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Created February 24, 2022 00:21
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Certified Assets Type Definitions in Motoko
module {
public type BatchId = Nat;
public type BatchOperationKind = {
#CreateAsset : CreateAssetArguments;
#UnsetAssetContent : UnsetAssetContentArguments;
#DeleteAsset : DeleteAssetArguments;
#SetAssetContent : SetAssetContentArguments;
#Clear : ClearArguments;
public type ChunkId = Nat;
public type ClearArguments = {};
public type CreateAssetArguments = { key : Key; content_type : Text };
public type DeleteAssetArguments = { key : Key };
public type HeaderField = (Text, Text);
public type HttpRequest = {
url : Text;
method : Text;
body : [Nat8];
headers : [HeaderField];
public type HttpResponse = {
body : [Nat8];
headers : [HeaderField];
streaming_strategy : ?StreamingStrategy;
status_code : Nat16;
public type Key = Text;
public type SetAssetContentArguments = {
key : Key;
sha256 : ?[Nat8];
chunk_ids : [ChunkId];
content_encoding : Text;
public type StreamingCallbackHttpResponse = {
token : ?StreamingCallbackToken;
body : [Nat8];
public type StreamingCallbackToken = {
key : Key;
sha256 : ?[Nat8];
index : Nat;
content_encoding : Text;
public type StreamingStrategy = {
#Callback : {
token : StreamingCallbackToken;
callback : shared query StreamingCallbackToken -> async ?StreamingCallbackHttpResponse;
public type Time = Int;
public type UnsetAssetContentArguments = {
key : Key;
content_encoding : Text;
public type Self = actor {
authorize : shared Principal -> async ();
clear : shared ClearArguments -> async ();
commit_batch : shared {
batch_id : BatchId;
operations : [BatchOperationKind];
} -> async ();
create_asset : shared CreateAssetArguments -> async ();
create_batch : shared {} -> async { batch_id : BatchId };
create_chunk : shared { content : [Nat8]; batch_id : BatchId } -> async {
chunk_id : ChunkId;
delete_asset : shared DeleteAssetArguments -> async ();
get : shared query { key : Key; accept_encodings : [Text] } -> async {
content : [Nat8];
sha256 : ?[Nat8];
content_type : Text;
content_encoding : Text;
total_length : Nat;
get_chunk : shared query {
key : Key;
sha256 : ?[Nat8];
index : Nat;
content_encoding : Text;
} -> async { content : [Nat8] };
http_request : shared query HttpRequest -> async HttpResponse;
http_request_streaming_callback : shared query StreamingCallbackToken -> async ?StreamingCallbackHttpResponse;
list : shared query {} -> async [
key : Key;
encodings : [
modified : Time;
sha256 : ?[Nat8];
length : Nat;
content_encoding : Text;
content_type : Text;
set_asset_content : shared SetAssetContentArguments -> async ();
store : shared {
key : Key;
content : [Nat8];
sha256 : ?[Nat8];
content_type : Text;
content_encoding : Text;
} -> async ();
unset_asset_content : shared UnsetAssetContentArguments -> async ();
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