased from 160 to 185
===Ring of Protection===
*Armor increased from 2 to 3
*Gold cost increased from 175 to 200
===Sentry Ward===
*True Sight area of effect increased from 800 to 850
===Shadow Blade===
*Shadow Walk invisibility break damage increased from 150 to 175
===Shivas Guard===
*Freezing Aura no longer displays its debuff on the enemy if the carrier is not visible
===Teleport Scrolls===
*Gold cost reduced from 135 to 100
==Damage Type Changes==
A few abilities and damage type mechanics have been reworked. There are now three primary damage types and a Spell Immunity Piercing status with each. Each ability now carries a notation in the tooltip indicating these.
The three damage types are Physical, Magical, and Pure.<br>
Physical is affected by Physical Armor, Magical is affected by Magical Damage Resistance, and Pure is affected by neither.
Magic Immunity has now been renamed to Spell Immunity. Spell Immunity only defines if Spells interact with it, not how damage itself is handled. This means that on its own Spell Immunity status does not reduce any damage.<br>
Black King Bar, Repel, Rage and all other previous forms of "Magic Immunity" now grant Spell Immunity status and a 100% Magic Resistance bonus.
In the vast majority of cases, the interactions are still the same, however an example of a case that would be different is if an ability has both Spell Immunity exception and has Pure damage type. Previously the damage would not have any impact, however now it does.
Ability Tooltips now have these fields:
* Damage Type: Physical/Magical/Pure
* Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes/No
If the Damage Type is not Magical it will be colored differently to make it easier to notice. The same is true in cases where Pierces Spell Immunity is Yes.
There have been a few abilities rebalanced with these mechanics in mind. In some cases the intent is to maintain similar balance, in other cases as an adjustment to their balance.
Additional Notes:<br>
1) Composite Damage: This damage type has been removed. There are no longer any abilities which use Composite Damage.<br>
2) HP Removal: This is no longer considered a Damage Type, and its remaining uses are as an alternative cost to Mana for spells to use (Sun Ray, Burning Spear) or as functional HP modifications (Armlet, Sunder, etc). These are now considered usage costs in the game and are never lethal.
*Acid Spray damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)
*Acid Spray damage reduced from 14/20/26/32 to 12/16/20/24
*Nightmare damage from HP Removal to Pure
*Wild Axes damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)
*Wild Axes damage reduced from 90/120/150/180 to 70/100/130/160
*Primal Split Earth Spirits Pulverize damage type from Magical that pierces Spell Immunity to Magical (No longer pierces Spell Immunity)
*Doom#Doom|Doom damage type changed from Magical that pierces Spell Immunity to Pure that pierces Spell Immunity
*Doom damage reduced from 30/50/70 to 20/35/50 (Aghanims Scepter from 50/80/110 to 40/60/80)
*Echo Slam initial attack is now the same Magic damage type as the rest of its damage (initial damage no longer pierces Spell Immunity)
*Midnight Pulse damage type changed from Magical that Pierces Spell Immunity to Pure that Pierces Spell Immunity
*Midnight Pulse damage reduced from 4/5/6/7% to 3/3.75/4.5/5.25%
*Diabolic Edict damage type changed from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)
*Diabolic Edict damage reduced from 12.5/25/37.5/50 to 9/18/27/36
*Diabolic Edict now deals 40% more damage to towers (same overall damage per second as before)
*Laguna Blade Aghanims Scepter damage type changed from Magical that Pierces Spell Immunity to Pure that Pierces Spell Immunity
*Laguna Blade Aghanims Scepter no longer increases damage, only the damage type is changed
===Lone Druid===
*Spirit Bear death now deals 10% max health as Pure damage instead of 100/200/300/400 composite damage
*Heartstopper Aura is now negative regeneration instead of HP Removal
*Land Mines damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)
*Land Mines damage reduced from 300/400/500/600 to 225/300/375/450
*Suicide Squad, Attack! damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)
*Suicide Squad, Attack! damage reduced from 650/850/1150/1550 (350/400/450/500 partial) to 500/650/850/1150 (260/300/340/380)
*March of the Machines damage type changed from Magical that pierces Spell Immunity to Magical that does not pierce Spell Immunity
===Vengeful Spirit===
*Wave of Terror damage type from HP Removal to Pure that Pierces Spell Immunity
*Fatal Bonds now shares the same damage type that is dealt into it, before it is reduced
*Fatal Bonds damage percentage from 20% to 25%
*Flaming Fists damage type from Magical that pierces Spell Immunity to Magical (No longer pierces Spell Immunity)
*Last Will damage type from Pure to Magical (Still does not pierce Spell Immunity)
*Last Will damage increased from 400/500/600 to 550/675/800
===Urn of Shadows===
*Changed from HP Removal to Pure
==External links==
*[ Gameplay Update 6.82]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
===Ancient Apparition===
* Ice Vortex slow decreased from 18/22/26/30% to 15/20/25/30%
* Sticky Napalm bonus damage is now halved against non-hero units
===Bounty Hunter===
* Shadow Walk duration increased from 15/20/25/30 to 20/25/30/35
* Devour manacost rescaled from 60/50/40/30 to 60
===Drow Ranger===
* Gust knockback duration increased from 0.5 to 0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9
* Turn rate improved from 0.6 to 0.9
* Echo Slams Initial Damage, Echo Search, Echo Damage AOE increased from 525, 550, 500 to 575, 575, 575
===Elder Titan===
* Echo Stomp damage increased from 80/85/90/95 to 80/90/100/110
* Midnight Pulse duration increased from 8 to 11
* Forged Spirits 33% magic resistance removed
* Cold Snap damage reworked from the initial and secondary proc damage of 60/30 to 7xQuasLevel per proc
* Deafening Blasts Disarm is now dispelled when Magic Immunity is applied
* Omnislash damage per slash rescaled from 175-250 to 200-225
* Base Attack Time improved from 1.5 to 1.4
* Pulse Nova damage increased from 66/100/144 to 80/120/160 (Scepter from 100/150/200 to 100/160/220)
* Light Strike Array stun duration increased from 1.6 to 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9
* Howl duration decreased from 12 to 10
* Howl bonus damage reduced from 20/30/40/50 to 14/26/38/50
* Sacred Arrow minimum stun duration decreased from 0.5 to 0.01 (maximum duration is still 5 seconds growing linearly)
* Sacred Arrow minimum damage reduced by 40 (maximum damage is still 190/280/370/460 growing linearly)
===Ogre Magi===
* Multicasts passive manacost penalty on Fireblast reduced from 30/70/110 to 20/40/60
* Bloodlust can now be cast on Magic Immune allies
* Degen Aura slow increased from 7/14/21/28% to 10/18/26/34%
===Phantom Assassin===
* Phantom Strike bonus attack speed increased from 100 to 130
===Queen of Pain===
* Shadow Strike cast range increased from 435 to 450/475/500/525
* Smoke Screen cooldown reduced from 13 to 11
===Skywrath Mage===
* Ancient Seal damage amplification increased from 18/24/30/36% to 30/35/40/45%
* Slardar#Bash|Bash bonus damage increased from 40/60/80/100 to 60/80/100/120
===Treant Protector===
* Leech Seed damage per pulse decreased from 24/36/48/60 to 15/30/45/60
* Snowball cooldown reduced from 21 to 21/20/19/18
* Walrus Punch cooldown reduced from 30/24/18 to 25/20/15
* Intelligence growth increased from 2.0 to 2.5
* Focus Fire manacost decreased from 150 to 75/100/125
* Lightning Bolt vision and truesight duration increased from 3 to 4.5
* Lightning Bolt search area of effect increased from 250 to 325
* Recipe cost increased from 600 to 900
* Static Charge duration decreased from 20 to 15
==External links==
*[ Dota 2 Update - 6.81b]
*[ Version 6.81b Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
* Roshan base armor increased by 1
* Attack Speed now always continually adjusts based on the latest modifications applied to the unit
* Melee illusions created by a Rune of Illusion take 200% instead of 300% damage
* Random Draft hero selection pool increased from 22 to 24
* Captains Draft hero selection pool increased from 24 to 27 (8 per type to 9)
* Captains Draft hero bans increased from 4 to 6
* Meepo is no longer available in Ability Draft
*Aghanims Scepter Borrowed Time now redirects 35% of all damage dealt to nearby allied heroes to Abaddon when active
===Ancient Apparition===
*Chilling Touch attack speed reduction increased from -15 to -20
*Mana Voids area of effect increased from 450 to 500
*Counter Helix now uses Pseudo Random chance
*Flaming Lasso mana cost increased from 150 to 225
*Base damage increased by 4
*Bloodrage cast point improved from 0.6 to 0.4
*Bloodrage can no longer be dispelled
===Bounty Hunter===
*Track cast range increased from 900/1050/1200 to 1200
*If you have not attacked for 10 seconds, your next attack will always activate a Drunken Brawler critical hit
*If you have not been attacked for 10 seconds, Drunken Brawler will cause you to evade the next attack
*Warpath no longer has unique values for the first movement speed stack
*Warpath movement speed stack bonus increased from 1/2/3% to 3/4/5%
*Spiderlings Spiderling|Poison Sting damage per second increased from 4 to 8
*Spin Webs free pathing no longer deactivates when enemy has vision on Broodmother
*Spin Webs free pathing is now disabled for 3 seconds when Broodmother takes damage
*Insatiable Hunger lifesteal increased from 40/60/80% to 60/80/100%
===Centaur Warrunner===
*Hoof Stomp mana cost increased from 85/100/115/130 to 130
===Chaos Knight===
*Phantasm now has a 50% chance to create one extra illusion when cast
*Penitence cooldown reduced from 14 to 14/13/12/11
*Death Pact cooldown reduced from 45 to 45/40/35
*Poison Touch no longer causes a ministun
*Kinetic Field cooldown reduced from 14 to 14/13/12/11
*Doom damage no longer ignores magic shields
===Drow Ranger===
*Gust knockback duration increased from 0.2 to 0.5
===Earth Spirit===
*Stone Remnant recharge time reduced from 35 to 30
*Creeps no longer try to path around Fissure; they will wait for it to disappear
*Echo Slam no longer ignores units that are invisible or in Fog of War
===Elder Titan===
*Echo Stomp mana cost reduced from 100/115/130/145 to 100
*Echo Stomp physical and magical damage increased from 80 to 80/85/90/95 each
===Ember Spirit===
*Searing Chains duration reduced from 2/2/3/3 to 1/2/2/3
*Sleight of Fist bonus damage reduced from 30/60/90/120 to 20/40/60/80
*Untouchable slow duration increased from 3 to 4
*Midnight Pulse area of effect increased from 400 to 600
===Faceless Void===
*Base agility increased from 21 to 23
*Turn rate improved from 0.5 to 1
*Homing Missile now hits invisible units
*Homing Missile hits required to destroy increased from 3 to 3/3/4/5
*Burning Spear is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
*Ghost Walk slow no longer affects magic immune enemies
*EMP delay increased from 2.6 to 2.9
*Dual Breath range increased by 50
*Liquid Fire level 4 cooldown reduced from 5 to 4
*Aghanims Scepter Macropyre duration increased from 7 to 14
*Aghanims Scepter Macropyre range increased from 1350 to 1800
*Base attack time improved from 1.6 to 1.5
===Keeper of the Light===
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade: Provides permanent Spirit Form. Additionally, the following effects are active during the day: Keeper of the Light gains unobstructed vision and Illuminate heals allies for 75% of the damage values
*Torrent area of effect increased from 215 to 225
*X Marks The Spot can now last twice as long on allied heroes
*Ghost Ship allied buff duration increased from 8 to 10
*Add Ghost Ship AOE indicator for allies
===Legion Commander===
*Overwhelming Odds bonus damage per hero is increased from 14/16/18/20 to 20/35/50/65
*Overwhelming Odds area of effect increased from 315 to 330
*Overwhelming Odds base damage rescaled from 50/100/150/200 to 60/100/140/180
*Moment of Courage now uses Pseudo Random chance
*Lightning Storm now slows its targets by 75% for 0.5 seconds
*Frost Armor can now be cast on buildings
*Aghanims Scepter Chain Frost no longer has a bounce limit
*Attack range increased from 650 to 670
*Aghanims Scepter Laguna Blade damage goes through magic immunity
*Lion#Hex|Hex cooldown reduced from 30/25/20/15 to 30/24/18/12
===Lone Druid===
*Spirit Bear health regeneration increased from 2 to 2/3/4/5
*Base agility reduced from 22 to 18
*Shapeshift no longer provides 100/200/300 bonus health
*Removed Skewer maximum target limit
*Skewer range increased from 600/800/1000/1200 to 750/900/1050/1200
*Split Shot reworked from 50/60/70/80% damage with 5 maximum targets, to 80% damage with 2/3/4/5 maximum targets
*Mystic Snake no longer requires Fog of War vision to bounce
*Mana Shield damage absorption per mana increased from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5
*Base movement speed increased from 305 to 315
*Sacred Arrow vision reduced from 800 to 650
===Naga Siren===
*Mirror Image illusion damage dealt reduced from 30/35/40/45% to 20/25/30/35%
*Rip Tide area of effect reduced from 350 to 320
*Rip Tide negative armor no longer goes through magic immunity
*Heartstopper Aura area of effect increased from 1000 to 1200
*Reapers Scythe now adds +30% duration to the respawn timer
===Night Stalker===
*Darkness now also affects the vision of buildings
===Nyx Assassin===
*Impale cooldown increased from 11 to 13
*Impale can no longer be blocked by Linkens Sphere
===Ogre Magi===
*Base armor increased by 1
*Cast animation improved from 0.56 to 0.45
*Purification area of effect increased from 225 to 240
*Repel no longer removes positive buffs from allies
*Guardian Angel duration increased from 5/6/7 to 6/7/8
*Aghanims Scepter Guardian Angel duration increased from 5/6/7 to 8/9/10
===Phantom Assassin===
*Stifling Dagger cooldown reduced from 8 to 6
*Blur evasion chance increased from 20/25/30/40 to 20/30/40/50
*Icarus Dive cast point extended from 0.01 to 0.2
*Fire Spirits damage reduced from 15/35/55/75 to 10/30/50/70
*Fire Spirits health cost increased from 15% to 20%
*Decrepify mana cost reduced from 100 to 60
*Nether Ward duration increased from 25 to 30
===Queen of Pain===
*Shadow Strike cooldown reduced from 20/16/12/8 to 16/12/8/4
*Shadow Strike cast range increased from 400 to 435
*Strength gain increased from 1.7 to 2.3
*Unstable Current slow duration increased from 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6 to 0.5/1/1.5/2
*Backstab now works when attacking allied units
===Shadow Demon===
*Added Aghanims Scepter upgrade: Demonic Purge cooldown replaced with two charges that have a 40 second replenish time
===Shadow Fiend===
*Requiem of Souls secondary debuff now affects magic immune units
*Agility growth increased from 2.1 to 3.0
*Curse of the Silent cooldown reduced from 20/18/16/14 to 20/16/12/8
===Skywrath Mage===
*Base movement speed increased from 315 to 325
*Concussive Shot damage increased from 50/100/150/200 to 60/120/180/240
*Fixed Snipers acquisition range not matching his maximum attack range
===Spirit Breaker===
*Nether Strike cast range increased from 400/550/700 to 700
*Nether Strike cooldown rebalanced from 75 to 80/70/60
*Base damage increased by 6
===Templar Assassin===
*Psionic Trap sub-ability now has the same cast point as the ability on the trap itself
*Strength gain reduced from 1.9 to 1.4
*Reflection slow no longer persists through magic immunity
*Reflection duration rebalanced from 5 to 2.5/3.5/4.5/5.5
*Anchor Smash damage reduction increased from 40 to 60%
*Anchor Smash now works on Ancient creeps
*Heat Seeking Missile is no longer blocked by Ethereal
*Craggy Exterior stun duration rescaled from 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75
===Troll Warlord===
*Whirling Axes (Melee)|Melee Whirling Axes cast point improved from 0.2 to 0
*Reworked Snowball into a two-part ability: one which creates the snowball, and a sub-ability to launch the snowball. You have up to 4 seconds to use the sub-ability. The area that automatically pulls allies in has been reduced.
*You can now load an ally into your snowball within 400 range by right clicking on them
*Snowball moves 75 MS faster for each allied hero inside it
*Snowball deals 20/30/40/50 extra damage for each additional hero in it
*Soul Rip area of effect increased from 975 to 1300
*Tombstone Zombie Deathlusts Max % health threshold increased from 5/10/15/20% to 20/25/30/35%
*Tombstone Zombies no longer give any experience or gold
*Tombstone Bounty increased from 70/90/110/130 to 75/100/125/150
*Flesh Golems Plague Aura now affects magic immune units
*Fury Swipes is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
===Vengeful Spirit===
*When Vengeful Spirit is slain, her killer is inflicted with a negative Vengeance Aura, which decreases the damage of her killer and their nearby allies, until she revives
*Grave Chill cooldown increased from 10 to 16/14/12/10
*Shadow Word duration increased from 9 to 11
*Upheaval cooldown reduced from 50 to 50/46/42/38
*Activating Windrun now disjoints incoming attack projectiles
*Aghanims Scepter Focus Fire damage reduction decreased from -50/-40/-30 to -30/-15/0, and no longer has special rules for procs
===Witch Doctor===
*Maledict cooldown reduced from 35 to 20
*Death Ward base attack time improved from 0.25 to 0.22
===Wraith King===
*Mortal Strike damage ratio increased from 1.25/1.75/2.25/2.75 to 1.5/2/2.5/3
*Base armor reduced by 1.
