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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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compare pure signals whose values are functions and side effect signals
(* here the idea is to compare the performance of different ways to accumulate
updates from a number of updater events into one signal. namely, side
effectful events vs. combining pure events via *)
open React
(* utilities *)
let add_3 = (+) 3
let timeit_sys (f: unit -> unit) =
let tt = Sys.time () in
let () = f () in
Sys.time () -. tt
let timeit (f: unit -> unit) =
let tt = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let () = f () in
Unix.gettimeofday () -. tt
(* first the pure way of constructing a number signal updated by any of a list
of updater functional events. this requires first then S.accum *)
let func_evs n : ((int -> int) event * (unit -> unit)) list =
let rec aux acc n =
match n with
| 0 -> acc
| _ ->
let adder, fire = E.create () in
let fire_add_ () = fire ?step:None add_3 in
aux ((adder, fire_add_) :: acc) (n-1)
in aux [] n
(* combine by folding a list *)
let comb_func_evs func_e_s =
let events, _setters = List.split func_e_s in
(* combines by folding a list. *) events
(* optionally, skip when there is only one element *)
let comb_func_ev_shortcut func_e_s =
let events, _setters = List.split func_e_s in
(* avoid select if there is only one event to select from *)
match events with
| [e] -> e
| _ -> failwith "shortcut only possible with a single driver event"
(* optionally, add in some futile intermediates *)
let number_sig_pure n_detours comb_evs =
let intermediate = (fun x -> x) comb_evs in
let intermediate2 = (fun x -> x) intermediate in
let intermediate3 = (fun x -> x) intermediate2 in
let which_one =
match n_detours with
| 0 -> comb_evs
| 1 -> intermediate
| 2 -> intermediate2
| 3 -> intermediate3
| _ -> failwith "more than 3 intermediates not implemented"
in S.accum which_one 0
(* now the same thing but using side effects instead of and S.accum.
guarantee: each event executes its side effect once in every update step it
fires in *)
let number_sig_set initval : ((int signal) * (unit -> unit)) =
let signal, setter = S.create initval in
let add_ () = setter ?step:None (add_3 (S.value signal)) in
signal, add_
let side_evs n (adder: unit -> unit) : (unit event * (unit -> unit)) list =
let rec aux acc n =
match n with
| 0 -> acc
| _ ->
let updater, fire = E.create () in
let fire_adder () = fire ?step:None (adder ()) in
aux ((updater, fire_adder) :: acc) (n-1)
in aux [] n
(* for comparison, do the same thing without reactive programming, instead with
conventional imperative updates. the difference to the side-effectful event
version above is not much *)
let imp_updaters n sumref : (unit * (unit -> unit)) list =
let rec aux acc n =
match n with
| 0 -> acc
| _ ->
let updater () = sumref := add_3 !sumref in
(* small hack to make it compatible with the signal types *)
aux (((), updater) :: acc) (n-1)
in aux [] n
(* simulation loop *)
let run (fire_fun_array: (unit -> unit) array) num_iterations =
let rand_index () = (Array.length fire_fun_array) in
for i = 0 to num_iterations do
(* let _wait = [] [] [] 1e-9 in *)
(* fire a random event trigger *)
fire_fun_array.(rand_index ()) ()
(* 'script'. run all versions. *)
(* adjust the parameters to explore the performance *)
let num_iterations = int_of_float 1e6 in
let num_parallel_updaters = 100 in
let num_pure_intermediates = 0 in
let use_shortcut = true in
let () = Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter
"%d iterations, %d parallel updaters, %d pure intermediate events,\n\
%s using shortcut for single-event pure version \n"
num_iterations num_parallel_updaters num_pure_intermediates
(if use_shortcut then "" else "not") in
(* pure version *)
let pure_e_s = func_evs num_parallel_updaters in
let num_sig_pure =
let comb_es =
match (num_parallel_updaters, use_shortcut) with
| (1, true) -> comb_func_ev_shortcut pure_e_s
| _ -> comb_func_evs pure_e_s
number_sig_pure num_pure_intermediates comb_es
(* side effect version *)
let num_sig_side, num_adder = number_sig_set 0 in
let side_e_s = side_evs num_parallel_updaters num_adder in
(* imperative version *)
let num_imp = ref 0 in
let imp_u = imp_updaters num_parallel_updaters num_imp in
(* wrap as thunks for use with timeit *)
let run_pure, run_side, run_imp =
let thk e_s =
let ea = Array.of_list ( snd e_s) in
fun () -> run ea num_iterations in
thk pure_e_s, thk side_e_s, thk imp_u
(* actually run, and print timings *)
let rt_pure = timeit run_pure in
let () = print_string "done with the pure signal version\n" in
let rt_side = timeit run_side in
let () = print_string "done with the side effect version\n" in
let rt_imp = timeit run_imp in
let () = print_string "done with the imperative version\n" in
let fp = Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter in
let () = fp "pure runtime: %.3f s\npure end value: %d\n"
rt_pure (S.value num_sig_pure) in
let () = fp "side effects runtime: %.3f s\nside eff end value: %d\n"
rt_side (S.value num_sig_side) in
let () = fp "imperative runtime: %.3f s\nimp end value: %d\n"
rt_imp (!num_imp) in
print_string "done.\n"
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