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Created June 11, 2018 11:20
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How processing and data in QuaDramA are organized
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=70,every node/.style={draw,align=center,font=\small},
process/.style={rectangle, rounded corners}]
\node (tei) at (0,0) [cylinder, shape border rotate=90,shape aspect=.4] {TEI/XML\\in git\\repository\\};
\node (annotation) [process, right=1cm of tei] {Manual annotation};
\node (nlp) [process,below=1cm of tei] {DramaNLP (\texttt{Java})};
\node (csv) [below of=nlp,cylinder, shape border rotate=90,shape aspect=.4] {CSV\\in git\\repositories\\\texttt{data\_*}};
\node (r) [below of=csv,process] {DramaAnalysis (\texttt{R})};
\draw [->] (tei) -- (nlp);
\draw [->] (nlp) -- (csv);
\draw [->] (csv) -- (r);
\draw [->] (tei.20) .. controls +(1,0.5) and +(-1,0.5) .. (annotation);
\draw [->] (annotation) .. controls +(-1,-0.5) and +(1,-0.5) .. (tei.340);
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