*Arc Lightning cast point improved from 0.4 to 0.2
*Lightning Bolt true sight range reduced from 900 to 750
*Lightning Bolt flying vision range reduced from 1000 to 750
*Lightning Bolt can now be cast on the ground, affecting the closest enemy hero in a 250 range
===Animal Courier===
*Ground Courier respawn time reduced from 180 seconds to 140 seconds
*Bloodpact heal increased from 400 HP + 30 HP/charge to 500 HP + 30 HP/charge
*Mana regeneration from 100 over 30 seconds to 135 over 40 seconds
===Euls Scepter of Divinity===
*Euls#Ability|Cyclone now deals 50 damage to enemy units when they land
*You can now cast Cyclone on yourself while you are magic immune
===Manta Style===
*Manta#Ability|Mirror Image now resets the current attack and spell targeting priority
*Mjollnir#Chain Lightning|Chain Lightning damage reduced from 160 to 150
*Static Shock area of effect is now centered around the unit with the Static Charge, rather than around the attacker
*Fixed Chain Lightning not functioning properly when it procs while a previous proc is still bouncing
*Necronomicon Warriors movement speed rescaled from 330/360/390 to 350
*Necronomicon units XP bounty increased from 59 to 100/150/200
===Observer Ward===
*Sharing wards with allies now requires a Control key override
*Wards can no longer be placed in the fountain areas
===Pipe of Insight===
*Pipe health regeneration reduced from 11 to 8
*Pipe now provides Insight Aura, which grants 4 health regeneration to nearby allies
*Pipes active buff is no longer dispellable
===Rod of Atos===
*Cripple ability cooldown reduced from 12 to 10
===Scythe of Vyse===
*Scythe of Vyse#Ability|Hexed units base movement speed increased from 100 to 140
===Shadow Amulet===
*Fade no longer requires the target to remain stationary
===Shadow Blade===
*Shadow Walk duration increased from 12 to 14
===Town Portal Scroll===
*Added an option to require a halt command to in order to cancel a Town Portal Scroll
==External links==
*[ Gameplay Update 6.81]
*[ Version 6.81 Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
===Game Modes===
*You now lose one gold per second if you havent picked a hero after the selection timer runs out in All Pick
*All Pick selection time increased from 60 to 75
*All Pick pre-creep time reduced from 90 to 75
*Roshan no longer stops upgrading his hp/damage/armor at 45 minutes
*Roshan upgrade rate increased by 20%
*Roshan bounty rescaled from 105-600 to 150-400
*Night vision reduced from 1400 to 800
*Unstable Concoction maximum shaking duration reduced from 7 to 5.5
*Unstable Concoction no longer continues to get stronger while it is in the air
===Ancient Apparition===
*Ice Vortex spell damage amplification increased from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30
*Ice Vortex duration increased from 12 to 16
*Ice Vortex aura stickiness increased from 0.1 to the standard 0.5 aura value
*Mana Void radius increased from 300 to 450
*Added AoE targeting cursor for Mana Void
*Base HP regen increased from 2 to 3
*Berserkers Call duration increased from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 2.0/2.4/2.8/3.2
*Berserkers Call cooldown rescaled from 10 to 16/14/12/10
*Attack animation time improved from 0.5 to 0.3
*Call of the Wild Hawk duration reduced from 60/70/80/80 to 60
*Call of the Wild Boar duration reduced from 70/80/90 to 60
*Call of the Wild no longer destroys previous summons on cast
*Thirst Bonus Speed and damage rescaled from 7/14/21/28 to 5/15/25/35
*Blood Bath now gives the full hero kill benefit (instead of only half) if he is within the 325 AoE when a hero dies
*Primal Split cooldown reduced from 180/160/140 to 140/120/100
*Base damage reduced by 4
*Can no longer leave the map boundaries
*Spin Web no longer provides 200 vision
*Free pathing is now removed when enemies have vision over you
===Centaur Warrunner===
*Stampede cooldown reduced from 120/90/60 to 90/75/60
*Hits required to kill Power Cogs rescaled from 3 to 2/2/2/3
===Crystal Maiden===
*Base intelligence reduced by 3
===Dark Seer===
*Ion Shell cooldown reduced from 10 to 9
*Weave duration increased from 20 to 24
===Death Prophet===
*Exorcism cooldown increased from 100 to 115
*Silence AoE increased from 350 to 425
===Dragon Knight===
*Dragon Tail cooldown rescaled from 9 to 12/11/10/9
===Drow Ranger===
*Reworked Gust|Silence
===Earth Spirit===
*Stone Remnant recharge timer increased from 25 to 35
*Geomagnetic Grip now does a 2/3/4/5 second silence instead of a 1/1.5/2/2.5 second stun
*Geomagnetic Grip damage rescaled from 125 to 100/150/200/250
*Boulder Smash damage rescaled from 100/150/200/250 to 125
*Boulder Smash now does a 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25 second stun instead of a 3.5/4/4.5/5 second silence
*Boulder Smash radius from 225 to 200
*Rolling Boulder now also gets interrupted if disabled during the initial 0.6 rolling charge, instead of only while its moving
*Geomagnetic Grip now kills trees along the path of a dragged allied hero
*Targeting someone directly with Boulder Smash will now be blocked by Linkens Sphere
*Fixed being able to cast Geomagnetic Grip on magic immune allies
*Fixed Boulder Smash being able to target Magic Immune units
*Fixed Rolling Boulder travel distance going further than intended if you use a Stone Remnant near the end of the roll
*Base movement speed increased from 300 to 310
*Strength gain increased from 2.5 to 2.9
*Base armor reduced by 1
*Black Hole AoE increased from 375 to 400
*Black Hole cast range increased from 250 to 275
===Faceless Void===
*Chronosphere cooldown reduced from 120/110/100 to 120/100/80
*You now have 1000 movement speed and phase while you are in Chronosphere
*Time Walk manacost reduced from 120 to 90
*Burning Spear duration increased from 7 to 8
*Inner Vitality bonus heal below 40% increased from 15/30/45/60% of primary attribute to 30/45/60/75%
*Inner Vitality cast range increased from 450 to 550
*Forge Spirits armor reduced from 2/3/4/5/6/7/8 to 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
*Forge Spirits attack range reduced from 300→900 to 300→690
*EMP burn increased from 100→400 to 100→550
*EMP delay from 3.7→2 to 2.6
*Alacrity manacost reduced from 75 to 45
*Ghost Walk movement speed from -30/-25/-20/-15/-10/-5/0 to -30/-20/-10/0/10/20/30
*Ice Path damage rescaled from 25/50/75/100 to 50
*Liquid Fire DPS increased from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30
*Dual Breath burn and slow duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
*Dual Breath DPS increased from 5/10/15/20 to 16/36/56/76
*Dual Breath damage interval improved from every 1 second to every 0.5 seconds
*Dual Breath Attack Speed slow increased from -20 to -30
*Removed initial impact damage from Dual Breath
*Blade Fury cooldown reduced from 30/28/26/24 to 30/27/24/21
===Keeper of the Light===
*Mana Leak stun duration increased from 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 to 1.5/2/2.5/3
===Legion Commander===
*Moment of Courage now only procs one extra lifesteal attack
*Moment of Courage buff grace period increased from 0.5 to 1.0 seconds
*Moment of Courage cooldown reduced from 1.2 to 0.9
*Lightning Storm jumps from 4/6/7/8 to 4/5/6/7
*Lightning Storm damage from 80/145/205/265 to 80/140/200/260
*Lightning Storm cooldown reduced from 5.5 to 4
*Lightning Storm manacost reduced from 100/115/130/145 to 90/100/110/120
*Dragon Slave Initial/Final AoE increased from 275/150 to 275/200
*Fiery Soul duration increased from 7 to 9
*Fiery Soul movement speed increased from 4/5/6/7% to 5/6/7/8%
*Aghanims Scepter now causes Finger of Death to hit units within a 200 AoE of the primary target
===Lone Druid===
*Spirit Bears Entangle is no longer an Orb Effect
*Lycan Wolves Fade Time decreased from 3 to 1.7
*Level 3 Lycan Wolves now have Lycan Wolf|Invisibility
*Level 4 Lycan Wolves now have a passive ability that gives them 15 HP regen
*Base intelligence increased by 2
*Mana Shield damage absorption increased from 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
*Divided We Stand level requirement reduced from 4/11/18 to 3/10/17
*Divided We Stand now passively reduces your revive timer by 10%/20%/30%
*You can now cast and attack while in Waveform
===Natures Prophet===
*Wrath of Nature manacost increased from 150/200/250 to 175/225/275
*Death Pulse now hits units in Fog of War
===Night Stalker===
*Crippling Fears night miss chance increased from 40 to 50%
===Nyx Assassin===
*Cast Range on Impale now matches the travel range
===Ogre Magi===
*Unrefined Fireblast manacost changed from 400 to 60% of your current mana
*Degen Aura stickiness increased from 1.0 to 2.0 seconds
===Outworld Devourer===
*Astral Imprisonment cast range reduced from 550 to 500
===Phantom Assassin===
*Invisible heroes now trigger Blur
*Blur delay reduced from 1.5 to 0.75
*Fire Spirits Attack Speed slow reduced from 150 to 80/100/120/140
*Fire Spirits can now be cast during Icarus Dive
*Fire Spirits DPS reduced from 20/40/60/80 to 15/35/55/75
*Icarus Dive is now interrupted if you are stunned during it
===Queen of Pain===
*Sonic Wave Scepter cooldown rescaled from 100/70/40 to 40
*Base HP regen increased from 0.75 to 1.5
===Sand King===
*Sand Storm radius rescaled from 275/325/375/525 to 525
===Shadow Demon===
*Shadow Poison max effective stacks increased from 4 to 5
===Shadow Shaman===
*Shackles duration increased from 2.5/3.25/4/4.75 to 2.75/3.5/4.25/5
*Mass Serpent Wards can no longer trap Roshan
*Global Silence cooldown reduced from 140 to 130
===Skywrath Mage===
*Mystic Flare damage increased from 600/900/1200 to 600/1000/1400
*Slardar#Bash|Bash damage increased from 40/50/60/70 to 40/60/80/100
*Pounce damage reduced from 70/140/210/280 to 60/120/180/240
*Shadow Dance cooldown reduced from 65 to 60
*Take Aim range bonus increased from 80/160/240/320 to 100/200/300/400
===Spirit Breaker===
*You now gain vision over your target while you are casting Nether Strike
===Storm Spirit===
*Base movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
*Base armor increased by 3
*Warcry cooldown reduced from 36/30/24/18 to 32/26/20/14
*Sunder cooldown reduced from 160/110/60 to 120/80/40
*Sunder is no longer partially blocked by Magic Immunity
*Reflection cast range increased from 250 to 275
*Kraken Shell debuff threshold reduced from 600 damage taken to 600/550/500/450
*Kraken Shell damage block increased from 9/18/27/36 to 10/20/30/40
*Base strength reduced from 25 to 22
*Added Aghanims Scepter: Doubles Laser cast range and Heat-Seeking Missile count
===Treant Protector===
*Overgrowth AoE increased from 625 to 675
*Natures Guise cast range increased from 300 to 600
===Troll Warlord===
*Fervor max stacks rescaled from 2/3/4/5 to 4
*Fervor attack speed per stack rescaled from 20 to 16/22/28/34
*Secondary units hit by the Snowball now take the same impact as the primary unit
*Removed 50% threshold mechanic from Walrus Punch
*Walrus Punch base crit increased from 3x to 3.5x
*Soul Rip cooldown reduced from 25/20/15/10 to 24/18/12/6
===Vengeful Spirit===
*Wave of Terror armor reduction increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
*Base damage reduced by 5
*Base HP regen reduced from 0.75 to the default 0.25
*Base movement speed reduced by 5
*Grave Chill manacost rescaled from 70/80/90/100 to 100
*Familiars are now properly magic immune
*Upheaval max duration increased from 12 to 16
*Focus Fire manacost reduced from 200/300/400 to 150
*Focus Fire no longer has a cast animation
===Witch Doctor===
*Maledict AoE increased from 150 to 165
*Voodoo Restoration initial manacost reduced from 25/50/75/100 to 20/30/40/50
*Paralyzing Casks can now bounce to units in Fog of War
===Wraith King===
*Reincarnation slow increased from 50% to 75%
*Reincarnation slow duration increased from 4 to 5
*Arc Lightning cast range increased from 700 to 850
===Animal Courier===
*Animal Courier|Ground Courier bounty per player reduced from 175 to 150
===Arcane Boots===
*Manacost increased by 10
===Battle Fury===
*Battle Fury#Cleave|Cleave AoE increased from 225 to 250
===Blink Dagger===
*Blink no longer has a manacost
*Can now be used on your allies by holding down the Control key.
