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Created March 28, 2022 19:19
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Split large area into smaller manageable polygons to download via Planetary Computer
import json
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import planetary_computer as pc
import rasterio
import stackstac
from pystac_client import Client
from shapely.geometry import mapping, shape
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
# 10m resolution in lat/lon degrees
RES_DEGREE = 0.0000898315209823975
def polygon_grid(area_polygon, size, save_path, plot=False):
bounds = area_polygon.bounds
xmin = bounds[0]
xmax = bounds[2]
ymin = bounds[1]
ymax = bounds[3]
num_xs = int((xmax - xmin) // size)
num_ys = int((ymax - ymin) // size)
xs = [xmin + n * size for n in range(num_xs + 1)]
ys = [ymin + n * size for n in range(num_ys + 1)]
proposed_xs = [xs[0], xs[-1], xs[-1], xs[0], xs[0]]
proposed_ys = [ys[0], ys[0], ys[-1], ys[-1], ys[0]]
results = []
for idx in range(len(xs) - 1):
for idy in range(len(ys) - 1):
top_left = [xs[idx], ys[idy]]
top_right = [xs[idx + 1], ys[idy]]
bottom_left = [xs[idx], ys[idy + 1]]
bottom_right = [xs[idx + 1], ys[idy + 1]]
sub_poly = Polygon([top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left])
if area_polygon.contains(sub_poly):
# plot results
if plot:
fig = plt.figure()
# plot entire area_polygon
x, y = area_polygon.exterior.xy
plt.plot(x, y, c="blue", marker="o")
for g in results:
x, y = g.exterior.xy
plt.plot(x, y, c="orange")
plt.plot(proposed_xs, proposed_ys, c="red", marker="o")
feature_collection = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []}
for r in results:
with open(save_path, "w") as f:
return feature_collection
def create_file(data_array, path: str, crs: int, bands) -> None:
"""Create a tif file from a retrieved data array.
path: path where to save tif file
data_array: np array of shape bands X height X width
crs: crs of array
profile = {}
profile["driver"] = "GTiff"
profile["dtype"] = np.int32
profile["crs"] = "epsg:{}".format(str(crs))
profile["count"] = data_array.shape[0]
profile["height"] = data_array.shape[1]
profile["width"] = data_array.shape[2]
profile["transform"] = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
src =, "w", **profile)
src.descriptions = tuple(bands)
def retrieve_imagery(aoi_path):
with open(aoi_path, "r") as f:
content = json.load(f)
catalog ="")
time_of_interest = "2017-01-01/2017-12-31"
bands = ["B04", "B03", "B02", "B08"]
for feature in content["features"]:
c = feature["coordinates"][0]
c1 = [x[0] for x in c] # first coordinate
c2 = [x[1] for x in c]
bounds = (min(c1), min(c2), max(c1), max(c2))
search =
query={"eo:cloud_cover": {"lt": 20}},
items = list(search.get_items())
signed_items = [pc.sign(item).to_dict() for item in items]
data = (
assets=bands, # red, green, blue, near_infrared
.where(lambda x: x > 0, other=np.nan) # sentinel-2 uses 0 as nodata
.assign_coords(band=lambda x: x.common_name.rename("band")) # use common names
median = data.median(dim="time").compute(scheduler="single-threaded")
img_id = signed_items[0]["id"] + ".tif"
save_path = os.path.join("data", "forest", img_id)
create_file(median, save_path, crs=4326, bands=bands)
def main():
area_polygon = {
"coordinates": [
[9.5141602, 49.9477957],
[9.5167351, 49.8975095],
[9.6647072, 49.8936391],
[9.6662521, 49.9485689],
[9.5141602, 49.9477957],
"type": "Polygon",
geom = shape(area_polygon)
desired_chipsize = 200 # in pixels so 200x200 at 10m resolution
desired_chipsize_degrees = desired_chipsize * RES_DEGREE
poly_box_path = os.path.join("data", "aois.geojson")
_ = polygon_grid(geom, desired_chipsize_degrees, save_path=poly_box_path)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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