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Created May 16, 2014 07:30
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(* original sample data.. search/replaced symbols from python
dictionary of dictionaries *)
let criticsList = [
"Lisa Rose", [
"Lady in the Water", 2.5; "Snakes on a Plane", 3.5;
"Just My Luck", 3.0; "Superman Returns", 3.5;
"You; Me and Dupree", 2.5; "The Night Listener", 3.0
"Gene Seymour", [
"Lady in the Water", 3.0; "Snakes on a Plane", 3.5;
"Just My Luck", 1.5; "Superman Returns", 5.0;
"The Night Listener", 3.0; "You; Me and Dupree", 3.5
"Michael Phillips", [
"Lady in the Water", 2.5; "Snakes on a Plane", 3.0;
"Superman Returns", 3.5; "The Night Listener", 4.0
"Claudia Puig", [
"Snakes on a Plane", 3.5; "Just My Luck", 3.0;
"The Night Listener", 4.5; "Superman Returns", 4.0;
"You; Me and Dupree", 2.5
"Mick LaSalle", [
"Lady in the Water", 3.0; "Snakes on a Plane", 4.0;
"Just My Luck", 2.0; "Superman Returns", 3.0;
"The Night Listener", 3.0; "You; Me and Dupree", 2.0
"Jack Matthews", [
"Lady in the Water", 3.0; "Snakes on a Plane", 4.0;
"The Night Listener", 3.0; "Superman Returns", 5.0;
"You; Me and Dupree", 3.5
"Toby", [
"Snakes on a Plane", 4.5; "You; Me and Dupree", 1.0;
"Superman Returns", 4.0
(* coerced it to a Map *)
let xs : Map<string,Map<string,float>> =
( (fun x ->
(fst x, (Map.ofList <| snd x))) criticsList)
(* some tuple helpers *)
module Tuple =
let apply2 (t1: 'a1 -> 'b1)
(t2: 'a2 -> 'b2)
((a1, a2) : 'a1 * 'a2) : 'b1 * 'b2 = t1 a1,t2 a2
let tee2 (f1 : 'a -> 'b1) (f2 : 'a -> 'b2) (a:'a) = f1 a,f2 a
let flatten<'a,'b,'c when 'a : comparison and 'b : comparison> : Map<'a,Map<'b,'c>> -> seq<('a * 'b) * 'c> =
>> (Tuple.apply2 id Map.toSeq)
>> Seq.collect (fun (a, s) -> (fun (b,c) ->
(a,b),c) s)
let unflatten<'a,'b,'c when 'a : comparison and 'b : comparison> : seq<('a * 'b) * 'c> -> Map<'a,Map<'b,'c>> = (fun ((a,b),c) -> a,(b,c))
>> Seq.groupBy fst
>> (Tuple.apply2 id ( snd >> Map.ofSeq))
>> Map.ofSeq
let pivot<'a,'b,'c when 'a : comparison and 'b : comparison> : Map<'a,Map<'b,'c>> -> Map<'b,Map<'a,'c>> =
>> (fun ((a,b),c) -> b,(a,c))
>> Seq.groupBy fst
>> (Tuple.apply2 id ( snd >> Map.ofSeq))
>> Map.ofSeq
let ys = flatten xs
let ys' = unflatten ys
ys' = xs
let xs' = pivot xs
pivot (pivot xs) = xs
type G<'a, 'b, 'c when 'a : comparison and 'b : comparison> = {
vertices : Map<'a,'b option>
edges : Map<('a * 'b), 'c option>
let g = {
vertices = Map.ofSeq
<| Seq.append
(seq { for x in xs do yield x.Key,None })
(seq { for x in pivot xs do yield x.Key,None })
edges = Map.ofSeq
<| (fun (x,y) -> ( x,(Some y) ) ) (flatten xs)
let listAllFoldersUnder dir =
let rec aux dir =
seq { yield System.IO.DirectoryInfo(dir)
for d in System.IO.Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dir) do
yield! aux d }
aux dir |> Seq.collect (fun x -> seq [ x.FullName ])
let listAllFoldersUnder' dir =
let rec aux dir =
seq { yield System.IO.DirectoryInfo(dir)
for d in System.IO.Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dir) do
yield! aux d }
Seq.collect (fun (x : System.IO.DirectoryInfo) -> seq [ x.FullName ]) <| aux dir
// returns true if a is member of set l
let rec memb a l =
match (a, l) with
| (_, []) -> false
| (a, (x::xs)) -> if a = x then true else memb a xs
// returns the intersection of sets l1 and l2
let rec intersection l1 l2 =
match (l1, l2) with
| ([], _) -> []
| ((x::xs), l) -> if (memb x l) then x::(intersection xs l) else (intersection xs l)
// returns the union of sets l1 and l2
let rec union (l1 : 'a list when 'a : equality) (l2 : 'a list when 'a : equality) : 'a list =
if (l1,l2) = (List.empty,List.empty) then List.empty
match (l1, l2) with
| ([], l) -> l
| ((x::xs), l) -> if not (memb x l) then x::(union xs l) else (union xs l)
let union' (xs : 'a list) (ys : 'a list) =
let aux xs ys = xs @ ys
if (xs,ys) = (List.empty,List.empty) then []
aux ( (fun x -> Some x) xs) ( (fun y -> Some y) ys)
|> List.filter (fun x -> x.IsSome) |> (fun x -> x.Value)
let maxLst lst =
lst |> List.fold (fun acc x ->
match acc with
| None -> Some(x)
| Some(y) -> Some(max x y)) None;;
maxLst [1;2;3;4]
let maxLst' = List.fold (fun acc x -> match acc with None -> Some(x) | Some(y) -> Some(max x y)) None
List.max [1;2;3;4]
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