===Diffusal Blade===
*Agility bonus increased from 22/26 to 25/30
===Drum of Endurance===
*Number of charges increased from 4 to 5
*Recipe cost increased from 800 to 875
===Euls Scepter of Divinity===
*Eul#Ability|Cyclone cooldown reduced from 25 to 23
===Force Staff===
*Force travel speed is reduced
===Iron Branch===
*Gold cost reduced from 53 to 50
===Mask of Madness===
*Lifesteal increased from 17% to 20%
*Changed the area type that is used when Static Charge hit units
*Necronomicon units bounty increased from 100/125/150 to 100/150/200
*Necronomicon units armor reduced from 6/8/10 to 4
*Necronomicon cooldown increased from 80 to 95
===Observer Ward===
*Can be targeted on allies to transfer one charge
*Attack damage bonus increased from 60 to 65
===Refresher Orb===
*Recipe cost reduced from 1875 to 1800
===Ring of Aquila===
*Agility bonus increased from 6 to 9
===Rod of Atos===
*HP bonus increased from 325 to 350
===Sange and Yasha===
*Sange and Yasha slow duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
*Sange and Yasha slow increased from 30 to 32%
===Sentry Ward===
*Can be targeted on allies to transfer one charge
===Shadow Amulet===
*Fade delay improved from 1.8 to 1.5
*Can now be used on allies
===Shivas Guard===
*Arctic Blast range increased from 719 to 900
*Arctic Blast speed increased from 300 to 350
===Smoke of Deceit===
*Duration decreased from 40 to 35
===Teleport Scrolls===
*Stacking delay decreased from 3/5/6/7/8 to 3/5/5.5/6/6.5
*Max targeting range increased from 525 to 575
===Tranquil Boots===
*Movement speed increased from 85 to 90
*HP Regen increased from 10 to 12
===Veil of Discord===
*Strength/Agility/Damage bonus increased from 3 to 6
==External links==
*[ Gameplay Update 6.80]
*[ Version 6.80 Changelog]
===Crystal Maiden===
* Crystal Maiden base Intelligence reduced from 21 to 19 (same base damage)
===Earth Spirit===
* Geomagnetic Grip cast range reduced from 1400 to 1100
* Boulder Smash silence duration reduced from 5 to 3.5/4/4.5/5
* Boulder Smash unit knockback range rescaled from 800 to 500/600/700/800
===Elder Titan===
* Astral Spirit vision reduced from 600 to 450
* Astral Spirit damage reduced from 80/120/160/200 to 60/100/140/180
===Legion Commander===
* Units in a Duel cannot be disarmed or Force Staffed away
* Purifying Flames manacost increased from 30/45/60/75 to 55/70/85/100
* Plague Wards night vision reduced from 1200 to 800
* Venomancer base movement speed reduced from 290 to 285
* Visage movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
==Captains Mode==
* Added Slark in Captains Mode|CM
* Added Huskar in Captains Mode|CM
* Added Phoenix in Captains Mode|CM
===Hand of Midas===
* Hand of Midas recipe cost increased from 1400 to 1550
* Necronomicon night vision from 1300/1400/1500 to 800
* Necronomicon gold bounty increased from 100 to 100/125/150 (per unit)
==Bug Fixes==
* Fixed Earth Spirit not functioning properly when used after Repick
* Fixed a case where you could get vision over the enemy team
* Fixed some lag issues on older PCs
* Fixed Monkey King Bar not being toggleable
* Fixed Tranquil Boots selling for more than it should when disabled
==External links==
*[ Version 6.79c Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
==Bug Fixes==
* Fixed a crash on older versions of Warcraft when picking Slardar
* Fixed some performance problems when Bloodseeker was in the game
* Fixed Vampiric Aura and Linkens Sphere sometimes spawning runes on the ground
* Fixed Radiance not working on illusions
* Fixed selling items after a buyback not giving back gold
==External links==
*[ Version 6.79b Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
<center><big>Note: This is the first version patch deployed directly in Dota 2 and not a parity change with a WC3 DotA version patch.</big></center>
* Buyback prevents gaining unreliable gold (creeps, neutrals, etc) until your normal respawn time finishes
* When buying back, 25% of the remaining respawn time will be added to your next death
* Lane Creeps now meet a bit closer to the tower in your offlane
* Ranged Heroes now get the same Denies|denied experience as melee heroes (instead of less)
* XP AoE increased from 1200 to 1300
* Non-Ancient Neutrals now split XP with all heroes in the AoE instead of just the team that killed them
* Swapped the medium pullable Neutral Camp with the small camp
* A neutral creeps camp will no longer spawn the same set of neutral creeps twice in a row
* Small reduction to the pulling|pull timing duration of the mid Radiant and mid-top Dire camp
* Satyr Mindstealer XP bounty reduced from 88 to 62
* Satyr Tormentor XP bounty reduced from 155 to 119
* Mud Golems XP bounty reduced from 119 to 88
* Mud Golems armor reduced from 4 to 2
* Dark Troll Summoner bounty XP reduced from 155 to 119
* Hellbear Smasher HP reduced from 1100 to 950
* Hellbear armor reduced from 5 to 3
* Satyr Tricksters Purge cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.2
* Fixed Neutral Envenomed Weapons debuff dispelling regen items
* Day/Night length decreased from 6 to 4 minutes
* The following heroes now have the standard 800 night vision: Drow Ranger, Mirana, Puck, Leshrac, Enchantress, Ancient Apparition, Meepo, and Treant Protector
* Roshan will respawn at a random time between 8 and 11 minutes after death
* When Aegis expires unused, it heals the hero fully over 5 seconds (regen dispels on damage from players or buildings)
* Gold|Starting gold increased from 603 to 625
* Gold|Random gold bonus reduced by 50
* Gold for ending a spree changed from 75→600 (3x→10x) to 125→1000
* Your gold income is now 1 per 0.6 seconds, up from 1 per 0.8 seconds
* Tower last hit bonus gold increased from 100-200 to 150-250
* Melee Barracks HP regen increased from 2.5 to 5
* Ranged Barracks HP regen decreased from 2.5 to 0
* Ranged Barracks HP reduced from 1500 to 1200 and armor increased from 5 to 10 (same EHP vs physical damage)
* Evasion now stacks diminishingly
* Can no longer orb-attack while attack restricted (such as Ethereal or Frostbite)
* The following abilities no longer automatically ignore backswing time by default: Rupture, Malefice, Venomous Gale, Stifling Dagger, Flamebreak, Wave of Terror, Shadow Word, and Power Cogs
* Broodmother and Slark are temporarily disabled from Captains Mode|CM, they will be added back shortly
* Base armor reduced by 1
* Mist Coil self damage increased from 50/75/100/125 to 75/100/125/150
* Aphotic Shield is now dispellable
* Borrowed Time no longer activates while Doomed
* Chemical Rage no longer provides 250/500/750 bonus HP
* Chemical Rage HP regen increased from 15/30/60 to 50/75/100
===Ancient Apparition===
* Ice Vortex cooldown reduced from 5 to 4
* Ice Blast cooldown reduced from 45 to 40
* The Chilling Touch buff is now always applied to Ancient Apparition even if he is not within the target area
* Chilling Touch cooldown reduced from 50/46/42/38 to 50/42/34/26
* Berserkers Call AoE increased from 275 to 300
* Battle Hunger duration reduced from 10/13/16/19 to 10/12/14/16
* Battle Hunger damage reduced from 15/21/27/33 to 15/20/25/30
* Battle Hunger movement speed slow/bonus increased from 8% to 10%
* Battle Hunger is now dispellable
* Counter Helix cooldown reduced from 0.55/0.5/0.45/0.4 to 0.45/0.4/0.35/0.3
* Counter Helix now hits siege units
* Culling Blade no longer goes on cooldown if it successfully kills a hero
* Culling Blade threshold reduced from 300/450/625 to 250/350/450 (Aghanim upgraded version is still 300/450/625)
* Culling Blade speed bonus increased from 25% to 40% and AoE from 600 to 900
* Culling Blade 40% speed bonus now applies to attack speed as well
* Culling Blade Aghanim allied buff duration increased from 6 to 10
* Culling Blade manacost reduced from 150/200/250 to 60/120/180
* Base damage reduced from 48-52 to 38-42
* Vision reduced from 1400 to 1200
* Flaming Lasso cast range reduced from 175 to 100
* Inner Beast AoE reduced from 1000 to 900 (standard aura AoE)
* Inner Beast attack speed rescaled from 18/26/32/40 to 15/25/35/45
* Call of the Wild now has two abilities for summoning each unit independently
* Call of the Wild manacost reduced from 25 to 15 and cast point improved from 0.5 to 03
* Base movement speed reduced from 305 to 300
* Thirst is now global instead of 6000 range
* Thirst bonus now stacks for each unit that is low HP
* Thirst HP threshold increased from 20/30/40/50% to 50%
* Thirst movement speed bonus reduced from 15/25/35/45% to 7/14/21/28%
* When Thirst is active, movement speed cap is removed on your hero
* Thirst no longer provides armor bonus
* Thirst provides bonus 7/14/21/28 damage
* Thirst no longer grants full hero vision around low HP targets, it only shows their model
* Thirst no longer lasts for an extra 3 seconds when the target is dead
* Base agility increased from 16 to 22
* Drunken Haze affects a 200 AoE around the target
* Thunder Clap is now dispellable
* Primal Split selection order is now Earth/Storm/Fire
* Reworked Primal Split Aghanim upgrade
* Attack point improved from 0.4 to 0.3
* Viscous Nasal Goo is now dispellable
* Viscous Nasal Goo cast point improved from 0.4 to 0.3
* Warpath max stacks increased from 5 to 5/6/7
* Warpath stack duration increased from 10 to 14
* Spin Web AoE increased from 650 to 900
* Spin Web cast range increased from 600 to 1000
* Spin Web cast point nerfed from 0.2 to 0.4
* Spin Web no longer destroys trees
* Broodmother now has completely unobstructed movement when under the web (can walk over cliffs, trees, etc)
* Removed buffer time when leaving Spin Web (you now immediately lose your regen/movement/pathing/invis bonuses)
===Centaur Warrunner===
* Stampede slow duration increased from 1.25 seconds to 1.5
===Chaos Knight===
* Chaos Bolt damage and stun values are now inversely related
* Test of Faith teleport is now dispellable
* Hand of God cooldown increased from 140/130/120 to 160/140/120
* Searing Arrows damage increased from 20/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60
* Searing Arrows manacost increased from 8 to 10
* Searing Arrows is no longer blocked by magic immunity
* Units knocked back by Power Cogs destroy trees in 100 AoE around where they land
===Crystal Maiden===
* Freezing Field AS/MS AoE slow increased from -20/-30 to -30/-30
* Freezing Field Scepter AS/MS AoE slow increased from -50/-30 to -50/-50
===Dark Seer===
* Vacuum cooldown increased from 24 to 28
* Weave duration rescaled from 12/18/24 to 20
* Weave armor per second rescaled from 1 to 0.75/1/1.25 (scepter is 1/1.25/1.5)
* Poison Touch damage increased from 8/16/24/32 to 14/20/26/32 (7 seconds worth)
* Poison Touch is now dodgeable
* Poison Touch slow timings reworked
===Death Prophet===
* Exorcism Spirit damage increased from 43-48 to 53-58
* Kinetic Field AoE increased from 300 to 325
* Glimpse cooldown reduced from 60/50/40/30 to 65/50/35/20
* Static Storm AoE increased from 375 to 450
* Static Storm max damage increased from 170/220/270 to 200/250/300
* Added Aghanims upgrade: Static Storm silences items, and lasts an extra 2 seconds
* Doom#Doom|Doom cooldown reduced from 110 to 100
* Doom now removes positive buffs on the target before applying the debuff
* Doom Aghanim AoE requirement increased from 550 to 900
===Drow Ranger===
* Precision Aura damage ratio increased from 16/20/24/28% to 18/24/30/36%.
* Precision Aura no longer affects creeps.
* Precision Aura can now be manually casted to affect creeps globally for 30 seconds (120 cd).
* Marksmanship attribute negation AoE increased from 375 to 400.
===Earth Spirit===
* Boulder Smash rock push distance reduced from 2400 to 2000.
* Boulder Smash can target a point to push the nearest rock within 180 aoe.
* Enchant Totem damage increased from 75/150/225/300% to 100/200/300/400%.
* Fissure range increased by 100.
===Elder Titan===
* Astral Spirit damage reduced from 120/160/200/240 to 80/120/160/200.
===Ember Spirit===
* Fire Remnant movement path now kills trees.
* Midnight Pulse dps increased from 3/4/5/6% to 4/5/6/7%.
* Added Aghanims upgrade: Adds Midnight Pulse damage to your Black Hole. This damage stacks with Midnight Pulse.
* Untouchable attack speed slow increased from 20/50/80/110 to 30/60/90/120
===Faceless Void===
* Time Walk slow rescaled from 25/30/35/40% to 20/30/40/50%
* Chronosphere AoE increased from 400 to 450
* Agility reduced from 20 + 2.4 to 15 + 1.4
* Berserkers Blood is now disabled by Doom
* EMP restores Invoker for 50% of the mana it drains from heroes (excluding illusions)
* Invoke Max Spells rescaled from 1/2/2/2 to 2
* Tether now does a -100% MS/AS slow instead of a stun
* Liquid Fire is now a castable Attack Orb (same cooldown, no mana cost)
;Undocumented Change
* Liquid Fire cast range increased from 400 to 600
* Healing Ward movement speed increased from 300 to 450.
* Omnislash Scepter cooldown reduced from 110/100/90 to 70.
* Omnislash no longer stops if the target is Ethereal (it still doesnt do damage).
* Fixed not being able to use items during Omnislash.
===Keeper of the Light===
* Blinding Light now destroys trees in a 150 AoE around where the target is pushed.
* X Marks The Spot cooldown reduced from 16 to 13.
* Ghost Ship damage increased from 350/450/550 to 400/500/600.
===Legion Commander===
* Base movement speed increased from 310 to 320.
* Overwhelming Odds base damage from 60/120/180/240 to 50/100/150/200.
* Overwhelming Odds bonus damage per unit increased from 10 to 14/16/18/20.
* Duel cast range increased from 100 to 150.
* Press The Attack duration increased from 4 to 5.
* Diabolic Edict cast point improved from 0.7 to 0.5.
* Pulse Nova scepter damage increased from 88/133/177 to 100/150/200.
* Ice Armor has half effect against ranged heroes.
* Ice Armor slow now stacks with the slow from Frost Blast.
* Sacrifice cooldown increased from 35/30/25/20 to 44/36/28/20.
* Sacrifice mana gain increased from 15/30/45/60% to 25/40/55/70%.
* Sacrifice no longer denies enemy XP.
* Sacrifice now converts your own creep for XP (shared in AoE as normal creep xp bounty).
* Rage cooldown increased from 17 to 19.
* Open Wounds and Infest cast points increased from 0.01 to 02.
* Attack range increased from 635 to 650.
* Mana Drain duration increased from 4 to 5.
* Hex cooldown increased from 15 to 30/25/20/15.
* Hex duration increased from 1.75/2.5/3.25/4 to 2.5/3/35/4.
===Lone Druid===
* Base movement speed increased from 315 to 325 (still 280 in True Form).
* Spirit Bear XP bounty increased from 196 to 300.
* Moon Glaive can now bounce back on the same units if it already hit all other units nearby.
* Moon Glaive bounce damage reduced from -30% to -35%.
* Eclipse Scepter beam count limit per target removed.
* Armor increased by 1 (Shapeshift total armor is still the same as before).
* Base damage increased by 5.
* Howl bonus damage for non-hero units increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20.
* Lycan Wolves magic resistance increased from 50% to 80%.
* Turn rate improved from 0.5 to 0.8.
* Mystic Snake now does Pure damage to units in Stone Form.
