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Created March 20, 2018 12:18
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Logrus debug handler
package util
import (
var (
_ logrus.Formatter = new(LogDebugger)
type LogDebugger struct {
formatter logrus.Formatter
stackLevel int
logLevels []logrus.Level
func NewLogDebugger(stackLevel uint, formatter logrus.Formatter, logLevels ...logrus.Level) *LogDebugger {
if len(logLevels) == 0 {
logLevels = []logrus.Level{logrus.DebugLevel}
if formatter == nil {
formatter = &logrus.TextFormatter{
FullTimestamp: true,
TimestampFormat: "2006 Jan Mon 15:04:05",
return &LogDebugger{
formatter: formatter,
logLevels: logLevels,
stackLevel: int(stackLevel),
func (logdbg *LogDebugger) Format(entry *logrus.Entry) ([]byte, error) {
entry.Message = fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s",
msg, err := logdbg.formatter.Format(entry)
return msg, err
func debugData(stackLevel int) string {
caller, filePath, line, _ := runtime.Caller(stackLevel)
frame, _ := runtime.CallersFrames([]uintptr{caller}).Next()
file := path.Base(path.Dir(filePath)) + "/" + path.Base(filePath)
fnName := strings.Split(path.Base(frame.Function), ".")[1]
return fmt.Sprintf("%d++%s:%s:%d", stackLevel, file, fnName, line)
func DebugData() string {
return debugData(2)
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