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Last active April 1, 2022 13:46
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BitcoinTalk IQ Bypass for dummies
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// ==UserScript==
// @name BitcoinTalk IQ Bypass for dummies
// @version 0.69
// @description Answers the fascist IQ test automatically
// @author TryNinja
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const questions = [{"question":"Three of these animals hibernate. Which one does not?","category":"animals","answer":"Sloth","choices":["Mouse","Sloth","Frog","Snake"]},{"question":"All of these animals are omnivorous except one.","category":"animals","answer":"Snail","choices":["Fox","Mouse","Opossum","Snail"]},{"question":"Three of these Latin names are names of bears. Which is the odd one?","category":"animals","answer":"Felis silvestris catus","choices":["Melursus ursinus","Helarctos malayanus","Ursus minimus","Felis silvestris catus"]},{"question":"These are typical Australian animals except one.","category":"animals","answer":"Sloth","choices":["Platypus","Dingo","Echidna","Sloth"]},{"question":"Representatives of three of these species produce venom of their own. Which is the odd species?","category":"animals","answer":"Mosquitos","choices":["Lizards","Scorpions","Frogs","Mosquitos"]},{"question":"Three of these species shed their skin. Which one does not?","category":"animals","answer":"Penguins","choices":["Penguins","Snakes","Insects","Crustaceans"]},{"question":"All dogs, cats and birds are colorblind.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"All of these animals have large ears (relative to their size) except one.","category":"animals","answer":"Polar bears","choices":["Polar bears","Foxes","Bats","Elephants"]},{"question":"This percentage of all snakes on Earth are lethal to humans.","category":"animals","answer":"15%","choices":["10%","20%","15%","25%"]},{"question":"Snakes are this kind of animals.","category":"animals","answer":"Carnivorous","choices":["Herbivorous","Omnivorous","Carnivorous","Vegetarian"]},{"question":"Snakes consume their food by means of this process.","category":"animals","answer":"Swallowing","choices":["Breathing","Absorption","Swallowing","Chewing"]},{"question":"Snakes reproduce only by laying eggs.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Snakes are deaf.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Snake skin is covered in scales.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Snakes belong to the following category.","category":"animals","answer":"Reptiles","choices":["Invertebrates","Lizards","Reptiles","Mammals"]},{"question":"A specialist in snakes is called one of these.","category":"animals","answer":"Ophiologist","choices":["Pisciculturist","Ornithologist","Ophiologist","Herpetologist"]},{"question":"One of the following snakes does not belong to the Viperidae family.","category":"animals","answer":"Grass snake","choices":["Horned adder","Grass snake","Viper","Asp"]},{"question":"Snakes are very likely to attack us, regardless of whether they feel threatened or not.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Cobras are venomous snakes of family Elapidae, that generally inhabit regions of these two continents.","category":"animals","answer":"Asia and Africa","choices":["South America and Asia","Asia and Africa","Asia and Australia","South America and Australia"]},{"question":"The cobras most recognizable feature is its hood, a flap of skin and muscle behind the head, believed to serve this purpose.","category":"animals","answer":"More threatening appearance","choices":["Balance control","Heat collection from sun rays","Camouflage","More threatening appearance"]},{"question":"The Cobra is at the top of the food chain, with only two main predators -- one is man and the other is this animal.","category":"animals","answer":"Mongoose","choices":["Jackal","Mongoose","Lynx","Eagle"]},{"question":"This is where the Cobras ribs are situated.","category":"animals","answer":"Behind its head","choices":["Behind its head","In its chest, around the middle of the body","Cobras have no ribs","In its tale"]},{"question":"The King Cobra feeds almost exclusively on other snakes, even toxic ones.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A baby cobra is fully able to defend itself in as little as this many hours after being born.","category":"animals","answer":"3","choices":["3","12","48","72"]},{"question":"What type of dog did Richard Nixon receive from a Texan while he was a candidate for Vice President?","category":"animals","answer":"Cocker Spaniel","choices":["German Shepherd","Cocker Spaniel","Golden Retriever","Welsh Corgy"]},{"question":"What was the name of Socks companion at the White House during the Clinton Administration?","category":"animals","answer":"Buddy","choices":["Buddy","Shoes","Bailey","Buster"]},{"question":"President Fords dog was named Freedom.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these Presidents had the most pets?","category":"animals","answer":"Theodore Roosevelt","choices":["Franklin Delano Roosevelt","Theodore Roosevelt","Bill Clinton","Woodrow Wilson"]},{"question":"What breed is known as the favourite breed of Queen Elizabeth II?","category":"animals","answer":"Welsh Corgi","choices":["Border Collie","Old English Sheepdog","Welsh Corgi","Australian Cattle Dog"]},{"question":"What was the name of Fraisers fathers dog on the hit TV show set in Seattle?","category":"animals","answer":"Eddie","choices":["Niles","Marty","Eddie","Skip"]},{"question":"Which one of these sea mammals is not in the endangered species lists?","category":"animals","answer":"Pilot whale","choices":["Fin Whale","Pilot whale","Blue Whale","Humpback Whale"]},{"question":"This endangered turtle is the biggest of all living turtles, reaching a length of over 2.7 m (8.8 ft) and weight of 900 kg (2,000 lb).","category":"animals","answer":"Leatherback Sea Turtle","choices":["Leatherback Sea Turtle","Kemps Ridley Turtle","Hawksbill Sea Turtle","Mesoamerican River Turtle"]},{"question":"Name the rarest and most endangered of all wolves.","category":"animals","answer":"Red Wolf","choices":["Red Wolf","Ethiopian Wolf","Black-backed Wolf","Gray Wolf"]},{"question":"The endangered Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard in the world, growing to an average length of 2-3 meters (10 feet).","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"This species of great apes with long arms and reddish hair suffer habitat destruction due to logging, mining and forest fires.","category":"animals","answer":"Orangutan","choices":["Gorilla","Baboons","Orangutan","Chimpanzee"]},{"question":"What is the natural habitat of the snows leopard, that was hunted down for its beautiful fur, as a result of which its population went down to 1,000 animals in the 1960s?","category":"animals","answer":"Central Asia","choices":["North America","Central Asia and North America","Central Asia","Europe and North America"]},{"question":"The Asian Elephant, the only living species of the genus Elephas, is the bigger relative of the African Elephant.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This freshwater mammal, found only in the Yangtze River, is the most endangered (even possibly extinct) cetacean and one of the most endangered species in the world.","category":"animals","answer":"Chinese River Dolphin","choices":["Ganges River Dolphin","Chinese River Dolphin","La Plata Dolphin","Amazon River Dolphin"]},{"question":"This small nocturnal animal, whose natural habitat are the deserts of Northern Africa, is known to jump not only for hunting or protection, but also for pleasure.","category":"animals","answer":"Fennec","choices":["Cape Fox","Red Fox","Bengal Fox","Fennec"]},{"question":"Jack jumper ants, yellowish-orange carnivorous ants named after their characteristic jumpy motions, can be found only on which continent?","category":"animals","answer":"Australia","choices":["North America","Australia","Africa","Asia"]},{"question":"This small, graceful member of the antelope family is an extraordinary jumper - while leaping, it touches the rocky terrain of its South African habitats only with the tip of its hooves, resembling a dance.","category":"animals","answer":"Klipspringer","choices":["Oribi","Roan Antelope","Scimitar Oryx","Klipspringer"]},{"question":"Although the jumping viper, a chiefly nocturnal snake, is one of the most powerful jumpers of the snake family, capable of rising up to 1 meter (3 feet) during a strike, its poison is not lethal to humans.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Zoophobia is the fear of animals.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The hummingbird is the worlds smallest bird.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these animals swims the fastest?","category":"animals","answer":"Dolphin","choices":["Flounder","Shark","Dolphin","Jellyfish"]},{"question":"Which word refers to the sound peacocks make?","category":"animals","answer":"Scream","choices":["Scream","Squill","Squeak","Squall"]},{"question":"Ancient Japanese thought this animal caused earthquakes.","category":"animals","answer":"Spiders","choices":["Birds","Spiders","Snakes","Frogs"]},{"question":"How many types of bats are there?","category":"animals","answer":"900","choices":["900","700","500","200"]},{"question":"Chocolate cannot kill a dog.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This animal can clean its own ears with its 21-inch tongue.","category":"animals","answer":"Giraffe","choices":["Lizard","Elephant","Lion","Giraffe"]},{"question":"It has been estimated that in Australia, there are about twice as many kangaroos as there are people.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is the fastest animal on 6 legs?","category":"animals","answer":"Cockroach","choices":["Ladybug","Cockroach","Beetle","Ant"]},{"question":"Sheep are similar to cows in that they have a stomach which contains four chambers.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is a female sheep called or known as?","category":"animals","answer":"ewe","choices":["ewe","colt","fleece","ram"]},{"question":"What is the white tigers scientific name?","category":"animals","answer":"Panthera tigris","choices":["Pantha","Panthera tigis","Panthera tiger","Panthera tigris"]},{"question":"Can tigers live to be 20 years old?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"All tigers have stripes.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not a type of chipmunk?","category":"animals","answer":"Bushy-tailed","choices":["Bushy-tailed","Long-eared","Eastern","Sonoma"]},{"question":"Which of these is not an actual breed of horse?","category":"animals","answer":"Sioux","choices":["Sioux","Russian Trotter","Belgian","Murgese"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not a breed of dog?","category":"animals","answer":"Ferret terrier","choices":["Pom-a-poo","Lakeland terrier","Fox terrier","Ferret terrier"]},{"question":"One of these is not a true breed of cat. Which one?","category":"animals","answer":"French Twist","choices":["Pixie-bob","Maine coon","Ragdoll","French Twist"]},{"question":"Which of these is not a type of beetle?","category":"animals","answer":"Burrowing beetle","choices":["Long-horn beetle","Stag beetle","Flea beetle","Burrowing beetle"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not a type of spider?","category":"animals","answer":"Glass spider","choices":["Glass spider","Trapdoor spider","Brown recluse spider","Bird-dropping spider"]},{"question":"All but one of the following are true types of bears. Which is the odd one?","category":"animals","answer":"Moon bear","choices":["Moon bear","Brown bear","Black bear","Sun bear"]},{"question":"Which of these is not an actual breed of sheep?","category":"animals","answer":"Dakota","choices":["Scottish black-face","Dakota","Hampshire","Merino"]},{"question":"One of these is not a true breed of chicken. Which one?","category":"animals","answer":"Red-tailed","choices":["Hamburg","Plymouth Rock","Leghorn","Red-tailed"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not a breed of pig?","category":"animals","answer":"Ridgeback","choices":["Norwegian Yorkshire","Vietnamese pot-belly","Ridgeback","Tokyo-X"]},{"question":"What is a group of lions called?","category":"animals","answer":"Pride","choices":["Family","Group","School","Pride"]},{"question":"There are more males then females in a pride.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Generally, how many times in an interval of 5 hours do lions mate?","category":"animals","answer":"10","choices":["1","5","20","10"]},{"question":"What is the breed of animal created from the crossing of a male lion and a female tiger?","category":"animals","answer":"Liger","choices":["Tigon","Tiges","Ligon","Liger"]},{"question":"What is the breed of animal created from the crossing of a female lion and a male tiger?","category":"animals","answer":"Tigon","choices":["Tigen","Liger","Tigon","Liges"]},{"question":"What do male lions have which females do not possess?","category":"animals","answer":"A mane","choices":["An extra tooth","A mane","Longer nails","Distinguished eyes"]},{"question":"What is the average lifespan of a lion living in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"10 -15 years","choices":["20 - 30 years","Less than 10 years","10 -15 years","Greater than 30 years"]},{"question":"Are male lions are generally stronger then female lions?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Female lions hunt in a group.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Cats twitch the tips of their tails slightly when hunting or when angry, while stronger twitching indicates what?","category":"animals","answer":"Displeasure","choices":["Stress","Displeasure","Boredom","Playfulness"]},{"question":"If a cat pushes its face against your head, this means what?","category":"animals","answer":"Acceptance","choices":["Impatience","Submission","Acceptance","Aggression"]},{"question":"Cats generally purr when they are happy, but they can also be heard purring in what other situation?","category":"animals","answer":"When they are distressed or in pain","choices":["When they are distressed or in pain","When they are hunting or playing","When they are hungry or thirsty","When they are lonely or angry"]},{"question":"How many different vocalization sounds does a cat make?","category":"animals","answer":"100","choices":["100","200","50","150"]},{"question":"All cats are born with green eyes.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A cats front paws have 5 toes and their back paws have 4.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What was the largest eagle ever found on Earth?","category":"animals","answer":"Haasts Eagle","choices":["Golden Eagle","Haasts Eagle","Harpy Eagle","Bald Eagle"]},{"question":"Which term refers to the group formed by frogs and amphibians?","category":"animals","answer":"Herps","choices":["Drosophillia","Herps","Mollusks","Nematodes"]},{"question":"Which statement about elephants is untrue?","category":"animals","answer":"Elephants do not have great memories","choices":["Elephants sleep standing up","Elephants cry","There are some pink elephants in India","Elephants do not have great memories"]},{"question":"All pigs are classified as un-Kosher meaning they can not be eaten by Jewish people.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is alektorophobia?","category":"animals","answer":"The unreasonable fear of chickens","choices":["The unreasonable fear of birds of prey","The unreasonable fear of roaches","The unreasonable fear of chickens","The unreasonable fear of sharks"]},{"question":"How do scientists calculate the age of a fish?","category":"animals","answer":"They count the growth rings on the ear bone.","choices":["They count all the teeth in the fishs mouth.","They measure the size of the fish and compare that to the average size of that type of fish.","They count the growth rings on the ear bone.","They count the teeth in the fishs lower lip."]},{"question":"Pound for pound, humans are not the strongest animals. What is considered the strongest species, pound for pound?","category":"animals","answer":"The Hercules beetle","choices":["The Hercules beetle","The leaf-cutting ant","The red ant","The atlas roach"]},{"question":"Human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Which animal has the most chromosomes?","category":"animals","answer":"hermit crabs","choices":["minke whale","millipedes","elephants","hermit crabs"]},{"question":"What type of animal is a lamprey?","category":"animals","answer":"fish","choices":["worm","fish","insect","amphibian"]},{"question":"What is the name of the first book by Darwin that directly dealt with evolution?","category":"animals","answer":"On the Origins of the Species","choices":["Essay on the Principles of Population","Totem and Taboo","On the Origins of the Species","The Descent of Man and the Selection in Relation to Sex"]},{"question":"Which of these animals has the largest paws?","category":"animals","answer":"An average lynx","choices":["An average mountain lion","An average nematode","An average lynx","An average lichen"]},{"question":"Sharks can only be found in salt water.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The smallest species of shark in the world is the Dwarf Lanternfish.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Sharks must eat continually in order to survive.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Sharks can have up to nine gills on each side of their body.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Rays and Skates are types of sharks.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Sharks have poor vision.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"More shark attacks occur during the day than at night.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"If attacked by a shark it is recommended that you punch the shark in the nose.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Sharks are immune to cancer.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The dogfish is actually a common species of small shark.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Despite the myth that Chihuahuas were descendants of the royal dog of the Aztecs, it is also believed that Spanish trade merchants brought Chihuahuas to which of these countries?","category":"animals","answer":"Mexico","choices":["Venezuela","United States","Brazil","Mexico"]},{"question":"What maximum height at the withers can Chihuahuas reach?","category":"animals","answer":"15 inches (38 cm)","choices":["24 inches (60 cm)","15 inches (38 cm)","12 inches (30 cm)","9 inches (22 cm)"]},{"question":"Chihuahuas come in three colors: brindle, black, and camel.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Chihuahuas are the only dogs to be born with what?","category":"animals","answer":"An incomplete skull","choices":["An extra leg tendon","Hairless inner ears","An incomplete skull","Two extra canine teeth"]},{"question":"What is the average lifespan of Chihuahuas?","category":"animals","answer":"8- 18 years","choices":["8 - 12 years","8- 18 years","8 - 26 years","8 - 15 years"]},{"question":"The Chihuahua Gidget is famous for what reason?","category":"animals","answer":"It was a mascot for Taco Bell.","choices":["Paris Hilton has it as a pet.","It was a fill-in mascot for the Georgia Bulldogs.","It was a mascot for Taco Bell.","It was a mascot for Taco John."]},{"question":"The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Chihuahuas are prone to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What does the word “hippopotamus” mean?","category":"animals","answer":"River horse","choices":["Water pig","Fat horse","River horse","River pig"]},{"question":"For their size hippos are pretty fast runners and are much faster than humans.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How long in years is the life span of an average wild hippopotamus?","category":"animals","answer":"40-50","choices":["10-20","40-50","30-40","20-30"]},{"question":"Hippos secrete a red substance known as blood sweat that protects them from the sun.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Hippos are related to cetaceans (whales and porpoises).","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The Spectacled bear makes its habitat around the Andes tropical basin.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This is the basic food of the sea. Billions upon billions of these organisms live in the sea.","category":"animals","answer":"Plankton","choices":["Seaweed","Plankton","Crabs","Shrimp"]},{"question":"This is the result of the gravitational pull from the moon and sun.","category":"animals","answer":"Tides","choices":["Migration of certain species of whales","Tides","Shoreline","Waves"]},{"question":"These creatures look like flowers as they grow attached to rocks. Their tentacles open like fleshy petals and contract whenever danger is near.","category":"animals","answer":"Sea Anemones","choices":["Kelp","Jellyfish","Sponges","Sea Anemones"]},{"question":"This sea animal, widely considered the most valuable shellfish, is common in shallow, warmer waters of all oceans.","category":"animals","answer":"Oyster","choices":["Oyster","Shrimp","Scallop","Lobster"]},{"question":"This crab is not really a crab, but an arthropod. Its closest relative is the spider.","category":"animals","answer":"Horseshoe crab","choices":["Fiddler Crab","Horseshoe crab","Spider Crab","Rock Crab"]},{"question":"These worms are not in fact worms, but bivalves. They enter wood as larvae, where they remain and grow, burrowing through the wood.","category":"animals","answer":"Shipworms","choices":["Sea Mice","Ribbon Worms","Lugworms","Shipworms"]},{"question":"Squid and octopus are mollusks.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The Pacific lobster has large pincers and a spiny shell.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Also called Sea Biscuit, this animal lives in deeper water half-buried in the sand.","category":"animals","answer":"Sand Dollar","choices":["Sand Dollar","Star Fish","Scallop","Mussel"]},{"question":"The red kangaroo appears on the Coat of Arms of Australia together with what other endemic Australian animal?","category":"animals","answer":"Emu","choices":["Emu","Platypus","Dingo","Koala"]},{"question":"Which of these mammals was brought to Australia by humans?","category":"animals","answer":"The dingo","choices":["The echidna","The dingo","The koala","The Tasmanian tiger"]},{"question":"Which of the following statements about echidnas, mammals native to Australia, is wrong?","category":"animals","answer":"Echidnas are marsupials.","choices":["Echidnas are covered with spines.","Echidnas have snouts.","Echidnas lay eggs.","Echidnas are marsupials."]},{"question":"The diet of the koala consists mainly of what plant species?","category":"animals","answer":"Eucalyptus","choices":["Eucalyptus","Bamboo","Willow","Cork Oak"]},{"question":"Which one of these Australian reptiles is the largest living crocodile in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"The saltwater crocodile","choices":["The thorny devil","The weedy sea dragon","The blue-tongued skink","The saltwater crocodile"]},{"question":"This Australian monotreme lays eggs and has a remarkable sense of electroception.","category":"animals","answer":"Platypus","choices":["Platypus","Red kangaroo","Dingo","Emu"]},{"question":"Which Australian animal is the largest living carnivorous marsupial on Earth?","category":"animals","answer":"The Tasmanian devil","choices":["The Tasmanian tiger","The Tasmanian devil","The platypus","The red kangaroo"]},{"question":"Qantas, Australias largest airline company, has what Australian animal on its red-and-white logo?","category":"animals","answer":"Kangaroo","choices":["Koala","Kangaroo","Emu","Tasmanian devil"]},{"question":"What is the difference between the male and the female Galah, a cockatoo bird native to Australia?","category":"animals","answer":"Males and females have different eye colour.","choices":["There is no difference between them.","Males and females have different eye colour.","Galah males are crested.","Galah females have shorter tails."]},{"question":"What is the average weight of the Tasmanian Pygmy Possum?","category":"animals","answer":"About 7g","choices":["About 250g","About 50g","About 100g","About 7g"]},{"question":"Which lizard can squirt blood from the corners of its eyes in order to confuse and drive back its enemies?","category":"animals","answer":"Horned lizard","choices":["Anole","Gila monster","Horned lizard","Komodo dragon"]},{"question":"The venomous lizard Gila monster was named after what?","category":"animals","answer":"The Gila River basin","choices":["The Gila River basin","The Gila Expedition 1857","Alberto Gilardino","Gilligans Island"]},{"question":"The Komodo dragon, the largest living lizard on Earth, lives in which part of the world?","category":"animals","answer":"Indonesia","choices":["North America","Indonesia","South-western China","Madagascar"]},{"question":"Which term refers to the self-defense mechanism which allows lizards to break off their tails when captured?","category":"animals","answer":"Autotomy","choices":["Apotemnophilia","Autonomy","Autotomy","Autism"]},{"question":"Which of these statements about geckos is true?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Geckos have toe pads which help them climb smooth vertical surfaces.","All of these","Geckos can make chirping sounds.","Geckos feed on insects."]},{"question":"Chameleons are lizards that can change their colour. What does Chameleon mean in Greek?","category":"animals","answer":"Earth lion","choices":["Green melon","Karma lion","Colourful","Earth lion"]},{"question":"Geckos have immovable eyelids and cant blink. How do they keep their eyes clean?","category":"animals","answer":"They lick their own eyes.","choices":["A tiny insect lives under their eyelids and cleans their eyes.","They lick their own eyes.","They dip their eyes in water.","They cover their eyes with their toes."]},{"question":"The lizards which do not have legs are commonly known by what name?","category":"animals","answer":"Glass lizards","choices":["Glass lizards","Monitor lizards","Skinks","Iguanas"]},{"question":"Which of these lizard species is not endangered?","category":"animals","answer":"Eastern Bearded Dragon","choices":["Eastern Bearded Dragon","Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard","Mona Ground Iguana","Komodo Dragon"]},{"question":"No lizard species live on which continent?","category":"animals","answer":"Antarctica","choices":["South America","Antarctica","Europe","Asia"]},{"question":"This shark is considered a filter- feeder. Its diet consists mainly of plankton, krill, and macro-algae.","category":"animals","answer":"whale shark","choices":["whale shark","bull shark","great white shark","pygmy shark"]},{"question":"This sharks white belly and grey back make it difficult for prey to spot.","category":"animals","answer":"great white shark","choices":["hammerhead shark","tiger shark","great white shark","whale shark"]},{"question":"Sharks have no bones.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Have sharks been around for about 400 million years?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Which of these sharks has a flat body like a stingray?","category":"animals","answer":"angel shark","choices":["basking shark","blue shark","blacktip reef shark","angel shark"]},{"question":"This shark was believed to be extinct, until it was found on the coast of Japan in 1898.","category":"animals","answer":"goblin shark","choices":["cookie cutter shark","mako shark","goblin shark","angel shark"]},{"question":"Which shark is the fastest swimmer?","category":"animals","answer":"mako shark","choices":["goblin shark","mako shark","nurse shark","sandtiger shark"]},{"question":"The zebra shark is very small and gentle and can be kept close to other fish.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is the common name for baby sharks?","category":"animals","answer":"pups","choices":["calves","pecks","cubs","pups"]},{"question":"Two thirds of a sharks brain is dedicated to its sense of smell.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many recognized giraffe subspecies exist?","category":"animals","answer":"9","choices":["6","7","9","5"]},{"question":"Which of these is not a subspecies of giraffe?","category":"animals","answer":"East African Giraffe","choices":["Somali Giraffe","Rothschilds Giraffe","Kordofan Giraffe","East African Giraffe"]},{"question":"How long is a giraffes gestation period?","category":"animals","answer":"14- 15 months","choices":["18 - 20 months","10 months","14- 15 months","9 months"]},{"question":"How many pounds of leaves can a giraffe consume daily?","category":"animals","answer":"140 pounds","choices":["60 pounds","100 pounds","140 pounds","210 pounds"]},{"question":"Giraffes need less sleep than nearly every other animal.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Giraffes were once thought to be a cross between a camel and a leopard.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What group of dogs does the beagle belong to?","category":"animals","answer":"hound","choices":["retrievers","setters","hound","terriers"]},{"question":"The beagle was developed mainly for tracking what animal?","category":"animals","answer":"rabbits","choices":["squirrels","rabbits","raccoons","coyotes"]},{"question":"About how many years have beagles been around?","category":"animals","answer":"2,000","choices":["2,000","5,000","4,000","3,000"]},{"question":"Which of the following cartoon dogs was a beagle?","category":"animals","answer":"Snoopy","choices":["Courage","Scooby Doo","Snoopy","Clifford"]},{"question":"The beagle is not a good choice for a childrens pet because it is aggressive.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is the typical lifespan of the beagle?","category":"animals","answer":"12 years","choices":["20 years","15 years","7 years","12 years"]},{"question":"Beagles are sometimes used for termite detection in Australia.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Are beagles easy to housebreak?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"What type of coat do beagles have?","category":"animals","answer":"medium","choices":["long","short","medium","depends on the dog"]},{"question":"The puggle is a mix between a beagle and what dog?","category":"animals","answer":"pug","choices":["papillion","puli","poodle","pug"]},{"question":"In what country was the goldfish first domesticated?","category":"animals","answer":"China","choices":["Egypt","China","Japan","India"]},{"question":"A goldfish can reach a weight of almost 10 lbs (4.5 kg)","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How long can a goldfish live in optimal conditions?","category":"animals","answer":"20 years","choices":["5 years","8 years","10 years","20 years"]},{"question":"The world record for the oldest goldfish is 49 years.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In Europe goldfish were first introduced to what country?","category":"animals","answer":"Portugal","choices":["France","England","Italy","Portugal"]},{"question":"What color goldfish were most prized by the Chinese royalty several centuries ago?","category":"animals","answer":"Yellow","choices":["Silver","Yellow","Orange","Red"]},{"question":"Goldfish can die from overeating.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Is it true that goldfish only have a 3-second memory?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"What color are wild goldfish?","category":"animals","answer":"Green","choices":["Silver","Orange","Yellow","Green"]},{"question":"Goldfish are good parents. They nurse and protect their young until they grow up enough to defend themselves.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"This bird is the fastest animal on the planet in its hunting method, the stoop.","category":"animals","answer":"Peregrine Falcon","choices":["Bald Eagle","Red-tailed Hawk","Peregrine Falcon","Golden Eagle"]},{"question":"The Barn Owl likes to sleep all day long.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Red-tailed Hawks are hunted in the USA because of their frequent attacks on domestic animals.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"These raptors are known for their unusually social behavior. They even hunt in groups while the majority of raptors are solitary hunters.","category":"animals","answer":"Harris Hawk","choices":["Golden Eagle","Turkey Vulture","Spotted Owl","Harris Hawk"]},{"question":"This animal is the largest of the deer family and can be found in the northern parts of North America.","category":"animals","answer":"Moose","choices":["Gazelle","Moose","White Tailed Deer","Elk"]},{"question":"Which of these animals cannot be found in North America?","category":"animals","answer":"Dingo","choices":["Flamingo","Walrus","Dingo","Beaver"]},{"question":"This bear, also known as a Silvertip bear, is native to North America.","category":"animals","answer":"Grizzly Bear","choices":["Panda Bear","Polar Bear","Red Panda Bear","Grizzly Bear"]},{"question":"The coyote lives in North America and also goes by this name.","category":"animals","answer":"Prairie Wolf","choices":["Desert Dog","Prairie Wolf","Prairie Dog","Small Wolf"]},{"question":"This North American animal is at the top of the food chain in the arctic region.","category":"animals","answer":"Polar Bear","choices":["Walrus","Polar Bear","Arctic Fox","Penguin"]},{"question":"This mammal is known for its black fur with a white stripe and for its apparent odor.","category":"animals","answer":"Skunk","choices":["Sloth","Ferret","Skunk","Weasel"]},{"question":"What type of animal is the cottonmouth?","category":"animals","answer":"Snake","choices":["Mouse","Snake","Bat","Lizard"]},{"question":"This creature belongs to the rodent family and is covered in sharp spines or quills.","category":"animals","answer":"Porcupine","choices":["Nutria","Armadillo","Kiwi","Porcupine"]},{"question":"How many species of skunk exist?","category":"animals","answer":"11","choices":["6","8","13","11"]},{"question":"How many young skunks can be born in one litter?","category":"animals","answer":"1-7","choices":["1-10","1-5","1-7","1-4"]},{"question":"What do skunks eat in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Insects","Meat","Fruit"]},{"question":"How much of an effective range do skunks odor glands have?","category":"animals","answer":"15 feet","choices":["15 feet","10 feet","8 feet","20 feet"]},{"question":"Can skunks be trained to make good pets?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Sometimes skunks kill domestic animals.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How many subspecies of Red Fox are found in India?","category":"animals","answer":"3","choices":["2","None. Red Fox are not native to India.","1","3"]},{"question":"Which of these coat colors is not found in wild Red Fox populations?","category":"animals","answer":"Black","choices":["Golden","Spotted","Red","Black"]},{"question":"What is the top speed that the Red Fox can reach?","category":"animals","answer":"45 mph","choices":["25 mph","35 mph","45 mph","55 mph"]},{"question":"Which of these are eaten by the Red Fox?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Insects","worms","All of these","eggs"]},{"question":"How long is the Red Foxs lifespan in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"3 years","choices":["3 years","8 years","6 years","10 years"]},{"question":"Fox hunting was made illegal in the U.K. in 2005.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Do foxes hibernate in winter?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Approximately how long is a Red Foxs gestation period?","category":"animals","answer":"55 days","choices":["89 days","55 days","40 days","34 days"]},{"question":"Is the Red Fox a protected species in most parts of the world?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"What is an adult male rooster known as?","category":"animals","answer":"Rooster","choices":["Rooster","Buck","Hen","Foul"]},{"question":"What is the word used for someone that is afraid of chickens?","category":"animals","answer":"Alektorphobic","choices":["Xenophobic","Chickopobic","Alektorphobic","Avianphobic"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not a breed of chicken?","category":"animals","answer":"Chinese Crested","choices":["Australorp","Cubalaya","Houdan","Chinese Crested"]},{"question":"The Silkie chicken is the newest known breed.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many beats per minute does a chickens heart usually beat?","category":"animals","answer":"280-315","choices":["100-234","147-189","280-315","95-124"]},{"question":"Which of the following color of egg is incorrect for a chicken egg?","category":"animals","answer":"black","choices":["black","white","pink","blue"]},{"question":"All domestic chickens can be traced back to which bird?","category":"animals","answer":"The Red Jungle Fowl","choices":["The Wild Turkey","The Macaw","The Red Jungle Fowl","The Amazon Rain Forest Chicken"]},{"question":"Which of the following characters is a chicken?","category":"animals","answer":"Foghorn Leghorn","choices":["Dori","Foghorn Leghorn","Daffy","Kermit"]},{"question":"What is the average lifespan of a lion in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"10-14 years","choices":["6-9 years","20-24 years","10-14 years","15-20 years"]},{"question":"The lion is the largest member of the cat species.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Most lions only survive in Africa. But a population of the much endangered Asiatic lion lives in India. How many estimated lions live in India as of 2007?","category":"animals","answer":"300","choices":["300","550","1,500","3,000"]},{"question":"What is the average maximal speed a lion can reach?","category":"animals","answer":"35 mph / 56 km/h","choices":["35 mph / 56 km/h","45 mph / 72 km/h","20 mph / 32 km/h","40 mph / 64 km/h"]},{"question":"Lions are inactive about 20 hours per day.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Approximately what amount of meat does an adult male lion’s diet require per day?","category":"animals","answer":"15 lbs. (6.8 kg)","choices":["10 lbs. (4.5 kg)","5 lbs. (2.2 kg)","15 lbs. (6.8 kg)","25 lbs. (11 kg)"]},{"question":"Like most mammals lions can only breed with one male ensuring that the offspring belong to just one male.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Approximately how long is a lions gestation period?","category":"animals","answer":"120 days","choices":["200 days","30 days","120 days","60 days"]},{"question":"Do white lions exsist in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"All penguins are found exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How many species of penguins live in warm or even tropical environments?","category":"animals","answer":"4","choices":["0","3","2","4"]},{"question":"The larger the penguin species, the colder the region in which it is found.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these is the largest species of penguins?","category":"animals","answer":"Emperor Penguin","choices":["King Penguin","Giant Penguin","Emperor Penguin","Royal Penguin"]},{"question":"Fossil records have shown a species of giant penguin that once stood 4 feet high.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What does the word penguin mean?","category":"animals","answer":"Fat","choices":["Fat","Black and White","Swimmer","Bird"]},{"question":"Large penguins can dive nearly 2,000 feet.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these animals is NOT a natural predator of penguins?","category":"animals","answer":"Polar Bear","choices":["Leopard Seal","Polar Bear","Stellars Sea Eagle","Orca (Killer Whale)"]},{"question":"Penguins secrete salt from their nostrils.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Where can the polar bear be found?","category":"animals","answer":"Arctic","choices":["South Pole","Antartica","Arctic","All of these"]},{"question":"Polar bears are among penguins’ most dangerous natural enemies.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What color is a polar bears skin?","category":"animals","answer":"Black","choices":["Black","White","Pink","Yellow"]},{"question":"A polar bear has white fur.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Approximately how many wild polar bears are estimated to live across the Arctic?","category":"animals","answer":"20,000","choices":["20,000","100,000","150,000","60,000"]},{"question":"Can polar bears be other colors besides white?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"According to Guinness Book of World Records, the heaviest wild bear was caught in 1960 and weighed 1,960 lbs (890 kg). What was its length?","category":"animals","answer":"Over 11 feet (3,40 m) tall","choices":["Over 11 feet (3,40 m) tall","Over 12 feet (3,70 m) tall","Over 9 feet (2,70 m) tall","Over 10 feet (3 m) tall"]},{"question":"According to statistics from the past 3 decades of the 20th century, there is a significant drop in polar bears’ size.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A polar bear is used as the marketing icon for which of these popular products?","category":"animals","answer":"Klondike Bars","choices":["Maytag Freezers","Hoods Ice Cream","Popsicles","Klondike Bars"]},{"question":"Brown Bear/polar bear hybrids occur naturally in the wild.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"All dinosaurs were cold-blooded reptiles.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The smallest dinosaur known to science was the size of a chicken.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"All birds are descendants of dinosaurs.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Pterodactyls were large flying dinosaurs.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Humans and human descendants hunted dinosaurs for food.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Some dinosaurs swam in the oceans.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Mammals lived alongside dinosaurs.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"All dinosaurs died out due to a meteor hitting the Earth.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Tyrannosaurus Rex means Tyrant Lizard King.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The giant four-legged dinosaurs such as Apatosauras and Diplodocus are known as Theropods.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The Labrador breed comes in 3 different colors.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The Labrador Retriever is considered a medium-sized dog. How much does it weigh when fully grown?","category":"animals","answer":"55 - 80 pounds","choices":["65 - 110 pounds","40 - 55 pounds","55 - 80 pounds","20 - 60 pounds"]},{"question":"What is the estimated average lifespan of a crocodile?","category":"animals","answer":"70+ years","choices":["80+ years","50+ years","90+ years","70+ years"]},{"question":"On which of these continents can you find the Salt Water Crocodile?","category":"animals","answer":"Australia","choices":["Africa","South America","Australia","North America"]},{"question":"In 2006, a crocodile housed at the Australia Zoo, was estimated to be 130 years old.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"A crocodile bite strength is up to how many pounds psi (per square inch)?","category":"animals","answer":"3000 psi","choices":["3000 psi","5000 psi","700 psi","1500 psi"]},{"question":"Crocodiles sex is determined by the temperature of their nest.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these is NOT a species of crocodile?","category":"animals","answer":"African Crocodile","choices":["Nile Crocodile","Mugger Crocodile","American Crocodile","African Crocodile"]},{"question":"According to data from the year 2001, crocodiles were the second leading cause of animal related death worldwide, second to venomous snakes.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is the average incubation period of crocodile eggs?","category":"animals","answer":"80 days","choices":["50 days","80 days","120 days","25 days"]},{"question":"Beavers are the second largest rodents in the world after which animal?","category":"animals","answer":"Capybara","choices":["Muskrat","Mountain Marmot","Capybara","Sea Otter"]},{"question":"In Europe, the European Beaver (Castor fiber) was almost wiped out. It was driven to near extinction because of its fur and its scent gland that was used for medicinal purposes.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A beaver will build a dam even in dried up waterways if a recording of rushing water is played.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The North American Beaver is Canadas National symbol that adorns which Canadian coin?","category":"animals","answer":"Nickle","choices":["Penny","Nickle","Quarter","Dime"]},{"question":"In the 17th century a ban was placed on eating meat during lent but the beaver meat was not included in that ban.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is the gestation period of a beaver?","category":"animals","answer":"4 months","choices":["2 months","3 months","6 months","4 months"]},{"question":"Can a beaver hold its breath underwater for more than 30 minutes?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Butterflies need the warmth of the sun in order to fly. They cannot possibly fly if the temperature is below this.","category":"animals","answer":"50 F (10 C)","choices":["60 F (16 C)","80 F (27 C)","70 F (21 C)","50 F (10 C)"]},{"question":"You can kill a butterfly if you hold its wings.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Butterflies taste their food through this organ.","category":"animals","answer":"The legs","choices":["The wings","Their faceted eyes","The proboscis","The legs"]},{"question":"Butterflies do not have lungs. They breathe trough this organ.","category":"animals","answer":"The abdomen","choices":["The proboscis","The abdomen","The eyes","The legs"]},{"question":"The butterfly is a relative to the crab and the lobster.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"This is what mostly attracts a butterfly to a flower.","category":"animals","answer":"The flowers nectar","choices":["The flowers nectar","The flowers color","The flowers shape","The flowers smell"]},{"question":"The expression social butterfly is often used to describe a woman. It means that she does this.","category":"animals","answer":"Flits from one person to another","choices":["Uses too much cosmetics","Behaves quite self-conceited","Flits from one person to another","Wears clothes with bright colors"]},{"question":"Finish this old phrase:\n\nWhen you call a dog, he comes right over to you. When you call a cat, she________________.","category":"animals","answer":"takes a message","choices":["climbs the curtains","runs away from you","thinks its dinner time","takes a message"]},{"question":"Why does your cat interrupt you and want petting when youre on the phone?","category":"animals","answer":"your cat thinks you are talking to him/ her","choices":["your cat thinks you are talking to him/ her","to annoy you","to be a part of your telephone call","your cats is jealous that youre talking to someone else"]},{"question":"Why do cats seem to be attracted to the one person who doesnt like cats?","category":"animals","answer":"Kitty sees that person as unintimidating","choices":["Kitty wants to annoy them","Kitty thinks that person has food","Kitty wants to win them over","Kitty sees that person as unintimidating"]},{"question":"Cats are so curious because they are always looking for food.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Cats only purr when they are happy.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Why do cats suddenly race through the house?","category":"animals","answer":"They have an overflow of pent-up energy.","choices":["They feel a change in the weather.","They have an overflow of pent-up energy.","They want to get your attention.","They feel the presence of a ghost."]},{"question":"Why does a cat rub against your leg?","category":"animals","answer":"To mark you by depositing his/ her scent","choices":["Because she/ he really likes you.","Because it feels good.","To mark you by depositing his/ her scent","To show he/ she trusts you"]},{"question":"Why does a cat bury his/ her waste?","category":"animals","answer":"To protect their trail from predators","choices":["To show their dominance","To protect their trail from predators","Because they are so territorial.","Because they are very clean animals."]},{"question":"A cats memory is about half as retentive as a dogs.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Why do cats always want in when they are out, and out when thery are in?","category":"animals","answer":"To re-mark their scent","choices":["To re-mark their scent","To annoy you","Because they have pent-up energy","Because they are bored"]},{"question":"Why do cats like to sleep in the sun?","category":"animals","answer":"To make up for the drop in body temperature when they sleep","choices":["To make up for the drop in body temperature when they sleep","To keep from shedding so much","It reminds them of being kittens","Because they can hear better when they are warm"]},{"question":"Why do cats go crazy over catnip?","category":"animals","answer":"Because it smells like a cat in heat","choices":["Because it smells like a cat in heat","Because it smells like prey","Because it smells like tasty food","Because it is an aphrodisiac"]},{"question":"How many known species of earthworm exist worldwide?","category":"animals","answer":"5,500","choices":["3,000","2,500","5,500","1,000"]},{"question":"The Giant Gippsland Earthworm, the largest species of earthworm, can reach nearly 10 feet in length.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many hearts does a typical earthworm have?","category":"animals","answer":"10","choices":["2","10","4","8"]},{"question":"Worm casts (waste) is richer in nutrients and essential particles than the first 6 inches of topsoil.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Is soil pollution one of the biggest threats to earthworms?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Why do earthworms come to the surface after rainstorms?","category":"animals","answer":"No one knows for sure but there are four theories trying to explain this behaviour.","choices":["The temperature on the surface is cooler.","They cant take the acid rain.","They can drown if their holes fill up.","No one knows for sure but there are four theories trying to explain this behaviour."]},{"question":"Rich soil may contain up to 100,000 earthworms per square acre.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many species of earthworm are native to Australia?","category":"animals","answer":"650","choices":["650","450","250","850"]},{"question":"One of the biggest threats to earthworm survival in the UK is the New Zealand Roundworm which feeds on earthworms.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How many million of earthworms were exported from Canada and sold worldwide in 1980?","category":"animals","answer":"370 million","choices":["225 million","260 million","370 million","100 million"]},{"question":"To which animal class do octopuses belong?","category":"animals","answer":"Cephalopod","choices":["Mollusk","Coleoid","Nautiloid","Cephalopod"]},{"question":"As far as disguising is concerned, octopuses are among the most proficient species in nature.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Octopuses can live in fresh water.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of the following animals is the least related to the octopus?","category":"animals","answer":"Eel","choices":["Scallop","Snail","Eel","Clam"]},{"question":"How many arms do octopuses have?","category":"animals","answer":"8","choices":["8","5","0","2"]},{"question":"Octopuses are known to kill sharks.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Octopuses can not be kept as pets.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Approximately how tall is a grizzly bear when standing on its hind legs?","category":"animals","answer":"8 feet (2.4 m)","choices":["9 feet (2.7 m)","7 feet (2.1 m)","6 feet (1.8 m)","8 feet (2.4 m)"]},{"question":"Grizzly bears can be found in Europe and North America.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In which country is the grizzly bear listed as a threatened species?","category":"animals","answer":"U.S.","choices":["U.S.","Germany","Canada","Sweden"]},{"question":"Grizzly bears are strict carnivores.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Although the grizzly bear is on the flag of this state, the last grizzly was shot there in 1922.","category":"animals","answer":"California","choices":["Nevada","California","Oregon","Idaho"]},{"question":"The grizzly bear is a subspecies of the brown bear.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these do grizzly bears eat?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Moose","Berries","Fish","All of these"]},{"question":"Grizzly bears hibernate through the winter.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How many fatal brown and grizzly bear attacks have been reported between 1900 and 2003 in North America?","category":"animals","answer":"53","choices":["175","53","542","257"]},{"question":"Should you feed a small dog, such as a miniature poodle, the same amount of food you should a large dog, for example a great dane?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"A water bowl should be kept within easy access for your dog at all times.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these things is something you should never feed your dog?","category":"animals","answer":"Chocolate","choices":["Coconuts","Chocolate","Milk","Raw meat"]},{"question":"As a general rule, the bigger a dog is the more it should be exercised (walks, playing fetch, etc.)","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these is only a dog food brand?","category":"animals","answer":"Cesar","choices":["Eukanuba","Cesar","Iams","Purina"]},{"question":"Dogs sweat through their skin, like humans.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"A dog should never be left with a child under this age because the child may injure the dog or him/herself.","category":"animals","answer":"five","choices":["ten","seven","three","five"]},{"question":"The dodos other name was The Robert Don.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What were the dodos closest living relatives in nature?","category":"animals","answer":"Pigeons","choices":["Chickens","Pigeons","Parrots","Turkeys"]},{"question":"Are their any complete dodo specimens anywhere in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"In what year was the dodo discovered?","category":"animals","answer":"1598","choices":["1627","1605","1681","1598"]},{"question":"There is an intact dodo egg specimen housed in the East London museum in South Africa.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In what year did the dodo become extinct?","category":"animals","answer":"1681","choices":["1705","1789","1681","1803"]},{"question":"The dodo was able to grow so large and become flightless because of the lack of natural predators on the island it inhabited.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Are there any complete dodo skeletons anywhere in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"The does “cheetah” mean translated from Sanskrit?","category":"animals","answer":"Spotted One","choices":["Fast","Spotted One","Lightning","Stealth cat"]},{"question":"The highest recorded speed a cheetah has obtained is 80 mph (130 km/h.)","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What are cheetahs that have mutated patterning that creates blotches instead of spots called?","category":"animals","answer":"King Cheetahs","choices":["King Cheetahs","Smudge Cheetahs","Black Cheetahs","Striped Cheetahs"]},{"question":"Cheetahs are only found in Africa.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these is not a sound made by cheetahs?","category":"animals","answer":"Roar","choices":["Hiss","Yelp","Roar","Purr"]},{"question":"Unlike most cats, cheetahs prefer to hunt during the day.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The ruler of the Mughal Empire Akbar the Great was very enamored with cheetahs and it is said he kept a stable of how many of these cats?","category":"animals","answer":"1,000","choices":["5,000","750","1,000","500"]},{"question":"The gestation period of a cheetah is about 90-95 days.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is the typical lifespan of the cheetah?","category":"animals","answer":"10-20 years","choices":["25-40 years","15-25 years","5-10 years","10-20 years"]},{"question":"In 2007 the amount of cheetahs left in the wild dropped to what number?","category":"animals","answer":"12,000","choices":["12,000","20,000","30,000","5,000"]},{"question":"Are frogs reptiles?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"What frog is the most poisonous?","category":"animals","answer":"Dart Frog","choices":["Cane Toad","Dart Frog","Corroboree Frog","Red-Eyed tree frog"]},{"question":"Baby frogs are called pups.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these types of frogs shares its name with an animal that is not a frog?","category":"animals","answer":"horned frog","choices":["horned frog","leopard frog","tree frog","arrow frog"]},{"question":"Do all frogs live their whole life in water?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"The African Bullfrog is the largest frog.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Are Red-eyed Tree Frogs carnivores?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"What is the smallest frog?","category":"animals","answer":"Brazilian Gold Frog","choices":["Red-Eyed Tree frog","Brazilian Gold Frog","Cane Toad","Monte Iberia Eleuth"]},{"question":"There are frogs that can fly (or make fly-like movements)","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Do frogs have gills?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Frogs can breathe underwater.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many species of zebra are known to exist?","category":"animals","answer":"4","choices":["6","4","3","5"]},{"question":"Which one of these is not a species of zebra?","category":"animals","answer":"Savanna Zebra","choices":["Savanna Zebra","Cape Mountain Zebra","Grevys Zebra","Plains Zebra"]},{"question":"Can a zebra be ridden if trained properly?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"How tall is a typical zebra at the shoulder?","category":"animals","answer":"4 feet (1.2 m)","choices":["4 feet (1.2 m)","6 feet (1.8 m)","5 1/2 feet (1.6 m)","3 feet (0.9 m)"]},{"question":"Zebras are related to rhinos.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How fast can a zebra run?","category":"animals","answer":"40 mph (65 km/h)","choices":["30 mph (50 km/h)","25 mph (40 km/h)","50 mph (80 km/h)","40 mph (65 km/h)"]},{"question":"Which of these are not a function of a zebras stripes?","category":"animals","answer":"A warning sign to other zebras","choices":["A warning sign to other zebras","Identification within the herd","Heat dissipation","Confusion of predators"]},{"question":"How long can a zebra live in captivity?","category":"animals","answer":"40 years","choices":["30 years","20 years","40 years","15 years"]},{"question":"This type of ant causes a lot of allergic reactions in the USA.","category":"animals","answer":"Fire ant","choices":["Jack Jumper ant","Bulldog ant","Western brown ant","Fire ant"]},{"question":"This type of ant is considered the most venomous of all insects.","category":"animals","answer":"Jack jumper ant","choices":["Western brown ant","Bulldog ant","Jack jumper ant","Fire ant"]},{"question":"About how long have ants been around on Earth?","category":"animals","answer":"60 million years","choices":["8 million years","45 milllion years","60 million years","25 million years"]},{"question":"The largest ant colony is located on the Ishikari coast of Hokkaido. Approximately how many ants are there in this colony?","category":"animals","answer":"300,000,000","choices":["300,000,000","30,000,000","700,000,000","1,500,000"]},{"question":"What are the three basic parts of an ants body?","category":"animals","answer":"Head, mesosoma, metasoma","choices":["Antennae, abdomen, thoraces","Head, mesosoma, metasoma","Head, abdomen, metasoma","Head, thorax, somatomy"]},{"question":"All of these substances but one are a safe way to get rid of ants in the house. Which is the odd one?","category":"animals","answer":"Wine","choices":["Cider vinegar","Windex mixed with ivory soap","Wine","Whole cloves"]},{"question":"What do we call the type of ants that plant seeds to grow food?","category":"animals","answer":"Harvester ants","choices":["Formicadae","Thresher ants","Farmer ants","Harvester ants"]},{"question":"Carpenter ants have become a problem because of the wood they eat.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is special about the red ants of the Southwestern USA and Central and South America?","category":"animals","answer":"They steal larvae for slaves.","choices":["They can live in temperatures from 11 degrees Centigrade to 51 degrees Centigrade.","They can live for six days without food or water.","They can change color.","They steal larvae for slaves."]},{"question":"In 1966 was found the first ant fossil. From which geological period did it come from?","category":"animals","answer":"Cretaceous","choices":["Cretaceous","Pennsylvannian","Pre-Fermaceous","Jurasic"]},{"question":"Which statement about ants is untrue?","category":"animals","answer":"Anteaters prefer ants to any other type of food.","choices":["Anteaters prefer ants to any other type of food.","An ant colony will eat its own larvae if there is no other food around.","Bullet ants are considered to have the most painful sting.","Ants are sometimes put into Thai salads."]},{"question":"Warner Brothers highest grossing film of 1954 was about enormous ants that threatened a small town in the USA. What was the title of this movie?","category":"animals","answer":"Them!","choices":["Ants!","Them!","Invasion","Invaders"]},{"question":"How many species of flamingo are native to the Americas?","category":"animals","answer":"4","choices":["3","2","1","4"]},{"question":"A flamingo’s feathers can change color depending on its diet.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What do you call a group of flamingos?","category":"animals","answer":"Pat","choices":["Family","Pink","Flock","Pat"]},{"question":"All flamingos have 12 black flight feathers at the tips of each wing.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these flamingo species is not native to the Americas?","category":"animals","answer":"Lesser Flamingo","choices":["Chilean Flamingo","Andean Flamingo","Lesser Flamingo","James Flamingo"]},{"question":"Why do flamingos often stand on one leg?","category":"animals","answer":"Noone knows for sure.","choices":["To keep their feet from becoming waterlogged.","To keep feet from getting tired.","To stir up as little silt from bottom as possible.","Noone knows for sure."]},{"question":"Are baby flamingos pink?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"What decade did the pop culture icon the plastic lawn flamingo come into existence?","category":"animals","answer":"60s","choices":["40s","60s","30s","80s"]},{"question":"Once the dingo was introduced to Australia, the Thylacine population decreased steadily until the only viable populations were on the Island of Tasmania.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Are Thylacines marsupials?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"When was the last reported killing of a Thylacine in Australia?","category":"animals","answer":"1930","choices":["1930","1880","1900","1910"]},{"question":"What was the name of the zoo in which the last known Thylacine was placed in 1936?","category":"animals","answer":"Hobart Zoo","choices":["Hobart Zoo","Queensland Zoo","Queen Elizabeth Zoological Gardens","Australia Zoo"]},{"question":"Why were Thylacines called Tigers?","category":"animals","answer":"because of the stripes on their back","choices":["because of the vicious way in which they killed their prey","because they looked like cats","because of their mean disposition","because of the stripes on their back"]},{"question":"Was there ever any evidence found after 1936 that Thylacines may have still been living in Australia?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"It was proven that Thylacines killed some sheep in 1957.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What was the fine for shooting a Thylacine?","category":"animals","answer":"$5,000","choices":["$10,000","$1,000","$3,000","$5,000"]},{"question":"In what year were Thylacines classified as extinct?","category":"animals","answer":"1986","choices":["1986","1979","1974","1965"]},{"question":"In 1984 what famous mogul offered a $100,000 reward for proof of the continued existence of Thylacines?","category":"animals","answer":"Ted Turner","choices":["Donald Trump","Rupert Murdock","Ted Turner","Bill Gates"]},{"question":"What is a pangolin?","category":"animals","answer":"A scaly ant-eating mammal","choices":["A scaly ant-eating mammal","A poisonous snake","A type of fish","A type of waterfowl"]},{"question":"What does the Malaysian word pangolin mean?","category":"animals","answer":"Roll into a ball","choices":["Armor","Roll into a ball","Walking Pinecone","Scaly Anteater"]},{"question":"Pangolins have no teeth.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The tongue of a pangolin is so long that it is anchored to its pelvis.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Are pangolins related to anteaters and armadillos?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Can pangolins walk on their hind legs?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Which of these statements concerning the way in which pangolins defend themselves is false?","category":"animals","answer":"They run away very quickly.","choices":["They run away very quickly.","They spray a noxious odor like a skunk.","They curl up in a ball.","They attack by slashing their long claws or whipping their tails."]},{"question":"The armor plates of pangolins are made of tough bone.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many young pangolins can an adult pangolin have at one time?","category":"animals","answer":"1-2","choices":["1-2","3-4","4-5","2-3"]},{"question":"Although not all bear subspecies are vicious, there is a tendency for increase in bear attacks due to this factor.","category":"animals","answer":"Destruction of bears natural habitat","choices":["Destruction of bears natural habitat","Pollution","Genetical mutation of bears","Hunting"]},{"question":"Despite sharks’ bad reputation thanks to movies out of 300 species of sharks only this much are known to have attacked and killed a man.","category":"animals","answer":"4","choices":["4","10","2","11"]},{"question":"Although jellyfish may seem to you calm and harmless, an encounter with some species may leave you in excruciating pain and even kill you in minutes. Which of the following species of jellyfish is venomous enough to kill a man?","category":"animals","answer":"Box jellyfish","choices":["Sea nettle","Mastigias","Box jellyfish","Medusa Jellyfish"]},{"question":"We’ve seen these animals as friendly and approachable but the truth is that they’re unpredictable. What is the average number of fatalities a year elephants cause?","category":"animals","answer":"300-500","choices":["150-200","20-40","300-500","1000-1500"]},{"question":"Hippopotamuses may seem slow, lazy and bulky but in fact are one of the most dangerous African animals. Which of the following should you avoid in order to prevent a hippopotamus attack?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Standing between the hippopotamus and its calf","All of these","Surprising the hippopotamus","Blocking the hippopotamus’ way"]},{"question":"Crocodiles like to stay motionless in water and wait for the perfect time to strike. These powerful prehistoric creatures annually give what estimated number of fatalities?","category":"animals","answer":"600-800","choices":["1000-1500","50-100","100-200","600-800"]},{"question":"If you happen to be near a big cat (e.g. lion, tiger, lynx) that seems to be about to attack you, which of the following shouldn’t you do in any case?","category":"animals","answer":"Turn back and run","choices":["Scream and shout","Try to look larger than you really are","Turn back and run","Stare at its eyes"]},{"question":"Although only a small percent of scorpions are venomous to people, 800 to 2000 human deaths each year are caused by scorpions. During which part of the day are these creatures most active?","category":"animals","answer":"Night","choices":["Morning","All day","Noon","Night"]},{"question":"Which of the following statements about snakes is not true?","category":"animals","answer":"Snakes will attack almost always they sense the presence of a human.","choices":["Snakes can strike upto half their length.","A fully grown king cobra can rear up so it looks a human in the eyes.","Not all venomous snakes are capable of killing a man.","Snakes will attack almost always they sense the presence of a human."]},{"question":"Surprisingly, the number one killer among animals with about 2-3 million human fatalities a year is a tiny insect. Which is it?","category":"animals","answer":"Mosquito","choices":["Bee","Mosquito","Tsetse fly","Wasp"]},{"question":"How many species of rhinoceros survive in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"5","choices":["2","5","4","3"]},{"question":"Which of these is NOT a species of rhinoceros?","category":"animals","answer":"African Rhino","choices":["African Rhino","Indian Rhino","Javan Rhino","Sumatran Rhino"]},{"question":"The deaths caused by rhinos in India and Nepal exceed the total number of deaths caused by leopards and tigers.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Throughout the period from the 1970s to the end of the 20th century, the rhinoceros numbers declined by approximately what percentage?","category":"animals","answer":"90%","choices":["50%","90%","60%","75%"]},{"question":"In Asian folklore the rhinoceros would stomp out fires in the jungle.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is the life span of a rhino?","category":"animals","answer":"40 years","choices":["15 years","40 years","20 years","30 years"]},{"question":"The species name White Rhinoceros is the result of mis-translation of the word white.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is the gestation period of a rhino?","category":"animals","answer":"16 months","choices":["12 months","16 months","20 months","24 months"]},{"question":"What is the #1 reason for the rhinos decline worldwide?","category":"animals","answer":"Poaching","choices":["Disease","Farming","Predators","Poaching"]},{"question":"Hyenas are only found in Africa.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Hyenas are most closely related to what creatures?","category":"animals","answer":"Mongoose","choices":["Badger","Bears","Cats","Mongoose"]},{"question":"Hyenas were domesticated and eaten in ancient Egypt.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In which of these African environments are hyenas NOT found?","category":"animals","answer":"Desert","choices":["Desert","Forests","Mountains","Grasslands"]},{"question":"Are male hyenas the dominant members of their groups?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Which of these is not a species of hyena?","category":"animals","answer":"Golden","choices":["Brown","Striped","Golden","Spotted"]},{"question":"Are spotted hyenas considered an endangered species?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"What is a group of hyenas called?","category":"animals","answer":"Clan","choices":["Pack","Posse","Giggle","Clan"]},{"question":"According to the Medieval Bestiary hyenas have the ability to change their sex.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What country was home to the Moa?","category":"animals","answer":"New Zealand","choices":["New Zealand","Puerto Rico","Indonesia","Madagascar"]},{"question":"How many species of Moa are known to have existed?","category":"animals","answer":"11-15","choices":["3-5","5-7","10-13","11-15"]},{"question":"The Moa was unique because even though it was a bird it had no wings.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What was the main reason for the extinction of the Moa?","category":"animals","answer":"It was hunted by man for food.","choices":["It was hunted by man for food.","There was not enough room on the island for so many large birds","It could easily be caught by predators.","It got to large to support itself."]},{"question":"What animal was the number one predator of the Moa?","category":"animals","answer":"An extinct species of eagle","choices":["They had no predator they were too large","An extinct species of eagle","An extinct species of lion","An extinct species of wolf"]},{"question":"Was the male Moa larger than the female?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Is the Moa related to the kiwi, a living species of flightless bird from New Zealand?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"In what year were the first Moa remains discovered by Europeans?","category":"animals","answer":"1839","choices":["1765","1857","1839","1724"]},{"question":"Which of these European countries is not home to any wild native reindeer?","category":"animals","answer":"Switzerland","choices":["Finland","Switzerland","Russia","Scotland"]},{"question":"Both male and female reindeer grow antlers.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Approximately how many miles per year can the North American caribou travel?","category":"animals","answer":"3,000","choices":["11,000","1,000","3,000","7,000"]},{"question":"Reindeer are strict herbivores (vegetarians).","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Approximately how many reindeer live in Eurasia?","category":"animals","answer":"5 million","choices":["10 million","5 million","15 million","1 million"]},{"question":"Siberians use reindeer to ride on.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these is not a species of reindeer?","category":"animals","answer":"Northern caribou","choices":["Woodland carribou","Northern caribou","Arctic reindeer","Mountain reindeer"]},{"question":"Are reindeer antlers used as a food by humans?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"How many species of pigeons and doves exist?","category":"animals","answer":"300","choices":["200","375","300","250"]},{"question":"Pigeon and dove fossils are regularly found giving us a lot of information on pigeon evolution?","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Pigeons are master nest builders.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Why are pigeon nests or eggs rarely seen?","category":"animals","answer":"Pigeons are cliff dwellers and build their nests in high places.","choices":["Pigeons are cliff dwellers and build their nests in high places.","Pigeons do their best to conceal nests.","Pigeons are picky and only build nests high up in certain types of trees.","Pigeons dont build nests."]},{"question":"Pigeons were so valuable in wartime that some won medals for their service.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Pigeons are only one of seven species to pass the mirror test, which tests if animals recognize their own reflected image.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is the common name for the pigeon that we see in the city streets and in our backyards?","category":"animals","answer":"Rock Dove","choices":["Mourning Dove","Rock Dove","Common Dove","Fancy Dove"]},{"question":"Dinosaurs lived during which geologic era?","category":"animals","answer":"Mesozoic","choices":["Cretazoic","Protozoic","Holozoic","Mesozoic"]},{"question":"The word dinosaur is a combination of two Greek words. One word means lizard. What does the other word mean?","category":"animals","answer":"Terrifying","choices":["Terrifying","Herbivorous","Godlike","Beautiful"]},{"question":"Dinosaurs once roamed Colorado and Wyoming.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Name the theropod dinosaur with a long head, flat snout, and large sickle-shaped claw on the second toe of each foot.","category":"animals","answer":"Velociraptor","choices":["Stegosaurus","Velociraptor","Tyrannosaur","Raptor"]},{"question":"Name the prehistoric reptile of the late Jurassic and Cretaceous period with featherless wing membrane. It is believed this reptile flew.","category":"animals","answer":"Pterodactyl","choices":["Bronchialsaurus","Accipitridae Raptor","dactylic raptor","Pterodactyl"]},{"question":"The name brontosaurus is derived from the Greek words sauros, which means lizard, combined with another word. What does the word bronte mean?","category":"animals","answer":"Thunder or roar","choices":["Large","Long neck","Poetic","Thunder or roar"]},{"question":"The species Tyrannosaurus Rex was herbivorous.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these dinosaurs had dorsal plates and spikes?","category":"animals","answer":"Stegosaurus","choices":["Heloderma suspectum","H. horridum","Hydrodamalis gigans","Stegosaurus"]},{"question":"According to history/science/geology, dinosaurs became extinct approximately how many years ago?","category":"animals","answer":"65 million","choices":["10 million","25 million","80 million","65 million"]},{"question":"This reptile, endemic to new Zealand, is the only surviving rhynchocephalian.","category":"animals","answer":"Tuatara","choices":["Perisssodactyl","None of these","Kephalosaurus","Tuatara"]},{"question":"Which one of these movies tells the story of Littlefoot, an Apatosaurus in search of the Great Valley where dinosaurs can live in peace?","category":"animals","answer":"The Land Before Time","choices":["Walking With Dinosaurs","Jurassic Park","King Kong","The Land Before Time"]},{"question":"Which of these books about prehistoric animals and dinosaurs was written by Arthur Conan Doyle?","category":"animals","answer":"The Lost World","choices":["Dinosaur Planet","Jurassic Park","Dinotopia","The Lost World"]},{"question":"In the 1980s, who voiced the character of Dino, the pet dinosaur in the animated series The Flintstones?","category":"animals","answer":"Mel Blanc","choices":["Frank Welker","Mel Blanc","Jean Vander Pyl","Alan Reed"]},{"question":"In the book Jurassic Park, the fictional island Isla Nublar, where recreated dinosaur species live, is situated in which part of the world?","category":"animals","answer":"Near Costa Rica","choices":["Near Costa Rica","Near Japan","Near Chile","Near Spain"]},{"question":"The BBC series Walking with Dinosaurs, which won three Emmy Awards, consisted of how many parts?","category":"animals","answer":"6","choices":["12","3","6","2"]},{"question":"The design of the Japanese fictional monster Godzilla was based on the characteristics of which dinosaur?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Stegosaurus","All of these","Tyrannosaurus","Iguanodon"]},{"question":"In the cartoon Dinosaucers, Bronto Thunder is what kind of dinosaur?","category":"animals","answer":"An evolved Apatosaurus","choices":["An evolved Apatosaurus","An evolved Stegosaurus","An evolved Archaeopteryx","An evolved Triceratops"]},{"question":"What is Dinotopia, the fictional place where humans and dinosaurs live together in James Gurneys books and Hallmarks mini series?","category":"animals","answer":"A hidden island","choices":["A planet","A hidden island","A mountain","A large volcano"]},{"question":"Which band recorded a song called Brontosaurus which includes the following verse:\n\nNow her daddys getting old\nAnd he seemed to lose control\nWhen the brontosaurus\nStormed into the house to trap her.?","category":"animals","answer":"ELO","choices":["ELO","Velvet Revolver","Velvet Underground","AFI"]},{"question":"What kind of celestial body is the 9949 Brontosaurus?","category":"animals","answer":"Asteroid","choices":["Asteroid","Planet","Star","Black hole"]},{"question":"What is the meaning of the term Triceratops, referring to a dinosaur genus discovered in 1888 in North America?","category":"animals","answer":"Three horns on the face","choices":["Three heads","Beast with three tails","Three-tongued beast","Three horns on the face"]},{"question":"Which one of these dinosaurs was bigger than a dog?","category":"animals","answer":"Triceratops","choices":["Saltopus","Parvicursor","Microraptor","Triceratops"]},{"question":"In the scientific classification of animals, what does the term Dinosauria signify?","category":"animals","answer":"A superorder","choices":["A family","A superorder","A genus","A kingdom"]},{"question":"Fossils of a Velociraptor attacking a Protoceratops, proving that dinosaurs attacked and ate each other, were discovered in which part of the world in 1971?","category":"animals","answer":"The Gobi Desert","choices":["Death Valley","The Gobi Desert","The Balkans","Bernissart, Belgium"]},{"question":"Which one of these dinosaurs was carnivorous?","category":"animals","answer":"Eoraptor","choices":["Eoraptor","Diplodocus","Maiasaura","Triceratops"]},{"question":"Which one of these dinosaurs was herbivorous?","category":"animals","answer":"Protoceratops","choices":["Velociraptor","Protoceratops","Tyrannosaurus","Allosaurus"]},{"question":"No dinosaur fossils have been found on which one of these continents?","category":"animals","answer":"None of these","choices":["Antarctica","Europe","Africa","None of these"]},{"question":"How many fingers did the Tyrannosaurus rex have on its forelimbs?","category":"animals","answer":"2","choices":["4","3","5","2"]},{"question":"The first evidence of herding behaviour among dinosaurs was discovered in 1878 in which part of the world?","category":"animals","answer":"Belgium","choices":["USA","Argentina","Belgium","China"]},{"question":"Which one of these statements about the Seismosaurus, the Earth-shaking lizard, is wrong?","category":"animals","answer":"Its hind legs were shorter than its front legs.","choices":["It could reach 33 meters in length.","It was recognized as a species in 1991.","Its hind legs were shorter than its front legs.","It was herbivorous."]},{"question":"How long is the average lifespan of an elephant?","category":"animals","answer":"70 years","choices":["70 years","15 years","110 years","35 years"]},{"question":"Just like humans, apes and dolphins, elephants can recognize themselves in a mirror.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Until what age can the female elephant (called a cow) produce offspring?","category":"animals","answer":"50 years","choices":["50 years","15 years","75 years","7 years"]},{"question":"Elephants always give birth to twins.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Elephants express joy by spinning in circles, trumpeting, roaring, screaming, urinating, and flapping their ears. In which of these cases will an elephant not act this way?","category":"animals","answer":"after the death of an elderly elephant","choices":["when meeting a friend (elephant or human)","when playing games","after the death of an elderly elephant","after the birth of a new baby elephant"]},{"question":"Elephants sometimes have stillborn births, but are not bothered by the loss since the baby was never alive.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Mammoths are members of the elephant family.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many species of elephant exist today?","category":"animals","answer":"3","choices":["1","6","5","3"]},{"question":"How many individual muscles are in an elephants trunk?","category":"animals","answer":"40,000","choices":["2,000","10,000","40,000","500"]},{"question":"When swimming, an elephant will use its trunk as a snorkel.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Elephants intertwine their trunks with the trunks of other elephants, much like a handshake. What does an elephant not do with its trunk?","category":"animals","answer":"drink through it like through a straw","choices":["caress a baby elephant","drink through it like through a straw","place food in their mouth","grab enemies and fling them away"]},{"question":"Elephants spend 16 hours a day collecting and eating food, an average of 400 lbs of food a day. But their bodies do not digest 100% of the food. How much of the food does the elephants body digest?","category":"animals","answer":"40%","choices":["40%","80%","60%","20%"]},{"question":"It has been reported that in the period 1992-2008, Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey Circus had at least this many elephant deaths caused by abuse and neglect.","category":"animals","answer":"24","choices":["24","0","1","7"]},{"question":"An elephants brain is half the size of the human brain.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Through what body part can an elephant NOT hear?","category":"animals","answer":"skin","choices":["feet","skin","trunk","ears"]},{"question":"Only female elephants were used in battle, because male elephants were too difficult to tame and train.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In Islamic history, 570 A.D. was The Year of the Elephant. Which of these happened in that year?","category":"animals","answer":"Muhammad was born","choices":["The Qur’an was written in book form","Muhammad received his first revelation","Muhammad was born","Muhammad became ill and died"]},{"question":"An elephants tusks grow continuously, about 7 inches a year.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which is true about elephants?","category":"animals","answer":"The elephant is a good swimmer.","choices":["The elephant is a good jumper.","The elephant is not a protected species.","An elephants skin is 2.5 inches thick.","The elephant is a good swimmer."]},{"question":"What is the only marsupial in the world that has a backwards pouch?","category":"animals","answer":"wombat","choices":["kangaroo","echidna","koala","wombat"]},{"question":"Salt water crocodiles belong to the amphibian group.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This reef, that extends along the east coast of Australia, is home to countless animals and is considered one of the wonders of the natural world.","category":"animals","answer":"Great Barrier Reef","choices":["Great Barrier Reef","Division Reef","Australia Reef","Surfer Reef"]},{"question":"The female of this species is sometimes called a Blue Flyer, because of its bluish coloration.","category":"animals","answer":"red kangaroo","choices":["white heron","emu","red kangaroo","kookaburra"]},{"question":"Which one of these is NOT a type of wombat?","category":"animals","answer":"Arid Central","choices":["Common","Southern Hairy Nosed","Arid Central","Northern Hairy Nosed"]},{"question":"Echidnas can swim.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The echidnas diet consists mainly of this group of animals.","category":"animals","answer":"Insects","choices":["Mammals","Insects","Fish","Birds"]},{"question":"Where does the kookaburra, a common Australian bird, get its name from?","category":"animals","answer":"The aboriginal name for it","choices":["The food it eats","The aboriginal name for it","Its appearance","The sound it makes"]},{"question":"Which of these animals is NOT native to Australia?","category":"animals","answer":"Dingo","choices":["Frilled-neck lizard","Kangaroo","Dingo","Bilby"]},{"question":"What does the word Triceratops mean?","category":"animals","answer":"Three Horned Face","choices":["Three Big Horns","Big Horned Beast","Three Horned Head","Three Horned Face"]},{"question":"Triceratops was a voracious meat eater and would consume hundreds of pounds of meat a day.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How much is Triceratops thought to have weighed?","category":"animals","answer":"Between 13,000 and 26,000 lbs","choices":["Between 13,000 and 26,000 lbs","Between 1,000 and 9,000 lbs","Between 50,000 and 75,000 lbs","Between 110,000 and 140,000 lbs"]},{"question":"Is there any evidence that Triceratops lived in herds?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"In what year was Triceratops first discovered?","category":"animals","answer":"1888","choices":["1894","1888","1885","1906"]},{"question":"Triceratops is the official State Dinosaur of which state?","category":"animals","answer":"Wyoming","choices":["Utah","Oregon","Wyoming","Nevada"]},{"question":"Triceratops fossils have been found on three continents.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"It is thought that Triceratops was able to run how fast?","category":"animals","answer":"15 mph","choices":["40 mph","15 mph","20 mph","30 mph"]},{"question":"The proper spelling of this insect’s name is preying mantis even though it is commonly referred to as praying mantis.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What does the word “mantis” mean?","category":"animals","answer":"Prophet or fortuneteller","choices":["Savage insect","Killer or hunter","Prophet or fortuneteller","Leaflike"]},{"question":"Female mantes (the plural for mantis) are larger than males.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Can a praying mantis change color?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"A large mantis can feed on birds or small mammals.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In what year was the Praying mantis placed on the Endangered Species List?","category":"animals","answer":"1976","choices":["1972","1970","1974","1976"]},{"question":"You can go to jail for intentionally killing a praying mantis as it is an endangered species.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The praying mantis lives only up to one year.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is the meaning of the name Stegosaurus?","category":"animals","answer":"Roof Lizard","choices":["Tank Lizard","Roof Lizard","Spike Lizard","Spike Tail"]},{"question":"The Stegosaurus had no teeth.