* Base armor reduced by 1
* Turn rate improved from 0.5 to 0.65
* Earthbind cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.3
* Divided We Stand leveling rebalanced from 6/11/16 to 4/11/18
* Removed 30% stat sharing on non-aghanim Divided We Stand
* Leap AoE AS/MS speed bonus is granted at the cast location rather than the destination
* Leap AoE AS bonus increased from 4/8/12/16 to 8/16/24/32
* Morph level 4 shift rate improved from 0.25 to 0.2
===Naga Siren===
* Rip Tide AoE reduced from 450 to 350
* Ensnare manacost increased from 75/85/95/105 to 90/100/110/120
===Natures Prophet===
* Natures Prophet#Treant|Treants XP Bounty increased from 20 to 30
* Treants Gold Bounty increased from 12-16 to 14-20
* Base armor increased by 1
===Night Stalker===
* Darkness causes enemy vision to be reduced by 25% (affects heroes, creeps and wards)
===Nyx Assassin===
* Spiked Carapace no longer stuns your hero when your summoned units proc it (the summoned units get stunned instead)
* Impale no longer has unit targeting, it is now only a point targeted spell
===Ogre Magi===
* Ignite duration increased from 4/5/6/7 to 5/6/7/8
* Ignite is now dodgeable
* Ignite can now multicast to cast at a random enemy unit in 1400 AoE (prioritizes ones that do not already have the debuff)
* Unrefined Fireblast cooldown reduced from 10 to 6
* Degen Aura AoE increased from 315 to 350
* Degen Aura stickiness increased from 0.5 seconds to 10
* False Promise manacost from 100 to 200
* False Promise cast range reduced from 1500 to 1000
===Outworld Devourer===
* Base damage reduced by 3
* Items no longer trigger Essence Aura
===Phantom Assassin===
* Stifling Dagger shares the same crit chance/factor as Coup de Grace
* Stifling Dagger is now dodgeable
* Stifling Dagger damage rescaled from 50/100/150/200 to 60/100/140/180
===Phantom Lancer===
* Spirit Lance is now dodgeable
* Sun Ray HP cost increased from 4% of current HP to 6%
* Can now use Blink Dagger
* If you Meat Hook|hook a unit onto an unpathable ledge, the unit gains free pathing for 5 seconds
* Flesh Heap magic resistance reduced from 4/8/12/16% to 6/8/10/12%
* Dismember Scepter strength multiplier increased from 0.75 to 10
* Decrepify damage amp on allies reduced from 40% to 25%
* Decrepify damage amp on enemies increased from 40% to 50%
* Nether Ward now requires 3 hits to kill instead of 75/150/225/300 HP (heroes hurt it for 1, others for 0.25)
* Life Drain restores mana if it tries to heal you while you are full hp when targeting heroes
===Queen of Pain===
* Shadow Strike manacost rescaled from 80/100/120/140 to 110
* Smoke Screen cast range increased from 425 to 550
* Riki is no longer revealed out of Permanent Invisibility when he casts spells or uses items
* Telekinesis cooldown increased from 18 to 22
* Rubick can no longer steal the Aghanim upgrade of the enemy if they have Aghanim and he doesnt
* Added Aghanims upgrade: reduces cooldown from 20/18/16 to 5, increases cast range from 1000 to 1400 and makes all stolen spells be considered to have their Aghanims upgrade
===Sand King===
* Sand Storm dps increased from 20/40/60/80 to 25/50/75/100
* Epicenter attack speed slow is now same as movement speed slow (10%→30%)
===Shadow Demon===
* Shadow Poison AoE increased from 180 to 190
===Shadow Shaman===
* Mass Serpent Ward count increased from 8 to 10
* Changed Mass Serpent Ward placement structure
* Intelligence Steal is an innate part of the hero rather than an element of Glaives of Wisdom
===Skeleton King===
* Base Intelligence increased by 5
* Removed Mortal Strike active
* Vampiric Aura now provides full effectiveness on ranged units
* Reincarnation slow increased from 30% to 50%
* Reincarnation slow AoE increased from 700 to 900
===Skywrath Mage===
* Int growth increased from 3.2 to 3.6
* Added Aghanims upgrade: reduces Mystic Flares cooldown from 60/40/20 to 20/10/0
* Amplify Damage armor reduction increased from 8/14/20 to 10/15/20
* Sprint speed increased from 20/27/33/40% to 20/28/36/44%
* Sprint manacost removed (was 50)
* Shadow Dance duration reduced from 5.5 to 4
* Shadow Dance cooldown increased from 25 to 65
* Shadow Dance can no longer be revealed by True Sight
* Take Aim attack range bonus increased from 75/150/225/300 to 80/160/240/320
* Metamorphosis duration from 40 to 40/44/48/52
* You can now continuously use Reality on your illusions
* Reality cast point improved from 0.3 to 0
===Spirit Breaker===
* Base attack time nerfed from 1.7 to 1.9
* Greater Bash no longer works while doomed
* Nether Strike now uses 1.2 Cast Time instead of a 1 sec magic immune delay (can be interrupted as a result)
* Storm Hammer cooldown reduced from 15 to 13
* Storm Hammer is now dodgeable
* Kraken Shell damage block increased from 7/14/21/28 to 9/18/27/36
* Chakram manacost increased from 75/125/175 to 100/150/200
* Craggy Exterior chance increased from 6/12/18/24% to 10/15/20/25%
* Craggy Exterior stun duration increased from 1.2 to 1.2/1.3/1.4/15
===Treant Protector===
* Leech Seed damage per pulse reduced from 30/45/60/75 to 24/36/48/60
* Leech Seed number of pulses increased from 4 to 6 (duration from 3 to 4.5)
* Living Armor cooldown rebalanced from 15 to 32/26/20/14
* Living Armor manacost increased from 25 to 50
* Natures Guise cast point improved from 0.5 to 03
===Troll Warlord===
* Berserkers Rage movespeed bonus rebalanced from 20/20/20/30 to 10/20/30/40
* Whirling Axes (Melee) damage reduced from 125/175/225/275 to 75/125/175/225
* Frozen Sigil now requires a constant number of hits (3/3/4/4) instead of 200/220/240/260 HP (heroes hurt it for 1, others for 025)
* Decay steal duration increased from 25/30/35/40 to 40
===Vengeful Spirit===
* Can now use Blink Dagger
* If you Nether Swap a unit onto an unpathable ledge, the unit gains free pathing for 5 seconds
* Poison Nova no longer ignores invis/fogged units
* Venomous Gale no longer ignores invis units
* Venomous Gale damage over time rebalanced from 15/30/45/60 to 0/30/60/90
* Poison Sting duration increased from 6/8/10/12 to 6/9/12/15
* Poison Sting dps no longer dispels healing or disables dagger
* Plague Wards now have Poison Sting for 50% of the damage at the current skilled level (When both Venomancer and a Plague Ward affect a target, only the highest dps is applied)
* Plague Wards XP bounty increased from 12/12/25/25 to 20/25/30/35
* Poison Attack cooldown reduced from 4/3/0/0 to 0
* Corrosive Skin no longer works while doomed
* Base armor reduced by 1
* Base magic resistance reduced from 25% to 10%
* Fatal Bonds now links the closest units to the initial target, instead of randomly choosing targets in its AoE
* Upheaval cast range increased from 700 to 1200
* Upheaval duration increased from 10 to 12
* Removed Chaotic Offering 100 impact damage
* Chaotic Offering Golem armor increased from 5/7/10 to 6/9/12
* Chaotic Offering manacost increased from 200/250/300 to 200/300/400
* Base attack time nerfed from 1.7 to 1.8
* Focus Fire remains sticky on the target you cast it on
===Witch Doctor===
* Death Ward cast range increased from 400 to 600
* Voodoo Restoration AoE increased from 350 to 500
* Voodoo Restoration manacost over time reduced from 8/14/20/26 to 8/12/16/20 (50% of the heal amount)
* Paralyzing Cask now lasts 5 seconds on illusions (same as creep duration)
===Animal Courier===
*Movement speed increased from 300 to 350
*HP increased from 45 to 75
===Arcane Boots===
*Movement speed bonus reduced from 60 to 55
===Armlet of Mordiggian===
*Unholy Strength STR gain is provided over 0.7 seconds
*Unholy Strength has no toggle on or off cooldown
===Black King Bar===
*Recipe cost increased from 1300 to 1375
===Blink Dagger===
*Damage disable no longer ignores self damage
*Now gives the +10 damage from its components
===Boots of Travel===
*Now prioritizes nearby structures first within 325 AoE from targeting position (when ground targeted)
*Gold cost increased from 600 to 650
*Is no longer shareable (but can still be used on a target ally)
===Dust of Appearance===
*Slow increased from 10 to 15%
===Euls Scepter of Divinity===
*Euls#Ability|Cyclone cooldown reduced from 30 to 25
*Movement speed bonus increased from 35 to 40
===Eye of Skadi===
*Eye of Skadi MS/AS slow increased from 30/20 to 35/35
===Flying Courier===
*Cannot be purchased until 3 minutes after creeps spawn
===Gem of True Sight===
*Gold cost increased from 850 to 900
===Hand of Midas===
*Transmute no longer works against Necronomicon units
===Healing Salve===
*Gold cost increased from 100 to 115
*Is no longer shareable (but can still be used on a target ally)
===Helm of the Dominator===
*Dominate can no longer control Necronomicon units
*Gold cost reduced from 2100 to 2000
===Linkens Sphere===
*Linkens Sphere can now be cast on an allied hero to transfer the buff
*Maelstrom#Ability|Chain Lightning AoE increased from 500 to 900
*Static Charge radius around attacker increased from 300 to 450
*Static Charge hit count increased from 3 to 5
*Mjollnir#Chain Lightning|Chain Lightning AoE increased from 500 to 900
*Summoned units duration increased from 35 to 40
===Observer Ward===
*Duration increased from 6 to 7 minutes
*Killing Observer Wards now grants a 50 gold bounty
===Phase Boots===
*Movement speed bonus reduced from 55 to 50
===Pipe of Insight===
*Barrier AoE increased from 500 to 900
===Power Treads===
*Movement speed bonus reduced from 55 to 50
*Burn Damage AoE increased from 650 to 700
===Refresher Orb===
*Now gives the +10 attack speed from its components
===Rod of Atos===
*Cripple cooldown reduced from 16 to 12
===Sange and Yasha===
*Movement speed bonus increased from 12 to 16%
===Sentry Ward===
*Duration increased from 3 to 4 minutes
*No longer gives permanent vision around it
*Gives ground vision in a 150 area around it for 12 seconds when placed
===Shadow Amulet===
*Fade delay reduced from 2.4 to 1.8
===Shadow Blade===
*Shadow Blade#Ability|Shadow Walk cooldown increased from 18 to 28
===Smoke of Deceit===
*Smoked units are now always hidden until the buff is removed (rather than being hidden only from minimap and partially from world)
*Charges increased from 3 to 4
*Gold cost increased from 90 to 125
*Is no longer shareable
*Tango can be targeted on an allied hero to create a 1 charge non-stacking tango item in their inventory. If the inventory is full, the item will be placed on the ground. This item has a 60s cooldown.
===Tranquil Boots===
*Reworked Tranquil Boots
===Urn of Shadows===
*Soul Release cooldown reduced from 10 to 7
*Vanguard#Ability|Damage Block chance increased from 70 to 80%
===Veil of Discord===
*Now uses Null Talisman instead of Robe of the Magi (from +12 int to +6 int, +3 str, +3 agi, +3 dmg)
*Magic Weakness duration increased from 20 to 25 seconds
==External links==
*[ Gameplay Update 6.79]
* Chemical Rage bonus HP reduced from 300/600/900 to 250/500/750
* Flamebreak cooldown increased from 11 to 14
* Gyrocopter attack range reduced from 375 to 365
* Tether movement bonus decreased from 20% to 17%
* Rage cooldown increased from 15 to 17 seconds
===Treant Protector===
* Living Armor damage block instances from 7 to 4/5/6/7
==Captains Mode==
* Team 2 now bans second instead of first in Ban Phase #2. (All other phases and orders are the same)
==External links==
*[ Version 6.78c Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
==Bug Fixes==
* Fixed a bug that allowed some players to control two heroes
* Fixed being unable to easily tell when Tombstone was Decrepified
* Fixed False Promise interaction with Shallow Grave
* Fixed Quelling Blade doing damage to allied wards
* Fixed the passive regen missing on Spirit Bears Armlet
* Fixed Empty Bottle courier slow lasting a couple extra seconds after it is filled
* Fixed Buyback cooldown display not always being accurate
* Fixed Rupture hurting couriers
* Fixed some issues with targeting near units with Stone Caller
* Fixed Flak Cannon vs Gem
* Fixed Panda with Bloodstone being unable to revive
* Fixed swapping costing you an extra 100 gold if you swap after repicking a new hero
* Fixed multiple swaps costing you more gold
* Fixed Bloodrage removing Doom and stuns from allies
* Fixed Bloodrage removing Elder Dragon Form
* Fixed various tooltips
* Fixed a bug with Courier haste speed when interacting with slows
* Fixed Bloodstone charges being slightly inaccurate when activating the item manually
* Fixed Rupture piercing Shallow Grave
* Fixed False Promise interaction with Armlet and Power Treads
* Fixed Shadow Demon base int
* Fixed Mortal Strike interaction with Linkens Sphere
* Fixed an Aghnaims Scepter droppability issue
* Fixed aoe XP/Gold with deny/neutral/suicide
* Fixed Aghanim Reaper buyback not being prevented properly if someone else gets the last hit
* Fixed some minor issues with the values on Eye of the Storm
* Fixed Geomagnetic Grip being wasted if targeting ground and no nearby Rock is found to pull
==External links==
*[ Version 6.78b Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
===Captains Mode===
* Captains Mode bans changed from 2/3 to 2/2/1
* Captains Mode picks changed from 3/2 to 2/2/1
* Adjusted ban/pick/reserve times Captains Mode
===Gold & Experience===
* Deny XP and Bonus XP/Gold AOE is now the same as regular XP AOE (1000→1200)
* 4 hero XP bonus changed from 15+6*Level to 20+5*level
* 5 hero XP bonus changed from 10+5*Level to 15+4*level
* Level 11 XP requirements reduced from 6500 to 6000
* Level 12 XP requirements increased from 7700 to 8200
* Gold for ending a spree changed from 50→400 (3x→10x) to 75→600
* Buyback cooldown increased from 5 to 6 minutes
* Level 1 and Level 2 towers armor increased from 18 to 20
* Towers no longer have separate bounty values when creeps or allies get the last it, it now gives the same reliable bounty to all players as if a creep killed it.
* Hero getting last hit on tower gives 100-200 bonus gold. Does not affect team bounty in any way
* Backdoor protection now also reduces incoming damage by 25%
* Siege units HP increased from 500 to 550
* Repicking a randomed hero now re-adds the hero to the pool
* Swapping a hero that you randomed now costs you 100 gold
===Bug Fixes===
* Fixed a bug with Call Down slow sometimes lasting too long
* Fixed Call Down inaccurate tooltip
* Fixed Echo Stomp stun sometimes ending too early
* Fixed Ancients not having backdoor protection
* Fixed the left range rax not upgrading the siege units properly for the Sentinel
* Fixed the active component of Tranquil Boots being enabled on Illusions
* Fixed an inconsistency with mana sharing on Tether
* Fixed an issue with Primal Splits Level 2 Storm interaction with Smoke
* Fixed Shadow Amulet not working when you are Magic Immune
* Fixed Rod of Atos sell price
* Fixed Smoke of Deceit not working on Familiars
* Fixed suicides causing aoe bonus XP to be given out
* Fixed attack speed with Armlet on Spirit Bear
* Fixed level 3 Skeleton King Reincarnation scoreboard
* Fixed Rupture sometimes remaining on you when you revive
* Fixed a very minor damage inaccuracy with Eye of the Storm
==New Heroes==
*New Strength Hero:
Kaolin, the Earth Spirit
*New Intelligence Hero:
Nerif, the Oracle
* Movement speed increased from 300 to 310
===Arc Warden===
* Magnetic Field AoE decreased from 325 to 275
* Tempest Double unit is now visible to the enemy players as the fake
* Counter Helix cooldown decreased from 0.65/0.6/0.55/0.5 to 0.55/0.5/0.45/0.4
===Ancient Apparition===
* Ice Vortex cooldown decreased from 6 to 5
* Ice Blast base AoE increased from 225 to 275
* Added Aghanims Scepter
* Vision decreased from 1800/800 to 1400/800
* Flamebreak manacost increased from 80/100/120/140 to 140
* Greater Hawk invisibility fade time decreased from 5 to 4
* Strygwyrs Thirst now gives you bonus 3/4/5/6 armor when active
* Bloodrage dispels the target before applying its buff
* Rupture damage is now HP loss
===Bounty Hunter===
* Track manacost from 70/60/50 to 50
* Aghanims Primal Split units now gain your current level of Drunken Brawler
* Brew#Fire|Fire Panda no longer upgrades damage with Aghanims Scepter
* Quill Spray hit memory increased from 10 to 14 seconds
* Incapacitating Bite miss chance from 10/20/30/40% to 30/40/50/60%
* Spawn Spiderlings unit count increased from 1/2/3/3 to 1/2/3/4
===Centaur Warrunner===
* Added to Captains Mode
* Strafe cooldown decreased from 60/50/40/30 to 45/40/35/30
* Power Cogs no longer knock back magic immune units
===Crystal Maiden===
* Arcane Aura mana regen increased from 0.5/1/1.5/2 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
* Freezing Field explosion AoE increased from 215 to 230
* Aghanims Freezing Fields attack speed reduction aura increased from -20 to -50
===Dark Seer===
* Vacuum cooldown increased from 22 to 24
* Shadow Wave target count increased from 3/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
* Shallow Grave can now be cast on magic immune allies
===Death Prophet===
* Movement speed decreased from 285 to 280
* dp#Silence|Silence AoE increased from 200/275/350/350 to 350
* Witchcraft move speed bonus increased from 4/8/12/16% to 5/10/15/20%
* Thunder Strike from 3 strikes over 4 seconds to 4 strikes over 6 seconds
* Thunder Strike damage per strike decreased from 50/75/100/125 to 40/60/80/100
* Thunder Strike AoE increased from 200 to 240
* Doom#Doom|Doom now disables Feast, Backtrack, Dispersion, Juxtapose, Bristleback and Blood Bath
* Aghanims Scepter upgrade duration reworked
===Dragon Knight===
* Corrosive Breath passive from Level 1 Elder Form now carries over to Level 2 (the DPS)
===Drow Ranger===
* Precision Aura increased from 14/18/22/26% to 16/20/24/28%
