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Created July 29, 2016 17:47
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Optimized proxy view for Django
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url, include
from django.conf.urls import patterns
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from .views cached_api_proxy_view
urlpatterns = patterns('')
urlpatterns += patterns('',
url('proxy/(?P<path>.*)', csrf_exempt(cached_api_proxy_view)),
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
#NOTE -- this requires django-proxy==1.0.2
from proxy.views import proxy_view
def cached_api_proxy_view(request, path):
This function handles caching logic for the proxy
cache_eligible = is_proxy_cache_eligible(request, path)
if cache_eligible:
cachekey = get_proxy_cache_key(request, path)
response = cache.get( cachekey )
if not response:
response = api_proxy_view(request, path)
Only cache it if it was successful, no one wants broken things
if( response.status_code == 200 ):
cache.set( cachekey, response, get_proxy_cache_duration(request, path) )
response = api_proxy_view(request, path)
return response
def api_proxy_view(request, path):
This function handles executing the actual proxy
if is_internal_view(request, path):
view, args, kwargs = resolve("/"+path)
kwargs['request'] = request
request.GET = request.GET.copy()
request.GET.update(get_extra_params(request, path))
return view(*args, **kwargs)
extra_requests_args = {
'params':get_extra_params(request, path)
return proxy_view(request, get_remote_url(request, path), extra_requests_args)
def is_proxy_cache_eligible(request, path):
#Override this logic!
Typically we don't want to cache a POST method, but there may be other
custom view you don't want to cache either.
if request.method == "GET":
return True
return False
def get_proxy_cache_key(request, path):
#Override this logic!
If GET variables return custom content, then include them in the cache key:
full_path = "%s?%s"%(path, request.GET.urlencode())
If users get user-specific content, then you can include the user's session
key in the cache key. This obviously creates a lot more cache entries, so
use carefully.
return 'proxy-view-%s-for-%s'%(full_path, request.session._session_key)
def get_extra_params(request, path):
#Override this logic!
if request.user.is_authenticated():
username = request.user.username
return {
"api_key" : request.user.api_key.key,
"username" : request.user.username
return {}
def is_internal_view(request, path):
#Override this logic!
return True
def get_remote_url(request, path):
#Override this logic!
return settings.PROXY_HOST+'/'+path
def get_proxy_cache_duration(request, path):
#Override this logic!
return settings.CACHE_API_SECONDS
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