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How many bony plates did a Stegosaurus have embedded on its back?","category":"animals","answer":"17","choices":["11","17","9","15"]},{"question":"Stegosaurus had a brain about the size of an orange.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What was the length of an average Stegosaurus?","category":"animals","answer":"26-30 feet (8-9.2 m)","choices":["20-28 feet (6-8.5 m)","30-40 feet (9.2-12.2 m)","26-30 feet (8-9.2 m)","34-38 feet (10.4-11.5 m)"]},{"question":"Did the Stegosaurus have more bones in its tail than any other Jurassic Dinosaur?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"What was the average weight of a Stegosaurus?","category":"animals","answer":"6,800 lbs. (3 tonnes)","choices":["8,000 lbs. (3.6 tonnes)","6,000 lbs. (2.7 tonnes)","6,800 lbs. (3 tonnes)","7,400 lbs. (3.3 tonnes)"]},{"question":"The spikes on the tail of a Stegosaurus are called “thagomizers” and are a reference to the Gary Larsons comic strip Far Side.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What was the average height of a stegosaurus?","category":"animals","answer":"9 feet (2.7 m)","choices":["9 feet (2.7 m)","8 feet (2.4 m)","10 feet (3 m)","12 feet (12.6 m)"]},{"question":"Stegosaurus had back legs that were twice as long as its front legs.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Stegosaurus had the strongest front legs in the dinosaur world.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How many subspecies of the tiger are left nowadays?","category":"animals","answer":"6","choices":["8","6","2","3"]},{"question":"Is the tiger the largest cat out of the Big Cat group?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"The Sumatran tiger is the smallest of all tigers.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The Caspian tiger is believed to have become extinct.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many cubs are usually in a tigers litter?","category":"animals","answer":"3-4 cubs","choices":["1-6 cubs","3-4 cubs","1-2 cubs","2-4 cubs"]},{"question":"How long is the gestation period of a tiger?","category":"animals","answer":"16 weeks","choices":["16 weeks","22 weeks","10 weeks","14 weeks"]},{"question":"Can tigers swim up to 4 miles?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Are tigers known to kill more humans than any other cat?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Turtles can breathe in water.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many living species of bears are there?","category":"animals","answer":"8","choices":["4","10","6","8"]},{"question":"The Coyote is also known as The Prairie Wolf.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which country does the Clydesdale horse originate from?","category":"animals","answer":"Scotland","choices":["Scotland","Ireland","Spain","England"]},{"question":"What famous beer brand uses the Clydesdale horse as its mascot?","category":"animals","answer":"Anheuser-Busch","choices":["Anheuser-Busch","Fosters","Upland","Heineken"]},{"question":"A Clydesdale horse can weight up to 1,000 pounds (500 kg).","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Clydesdale horses are known for having white fur covering their hooves on all four of their legs.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What year was the Clydesdale Horse Society formally founded?","category":"animals","answer":"1887","choices":["1925","1901","1887","1885"]},{"question":"What class of horse breed does the Clydesdale horse belong to?","category":"animals","answer":"Draft Horse","choices":["Draft Horse","Carriage Horse","Farm Horse","Saddle Horse"]},{"question":"The Clydesdale is a very active horse.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What year was the Clydesdale horse introduced to North America?","category":"animals","answer":"1715","choices":["1636","1715","1525","1800"]},{"question":"Over 600 Clydesdale horses are registered every year in the United States.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How long does a Clydesdale horse’s pregnancy last?","category":"animals","answer":"11 Months","choices":["9 months","24 Months","15 Months","11 Months"]},{"question":"This dog breed, which originated in Mongolia and China, has very thick fluffy fur and a blue-black tongue.","category":"animals","answer":"Chow Chow","choices":["Chow Chow","Jonangi","Kai Ken","Hokkaido"]},{"question":"The representatives of this dog breed are small, have long white silky fur and are also known as Roman Ladies Dogs.","category":"animals","answer":"Maltese","choices":["Maltese","Norrbottenspets","Phalene","Mudi"]},{"question":"What common name does the dog breed New Guinea Highland Dog have?","category":"animals","answer":"Singer","choices":["Singer","Prowler","Wrestler","Swimmer"]},{"question":"In what color does the Pekingese dog breed come?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Light gold","White","Black","All of these"]},{"question":"The Pomeranian female dog should be a little larger than the male.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In what European country did the Rough Collie dog breed originate?","category":"animals","answer":"Scotland","choices":["Scotland","Germany","Ireland","France"]},{"question":"What dog breed has an elongated body, very short legs, short shiny coat and a long snout?","category":"animals","answer":"Dachshund","choices":["Dogo Guatemalteco","Dachshund","English Foxhound","Elo"]},{"question":"This extremely large and tall German dog breed has a very short shiny coat and strong muscular body with a majestic posture.","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["German Mastiff","Boarhound","Great Dane","All of these"]},{"question":"In which European country did the Dalmatian dog breed originate?","category":"animals","answer":"Croatia","choices":["Croatia","Netherlands","Italy","Denmark"]},{"question":"This dog breed, developed in England, has an egg-shaped head, small eyes, and very strong muscular body with smooth short fur and short legs.","category":"animals","answer":"Bull Terrier","choices":["Bull Terrier","Cairn Terrier","English Shepherd","Wire Fox Terrier"]},{"question":"What is the literal meaning of the word carnivore which has a Latin origin?","category":"animals","answer":"Meat eater","choices":["Blood drinker","Animal killer","Meat eater","Monster"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about carnivorous organisms in general?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["They feed on vertebrate animals.","All of these","They feed through scavenging.","They feed on invertebrate animals."]},{"question":"What is the meaning of the term apex predator which is related to carnivorous animals?","category":"animals","answer":"A predator that has no predators itself.","choices":["A predator that has no predators itself.","A very skilled predator that is highly specialized in killing animals.","It is a term for a human being.","An animal which consumes the highest number of animal species."]},{"question":"What is the definition of the term hypercarnivore?","category":"animals","answer":"An animal whose diet consists exclusively of meat.","choices":["It is a synonym for apex carnivore.","A predator that feeds on carnivorous animals.","It is a term that refers to humans.","An animal whose diet consists exclusively of meat."]},{"question":"Which of these methods do carnivorous plants use for capturing their prey?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Rapid leaf movements","A sticky mucilage","Vacuum sucking into a bladder","All of these"]},{"question":"What does the diet of the Great Blue Heron, found in North and Central America, consist of?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Birds","Reptiles","Small mammals"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the diet of coyotes?","category":"animals","answer":"They eat insects.","choices":["All of these","60% of their diet consists of mammals.","They eat insects.","They do not eat prairie dogs."]},{"question":"Which of these characteristics is generally associated with carnivorous animals, particularly predators?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Aggressive behavior","Claws","Sharp teeth","All of these"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the consumption of plant material by carnivores?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Carnivores consume feces of herbivores to get nutrients.","Carnivores consume some plant material in order to get minerals, vitamins and fiber.","Carnivores ingest the plant material the need along with their herbivorous prey."]},{"question":"What does the term facultative carnivore mean?","category":"animals","answer":"A carnivore that also consumes plant food.","choices":["It is a synonym for scavenger.","Animal that has all characteristics of carnivores but is a herbivore.","A carnivore that also consumes plant food.","It is a synonym for omnivore."]},{"question":"The box turtle has a hinge on the bottom of its shell.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The average lifespan of a box turtle is about 20 years.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Box turtles are carnivores.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The state of Indiana has strict laws against collecting and capturing box turtles from the wild.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"When a box turtle is taken out of the wild, it can spend years and sometimes its entire life looking for its home.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Male box turtles tend to be larger than females.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Box turtles are safe to eat.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How many box turtle species are there in North America?","category":"animals","answer":"4","choices":["4","1","9","2"]},{"question":"Box turtles are the most common terrestrial turtle in the eastern United States.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What color eyes do male box turtles commonly have?","category":"animals","answer":"red","choices":["blue","green","red","black"]},{"question":"What city is known as the White Squirrel Capital of the World, since it is home to the largest colony of albino squirrels?","category":"animals","answer":"Olney, Illinois","choices":["Marionville, Missouri","Olney, Illinois","Columbus, Ohio","Kenton, Tennessee"]},{"question":"Whiteflies generally feed on what?","category":"animals","answer":"Leaves","choices":["Fruit","Insects","Leaves","Carrion"]},{"question":"Which of these white foxes populates the polar zone of the Northern Hemisphere?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["White Fox","Arctic Fox","All of these","Snow Fox"]},{"question":"In what novel one of the main characters is a white whale hunted by a whaling ship?","category":"animals","answer":"Moby-Dick","choices":["North Against South","Moby-Dick","Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea","The Purchase of the North Pole"]},{"question":"What type of insect is often referred to as a white ant, although it is not related to the ant species?","category":"animals","answer":"Termite","choices":["A type of small spider","Termite","Head louse","A type of albino wasp"]},{"question":"The White Snake is a fairy tale included in the collection of fairy tales by this author.","category":"animals","answer":"Brothers Grimm","choices":["Andrew Lang","Brothers Grimm","Oscar Wilde","Hans Christian Andersen"]},{"question":"What is the meaning of the figurative expression a white elephant?","category":"animals","answer":"A pricey and useless possession","choices":["Something that is idolized but that does not exist","An extraordinary person","A pricey and useless possession","A chimera"]},{"question":"The representatives of the Old Danish Pointer breed are white, with markings of this other color on their coat.","category":"animals","answer":"Brown","choices":["Grey","Brown","All of these","Black"]},{"question":"Which of these dog breeds originated in Hungary?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Pumi","Puli","Mudi","All of these"]},{"question":"In what Latin American country did the Chihuahua dog breed originate?","category":"animals","answer":"Mexico","choices":["Mexico","Cuba","Guatemala","Nicaragua"]},{"question":"To what group of dog breeds does the Beagle dog breed belong?","category":"animals","answer":"Hound group","choices":["Terrier group","Toy group","Herding group","Hound group"]},{"question":"In what country did the American Akita dog breed originate?","category":"animals","answer":"Japan","choices":["Canada","Japan","China","United States"]},{"question":"This dog breed, considered one of the first sighthound dog breeds, has very long fur and is quite tall, with long legs and ears.","category":"animals","answer":"Afghan Hound","choices":["Canadian Pointer","Bolognese","Afghan Hound","Airedale Terrier"]},{"question":"In what northern country did the Siberian Husky dog breed originate?","category":"animals","answer":"Russia","choices":["Norway","Finland","Russia","Alaska, USA"]},{"question":"The Papillon is a small dog breed of the Toy group. What does the word Papillon mean in French?","category":"animals","answer":"Butterfly","choices":["Butterfly","Cherry","Flower","Angel"]},{"question":"This dog, which was once used as a personal defense dog, police dog and war dog, is often mistakenly believed to be very aggressive.","category":"animals","answer":"Doberman Pinscher","choices":["Field Spaniel","Doberman Pinscher","Elo","Finnish Spitz"]},{"question":"This dog breed was developed as a gun dog in Canada?","category":"animals","answer":"Labrador Retriever","choices":["Mountain Cur","Pharaoh Hound","Lakeland Terrier","Labrador Retriever"]},{"question":"Is the cheetah the only animal on land that can turn while running?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Cheetahs have been domesticated and tamed.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is the mortality rate of a cheetah cub growing to adulthood?","category":"animals","answer":"95% die","choices":["50% die","15% die","65% die","95% die"]},{"question":"What is another name for a nutria?","category":"animals","answer":"Coypu","choices":["Beaver","Muskrat","Rat","Coypu"]},{"question":"Nutrias belong to the rodent family.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The nutria is native to which continent?","category":"animals","answer":"South America","choices":["Europe","South America","Africa","North America"]},{"question":"What is the average weight of an adult nutria?","category":"animals","answer":"10-20 lbs.","choices":["15-25 lbs.","5-10 lbs.","Over 30 lbs.","10-20 lbs."]},{"question":"Which of the following is a characteristic of the nutria?","category":"animals","answer":"Large orange teeth","choices":["Webbed front feet","Huge black eyes","Large orange teeth","Flat beaver like tale"]},{"question":"The nutria is a herbivorous animal.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What do farmers raise nutrias for?","category":"animals","answer":"Their fur is very valuable.","choices":["Their fur is very valuable.","Their huge teeth can be sold as jewelry.","They can use their oil for shampoos and lotions.","Their milk is very nutritious."]},{"question":"Nutria meat is lean and low in what?","category":"animals","answer":"Cholesterol","choices":["Iron","Sodium","Cholesterol","Fiber"]},{"question":"What time of year do nutrias breed?","category":"animals","answer":"All year round","choices":["In the winter months","All year round","In the Fall","In the spring"]},{"question":"What is a common nickname for the Yorkshire Terriers?","category":"animals","answer":"Yorkie","choices":["Yorkie","They have no nickname.","Yorkle","Shorky"]},{"question":"Yorkshire Terrier show dogs have a height standard.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is the approximate weight standard, that a Yorkshire Terrier show dog cannot go over?","category":"animals","answer":"No standard","choices":["7 lbs","10 lbs","No standard","2 lbs"]},{"question":"Yorkshire Terriers are the smallest breed of dog in the world.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is the Yorkshire Terriers average lifespan?","category":"animals","answer":"11 - 13 years","choices":["5 - 8 years","11 - 13 years","15 - 18 years","99 - 101 years"]},{"question":"What place did the Yorkshire Terrier take in the AKC registered breed popularity in the USA in 2008?","category":"animals","answer":"2nd","choices":["1st","50th","2nd","79th"]},{"question":"Venomous and poisonous are two different terms. What does the term venomous refer to?","category":"animals","answer":"Animals that inject venom","choices":["Animals that inject venom","Animals that are deadly when eaten","Plants and animals that secrete venom and are harmful when touched","All of these"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the slow loris, a primate which is both poisonous and venomous?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","It covers its young with a toxin to keep them from being eaten.","It has a venomous bite.","It secretes a toxin from the glands on the inside of its elbows."]},{"question":"The Brazilian wandering spiders are included in Guinness World Records 2007 as the worlds most venomous spiders. How do they inject their venom?","category":"animals","answer":"By biting","choices":["By stinging","By biting","All of these","By urticating hairs"]},{"question":"What creature is considered the most venomous on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Box jellyfish","choices":["Fat-tailed scorpion","Killer bee","Box jellyfish","Cone snail"]},{"question":"The stonefish is an extremely venomous type of fish that lives in the coastal regions of Indo-Pacific oceans. How does it inject its venom?","category":"animals","answer":"With its dorsal fin","choices":["With its sharp teeth","With its tail fin","With its pectoral fin","With its dorsal fin"]},{"question":"The name of cobras, which are very venomous, comes from the Portuguese cobra de capello. What does this mean?","category":"animals","answer":"Snake with hood","choices":["Snake with hood","Poisonous hat","Poisonous nose","Snake with nose"]},{"question":"Venomous mammals do exist, although they are very rare. Which of these mammals is venomous?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["European Mole","Cuban Solenodon","All of these","Platypus"]},{"question":"The Northern Short-tailed Shrew is a small venomous mammal that populates this area.","category":"animals","answer":"North America","choices":["Europe","Central America and the northern parts of South America","North America","North and Northeast Asia"]},{"question":"How do fire ants, a type of venomous ants, introduce their venom?","category":"animals","answer":"Through stinging","choices":["All of these","Through biting","Through biting and then spraying the wound with venom","Through stinging"]},{"question":"What kind of animal is the venomous Gila monster that is indigenous to southwestern United States and northern Mexico?","category":"animals","answer":"Lizard","choices":["Lizard","Invertebrate","Frog","Mammal"]},{"question":"What phylum do jellyfish belong to?","category":"animals","answer":"Cnidaria","choices":["Arthropoda","Chordata","Cnidaria","Mollusca"]},{"question":"Jellyfish are vertebrates.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A sea wasp is a jellyfish.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these body systems do jellyfish NOT have?","category":"animals","answer":"all of these","choices":["osmoregulatory","respiratory","circulatory","all of these"]},{"question":"What is a group of jellyfish called?","category":"animals","answer":"bloom","choices":["herd","bloom","school","pack"]},{"question":"Jellyfish are fish.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How is the body of the jellyfish oxygenated?","category":"animals","answer":"diffusion","choices":["osmosis","active transport","diffusion","photosynthesis"]},{"question":"What is the deadliest jellyfish in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"Box Jellyfish","choices":["Box Jellyfish","Lions Mane Jellyfish","Moon Jellyfish","Sea Nettle"]},{"question":"Do adult jellyfish reproduce asexually?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Is the wolfs scientific name Canis lupus pallipes?","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"According to statistics, how are wolves killed today?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["By people","By hunters and poachers","By poison and areal hunters","All of these"]},{"question":"How many different types of wolves including sub-species are there around the world?","category":"animals","answer":"9","choices":["Over 100","44","9","3"]},{"question":"How long is the female gestation period in wolves?","category":"animals","answer":"63 days","choices":["90 days","25 days","63 days","200 days"]},{"question":"What is the most amount of wolf pups ever recorded in a litter?","category":"animals","answer":"14 pups","choices":["4 pups","5 pups","14 pups","10 pups"]},{"question":"At what age does a wolf usually leave its pack?","category":"animals","answer":"2-3 years","choices":["5-6 years","2-3 years","1-2 years","3-4 years"]},{"question":"Wolves can live in snowy areas at certain times of the year?","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Do wolves have a social structure?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"The blue whale is the largest animal, but what is the largest toothed whale on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Sperm whale","choices":["Cuviers Beaked Whale","Orca","All of these","Sperm whale"]},{"question":"What Gorilla is the largest primate on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Eastern Lowland Gorilla","choices":["Mountain Gorilla","Western Lowland Gorilla","Eastern Lowland Gorilla","Cross River Gorilla"]},{"question":"What is the largest living bird of prey on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Eurasian Black Vulture","choices":["Philippine Eagle","Booted Eagle","Lappet-faced Vulture","Eurasian Black Vulture"]},{"question":"What is the largest fish in existence?","category":"animals","answer":"Whale shark","choices":["Manta ray","Whale shark","Ocean sunfish","Basking shark"]},{"question":"Name the largest mollusk and the largest invertebrate in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"Colossal squid","choices":["Giant African snail","North Pacific Giant Octopus","Colossal squid","Giant squid"]},{"question":"What is the largest living terrestrial organism on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"African Bush Elephant","choices":["African Forest Elephant","Asian Elephant","African Bush Elephant","Indian Elephant"]},{"question":"Approximately how much does a typical female vampire bat weigh?","category":"animals","answer":"1.5 oz.","choices":["8 oz.","1.5 oz.","5 oz.","1 lb."]},{"question":"Out of 200 vampire bats, approximately how many have rabies?","category":"animals","answer":"1","choices":["5","25","10","1"]},{"question":"What is the average lifespan of a vampire bat?","category":"animals","answer":"40-50 years","choices":["20-25 years","5-10 years","40-50 years","70-80 years"]},{"question":"Where are vampire bats mostly found?","category":"animals","answer":"Mexico, Central America and South America","choices":["Australia","Mexico, Central America and South America","Asia","Africa"]},{"question":"Vampire bats have poor eyesight.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Vampire bats can be quite tame, and even friendly to humans.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Vampire bats blood-sucking does not hurt the bitten animal.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"A vampire bat will die if it doesnt find blood for how many nights in a row?","category":"animals","answer":"2","choices":["2","5","1","7"]},{"question":"Do vampire bats ever roost alone?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"How do wolves mark their territory?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["By urinating","By defecating","By rubbing against objects","All of these"]},{"question":"What actor directed and starred in the popular 1990 movie Dances with Wolves?","category":"animals","answer":"Kevin Costner","choices":["Sean Connery","Kevin Costner","Mel Gibson","Harrison Ford"]},{"question":"What is the largest wolf species on the planet as well as the largest wild representative of the Canidae family?","category":"animals","answer":"Grey wolf","choices":["Grey wolf","Polar wolf","Black wolf","Red wolf"]},{"question":"Wolf pups are usually born with irises of this color, which changes with time.","category":"animals","answer":"Blue","choices":["Black","Golden","Green","Blue"]},{"question":"What animal is considered the major enemy of the wolf in the wild, apart from humans?","category":"animals","answer":"Other wolves","choices":["Bear","Other wolves","Eagle","None of these"]},{"question":"What type of wolf is White Fang from Jack Londons popular novel White Fang?","category":"animals","answer":"Wolf hybrid","choices":["Grey wolf","White wolf","Wolf hybrid","Red wolf"]},{"question":"Wolves do not wag their tails as dogs do when they are happy.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In what European city is the popular bronze statue Capitoline Wolf located?","category":"animals","answer":"Rome","choices":["Madrid","Paris","London","Rome"]},{"question":"What animals do wolves generally prefer to feed on?","category":"animals","answer":"Ungulates","choices":["Rodents","Birds","Fish","Ungulates"]},{"question":"To what continent is the unique Maned Wolf endemic?","category":"animals","answer":"South America","choices":["Asia","Africa","South America","Europe"]},{"question":"Which animals have the most unique species endemic to Australia?","category":"animals","answer":"Amphibians","choices":["Amphibians","Mammals","Insects","Reptiles"]},{"question":"Which of these statements about the Australian fauna is true?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Australia is the only continent that has more venomous than non-venomous snake species","Two of the five known species of monotremes live in Australia","All of these","Placental mammals are relatively rare in Australia"]},{"question":"What animal is the largest macropod and one of Australias heraldic animals?","category":"animals","answer":"Red kangaroo","choices":["Pademelon","Red kangaroo","Grey kangaroo","Quokka"]},{"question":"What kind of animal is the Spotted wobbegong?","category":"animals","answer":"Fish","choices":["Fish","Reptile","Amphibian","Marsupial"]},{"question":"What is the common name of the Quoll, a carnivorous marsupial native to Australia and Papua New Guinea?","category":"animals","answer":"Native cat","choices":["Native cat","Native rat","Native fox","Native dog"]},{"question":"Which of these areas is the Black Salamander endemic to?","category":"animals","answer":"United States","choices":["Hawaii","United States","Australia","India"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the Western black widow spider?","category":"animals","answer":"It is extremely venomous.","choices":["The female always eats the male after mating.","It is extremely venomous.","It is native to Madagascar.","All of these"]},{"question":"What type of food does the Lesser Vasa Parrot, also known as Black Parrot, feed on?","category":"animals","answer":"Fruit","choices":["Fruit","Insects","All of these","Carrion"]},{"question":"How did the Black Mamba snake get its name?","category":"animals","answer":"Because its mouth is black","choices":["Because of its color","Because its eggs are black","Because its mouth is black","Because its venom is black"]},{"question":"Which of these names refers to the Asian black bear, a close relative of the American black bear?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Himalayan black bear","All of these","Tibetan black bear","Moon bear"]},{"question":"The Black wolf is actually a color variant of which wolf species?","category":"animals","answer":"Grey wolf","choices":["White wolf","None of these","Brown wolf","Grey wolf"]},{"question":"The name Lumbriculus variegatus, or blackworm, refers to a few worm species. In what way do they reproduce?","category":"animals","answer":"By regeneration","choices":["By parthenogenesis","With eggs","All of these","By regeneration"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the Black dog, a ghost-like creature popular in the folklores of the British Isles?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["It is believed to appear at night.","It is associated with the Devil.","It is considered a portent of death.","All of these"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the Black garden ant?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Each colony has only one queen.","It is found in Europe.","All of these","It is found in North America and Asia."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the Black Iberian Pig?","category":"animals","answer":"It is indigenous to the Mediterranean.","choices":["It is indigenous to the Mediterranean.","It is a rodent.","All of these","It is not actually black."]},{"question":"What animal is is the only strictly-marine herbivorous mammal in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Dugong","All of these","Sea pig","Sea cow"]},{"question":"This animal is considered a marine mammal because it lives on the sea ice most of the year.","category":"animals","answer":"Polar bear","choices":["Polar bear","All of these","Walrus","Polar fox"]},{"question":"The Hooded Seal is a marine mammal that populates this geographic area.","category":"animals","answer":"Central and western North Atlantic","choices":["North and northeast Pacific","All of these","Central and western North Atlantic","North Indian Ocean"]},{"question":"This animal is the heaviest member of its family, and also one of the smallest marine mammals.","category":"animals","answer":"Sea otter","choices":["Sea pig","Sea otter","Polar mouse","None of these"]},{"question":"Which of these marine mammals matches the description: Very large body, has tusks and whiskers?","category":"animals","answer":"Walrus","choices":["Tusked seal","Elephant seal","Walrus","Polar bear"]},{"question":"The Humpback Whale, one of the largest marine mammals, feeds in this season.","category":"animals","answer":"Summer","choices":["Spring and winter","Winter","Summer","Fall"]},{"question":"This extraordinary marine mammal is often considered a whale, but it is actually a dolphin.","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Killer Whale","Blackfish","Seawolf"]},{"question":"Dolphins are considered some of the most intelligent animals on the planet. How are they classified according to their diet?","category":"animals","answer":"They are carnivores.","choices":["They are specialized eaters.","They are carnivores.","They are herbivores.","They are omnivores."]},{"question":"This marine mammal is known as the pilot whale, but it is not actually a whale. What type of animal is it?","category":"animals","answer":"Dolphin","choices":["Walrus","Seal","Dolphin","Otter"]},{"question":"Which of these animals are among the many marine mammals that use songs for the purposes of communication?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Blue Whale","Humpback whale","Beluga"]},{"question":"Translated in English, what does the name of the chinchilla mean?","category":"animals","answer":"Little Chincha","choices":["Little Chilean","Little Chincha","Little Chile","Of Chincha"]},{"question":"The natural habitat of the Chinchilla is this region in South America.","category":"animals","answer":"The Andes","choices":["Tierra del Fuego","The Atacama Desert","The Amazon River basin","The Andes"]},{"question":"Which is the wrong statement about chinchilla breeding?","category":"animals","answer":"Chinchillas have a 45-day gestation period.","choices":["Chinchilla litters predominately consist of twins.","Chinchillas can breed any time of the year.","Little chinchillas are born furred and with eyes open.","Chinchillas have a 45-day gestation period."]},{"question":"Chinchillas have a wide range of hearing - 5 Hz to 60 kHz","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"To which chinchilla species do most of the domestic chinchillas belong?","category":"animals","answer":"Chinchilla lanigera","choices":["None of these","Chinchilla lanigera","Giant Chinchilla","Chinchilla brevicaudata"]},{"question":"Chinchillas are great pets for children - they are animals of very friendly nature and love to be held.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In nature, chinchillas can be found in only one color. Which one is it?","category":"animals","answer":"Grey","choices":["Grey","Black","Brown","Beige"]},{"question":"Chinchillas should be bathed with warm water at least once a week.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of the following should be avoided in the pet chinchillas diet?","category":"animals","answer":"Fresh vegetables","choices":["Fresh vegetables","Hay","Water","Raisin"]},{"question":"Which of these physiological features does the chinchilla lack?","category":"animals","answer":"The ability to sweat","choices":["The ability to sweat","The ability to sneeze","The ability to jump","The ability to swallow"]},{"question":"Name the two types of Chinese Crested dogs.","category":"animals","answer":"Hairless and Powderpuff","choices":["Water and Runner","Hairless and Hound","Sporty and Spotted","Hairless and Powderpuff"]},{"question":"The two types of Chinese Crested dogs are born in separate litters, they cannot come from the same litter.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which breed group does the Chinese Crested dog belong to?","category":"animals","answer":"Toy","choices":["Sporting","Hound","Toy","Non-Sprint"]},{"question":"The Chinese Crested dog does not require much exercise.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of the following behaviors is not typical for the Chinese Crested dog?","category":"animals","answer":"Pant to keep cool","choices":["Pant to keep cool","Bark","Lift a leg to urinate","Wag their tail when happy"]},{"question":"The Chinese Crested dog is very timid.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A Chinese Crested dogs ears are not cropped.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The origin of the Chinese Crested dog is unknown, but according to some sources it may have come from which of these places?","category":"animals","answer":"Mexico and Africa","choices":["Canada and USA","Thailand and Egypt","Mexico and Africa","Japan and China"]},{"question":"Chinese Crested dogs are very suspicious of strangers and can make very good watchdogs.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"A hairless Chinese Crested dog needs to be protected from which of the following?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Sunburn","Winter Wind","Dry Skin","All of these"]},{"question":"What term is commonly used to denote a group of foxes?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Earth","Troop","All of these","Skulk"]},{"question":"What is the meaning the word which stands for fox in many languages?","category":"animals","answer":"Tail","choices":["Fur","Nose","Cunning","Tail"]},{"question":"How are most foxes generally classified according to their diet?","category":"animals","answer":"Omnivores","choices":["Omnivores","Specialized eaters","Insectivores","Carnivores"]},{"question":"Which of these names refers to the Crab-eating Fox, a medium-sized fox found in the central part of South America?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Forest Fox","Wood Fox","Common Fox","All of these"]},{"question":"What fox species is considered to be the smallest on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Fennec Fox","choices":["Short-Tailed Fox","Fennec Fox","Island Fox","Coast Fox"]},{"question":"What notable feature does the Fennec Fox possess, that makes it easily recognizable?","category":"animals","answer":"Very large ears","choices":["It has no tail","Bluish fur","Very large ears","Red eyes"]},{"question":"Which of these names belongs to the fox species that is the second smallest fox species in the world, slightly smaller than a domestic cat?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Short-Tailed Fox","All of these","Coast Fox","California Channel Island Fox"]},{"question":"According to Chinese mythology, what shape do fox spirits known as huli jing take in the real world?","category":"animals","answer":"Women","choices":["Cats","Children","Bushes","Women"]},{"question":"which of these stories and books have a fox character involved in the storyline?","category":"animals","answer":"The Adventures of Pinocchio","choices":["Pippi Longstocking","The Adventures of Pinocchio","The Little Match Girl","Thumbelina"]},{"question":"What eminent musician released his album The Fox in 1981?","category":"animals","answer":"Elton John","choices":["Tom Johnes","Elton John","Barry White","Julio Iglesias"]},{"question":"Chipmunks are small squirrel-like rodents belonging to the genus Tamias. What does the Greek word tamias mean?","category":"animals","answer":"Storer","choices":["Storer","Nibbler","Squirrel","Stripes"]},{"question":"What would some species of porcupine consume in order to supply calcium ans salts?","category":"animals","answer":"Bones","choices":["Nails","All of these","Tiny rocks","Bones"]},{"question":"What defense tactic does the chinchilla use in order to escape from its predators, which include birds of prey, skunks, felines, snakes and canines?","category":"animals","answer":"Spraying urine","choices":["Playing dead","Squeaking","Scratching","Spraying urine"]},{"question":"What rodent, closely related to the chinchilla and guinea pig, is also known as the Brush-Tailed Rat and is native to Chile?","category":"animals","answer":"Degu","choices":["Gerbil","Degu","White-tailed Antelope Squirrel","Prairie dog"]},{"question":"The Capybara is the largest rodent in the world. What is the meaning of its name, derived from a word of the Guaraní language?","category":"animals","answer":"Master of the grasses","choices":["Master of the grasses","River keeper","Rabbit pig","Water squirrel"]},{"question":"The acouchis, small diurnal rodents found along riverbanks in the Amazon Rainforest, usually feed on this type of food.","category":"animals","answer":"Fruit","choices":["Insects","Grass","Fruit","Nuts"]},{"question":"Guinea pigs are very intelligent, highly social animals that use special vocalization to communicate. What does their whistling or wheeking sound express?","category":"animals","answer":"Excitement","choices":["Excitement","Danger or pain","Discomfort","Warning"]},{"question":"Groundhogs are mostly herbivorous rodents that sometimes eat animal matter. What kind of animals would they feed on?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Larvae","Grasshoppers","All of these","Snails"]},{"question":"What kind of unique activity is characteristic of the African Pygmy Mouse, the smallest rodent in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"It piles up pebbles in front of its burrow.","choices":["It sings at night.","It disguises its young using leaves.","It starts dancing when it feels threatened by a predator.","It piles up pebbles in front of its burrow."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about rodent species in general?","category":"animals","answer":"Rodents do not vomit.","choices":["All of these","The Latin word rodere, from which rodent originates, means rat.","Rodents have canine teeth only on their lower jaw.","Rodents do not vomit."]},{"question":"To which of these geographical areas are hummingbirds indigenous?","category":"animals","answer":"North and South America","choices":["North and South America","Europe","Africa and Asia","Australia and Tasmania"]},{"question":"How did Hummingbirds get their interesting name?","category":"animals","answer":"Because of the noise they produce when they fly","choices":["None of these","They are named after their discoverer, Michael Hummings.","Because of their singing","Because of the noise they produce when they fly"]},{"question":"Hummingbirds are the only birds on the planet to have this amazing ability.","category":"animals","answer":"They can fly backwards.","choices":["They can stay without water for as many as 30 days.","All of these","They can carry food that is 3 times heavier than their own weight.","They can fly backwards."]},{"question":"What is the major type of food that Hummingbirds depend on for their survival?","category":"animals","answer":"Nectar","choices":["All of these","Seeds","Buds","Nectar"]},{"question":"Which of the following statements is true about Hummingbirds?","category":"animals","answer":"When Hummingbirds are flying they have the fastest metabolism of all animals, except for insects.","choices":["Hummingbirds heart can beat as fast as 300 times per minute.","When Hummingbirds are flying they have the fastest metabolism of all animals, except for insects.","All of these","Hummingbirds often consume very large amounts of food and they are not able to lift off."]},{"question":"What is the term for the state of temporary hibernation that Hummingbirds enter when food is not available?","category":"animals","answer":"Torpor","choices":["Hush","Stupor","Stillness","Torpor"]},{"question":"What is the reason for Hummingbirds short life-span?","category":"animals","answer":"Their fast metabolic rate","choices":["Their fast metabolic rate","They have many predators.","They often get poisoned when feeding on nectar or insects.","Their small size"]},{"question":"The usage of raw sugars, including brown sugar, is not recommended when preparing artificial nectar for Hummingbirds. Why?","category":"animals","answer":"Raw sugars contain iron.","choices":["All of these","Raw sugars contain iron.","Raw sugars contain zinc.","They contain harmful heavy metals."]},{"question":"Aztecs are known for wearing hummingbird talismans which symbolize which of the following?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Skill at arms","Energy","Sexual potency","All of these"]},{"question":"How did the smallest bird in the world, the Bee Hummingbird, get its name?","category":"animals","answer":"Because it is approximately the size of a large bee","choices":["Because of its black-and-yellow plumage","Because it is approximately the size of a large bee","Because of the sound it make with its wings","Because it feeds on bees"]},{"question":"Where does the Giant Cowbird, a passerine bird found in South America, lay its eggs?","category":"animals","answer":"In other birds nests","choices":["In other birds nests","On rocks","On balconies","On the ground"]},{"question":"The vicuna, a South American animal, is a close relative of this other animal.","category":"animals","answer":"Llama","choices":["Iguana","Llama","Tarantula","Chinchilla"]},{"question":"What common name is used to denote the dolphin species Sotalia fluviatilis, indigenous to South America?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Tucuxi","Bufeo gris","All of these","Bufeo negro"]},{"question":"What color is the head of the South American stork Jabiru, whose body is predominantly white?","category":"animals","answer":"Black","choices":["Purple","Green","Black","Red"]},{"question":"What type of animal is the Gold tegu, found in South America?","category":"animals","answer":"Reptile","choices":["Reptile","Insect","Deer","Primate"]},{"question":"What is the smallest species of deer in the world, found only in South America?","category":"animals","answer":"Northern Pudu","choices":["Northern Pudu","Marsh Deer","Southern Pudu","Antifer"]},{"question":"What makes the Scarlet Macaw, a parrot species indigenous to South America, unsuitable for a pet?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["It is very demanding.","It is extremely noisy.","It is a high maintenance pet.","All of these"]},{"question":"What does the South American snake Lachesis muta, commonly known as South American bushmaster, do when it feels threatened?","category":"animals","answer":"It starts vibrating its tail.","choices":["It starts vibrating its tail.","It spreads its neck.","It hisses and dances.","All of these"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the capybara, the largest rodent on the planet, indigenous to South America?","category":"animals","answer":"None of these","choices":["Its front legs are a little longer than the rear legs.","None of these","It has 16 teeth.","It has a short tail."]},{"question":"What type of mammal is the Culpeo?","category":"animals","answer":"Wild dog","choices":["Beaver","Wild cat","Wild dog","Fox"]},{"question":"Tiger sharks usually hunt alone.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The tiger shark is considered highly dangerous to humans.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The tiger shark reaches a length of 10 ft to 20 ft.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Unlike most sharks, the tiger shark does not grow a replacement tooth every time one is lost.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of the following is a characteristic of the tiger shark?","category":"animals","answer":"They give birth to live young.","choices":["They can breath above water.","They have eyelids.","They give birth to live young.","They have body hair."]},{"question":"What time of day does the tiger shark usually hunt?","category":"animals","answer":"Nighttime","choices":["They hunt at different times throughout the day","Early morning","Nighttime","Mid morning"]},{"question":"Tiger sharks are know to eat garbage that is thrown in the water by humans.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Tiger sharks give birth to up to 12 live young at a time.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How long is the gestation period for a female tiger shark?","category":"animals","answer":"15-16 months","choices":["15-16 months","20-21 months","10-12 weeks","9-10 Months"]},{"question":"Which of these is one of the nicknames of the tiger shark?","category":"animals","answer":"Wastebasket of the Sea","choices":["Garbage Can of the Deep","Predators that will kill","Wastebasket of the Sea","Killers of the Ocean"]},{"question":"What does the Latin word omnivore stand for?","category":"animals","answer":"Eating everything","choices":["Fast eater","Eating constantly","Eating whatever","Eating everything"]},{"question":"Most bear species are omnivores and their diet consists mainly of what?","category":"animals","answer":"Mast","choices":["Tubers","Leaves","Grass","Mast"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is NOT true about the Common Raven, a popular omnivorous bird?","category":"animals","answer":"It wouldnt eat birds","choices":["It wouldnt reject carrion","It would feed on animal feces","It wouldnt eat birds","It feeds on human food waste"]},{"question":"Which of these is not within the natural diet of the omnivorous Eastern Box Turtle?","category":"animals","answer":"Small amphibians","choices":["Small amphibians","Earthworms","Snails","Carrion"]},{"question":"Which of these is true about raccoons?","category":"animals","answer":"They use their front paws to examine their food and remove unwanted parts","choices":["They do not produce enough saliva to moisten their food","They use their front paws to examine their food and remove unwanted parts","Only wild raccoons douse their food","All of these"]},{"question":"What is the main food source for the sloth, an omnivorous mammal living in Central and South America?","category":"animals","answer":"Leaves","choices":["Small reptiles","Leaves","Insects","Fruit"]},{"question":"What bizarre food would pigs occasionally eat, being omnivores?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Tree bark","Their young","Rotting carcasses","All of these"]},{"question":"Skunks, which are omnivorous mammals, are one of the primary predators of these animals.","category":"animals","answer":"Honeybees","choices":["Moles","Termites","Honeybees","Salamanders"]},{"question":"What is the prevailing color of the fur of the Tasmanian devil?","category":"animals","answer":"Black","choices":["Grey","White","Brown","Black"]},{"question":"In what part of their body do Tasmanian devils store body fat?","category":"animals","answer":"Tail","choices":["Abdomen","Neck","Tail","Back"]},{"question":"What is the meaning of the word Sarcophilus, the name of the genus that the Tasmanian devil belongs to?","category":"animals","answer":"Meat-lover","choices":["Devil creature","Blood-lover","Dog-like","Meat-lover"]},{"question":"At what time of the day are Tasmanian devils most active?","category":"animals","answer":"At night","choices":["At night","Early morning","At noon","During the daytime"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about Tasmanian devils?","category":"animals","answer":"They are predominantly solitary animals","choices":["They are predominantly solitary animals","They live in couples","They live in groups","None of these"]},{"question":"What does the Tasmanian devil do when it feels stressed or threatened?","category":"animals","answer":"It produces a strong odour","choices":["It starts screaming","It plays dead","It produces a strong odour","It attacks"]},{"question":"Which of these statements are wrong about the reproduction of the Tasmanian devil?","category":"animals","answer":"The female has six nipples","choices":["The female gives birth to 20-30 young","Gestation lasts 21 days","The female has six nipples","None of these"]},{"question":"What type of food do Tasmanian devils prefer in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"Carrion","choices":["Sheep","Carrion","Insects","Fish"]},{"question":"In May 2009 the Tasmanian devil was declared to be endangered because this disease had almost wiped out its population.","category":"animals","answer":"Facial cancer","choices":["AIDS","Facial cancer","Kawasaki disease","Rabies"]},{"question":"What is the name of the Tasmanian devil cartoon character from Looney Tunes by Warner Bros.?","category":"animals","answer":"Taz","choices":["Taz","Tess","Devlin","Tassie"]},{"question":"Which of these are a part of an ant colony?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Drones","Soldiers","Workers"]},{"question":"Which of these behaviors is typical of ant societies?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Ability to solve complicated problems","Communication between individuals","Division of labor","All of these"]},{"question":"Termites are not actually ants.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these is true about ants diet?","category":"animals","answer":"Most ants are omnivores.","choices":["All ants are herbivores.","All ants are carnivores.","Most ant species are carnivores.","Most ants are omnivores."]},{"question":"What is the usual size range of mature ants?","category":"animals","answer":"From 0.75 to 52 millimeters","choices":["From 1.5 to 12 millimeters","From 3.5 to 61 millimeters","From 2 to 33 millimeters","From 0.75 to 52 millimeters"]},{"question":"Which of the following statements is true about ants eyes and eyesight?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["The eyesight of most ants ranges from poor to average, and a number of species that live underground are completely blind.","All of these","Ants have compound eyes which consist of multiple small lenses.","Ants have three simple eyes called ocelli on the top of their heads that detect light levels and polarization"]},{"question":"How many legs do ants have?","category":"animals","answer":"6","choices":["10","6","8","4"]},{"question":"Ants communicate through pheromones.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these ways of defence and attack do ants use?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Injecting or spraying chemicals","Stinging","Biting"]},{"question":"This chemical is found in the venom of most ants and some other insects.","category":"animals","answer":"Formic acid","choices":["Formaldehyde","Saxitoxin","Formic acid","Cyanic acid"]},{"question":"Some small spider species, as well as the young of larger species, are known for floating in the wind. What is this activity commonly known as?","category":"animals","answer":"Ballooning","choices":["Skydiving","Jetting","Drifting","Ballooning"]},{"question":"Which of these mollusks is able to glide over in air for up to 50 meters (164 feet)?","category":"animals","answer":"Squid","choices":["Oyster","Squid","Octopus","Slug"]},{"question":"In what ocean can the 50 species of Exocoetidae, also known as flying fish, be found?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Atlantic ocean","All of these","Indian ocean","Pacific ocean"]},{"question":"Of all the gliding animals, which one is the one best glider?","category":"animals","answer":"Flying lemurs","choices":["Sifaka","Flying lemurs","All of these","Flying squirrels"]},{"question":"Which frog is a skilled glider, able to make two types of turns midair?","category":"animals","answer":"Chinese gliding frog","choices":["Malayan flying frog","Benjamins gliding frog","Wallaces Flying Frog","Chinese gliding frog"]},{"question":"Some mammals are able to glide and parachute, but bats are the only ones capable of flying. What is the name of the membrane that forms the surface of their wings?","category":"animals","answer":"Patagium","choices":["Reticulum","Patagium","Corticulum","Flagellum"]},{"question":"In what geographical region can you find the Paradise Flying Snake, also called Paradise Tree Snake?","category":"animals","answer":"Asia","choices":["Central and South America","North America","Australia","Asia"]},{"question":"What kind of organism is the Greater Glider, a gliding animal indigenous to Australia?","category":"animals","answer":"Mammal","choices":["Reptile","Fish","Amphibian","Mammal"]},{"question":"Where are the gliding membranes of the Draco lizard species positioned?","category":"animals","answer":"On their elongated ribs","choices":["Between their fingers and toes","Between its front and hind legs","They do not have a gliding membrane","On their elongated ribs"]},{"question":"Which of these species of geckos is able to glide in the air after jumping or falling from a tree?","category":"animals","answer":"Ptychozoon","choices":["Gold dust day gecko","Ptychozoon","Uroplatus fimbriatus","Leopard gecko"]},{"question":"The large tsetse fly, found in Africa, feeds on what?","category":"animals","answer":"Blood","choices":["All of these","Blood","Carrion","Nectar"]},{"question":"What type of animal is the serval?","category":"animals","answer":"Feline","choices":["Canine","Ungulate","Reptile","Feline"]},{"question":"What is the largest crocodilian in Africa?","category":"animals","answer":"Nile crocodile","choices":["Gharial","Slender-snouted Crocodile","Nile crocodile","Saltwater crocodile"]},{"question":"What body part of the giraffe can indicate its gender?","category":"animals","answer":"Horns","choices":["Tongue","Teeth","Horns","Eyes"]},{"question":"Adult Goliath beetles, found in Africas tropical forests, feed on what?","category":"animals","answer":"Fruits and tree sap","choices":["Leaves and grasses","Insects and other invertebrates","Fruits and tree sap","Carrion"]},{"question":"What type of animal is the dik-dik, indigenous to Africa?","category":"animals","answer":"Antelope","choices":["Cricket","Wild cat","Rodent","Antelope"]},{"question":"In cetaceans, the species identification “rorqual” comes from the Norwegian word “rorhval” which means “furrow.” These furrows are obvious on all rorqual whales. Which of the following is not a rorqual whale?","category":"animals","answer":"Beluga whale","choices":["Beluga whale","Sei whale","Bryde’s whale","Minke whale"]},{"question":"Right and gray whales have been over-fished almost to extinction. Which of the following is a gray or right whale?","category":"animals","answer":"Bowhead whale","choices":["Bowhead whale","Blue whale","Sperm whale","Narwhal"]},{"question":"Narwhals and belugas make up separate subspecies of cetaceans. However, taxonomists often include in it a dolphin which lives in Indo-Pacific waters. What is the name of this dolphin?","category":"animals","answer":"Irrawaddy dolphin","choices":["Irrawaddy dolphin","Bottlenose dolphin","Boto","Risso’s dolphin"]},{"question":"Which whale expels a reddish-brown fluid when threatened, much like an octopus?","category":"animals","answer":"Pygmy sperm whale","choices":["Dwarf sperm whale","Pygmy sperm whale","Andrew’s beaked whale","Fin whale"]},{"question":"Males of this whale species have one tooth that can grow to be 10 feet (3 m) long.","category":"animals","answer":"Narwhal","choices":["Strapped-tooth whale","Narwhal","Long-finned pilot whale","Blainville’s beaked whale"]},{"question":"The largest family of whales is the beaked whales (Ziphiidae). Most of the scarce information about this family has been found from dead specimens. Their teeth are the most distinctive aspect of these whales; most have only 2-4 oversized teeth. Which whale’s teeth erupt from bulges in the lower jaw?","category":"animals","answer":"Blainville’s beaked whale","choices":["Stejneger’s beaked whale","Longman’s beaked whale","Blainville’s beaked whale","Arnoux’s beaked whale"]},{"question":"The family “delphinidae” include which kind of cetacean?","category":"animals","answer":"Dolphins","choices":["Rorqual whales","Southern right whales","Porpoises","Dolphins"]},{"question":"The family “phocoenidae” describe which group of cetacean?","category":"animals","answer":"Porpoises","choices":["Indus and Ganges river dolphins","Porpoises","Beaked whales","Dolphins"]},{"question":"These cetaceans live off the southern coast of South America and can be found up to 150 miles (240 km) up the Amazon River. They are colored pale blue with a white underside. What is their name?","category":"animals","answer":"Tuxici","choices":["Tuxici","Amazon dolphin","South American dolphin","Franciscana"]},{"question":"Sometimes called the “hooked-finned” porpoise, this animal has a barely noticeable beak. It lives in the deep waters of the northern latitudes between North America and Asia, and is a very fast swimmer (up to 20 mph / 32 km/h). What is its name?","category":"animals","answer":"Pacific white-sided dolphin","choices":["Dusky dolphin","Dall’s porpoise","Pacific white-sided dolphin","Pantropical dolphin"]},{"question":"The representatives of this type of dolphins have very small eyes, making them virtually blind. They rely on echolocation to find food and swim in turbid waters. They include the baiji and boto. What are they called?","category":"animals","answer":"River dolphins","choices":["Oceanic dolphins","River dolphins","Muddy dolphins","Blind dolphins"]},{"question":"This family of cetaceans has representatives like the vaquita, the harbor, and spectacled type. They are shy and stay away from boats; however, they are particularly susceptible to fishing lines, nets, and other pollution. Which is the family?","category":"animals","answer":"Porpoises","choices":["Pilot whales","River dolphins","Porpoises","Dolphins"]},{"question":"This oceanic dolphin has distinctive yellow patches on its sides. It is mostly found in the northern latitudes of the Atlantic Ocean.","category":"animals","answer":"Atlantic white-sided dolphin","choices":["Atlantic white-sided dolphin","Hector’s dolphin","Atlantic yellow-sided dolphin","Common dolphin"]},{"question":"This popular dolphin often herds fish onto the beach in order to eat the stranded fish. As a result, the teeth on one side (usually the right) are worn down due to eating sand as well as the fish. Which is this dolphin?","category":"animals","answer":"Bottlenose dolphin","choices":["Stranded dolphin","Bottlenose dolphin","Right-sided dolphin","Spotted dolphin"]},{"question":"Which of the following do orca NOT do with their food?","category":"animals","answer":"Regurgitate it for their young","choices":["Regurgitate it for their young","Throw it","Use it as a teaching tool for young orca","Slam it on the surface of the water"]},{"question":"What animal is considered the smallest mammal in length on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Kittis Hog-nosed Bat","choices":["None of these","Pygmy Jerboa","Kittis Hog-nosed Bat","Etruscan Shrew"]},{"question":"The Microraptor, the smallest known non-avian dinosaur, inhabited this modern day area during the early Cretaceous Period 130-125.5 million years ago.","category":"animals","answer":"China","choices":["Madagascar","China","Australia","Canada"]},{"question":"What kind of animal is the smallest known reptile on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Gecko","choices":["Lizard","Snake","Turtle","Gecko"]},{"question":"This tiny frog is the smallest amphibian in the world.","category":"animals","answer":"Brazilian Gold Frog","choices":["Monte Iberia Eleuth","Brazilian Gold Frog","Rana Minuscula","Small Frog"]},{"question":"What type of insect is the smallest known insect on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Wasp","choices":["Cockroach","Wasp","Ant","Fly"]},{"question":"Which of these tiny bugs is considered the smallest beetle in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"Scydosella musawasensis","choices":["None of these","Scydosella musawasensis","Nanosella","Vitusella fijiensis"]},{"question":"What type of animal is the smallest vertebrate?","category":"animals","answer":"Fish","choices":["Mammals","Reptiles","Amphibians","Fish"]},{"question":"The smallest turtle in the world, the Speckled Padloper Tortoise, inhabits which of these areas?","category":"animals","answer":"South Africa","choices":["South Asia","North Australia","South America","South Africa"]},{"question":"Where is its natural habitat of the smallest bird on the planet, the Bee Hummingbird?","category":"animals","answer":"Cuba and the Isle of Youth","choices":["Hawaii","All of these","Cuba and the Isle of Youth","Madagascar"]},{"question":"What bacterium is believed to be the smallest living organism that is capable to grow and reproduce independently?","category":"animals","answer":"Mycoplasma genitalium","choices":["Staphylococcus aureus","Escherichia coli","Carsonella ruddii","Mycoplasma genitalium"]},{"question":"What does the diet of most penguin species primarily consist of?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Krill","All of these","Squid","Fish"]},{"question":"The largest penguin species on the planet is the Emperor Penguin. What is the smallest one?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Blue Penguin","Little Penguin","Fairy Penguin"]},{"question":"There are various theories for the origin of the word penguin, such the Latin word pinguis, which means what?","category":"animals","answer":"Fat","choices":["Diver","Upright","Swimmer","Fat"]},{"question":"What color is the crest on the head of the Southern Rockhopper Penguin, which is known for having red eyes?","category":"animals","answer":"Yellow","choices":["Bright blue","Yellow","Red","Green and blue"]},{"question":"Which of these penguin species is the closest relative of the Magellanic Penguin?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["African Penguin","All of these","Galapagos Penguin","Humboldt Penguin"]},{"question":"What is the common name of the Eudyptes schlegeli penguin species that have a white face and live in the waters surrounding Antarctica?","category":"animals","answer":"Royal Penguin","choices":["King Penguin","All of these","Emperor Penguin","Royal Penguin"]},{"question":"The sound of what musical instrument does the call of the Macaroni Penguin resemble?","category":"animals","answer":"Trumpet","choices":["Trumpet","Saxophone","Flute","Ocarina"]},{"question":"Most penguin species are piscivorous, meaning what?","category":"animals","answer":"They feed primarily on fish","choices":["They do not drink water","They have a tubular body shape","They feed primarily on fish","An aquatic animal"]},{"question":"What notable feature does the Gentoo Penguin possess which makes it easily recognizable?","category":"animals","answer":"A white stripe on the top of its head","choices":["A white stripe on the top of its head","A longer blue tail","A red crest on its head","A yellow spot on its abdomen"]},{"question":"What is the special talent of the penguin Mumble from the 2006 animated movie Happy Feet?","category":"animals","answer":"Tap dancing","choices":["Shoe making","Singing","Break dancing","Tap dancing"]},{"question":"What large mammal is the national animal of India?","category":"animals","answer":"Bengal tiger","choices":["Water Buffalo","Bengal tiger","Indian Rhinoceros","Indian Elephant"]},{"question":"What type of Indian animals are included in the so-called Big Four selection?","category":"animals","answer":"Poisonous snakes","choices":["Poisonous snakes","Largest insects","Most dangerous animals","Largest land animals"]},{"question":"What interesting physical feature does the Nicobar Bulbul, endemic to the Nicobar Islands of India, possess?","category":"animals","answer":"It has a dark cap on its head.","choices":["It has a bright red beak.","Its tail is very long and yellow.","Its eyes are purple.","It has a dark cap on its head."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is not true about the Indian Elephant?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["It has a smaller trunk than the African Elephant.","All of these","Its abdomen is quite large compared to its skull, unlike African elephants.","It has larger ears than the African Elephant."]},{"question":"What interesting resting posture does the Indian Treeshrew, a.k.a. Madras Treeshrew, have?","category":"animals","answer":"With its tail resting on its head","choices":["Sprawling on the ground as if its dead","With its tail resting on its head","Cuddling its rear legs","Hanging upside down from a branch"]},{"question":"What type of animal is the Indian Flying-fox, found in India, Bangladesh, China, and other parts of Asia?","category":"animals","answer":"Bat","choices":["Bat","Fox","Squirrel","Primate"]},{"question":"Box Turtles are solitary creatures who neither want nor need companions.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Turtles have poor vision and cannot see in color.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In the winter, many turtles enter a dormant state called torpor which resembles hibernation .","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Turtles are cold-blooded, meaning their internal temperature varies according to their outside environment.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The largest turtles are aquatic.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Sea turtles have glands near their eyes that filter the salt out of sea water.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Turtles can stick out their tongues to catch food.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The inner layer of the turtles shell contains 60 bones-- including parts of the turtles ribs and backbone.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A turtles eggs are leathery and soft.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"A turtles lungs quickly break down, becoming less and less efficient over its lifetime.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Only sea turtles do not care for their young.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Turtles can breathe underwater.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"All aquatic turtles have flippers instead of feet.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"All turtles withdraw their head into their shell by contracting their neck to the side.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A turtles upper shell is called the plastron.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A turtles skin is made of scales, just like the skin of other reptiles.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is the only place in the world you can see platypuses in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"Australia and Tasmania","choices":["South-eastern Asia","Australia and Tasmania","Hawaii Island","South America"]},{"question":"How do platypuses reproduce?","category":"animals","answer":"Platypuses lay eggs.","choices":["None of these","Platypuses reproduce asexually.","Platypuses lay eggs.","Platypuses are metatherian."]},{"question":"How does the platypus feed its young for the first three to four months?","category":"animals","answer":"The mother is lactating, but she has no teats.","choices":["The mother is feeding them with insects.","The mother is breastfeeding them.","The young rely on their yolk sacs for food.","The mother is lactating, but she has no teats."]},{"question":"What is the weight range of normal mature platypuses?","category":"animals","answer":"From 0.7 to 2.4 kg","choices":["Between 3.2 and 4.6 kg","From 2.5 to 5.5 kg","Between 0.5 to 2.8 kg","From 0.7 to 2.4 kg"]},{"question":"Platypuses are venomous.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Platypuses use this method to detect their prey.","category":"animals","answer":"They use electrolocation.","choices":["They rely on their well-developed sense of smell.","Platypuses rely mainly on their hearing.","They use electrolocation.","They rely on their exceptional eyesight."]},{"question":"What is the normal life span of a platypus in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"Up to 11 years","choices":["Up to 22 years","Up to 11 years","Around 2 years","About 4 years"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the diet of the platypus?","category":"animals","answer":"Platypuses are carnivores.","choices":["Platypuses are carnivores.","Platypuses are herbivores.","Platypuses are specialized eaters.","Platypuses are omnivores."]},{"question":"The platypus needs to eat around 10% of its own weight every day.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is the normal body temperature of a healthy platypus?","category":"animals","answer":"About 32°C","choices":["Around 22°C","Around 28°C","Between 35°C and 37°C","About 32°C"]},{"question":"What geographical region are chinchillas native to?","category":"animals","answer":"South America","choices":["Asia","Africa","North America","South America"]},{"question":"How is the chinchilla classified according to the peak of its activeness throughout the day?","category":"animals","answer":"Crepuscular","choices":["None of these","Nocturnal","Crepuscular","Duirnal"]},{"question":"What type of food do chinchillas prefer to feed on in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Plants","All of these","Insects","Fruits"]},{"question":"What name is used for the social groups that chinchillas form when living in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"Herds","choices":["Schools","Herds","Flocks","Troops"]},{"question":"What chinchilla species has become extinct as a result of fur hunting?","category":"animals","answer":"Giant Chinchilla","choices":["All of these","Long-tailed Chinchilla","Giant Chinchilla","Red-nosed Chinchilla"]},{"question":"In which of these studies are chinchillas used as animal models?","category":"animals","answer":"Studies of the auditory system","choices":["Studies of vocalization","Eyesight studies","Studies of the auditory system","Studies of the reproductive system"]},{"question":"If the ears of a chinchilla turn red, it is a sign of this condition.","category":"animals","answer":"Overheating","choices":["It is pregnant.","The animal is in heat.","The animal is disturbed or angry.","Overheating"]},{"question":"What kind of sounds do baby chinchillas produce in order to show their parents that they are hungry?","category":"animals","answer":"Chirps","choices":["Hissing","Chirps","Barks","Clucking"]},{"question":"What is the literal translation of the word lanigera in the name of the chinchilla species Chinchilla lanigera?","category":"animals","answer":"Wearing a woolen coat","choices":["Long-tailed","Having long ears","Sleeping in straw","Wearing a woolen coat"]},{"question":"This cat breed, developed by American breeder Ann Baker, is large and has blue eyes and soft fluffy coat with point coloration.","category":"animals","answer":"Ragdoll","choices":["Ragdoll","LaPerm","Egyptian Mau","Savannah"]},{"question":"This large cat breed, created in the United States, has rabbit-like fur of medium length, rectangular body, and a fatty pad in the lower abdomen.","category":"animals","answer":"Ragamuffin","choices":["Balinese","California Spangled Cat","Munchkin","Ragamuffin"]},{"question":"This cat breed occurred naturally, most probably in Egypt. It has silky short fur with special ticked coloration.","category":"animals","answer":"Abyssinian","choices":["Korat","Sphynx","Abyssinian","Burmilla"]},{"question":"This very old cat breed, which occurred naturally in Turkey, has a slender body with medium length fur, usually white.","category":"animals","answer":"Turkish Angora","choices":["Ocicat","Cymric","Selkirk Rex","Turkish Angora"]},{"question":"This cat breed, which appeared naturally in Thailand, has a slim body and short fur with point coloration.","category":"animals","answer":"Siamese","choices":["Himalayan","Siamese","Korat","Burmese"]},{"question":"This hairless cat breed originated in Russia.","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Don Sphynx","Donskoy","Don Hairless","All of these"]},{"question":"This cat breed occurred in Thailand, has very slim elongated body, short fur and very large ears.","category":"animals","answer":"Oriental Shorthair","choices":["Oriental Shorthair","Selkirk Rex","Singapura","Siamese"]},{"question":"This exotic cat breed was developed in Kenya by crossbreeding between a Serval and a domestic cat.","category":"animals","answer":"Savannah","choices":["Bengal","Maine Coon","Egyptian Mau","Savannah"]},{"question":"This cat breed with curly hair appeared as a natural mutation in the United States.","category":"animals","answer":"LaPerm","choices":["Selkirk Rex","LaPerm","Kurilian Bobtail","American Curl"]},{"question":"What cat breed, which originated in France, has thick waterproof grey fur, gold-colored eyes and large muscular body?","category":"animals","answer":"Chartreux","choices":["Chartreux","Chausie","Pixie-bob","LaPerm"]},{"question":"To what geographic area is the ostrich native?","category":"animals","answer":"Africa","choices":["Asia","Africa","South America and Africa","Europe and Africa"]},{"question":"The feathers of adult male ostriches are primarily of this color.","category":"animals","answer":"Black","choices":["White","Gray","Brown","Black"]},{"question":"How many toes do ostriches have?","category":"animals","answer":"Two toes","choices":["One toe","Two toes","Tree toes","Five toes"]},{"question":"What important internal organ does the ostrich lack?","category":"animals","answer":"Gallbladder","choices":["Liver","Gallbladder","Spleen","All of these"]},{"question":"What defense method do ostriches use when they are attacked or feel threatened?","category":"animals","answer":"Kicking","choices":["All of these","They bury their heads in the sand.","Kicking","They use their wings to beat the enemy."]},{"question":"What does the diet of ostriches consist of?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Insects","All of these","Seeds","Grass"]},{"question":"What unusual anatomical feature does the male ostrich possess?","category":"animals","answer":"It has a copulatory organ.","choices":["It has four testicles.","It has a copulatory organ.","It has a very small horn on its head.","All of these"]},{"question":"Which is the largest subspecies of ostrich on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Red-necked Ostrich","choices":["Southern Ostrich","Masai Ostrich","Red-necked Ostrich","Middle Eastern Ostrich"]},{"question":"Unlike other ostriches, this subspecies of ostrich has small feathers on its head.","category":"animals","answer":"Masai Ostrich","choices":["Arabian Ostrich","Masai Ostrich","Somali Ostrich","North African Ostrich"]},{"question":"Which subspecies of ostrich became extinct around 1966?","category":"animals","answer":"Middle Eastern Ostrich","choices":["Red-necked Ostrich","Middle Eastern Ostrich","Southern Ostrich","Somali Ostrich"]},{"question":"What are the anatomical differences between African elephants and Asian elephants?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","In the tusks","In the ears","In the body size"]},{"question":"Which elephant subspecies is the largest on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Savanna Elephant","choices":["Sri Lankan Elephant","Indian Elephant","Forest Elephant","Savanna Elephant"]},{"question":"Which is the smallest elephant subspecies on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Sumatran Elephant","choices":["Forest Elephant","Sumatran Elephant","Indian Elephant","Sri Lankan Elephant"]},{"question":"What elephant species has two fingerlike projections at the end of its trunk?","category":"animals","answer":"African Elephant","choices":["Asian Elephant","All of these","African Elephant","Sri Lankan Elephant"]},{"question":"The tusks of mature elephants stop growing when the animal reaches a certain age.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What does the diet of elephants mostly consist of?","category":"animals","answer":"Grasses","choices":["Leaves","Twigs","Grasses","Tree bark"]},{"question":"What statement is true about elephants mammary glands?","category":"animals","answer":"They have one pair of mammary glands.","choices":["They have two pairs of mammary glands.","None of these","They have one pair of mammary glands.","They have only one mammary gland."]},{"question":"How long does the gestation period of elephants last?","category":"animals","answer":"22 months","choices":["22 months","30 months","18 months","12 months"]},{"question":"How do elephants protect their skin from the aggressive UV-radiation?","category":"animals","answer":"By wallowing in mud","choices":["By wallowing in their own feces","By hiding in the shadow of thick branches","By wallowing in mud","None of these"]},{"question":"Why isnt the baby elephant able to control its trunk?","category":"animals","answer":"Because it lacks muscle tone","choices":["All of these","Because it is too heavy for it","Because it cannot feel it","Because it lacks muscle tone"]},{"question":"Cockroaches belong to the order Blattaria. What is the meaning of the Latin word blatta?","category":"animals","answer":"Cockroach","choices":["Cockroach","Annoying","Fast","Pest"]},{"question":"Apart from the American cockroach, what other cockroach species is among the best-known pests?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Oriental cockroach","Asian cockroach","German cockroach","All of these"]},{"question":"What type of animal is the cockroach when classified according to the peak of its activeness?","category":"animals","answer":"Nocturnal","choices":["Diurnal","None of these","Nocturnal","Crepuscular"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the anatomy of cockroaches?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["They have two ocelli, or simple eyes.","They have two long antennae on their heads.","All of these","They have large compound eyes."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about cockroaches?","category":"animals","answer":"They have two pairs of wings and six legs.","choices":["They are wingless and have six legs.","They have two pairs of wings and six legs.","They have two wings and eight legs.","They have have two wings and six legs."]},{"question":"What kind of interesting noise are cockroaches known to produce when they feel threatened?","category":"animals","answer":"Hissing","choices":["Hissing","Crackling","Whistling","All of these"]},{"question":"What organs do cockroaches use for the purpose of respiration?","category":"animals","answer":"Tracheae","choices":["All of these","Gills","Lungs","Tracheae"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the reproduction of cockroaches?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Male roaches use court rituals to attract the female.","A few species can reproduce through parthenogenesis, or without the need of fertilization.","Males and females attract each other through pheromones."]},{"question":"How are cockroaches classified according to the way they deliver their young?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["They are viviparous.","All of these","They are ovoviviparous.","They are oviparous."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the cockroaches ability to survive in hard times?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["They are able to slow down their heart rate.","Cockroaches can survive radiation up to 15 times stronger than the lethal dose for humans.","Some roaches can survive without food for about one month.","All of these"]},{"question":"The pregnancy of this animal lasts from 2 to 3 years depending on the altitude it inhabits.","category":"animals","answer":"Alpine Salamander","choices":["Spanish Imperial Eagle","Asian Elephant","All of these","Alpine Salamander"]},{"question":"These animals are usually monogamous and both parents take care of their young.","category":"animals","answer":"Swans","choices":["Hedgehogs","Swans","All of these","Wolves"]},{"question":"For which of these animals is the following description true: The gestation period lasts 35–58 days. Smaller species have 5-6 babies, and larger species - 3-4 babies. The young are born blind.","category":"animals","answer":"Hedgehog","choices":["Hedgehog","Lizard","Fox","Rabbit"]},{"question":"Which of the following statements is true about scorpions?","category":"animals","answer":"They give birth to their young one by one.","choices":["They give birth to their young one by one.","They lay the eggs and they hatch almost immediately.","They lay eggs which hatch after 2 weeks.","None of these"]},{"question":"The Gastric-brooding frog is an extinct species that is famous for this unique way of incubating its eggs.","category":"animals","answer":"The mother swallows the eggs and incubates them inside her stomach.","choices":["The mother keeps the eggs inside her mouth until they hatch.","The female keeps the fertilized eggs in pouches along her abdomen.","The female keeps the eggs between her rear legs until they hatch.","The mother swallows the eggs and incubates them inside her stomach."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the Jacksons Chameleon?","category":"animals","answer":"It gives birth to 8-30 live young.","choices":["It lays about 15-30 eggs that hatch in 10 days.","It gives birth to 8-30 live young.","It lays about 5-10 eggs that hatch immediately.","It gives birth to 2-3 live young."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the Echidna, an egg-laying mammal?","category":"animals","answer":"The female lays 1 egg which she incubates in her pouch.","choices":["The female lays 1 egg that hatches immediately.","The female lays 1 egg which she incubates in her pouch.","The female lays 3-5 eggs and incubates them for 26 days.","The female lays 2 eggs that are incubated by the male for 22 days."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the German cockroach?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["The female carries her eggs in a capsule.","The female lays about 40 eggs.","All of these","In rare cases live births can occur."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the Seahorse?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","The male Seahorse has a brooding pouch on the front side of his body.","The male and the female stay together for life.","The female produces dozens to thousands of eggs."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the King Penguin?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["They are serially monogamous.","Both parents take part in the incubation.","All of these","The female lays 1 single egg."]},{"question":"What name is commonly used to refer to the guinea pig?","category":"animals","answer":"Cavy","choices":["Netty","Poppy","Willy","Cavy"]},{"question":"How many times per year is a healthy female guinea pig able to give birth?","category":"animals","answer":"Five times","choices":["Twice","Seven times","Five times","Once"]},{"question":"What geographic area did the guinea pig originate from?","category":"animals","answer":"South America","choices":["South America","Africa","Australia and New Guinea","North America"]},{"question":"What term is commonly used to refer to the young of the guinea pig?","category":"animals","answer":"Pups","choices":["Pups","Kits","Calves","Piglets"]},{"question":"What type of food does the guinea pig naturally feed on?","category":"animals","answer":"Grass","choices":["Grass","Grains","Green leaved","Nuts"]},{"question":"The guinea pig is unable to produce this substance in its own body and gets it from its food.","category":"animals","answer":"Vitamin C","choices":["Saliva","Vitamin C","Stomach acid","Digestive enzymes"]},{"question":"What plant is poisonous for guinea pigs and should never be offered to them?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","All plants growing from a bulb","Bracken","Wild celery"]},{"question":"In this 2009 Walt Disney action comedy movie the main characters are guinea pigs.","category":"animals","answer":"G-Force","choices":["G-Force","The Fast and the Furry","Darwin","Fluffy Spies"]},{"question":"What actor voiced the guinea pig character called Rodney in the 1998 comedy movie Dr. Dolittle?","category":"animals","answer":"Chris Rock","choices":["Jim Carrey","Chris Tucker","Eddie Murphy","Chris Rock"]},{"question":"The representatives of what guinea pig breed have extremely long hair that never stops growing all over their bodies?","category":"animals","answer":"Peruvian","choices":["Teddy","Texel","Abyssinian","Peruvian"]},{"question":"To what continent are raccoons native?","category":"animals","answer":"North America","choices":["North America","South America","Australia","Both Americas"]},{"question":"Captive raccoons are known for performing this vacuum activity.","category":"animals","answer":"Dousing their food","choices":["Dousing their food","Scratching their belly","Playing dead","All of these"]},{"question":"Which of these regarding the reproduction of raccoons is correct?","category":"animals","answer":"Pregnancy can last from 54 to 70 days.","choices":["Pregnancy can last from 54 to 70 days.","The male brings food for the young.","None of these","Females usually give birth to only one kit."]},{"question":"What animal is a major predator for wild raccoons?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Coyote","Bald eagle","Bobcat","All of these"]},{"question":"Raccoons are omnivorous animals but they have a preference for this type of food.","category":"animals","answer":"Fruits and nuts","choices":["Invertebrates","Birds","Fruits and nuts","Fish"]},{"question":"What is the most important sense for raccoons?","category":"animals","answer":"Sense of touch","choices":["Vision","Sense of smell","Hearing","Sense of touch"]},{"question":"Why is it not recommended to be keep raccoons as pets?","category":"animals","answer":"They can be aggressive.","choices":["They have and intense odor.","Their fur promotes allergies.","They transmit many diseases.","They can be aggressive."]},{"question":"What have raccoons been mostly hunted for throughout history?","category":"animals","answer":"Their fur","choices":["Their fur","Their bones","Their meat","Their fat"]},{"question":"What popular cartoon character from a 1995 animated movie keeps a raccoon as a pet?","category":"animals","answer":"Pocahontas","choices":["Simba","Shrek","Pocahontas","Mulan"]},{"question":"Studies of raccoons intelligence have shown that raccoons are capable of performing this activity.","category":"animals","answer":"Opening locks","choices":["Opening locks","Understanding spoken words","Painting","Differentiating sounds"]},{"question":"The Ramphotyphlops braminus, a harmless blind snake species, found in Africa and Asia, is often mistaken for this animal.","category":"animals","answer":"Earthworm","choices":["Black mamba","Dog-faced water snake","Elephant Trunk Snake","Earthworm"]},{"question":"How are the young Box turtles classified according to their diet, which differs from the diet of mature Box turtles?","category":"animals","answer":"Carnivores","choices":["Specialized eaters","Omnivores","Carnivores","Herbivores"]},{"question":"What distinctive feature is characteristic of the crocodile species called gharial, or Indian gavial?","category":"animals","answer":"Narrow snout","choices":["Very short tail","Red spots on its back","Narrow snout","Purple scales"]},{"question":"How did the glass lizard, also known as glass snake, get its interesting name?","category":"animals","answer":"It breaks easily.","choices":["It can climb on glass.","Its eyes are glass-like.","It is almost transparent.","It breaks easily."]},{"question":"What other common name is used for the New Caledonian bumpy gecko, a reptile found only on the southern end of the island of New Caledonia?","category":"animals","answer":"Gargoyle gecko","choices":["All of these","Gargoyle gecko","Devil gecko","Horny gecko"]},{"question":"This snake, the only existing member of its family, can be found in Mexico and has a very muscular body and a shovel-shaped snout.","category":"animals","answer":"Loxocemidae bicolor","choices":["All of these","Dwarf boa","Pipe snake","Loxocemidae bicolor"]},{"question":"What is unique about the reptile called tuatara, which is endemic to New Zealand and is sometimes called living fossils?","category":"animals","answer":"It is able to hear though it has no ears.","choices":["It has a well-developed third eye.","All of these","It has two rows of teeth in the upper jaw.","It is able to hear though it has no ears."]},{"question":"What feature of the turtle species Dermochelys coriacea makes it easily distinguishable from all the other sea turtles?","category":"animals","answer":"It has no shell.","choices":["It has a very long tail.","It has no shell.","Its body has very vivid colors.","It has a horn on its head."]