* Turn rate improved from 0.4 to 0.6
* Fissure range increased from 1200 to 1300
* Echo Slam now considers illusions as heroes
===Elder Titan===
* Astral Spirit vision type from Flying to Ground
* Natural Order aura increased from 20/40/60/80% to 25/50/75/100%
===Ember Spirit===
* Flame Guard DPS increased from 30/35/40/45 to 30/40/50/60
* Added to Captains Mode
* Aghanims Scepter bonus attack range increased from 165 to 190
* Malefice scaling reworked
* Flak Cannon cooldown increased from 20 to 30
* Base Strength increased by 3
* Burning Spears DPS increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20
* Life Break HP cost increased from 35/30/25% to 40/35/30%
* Berserkers Blood Reworked
* Removed from Captains Mode
* Alacrity manacost decreased from 100 to 75
* Ghost Walk slow increased from 20/23/26/30/33/36/40 to 20/25/30/35/40/45/50
* Ghost Walk cooldown decreased from 60 to 35
* Tornado damage rescaled from 70+(Wex+Quas)*20 to 70+(2*Wex+Quas)*15
* Spirits no longer provide vision, except temporarily when they collide with an enemy hero
* Overcharge hp/mp cost increased from 3.5% to 4.5%
* Omnislash no longer jumps on Tombestone Zombies
===Keeper of the Light===
* Base Strength decreased by 2
* Ghost Ship damage increased from 300/400/500 to 350/450/550
* X Marks The Spot manacost decreased from 80/90/100/110 to 80
* X Marks The Spot vision from 1000 flying to 400 ground vision
===Legion Commander===
* Duel bonus damage per victory increased from 10 to 10/14/18
* Added to Captains Mode
* Chain Frost bounce count increased from 7 to 10
* Open Wounds cast range decreased from 600 to 200/300/400/500
* Attack range increased from 625 to 635
* Mana Drain break and cast range improved by 100 (750/1100 → 850/1200)
* Aghanims Finger of Death CD decreased from 160/100/40 to 100/60/20
===Lone Druid===
* Spirit Bear now has its HP drained by Armlet when active
* Spirit Bear bounty increased from 100 to 300
* Armor increased by 1 (Shapeshift total armor is still the same as before)
* Reverse Polarity damage decreased from 150/225/300 to 50/125/200
* Stone Gaze Reworked
* Removed from Captains Mode
* Innate magic resistance increased from 25% to 35%
* Sacred Arrow now deals up to 100 extra damage based on distance the arrow traveled
* Moonlight Shadow cooldown decreased from 160/140/120 to 140/120/100
* Starstorm will choose a new target for the second star if the first died before impact
* Base attack time improved from 1.7 to 1.6
===Naga Siren===
* Rip Tide cooldown rescaled from 19/16/13/10 to 10
* If a unit dies under Reapers Scythe, it will be credited to Necrolyte
* Aghanims Reapers Scythe causes buyback to be disabled on heroes it kills for that death
===Night Stalker===
* Hunter in the Night attack speed rescaled from 30/45/60/75 to 45/55/65/75 (MS remains 20/25/30/35)
===Nyx Assassin===
* Mana Burn drain and damage decreased from 5x Int to 3.5/4/4.5/5x
* Mana Burn manacost rescaled from 130/120/110/100 to 100
===Ogre Magi===
* Ignite DPS increased from 26/32/38/44 to 26/34/42/50
* Added Aghanims Scepter
===Outworld Devourer===
* Movement speed increased from 310 to 315
===Phantom Assassin===
* Blur level 4 evasion increased from 35% to 40%
===Phantom Lancer===
* Spirit Lance, Dopplewalk, Juxtapose, and Phantom Edge illusions damage dealt decreased from 25% to 20%
* Sun Ray HP cost per second increased from 3% to 4%
* Flesh Heap strength bonus increased from 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
* Nether Blast structure damage increased from 33% to 50%
* Decrepify can now target Tombstone
* Eye of the Storm duration increased from 20/25/30 to 30
* Eye of the Storm strike interval decreased from 0.75/0.65/0.55 to 0.7/0.6/0.5 (Aghanims to 0.55/0.45/0.35)
* Unstable Current movement speed bonus increased from 3/6/9/12% to 4/8/12/16%
* Permanent Invisibility fade time decreased from 3/2.25/1.5 to 3/2/1
===Sand King===
* Invisibility fade delay when exiting Sand Storm improved from 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.5 to 1.5
* Sand Storm now has a smoother damage interval (1→0.5, total damage is the same)
===Shadow Demon===
* Base Intelligence decreased by 3
* Shadow Poison no longer gives vision over the targets with the debuff
===Shadow Fiend===
* Requiem of Souls slow rescaled from 15/20/25% to 20%
* Requiem of Souls damage reduction increased from 15/20/25% to 50%
===Shadow Shaman===
* Aghanims Mass Serpent Wards damage increased from 53-59/74-79/94-100 to 85-90/105-110/125-130
* Global Silence now affects sleeping units
* Added Aghanims Scepter for Silencer
* Slardar#Bash|Bash damage type from magical to physical
* Sprint cooldown decreased from 40 to 28
* Shrapnel AoE increased from 360 to 400
===Spirit Breaker===
* Charge of Darkness will now also Greater Bash its target
===Storm Spirit===
* Electric Vortex cooldown decreased from 20 to 21/20/19/18
* Conjure Image illusion duration increased from 25 to 32
* Sunder minimum HP exchange decreased from 33/28/23% to 25/20/15%
* Ravage AoE rescaled from 825/925/1025 to 1025
* Base Strength increased by 3
* Int growth increased from 1.8 to 2.4
* Chakram initial manacost rescaled from 125/150/175 to 75/125/175
* Chakram move speed increased from 800 to 900
* Toss cooldown decreased from 10 to 9
* You can now Toss units to Runes
===Treant Protector===
* Leech Seed slow increased from 24% to 28%
* Leech Seeds healing effect no longer ends when the target dies
===Troll Warlord===
* Battle Trance cooldown increased from 20 to 30
* Battle Trance duration decreased from 10 to 7
* Snowball cooldown decreased from 24 to 21
* Soul Rip cast range increased from 650 to 750
* Fury Swipes duration increased from 6 to 15
===Vengeful Spirit===
* Strength increased from 16 + 2.3 to 18 + 2.6
* Nether Swap cast range rescaled from 600/900/1200 to 650/925/1200
* Poison Sting duration increased from 6/7/8/9 to 6/8/10/12
* Corrosive Skin affects any damage source not just regular attacks
* Viper Strike is no longer removed by Dark Pact or Kraken Shell
===Winter Wyvern===
* Intelligence growth increased from 2.4 to 3.1
* Arctic Burn no longer provides flying vision
===Witch Doctor===
* Death Ward cast range rescaled from 300/350/400 to 400
* Maledict cast range increased from 400 to 525
===Wraith King===
* Reincarnation slow now affects attack speed as well
* Reincarnation slow happens immediately upon death rather than after reincarnating
* Mortal Strike|Critical Strike Reworked
===Armlet of Mordiggian===
* HP regen decreased from 8 to 7
===Assault Cuirass===
* Positive armor aura is no longer prevented from stacking with other items
:This means that it works with items like Vladmirs Offering
===Black King Bar===
* Avatar|Magic Immunity now has a 6th level of decrease
===Blade Mail===
* Armor increased from 5 to 6
* Damage Return cooldown decreased from 22 to 17
===Blink Dagger===
* Cooldown decreased from 14 to 12
* Initial charges increased from 6 to 8
* Can be activated to instantly kill yourself
* While empty, Bottle causes couriers to move 30% slower
* Armor bonus AoE active increased from 700 to 750 (now equal to Mekansms active)
* Courier no longer block neutral creeps from spawning
* Courier Speed Burst from 100% to 50% MS bonus (still reaches max speed)
* Recipe cost decreased from 1300 to 1250
* Corruption armor reduction increased from 6 to 7
===Drum of Endurance===
* Recipe cost increased from 750 to 800
===Dust of Appearance===
* Now stacks in inventory
* Now slows heroes with an invisibility buff on them by 10%
===Ethereal Blade===
* Self or ally cast duration increased to 4 seconds
===Euls Scepter of Divinity===
* Movement speed bonus increased from 30 to 35
===Force Staff===
* Recipe cost decreased from 1000 to 900
===Gem of True Sight===
* Gem can no longer be destroyed
* Gold cost increased from 700 to 850
* Regeneration Aura AoE increased from 500 to 750 (now equal to Mekansms active)
===Linkens Sphere===
* Cooldown decreased from 20 to 17
===Medallion of Courage===
* Cast range increased from 800 to 1000
* Mekansm Aura AoE increased from 500 to 750 (now equal to active)
* Warrior and Archer armor type changed from Heavy to Hero
===Null Talisman===
* Recipe cost decreased from 145 to 135
===Observer Ward===
* Initial Stock now starts at 1 instead of 2 (max stock is still 2)
===Quelling Blade===
* Can now target Observer or Sentry wards dealing 100 damage (wards have 200 hp)
* Cast range increased from 100 to 350
* Burn damage increased from 45 to 50
===Sange and Yasha===
* Minor changes to stats
===Sentry Ward===
* Sentry Wards AoE decreased from 950 to 800
===Shadow Amulet===
* Fade time decreased from 2.6 to 2.4
===Shadow Blade===
* Damage decreased from 30 to 22
===Shivas Guard===
* Shivas Guard aura AoE decreased from 1000 to the standard 900
* Shivas Guard AS reduction increased from -30 to -40
===Veil of Discord===
* Discord AoE increased from 550 to 600
==External links==
*[ Version 6.78 Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
===Drow Ranger===
* Marksmanship bonus is removed when there are nearby enemy heroes (instead of just being halved)
* Reduced Marksmanship enemy detection aoe reduced from 400 to 375
===Keeper of the Light===
* Illuminate manacost increased from 150 to 150 / 160 / 170 / 180
* Illuminate aoe reduced from 400 to 350
===Nyx Assassin===
* Spiked Carapace duration reduced from 2.75 to 2.25
* Spiked Carapace cooldown increased from 14 to 23 / 20 / 17 / 14
===Treant Protector===
* Living Armor damage reduction is now done for all instances of damage that reduce its charges
===Heaven’s Halberd===
* Heaven’s Halberds Disarm is no longer dispelled by Manta
===Tranquil Boots===
* Tranquil Boots disabled speed reduced from 50 to 25
* Tranquil Boots heal increased from 170 to 250
* Tranquil Boots cooldown increased from 40 to 60
* Tranquil Boots heal duration increased from 10 to 20
==External links==
*[ Version 6.77c Changelog]
*[ DotA Map Archive]
==Bug Fixes==
* Removed Christmas themed elements
* Fixed a death streak bounty bug
* Fixed Fire Spirits instantly kililng Forged Spirits
* Fixed Brilliance Auras self effect on Crystal Maiden not working properly
* Fixed some tooltips
==External Links==
*[ Version 6.77b Changelog]
===Ancient Apparition===
*Chilling Touch manacost rescaled from 140 to 110/120/130/140
*Batrider can no longer attack while using Flaming Lasso
===Bounty Hunter===
*Track no longer reduces armor
===Centaur Warrunner===
*Movement speed decreased from 305 to 300
*Double Edge no longer interrupts channeling
*Stampede now applies a 100% slow instead of a stun (as always, units cannot be slowed below 100 movement speed)
*Agility growth increased from 1.2 to 2.3
*Shallow Grave cast range rescaled from 400/600/800/1000 to 550/700/850/1000
*Scorched Earth now also affects other units you control
*Doom now has too much armor! (+1)
===Drow Ranger===
*Trueshot Aura now only affects non-hero units within 900 range of Drow
*Aftershock stun duration rescaled from 0.3/0.7/1.2/1.5 to 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5
*Aftershock damage increased from 25/45/75/115 to 50/75/100/125
*Enchant Totem cooldown decreased from 6 to 5
*Untouchable AS reduction increased from 20/40/60/80 to 20/50/80/110
*Ice Path damage from 100 to 25/50/75/100
*Base Int increased from 15 to 17
*Lycan Wolves armor increased by 1
*Skewer no longer affects magic immune units
*Skewer cast range rescaled from 1200 to 600/800/1000/1200
*Reverse Polarity duration decreased from 2.5/3.25/4 to 2.25/3/3.75
*Stone Gaze cooldown decreased from 140/110/80 to 140/100/60
*Moonlight Shadow duration increased from 11 to 15 seconds
*Cast animation time decreased from 0.4 to 0.25
*Reapers Scythe stun/delay increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds
*Purification cast range rescaled from 400/500/600/700 to 700
*Sun Ray max range decreased from 1600 to 1300
*Sun Ray base damage decreased from 16/24/32/40 to 15/20/25/30
*Sun Ray now ends if you are stunned or silenced
*Fixed some Sun Ray lag issues
*Illusory Orb cooldown decreased from 13 to 12
*Decrepify cooldown decreased from 13/11/9/7 to 12/10/8/6
===Shadow Demon===
*Shadow Poison cooldown decreased from 3 to 2.75
*Base agility increased by 6
*Haunt no longer ends when you use Reality (the targeted illusion is still replaced by you though)
*Great Cleave damage decreased from 25/40/55/70 to 20/35/50/65
*Warcry duration decreased from 8 to 7 seconds
===Templar Assassin===
*Refraction manacost increased from 75 to 100
*Movement speed increased by 5
===Treant Protector===
*Damage increased by 10
*Leech Seed cooldown decreased from 18/16/14/12 to 16/14/12/10
*Overgrowth cooldown decreased from 80 to 70
*Living Armor damage instances increased from 6 to 7
*Living Armor can be cast through the minimap (only considers heroes and towers/barracks in this mode)
*Decay damage reduced from 40/80/120/160 to 20/60/100/140
===Vengeful Spirit===
*Wave of Terror damage increased from 18.75/37.5/56.25/75 to 30/50/70/90
*Base strength increased by 3
*Shadow Word cooldown decreased from 20 to 16
*Shukuchi damage increased from 90/100/110/120 to 90/110/130/150
===Winter Wyvern===
*Arctic Burn cooldown decreased from 60/50/40/30 to 50/40/30/20
*Splinter Blast cooldown decreased from 8 to 7
*Fixed Arctic Burn vs Roshan
*Strength growth increased from 1.8 to 2.3
*Damage decreased from 35 to 30
*Crit multiplier decreased from 2.7 to 2.4
*Recipe cost decreased from 1200 to 1000
===Eye of Skadi===
*HP bonus increased from 200 to 250
*MP bonus increase from 150 to 250
===Shivas Guard===
*Freezing Auras attack speed reduction increased from 25 to 30
* Harpy Camp|Harpys Harpy Camp#Chain Lightning|Chain Lightning manacost reduced from 90 to 50
==External links==
*[ Version 6.77 Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
===Centaur Warrunner===
* Stampede cooldown increased from 65 to 120/90/60
* Stampede duration rescaled from 3/4/5 to 3.75
* Stampede damage slightly reworked from 100/150/200 + 2x str to 0 + 1/2/3x str (no base damage)
* Stampede mancost increased from 50 to 80
* Stampede AoE reduced from 120 to 105
===Drow Ranger===
* Drows base armor decreased by 2
* Marksmanship focus AoE increased from 375 to 400
* Last Word manacost from 100 to 115
===Treant Protector===
* Living Armor cooldown and duration decreased from from 20 to 15
* Living Armor manacost decreased 30/35/40/45 to 25
==Bug Fixes==
* Fixed an exploit with Enfeeble allowing it to be perma stuck on the enemy in some situations
* Fixed some lag when Centaur initially casts Stampede
* Centaur restricted from Captains Mode
* Fixed a couple of bugs with -TagTeam mode
* Fixed Force Staff shop hotkey
* Fixed various tooltips
==External links==
*[ Version 6.76c Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
==Bug Fixes==
* Fixed a bug with Spirit Lance that would cause kills done by it to be considered suicides
==External links==
*[ Version 6.76b Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
* Unstable Concoction now explodes around you if you are killed while charging it up
* Goblins Greed cap increased from 26 to 30
===Ancient Apparition===
* Chilling Touch attack count increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
===Arc Warden===
* Magnetic Field no longer affects units other than Heroes and Structures
* Enfeeble cooldown decreased from 12 to 10
* Bane can now wake himself up from Nightmare with a subability
* Strength gain decreased from 2.7 to 2.4
===Centaur Warrunner===
* Strength growth increased from 2.6 to 3.8
* Replaced Great Fortitude with a new skill
* Hand of God cooldown decreased from 120 to 140/130/120
* Penitence damage amplify increased from 7/14/21/28% to 8/16/24/32% (matches the slow values now)
* Hookshot now pulls Clockwerk to allies instead of getting blocked by them
* Hookshot Aghanims upgraded cooldown decreased from 15 to 12
===Crystal Maiden===
* Brilliance Aura has twice the effect on Crystal Maiden
===Dark Seer===
* Vacuum cooldown increased from 19 to 22
* Doom duration increased from 13 to 15 (and scepter from 14 to 16)
===Drow Ranger===
* Trueshot Aura mechanics reworked
* Changed how Marksmanship bonus agility is granted
* Homing Missile distance required for max damage reduced from 2000 to 1500
* Homing Missile stun duration rescaled from 2.5 to 2.2/2.4/2.6/2.8
* Rocket Barrage damage increased from 11/14/17/20 to 11/15/19/23
* Ice Path creation delay increased from 0.4 to 0.5
* Ice Path manacost increased from 75 to 90
===Death Prophet===
* Exorcism base ghost count increased from 4/10/18 to 4/12/21
* Tidebringer level 4 AoE increased from 500 to 600
* Laguna Blade cooldown rescaled from 90/70/50 to 70/60/50
* Mana Drain break threshold range increased from 850 to 1100
* Finger of Death cooldown rescaled from 170/105/40 to 160/100/40
* Finger of Death cast range increased from 700 to 900
* Lunar Blessing bonus damage increased from 14/20/26/32 to 14/22/30/38
* Shockwave distance increased from 700 to 1000
* Shockwave cooldown decreased from 11/10/9/8 to 10/9/8/7
* Shockwave cast range increased to match its travel distance (visual thing only)
* Skewer AoE increased from 95 to 125
* Skewer range increased from 800 to 1200
* Skewer now only considers heroes a valid target for dragging in consideration with its unit cap
* Poof cooldown decreased from 14/12/10/8 to 12/10/8/6
* Divided We Stand Aghanims upgrade now gives clones 100% stat sharing
* Elunes Arrow cooldown decreased from 20 to 17
* Moonlight Shadow manacost decreased from 175 to 75
* Cast animation time improved from 0.45 to 0.4
===Naga Siren===
* Rip Tide cooldown rescaled from 10 to 19/16/13/10
