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Last active July 20, 2020 09:35
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Integration workflows and Go

The current Go module design and implementation targets small Go projects.

Small project direct integration pipeline

Those projects consume raw unchanged third party projects, and rely blindly on the QA done by those other projects. Their only needs are to download those projects, check they’ve not been tampered with (via notaries), regularly check for updates.

Small project code supply chain:

third party code
direct or proxied
without changes
(upstream integrity checks required)
use in project without checks
(blind third party trust)

Big project curated integration pipeline

Big integration projects, however, can not afford this direct pipeline.

Big integration projects can be:

Big project constrains

There is too much third party code in play. Every member of the team can not be expected to master all the third party parts. All the third party projects may not be up to the project QA standards. Expecting all of them to deal timely with issues all the time (and thus being able to use them unchanged) is unrealistic. Continuous internet downloads make CI/CD prohibitively expensive, unreliable and unreproducible.

Therefore any big integration project will have to give up on direct internet third party code use. It will work from a curated baseline of third party code. This baseline will receive small last-mile fixes to deal with the problems encountered while integrating a large mass of third-party code, and mask the lag of getting all those fixes accepted by the original third party projects. This baseline will be broken up in individual components to allow different teams to take ownership the curation of different parts of the third party codebase. And, because all this is a huge amount of work, the organisation managing the project will want to share it with its other projects.

Big project code supply chain:

third party code
direct or proxied
without changes
(upstream integrity checks required)
– checking,
– fixing, 
– removing unneeded/broken/dead parts
(upstream integrity checks voided)
curated baseline
  ↓  ↓  ↓  ↓  ↓  ↓  ↓  ↓  ↓
use in project A … use in project N
(no other third party code or internet download checks permitted)

The aim of this report series is to make Go module tooling integration-friendly, helping big integration projects to constitute and manage their baselines, and consume the result in all their sub-projects.

For historical reasons baselines have been created in GOPATH/vendor mode so far. But, there is no reason for this mode to persist. All the code management wins produced by modules in the direct download case, are also desirable in the integration/baseline case.

Therefore, there is a tooling need to convert the existing GOPATH/vendor baselines of third party code into baselines of Go modules.

General context

This document gives the general context for a a series of reports, focused at making Go modules work in integrator workflows. It’s being filled at the request of @mdempsky in golang-dev. It is informed both by the results of this golang-dev discussion, and by trying to make things work with Go module tooling as it exists today (experiment¹).

Report index

Related reports

¹ The experimental code is probably horrible. That's not the point. Most of its functions are generic and should have been provided by generic Go tooling in the first place.

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