},{"question":"In what geographical area is the Rock monitor lizard, or Legavaan, found?","category":"animals","answer":"Africa","choices":["South America","New Guinea","Australia","Africa"]},{"question":"What is the smallest extant species of crocodilian on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Musky Caiman","choices":["Smooth-fronted Caiman","Musky Caiman","Spectacled Caiman","Yacare Caiman"]},{"question":"Where is the natural habitat of sloths?","category":"animals","answer":"Central and South America","choices":["Central and South Asia","Central and South America","Australia and the island of Tasmania","South Africa"]},{"question":"Which of these is true about the sloths diet?","category":"animals","answer":"Sloths are omnivores.","choices":["Sloths are carnivores.","Sloths are autotrophic organisms.","Sloths are herbivores.","Sloths are omnivores."]},{"question":"Sloths have this number of toes and fingers depending on the family they belong to.","category":"animals","answer":"Two or three","choices":["Two or three","Sloths do not have toes.","Four or five","One or two"]},{"question":"What is the the body length of an average mature sloth from head to tail?","category":"animals","answer":"50-60 centimeters","choices":["90-100 centimeters","70-80 centimeters","30-40 centimeters","50-60 centimeters"]},{"question":"How many hours of sleep do sloths normally need per day?","category":"animals","answer":"Less than 10 hours","choices":["20-22 hours","12-13 hours","Less than 10 hours","15-18 hours"]},{"question":"About 50% of the weight of a well-fed sloth comprises of the food in its stomach.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How long does it take for a sloth to digest its food completely?","category":"animals","answer":"A month or more","choices":["1 week","More than 2 weeks","A month or more","About 3 months"]},{"question":"Which of these names does not refer to a sloth?","category":"animals","answer":"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi","choices":["Ritto","Rit","Rikki-Tikki-Tavi","Ridette"]},{"question":"How many babies do female sloths give birth to per one pregnancy?","category":"animals","answer":"One","choices":["Four","Three","One","Two"]},{"question":"Which of the following statements is wrong?","category":"animals","answer":"There are seven living species of sloths.","choices":["There are seven living species of sloths.","Two-toed sloths have only six cervical vertebrae instead of seven.","Sloths hairs grow away from their extremities instead of towards them.","Three-toed sloths have nine cervical vertebrae instead of seven."]},{"question":"What type of mammal is the kangaroo?","category":"animals","answer":"Marsupial","choices":["Monotreme","All of these","Amniote","Marsupial"]},{"question":"What term is used to refer to the young of the kangaroo?","category":"animals","answer":"Joey","choices":["Joey","Mary","Jack","Wally"]},{"question":"Which kangaroo species is the largest on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Red Kangaroo","choices":["Antilopine Kangaroo","Western Grey Kangaroo","Eastern Grey Kangaroo","Red Kangaroo"]},{"question":"What is the difference between the digestion of kangaroos and the digestion of ruminants?","category":"animals","answer":"Kangaroos do not release methane.","choices":["Nothing","Kangaroos need to consume some animal matter to provide essential digestive bacteria.","Kangaroos do not release methane.","Kangaroos digest plant matter five times faster than ruminants do."]},{"question":"What does the diet of all kangaroos consist of in general?","category":"animals","answer":"Plant matter","choices":["All of these","Plant matter","Fungi","Plant and animal matter"]},{"question":"Apart from jumping, kangaroos are known for fleeing from predators using this tactic.","category":"animals","answer":"Swimming","choices":["All of these","Playing dead","Climbing","Swimming"]},{"question":"What kangaroo species set a record by moving with 64 kilometers per hour (40 mph)?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Eastern Grey Kangaroo","Great Grey Kangaroo","All of these","Forester Kangaroo"]},{"question":"Male Western Grey Kangaroos were nicknamed Stinkers because they have this kind of odor.","category":"animals","answer":"Curry","choices":["Sour cabbage","Curry","Garlic","Gasoline"]},{"question":"How do male kangaroos fight to win the privilege to fertilize the female?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["They push each other.","All of these","They kick each other.","They hit each other by boxing."]},{"question":"What is the meaning of the word kangaroo according to legend?","category":"animals","answer":"I dont understand you.","choices":["I dont know.","Look at this!","I dont understand you.","What is this?"]},{"question":"What other common name is used for a mudpuppy?","category":"animals","answer":"Waterdog","choices":["Water Canine","Waterdog","Mud Dog","Salamander"]},{"question":"What type of animal is a mudpuppy?","category":"animals","answer":"salamander","choices":["skink","eel","fish","salamander"]},{"question":"What is the average lifespan of a mudpuppy?","category":"animals","answer":"11 years","choices":["2 years","5 years","11 years","35 years"]},{"question":"Mudpuppies breathe through gills when they are young and when they mature they use their lungs.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the mudpuppy?","category":"animals","answer":"They are nocturnal.","choices":["They are nocturnal.","They live in and out of the water.","They are poisonous.","Their lifecycle is divided into three stages."]},{"question":"Mudpuppies are carnivores.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In which of the following states will you not find the mudpuppy?","category":"animals","answer":"Texas","choices":["Texas","Indiana","Kentucky","Ohio"]},{"question":"Mudpuppies hibernate in the winter months.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How long is the average mudpuppy?","category":"animals","answer":"13-16 inches","choices":["1 1/2 -3 inches","5-7 inches","12 inches","13-16 inches"]},{"question":"The mudpuppy can produce noise.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Wombats are endemic to this geographical area.","category":"animals","answer":"Australia and Tasmania","choices":["Australia and Tasmania","South America","Madagascar","Indonesia and the Philippines"]},{"question":"What does the diet of wombats consist of in general?","category":"animals","answer":"Plants","choices":["Small vertebrates","Insects","Plants","All of these"]},{"question":"How many babies does the female wombat give birth to every spring?","category":"animals","answer":"One","choices":["Three","Four","Two","One"]},{"question":"What unusual anatomical feature do wombats possess?","category":"animals","answer":"Their pouch faces backwards.","choices":["Their pouch faces backwards.","They dont have a spleen.","They dont have eyelids.","All of these"]},{"question":"Wombats have an incredibly fast metabolism.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these wombat species is also known as Coarse-haired Wombat?","category":"animals","answer":"Common Wombat","choices":["Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat","Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat","Common Wombat","None of these"]},{"question":"What way of defence do wombats use when they feel threatened?","category":"animals","answer":"Kicking","choices":["All of these","Running","Climbing on trees","Kicking"]},{"question":"What is the name of the smallest wombat species on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat","choices":["Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat","Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat","Common Wombat","None of these"]},{"question":"What should a person do to escape the attack of a wombat in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"Climb a tree","choices":["Climb a tree","Run","Play dead","Jump in a river"]},{"question":"This species, also known as Yaminon, is the largest wombat species on the planet.","category":"animals","answer":"Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat","choices":["Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat","Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat","Common Wombat","None of these"]},{"question":"On which continent can you find the turltle-dove during most of the year?","category":"animals","answer":"Europe","choices":["Australia","Antarctica","South America","Europe"]},{"question":"Which continent does the turtle-dove migrate to in the colder winter months?","category":"animals","answer":"Africa","choices":["Africa","Australia","North America","Asia"]},{"question":"Which of the following statements is true about the turtle-dove?","category":"animals","answer":"They are viewed as a symbol of love.","choices":["They are not related to the pigeon.","They have never been domesticated.","They are flightless","They are viewed as a symbol of love."]},{"question":"What is the expected lifespan of a turtle-dove?","category":"animals","answer":"20 years","choices":["28 years","9 months","7 years","20 years"]},{"question":"What is the incubation period for turtle-dove eggs?","category":"animals","answer":"12-14 days","choices":["7 weeks","17-25 days","12-14 days","1 month"]},{"question":"Which of the following makes the turtle-dove different from other birds?","category":"animals","answer":"They suck to drink instead of tilting their heads back.","choices":["They suck to drink instead of tilting their heads back.","When they hatch they can fly within 2 days.","They cannot make any sound.","They can fly backwards."]},{"question":"The turtle-dove is closely related to the raven.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What are the main colors of turtle-doves?","category":"animals","answer":"Brown and gray","choices":["Dark orange and gray","Brown and gray","Pale yellow and some black","blue and red"]},{"question":"The name of the turtle-dove is derived from the sound it produces.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Turtle-doves tend to eat in their nests and high in the trees.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is not true about the vision of bats?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Most smaller bat species are blind.","All of these","All bat species are able to detect UV light.","All bat species have underdeveloped eyesight."]},{"question":"What important bone-building mineral do the cartilage of bats finger bones lack, which makes them very flexible?","category":"animals","answer":"Calcium","choices":["Potassium","Magnesium","Calcium","Iron"]},{"question":"What do megabats, also called flying foxes, feed on?","category":"animals","answer":"Fruit and nectar","choices":["All of these","Carrion","Insects","Fruit and nectar"]},{"question":"How do most bat species spend the cold winter months?","category":"animals","answer":"They hibernate.","choices":["They migrate south to to regions with warmer climates.","They do not change their behavior in the winter.","None of these","They hibernate."]},{"question":"A bat is featured on the coat of arms of this Spanish city.","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Palma de Mallorca","Fraga","Valencia","All of these"]},{"question":"What status does the bat have in Chinese folklore and tradition?","category":"animals","answer":"It is a symbol of happiness and longevity.","choices":["It is believed to be an incarnated spirit.","It is a symbol of happiness and longevity.","It is considered a bad omen.","It is considered simply a pest."]},{"question":"What city in the US state of Texas is a home of the largest bat colony in North America during the summer?","category":"animals","answer":"Austin","choices":["Morton","Austin","Houston","Pittsburg"]},{"question":"What name is commonly used when referring to the bat species Vampyrum spectrum, also known as False Vampire Bat?","category":"animals","answer":"Spectral Bat","choices":["Phantom Bat","Spectral Bat","All of these","Ghostly Bat"]},{"question":"What bat species is considered the largest in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"Golden-capped fruit bat","choices":["Livingstone’s Fruit Bat","Fijian Monkey-faced Bat","Hammer-headed bat","Golden-capped fruit bat"]},{"question":"What other common name is used for the Kittis Hog-nosed Bat, the smallest bat species in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"Bumblebee bat","choices":["Wasp bat","Hummingbird bat","Bumblebee bat","Ladybug bat"]},{"question":"During what geological time period did the ammonites evolve?","category":"animals","answer":"The Devonian period","choices":["The Devonian period","The Silurian period","The Triassic period","The Carboniferous period"]},{"question":"The nautilus is the closest living relative of the ammonite.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Name the largest known species of ammonite, which was found in Germany in 1895.","category":"animals","answer":"Parapuzosia seppenradensis","choices":["Parapuzosia seppenradensis","Allonautilus perforatus","Nautilus pompilius","Parapuzosia bradyi"]},{"question":"What is the greatest depth the shell of a nautilus can withstand before imploding?","category":"animals","answer":"800 meters","choices":["800 meters","100 meters","300 meters","187 meters"]},{"question":"Were the shells of all ammonites coiled?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"What is the average lifespan of a nautilus?","category":"animals","answer":"20 years","choices":["10 years","20 years","2 years","40 years"]},{"question":"Ammonites lived on the ocean floor.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Ammonites became extinct at the end of what geological period?","category":"animals","answer":"Cretaceous","choices":["Cretaceous","Jurassic","Triassic","Permian"]},{"question":"What flower remedy would be most beneficial to a stand-offish horse that gets irritated quickly and has a hard time accepting change?","category":"animals","answer":"Beech","choices":["Birch","Cerery","Beech","Cerato"]},{"question":"Aspen is beneficial to a horse that is nervous and anxious, shies at invisible objects in a familiar arena and bolts for no reason.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Rescue remedy is a combination of Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Clematis essences.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"All Bach flower remedies can be used by people.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Up to how many different Bach remedies can you combine?","category":"animals","answer":"7","choices":["4","as many as you want to","1","7"]},{"question":"The Cerato essence is suitable for horses that withhold their emotions despite suffering from a pain or disease.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of the following is used as a cleansing remedy?","category":"animals","answer":"Crab Apple","choices":["Cherry Plum","Gentian","None of these","Crab Apple"]},{"question":"Salix vitellina is the scientific name of this essence usually given to a horse that appears to sulk, goes into moods and refuses any sort of attention.","category":"animals","answer":"Willow","choices":["Wild Rose","Wild Oat","Willow","Water Violet"]},{"question":"What kind of animals are the colugos, or cobegos, which is found only in Asia?","category":"animals","answer":"Mammals","choices":["Mammals","Reptiles","Birds","Amphibians"]},{"question":"What other name is commonly used for the Japanese Macaque, a monkey native to Japan?","category":"animals","answer":"Snow Monkey","choices":["Snow Monkey","All of these","Whistling Monkey","Storm Monkey"]},{"question":"Which of these Asian tortoise species is a very popular pet in many countries around the world?","category":"animals","answer":"Russian Tortoise","choices":["Cuora","Russian Tortoise","Keeled Box Turtle","Rafetus"]},{"question":"What is the color of the legs, bill and eye rims of the Green Magpie, a small Asian bird with bright green plumage?","category":"animals","answer":"Red","choices":["Purple","Blue","Red","Bright pink"]},{"question":"To which Asian country is the Giant Panda native?","category":"animals","answer":"China","choices":["Indonesia","India","Japan","China"]},{"question":"What is the name of the smallest bat species on the planet, endemic to the Asian continent?","category":"animals","answer":"Kittis Hog-nosed Bat","choices":["Mouse-tailed Bat","Sucker-footed Bat","Bulldog Bat","Kittis Hog-nosed Bat"]},{"question":"What name is used for the enigmatic bovid mammal Kting Voar, which is believed to populate Cambodia and Vietnam in Asia?","category":"animals","answer":"Snake-eating Cow","choices":["Snake-eating Cow","Lizard-eating Goat","All of these","Frog-chewing Sheep"]},{"question":"What sense of the Malayan Tapir, also called Asian Tapir, is underdeveloped?","category":"animals","answer":"Eyesight","choices":["Eyesight","Hearing","Smell","Touch"]},{"question":"How many horns does the Indian Rhinoceros, found only in Asia, have on its snout?","category":"animals","answer":"One","choices":["None","Two","Three","One"]},{"question":"What is the favorite food of the Fairy-bluebird, which is found only in Asia?","category":"animals","answer":"Figs","choices":["Goji berries","Grasshoppers","All of these","Figs"]},{"question":"What term is used the denote the terrestrial stage of the development of the young newt?","category":"animals","answer":"Eft","choices":["Eft","Imago","Elf","Larva"]},{"question":"To what country is the Rhinoderma rufum, a species of frog from the family Rhinodermatidae, endemic?","category":"animals","answer":"Chile","choices":["India","United States","Chile","Brazil"]},{"question":"What is the literal translation of the Greek word amphibios, from which the modern word amphibian originated?","category":"animals","answer":"Both kinds of life","choices":["Water and land","Both kinds of life","Two in one","Water and air"]},{"question":"What interesting characteristic do all amphibians called caecilians share?","category":"animals","answer":"They have no legs.","choices":["They have no legs.","They are hermaphrodites.","They have four eyes.","They have external ears."]},{"question":"What animal does the greater siren, a nocturnal amphibian, resemble externally?","category":"animals","answer":"An eel","choices":["An eel","A lizard","A gecko","A frog"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is wrong about the Glass frogs from the amphibian family Centrolenidae?","category":"animals","answer":"They are found mainly in Australia and Tasmania.","choices":["They are arboreal animals.","They are found mainly in Australia and Tasmania.","All of these","Their skin is transparent."]},{"question":"What other interesting name is used commonly to refer to the Purple frog, an amphibian endemic to the Western Ghats in India?","category":"animals","answer":"Pignose Frog","choices":["Pignose Frog","Chicken frog","All of these","Mole frog"]},{"question":"What does the diet of the Eastern Tiger Salamander mainly consist of?","category":"animals","answer":"Insects","choices":["Shrimp","Leaves","Insects","Fish"]},{"question":"What behavior is typical of the Argentine horned frog, also known as Argentine wide-mouthed frog?","category":"animals","answer":"It would eat up anything that comes in its eyesight.","choices":["It never stops moving.","It sings almost incessantly.","It would eat up anything that comes in its eyesight.","All of these"]},{"question":"Where does the female Suriname Toad keep its eggs until they develop into young frogs?","category":"animals","answer":"On its back","choices":["In its vocal sac","Between its hind legs","On its back","In its stomach"]},{"question":"How many orders of trilobite are there?","category":"animals","answer":"10","choices":["9","3","15","10"]},{"question":"What order of trilobite was the only one to survive the Devonian mass extinction?","category":"animals","answer":"Proetida","choices":["Proetida","None of these","Phacopida","Lichida"]},{"question":"Approximately how many species of trilobite existed over the duration of the Paleozoic?","category":"animals","answer":"17,000","choices":["12,000","9,000","17,000","18,000"]},{"question":"Trilobites developed one of the first complex visual systems.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Not all trilobites had eyes.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What genus and species did the largest complete trilobite fossil ever found belong to?","category":"animals","answer":"Isotelus rex","choices":["None of these","Isotelus rex","Isotelus maximus","Isotelus brachycephalus"]},{"question":"The pygidium refers to what section of a trilobites body?","category":"animals","answer":"The tail","choices":["The head","None of these","The thorax","The tail"]},{"question":"Which of the following is believed to be an ancestor of the trilobites?","category":"animals","answer":"Spriggina","choices":["Onega","None of these","Spriggina","Trichophycus"]},{"question":"Did some trilobites filter-feed as a means of obtaining food?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"To what geographical region is the Aye-aye indigenous?","category":"animals","answer":"Madagascar","choices":["Madagascar","New Zealand","Tasmania","Hawaii"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the lemur Aye-aye?","category":"animals","answer":"It is the largest nocturnal primate on the planet.","choices":["It is the second smallest primate on the planet.","It is the second largest primate in the world.","It is the smallest nocturnal primate in the world.","It is the largest nocturnal primate on the planet."]},{"question":"What physical feature does the lemur Aye-aye share with rodents, leading to its original classification in order Rodentia?","category":"animals","answer":"Very large incisors","choices":["Very large incisors","Inability to vomit","All of these","Similarities in the digestive system"]},{"question":"What unusual physical characteristic does the lemur Aye-aye possess?","category":"animals","answer":"It has extremely long fingers.","choices":["Its pupils are constantly dilated.","It has 4 nipples.","It has extremely long fingers.","All of these"]},{"question":"In what places does the nocturnal Aye-aye sleep during the daytime?","category":"animals","answer":"On trees","choices":["On a branch, covering its body with a big leaf","Hanging from a branch.","On trees","In holes in the ground"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the reproduction of the Aye-aye?","category":"animals","answer":"None of these","choices":["None of these","The baby stays with its mother for a year.","Pregnancy lasts about 4 months.","It reaches reproductive age at 3 - 3.5 years."]},{"question":"Where did the name of the Aye-aye originate from according to common hypothesis?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","From the Malagasy expression for I dont know","From the sound made by the animal","From an exclamation"]},{"question":"How is the lemur Aye-aye classified according to its diet?","category":"animals","answer":"Omnivore","choices":["Herbivore","Omnivore","Carnivore","Specialized eater"]},{"question":"What is the Aye-aye traditionally associated with according to ancient Malagasy legends?","category":"animals","answer":"Death","choices":["Future marriage","Rain","Luck","Death"]},{"question":"What is the name of the Aye-aye character from the 2005 animated comedy movie Madagascar?","category":"animals","answer":"Maurice","choices":["Maurice","Marty","Mort","King Julien"]},{"question":"To what geographic area is the koala endemic?","category":"animals","answer":"Australia","choices":["Tasmania","Australia and Tasmania","Australia","Australia and New Guinea"]},{"question":"What unique feature do the the fingers of the koala possess?","category":"animals","answer":"They have fingerprints.","choices":["There are six fingers on each leg.","They have fingerprints.","All of these","Each finger consist of 10 bones."]},{"question":"What does the diet of the koala almost exclusively consist of?","category":"animals","answer":"Eucalyptus leaves","choices":["Eucalyptus leaves","Grass","All of these","Insects"]},{"question":"What term is used to refer to the infant koala, as well as to any other baby marsupial?","category":"animals","answer":"Joey","choices":["Jerry","Joey","Jimmy","Jelly"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about koalas?","category":"animals","answer":"They were nearly erased from the planet due to hunting in the early 20th century.","choices":["All of these","Keeping a koala as a pet is legal in the USA.","They were nearly erased from the planet due to hunting in the early 20th century.","In August 1927, 100 000 koalas were killed."]},{"question":"This fictional koala character, created by author Dorothy Wall, fist appeared in the 1933 book Jacko - the Broadcasting Kookaburra.","category":"animals","answer":"Blinky Bill","choices":["Nutsy","Jeremy","Noozles","Blinky Bill"]},{"question":"What unusual anatomical characteristic does the koala possess?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["The female has two vaginas.","The female has two uteri.","The make has a bifurcated penis.","All of these"]},{"question":"The koala is the only animal species on the planet to possess this quality.","category":"animals","answer":"Its brain size is extremely reduced.","choices":["All of these","It sleeps with open eyes.","When its hungry, it starts sucking on its tail.","Its brain size is extremely reduced."]},{"question":"What does the Greek word Phascolarctos, denoting the genus to which koalas belong, mean?","category":"animals","answer":"Pouch bear","choices":["Ash-colored","Pouch bear","Doesnt drink","Monkey bear"]},{"question":"When anxious, the koala produces a loud sound similar to the cry made by this creature.","category":"animals","answer":"Human baby","choices":["Baby bear","Crow","Human baby","Rabbit"]},{"question":"What is the literal meaning of the word giraffe considering its Arabic origin?","category":"animals","answer":"Tall","choices":["Unbelievable","Ambiguous","Scary","Tall"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is wrong?","category":"animals","answer":"The giraffe is the only surviving member of its genus.","choices":["All of these","The giraffe is the largest ruminant.","The giraffe is the only surviving member of its family.","The giraffe is the only surviving member of its genus."]},{"question":"What term is used for the behavior exhibited by male giraffes that are engaged in a fight?","category":"animals","answer":"Necking","choices":["Hoofing","Tailing","Necking","Horning"]},{"question":"Giraffes sometimes use their extremely long blue tongues for this purpose.","category":"animals","answer":"Cleaning insects from their face","choices":["Cleaning insects from their face","Stealing eggs from birds nests","Playing games with other giraffes","All of these"]},{"question":"Which of these giraffe subspecies is easily distinguished by the very light colored spots on its body?","category":"animals","answer":"West African Giraffe","choices":["All of these","South African Giraffe","Somali Giraffe","West African Giraffe"]},{"question":"The horns of which giraffes are very often bald on top?","category":"animals","answer":"Males","choices":["Babies","Females","Males","Very old giraffes"]},{"question":"Of all mammals, giraffes require the least amount of which of the following?","category":"animals","answer":"Sleep","choices":["Vitamins","Food","Water","Sleep"]},{"question":"This artiodactyl mammal is the closest surviving relative of the giraffe.","category":"animals","answer":"Okapi","choices":["Okapi","Tapir","Llama","Zebra"]},{"question":"What is the largest living subspecies of giraffe on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Masai Giraffe","choices":["Masai Giraffe","South African Giraffe","Rothschild Giraffe","Nubian Giraffe"]},{"question":"What method of defense do giraffes most often employ against predator attacks?","category":"animals","answer":"Kicking","choices":["None of these","Kicking","They use their horns","Standing still"]},{"question":"What does the name of the zebra literally mean?","category":"animals","answer":"Wild ass","choices":["Wild ass","Funny horse","Striped","Black-and-white"]},{"question":"Which of the senses of zebras is generally underdeveloped and the animal cannot rely very much on it?","category":"animals","answer":"None of these","choices":["Smell","None of these","Hearing","Eyesight"]},{"question":"What animal is the number one predator of zebras?","category":"animals","answer":"Lion","choices":["Jackal","Lion","Hyena","Crocodile"]},{"question":"What is the term denoting a group of zebras that live together?","category":"animals","answer":"Harem","choices":["Harem","Pack","Stud","Herd"]},{"question":"Unfortunately this fictional dog is constantly bullied by his buddy cat.","category":"animals","answer":"Odie","choices":["Snoopy","Lucky","Goofy","Odie"]},{"question":"Which cartoon dog is one of Mickey Mouses best friends?","category":"animals","answer":"Goofy","choices":["Happy","Minnie","Doggie","Goofy"]},{"question":"Which Rough Collie was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?","category":"animals","answer":"Lassie","choices":["Odie","Honey","Lassie","Beauty"]},{"question":"What is the real name of the dog who first played the fictitious dog Benji in the series of Benji films?","category":"animals","answer":"Higgins","choices":["Benji","Higgins","Arnold","Lassie"]},{"question":"This dog, whose name means barker in Russian, became the first living creature from Earth to enter orbit.","category":"animals","answer":"Laika","choices":["Mandy","Laika","Lucky","Sporty"]},{"question":"This dog, who first showed up in a Bud Light Beer Super Bowl ad, had a black circle around one eye.","category":"animals","answer":"Spuds MacKenzie","choices":["Spuds MacKenzie","Blue MacKenzie","Long John","Spottie"]},{"question":"Name the Red Baron hunting Beagle from Charles Schultz popular comic strip, Peanuts.","category":"animals","answer":"Snoopy","choices":["Scooby","Lassie","Odie","Snoopy"]},{"question":"This cartoon Great Dane often needs his nephew headstrong nephew to protect him.","category":"animals","answer":"Scooby","choices":["Scooby","Odie","Scrappy","Snoopy"]},{"question":"Which of these is the most distinctive feature of one of the largest marine creatures, which is also known to be the best diver - the sperm whale?","category":"animals","answer":"Its enormous head","choices":["Its huge vivid eyes","Its extremely long tail","Its enormous head","The unique curvatures of its fins"]},{"question":"Giant squids, for long believed to be mythical creatures, are a type of deep-ocean dwelling squid that can grow to a tremendous size. The giant squid also holds the record for the largest organ, in which of these bodily systems?","category":"animals","answer":"Visual system","choices":["Digestive system","Visual system","Auditory system","Reproductive system"]},{"question":"In Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick, the leading character Ahab, consumed with the desire for revenge for his lost leg, mindlessly pursues a whale nicknamed Moby Dick. What type of whale is Moby Dick, according to the book?","category":"animals","answer":"Sperm whale","choices":["Sperm whale","Baleen whale","Blue whale","Humpback whale"]},{"question":"This member of the oceanic dolphin family, named for its versatile predatory habits, cannot be mistaken with any other sea creature, due to its distinctive coloration - black back, white chest, sides, and a patch above and behind each eye.","category":"animals","answer":"Killer whale","choices":["Killer whale","Humpback dolphin","Pilot whale","Spinner dolphin"]},{"question":"In marine science, ichthyology, branch of zoology closely related to marine biology and oceanography, is the study of what?","category":"animals","answer":"Fish","choices":["Microscopic marine life","Fish","Marine mammals","Marine plant life"]},{"question":"Devilfish, a large species of ray, also called manta, was named such due to which of these characteristic features?","category":"animals","answer":"Two pointed lobes on each side of the head","choices":["Its pointed tail","Two pointed lobes on each side of the head","Its hunting habits","Extended, winglike fins"]},{"question":"Periplaneta americana, Blattella germanica and Gromphadorhina portentosa are all species of this insect.","category":"animals","answer":"Cockroach","choices":["House fly","Cockroach","Stick Insect","Butterfly"]},{"question":"It is the national insect of Canada and the state insect of Texas.","category":"animals","answer":"Monarch butterfly","choices":["Ladybug","Cricket","Praying Mantis","Monarch butterfly"]},{"question":"Many Royal Navy and US Navy ships are named after this fearful insect. Not just that, but an F/A-18 aircraft and a Honda motorcycle also carry its name.","category":"animals","answer":"Hornet","choices":["Tarantula","Cicada","Hornet","Yellowjacket"]},{"question":"The scarab, a sacred beetle to Ancient Egyptians, is commonly known as what?","category":"animals","answer":"Dung Beetle","choices":["Dung Beetle","Stag Beetle","June Bug","Noble Chafer"]},{"question":"What is the common length of a full grown male Komodo Dragon?","category":"animals","answer":"9 feet","choices":["11 feet","8 feet","6 feet","9 feet"]},{"question":"The Komodo Dragon is NOT native to which of these islands?","category":"animals","answer":"Savalhi","choices":["Rinca","Flores","Gili Motang","Savalhi"]},{"question":"How heavy was the largest verified wild Komodo Dragon?","category":"animals","answer":"365 lbs.","choices":["154 lbs.","275 lbs.","200 lbs.","365 lbs."]},{"question":"The Komodo Dragon is venomous.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is the top speed that a Komodo Dragon can reach?","category":"animals","answer":"13 mph","choices":["13 mph","6 mph","10 mph","27 mph"]},{"question":"The Komodo Dragon is only one of 3 species of venomous lizards in the world.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these American zoos does NOT house Komodo Dragons?","category":"animals","answer":"Bronx Zoo","choices":["Honolulu Zoo","Disneys Animal Kingdom","Memphis Zoo","Bronx Zoo"]},{"question":"Female Komodo Dragons can lay eggs without any contact with males.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How fast can a black bear run?","category":"animals","answer":"48 km/hour","choices":["61km/hour","48 km/hour","39 km/hour","53 km/hour"]},{"question":"Are all bears omnivores?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not a nickname for a polar bear?","category":"animals","answer":"Great bear","choices":["White bear","Great bear","Northern bear","Sea bear"]},{"question":"At what age can grizzly bears start to mate?","category":"animals","answer":"4 and a half year","choices":["9 years","1 and a half year","7 weeks","4 and a half year"]},{"question":"Do polar bears live in Antarctica?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"How many years does a mother grizzly stay with her cubs?","category":"animals","answer":"1and a half to 3 and a half years","choices":["5 months to 10 months","1and a half to 3 and a half years","6 weeks to 1 year","7-8 years"]},{"question":"How many polar bear subspecies are there?","category":"animals","answer":"0","choices":["0","3","5","1"]},{"question":"Which of these animals usually preys on black bear cubs?","category":"animals","answer":"Cougar","choices":["Hedgehog","Garden snake","Cougar","Dog"]},{"question":"What of these members of the bear family is the largest?","category":"animals","answer":"Polar bear","choices":["Black bear","Panda","Grizzly bear","Polar bear"]},{"question":"Where do orphaned grizzly cubs Grinder and Coola live?","category":"animals","answer":"British Columbia","choices":["Yukon","Northwest Territories","British Columbia","Ontario"]},{"question":"There are just 2 species of turkey in the world.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Are wild turkeys very good fliers?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Turkeys are named after the country of Turkey.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many eggs does a turkey usually lay?","category":"animals","answer":"8-15","choices":["8-15","4-12","6-13","4-8"]},{"question":"Turkeys like to roost high in trees at night.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Turkeys were once threatened with extinction in America.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Did all Indian tribes of North America eat turkeys or consider them to be edible?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Male turkeys are monogamous and will stay with one female for life.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A cats sense of hearing is much more sensitive than that of a human or a dog.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How fast can a domestic cat sprint?","category":"animals","answer":"30 MPH","choices":["15 MPG","30 MPH","17 MPH","25 MPH"]},{"question":"Which of these statements if true about a cat?","category":"animals","answer":"Their urine glows under a black light.","choices":["Their urine glows under a black light.","Normal body temperature for a a cat is 95 degrees Fahrenheit.","They take about 50 breaths per minute.","They walk on the bottoms of their feet."]},{"question":"The nose pad of a cat is unique like the human fingerprint.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"According to a survey, what percentage of American cat owners admit to blow drying their feline after giving it a bath?","category":"animals","answer":"25%","choices":["15%","70%","25%","5%"]},{"question":"Which type of cat is almost always female?","category":"animals","answer":"Calico","choices":["Calico","White","Persian","Siamese"]},{"question":"Cats have 517 of these in their entire body.","category":"animals","answer":"Muscles","choices":["Claws","Whiskers","Muscles","Bones"]},{"question":"Indoor cats tend to live longer.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What year was the very first cat show held?","category":"animals","answer":"1895","choices":["1895","1926","1877","1901"]},{"question":"Which of these is not one of the most popular names for female cats in the USA?","category":"animals","answer":"Socks","choices":["Missy","Pumpkin","Socks","Tigger"]},{"question":"Finish this old phrase:\nWhen you call a dog, he comes right over to you. When you call a cat, she________________.","category":"animals","answer":"takes a message","choices":["climbs the curtains","takes a message","thinks its dinner time","runs away from you"]},{"question":"On what continent can aardvarks be found?","category":"animals","answer":"Africa","choices":["Africa","Asia","South America","Australia"]},{"question":"Are aardvarks an endangered species?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"What is the scientific name for an aardvark?","category":"animals","answer":"Orycteropus afer","choices":["Troglodytes pan","Orycteropus afer","Loxodonta aficanus","Muscous domesticus"]},{"question":"Aardvark is a word coming from the Afrikaans/Dutch that literally translates as what?","category":"animals","answer":"Earth Pig","choices":["Long Nose","Ant Eater","Pig Like","Earth Pig"]},{"question":"How many young can an adult aardvark have at one time?","category":"animals","answer":"only 1","choices":["6","up to one dozen","only 1","3"]},{"question":"What is the gestation period for an aardvark?","category":"animals","answer":"7 months","choices":["1 full year","9 months","3 months","7 months"]},{"question":"Are aardvarks nocturnal animals?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Aardvarks have more olfactory nerves than other mammals.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which one of these statements about aardvarks is false?","category":"animals","answer":"Aardvarks only eat termites.","choices":["Aardvarks are hunted for meat.","Aardvarks are color blind.","Aardvarks are nocturnal.","Aardvarks only eat termites."]},{"question":"What color was the aardvark from the Pink Panther cartoon?","category":"animals","answer":"Blue","choices":["Red","Blue","Pink","Gray"]},{"question":"What is the gestation period of a dolphin?","category":"animals","answer":"Varies by species","choices":["Varies by species","16 months","9 months","12 months"]},{"question":"The Orca (Killer Whale) is the largest species of dolphin.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these is NOT a species of dolphin?","category":"animals","answer":"Eastern Dolphin","choices":["Eastern Dolphin","Orca","Pilot whale","False Killer Whale"]},{"question":"Dolphins are only found in the ocean.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What year was named by the United Nations as the Year of the Dolphin?","category":"animals","answer":"2007","choices":["1985","2007","2000","1999"]},{"question":"Approximately, how many species of dolphins exist?","category":"animals","answer":"40","choices":["20","40","30","12"]},{"question":"Are all dolphins considered whales?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Where in the world can you find the dolphin known as the Boto?","category":"animals","answer":"South America","choices":["Asia","Australia","South America","North America"]},{"question":"What is the scientific name of the Common Raccoon?","category":"animals","answer":"Procyon lotor","choices":["Procyon cancrivorus","Procyon nelus","Procyon lotor","Procyon insularis"]},{"question":"Which of these in NOT a species of raccoon?","category":"animals","answer":"Tree Raccoon","choices":["Common Raccoon","Tree Raccoon","Tres Marias Raccoon","Crab Eating Raccoon"]},{"question":"In Toronto, Canada the raccoon has become a great urban pest, only exceeded by the Gray Squirrel.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Is the raccoon native to Europe?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Are badgers related to weasels?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"How many young can an adult badger have at one time?","category":"animals","answer":"1-5","choices":["1-8","just 1","1-5","1-2"]},{"question":"The badger can be found in every part of the lower 48 states.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Can you find badgers in Europe?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Which of these is not a part of the badgers diet?","category":"animals","answer":"Insects","choices":["Insects","Birds","Ground squirrels","Rattlesnakes"]},{"question":"Badgers like to use one den all year round.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Are badgers the largest native carnivores found in the UK?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"The expression badgering someone” came from the cruel sport of badger baiting.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of the following octopuses could most easily kill a human?","category":"animals","answer":"The Blue Ringed Octopus","choices":["The Common Octopus","The Blue Ringed Octopus","The Giant Pacific Octopus","Seven Armed Octopus"]},{"question":"How many hearts do most octopi have?","category":"animals","answer":"3","choices":["2","1","3","0"]},{"question":"Which of the following best defines the octopus related word midden?","category":"animals","answer":"a pile of shells","choices":["a pile of shells","a burrow in the sand used as a den","a hole in the rock face or corral used as a den","a chemical in the ink sprayed from an octopus siphon"]},{"question":"Octopi live alone all their lives except when mating.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The octopus is considered the smartest invertebrate.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of the following is the name for an octopuss tongue?","category":"animals","answer":"Radula","choices":["Siphon","Hemetoy","Mantle","Radula"]},{"question":"Octopuses have excellent vision. Which of the following statements about an octopuss vision is NOT true?","category":"animals","answer":"They can see in color.","choices":["They can see well at night.","They can see in depth.","They can make out size and shape very well.","They can see in color."]},{"question":"Which of the following octopi has the scientific name Enteroctopus Dofleini?","category":"animals","answer":"Giant Pacific Octopus","choices":["None of these","Giant Pacific Octopus","Common Octopus","Blue Ringed Octopus"]},{"question":"Which of the following words is NOT related to the octopus?","category":"animals","answer":"Tentacles","choices":["Chemoreceptors","Chromatophores","Ambush","Tentacles"]},{"question":"What two continents did Smilodon inhabit?","category":"animals","answer":"North and South America","choices":["North and South America","Europe and Asia","Europe and Africa","Asia and Africa"]},{"question":"How much could a full-grown Smilodon weigh?","category":"animals","answer":"450 lbs.","choices":["525 lbs.","350 lbs.","450 lbs.","400 lbs."]},{"question":"Is it believed that Smilodon was a social animal?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Which species of Smilodon was the largest?","category":"animals","answer":"Smilodon populator","choices":["Smilodon fatalis","Smilodon populator","Smilodon locor","Smilodon gracilis"]},{"question":"Approximately how long ago did Smilodon become extinct?","category":"animals","answer":"10,000 years","choices":["5,000 years","20,000 years","10,000 years","15,000 years"]},{"question":"The Tomato Frog is native to the eastern coast of Madagascar.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What king of habitat do Tomato Frogs live in?","category":"animals","answer":"in marshes, shallow pools, flooded meadows, and wetlands","choices":["in the snowy mountain tops","in marshes, shallow pools, flooded meadows, and wetlands","in dessert areas that are very arid and dry","in the salty ocean"]},{"question":"Tomato Frogs existence is threatened due to what reason?","category":"animals","answer":"Habitat destruction","choices":["Habitat destruction","Their legs are used for food in fine dining restaurants.","They are hunted for their oils that are used as a skin moisturizer.","Flooding"]},{"question":"Tomato Frogs tend to hit sexual maturity in about 9-14 months.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Male Tomato Frogs are bright red.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Female Tomato Frogs are larger than male Tomato Frogs.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"When Tomato Frogs are in captivity at a zoo, what kind of food are they fed?","category":"animals","answer":"Vitamin-dusted crickets and mealworms.","choices":["Grass, seaweed, and other vegetation","Small fish, such as minnows and guppies","Vitamin-dusted crickets and mealworms.","The same food they would eat in the wild"]},{"question":"Tomato Frogs lay their eggs in the water during rainy seasons.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The life span of a Tomato Frog is 15-35 years.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"When the Tomato Frog is threatened its skin secretes a thick substance containing a toxin.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The manatee is a marine mammal.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The manatee has a tail similar in shape to that of the dolphin.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Manatees range in weight from 900 to 1200 pounds (400-550 kg.)","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Manatees are found more commonly in Caribbean, Mexico, and Florida waters. Why?","category":"animals","answer":"The water is warm.","choices":["The water is cool.","There is a better food variety.","The water is warm.","The water is salty."]},{"question":"Which of these do manatees use to communicate with their calves and other manatees?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Sounds","All of these","Touch","Movement"]},{"question":"Due to the presence of a specific protein in the blood plasma octopuses have this unusual blood color.","category":"animals","answer":"Blue","choices":["Blue","Black","Bright green","Fluorescent pink"]},{"question":"Some animals have an inborn instinct to swallow gastroliths in order to improve the breaking down of food inside their stomachs. What kind of objects are gastroliths?","category":"animals","answer":"Rocks","choices":["Rocks","Plants that are rich in digestive enzymes","Insects","Excrements"]},{"question":"Parthenogenesis (from Greek - virgin creation), an asexual way of reproduction without the need of fertilization, occurs naturally in these animals.","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Birds","Reptiles","Fish"]},{"question":"Which of the following statements is true about mosquitoes?","category":"animals","answer":"Only female mosquitoes suck blood.","choices":["Only female mosquitoes suck blood.","Only male mosquitoes suck blood.","All mosquitoes on the planet drink blood.","Only baby mosquitoes drink blood."]},{"question":"What kind of respiratory organs do lungfish have?","category":"animals","answer":"They have both lungs and gills.","choices":["They have both lungs and gills.","Lungfish do not have any respiratory organs. They absorb oxygen through their skin.","They breathe only with gills.","They do not have gills, they use their lungs for respiration."]},{"question":"Cockroaches are among the most resilient creatures on our planet. But how long can they survive without air?","category":"animals","answer":"45 minutes","choices":["60 minutes","45 minutes","10 minutes","2 hours"]},{"question":"Human skin has the unique ability to acquire a darker shade when exposed to UV-rays. What animals share this ability with us?","category":"animals","answer":"Pigs and hammerhead sharks","choices":["Dolphins and seals","Chimpanzees and gorillas","Pigs and hammerhead sharks","All reptiles and anthropoid apes"]},{"question":"Koalas almost exclusively feed on this type of food.","category":"animals","answer":"Eucalyptus leaves","choices":["Bottle tree leaves","Tea tree leaves","Eucalyptus leaves","Bamboo leaves"]},{"question":"Which of the following statements is true about snails?","category":"animals","answer":"Snails do have tooth-like formations.","choices":["None of these","Snails do have tooth-like formations.","Snails do not have any teeth or tooth-like formations.","Snails have real teeth very similar to those of mammals."]},{"question":"Some sharks hardly ever stop swimming during their whole existence. What is the reason for this?","category":"animals","answer":"Some sharks have lost the ability to pump water through their gills, so they need to keep moving in order to stay alive","choices":["Some sharks are very desirable hosts for small parasitic creatures. Those sharks are constantly trying to escape from them by incessant swimming.","Sharks are highly anxious and easily agitated animals. They cannot stay in the same place for more than a few seconds.","Sharks are cold-blooded animals. If they stop moving their body temperature will decrease too much and will cause hypothermia, which can be lethal.","Some sharks have lost the ability to pump water through their gills, so they need to keep moving in order to stay alive"]},{"question":"The Mimic Leatherjacket, found in the tropical marine waters throughout the Indo-Pacific, mimics which poisonous fish?","category":"animals","answer":"Saddled Puffer","choices":["Red Bass","Hogfish","Saddled Puffer","Stonefish"]},{"question":"This primitive shark, with a brown thin eel-like body, has six pairs of gill slits and trident-like teeth.","category":"animals","answer":"Frilled shark","choices":["Frilled shark","Tiger shark","Bull shark","Sharpnose seven-gill shark"]},{"question":"This fish, which resembles the Angel fish, is recognized by its brightly coloured and patterned body, as well as by the dark band across its eyes.","category":"animals","answer":"Butterfly fish","choices":["Butterfly fish","Purple queen","Cichlid","Clown fish"]},{"question":"The Parrot fish, found in the Atlantic Indian and Pacific Ocean reefs, was given its name for what reason?","category":"animals","answer":"Because of its beak-like mouth","choices":["Because of the shape of its body","Because it can fly a few metres above water","Because its body is in different flashy colours","Because of its beak-like mouth"]},{"question":"What is the other name of Mola mola, a fish generally considered to be the most massive bony fish in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"Ocean Sunfish","choices":["Filefish","Ocean Sunfish","Pufferfish","Triggerfish"]},{"question":"When threatened, this fish, also known as balloonfish, increases in size by swallowing water or air.","category":"animals","answer":"Porcupinefish","choices":["Bowfin","Porcupinefish","Bichir","Oar fish"]},{"question":"The zebrafish (Girella zebra), which can be recognised by its pale body and yellow fins, is endemic to which region?","category":"animals","answer":"Australian waters","choices":["Amazon River Basin","Australian waters","The Caribbean","Japan waters"]},{"question":"The Flashlight fish, has a light-producing organ, which contains luminescent bacteria. Where is this organ located?","category":"animals","answer":"Below the eye of the fish","choices":["On the dorsal fin of the fish","Below the eye of the fish","Above the eye of the fish","Between the eyes of the fish"]},{"question":"The catfishes Physailia pellucida and Kryptopterus bicirrhis, found in the mid-waters of Southeast Asia, use what kind of camouflage?","category":"animals","answer":"Transparency","choices":["Transparency","Change their colour","Mimic algae","Mimic poisonous fish"]},{"question":"Giant Pandas eat oranges and bananas.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Is the Giant Panda an endangered species?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"The Giant Panda and which of the following serve as an Asian countrys national emblem?","category":"animals","answer":"The dragon","choices":["The dragon","The Golden Lion Tamarin","The Chinese alligator","The South China Tiger"]},{"question":"Do Giant Pandas hibernate?","category":"animals","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"What is the gestation period of the Giant Panda?","category":"animals","answer":"95-160 days","choices":["40-50 days","60-90 days","90-120 days","95-160 days"]},{"question":"This animal is the second most expensive for zoos to maintain after the Giant Panda.","category":"animals","answer":"Elephant","choices":["Lion","Elephant","Giraffe","Bear"]},{"question":"The giant pandas diet is 99% this.","category":"animals","answer":"bamboo","choices":["bananas","fish","honey","bamboo"]},{"question":"Pandas live in the mountains in the Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces in this country.","category":"animals","answer":"China","choices":["Mongolia","Thailand","China","Korea"]},{"question":"At birth, pandas weigh about 4 ounces and are the size of a stick of butter. Which of these is NOT true about a newborn panda?","category":"animals","answer":"They are grey in color.","choices":["They are grey in color.","They nurse up to 14 times a day.","They are hairless.","They are blind."]},{"question":"Pandas do not hibernate.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Pandas live and travel together.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Pandas spend 10-16 hours a day eating, the rest of the time they are usually resting. When are pandas most active?","category":"animals","answer":"at dusk and at dawn","choices":["at dusk and at dawn","between 10am and 2pm","between 2p and 10pm","only at night"]},{"question":"When a panda is born, it is impossible to tell if it is male or female. How old is the panda before its gender is known?","category":"animals","answer":"4 years","choices":["3 months","1 year","4 years","6 months"]},{"question":"Which of these is TRUE about pandas?","category":"animals","answer":"They are carnivores.","choices":["They belong to the raccoon family.","They are poor climbers.","They were unknown to the Western world until the 1600s.","They are carnivores."]},{"question":"How long does a panda usually live in captivity?","category":"animals","answer":"20 - 30 years","choices":["10 - 15 years","80 - 90 years","20 - 30 years","55 - 65 years"]},{"question":"The panda is the symbol of this conservation organization, formed in 1961.","category":"animals","answer":"The World Wildlife Fund","choices":["Leave It Wild","The Conservation Society","The African Conservation Foundation","The World Wildlife Fund"]},{"question":"The panda has an enlarged wristbone that works as an opposable thumb.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Pandas are known to roar.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In the 1930s movie King Kong, the giant ape battles a pterodactyl.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many stomachs does a starfish have?","category":"animals","answer":"2","choices":["1","0","2","5"]},{"question":"A starfish cannot regenerate a lost arm.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"All starfish have 5 arms.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In which country is the Gohongaze Starfish considered an edible delicacy?","category":"animals","answer":"Japan","choices":["China","Italy","New Zealand","Japan"]},{"question":"Starfish are capable of both asexual and sexual reproduction.","category":"animals","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Starfish are fast moving creatures.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A starfish is a type of fish.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"There are two classes of starfish. Name them.","category":"animals","answer":"Sea Star and Brittle Stars","choices":["Salt Stars and Fresh Stars","Soft Stars and Hard Stars","Sea Star and Brittle Stars","Common Stars and Rare Stars"]},{"question":"Which of these is not a relative of the starfish?","category":"animals","answer":"Sea Horse","choices":["Sea Urchin","Sea Cucumber","Sand Dollar","Sea Horse"]},{"question":"What is located on the end of every arm of a starfish?","category":"animals","answer":"Eye","choices":["Ear","Whisker","Eye","Mouth"]},{"question":"Scorpions are active at night in order to avoid which of their predators?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Mice","Lizards","All of these","Centipedes"]},{"question":"Raccoons are usually nocturnal animals, and they are famous for dousing their food before eating it. This is actually an activity that imitates foraging for food at shores. What is the term for such an activity?","category":"animals","answer":"Vacuum activity","choices":["Vacuum activity","Vain activity","All of these","False activity"]},{"question":"What sense helps kiwis find food in the dark?","category":"animals","answer":"Sense of smell","choices":["All of these","Sense of smell","Eyesight","Hearing"]},{"question":"Kakapo is a nocturnal parrot indigenous to New Zealand. Due to its resemblance to this nocturnal animal, it is also called by its name.","category":"animals","answer":"Owl","choices":["Raccoon","Cat","Rat","Owl"]},{"question":"Mink are mainly active at night and they do not hibernate. Which of these animals is a predator of the American Mink?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Wolf","Owl","Coyote"]},{"question":"What animal is the largest nocturnal prosimian on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Aye-aye","choices":["Gorilla","Mantled Guereza","Aye-aye","Olive Baboon"]},{"question":"Catfish are bony fish that are active in the nighttime. How did they get their interesting name?","category":"animals","answer":"They have barbels that remind of cat whiskers.","choices":["They have barbels that remind of cat whiskers.","They like to rub against objects like cats do.","They have cat eyes.","All of these"]},{"question":"Fireflies are known for their ability to produce light of this color.","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Yellow","All of these","Pale red","Green"]},{"question":"The Ocelot is a nocturnal cat that is also called by this name in certain regions.","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","McKenneys Wildcat","Jaguarete","Painted Leopard"]},{"question":"Tapeti is a nocturnal cottontail rabbit that is indigenous to these areas.","category":"animals","answer":"Central and South America","choices":["Central and South America","Australia and Tasmania","South Asia","South Africa and Madagascar"]},{"question":"What is the average speed dolphins can reach?","category":"animals","answer":"16.5 km/hr","choices":["25.5 km/hr","14.5 km/hr","16.5 km/hr","38.5 km/hr"]},{"question":"How deep can a bottlenose dolphin dive?","category":"animals","answer":"300 meters","choices":["300 meters","800 meters","1250 meters","700 meters"]},{"question":"How many different species of dolphins are there in the world?","category":"animals","answer":"32","choices":["15","48","32","12"]},{"question":"Is dolphins sense of hearing superior to that of humans?","category":"animals","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"How do dolphins generally sleep if they are in the wild?","category":"animals","answer":"with only one brain hemisphere in slow-wave sleep","choices":["None of these","like land mammals","They dont sleep at all.","with only one brain hemisphere in slow-wave sleep"]},{"question":"Which is the smallest species of dolphin?","category":"animals","answer":"Maui Dolphin/Hectors Dolphin","choices":["Maui Dolphin/Hectors Dolphin","The Spinner Dolphin","The Pacific White-Sided Dolphin","The Bottlenose Dolphin"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about squirrels?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Some squirrel species are omnivorous.","Most squirrels are active in the daytime.","They cannot digest cellulose.","All of these"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the tongue of the giraffe?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["The animal uses it as a tool to remove insects from its face.","All of these","It is about 18 inches (45 centimeters) long.","It is tough."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about elephants?","category":"animals","answer":"They are able to digest 40% of their food.","choices":["All of these","Their diet consists of 80% tree leaves.","They are able to digest 40% of their food.","They spend 8-10 hours a day eating."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about grasshoppers?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["They have salivary glands.","Their digestive tract secretes digestive enzymes.","They have two antennae on their heads.","All of these"]},{"question":"Which of these foods does the Canada goose include in its diet?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Green vegetation","All of these","Grains","Seaweeds"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the digestive system of the Hoatzin, a herbivorous tropical bird?","category":"animals","answer":"It breaks down its food through bacterial fermentation.","choices":["All of these","It has teeth that it uses for mastication.","It has four stomachs.","It breaks down its food through bacterial fermentation."]},{"question":"What is the meaning of the term graminivore?","category":"animals","answer":"an animal that feeds on grass","choices":["an animal that feeds on fruit","an animal that feeds on seaweed","an animal that feeds on grass","an animal that feeds on tree leaves"]},{"question":"What kind of herbivorous animals are the granivores?","category":"animals","answer":"Animals that feed on seeds","choices":["Animals that feed on buds","All of these","Animals that feed on seeds","Animals that feed on fruit"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the diet of Green iguanas?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Young iguanas are known to eat the feces of mature iguanas.","Wild iguanas sometimes eat bird eggs.","They are primarily herbivorous."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the diet of the Sumatran rhinoceros?","category":"animals","answer":"It feeds mainly in the morning and before dusk.","choices":["It feeds mainly in the morning and before dusk.","It consumes about 220 lb (100 kg) of food daily.","All of these","Its diet is rich in protein and poor in fiber."]},{"question":"Which continents does the natural habitat of the jaguar span upon?","category":"animals","answer":"North and South America","choices":["Europe and Africa","South America and Africa","Africa and Asia","North and South America"]},{"question":"The jaguars extremely powerful bite, which can pierce through a turtles shell, makes it the mammal with the strongest jaw in the animal kingdom.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of the following statements is not true about the reproduction of jaguars?","category":"animals","answer":"Both males and females provide parenting of the cubs.","choices":["Jaguars gestation period is 93 - 105 days.","Female jaguars reach maturity earlier than males.","Both males and females provide parenting of the cubs.","Jaguars mate throughout the whole year."]},{"question":"How can jaguars be described in terms of social activity?","category":"animals","answer":"Solitary","choices":["Solitary","Sociable","Group animals","None of these"]},{"question":"In jaguars society only male animals hunt while females look after the cubs.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"All but one of the following activities are generally untypical for jaguars. Choose the one most natural to them.","category":"animals","answer":"Stalking and ambushing their prey","choices":["Starting to eat their prey from the fleshy abdominal area","Stalking and ambushing their prey","Chasing their prey","Attacking humans"]},{"question":"In nature adult jaguars are apex predators in the food chain. What does this mean?","category":"animals","answer":"They are not preyed on by other predators.","choices":["They are not preyed on by other predators.","They feed only on other predators.","They do not hunt on other predators.","Besides hunting they also feed on plants."]},{"question":"The jaguar is the national animal of which of the following countries?","category":"animals","answer":"Brasil","choices":["Brasil","Nicaragua","Peru","Costa Rica"]},{"question":"Jaguars closely resemble which other big cats in physical appearance?","category":"animals","answer":"Leopard","choices":["Tiger","Cheetah","Puma","Leopard"]},{"question":"Jaguars appearance seems to vary across regions and habitats. How do forest jaguars differ from the jaguars in open areas?","category":"animals","answer":"Forest jaguars are generally darker and smaller","choices":["Forest jaguars are generally darker and larger","Forest jaguars are generally and more spotted","Forest jaguars are generally darker and smaller","Forest jaguars are generally larger and lighter in fur color"]},{"question":"What continent does the large Griffon Vulture inhabit?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Asia","All of these","Europe","Africa"]},{"question":"What common name is used to refer to the scavenging animals, representatives of the order Opiliones?","category":"animals","answer":"Harvestmen","choices":["Waterbugs","Sweepers","Bumblebees","Harvestmen"]},{"question":"What is the literal meaning of the word raccoon, which originates from the Algonquin word ahrah-koon-em and denotes a scavenging mammal?","category":"animals","answer":"One who rubs, scrubs and scratches with its hands","choices":["One who grasps with their hand just like a human","One who rubs, scrubs and scratches with its hands","One who eats whatever is in front of them","One who washes their hands and their food before eating"]},{"question":"What term is mainly used in literature to refer to a group of crows?","category":"animals","answer":"A murder","choices":["A mug","A plunder","A gaggle","A murder"]},{"question":"What term refers to the animal that is the result of crossbreeding between a male coyote and a female dog?","category":"animals","answer":"Coydog","choices":["All of these","Coypup","Coydog","Dogote"]},{"question":"What do the beetles from the genus Nicrophorus do after finding a carcass?","category":"animals","answer":"They bury it.","choices":["They remain right next to it and protect it violently.","They bury it.","They wait for it to decompose.","They tear it into small pieces."]},{"question":"What hyena species is the largest surviving on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Spotted Hyena","choices":["Aardwolf","Spotted Hyena","Striped Hyena","Brown Hyena"]},{"question":"What kind of animals are the Yellow jackets, the scavenging and predatory animals belonging to the genera Vespula and Dolichovespula?","category":"animals","answer":"Wasps","choices":["Flies","Wasps","All of these","Bees"]},{"question":"Lions may be skilled predators, but they would also eat carrion. What animal is the lions preferred food?","category":"animals","answer":"Wildebeest","choices":["Rhinoceros","Hippopotamus","Elephant","Wildebeest"]},{"question":"Which of these names is commonly used for the carrion flies, belonging to the family Calliphoridae?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Greenbottle","Blow-flies","Cluster flies"]},{"question":"The diet of most parrots consists of this type of food.","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Buds","Fruit","All of these","Seeds"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the parrots breeding habits?","category":"animals","answer":"Parrots are monogamous.","choices":["None of these","Parrots are polygamous.","Parrots are polyandrous.","Parrots are monogamous."]},{"question":"What is the color of the eggs of all parrot species?","category":"animals","answer":"White","choices":["White","Green","Multicolored","Blue"]},{"question":"Parrots are considered the most intelligent birds on the planet along with these birds.","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Ravens","All of these","Jays","Crows"]},{"question":"These parrots are believed to be the best at imitating sounds and human speech.","category":"animals","answer":"African Grey Parrot","choices":["Lory","Amazon Parrot","Cockatoo","African Grey Parrot"]},{"question":"Larger parrot species have longer life spans than smaller ones. What is the average life span of a large parrot?","category":"animals","answer":"Up to 80 years","choices":["Up to 80 years","20-25 years","Up to 50 years","14-15 years"]},{"question":"What is the predominant color in Amazon Parrots plumage?","category":"animals","answer":"Green","choices":["Yellow","White","Green","Blue"]},{"question":"The heaviest parrot species on the planet is the Kakapo. What is the average weight that a normal mature Kakapo can reach?","category":"animals","answer":"2 to 4 kg","choices":["1.5 to 2 kg","2 to 4 kg","2.5 to 3 kg","2 to 2.5 kg"]},{"question":"Which of these makes Cockatoos different from other parrot species?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["They have a gall bladder.","All of these","They are not so colorful as other parrots.","They have a headcrest."]},{"question":"Lories and lorikeets have special tongues with brush-like tips for feeding on very small insects.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"This cat breed has a wild markings and is a crossbreed between an Asian Leopard Cat and a domestic cat.","category":"animals","answer":"Bengal","choices":["Bengal","Ocicat","Savannah","California Spangled Cat"]},{"question":"This old breed of cat has long fur. It originated in the Middle East, and some of its representatives have a flat face.","category":"animals","answer":"Persian","choices":["Siamese","Chinchilla","Himalayan","Persian"]},{"question":"This hairless cat has a dog-like face and folded ears.","category":"animals","answer":"Ukrainian Levkoy","choices":["Sphynx","Donskoy","Peterbald","Ukrainian Levkoy"]},{"question":"This large cat was is the result of crossbreeding between a domestic cat and a Jungle Cat.","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Jungle Curl","Chausie","Mountain Cougar"]},{"question":"This cat breed originated in Russia and has a short fluffy tail.","category":"animals","answer":"Kurilian Bobtail","choices":["Kurilian Bobtail","Siberian","Russian Blue","Manx"]},{"question":"This cat breed is believed to have developed naturally in China. It has short golden brown fur with the so-called broken striped pattern and a large strong body.","category":"animals","answer":"Dragon Li","choices":["Dragon Li","Oriental Bicolour","Korat","Cymric"]},{"question":"What cat breed, also called the Greyhound of the cats, has no hair except for down?","category":"animals","answer":"Cornish Rex","choices":["Don Sphynx","Oriental Bicolour","Cornish Rex","Sokoke"]},{"question":"What cat breed has very thick short fur, large round eyes, round head and chubby cheeks?","category":"animals","answer":"British Shorthair","choices":["Colorpoint Shorthair","British Shorthair","Selkirk Rex","European Shorthair"]},{"question":"This breed of cat has a round head, large round eyes and very small ears bended forward and downward.","category":"animals","answer":"Scottish Fold","choices":["American Curl","Scottish Fold","Toyger","Ussuri"]},{"question":"This old large cat breed occurred naturally in Europe. It has waterproof thick fluffy fur and can survive very cold weather.","category":"animals","answer":"Norwegian Forest Cat","choices":["Norwegian Forest Cat","Persian","Squitten","Ragamuffin"]},{"question":"What is the name of the communities formed by rabbits living together?","category":"animals","answer":"Warrens","choices":["Herds","Schools","Flocks","Warrens"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the difference between rabbits and hares?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Hares live above the ground.","All of these","Unlike rabbits, hares are born with hair and are able to see.","Hares have longer ears than rabbits."]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the digestive tract of rabbits?","category":"animals","answer":"They are hindgut digesters.","choices":["Their cecum, together with the large intestine, comprises about 25-30% of rabbits digestive tract.","They are hindgut digesters.","All of these","Their cecum is about 5 times bigger than their stomach."]},{"question":"What is the common name of cecotropes, products of the cecum which rabbits reingest to get nutrients?","category":"animals","answer":"Night feces","choices":["Rabbit pellets","False feces","All of these","Night feces"]},{"question":"Rabbits vomit often to get rid of whatever their stomach is unable to digest.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these types of food do rabbits prefer to include in their daily diet?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Grass","Leafy weeds","Forbs (such as sunflowers)","All of these"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is true about the behavior of rabbits?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["They are very easily startled.","They run and hide immediately when they feel threatened.","They are always alert.","All of these"]},{"question":"What is the name used for young rabbits?","category":"animals","answer":"Kittens","choices":["Kittens","Fluffles","Puppies","Conies"]},{"question":"What are rabbits associated with in Aztec mythology?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Drunkenness","Parties","All of these","Fertility"]},{"question":"What is the place of rabbits in Japanese tradition and mythology?","category":"animals","answer":"They are believed to inhabit the Moon.","choices":["They are despised as being too timid.","They are believed to inhabit the Moon.","They are considered omnipotent.","Rabbits are not a part of Japanese mythology."]},{"question":"Scorpions are not found naturally in this geographical area.","category":"animals","answer":"New Zealand","choices":["Australia","Europe","New Zealand","All of these"]},{"question":"What name is used to refer to the scorpion species also known as Omdurman scorpion, and Israeli desert scorpion?","category":"animals","answer":"Deathstalker","choices":["Bonebreaker","Windchaser","Deathstalker","Nightkiller"]},{"question":"Scorpions are known to glow when exposed to this type of light.","category":"animals","answer":"Blacklight","choices":["All of these","Infrared light","Laser light","Blacklight"]},{"question":"What distinctive anatomical characteristic do the scorpions from the Hemiscorpiidae family possess, which makes them easily recognizable?","category":"animals","answer":"Their body is flat and broad.","choices":["They have only four legs.","Their sting is intense red","Their body is flat and broad.","All of these"]},{"question":"There is a separate species of scorpions which have two tails, with a venomous sting on each tail.","category":"animals","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Where does the female scorpion raise its young?","category":"animals","answer":"On her back","choices":["On her back","In the roots of plants","Under her abdomen","In burrows in the ground"]},{"question":"Which of these statements is wrong about the reproduction of scorpions?","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Most scorpions reproduce through parthenogenesis.","All of these","Most scorpion species are hermaphrodites.","Most scorpions reproduce asexually."]},{"question":"What does the diet of scorpions usually consist of?","category":"animals","answer":"Insects","choices":["Insects","All of these","Worms and maggots","Plant matter"]},{"question":"What type of behavior is characteristic of scorpion species?","category":"animals","answer":"Photophobic behavior","choices":["Photophobic behavior","Hydrophobic behavior","All of these","Phonophobic behavior"]},{"question":"Scorpion venom is regarded as a potential source of chemicals that can be used in the treatment of this disease.","category":"animals","answer":"All of these","choices":["Autoimmune disorders","Cancer","Multiple sclerosis","All of these"]},{"question":"What common name is used to refer to the insects from the subfamily Triatominae, mainly found in the Americas?","category":"animals","answer":"Kissing bugs","choices":["Kissing bugs","Lollipop bugs","Microphone bugs","Pretty bugs"]},{"question":"What is the largest extant butterfly species on the planet?","category":"animals","answer":"Queen Alexandras Birdwing","choices":["Rajah Brookes Birdwing","Goliath Birdwing","Queen Alexandras Birdwing","Cairns Birdwing"]},{"question":"Why were the insects known as snakeflies given this interesting name?","category":"animals","answer":"Their body is elongated.","choices":["They hiss.","They have a venomous bite.","Their body is elongated.","They have snake skin color patterns on their back."]},{"question":"What distinctive anatomical feature does the beetle species Trogodendron fasciculatum possess?","category":"animals","answer":"Bright yellow antennae","choices":["Bright yellow antennae","A green W mark on the back","Very large red eyes","Its abdomen is blue"]},{"question":"What does the flamboyant flower beetle, also known as striped love beetle, feed on?","category":"animals","answer":"Nectar","choices":["Insects","Nectar","Blood","Carrion"]},{"question":"What belief about the European hornet, the largest European eusocial wasp, is widespread among the people who are afraid of it?","category":"animals","answer":"Three stings can kill an adult human, and seven can kill a horse.","choices":["If it stings you, youll never have children.","If it stings you on the arm or leg, that limb has to be amputated.","Three stings can kill an adult human, and seven can kill a horse.","Stinging results in deep sleep that you may never wake up from."]},{"question":"To what geographical area is the Ctenomorphodes chronus, a species of stick insect, endemic?","category":"animals","answer":"Australia","choices":["All of these","Madagascar","South America","Australia"]},{"question":"What kind of substance does the female redeye cicada prefer for laying eggs into?","category":"animals","answer":"Plant tissue","choices":["Dead animal matter","Animal and human hair","Plant tissue","Living animal organisms"]},{"question":"What part of their body do the insects from order Archaeognatha use to spring up into the air?","category":"animals","answer":"Tail","choices":["Antennae","Front legs","Hind legs","Tail"]},{"question":"What is the literal translation of the Greek word Embioptera, which denotes an order of insects, also known as webspinners?","category":"animals","answer":"Lively wings","choices":["Small wings","None of these","Yarn knitter","Lively wings"]},{"question":"Which of these is true about the sleep of zebras?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"They sleep standing up.","choices":["All of these","They sleep standing up.","They would fall asleep every 5 to 6 hours.","They need more than 12 hours of sleep a day."]},{"question":"A farmer had 12 sheep and 3 cows. All of the animals except 9 sheep died. How many animals did he have left in his farm?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"9 sheep","choices":["5 cows and 1 sheep","9 sheep","2 cows","none"]},{"question":"I dont speak, I cannot hear, but I always tell the truth.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"The Mirror","choices":["The watch","Fish","The Mirror","Old granny"]},{"question":"Can a Roman Catholic man from California marry his widows sister who is from Texas?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"How does this proverb continue: The squeaking wheel gets ...","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"The grease","choices":["The rust","Removed","The broken","The grease"]},{"question":"An old man was looking at a photograph of a young man. Somebody asked him who it was. The mans answer was the following: Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that mans father is my fathers son. Who was in the photograph?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"His son","choices":["His cousin","His grandfather","His son","His nephew"]},{"question":"A shepherd from a village tended the sheep of those of his fellow villagers who did not tend their own. However, he did not tend the sheep of those villagers who tended their own sheep. In that village, there was only one shepherd and he also had several sheep. Can all this be true?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"A famous story begins like that, It was a clear summer day and my family was preparing dinner for the New Years Eve. Can this story be true?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"In a basket there are five apples. We give the five apples to five kids so that each kid receives an apple. However, in the basket there is still one apple. Is this possible?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Two days ago my son was three years old and next year he will be 6. This could be a correct statement.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The single difference between the two cities A and B was that the citizens of A always said the truth, while the citizens of B never did. Once, a man who had never been to either city arrived at one of them. Which question should the man have asked in order to identify the city he was in? Have in mind, that people from A often visited their friends in B and vice versa.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Are you a citizen of this city?","choices":["How old are you?","Are you married?","Is this city A ?","Are you a citizen of this city?"]},{"question":"You have two right triangles. The sides of the first one are 3 m, 4 m and 5 m. The sides of the second are 3 m, 4 m and 7 m. The area of the second triangle is bigger.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What number comes next in the row - 31, 28, 31, 30, ?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"31","choices":["32","31","30","29"]},{"question":"If you were running a race and passed the person in second place, what place would you be in?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"2nd","choices":["1st","2nd","3rd","Out of the race"]},{"question":"What number comes next: 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, 13112221?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"1113213211","choices":["131122211211","11221311","31221113112221","1113213211"]},{"question":"What is the largest number you can write out with numbers 1, 2, and 3?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"10,460,353,203","choices":["10,460,353,203","6","123","321"]},{"question":"John went to a party one night. The next day he was asked if he met a lot people at the gathering. Figure it out for yourself, John said. Of the girls I spoke to, all but two were blondes, all but two were brunettes, and all but two were redheads. How many girls did he talk to?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"3","choices":["3","6","4","2"]},{"question":"A kid found two old coins. The first coin said it was minted in 43 BC, while the other said it was minted during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I. Which of the coins was fake?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Both","choices":["Neither one","Both","The one minted during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I","The one minted in 43 BC"]},{"question":"A contestant on a TV show had to answer 26 questions. For each correct answer he received 8 points, while a wrong answer penalized him 5 points. How many answers did the man answer correctly, bearing in mind that he eventually had 0 points?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"10","choices":["12","8","16","10"]},{"question":"Lets suppose that I offer you a bet under the following conditions: I bet $1 and claim that if you give me $5 I will give you $99 in return. Will you gain something from this bet?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"You can put something between the digits 2 and 3 so that the resultant number is bigger than 2 and smaller than 3.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A row consists of 10 letters. The first six are - Z, O, T, T, F, F. Which is the tenth letter?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"N","choices":["T","E","S","N"]},{"question":"You have a square and a circle and the perimeter of the square is equal to the circumference of the circle. Which of the two figures covers a bigger area?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"The circle","choices":["The square","The circle","No conclusion can be drawn from the given information.","Both cover the same are."]},{"question":"Sometimes we see 10 but say 22, see 4 but say 16.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Can you build a house so that all its walls face north?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"At the beginning of the day, I was behind a car at a stoplight, whose vanity plate read: 4SBWIU. What is the driver of this car most likely a fan of?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Movies","choices":["NASCAR","Fly Fishing","Movies","Sports"]},{"question":"My first stop was the supermarket. When I had completed my shopping and was in the parking lot, I spied this snazzy auto with the following vanity plate: 10S42. What sport is the driver of this vehicle most likely a fan of?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Tennis","choices":["Golf","Badminton","Bowling","Tennis"]},{"question":"My next errand took me all the way across town. I decided to take a shortcut which put me on a boulevard of small, eclectic businesses. One of these businesses I passed on my way was a fortune tellers shop. A Cadillac was parked out front, which, I assume, belonged to the owner of the shop. What would be the most appropriate vanity plate for this automobile?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"N2IT","choices":["PASS THE CASH","N2IT","N3IT","N4IT"]},{"question":"On the on-ramp to the freeway, I was behind an auto with the following plate: 4IS. What is the likely profession of the driver of this car?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Optometrist","choices":["Zoologist","Optometrist","Biologist","Geologist"]},{"question":"Well, I got caught in noon rush hour. As luck would have it, I saw yet another vanity plate. This one told me that the driver at least checks in his / her rear view mirror. What plate did I see?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"OICU2","choices":["OIUC2","OIC3","RU2","OICU2"]},{"question":"I went to my favorite restaurant to pick up some carry out for an early dinner. I saw the owners car parked out front. The vanity plate asked a question. What do you suppose the plate read?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"E10YET","choices":["N0TABL42","E10YET","RESORV8NS","8ISENUF"]},{"question":"I always go up and down the stairs without moving.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"A rug","choices":["A scarf","A curtain","A towel","A rug"]},{"question":"If the mother of a boy spanks him and then his father comes and does the same, who hurts the most?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"The boy","choices":["The boys brother","The mother","The boy","The father"]},{"question":"Which letter behaves as a selfish friend?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"P","choices":["S","A","P","D"]},{"question":"You always wear these flowers.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Tulips","choices":["Roses","Daises","Tulips","Poppies"]},{"question":"12 candles were alight. The wind blew out 5 of them. How many candles were left?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"12","choices":["0","7","12","5"]},{"question":"A team of two horses ran for 3 miles. How many miles did each of the horses run?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"3","choices":["1.5","0","3","6"]},{"question":"Nine passengers carried with them enough food for five days. Several other passengers joined the first group and they all shared the same food, which was now enough for three days. How many passengers joined the first group?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"6","choices":["7","8","6","5"]},{"question":"How many times does the digit 3 occur in the numbers from 1 to 50?