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Last active July 4, 2022 08:56
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  • Save nimzo6689/c7f6129095536908e9e2b6aaabcc802b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# -- Modules --------------------------------------------------
Import-Module posh-git
Import-Module oh-my-posh
Set-Theme Agnoster
Import-Module DockerCompletion
Import-Module scoop-completion
Import-Module PSColor
# ZLocation alternates your prompt function to track the location.
# If you have a custom prompt function in $profile, you should place Import-Module ZLocation after the prompt customization.
Import-Module ZLocation
# -- Alias ----------------------------------------------------
# Aliases provided by profile.ps1
$ProfileAliases = @{ }
# Scoop
$ProfileAliases += @{
sup = { scoop update $args }
supa = { scoop update * }
sse = { scoop search $args }
sli = { scoop list $args }
sinst = { scoop install $args }
srm = { scoop uninstall $args }
spurge = { scoop cleanup * --cache }
swi = { scoop which $args }
# Chocolatey
$ProfileAliases += @{
cll = { clist --local-only $args }
# Scoop + Chocolatey
$ProfileAliases += @{
up = { sudo cup -y all; supa }
# Git
$ProfileAliases += @{
clone = { git clone $args }
pull = { git pull $args }
fet = { git fetch $args }
sw = { git switch $args }
add = { git add $args }
addd = { add -u $args }
cm = { git commit $args }
push = { git push $args }
st = { git status $args }
stt = { st -uno $args }
gr = { git log $args --graph --date=short --decorate=short --pretty=format:'%Cgreen%h %Creset%cd %Cblue%cn %Cred%d %Creset%s' }
grall = { gr --all $args }
gdiff = { git diff $args }
gwdiff = { gdiff --word-diff $args }
# csv
$ProfileAliases += @{
ipcsv8 = { Import-Csv -Encoding utf8 $args }
epcsv8 = { Export-Csv -Encoding utf8 $args -NoTypeInformation }
# Java Development
$ProfileAliases += @{
mvninst = { mvn -DskipTests clean install }
$ProfileAliases.Keys | ForEach-Object {
'function ' + $_ + '() {' + $ProfileAliases[$_] + '}' | Invoke-Expression
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
$windows10_setup = ''
$conemu_config = ''
# windows10-setup.ps1
iwr -useb $windows10_setup | iex
# ConEmuの設定ファイルを適用
iwr -useb $conemu_config | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Path ~\scoop\persist\conemu\ConEmu.xml
$profile_script = ''
iwr -useb | iex
scoop install git aria2
scoop bucket add extras
scoop config aria2-enabled true
scoop install sudo pwsh vscode rapidee ConEmu
# For Windows10 initial settings
scoop bucket add Ash258
scoop install Win10InitialSetup
Import-Module "$(scoop prefix Win10InitialSetup)\Win10.psm1"
pwsh -Command '@('posh-git', 'oh-my-posh', 'ZLocation', 'DockerCompletion', 'scoop-completion', 'PSColor') | % {Install-Module -Force -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser $_}'
pwsh -Command ('Add-Content -Value ' + (iwr -useb $profile_script) + ' -Encoding UTF8 -Path $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts')
code --install-extension davidhouchin.whitespace-plus
code --install-extension editorconfig.editorconfig
code --install-extension esbenp.prettier-vscode
code --install-extension aaron-bond.better-comments
code --install-extension eamodio.gitlens
code --install-extension ryu1kn.partial-diff
code --install-extension mechatroner.rainbow-csv
code --install-extension ms-vscode.powershell
code --install-extension bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client
code --install-extension spences10.vba
code --install-extension msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome
code --install-extension ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers
Register-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -SourceLocation -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Register-PackageSource -Name Nuget -Location "" –ProviderName Nuget -Trusted
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