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Last active March 26, 2016 14:03
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1D 2-color cellular automata in F#
type cell = A | B
type 'cell U = U of 'cell LazyList * 'cell * LazyList<'cell>
module Universe =
open LazyList
let U left focus right = U (left, focus, right)
let initial () = U (repeat A) B (repeat A)
let shiftRight = fun (U (left,focus,Cons(focus',right))) -> U (cons focus left) focus' right
let shiftLeft = fun (U (Cons(focus',left),focus,right)) -> U left focus' (cons focus right)
let left (U(l,_,_)) = l
let focus (U(_,f,_)) = f
let right (U(_,_,r)) = r
let fmap f (U(left,focus,right)) = U (map f left) (f focus) (map f right)
let invert = fmap (function A -> B | B -> A)
let iterate f (a : 'a U) = unfold (fun a -> Some(a, f a)) a
let cojoin (a : 'a U) = U (tail <| iterate shiftLeft a) a (tail <| iterate shiftRight a)
let coreturn = focus
let inline (=>>) f x = fmap f (cojoin x)
module Rules =
open Universe
open LazyList
let u = initial ()
let cou = invert <| u
let rule_gen_2c1d (n : byte) (U (left,focus,right)) =
let x =
new System.Collections.BitArray([|n|])
|> Seq.cast<bool>
|> (function true -> B | false -> A)
|> Seq.toArray
match head left, focus, head right with
| B,B,B -> x.[7]
| B,B,A -> x.[6]
| B,A,B -> x.[5]
| B,A,A -> x.[4]
| A,B,B -> x.[3]
| A,B,A -> x.[2]
| A,A,B -> x.[1]
| A,A,A -> x.[0]
module IO =
open LazyList
open Universe
open Rules
module Console =
open System
let write (s : string) = System.Console.Write s
let newline () = System.Console.WriteLine("")
let printc = function
| A -> write " "
| B -> write "█"
let printu (U(l,f,r)) n =
newline ()
List.iter (printc) (List.rev (toList <| take n l))
printc f
iter (printc) (take n r)
let drawu rule_f rule_n length height u =
newline ()
iter (flip printu ((length / 2) - 1)) <| (take height <| iterate ((=>>) <| rule_f rule_n) u)
newline ()
let multiverse_2c1d length height =
let rec aux n =
match n with
| n when n < 255uy -> System.Console.WriteLine ();
System.Console.WriteLine ();
System.Console.WriteLine ("Rule: {0}", n)
drawu rule_gen_2c1d n length height u;
aux (n + 1uy)
| _ -> System.Console.WriteLine ("Rule: {0}", n)
drawu rule_gen_2c1d n length height u;
aux 0uy
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