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Created February 7, 2019 21:18
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# 用です。
function replaceFileContentWithoutBOM($path, $regex, $replacement) {
Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 $path `
| % {$_ -replace $regex, $replacement}`
| Out-String `
| % { [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($_) } `
| Set-Content -Path $path -Encoding Byte
function env($name,$global,$val='__get') {
$target = 'User'; if($global) {$target = 'Machine'}
if($val -eq '__get') { [environment]::getEnvironmentVariable($name,$target) }
else { [environment]::setEnvironmentVariable($name,$val,$target) }
function ensure_in_path($dir, $global) {
$path = env 'PATH' $global
$dir = (Resolve-Path $dir).Path
if($path -notmatch [regex]::escape($dir)) {
env 'PATH' $global "$dir;$path" # for future sessions...
$env:PATH = "$dir;$env:PATH" # for this session
function strip_path($orig_path, $dir) {
if($null -eq $orig_path) { $orig_path = '' }
$stripped = [string]::join(';', @( $orig_path.split(';') | Where-Object { $_ -and $_ -ne $dir } ))
return ($stripped -ne $orig_path), $stripped
function remove_from_path($dir,$global) {
$dir = (Resolve-Path $dir).Path
# future sessions
$was_in_path, $newpath = strip_path (env 'path' $global) $dir
if($was_in_path) {
env 'path' $global $newpath
# current session
$was_in_path, $newpath = strip_path $env:PATH $dir
if($was_in_path) { $env:PATH = $newpath }
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