* Heartstopper Aura damage increased from 0.6/0.8/1/1.2% to 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5%
===Nyx Assassin===
* Vendetta damage increased from 225/375/525 to 250/400/550
* Base Damage increased by 4
===Outworld Devourer===
* Movement speed increased from 300 to 310
===Ogre Magi===
* Multicast now increases cast range of Ignite by 150 per level, this is in addition to the existing AoE increase
* Purification cooldown decreased from 12 to 10
* Movement speed increased from 300 to 305
===Phantom Lancer===
* Collision size decreased from 24 to 8
* Fire Spirits duration increased from 12.5 to 16
* Fire Spirits can now be cast while using Sunray
* Fixed Supernova not working with Radiance aura (other auras work already)
* Supernova level 3 hit requirement increased from 9 to 10
* Sun Ray Reworked
* Icarus Dive Reworked
* Base Damage increased by 5
* Life Drain break threshold range increased from 900 to 1100
* Nether Ward AoE increased from 700/1000/1300/1600 to 1600
* Eye of the Storm strike interval decreased from 0.85/0.75/0.6 to 0.75/0.65/0.55 (Scepter 0.65/0.55/0.45)
* Fade Bolt damage decreased from 75/150/225/300 to 70/140/210/280
* Global Silence cooldown decreased from 160 to 140
* Global Silence duration decreased from 3/4.5/6 to 4/5/6
* Base Intelligence increased by 6
* Base Damage reduced by 6
* Curse of the Silent duration rescaled from 5/6/7/8 to 6
* Curse of the Silent hp drain rescaled from 20/30/40/50 to 20/35/50/65
* Curse of the Silent mana drain rescaled from 10/15/20/25 to 8/16/24/32
* Int Steal moved from Last Word back to Glaives of Wisdom
* Glaives of Wisdom now steals Intelligence from outside of the AOE if Silencer gets the kill
* Int Steal aoe increased from 850 to the standard 900 aoe range
* Last Word replaced with new active skill
* Assassinate cast range increased from 1500/2000/2500 to 2000/2500/3000
* Headshot procs cannot be evaded (the entire attack gets through)
* Headshot chance from 25/30/35/40 to 40
* Headshot damage from 30/45/60/75 to 15/40/65/90
* Headshot ministun from 0.01/0.1/0.2/0.2 to 0.25
* Shrapnel provides vision in the targeted area
* Shrapnel cast range increased from 1200 to 1800
===Templar Assassin===
* Psionic Trap now requires a buildup time to reach its maximum slow. Starts at 30% and increases by 5% each second until it reaches 50%
* Metamorphosis bonus damage increased from 15/30/45/60 to 20/40/60/80
* Ravage damage decreased from 250/350/450 to 200/325/450
===Treant Protector===
* Strength growth increased from 2.8 to 3.3
* Living Armor HP regen increased from 4/6/8/10 to 4/7/10/13
* Venomous Gale manacost rescaled from 90/105/120/135 to 125
* Venomous Gale initial damage rescaled from 50/70/70/100 to 25/50/75/100
* Venomous Gale damage per tick increased from 10/20/40/50 to 15/30/45/60
* Poison Sting duration rescaled from 7 to 6/7/8/9
* Infernal attack damage increased from 50/75/100 to 75/100/125
===Winter Wyvern===
* Arctic Burn debuff duration increased from 4 to 5
* Cold Embrace cooldown rescaled from 14 to 17/16/15/14
* Splinter Blast initial projectile speed improved from 1.5 to 1.35 seconds
* Winters Curse cooldown rescaled from 90 to 90/80/70
===Witch Doctor===
* Death Ward Aghanims upgrade changed from 3 target split attack to 5 target bounce
* Death Ward multi attack bounce AoE increased from 550 to 650
* Death Ward cooldown decreased from 90 to 80
* Thundergods Wrath damage increased from 210/335/460 to 225/350/475
* Thundergods Wrath Aghanims damage increased from 400/500/600 to 440/540/640
===Boots of Speed===
* Price decreased from 500 to 450
* Move speed bonus from 55 to 50
===Arcane Boots===
* Move speed bonus decreased form 65 to 60
===Phase Boots===
* Move speed bonus decreased from 60 to 55
===Power Treads===
* Move speed bonus decreased from 60 to 55
===Tranquil Boots===
* Move speed bonus decreased from 80 to 75
===Armlet of Mordiggian===
* Armlet cooldown increased from 1 to 2 seconds
===Force Staff===
* Recipe reworked
===Null Talisman===
* Recipe cost decreased from 155 to 145
===Rod of Atos===
* Cast range increased from 800 to 1200
* Slow increased from 50 to 60%
===Shadow Amulet===
* Fade time decreased from 2.75 to 2.6
==Gameplay and Cosmetics==
* Added a new game mode -TagTeam (-tt)
* Removed some residual caster unit vision from various misc abilities
==Bug Fixes==
* Fixed some more dagger/heart issues with Tempest Double
* Fixed a rounding issue with Nethertoxin
* Fixed a rare permabash bug with Tempest Double
* Fixed initial spawn size of Fire Spirit units (visual)
* Fixed some bugs with Shadow Amulet interaction with enemy spells
* Fixed a fatal error with Time Walk
==External links==
*[ Version 6.76 Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
==Gameplay and Cosmetics==
===Captains Mode===
* Goblin Shredder added to Captains Mode
* Skywrath Mage added to Captains Mode
* Captains Mode first ban phase now has 2 bans instead of 3
* Captains Mode second ban phase now has 3 bans instead of 2
* Glyph duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
* Enraged Wildkins Wildwing Camp#Tornado|Tornado vision decreased from 1200/800 to 300
* Aegis reclaim time decreased from 10 to 6 minutes
===Gold & XP===
* Team AoE bounty for kills with 2 heroes around changed from 9*Level+95 to 12*Level + 125
* Team AoE bounty for kills with 3 heroes around changed from 8*Level+20 to 10*Level+40
* Killer bounty level multiplier increased from 200+5*Level to 200+9*Level
* Total XP required for level 7 decreased from 2700 to 2600
* Total XP required for level 8 decreased from 3500 to 3200
* Added a new loading screen
* Random Draft Mode hero pool count increased from 20 to 22
* Recipe items no longer sell for 80% of their price (now 50% like regular items)
* Added a 1 second cooldown to placing Observer and Sentry Wards (to help prevent accidental usage when lagging)
===Bug Fixes===
* Fixed various item sell costs
* Fixed a lot of tooltips issues
* Roshan turn rate increased to fix some abuses
* Fixed a bug that could cause Brewmaster to not respawn
==New Heroes==
* Added a new Agility hero
===Zet, the Arc Warden===
*Movespeed: 295
*Starting Armor: 0
*Attack Damage: 40-50
*Attack Range: 625
*Intelligence: 24 + 2.1
*Strength: 24 + 1.9
*Agility: 15 + 1.8
*Added a new Intelligence hero
===Auroth, the Winter Wyvern===
*Movespeed: 85
*Starting Armor: 1
*Attack Damage: 38-45
*Attack Range: 425
*Intelligence: 25 + 2.4
*Strength: 24 + 2.1
*Agility: 16 + 1.9
* Armor decreased by 2
* Aphotic Shield cooldown decreased from 14/12/10/8 to 12/10/8/6
* Borrowed Time cooldown now scales from 60 to 60/50/40
* Death Coil cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 seconds
* Frostmourne enemy debuff duration increased from 2 to 2.5
* Acid Spray damage per second increased from 8/16/24/32 to 14/20/26/32
* Acid Spray manacost from 160 to 130/140/150/160
* Chemical Rage Base Attack Time decreased from 1.45/1.3/1.15 to 1.4/1.2/1.0
* Goblins Greed counter duration increased from 20 to 25 seconds
* Goblins Greed bonus gold scaling adjusted from 2/4/6/8 + 2 to 4/6/8/10 + 1/2/3/4
* Unstable Concoction max damage increased from 130/200/270/340 to 150/220/290/360
* Unstable Concoction no longer displays the countdown numbers to enemies
* Unstable Concoction always affects a 175 area around where it explodes
===Ancient Apparition===
* Chilling Touch now deals its bonus damage and uses a charge when attacking creeps
* Chilling Touch AoE increased from 450 to 525
* Chilling Touch damage increased from 40/50/60/70 to 50/60/70/80
* Chilling Touch duration reduced from 40 to 30
* Ice Blast is no longer dispelled by the Fountain
* Movement speed decreased from 320 to 315
* Anti-Mage#Blink|Blink animation time increased from 0.33 to 0.4
* Legs decreased from 2/2/2/2 to 1/1.5/1.8/1.9
* Berserkers Call bonus armor increased from 30 to 40
* Battle Hunger slow decreased from 10% to 8%
* Battle Hunger movement bonus increased from 4% to 8% per affected enemy
* Counter Helix damage increased from 100/130/160/190 to 100/135/170/205
* Fiends Grip Aghanims duration increased from 6 to 7
* Enfeeble damage reduction increased from 25/50/75/100 to 30/60/90/120
* Enfeeble can no longer be dispelled
* Cast animation time decreased from 0.3 to 0.2
* Strength growth increased from 2.0 to 2.7
* Turn rate improved from 0.4 to 1
* Firefly duration increased from 15 to 18 seconds
* Firefly damage trail no longer instantly disappears when Batrider dies
* Blood Bath death detection AoE for enemy heroes increased from 225 to 325
* Bloodrage bonus base damage from 20/40/60/80% to 30/60/90/120%
* Thirst AOE from 1500/3000/4500/6000 to 6000
* Thirst MS bonus from 11/22/33/44% to 15/25/35/45%
* Thirst HP percentage detection rescaled from constant 40% to 20/30/40/50% HP (invis is half that)
* Primal Split units are now affected by Black Hole
* Quill Spray damage cap increased from 220 to 400
* Warpath damage per stack increased from 10/15/20 to 20/25/30
* Warpath base damage increased from 10/20/30 to 20/25/30
* Fixed how Quill Spray damage threshold works
* Spawn Spiders Spiderite bounty increased from 11*13 to 16*21
* Incapacitating Bite no longer gives 2/4/6/8 bonus damage
* Incapacitating Bite miss rate increased from 10/15/20/25 to 10/20/30/40
===Centaur Warrunner===
* Double Edge now deals its damage in a 190 AoE around the target
===Chaos Knight===
* Chaos Bolts stun is no longer partially undodgeable (now a normal projectile with 1000 speed)
* Holy Persuasion no longer has the ability to teleport allied units
* Test of Faith grants you a secondary ability to teleport allied units
* Strafe attack speed bonus increased from 110 to 130.
* Strength growth increased from 2.4 to 2.7
* Battery Assault damage interval improved from 0.75 to 0.7
* Power Cogs damage and mana drain increased from 60/90/120/150 to 80/120/160/200
* Power Cogs duration increased from 3/4/5/6 to 5/6/7/8
* Fixed Power Cogs not triggering and burning mana/hp when someone Force Staffs over it
===Crystal Maiden===
* Freezing Field duration increased from 4 to 7 seconds
===Dark Seer===
* Movement speed decreased from 305 to 300
* Vacuum cooldown increased from 16 to 19
* Vacuum cast range decreased from 550 to 500
* Vacuum AoE decreased from 275/375/475/575 to 250/350/450/550
* Vacuum can no longer pull invulnerable units
* Poison Touch level 4 cooldown decreased from 9 to 7
* Shadow Wave AoE increased from 170 to 185
===Death Prophet===
* Armor increased by 1
* Static Storm max damage increased from 170/210/250 to 170/220/270
* Devour creep level restriction removed
* Devour cooldown from 60/55/50/45 to 70/60/50/40
* Devour gold from 40/60/80/100 to 25/50/75/100
* Devour manacost from 60 to 60/50/40/30
* Level Death bonus damage now deals 20% of Max HP instead of a fixed amount
* Level Death damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 125/175/225/275
* Scorched Earth damage/heal increased from 12/16/20/24 to 12/18/24/30
===Dragon Knight===
* Armor decreased by 1
* Dragon Blood armor bonus increased from 2/4/6/8 to 3/6/9/12
* Elder Dragon Form level 2/3 no longer gives bonus damage (was 5/14)
* Elder Dragon Form level 2/3 splash area rescaled slightly
===Drow Ranger===
* Frost Arrows slow increased from 50% to 60% at level 4
* Marksmanship level 3 agility bonus increased from 45 to 60
* Trueshot Aura damage bonus increased from 7/14/21/28% to 8/16/24/32%
* Gust|Silence cooldown decreased from 15 to 13
* Enchant Totem cooldown decreased from 7 to 6 seconds
===Elder Titan===
* Ancestral Spirit can now be controlled, until it starts to return to you
* Ancestral Spirits movement speed is now equal to Elder Titans rather than fixed at 455
* Ancestral Spirit return ability no longer interrupts your hero
* Ancestral Spirit now has the Echo Stomp and Spirit Return abilities it can cast directly
===Ember Spirit===
* Armor decreased by 1
* Fire Remnant recharge time increased from 30 to 35 seconds
* Fire Remnant damage per instance from 120/160/200 to 100/150/200
* Malefice damage reduced from 30/40/65/80 to 40/40/65/65 (still 1/2/2/3 pulses)
* Midnight Pulse cast range from 500 to 700
* Black Hole manacost from 200/300/400 to 250/350/450
===Faceless Void===
* Time Lock deals twice as much damage when it procs on a target in Chronosphere
* Faceless Void can no longer be frozen by any Chronosphere
* Movement speed increased from 305 to 315
* Flak Cannon AoE increased from 800 to 1000
* Call Down AoE increased from 400 to 450
* Burning Spears duration increased from 6 to 7
* Inner Vitality can now be cast on magic immune targets
* Life Break Aghanims cooldown decreased from 24/16/8 to 4
* Invoker base damage decreased by 4
* Overcharge HP/MP cost over time increased from 2.5% to 3.5%
* Tether regeneration transfer now heals the Tethered unit at 1.5x the rate of Wisp
* Facing direction now more accurately matches his turn rate (just a visual change)
* Liquid Fire AoE increased from 175 to 300
* Ice Path reworked
* Base attack time decreased from 1.7 to 1.6
* Omnislash now kills creeps and neutrals in 1 hit
===Keeper of the Light===
* Chakra manacost rescaled from 40/55/70/85 to 25/45/65/85
* Mana Leak cooldown decreased from 18 to 16
* Illuminate cast range changed to be the same as its travel range (just a UI change)
* Illuminate max hit distance increased from 1600 to 2000
* Base strength increased by 3
* Ghost Ship cooldown decreased from 90/80/70 to 60/50/40
* Ghost Ship impact AoE increased from 400 to 425
===Legion Commander===
* Fixed Overwhelming Odds giving 6% instead of 9% movement per hero
* Overwhelming Odds bonus summoned unit/illusion damage reduced from 50% to 25%
* Press The Attack cooldown rescaled from 15 to 16/15/14/13
* Diabolic Edict now uses Leshracs cast animation time
* Frost Nova cooldown decreased from 9.25/9.25/9.25/8 to 8
* Rage duration increased from 2.5/3.25/4/4.75 to 3/4/5/6
* Fiery Soul attack speed bonus increased from 40/50/60/70 to 40/55/70/85
* Laguna Blade cooldown rescaled from 120/90/55 to 90/70/50
* Finger of Death cooldown rescaled from 150/90/55 to 170/105/40
* Finger of Death damage increased from 500/650/850 to 600/725/850 (Aghanims from 600/800/1025 to 725/875/1025)
* Mana Drain initial cast range increased from 600/650/700/750 to 750
* Mana Drain threshold range increased from 800 to 850
* Mana Drain cooldown decreased from 25/20/15/10 to 20/15/10/5
===Lone Druid===
* Spirit Bear can no longer be resummoned while it is taking damage
* Moon Glaive level 4 bounce count increased 4 to 5
* Summon Wolves manacost increased from 125 to 145
* Lycan Wolves HP decreased from 400/450/500/550 to 200/240/280/320
* Lycan Wolves now have 50% magic resistance
* Fixed Shapeshift speed buff remaining after dying with Aegis
* Agility growth increased from 1.8 to 2.5
* Empower damage and cleave bonus increased from 15/25/35/45% to 20/30/40/50%
* Skewer slow duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds
* Mana Shield absorption rate increased from 0.75/1.25/1.5/2 to 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25
* Mystic Snake damage bonus per jump increased from 20% to 25%
* Split Shot damage per arrow increased from 45/55/65/75% to 50/60/70/80%
* Geomancer clones stat sharing increased from 25% to 30%
* Geostrike DPS increased from 5/10/15/20 to 7/14/21/28
* Elunes Arrow cooldown decreased from 25 to 20
* Starfalls second single unit impact damage increased from 50% to 75% of the original
* Cast animation time increased from 0.3 to 0.45
* Morph manacost increased from 20 to 30 mana per second
* Base damage decreased by 6
* Waveform AoE decreased from 255 to 200
* Waveform no longer allows you to start attacking/casting before it is completed
===Naga Siren===
* Base damage decreased by 12
* Cast animation time increased from 0.5 to 0.65
===Natures Prophet===
* Movement speed decreased from 300 to 295
* Force of Natures Treants magic resistance decreased from 33% to 20%
* Death Pulse heal rescaled from 50/75/100/130 to 70/90/110/130
* Sadist reworked
===Nyx Assassin===
* Base HP regeneration increased to 2.5
* Mana Burn drain amount increased from 4*Int to 5*Int
* Mana Burn manacost rescaled from 90/110/130/150 to 130/120/110/100
* Vendetta movement speed increased from 10/15/20% to 16/18/20%
* Spiked Carapace reworked
===Ogre Magi===
* Armor increased by 1
* Aghanims Unrefined Fireblast cooldown decreased from 20 to 10
* Bloodlust can now target catapults
* Bloodlust movement speed bonus increased from 6/9/12/15% to 10/12/14/16%
* Degen Aura AoE increased from 300 to 315
===Outworld Devourer===
* Astral Imprisonment intelligence steal increased from 2/4/6/8 to 4/6/8/10
===Pit Lord===
* Dark Rift now has a subability that allows the effect to be canceled before it resolves
* Dark Rift now makes its teleportation target a low priority target similar to how Boots of Travel works
* Replaced Expulsion with a new ability
* Reworked how Firestorm works
===Phantom Assassin===
* Coup de Grace critical strike multiplier increased from 2.5/3.25/4 to 2.5/3.5/4.5
===Phantom Lancer===
* Agility growth increased from 2.8 to 4.2
* Spirit Lance slow duration increased from 3 to 3.25 seconds
* Phoenix base damage decreased by 6
* Phoenix base strength decreased by 2
* Phoenix base movement speed decreased from 290 to 285
* Supernova now refreshes Phoenixs other skills (not items) if the sun survives
* Fire Spirits reworked
* Icarus Dive reworked
* Sun Ray reworked
* Dream Coil duration increased from 5 to 6 (Aghanims from 7 to 8)
* Illusory Orb AoE increased from 200 to 225
* Waning Rift damage increased from 60/120/180/240 to 70/140/210/280
