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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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php benchmark
// define benchmarked functions
$f1 = function ($string, $delimiter = ',', $trim = true, $skipEmpty = false) {
$result = [];
$parts = explode($delimiter, $string);
foreach ($parts as $value) {
if ($trim) {
$value = $trim === true ? trim($value) : (is_callable($trim) ? $trim($value) : trim($value, $trim));
if ($skipEmpty && $value === '') {
$result[] = $value;
return $result;
$f2 = function ($string, $delimiter = ',', $trim = true, $skipEmpty = false) {
$result = explode($delimiter, $string);
if ($trim) {
$result = array_map($trim === true ? 'trim' : (is_callable($trim) ? $trim : function($v)use($trim){return trim($v, $trim);}), $result);
if ($skipEmpty) {
$result = array_filter($result);
return $result;
$f3 = function ($string, $delimiter = ',', $trim = true, $skipEmpty = false) {
if ($skipEmpty) {
if ($trim) {
return array_filter(array_map($trim === true ? 'trim' : (is_callable($trim) ? $trim : function($v)use($trim){return trim($v, $trim);}), explode($delimiter, $string)));
return array_filter(explode($delimiter, $string));
if ($trim) {
return array_map($trim === true ? 'trim' : (is_callable($trim) ? $trim : function($v)use($trim){return trim($v, $trim);}), explode($delimiter, $string));
return explode($delimiter, $string);
// setup benchmark params
$iterations = 100000;
$arguments = array(
' trim empty' => array('abc,def,iijaef9,13498 ,aef 981341, 98afja ,,Здесь строка , , ,, ', ',', true, false),
'notrim empty' => array('abc,def,iijaef9,13498 ,aef 981341, 98afja ,,Здесь строка , , ,, ', ',', false, false),
' trim noempty' => array('abc,def,iijaef9,13498 ,aef 981341, 98afja ,,Здесь строка , , ,, ', ',', true, true),
'notrim noempty' => array('abc,def,iijaef9,13498 ,aef 981341, 98afja ,,Здесь строка , , ,, ', ',', false, true),
$functions = array(
'original' => $f1,
'array_*' => $f2,
'array_* w/o vars' => $f3,
$checkValues = false;
// run benchmark
$benchmark = function ($callable, $arguments, $iterations = 100000) {
$start_time = microtime(TRUE);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
$value = call_user_func_array($callable, $arguments);
$end_time = microtime(TRUE);
$total_time = $end_time - $start_time;
return array($value, $total_time);
$results = array();
$previous = null;
foreach($arguments as $arguments_name => $argument) {
foreach($functions as $function_name => $function) {
list($value, $time) = $benchmark($function, $argument);
if ($checkValues && $previous !== null && $previous !== $value) {
echo "error: $function_name ($arguments_name) returned different results:\n";
var_dump($previous, $value);
$previous = $value;
$results[$function_name] = $time;
// print results
$min_time = reset($results);
echo "$arguments_name:\n";
foreach($results as $name => $time) {
echo str_pad($name.": ", 25, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).$time.' ('.(number_format(100*$time/$min_time, 2)).'%)'."\n";
echo "\nPerformed $iterations iterations.\n\n";
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