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"15","choices":["15","14","10","13"]},{"question":"A pole is 20 m high. An ant is climbing it as follows - every day she ascends 5 m and every night she descends 4 m. In how many days will the ant be on the top of the post?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"16","choices":["16","19","15","20"]},{"question":"A butcher had to stick a total number of 50 sheep in a week. Every day he sticked an equal number of sheep and managed to fulfill the task. How many sheep did he kill per day?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"10","choices":["10","4","8","7"]},{"question":"In a basket there are three sorts of apples. How many apples do you have to take from the basket to make sure you have at least 2 apples of the same sort?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"4","choices":["5","4","3","2"]},{"question":"An old potter was selling pots. Once, a woman came and bought a pot for its sticker price. She had to pay $1 plus half its price. What was the price?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"2","choices":["2","4","3","1"]},{"question":"Four glasses and a jug weigh as mush as 17 iron balls do. The jug weighs as much as a glass and 7 balls. How many balls does the jug weigh?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"9","choices":["9","8","10","5"]},{"question":"Three cats can eat 3 mice in 1.5 hours. How long will it take 10 cats to eat 20 mice?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"3 hours","choices":["10 hours","6 hours","3 hours","1.5 hour"]},{"question":"Is there a way you can divide 7 identical pieces of bread equally among 12 people?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"A lion can eat a sheep in 2 hours, a wolf - in 3 hours, and a dog - in 6 hours. How long will it take the three animals to eat a sheep if they eat together?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"1 hour","choices":["2 hours","8 hours","1/2 hour","1 hour"]},{"question":"Two men were walking towards a river. There was a boat on one of the riverbanks. However, this boat could carry only one man at a time. Nevertheless, both men managed to cross the river with the boat. This is possible.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Some of my relatives are 600 times younger than me. Can this be true?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"A man is carrying three croquet balls across a bridge. The bridge has a sign that says bridge can only hold 200 pounds. The man weighs 195 pounds and the croquet balls weigh 2 pounds each. The man ends up crossing the bridge in one trip and no one else helps him. This is possible.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which letter comes next in this series:\nW-L-C-N-I-T-?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"S","choices":["T","W","S","Z"]},{"question":"A squirrel finds a hollow log with 9 ears of corn in it. If he can carry out 3 ears every day, how many days will it take him to empty the log?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"9","choices":["6","3","9","None of these"]},{"question":"Suppose youre taking a multiple-choice quiz. One question has three choices - A, B, C. You do not know the answer and guess A. The instructor then announces that C is incorrect. Should you switch to B before turning in your paper?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes, this should help","choices":["No, it would be worse","Yes, this should help","It depends on when the announcement was made","It doesnt matter"]},{"question":"A worm can gnaw through 1 mm of paper for a single day. On a bookshelf there are two volumes, each 4 cm thick. Each of the covers is 2 mm thick. How long will it take the warm to gnaw from the first page of the first volume to the last page of the second volume?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"4 days","choices":["60 days","80 days","14 days","4 days"]},{"question":"The train leaves in 2 minutes and the distance to the train station is 2 miles. If you drive the first mile at 30 miles/h, at what speed should you drive the second mile?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"It does not matter.","choices":["It does not matter.","90 miles/h","120 miles/h","60 miles/h"]},{"question":"A driver noticed that the dashboard showed he had driven a total number of 15951 miles. He thought that this was a strange number because no matter in what direction it was read (from left to right or from right to left) it was the same. However, in two hours, the dashboard showed a number that had that same characteristic. What was the speed of the car?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"55","choices":["110","55","65","450"]},{"question":"Three hunters, different in height, got stuck in a pit. They tried to get out of it and stepped one onto the other. However, the shortest, who was on top, could not reach the edge for just 5 cm. Can these three hunters ever get out of the pit without the help of anyone else or of any additional object?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"In the Middle Ages a thief went into a church and fell asleep on a pew. He dreamed about stealing the cross of the minister and being sentenced to execution for that. However, just as he was about to be executed, he was woken by a local lady. Immediately after that the thief died. Modern scientists say it was due to a heart attack. Is everything okay with the story?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"One of these pairs of numbers has this strange characteristic - when you subtract one of them from the other you get a number equal to what you will get if you divide one by the other. Can you spot it?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"25/4 and 5/4","choices":["25/4 and 5/4","24/6 and 24/8","3 and 2/12","30/6 and 36/6"]},{"question":"The local limo company have recently expanded their inventory and no longer have enough room for all of their limos. Fifteen of the limos have to be stored outside. If they decide to increase their garage space by 50%, this will give them enough room for all of their current limos, plus enough room to store another fifteen in the future. How many limos does the company currently own?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"75","choices":["60","80","85","75"]},{"question":"A horse is tied to a five meter rope in front of an old saloon. Six meters directly behind the horse is a bale of hay. Without breaking his rope, the horse is able to eat the hay whenever he chooses. Assuming the horse is perfectly normal, is this possible?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"A famous playboy explained to a beautiful woman his system for playing roulette: In each round, I always bet half of the money I have at the time on red. Yesterday, I counted and I had won as many rounds as I had lost. Over the course of the night, did the gambler win, lose or break even?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"lose","choices":["lose","break even","win","None of these"]},{"question":"A horse travels a certain distance each day. Strangely enough, two of its legs travel 30 miles each day and the other two legs travel nearly 31 miles. Can this be true?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"A total of 15 delegates from Africa, Asia, America, and Europe meet at an international conference.\nEach continent sends a different number of delegates, and each is represented by at least 1 delegate.\nAmerica and Asia send a total of 6 delegates.\nAsia and Europe send a total of 7 delegates.\nWhich continent has sent 4 delegates?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Asia","choices":["America","Africa","Asia","Europe"]},{"question":"One kid has a toy car with a strange remote control- it has only one button on it. When the car is switched on, it starts moving forward and doesnt stop until its switched off. When the boy presses the button, the car makes a 60 degree turn clockwise. Considering that this is a very lazy boy, try calculating the smallest number of times he has to press the button so that the car travels back to him.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"5","choices":["4","5","7","3"]},{"question":"Here is something like a warm-up before you get to the next one. Three friends, Peter, Nick and Tom were competing in a race. After they finished, a person ,who was late for the race, asked them who was the winner. Tom said I didnt finish first and Peter didnt finish second. Then Nick said Tom didnt finish second either. Who was the winner?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Peter","choices":["Peter","Nick","Its impossible","Tom"]},{"question":"One watermelon weighs 10kg (22 lbs) plus the half of its own weight. How much does it weigh?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"20kg (44 lbs)","choices":["10kg (22 lbs)","25kg (55 lbs)","5kg (11 lbs)","20kg (44 lbs)"]},{"question":"Try thinking out a random 3-digit number and writing it twice on a piece of paper, forming a 6-digit number (for example the number is 123, than you will have to put down 123123 on the paper). Now divide this 6-digit number by 7. There will be no remainder, I guarantee. Now divide the result by 11. No remainder again, I guarantee. Now divide the new result by 13. What happened?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"The result is your original number","choices":["The result is your original number","The result is zero","There is remainder","The result is twice your original number"]},{"question":"Two dice are randomly thrown. What is the possibility that the number, formed by the two digits that come form the dice, is a prime?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"5:12","choices":["5:12","5:18","19:36","35:36"]},{"question":"Yesterday I heard an interesting conversation in a shop:\n\nClient: How much is one?\nSalesman: Twenty cents.\nClient: What about ninety four?\nSalesman: Thirty cents.\nClient: OK, Ill buy twenty nine. How much is it?\nSalesman: Twenty cents.\n\nIs it possible that it was a real product they were talking about?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"4, 7, 12, 19, 28, 39, ??","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"52","choices":["11","67","78","52"]},{"question":"A man buys a horse for $60. After a while he sells it for 70$. Some time passes and the man regrets his decision and goes to buy the horse again. But now he has to pay $80 for it and he does. After a while he regrets to have bought the horse back and sells it for $90. Now in total, how much loss/profit did the man make from the three transactions?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"$10","choices":["$10","- $20","$20","0"]},{"question":"Somewhere, there is a very interesting village. And whats so interesting about it? Well, in this village there is a barber, a very special barber. He cuts the hair of everybody in the village that doesnt cut his own hair. Who then cuts the barbers hair?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Such village cannot exist, it is a paradox","choices":["The barber of another village","Noone","Himself","Such village cannot exist, it is a paradox"]},{"question":"Two men were playing for title of championship of the world for the checkers tournament. They each played five games and they each won three. There were no ties, is this possible?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Take two apples from three apples and what do you have?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"two apples","choices":["no apples","two apples","three apples","one apple"]},{"question":"A famous, well respected archaeologist went on a dig in Jerusalem. He found a coin dated 56 B.C. He was so excited, he rushed to the museum so it could be put on display. But the museum wouldnt accept the coin because they said it could not possibly be authentic. They said that the coin had to be a fake.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In what country can your spouse be jailed along with you if you are caught drinking and driving?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Malaysia","choices":["Pakistan","Germany","India","Malaysia"]},{"question":"Approximately how much money does the taxpayer spend on a prisoner serving a life sentence in California?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"1,550,000","choices":["750,000","500,000","100,000","1,550,000"]},{"question":"What creature is responsible for the most human deaths?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"The mosquito","choices":["The brown recluse spider","The hippo","The great white shark","The mosquito"]},{"question":"What is the largest county in the US?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"San Bernadino, CA","choices":["Bernalillo, NM","Maricopa, AZ","Dade, FL","San Bernadino, CA"]},{"question":"Is it possible to test positive on a breathalyzer after drinking only a glass of milk?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"I have four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three legs in the evening. What am I?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"A human","choices":["A tortoise","A sloth","A human","A raven"]},{"question":"Why do Chinese people eat more rice than Japanese people?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Because Chinese people are more than Japanese people","choices":["Because Chinese rice ripens more quickly than Japanese rice","Because Chinese people are more than Japanese people","Because Japanese people export rice for other countries and the Chinese dont","Because Chinese rice is more delicious than Japanese rice"]},{"question":"This is the smartest letter.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Y","choices":["A","Y","C","W"]},{"question":"Which is the month that allows women to talk the least?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"February","choices":["February","December","August","March"]},{"question":"What is the number of men born last year in USA?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"None","choices":["None","2 013 841","6 914 381","1 502 106"]},{"question":"This is what you can see once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"The letter M","choices":["The sun","An eclipse","A Solstice","The letter M"]},{"question":"With a red beard, gray mustache and black sideburns, the man had a distinct HIRSUTE quality. What does hirsute mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"hairy, shaggy, covered in hair","choices":["hairy, shaggy, covered in hair","mysterious, always in disguise","eccentric","multicolored"]},{"question":"Stacy was extremely annoyed by Jills PECCADILLO. Jill constantly ate food with her mouth open. What does the word peccadillo mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"a petty fault","choices":["chewing loudly","vegetarian","disgusting manners","a petty fault"]},{"question":"DERIDE means to laugh at someone with contempt.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Jerry was worried he would mumble and slur his words, so he had to go slowly and try to ENUNCIATE each word. Words might get lost if you dont enunciate. What does enunciate mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"pronounce articulately","choices":["shout and project","mask drunkenness","pronounce articulately","mime and gesticulate"]},{"question":"Annas brother took his AVUNCULAR duties very seriously. He taught her children how to read, write and speak German. What does avuncular mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Adjective of an uncle","choices":["Adjective of a mentor","Qualities of a Germanic monk","Adjective of a father","Adjective of an uncle"]},{"question":"When Jack and Jill went to see The Notebook, Jill was surprised at Jacks obvious display of his LACHRYMOSITY. What was Jack doing?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"crying","choices":["talking loudly","crying","laughing","sleeping"]},{"question":"A CHORTLE is an tool used to cut pastry dough.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The rancid meat attracted flies and maggots and wafting from it was a FETID odor. What is the meaning of fetid?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"stinking","choices":["stinking","chemical","sweet","food"]},{"question":"The king required FEALTY from all his vassals. What does the word fealty mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"allegiance","choices":["allegiance","food","payment, rent","livestock"]},{"question":"The siblings were complete opposites. Tom was pedantic and read all the time and Lucy was LUDIC. She was always getting mud on her clothes. What is the meaning of ludic?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"playful","choices":["outdoor-loving","playful","clumsy","illiterate"]},{"question":"The vegetable rhubarb is delicious but its leaves are poisonous. What did rhubarb originally mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"root of the barbarian","choices":["edible poison","beware","root of the barbarian","poisoned ruby"]},{"question":"What modern slang term once meant a carnival worker who performed disgusting tasks such as biting off the heads of live chickens?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Geek","choices":["Nerd","Geek","Dork","Freak"]},{"question":"What is heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Their weight is equal","choices":["There is no way to tell","The feathers","Their weight is equal","The bricks"]},{"question":"A farmer had 20 sheep. All but 8 died. How many are still alive?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"8","choices":["0","12","15","8"]},{"question":"In a house with a maid, a mail receiver, and a chef, the owner was murdered on a Sunday morning. The police questioned all the 3 people (the chef, the mail receiver, and the maid). The chef said; I was making her breakfast. The mail receiver said; I was getting the mail., and finally the maid said; I was cleaning her living room. The police arrested one of them right after the interview. Who got arrested?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"The mail receiver","choices":["The maid","The mail receiver","The chef","She committed suicide"]},{"question":"There is a branch with 10 birds on it. I shot 2 of them and then 1 more. How many birds are left on the branch?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"0","choices":["0","2","8","7"]},{"question":"If you have in your suitcase 6 white socks, 4 red socks, 8 green socks, and 2 brown socks, how many socks would you have to pull out (without looking at them) to be sure you have a matching pair?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"5","choices":["6","8","4","5"]},{"question":"Joe had 29 pairs of socks. How many socks did he have?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"58","choices":["60","58","56","29"]},{"question":"One camera could take 350 pictures and Bob bought 3 cameras of the same type. How many pictures could he take?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"1050","choices":["700","none","1050","350"]},{"question":"One iPod can hold 950 songs and 3 movies. How many iPods of this model would one person have to buy to have 27 movies and 8550 songs?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"9","choices":["8","10","7","9"]},{"question":"In an office building, there are 350 windows and half as many doors. How many doors are there in 3 office buildings?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"525","choices":["525","500","550","575"]},{"question":"A monster had double the amount of eyes he had ears, triple the amount of ears he had legs, and had six legs. How many eyes did he have?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"36","choices":["34","26","36","41"]},{"question":"If I had $654,987, how much change is that?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"65,498,700 cents","choices":["66,345,200 cents","65,783,500 cents","65,498,700 cents","65,577,200 cents"]},{"question":"In a rectangular room there are 10 chairs. It is possible to arrange the chairs in such a way so that an equal number of chairs is set against each wall of the room.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Five years ago the sum of the age of a sister and a brother was 8. What will be the same sum in 5 years?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"28","choices":["It will not change.","18","13","28"]},{"question":"In a room, there can be two mothers and two daughters, three women in total.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"A woman once said about a man, I am not his wife but this mans mother is the mother-in-law of my mother. What were the man and the woman?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"A daughter and a father","choices":["A daughter and a grandfather","A brother and a sister","A daughter and a father","A mother and a son"]},{"question":"A cowboy was looking after 100 animals (oxen, cows and calves). For his job he was paid $100 (for every ox he received $10, for every cow $5 and for every calf $0.5). How many were the oxen, the cows and the calves?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"1 ox, 9 cows, 90 calves","choices":["9 oxen, 1 cow, 10 calves","10 oxen, 10 cows, 10 calves","1 ox, 9 cows, 90 calves","3 oxen, 50 cows, 47 calves"]},{"question":"A farmer had 9 cows. The first one produced 1 gallon of milk, the second one 2 gallons and so on. The ninth cow produced 9 gallons of milk. The farmer had three sons and he wanted to divide the cows in such a way that each of his sons received an equal number of cows and the cows of each produced an equal amount of milk. Is that possible?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"In a lake there were lilies. The strange thing about them was that they doubled their number once per day. If on the 15th day half of the lake was covered with lilies, on which day will the whole lake be covered with them?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"16","choices":["22","16","7","30"]},{"question":"A peasant buys a pregnant sheep, which gave birth to a lamb. At the age of 3, the lamb gives birth to another lamb. After that it starts bearing a lamb per year. How many sheep will the peasant have 9 years after the birth of the first lamb if all the lambs are female and none of them ever dies?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"60","choices":["54","78","60","97"]},{"question":"A farmer had a yard, whose shape was a square, and in the four corners of this square there were apple trees. Some years later the farmer decided to make his yard twice as big and preserve the square shape. However, after the enlargement the four apple trees were still by the fence.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Marsha dug her FUNEREAL attire out of the closet. It consisted of a black dress and a black overcoat. What does funereal mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"having to do with a funeral","choices":["monotoned","frumpy","oversized","having to do with a funeral"]},{"question":"The newly blooming lavender was a HARBINGER of spring. It was beautiful and fragrant. What does harbinger mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"a sign of things to come","choices":["an ode","rebirth","pleasant to the senses","a sign of things to come"]},{"question":"Her passion for art bordered on pathological MONOMANIA. Shes a sculptor, studies medieval art in night classes, frequents galleries and is often caught doodling in a notebook. What does monomania mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"excessive concentration one one subject","choices":["excessively busy","excessive concentration one one subject","extremely wealthy","patronising culture"]},{"question":"It wasnt accidental it was pure KISMET that Joey fell in love with Laura. What does kismet mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"fate, destiny","choices":["fate, destiny","contrived, forced","planned","a happy accident"]},{"question":"Because Ben travels to many countries for business, he has written a POLYGLOT lexicon for himself. It contains quick references on phrases he might need in any given situation. What does polyglot mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"containing many languages","choices":["containing many maps","containing many words","containing many languages","pertaining to business ventures"]},{"question":"A QUAGMIRE is a difficult or precarious situation.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The fortune teller persuaded Anna that she needed a PHILTER to gain the attention of her beau. She only needed to apply the elixir and think of him. What does PHILTER mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"love potion","choices":["love potion","medicinal cream","makeup","alcoholic beverage"]},{"question":"Matt and Julie asked their son How was your day at school? and they always received the same BRUSQUE answer-fine. Brusque means habitual, constant, the same.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Jack grabbed Janets hand and they began to GAMBOL in the sunshine. They felt like children, not a care in the world. What does gambol mean?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"to frolic and leap playfully","choices":["to wager money on an outcome","to sing a duet","to have sex","to frolic and leap playfully"]},{"question":"To ESCHEW something means to be attracted to it.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"After a long walk, two sons and two fathers find three apples. Each of them has an apple and they all go their way. How is that possible?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"they were a boy, his father and his grandfather","choices":["they were a boy, his father and his grandfather","the sons were cousins","one of them had a hidden apple","the sons were twins"]},{"question":"The name of what is coded in the following: 86,smopuim?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"the name of a software product","choices":["it does not mean anything","the name of a software product","a NASA aircraft","a secret CIA project"]},{"question":"Five girls are sitting next to each other on a train. Ann and Betty are as close to each other as Ann and Kate are. Dana and Ann are sitting as close to each other as Dana and Kate are. Between which two of her friends is the fifth girl, Jane, sitting?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"between Ann and Betty","choices":["between Dana and Betty","between Ann and Betty","between Betty and Kate","between Kate and Dana"]},{"question":"What number multiplied by 10 equals the square of the same number, times 5?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"2","choices":["4","5","2","10"]},{"question":"Bob has a book of 100 pages and in 10 seconds he can count out 10 pages. What is the shortest time in which Bob can define where the 60th page is?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"40 seconds","choices":["40 seconds","59 seconds","15 seconds","60 seconds"]},{"question":"Two people get to a river and find a boat capable of accommodating only one person. Using this boat, both of them manage to cross the river. If they crossed without any of the them swiming the river which of the following is true?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"They were on different banks of the river.","choices":["The river was wider than longer.","This is impossible.","They were on different banks of the river.","There was a bridge on the river."]},{"question":"Which term refers to a king or prince in India?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"raja","choices":["raja","haraj","majah","namaste"]},{"question":"Complete the Latin term for an unacceptable person: persona non _____.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"grata","choices":["dedicata","accepta","grata","ingrata"]},{"question":"There are 15 birds sitting on the branches of a tree. A hunter goes by and shoots 3 of them. How many birds are left on the tree?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"0","choices":["12","10","3","0"]},{"question":"A man walked by an old fisherman and asked him how many fish he had caught. The fisherman replied: The half of the eight, the nine without its tail, and the six without its head. How many fish did the fisherman caught?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"0","choices":["9","19","6","0"]},{"question":"A tree is 20 meters tall. An ant is climbing it. Every day the ant climbs 5 meters, and each night it descends 4 meters. In how many days will the ant reach the top of the tree?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"16","choices":["10","13","20","16"]},{"question":"A bar of soap is placed on one of the sides of a pair of scales. On the other side there is 3/4 of a bar of the same soap and а 3/4 kg metal weight. The scales are in balance. How much does a bar of soap weigh?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"3 kg","choices":["2 kg","1 kg","4 kg","3 kg"]},{"question":"There are three sorts of apples in a basket. How many apples have to be taken from the basket, without looking, to be sure that there are at least 2 apples of the same sort?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"4","choices":["3","4","10","8"]},{"question":"A boy and a pig weigh as much as 5 crates. The pig weighs as much as 4 cats. 2 cats and the pig weigh as much as 3 crates. How many cats weigh as much as the boy?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"6 cats","choices":["5 cats","6 cats","8 cats","9 cats"]},{"question":"A fish costs a dollar and half a fish. How much do 5 fish cost?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"$10","choices":["$20","$10","$15","$5"]},{"question":"There are three lemons. One of them is lighter than the other two, which have the same weight. Can we tell which of the lemons is the lighter one with just one measurement on the scales?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"A father has seven sons, and each son has one sister. How many children does the father have?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"8","choices":["15","9","14","8"]},{"question":"Several rabbits and hens are placed together in a cage. How many rabbits and hens are there, if the total number of their heads is 35, and the combined number of their legs is 94?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"12 rabbits and 23 hens","choices":["10 rabbits and 24 hens","13 rabbits and 20 hens","12 rabbits and 23 hens","20 rabbits and 13 hens"]},{"question":"Is there a kind of coat that can only be put on wet?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"10% of all the people living in a certain town in Georgia have unlisted phone numbers. If you selected 100 names at random from the towns phone book, on average, how many of these people would have unlisted phone numbers?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"0%","choices":["0%","15%","35%","10%"]},{"question":"A magician had a water glass filled to the top. Holding the glass above his head he let it drop to the floor without spilling a single drop of water. Is this possible?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Can you take a picture of a person with a wooden leg?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Is it possible to name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"You are on a ship and over the side hangs a rope ladder with one foot rungs. The tide rises a one foot per hour. At the end of five hours, how much of the ladder will remain above the water assuming that 12 rungs were above the water when the tide began to rise?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"12 rungs","choices":["none","7 rungs","5 rungs","12 rungs"]},{"question":"This is a gun dog breed which is subdivided into Springer, Cocker, Cavalier King Charles, etc.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Spaniel","choices":["Collie","Spaniel","Labrador","Alsatian"]},{"question":"What family of animals has species called Oryx, Duiker, Dik-dik and Impala?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Antelope","choices":["Llamas","Antelope","Deer","Buffalo"]},{"question":"What is the only venomous snake native to the British Isles?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Adder","choices":["Fox Snake","Bog Viper","Pembrokeshire Whip-snake","Adder"]},{"question":"This animal, also known as Suricate, is a member of the mongoose family. It has a long, thin tail which is used for balance when standing on hind legs. It lives underground in colonies of up to 30 individuals that operate an early warning system where sentries stand guard beside the burrow entrances and warn of approaching danger from predators.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Meerkat","choices":["Meerkat","Marmoset","Aye-aye","Jackrabbit"]},{"question":"This majestic bird can be golden, bald and tawny. One of the species is a symbol of the United States of America.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Eagle","choices":["Cuckoo","Eagle","Vulture","Owl"]},{"question":"What is the name of the white crystalline sugar found in wood and straw?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Xylose","choices":["Xylene","Xylem","Xylose","Xenon"]},{"question":"What is the name of the characters that have appeared in Brian Herberts Legends of Dune universe, Disneys Aladdin and the video game System Shock 2?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Xerxes","choices":["Xebec","Xeric","Xerxes","Xhosa"]},{"question":"What X-word means a colourless, flammable liquid ingredient used to make synthetic resins, dyes and insecticides?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Xylene","choices":["Xylose","Xylem","Xylene","Xenon"]},{"question":"Is xenophobia a fear of artificial lights?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"What plant tissue conducts water and mineral salts from its roots to other parts of the plant and also provides mechanical support?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Xylem","choices":["Xylose","Xylene","Xebec","Xylem"]},{"question":"Which word refers to a colourless, odourless gaseous element that occurs in trace amounts in air?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Xenon","choices":["Xylose","Xenon","Xanthene","Xylene"]},{"question":"Were X-rays at one time proposed to be called Röntgen rays?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"When you add 55 and 45 the sum is 100. When you add 65 and 35 the sum is also 100. But which is greater: 55 multiplied by 45 or 65 multiplied by 35?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"55 multiplied by 45","choices":["55 multiplied by 45","They are equal.","65 multiplied by 35","None of these"]},{"question":"Two doctors and two mothers went to an ice cream shop. Each one of them ordered different flavors. The waiter then gave them one chocolate, one vanilla, and one strawberry and everybody on the table had an ice cream. Is this possible?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Two children were on their way to school, when they began to question what day of the week it was. They were so confused in their reckoning that one of them gave the following riddle to help sort the matter out: When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, then today will be as far from Sunday as that day was which was today when the day before yesterday was tomorrow!\nOn which day of the week were the children heading to school?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Sunday","choices":["Saturday","Sunday","Friday","Monday"]},{"question":"We know very little about the life of the mathematician Diophantus (called the father of algebra) except that he lived around the year 250 B.C. Due to one admirer of his, who described his life by the means of an algebraic riddle, we can at least determine his age at death:\nDiophantuss youth lasted 1/6 of his life. He had his first beard in the next 1/12 of his life. At the end of the following 1/7 of his life Diophantus got married. Five years from then his son was born. His son lived exactly 1/2 of Diophantuss life. Diophantus died 4 years after the death of his son.\nHow long did Diophantus live?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"84 years","choices":["84 years","96 years","90 years","72 years"]},{"question":"Three goddesses were sitting in an old Indian temple. Their names were Truth (who always tells the truth), Lie (who is always lying) and Wisdom (who sometimes lies). In order to figure out which goddess was which you posed the following questions to each:\nAsking the left one: Who is sitting next to you?\nTruth, she answered.\nAsking the middle one: Who are you?\nWisdom.\nAnd at last question for the right one: Who is your neighbor?\nLie, she replied.\n\nFrom left to right in what order are goddesses sitting?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"1. Wisdom 2. Lie 3. Truth","choices":["1. Wisdom 2. Truth 3. Lie","1. Lie 2.Truth 3. Wisdom","1. Wisdom 2. Lie 3. Truth","1. Truth 2. Lie 3. Wisdom"]},{"question":"There are two kinds of people who live on a mysterious island. They are the so-called Honestants, who always speak the truth, and the others are the Swindlecants, who always lie.\n\nA visitor to the island went to a local pub and had a few drinks. When he was ready to leave he asked the bartender how much he owed. The bartender told him the total for his bill. It was quite expensive, so he asked the bartender if he spoke the truth. But the visitor did not hear the whispered answer so he asked a man sitting next to him about it. And the man said: The bartender said yes, but he is a big liar.\n\nWas the bartender a Honestant?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"You are on your way to visit your Grandma, who lives at the end of the valley. Its her birthday, and you want to give her the cakes youve made.\n\nBetween your house and her house, you have to cross 7 bridges, and as it goes in the land of make believe, there is a troll under every bridge! Each troll, quite rightly, insists that you pay a troll toll. Before you can cross their bridge, you have to give them half of the cakes you are carrying, but as they are kind trolls, they each give you back a single cake.\n\nWhat is the minimum number of cakes you will have to leave home with to make sure that you arrive at Grandmas with exactly 2 cakes?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"2","choices":["14","5","24","2"]},{"question":"My grandson is about as many days as my son is weeks, and my grandson is as many months as I am in years. My grandson, my son and I together are 120 years. Can you tell me my age in years?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"72","choices":["65","78","72","84"]},{"question":"It was Emilys first day at school. The teacher suggested that it would be a good idea for each child to meet every other child in the class. The teacher said, When you meet, please shake hands and introduce yourself by name. If there were 10 children in the class, how many were the total handshakes?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"45","choices":["50","45","100","55"]},{"question":"A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys.\nCan this statement be true?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Paul designs food displays for the local Supermarket. For one of his displays, he wants to set up soup cans in the form of a square pyramid. Hes decided to use 10 cans for each side of the square base of the pyramid. If each carton holds 25 soup cans, how many cartons will Paul need to open to build the pyramid?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"16","choices":["10","15","20","16"]},{"question":"A firefighter stood on the middle rung of a ladder, spraying water on a burning house. He then climbed up 6 rungs before the heat of the flames caused him to come down 10 rungs. After some minutes he was able to climb 18 rungs to the very top of the ladder. How many rungs did the ladder have?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"29","choices":["28","14","30","29"]},{"question":"A man burst into a police station soaking wet and started screaming My wife has been murdered, my wife has been murdered! A police officer asked what had happened and the man explained that when they were walking along the cliffs of the shore, he heard a big roll of thunder come out of nowhere. No further thunder washeard after the first one. He turned around startled to see what happened and then a huge bolt of lightning struck and he heard his wife scream. He turned around and saw his wife lying mangled on the sharp rocks at the bottom of the cliff, and he saw a man running away. Can the mans story be true?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"The stubs obtained by burning ten candles will yield one extra candle if you melt them all together. If you burned 100 candles, how many extra candles could you make?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"11","choices":["11","8","9","10"]},{"question":"How long did the Hundred years war last?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"116 years","choices":["110 years","98 years","116 years","100 years"]},{"question":"Cold is faster than hot.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Its quarter past three. Of how many degrees is the angle formed by the hands of the clock at this moment?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"7.5","choices":["7.5","180","15","0"]},{"question":"Charlie asked Margaret how old she was and she answered him: In two years I will be twice as old as I was five years ago. How old is she?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"12","choices":["12","6","7","24"]},{"question":"A mother has 6 daughters and each of them has a brother. How many children are there?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"7","choices":["6","7","12","10"]},{"question":"What is the next letter in the sequence O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, ?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"N","choices":["N","O","T","E"]},{"question":"You meet two men who are playing a game. One of them tells only lies on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and during the rest of the week he speaks the truth. The other one lies only on Thursday Friday and Saturday and says the truth the rest of the time. Today they both say they were lying yesterday. Which day of the week is it?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Thursday","choices":["Monday","Tuesday","Sunday","Thursday"]},{"question":"This dessert was created for and named after a famous ballet dancer in 1926.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Pavlova","choices":["Pavlova","Sara Lee Gateaux","Tiramisu","Rocky Road"]},{"question":"What food can be Chinese, Jerusalem and Globe?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Artichoke","choices":["Curry","Cracker","Artichoke","Pork"]},{"question":"This food is one of the most versatile and convenient. You can boil it, fry it, poach it, scramble it, use it in baking. What is it?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Egg","choices":["Sugar","Fish","Wheat","Egg"]},{"question":"If there are three pineapples and you take two, how many will you have?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"2","choices":["2","1","0","3"]},{"question":"Imagine you were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place. What place would you be in?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"2nd","choices":["4th","1st","3rd","2nd"]},{"question":"What letter should be added the group of letters P, N, N, E, S, O, R, H, E, T, and I to form a twelve-letter word that is related to blood?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Y","choices":["P","S","Y","A"]},{"question":"A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys.\nCan this statement be true?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Which letter comes next in this series:\nW-L-C-N-I-T-?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"S","choices":["S","W","T","Z"]},{"question":"A total of 15 delegates from Africa, Asia, America, and Europe meet at an international conference.\nEach continent sends a different number of delegates, and each is represented by at least 1 delegate.\nAmerica and Asia send a total of 6 delegates.\nAsia and Europe send a total of 7 delegates.\nWhich continent has sent 4 delegates?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Asia","choices":["Europe","Asia","America","Africa"]},{"question":"Yesterday I heard an interesting conversation in a shop:\nClient: How much is one?\nSalesman: Twenty cents.\nClient: What about ninety four?\nSalesman: Thirty cents.\nClient: OK, Ill buy twenty nine. How much is it?\nSalesman: Twenty cents.\nIs it possible that it was a real product they were talking about?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"What on earth could dance, and live and die?\nWithout legs, or lungs, or being alive?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Fire","choices":["Water","Darkness","Fire","Wind"]},{"question":"Each morning I appear\nTo lie at your feet,\nAll day I follow you\nNo matter how fast you run,\nYet I nearly die\nIn the midday sun.\nWhat am I?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Your shadow","choices":["A doppelganger","Someone Elses shadow","An apparition","Your shadow"]},{"question":"Im one of five, and Im not alive.\nThe one who sent me forth became king,\nthe one who got me died.\nWhat am I?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"A stone","choices":["A rock","A banana","A boulder","A stone"]},{"question":"I am related to the water but I am not wet.\nI am related to a shadow but I am multicolored.\nI create an illusion but show what is real. What am I?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"a mirror","choices":["a bed","gold","a mirror","shiny things"]},{"question":"I have eight to spare, in case I lose my one.\nIm not a number.\nWhat am I?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"a cat","choices":["a dog","nine","a cat","one"]},{"question":"Two children were on their way to school, when they began to question what day of the week it was. They were so confused in their reckoning that one of them gave the following riddle to help sort the matter out: When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, then today will be as far from Sunday as that day was which was today when the day before yesterday was tomorrow!\nOn which day of the week were the children heading to school?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"Sunday","choices":["Monday","Sunday","Friday","Saturday"]},{"question":"We know very little about the life of the mathematician Diophantus (called the father of algebra) except that he lived around the year 250 B.C. Due to one admirer of his, who described his life by the means of an algebraic riddle, we can at least determine his age at death:\nDiophantuss youth lasted 1/6 of his life. He had his first beard in the next 1/12 of his life. At the end of the following 1/7 of his life Diophantus got married. Five years from then his son was born. His son lived exactly 1/2 of Diophantuss life. Diophantus died 4 years after the death of his son.\nHow long did Diophantus live?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"84 years","choices":["96 years","84 years","72 years","90 years"]},{"question":"Three goddesses were sitting in an old Indian temple. Their names were Truth (who always tells the truth), Lie (who is always lying) and Wisdom (who sometimes lies). In order to figure out which goddess was which you posed the following questions to each:\nAsking the left one: Who is sitting next to you?\nTruth, she answered.\nAsking the middle one: Who are you?\nWisdom.\nAnd at last question for the right one: Who is your neighbor?\nLie, she replied.\nFrom left to right in what order are goddesses sitting?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"1. Wisdom 2. Lie 3. Truth","choices":["1. Truth 2. Lie 3. Wisdom","1. Wisdom 2. Truth 3. Lie","1. Wisdom 2. Lie 3. Truth","1. Lie 2.Truth 3. Wisdom"]},{"question":"There are two kinds of people who live on a mysterious island. They are the so-called Honestants, who always speak the truth, and the others are the Swindlecants, who always lie.\nA visitor to the island went to a local pub and had a few drinks. When he was ready to leave he asked the bartender how much he owed. The bartender told him the total for his bill. It was quite expensive, so he asked the bartender if he spoke the truth. But the visitor did not hear the whispered answer so he asked a man sitting next to him about it. And the man said: The bartender said yes, but he is a big liar.\nWas the bartender a Honestant?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"You are on your way to visit your Grandma, who lives at the end of the valley. Its her birthday, and you want to give her the cakes youve made.\nBetween your house and her house, you have to cross 7 bridges, and as it goes in the land of make believe, there is a troll under every bridge! Each troll, quite rightly, insists that you pay a troll toll. Before you can cross their bridge, you have to give them half of the cakes you are carrying, but as they are kind trolls, they each give you back a single cake.\nWhat is the minimum number of cakes you will have to leave home with to make sure that you arrive at Grandmas with exactly 2 cakes?","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"2","choices":["14","24","2","5"]},{"question":"There are these two country farmers milking their cows. While the one farmer is milking, a fly zooms into the cows ear. The cow starts jumping around, shaking its head and mooing. He tries to steady the cow and suddenly it settles down. He looks down and sees the\nfly swimming in the milk pail. He turns to his friend and asks Golly, howd that fly get down there so fast? His friend replies...___________________.","category":"brain-teasers","answer":"in one ear and out the udder","choices":["its a miracle beyond understanding.","in one ear and out the other","in one ear and out the udder","ya win a few ya lose a few"]},{"question":"One of Johnny Depps earliest film roles was as Gator Lerner in what 1986 movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Platoon","choices":["The Color of Money","Platoon","Top Gun","Aliens"]},{"question":"Which of these Tim Burton films, starring Johnny Depp, came first?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Edward Scissorhands","choices":["Charlie and the Chocolate Factory","Ed Wood","Sleepy Hollow","Edward Scissorhands"]},{"question":"This Scottish author, portrayed by Johnny Depp in the movie Finding Neverland, created the fictional character Peter Pan.","category":"celebrities","answer":"James Barrie","choices":["John Dunne","George Eliot","Joseph Grimm","James Barrie"]},{"question":"In the 2001 movie Blow, Johny Depps role is based on the real life story of his character.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is the first name of Johnny Depps character in the 2004 film Secret Window?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mort","choices":["Tom","Alan","Lou","Mort"]},{"question":"Johnny Depp played the role of Inspector Fred Abberline in what 2001 film?","category":"celebrities","answer":"From Hell","choices":["From Hell","Nick of Time","Chocolat","The Astronauts Wife"]},{"question":"Johnny Depp publicly stated that he, in part, had based his portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl on which musician?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Keith Richards","choices":["Jim Morrison","Ozzy Osbourne","Mick Jagger","Keith Richards"]},{"question":"In the 1993 movie Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, Gilbert Grape is the name of the character played by Johnny Depp.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"When was Elvis born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"January 8, 1935","choices":["January 8, 1935","January 8, 1977","August 16, 1935","August 8, 1977"]},{"question":"Who were Elviss parents?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gladys and Vernon","choices":["Billy and Joseph","Gladys and Vernon","Lisa Marie and Vernon","Priscilla and Dee"]},{"question":"What is Elviss mansion called?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Graceland","choices":["Neverland","Swampland","Kingstown","Graceland"]},{"question":"What town was Elvis born in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tupelo","choices":["Branson","Memphis","Tupelo","Nashville"]},{"question":"He played Nicholas Bradford on the ultra popular 70s sitcom Eight is Enough.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Adam Rich","choices":["Adam Rich","Jason Bateman","Meeno Peluce","Danny Pintauro"]},{"question":"Rapper turned actor Will Smith married this actress in 1997.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jada Pinkett","choices":["Brandy Norwood","Nia Long","Jada Pinkett","Shia LeBeouf"]},{"question":"Former tennis great Steffi Graf married this former tennis great in 2001.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Andre Agassi","choices":["John McEnroe","Boris Becker","Andre Agassi","Jimmy Connors"]},{"question":"In 1997, Actor Matthew Broderick married this Sex and the City star.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sarah Jessica Parker","choices":["Kristen Davis","Sarah Jessica Parker","Cynthia Nixon","Kim Catrall"]},{"question":"What famous actor did Catherine Zeta Jones marry in 2000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Michael Douglas","choices":["Kirk Douglas","Michael Douglas","Jeff Bridges","Lloyd Bridges"]},{"question":"Actor James Brolin married this famous singer in 1998.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Barbra Streisand","choices":["Aretha Franklin","Barbra Streisand","Bette Midler","Maria Muldaur"]},{"question":"Singer Jennifer Lopez married this famous singer in 2004.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mark Anthony","choices":["Dave Grohl","Enrique Iglesias","Gavin Rossdale","Mark Anthony"]},{"question":"Actor Ben Stiller married this actress in 2000.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Christine Taylor","choices":["Pam Anderson","Nikki Taylor","Christine Taylor","Heather Graham"]},{"question":"In 2002, pop diva Gwen Stefani married the former lead singer of the band Bush. What is the name of Stefanis significant other?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gavin Rossdale","choices":["Ross Gavindale","Nigel Pulsford","Gavin Rossdale","Chris Traynor"]},{"question":"What actor did Demi Moore marry in 2005?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ashton Kutcher","choices":["Ashton Kutcher","Bruce Willis","Brendan Fraser","Patrick Dempsey"]},{"question":"In 2005, actress Jennifer Garner married this Hollywood movie star.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ben Affleck","choices":["Matt Houston","Matt Damon","Ben Affleck","John Stamos"]},{"question":"This actor made his film debut in Rubberface and followed it with appearances in Copper Mountain, Once Bitten and Peggy Sue Got Married before he hit the big time.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jim Carrey","choices":["Dean Cain","Jim Carrey","Matt Dillon","Alan Cumming"]},{"question":"This American actor played the roles of Mr. Big in the 007 film Live and Let Die and Parker in the hit Sci-Fi movie Alien. He later starred in the TV show Homicide: Life on the Street.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yaphet Kotto","choices":["Yaphet Kotto","Nicholas Downs","Dana Carvey","George Chakiris"]},{"question":"This British actor is the eldest of a pair of twins and who played George Weasley in the Harry Potter series of films.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Oliver Phelps","choices":["Yaphet Kotto","Sean Astin","Samuel Sarpong","Oliver Phelps"]},{"question":"This American actor was one of the child stars of The Goonies and also played a brave and helpful hobbit in Lord Of The Rings.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sean Astin","choices":["Orlando Bloom","Garrett Hedlund","Sean Astin","Norman Reedus"]},{"question":"This American actor has received two Academy Award nominations for Best Actor in a Leading Role, winning it once for his portrayal of a suicidal alcoholic in Leaving Las Vegas.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nicholas Cage","choices":["Steve Buscemi","Nicholas Cage","Macaulay Culkin","Danny Glover"]},{"question":"This British actor came to fame playing a drug addict in Trainspotting and has appeared in a variety of independent and blockbuster movies, including the recent Star Wars films.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ewan McGregor","choices":["Ian McKellen","Ryan Reynolds","Norman Wisdom","Ewan McGregor"]},{"question":"This American is an actor, producer, director and general philanthropist. He is responsible for setting up the Sundance Independent Film Festival.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robert Redford","choices":["Stephen Dorff","Matthew Broderick","Nick Nolte","Robert Redford"]},{"question":"This British actor is mainly known for his portrayal of a schoolboy wizard, but has also appeared on stage naked!","category":"celebrities","answer":"Daniel Radcliffe","choices":["Frank Converse","Kenneth Branagh","Ewan McGregor","Daniel Radcliffe"]},{"question":"This versatile young actor has played a diverse range of characters in films, but is known best as a heroic little hobbit in Peter Jacksons blockbuster trilogy of Lord Of The Rings.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Elijah Wood","choices":["Haley Joel Osment","Elijah Wood","Ryan Reynolds","Edward Speleers"]},{"question":"This British actor is probably best known for playing the villain Blofeld in the James Bond series of films and Dr. Loomis in the Halloween movies.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Donald Pleasence","choices":["Stuart Townsend","Samuel West","Donald Pleasence","Tom Baker"]},{"question":"Which actor, who played Legolas in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, was born on January 13, 1977?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Orlando Bloom","choices":["Elijah Wood","Sean Astin","Orlando Bloom","Viggo Mortensen"]},{"question":"What more than 10-time Grammy Award winning pop singer was born on February 2, 1977.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Shakira","choices":["Nelly Furtado","Pink","Mya","Shakira"]},{"question":"This actress, who starred in the movie I Know What You Did Last Summer, was born on April 14, 1977. What is her name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sarah Michelle Gellar","choices":["Rachael Leigh Cook","Jennifer Love Hewitt","Sarah Michelle Gellar","Brandy"]},{"question":"Which singer, born on January 28, 1977, was a member of the popular boy-band N Sync?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Joey Fatone","choices":["Joey Fatone","Lance Bass","Nick Carter","Justin Timberlake"]},{"question":"This actor, who is also an animal rights activist, was born on August 2, 1977. He was arrested in Kentucky for attempting to free lobsters from a grocery store.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Edward Furlong","choices":["Chris Klein","Macaulay Culkin","Edward Norton","Edward Furlong"]},{"question":"What instrument did Louis Armstrong play?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Trumpet","choices":["Saxophone","Trumpet","Clarinet","Violin"]},{"question":"What instrument did jazz musician Benny Goodman play?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Clarinet","choices":["Drums","Flute","Clarinet","Saxophone"]},{"question":"Prince can play the drums.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Matt Cameron, who has been a member of Soundgarden and Pearl Jam, plays what instrument?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Drums","choices":["Keyboards","Drums","Bass","Guitar"]},{"question":"Bobby Militello of The Dave Brubeck Quartet plays the piano.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Adam Yauch, one of the founding members of the Beastie Boys, plays which of the following instruments?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bass","choices":["Turntable","Bass","Keyboards","Guitar"]},{"question":"Buddy Guy played a Fender Stratocaster.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"David Bowie plays many instruments, which of the below does he also play?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cello","choices":["French Horn","Cello","Flute","Bass"]},{"question":"Nick Rhodes from Duran Duran plays what instrument?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Keyboards","choices":["Keyboards","Tuba","Symbols","Drums"]},{"question":"What is the middle name of John Stamos?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Phillip","choices":["Jesse","Ronald","Roy","Phillip"]},{"question":"Actor John Stamos didnt play in which one of these shows?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Different Strokes","choices":["Full House","General Hospital","Different Strokes","ER"]},{"question":"John Stamos original family name was Stamotopoulos.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"John Stamos dated singer and American Idol judge, Paula Abdul.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Was John Stamos cast in the role of the main character Jake in Jake in Progress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"The TV sitcom Fullhouse ran on ABC for how many seasons?","category":"celebrities","answer":"8","choices":["1","6","8","11"]},{"question":"John Stamos was born in Cypress, California on what date?","category":"celebrities","answer":"August, 19","choices":["August, 2","August, 19","July, 11","August, 12"]},{"question":"Did Rebecca Romijn and John Stamos divorce in 2005?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"John Stamos appeared in an episode of Friends.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The song A Day in the Life, from the Beatles Sgt. Peppers album, contains a Paul McCartney death clue that supposedly reveals what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The manner of Pauls death","choices":["Pauls age when he died","Who took Pauls place in the band","The manner of Pauls death","Why Pauls death was kept a secret"]},{"question":"Who took Paul McCartneys place in the Beatles, according to a death clue in the song Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band on the album of the same name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Billy Shears","choices":["Mr. Kite","Sgt. Pepper","Billy Shears","An unnamed replacement"]},{"question":"The Paul is dead myth holds that Paul McCartney died on November 9, 1966. Which of the following is not a clue suggesting that date?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Beatles had released nine albums by the time Paul supposedly died.","choices":["The bass drum on the Sgt. Peppers album cover has a hidden message, visible by holding a mirror through the middle of the drum, indicating 11/9.","The lyrics of Shes Leaving Home include the line, Wednesday morning at five oclock, and November 9, 1966, was a Wednesday.","The repetition of number nine in the song Revolution 9 means November nine.","The Beatles had released nine albums by the time Paul supposedly died."]},{"question":"Richard Kiel, who is 72 tall, remains best known for which role in the James Bond movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jaws","choices":["Jaws","Mr. Kidd","Largo","Mister Big"]},{"question":"Sean Connery was placed third in the tall mans division of 1953 Mr. Universe Bodybuilding Contest.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of the following James Bond movies, starring Sean Connery, was released first?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dr. No","choices":["Thunderball","Never Say Never Again","From Russia with Love","Dr. No"]},{"question":"What of these was the last movie Sean Connery made?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen","choices":["Finding Forrester","The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen","First Knight","The Avengers"]},{"question":"Sean Connery was offered a role in The Matrix but turned it down.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Sean Connery has done voice-over work in a video game.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Sean Connery got tattoos while he was in the Navy.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Why was Sean Connerys service in the Navy shortened?","category":"celebrities","answer":"stomach ulcer","choices":["Bad conduct","none of the above","injury to his back","stomach ulcer"]},{"question":"This actor gave his voice to the popular animated cartoon cat Garfield. He was also known as the voice of Carlton, the doorman on the television comedy Rhoda, a spin-off of the Mary Tyler More Show.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lorenzo Music","choices":["Lorenzo Music","Billy Gilbert","Ernie Sabella","Peter Falk"]},{"question":"An elephant in Dumbo, the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland, and Flora in Sleeping Beauty were some of the best roles of this voice actress.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Verna Felton","choices":["Edith Head","Nancy Cartwright","Lucille La Verne","Verna Felton"]},{"question":"You remember this actress voice from Mulan (Grandmother Fa), Cinderella (Lucifer the Cat) and The Smurfs (Jokey Smurf and Mother Nature). She was also Granny, the owner of Tweety and Sylvester the cat.","category":"celebrities","answer":"June Foray","choices":["Adriana Caselotti","Mary K. Bergman","Shaaron Claridge","June Foray"]},{"question":"Which of these characters was voiced by Adriana Caselotti, an Italian-American actress of a musical family?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Snow White","choices":["Roger Rabbit","Snow White","The Little Mermaid","Cinderella"]},{"question":"This TV and voice actor is from a Jewish family from Greece. He has had many voice roles (numerous characters on the The Simpsons, Eddie Brock in the Spider-Man animated series), several Emmys, and roles in many movies and TV shows.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hank Azaria","choices":["Mike Judge","Johnny Knoxville","Hank Azaria","Paul Giamotti"]},{"question":"To which of these animated films has popular American actress and voice artist, Mae Questel not contributed?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Micky Mouse","choices":["Who Framed Roger Rabbit","Popeye the Sailor","Micky Mouse","Betty Boop"]},{"question":"This remarkable ventriloquist voiced Scooby-Doo, Papa Smurf, Astro (the Jetsons dog), Hampton Pig, Boo-Boo (Yogi Bears buddy) and Ruff from Ruff n Reddy.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Don Messick","choices":["Don Messick","Thurl Ravenscroft","Trey Parker","Hans Conreid"]},{"question":"This voice actor was often called the king of the movie trailer, having voiced the trailers for over 3,000 movies. He is given credit for such movie clichés as A one man army.... and In a world, where....","category":"celebrities","answer":"Don La Fontaine","choices":["Isaac Hayes","Peter Cullen","Don La Fontaine","Melvin Franklin"]},{"question":"This actor from Paterson, New Jersey voiced Joe Swanson in Family Guy, Kronk in The Emperors New Groove, and Tick in TV series, Tick.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Patrick Warburton","choices":["Mike Judge","Daws Butler","Tex Brasher","Patrick Warburton"]},{"question":"Bill Scott, a voice actor, writer, and producer of animated cartoons, primarily in association with Jay Ward, was the voice of three of these characters. Name the one he did not voice.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Boris Badenough","choices":["Boris Badenough","Bullwinkle","Mr. Big","George of the Jungle"]},{"question":"This American actress, born in Paris, is best known for voicing Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons series. She also appeared on the situation comedies Hermans Head and Dharma and Greg.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yeardley Smith","choices":["Julie Kravner","Yeardley Smith","Nancy Cartwright","Daniella Castellaneta"]},{"question":"Her name is Memphis Eve. Who is her famous dad?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bono","choices":["Bono","Todd Rundgren","Shaquille ONeal","Gregg Allman"]},{"question":"He changed his family name to separate himself from his famous uncle, but he named his son Kal-El.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nicholas Cage","choices":["Jack Black","Nicholas Cage","Elliot DePalma","John Soderburgh"]},{"question":"She has named her children Six, Seven, Fly and Puma.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Erykah Badu","choices":["Erykah Badu","Shakira","Mel B.","Mel C."]},{"question":"This Hawaiian born actress/singer starred in A Knights Tale; Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang; and appeared as a guest star on several TV shows. She named her son Audio Science Clayton.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Shannon Sossamon","choices":["Edie Falco","Shannon Sossamon","Keira Knightly","Bette Midler"]},{"question":"Singer Sarah McLachlan has children named India Ann Sushil and Tajah Summer.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"This actor and friend of Jimmy Stewart served on board the U.S.S. destroyer, Satterlee. He served honorably in war, yet his daughter spent most of her early life protesting the Vietnam War.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Henry Fonda","choices":["Robert Mitchum","Kirk Douglas","John Wayne","Henry Fonda"]},{"question":"It was clear...frankly my dear, he did give a damn. He served honorably in WWII in the air force.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Clark Gable","choices":["Spencer Tracy","Clark Gable","Douglas Fairbanks","Lee Marvin"]},{"question":"Nicolas Cage played one of the protagonists in the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In which of these movies has Nicolas Cage not appeared?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Crash (2004)","choices":["Face Off","Crash (2004)","Con Air","The Family Man"]},{"question":"What was the occupation of Nicolas Cages character in the movie It Could Happen to You?","category":"celebrities","answer":"a police officer","choices":["a painter","a lawyer","a judge","a police officer"]},{"question":"In which of these movies does Nicolas Cage play an arms dealer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lord of War","choices":["Warlord","The Warlords","Lord of War","War"]},{"question":"Which of these war movies stars Nicolas Cage?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Windtalkers","choices":["Black Hawk Down","Saving Private Ryan","Windtalkers","Thin Red Line"]},{"question":"Does Willem Dafoe star with Nicolas Cage in the 1990 movie Wild at Heart?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Nicolas Cage plays Andrew Sterling in the movie Amos Andrew.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What was the name of Nicolas Cages character in the movie City of Angels?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Seth","choices":["Steven","Nate","Nathaniel","Seth"]},{"question":"Nicolas Cage won an Academy Award for his performance as a suicidal alcoholic in this movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Leaving Las Vegas","choices":["Wild at Heart","8mm","Leaving Las Vegas","Adaptation"]},{"question":"The movie Captain Corellis Mandolin, starring Nicolas Cage, is set during which war?","category":"celebrities","answer":"WWII","choices":["The Vietnam War","None of these","WWII","WWI"]},{"question":"What was the full name of Hardy, of the famous comedy partnership, Laurel and Hardy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Oliver Norwell Hardy","choices":["Oliver Norwell Hardy","Oliver Wendell Hardy","Wendell Oliver Hardy","Norton Oliver Hardy"]},{"question":"What was the full name of Laurel, of the famous comedy duo, Laurel and Hardy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Arthur Stanley Jefferson","choices":["Stanley Arthur Jefferson","Wolliam Wendell Laurel","Arthur Stanley Jefferson","Arthur Stanley Laurel"]},{"question":"Which was the first movie in which Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy both appeared in 1921, albeit not as a team?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Lucky Dog","choices":["A Lucky Dog","The Second Hundred Years","The Bohemians","The Piano Movers"]},{"question":"What was the last movie famous comedy duo, Laurel and Hardy made together?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Atoll K (aka Utopia)","choices":["The Bohemians","Atoll K (aka Utopia)","The Jerks at Sea","The Kentucky Gentlemen"]},{"question":"Which of these is not a name comedy duo Laurel and Hardy went by, in European countries?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Da Schoene und da Huebsche","choices":["Dick und Dorf","Da Schoene und da Huebsche","El Gordo y El Flaco","Stallio and Ollio"]},{"question":"Which of the two members of comedy team Laurel and Hardy won a Lifetime Achievement Academy Award from the Screen Actors Guild ?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Laurel","choices":["Neither","Laurel","They won as a team","Hardy"]},{"question":"What was the cause of American actor, Oliver Hardys death on August 7, 1957?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Stroke","choices":["Stroke","Tuberculosis","Cancer","Heart attack"]},{"question":"Which of comedy team, Laurel and Hardys films won an Oscar for Best Comedy Short Subject in 1932?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Music Box","choices":["The Music Box","The Tie Twiddler","The Bohemian Girl","Two Jerks at Sea"]},{"question":"Which was the first movie in which actors Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy officially appeared as a team?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Second Hundred Years (June 1927)","choices":["The Second Hundred Years (June 1927)","Babes in Toyland (1934)","The Lucky Dog (1921)","The Music Box (1932)"]},{"question":"Who co-starred with Elvis in Flaming Star?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Barbara Eden","choices":["Debra Paget","Juliet Prowse","Shelly Fabares","Barbara Eden"]},{"question":"Which actress was Elviss love interest in Blue Hawaii?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Joan Blackman","choices":["Joan Blackman","Judy Tyler","Debra Paget","Carolyn Jones"]},{"question":"Loving You stars Elvis Presley and this actress.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dolores Hart","choices":["Diana Goodwin","Judy Tyler","Barbara Eden","Dolores Hart"]},{"question":"Elviss first film, Love Me Tender, stars what leading lady?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Debra Paget","choices":["Dolores Hart","Judy Tyler","Dianna Goodwin","Debra Paget"]},{"question":"Elviss girlfriend in Charro was played by this actress.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ina Balin","choices":["Carolyn Jones","Ina Balin","Barbara Eden","Dolores Hart"]},{"question":"Stay Away Joe was a completely different image for Elvis. Who starred with him in this film?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Katy Jurado","choices":["Ann-Margret","Katy Jurado","Carolyn Jones","Shelly Fabares"]},{"question":"Of all the movie stars Elvis Presley worked with, she was the only one to attend his funeral.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ann-Margret","choices":["Juliet Prowse","Ann-Margret","Stella Stevens","Shelly Fabares"]},{"question":"Who did Elvis dance the Flamenco with, in movie Girls, Girls, Girls?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Laura Goodwin","choices":["Laura Goodwin","Donna Douglas","Stella Stevens","Juliet Prowse"]},{"question":"What actress starts in Live A Little Love A Little, alongside Elvis?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Michele Cary","choices":["Nancy Sinatra","Connie Stevens","Michele Cary","Debra Paget"]},{"question":"There is more than one lady after Elviss attention in the move Fun In Acapulco, but only this one can be his Bosa Nova Baby.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Elsa Cardenas","choices":["Elsa Cardenas","Ann-Margret","Joan Blackman","Ursula Andress"]},{"question":"It Happened at the Worlds Fair (1963) stars Elvis and this beauty.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Joan OBrien","choices":["Elsa Cardenas","Ursula Andress","Joan OBrien","Ann-Margret"]},{"question":"In the film,Wild in the Country, Elvis had to choose between three of these four leading ladies. Which actress did he pick?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tuesday Weld","choices":["Tuesday Weld","Millie Perkins","Hope Lange","Laura Goodwin"]},{"question":"Which R B songstress named her child Puma?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Erykah Badu","choices":["Toni Braxton","Erykah Badu","Lauryn Hill","Mary J. Blige"]},{"question":"Diezel is the child of which R B songstress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Toni Braxton","choices":["Vanessa Williams","Toni Braxton","Brandy","Lauryn Hill"]},{"question":"Kal-el is the child of which Oscar winning actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nicholas Cage","choices":["Dustin Hoffman","Nicholas Cage","Russell Crowe","Tom Hanks"]},{"question":"This Oscar winning actress named her daughter Apple.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gwyneth Paltrow","choices":["Helen Hunt","Frances McDormand","Gwyneth Paltrow","Hilary Swank"]},{"question":"This former supermodel named her child Sailor Lee.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Christie Brinkley","choices":["Kathy Ireland","Rachel Hunter","Cheryl Tiegs","Christie Brinkley"]},{"question":"Which television and movie actor has a child named Thyme?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Isiah Washington","choices":["Patrick Dempsey","Kevin Bacon","Bruce Willis","Isiah Washington"]},{"question":"This movie star named his child Reignbeau.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ving Rhames","choices":["Damon Wayans","Jamie Foxx","Ving Rhames","Samuel L. Jackson"]},{"question":"Which Australian born actress named her child Banjo?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rachel Griffiths","choices":["Rachel Griffiths","Toni Collette","Naomi Watts","Nicole Kidman"]},{"question":"Which comedian has a child named Moxie Crimefighter?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Penn Jillette","choices":["Adam Carolla","Penn Jillette","Jason Alexander","Chris Kattan"]},{"question":"Which musician has a son named Speck Wildhorse?","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Mellancamp","choices":["Jon Bon Jovi","John Denver","John Mellancamp","Bono"]},{"question":"Which Aerosmith song are the following lyrics from: Sing with me, sing for the year, sing for the laughter, sing for tear..?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dream On","choices":["Walk This Way","I Dont Want To Miss A Thing","Dream On","Rag Doll"]},{"question":"Which is the missing word from the lyrics of the popular Aerosmith song I Dont Want To Miss A Thing: “I could stay awake, just to hear you _________”?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Breathing","choices":["Sleeping","Blinking","Walking","Breathing"]},{"question":"The following lyrics are from the song Walk On Water by Aerosmith: “Cruised into a bar on the, her picture graced the grime on the door.”","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What Aerosmith song are the following lyrics from: “Get ready for the big time, tap dancing on a land mine”?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rag Doll","choices":["Rag Doll","Angel","Walk This Way","Cryin"]},{"question":"What is the missing word in these lyrics by Aerosmith: “I was _____ when I met you, now Im dying to forget you”?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cryin","choices":["Angry","Crazy","Cryin","Sad"]},{"question":"What song by Aerosmith has the following lyrics: You talk about things that nobody cares, you’re wearing out things that nobody wears?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sweet Emotion","choices":["Dream On","Sweet Emotion","Amazing","Janies Got A Gun"]},{"question":"The following lyrics are from the song Amazing by Aerosmith: Lifes a journey, not a destination, and theres just no telling what tomorrow brings.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What Aerosmith song are the following lyrics from: That kind of lovin, sends a man, to his grave?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Crazy","choices":["Cryin","Love In An Elavator","Crazy","Angel"]},{"question":"What is the most popular nickname of TV talk show host Jay Leno?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Chin","choices":["The Boss","The Grandpa","The Wig","The Chin"]},{"question":"Justin Timberlakes very curly blond hair has earned him this funny nickname.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Curly Spice","choices":["Perm","Surly-Curly","Curly Spice","Noddle Hair"]},{"question":"What was the reason Madonna was called Madge in Great Britain?","category":"celebrities","answer":"It is short for Your Majesty","choices":["Because she mentions Joe DiMaggio in her song Vogue","It is just a pet name for Madonna","It is short for Your Majesty","Because she resembles Mary Magdalene"]},{"question":"What is actress Courtney Coxs nickname that she was given by her family and friends as a child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"CeCe","choices":["Tsetse","CeCe","Coxie","CoCo"]},{"question":"Reportedly president George W. Bush liked to call himself this, being a big fan of nicknames.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Decider","choices":["The Decider","The Big Brother","The Manager","The Big Bad Boss"]},{"question":"Gwen Stefani has been called this nickname because of her smile and her signature platinum blond hair.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sunshine","choices":["Sunshine","Sunrise","Barbie","Marilyn"]},{"question":"What female singer has been called Booty because of her impressive buttocks?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Janet Jackson","choices":["Shakira","Beyonce","Jennifer Lopez","Janet Jackson"]},{"question":"What nickname was given to actor Charlie Sheen which rhymes with his last name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Masheen","choices":["Teen","Spleen","Mean","Masheen"]},{"question":"Aerosmiths lead singer Steven Tyler was called this nickname to refer to his powerful voice and signature vocalization.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Demon of Screaming","choices":["Soundwave","The Deafening Monster","Demon of Screaming","Gigahertz"]},{"question":"What American actor was given the ingenious nickname Italian Stallion?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sylvester Stallone","choices":["Robert De Niro","Leonardo DiCaprio","Sylvester Stallone","Ray Liotta"]},{"question":"For which film did Frank Sinatra get his Oscar?","category":"celebrities","answer":"From Here to Eternity","choices":["Suddenly","Kings go Forth","From Here to Eternity","Can-Can"]},{"question":"Which film starring Frank Sinatra was based on the life of the comedian Joe E. Lewis?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Joker is Wild","choices":["The Tender Trap","Pal Joey","The Joker is Wild","Meet Danny Wilson"]},{"question":"In which movie did Frank Sinatra make his starring debut?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Higher and Higher","choices":["Higher and Higher","Take Me Out to the Ballgame","Miracle of the Bells","On the Town"]},{"question":"Which of these movies stars both Doris Day and Frank Sinatra?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Young at Heart","choices":["On the Town","The Tender Trap","Oceans 11","Young at Heart"]},{"question":"Name the 1955 film in which Frank Sinatra co-starred with Debbie Reynolds and David Wayne.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Tender Trap","choices":["The Pride and the Passion","The Lady in Cement","The Tender Trap","The Devil at 4 OClock"]},{"question":"Which of these is a Rat Pack film starring Frank Sinatra set in the Old West?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sergeants Three","choices":["Dirty Dingus McGee","Assult on a Queen","The Miracle of the Bells","Sergeants Three"]},{"question":"Which western spoof co-starred George Kennedy and Frank Sinatra as an outlaw with a $10.00 (ten dollar) price on his head?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dirty Dingus McGee","choices":["Way Out West","Dirty Dingus McGee","Miracle of the Bells","Suddenly"]},{"question":"In which film did Frank Sinatra play the owner of a naughty Parisian night spot?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Can-Can","choices":["The French Twist","The Joker is Wild","I Remember Paris","Can-Can"]},{"question":"Which 1966 Frank Sinatra films plot centred around a heist on an ocean liner?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Assault on a Queen","choices":["War and Peace at Sea","Assault on a Queen","Oceans Eleven","The Cruise Ship Caper"]},{"question":"In which film did Frank Sinatra and Jules Munshin sing the emblematic theme song New York, New York?","category":"celebrities","answer":"On the Town","choices":["In Old New York","On the Town","New York, New York","Wonderful Town"]},{"question":"In which Frank Sinatra film did Old Blue Eyes play Nathan Detroit?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Guys and Dolls","choices":["On the Town","Can-Can","Guys and Dolls","New York, New York"]},{"question":"Which movie, for which Frank Sinatra was already cast, saw him pull out when he learned he would have to film each scene in two different technologies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Carousel","choices":["Carousel","My Fair Lady","Guys and Dolls","Oklahoma"]},{"question":"When and where was Robert Duvall born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"January 5, 1931in SanDiego, California","choices":["January 5, 1931in SanDiego, California","January 5, 1951in Dumont, Texas","January 5, 1956 in Des Moines, Iowa","January 5, 1941in Annapolis, Maryland"]},{"question":"Which statement is incorrect about Luciana Pedraza, Robert Duvalls fourth wife?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She was born in Verz Cruz, Mexico.","choices":["She is over 40 years younger than he is.","She was the writer and director of the movie Portrait of Billy Joe.","She and Robert are avid Tango dancers.","She was born in Verz Cruz, Mexico."]},{"question":"Robert Duvall and his good friend Dustin Hoffman studied with the same famous acting teacher. Who was he?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sanford Meisner","choices":["Sanford Meisner","Uta Hagen","Lee Strassberg","Tyrone Guthrie"]},{"question":"Robert Duvalls acting teacher got him a part in the play The Midnight Caller. Who was the author of this play?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Horton Foote","choices":["Tom Stoppard","Sanford Meisner","David Mamet","Horton Foote"]},{"question":"Robert Duvall was the first actor to play Major Frank Burns.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"For which of these movies did Robert Duvall win the Best Actor Oscar?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tender Mercies","choices":["The Godfather","The Apostle","Apocalypse Now","Tender Mercies"]},{"question":"Robert Duvall is known to be aligned with which political party?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Republican Party","choices":["The Republican Party","The Green Party","The Libertarian Party","The Democratic Party"]},{"question":"In the Godfather movies, how many men did Robert Duvalls character personally kill?","category":"celebrities","answer":"0","choices":["1","5","0","2"]},{"question":"In which movie does Robert Duvall not portray Lt. Col. Meacham, a fighter pilot?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Pilot","choices":["The Gift of Fury","The Ace","The Great Santini","The Pilot"]},{"question":"To which famous American can Robert Duvall trace his lineage?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robert E. Lee","choices":["Robert E. Lee","U.S. Grant","George Washington","William T. Sherman"]},{"question":"Which of these roles was not played by Robert Duvall?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kit Carson","choices":["Josef Stalin","James Earl Jones brother","Adolph Eichmann","Kit Carson"]},{"question":"Which of these characters was not portrayed by Robert Duvall?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jimmy Carter","choices":["Joseph Pulitzer","Dwight D. Eisenhower","Robert E. Lee","Jimmy Carter"]},{"question":"The following lyrics are from a song by the Rolling Stones, released in 1971 as the first single of the album, Sticky Fingers. Name the song.\n\nGold Coast slaveship bound for cotton fields\nSold in a market down in New Orleans\nScarred old slaver know hes doin alright\nHear him whip the women just around midnight","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brown Sugar","choices":["Brown Sugar","Beast of Burden","Its only rock and roll","Rough Justice"]},{"question":"The following lyrics are from Miss You, a 1978 hit song by the Rolling Stones:\n\nIve been waiting in the hall\nBeen waiting on your call\nWhen the phone rings\nIts just some friends of mine that say,\nHey, whats the matter man?\nWere gonna come around at twelve\nWith some Puerto Rican girls that are just dyin to meet you","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"These are the opening lines of a song by The Rolling Stones, which first appeared as the opening track on the 1968 album, Beggars Banquet. Guess the song.