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Last active December 6, 2023 07:02



Pausable stackful coroutines (fibers) give ability to write simple but responsive and concurrent code.

It can be used for:

  • Automatic pause long task every 16 ms to ensure 60fps.
  • Concurrent execution of different tasks (not serial).
  • Abort incomplete task (with subtasks) as reaction on event.
  • Write simple (synchronous) code.
  • Improve performance because synchronous code can be better optimized by JIT.
  • Call synchronous API (like Array:reduce) without loosing of concurrency.


// Fiber - lightweight thread, that has separate call stack.
// Multiple fibers concurrently executes in one system thread.
declare class Fiber< Result > extends Promise< Result > {

	// Fiber that are executing now.
	static current : Fiber< any > | null

	// Freezes current fiber until promise will be resolved.
	// After, resumes fiber and returns result or rethrows an exception if promise is rejected.
	// Throws NotInFiberError if called outside any fiber.
	static wait< Result >( promise : PromiseLike< Result > ) : Result

	// Executes function in separate fiber
	static run( task : ()=> Result ) : Fiber< Result >

	// Abort execution.
	// Do nothing if is already completed.
	abort : ()=> void


Usage examples


Function that returns control to main loop every 8 ms:

let deadline = + 8

function quant() {

	// Do nothing if fibers isn't supported 
	if( typeof Fiber !== 'function' ) return

	// Do nothing if called outside any fiber
	if( !Fiber.current ) return

	// Do nothing until deadline
	if( < deadline ) return

	// Stop current fiber until next frame
	Fiber.wait( new Promise( requestAnimationFrame ) )

	// already in next animation frame
	dealine = + 8


JSON processing

Quantized json parsing that don't block event loop more than ~8 ms independent on string size:

json_parse( str ) : any {
	return JSON.parse( str , ( key , value )=> ( quant() , value ) )


import { promisify } from 'util'
import { readFile } from 'fs'
const readFileAsync = promisify( readFile )

// Some synchronous task
function log_config() {

	// Load large JSON
	const buffer = Fiber.wait( fs.readFileASync( 'config.json' ) )

	// Parse json without long thread blocking if can
	const json = json_parse( buffer )

	// Print json to console
	console.log( json )

// Spawn fiber log_config )

60 FPS rendering

Very huge rendering (over 9000ms):

// Render large tree.
function render_tree( count ) {

	// [ 0 , 1 , 2 , ... ]
	const numbers = [ ... Array( count ) ].map( ( _ , i ) => i )

	// [ <iframe/> , <iframe/> , ... ]
	const leafs = render_branch( document.body , numbers )

	console.log( leafs )

// Render branch.
function render_branch( parent , numbers ) {

	// Render element for branch.
	const el = document.createElement( 'div' )
	parent.appendChild( el )
	// Render few leafs and return its.
	if( numbers.length <= 5 ) return render_leaf.bind( el ) )

	// Split numbers to two buckets.
	const center = Math.floor( numbers.length / 2 )
	const left = numbers.slice( 0 , center )
	const right = numbers.slice( center )
	// Render sub branches and join returned leafs
	return [ ... render_branch( el , left ) , ... render_branch( el , right ) ]

function render_leaf( parent ) {
	// Ability to free main thread every 8 ms
	// Do hard work (iframes are very expansive)
	const el = document.createElement( 'iframe' )
	parent.appendChild( el )
	return el

Start rendering in separate fiber:

let rendering = ()=> render_tree( 1000 ) )

Abort old rendering and start new on event:

// On any external event
window.onmessage( count => {
	// Stop revious rendering
	// Start new rendering
	rendering = ()=> render_tree( count ) )
} )

Optional Fetch

Simple fetch wrapper:

function get_json( url : string ) : any {

	const controller = new AbortController();
	const signal = controller.signal;

	// Wait for server response
	const response = Fiber.wait( fetch( url , { signal } ) )

	// Wait for json parse
	const json = Fiber.wait( response.json() )

	return json	

Optional asynchrony in other code:

let cache : { beta : boolean }

function get_config() : typeof cache {

	// Fill cache if not exists 
	if( !cache ) cache = get_json( '' ).flags

	return cache
} ()=> {

	// Will suspend while htt requesting
	console.log( get_config() )

	// Instant returns data from cache
	console.log( get_config() )

} )


Async functions

// Async in fiber
function main() {
	const promise = fetch( '//' )
	const response = Fiber.wait( promise )
	const json = Fiber.wait( response.json() )
	console.log( json )

const fiber = main )
// Fiber in async
async function main2 () {
	console.log( 'start' )
	await fiber
	console.log( 'finish' )


Gracefull degradation

Some features can be transparently disabled if fibers isn't supported.

// Continue in next tick if possible
function tick() {

	// Do nothing if fibers isnt' supported
	if( typeof Fiber !== 'function' ) return

	// Do nothing if called outside any fiber
	if( !Fiber.current ) return

	// Wait few time
	Fiber.wait( new Promise( process.nextTick ) )



Usage of global variables and finally block together should be changed to support execution in fibers

let context = null

function foo( callback1, callback2 ) {

	const prev = {}
	context = {}

	try {
		 // If `Fiber.wait` is called other `foo` execution can change context
		// Then we get wrong context there
	} finally {
		context = prev
const context = new WeakMap

function foo( callback1, callback2 ) {

	// Every context is fiber bound
	const prev = context.get( Fiber.current )
	context.set( Fiber.current , {} )

	try {
		 // Other `foo` execution don't change our context
		// Then we get right context there
	} finally {
		context.set( Fiber.current , prev )

Related Implementations

Other Languages

Stackfull vs stackless coroutines

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