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Created September 13, 2013 12:32
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Save nilya/6550071 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script finds AWS Security Groups (SG) with potentially unsafe rules and lists instances that use such security groups.
# Script finds AWS Security Groups with potentially unsafe rules and lists instances that use such security groups.
# Unsafe security group rules are:
# 1. open to the world (,
# 2. not restricted to another security group,
# 3. not use safe ports (22,80,443; you can set SAFE_PORTS environment variable to override).
# To run this script:
# 1. sudo pip install awscli
# and configure AWS region and credentials (
# export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2
# export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key>
# export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret_key>
# 2. sudo npm install -g jsontool
# (Manual at
# After run a set of json-files will be created, see the bottom of the script.
# Set region from env value
echo "Region: $AWS_REGION"
# Fetch security groups
test -f sg_all.json || aws ec2 describe-security-groups --region $AWS_REGION > sg_all.json
# Filter unsafe security groups
echo "Safe ports: $SAFE_PORTS"
IpPermissionsEgress = undefined;
FilteredIpPermissions = [];
// skip safe ports
if(v.ToPort==v.FromPort && [${SAFE_PORTS}].indexOf(v.ToPort)!=-1) return;
// skip ports opened to another sg
if(v.UserIdGroupPairs.length>0) return;
// skip permissions where address '' is not used
if(!v.IpRanges.some(function(r){return r.CidrIp=='';})) return;
cat sg_all.json | json SecurityGroups | json -e "$CODE" | json -c 'FilteredIpPermissions.length>0' > sg_unsafe_rules.json
# Get instances for each unsafe security group
echo "Potentially unsafe security groups:"
UNSAFE_GROUP_IDS=`cat sg_unsafe_rules.json | json -a GroupId -d,`
for i in $UNSAFE_GROUP_IDS; do
echo $i
test -f sg_instances_$i.json || aws ec2 describe-instances --filter Name=group-id,Values=$i --region $AWS_REGION | \
json Reservations -j | json -a Instances | \
json -g -a PublicDnsName LaunchTime InstanceId Tags -j \
> sg_instances_$i.json
echo <<EOF
See AWS Security Groups analyze reports:
- sg_all.json - all security groups
- sg_unsafe_rules.json - filtered potentially unsafe security groups' rules
- sg_instances_<security_group_id> - instance list for each security group from the previous file
Remove these files if you want data to be redownloaded next run.
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