\n\nPlease allow me to introduce myself\nIm a man of wealth and taste\nIve been around for a long long year stolen many mans soul and faith\nI was around when Jesus Christ had His moment of doubt and pain","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sympathy for the Devil","choices":["Harlem Shuffle","Jumpin Jack Flash","Get off My Cloud","Sympathy for the Devil"]},{"question":"These lyrics come from Fool to Cry, a song which appears on The Rolling Stones album, Black and Blue:\n\nNo more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue\nI could not foresee this thing happening to you\nIf I look hard enough into the setting sun\nMy love will laugh with me before the morning comes","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which statement concerning Bernie Mac is true?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bernie was born October 5 1958 in Chicago, Illinois.","choices":["Bernie was born October 5 1963 in Compton, California.","Bernie was born October 5 1958 in Chicago, Illinois.","Bernie was born October 5 1962 in Oakland, California.","Bernie was born October 5 1960 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."]},{"question":"In 1992 Bernie Mac made his film debut in this comedy about a con artist who gets a job at a credit card company.","category":"celebrities","answer":"MoMoney","choices":["MoMoney","Im Gonna Git You Sucka","Punchline","Blankman"]},{"question":"In 1993 Bernie Mac was in a movie about two totally inept barbers, starring Ice-T and Ed Lover.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Whos the Man","choices":["Barber Shop","Friday","Above Heaven","Whos the Man"]},{"question":"Bernie Mac tours with three other entertainers known as The Kings of Comedy. Which of the following is not one of them?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chris Rock","choices":["Steve Harvey","Cedric the Entertainer","Chris Rock","D.L. Hughley"]},{"question":"What was the name of the HBO special which Bernie Mac did in 1995 in Chicago?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Midnight Mac","choices":["Mac Attack","Just Bernie","Midnight Mac","The Bernie Mac Hour"]},{"question":"Which 2003 movie, written and directed by Chris Rock, starred Bernie Mac as Chris Rocks brother?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Head of State","choices":["Friday","Colors","Get on the Bus","Head of State"]},{"question":"From which ailment is Bernie Mac known to suffer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sarcoidosis","choices":["Type II Diabetes","Bucelosis","Sarcoidosis","Type I Diabetes"]},{"question":"In this 2004 movie, Bernie Mac portrayed a baseball player who had to return to the game to get his 3000th hit.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mr. 3000","choices":["Mr. 3000","The Last Season","Its All in the Game","Major League"]},{"question":"In Oceans 11and 12, Bernie Mac plays Frank Catton. What is his specialty in the movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Infiltration","choices":["Infiltration","Weaponry","Gymnastics","Electronic"]},{"question":"In The Bernie Mac Show, Bernie is married to a beautiful woman portrayed by this actress.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kelita Smith","choices":["Jamie Suarez","Camille Winbush","Dee Dee Davis","Kelita Smith"]},{"question":"Harrison Ford was going to appear in this movie, but his scene was deleted in the final cut.","category":"celebrities","answer":"E.T.","choices":["E.T.","Bull Durham","Poltergeist","Daddy Day Care"]},{"question":"In this movie Harrison Ford plays a man on vacation who gets involved in a terrorist attack on the U.K.s Royal Family.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Patriot Games","choices":["Patriotism","Patriot Games","Time of the Patriot","The Patriot"]},{"question":"Harrison Ford made his first movie appearance in this 1966 movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dead Heat on a Marry Go-Round","choices":["Cold in the Park","A Cold Winter","Dead Heat on a Marry Go-Round","Heat of the Desert"]},{"question":"Harrison Ford is an avid pilot.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"When was Harrison Ford born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"none of these","choices":["July 14, 1942","July 14, 1941","none of these","July 14, 1943"]},{"question":"George Lucas wanted Han Solo to die in Return of the Jedi, but Harrison Ford talked him out of it.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Harrison Ford is an avid fan of this sport.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mixed Martial Arts","choices":["Mixed Martial Arts","Drag Racing","Badminton","Fishing"]},{"question":"For which movie did Harrison Ford receive an Oscar Award nomination?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Witness","choices":["Patriot Games","Witness","The Fugitive","all of these"]},{"question":"When was Will Ferrell born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"July 16 1967","choices":["August 5 1969","September 18 1965","July 16 1967","October 20 1970"]},{"question":"Will Ferrells real name is John William Ferrell.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How tall is actor Will Ferrell?","category":"celebrities","answer":"6 3","choices":["65","6 3","60","510"]},{"question":"Has actor Will Ferrell been married?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Is actor Will Ferrell a drop out?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Actor Will Ferrell had surgery when he was a teen.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In what movie did Will Ferrell play an auditor whose life was guided by his watch?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Stranger Than Fiction","choices":["Melinda and Melinda","Stranger Than Fiction","Wedding Crashers","Old School"]},{"question":"In what 2005 movie did Will Ferrell play a rocker who wore eyeliner?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Winter Passing","choices":["Kicking Screaming","The Wendell Baker Story","Bewitched","Winter Passing"]},{"question":"Will Ferrell appeared in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"For what movie did Meryl Streep win her first Academy Award for Best Actress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sophies Choice","choices":["Sophies Choice","The Bridges of Madison County","Music of the Heart","Kramer vs. Kramer"]},{"question":"What famous actress was originally chosen for the role of Roberta Guaspari Demetras for the 1999 movie Music of the Heart? (the role was eventually given to Meryl Streep)","category":"celebrities","answer":"Madonna","choices":["Celine Dion","Cher","Sheryl Crow","Madonna"]},{"question":"What disease is Meryl Streeps character in the 1998 movie One True Thing diagnosed with?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cancer","choices":["Cancer","Diabetes","AIDS","Alzheimers disease"]},{"question":"What character does Meryl Streep portray in the 2002 movie The Hours?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Clarissa Vaughan","choices":["Laura Brown","Vanessa Bell","Clarissa Vaughan","Virginia Woolf"]},{"question":"In what Robert De Niro movie does Meryl Streep play a supporting role as the female character Linda?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Deer Hunter","choices":["The Deer Hunter","True Confessions","Angel Heart","Falling in Love"]},{"question":"How many Academy Awards did the 1985 movie Out of Africa, starring Meryl Streep and Robert Redford, receive?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Seven","choices":["Five","Seven","Fifteen","None"]},{"question":"With whom does Meryl Streeps character Francesca from the movie The Bridges of Madison County fall in love?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A photographer","choices":["Her brother","A homeless man","A photographer","A construction worker"]},{"question":"How many children does Meryl Streeps character have in the 2006 comedy-drama The Devil Wears Prada?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Twin daughters","choices":["Twin daughters","A son","None","Three boys"]},{"question":"What character did Meryl Streep voice in the 2006 computer-animated movie The Ant Bully?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Queen Ant","choices":["The Queen Ant","Doreen Nickle","Kreela","Hova"]},{"question":"In what movie did Meryl Streep play a Catholic nun called Sister Aloysius?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Doubt","choices":["Doubt","Death Becomes Her","Dark Matter","A Prairie Home Companion"]},{"question":"Who is Jack Blacks partner in the duo Tenacious D?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kyle Gas","choices":["Jack White","Kyle Gas","Garth Brooks","Kyle Bass"]},{"question":"In the movie Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, who plays the part of young Jack Blacks father?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Meat Loaf","choices":["Alice Cooper","Ozzy Osbourne","Gene Simmons","Meat Loaf"]},{"question":"Jack Blacks full name is Theodore Jack Black.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is the name of Jack Black and Tanya Hadens first child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Samuel","choices":["David","Jonathan","Samuel","Jessica"]},{"question":"What body organ did Jack Black have removed?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gall Bladder","choices":["Pancreas","Spleen","A kidney","Gall Bladder"]},{"question":"What is the profession of Jack Blacks parents?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rocket scientists","choices":["Marine biologist","Journalists","Rocket scientists","Dentists"]},{"question":"Jack Blacks wife Tanya Haden is a twin.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of the following movies has Jack Black not played a part in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Powder","choices":["Shark Tale","School of Rock","Nacho Libre","Powder"]},{"question":"Jack Blacks father is Jewish and his mother converted to Judaism.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Jack Black was the host of The Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards show in 2006.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"When and where was actor Leonard Nimoy born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"26 March 1931 in Boston, Massachusetts","choices":["26 March 1934 in Vancover, British Columbia, Canada","26 March 1931 in Boston, Massachusetts","26 March 1935 in Hartford, Connnecticut","26 March 1925 in Toronto, Ottawa, Canada"]},{"question":"Leonard Nimoy and fellow Star Trek star William Shatner were born only 4 days apart to parents of the same ethnic group.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Leonard Nimoy and fellow Star Trek actor William Shatner suffer from the same ailment. What is it?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tinnitus","choices":["Tinnitus","Peripheral neuropathy","Shingles","Diabetes"]},{"question":"Mr. (or commonly referred to as Dr.) Spock, portrayed by Leonard Nimoy, puts his fingers into a certain position whenever he says, live long and prosper. Where did he get this gesture from?","category":"celebrities","answer":"From his religion","choices":["From a signal used by referees in ice hockey","From a gesture used by his acting teacher meaning, Slow!","From his religion","From the V for the victory signal of WWII"]},{"question":"When the Star Trek series ended, what did Leonard Nimoy started doing to support himself?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He opened a pet store.","choices":["He directed movie trailers.","He opened a pet store.","He became a ghost writer for several off-Broadway plays.","He ghost-wrote several episodes of TJ Hooker and Mission: Impossible."]},{"question":"Who dreamed up the haircut that Leonard Nimoys character on Star Trek, Dr. Spock wore?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nimoys father","choices":["Gene Rodenberry","Nimoys father","William Shatner","Norman Lear"]},{"question":"Which statement about Leonard Nimoy is untrue?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Both William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy have been married 4 times.","choices":["Leonard Nimoy is the only Star trek cast member to be in every episode.","Leonard Nimoy has an honorary doctorate.","Both William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy have been married 4 times.","Shatner and Nimoy are both vegetarians."]},{"question":"For which Rock and Pop band did Leonard Nimoy direct a music video?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Bangles","choices":["Bananarama","Blondie","The Beatles","The Bangles"]},{"question":"Leonard Nimoy was the tallest member of the regular Star Trek cast.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In which of these series did Leoanrd Nimoy not appear?","category":"celebrities","answer":"American Dad","choices":["Mission: Impossible","American Dad","T. J. Hooker","Gunsmoke"]},{"question":"In the Star Trek TV series, which actors portrayed Mr. Spocks parents?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jane Wyatt and Mark Leonard","choices":["Christopher Plummer and Rosana DeSoto","Ward Bond and Elizabeth Rogers","Kurtwood Smith and Grace Lee Whiteley","Jane Wyatt and Mark Leonard"]},{"question":"Finish the chorus of System of a Downs song B.Y.O.B from their album Mezmerize:\nKneeling roses disappearing, Into Moses’ dry mouth, Breaking into Fort Knox, Stealing our ........","category":"celebrities","answer":"Intentions","choices":["Intentions","Inventions","Ingredients","Freedom"]},{"question":"Andy Khachaturian is a former drummer of alternative metal band System of a Down.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Shavo Odadjian, famous as the bassist of System of a Down, was born in what year?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1974","choices":["1972","1976","1974","1970"]},{"question":"The albums Hypnotize and Mezmerize were both released in the same year by alternative metal band System of a Down.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which song by System of a Down contains the following lines:\nBanana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie!\nBanana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie!?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vicinity of Obscenity","choices":["Shes Like Heroin","B.Y.O. B","Vicinity of Obscenity","Radio/Video"]},{"question":"Complete these lyrics from Chop Suey!, the first single from System of a Downs album Toxicity:\nWake up,\nGrab a brush and put a little (makeup),\nGrab a brush and put a little,\nHide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)\nHide the scars to fade away the,\nWhyd you leave the keys upon the table?\nHere you go create another................","category":"celebrities","answer":"fable","choices":["maple","table","fable","cable"]},{"question":"What is the missing word in these lyrics from System of a Downs song Chic N Stu:\nThis ballgames in the refrigerator,\nThe door is closed,\nThe lights are out,\nAnd the butters getting .............?","category":"celebrities","answer":"hard","choices":["hard","soft","smart","dark"]},{"question":"Complete the chorus of System of a Downs song This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like Im On This Song:\nTheres something wrong with me\nTheres something wrong with you\nTheres something wrong with me\nI hope your stepson doesnt eat the fish\nAnd were crying for our next ........","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fix","choices":["Pics","Mix","Fix","Mixes"]},{"question":"For what movie did Robin Williams receive his first Academy Award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Good Will Hunting","choices":["Dead Poets Society","Good Will Hunting","Moscow on the Hudson","Patch Adams"]},{"question":"How does Chris find out that Mrs. Doubtfire is a man in the 1993 movie Mrs. Doubtfire, starring Robin Williams?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He catches her urinating upright.","choices":["He catches her urinating upright.","He hears her talk on the phone.","He finds photos in her purse.","He sees her dressing up."]},{"question":"What popular female singer and actress appeared alongside Robin Williams in the 1996 movie Jack?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jennifer Lopez","choices":["Mariah Carey","Madonna","Jennifer Lopez","Beyonce"]},{"question":"What was the tagline on the theatrical poster of the 1998 dramedy movie Patch Adams, starring Robin Williams?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Laughter is contagious.","choices":["Save our souls.","The heart comes first.","Laughter is contagious.","The most precious things are invisible."]},{"question":"What is the name of the android portrayed by Robin Williams in the 1999 movie Bicentennial Man?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Andrew","choices":["Andrew","Partick","Steve","George"]},{"question":"What character did Robin Williams voice in the 1992 Walt Disney animated movie Aladdin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Genie","choices":["Prince Ali Ababwa","The Genie","Jafar","Iago"]},{"question":"What actor was rumored to have been considered for the leading role in the 1989 movie Dead Poets Society, starring Robin Williams?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Bill Murray","Liam Neeson","All of these","Dustin Hoffman"]},{"question":"What Academy Award-winning actor co-starred with Robin Williams in the 1990 drama movie Awakenings?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robert De Niro","choices":["Dustin Hoffman","Christopher Walken","Robert De Niro","Tom Hanks"]},{"question":"Why doesnt Kenneth Zevo want his son to inherit his toy factory in the 1992 comedy movie Toys, starring Robin Williams?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Because he is immature","choices":["Because he spends too much money","Because hes incompetent","Because he has a disease","Because he is immature"]},{"question":"What character did Robin Williams portray in the 1991 movie Hook?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Peter Pan","choices":["Tootles","Jack Banning","Peter Pan","Captain Hook"]},{"question":"When was American actor Adam Sandler born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"September 9th, 1966","choices":["September 11th, 1966","September 9th, 1966","November 23,1971","October 5th, 1965"]},{"question":"Where was actor Adam Sandler born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brooklyn, New York","choices":["Boston, Mass","Brooklyn, New York","Chicago, Illinois","New York, New york"]},{"question":"Adam Sandler had a role in the movie The Hot Chick.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In which of these movies did Adam Sandler NOT have a part?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Good Luck Chuck","choices":["Blossoms And Blood","Good Luck Chuck","The Animal","Coneheads"]},{"question":"What was the first movie Adam Sandler had a major role in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Billy Madison","choices":["The WaterBoy","Billy Madison","8 crazie nights","Big Daddy"]},{"question":"Actor Adam Sandler is of Jewish origin.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Actor Adam Sandler had his first girlfriend in the sixth grade, but sadly, he was dumped one night during dinner.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Adam Sandler started performing in comedy clubs by taking the stage at a club in New York.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What country was Heath Ledger born in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Australia","choices":["Australia","New Zealand","England","Wales"]},{"question":"This well known Actor/ Director/ Producer Icon was the co-star with Heath Ledger in the movie The Patriot.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mel Gibson","choices":["James Cann","Mel Gibson","Will Smith","Robert Redford"]},{"question":"Which of the following names is NOT one of the names used by Heath Ledgers character in the movie A Knights Tale?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wart","choices":["William Thatcher","Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein","Wart","Sir William Thatcher"]},{"question":"Heath Ledger portrayed Harry Faversham in the 2002 remake of this Classic Film.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Four Feathers","choices":["Dial M For Murder","The Four Feathers","Treasure Of The Sierra Madre","Casablanca"]},{"question":"For which movie was Heath Ledger nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brokeback Mountain","choices":["Brokeback Mountain","10 Things I Hate About You","A Knights Tale","The Patriot"]},{"question":"Heath Ledger suffered from this (these) ailments, which may have lead to his death.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression","choices":["Asthma, Pulmonary Emphysema","Rickets Disease","Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression","Heart Arrhythmia, Hypertension"]},{"question":"Heath Ledger is survived by a daughter named Matilda Rose Ledger.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these did Heath Ledger NOT accomplish during his lifetime.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Golden Globe for Best Actor","choices":["Act in a Music Video directed by Terry Gilliam","Golden Globe for Best Actor","Direct Music Videos","Junior Chess Champion"]},{"question":"This member of the Beat Movement lived briefly with The Grateful Dead and is immortalised in their song Thats It For the Other One.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Neal Cassady","choices":["Greg Corso","Jack Kerouac","Allen Ginsberg","Neal Cassady"]},{"question":"How many different musicians played the keyboards as members of The Grateful Dead?","category":"celebrities","answer":"6","choices":["6","8","4","2"]},{"question":"In 1967, The Grateful Dead performed at the legendary Monterey Pop Festival.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Friend of the Devil, Box of Rain and Attics of My Life are songs by The Grateful Dead, included in which album?","category":"celebrities","answer":"American Beauty","choices":["Anthem of the Sun","American Beauty","Without a Net","Infrared Roses"]},{"question":"The Grateful Deads final concert was on July 9th, 1995, in which city?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chicago","choices":["Chicago","New York","Los Angeles","San Francisco"]},{"question":"Following Jerry Garcias death in 1995, some of the remaining members of The Grateful Dead occasionally toured under what name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Other Ones","choices":["The Other Ones","The Remaining Ones","The Dead Ones","The Alive"]},{"question":"Which founding member of The Grateful Dead once dated Janis Joplin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ron Pigpen McKernan","choices":["Ron Pigpen McKernan","Bill Kreutzman","Bob Weir","Jerry Garcia"]},{"question":"Name the movie for which Albert Finney did NOT receive an Academy Award nomination.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Big Fish","choices":["Tom Jones","Erin Brockovich","Big Fish","Murder on the Orient Express"]},{"question":"Albert Finney won an Emmy Award for outstanding actor in a 2002 mini-series for which character?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Winston Churchill","choices":["Ebenezer Scrooge","Hercule Poirot","Tom Jones","Winston Churchill"]},{"question":"In what 2000 TV series did Albert Finney play a Cornish country gentlemen looking after his grand nephew?","category":"celebrities","answer":"My Uncle Silas","choices":["Uncle, Uncle, Uncle","Tom Jones","My Uncle Silas","Cold Lazarus"]},{"question":"Albert Finney passed away in June of 2006, within weeks of fellow actor and friend Alec Guinness.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which statement regarding actor John Lithgow is correct?","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Arthur Lithgow was born in 1945 in Rochester, New York.","choices":["John Arthur Lithgow was born in 1945 in Rochester, New York.","John Allen Lithgow was born in 1943 in Hartfod, Connecticut.","John Arliss Lithgow was born in 1942 in Shaker Heoghts, Ohio.","John Alfred Lithgow was born in 1944 in Chelmsford, Massachusetts."]},{"question":"John Lithgows mother was a retired actress and his father ran a theater.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"John Lithgow graduated magna cum laude with a degree in history and literature from Harvard and is a licensed Pastor.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In 1979 John Lithgow had a role in a movie about dancers starring Roy Scheider, Jessica Lange, Ann Reinking, Cliff Gorman, Ben Vereen and Max Wright. What was the name of this movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All That Jazz","choices":["Chicago","Meet Me in St. Louis","All That Jazz","Legs Donavan"]},{"question":"In 1981John Lithgow played a murderer in this John Travolta film.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Blow Out","choices":["Blow Up","Mr. Nash","Hangman","Blow Out"]},{"question":"In 1982 John Lithgow acted in this movie about a womans struggles which starred Jill Clayburgh, Nicol Williamson and Diane Wiest.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Im Dancing as Fast as I Can","choices":["Im Dancing as Fast as I Can","A Day in My Life","An Unmarried Woman","This is My Life"]},{"question":"In 1982 John Lithgow played Robert/Roberta Muldoon, a former All-Pro NFL player who has a sex change operation. What is the name of this movie that starred Robin Williams, Glenn Close and Warren Berlinger?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The World According to Garp","choices":["The World According to Garp","Patch Adams","Out and In","In and Out"]},{"question":"In 1983 John Lithgow played Sam Burns in this chick movie that starred Shirley MacLaine, Debra Winger, Jeff Daniels and Jack Nicholson.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Terms of Endearment","choices":["Terms of Endearment","Thelma and Louise","White Oleander","Leaves of Autumn"]},{"question":"John Lithgow appeared as a judge in this1998 film starring John Travolta. The film was about the legal implications of the dumping of industrial chemicals.","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Civil Action","choices":["Love Canal","Corporate Practice","The Rainmaker","A Civil Action"]},{"question":"In 2001 John Lithgow added his voice to the wonderful Shrek. What character did he voice?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lord Farquaad","choices":["Donkey","Lord Farquaad","Monsieur Hood","Shrek"]},{"question":"How many Oscars did John Lithgow win in the 1980s?","category":"celebrities","answer":"0","choices":["3","2","1","0"]},{"question":"What character did John Lithgow portray in NBCs 3rd Rock from the Sun from 1996-2001?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dr. Dick Solomon, a physics professor","choices":["Dr. Dick Solomon, a pediatrician","Dr. Dick Solomon, an anthropology professor","Dr. Stone Phillips, an economics professor","Dr. Dick Solomon, a physics professor"]},{"question":"Which of these actors did not have a role in 3rd Rock from the Sun?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chris Penn","choices":["Chris Penn","Joseph Gordon-Levitt","Wayne Knight","William Shatner"]},{"question":"John Lithgow has won a Razzie for Worst Actor in a Supporting Role.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Both Corey Haim and Corey Feldman were born in 1971.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Both Corey Feldman and Corey Haim agreed not to sign for a second season of The Two Coreys.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Forest Whitaker suffers from a medical condition commonly referred to (but incorrectly) as lazy eye.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Forest Whitaker has directed some movies as well as acted in them. Whitney Houston and Sandra Bullock were under his direction in what two movies released in 1995 and 1998?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Waiting to Exhale and Hope Floats","choices":["The Preachers Wife and Miss Congeniality","Waiting to Exhale and Hope Floats","The Bodyguard and Hope Floats","Waiting to Exhale and Speed"]},{"question":"Forest Whitaker was born in this state but was raised in South Central Los Angeles.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Texas","choices":["Mississippi","New York","Texas","Wyoming"]},{"question":"Forest Whitaker attended California State Polytechnic University on what kind of scholarship?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Football","choices":["Music","Theater","Football","Basketball"]},{"question":"In what movie did Forest Whitaker play his first major role?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fast Times at Ridgemont High","choices":["Fast Times at Ridgemont High","Bird","Downtown","Platoon"]},{"question":"Forest Whitaker was in this blockbuster movie directed by Oliver Stone.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Platoon","choices":["Any Given Sunday","JFK","Platoon","Born on the Fourth of July"]},{"question":"Academy Award-winning actor Forest Whitaker has shown some powerful performances on television. Two characters stand out - a patient named Curtis Ames and Lt Jon Kavanaugh. What are the shows featuring these characters?","category":"celebrities","answer":"ER and The Shield","choices":["Scrubs and Boston Legal","Chicago Hope and Hill Street Blues","ER and The Shield","House and NYPD Blue"]},{"question":"In 1987 Forest Whitaker starred in two movies, one with Emilio Estevez as Jack Pismo and the other with Robin Williams as Edward Garlick. Name the movies. Which were these movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Stakeout and Good Morning Vietnam","choices":["Young Guns and Cadillac Man","Stakeout and Good Morning Vietnam","Repo Man and Club Paradise","Maximum Overdrive and Bicentennial Man"]},{"question":"In which pair of movies were Forest Whitakers characters shown in flashbacks?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jasons Lyric and The Crying Game","choices":["First Daughter and Stakeout","The Crying Game and The Last King of Scotland","Bloodsport and Jasons Lyric","Jasons Lyric and The Crying Game"]},{"question":"Prior to 2007 Forest Whitaker portrayed mainly doctors in movies and television.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Forest Whitaker was a choice to play Sawyer on the television show Lost.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of the following is NOT an album by Iron Maiden?","category":"celebrities","answer":"2 Minutes to Midnight","choices":["2 Minutes to Midnight","Piece of Mind","Dance of Death","Brave New World"]},{"question":"Which of the following is NOT a song by Iron Maiden?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Philosopher","choices":["The Prophecy","The Clairvoyant","Infinite Dreams","The Philosopher"]},{"question":"The song Only the Good Die Young appears on which Iron Maiden album?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Seventh Son of a Seventh Son","choices":["Powerslave","A Matter of Life and Death","Killers","Seventh Son of a Seventh Son"]},{"question":"On which of Iron Maidens album covers does Eddie appear wearing a straight jacket?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Piece of Mind","choices":["Iron Maiden","Fear of the Dark","Killers","Piece of Mind"]},{"question":"On which of the following Iron Maidens album covers does Eddie appear as a face in the clouds?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brave New World","choices":["Brave New World","No Prayer for the Dying","Piece of Mind","Seventh Son of a Seventh Son"]},{"question":"On the Iron Maiden album Live after Death, the intro before the first song, Aces High, contains which of the following?","category":"celebrities","answer":"excerpt from a speech by Winston Churchill","choices":["planes and gunfire","excerpt from a speech by Winston Churchill","air raid siren","bomb dropping and exploding"]},{"question":"Which of the following is a song by Iron Maiden?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Alexander the Great","choices":["Edward XI","Vlad the Impaler","Alexander the Great","Edward the Great"]},{"question":"Which song by Iron Maiden contains the following lyrics 5 oclock they take me to the gallows pole, the sands of time for me are running low...?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hallowed be Thy Name","choices":["Wrathchild","Flash of the Blade","Still Life","Hallowed be Thy Name"]},{"question":"...Take my life but Ill take yours too, youll fire your musket but Ill run you through... are lyrics appearing in what song by Iron Maiden?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Trooper","choices":["Running Free","These colors dont run","Die with your boots on","The Trooper"]},{"question":"What is the name of the prostitute character that features in several songs by Iron Maiden?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Charlotte","choices":["Elizabeth","Belle","Judith","Charlotte"]},{"question":"What was the lineup of Iron Maiden for their 2006 world tour (A matter of Life and Death)?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nicko McBrain, Janick Gers, Steve Harris, Adrian Smith, Dave Murray, Bruce Dickinson","choices":["Nicko McBrain, Janick Gers, Steve Harris, Adrian Smith, Dave Murray, Bruce Dickinson","Nicko McBrain, Steve Harris, Bruce Dickinson, Dave Murray, Adrian Smith, Doug Sampson","Clive Burr, Janick Gers, Steve Harris, Bruce Dickinson, Dave Murray, Paul DiAnno","Bruce Dickinson, Nicko McBrain, Steve Harris, Adrian Smith, Dennis Stratton, Janick Gers"]},{"question":"Where was the majority of Iron Maidens album Live After Death recorded?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Long Beach, USA","choices":["Long Beach, USA","London, England","Manchester, England","Warsaw, Poland"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not a song from the Iron Maiden album Killers?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Children of the Damned","choices":["Wrathchild","Children of the Damned","Murders in the Rue Morgue","Purgatory"]},{"question":"Which of the following statements about the band Iron Maiden is true?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paul DiAnno performs vocals on the original recording of Phantom of the Opera.","choices":["Paul DiAnno performs vocals on the original recording of Phantom of the Opera.","Bruce Dickinson performs vocals on the original recording of The Clansman.","Blaze Bayley performs vocals on the original recording of No Prayer for the Dying.","Bruce Dickinson performs vocals on the original recording of Man on the Edge."]},{"question":"Which of the following is the title of a song by Iron Maiden?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Different World","choices":["Belles World","Different World","Real World","Dying World"]},{"question":"...When Im walking a dark road, I am a man who walks alone...are lyrics from which of the following Iron Maiden songs?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fear of the Dark","choices":["Innocent Exile","Fear of the Dark","Stranger in a Strange Land","The Journeyman"]},{"question":"On what date was Canadian actor Kiefer Sutherland born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"December 21, 1966","choices":["October 20, 1972","March 8, 1962","December 21, 1966","May 15, 1970"]},{"question":"How many middle names does actor Kiefer Sutherland have?","category":"celebrities","answer":"5","choices":["0","2","1","5"]},{"question":"What was the name of actor Kiefer Sutherlands first wife?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Camelia Kath","choices":["Shirley Douglas","Kelly Douglas","Kelly Winn","Camelia Kath"]},{"question":"How tall is Canadian actor Kiefer Sutherland?","category":"celebrities","answer":"59 (1.75 m)","choices":["62 (1.87 m)","59 (1.75 m)","60 (1.82 m)","57 (1.70 m)"]},{"question":"Kiefer Sutherland did not know his dad was an actor until the age of 18.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Canadian actor Kiefer Sutherland was engaged to Angelina Jolie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In what popular show did Kiefer Sutherland play an agent from the Counter Terrorist Unit?","category":"celebrities","answer":"24","choices":["Brotherhood of Justice","Fallen Angels","24","Amazing Stories"]},{"question":"Was actor Kiefer Sutherland arrested for driving while intoxicated in 2003?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Does actor Kiefer Sutherland have any siblings?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Actor Kiefer Sutherland is a keen tennis player.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these was one of Benny Hills many jobs before he turned to acting and stand-up comedy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Milkman","choices":["Pastry cook","Teacher","Waiter","Milkman"]},{"question":"What character does actor Eddie Murphy voice in the computer-animated Shrek movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Donkey","choices":["Pinocchio","Donkey","Shrek","Puss in Boots"]},{"question":"How did actress Caryn Elaine Johnson, better known as Whoopi Goldberg, get her interesting stage name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"From a raspberry cushion","choices":["Her mother gave her this name.","It was the name of her favorite cat.","From a raspberry cushion","She used the sound whoopi a lot as a child."]},{"question":"In interviews in 1999 and 2001 actor Ben Stiller confessed he was suffering from this disorder, and in 2006 he said he was joking back then.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bipolar disorder","choices":["Bipolar disorder","Heart disease","Diabetes","Alopecia"]},{"question":"Robin Williams passion for a certain sport resulted in his massive collection of these objects.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bicycles","choices":["Baseballs","Boxing gloves","Tennis rackets","Bicycles"]},{"question":"What funny character did actress Ellen DeGeneres voice in the 2003 animated movie Finding Nemo?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dory","choices":["Dory","Flo","Peach","Deb"]},{"question":"After comedian Steve Martin was elected for the student counsel at Garden Grove High School Comedian, he reportedly made a giant banner shaped like this object that stated Thank you for your support.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bra","choices":["Condom","Tighty whities","Bra","Girdle"]},{"question":"What famous painting did Rowan Atkinsons character Mr. Bean ruin in his 1997 Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Whistlers Mother","choices":["Mona Lisa","Whistlers Mother","Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp","Girl with a Pearl Earring"]},{"question":"What was the name of the song that actor Jackie Chan recorded for the 2008 Summer Olympics?","category":"celebrities","answer":"We Are Ready","choices":["We Are Ready","The Spirit","We Are The Champions","The Time Has Come"]},{"question":"What does Charlie Chaplins starving character eat in his 1925 film The Gold Rush?","category":"celebrities","answer":"His boot","choices":["A glove","His boot","A cat","His belt"]},{"question":"What actor was originally considered for the role of the Terminator in the 1984 movie The Terminator?","category":"celebrities","answer":"O. J. Simpson","choices":["Denzel Washington","Sylvester Stallone","O. J. Simpson","Dolph Lundgren"]},{"question":"What is the name of the character portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1985 movie Commando?","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Matrix","choices":["Kurt Dynamo","John Matrix","Lester Fryer","Skyler"]},{"question":"What funny tagline was used for the theatrical poster of the 1988 comedy movie Twins?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Only their mother can tell them apart.","choices":["Only their mother can tell them apart.","Youve never seen two people so identical.","Seriously, these guys here are twins.","No, you are not seeing double. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito are twins."]},{"question":"What character did Arnold Schwarzenegger play in the 1997 movie Batman Robin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mr. Freeze","choices":["Alfred Pennyworth","Dr. Jason Woodrue","Mr. Freeze","Batman"]},{"question":"What happens to Arnold Schwarzeneggers character in the 1994 movie Junior?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He gets pregnant.","choices":["He gets pregnant.","A plant starts growing out of his ear.","He grows a third arm.","He is abducted by aliens."]},{"question":"What is the name of the wheel which Conan is forced to push in the 1982 movie Conan the Barbarian?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wheel of Pain","choices":["Wheel of Sorrow","Wheel of Torture","Wheel of Death","Wheel of Pain"]},{"question":"In the 1994 movie True Lies, Arnold Schwarzeneggers character lies to his family that this is his real job.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Computer salesman","choices":["Computer salesman","Shoe salesman","Masseur","Book salesman"]},{"question":"What singer and actress starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1996 movie Eraser?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vanessa Williams","choices":["Cher","Madonna","Gloria Estefan","Vanessa Williams"]},{"question":"What celebrity made a cameo appearance in the 1993 movie Last Action Hero, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Sylvester Stallone","Little Richard","Tina Turner"]},{"question":"What is the nickname of Arnold Schwarzeneggers character in the 1987 movie Predator?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dutch","choices":["Spike","Dutch","Blade","Rush"]},{"question":"Where was American billionaire Mark Cuban born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pennsylvania","choices":["California","Utah","Texas","Pennsylvania"]},{"question":"As a 12-year-old Mark Cuban sold garbage bags.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How did billionaire Mark Cuban help pay his college tuition?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Selling stamps","choices":["Playing basketball on a scholarship","On an academic scholarship","Playing basketball for money","Selling stamps"]},{"question":"Which colleges did American billionaire Mark Cuban attend?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pittsburgh and Indiana","choices":["UCLA and Stanford","Pittsburgh and Indiana","Indiana and Texas","Brigham Young and Utah"]},{"question":"After several jobs, which firm did billionaire Mark Cuban start?","category":"celebrities","answer":"MicroSolutions","choices":["BusinessNet","MicroSolutions","Open Business.Net","MicroNet"]},{"question":"In 1995, Mark Cuban started AudioNet with his friend Todd Wagner. How did this company make money?","category":"celebrities","answer":"It broadcast live sports events over the Internet.","choices":["It broadcast music videos over the Internet.","It was an online technical support company.","It broadcast live sports events over the Internet.","It broadcast live musical events over the Internet."]},{"question":"Billionaire Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner sold their company for 5.4 billion dollars. Who did they sell it to?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yahoo","choices":["AOL","Apple","Arnet","Yahoo"]},{"question":"In 2005 Mark Cuban was a producer for a Stephen Soderbergh movie about a murder in a decaying Midwestern town. What was the name of this movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bubble","choices":["Build or Bust","Back in the Day","Bubble","Banned"]},{"question":"Which NBA team was bought by American billionaire Mark Cuban in 2000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dallas Mavericks","choices":["Houston Rockets","Utah Jazz","Dallas Mavericks","San Antonio Spurs"]},{"question":"Billionaire Mark Cuban is largely responsible for the development of this firm, founded in 1974 by theater owner Gary Meyer.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Landmark Theaters","choices":["Sunnyside Theaters","Houston Theaters","Ft. Worth Enterprises","Landmark Theaters"]},{"question":"Mark Cuban is an advocate of whose philosophy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ayn Rands","choices":["Everett L. Foresters","Immanuel Kants","Garrett Kahns","Ayn Rands"]},{"question":"In 2005 Mark Cuban was executive producer for the film Good Night and Good Luck. What was the film about?","category":"celebrities","answer":"the conflict between Edward R. Murrow and U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy","choices":["Global warming","The Cuban missible crisis","the conflict between Edward R. Murrow and U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy","The Enron trial"]},{"question":"What is the name of Mark Cubans production company that is responsible for the movies Villains, The Chosen Few, and What Just Happened?","category":"celebrities","answer":"2929","choices":["Provo Productions","Pittsburgh Productions","AllNet","2929"]},{"question":"In 1944 Grogory Peck starred in his first big film which was based on a James Hilton novel. What was the name of this movie about the life of a very fine priest?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Keys of the Kingdom","choices":["Lost Horizon","The Keys of the Kingdom","Shangri La","Goodbye Mr. Chips"]},{"question":"In 1945 Gregory Peck starred in his first Hitchcock movie as John Ballantine. Name the movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Spellbound","choices":["The 39 Steps","Rope","The Parradine Woman","Spellbound"]},{"question":"Gregory Peck starred in this 1946 movie about a young boy who adopts a fawn. The movie required five fawns, 8 black bears, horses, donkeys and a host of other animals.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Yearling","choices":["Old Yeller","The Fawn","The Afternoon of the Fawn","The Yearling"]},{"question":"What is the name of Gregory Pecks first western, made in 1946, in which he starred as Lewton Lewt McCanless?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Duel in the Sun","choices":["The Lawman","Duel in the Sun","Lust in the Dust","Johnny Ringo"]},{"question":"Gregory Peck starred in these two movies based on Hemingway stories.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Snows of Kilimanjaro and The Macomber Affair","choices":["The Paradine Case and A Walk in the Sun","Islands in the Stream and A Farewell to Arms","The Snows of Kilimanjaro and The Macomber Affair","The Bullfighter and A Year in Spain"]},{"question":"In 1947 Gregory Peck starred as Phillip Schuyler Green aka Greenberg in this movie about antisemitism in the USA.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gentlemans Agreement","choices":["Gentlemans Agreement","The Greenberg Affair","The Cabal","Spellbound"]},{"question":"Gregory Peck starred in this 1949 movie about the US Air Force in World War II and the effects of war on enlisted men.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Twelve OClock High","choices":["Twelve OClock High","Below Us the War","A Wing and a Prayer","The Billy Mitchell Story"]},{"question":"Although he was not particularly good at them, Gregory Peck made several Westerns. In this 1950 Western he plays a gunfighter who wants to get out of the gunfighting business and dies trying to quit.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Gunfighter","choices":["Tombstone Territory","Johnny Ringo","The Westerner","The Gunfighter"]},{"question":"Gregory Peck portrayed a character based on Horatio Nelson in this movie about the British navy.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Captain Horatio Hornblower, R.N.","choices":["The Yardarm","Captain Horatio Hornblower, R.N.","Only the Valiant","Two Years Below the Mast"]},{"question":"Gregory Peck starred in this Biblical movie which was not a big hit.","category":"celebrities","answer":"David and Bathsheba","choices":["The Bible","Samson and Delilah","Quo Vadis","David and Bathsheba"]},{"question":"What was the name of Gregory Pecks first movie with Audry Hepburn, which was filmed in 1953 and told the story of a rich princess who fell in love with an American?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Roman Holiday","choices":["Three Coins in the Fountain","Roman Holiday","The Ponte Vecchio","Milan Mon Amour"]},{"question":"In this 1956 movie Gregory Peck plays an ex-soldier who must support his family and make ethical choices.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit","choices":["A Soldiers Story","The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit","Captain Newman","True Days"]},{"question":"Gregory Peck twice appeared in movies based on Moby Dick. What role did he have in the 1956 version?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ahab","choices":["Ahab","Ishmael","Father Maple","Starbuck"]},{"question":"In 1959 Gregory Peck starred in this anti-war movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pork Chop Hill","choices":["A Walk in the Sun","Troopers","Hamburger Hill","Pork Chop Hill"]},{"question":"In 1959 Gregory Peck starred in this movie about nuclear war which is often remade.","category":"celebrities","answer":"On the Beach","choices":["North by Northwest","The New Eden","Beloved Infidel","On the Beach"]},{"question":"In 1961 Gregory Peck acted in this war movie which co-starred David Niven, Anthony Quinn, Stanley Baker, Irne Pappas, James Robertson Justice, and Richard Harris.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Guns of the Navarone","choices":["The Guns of the Navarone","The Day That Never Ended","Captain Nye","Quo Vadis"]},{"question":"In what 1976 movie did Gregory Peck star as Ambassador Robert Thorn?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Omen","choices":["Quo Vadis","Y+The Guns of the Navarone","How the West Was Won","The Omen"]},{"question":"Gregory Peck starred in I Walk the Line.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In 2005 the American Film Institute voted Gregory Pecks role as Atticus Finch in this movie the #1 role in film history.","category":"celebrities","answer":"To Kill a Mocking Bird","choices":["Captain Newman , M.D.","How the West Was Won","To Kill a Mocking Bird","High Noon"]},{"question":"Actors Macaulay Culkin (Home Alone, 1990) and Chris Pine (Princess Diaires 2: Royal Engagement, 2004) share the same birthday.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"This actress, born in 1980, is famous for her roles in That 70s Show and October Road.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Laura Prepon","choices":["Mila Kunis","Laura Prepon","Jessica Simpson","Lisa Robin Kelly"]},{"question":"Actress Marla Sokoloff shares a birthday with Jake Gyllenhaal.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"This actor, born February 17, 1980, co-starred with Oliver James and Hilary Duff in Raise Your Voice (2004). His father was also an actor.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jason Ritter","choices":["Jason Ritter","Ben Savage","Matthew Lawrence","Nick Cannon"]},{"question":"Christina Ricci shares her birthday with Matthew Lawrence.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This sports star, born in 1980, comes from a family of sports stars. He is following in the footsteps of both his father and his grandfather.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Randy Orton","choices":["Kasey Kahne","Albert Pujols","Randy Orton","Josh Beckett"]},{"question":"Which statement concerning Burt Young is true?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was born April 30, 1940 in Queens, New York.","choices":["He was born April 30, 1950 in Philadelphia, PA.","He was born April 30, 1940 in Queens, New York.","He was born April 30, 1945 in Brooklyn, New York.","He was born April 30, 1950 in Newark, New Jersey."]},{"question":"What was Burt Youngs name at birth?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jerry Louise","choices":["Jerry Louise","Burton Charles Youngman, Jr.","Dominick Yannetti","Guillermo Yonnetto"]},{"question":"Which statement is true about Burt Youngs acting education?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Burt studied with Lee Strassberg at The Actors Studio.","choices":["Burt studied with Lee Strassberg at The Actors Studio.","Burt studied drama with Uta Hagen.","Burt studied drama at Temple University in Philadelphia.","Burt is a self-taught actor."]},{"question":"Which statement about Burt Young is true?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Burt played Robert Blakes brother in Baretta.","choices":["Burt played the town drunk in Gunsmoke.","Burt played William Conrads assistant in Cannon.","Burt played the driver in Hart to Hart.","Burt played Robert Blakes brother in Baretta."]},{"question":"Burt Young is very well known for his portrayal of Paulie, Rocky Balboas brother-in-law. Which statement is true?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paulie never quit his job at the meat packing plant.","choices":["Burt, Sly, and Talia Shire were in all six Rocky movies.","Only Sylvester Stallone and Burt were in all six Rocky movies.","Paulie never quit his job at the meat packing plant.","Burt was in the first five Rocky movies but not in the sixth movie."]},{"question":"One of Burt Youngs first big breaks came when he landed a role in this 1971 mob movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Gang That Couldnt Shoot Straight","choices":["The French Connection","The Godfather","The Gang That Couldnt Shoot Straight","The Seven-Ups"]},{"question":"Burt Young was in this movie about three small time criminals who steal $300,000 from some very important mobsters.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Across 110Th Street","choices":["Mean Streets","The Seven-Ups","The Gang That Couldnt Shoot Straight","Across 110Th Street"]},{"question":"In which movie did Burt Young play Lt. Palumbo?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Murder Can Hurt You","choices":["Murder By Death","Murder Can Hurt You","Clue","Mrs. Columbo"]},{"question":"Burt Young opened a high-end restaurant in The Bronx, New York.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is professional wrestler The Rocks birth name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dwayne Douglas Johnson","choices":["Dwayne Douglas Kaui","Dwayne Douglas Jackson","Dwayne Douglas Johnson","John Douglas Jackson"]},{"question":"What two nationalities does WWF wrestler The Rock have?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Samoan/African-Canadian","choices":["Spanish/African-American","Samoan/Caucasion","Samoan/African-Canadian","Samoan/Spanish"]},{"question":"The professional wrestler The Rock received a collegiate football scholarship.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What did WWF wrestler The Rock major in college?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Criminology","choices":["Criminology","Pre-med","Law","Psycology"]},{"question":"What is the name of the foundation professional wrestler The Rock started in 2006?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Dwayne Johnson Rock Foundation","choices":["The Dwayne Johnson Rock Foundation","The Dwayne Johnson Foundation","The Rock Foundation","The Dwayne Rock Johnson Foundation"]},{"question":"Which one of the following shows did wrestler The Rock not appear in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"8 Simple Rules","choices":["That 70s show","8 Simple Rules","Star Trek:Voyager","Cory in the House"]},{"question":"What is the capital city of Australia?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Canberra","choices":["Canberra","Melbourne","Sydney","Perth"]},{"question":"This Australian city is a popular tourist destination which has a bridge nicknamed The Coat Hanger and an opera house that looks like egg shells.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sydney","choices":["The Gold Coast","Sydney","Brisbane","Geelong"]},{"question":"Most Australians live in coastal areas.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which Australian city would you be in if you saw the Yarra River?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Melbourne","choices":["Melbourne","Darwin","Bendigo","Adelaide"]},{"question":"Which Australian city was wiped out by tropical cyclone Tracey in 1974?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Darwin","choices":["Alice Springs","Cairns","Darwin","Brisbane"]},{"question":"Which Australian state or territory would you be in if you visited Ayres Rock?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Northern Territory","choices":["Queensland","Tasmania","Australian Capital Territory","Northern Territory"]},{"question":"What year did Australia go through a constitutional crisis?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1975","choices":["1975","1971","1979","1977"]},{"question":"Name the Australian Prime Minister who was dismissed by Governor General Sir John Kerr?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gough Whitlam","choices":["John Howard","Kevin Rudd","Malcolm Fraser","Gough Whitlam"]},{"question":"In 1983 Australia defeated America for the first time in this international sporting event.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Americas Cup","choices":["The Admirals Cup","The Davis Cup","The Americas Cup","The Egg and Spoon Race"]},{"question":"This giant Australian state takes up a third of Australias area.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Western Australia","choices":["Western Australia","Tasmania","Victoria","New South Wales"]},{"question":"What is Mark Ruffalos full name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mark Alan Ruffalo","choices":["Marcus Ruffalo DiGiamo","Mark Anthony Ruffalo","Mark Anthony DiGiamo","Mark Alan Ruffalo"]},{"question":"Mark Ruffalo spent his teen years in Virginia Beach, Virginia.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What nationality is Mark Ruffalo?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Italian","choices":["Native American","Greek","Italian","Lebanese"]},{"question":"Which of these movies has Mark Ruffalo not appeared in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"In The Bedroom","choices":["My Life Without Me","In The Bedroom","We Dont Live Here Anymore","The Dentist"]},{"question":"Has Mark Ruffalo ever been nominated for a Tony Award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Mark Ruffalo starred in the 2007 film Zodiac.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is the unusual name of Mark Ruffalos wife?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sunrise","choices":["Moondance","Sunshine","Star","Sunrise"]},{"question":"Mark Ruffalo co-starred with this actress in the 2005 film Just Like Heaven.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Reese Witherspoon","choices":["Jennifer Aniston","Kate Winslet","Reese Witherspoon","Jennifer Garner"]},{"question":"Has Mark Ruffalo ever played in a movie with Jamie Foxx?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"This legendary Canadian stand-up comedian and actor, starred in many hit movies, such as Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask, Dumb and Dumber and many many more.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jim Carrey","choices":["Jim Carrey","Jeff Foxworthy","Eddie Murphy","Bob Hope"]},{"question":"Which late comedian does the following quote belong to: I am a comedian and poet, so anything that doesnt get a laugh … is a poem.?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bill Hicks","choices":["Phil Hartman","Mitch Hedberg","Bill Hicks","Richard Pryor"]},{"question":"This Canadian stand-up comedian hosted Saturday Night Lives Weekend Update for three years, before he was fired from the show.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Norm Macdonald","choices":["Colin Quinn","Chris Kattan","Norm Macdonald","Will Ferrell"]},{"question":"This Scottish actor began his career as a boilermaker, and later switched to folk singing, before he found his true calling as a comedian.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Billy Connolly","choices":["Billy Connolly","Bill Dewar","Boothby Graffoe","Daniel Kitson"]},{"question":"This English stand-up comedians trademark is cross-dressing, on and off stage.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eddie Izzard","choices":["John Moloney","Mike Yates","James Campbell","Eddie Izzard"]},{"question":"Which famous comedian and late night show host said My job is to be booed by the people of America; its in my contract.?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Conan OBrien","choices":["Johnny Carson","Conan OBrien","Jay Leno","David Letterman"]},{"question":"This American stand-up comedian hosted the Comedy Central show Insomniac.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dave Atell","choices":["Jim Breuer","Jon Stewart","Dave Atell","Mitch Hedberg"]},{"question":"Which of these comedians is not a part of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dane Cook","choices":["Larry the Cable Guy","Bill Engvall","Dane Cook","Jeff Foxworthy"]},{"question":"Which comedy legend said When another comedian has a lousy show, Im the first one to admit it?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jack Benny","choices":["Woody Allen","Jack Benny","George Carlin","Eddie Murphy"]},{"question":"This American ventriloquist and stand-up comedian is best known for acts, which include puppets, such as Achmed, the Dead Terrorist.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jeff Dunham","choices":["Jim David","Meghan Miller","Blake Clark","Jeff Dunham"]},{"question":"Joaquin Phoenix won a Grammy Award for his work on the album Walk the Line.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Joaquin Phoenix is known to have been a vegan since the age of three.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of the following movies did Joaquin Phoenix not appear in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Backdraft","choices":["8mm","Backdraft","Signs","Hotel Rwanda"]},{"question":"Who co-starred in We Own the Night with Joaquin Phoenix?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Robert Duvall","Mark Wahlberg","Eva Mendes","All of these"]},{"question":"What 2003 animated Disney film did Joaquin Phoenix lend his voice to?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brother Bear","choices":["Tarzan","Aladdin","Brother Bear","Nemo"]},{"question":"Judd Hirsch was born in 1935. Where was he born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Bronx, New York","choices":["Chicago, Illinois","The Bronx, New York","Brooklyn , New York","Montreal, Quebec, Canada"]},{"question":"From 1988-1992 Judd Hirsch starred in this NBC sitcom about a divorced English teacher.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dear John","choices":["The Teachers Room","Teacher of One","Day for Night","Dear John"]},{"question":"What role did Judd Hirsch play in the 2001 movie A Beautiful Mind?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He played a high ranking member of Princetons math department.","choices":["He played John Nashs doctor.","He played a spy who existed in John Nashs mind.","He played a high ranking member of Princetons math department.","He played John Nashs father."]},{"question":"Jude Hirsch stars as the father of a math genius and of an FBI officer in this CBS series.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Numb3rs","choices":["Criminal Minds","CSI:N.Y.","Numb3rs","Law and Order :Criminal Intent"]},{"question":"For which two plays has Judd Hirsch won Tony Awards for Best Actor in a Drama?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Im Not Rappaport and Conversations with My Father","choices":["The Ladder and A Night in Calabrese","Im Not Rappaport and Conversations with My Father","Urine Town and Avenue Q","Rent and The Line"]},{"question":"In what show did Judd Hirsch voice a man who was building a nuclear bomb for the Keebler elves?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Family Guy","choices":["Family Guy","Carmen San Diego","Dora the Explorer","South Park"]},{"question":"Where was actor/director/writer/producer Peter Riegert born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"New York City, NY","choices":["Los Angeles, CA","Bethesda, MD","Chicago, IL","New York City, NY"]},{"question":"What was the name of this 1988 comedy movie that starred Peter Riegert as a pickle salesman who was set up by a professional matchmaker on the lower Eastside of New York City.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Crossing Delancey","choices":["Crossing Delancey","My New Man","The Courtesy","Bell, Book , and Candle"]},{"question":"Peter Riegert plays the crude detective Lt. Kellaway in this 1994 comedy.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Mask","choices":["Has Anyone Here Seen Canada?","Ace Ventura Pet Detective","Be Political Not Polite","The Mask"]},{"question":"What role did Peter Riegert play in the TV comedy series Seinfeld?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kimbrough, the man who finally approves Jerrys sitcom","choices":["Franklin Delano Rockafeller, the man who wishes Kramer dead","Cassidy, the man who installs illegal cable TV","Kimbrough, the man who finally approves Jerrys sitcom","Joe Manchetti, Kramers friend who makes bootleg tapes"]},{"question":"Which statement is untrue about Peter Riegert?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was nominated for a Tony Award for his role in Chicago.","choices":["He is a former eighth-grade teacher.","In his first show business role he portrayed Chico Marx.","He was nominated for a Tony Award for his role in Chicago.","He lived with Bette Midler during the 1970s."]},{"question":"In 2001 Peter Riegert was nominated for an Oscar for his short movie By Courier. He directed it, produced it and wrote the film adaptation. Who wrote the original story?","category":"celebrities","answer":"O. Henry","choices":["O. Henry","Mark Twain","Don DeLillo","John Grisham"]},{"question":"In 2004 Peter Riegert directed, starred in, produced and wrote the adaptation for the movie King of the Corner. It starred Eli Wallach, Dominic Chianese, Peter Friedman, Rita Moreno, Harris Yullin and this star of Law and Order: Criminal Intent.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eric Bogosian","choices":["Judy Reyes","Eric Bogosian","Beverly DAngelo","Vincent DOnofrio"]},{"question":"Scenes in the 1997 movie Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery were inspired by what James Bond movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Goldfinger","You Only Live Twice","Casino Royale"]},{"question":"What kind of creature is Shrek, voiced by Mike Myers in the 2001 computer-animated comedy movie Shrek?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ogre","choices":["Alien","None of these","Large frog","Ogre"]},{"question":"What character did Mike Myers portray in the 2003 comedy movie The Cat in the Hat?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Cat","choices":["Nevins the Dog","The Cat","Lawrence Larry Quinn","Thing One"]},{"question":"What actress starred as Anita Randazzo in the 1998 movie 54, also featuring Mike Myers?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Salma Hayek","choices":["Cameron Diaz","Sandra Bullock","Jennifer Lopez","Salma Hayek"]},{"question":"What female singer and actress starred alongside Mike Myers in the 2002 comedy movie Austin Powers in Goldmember?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Beyonce Knowles","choices":["Ashanti","Foxy Brown","Vanessa Williams","Beyonce Knowles"]},{"question":"What is the name of Mike Myers character in the 2008 comedy movie The Love Guru?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Guru Maurice Pitka","choices":["Guru Jacques Grande","Guru Rajneesh","Guru Tugginmypudha","Guru Maurice Pitka"]},{"question":"What happens to Shrek in the 2007 animated comedy Shrek the Third?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He becomes a father.","choices":["He gets married.","He divorces Princess Fiona.","All of these","He becomes a father."]},{"question":"Why was Mike Myers cast as General Ed Fenech in the 2009 movie Inglourious Basterds?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","He was a fan of director Quentin Tarantino.","His parents were in the British Armed Forces.","He had inquired about making an appearance in the movie."]},{"question":"What actress starred as Felicity Shagwell alongside Mike Myers in the 1999 comedy movie Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Heather Graham","choices":["Heather Graham","Rebecca Romijn","Elizabeth Hurley","Uma Thurman"]},{"question":"What character made their debut in the 2004 movie Shrek 2, featuring the voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Puss in Boots","choices":["Big Bad Wolf","Gingerbread Man","Pinocchio","Puss in Boots"]},{"question":"Where was Emmy-winning actor Larry David born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brooklyn","choices":["Brooklyn","The Bronx","Queens","Manhattan"]},{"question":"How much did Larry David get for the sale of the syndication rights for his role of co-creator of Seinfeld?","category":"celebrities","answer":"$200 million","choices":["$10 million","$100 million","$200 million","$50 million"]},{"question":"Where did Larry graduate from college?","category":"celebrities","answer":"University of Maryland","choices":["New York University","Yale University","University of Maryland","Harvard University"]},{"question":"Did Larry David ever write for Saturday Night Live?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"How many children does Larry David have from his marriage to Laurie Lennard?","category":"celebrities","answer":"2","choices":["5","1","2","3"]},{"question":"On what popular Disney childrens show has Larry David appeared?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hannah Montana","choices":["So Weird","Even Stevens","Hannah Montana","Lizzie McGuire"]},{"question":"How many times was Larry David nominated for an Emmy award for his work on the Seinfeld series?","category":"celebrities","answer":"12","choices":["6","19","7","12"]},{"question":"The filming of the comedy series Curb Your Enthusiasm helped clear a mans name in an actual murder trial.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Linda Blair was born in which Midwest City?","category":"celebrities","answer":"St. Louis, Missouri","choices":["Des Moines, IA","Minneapolis, MN","St. Louis, Missouri","Kansas City, KS"]},{"question":"What year did the film The Exorcist debut?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1973","choices":["1974","1973","1972","1971"]},{"question":"Prior to her debut as the head spinner, Blair starred in several commercials including this long running commercial, which advertised what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Guldens Mustard","choices":["Craftman Tools","Hostess Twinkies","Heinz Ketchup","Guldens Mustard"]},{"question":"Exorcist II was an equally huge box office hit, that helped propel Blairs career even further.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Linda Blair starred on two episodes of the TV show Barnaby Jones with Buddy Ebsen.","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"What type of character is Vincent Vega, portrayed by John Travolta in the 1994 movie Pulp Fiction?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hitman","choices":["Actor","Hitman","Drug dealer","Bootlegger"]},{"question":"What is the cause for George Malleys extraordinary abilities in the 1996 movie Phenomenon, starring John Travolta?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brain tumor","choices":["Brain tumor","None of these","He is possessed by a demon.","Alien abduction"]},{"question":"What is the name of John Travoltas character in the 1978 movie Grease?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Danny Zuko","choices":["Sonny LaTierri","Tom Chisolm","Danny Zuko","Vince Fontaine"]},{"question":"What does John Travoltas character James Ubriacco do for a living in the 1989 comedy movie Look Whos Talking?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He is a cab driver.","choices":["He is a cab driver.","He is a nurse.","He is a hair stylist.","He is a professional nanny."]},{"question":"What Hollywood actor directed the 1983 movie Staying Alive, starring John Travolta?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sylvester Stallone","choices":["Sylvester Stallone","Mel Gibson","Kevin Costner","John Travolta"]},{"question":"What animal character did John Travolta voice in the 2008 animated movie Bolt?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dog","choices":["Cat","Tortoise","Hamster","Dog"]},{"question":"What popular musician appeared in the 2005 movie Be Cool, starring John Travolta?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Steven Tyler","Wyclef Jean","Christina Milian","All of these"]},{"question":"In what 1998 war movie did John Travolta portray Brigadier General Quintard?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Thin Red Line","choices":["Red Heat","The Thin Red Line","The Generals Daughter","Crimson Tide"]},{"question":"The 1998 movie Primary Colors, starring John Travolta, was inspired by the life of this U.S. President.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bill Clinton","choices":["Bill Clinton","Ronald Reagan","George H. W. Bush","Jimmy Carter"]},{"question":"What real-life person did John Travolta portray in the 1998 movie A Civil Action?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Attorney","choices":["Murderer","Important crime witness","Attorney","Judge"]},{"question":"Which is the official bird of Newfoundland?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Atlantic Puffin","choices":["White-winged Dove","Spotted Towhee","Atlantic Puffin","Black-Capped Chickadee"]},{"question":"The people of this tribe were the aboriginal natives of Newfoundland, Canada.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Beothuk","choices":["Beothuk","Acadia","Eskasoni","Malpeque"]},{"question":"Newfoundland entered Confederation with Canada in what year?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1949","choices":["1933","1926","1951","1949"]},{"question":"There are no bears in Newfoundland.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these is the name of a rum made in Newfoundland?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Screech","choices":["Castillo","Screech","Scratch","Ron Llave"]},{"question":"During the Christmas season in Newfoundland, homes are visited by a band of masked strangers. What are they called?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mummers","choices":["Shellies","Dowdies","Mummers","Villancicos"]},{"question":"In WWI, Newfoundland lost about how many of its young men?","category":"celebrities","answer":"25%","choices":["2%","10%","25%","5%"]},{"question":"Newfoundland is in what time zone?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Newfoundland Standard Time","choices":["Atlantic Standard Time","Newfoundland Standard Time","Eastern Standard Time","Meridian Standard Time"]},{"question":"What is the accepted date of James Browns birth?","category":"celebrities","answer":"May 3, 1933","choices":["May 3, 1933","May 9, 1929","May 12, 1937","May 6, 1943"]},{"question":"Why did James Brown undergo surgery in 2004?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was diagnosed with prostate cancer.","choices":["He was diagnosed with leukemia.","He was diagnosed with prostate cancer.","He was diagnosed with lung cancer.","He was diagnosed with throat cancer."]},{"question":"Where did James Brown first become part of a singing group?","category":"celebrities","answer":"in jail","choices":["in the army","in jail","at high school","in church"]},{"question":"What was the name of James Browns first singing group?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Gospel Starlighters","choices":["The Fabulous Flames","The Avons","The Fames","The Gospel Starlighters"]},{"question":"In 1956, James Browns group signed a contract with what famous record company?","category":"celebrities","answer":"King/Federal Records","choices":["Motown","AM Records","King/Federal Records","Chess Records"]},{"question":"Which of these titles was never used by James Brown?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Fabulous One","choices":["Soul Brother Number One","The Fabulous One","Mr. Dynamite","Mr. Please, Please, Please"]},{"question":"In October, 1957 this famous singer cancelled a tour because he found religion. James Brown took over the tour for him.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Little Richard","choices":["Ike Turner","Little Richard","Chuck Berry","Bo Didley"]},{"question":"Which statement about James Brown is untrue?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brown has sold more albums, singles, and CDs than Elvis Presley.","choices":["Brown has never had a number one song on The Billboard Hot 100.","Browns eyebrows are tattoos.","Brown was once a minor league baseball player.","Brown has sold more albums, singles, and CDs than Elvis Presley."]},{"question":"One of the biggest steps in James Browns career was his live show at The Apollo Theater in Harlem. Who financed the show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"James Brown","choices":["Quincy Jones","Leonard Chess","Herb Alpert","James Brown"]},{"question":"In 1974, James Brown performed in Africa as part of a week of entertainment leading to a famous boxing match. Who fought in the match?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ali-Foreman","choices":["Ali-Frazier","Ali-Foreman","Frazier-Foreman","Duran-Leonard"]},{"question":"When did James Brown become one of the charter members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1986","choices":["1976","1986","1981","1996"]},{"question":"How long did James Brown serve in prison in 1986?","category":"celebrities","answer":"26 months","choices":["26 days","26 months","3 years","26 weeks"]},{"question":"In 1985, James Browns song Living in America was used in a famous movie. Who starred in the movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sylvester Stallone","choices":["Sylvester Stallone","Harrison Ford","Will Smith","Leonardo DiCaprio"]},{"question":"What do James Brown, Carol Burnett, Itzak Perlman, Loretta Lynn, and Mike Nichols have in common?","category":"celebrities","answer":"They received a Kennedy Center Honor in 2003.","choices":["They received a Kennedy Center Honor in 2003.","They received an Ammy Award in 2004.","They were born on the same day.","Thy were born in the same year."]},{"question":"Dustin Hoffman was born in 1937 in a Jewish family.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many children did Dustin Hoffman have with his first wife?","category":"celebrities","answer":"2","choices":["3","2","4","6"]},{"question":"While still an aspiring actor in the 50s, Dustin Hoffman befriended this fellow actor, who later also rose to fame.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gene Hackman","choices":["Robert Redford","Robert Duval","Warren Beaty","Gene Hackman"]},{"question":"Dustin Hoffman was born under what sign of the Zodiac?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Leo","choices":["Taurus","Leo","Capricorn","Virgo"]},{"question":"What character did Dustin Hoffman play in the film ‘Little Big Man’?","category":"celebrities","answer":"a white man raised by Indians","choices":["a drug-addict","a hustler and smuggler in New York","a white man raised by Indians","a priest who tries to convert Indians to Christianity"]},{"question":"For what 1979 movie did Dustin Hoffman win his fist Oscar?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kramer vs. Kramer","choices":["Tootsie","Straw Dogs","Midnight Cowboy","Kramer vs. Kramer"]},{"question":"Dustin Hoffman, alongside the likes of Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, is known to be a method actor.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In this film Dustin Hoffman portrays a lawyer representing two young men who were molested as children and later murdered their molester.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sleepers","choices":["Sleepers","Wag the Dog","Finding Neverland","Hero"]},{"question":"Dustin Hoffman does not appear in which of the following movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Squid and the Whale","choices":["Wag the Dog","American Buffalo","Moonlight Mile","The Squid and the Whale"]},{"question":"Dustin Hoffman was named after Dustin Farnum, the favorite writer of his parents.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Dustin Hoffman won his second Academy Award for his role in “Rain Man”. From what developmental disorder did Hoffmans character suffer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Autism","choices":["Retrograde amnesia","Dyslexia","Rett’s syndrome","Autism"]},{"question":"Marlon Brando received his first Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in this 1954 movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"On the Waterfront","choices":["Julius Caesar","Mutiny on the Bounty","On the Waterfront","The Godfather"]},{"question":"In what 1954 film did Marlon Brando portray Napoleon Bonaparte?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Desiree","choices":["Desiree","The Young Lions","Napoleon","The Wild One"]},{"question":"This 1961 Western is the only movie directed by Marlon Brando. He also portrayed the lead character in the movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"One-Eyed Jacks","choices":["The Fugitive Kind","The Chase","The Wild One","One-Eyed Jacks"]},{"question":"What historical figure did Marlon Brando portray in the 1953 movie Julius Caesar?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mark Antony","choices":["Julius Caesar","Cassius","Mark Antony","Brutus"]},{"question":"Marlon Brando won an Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in this 1972 movie, but he turned down the award.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Godfather","choices":["Last Tango in Paris","Mutiny on the Bounty","On the Waterfront","The Godfather"]},{"question":"What character did Marlon Brando portray in the 1978 movie Superman?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jor-El","choices":["Clark Kent","Jor-El","Otis","Lex Luthor"]},{"question":"What celebrated film director worked on the 1979 war movie Apocalypse Now, starring Marlon Brando?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Francis Ford Coppola","choices":["Stanley Kubrick","Martin Scorsese","Francis Ford Coppola","Quentin Tarantino"]},{"question":"In what 1962 movie did Marlon Brandos character, Lt. Fletcher Christian, deliver the following line: One more order, Mr. Bligh, and Ill have your head on this deck. By Heaven, I swear it!?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mutiny on the Bounty","choices":["Mutiny on the Bounty","The Young Lions","The Appaloosa","The Missouri Breaks"]},{"question":"What was the name of Marlon Brandos character in the 1952 biographical movie Viva Zapata!?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Emiliano Zapata","choices":["Emiliano Zapata","Francisco Indalecio Madero","Pancho Villa","Eufemio Zapata"]},{"question":"Marlon Brando starred in the 1957 film Sayonara as Maj. Lloyd Ace Gruver. What does the Japanese word sayonara mean?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Goodbye","choices":["Forever","Love","Goodbye","Impossible"]},{"question":"What extraordinary name was given to Jason Lee and Beth Riesgrafs son?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pilot Inspektor","choices":["Pilot Inspektor","Slick Investor","Swift Decoderr","Concrete Driller"]},{"question":"Nicolas Cages son, who was born on October 3, 2005, was named Kal-El. What was he named after?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A superhero","choices":["A superhero","A guitar brand","A dog movie character","A motorcycle"]},{"question":"What is the name of Michael Jacksons third child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Prince Michael Jackson II","choices":["Count Michael Jackson II","King Michael Jackson II","Duke Michael Jackson II","Prince Michael Jackson II"]},{"question":"What interesting name was given to actor Rob Morrows daughter from his marriage with actress Debbon Ayer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tu","choices":["Tri","Tu","For","Six"]},{"question":"Which of these is the name of one of Bob Geldof and Paula Yates daughters?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Peaches Honeyblossom","Fifi Trixibell","All of these","Little Pixie"]},{"question":"Comedian and illusionist Penn Jillette chose this unusual name for his daughter.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Moxie CrimeFighter","choices":["Trixie FireStarter","Moxie CrimeFighter","Dolly DoubleDecker","Baby MiddleFinger"]},{"question":"What interesting name was given to actress and musician Shannyn Sossamons son, born in 2003?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Audio Science","choices":["Computer Science","Video Science","Film Science","Audio Science"]},{"question":"Actress Gwyneth Paltrow gave her second child this biblical name.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Moses","choices":["Jesus","Noah","Jeremiah","Moses"]},{"question":"Musician Steve Vai gave the name of this element to one of his children.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fire","choices":["Water","Earth","Air","Fire"]},{"question":"How many members were there in Slipknot at the time of the recording of the Iowa album?","category":"celebrities","answer":"9","choices":["8","9","11","10"]},{"question":"Some of the dreads on the old dreadlock mask usually worn by Slipknot member Corey Taylor were actually his own.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How long is the nose on the famous Pinocchio style mask, often worn by Slipknots member Chris Fehn?","category":"celebrities","answer":"About 7 inches","choices":["About 20 inches","About 3 inches","About 12 inches","About 7 inches"]},{"question":"The sample in Slipknots song Diluted, in which a man says: I dont have time for the living, was taken from what movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cemetery Man","choices":["Buried Alive","Cemetery Man","Man in the Cemetery","Death on the Grave"]},{"question":"The members of nu metal band Slipknot bought the rights to the barcode number 742617000027.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How long were the nails on the leather mask worn by Slipknots member Craig?","category":"celebrities","answer":"6 inches","choices":["10 inches","8 inches","6 inches","5 inches"]},{"question":"Finish the last line of Slipknots song Wait and Bleed from their album Slipknot:\nIve felt the hate rise up in me\nKneel down and clear the stone of leaves\nI wander out where you cant see\n.................................................................?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Inside my shell, I wait and bleed","choices":["Inside my shawl, I wipe and bleed","Inside my shell, I wait and bleed","Beside you I can wait and bleed","Outside my mind you fade and bleed"]},{"question":"Shawn Clown Crahan was one of the first members of Slipknot to wear a strange mask which later became part of their image.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Slipknots member Craig Jones is also known by his nickname - 133 Mz.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Terrence Howard appeared in which of the following television series?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Picket Fences","choices":["Fresh Prince of Bel Air","Law and Order","Picket Fences","Sex in the City"]},{"question":"Terrence Howard had a role in the box office bomb Glitter.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What was Camerons profession in the movie Crash?","category":"celebrities","answer":"TV Director","choices":["Actor","TV Director","TV Producer","Reporter"]},{"question":"In which one of these biographical movies does Terrence Howard play the lead?","category":"celebrities","answer":"King of the World","choices":["Ray","King of the World","The Jacksons: An American Dream","The OJ SImpson Story"]},{"question":"Terrence Howard starred in Torque and Biker Boys.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Terrence Howard played a crazy escaped felon in the movie Big Mommas House.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In which of the following movies did Terrence Howard play a police officer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Four Brothers","choices":["Animal","Four Brothers","Hustle and Flow","Street Time"]},{"question":"What year was Steve Carell born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1962","choices":["1972","1959","1960","1962"]},{"question":"In which film did Steve Carell make his debut?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Curly Sue","choices":["Curly Sue","Biodome","Splash","Bruce Almighty"]},{"question":"In the 1990s Steve Carell was writing for this television show.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Dana Carvey Show","choices":["South Park","The Dana Carvey Show","The Daily Show","Jiminy Glick"]},{"question":"Who did Steve Carell marry in the 1990s?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nancy Walls","choices":["Chelsea Handler","Nancy Walls","Tina Faye","Sarah Silverman"]},{"question":"Steve Carell is a graduate of Denison University. Where is its campus located?