* Fixed Phase Shift invulnerability duration ending 0.25 seconds too soon
* Movement speed increased from 315 to 320
* Nether Ward mana flare damage increased from 0.75/1/1.25/1.5 to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75
* Life Drain break range increased from 850 to 900
* Plasma Field Min damage from 80/120/160/200 to 60/100/140/180
* Plasma Field Max damage from 140/210/280/350 to 160/230/300/370
* Static Link no longer breaks if Razor loses vision of the target
* Static Link can no longer ground target
* Static Link can now target magic immune (it could before via ground seeking)
* Unstable Currents purge duration increased from 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2 to 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6
* Movement speed decreased from 300 to 290
* Fade Bolt bounce AoE decreased from 500 to 440
===Shadow Demon===
* Soul Catcher manacost increased from 50 to 50/60/70/80
* Shadow Poison AoE increased from 150 to 180
===Shadow Fiend===
* Necromastery hero kill soul increment increased from 6 to 12
* Presence of the Dark Lord armor reduction improved from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
* Requiem of Souls has a new passive component that triggers upon death
* Strength growth increased from 1.7 to 2.2
* Global Silence duration increased from 3/4/5 to 3/4.5/6
* Last Word now always steals 2 intelligence if an enemy hero dies in its AoE
===Skywrath Mage===
* Concussive Shot cooldown decreased from 20/19/18/17 to 20/18/16/14
* Amplify Damage armor reduction increased from 8/12/16 to 8/14/20
* Dark Pact cooldown decreased from 10/9/8/7 to 9/8/7/6
* Shadow Dance HP regen increased from 3/4/5% to 3/5/7%
* Headshot damage increased from 30/40/50/60 to 30/45/60/75
* Take Aim range bonus increased from 65/130/195/260 to 75/150/225/300
* Shrapnel AoE increased from 350 to 360
* Shrapnel duration increased from 8 to 9
* Desolate damage increased from 20/30/40/50 to 20/35/50/65
===Spirit Breaker===
* Base strength increased by 6
* Damage increased by 9
* Charge of Darkness no longer gives a buff indicator
* Charge of Darkness speed increased from 425/500/575/650 to 600/650/700/750
* Empowering Haste no longer increases Spirit Breakers damage
* Empowering Haste movement bonus aura rescaled from 6/8/10/12% to 6/10/14/18%
* Greater Bash now deals damage based on your movement speed (10/20/30/40% of speed)
* Greater Bash duration increased from 0.95/1.15/1.35/1.55 to 1/1.2/1.4/1.6
* Fixed Greater Bash not affecting magic immune units
===Storm Spirit===
* Static Remnant cooldown decreased from 4 to 3.5
* Great Cleave AoE increased from 200 to 300
* Great Cleave damage from 30/40/50/60% to 25/40/55/70%
* Gods Strength bonus damage increased from 100/140/180% to 100/150/200%
* Warcry AoE increased from 700 to 900
* Warcry armor increased from 3/6/9/12 to 4/8/12/16
* Armor increased by 6
* Land Mine cooldown from 25/20/15/12 to 25/20/15/10
===Templar Assassin===
* Psi Blades no longer spills damage when attacking illusions
* Armor increased by 2
* Base hp regen increased to 2
* Sunder is no longer blocked by Magic Immunity
* Metamorphosis reworked
* Reflection reworked
* Zeal replaced with Conjure Image
* Ravage travel speed decreased from 900 to 775
* Strength growth reduced from 2.4 to 2.1
* Chakram moves 20% slower
* Tosss cast range rescaled from 700/900/1100/1300 to 1300
===Treant Protector===
* Damage increased by 14
* Base attack time increased from 1.7 to 1.9
* Overgrowth no longer does damage
* Overgrowth duration from 3 to 3/3.75/4.5
* Overgrowth cooldown from 115/105/95 to 80
* Living Armor aura replaced with a new active ability
===Troll Warlord===
* Battle Trance now lasts full duration for allies
* Snowball now carries all Tusks controlled units as well
* Snowball cooldown decreased from 28 to 24
* Walrus Punch crit increased from 2.5x to 3x for above 50% HP targets
* Backswing animation time decreased (cosmetic)
* Decay steal duration increased from 21/24/27/30 to 25/30/35/40
* Decay AoE increased from 300 to 325
* Tombstone Deathlust hp requirement also triggers if the target is below 5/10/15/20% hp
* Cast animation time decreased from 0.5 to 0.3
* Overpower now uses Ursas cast animation time
===Vengeful Spirit===
* Agility gain increased from 2.35 to 2.8
* Plague Wards vision decreased from 1400 to 1200
* Corrosive Skin duration increased from 3 to 4
* Viper Strike Aghanims cast range increased from 800 to 900
* Nethertoxin max damage increased from 32/64/96/128 to 40/80/120/160
* Base Intelligence increased by 3
* Grave Chill attack speed drain increased from 32 to 64
* Familiars base attack time decreased from 0.6 to 0.4
* Soul Assumption damage per charge increased from 60 to 65
* Shadow Word damage/heal increased from 10/20/30/40 to 15/25/35/45 per second
* The Swarms attack rate improved from 1.5 to 1.35
===Witch Doctor===
* Death Ward attack cooldown decreased from 0.3 to 0.25
* Maledict bonus damage per 100 lost HP rescaled from 10/20/30/40 to 16/24/32/40
===Wraith King===
* Hellfire Blast slow increased from 15% to 20%
* Arc Lightning cooldown decreased from 2 to 1.75
* Thundergods Wrath cooldown decreased from 120 to 90
==New Items==
===Shadow Amulet===
* Added a new basic item Shadow Amulet
===Abyssal Blade===
* Can now be disassembled
===Arcane Boots===
* Replenish Mana cooldown increased from 45 to 55
===Armlet of Mordiggian===
* Armlet HP regeneration increased from 5 to 8
* Armlet lifedrain increased from 37 to 40
* Armlet toggle cooldown reduced from 5 to 1 second
===Black King Bar===
* Can no longer be sold
* Damage Return duration increased from 4 to 4.5 seconds
===Blood Stone===
* Charges now increment if you get a kill out of range
* Critical strike multiplier increased from 2.5 to 2.7
* Dagon cooldown decreased from 40/36/32/28/24 to 35/30/25/20/15
* Desolator duration increased from 7 to 15 seconds
===Drum of Endurance===
* Bonus damage decreased from 9 to 3
===Ethereal Blade===
* Ether Blast can now be cast on allied units
* Ether Blast now does damage based on the primary attribute of the holder instead of always agility
* Ether Blast manacost increased from 50 to 150
===Euls Scepter of Divinity===
* Recipe cost decreased from 600 to 500
===Force Staff===
* Recipe cost increased to 500
* Force no longer pushes through Kinetic Field
* When Power Cogs is triggered by Force Staff, Power Cogs knockback takes priority
===Gem of True Sight===
* Restock cooldown increased from 8 to 10 minutes
===Heavens Halberd===
* Disarm duration on ranged heroes increased from 4 to 4.5 seconds
===Helm of the Dominator===
* Dominate cooldown decreased from 300 to 60
* Dominate no longer has a duration (was 20 minutes)
* Dominating a creep when you already control one will replace your current one
===Manta Style===
* Recipe cost increased from 650 to 900
===Mask of Madness===
* Berserks movement bonus increased from 25 to 30%
===Null Talisman===
* Recipe cost decreased from 170 to 155
===Observer Ward===
* Observer Wards gold cost decreased from 200 to 150
===Orb of Venom===
* Cost decreased from 350 to 275
===Orchid Malevolence===
* Soul Burns damage amplification increased from 25 to 30%
===Power Treads===
* Attack speed bonus increased from 25 to 30
* Burn damage increased from 40 to 45
===Rod of Atos===
* HP bonus increased from 250 to 325
* Cooldown decreased from 20 to 16
* Recipe cost decreased from 700 to 600
===Shadow Blade===
* Lothars Edge duration from 9 to 12 seconds
* Recipe Reworked
===Smoke of Deceit===
* Now dispelled when Primal Split units are nearby
===Soul Ring===
* Cooldown increased from 25 to 30
===Tranquil Boots===
* Tranquil Boots#Ability|Break requirement decreased from 4 to 3
===Veil of Discord===
* Armor bonus increased from 5 to 6
* HP regeneration increased from 5 to 6
* Discord AoE increased from 500 to 550
* Discord cast range increased from 875 to 1000
* Recipe cost decreased from 700 to 600
==External links==
*[ Version 6.75 Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
* Armor increased by 1
* Unstable Concoction max damage increased from 120/180/240/300 to 130/200/270/340
* Flamebreak is now a targeted AoE spell
* Quill Spray damage cap increased from 180 to 220
===Centaur Warrunner===
* Great Fortitude strength bonus increased from 12/24/36 to 15/30/45
* Centaur#Return|Return base damage increased from 16 to 16/18/20/22
* Death Pact damage bonus increased from 4/6/8% to 5/6.5/8%
* Death Pact hp bonus increased from 50/60/70% to 50/65/80%
* Power Cogs HP/Mana drain increased from 55/70/85/100 to 60/90/120/150
===Crystal Maiden===
* Freezing Field AoE increased by 100 (Explosion AoE adjusted to keep damage probabilities equivalent)
===Dark Seer===
* Wall of Replica illusions take 300% damage (up from 250%)
* Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus no longer creates allied illusions
* Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus now increases illusion damage from 70/80/90 to 100/120/140% instead
* Level Death bonus damage increased from 250 to 275
===Drow Ranger===
* Drow#Gust|Silence AoE increased from 275 to 300
===Ember Spirit===
* Armor reduced by 1
* Base Strength decreased from 21 to 19
* Flame Guard health barrier reduced from 100/250/400/550 to 50/200/350/500
* Fire Remnant damage decreased from 140/180/220 to 120/160/200
* Searing Chains targets decreased from 3 to 2 random units
* Black Hole now prevents heroes being Forced out with Force Staff
* Homing Missile maximum damage (at 2k range) increased from 100/200/300/400 to 110/220/330/440
* Rocket Barrage damage increased from 10/13/16/19 to 11/14/17/20
* Chaos Meteor damage increased from 80+Exort*30 to 80+Exort*35
* Chaos Meteor land time decreased from 1.5 to 1.3
* EMP can no longer hit Invulnerable/Tornadoed units
* EMP cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds
* Sun Strike damage type changed from Magical to Pure
* Sun Strike now reveals the area it will hit before the damage impact
* Tornado cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds
* Tornado Damage decreased from 77.5+(Wex+Quas)*23 to 70+(Wex+Quas)*20
* Omnislash now gives Juggernaut 200 flying vision during its duration
===Keeper of the Light===
* Mana Leak stun duration increased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 to 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2
* Torrent AOE increased from 200 to 215
* X Marks The Spot cooldown decreased from 20 to 16 seconds
* Ghost Ship stun duration increased from 1.2 to 1.4
===Legion Commander===
* Moment of Courage cooldown increased from 0.9 to 1.2
* Fiery Soul attack speed bonus increased from 30/40/50/60 to 40/50/60/70
* Fiery Soul movement speed bonus increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7%
* Lion#Hex|Voodoo cooldown increased from 13 to 15
* Voodoo manacost increased from 110/140/170/200 to 125/150/175/200
* Voodoo duration increased from 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4
* Moon Glaive damage decrease per bounce decreased from 35% to 30%
* Skewer will now cast in the direction you targeted if you cast it beyond the max range
* Split Shot now shoots 5 arrows instead of 4
* Moonlight Shadow cooldown decreased from 180/160/140 to 160/140/120
* Morph passively grants 3/4/5/6 agility and strength
* Waveform now properly dodges projectiles
===Naga Siren===
* Changed Rip Tide cast mechanism
===Natures Prophet===
* Wrath of Nature manacost increased from 150/175/200 to 150/200/250
* Teleportation manacost no longer decreases per level (constant 50)
===Nyx Assassin===
* Urna Swarm replaced with a new spell
* Heartstopper damage increased from 0.5/0.7/0.9/1.1 to 0.6/0.8/1/1.2
* Sadist level 4 mana regen increased from 48 to 60
===Ogre Magi===
* Added Aghanims Scepter
===Phantom Assassin===
* Phantom Strike cast range increased from 700/800/900/1000 to 1000
* Phantom Strike cooldown rescaled from 20/15/10/5 to 14/11/8/5
* Ethereal Jaunt now dodges projectiles
* Phase Shift autocast removed
* Phase Shift manacost removed
* Phase Shift level 4 duration increased from 3 to 3.25 seconds
* Aghanim Upgraded Dream Coil no longer increases the manacost from the base spell
* Decrepify cast range increased from 550/600/650/700 to 700
* Life Drain damage increased from 100/150/200 to 120/160/200 (with Aghanims from 175/225/275 to 180/240/300)
===Queen of Pain===
* Shadow Strike initial damage increased from 50/70/70/100 to 50/75/100/125
* Unstable Current damage increased from 40/60/80/100 to 40/70/100/130
===Shadow Fiend===
* Necromastery now gives 6 souls for killing a hero (instead of 1)
* Necromastery soul count increased from 8/16/24/32 to 12/20/28/36
===Skywrath Mage===
* Base Intelligence increased by 3
* Arcane Bolt bonus intelligence damage increased from 1.5x to 1.6x
* Arcane Bolt manacost decreased from 90 to 70
* Concussive Shot cooldown now scales from 20 to 20/19/18/17
* Headshot damage increased from 30/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60
===Storm Spirit===
* Ball Lightning now properly dodges projectiles
* Attack range increased from 650 to 700
===Templar Assassin===
* Psi Blades bonus range increased from 40/100/160/220 to 60/120/180/240
* Timber Chain damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to 100/140/180/220
* March of the Machines duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds
===Troll Warlord===
* Battle Trance attack speed bonus increased from 60/100/140 to 60/120/180
* Viper#Poison Attack|Poison Attack damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 10/16/22/28
* Fixed Poison Attack damage not being lethal
* Familiars armor increased from 0 to 0/1/2
* Gravekeepers Cloak recovery time decreased from 14/12/10/8 to 12/10/8/6
* Infernals Warlock#Permanent Immolation|Permanent Immolation damage increased from 20/30/40 to 30/40/50 per second
* Shadow Word duration increased from 8 to 9 seconds
===Animal Courier===
* Courier cost decreased from 170 to 150
* HP regen increased by 1 to equal the sum of its parts
===Ethereal Blade===
* Ether Blast slow increased from 60% to 80%
===Eye of Skadi===
* Cold Attack slow duration increased from 2/4 (range/melee) to 3/5
===Flying Courier===
* Flying Courier cost increased from 200 to 220
* Mjollnirs Static Shock can now be cast on non-hero units as well (like Infernals)
===Tranquil Boots===
* Can now be disassembled
* Damage instances before breaking increased from 3 to 4
* Rejuvenate heal increased from 150 to 170
===Sange and Yasha===
* Sange and Yasha can now be disassembled
===Veil of Discord===
* Discord duration increased from 15 to 20 seconds
==Gameplay and Cosmetics==
* Added Wisp, Disruptor, and Rubick to CM
* Courier death team bounty can only trigger while no couriers are dead
* Courier death team bounty from 150 to 175
* Added a new ability on the courier to go to the secret shop
* Removed Unexplored Fog of War
* Cheese no longer requires 5 mana to use
* Range creeps mana pool increased from 300 to 500
* Harpys Chain Lightning cooldown from 6 to 4 seconds
* Satyr Trickster purge manacost decreased from 150 to 120
* Satyr Hellcaller HP regen aura increased from 3 to 4
==Fixed Bugs==
* Fixed a bug with Fire Remnant targeting and Essence Aura
* Fixed Moment of Courage not having a learn hotkey
* Fixed a fatal error possible with Tether
* Fixed a bug with Fire Remnant when cast on self
* Fixed Psi Blades not affecting a very small area right behind the initial target
* Fixed Forged Spirits dying instantly when affected by Smoke of Deceit
==External links==
*[ Version 6.74 Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
==New Heroes==
* New Intelligence Hero: Dragonus, the Skywrath Mage
===Dragonus, the Skywrath Mage===
*Intelligence Hero
*Attack Range: 600
*Movement Speed: 315
*Starting Damage: 36-46
*Starting Armor: 1
*Strength: 19 + 1.5
*Agility: 18 + 0.8
*Intelligence: 24 + 3.2
* New Agility Hero: Xin, the Ember Spirit
===Xin, the Ember Spirit===
* Agility Hero
* Attack Range: 128 (melee)
* Movement Speed: 310
* Starting Damage: 52-56
* Starting Armor: 3
* Strength: 21 + 2.0
* Agility: 22 + 1.8
* Intelligence: 20 + 1.8
* New Strength Hero: Rizzrak, the Goblin Shredder
===Rizzrak, the Goblin Shredder===
* Strength Hero
* Attack Range: 128 (melee)
* Movement Speed: 290
* Starting Damage: 48-52
* Starting Armor: 0
* Strength: 22 + 2.4
* Agility: 21 + 1.8
* Intelligence: 16 + 1.3
* New Strength Hero: Tresdin, the Legion Commander
===Tresdin, the Legion Commander===
*Strength Hero
*Attack Range: 128 (melee)
*Movement Speed: 310
*Starting Damage: 52-56
*Starting Armor: 1
*Strength: 21 + 2.0
*Agility: 22 + 1.8
*Intelligence: 20 + 1.8
* Aphotic Shield will explode at the end of its duration if it has not taken sufficient damage
* Aphotic Shield cooldown decreased from 18/15/12/9 to 14/12/10/8
* Aphotic Shield cast range increased from 450 to 500
* Chemical Rage Base Attack Time reduced from 1.45/1.35/1.2 to 1.45/1.3/1.15
* Goblins Greed bonus gold limit increased from 18 to 26
* Reverted the 6.72 Base Attack Time improvement, BAT from 1.35 to 1.45
* Armor reduced by 1
* Aghanims Culling Blade cooldown from 10 to 6
* Base Int from 14 to 18
* Base HP regeneration from 1.25 to 2
* Battle Hunger gives Axe a 4% bonus movement speed per target it affects
* Berserkers Call cooldown from 14 to 10
* Counter Helix damage increased from 100/125/150/175 to 100/130/160/190
* Counter Helix proc cooldown decreased from 0.7/0.65/0.6/0.55 to 0.65/0.6/0.55/0.5
* If Culling Blade kills a unit, Axe unleashes a war cry, giving nearby allied units (600 AoE) a temporary movement bonus (25% for 6 seconds).
