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Last active August 7, 2020 06:00
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1. Initialisation
2. Mounting
3. Updating
4. Unmounting
1. Initialisation
Setting up of initial state and default props happen here.
a. constructor
- Constructor is called during initialisation.
2. Mounting
a. componentWillMount
- Executed just before the React component is about to mount in the DOM. Executed once before 1st render
b. componentDidMount
- Executed after the component is mounted in the DOM.
NOTE: API calls should be made in componentDidMount
3. Updating
a. shouldComponentUpdate
- Method should return `true` or `false` and if `true` the component's render method is called. Not required most of the times unless we're dealing with a heavy component that can have performance bottlenecks.
- React.PureComponent always does a shallow copy before deciding whether component should be updated
b. componentWillUpdate
- Executed only after `shouldComponentUpdate` returns `true`. Used to prepare for upcoming render.
c. componentDidUpdate
- Executed after the new update is rendered in the DOM.
Below methods are called when parent sends new props:
a. componentWillReceiveProps
- Gets executed when props have changed and it's not the first render.
4. Unmounting
a. componentWillUnmount
- Last method in the lifecycle. Executed just before component is removed from the DOM. Used mainly for cleanup.
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