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Granville, Ohio","choices":["Granville, Ohio","New York City, New York","St. Louis, Missouri","Terre Haute, Indiana"]},{"question":"Which of these parts does Steve Carell usually play on television and in movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"News Reporter","choices":["Lawyer","Waiter","Fisherman","News Reporter"]},{"question":"What was the name of the high school newspaper that Steve Carell worked on?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Lions Roar","choices":["Daily Lion","Inside the Lions Den","Viking News","The Lions Roar"]},{"question":"Steve Carell played the part of Andy in the 40-Year-Old Virgin. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the film?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Morgan Freeman played the part of Andys boss at the electronic superstore.","choices":["Andy collects action figures and his friends refer to his house as Neverland Ranch.","In the scene where Andy is having his chest hair waxed, Steve Carell really is getting his chest hair removed.","Morgan Freeman played the part of Andys boss at the electronic superstore.","Andys girlfriend works at a We Sell It on Ebay Store."]},{"question":"Steve Carell played the part of Michael Scott in the television series The Office. What type of show is it?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mockumentary","choices":["Reality","Medical Drama","Soap Opera","Mockumentary"]},{"question":"What was the profession of Steve Carells mother?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Psychiatric Nurse","choices":["Drug Counselor","Anthropologist","High School Principal","Psychiatric Nurse"]},{"question":"Which of these musicians is the original bassist for Alice in Chains?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mike Starr","choices":["Mike Starr","John Baker Saunder","Jeff Ament","Mike Inez"]},{"question":"Alice in Chains played at the Lollapalooza Festival in 1993.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What year did Layne Staley, the original lead singer of Alice in Chains, die?","category":"celebrities","answer":"2002","choices":["1998","2003","2000","2002"]},{"question":"Alice in Chains performed live in the movie Singles.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Alice in Chains lead singer William DuVall was a member of what band prior to joining Alice in Chains?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Comes With the Fall","choices":["Sevendust","Black Label Society","Brian Jonestown Massacre","Comes With the Fall"]},{"question":"The Alice in Chains song Rooster is based on singer Layne Staleys uncles experiences in the Vietnam War.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Sting gained popularity as a member of this rock band.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Police","choices":["Uriah Heep","The Who","Smokie","The Police"]},{"question":"What does the name of Somali model and actress Iman mean in Arabic?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Faith","choices":["Queen","River","Sunshine","Faith"]},{"question":"In what country was singer and songwriter Shakira born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Colombia","choices":["Chile","Mexico","Colombia","Lebanon"]},{"question":"What other stage name did rapper Eminem adopt?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Slim Shady","choices":["All of these","Soulja Boy","Slim Shady","Dirty Marshall"]},{"question":"Football star Edison Arantes do Nascimento is best known by this nickname.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pele","choices":["Pele","Ronaldinho","Maradona","Kaka"]},{"question":"Of what descent is American singer, songwriter and producer Akon?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Senegalese","choices":["Senegalese","Somalian","Ghanaian","Nigerian"]},{"question":"What is the stage name of popular English model Katie Price, born Katrina Amy Alexandria Alexis Infield?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jordan","choices":["Jordan","Giselle","Tyra","Tyrese"]},{"question":"What is the real birth name of recording artist and actor Usher?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Usher","choices":["William","Richard","Ulysses","Usher"]},{"question":"Of what descent is vocalist and composer Enya?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Irish","choices":["Romanian","Finnish","Irish","Spanish"]},{"question":"What is the birth name of American rapper and actress Eve?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eve","choices":["Eleonore","Eveline","Emily","Eve"]},{"question":"Which city is the capital of Denmark?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Copenhagen","choices":["Stockholm","Oslo","Copenhagen","Odense"]},{"question":"All Scandinavian countries have a cross on their flags. What colors are the cross and the background of the Danish flag?","category":"celebrities","answer":"a white cross on red background","choices":["a blue cross on white background","a yellow cross on blue background","a white cross on red background","a large white cross on blue background"]},{"question":"Hans Christian Andersen is probably the best known Dane. What is he famous for?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Writing fairy tales","choices":["Composing the anthem of the European Union","Writing fairy tales","Sculpting","Being the first man to circumvent the world"]},{"question":"Which territory is an autonomous province of Denmark?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Greenland","choices":["Iceland","The Isle of Wight","Spitsbergen","Greenland"]},{"question":"Which ethnic group that invaded Britain came from Denmark?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jutes","choices":["Jutes","Normans","Saxons","Angles"]},{"question":"Which country does Denmark share a land border with?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Germany","choices":["Poland","Sweden","Norway","Germany"]},{"question":"Which of the following was introduced as the currency of Denmark in 1873?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Krone (Crown)","choices":["Krone (Crown)","Mark","Danish Pound","Euro"]},{"question":"Which of these indoor sports is most popular in Denmark?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Handball","choices":["Volleyball","Handball","Water polo","Basketball"]},{"question":"Who is the head of the Danish state?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The monarch","choices":["The prime minister","The monarch","The head of the Danish national church","The president"]},{"question":"Which world ranking had Denmark at the top in 2008?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The least corrupt country","choices":["The most competitive economy","The least corrupt country","The highest per capita GDP","The most peaceful country"]},{"question":"Which English king was of Danish origin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Canute the Great","choices":["Canute the Great","Alfred the Great","William the Conqueror","Edred"]},{"question":"Which of these is most likely to be Danish?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Niels Nielsen","choices":["Piotr Piotrowski","Olof Olofsson","John Johnson","Niels Nielsen"]},{"question":"When was Kellie Pickler born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"June 28, 1986","choices":["September 22, 1986","June 28, 1986","June 28, 1985","March 18, 1984"]},{"question":"What is Kellie Picklers full name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kellie Dawn Pickler","choices":["Kellie Dawn Pickler","Kellie Mae Pickler","Kellie Rose Pickler","Kellie Renee Pickler"]},{"question":"Where was Kellie Pickler born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Albemarle, North Carolina","choices":["Albemarle, North Carolina","Nashville, Tennessee","Columbus, Ohio","Topeka, Kansas"]},{"question":"What are Kellie Picklers parents names?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cynthia and Clyde","choices":["Kathy and Dale","Cynthia and Clyde","Mary and John","Mary and Dean"]},{"question":"Which of the following does Kellie Pickler consider the major influence in her life?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Grandfather","choices":["Grandfather","Father","Sister","Mother"]},{"question":"In high school, Kellie Pickler was a cheerleader and dancer.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Has Kellie Pickler worked as a waitress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"What was Kellie Picklers first single?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Red High Heels","choices":["I Wonder","Small Town Girl","Some Hearts","Red High Heels"]},{"question":"Helen Hayes Brown, the daughter of a patent office clerk and a part-time butcher, was born in this U.S. city.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Washington, D.C.","choices":["St. Louis","Philadelphia","Scotts Bluff","Washington, D.C."]},{"question":"Helen Hayes son, James, starred in this 70s police drama.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hawaii 5-0","choices":["Starskey and Hutch","Barnaby Jones","Mannix","Hawaii 5-0"]},{"question":"Helen Hayes was hospitalized several times for this health condition, which ultimately forced her retirement from the stage.","category":"celebrities","answer":"asthma","choices":["heart disease","emphysema","asthma","arthritis"]},{"question":"When this actress died, she left the majority of her significant estate to Helen Hayes. However, Helen Hayes died shortly after her dear friend and most of the two ladies estates were turned over to various charities.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lillian Gish","choices":["Ginger Rogers","June Lockhart","Lillian Gish","Bette Davis"]},{"question":"Helen Hayes was a pro-business Republican and a member of this organized religion.","category":"celebrities","answer":"None of these","choices":["None of these","Lutheran","Jewish Orthodox","Mormon"]},{"question":"Helen Hayes is one of only a few people to do what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"win an Emmy, Oscar, Grammy and a Tony in their lifetime.","choices":["serve as head of the Republican Committee and the Screen Actors Guild","appear on Carson, Leno, Paar, Tom Snyder and Dick Cavett in their lifetime","win an Emmy, Oscar, Grammy and a Tony in their lifetime.","star in one year in commercials, television sitcoms, movies and the theatre (1977)."]},{"question":"When was actress Raquel Welch born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"September 5, 1940","choices":["October 5, 1941","September 5, 1940","September 5, 1941","October 5, 1940"]},{"question":"Raquel Welch is the birth name of the popular actress.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Did Raquel Welch play Lt. White on the TV show McHales Navy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Playboy magazine named Raquel Welch the Most Desired Woman of this decade.","category":"celebrities","answer":"1970s","choices":["1990s","1980s","1960s","1970s"]},{"question":"In what 1966 movie did Raquel Welch play Loana?","category":"celebrities","answer":"One Million Years B.C.","choices":["One Million Years B.C.","Lady in Cement","Myra Breckinridge","Fathom"]},{"question":"Did Raquel Welch record the single This Girls Back in Town?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"What part did Raquel Welch play on the sitcom Sabrina, the Teenage Witch?","category":"celebrities","answer":"aunt Vesta","choices":["aunt Vesta","aunt Hilda","aunt Zelda","great-aunt Irma"]},{"question":"Name the two actors who co-starred with Raquel Welch in the 1968 western Bandolero!?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jimmy Stewart and Dean Martin","choices":["Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne","John Wayne and Dean Martin","Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis","Jimmy Stewart and Dean Martin"]},{"question":"Did Raquel Welch appear in an Elvis Presley movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"In what 1966 movie did Raquel Welch wear a scuba diving outfit?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fantastic Voyage","choices":["Lady in Cement","Bluebeard","The Last of Sheba","Fantastic Voyage"]},{"question":"What is the name of Rachael Rays magazine?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Everyday with Rachael Ray","choices":["None of these","Rachael Ray Lifestyle","Tasty Travels","Everyday with Rachael Ray"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not a show that has been hosted by Rachael Ray?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cooking with Rachael","choices":["Inside Dish","Cooking with Rachael","30 Minute Meals","$40 a Day"]},{"question":"Rachael Rays first job was at an ice cream shop in New York City.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In late 2005, Rachael signed a deal with King World Productions and this TV personality to host a syndicated day time talk show.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Oprah Winfrey","choices":["Martha Stewart","Oprah Winfrey","Dr. Phil","Maury Provich"]},{"question":"Rachael Ray has appeared on the popular childrens program, Sesame Street.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Rachael Ray posed for a mens magazine in 2003.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Sammy Davis Jr. was performing professionally by the age of four.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Sammy Davis Jr. and Sammy Davis Sr. were part of a dance trio. Who was the third party?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Will Mastin","choices":["Will Mastin","Charles Honi Coles","John Bubbles","Stepin Fetchit"]},{"question":"Sammy Davis Jr. made his stage debut at an early age. There were laws against someone Sammys age working professionally, (plus he should have been in school), so to get around this, he was billed as which of the following?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Silent Sam - The Dancing Midget","choices":["Little Sam - The Tap Dance Man","Silent Sam - The Dancing Midget","Big Sam - The Little Man","Small Sammy - The Singing Dwarf"]},{"question":"Is it true that Will Mastin was Sammy Davis Jr.s uncle?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Sammy Davis Jr. played the trumpet and the drums along with everything else he did on stage. He learned to play these instruments from his dad and Will Mastin.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Sammy Davis Jr. was too young to enlist when WWII broke out, but he was drafted later. What going away gift did he receive his from dad and Will ?","category":"celebrities","answer":"a gold watch","choices":["a gold star of David","a new pair of tap shoes","a gold watch","a new suit"]},{"question":"Because Sammy Davis Jr.s education didnt qualify him for any of the armys special schools, they just kept sending him back to basic training over and over.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Sammy Davis Jr. starred on Broadway more than once, but which of these was his first show there?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mr. Wonderful","choices":["Mr. Wonderful","Golden Boy","Bye Bye Birdie","Stop the World - I want to Get off"]},{"question":"In 1958 Sammy Davis Jr. made this film about a woman of ill-repute.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Anna Lucasta","choices":["Anna Lucasta","Porgy and Bess","Carmen Jones","Of Love and Desire"]},{"question":"What multi-talented performer urged Sammy Davis Jr. to include comedy and impressions into the groups act?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mickey Rooney","choices":["Mickey Rooney","Jerry Lewis","Frank Sinatra","Humphrey Bogart"]},{"question":"After years of hard work, The Will Mastin Trio - Featuring Sammy Davis Jr., officially made it big. At what famous nightclub did this momentous event occur?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ciros","choices":["The Trocadero","Ciros","The Coconut Grove","Mocambos"]},{"question":"How many times was Sammy Davis Jr. married?","category":"celebrities","answer":"3","choices":["5","2","6","3"]},{"question":"In which movie did Robert De Niro portray mafioso Paul Vitti?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Analyze This","choices":["Righteous Kill","Casino","Jacknife","Analyze This"]},{"question":"In what popular animated movie did Robert De Niro voice a fish character named Don Lino?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Shark Tale","choices":["Finding Nemo","Shark Tale","The Little Mermaid","None of these"]},{"question":"This famous actress and singer starred opposite Robert De Niro in the 1977 musical movie New York, New York.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Liza Minnelli","choices":["Cher","Barbra Streisand","Liza Minnelli","Vanessa Williams"]},{"question":"Name the movie in which Robert De Niro portrays mercenary and slaver Rodrigo Mendoza.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Mission","choices":["Brazil","The Mission","Godsend","Backdraft"]},{"question":"Finish these lyrics from the song Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy by Fall Out Boy:\nWhere is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman.\nMaybe he wont find out what I know: you were the last good thing about this part of.................","category":"celebrities","answer":"Town","choices":["School","Cheese","Person","Town"]},{"question":"Finish the last line of Fall Out Boys song Dance, Dance:\nDance, Dance Were falling apart to half time Dance, Dance And these are the lives youd love to lead Dance, this is the way theyd love .................","category":"celebrities","answer":"If they knew how misery loved me","choices":["If they knew how misery hated me","If they knew how misery loved me","If they knew how misery liked me","If they knew how misery wanted me"]},{"question":"Fill in the missing words from the single A Little Less Sixteen Candles, a Little More Touch Me, released by Fall Out Boy:\nI confess, I messed up\ndropping Im sorry like youre still around\nAnd I know you dressed up ...................","category":"celebrities","answer":"hey kid youll never live this down","choices":["hey kid will you ever live this down","hey kid can you live this down","hey kid youll never live this down","would you live this down"]},{"question":"My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side to My Tongue is an acoustic EP released by Fall Out Boy in 2004.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In how many movies did Sean Connery portray the legendary agent James Bond between 1962 and 1983?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Seven","choices":["Five","Seven","Nine","Eleven"]},{"question":"What kind of creature did Sean Connery voice in the 1996 fantasy movie Dragonheart?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dragon","choices":["Ghost","Dragon","Magician","Horse"]},{"question":"Which character did Sean Connery portray in the 1986 fantasy movie Highlander?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez","choices":["Dugal MacLeod","Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez","Sunda Kastagir","Connor MacLeod"]},{"question":"Name the movie for which Sean Connery received his first Academy Award.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Untouchables","choices":["The Hunt for Red October","Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade","The Name of the Rose","The Untouchables"]},{"question":"Sean Connery starred opposite this actor in the 1993 movie Rising Sun.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wesley Snipes","choices":["Wesley Snipes","Denzel Washington","Will Smith","Morgan Freeman"]},{"question":"Sean Connery portrayed Colonel Arbuthnott in this 1974 mystery movie, based on a novel by Agatha Christie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Murder on the Orient Express","choices":["Death on the Nile","Evil Under the Sun","Murder on the Orient Express","Ten Little Indians"]},{"question":"Which of these actors did not star opposite Sean Connery in the 1989 movie Family Business?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robert De Niro","choices":["Dustin Hoffman","Matthew Broderick","Robert De Niro","All of these"]},{"question":"What is the first movie directed by Sylvester Stallone, in which he also starred as Cosmo Carboni?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paradise Alley","choices":["Escape to Victory","F.I.S.T.","Paradise Alley","Nighthawks"]},{"question":"What actor was originally considered for the role of John Rambo in the 1982 movie First Blood, which was eventually given to Sylvester Stallone?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Dustin Hoffman","Al Pacino","Clint Eastwood","All of these"]},{"question":"Why were detectives Tango and Cash, portrayed by Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell, imprisoned in the 1989 movie Tango Cash?","category":"celebrities","answer":"They were framed for murder.","choices":["They were framed for murder.","They refused to obey an order.","They were drug smugglers.","None of these"]},{"question":"In what U.S. city is there a statue of fictional boxer Rocky Balboa, portrayed by Sylvester Stallone in the Rocky movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Philadelphia","choices":["Chicago","New York City","Philadelphia","Phoenix"]},{"question":"In what sport does Sylvester Stallones character Lincoln Hawk compete in the 1987 movie Over the Top?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Arm wrestling","choices":["Chess","Arm wrestling","Car racing","Boxing"]},{"question":"Sylvester Stallone has stated this was the worst movie he ever made, yet it became quite popular.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot","choices":["All of these","Cobra","Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot","Oscar"]},{"question":"In which 1994 action movie did Sylvester Stallone star alongside Sharon Stone?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Specialist","choices":["Get Carter","Demolition Man","Rocky Balboa","The Specialist"]},{"question":"In what animated movie did Sylvester Stallone voice a character named Weaver?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Antz","choices":["Antz","Fly","Bee Movie","Grasshoppers"]},{"question":"In what action movie does Sylvester Stallone rival Antonio Banderas in performing a dangerous task?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Assassins","choices":["Demolition Man","Assassins","The Specialist","Get Carter"]},{"question":"In what 1997 movie did Sylvester Stallone star opposite Robert De Niro?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cop Land","choices":["Judge Dredd","Cop Land","Assassins","Cliffhanger"]},{"question":"Which Arquette sibling is the oldest?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rosanna","choices":["Rosanna","Richmond","David","Patricia"]},{"question":"Richmond Arquette had a part in the movie Seven.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What member of the Arquette family was married to Nicholas Cage?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Patricia","choices":["Rosanna","Alexis","Rosanna and Patricia","Patricia"]},{"question":"Richmond Arquette married Courtney Cox in 1999.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"This Arquette showed up on The Surreal Life in 2005.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Alexis","choices":["David","Alexis","Rosanna","Richmond"]},{"question":"In 1987 this Arquette starred in A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Patricia","choices":["David","Patricia","Rosanna","Alexis"]},{"question":"Alexis and Patricia Arquette co-starred in a movie called Last Exit to Brooklyn.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"All of the Arquette siblings were born in a commune in Virginia.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This Arquette stars in the television series Medium.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Patricia","choices":["Patricia","David","Alexis","Rosanna"]},{"question":"Rosanna Arquette starred in the 2004 film Crash with Terrence Howard.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Actors David, Rosanna, Alexis, Richmond and Patricia Arquette are descendants of American explorer Meriwether Lewis.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"All zodiac signs have an opposite (called a polarity). Taurus is ruled by Venus and its opposite sign is ruled by Pluto. What zodiac sign is Tauruss polarity?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Scorpio","choices":["Leo","Cancer","Gemini","Scorpio"]},{"question":"Born April 24, 1942 this singer is the first one to have Billboard #1s in 4 decades: 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. Shes had many hits including: The Way We Were (1974), Woman in Love (1980) and I Finally Found Someone (1996).","category":"celebrities","answer":"Barbara Streisand","choices":["Carole King","Helen Reddy","Cher","Barbara Streisand"]},{"question":"Which element is Taurus associated with?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Earth","choices":["Earth","Air","Water","Fire"]},{"question":"The world of foreign nobility is no stranger to the zodiac sign of Taurus. Many of the following figures were born in April or May. Which of these royalties are correctly matched with their country?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Queen Elizabeth II - Britain; Catherine the Great - Russia; Hirhito - Japan","choices":["Queen Elizabeth II - Britain; Catherine the Great - Russia; Hirhito - Japan","Queen Elizabeth - Britain; Catherine the Great - Russia; Louis VIII - Portugal","Queen Elizabeth - Britain; Peter The Great - Yugoslavia; Catherine de Medici - France","Henry VIII - Britain; Catherine the Great - Russia; Catherine de Medici - Spain"]},{"question":"Match the following 3 signature movies with the famous Taureans who acted in them: The Shining, Its A Wonderful Life and Reservoir Dogs.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jack Nicholson-James Stewart-Harvey Keitel","choices":["Jack Nicholson-James Stewart-Harvey Keitel","Gary Cooper-Lee Majors-Robert Montgomery","Lee Majors-Harvey Keitel-James Stewart","Stewart Granger-Lionel Barrymore-Tim Roth"]},{"question":"Which part of the body does Taurus mostly govern?","category":"celebrities","answer":"throat","choices":["stomach","throat","legs","heart"]},{"question":"These three people were all born on May 12th. One of them was a notable humanitarian born in 1820 and part of the Royal Red Cross, the other one was a famous actress born in 1907 who won an Oscar for a role in On Golden Pond and the third one was a famous comedian born in 1937 who had 5 Emmy nominations.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Florence Nightingale-Katerine Hepburn-George Carlin","choices":["Florence Nightingale-Candice Bergan-Tim Conway","Henry Dunant-Jane Fonda-Chevy Chase","Florence Nightingale-Katerine Hepburn-George Carlin","Karl Marx-Candice Bergen-Mort Sahl"]},{"question":"Renée Zellweger was born in Kathy, Texas under this star sign.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Taurus","choices":["Taurus","Gemini","Aries","Cancer"]},{"question":"In 1991 Renée Zellweger graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. What was her major?","category":"celebrities","answer":"English Language","choices":["German Language","Theater - Acting","Art","English Language"]},{"question":"Although Renée Zellweger had appeared in more than a dozen films before that, it was the 1996 sports movie “Jerry Maguire” which made her famous. What award did Zellweger win for it?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Broadcast Film Critics Association for Breakthrough Artist","choices":["Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role","all of these","Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actress","Broadcast Film Critics Association for Breakthrough Artist"]},{"question":"In 2001 Renée Zellweger starred alongside Hugh Grant and Colin Firth in the British comedy “Bridget Jones’s Diary”. What did the actress do to make the Bridget Jones character more believable?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She gained 20 pounds.","choices":["She stopped smoking for 6 months.","She gained 20 pounds.","She took singing lessons for 10 months.","She shaved her head."]},{"question":"Who did Renée Zellweger marry in 2005 only to annul the marriage seven months later?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kenny Chesney","choices":["George Clooney","Jim Carrey","Jack White","Kenny Chesney"]},{"question":"Prior to her winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2003, how many nominations did Renée Zellweger have in the category of Best Actress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"two","choices":["one","two","none","three"]},{"question":"In which of her movies did Renée Zellwegers character develop an obsession for her favorite soap actor, played by Greg Kinnear?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nurse Betty","choices":["Cinderella Man","Nurse Betty","Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason","Me, Myself Irene"]},{"question":"For which Academy Award for Best Picture winner did Renée Zellweger take dancing lessons for 10 months?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chicago","choices":["Shakespeare in Love","Moulin Rouge!","Chicago","Jerry Maguire"]},{"question":"Name the film in which Renée Zellweger was the voice of Vanessa Bloom.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bee Movie","choices":["Bee Movie","Shrek","Shark Tale","Finding Nemo"]},{"question":"For which of these movies did Renée Zellweger win an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cold Mountain","choices":["Bridget Jones’s Diary","Cold Mountain","Chicago","Moulin Rouge!"]},{"question":"Marilyn Monroes first movie appearance was in this 1947 musical comedy movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Shocking Miss Pilgrim","choices":["The Shocking Miss Pilgrim","You Were Meant for Me","Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay!","Dangerous Years"]},{"question":"Marilyn Monroe starred opposite this celebrated Hollywood actress in the 1952 romantic comedy movie Were Not Married!.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ginger Rogers","choices":["Katharine Hepburn","Ginger Rogers","Greta Garbo","Judy Garland"]},{"question":"Marilyn Monroe won a Golden Globe for Best Actress in Musical or Comedy for her portrayal of a character named Sugar in this1959 movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Some Like It Hot","choices":["Some Like It Hot","None of these","Monkey Business","The Prince and the Showgirl"]},{"question":"In what 1953 movie does Marilyn Monroe perform the song Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes","choices":["How to Marry a Millionaire","Theres No Business Like Show Business","Some Like It Hot","Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"]},{"question":"What 1950 movie featuring Marilyn Monroe set a long-running record by receiving fourteen Academy Award nominations?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All About Eve","choices":["Lets Make It Legal","Theres No Business Like Show Business","Some Like It Hot","All About Eve"]},{"question":"What does the chimpanzee Esther accidentally create in the 1952 comedy movie Monkey Business, starring Marilyn Monroe?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Youth potion","choices":["Love potion","Youth potion","Beauty potion","Growth potion"]},{"question":"Why did Laurence Olivier reportedly decide to quit directing movies after he worked with Marilyn Monroe in the movie The Prince and the Showgirl?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Because he was annoyed by Marilyns behavior","choices":["Because he fell in love with Marilyn but she rejected him","All of these","Because he was annoyed by Marilyns behavior","Because Marilyn assured him he was not talented enough as a director"]},{"question":"In what 1953 romantic comedy movie did Marilyn Monroe star as golddigger Pola Debevoise?","category":"celebrities","answer":"How to Marry a Millionaire","choices":["How to Marry a Millionaire","The Seven Year Itch","The Prince and the Showgirl","Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"]},{"question":"What 1955 movie starring Marilyn Monroe featured the unforgettable scene with her white dress blown up by the wind?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Seven Year Itch","choices":["Some Like It Hot","The Seven Year Itch","Theres No Business Like Show Business","Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"]},{"question":"This was the last movie that Marilyn Monroe started filming, but it remained unfinished because of her sudden death.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Somethings Got to Give","choices":["Somethings Got to Give","Green Grass of Wyoming","The Misfits","Lets Make Love"]},{"question":"In 1990, Charles Lane was rushed to the hospital with chest pains and when the doctor asked him if he was a smoker, he replied, No, I quit the habit 45 minutes ago.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In 1965, Charles Lane played Uncle Abner in this program.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Get Smart","choices":["Petticoat Junction","Beverly Hillbillies","Get Smart","The Doris Day Show"]},{"question":"What is Ozzy Osbournes real name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Osbourne","choices":["Ozzy Osbourne","John Osbourne","Jack Russel Osbourne","Marion Osbourne"]},{"question":"Which of these is one of Black Sabbaths former names?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Earth","choices":["Elf","Solitude","Earth","Dark Church"]},{"question":"Where did Black Sabbath take their name from?","category":"celebrities","answer":"a Boris Karloff film","choices":["a church in their native town","a book by Tony Iommis father","a Boris Karloff film","graffiti on a tombstone"]},{"question":"What Black Sabbath members right hand was damaged as a result of an industrial accident?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tony Iommi","choices":["Tony Iommi","Geezer Butler","Ozzy Osbourne","Bill Ward"]},{"question":"In what city was Black Sabbath formed?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Birmingham","choices":["Amsterdam","Birmingham","Oslo","London"]},{"question":"In 1968, Toni Iommi briefly left Black Sabbath to play in this band.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jethro Tull","choices":["Jethro Tull","Deep Purple","Led Zeppelin","Rolling Stones"]},{"question":"Which of these movies did guitarist Tony Iommi appear in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus","choices":["The Bands The Last Waltz","The Beatles A Hard Days Night","Pink Floyds The Wall","The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus"]},{"question":"What was the last Black Sabbath studio album with Ozzy Osbourne as lead singer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Never Say Die!","choices":["Technical Ecstasy","Sabotage","Never Say Die!","Master of Reality"]},{"question":"Which of these singers never recorded albums with Black Sabbath in the period 1968-2008?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Joe Lynn Turner","choices":["Tony Martin","Ronnie James Dio","Ian Gillan","Joe Lynn Turner"]},{"question":"Which statement is true about Gregory Pecks birth?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was born Eldred Gregory Peck on April 5, 1916 in La Jolla, California.","choices":["He was born Eldred Gregory Peck on April 5, 1916 in La Jolla, California.","He was born Ronald Richard Gregory on April 5, 1914 in San Francisco, California.","He was born Richard Gregory Peck on April 5, 1917 in Santa Barbara, California.","He was born Gregory Edward Peck on April 5, 1915 in Pasadena, California."]},{"question":"Select the correct statement about Gregory Pecks life.","category":"celebrities","answer":"At about 23 he left California to become an actor in New York City.","choices":["His father ran a small theater outside of Los Angeles.","He never completed his college degree at U Cal Berkley.","At about 23 he left California to become an actor in New York City.","He had a very stable childhood living in the suburbs of Los Angeles."]},{"question":"Gregory Peck felt that the American Film Institute was just a useless organization.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In 1947 Gregory Peck founded this important theater with the help of Mel Ferrer and Dorothy McGuire.","category":"celebrities","answer":"La Jolla Playhouse","choices":["L.A. Theater Works","Second City","The Trio Playhouse","La Jolla Playhouse"]},{"question":"In 1967 Gregory Peck received The Jean Hersholt Award from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts Science. This award is given for which of the following?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Humanitarian activities","choices":["Being a member of the Academy for at least 40 years","Never receiving an Oscar and being in many movies","Humanitarian activities","Lifetime achievement in motion pictures"]},{"question":"Gregory Peck was well known as an active supporter of the Republican Party.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What do Gene Autry, Kirk Douglas, Gregory Peck and Jimmy Stewart have in common?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Their stars on Hollywoods Walk of Fame were stolen.","choices":["They all served on B-17s during World War II.","Their stars on Hollywoods Walk of Fame were stolen.","They all helped Ronald Reagans campaign for the Presidency.","They were speakers at Governor Schwarzeneggers inauguration."]},{"question":"Gregory Peck had many close friends. Which of the following was not one of them?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ronald Reagan","choices":["Ronald Reagan","Mary Badham","Tony Danza","Michael Jackson"]},{"question":"In 1980 Gregory Peck made unpaid ads for the Chrysler Automobile Corporation .","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"After starring in 1958s The Bravados, Gregory Peck made this decision.","category":"celebrities","answer":"To buy a real working ranch and raise horses","choices":["To move to Texas","To help form section of the Motion Picture Academy for cowboy actors.","To buy a real working ranch and raise horses","To never make another western"]},{"question":"Gregory Peck won one Oscar. For which movie did he get the Oscar for The Best Actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"To Kill a Mocking Bird","choices":["Gentlemans Agreement","The Yearling","Twelve OClock High","To Kill a Mocking Bird"]},{"question":"In the late 1960s Gregory Peck fought very hard but unsuccessfully for this cause.","category":"celebrities","answer":"To make full-length animated films eligible for the Best Picture Oscar","choices":["To get statehood for Washington, D.C.","To pass the Equal Rights Amendment","To get the US out of the UN","To make full-length animated films eligible for the Best Picture Oscar"]},{"question":"Which statement is untrue about Gregory Peck?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was an opponent of gun control.","choices":["He never appeared in an anti-war movie.","Like todays stars, he owned his own production company.","He was an opponent of nuclear weapons.","He was an opponent of gun control."]},{"question":"Gregory Peck appeared as a hero in a Marvel comic book.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Find the untrue statement about Gregory Peck.","category":"celebrities","answer":"He considered running for president against Ronald Reagan.","choices":["He considered running for president against Ronald Reagan.","He did most of his own fight scenes.","He met his second wife when she was sent to interview him.","He had two adopted children."]},{"question":"Over 3,000 people tried to attend Gregory Pecks funeral. To insure that Pecks friends and relatives would have seats they were told to give this password to the ushers.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Atticus","choices":["Omen","Gentleman","Atticus","Ahab"]},{"question":"What is Hank Williams Jr.s nickname?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bocephus","choices":["Bocephus","Jr.","Willie","Hanky Panky"]},{"question":"Steve is Hank Williams, Jr.s real first name.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In 1975, country singer Hank Williams Jr. fell of off which mountain?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ajax Mountain","choices":["The Ozarks","Ajax Mountain","Mt. Everest","The Smokey Mountains"]},{"question":"What was Hank Williams Jr. first wifes name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"June","choices":["Sarah","Stephanie","Audrey","June"]},{"question":"Hank Williams Jr. was 14 when his dad died.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"When was Hank Williams, Jr. born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"May 26, 1949","choices":["April 26, 1949","April 3, 1950","May 26, 1949","May 3, 1950"]},{"question":"Is there a movie based on Hank Williams, Jr.s life?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"What is the first name of Hank Williams Jr.s son?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Shelton","choices":["Shelton","John","Merle","Bobby"]},{"question":"Which of these is not a Hank Williams Jr. song?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jambalya","choices":["Cajan Baby","Jambalya","Standing in the Shadows","Thats the Kind of Life I Live"]},{"question":"What was Hank Williams Jr.s first number one album on the country charts?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Songs My Father Left Me","choices":["Five-O","Montana Cafe","Songs My Father Left Me","Major Moves"]},{"question":"Who was the first European explorer to visit Costa Rica?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Christopher Columbus","choices":["Hernan Cortez","Francisco Pizarro","Christopher Columbus","Vasco Nunez de Balboa"]},{"question":"Which of these animals cannot be found in Costa Rica?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Giant Armadillo","choices":["Manatee","Jaguar","Coyote","Giant Armadillo"]},{"question":"In 2007, Gaston Fournier was selected to be artistic coordinator in this famous Opera House.","category":"celebrities","answer":"La Scala in Milan","choices":["Royal Opera House in London","La Scala in Milan","Opera Garnier in Paris","Metropolitan Opera House in New York"]},{"question":"In 2006, Costa Rica was the second exporter in the world of what crop?","category":"celebrities","answer":"bananas","choices":["oranges","olives","bananas","apples"]},{"question":"What city is the capital of Austria?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vienna","choices":["Prague","Berlin","Vienna","Budapest"]},{"question":"Which great composer was not from Austria?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Johann Sebastian Bach","choices":["Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart","Johann Strauss","Joseph Haydn","Johann Sebastian Bach"]},{"question":"Which of these famous actors was born in Austria?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Arnold Schwarzenegger","choices":["Jean Claude van Damme","Sylvester Stallone","Danny De Vitto","Arnold Schwarzenegger"]},{"question":"Hermann Maier (Herminator) was an Austrian star of which winter sport?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Alpine skiing","choices":["Ski jumping","Cross-country skiing","Ice hockey","Alpine skiing"]},{"question":"What is the official language of Austria?","category":"celebrities","answer":"German","choices":["Swiss","German","Austrian","Tyrolean"]},{"question":"Austria is a landlocked country, which shares borders with how many other landlocked countries?","category":"celebrities","answer":"5","choices":["5","1","0","3"]},{"question":"What is the meaning of the word from which the name Austria is derived?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eastern realm","choices":["Southern land","Eastern realm","Land in the mountains","Little Australia"]},{"question":"Which mountain range covers most of Austrias territory?","category":"celebrities","answer":"the Alps","choices":["the Pyrenees","the Carpathians","the Alps","the Sudeten Mountains"]},{"question":"The House of Habsburg was a powerful dynasty from Austria that once ruled half of Europe. Which of these thrones was never occupied by a Habsburg?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Polish","choices":["Polish","Dutch","Spanish","Hungarian"]},{"question":"Austria-Hungary was a vast empire that covered much of Central Europe. Which present day country was not part of this empire?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Serbia","choices":["Bosnia and Herzegovina","Serbia","Czech Republic","Slovakia"]},{"question":"What movie brought Anthony Hopkins his first Academy Award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Silence of the Lambs","choices":["The Remains of the Day","The Silence of the Lambs","The Hunchback of Notre Dame","Shadowlands"]},{"question":"What popular painter did Anthony Hopkins portray in a 1996 movie directed by James Ivory?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pablo Picasso","choices":["Rembrandt","Johannes Vermeer","James Abbott McNeill Whistler","Pablo Picasso"]},{"question":"What historical figure did Anthony Hopkins portray in the 1981 television film The Bunker?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Adolf Hitler","choices":["Otto von Bismarck","Winston Churchill","Adolf Hitler","Heinrich Himmler"]},{"question":"Who is the director of the 1992 horror movie Dracula, featuring Anthony Hopkins as Professor Abraham Van Helsing?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Francis Ford Coppola","choices":["Steven Spielberg","Francis Ford Coppola","Luc Besson","Anthony Hopkins"]},{"question":"What American President did Anthony Hopkins portray in the 1997 Steven Spielberg movie Amistad?","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Quincy Adams","choices":["James Monroe","Andrew Jackson","Martin Van Buren","John Quincy Adams"]},{"question":"What character did Anthony Hopkins voice in the 2000 movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The narrator","choices":["Max the Dog","Officer Wholihan","The narrator","Mayor Augustus Maywho"]},{"question":"What was the name of the 2001 sequel to the 1991 thriller The Silence of the Lambs, both starring Anthony Hopkins?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hannibal","choices":["The Quiet Desperation of the Lambs","Hannibal","Manhunter","The Cannibal"]},{"question":"What character did Anthony Hopkins portray in the 2007 movie Beowulf?","category":"celebrities","answer":"King Hrothgar","choices":["Beowulf","Unferth","King Hrothgar","Grendel"]},{"question":"What actor was originally considered for the role of US President Richard Nixon in the 1995 movie Nixon, eventually played by Anthony Hopkins?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Robin Williams","Jack Nicholson","All of these","Tom Hanks"]},{"question":"Anthony Hopkins portrayed this character in the 1993 movie The Remains of the Day.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Head Butler Mr James Stevens","choices":["Head Butler Mr James Stevens","Lord Darlington","Congressman Trent Lewis","William Stevens"]},{"question":"Comedians Abbott and Costellos most famous routine is Whos on First?. Which is the only baseball position not mentioned in that routine?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rightfield","choices":["Centerfield","Leftfield","Rightfield","Shortstop"]},{"question":"Which mathematical equation does American comedian Lou Costello in a routine use to prove that thirteen 7’s equal 28?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Multiplication","Division","Addition"]},{"question":"In which of these sports can a father be a mudder, as explained to Costello by Abbott in one of their comedy routines?","category":"celebrities","answer":"horse racing","choices":["horse racing","polo","wrestling","golf"]},{"question":"In the movie Hold That Ghost, what animals does Camille Brewster (Joan Davis) tell Lou Costello she cannot go to bed without?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mules","choices":["Deer","Doves","Sheep","Mules"]},{"question":"Can you pick the words that sets off a deranged derelict to beat up Lou Costello every time he hears them mentioned in the movie Lost in a Harem?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Niagara Falls","choices":["Off With His Head","Grand Canyon","Sultans Wives","Niagara Falls"]},{"question":"In the movie Naughty Nineties, what does the American comedian Abbott do to prove to his partner Costello that he cannot hit him while they are both standing on the end of a handkerchief?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Closes the door over his half","choices":["Makes Costello stand on one leg","Draws a line","Folds it in half","Closes the door over his half"]},{"question":"In the movie Abbott Costello Meet Frankenstein”, Costello does a type of magic trick. What is it?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He pulls out the tablecloth without upsetting the candles and dinnerware.","choices":["He makes a coin disappear.","He pulls out the tablecloth without upsetting the candles and dinnerware.","He pulls a rabbit out of a hat.","He makes Sandra disappear."]},{"question":"In Abbott and Costello’s routine Susquehanna Company, almost all the items that Lou Costello was to deliver were destroyed by people hearing the mention of that companys name. What were those items?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hats","choices":["Gloves","Hats","Pants","Belts"]},{"question":"Which of these foods is the name of a street in comedians Abbott and Costello’s routine, where Costello gets beaten up by mentioning that name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bagel","choices":["Orange","Bacon","Bagel","Custard"]},{"question":"What year was Lou Ferrigno born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1951","choices":["1950","1955","1954","1951"]},{"question":"Lou Ferrigno lost some of his hearing as a child.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In what 1977 competition did Lou Ferrigno place 4th?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Worlds Strongest Man","choices":["Mr. Olympia","Mr. Universe","Mr. America","Worlds Strongest Man"]},{"question":"Which of the following shows did Lou Ferrigno not appear in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Friends","choices":["Friends","My Wife and Kids","Home Improvement","Reno 911"]},{"question":"What popular sitcom did Lou Ferrigno play himself in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"King of Queens","choices":["Friends","Everybody loves Raymond","King of Queens","8 Simple Rules"]},{"question":"Argentina is the second largest country in terms of area and population on the continent it is located.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The name of Argentina comes from a Latin word which means silver.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is the official language of Argentina?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Spanish","choices":["Spanish","Italian","Guaraní","German"]},{"question":"What is the predominant religion in Argentina?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Roman Catholicism","choices":["The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints","Islam","Protestantism","Roman Catholicism"]},{"question":"What is the motto of Argentina?","category":"celebrities","answer":"En unión y libertad","choices":["Por la Razón o la Fuerza","La unión es la fuerza!","Ordem e Progresso","En unión y libertad"]},{"question":"What is the national anthem of Argentina?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Himno Nacional Argentino","choices":["Himno Nacional de Argentina","Hino Nacional Argentino","Hino Nacional de Argentina","Himno Nacional Argentino"]},{"question":"What is the capital of Argentina?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Buenos Aires","choices":["Buenos Aires","San Juan","Rosario","La Plata"]},{"question":"What is the currency of Argentina?","category":"celebrities","answer":"peso","choices":["colón","peso","dollar","daler"]},{"question":"Who is the first president of Argentina?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bernardino Rivadavia","choices":["Bernardino Rivadavia","Manuel Dorrego","Vicente López y Planes","Justo José de Urquiza"]},{"question":"On what continent is Argentina located?","category":"celebrities","answer":"South America","choices":["Asia","South America","North America","Europe"]},{"question":"Stephen Fry was born in 1957 to an English father and an Austrian-Jewish mother. Which borough of London was he born in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Camden","choices":["Richmond upon Thames","Wandsworth","Harrow","Camden"]},{"question":"Stephen Fry was expelled from two schools between the ages of 14 and 16","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"At the age of seventeen, Stephen Fry was imprisoned for 3 months for what illegal activity?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fraud","choices":["Assault","Reckless driving","Fraud","Indecency"]},{"question":"Following his release from prison, Stephen Fry studied hard to successfully gain entrance to which University?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cambridge","choices":["Edinburgh","Oxford","Cambridge","Bristol"]},{"question":"While at University, Stephen Fry joined an amateur theatrical group where he met his comedy partner Hugh Laurie. What was the name of the theatrical group?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Footlights","choices":["Footlights","Revue","Fringe","Old Vic"]},{"question":"Stephen Fry first came to public attention when he partnered Hugh Laurie on Saturday Live. This led to him being cast as Lord Melchett in which successful comedy series?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Blackadder II","choices":["Filthy, Rich and Catflap","Three of a Kind","Blackadder II","The Young Ones"]},{"question":"What was the title of the 4-season long TV sketch show created by Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Bit of Fry and Laurie","choices":["Saturday Night Fry","Moab is my Washpot","Jeeves and Wooster","A Bit of Fry and Laurie"]},{"question":"What is the link between Stephen Fry and popular boy-wizard Harry Potter?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fry is the voice of the audiobook versions of the Harry Potter stories and their videogame adaptations.","choices":["Fry is J K Rowlings cousin.","Fry owned the cafeteria at which J K Rowling wrote a lot of the early notes for Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.","Fry is the voice of the audiobook versions of the Harry Potter stories and their videogame adaptations.","Fry was originally offered the part of Dumbledore in the Harry Potter films."]},{"question":"Whilst appearing in the stage play, Cell Mates, in 1995 Stephen Fry suffered a nervous breakdown and disappeared for a number of days. In which country did he reappear in public?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Belgium","choices":["France","Belgium","Holland","Germany"]},{"question":"What does Brad Pitts tattoo written in French on his left forearm mean?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Life is absurd.","choices":["Life is absurd.","The sun will rise again.","God is within me.","My heart belongs to me."]},{"question":"What flower did Cher have tattooed on her ankle?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rose","choices":["Carnation","Sunflower","Orchid","Rose"]},{"question":"Which of the following did Beyonce have tattooed on her hips?","category":"celebrities","answer":"An angel","choices":["Roses","A heart","A cross","An angel"]},{"question":"What animal did actor Nicolas Cage have tattooed on his back?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A lizard","choices":["A horse","A lizard","A tiger","A dog"]},{"question":"On what part of her body did actress and singer Dolly Parton get a butterfly tattoo?","category":"celebrities","answer":"On her chest","choices":["On her wrist","On her shoulder","Her lower back","On her chest"]},{"question":"A portrait of whom did Sylvester Stallone have tattooed on his right shoulder?","category":"celebrities","answer":"His wife","choices":["His daughters","His wife","Marilyn Monroe","Che Guevara"]},{"question":"What does the Hebrew script running down from Victoria Beckhams neck to her back read?","category":"celebrities","answer":"I am my beloveds, my beloved is mine.","choices":["Thou shall not tempt me.","He who increases knowledge increases sorrow.","I am my beloveds, my beloved is mine.","As ye sew, so shall ye reap."]},{"question":"What king of tattoo did Gisele Bundchen get done on the inside of her left wrist?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A star","choices":["Her mothers initials","A bunny","A star","A strawberry"]},{"question":"What number did Eva Longoria have tattooed in English on the back of her neck?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nine","choices":["Eleven","Nine","Three","Seventeen"]},{"question":"What cartoon character did Christina Aguilera have tattooed on her lower abdomen?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mickey Mouse","choices":["Bugs Bunny","Mickey Mouse","Flounder","Winnie-the-Pooh"]},{"question":"Alec Baldwin received his first Academy Award nomination for his performance in this 2003 movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Cooler","choices":["The Aviator","The Cooler","Pearl Harbor","Along Came Polly"]},{"question":"In what 1997 movie did Alec Baldwin portray ambitious fashion photographer Robert Green?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Edge","choices":["The Edge","The Acting Class","Notting Hill","The Confession"]},{"question":"What animal character did Alec Baldwin voice in the 2008 animated movie Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lion","choices":["Zebra","Lemur","Lion","Penguin"]},{"question":"In what 2006 Martin Scorsese movie did Alec Baldwin portray Captain George Ellerby, commander of the Special Investigations Unit?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Departed","choices":["The Departed","The Edge","The Aviator","Pearl Harbor"]},{"question":"What Academy Award-winning actress starred opposite Alec Baldwin in the 1996 drama movie Ghosts of Mississippi?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Whoopi Goldberg","choices":["Oprah Winfrey","Halle Berry","All of these","Whoopi Goldberg"]},{"question":"Alec Baldwin portrayed a man who dies and turns into a ghost in this 1988 movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Beetlejuice","choices":["Heavens Prisoners","Ghost","Malice","Beetlejuice"]},{"question":"Who is the director of the 2004 biographical drama movie The Aviator that featured Alec Baldwin among others?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Martin Scorsese","choices":["Steven Spielberg","Martin Scorsese","Tim Burton","James Cameron"]},{"question":"Alec Baldwin starred opposite this Hollywood actress in the 1992 romantic fantasy movie Prelude to a Kiss?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Meg Ryan","choices":["Melanie Griffith","Julia Roberts","Kim Basinger","Meg Ryan"]},{"question":"What animal did Alec Baldwin voice in the 2001 comedy movie Cats Dogs?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dog","choices":["Mouse","Guinea pig","Dog","Cat"]},{"question":"In what 2006 spy movie did Alec Baldwin star as FBI Agent Sam Murach?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Good Shepherd","choices":["The Last Shot","The Good Shepherd","Mercury Rising","State and Main"]},{"question":"Tom Cruise received his first Academy Award nomination for his outstanding performance in this 1989 movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Born on the Fourth of July","choices":["Rain Man","Born on the Fourth of July","A Few Good Men","Top Gun"]},{"question":"In what movie did Tom Cruise portray Dr. Bill Harford?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eyes Wide Shut","choices":["Minority Report","Magnolia","Eyes Wide Shut","The Color of Money"]},{"question":"Tom Cruises performance in the 2005 movie War of the Worlds brought him a nomination for this award.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Golden Raspberry Award","choices":["Golden Globe Award","All of these","Golden Raspberry Award","Academy Award"]},{"question":"What is the occupation of Jerry Maguire, portrayed by Tom Cruise in the 1996 movie Jerry Maguire?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sports agent","choices":["Sports agent","Rugby player","Baseball player","American football coach"]},{"question":"What is the offensive title of the book written by Frank T.J. Mackey, played by Tom Cruise, in the 1999 movie Magnolia?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Seduce And Destroy","choices":["How To Get Laid For Less Money","She Is Only After Your Wallet","The Superior Sex","Seduce And Destroy"]},{"question":"How does Tom Cruises character, David Aames, get disfigured in the 2001 movie Vanilla Sky?","category":"celebrities","answer":"In a car crash","choices":["He was burned with acid as a child.","None of these","In a car crash","His ex-girlfriend cuts his face out of jealousy."]},{"question":"What is the name of the character portrayed by Tom Cruise in the Mission: Impossible movie series?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ethan Hunt","choices":["Ethan Hawke","Ray Ferrier","Jim Phelps","Ethan Hunt"]},{"question":"What is the title of the 2003 movie in which Tom Cruise starred as war veteran Captain Nathan Algren?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Last Samurai","choices":["The Last Warrior","The Last Soldier","The Last Ninja","The Last Samurai"]},{"question":"In which 1992 drama movie did Tom Cruise star opposite Jack Nicholson and Demi Moore?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Few Good Men","choices":["Mission: Impossible II","A Few Good Men","Top Gun","Born on the Fourth of July"]},{"question":"What is the nickname of Tom Cruises character in the 1986 movie Top Gun?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Maverick","choices":["Iceman","Maverick","Cougar","Viper"]},{"question":"Duke Ellington was born on April 29, 1899 in which city?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Washington, D.C.","choices":["Baltimore, Maryland","Washington, D.C.","Atlanta, Georgia","New York City"]},{"question":"This book, published in 1973, is Duke Ellingtons autobiography.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Music Is My Mistress","choices":["Ellington:In A Mellow Mood","Music Is My Mistress","Sir Duke","The Duke From Baltimore"]},{"question":"According to Duke Ellingtons autobiography, his childhood dream was what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"To be a baseball player","choices":["To play the piano","To play the violin","To be an actor","To be a baseball player"]},{"question":"Jazz musician Duke Ellington attended which high school?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Armstrong Manual Training School","choices":["Peebles High School","Armstrong Manual Training School","Grand Valley High School","West Union High School"]},{"question":"In 1917, Duke Ellington formed his first music group, named what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Dukes Serenaders","choices":["The Dukes Serenaders","The Orioles","The Moochers","The Washingtonians"]},{"question":"In 1927, Duke Ellington and his band, The Washingtonians were offered a permanent job at which famous Harlem club?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Cotton Club","choices":["The Hollywood Club","The Cotton Club","The Savoy Ballroom","The Apollo"]},{"question":"This composer and pianist wrote Take the A Train, which became the signature tune of Duke Ellington.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Billy Strayhorn","choices":["Fats Navarro","Fats Waller","Billy Strayhorn","Billie Holiday"]},{"question":"Which of these is not a famous piece by Duke Ellington?","category":"celebrities","answer":"One OClock Jump","choices":["One OClock Jump","Mood Indigo","Such Sweet Thunder","Sophisticated Lady"]},{"question":"Which of these prominent musicians did not play in Duke Ellingtons orchestra?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Freddie Green","choices":["Sonny Greer","Ray Willis Nance","Harry Carney","Freddie Green"]},{"question":"Which statement, concerning the awards and honors received by Duke Ellington, is true?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these are true","choices":["He was awarded the Legion of Honor by France in 1973","He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom","A 22 cent commemorative stamp with his name and picture was issued in 1986","All of these are true"]},{"question":"When was Gary Cooper born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1901","choices":["1931","1941","1901","1921"]},{"question":"From what disease did Gary Cooper die?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cancer","choices":["Cancer","Heart attack","Malaria","Liver infection"]},{"question":"In which Hall of Fame was Gary Cooper inducted?","category":"celebrities","answer":"National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum","choices":["The ASCAP Hal of Fame","The Screen Actors Guild Hall of Fame","The National Hall of Great Americans","National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum"]},{"question":"How did Frank James Cooper become Gary Cooper?","category":"celebrities","answer":"His agent was born in Gary, Indiana.","choices":["He was given that name by Ron Howard.","His football coach at UCLA gave him the name.","Spencer Tracy said, He looks like a Gary.","His agent was born in Gary, Indiana."]},{"question":"How many times was Gary Cooper married?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Once to a woman not in show business","choices":["Three times: to Marlene Dietrich, Patricia Neal, and Gloria Swanson","Once to a woman not in show business","Four times: to Clara Bow, Evelyn Brent, Carole Lombard, and Ingrid Bergman","Never"]},{"question":"Which two movies earned Gary Cooper Academy Awards?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sergeant York and High Noon","choices":["Mr. Deeds Goes to Town and Today We Live","A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bells Toll","The Plainsman and The Westerner","Sergeant York and High Noon"]},{"question":"Gary Cooper was present when an escalator was put into a movie theater for the first time.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Gary Cooper is referenced in an Irving Berlin song.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Gary Cooper starred in A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls. What do these movies have in common?","category":"celebrities","answer":"They are based on novels by Ernest Hemingway.","choices":["They are based on novels by Ernest Hemingway.","They both co-starred John Wayne.","They both were directed by Fritz Lang.","They are based on novels by John Steinbeck."]},{"question":"1939 has often been described as a banner year for movies. Which of these 1939 movies starred Gary Cooper?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Beau Geste","choices":["The Wizard of Oz","Beau Geste","Stagecoach","Gone With the Wind"]},{"question":"Although John Wayne and Gary Cooper were good friends, John Wayne hated this Gary Cooper role.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Will Kane in High Noon","choices":["Cole Harden in The Westerner","Will Kane in High Noon","Casanova Brown in Casanova Brown","Ashley Wilkes in Gone With the Wind"]},{"question":"Gary Cooper is famous for his portrayal of this athlete.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lou Gehrig","choices":["Lou Gehrig","Jim Thorpe","Alvin York","Babe Ruth"]},{"question":"Gary Cooper appeared at the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s. Which best describes his testimony?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He said he feared Communism but did not mention any names.","choices":["He named ten writers who were Communists.","He said he feared Communism but did not mention any names.","He said there was no danger from Communism in Hollywood.","He named ten people in Hollywood who were Communists."]},{"question":"Gary Cooper was a man of many hobbies. Which of these was one of them?","category":"celebrities","answer":"taxidermy","choices":["taxidermy","chess","poetry","stamp collecting"]},{"question":"Before becoming a star, Gary Cooper was a guide in this US Park.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yosemite","choices":["Grand Teton","Yellowstone","Yosemite","Mount Rushmore"]},{"question":"Find the incorrect statement concerning Gary Cooper.","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Wayne learned to ride a horse from Gary Cooper.","choices":["Tony Soprano often referred to Gary Cooper as the strong silent type.","A poster of Cooper was used to help win free elections in Poland.","John Wayne learned to ride a horse from Gary Cooper.","Gary Coopers daughter once spat at the actress Patricia Neal."]},{"question":"By some quirk of fate, Gary Cooper was distantly related to this actress.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brooke Shields","choices":["Brooke Shields","Holly Hunter","Kyra Sedgewick","Michelle Pfeiffer"]},{"question":"Five individuals were the regular hosts of this radio theatre program, that ran from 1979-1981. Richard Widmark was the Friday night adventure host.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sears Radio Theatre","choices":["Wells Fargo Theatre","RKO","Wagon Train Theatre","Sears Radio Theatre"]},{"question":"Actor Richard Widmark nearly lost an important part because his ears were too big.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Richard Widmarks daughter was married to this baseball great.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sandy Koufax","choices":["Roger Maris","Sandy Koufax","Joe Dimaggio","Mark McGuire"]},{"question":"When Richard Widmark married his second wife, he became the step-father to Amy. Amy was the daughter of Susan Blanchard and this actor legend.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Henry Fonda","choices":["Fred MacMurray","Henry Fonda","Glen Ford","James Stewart"]},{"question":"Why was Richard Widmark unable to serve in the military during WWII?","category":"celebrities","answer":"perforated eardrum","choices":["flat feet","perforated eardrum","asthma","poor eyesight"]},{"question":"Richard Widmark starred in this movie in the 70s, that was an adaptation of a book by Agatha Christie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Murder on The Orient Express","choices":["And, Then There Were None","One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians","Darkness Inconvenienced","Murder on The Orient Express"]},{"question":"Richard Widmark appeared on I Love Lucy as himself, in an episode in which Lucy pretends to be infatuated with Widmark.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In what eastern state was actor Ron Perlman born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"New York","choices":["Florida","Virginia","Maryland","New York"]},{"question":"Ron Perlman has done s a lot of voice over work in cartoons and games. Which of the following is not one of his projects?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Superman","choices":["Lord Terrence Hood","Jagger Valance","Clayface","Superman"]},{"question":"In 2008, Ron Perlman became the oldest actor to play a main superhero.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Ron Perlman played Bernie Marx back in the 70s on this daytime soap opera.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ryans Hope","choices":["Knots Landing","Days of Our Lives","General Hospital","Ryans Hope"]},{"question":"What movie starring Ron Perlman is this exchange from?\nX: [while stitching up forearm] How long did he touch you?\nY: I dont know? About 5 seconds?\nX: [pulls three eggs out of his forearm] Touched you five seconds, laid three eggs.\nY: Didnt even buy me a drink.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hellboy","choices":["Hellboy","Beauty and the Beast","Alien","The Last Super"]},{"question":"Revolutions studio wanted someone like Vin Diesel to play the part of Hellboy, but it was eventually given to Ron Perlman.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Ron Perlman did not win an Emmy for the TV series Beauty and the Beast.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In which of these films did Ron Perlman co-star with Wesley Snipes?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Blade II","choices":["Blade II","Blade III","Art of War","Aliens"]},{"question":"Microsoft co-founder William Henry Gates III, a.k.a. Bill Gates, was born on October 28, 1955 in this US state.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Washington","choices":["Arizona","Kentucky","Washington","Delaware"]},{"question":"TV host and actress Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in this US state.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mississippi","choices":["Minnesota","Michigan","Mississippi","Missouri"]},{"question":"In what country was Academy Award winner Robert De Niro born on August 17, 1943?","category":"celebrities","answer":"the United States","choices":["Germany","the United States","Australia","Italy"]},{"question":"Writer Agatha Christie, who became the best-selling author of all time, was born in this country on September 15, 1890.","category":"celebrities","answer":"England","choices":["Wales","Ireland","England","Scotland"]},{"question":"Soccer star David Beckham was born on May 2, 1975 in what English city?","category":"celebrities","answer":"London","choices":["Birmingham","London","Manchester","Liverpool"]},{"question":"Singer and songwriter Celine Dion was born on March 30, 1968 in this country.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Canada","choices":["Belgium","France","the United States","Canada"]},{"question":"The 44th President of the United States Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in this US state.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hawaii","choices":["California","Hawaii","Florida","Texas"]},{"question":"Legendary actress Greta Garbo was born on September 18, 1905 in this European country.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sweden","choices":["Sweden","Switzerland","Finland","Denmark"]},{"question":"In what US state was music legend Ray Charles born on September 23, 1930?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Georgia","choices":["Colorado","Maryland","Georgia","Florida"]},{"question":"Hollywood actor Omar Sharif was born on April 10, 1932 in this African country.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Egypt","choices":["Egypt","Morocco","Libya","South Africa"]},{"question":"This Baldwin met his future wife on the set of The Marrying Man in 1991.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Alec","choices":["Alec","William","Daniel","Stephen"]},{"question":"Which Baldwin was born May 12, 1966, making him the youngest of the brothers?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Stephen","choices":["William","Alec","Daniel","Stephen"]},{"question":"In 1993 this Baldwin was cast in the Baltimore-based cop show Homicide: Life on the Street.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Daniel","choices":["Alec","Stephen","WIlliam","Daniel"]},{"question":"This Baldwin appeared in the 1990 movie Flatliners, as Joe Hurley.","category":"celebrities","answer":"William","choices":["Daniel","Stephen","Alec","William"]},{"question":"Alec Baldwin starred in the 1995 movie The Usual Suspects.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Three of the four Baldwin brothers appeared in the 1989 movie Born On The Fourth of July.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which Baldwin starred in the 1996 movie Mulholland Falls with Nick Nolte?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Daniel","choices":["William","Daniel","Stephen","Alec"]},{"question":"There are no sisters to the Baldwin brothers.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In 1960s The Alamo, John Wayne played this famous frontiersman.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Colonel Davy Crockett","choices":["Colonel William Travis","Colonel Jim Bowe","Colonel Davy Crockett","General Sam Houston"]},{"question":"Julia Roberts was the first actress to appear on the cover of this popular magazine.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vogue","choices":["Elle","Cosmopolitan","Harpers Bazaar","Vogue"]},{"question":"What was the occupation of Julia Roberts parents when they first met?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Actors and playwrights","choices":["Actors and playwrights","Professional dancers","Fashion designers","Butchers"]},{"question":"What musical instrument did Julia Roberts learn to play when she was a student?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Clarinet","choices":["Flute","Trombone","Clarinet","Violin"]},{"question":"What was Julia Roberts dream job when she was a little girl?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Veterinarian","choices":["Model","Astronaut","Singer","Veterinarian"]},{"question":"In what movie, released in 1989, did Julia Roberts make her acting debut?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Blood Red","choices":["Mystic Pizza","Lonely Traveler","Blood Red","Blue Sunrise"]},{"question":"What disease did Julia Roberts character have in the 1989 dramedy movie Steel Magnolias?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Diabetes","choices":["Diabetes","Cancer","Tuberculosis","AIDS"]},{"question":"What name did Julia Roberts give to her first-born daughter who was born on November 28, 2004, together with her fraternal twin brother?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hazel","choices":["Ginger","Hazel","Apple","Coco"]},{"question":"What famous actor did Julia Roberts date before she married cameraman Daniel Moder?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Liam Neeson","Benjamin Bratt","All of these","Matthew Perry"]},{"question":"What type of character did Julia Roberts voice in the 2006 computer-animated movie The Ant Bully?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A nurse ant","choices":["A worker ant","Queen ant","A nurse ant","A little girl"]},{"question":"What was the name of Julia Roberts character in the 1991 Steven Spielberg movie Hook?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tinker Bell","choices":["Wendy Darling","Princess Galathea","Tinker Bell","Medea"]},{"question":"What is Christopher Walkens real first name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ronald","choices":["George","Ronald","Harry","Edward"]},{"question":"What did Christopher Walken eat for an entire week in order to prepare for his role in the 1978 movie The Deer Hunter?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rice and bananas","choices":["Rice and bananas","Eggs","Steamed broccoli","Chicken and pork"]},{"question":"In what Madonna video has actor Christopher Walken made an appearance?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bad Girl","choices":["Youll See","Bad Girl","Oh Father","All of these"]},{"question":"What is the name of actor Christopher Walkens first-born child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"None of these","choices":["Sandra","Deborah","None of these","Matthew"]},{"question":"Complete the following popular phrase that originated from Chris Walkens performance in an episode of Saturday Night Live:\nGotta have more ...","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cowbell","choices":["Cowbell","Jackass","Booty","Beehive"]},{"question":"What character did actor Christopher Walken portray in the 1992 movie Batman Returns?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Max Shreck","choices":["Chip Shreck","Max Shreck","The Penguin","The Mayor"]},{"question":"What animated character did Christopher Walken voice in the 1998 animated movie Antz?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Colonel Cutter","choices":["Colonel Cutter","General Mandible","Z","Weaver"]},{"question":"In what Denzel Washington movie did Christopher Walken appear as Denzels ex-colleague from CIA?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Man on Fire","choices":["Man on Fire","The Bone Collector","American Gangster","Training Day"]},{"question":"In what movie did Christopher Walken play the role of a World War II veteran and father of Frank Abagnale, Jr.?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Catch Me If You Can","choices":["Catch Me If You Can","The Opportunists","Last Man Standing","The Funeral"]},{"question":"What legendary musician was the main character in the 1995 play Him, written by Christopher Walken?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Elvis Presley","choices":["John Lennon","Jimi Hendrix","Fred Astaire","Elvis Presley"]},{"question":"Which state was American actress and singer Hilary Duff born in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Texas","choices":["New York","Kansas","California","Texas"]},{"question":"Which of these is a name of one of Hilary Duffs albums?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Most Wanted","choices":["Most Wanted","In Love","Broken","Fly"]},{"question":"In which of these movies does Hilary co-star with her sister, Haylie Duff?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Material Girls","choices":["Cadet Kelly","Material Girls","Parent Trap","The Perfect Man"]},{"question":"When was Hilary Duff born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"September 28th, 1987","choices":["October 28th, 1987","August 5th, 1986","November 29th, 1985","September 28th, 1987"]},{"question":"Alternative rock band, Weezer has had the same members throughout their career.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Where is the name of alternative rock band, Weezer derived from?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rivers Cuomos childhood nickname","choices":["Rivers Cuomos childhood nickname","The street one of the members lived on","It doesnt mean anything","Patrick Wilsons grandfather"]},{"question":"Rivers Cuomo of the band, Weezer, has converted to Buddhism.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Directed by Spike Jonze, this was the first video of alternative rock band, Weezer.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Undone (The Sweater Song)","choices":["Say it Aint So","Island in the Sun","Undone (The Sweater Song)","Buddy Holly"]},{"question":"Finish the lyric by American alternative rock band, Weezer:\n\nIf You Want it\nYou can Have it\nAll You have to do is","category":"celebrities","answer":"reach out there and grab it","choices":["reach out there and grab it","take up a new habit","see it and stab it","meditate about it"]},{"question":"What was the first video of the band, Weezer, that Scott Shriner was featured in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Photograph","choices":["Keep Fishin","Photograph","Island in the Sun","Dope Nose"]},{"question":"Who directed the video for Weezers Say It Aint So?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sophie Muller","choices":["Mark Romanek","Sophie Muller","Anton Corbijn","Spike Jonze"]},{"question":"How many animals and insects are referenced on Weezers second album, Pinkerton?","category":"celebrities","answer":"11","choices":["3","2","11","7"]},{"question":"Michael Jackson was born in this US state on August 29, 1958.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Indiana","choices":["Virginia","Louisiana","Maryland","Indiana"]},{"question":"John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, was born in this US state on May 29, 1917.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Massachusetts","choices":["Nevada","North Carolina","Utah","Massachusetts"]},{"question":"In what US city was Academy Award winner Jane Fonda born on December 21, 1937?","category":"celebrities","answer":"New York City","choices":["Los Angeles","New York City","Houston","Boston"]},{"question":"Composer Ludwig van Beethoven was born around 16 December 1770 in this German city.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bonn","choices":["Dusseldorf","Bonn","Berlin","Hamburg"]},{"question":"In what Latin American country was revolutionary Che Guevara born on June 14, 1928?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Argentina","choices":["Bolivia","Mexico","Argentina","Cuba"]},{"question":"Film legend Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in this country of the United Kingdom.","category":"celebrities","answer":"England","choices":["Ireland","Wales","Scotland","England"]},{"question":"In what US state was The King of Rock n Roll Elvis Presley born on January 8, 1935?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mississippi","choices":["Texas","Missouri","South Carolina","Mississippi"]},{"question":"In what country was Academy Award-winning actor Anthony Hopkins born on December 31, 1937?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wales","choices":["Scotland","England","Wales","Ireland"]},{"question":"In what European country was Oscar-winning actress Audrey Hepburn born on May 4, 1929?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Belgium","choices":["France","England","Belgium","Netherlands"]},{"question":"Academy Award winner Tom Hanks was born on July 9, 1956 in this US state.","category":"celebrities","answer":"California","choices":["Florida","California","New York","Pennsylvania"]},{"question":"Which statement is true about Will Lee?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1908.","choices":["He was born in Philadelphia, PA, in 1922.","He was born in Pittsburgh in 1916.","He was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1919.","He was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1908."]},{"question":"Of course, Will Lees most famous role was that of Mr. Hooper on Sesame Street. What was Mr. Hoopers first name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Harold","choices":["Hector","Harold","Herman","Henry"]},{"question":"Which member of Sesame Street had a lot of trouble saying Mr. Hooper?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Big Bird","choices":["Bert","Big Bird","Cookie Monster","Ernie"]},{"question":"Who ran the store on the childrens show Sesame Street immediately after Mr. Hoopers death?","category":"celebrities","answer":"David and Gina","choices":["David and Gina","Maria and Luis","Bert and Ernie","Alan and Mary"]},{"question":"In episode 335 of Sesame Street, Alan went on vacation. Who ran the store while he was away?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Natalie","choices":["Natalie","Bob and Kermit","Big Bird","Maria and Luis"]},{"question":"Will Lee began his acting career doing Broadway musicals.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Just like many fine American actors, Will Lee was blacklisted from 1951-1956. Who was responsible for the blacklistings?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Senator Joseph McCarthy","choices":["Alan Dulles","Senator Joseph McCarthy","President Eisenhower","John Foster Dulles"]},{"question":"In 1953 Will Lee appeared in this great American movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Little Fugitive","choices":["The Farmers Daughter","Little Fugitive","Pickup on South Street","Titanic"]},{"question":"In the 1930s, Will Lee was a member of this famous theater group.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Group Theater","choices":["The American Repertory Troupe","The Group Theater","The Actors Studio","The Northwestern Actors Theater"]},{"question":"In 1980, Will Lee played Shmuel in this movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Playing for Time","choices":["Playing for Time","One Trick Pony","A Small Circle of Friends","Stardust Memories"]},{"question":"In what US state was the 43rd President of the United States George W. Bush born on July 6, 1946?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Connecticut","choices":["Texas","Kentucky","Connecticut","Oregon"]},{"question":"In what country was Academy Award winner Katharine Hepburn born on May 12, 1907?","category":"celebrities","answer":"United States","choices":["Australia","United States","United Kingdom","Canada"]},{"question":"Author and poet Oscar Wilde was born in this European country on October 16, 1854.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ireland","choices":["Denmark","Ireland","Scotland","England"]},{"question":"Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 on the territory of what present day country?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Germany","choices":["Switzerland","Hungary","Germany","Austria"]},{"question":"In what US state was Academy Award winner Meryl Streep born on June 22, 1949?","category":"celebrities","answer":"New Jersey","choices":["New Jersey","North Carolina","Virginia","Maine"]},{"question":"Madonna Louise Ciccone, known as simply Madonna, was born on August 16, 1958 in this country.","category":"celebrities","answer":"the United States","choices":["Italy","the United States","Mexico","Spain"]},{"question":"In what US state was movie director and producer Steven Spielberg born on December 18, 1946?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ohio","choices":["Tennessee","Mississippi","Oregon","Ohio"]},{"question":"In what country was composer Johann Sebastian Bach born on March 31, 1685?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Germany","choices":["Switzerland","Germany","Austria","Hungary"]},{"question":"African-American civil rights movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in this US state on January 15, 1929.