* Movement speed increased from 305 to 315
* Base Str/Agi/Int increased from 18/18/18 to 22/22/22
* Thirst no longer partially reveals invisible heroes below 40% health
* Thirst now fully reveals invisible heroes below 20% health
* Rupture duration improved from 5/7/9 to 7/8/9
* Rupture cooldown now scales from 70 to 70/60/50
* Drunken Haze cooldown decreased from 12 to 8
* Tinted Panda Brewmasters Primal Split model colors
* Cast point decreased from 0.5 to 0.4
* Attack point reduced
* Turn Rate Increased (makes him turn faster)
===Centaur Warrunner===
* Double Edge cooldown decreased from 10 to 8
===Dark Seer===
* Ion Shell duration increased from 15 to 20
* Ion Shell AoE from increased 225 to 250
* Ion Shell cooldown increased from 7 to 10
* Ion Shell damage increased from 30/45/60/75 to 30/50/70/90
* Wall of Replica illusions are now semi-transparent to enemy players
===Death Prophet===
* Witchcraft movement speed increased from 3/6/9/12% to 4/8/12/16%
* Scorched Earth duration increased from 8/10/12/14 to 10/12/14/16
===Dragon Knight===
* While in Dragon form Dragon Tails cast range increased from 150 to 400
===Drow Ranger===
* Base Agility increased by 4
* Enchantress movement speed from 305 to 310
* Armor increased by 2
* Ice Path cooldown decreased from 16/15/14/13 to 12/11/10/9
* Macropyre duration increased from 5 to 7 seconds
* Omnislash random damage improved from 150-250 to 175-250
* Omnislash hit count increased from 3/5/8 (5/7/10 aghanim) to 3/6/9 (6/9/12 aghanim)
===Keeper of the Light===
* Blinding Light cooldown decreased from 20 to
* Recall cooldown decreased from 40 to 15 seconds
* Strength growth increased from 2.7 to 3.0
* Ghost Ships CoCos Rum duration increased from 5/6/7 to 8
* Tidebringer cleave AoE improved from 380/420/460/500 to 500
* Torrent slow increased from 30 to 35%
* X Marks The Spot cooldown decreased from 30 to 20 seconds
* Movement speed increased from 310 to 315
* Pulse Nova AoE increased from 400 to 450
* Base intelligence increased by 3
* Dragon Slave travel distance increased by 100
* Dragon Slave final AoE increased from 125 to 150
* Mana Drain level 4 increased from 100 to 120 per second
* Mana Drain now drains at 0.25 second intervals instead of 1 second
* Base damage increased by 5
* Skewer cooldown decreased from 35 to 30
* Empower duration increased from 30 to 40 seconds
* Toggle cooldown on Mana Shield removed
* Stone Gaze rebalanced
* Poof damage rescaled from 50/80/110/140 to 80/100/120/140
* Fixed Elunes Arrow damaging but not stunning invisible units
* Base agility increased by 5
* Adaptive Strike cooldown decreased from 20 to 10
===Naga Siren===
* Ensnare cast range increased from 620/630/640/650 to 650
* Song of the Siren AoE increased from 750 to 1250
* Song of the Sirens End ability is now available 0.5 seconds after casting
===Natures Prophet===
* Wrath of Nature cooldown rescaled from 90/60/60 to 90/75/60
* Death Pulse AoE increased from 375/425/450/475 to 475
* Heartstopper damage increased from 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0% to 0.5/0.7/0.9/1.1%
* Sadist level 4 now restores 600 mana if you kill a hero
===Nyx Assassin===
* Vendetta cooldown decreased from 90/75/60 to 70/60/50
* Nyx#Mana Burn|Mana Burn cooldown decreased from 35/25/15/5 to 28/20/12/4
===Outworld Devourer===
* Sanitys Eclipse now hits units imprisoned by Astral Imprisonment
===Phantom Assassin===
* Stifling Dagger damage increased from 40/80/120/160 to 50/100/150/200
===Phantom Lancer===
* Doppelwalk movement bonus increased from 10 to 15%
* Juxtapose illusions cap increased from 2/3/4/5 to 2/4/6/8
* Fire Spirits heal amount decreased to 50% of damage
* Fire Spirits now targets a location rather than a unit
* Fire Spirits cooldown decreased from 35 to 30
* Fire Spirits projectile speed increased
* Icarus Dive cooldown decreased from 30 to 25
* Sun Ray hp activation cost decreased from 25% to 20%
* Sun Ray manacost rescaled from 35 to 10/20/30/40
===Pit Lord===
* Expulsion corpse explosion rate decreased from every 1.25 seconds to 1.5 seconds
* Expulsion manacost increased from 125 to 125/135/145/155
* Flesh Heap now has an overhead notification when strength is gained
* Life Drain damage increased from 95/140/185 to 100/150/200 (and Scepter from 150/200/250 to 175/225/275)
* Life Drain duration increased from 9 to 10 seconds
===Queen of Pain===
* Base damage increased by 4
* Scream of Pain AoE increased from 400/425/450/475 to 475
* Static Link duration, after it finishes draining, increased from 13 to 18
* Static Link cooldown rescaled from 35/30/25/20 to 25
* Backstab damage bonus increased from 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.0 to 0.5/0.75/1.0/1.25 of agility
* Fade Bolt manacost increased from 90/95/100/105 to 150
* Fade Bolt cd rescaled from 10 to 16/14/12/10
* Telekinesis manacost decreased from 160 to 120
===Sand King===
* Epicenters slow is no longer blocked by magic immunity
* Caustic Finale buff duration increased from 2 to 8 seconds
===Shadow Demon===
* Model changed to the Archimonde model
===Shadow Fiend===
* Movement speed increased from 300 to 305
* Agility growth increased from 2.4 to 2.9
* Necromastery soul cap increased from 8/15/23/30 to 8/16/24/32
* Glaives of Wisdom damage increased from 30/40/50/60% to 30/45/60/75%
* Last Word now functions while Silencer is stunned/silenced
* Last Word no longer triggers when enemies use items
* Pounce damage increased from 40/80/120/160 to 70/140/210/280
* Pounce cooldown rescaled from 12 to 20/16/12/8
* Pounce cast range increased from 400/500/600/700 to 700
* Shadow Dance regen increased from 2/3/4% to 3/4/5%
* Shadow Dance passive bonuses activation delay decreased from 0.7 to 0.5
* Shrapnel AoE increased from 325 to 350
* Dispersion damage no longer disables items like Blink Dagger
===Spirit Breaker===
* Charge of Darkness cooldown decreased from 40 to 35
* Charge of Darkness AoE knockback increased from 250 to 300
* Nether Strike damage increased from 100/200/300 to 150/250/350
===Storm Spirit===
* Overload bonus damage increased from 30/45/60/75 to 30/50/70/90
* Great Cleave increased from 20/30/40/50% to 30/40/50/60%
* Gods Strength is no longer purgeable
* Gods Strength damage buff increased from 100/125/150% to 100/140/180%
* Warcry duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds
* Warcry cast time removed
===Templar Assassin===
* Refraction instances increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
* Lasers miss duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds
* Tiny now automatically and permanently equips a tree when he has Aghanims Scepter
===Treant Protector===
* Overgrowth damage per second decreased from 70/100/130 to 50/75/100
* Leech Seed manacost increased from 110/120/130/140 to 140
===Troll Warlord===
* Fervor increments now increase while attacking towers
* Snowball cooldown decreased from 40 to 28
* Armor increased by 1
* Enrage damage increased from 4/5/6% to 5/6/7% of current HP
* Earthshock AoE increased from 365 to 385
* Earthshock cooldown decreased from 7 to 6
* Fury Swipes damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30
* Flesh Golem cooldown decreased from 90 to 75
* Decay cooldown decreased from 11/9/7/5 to 10/8/6/4
* Added Aghanim Scepter for Visage (creates 1 extra familiar)
* Soul Assumption manacost rescaled from 200/180/160/140 to 170/160/150/140
* Infernals Flaming Fists trigger chance increased from 40% to 60%
* Infernals Flaming Fists damage increased from 75/115/150 to 100/150/200
===Wraith King===
* Reincarnation slow duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
* Reincarnation cooldown decreased from 300/220/140 to 260/160/60
* Arc Lightning level 4 damage increased from 130 to 145 damage
* Lightning Bolt cooldown decreased from 6.5 to 6
* Static Field now affects creeps
* Static Field no longer requires unit visibility to take effect
==New Items==
===Rod of Atos===
* New Item: Rod of Atos
===Heavens Halberd===
* New Item: Heavens Halberd
===Ring of Aquila===
* New Item: Ring of Aquila
===Abyssal Blade===
* New Item: Abyssal Blade
===Tranquil Boots===
* New Item: Tranquil Boots
* Bloodstone initial charges increased from 5 to 6
* Bloodstone respawn time reduction increased from 3 to 4 seconds per charge
===Boots of Travel===
* Recipe cost decreased from 2200 to 2000
* Movement speed increased from 95 to 100
* Evasion increased from 30 to 35%
* Desolator recipe cost decreased from 1200 to 900
===Divine Rapier===
* Damage increased from 250 to 300
===Ethereal Blade===
* Ether Blast cast range increased from 700 to 800
===Euls Scepter of Divinity===
* Movement speed bonus increased from 25 to 30
===Linkens Sphere===
* Added +10 damage to account for component bonuses
* No longer triggered by Medallion of Courage
* No longer triggered by Urn of Shadows
===Magic Wand===
* No longer loses charges when upgrading from Magic Stick
===Mask of Madness===
* Berserks movement speed bonus increased from 20% to 25%
* Chain Lightning bounce count increased from 4 to 8
* Archers Necronomicon#Mana Burn|Mana Burn cast range increased from 250 to 600
* Archers attack damage increased from 31/61/91 to 40/80/120
* Warriors attack damage increased from 21/41/61 to 25/50/75
===Orb of Venom===
* Cost decreased from 450 to 350
===Orchid Malevolence===
* Recipe Reworked: now requires 2 Oblivion Staffs and a 775 gold recipe. See stats below
===Refresher Orb===
* Added +6 Intelligence to account for component bonuses
===Smoke of Deceit===
* Dispel AoE for nearby heroes increased from 950 to 1025
* HP Bonus decreased from 275 to 250
===Veil of Discord===
* Recipe now requires only one Robe of the Magi, completed bonuses are the same
==Gameplay and Cosmetics==
* Significant changes to couriers
* Buyback cooldown increased from 4 minutes to 5
* Heroes now respawn with full mana
* Gold over time from 0.875 intervals to 0.8
* Runes will no longer spawn the same rune type 2 times in a row
* Added Treant Protector, Terrorblade, and Tuskarr to Captains Mode
*Added a new loading screen
*Added various christmas themed effects
* Pudge Santa Model
* Christmas World Tree
* Candy Cane for Tangoes
* Santa Hats for anyone with a kill streak
* Santa Hats for couriers
* Santa Hat for Roshan
* Present model for item treasure chests
* Added an icon change when Ring of Basilius is in hero only state
* Moved Manta Style to Protectorate shop (to make room)
* Moved the Flying Courier item to the consumable shop
* Hero pool in -CD increased from 24 to 28
* Satyr Soulstealer manapool from 400 to 600
* Harpy Storm manapool from 360 to 540
* Satyr Hellcaller mana pool increased from 300 to 600
* Forest Healing Troll now has a Mana Aura (+2 MP/sec)
* Forest Healing Trolls heal cooldown from 0.75 to 0.5 seconds
* -Bounty is now a part of -st
* Removed stock cooldown on TP Scrolls, Dust and Sentry Wards
* Added a new courier (Pack Horse)
* Updated Shadow Shamans Mass Serpent Ward animation
* Ghost Ship now has a small chance to use an alternate model
* Compressed Ancient Apparition model size
* Optimized map space usage
* Added Romanian language support
==Bug Fixes==
* Added a 0.2 second buffer time between Chainfrost bounces (to prevent instant explosions for nearby units after the most recent code change)
* Fixed Dreamcoil damaging but not stunning invis heroes if they leave the range while still under the effect
* Fixed Tinys damage not being displayed when he upgrades with Aghanim
* Fixed some rare bugs with some effects being invisible depending on where your camera was
* Fixed the pathing type on Enraged Wildkins Tornado
* Fixed Bloodlust Multicast to affect necronomicon units
* Fixed Glaives Throwers having different attack point than Meat Wagons
* Fixed issue with Open Wounds when used on neutrals
* Fixed some inconsistencies on the attack animation time between ghouls and treants
* Fixed Focus Fire interaction with Linken Sphere
* Fixed Laser interaction with Linken Sphere
* Fixed Open Wounds not working properly sometimes when the target is in fog of war
* Fixed Refraction damage status icon lingering a little after its gone
==External links==
*[ Version 6.73 Changelog]
*[ Official DotA Map Archive]
Download a pre trained net from
'''Example script to generate text from Nietzsche's writings.
At least 20 epochs are required before the generated text
starts sounding coherent.
It is recommended to run this script on GPU, as recurrent
networks are quite computationally intensive.
If you try this script on new data, make sure your corpus
has at least ~100k characters. ~1M is better.
from __future__ import print_function
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation, Dropout
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM
from keras.utils.data_utils import get_file
import numpy as np
import random
import sys
path = 'input.txt'
text = open(path).read().lower()
print('corpus length:', len(text))
chars = set(text)
print('total chars:', len(chars))
char_indices = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(chars))
indices_char = dict((i, c) for i, c in enumerate(chars))
# cut the text in semi-redundant sequences of maxlen characters
maxlen = 40
step = 3
sentences = []
next_chars = []
for i in range(0, len(text) - maxlen, step):
sentences.append(text[i: i + maxlen])
next_chars.append(text[i + maxlen])
print('nb sequences:', len(sentences))
X = np.zeros((len(sentences), maxlen, len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
y = np.zeros((len(sentences), len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
X[i, t, char_indices[char]] = 1
y[i, char_indices[next_chars[i]]] = 1
# build the model: 2 stacked LSTM
print('Build model...')
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(512, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(maxlen, len(chars))))
model.add(LSTM(512, return_sequences=False))
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop')
def sample(a, temperature=1.0):
# helper function to sample an index from a probability array
a = np.log(a) / temperature
a = np.exp(a) / np.sum(np.exp(a))
return np.argmax(np.random.multinomial(1, a, 1))
# train the model, output generated text after each iteration
for iteration in range(1, 60):
print('-' * 50)
print('Iteration', iteration)
start_index = random.randint(0, len(text) - maxlen - 1)
for diversity in [0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.2]:
print('----- diversity:', diversity)
generated = ''
sentence = text[start_index: start_index + maxlen]
generated += sentence
print('----- Generating with seed: "' + sentence + '"')
for i in range(400):
x = np.zeros((1, maxlen, len(chars)))
for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
x[0, t, char_indices[char]] = 1.
preds = model.predict(x, verbose=0)[0]
next_index = sample(preds, diversity)
next_char = indices_char[next_index]
generated += next_char
sentence = sentence[1:] + next_char
model.save_weights("weights_%d.hdf5" % iteration)
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