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Georgia","choices":["Alabama","Louisiana","Georgia","Illinois"]},{"question":"Academy Award winner Dustin Hoffman was born on August 8, 1937 in this US city.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Los Angeles","choices":["San Francisco","New York","Chicago","Los Angeles"]},{"question":"What did supermodel Naomi Campbell study in the Italia Conti Academy where she was accepted at the age of 10?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ballet","choices":["Fashion design","Acting","Painting","Ballet"]},{"question":"What popular fashion brand did supermodel Christy Turlington represent from 1987 to 2007?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Calvin Klein","choices":["Versace","Calvin Klein","Ralph Lauren","Armani"]},{"question":"In what popular Macaulay Culkin movie has supermodel Claudia Schiffer made an appearance?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Richie Rich","choices":["Home Alone 2: Lost in New York","My Girl","Richie Rich","Party Monster"]},{"question":"Supermodel Cindy Crawford won an academic scholarship to major in this field at Northwestern University.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chemical engineering","choices":["Chemical engineering","Medicine","Physics","Information technology"]},{"question":"What is the name of supermodel Kate Moss daughter born on 29 September 2002?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lila","choices":["Lenee","Leona","Lily","Lila"]},{"question":"What fashion designer called supermodel Linda Evangelista top of the tops and stated, There is not another model in the world as professional as she is?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Karl Lagerfeld","choices":["Stefano Gabbana","Roberto Cavalli","Karl Lagerfeld","John Galliano"]},{"question":"In what popular TV sitcom did supermodel Elle Macpherson make a guest appearance in 1999?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Friends","choices":["Friends","Will And Grace","Two Guys and a Girl","Veronicas Closet"]},{"question":"What actress did supermodel Tyra Banks co-star with in the 2000 Disney film Life-Size?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lindsay Lohan","choices":["Hilary Duff","Ashley Olsen","Lindsay Lohan","Dakota Fanning"]},{"question":"What member of Bon Jovi did model Eva Herzigova marry in September 1996?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tico Torres","choices":["David Bryan","Jon Bon Jovi","Tico Torres","Richie Sambora"]},{"question":"Model Helena Christensen admitted she was addicted to this food and was even considering getting a shoulder tattoo of it.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cheese","choices":["Fish","Broccoli","Mushrooms","Cheese"]},{"question":"What popular person once said, The history of dance on film begins with Astaire?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gene Kelly","choices":["Kirk Douglas","Marlon Brando","Gene Kelly","Steven Spielberg"]},{"question":"What musical instrument did Fred Astaire learn to play when he was a child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Accordion","Clarinet","Piano"]},{"question":"Where did Fred Astaire and his sister Adele suposedly take their stage name Astaire from?","category":"celebrities","answer":"From their uncles name","choices":["From their uncles name","From their dance instructor","From a book character","From the name of a cafeteria"]},{"question":"What did Fred Astaires screen test report for RKO Pictures read according to him?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cant act.","choices":["Cant act.","Cant talk.","Cant dance.","Cant sing."]},{"question":"What is the name of Fred Astaires first-born child, born in 1936?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fred, Jr.","choices":["Ava","Phyllis","Peter","Fred, Jr."]},{"question":"How did Fred Astaire break his wrist when he was seventy-eight?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He fell from his grandsons skateboard.","choices":["He fell from a bicycle.","He slipped by the swimming pool.","He fell from his grandsons skateboard.","He lost balance while doing a headstand."]},{"question":"What peculiar clause does Fred Astaires will contain?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He should never be portrayed in films.","choices":["All his money and possessions should go to charity.","He should never be portrayed in films.","His favorite horse should be buried with him.","His daughter should never get married if she wants to inherit his fortune."]},{"question":"What animal costume did young Fred Astaire wear at his first ever stage performance?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lobster costume","choices":["Ant costume","Frog costume","Lobster costume","Bear costume"]},{"question":"What award did Fred Astaire receive from his long-time professional partner Ginger Rogers in 1950?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Academy Award","choices":["Nobel Prize","Emmy Award","Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award","Academy Award"]},{"question":"What legendary actress starred alongside Fred Astaire in the 1957 musical movie Funny Face?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Audrey Hepburn","choices":["Audrey Hepburn","Grace Kelly","Marilyn Monroe","Ginger Rogers"]},{"question":"What is Kirk Douglas birth name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Issur Danielovitch","choices":["David Mois","Dmitri Sanglel","Izzy Demsky","Issur Danielovitch"]},{"question":"What job did Kirk Douglas have before he turned to acting?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Newspaper boy","choices":["Wrestler","All of these","Newspaper boy","Gardener"]},{"question":"In which war did Kirk Douglas participate after he joined the U.S. Navy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"World War II","choices":["World War II","Vietnam War","All of these","Korean War"]},{"question":"How many children did Kirk Douglas father?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Four","choices":["Four","One","Two","Seven"]},{"question":"What famous painter did Kirk Douglas portray in the 1956 movie Lust for Life?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vincent Van Gogh","choices":["Rembrandt","Vincent Van Gogh","Paul Gauguin","Pablo Picasso"]},{"question":"What expression did Kirk Douglas use to describe the majority of characters he has played in movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sons of bitches","choices":["Nasty bastards","None of these","Slimy thugs","Sons of bitches"]},{"question":"In what movie did Kirk Douglas portray manipulative film producer Jonathan Shields?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Bad and the Beautiful","choices":["The Bad and the Beautiful","For Love or Money","Is Paris Burning","Man Without a Star"]},{"question":"Which popular Jules Verne character did Kirk Douglas portray in the 1954 movie 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ned Land","choices":["Conseil","Professor Pierre Arounax","Ned Land","Professor Pierre Arounax"]},{"question":"What accident did Kirk Douglas survive in 1991?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Helicopter crash","choices":["Plane crash","Shipwreck","Car crash","Helicopter crash"]},{"question":"What character did Kirk Douglas portray in the 1949 movie Champion that brought him his first Oscar nomination?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Boxer","choices":["Baseball player","Sprinter","Boxer","Horse rider"]},{"question":"Actor and director George Clooney was born on May 6, 1961 in this US state.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kentucky","choices":["Ohio","Delaware","Kentucky","Kansas"]},{"question":"What medical condition did George Clooney develop when he was a student?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bells palsy","choices":["Dyslexia","All of these","Insomnia","Bells palsy"]},{"question":"George Clooney tried to play this sport professionally when he was younger.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Baseball","choices":["Tennis","Rugby","Baseball","Football"]},{"question":"Actor and director George Clooney planned to start a career in this field when he was a student.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Law","choices":["Medicine","Law","Psychology","Computer technology"]},{"question":"What job did George Clooney have before he started his film career?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Underwear salesman","choices":["Battery tester","Veterinary assistant","Underwear salesman","Tree planter"]},{"question":"What was the name of George Clooneys character on NBCs medical drama ER?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dr. Douglas Ross","choices":["Dr. Peter Benton","Dr. Mark Greene","Dr. John Carter","Dr. Douglas Ross"]},{"question":"What was the movie for which George Clooney received his first Academy Award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Syriana","choices":["Good Night, and Good Luck","Oceans Thirteen","Michael Clayton","Syriana"]},{"question":"In what kind of accident was George Clooney injured on September 21, 2007?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Motorcycle crash","choices":["He was attacked by a crocodile.","He slipped in the bathroom.","Hunting accident","Motorcycle crash"]},{"question":"George Clooney had this large animal as a pet between 1987 and 2006.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pig","choices":["Panda","Pig","Llama","Tiger"]},{"question":"Which of these movies was directed by George Clooney?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Confessions of a Dangerous Mind","choices":["All of these","Confessions of a Dangerous Mind","One Fine Day","The Perfect Storm"]},{"question":"What magazine rated actor Patrick Swayze The Sexiest Man Alive in 1991?","category":"celebrities","answer":"People","choices":["Rolling Stone","Elle","Vogue","People"]},{"question":"What member of Patrick Swayzes family was a dancer, choreographer and dance instructor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"His mother","choices":["His father","His mother","His eldest sister","His eldest brother"]},{"question":"What does Jennifer Greys character, Baby, bring to the party in the 1987 movie Dirty Dancing, also starring Patrick Swayze?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A watermelon","choices":["A pumpkin pie","A whole roasted duck","A basket of homemade cookies","A watermelon"]},{"question":"In what 1979 movie did Patrick Swayze make his debut appearance?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Skatetown, U.S.A.","choices":["Red Dawn","Uncommon Valor","The Outsiders","Skatetown, U.S.A."]},{"question":"For his performance in what movie did Patrick Swayze receive his first Golden Globe Award nomination for Best Actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dirty Dancing","choices":["Dirty Dancing","To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar","Ghost","Next of Kin"]},{"question":"What is the meaning of the slang phrase Im Swayze, popular in hip-hop culture and referring to Patrick Swayzes role in Ghost?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Im leaving","choices":["Im leaving","Im dead tired","Im a great lover","Im here even when youre unaware"]},{"question":"What animals did actor Patrick Swayze breed in his ranches in California and New Mexico?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Arabian horses","choices":["Parrots","Arabian horses","Golden Retrievers","Penguins"]},{"question":"What is the name of the actress whom Patrick Swayze married in June 12, 1975?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lisa Niemi","choices":["Paula Abdul","Jennifer Grey","Jennifer Milmore","Lisa Niemi"]},{"question":"For what 1991 movie was actor Patrick Swayze nominated for the MTV Movie Award for Most Desirable Male?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Point Break","choices":["To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar","City of Joy","Point Break","Ghost"]},{"question":"What was the last movie that actor Patrick Swayze appeared in before his death?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Powder Blue","choices":["Christmas in Wonderland","Keeping Mum","Powder Blue","Jump!"]},{"question":"Where was Milla Jovovich born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kiev, USSR","choices":["Russia","Kiev, USSR","Los Angeles, CA","London, UK"]},{"question":"What year was Milla Jovovich born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1975","choices":["1975","1977","1974","1973"]},{"question":"In 1994 Milla Jovovich released a musical album.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is the name of Milla Jovovichs mother?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Galina Jovovich","choices":["Natasha Loginova","Galina Jovovich","Bogdana Jovovich","Milica Loginova"]},{"question":"In which movie did Milla Jovovich make her film debut?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Two Moon Junction","choices":["Two Moon Junction","Ultraviolet","The Fifth Element","Resident Evil"]},{"question":"Milla Jovovich has been on the cover of more than one hundred magazines worldwide.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Milla Jovovich went to high school with which of the following?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Christina Applegate","choices":["Angelina Jolie","Reese Witherspoon","Christina Applegate","Christina Aguilera"]},{"question":"In 2003 Milla Jovovich got engaged to this director.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paul W.S. Anderson","choices":["Zalman King","Steven Spielberg","Paul W.S. Anderson","Luc Besson"]},{"question":"When did Louis Prima live?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1910- 1978","choices":["1909-1969","1910- 1978","1923-1999","1914-1992"]},{"question":"Which was Louis Primas first instrument ?","category":"celebrities","answer":"violin","choices":["accordion","violin","trombone","trumpet"]},{"question":"What was Louis Primas nickname?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The King of Swingers","choices":["The Master of Swing","The King of Swing","The Swingman","The King of Swingers"]},{"question":"With which singer was Louis Prima most closely aligned ?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Keely Smith","choices":["Peggy Lee","Adela Hunter","Doris Day","Keely Smith"]},{"question":"The band usually backed up Louis Prima for most of his career.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sam Butera and the Witnesses","choices":["Sam Butera and the Witnesses","The New Orleans Swingers","The Band of Renown","The Dixie Five"]},{"question":"Both David Lee Roth and Brian Setzer had hits with remakes of this song popularized by Louis Prima.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Just A Gigolo","choices":["Just A Gigolo","Angelina","Bona Sera Signorina","Jump Jive and Then You Wail"]},{"question":"Which of these was not a Louis Prima song ?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Day In, Day Out","choices":["Robin Hood","Josephina No Leana on the Bell","Day In, Day Out","Bacciagaloop (Makes Love on the Stoop.)"]},{"question":"Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, Jo Stafford, The Harptones, and Christina Aquilera all had big hits with this Louis Prima written song.","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Sunday Kind of Love","choices":["Felicia No Capicia","A Sunday Kind of Love","Oh Marie","Bell Bottom Trousers"]},{"question":"Louis Prima was one of the top performers in Las Vegas for many years. How was his show publicized?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Wildest Show in Vegas","choices":["The Swingingest Show in Vegas","Oh Baby!","The Wildest Show in Vegas","The New Orleans King and the band of Renown"]},{"question":"Disney used Louis Primas voice for a character in this movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Jungle Book","choices":["Song of the South","The Jungle Book","Shrek","Pinnochio"]},{"question":"Which was not a Louis Prima number ?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Mouse That Roared","choices":["Civilization (Bongo, Bongo, Bongo)","The Mouse That Roared","Bell Bottom Trousers","Banana Split for My Baby"]},{"question":"Justin Timberlakes What Goes Around.....Comes Around! video featured which of the following actresses?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Scarlett Johansson","choices":["Liv Tyler","None of these","Scarlett Johansson","Alicia Silverstone"]},{"question":"What is the name of the record label that Justin Timberlake started in 2007?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tennman Records","choices":["Tennman Records","Tennman Productions","J.T. Productions","Timberland Records"]},{"question":"Justin Timberlake started a fashion label called William Rast.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Who joined Justin Timberlake on his Justified/Stripped Tour in 2003?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Christina Aguilera","choices":["Nelly Furtado","Britney Spears","Scarlett Johansson","Christina Aguilera"]},{"question":"Which of the following movies does not star Justin Timberlake?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cabin Fever","choices":["Shrek the Third","Black Snake Moan","Cabin Fever","Alpha Dog"]},{"question":"At which of the follwing events did Justin Timberlake make a special guest performance in 2006?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Victorias Secret Fashion Show","choices":["Calvin Klein Fashion show","Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Show","None of these","Victorias Secret Fashion Show"]},{"question":"Audrey Hepburn stated that this was the most traumatic moment of her life.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Her father leaving the family","choices":["Her father leaving the family","Her mothers death","All of these","Losing her baby"]},{"question":"What did Audrey Hepburn study at school along with the standard school curriculum?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ballet","choices":["Violin","Acting","Pottery","Ballet"]},{"question":"What disorder did Audrey Hepburn develop as a result of malnutrition during the German occupation of the Netherlands?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Edema","Respiratory problems","Acute anemia"]},{"question":"How did Audrey Hepburn like to kill time when she was a child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"By drawing","choices":["By drawing","By knitting","By writing","By cooking"]},{"question":"Audrey Hepburn became a goodwill ambassador to this organization after filming her last movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"UNICEF","choices":["Greenpeace","UNICEF","The Red Cross","UNESCO"]},{"question":"What unusual animal named Pippin did Audrey Hepburn have for a pet?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fawn","choices":["Koala","Iguana","Squirrel","Fawn"]},{"question":"What song did Audrey Hepburn sing to President John F. Kennedy in 1963?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Happy Birthday, Dear Jack","choices":["Marry Christmas, Mr. President","Happy Birthday, Dear Jack","Amazing Grace","Singin in the Rain"]},{"question":"What poem by Sam Levenson did Audrey Hepburn like to recite to her sons?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Time Tested Beauty Tips","choices":["Time Will Not Erase","Eternal Beauty","Time Tested Beauty Tips","You Are A True Beauty"]},{"question":"For her performance in what movie did Audrey Hepburn receive her first Academy Award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Roman Holiday","choices":["Sabrina","Breakfast at Tiffanys","Roman Holiday","Wait Until Dark"]},{"question":"What actress portrayed Audrey Hepburn in the TV film The Audrey Hepburn Story from 2000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jennifer Love Hewitt","choices":["Sandra Bullock","Jennifer Love Hewitt","Courtney Cox","Hilary Duff"]},{"question":"The portrayal of what movie character earned Angelina Jolie her first Academy Award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lisa Rowe","choices":["Gia Marie Carangi","Christine Collins","Jane Smith","Lisa Rowe"]},{"question":"What was the nickname of character Sara Wayland, played by Angelina Jolie in the 2000 action movie Gone in 60 Seconds?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sway","choices":["Twist","Sway","Memphis","Radar"]},{"question":"What animal character did Angelina Jolie voice in the 2008 animated movie Kung Fu Panda?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tigress","choices":["Tigress","Panda","Viper","Goose"]},{"question":"What did Angelina Jolie have to learn to do for her role in the 2008 drama movie Changeling?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Roller skate in high heels","choices":["Roller skate in high heels","Knit","All of these","Play the piano"]},{"question":"How long have Mr. and Mrs. Smith been married according to their own words in the 2005 movie Mr. Mrs. Smith, starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Five or six years","choices":["An eternity","Five or six years","Longer than one would imagine","Less than two years"]},{"question":"What is Angelina Jolies character Lara Croft looking for in the 2003 action movie Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pandoras Box","choices":["Pandoras Box","The Dead Mans Chest","The Fountain of Youth","The Holy Grail"]},{"question":"What is the name of Angelina Jolies character in the 2008 action movie Wanted?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fox","choices":["Cross","The Butcher","Sloan","Fox"]},{"question":"What type of sea creature did Angelina Jolie voice in the 2004 animated movie Shark Tale?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lion fish","choices":["Shark","Lion fish","Clown fish","Jellyfish"]},{"question":"How does Angelina Jolies character Gia Carangi die in the 1998 film Gia?","category":"celebrities","answer":"From AIDS","choices":["In a car crash","From AIDS","From a drug overdose","She is murdered."]},{"question":"What was the name of the French journalist portrayed by Angelina Jolie in the 2007 movie A Mighty Heart?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mariane Pearl","choices":["Josephine Pearl","Mariane Pearl","Natalie Pearl","Amelie Pearl"]},{"question":"What is Dane Cooks full name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dane Jeffrey Cook","choices":["Dane Jeffrey Cook","Dane William Cook","Dane Donald Cook","Dane Jon Cook"]},{"question":"How tall is actor Dane Cook?","category":"celebrities","answer":"6 0","choices":["58","59","6 0","62"]},{"question":"When was actor Dane Cook born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"March 18 1972","choices":["May 25 1970","March 18 1972","October 20 1975","April 1 1973"]},{"question":"Did Dane Cook say: You know youre drunk when you think the cab fare is the time.?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Is Dane Cook a fan of the baseball team the As?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Did actor Dane Cook work at Burger King?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Does Dane Cook have any siblings?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"What was the name of the character played by Dane Cook in the movie Employee of the Month?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Zack","choices":["Max","Brad","Peter","Zack"]},{"question":"Did Dane Cook appear in the movie Mr. 3000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Did Dane Cook star in the 2006 movie RV?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Who is the father of Lisa Marie Presleys twins, born on October 7, 2008?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Michael Lockwood","choices":["Michael Jackson","Michael Lockwood","John Oszajca","Nicolas Cage"]},{"question":"Who were actress Jane Seymours twins Johnny and Kris named after?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Johnny Cash and Christopher Reeve","choices":["John Travolta and Christina Applegate","Johnny Bravo and Chris Rock","John Lennon and Christopher Lambert","Johnny Cash and Christopher Reeve"]},{"question":"Where did Julia Roberts marry the father of her twins Hazel and Finn, cameraman Daniel Moder?","category":"celebrities","answer":"New Mexico","choices":["Texas","New Mexico","Pennsylvania","South Carolina"]},{"question":"When were Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthonys twins Emme and Maximilian born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"February 22, 2008","choices":["November 24, 2007","January 13, 2008","February 22, 2008","December 28, 2007"]},{"question":"What flowers were included in the names of Rebecca Romijn and Jerry OConnells twin girls born on December 28, 2008?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rose and Tulip","choices":["Rose and Tulip","Daisy and Lily","Hyacinth and Daffodil","Rose and Lily"]},{"question":"Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitts twins born on July 12, 2008 in this country.","category":"celebrities","answer":"France","choices":["Namibia","France","Mexico","Ethiopia"]},{"question":"What are the names of Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Brodericks twin girls born on June 22, 2009?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Marion and Tabitha","choices":["Christie and Ruth","Alicia and Farrah","Amelia and Tina","Marion and Tabitha"]},{"question":"Which of these queens gave birth to twins?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Queen Cleopatra","choices":["Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom","Queen Cleopatra","Queen Nefertiti","Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom"]},{"question":"What are the names of Margaret Thatchers twin children, born on 15 August 1953?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Carol and Mark","choices":["Benjamin and Laura","Martha and Jacob","Jeremy and Rachel","Carol and Mark"]},{"question":"Where did actress Marcia Cross deliver her twin daughters Eden and Savannah?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Los Angeles","choices":["New York","Paris","London","Los Angeles"]},{"question":"Of what descent was American actress Brittany Murphy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Italian","All of these","Eastern European","Irish"]},{"question":"Brittany Murphys first Hollywood role was in this TV sitcom, when she was only 14.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Drexells Class","choices":["Sister, Sister","ALF","Drexells Class","The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"]},{"question":"What is the name of the penguin character voiced by Brittany Murphy in the 2006 animated movie Happy Feet?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gloria","choices":["Melanie","Gloria","Sylvia","Ophelia"]},{"question":"Why is Brittany Murphys character, Daisy Randone, held in a mental institution in the 1999 drama movie Girl, Interrupted?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She cuts herself.","choices":["She cuts herself.","She tried to kill her mother.","She likes to kill animals.","All of these"]},{"question":"What famous Hollywood actor did Brittany Murphy start dating in 2002?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ashton Kutcher","choices":["Ashton Kutcher","None of these","Keanu Reeves","Matthew Perry"]},{"question":"What is the name of the 2006 song recorded by actress Brittany Murphy and Paul Oakenfold?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Faster Kill Pussycat","choices":["Faster Kill Pussycat","Billy Joe Elephant","Sharker Than a Shark","Yellow Hippopotamus"]},{"question":"Actress Brittany Murphy was born in this month in 1977.","category":"celebrities","answer":"November","choices":["December","April","June","November"]},{"question":"Brittany Murphy had her major film role in this 1995 comedy movie inspired by Jane Austens 1815 novel\nEmma.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Clueless","choices":["Trixie","Clueless","Drop Dead Gorgeous","Freeway"]},{"question":"Brittany Murphy starred opposite this popular American rapper in the 2002 movie 8 Mile.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eminem","choices":["Jay-Z","50 Cent","Eminem","Dr. Dre"]},{"question":"In what 2005 movie did Brittany Murphy portray a barmaid named Shellie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sin City","choices":["Uptown Girls","Sin City","Love and Other Disasters","The Dead Girl"]},{"question":"What is the name of Macaulay Culkins character in the 1989 movie Uncle Buck, where he plays the 8-year old son of the Russels?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Miles","choices":["Michael","Miles","Mike","Matthew"]},{"question":"What animated television series aired Saturday mornings from September 14, 1991 on NBC, where the main character looked like and was voiced like Macaulay Culkin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wish Kid starring Macaulay Culkin","choices":["Macaulay Culkin Goes Undercover","Wish Kid starring Macaulay Culkin","Make A Wish With Macaulay Culkin","The Magic Glove Of Macaulay Culkin"]},{"question":"This 1991 movie was Macaulay Culkins third movie with John Hughes and his second movie with John Candy.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Only the Lonely","choices":["My Girl","Home Alone 2: Lost in New York","Jacobs Ladder","Only the Lonely"]},{"question":"How does Macaulay Culkins character, Thomas, die in the 1991 movie My Girl?","category":"celebrities","answer":"From an allergic reaction","choices":["From an allergic reaction","He is shot dead","He drowns","In a car crash"]},{"question":"What is the name of the 1993 psychological thriller directed by Joseph Ruben and written by Ian McEwan, starring Macaulay Culkin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Good Son","choices":["Faces Of Evil","The Good Son","Little Evil","My Only Son"]},{"question":"In what way was Macaulay Culkin supposed to change his appearance for the role in the 1994 movie Getting Even with Dad?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cut his hair","choices":["Dye his hair dark","Get a fake tattoo","Cut his hair","Pierce his ear"]},{"question":"What type of boy is Macaulay Culkins character, Richard Tyler, in the 1994 movie The Pagemaster?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Timid","choices":["Curious and audacious","Extremely naughty","Timid","Boaster"]},{"question":"What controversial artist appears in the 2003 movie Party Monster alongside Macaulay Culkin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Marilyn Manson","choices":["RuPaul","Bjork","Marilyn Manson","Dita Von Teese"]},{"question":"In what movie does Macaulay Culkin star alongside singer and actress Mandy Moore?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Saved!","choices":["Richie Rich","Sex and Breakfast","Saved!","My Girl"]},{"question":"In what popular American TV sitcom did Macaulay Culkin make a guest appearance in 2004?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Will Grace","choices":["Yes, Dear","Everybody Loves Raymond","Friends","Will Grace"]},{"question":"You talkin to me? is a signature phrase of which movie character portrayed by Robert De Niro?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver","choices":["Jake LaMotta from Raging Bull","Vito Corleone from The Godfather: Part II","Johnny Boy from Mean Streets","Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver"]},{"question":"Name the first movie directed by Robert De Niro, in which he also starred as Lorenzo Anello.","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Bronx Tale","choices":["A Brooklyn Tale","A Bronx Tale","A Manhattan Tale","A Queens Tale"]},{"question":"In which movie did Robert De Niro portray General Bill Sullivan, a character based on the real-life Major General William Joseph Donovan?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Good Shepherd","choices":["15 Minutes","Hide and Seek","Stone","The Good Shepherd"]},{"question":"In which of these movies did Robert De Niro star opposite Al Pacino and Val Kilmer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Heat","choices":["Marvins Room","Heat","Jackie Brown","All of these"]},{"question":"In what 1994 movie, based on a famous Gothic novel, did Robert De Niro portray a popular non-human creature?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Frankenstein","choices":["Frankenstein","Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde","Dracula","The Vampire Chronicles"]},{"question":"In what Martin Scorsese movie did Robert De Niro portray Sam Ace Rothstein, a character based on real-life sports handicapper Frank Lefty Rosenthal?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Casino","choices":["The Color of Money","Casino","The Age of Innocence","Gangs of New York"]},{"question":"What two instruments can Terrence Howard play?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Piano, Guitar","choices":["Piano, Saxophone","Guitar, Violin","Drums, Guitar","Piano, Guitar"]},{"question":"Which Jackson did Terrence Howard play in The Jacksons: An American Dream?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jackie","choices":["Marlon","Tito","Jackie","Randy"]},{"question":"At the age of 3, Terrence Howard witnessed his mother stab a man in self defense.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Film and stage actor Terrence Howard was born on January 17, 1969.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What was Ben Stiller mostly interested in when he was a child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Film making","choices":["Film making","Animals","Designing clothes","Cooking"]},{"question":"In what 1987 Steven Spielberg movie did Ben Stiller play a small part?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Empire of the Sun","choices":["Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade","The Land Before Time","Always","Empire of the Sun"]},{"question":"Ben Stiller made a short movie about this huge music legend after he left the Saturday Night Live show in 1989.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Elvis Presley","choices":["Jimi Hendrix","Janis Joplin","Fred Astaire","Elvis Presley"]},{"question":"What 1994 movie was Ben Stillers directorial debut?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Reality Bites","choices":["The Cable Guy","Heavyweights","Reality Bites","Highway to Hell"]},{"question":"What actress did Ben Stiller date before he married Christine Taylor in 2000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Calista Flockhart","Jeanne Tripplehorn","All of these","Amanda Peet"]},{"question":"What name did Ben Stiller and his wife Christine Taylor give to their first-born child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ella","choices":["Ella","Elizabeth","Benjamin","Quinlin"]},{"question":"What animal does Ben Stillers character claim he has milked in the 2000 comedy movie Meet the Parents ?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A cat","choices":["A donkey","A cat","A rabbit","A sow"]},{"question":"Which of these actors does not appear in the 1996 dark comedy movie The Cable Guy, directed by Ben Stiller?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Adam Sandler","choices":["Ben Stiller","Jack Black","Owen Wilson","Adam Sandler"]},{"question":"What animal character did Ben Stiller voice in the 2005 animated movie Madagascar and its sequel?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A lion","choices":["An Aye-aye","A zebra","A lemur","A lion"]},{"question":"Which statement is true about character actor Mark Margolis?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was born 20 November 1939 in Philadelphia, PA.","choices":["He was born 20 November 1945 in Toronto, Canada.","He was born 20 November 1949 in Brooklyn, New York.","He was born 20 November 1939 in Manchester, England.","He was born 20 November 1939 in Philadelphia, PA."]},{"question":"Which statement is true about Mark Margolis drama training?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He studied with Stella Adler and The Actors Studio.","choices":["He studied with Uta Hagen and Stanford Meisner.","He studied with Stella Adler and The Actors Studio.","He studied with the Royal Vic Shakespearean Company.","He studied drama at Northwestern University and the Screen Guild Playhouse in Los Angeles."]},{"question":"Which statement is untrue about Mark Margolis?","category":"celebrities","answer":"His daughter, Jennifer Margolis, is an actress.","choices":["His wife, Jacqueline Margolis, is an actress.","His daughter, Jennifer Margolis, is an actress.","His son, Morgan H. Margolis, is also an actor.","His son, Morgan H. Margolis, became the manager of the Los Angeles branch of the Knitting Factory, a music venue."]},{"question":"Mark Margolis appears in the 2007 movie, Gone, Baby, Gone which is the first movie directed by this man to be released.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ben Affleck","choices":["Ben Affleck","Morgan Freeman","Matt Damon","Casey Affleck"]},{"question":"Gone, Baby, Gone is a movie about two Boston detectives who investigate a kidnapping. Which one of these actors is not in the movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Matt Damon","choices":["Morgan Freeman","Casey Affleck","Ben Affleck","Matt Damon"]},{"question":"Mark Margolis plays Alberto the Shadow in the 1983 movie Scarface. Why does Al Pacinos character kill Alberto in this movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"So he cannot kill a child","choices":["So Tony Monyana can gain more drug territory","So he cannot kill a child","Because Margolis character tries to arrest him","So Margolis character can not testify against him at trial"]},{"question":"Mark Margolis plays a Connecticut soldier in this 1989 movie about an all black regiment in the Civil War.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Glory","choices":["The Blue and the Gray","The Regiment","Glory","The Band of Brothers"]},{"question":"Mark Margolis played Fajngold in this movie about the Holocaust.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jakob the Liar","choices":["Everything Is Beautiful","Schindlers List","Jakob the Liar","The Black Book"]},{"question":"What insect did actress Jessica Alba get tattooed on the back of her neck?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A ladybug","choices":["A bee","A ladybug","A grasshopper","An ant"]},{"question":"What kind of tattoo did actress Susan Sarandon get on her upper back?","category":"celebrities","answer":"her childrens initials","choices":["her childrens faces","her childrens initials","her childrens birth dates","her childrens fingerprints"]},{"question":"What kind of tattoo did Mariah Carey get on her lower back?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A butterfly","choices":["A cloud","Roses","A butterfly","An angel"]},{"question":"What number did Penelope Cruz get tattooed on her right ankle?","category":"celebrities","answer":"883","choices":["428","883","74","333"]},{"question":"What letter did actor Kurt Russell get tattooed on his leg?","category":"celebrities","answer":"G","choices":["G","W","R","K"]},{"question":"On what part of her body did actress Charlize Theron have a fish tattooed?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ankle","choices":["Wrist","Chest","Lower back","Ankle"]},{"question":"What word did actor Frankie Muniz (Malcolm in the Middle) get tattooed on his arm?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Zero","choices":["Fame","Zero","Hero","Eternity"]},{"question":"What kind of fake tattoo did Leonardo DiCaprio get on his shoulder for his role in the 2000 movie The Beach?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Scratches","choices":["A marijuana leaf","A skull","Drops of blood","Scratches"]},{"question":"What phrase did singer and actress Hilary Duff get tattooed on her right foot?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Let it be","choices":["No doubt","Dont make me get up","Let it be","I am an angel"]},{"question":"On what part of her body did Rihanna get a tattoo reading Love?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Finger","choices":["Finger","Lower back","Neck","Shoulder"]},{"question":"What child actor starred alongside Charlie Chaplin as his adopted son and sidekick in the 1921 silent dramedy movie The Kid?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jackie Coogan","choices":["Carl Miller","Tom Wilson","Henry Bergman","Jackie Coogan"]},{"question":"What is the name of the dog from Charlie Chaplins silent movie A Dogs Life from 1918?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Scraps","choices":["Oscar","Scraps","Noodles","Fido"]},{"question":"What kind of contest does Charlie Chaplins character enter to raise money for the poor blind girl in the 1931 silent movie City Lights?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Boxing contest","choices":["Beauty pageant","Painting contest","Boxing contest","Jumping contest"]},{"question":"What disaster struck the studio where the 1928 Charlie Chaplin movie The Circus was being filmed, delaying the production of the movie and making it the most difficult experience in Chaplins career?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fire","choices":["Earthquake","All of these","Fire","Flood"]},{"question":"What type of food did Charlie Chaplin use for the celebrated dancing scene in the 1925 comedy movie The Gold Rush?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bread rolls","choices":["Bread rolls","Lemons","Radishes","Apples"]},{"question":"What does Charlie Chaplins character do in order to get arrested and come back in jail in the 1936 comedy movie Modern Times?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eats in a cafeteria without paying","choices":["Steals an expensive top hat","Hits a man on the street","Steals a car","Eats in a cafeteria without paying"]},{"question":"This 1940 movie was Charlie Chaplins first true talking feature film and his most commercially successful film.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Great Dictator","choices":["The Gold Rush","A Woman of Paris","The Great Dictator","Limelight"]},{"question":"How does Charlie Chaplins character make money in his 1947 movie Monsieur Verdoux?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He marries wealthy widows and murders them.","choices":["He sells stolen cars.","He sells all his possessions.","He robs banks.","He marries wealthy widows and murders them."]},{"question":"What does Charlie Chaplin dress like to get rid of his prison uniform in his 1923 movie The Pilgrim?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A priest","choices":["A doctor","A priest","A wrestler","An old lady"]},{"question":"What does Charlie Chaplins character bring along in his suitcase when checking in the health spa in the 1917 short comedy film The Cure?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Alcohol","choices":["Cigarettes","Alcohol","Drugs","Candy"]},{"question":"Cameron Diaz attended Long Beach Polytechnic High School at the same time as this rapper did.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Snoop Dogg","choices":["The Game","Jay-Z","Snoop Dogg","Redman"]},{"question":"On the cover of what popular magazine was young model Cameron Diaz featured in 1990?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Seventeen","choices":["Cosmopolitan","Harpers Bazaar","Seventeen","Vogue"]},{"question":"At what point of her career did Cameron Diaz start taking acting lessons?","category":"celebrities","answer":"After getting the lead female role in The Mask","choices":["After getting the lead female role in The Mask","She never did, as she said it was useless.","Right before shooting Charlies Angels","At school"]},{"question":"Cameron Diaz was supposed to star alongside Jim Carrey in this movie, but she dropped out in order to star in In Her Shoes.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fun with Dick and Jane","choices":["Fun with Dick and Jane","Me, Myself Irene","Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind","Bruce Almighty"]},{"question":"A 1997 Time Magazine article claimed that Cameron Diaz had this pathological phobia.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Germophobia","choices":["Chemophobia","Germophobia","Osmophobia","Tokophobia"]},{"question":"What member of N Sync did Cameron Diaz start dating in 2003?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Justin Timberlake","choices":["Chris Kirkpatrick","Justin Timberlake","JC Chasez","Joey Fatone"]},{"question":"What was the first animated movie in which Cameron Diaz voiced a character?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Shrek","choices":["Ice Age","Shrek","Shark Tale","Finding Nemo"]},{"question":"For her performance in what movie did Cameron Diaz receive her first Golden Globe award nomination for Best Actress in a Motion Picture Musical or Comedy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Theres Something About Mary","choices":["Theres Something About Mary","My Best Friends Wedding","Charlies Angels","In Her Shoes"]},{"question":"What is the name of the character portrayed by Cameron Diaz in the 2002 movie Gangs of New York?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jenny Everdeanne","choices":["Molly Everdeanne","Lisa Everdeanne","Jenny Everdeanne","Becky Everdeanne"]},{"question":"What Academy Award-winning actor made a brief, unscripted appearance in the 2006 romantic comedy movie The Holiday, starring Cameron Diaz?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dustin Hoffman","choices":["Christopher Walken","Dustin Hoffman","Robert De Niro","Heath Ledger"]},{"question":"Heath Ledger received his first Oscar nomination for his role in this movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brokeback Mountain","choices":["The Dark Knight","Monsters Ball","The Patriot","Brokeback Mountain"]},{"question":"Name the 2005 movie in which Heath Ledger played a popular historical figure.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Casanova","choices":["Picasso","Casanova","Rembrandt","Shakespeare in Love"]},{"question":"What is the title of Heath Ledgers last movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus","choices":["The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus","Im Not There","The Dark Knight","Lords of Dogtown"]},{"question":"In what 2005 fantasy movie did Heath Ledger portray a character named Jake?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Brothers Grimm","choices":["The Snow Queen","Oscar Wilde","The Brothers Grimm","Little Red Riding Hood"]},{"question":"Heath Ledger starred opposite this actor in the 2000 war movie The Patriot.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mel Gibson","choices":["Cuba Gooding, Jr.","Mel Gibson","Denzel Washington","Bruce Willis"]},{"question":"The 2007 biographical movie Im Not There, in which Heath Ledger appeared as Robbie Clark, was inspired by the life of this musician?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bob Dylan","choices":["Johnny Cash","Bob Dylan","Kurt Cobain","Jim Morrison"]},{"question":"In what 2001 adventure movie did Heath Ledger portray the character William Thatcher?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Knights Tale","choices":["The Order","A Knights Tale","The Four Feathers","Two Hands"]},{"question":"In what big city was Susan Sarandon born on born October 4, 1946?","category":"celebrities","answer":"New York","choices":["London","Paris","Los Angeles","New York"]},{"question":"What relative of Susan Sarandon was an advertising executive, television producer, and nightclub singer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Her father","choices":["Her uncle","Her older brother","Her father","Her mother"]},{"question":"In what movie did Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve share a love scene?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Hunger","choices":["Lady Liberty","The Hunger","Dragonfly","Something Short of Paradise"]},{"question":"Where did Susan Sarandon meet her first husband, actor Chris Sarandon, whom she married in 1967?","category":"celebrities","answer":"In college","choices":["In college","On an airplane","On a movie set","He lived next door"]},{"question":"In 1998 Susan Sarandon started a relationship with this Academy Award winning actor.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tim Robbins","choices":["Robert Redford","Michael Douglas","Robert De Niro","Tim Robbins"]},{"question":"What did Susan Sarandon announce she would do if John McCain were elected President of the United States?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She would move out of the country.","choices":["She would retire.","She would become a vegetarian.","She would move out of the country.","She would shave her head."]},{"question":"Susan Sarandon received her first Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in this movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dead Man Walking","choices":["Thelma Louise","Dead Man Walking","Lorenzos Oil","The Client"]},{"question":"Which of these actresses does not appear alongside Susan Sarandon in the 1994 drama movie Little Women?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Scarlett Johansson","choices":["Winona Ryder","Claire Danes","Scarlett Johansson","Kirsten Dunst"]},{"question":"What type of character did Susan Sarandon voice in a1995 episode of The Simpsons?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A ballet teacher","choices":["A famous actress","A ballet teacher","A nutty hairdresser","A cat"]},{"question":"Whats the name of Rupert Jees deli?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Hello Deli","choices":["The Dolly Deli","The Broadway Deli","The Hello Deli","Ruperts Room"]},{"question":"When was Rupert Jee born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1956","choices":["1976","1956","1966","1986"]},{"question":"When did Rupert Jee first appear on the Letterman show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1993","choices":["1973","1993","1983","2003"]},{"question":"Which statement is true about Rupert Jee?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was born and raised in the USA.","choices":["He was born and raised in China and entered the USA as an adult in 1970.","He was born and raised in the USA.","He was born and raised in China and entered the USA in 1980.","He was born in China and raised in New Jersey."]},{"question":"Which statement is true about Rupert Jees education?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He has a B.A. in Economics","choices":["He has a B.A. in Economics","He has a B.F.A. in Drama","He has a teaching degree from The University of Fujian in China","He has an M.S. in Biology"]},{"question":"Which is not one of Rupert Jees favorite activities?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tennis","choices":["Ping Pong","Web surfing","Stock market trading","Tennis"]},{"question":"Besides in the Letterman show, Rupert Jee was in one film prior to 2008. What was the name of the film?","category":"celebrities","answer":"American Stag","choices":["Comedy Centrals Punkd","Marginal Victory","American Stag","At the Improv"]},{"question":"How much did Rupert Jee claim he made from the Hello Deli in 2007?","category":"celebrities","answer":"$225,000","choices":["$1","$225,000","$0","$175,00"]},{"question":"What is the address of the Hello Deli?","category":"celebrities","answer":"213 West 53 Street","choices":["149 West 42 Street","5140 Madison Avenue","213 West 53 Street","3320 Broadway"]},{"question":"What was the relationship between Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio after they finished filming Titanic?","category":"celebrities","answer":"They became good friends.","choices":["They had a big fight.","They became good friends.","They became lovers.","She got pregnant with his child."]},{"question":"In what country was Catherine de Medici, wife of King Henry II of France, born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Italy","choices":["Portugal","France","Italy","Spain"]},{"question":"What was the name of Kat DeLunas debut single, released on May 15, 2007?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Whine Up","choices":["Lose Control","Whine Up","Work","Unstoppable"]},{"question":"What actor did Catherine Zeta-Jones marry on 18 November 2000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Michael Douglas","choices":["Kirk Douglas","Anthony Hopkins","Antonio Banderas","Michael Douglas"]},{"question":"What is the name of the golden statue of model Kate Moss created by artist Marc Quinn in 2008?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Siren","choices":["Siren","Moss","Waif","Kate"]},{"question":"What character did actress Kathleen Turner voice in the 2006 animated movie Monster House?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Constance the Giantess","choices":["Constance the Giantess","Jennifer Bennet","Zee","Eliza"]},{"question":"What actress portrayed Kate Tanner on the hit TV sitcom ALF?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Anne Schedeen","choices":["Liz Sheridan","Anne Meara","Anne Schedeen","Andrea Elson"]},{"question":"In which of these movies did Katie Holmes not appear?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Princess Diaries","choices":["The Princess Diaries","The Ice Storm","Batman Begins","Thank You for Smoking"]},{"question":"In what popular TV series did actress Kate Walsh star as Dr. Addison Montgomery?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Greys Anatomy","choices":["ER","Greys Anatomy","Law and Order","House"]},{"question":"Actress Kate Bosworth claimed this was her favorite hobby.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Equestrianism","choices":["Pottery","Scuba diving","Equestrianism","Chiromancy"]},{"question":"Name the lead singer of The Cardigans, who has also released a solo project, titled A Camp.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nina Persson","choices":["Peter Svensson","Magnus Sveningsson","Lars - Olaf Johansson","Nina Persson"]},{"question":"The Cardigans first album Emmerdale was named after a British soap opera.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Bengt Lagerberg started playing drums for The Cardigans in 1992.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Who is the lead guitarist and founding member of The Cardigans?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Peter Svensson","choices":["Bengt Lagerberg","Lars - Olaf Johansson","Magnus Sveningsson","Peter Svensson"]},{"question":"What was the first single of The Cardigans sixth album Super Extra Gravity?","category":"celebrities","answer":"I Need Some Fine Wine And You, You Need To Be Nicer","choices":["Dont Blame Your Daughter","I Need Some Fine Wine And You, You Need To Be Nicer","Lovefool","Godspell"]},{"question":"The song Lovefool by The Cardigans was featured on the Thirteenth Floor soundtrack.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What was the name of The Cardigans first B-sides and Rarities album?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Other Side of the Moon","choices":["The Dark Side of the Moon","The First Band on the Moon","The Other Side of the Moon","Life"]},{"question":"What year was the sixth album by The Cardigans, Super Extra Gravity, released?","category":"celebrities","answer":"2005","choices":["2006","2005","2006","2004"]},{"question":"What was the name of the fifth album recorded by The Cardigans?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Long Gone Before Daylight","choices":["For What Its Worth","Super Extra Gravity","Long Gone Before Daylight","Gran Turismo"]},{"question":"Danny Trejo, who often plays tough guys in movies, is best identified by his lined face, his long mustache and a large tattoo on his chest. What does this tattoo depict?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A woman in a sombrero","choices":["A woman in a sombrero","A Catholic cross","A bouquet of roses","A fire-breathing dragon"]},{"question":"As a youth Danny Trejo considered a career as a boxer. While this did not happen, Trejo did become the state prison champion in both the lightweight and welterweight divisions. In which state did this occur?","category":"celebrities","answer":"California","choices":["Nevada","California","Texas","New Mexico"]},{"question":"After his release from prison, Danny Trejo got involved with several drug rehabilitation and counseling programs. At one meeting Trejo met an actor who got him a role in this 1985 movie starring Jon Voight, Eric Roberts, and Rebecca De Mornay.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Runaway Train","choices":["Tango and Cash","Blood Red","Table for Five","Runaway Train"]},{"question":"In the movie Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Danny Trejo has cameo as what type of character?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A bartender","choices":["A newscaster","A bartender","A police man","A cameraman"]},{"question":"In this movie Danny Trejo plays Johnny-23, a serial rapist whose tattooed arm depicts his number of rape convictions.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Con Air","choices":["From Dusk Till Dawn","Con Air","Desperado","Once Upon a Time in Mexico"]},{"question":"In this 2007 movie, Danny Trejo plays a sanitarium guard who attempts to befriend an institutionalized psychopath, but is brutally beaten to death when the man escapes.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Halloween","choices":["House of 1000 Corpses","Blood in Blood Out","Halloween","The Devils Rejects"]},{"question":"Danny Trejo is the cousin of this film director, famous for his movies Desperado, The Faculty, Once Upon a Time in Mexico and Sin City.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robert Rodriguez","choices":["George A. Romero","Robert Rodriguez","Quentin Tarantino","Mike Nichols"]},{"question":"Danny Trejo played a biker named Slim in this 2001 comedy starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Swoosie Kurtz.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bubble Boy","choices":["Sugar Spice","Donnie Darko","Bubble Boy","Liar Liar"]},{"question":"Danny Trejo has lent his voice and likeness to the video games Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In this 2005 Rob Zombie film, Danny Trejo plays a bounty hunter named Rondo.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Devils Rejects","choices":["House of 1000 Corpses","Halloween","The Devils Rejects","Planet Terror"]},{"question":"In this 2001 movie that was nominated for a Kids Choice Award, Danny Trejo plays an inventor and the bitter estranged brother of Gregorio.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Spy Kids","choices":["Spy Kids","Agent Cody Banks","My Dog Skip","The Little Vampire"]},{"question":"In 2007s Planet Terror, a fake trailer is shown before the movie. Danny Trejo is the star of this fictional movie about an ex-Federale hired to assassinate a U.S Senator but is betrayed by his employers. What is the name of his character in this movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Machete","choices":["El Jefe","Razor Eddie","Machete","Vargas"]},{"question":"On which TV series did Danny Trejo NOT appear in the period 1995-2005?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Law and Order","choices":["NYPD Blue","Desperate Housewives","Law and Order","Monk"]},{"question":"Danny Trejo has been in over 200 different movies and TV shows. While Trejos name is not widely known, he is often recognized and is known by this nickname.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Knife Guy","choices":["The Moustache Guy","The Spider Guy","The Scary Guy","The Knife Guy"]},{"question":"Find the correct statement about Lee Strasberg.","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was born in 1901 in what is now Ukraine and died in 1982.","choices":["He was born in 1901 in NYC and died in 1982 in Boca Raton, Florida","He was born in Chicago in 1909 and died in NYC in 2001.","He was born in 1901 in what is now Ukraine and died in 1982.","He was born in London in 1899 and died in Los Angeles in 1992."]},{"question":"In 1931 Lee Starsberg helped found this American acting school.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Group Theater","choices":["Group Theater","Method Theater","Guthrie Theater","Yale Drama School"]},{"question":"Lee Strasberg was the father of this famous actress who died of breast cancer in 1999.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Susan Strasberg","choices":["Marilyn Strasberg","Paula Strasberg","Susan Strasberg","Anna Strasberg"]},{"question":"Lee Strasberg and Stella Adler had a big philosophical difference. Which statement best describes Starsbergs philosophy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The actor must substitute his or her own personal life experience and pain to make the scene real and believable.","choices":["The actor must substitute his or her own personal life experience and pain to make the scene real and believable.","The actor must use his or her five senses to know the scene and action to make the part real and believable.","The actor must change his or her acting method depending on the type of audience watching the performance.","The actor is really an attractor."]},{"question":"What part did Lee Strasberg play in The Godfather movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hyman Roth","choices":["Jack Woltz","Tom Hagen","Sal Tessio","Hyman Roth"]},{"question":"Which of these actors did not consider himself a Lee Strasberg student?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Marlon Brando","choices":["Marlon Brando","Al Pacino","Eli Wallach","Ben Gazzara"]},{"question":"Which of these actresses was not a student of Lee Strasberg?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kim Hunter","choices":["Kim Hunter","Kim Stanley","Anne Bancroft","Geraldine Page"]},{"question":"In this 1979 movie, Lee Strasberg played the father of a character who was portrayed by one of his most famous students. What was the movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"And Justice for All","choices":["Boardwalk","And Justice for All","Going in Style","The Tenant"]},{"question":"In 1937 Lee Strasberg directed this Harold Clurman play about a young man who dreams of being a violinist but becomes a boxer.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Golden Boy","choices":["RUR","All My Sons","Golden Boy","Fifth Column"]},{"question":"What is actress Jane Fondas real birth name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lady Jayne Seymour Fonda","choices":["Frances Fonda","Jayne Seymour","Lady Jayne Seymour Fonda","Frances Ford Seymour"]},{"question":"Why did Jane Fonda seek treatment at a psychiatric hospital when she was a teen?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Her mother committed suicide.","choices":["She was abused by a relative.","None of these","She claimed she was hearing voices.","Her mother committed suicide."]},{"question":"What was Jane Fondas occupation before she started her acting career?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Model","choices":["Fashion designer","Model","Writer","Singer"]},{"question":"For her performance in what movie did Jane Fonda win her first Academy Award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Klute","choices":["They Shoot Horses, Dont They?","Coming Home","Julia","Klute"]},{"question":"What is the relationship between actresses Jane Fonda and Bridget Fonda?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Aunt and niece","choices":["Grandmother and granddaughter","Aunt and niece","Cousins","Mother and daughter"]},{"question":"Why did Jane Fonda stop practicing ballet?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She injured her foot.","choices":["She injured her foot.","All of these","She injured her skull.","She realized it was boring to death."]},{"question":"What announcement did Jane Fonda make in 2001?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She was becoming a Christian.","choices":["She was becoming a Christian.","She would never wear fur again.","She was becoming a vegetarian.","She was pregnant."]},{"question":"What is the title of Jane Fondas autobiographical book released in 2005?","category":"celebrities","answer":"My Life So Far","choices":["When Flowers Bloom","My Life So Far","Behind the Mirror","Jane"]},{"question":"In what 1981 movie did Jane Fonda star alongside her father, Henry Fonda?","category":"celebrities","answer":"On Golden Pond","choices":["On Golden Pond","They Shoot Horses, Dont They?","Coming Home","The China Syndrome"]},{"question":"How many children did Jane Fonda give birth to?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Two","choices":["None","Four","Five","Two"]},{"question":"When was Sharon Stone born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"March 10, 1958","choices":["March 10, 1956","March 10, 1958","March 10, 1957","March 10, 1960"]},{"question":"Which is the birthplace of American actress and fashion model Sharon Stone?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Meadville, Pennsylvania","choices":["New York, New York","Meadville, Pennsylvania","Philadelphia, Pennsylvania","Los Angeles, California"]},{"question":"Sharon Stones marriage to executive editor of the San Francisco Examiner Phil Bronstein was which consecutive marriage for her?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Third","choices":["Third","She never married him","Second","First"]},{"question":"Did Sharon Stone play the role of Catwoman in the 2004 movie of the same name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"In Basic Instinct, Sharon Stone played the author Catherine Tramell.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"DId Sharon Stone win an Oscar for her role in the legal drama The Practice?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Sharon Stone won a Golden Globe for her role in Catwoman.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What year did Playboy name Sharon Stone One of the 25 Sexiest Stars of the Century?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1999","choices":["1998","1997","1999","2000"]},{"question":"Denzel Hayes Washington, Jr. was born on December 28, 1954 in this city.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mount Vernon","choices":["Mount Vernon","Oxnard","Paris","Manchester"]},{"question":"In 1977 Denzel Washington received a bachelors degree in this field from the Fordham University.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Drama and Journalism","choices":["Drama and Journalism","American literature","Chemistry and Physics","Art history"]},{"question":"In what popular television drama did Denzel Washington star from 1982 to 1988 ?","category":"celebrities","answer":"St. Elsewhere","choices":["St. Elsewhere","All My Children","As the World Turns","The Bold And The Beautiful"]},{"question":"Denzel Wasington made his movie debut in this 1981 comedy movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Carbon Copy","choices":["Airplane!","Carbon Copy","Beverly Hills Cop","48 Hrs."]},{"question":"In the 1993 movie Philadelphia, Denzel Wasington played Joe Miller, which was an enormous risk for his career. What type of character is Joe Miller?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Homophobic lawyer","choices":["Racist murderer","Homophobic lawyer","Escaped prisoner","Homosexual man with AIDS"]},{"question":"In the 1996 romantic drama The Preachers Wife, Denzel Washington starred alongside this amazing RB, soul and gospel singer.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Whitney Houston","choices":["Brandy","Mariah Carey","Whitney Houston","Aretha Franklin"]},{"question":"Denzel Washington was the second African-American actor to win an Academy Award in the category of Best Actor. For which movie did he receive the award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Training Day","choices":["Crimson Tide","Glory","Man on Fire","Training Day"]},{"question":"What famous American actress co-stars with Denzel Washington in the 1999 drama The Bone Collector?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Angelina Jolie","choices":["Sandra Bullock","Angelina Jolie","Julia Roberts","Halle Berry"]},{"question":"Where is the 2004 action drama movie Man On Fire, starring Denzel Washington, set?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mexico","choices":["Puerto Rico","Spain","Mexico","Italy"]},{"question":"Antwone Fisher from 2002 was the first movie directed by Denzel Washington. Which of these Black Reel Awards did the movie win?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Best Director","All of these","Best Actor","Best Breakthrough Performance"]},{"question":"Singer Cheyenne Kimball was born in Texas.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What song did Cheyenne Kimball perform in the 2006 Macys Thanksgiving Parade?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Four Walls","choices":["One Original Thing","The Day Has Come","Four Walls","Hanging On"]},{"question":"What song performed by Cheyenne Kimball was included in the soundtrack of the movie Aquamarine?","category":"celebrities","answer":"One Original Thing","choices":["Four Walls","The Day Has Come","Hanging On","One Original Thing"]},{"question":"What middle school did Cheyenne Kimball attend?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Clark Middle School","choices":["Frankston Middle School","West Hall Middle School","Westwood Junior High School","Clark Middle School"]},{"question":"This musician, best known for his work with Pearl Jam, is also famous as the drummer in Cheyenne Kimballs band.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dave Krusen","choices":["Kevin Hastings","Dave Krusen","Ethan Roberts","Joey Clemente"]},{"question":"Cheyenne Kimball was twelve years old when she won Americas Most Talented Kid.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What statement is true about Cheyenne Kimball?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She is left-handed.","choices":["She holds a guitar in pictures but actually plays the drums during most of her songs.","She has blue eyes, unlike anyone else in her family.","She is left-handed.","At birth, she had an extra toe."]},{"question":"Sage Moonblood is the first-born child of what action movie star?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sylvester Stallone","choices":["Sylvester Stallone","Jean-Claude Van Damme","Arnold Schwarzenegger","Jackie Chan"]},{"question":"Jermaine Jacksons second child was named after what season?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Autumn","choices":["Winter","Summer","Autumn","Spring"]},{"question":"What unusual name did Korn lead vocalist Jonathan Davis give to his second son?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pirate","choices":["Pirate","Killer","Ripper","Murder"]},{"question":"The first-born child of what RB singer is named Zion?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lauryn Hill","choices":["Diana Ross","Whitney Houston","Lauryn Hill","Chaka Khan"]},{"question":"Eddie Van Halen named his son after what classical composer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart","choices":["Ludwig van Beethoven","Antonio Vivaldi","Johann Sebastian Bach","Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"]},{"question":"What is the name of actor and director Forest Whitakers first-born son?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ocean","choices":["Ocean","Woodland","River","Sea"]},{"question":"What American rapper and producer has a son named Messiah YaMajesty?","category":"celebrities","answer":"T.I.","choices":["Ja Rule","Jay-Z","Timbaland","T.I."]},{"question":"What Hollywood actress had a child with the unusual name Lark Song?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mia Farrow","choices":["Diane Keaton","Meryl Streep","Mia Farrow","Susan Sarandon"]},{"question":"What peculiar name did director and producer Robert Rodriguez give to his first-born son?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rocket","choices":["Helicopter","Plane","Ram","Rocket"]},{"question":"Actor Gary Oldmans second son has the same name as this popular fictional character.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gulliver","choices":["Gulliver","Pinocchio","Moby Dick","dArtagnan"]},{"question":"David Carradine was born in Texas.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"David Carradine was married 5 times.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In what 1964 movie did David Carradine make his feature film debut?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Taggart","choices":["Invitation to a Gunfighter","Taggart","Behold a Pale Horse","Shane"]},{"question":"Is it true that in 2004 David Carradine won a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor for the film Kill Bill Volume II?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"How many Emmy Awards did David Carradine win?","category":"celebrities","answer":"0","choices":["0","4","3","2"]},{"question":"Which of the following actresses is David Carradines niece?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Martha Plimpton","choices":["Sean Hayes","Melissa Peterman","Angelina Jole","Martha Plimpton"]},{"question":"In 1985 David Carradine appeared in this television mini series that also featured Patrick Swayze.","category":"celebrities","answer":"North and South","choices":["The Civil War","Belle","North and South","Blue and Gray"]},{"question":"David Carradine died in a hospital in Las Vegas.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In how many movies did David Carradine appear between 2000 and 2009?","category":"celebrities","answer":"23","choices":["5","16","2","23"]},{"question":"Not only did David Carradine do a lot of voice work but he also appeared in a couple of music videos by what 2 acts?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chapel of Thieves, Jonas Brothers","choices":["Jonas Brothers, Backstreet Boys","NSync, Miley Cyrus","Chapel of Thieves, Jonas Brothers","Miley Cyrus, Hilary Duff"]},{"question":"David Carradine was the voice of Junichiro on a 2002 episode of what animated series?","category":"celebrities","answer":"King of the Hill","choices":["The Simpsons","King of the Hill","Family Guy","American Dad"]},{"question":"The television series Kung Fu did not have a revival in the 90s.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In what year was Karl Malden born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1912","choices":["1912","1923","1950","1908"]},{"question":"Karl Malden was married 3 times.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In what 1954 movie did Karl Malden co-star with Marlon Brando, Lee Cobb, Rod Steiger and Eva Marie Saint?","category":"celebrities","answer":"On the Waterfront","choices":["Fiddler on the Roof","The Odd Couple","On the Waterfront","Streetcar Named Desire"]},{"question":"Karl Malden was of Italian descent.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What syndicated television show did Karl Malden star in with Michael Douglas from 1972-1977?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Streets of San Francisco","choices":["The Streets of San Francisco","Dragnet","Emergency","Hawaii 5-0"]},{"question":"In 1951 Karl Malden won an Emmy for Best Supporting Actor in what movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Streetcar Named Desire","choices":["A Streetcar Named Desire","Bednobs and Broomsticks","On the Waterfront","Bewitched"]},{"question":"What 1953 Alfred Hitchcok movie starred Karl Malden?","category":"celebrities","answer":"I Confess","choices":["Vertigo","Psycho","I Confess","The Birds"]},{"question":"In 1970 Karl Malden played the role of George S. Patton in the film Patton.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Karl Malden never starred in a Western.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Actor Keanu Reeves was born in this country in 1964.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lebanon","choices":["China","England","Australia","Lebanon"]},{"question":"Keanu Reevess father was of what descent?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Portuguese","Hawaiian","All of these","Chinese"]},{"question":"What does the first name of actor Keanu Reeves mean?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The coldness","choices":["The coldness","The ocean","The depth","The summer"]},{"question":"Keanu Reeves dreamed of a career in this sport when he was a student.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hockey","choices":["Baseball","Basketball","Hockey","Rugby"]},{"question":"What Shakespearian character did Keanu Reeves portray in the stage play Romeo and Juliet when he was fifteen?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mercutio","choices":["Juliet in drag","Romeo","Mercutio","Benvolio"]},{"question":"What character did Keanu Reeves portray in The Matrix movie series?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Thomas Anderson","choices":["Agent Brown","Nathaniel Blake","Thomas Anderson","Agent Smith"]},{"question":"In what movie did Keanu Reeves portray an alien named Klaatu?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Day the Earth Stood Still","choices":["Independence Day","The Day the Earth Stood Still","War of the Worlds","Invasion of the Body Snatchers"]},{"question":"What musical instrument did Keanu Reeves play in his band Dogstar?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bass guitar","choices":["Saxophone","Keyboards","Bass guitar","Drums"]},{"question":"Which statement is true about Keanu Reeves first-born daughter, Ava?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She was stillborn.","choices":["She committed suicide","She was stillborn.","She was killed in a car crash.","She died from leukemia."]},{"question":"When did Uta Hagen live?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1919-2004","choices":["1922-2008","1905-1983","1934-2006","1919-2004"]},{"question":"Which of these was not a place where Uta Hagen studied acting?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Group Theater","choices":["Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts","Group Theater","Madison High School","University of Wisconsin"]},{"question":"What was Uta Hagens first professional play?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hamlet","choices":["Pygmalion","The Little Prince","Hamlet","Alice in Wonderland"]},{"question":"How many Academy Awards did Uta Hagen win?","category":"celebrities","answer":"0","choices":["0","3","2","1"]},{"question":"Uta Hagen was best known for her teaching at this school.","category":"celebrities","answer":"HB Studio","choices":["The Guthrie Theater","The Actors Studio","Group Theater","HB Studio"]},{"question":"Which of these books did Uta Hagen not write?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Method of Acting","choices":["The Method of Acting","Love for Cooking","Respect for Acting","A Challenge for the Actor"]},{"question":"Both Uta Hagen and Lee Starsberg believed that the actor must substitute his or her own experiences into the plays actions in order to get a real and believable result. However, Hagen differed from Strasberg in this aspect.","category":"celebrities","answer":"She used the word transference instead of substitution.","choices":["She wanted the actors to reveal their experiences to the entire cast before they rehearsed.","She wanted the actors to use their own words.","She wanted the actor to transfer his or her own experiences into the lives of all the characters of the play.","She used the word transference instead of substitution."]},{"question":"Which of these was not a student of Uta Hagen?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Al Pacino","choices":["Al Pacino","Charles Nelson Reilly","Matthew Broderick","Jack Lemmon"]},{"question":"Which of these actresses was not a student of Uta Hagen?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Marilyn Monroe","choices":["Marilyn Monroe","Liza Minelli","Whoopi Goldberg","Christine Lahti"]},{"question":"Uta Hagen was married to this great actor, a man who later became George Clooneys uncle-in-law.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jose Ferrer","choices":["Paul Robeson","Miguel Ferrer","Harold Clurman","Jose Ferrer"]},{"question":"Uta Hagen had a role in this soap opera.","category":"celebrities","answer":"One Life to Live","choices":["As the Stomach Turns","One Life to Live","The Guiding Light","All My Children"]},{"question":"For his performance in what movie did Eddie Murphy receive his first Academy Award nomination?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dreamgirls","choices":["The Nutty Professor","Dreamgirls","Shrek","Doctor Dolittle"]},{"question":"What signature phrase is Eddie Murphy known for using in many of his movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"How you doin?","choices":["Damn, youre pretty!","Hey, kids!","Where mah mama at?","How you doin?"]},{"question":"Which of Eddie Murphys relatives was an amateur comedian and actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"His father","choices":["His mother","His grandmother","His father","His Grandfather"]},{"question":"What social group did Eddie Murphy like to ridicule in his early stand-up shows?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Obese people","Anglo-Americans","All of these","Gays"]},{"question":"What is the name of Eddie Murphys debut solo album, released in 1985?","category":"celebrities","answer":"How Could It Be","choices":["How Could It Be","Whatever","Nevermind","No Way"]},{"question":"Eddie Murphy reportedly had a romantic relationship with this female singer and actress earlier in his career.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Whitney Houston","choices":["Diana Ross","Cher","Mariah Carey","Whitney Houston"]},{"question":"What character did Eddie Murphy voice in the 2001 animated comedy movie Shrek and its sequels?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Donkey","choices":["Big Bad Wolf","Donkey","Puss in Boots","Shrek"]},{"question":"In what movie did Eddie Murphy portray more than one character?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Bowfinger","Coming to America","The Nutty Professor"]},{"question":"During the filming of which Eddie Murphy movie was the stunt double of actress Angela Bassett, Sonja Davis, killed?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vampire in Brooklyn","choices":["Vampire in Brooklyn","Best Defense","Harlem Nights","Holy Man"]},{"question":"What is the name of Eddie Murphys character in the 1986 mystical comedy movie The Golden Child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chandler Jarrell","choices":["Til","Sardo Numspa","Detective Boggs","Chandler Jarrell"]},{"question":"Catherine Zeta-Jones was born on September 25, 1969 in this country.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wales","choices":["England","Wales","Ireland","Scotland"]},{"question":"Catherine Zeta-Jones started her acting career at a very young age. In what play did she make her professional acting debut?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Annie","choices":["Beauty and the Beast","Cinderella","The Wizard of Oz","Annie"]},{"question":"What famous movie director noticed the talent of Catherine Zeta-Jones and recommended her to the director of The Mask of Zorro?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steven Spielberg","choices":["Martin Scorsese","James Cameron","Steven Spielberg","Oliver Stone"]},{"question":"What scene in the 1998 movie The Mask of Zorro featuring Catherine Zeta-Jones became one of the most memorable moments in film history?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The scene in which Zorro undresses her with his sword","choices":["The scene in which they dance together","None of these","The scene in which get married.","The scene in which Zorro undresses her with his sword"]},{"question":"What did actor Michael Douglas say to Catherine Zeta-Jones when they met?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Id like to father your children.","choices":["Id like to father your children.","Ill make your dreams come true.","All of these","I want to spend my lifetime loving you."]},{"question":"For her performance in what movie did Catherine Zeta-Jones receive an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chicago","choices":["Entrapment","The Mask of Zorro","Traffic","Chicago"]},{"question":"In which of these movies did Catherine Zeta-Jones star while she was pregnant with her first child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Traffic","choices":["Traffic","Chicago","The Mask of Zorro","The Haunting"]},{"question":"In which of the Oceans movies has Catherine Zeta-Jones appeared?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Oceans Twelve","choices":["All of these","Oceans Twelve","Oceans Eleven","Oceans Thirteen"]},{"question":"Who did Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas name their son Dylan after?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A poet","choices":["A poet","A painter","A revolutionary","A close friend"]},{"question":"Tom Savini was born in Pittsburgh, PA on November 3, 1946. As a child he became interested in special effects make-up after watching this movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Man of a Thousand Faces","choices":["The Wizard of Oz","Nosferutu","Man of a Thousand Faces","The Phantom of the Opera"]},{"question":"Tom Savini did special effects for and had a small acting part in this movie about a vampire who sedates women with an injection of narcotics, slices their wrists open with a razor blade and drinks their blood.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Martin","choices":["Trauma","Innocent Blood","Martin","Knightriders"]},{"question":"Tom Savini plays a biker called Sex Machine in this movie about two fugitives that kidnap a family and spend the night in a Mexican strip club filled with vampires.","category":"celebrities","answer":"From Dusk Till Dawn","choices":["The Demolitionist","Sheena","From Dusk Till Dawn","Grindhouse"]},{"question":"Tom Savini had a small acting part and did special effects for this movie about a serial killer who scalps his victims.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Maniac","choices":["Web of Darkness","The Ripper","Maniac","Two Evil Eyes"]},{"question":"Tom Savini plays Jesus Christ in this 2002 film about two cops who fight against the evil Hellspawn that was shot for $10,000.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Zombiegeddon","choices":["From Dusk Till Dawn","Eyes of a Stanger","Zombiegeddon","Innocent Blood"]},{"question":"Tom Savini did special effects work and had a small acting part in this 1986 Tobe Hooper sequel.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2","choices":["Night of the Living Dead","Trauma","Dawn of the Dead","The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2"]},{"question":"Tom Savini was in charge of special effects and plays the biker Blades in this George A. Romero zombie film set in a shopping mall.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dawn of the Dead","choices":["Dawn of the Dead","Day of the Dead","Children of the Living Dead","From Dusk Till Dawn"]},{"question":"Tom Savini had a small part in this metal bands Be Chrool to Your Scuel video that featured a school full of zombie students.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Twisted Sister","choices":["Guns n Roses","Megadeath","Twisted Sister","Metallica"]},{"question":"Where is Tom Savinis Special Effects Make-Up school?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Monessen, Pennsylvania","choices":["Boston, Massachusetts","Monessen, Pennsylvania","Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania","Wheeling, Connecticut"]},{"question":"Tom Savini did special effects work and played a small role in this Dario Argento film about a serial killer who murders his victims with a garrote.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Trauma","choices":["Trauma","Two Evil Eyes","Mr. Stitch","Necronomicon"]},{"question":"Tom Savini voices himself in a Simpsons episode where he humiliates the Comic Book Guy.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Tom Savini is credited with the special effects work on this film about a camp caretaker who is disfigured in a prank and returns 5 years later to kill everyone at the camp.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Burning","choices":["The Prowler","Maniac","Web of Darkness","The Burning"]},{"question":"Tom Savini worked his special effects magic on this film about a rejected WWII veteran who kills his former girlfriend and her boyfriend, then returns to the small town 35 years later to kill again.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Prowler","choices":["The Prowler","Martin","Trauma","Maniac"]},{"question":"Tom Savini directed this George A. Romero remake in 1990. The movie is different from the original in two main ways: it portrays Barbara as an active and strong heroine and contains much more gore.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Night of the Living Dead","choices":["Night of the Living Dead","Friday the 13th","Dawn of the Dead","The Texas Chainsaw Murder"]},{"question":"Tom Savini has authored books on special effects, even describing the production and mechanical workings of his most famous film effects. With which of these books was Savini not involved?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cemetary Dance","choices":["Book of the Dead","Bizarro!","Cemetary Dance","Grande Illusions II"]},{"question":"Tom Savini directed 3 episodes of this TV horror series produced by George A. Romero.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tales from the Darkside","choices":["Night Gallery","The Outer Limits","Tales from the Darkside","Tales from the Crypt"]},{"question":"In what year was Tom Savinis instructional video Horror Effects: Hosted by Tom Savini released?","category":"celebrities","answer":"2008","choices":["2008","1987","1994","2001"]},{"question":"Tom Savini plays a garbage collector and does the special effects on this George A. Romero movie written by Stephen King.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Creepshow","choices":["Martin","The Burning","Night of the Living Dead","Creepshow"]},{"question":"In what country was actor Anthony Quinn born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mexico","choices":["United States","Brazil","Mexico","Canada"]},{"question":"When he was young, Anthony Quinn competed professionally in this sport.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Boxing","choices":["Boxing","Wrestling","Bodybuilding","Weightlifting"]},{"question":"What did Anthony Quinn study before he decided to go into acting?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Art and architecture","choices":["All of these","Costume design and stage decoration","Chemical engineering","Art and architecture"]},{"question":"Anthony Quinn won his first Oscar for his role in this movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Viva Zapata!","choices":["Viva Zapata!","Zorba the Greek","Lawrence of Arabia","Wild Is the Wind"]},{"question":"What is the title of Anthony Quinns first autobiographical book, published in 1972?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Original Sin","choices":["The Miracle","The Forbidden Fruit","The Original Sin","The Arms of a Man"]},{"question":"How many times did actor Anthony Quinn get married?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Three times","choices":["None","Three times","Nine times","Once"]},{"question":"How did Anthony Quinns first-born son Christopher die in 1941?","category":"celebrities","answer":"In a drowning accident","choices":["In a car accident","He was shot dead.","He committed suicide.","In a drowning accident"]},{"question":"For what famous artist was Jennifer Lopez a backup dancer in the beginning of her career?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Janet Jackson","choices":["Janet Jackson","Michael Jackson","Paula Abdul","MC Hammer"]},{"question":"For the role in what movie was Jennifer Lopez selected over actresses Ashley Judd and Lauren Holly?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jack","choices":["Jack","Shall We Dance?","Blood and Wine","Monster-in-Law"]},{"question":"What type of character does Jennifer Lopez play in the 2000 thriller The Cell?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Psychologist","choices":["Teacher","Psychologist","Vampire","Police officer"]},{"question":"In what movie did Jennifer Lopez star alongside Ice Cube and Jon Voight in 1997?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Anaconda","choices":["El Cantante","Blood and Wine","U Turn","Anaconda"]},{"question":"Jennifer Lopez lent her voice to a character in which of these animated movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Antz","choices":["Happy Feet","Shrek","Finding Nemo","Antz"]},{"question":"In what movie did Jennifer Lopez play the wife of an abusive man?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Enough","choices":["Monster-in-Law","Out of Sight","Enough","An Unfinished Life"]},{"question":"What was the name of Jennifer Lopezs debut album from 1999?","category":"celebrities","answer":"On the 6","choices":["This Is Me... Then","On the 6","Como Ama Una Mujer","J. Lo"]},{"question":"What song by jennifer Lopez became her first number one single in the United Kingdom?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Love Dont Cost a Thing","choices":["If You Had My Love","Jenny from the Block","Love Dont Cost a Thing","Get Right"]},{"question":"What are the names of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthonys twins born on February 22, 2008?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Maximilian and Emme","choices":["Catherine and Michael","Christina and Jake","Sean John and Lilly","Maximilian and Emme"]},{"question":"What is the name of Jennifer Lopezs restaurant that opened on April 12, 2002?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Madres","choices":["Valentinas","Lopez","Ninas","Madres"]},{"question":"Where did the group Buffalo Springfield get their name from?","category":"celebrities","answer":"From a steam roller","choices":["From a steam roller","Nowhere-they just made it up","From a sewing machine","From the home towns of the band members"]},{"question":"Which of these was not an original member of the group Buffalo Springfield?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jim Messina","choices":["Dewey Martin","Steve Stills","Jim Messina","Bruce Palmer"]},{"question":"Which member of Buffalo Springfield was rejected for a role in The Monkees?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steve Stills","choices":["Neil Young","Steve Stills","Bruce Palmer","Richie Furay"]},{"question":"What was the name of the folk group in which Richie Furay and Steve Stills performed together before forming Buffalo Springfield?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Au-Go-Go Singers","choices":["Au-Go-Go Singers","Stills-Furay Band","The Rangers","The Whistlers"]},{"question":"In what Canadian group did Bruce Palmer and Neil Young perform together?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Mynah Birds","choices":["The Mynah Birds","April Wine","Mahogany Rush","Sparrow"]},{"question":"What song was removed from Buffalo Springfields debut album so that their hit For What Its Worth could be added?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Baby, Dont Scold Me","choices":["Pay the Price","Sit Down, I Think I Love You","Go and Say Goodbye","Baby, Dont Scold Me"]},{"question":"What duo recorded a cover version of the Buffalo Springfield song Nowadays Clancy Cant Even Sing?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Carpenters","choices":["Sonny and Cher","Carpenters","The Righteous Brothers","The Captain and Tennille"]},{"question":"Which Buffalo Spriengfield member never sang lead on any of the bands recordings?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bruce Palmer","choices":["Dewey Martin","Bruce Palmer","Jim Messina","None of them ever sang lead."]},{"question":"Micki Callen is credited with co-writing what Richie Furay song?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Hour of Not Quite Rain","choices":["The Hour of Not Quite Rain","Its So Hard to Wait","Kind Woman","Sad Memory"]},{"question":"What is unusual about the Buffalo Springfield album Last Time Around?","category":"celebrities","answer":"It was released after the band broke up.","choices":["It had a scented innersleeve.","Three different versions were released.","It was released after the band broke up.","It contains no original songs."]},{"question":"What type of contest did Jean-Claude Van Damme win in Belgium before he emigrated to the United States?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bodybuilding competition","choices":["Martial arts challenge","Cooking contest","Bodybuilding competition","Beauty pageant"]},{"question":"What funny nickname was given to Jean-Claude Van Damme?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Muscles from Brussels","choices":["The Muscles from Brussels","The Green-Eyed Monster","All of these","Feel-her and Kill-her"]},{"question":"What sport did Jean-Claude Van Damme start practicing at the age of sixteen?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ballet","choices":["Ballet","Swimming","Gymnastics","Boxing"]},{"question":"Jean-Claude Van Damme was diagnosed with this medical condition in 1998.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bipolar disorder","choices":["Hypoglycemia","Clinical depression","Bipolar disorder","Hypertension"]},{"question":"What did Time magazine claim that Jean-Claude Van Damme deserved for his performance in the 2008 movie JVCD?","category":"celebrities","answer":"An Oscar","choices":["A Golden Raspberry","A capital punishment","An Oscar","A hundred black belts"]},{"question":"What is the name of Jean-Claude Van Dammes first-born child, born in 1987?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kristopher","choices":["Gladys","Kristopher","Bianca","Nicholas"]},{"question":"In what movie did Jean-Claude Van Damme portray twin brothers who were separated at birth, but one of them was killed?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Maximum Risk","choices":["Double Impact","Replicant","Maximum Risk","Timecop"]},{"question":"For his role in what movie was Jean-Claude Van Damme nominated for an MTV Movie Award for Most Desirable Male?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Double Impact","Nowhere to Run","All of these","Hard Target"]},{"question":"What pop star made an appearance in the 1994 movie Street Fighter, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kylie Minogue","choices":["Robbie Williams","Bryan Adams","Kylie Minogue","Sheryl Crow"]},{"question":"What type of names were chosen for some of the characters of the 1989 movie Cyborg, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brands of musical instruments","choices":["Brands of musical instruments","Gun brands","Names of towns and cities","Names of automobile manufacturers"]},{"question":"What is the birth name of actor Jack Nicholson?","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Nicholson","choices":["John Nicholson","Jeremiah Nicholson","James Nicholson","Jeffrey Nicholson"]},{"question":"What startling discovery did Jack Nicholson make in 1974?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","His sister was actually his mother.","His father was actually his grandfather.","His mother was actually his grandmother."]},{"question":"In 1954, Jack Nicholson was given this title by his classmates.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Class clown","choices":["Class jerk","Class hero","Class womanizer","Class clown"]},{"question":"Noticing Jack Nicholsons talent, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera offered him this position at the MGM cartoon studio.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Animation artist","choices":["All of these","Animation artist","Animation director","Voice actor"]},{"question":"What record did Jack Nicholson set?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Most nominated male actor in Academy Awards history","choices":["Male actor with most Oscar wins","Male actor with most movie roles","Most nominated male actor in Academy Awards history","All of these"]},{"question":"What popular fictional villain did Jack Nicholson portray in the 1989 movie Batman?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Joker","choices":["The Penguin","The Mad Hatter","The Joker","The Riddler"]},{"question":"For his performance in what movie did Jack Nicholson receive his first Academy Award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest","choices":["Terms of Endearment","Chinatown","As Good as it Gets","One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest"]},{"question":"Jack Nicholson had a 16-year long relationship with this Oscar-winning actress.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Anjelica Huston","choices":["Meryl Streep","Glenn Close","Anjelica Huston","Susan Sarandon"]},{"question":"Jack Nicholson is known for collecting these objects.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Art pieces","choices":["Guns and knives","Cigars","Razor blades","Art pieces"]},{"question":"Mulholland Drive in Beverly Hills, where Jack Nicholson, Marlon Brando and Warren Beatty lived, was given this nickname in their honor.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bad Boy Drive","choices":["Oscar Star Drive","Ladies Men Drive","Bad Boy Drive","Prince Charming Drive"]},{"question":"Hilary Duffs character in the film Raise Your Voice has three siblings.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Who dies in a car crash in the Hilary Duff movie Raise Your Voice?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Terris brother","choices":["Terris aunt","Terris brother","Terrys dad","Terris mom"]},{"question":"In the movie Material Girls, who sets a house on fire?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ava","choices":["Tanzie and Avas nanny","Ava","a stranger","Tanzie"]},{"question":"Who plays the mother of Hilary Duffs character in the movie Raise Your Voice?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rita Wilson","choices":["Rebecca De Mornay","Rita Wilson","Dana Davis","Carly Reeves"]},{"question":"What is the title of Hilary Duffs first full-length studio album?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Metamorphosis","choices":["Hilary Duff","Denial","Dignity","Metamorphosis"]},{"question":"In what movie do Steve Martin and Kate Baker star as the parents of Hilary Duffs character?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cheaper by the Dozen","choices":["The Perfect Man","In Search of Santa","A Cinderella Story","Cheaper by the Dozen"]},{"question":"What album by Hilary Duff was released in April, 2007 and was certified Gold in the same year?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dignity","choices":["Dignity","Material Girls","Hilary Duff","Metamorphosis"]},{"question":"Which of these is the title of a childrens book written by Madonna in the early 2000s?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["The English Roses","Yakov and the Seven Thieves","Mr. Peabodys Apples","All of these"]},{"question":"Elizabeth Taylor dedicated her book Nibbles and Me from 1946 to this pet of hers.","category":"celebrities","answer":"A chipmunk","choices":["A bunny","A chipmunk","A chinchilla","A guinea pig"]},{"question":"What is the name of the semi-autobiographical novel written by Nicole Richie in 2005?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Truth About Diamonds","choices":["The Truth About Diamonds","She Used To Be A Princess","All That Sparkles","And Life Just Went On"]},{"question":"What is the name of Will Smiths illustrated book for children containing the lyrics of the song Big Willie Style from his first solo album?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Just the Two of Us","choices":["Chasing Forever","Dont Say Nothing","Just the Two of Us","Its All Good"]},{"question":"In 2004 Jay Leno wrote this book based on his childhood.","category":"celebrities","answer":"If Roast Beef Could Fly","choices":["If Mushrooms Could Calculate","If Roast Beef Could Fly","If Pillows Could Speak","If Cats Could Bark"]},{"question":"What is the little jaguar named Jag terrified of in the book for children written by Grammy-winning singer LeAnn Rimes?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Water","choices":["Water","School","Ants","Mice"]},{"question":"What is the name of the book written by actor, writer, producer and director Billy Crystal in 2005?","category":"celebrities","answer":"700 Sundays","choices":["Seven Oclock on Sunday","700 Sundays","Sunday, July 7","777 Sundays"]},{"question":"Which of these is the title of the book for children written by director, producer, writer, and actor Spike Lee?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Please, Puppy, Please","choices":["Henry the Frog","Please, Puppy, Please","All Aboard!","The Little White Cloud"]},{"question":"What lessons did Elizabeth Taylor start taking when she was only three?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ballet lessons","choices":["Acting lessons","Ballet lessons","Singing lessons","Piano lessons"]},{"question":"Which of Elizabeth Taylors relatives had acted on stage?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Her mother","choices":["Her aunt","Her mother","Her grandmother","Her father"]},{"question":"At what age did Elizabeth Taylor appear in a motion picture for the first time?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nine","choices":["Nine","Fifteen","Seven","Four"]},{"question":"For her performance in what movie did Elizabeth Taylor win her first Academy Award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"BUtterfield 8","choices":["BUtterfield 8","Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf?","Raintree County","Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"]},{"question":"Which character did Elizabeth Taylor portray in the 1949 movie Little Women?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Amy","choices":["Amy","Josephine","Elizabeth","Marmee"]},{"question":"Which of these diseases has Elizabeth Taylor survived?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Skin cancer","Severe pneumonia","All of these","Brain tumor"]},{"question":"Which of these celebrities was a close friend of Elizabeth Taylor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Michael Jackson","choices":["Marilyn Monroe","Michael Jackson","Elvis Presley","Marlon Brando"]},{"question":"What character did Elizabeth Taylor play in the 1994 movie The Flintstones, co-produced by Steven Spielberg?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pearl Slaghoople","choices":["Pearl Slaghoople","Miss Sharon Stone","Wilma Flintstone","Fred Flintstones mother"]},{"question":"What is the name of the pear-shaped diamond given by Richard Burton to Elizabeth Taylor for her 40th birthday in 1972?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Taylor-Burton Diamond","choices":["The Tear of Aphrodite","The Taylor-Burton Diamond","All of these","The Forbidden Fruit"]},{"question":"What legendary queen did Elizabeth Taylor portray in a 1963 movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Queen Cleopatra","choices":["Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom","Queen Nefertiti","Queen Cleopatra","Queen Elizabeth I of England"]},{"question":"What is the name of the real-life girl portrayed by Winona Ryder in the 1996 movie The Crucible?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Abigail Williams","choices":["Ann Putnam","Mary Warren","Elizabeth Proctor","Abigail Williams"]},{"question":"In which of the Alien movies did Winona Ryder appear as Annalee Call?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Alien Resurrection","choices":["Alien vs. Predator","Aliens","Alien 3","Alien Resurrection"]},{"question":"What is the title of the very first feature film in which Winona Ryder appeared?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lucas","choices":["1969","Beetlejuice","Square Dance","Lucas"]},{"question":"In what 2006 movie did Winona Ryder portray a woman called Siri?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Darwin Awards","choices":["The Columbus Awards","The Einstein Awards","The Aristotle Awards","The Darwin Awards"]},{"question":"The 1994 movie Reality Bites, starring Winona Ryder, was this Hollywood actors directorial debut.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ben Stiller","choices":["Danny DeVito","Ben Stiller","Sylvester Stallone","Ethan Hawke"]},{"question":"What is the title of the 1998 movie directed by Woody Allen in which Winona Ryder portrayed a character called Nola?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Celebrity","choices":["Hollywood","Celebrity","Star","Big Spender"]},{"question":"What character did Winona Ryder portray in the 1990 movie Mermaids?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Charlotte Flax","choices":["Kate Flax","Carrie","Charlotte Flax","Rachel Flax"]},{"question":"Which statement is true about Sanford Meisner?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was born in New York City in 1905 and died in California in 1997.","choices":["He was born in Los Angeles in 1929 and died in New York City in 2007.","He was born in New York City in 1905 and died in California in 1997.","He was born in London, England in 1931 and died in New York City in 2001.","He was born in Chicago in 1927 and died in California in 2008."]},{"question":"Sanford Meisner said that this was the defining emotional moment in his life.","category":"celebrities","answer":"His younger brother died from drinking unpasteurized milk.","choices":["He saw Charlie Chaplin performing live in London.","He saw his first movie in the Fairfax area of Los Angeles.","His younger brother died from drinking unpasteurized milk.","He attended his first drama class at Northwestern University."]},{"question":"As a young man Sanford Meisner got a job acting as an extra in They Knew What They Wanted, an unimportant play except that this person was the plays director.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lee Strasberg","choices":["Uta Hagen","Lee Strasberg","Sir Richard Partons","Stella Adler"]},{"question":"Sanford Meisner was selected as one of the 28 actors in this acting group.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Group Theater","choices":["The Northwestern Drama School","The New Shakespearean Acting Foundation","The Guthrie Theatre Group","Group Theater"]},{"question":"Which statement describes the Meisner Technique?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Acting is the ability to live truthfully under imaginary circumstances.","choices":["Acting begins when the actor is able to use his own lines, not those of the author.","Acting is the ability to attract. An actor is an attractor.","Acting must begin with voice warm-up and concentration techniques.","Acting is the ability to live truthfully under imaginary circumstances."]},{"question":"This beautiful student of Sanford Meisner was the sister of Olivia DeHaviland.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Joan Fontaine","choices":["Joan Fontaine","Jennifer Jones","Grace Kelly","Lee Grant"]},{"question":"This student of Sanford Meisner became a famous director and choreographer. The film All That Jazz was a biography of this famous man.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bob Fosse","choices":["Gower Champion","Tommy Tune","Bob Fosse","Robert Townsend"]},{"question":"Which of the following was a student of Sanford Meisner?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jon Voight","choices":["Jon Voight","Jason Robards","Liza Minelli","Robert DeNiro"]},{"question":"Select the Sanford Meisner quote.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Silence has a myriad of meanings. In the theater, silence is the absence of words but not the absence of meaning.","choices":["I regard the theater as the greatest of human art forms, the most immediate way in which a human can share with another the sense of what it is like to be a human.","Acting is the reality of unreality, the illuminating of the unlightable.","Silence has a myriad of meanings. In the theater, silence is the absence of words but not the absence of meaning.","Acting is half shame and half glory. Shame at exhibiting yourself, glory when you can forget yourself."]},{"question":"Captain Spaulding has become an icon for the New Horror genre. In what 2000 Rob Zombie film did Sid Haig star as this clown-faced sociopath?","category":"celebrities","answer":"House of 1000 Corpses","choices":["Werewolf Women of the SS","House of 1000 Corpses","The Devils Rejects","Reeker"]},{"question":"In 1968 Sid Haig played one of three inbred and murderous siblings in this Jack Hill black comedy- horror film starring Lon Chaney, Jr.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Spider Baby","choices":["Cannibal Attack!","20th Century Wolf Men","The Atomic Brain","Spider Baby"]},{"question":"As a child, Sid Haig grew so quickly that he lost much of his motor coordination, so his parents enrolled him in dancing lessons. At what age did Sid Haig become a paid dancer in vaudeville acts?","category":"celebrities","answer":"7","choices":["11","16","21","7"]},{"question":"Sid Haig was offered the role of Marsellus Wallace in Quentin Tarantinos Pulp Fiction, but refused the role. Who played Marsellus Wallace in the film?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ving Rhames","choices":["Michael Keaton","Samuel L. Jackson","Harvey Keitel","Ving Rhames"]},{"question":"Sid Haig had been out of high school one year when he and his band signed a recording contract. The next year in 1958 they released the single Full House which hit #4 on the charts. What was the name of Sids band?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The T-Birds","choices":["The T-Birds","Glenwood Falling","The Sale","The Olive Branch"]},{"question":"For his role in this 2005 horror film, Sid Haig received the award for Best Actor in the 15th Annual Fangoria Chainsaw Awards. He shared the award for Most Vile Villain at the First Annual Spike TV Scream Awards with Sheri Moon, Leslie Easterbrook and Bill Moseley as The Firefly Family.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Devils Rejects","choices":["The Hills Have Eyes","House of 1000 Corpses","The Devils Rejects","Hostel"]},{"question":"In 1974 Sid Haig was in this blaxploitation film written and directed by Jack Hill. It stars Pam Grier and was originally going to be a sequel to the film Coffy.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Foxy Brown","choices":["Foxy Brown","Black Mama, White Mama","Sheba, Baby","Friday Foster"]},{"question":"From 1960- 1992, Sid Haig was in almost 350 TV episodes. In which of these TV series did Sig Haig NOT star?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dragnet","choices":["The A-Team","Dragnet","Get Smart","Mission: Impossible"]},{"question":"In 1992 Sid Haig felt he was being typecast and stated, Ill never play another stupid heavy again, and I dont care if that means that I never work, ever. Sid stopped acting and trained in, became licensed in and worked as what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hypnotherapist","choices":["Insurance salesman","High school teacher","Hypnotherapist","Truck driver"]},{"question":"Sid Haig was born Sidney Eddy Mosesian in Fresno, California on July 14, 1939. Where did Sid get his stage name from?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Haig was his fathers first name.","choices":["Haig was the last name of his pediatrician.","Haig was his mothers maiden name spelled backwards.","Haig was the last name of his 3rd grade teacher.","Haig was his fathers first name."]},{"question":"In the 1997 Quentin Tarantino movie Jackie Brown, Sid Haig came out of retirement and played the judge. Was this role written specifically for Haig?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"In this 1971George Lucas film, Sid Haig plays the prisoner NCH.","category":"celebrities","answer":"THX 1138","choices":["The Rain People","Finnians Rainbow","Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope","THX 1138"]},{"question":"Sid Haigs first acting job was in exploitation director Jack Hills student film The Host. On how many films did Haig and Hill collaborate?","category":"celebrities","answer":"9","choices":["4","1","15","9"]},{"question":"What is the real birth name of rapper The Notorious B.I.G., also known as Biggie Smalls?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Christopher Wallace","choices":["Curtis Jackson","Sean Kingston","Shawn Carter","Christopher Wallace"]},{"question":"The Notorious B.I.G.started making money at the age of 12 by selling which of the following?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Drugs","choices":["His mothers jewels","Stolen watches","Drugs","All of these"]},{"question":"What famous rapper attended the George Westinghouse Information Technology High School together with Notorious B.I.G.?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jay-Z","choices":["Jay-Z","P. Diddy","2Pac","All of these"]},{"question":"What is the name of the debut album released by The Notorious B.I.G in 1994?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ready to Die","choices":["M.A.F.I.A.","Ready to Die","The Good and the Dead","Life After Death"]},{"question":"What popular female musician did The Notorious B.I.G. marry in 1994?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Faith Evans","choices":["Mariah Carey","Lil Kim","Faith Evans","Mary J. Blige"]},{"question":"Why did rapper The Notorious B.I.G. use a cane when he walked?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He injured his leg in an accident.","choices":["None of these","He injured his leg in an accident.","He believed he looked more serious that way.","He was born with a limp."]},{"question":"What single by The Notorious B.I.G. earned him the 1997 MTV Video Music Award for Best Rap Video?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hypnotize","choices":["Hypnotize","One More Chance","Mo Money Mo Problems","Big Poppa"]},{"question":"How was The Notorious B.I.G. killed on March 9, 1997?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was shot dead.","choices":["He was shot dead.","He was stabbed to death.","He was poisoned.","In a car crash that looked like an accident"]},{"question":"What is the title of the 2009 movie that is based on the life of rapper The Notorious B.I.G.?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Notorious","choices":["Notorious","Life After Death","B.I.G.","Ready To Die"]},{"question":"What is the title of the album by The Notorious B.I.G. released posthumously only 16 days after his death in 1997?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Life After Death","choices":["Ready to Die","Til Death Do Us Part","Life After Death","The Notorious B.I.G. Forever"]},{"question":"Where was Jude Law born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"London","choices":["Ottawa","London","New York","Canberra"]},{"question":"The first TV role of Jude Law in this 1989 TV Christmas special.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Tailor of Gloucester","choices":["Get Smart, Again!","The Day After","Return to Mayberry","The Tailor of Gloucester"]},{"question":"Jude Law received the Evening Standard British Film Awards for most promising newcomer for this movie, released in 1997.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wilde","choices":["Wilde","Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil","Bent","Gattaca"]},{"question":"Jude Law had a role in this 1990s British TV soap opera.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Families","choices":["Revelations","Families","Hollyoaks","Emmerdale"]},{"question":"In this movie, produced by Danny DeVito, Jude Law portrayed a disabled former swimming star.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gattaca","choices":["Cold Mountain","Enemy at the Gates","The Talented Mr. Ripley","Gattaca"]},{"question":"Jude Law was nominated for Academy Awards in 1999 and in 2003 for his acting in movies by this director.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Anthony Minghella","choices":["Martin Scorsese","Sam Mendes","Steven Spielberg","Anthony Minghella"]},{"question":"Jude Law met this actress while filming the British crime drama Shopping and later married her.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sadie Frost","choices":["Sienna Miller","Cameron Diaz","Gwyneth Paltrow","Sadie Frost"]},{"question":"In which film, directed and produced by Mike Nichols, did Jude Law star opposite Natalie Portman, Clive Owen and Julia Roberts?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Closer","choices":["Cold Mountain","Duplicity","Closer","Bent"]},{"question":"For which film did Jude Law learn to play the saxophone?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Talented Mr. Ripley","choices":["My Blueberry Nights","The Talented Mr. Ripley","Alfie","Artificial Intelligence: A.I."]},{"question":"Why were biographers impeded when attempting to study Coco Chanels background?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Her name was misspelled at birth.","choices":["She was an orphan.","Her parents changed her name when she was little.","None of these","Her name was misspelled at birth."]},{"question":"What happened to Coco Chanel when she was twelve?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Her mother died of tuberculosis.","choices":["Her father was murdered.","She almost died in a fire.","She got pregnant.","Her mother died of tuberculosis."]},{"question":"What did Coco Chanel learn to do while she was in the orphanage of the Roman Catholic monastery of Aubazine?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sewing","choices":["Sewing","Singing","Hairstyling","Drawing"]},{"question":"What accessories did Coco Chanel start designing while she was living with millionaire Etienne Balsan?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hats","choices":["Earrings","Hats","Bags","Shoes"]},{"question":"What type of clothing did Coco Chanel introduce in her boutique in Deauville in 1913?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Women’s sportswear","choices":["Corsets","Women’s sportswear","All of these","Lingerie"]},{"question":"What lie about her childhood did Coco Chanel make up?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Her father sailed off for America to make a fortune.","Her mother died when she was 2.","She was forced to live with her aunts."]},{"question":"What was the keynote of all true elegance according to Coco Chanel?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Simplicity","choices":["Elaborateness","Simplicity","Femininity","Black"]},{"question":"What was the first fragrance released by Coco Chanel in 1921?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chanel No. 5","choices":["Chanel No. 5","Chanel No. 19","Coco Mademoiselle","Chanel No. 22"]},{"question":"What signature creation of Coco Chanel became a timeless piece of fashion?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chanel jacket","choices":["Chanel jacket","Chanel skirt","Chanel hat","Chanel bag"]},{"question":"What is the name of the Oxfordshire town, where the members of Radiohead met for the first time ?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Abingdon","choices":["Burford","Abingdon","Woodstock","Banbury"]},{"question":"Before they called themselves Radiohead, they were named after this day of the week on which they usually rehearsed.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Friday","choices":["Thursday","Monday","Friday","Sunday"]},{"question":"Which of these songs isnt featured on Radioheads Manic Hedgehog demo tape?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Creep","choices":["Creep","Thinking About You","I Cant","You"]},{"question":"Radiohead named themselves after a song, featured in which Talking Heads album?","category":"celebrities","answer":"True Stories","choices":["True Stories","Fear of Music","More Songs About Buildings and Food","Little Creatures"]},{"question":"What was the reason Radio BBC 1 gave after refusing to play Radioheads Creep after its release?","category":"celebrities","answer":"It was too depressing","choices":["It wasnt any good","It contained uncensored language","It was too depressing","It was plagiarised material"]},{"question":"Which of these Radiohead songs, featured on Pablo Honey is covered by performer Richard Cheese?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Creep","choices":["You","Prove Yourself","How do you","Creep"]},{"question":"Thom Yorke claims he got the inspiration for Radioheads Street Spirit from this novel by writer Ben Oki.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Famished Road","choices":["Flowers and Shadows","Astonishing the Gods","Songs of Enchantment","The Famished Road"]},{"question":"Radioheads second album The Bends is dedicated to this late famous comedian.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bill Hciks","choices":["Bill Hciks","Chris Farley","Richard Pryor","John Belushi"]},{"question":"Which is the first Radiohead album to reach the number one position on the UK chart?","category":"celebrities","answer":"OK Computer","choices":["Kid A","OK Computer","The Bends","Pablo Honey"]},{"question":"Which of these Radiohead songs from OK Computer is featured in the movie William Shakespeares Romeo+Juliet ?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Exit Music (For a Film)","choices":["Karma Police","Airbag","Paranoid Android","Exit Music (For a Film)"]},{"question":"How far did Chris Daughtry get in the fifth season of American Idol in 2006?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fourth place","choices":["Fifth place","Fourth place","Third place","Second place"]},{"question":"What rock band was formed by former American Idol finalist Chris Daughtry in 2006?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Daughtry","choices":["Daughtry","The Scampers","Alter Ego","Resolution"]},{"question":"To what record label was Chris Daughtryrock band signed in 2006?","category":"celebrities","answer":"RCA Records","choices":["Virginia Records","Warner Music Group","Columbia Records","RCA Records"]},{"question":"In what state was Chris Daughtry born on December 26, 1979?","category":"celebrities","answer":"North Carolina","choices":["Ohio","North Carolina","South Dakota","Maryland"]},{"question":"What band does Chris Daughtry claim to have been one of his biggest music inspirations?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Fuel","Bon Jovi","Pearl Jam","All of these"]},{"question":"What album did Chris Daughtry and his high school band produce in 1999?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All Eyes on You","choices":["All Eyes on You","Twister","Professional Fool","The New Generation"]},{"question":"What confession did Chris Daughtry make during the fifth season of American Idol in 2006?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He said he was going bald","choices":["He confessed he was stealing stuff when he was a child","He said he was going bald","He said he was gay","He admitted he is taking drugs"]},{"question":"Whom did Chris Daughtrys marry in November 2000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Deanna","choices":["Stella","Katey","Ashley","Deanna"]},{"question":"What is the name of Chris Daughtrys adopted son, born January 2000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Griffin","choices":["Gavin","Darren","Jeff","Griffin"]},{"question":"What were the nicknames of Chris Daughtry and Ace Young during the season five of American Idol in 2006?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ben Affleck and Matt Damon","choices":["Ike and Tina","Ben Affleck and Matt Damon","Beavis and Butt-head","Tom and Jerry"]},{"question":"Liam Neeson was married to this actress until her tragic death left him a widower in 2009.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Natasha Richardson","choices":["Farrah Fawcett","Anna Nicole Smith","None of these","Natasha Richardson"]},{"question":"Of what descent is actor Liam Neeson?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Irish","choices":["Danish","German","Swedish","Irish"]},{"question":"Actor Liam Neeson started taking lessons in this sport at the age of nine, and later became amateur senior champion.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Boxing","choices":["Baseball","Boxing","Swimming","Skiing"]},{"question":"What was Liam Neesons occupation before he made his film debut?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Truck driver","choices":["Radio announcer","Construction worker","Truck driver","Professional dancer"]},{"question":"What biblical figure did Liam Neeson portray in the 1977 movie The Pilgrims Progress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jesus Christ","choices":["John the Baptists","Moses","Jesus Christ","Abraham"]},{"question":"Of what decent is model and actress Naomi Campbell?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jamaican","choices":["Brazilian","Jamaican","Filipino","Cuban"]},{"question":"What did Naomi Campbell study at the Italia Conti Academy stage school?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ballet","choices":["Acting","Pantomime","All of these","Ballet"]},{"question":"At the age of 7, Naomi Campbell appeared in a music video of this celebrated musician.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bob Marley","choices":["Bob Marley","George Michael","Sting","Elton John"]},{"question":"Naomi Campbell made her debut appearance on the cover of this popular fashion magazine at the age of 15.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Elle","choices":["Vogue","Elle","Harpers Bazaar","Glamour"]},{"question":"In what music video by Madonna did Naomi Campbell appear in 1992?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Erotica","choices":["Justify My Love","Bedtime Story","Erotica","Vogue"]},{"question":"What is the name of the novel written and published by Naomi Campbell in 1994?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Swan","choices":["Butterfly","Panther","Swan","Snake"]},{"question":"What popular man was Naomi Campbells adopted father figure?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Nelson Mandela","Chris Blackwell","Quincy Jones","All of these"]},{"question":"In 2009, Naomi Campbell made the headlines after using this word to describe the fashion industry.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Racist","choices":["Fake","Racist","All of these","Soulless"]},{"question":"What is the name of Naomi Campbells debut music album, released in 1995?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Baby Woman","choices":["Black Panther","Naomi","Real Woman","Baby Woman"]},{"question":"What is the name of the first fragrance released by Naomi Campbell in 2000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Naomi Campbell","choices":["Mystery","Cat Deluxe","Paradise Passion","Naomi Campbell"]},{"question":"Liza Minnelli is the daughter of this Academy Award and Grammy Award-winning actress and singer.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Judy Garland","choices":["Audrey Hepburn","Bette Davis","Ginger Rogers","Judy Garland"]},{"question":"Liza Minnelli received an Academy Award for her performance in which of the following movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cabaret","choices":["Arthur","Cabaret","The Sterile Cuckoo","New York, New York"]},{"question":"What actor starred alongside Liza Minnelli as her characters lover and music partner in Martin Scorseses 1977 musical movie New York, New York?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robert De Niro","choices":["Tom Jones","Frank Sinatra","Robert De Niro","Fred Astaire"]},{"question":"What honorary award did Liza Minnelli receive in 1990?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Grammy Legend Award","choices":["Tony Award","Grammy Legend Award","Honorary Academy Award","All of these"]},{"question":"How many children does Liza Minelli have?","category":"celebrities","answer":"None","choices":["Six","Two","None","Four"]},{"question":"What nickname was given to Liza Minnelli by music and theater critic William Ruhlmann?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Barbra Streisands little sister","choices":["Barbra Streisands bully","Barbra Streisands worst nightmare","Barbra Streisands little sister","Barbra Streisands lost twin sister"]},{"question":"What character did Liza Mnnelli voice in the 1974 animated film Journey Back to Oz?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dorothy","choices":["Dorothy","The Queen","Glinda, the Good Witch of the North","The Fairy"]},{"question":"Lisa Minnelli starred in this 1976 musical movie directed by her father, Vincente Minnelli.","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Matter of Time","choices":["A Matter of Time","Stepping Out","Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon","Thats Entertainment!"]},{"question":"In which U.S. state was Liza Minnelli born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"California","choices":["Florida","New York","Texas","California"]},{"question":"Liza Minnelli suffered from this serious medical condition in 2000, and the doctors predicted she would spend the rest of her life bound to a wheel chair, which did not happen.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Viral encephalitis","choices":["Paralysis","Viral encephalitis","All of these","Bulimia nervosa"]},{"question":"What is the name of Aretha Franklins debut album, recorded when she was fourteen?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Songs of Faith","choices":["Amazing Grace","Aretha Arrives","Songs of Faith","Aretha"]},{"question":"What happened to Aretha Franklin just when she turned thirteen?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She gave birth to a son.","choices":["She gave birth to a son.","All of these","She lost her mother.","She had a car accident."]},{"question":"What kind of phobia has Aretha Franklin occasionally had?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fear of flying","choices":["Fear of flying","Fear of heights","Fear of cats","Fear of graveyards"]},{"question":"Aretha Franklin became godmother of this RB singer.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Whitney Houston","choices":["Mariah Carey","Lauryn Hill","Beyonce Knowles","Whitney Houston"]},{"question":"What musical instrument did Aretha Franklin learn to play by herself when she was a child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Piano","choices":["Violin","Trumpet","Piano","Guitar"]},{"question":"What is the song that launched Aretha Franklin into the top of the charts in 1967?","category":"celebrities","answer":"I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You)","choices":["I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You)","Think","Baby I Love You","Chain of Fools"]},{"question":"What magazine ranked Aretha Franklin number one on the list of The Greatest Singers of All Time in 2008?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rolling Stone","choices":["People","Time","Rolling Stone","All of these"]},{"question":"President George W. Bush presented Aretha Franklin with this award on November 9, 2005.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Medal of Freedom","choices":["Peace Award","Medal of Grace","Lifetime Achievement Award","Medal of Freedom"]},{"question":"Who collaborated with Aretha Franklin on the 1987 single I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)?","category":"celebrities","answer":"George Michael","choices":["Michael Jackson","George Michael","Sting","Elton John"]},{"question":"What was the name of the character portrayed by Aretha Franklin in the 1998 movie Blues Brothers 2000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mrs. Murphy","choices":["Mother Mary Stigmata","Mrs. Murphy","Queen Mousette","Matara"]},{"question":"What was actress Demi Moore, born Demetria Gene Guynes, named after?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A beauty product","choices":["A beauty product","A flower","A sea resort","A novel character"]},{"question":"What condition did Demi Moore suffer from when she was a child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She was cross-eyed.","choices":["She had scoliosis.","She was cross-eyed.","All of these","She couldnt move her left hand."]},{"question":"This celebrity attended Fairfax High School in Hollywood at the same time Demi Moore did.","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Timothy Hutton","Anthony Kiedis","Michael Balzary, a.k.a. Flea","All of these"]},{"question":"What actress and friend of Demi Moore talked her into leaving school and taking up acting when she was sixteen?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nastassja Kinski","choices":["None of these","Paula Abdul","Tea Leoni","Nastassja Kinski"]},{"question":"On the cover of what magazine did Demi Moore appear nude and pregnant in 1991?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vanity Fair","choices":["Vogue","Rolling Stone","Harpers Bazaar","Vanity Fair"]},{"question":"What objects is Demi Moore known for collecting?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dolls","choices":["Dolls","Safety pins","Sunglasses","Scarves"]},{"question":"What is the name of Demi Moores first-born daughter?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rumer Glenn Willis","choices":["None of these","Scout LaRue Willis","Rumer Glenn Willis","Tallulah Belle Willis"]},{"question":"What actor did Demi Moore start dating in 2003?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ashton Kutcher","choices":["Ashton Kutcher","Mel Gibson","Bruce Willis","Freddy Moore"]},{"question":"What did Demi Moore do before playing the role of stripper Erin Grant in the 1996 movie Striptease?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Exercise regularly","Practice yoga","All of these","Read the book on which the movie was based"]},{"question":"In which of these movies did actress Demi Moore star alongside Robert Redford?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Indecent Proposal","choices":["Indecent Proposal","Ghost","All of these","Disclosure"]},{"question":"Name the 1995 movie in which Winona Ryred portrayed a young woman called Finn Dodd.","category":"celebrities","answer":"How to Make an American Quilt","choices":["How to Make an American Tapestry","How to Make an American Cloak","How to Make an American Blanket","How to Make an American Quilt"]},{"question":"What actor starred opposite Winona Ryder as her love interest in the 2000 movie Autumn in New York?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Richard Gere","choices":["Richard Gere","Ben Affleck","Keanu Reeves","John Travolta"]},{"question":"What is the occupation of Winona Ryders character Corky in the 1991 movie Night on Earth?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Taxi driver","choices":["Nurse","Taxi driver","Stripper","Musician"]},{"question":"What is the name of Winona Ryders character in the 1990 movie Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dinky","choices":["Peaches","Winky","Pixie","Dinky"]},{"question":"Winona Ryders performance in this movie earned her a nomination for the Razzie Award for Worst Actress.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mr. Deeds","choices":["Lost Souls","Strangers with Candy","All of these","Mr. Deeds"]},{"question":"What character did Winona Ryder portray in the 2006 movie A Scanner Darkly?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Donna Hawthorne","All of these","Audrey","Hank"]},{"question":"Name the 1993 movie that stars Winona Ryder as Blanca Trueba.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The House of the Spirits","choices":["The Haunting","The Witches of Eastwick","The House of the Spirits","Practical Magic"]},{"question":"Greta Garbo was born on 18 September 1905 in this country.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sweden","choices":["Sweden","Switzerland","Germany","Norway"]},{"question":"Where did Greta Garbo first work?","category":"celebrities","answer":"In a barbershop","choices":["In a bakery","In a cafeteria","In a barbershop","In an open market"]},{"question":"Which of the following ranked Greta Garbo the fifth greatest female film star of all time in 1999?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The American Film Institute","choices":["The American Film Institute","The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences","Time magazine","All of these"]},{"question":"Greta Garbo was born Greta Lovisa Gustafsson. Who gave her her stage name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Director Mauritz Stiller","choices":["Her best friend","Actor Lars Hanson","She came up with it.","Director Mauritz Stiller"]},{"question":"What close person did Greta Garbo lose in the beginning of her film career?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Actor Einar Hanson","Her sister","Director Mauritz Stiller","All of these"]},{"question":"What type of character did Greta Garbo portray in the 1926 silent movie Flesh and the Devil?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wife of a count","choices":["Murderer","Poor girl selling flowers on the street","Wife of a count","Chiromancer"]},{"question":"For her performance in what movie did Greta Garbo receive her first Academy Award nomination?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Anna Christie","choices":["Inspiration","The Temptress","Anna Christie","Romance"]},{"question":"What line delivered by Greta Garbo in the 1932 movie Grand Hotel became very famous and has often been quoted in reference to her real life?","category":"celebrities","answer":"I want to be alone.","choices":["No man is good enough for me.","Nothing in this world can make fall in love with a man like you.","I will be nobodys wife.","I want to be alone."]},{"question":"This movie with the catchy tagline Garbo laughs! was Greta Garbos first comedy.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ninotchka","choices":["Ninotchka","The Kiss","Camille","As You Desire Me"]},{"question":"The publication of her inevitable autobiography seems to have made her admit that she had had anorexia in the past. Actually one could have easily come up with the idea at the look of her skinny body. What is her name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Victoria Beckam","choices":["Marilyn Monroe","Cindy Crawford","Monica Bellucci","Victoria Beckam"]},{"question":"This celebrity made a public confession about her 2-in-1 combination, namely bulimia and anorexia.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jane Fonda","choices":["Naomi Campbell","Penelope Cruz","Alla Pugachova","Jane Fonda"]},{"question":"You think celebrities riches are endless? Ok, hear this: this 80s glamorous star had to declare herself bankrupt in order to handle the $8.1 million claim by the studio that sued her.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kim Basinger","choices":["Andie MacDowell","Catherine Zeta-Jones","Kim Basinger","Winona Ryder"]},{"question":"His inability to maintain a serious relationship with a woman, led this artist to numerous depressive conditions. This made his brother have him taken to a psychiatric asylum in Arles, in 1888.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vincent van Gogh","choices":["Claude Monet","Vincent van Gogh","Leonardo da Vinci","Paul Gaugin"]},{"question":"Although he is known as the voice of Mufasa the father lion in The Lion King and Darth Vader in the Star Wars film trilogy, this actor suffers from a speech impediment - he stutters.","category":"celebrities","answer":"James Earl Jones","choices":["James Earl Jones","Robert Deniro","Clint Eastwood","Leonardo Dicaprio"]},{"question":"In 1997 a cocktail of cocaine and alcohol stimulated the narcotic frenzy of this actor. He bit a man, and tried to get a police officers gun. By that time he was already known as a person having drug and alcohol problems.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Christian Slater","choices":["Brad Pitt","Antonio Banderas","Christian Slater","Keanu Reeves"]},{"question":"Overdosing on drugs, domestic abuse and penchanting for prostitutes around mid 90s were just some of the acts in this actors repertory.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Charlie Sheen","choices":["Martin Sheen","Charlie Sheen","Kris Kristofferson","Charlie Chaplin"]},{"question":"Having her first baby is a priority for every woman. But it can sometimes cause problems, as it was with a famous singer, who had to deliver her baby two months early.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sophie Ellis-Bextor","choices":["Jennifer Lopez","Whitney Houston","Victoria Beckam","Sophie Ellis-Bextor"]},{"question":"This marathon runner suffered from asthma almost her entire life.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paula Radcliffe","choices":["Paula Radcliffe","Karen Parsons","Steve Sercombe","Dominique Moceanu"]},{"question":"Being a US president does not guarantee strong health and longevity. This American president was diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease and had a quadruple by-pass operation.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bill Clinton","choices":["James Earl Carter","Ronald Reagan","Bill Clinton","George Bush"]},{"question":"Born on February 18,1954 in Englewood, John Travolta was the only child of Helen and Salvatore Travolta.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How old was John Travolta, when he got his first professional job in a summer stock production of the musical Bye Bye Birdie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"16","choices":["18","16","8","11"]},{"question":"John Travolta turned down the leading roles in Days of Heaven (1978), American Gigolo (1980) and An Officer and a Gentleman (1982). All these roles were played by which actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Richard Gere","choices":["Val Kilmer","Richard Gere","Tom Cruise","George Clooney"]},{"question":"Which of the following movies did not star John Travolta?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Doors (1991)","choices":["Phenomenon (1996)","The Doors (1991)","Urban Cowboy (1980)","Pulp Fiction (1994)"]},{"question":"Who portrayed Sarah Sanderson in the 1993 movie Hocus Pocus?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sarah Jessica Parker","choices":["Courtney Thorne-Smith","Tiffani-Amber Thiessen","Melissa Suzanne McBride","Sarah Jessica Parker"]},{"question":"Who portrayed Jimmy James in the movies Barbershop (2002) and Barbershop 2 (2004)?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sean Patrick Thomas","choices":["Malcolm-Jamal Warner","Carl Anthony Payne II","Sean Patrick Thomas","Rodney Allen Ripley"]},{"question":"Name the actor who portrayed Dave Starsky in the original Starsky and Hutch TV series?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paul Michael Glaser","choices":["Paul Michael Glaser","Billy Bob Thornton","Robert Curtis Brown","Mark Linn Baker"]},{"question":"Which actor played the role of Brian Johnson in the 1985 movie The Breakfast Club?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Anthony Michael Hall","choices":["Ilan Mitchell-Smith","Anthony Michael Hall","Joseph Gordon Levitt","Haley Joel Osment"]},{"question":"Who played Cheryl, Jims wife in the comedy TV series According to Jim?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Courtney Thorne Smith","choices":["Courtney Thorne Smith","Sarah Jessica Parker","Jodi Lyn OKeefe","Jennifer Jason Leigh"]},{"question":"Who is remembered as Larry Appleton on the 1986 ABC TV series hit Perfect Strangers?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mark Linn Baker","choices":["Paul Michael Glaser","Douglas Brian Martin","Billy Bob Thornton","Mark Linn Baker"]},{"question":"Which actress played Nikki Reed Newman on the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Melody Thomas Scott","choices":["Melody Thomas Scott","Serena Scott Thomas","Kristin Scott Thomas","Tonja Lee Williams"]},{"question":"The TV show Charmed, which started in 1998, starred Shannen Doherty and Alyssa Milano as sisters Prudence and Phoebe Halliwell. Which actress played the other sister, Piper?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Holly Marie Combs","choices":["Holly Marie Combs","Lara Flynn Boyle","Jennifer Love Hewitt","Melissa Sue Anderson"]},{"question":"Who portrayed Charles Winchester III on the long-running TV series M*A*S*H*?","category":"celebrities","answer":"David Ogden Stiers","choices":["Brian Doyle-Murray","George Lee Andrews","John Sylvester White","David Ogden Stiers"]},{"question":"He has played Col. William A. McNamara, Harry S. Stamper and Lieutenant A.K. Waters.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bruce Willis","choices":["Mel Gibson","Bruce Willis","Keanu Reeves","Samuel Jackson"]},{"question":"We have seen him on the big screen as Pascal Sauvage, Humma Kavula and General Thomas Timms.","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Malkovich","choices":["Bill Bailey","John Malkovich","Mos Def","Javier Bardem"]},{"question":"He has played Miles Massey, Danny Ocean and Captain Charles Bosche.","category":"celebrities","answer":"George Clooney","choices":["George Clooney","Jeremy Davies","Brad Pitt","Matt Damon"]},{"question":"On the big screen, we have seen her as Joanna Eberhart, Grace Margaret Mulligan and Virginia Woolf.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nicole Kidman","choices":["Meg Ryan","Nicole Kidman","Caroline OConnor","Elisha Curtbert"]},{"question":"This actor has played Sam Dawson, Jimmy Markum and Emmet Ray.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sean Penn","choices":["Sean Penn","Brad Pitt","Bruce Willis","Kevin Bacon"]},{"question":"We have seen her on the big screen as Erin Brockovich, Maggie Carpenter and Samantha Barzel.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Julia Roberts","choices":["Halle Berry","Tisha Campbell","Vivica A. Fox","Julia Roberts"]},{"question":"One the big screen, he has been known as Lewis Bartholomew, Dave Boyle and Andy Dufresne.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tim Robbins","choices":["Tim Robbins","Kevin Chapman","Danny Huston","John Rubinstein"]},{"question":"We seen her as Jane Bordeaux, Grace Needham and Mette Gauguin on the big screen.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nastassja Kinski","choices":["Katie Holmes","Catherine Kwong","Nastassja Kinski","Angelina Jolie"]},{"question":"We know him as Roger Verbal Kint, Lt. Chris Sabian and Michael Lynch from the big screen.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kevin Spacey","choices":["Stephen Dillane","Kevin Spacey","Tim Robbins","David Hayman"]},{"question":"He has played Monroe Hutchens, Max Carlyle and Dean Cage.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wesley Snipes","choices":["Wesley Snipes","David Caruso","Sylvester Stallone","Bob Gunton"]},{"question":"Paris Hilton, one of the four heirs to the Hilton Hotel fortune, is a socialite, fashion model, actor and singer. What is the name of her 19-year-old sister who shares her fame and interests in social life and fashion?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nicky Hilton","choices":["Nicky Hilton","Samantha Hilton","Sue Hilton","Lily Hilton"]},{"question":"Teen star Hilary Duff, one of the best known pop singers and teen actresses, has what less famous sibling who shares her musical and screen career?","category":"celebrities","answer":"An older sister","choices":["A younger sister","A twin sister","A younger brother","An older sister"]},{"question":"Brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher are the original members of what world-famous British rock band?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Oasis","choices":["The Rolling Stones","Pink Floyd","The Eagles","Oasis"]},{"question":"Which of these popular girl pop groups has siblings for two of its band members?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All Saints","choices":["Spice Girls","M2M","All Saints","Girls Aloud"]},{"question":"Kelly and Jack Osbourne, who rose to fame through the reality TV series The Osbournes, have a sibling named Aimee.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"British pop singers Natasha Bedingfield and Daniel Bedingfield, who entered the Guinness World Record as the only brother and sister to have solo number-ones in UK chart history, started their music careers in their duo called The DNA Algorithm.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of these Academy Award-winning American actors has a little brother that followed his acting career?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ben Affleck","choices":["Nicolas Cage","Michael Douglas","Ben Affleck","Tom Hanks"]},{"question":"Oklahoma Pop Rock band Hanson, known for the hit song MMMBop, was formed by how many brothers?","category":"celebrities","answer":"3","choices":["3","7","5","1"]},{"question":"Twin sisters Monica and Gabriela Irimia that make up the disco pop duo The Cheeky Girls originally come from which Balkan country?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Romania","choices":["Croatia","Bulgaria","Greece","Romania"]},{"question":"This beauty was often compared to Marilyn Monroe. Her daughter plays Olivia Benson on Law and Order SVU.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jayne Mansfield","choices":["Rita Hayworth","Mae West","Jayne Mansfield","Kim Novak"]},{"question":"She has a twin whose name starts with an M. They have their own series and starred in many shows such as So little time.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ashley","choices":["Madison","Ashley","Julia","Candy"]},{"question":"She stars in the MTV show Chaotic.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Britney Spears","choices":["Jessica Simpson","Cher","Kelly Osborne","Britney Spears"]},{"question":"He sang Cry Me A River and his initials are JK.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is the name of the celebrity who starred in a hit show on Disney channel?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hilary","choices":["Ashley","Lindsay","Hilary","Lizze Mcguire"]},{"question":"Originally in Dream Street, he has since had a platinum album called Beautiful Soul.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jesse","choices":["John","Jesse","Joey","Justin"]},{"question":"See You in Hell","category":"celebrities","answer":"Grim Reaper","choices":["Slayer","Grim Reaper","Overkill","King Diamond"]},{"question":"Surprise--Youre Dead!","category":"celebrities","answer":"Faith No More","choices":["Meshuggah","Sepultura","Faith No More","Twisted Sister"]},{"question":"Cult of Personality","category":"celebrities","answer":"Living Colour","choices":["Enuff Znuff","Faster Pussycat","The Cult","Living Colour"]},{"question":"God Hates Us All","category":"celebrities","answer":"Slayer","choices":["Malevolent Creation","Slayer","King Diamond","Ministry"]},{"question":"Psalm 69","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ministry","choices":["Ministry","Judas Priest","Exodus","Testament"]},{"question":"Close My Eyes Forever","category":"celebrities","answer":"Both","choices":["Both","Ozzy Osbourne","Lita Ford","Neither"]},{"question":"Blood-red Skies; Hellbent for Leather","category":"celebrities","answer":"Judas Priest","choices":["Judas Priest","Pantera","Iron Maiden","Savatage"]},{"question":"Vulgar Display of Power","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pantera","choices":["Sepultura","Pantera","Death","Prong"]},{"question":"The Flight of Icarus; Stranger in a Strange Land; The Rime of the Ancient Mariner; Hallowed be Thy Name","category":"celebrities","answer":"Iron Maiden","choices":["Love/Hate","Bio-Hazard","Iron Maiden","Bang Tango"]},{"question":"Blackout in the Red Room","category":"celebrities","answer":"Love/Hate","choices":["Tesla","Love/Hate","Stone Temple Pilots","Bang Tango"]},{"question":"Adam Sandler took part in what MTV game show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Remote Control","choices":["Real World/Road Rules Challenge","Remote Control","Singled Out","Lip Service"]},{"question":"Adam Sandler was a cast member on which of these sketch comedy shows?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Saturday Night Live","choices":["MAD TV","Hee Haw","Saturday Night Live","In Living Color"]},{"question":"When Adam Sandler got married in 2003, his beloved bulldog was at the wedding.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In what movie did Adam Sandler play Paul Wrecking Crewe?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Longest Yard","choices":["Big Daddy","The Longest Yard","Punch Drunk Love","The Wedding Singer"]},{"question":"In The Wedding Singer, Adam Sandlers character told his ex-fiancee Linda to take off what bands T-shirt before she jinxed it and broke up the band?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Van Halen","choices":["Twisted Sister","Night Ranger","Van Halen","Blue Oyster Cult"]},{"question":"Adam Sandler wrote a song about this popular hot sandwich.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sloppy joes","choices":["Pizza","Hot ham and cheese","Sloppy joes","Burritos"]},{"question":"What is the name of the production company, founded by Adam Sandler?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Happy Madison","choices":["Meat and Matzo","Billy Gilmore","Forever Farley","Happy Madison"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not mentioned in Adam Sandlers seasonal favorite The Hanukkah Song?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Burt Reynolds","choices":["O.J. Simpson","Captain Kirk","Dinah Shore","Burt Reynolds"]},{"question":"What are the names of Adam Sandlers parents?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Stan and Judy","choices":["Stan and Judy","Simon and Jackie","Sam and Janet","Stuart and Julia"]},{"question":"I played a writer named Jack Torrance, who moves into the Overlook Hotel with his wife (Wendy) and son (Danny). Who am I?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jack Nicholson","choices":["Michael Douglas","Jack Nicholson","Robert De Niro","Robert Duvall"]},{"question":"I played Monica E. Gellar (a chef) on the sitcom Friends. Who am I?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Courteney Cox-Arquette","choices":["Jennifer Aniston","Courteney Cox-Arquette","None of these","Lisa Kudrow"]},{"question":"I played Rose Nylund from St. Olaf, Minnesota on the sitcom The Golden Girls. I was the quietest one of the four roommates. Who am I?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Betty White","choices":["Betty White","Estelle Getty","Rue McClanahan","Beatrice Arthur"]},{"question":"I played Tootie on the Facts of Life. I was often seen on roller skates. Who am I?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kim Fields","choices":["Sherrie Krenn","Kim Fields","Mindy Cohn","Nancy McKeon"]},{"question":"I played Chachi (Fonzies cousin) on the sitcom Happy Days. Who am I?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Scott Baio","choices":["Tom Bosley","Scott Baio","Ron Howard","Donny Most"]},{"question":"Gary Coleman played Willis on the sitcom Different Strokes.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"I played Arnie Grape, a handicapped boy in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape? Who am I?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Leonardo DiCaprio","choices":["None of these","Leonardo DiCaprio","Johnny Depp","Matthew Broderick"]},{"question":"Actor Nicolas Cage is a high school drop-out.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Did Nicolas Cage appear in Fast Times At Ridgemont High?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"In what time-travel film did Nicolas Cage play Charlie Bodell, lead singer of a high school band?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Peggy Sue Got Married","choices":["Honeymoon In Vegas","Peggy Sue Got Married","The Weather Man","Fast Times At Ridgemont High"]},{"question":"In what movie did Nicolas Cage portray Ben Sanderson, a depressed alcoholic screenwriter?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Leaving Las Vegas","choices":["Honeymoon In Vegas","Viva Las Vegas","Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas","Leaving Las Vegas"]},{"question":"What is the name of Nicolas Cages son born on December 26, 1990?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Weston","choices":["Kal-El","David","Waren","Weston"]},{"question":"Nicolas Cage co-starred in a movie opposite his then-wife, Patricia Arquette.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What was the name of the character, portrayed by Nicolas cage in The Rock?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Stanley Goodspeed","choices":["Stanley Goodheart","Stanley Godspeed","Stanley Goodspeed","Stanley Godsent"]},{"question":"What was the name Nicolas Cages character in City Of Angels?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Seth","choices":["Gabriel","Michael","Messenger","Seth"]},{"question":"I was born February 28, 1961 in Edmonton, Alberta. My father is Chinese and Scotch-Irish while my mother is African American and Cherokee. My 2nd husband was actor C. Thomas Howell and we divorced in 1990. Who am I?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rae Dawn Chong","choices":["Rosario Dawson","Tonya Pinkins","Demi Moore","Rae Dawn Chong"]},{"question":"I was born in 1956 on the island of Cuba and my family immigrated to the United States in 1961. Some of my co-stars on the big screen have been Meg Ryan, George Clooney and Ray Liotta. Who am I?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Andy Garcia","choices":["Benicio Del Toro","Andy Garcia","Freddie Prince Jr.","Antonio Banderas"]},{"question":"I was born in April of 1900 and died just 17 days after the filming of my last movie was completed. Some of my co-stars included Katharine Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Mickey Rooney and Gene Kelly. Who am I?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Spencer Tracy","choices":["Paul Harvey","Humphrey Bogart","Spencer Tracy","Maury Povich"]},{"question":"I was born in 1976 and got my first break in a movie called The Man in The Moon in 1991. Who am I?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Reese Witherspoon","choices":["Blu Cantrell","Reese Witherspoon","Keri Russell","Naomi Watts"]},{"question":"Who are Hilarys Parents?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bob and Susan","choices":["Bill and Susan","Bill and Sally","Bob and Susan","Bob nad Sally"]},{"question":"Hilary Duffs real hair color is blonde","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Success came to Hilary Duff as she took the role of the starring title character in this #1 Disney Channel Hit Series.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lizzie McGuire","choices":["7th Heaven","One Tree Hill","Lizzie McGuire","Even Stevens"]},{"question":"Was Joel Madden, lead singer for Good Charlotte ever Hilary Duffs boyfriend?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Which of the following movies did Hilary Duff not play in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Undiscovered","choices":["The Perfect Man","Undiscovered","Raise Your Voice","The Lizzie McGuire Movie"]},{"question":"Hilary Duff has done charity work for Kids With a Cause.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In 2005 Hilary Duff starred in a sequel to which 2003 movie of hers?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cheaper by the Dozen","choices":["The Perfect Man","Raise Your Voice","The Lizzie McGuuire Movie","Cheaper by the Dozen"]},{"question":"Which one of these movies did Zac Efron star in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"High School Musical","choices":["Mean Girls","High School Musical","Take the Lead","Step Up"]},{"question":"Lindsay Lohan starred in Mean Girls.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which one of these stars appeared in all of the following movies: Hide and Seek, Dreamer, Nine Lives, The Cat in the Hat, and Uptown Girls?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dakota Fanning","choices":["Dakota Fanning","Vanessa Ann Hudgens","Lindsay Lohan","Brittany Murphy"]},{"question":"In which of these films did Hilary Duff star?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of the Above","choices":["Cheaper by the Dozen","All of the Above","Raise your Voice","Material Girls"]},{"question":"Which of the following songs was performed by Paris Hilton?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Stars Are Blind","choices":["Men Are a Bind","Men Are Blind","Stars Are Blind","Stars Go Blue"]},{"question":"Who sang the song Come Back to Me, released in 2006?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vanessa Anne Hudgens","choices":["Paris Hilton","Hilary Duff","Ashley Tisdale","Vanessa Anne Hudgens"]},{"question":"Tinkerbell is the famous pet of which celebrity?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paris Hilton","choices":["Lindsay Lohan","Hilary Duff","Fergie","Paris Hilton"]},{"question":"Daniel Radcliffe is the star of what popular movie(s)?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Harry Potter","choices":["Lord of the Rings","Pirates of the Caribbean","Harry Potter","The Hobbit"]},{"question":"Will Smith starred in the sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What fantasy/adventure movie, starring Edward Speleers, was released in December 2006?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eragon","choices":["Eragon","Dragon boy","Jurassic Park 4","Quest for Camelot"]},{"question":"Max Born, a German mathematician and physicist who won a Nobel Prize in 1954, was the grandfather of what pop vocalist?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Olivia Newton-John","choices":["Cyndi Lauper","Billy Joel","Jimmy Buffet","Olivia Newton-John"]},{"question":"TV actor and director Anson Potsie Williams is the nephew of this medical doctor who developed a procedure for drowning rescue and for treating asthma.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Henry Heimlich","choices":["Jack Kevorkian","Benjamin Spock","Henry Heimlich","C. Everett Koop"]},{"question":"D. H. Lawrence, the British author of Sons and Lovers, was married to Frieda Weekley whose cousin gained fame for his heroism during World War I. What was his name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Red Baron von Richthofen","choices":["Ernest Hemingway","Alvin York","Winthrop Roosevelt","Red Baron von Richthofen"]},{"question":"Her grandfather Frank was not only a high-ranking amateur tennis player who made it to the finals of Wimbledon, but he also co-starred with Mickey Rooney in a 1937 movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brooke Shields","choices":["Brooke Astor","Brooke Shields","Brooke Adams","Brooke Smith"]},{"question":"In 1964, when this celebrity was just a 6-year-old boy, his famous father appeared on the cover of Time magazine because of his renown as a city planner.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kevin Bacon","choices":["Kevin Kline","Kevin Rooney","Kevin Smith","Kevin Bacon"]},{"question":"Oscar-winning screenwriter Budd Schulberg, who penned both On the Waterfront and A Face in the Crowd, is the son of B.P. Schulberg, who ran which Hollywood studio during the 1930s?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paramount Pictures","choices":["Warner Brothers","Columbia Pictures","Paramount Pictures","RKO"]},{"question":"This American filmmaker was well poised to lampoon British characters since his own father Baron Saling of Essex was a British royal.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Christopher Guest","choices":["Harold Lloyd","Christopher Guest","Charlie Chaplin","Christopher Lloyd"]},{"question":"This darling of the American TV sitcom world, famous for her role in Seinfeld, is unlikely to have pursued success purely for monetary reasons, since her father was reported to be a billionaire.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Julia Louis-Dreyfus","choices":["Jeanna Elfman","Julia Louis-Dreyfus","Barbara Eden","Audrey Meadows"]},{"question":"Name the American TV and movie comedy star whose father was a prominent New York book editor and whose mother was descended from the Crane plumbing-fixture family.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chevy Chase","choices":["Chevy Chase","Goldie Hawn","Gilda Radner","Dan Ackroyd"]},{"question":"After hitting 58 home runs for the Detroit Tigers in 1938, slugger Hank Greenberg made a huge hit with a major department-store owner in 1946 when he married his daughter, Caral. What was the name of the department-store chain?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gimbels","choices":["Macys","Filenes","Wal-Mart","Gimbels"]},{"question":"Stiller played a record company owner named Jay Rose . Can you name this Ben Stiller movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Suburbans","choices":["The Suburbans","Pauly Shore Is Dead","Run Ronnie Run","The Independent"]},{"question":"Which one of these friendly actresses once held a job as a telemarketer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jennifer Aniston","choices":["Lisa Kudrow","Jennifer Aniston","Courtney Cox - Arquette","Maggie Wheeler"]},{"question":"Which of these occupations did Caryn Elaine Johnson fill, prior to becoming famous as the ubiquitous Whoopi Goldberg?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Funeral Parlor Employee","Actress in short lived TV series, entitled Baghdad Cafe.","All of these","Brick Mason"]},{"question":"Which famous actor got fired from his job as a waiter in a restaurant, after consuming 6 steaks in one night for his dinner?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dustin Hoffman","choices":["Tom Hanks","Jon Voight","Clint Eastwood","Dustin Hoffman"]},{"question":"Which of the following actors is also a lawyer, and was once a U.S. Senator?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fred Thompson","choices":["Martin Sheen","Martin Short","Fred Thompson","Ronald Reagan"]},{"question":"Prior to becoming a well known actress, what was one of the ways Camryn Mannheim, of The Practice earned a living?","category":"celebrities","answer":"As a Babysitter","choices":["As a Meter Maid","As a Food Technician","As a Landscape Designer","As a Babysitter"]},{"question":"You need a home Exterminator, so you call a service, and a guy shows up to do the job. What famous actor do you suppose was in your basement, hunting up pests and rodents?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Warren Beatty","choices":["Tom Cruise","Russell Crowe","Gene Hackman","Warren Beatty"]},{"question":"Actress Calista Flockhart once worked as an Aerobics Instructor.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which famous actor once considered a career as a Roman Catholic priest, prior to following the acting muse?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tom Cruise","choices":["Ice T","Daniel Day - Lewis","Kiefer Sutherland","Tom Cruise"]},{"question":"What job did Madonna hold, soon after her arrival in New York City?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cashier at Dunkin Donuts","choices":["Cashier at Dunkin Donuts","Transit Worker","Theater Usher","Bookkeeper"]},{"question":"Tom adopted Isabella and Connor while married to this actress.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nicole Kidman","choices":["Nicole Kidman","Penélope Cruz","Katie Holmes","Mimi Rogers"]},{"question":"This is where Tom proposed to Katie Holmes in June 2005.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Eiffel Tower","choices":["The Chinese Wall","The Eiffel Tower","Empire State Building","Bali"]},{"question":"In this 1986 movie Tom Cruise performed all his billiards shots except one, where he had to jump two balls to sink another. The director wanted him to learn this trick but it would have taken a couple of days, thus costing thousands of dollars extra.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Color of Money","choices":["The Color of Money","Far and Away","Mission: Impossible","Collateral"]},{"question":"This is the number of schools he attended while a teenager.","category":"celebrities","answer":"15","choices":["15","25","20","10"]},{"question":"This is Tom Cruises film with the greatest number of errors, 109.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Top Gun","choices":["Top Gun","Vanilla Sky","Eyes Wide Shut","Mission: Impossible"]},{"question":"The original title of this movie was a translation of its Spanish version, namely Open Your Eyes. The director, Cameron Crowe, wanted to give this films name to another movie of his - Almost Famous.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vanilla Sky","choices":["Jerry Maguire","Cocktail","Days of Thunder","Vanilla Sky"]},{"question":"In this movie a real sword was used as the fake one broke in the sequence. In one scene the sword came within an inch of Toms neck.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Last Samurai","choices":["The Last Samurai","Jerry Maguire","Far and Away","Risky Business"]},{"question":"Tom caused a big stir among the medical society when he declared that his dyslexia was cured with the help of this new religion.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Scientology","choices":["Buddhism","Scientology","Shintoism","Kabbalah"]},{"question":"In 1996, he became the first actor in history to star in five consecutive films that grossed $100 million in USA. The films were A Few Good Men (1992), The Firm (1993), Interview with the Vampire (1994), Mission: Impossible (1996) and this 1996 movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jerry Maguire","choices":["Born on the Fourth of July","Eyes Wide Shut","Vanilla Sky","Jerry Maguire"]},{"question":"Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born in Thal, Austria on 30 July in the same year Carlos Santana was born. Which year?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1947","choices":["1960","1957","1945","1947"]},{"question":"The parents of Arnold - Gustav Schwarzenegger and Aurelia Jadrny, were persecuted by the Nazi party.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Schwarzenegger first became famous as a bodybuilder. He won the titles of Junior Mr. Europe, Mr. World, IFBB Mr. Universe, NABBA Mr. Universe (four times), and Mr. Olympia (seven times). What was the moniker that he earned?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Austrian Oak","choices":["The Aryan Oak","The Winner","The European Bull","The Austrian Oak"]},{"question":"In 1986, Arnold Schwarzenegger married the actress Brigitte Nielsen.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Arnold Schwarzenegger worked in the United Kingdom for a while, before he moved to the US in this year. He had only $20 in his pocket and could not speak English very well.","category":"celebrities","answer":"1968","choices":["1968","1975","1960","1983"]},{"question":"The fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger used anabolic steroids is well-known. He admitted and clarified that he used them for this purpose.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Muscle maintenance","choices":["Muscle maintenance","Losing weight","Muscle growth","Curing his heart problems"]},{"question":"After a long career as a professional bodybuilder, Arnold began to pursue a career as an actor. His first movie appearance was in Conan the Barbarian.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny De Vito played together in this movie. Their characters were brothers, raised separately at different locations, not knowing about each other.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Twins (1988)","choices":["Red Heat (1988)","Twins (1988)","The Running Man (1987)","Junior (1994)"]},{"question":"Schwarzenegger has been a Republican ever since he came to the US. In 2003 he became the Governor of California, serving the remainder of this mans term.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gray Davis","choices":["Peter Pilz","Gray Davis","Pete Wilson","Cruz Bustamante"]},{"question":"In 1992, Arnold Schwarzenegger became the first owner of a Hummer vehicle manufactured for civilian use (this is true). The original Hummer was so large, that it was classified as a large truck.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"When was actor Tom Hanks born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"July 9, 1956","choices":["June 14, 1948","July 9, 1956","December 8, 1951","August 4, 1960"]},{"question":"Where was Tom Hanks born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Concord, California USA","choices":["Toronto, Canada","Kiev, Ukraine","Sacramento, California USA","Concord, California USA"]},{"question":"What city did Tom Hanks move to in 1978?","category":"celebrities","answer":"New York City, New York","choices":["Boston, Massachusetts","New York City, New York","Minneapolis, Minnesota","Seattle, Washington"]},{"question":"What real life detective did Tom Hanks portray in the 2002 film Catch Me If You Can?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Carl Hanratty","choices":["Carl Hanratty","Frank Bignale Sr.","Jack Barnes","Roger Strong"]},{"question":"In the movie Forrest Gump, how many presidents does Forrest meet?","category":"celebrities","answer":"3","choices":["4","3","1","5"]},{"question":"In which of these movie pairs did Gart Sinise co-star with Tom Hanks?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Forrest Gump and Apollo 13","choices":["Forrest Gump and Apollo 13","Philadelphia and Big","Apollo 13 and Splash","Big and Forrest Gump"]},{"question":"When did Tom Hanks win back-to-back Academy Awards for best actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1993 and 1994","choices":["1993 and 1994","1994 and 1995","1992 and 1993","1990 and 1991"]},{"question":"Who was Tom Hanks running partner for The Bad Haircut Party?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Conan OBrien","choices":["Conan OBrien","David Letterman","Craig Ferguson","Jay Leno"]},{"question":"How is actor Tom Hanks probably related to Abraham Lincoln?","category":"celebrities","answer":"third cousin, four times removed","choices":["third cousin, four times removed","cousin, twice removed","great nephew","great great grandson"]},{"question":"Who did Tom Hanks portray in the 1995 film Apollo 13?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jim Lovell","choices":["Gene Kranz","Buzz Aldrin","Jim Lovell","Pete Conrad"]},{"question":"American comedian, actor and writer, Steve Martin was born in Waco, Texas in what year?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1945","choices":["1935","1945","1947","1955"]},{"question":"Actor and comedian Steve Martin attended which two educational institutions?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Santa Ana College and California State University, Long Beach","choices":["Santa Ana College and California State University, Long Beach","Santa Ana College and UCLA","USC and Santa Ana College","Santa Ana College and USC"]},{"question":"In 1969, Steve Martin received an Emmy Award in what category?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Writing","choices":["Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Special","Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series","Producing","Writing"]},{"question":"Steve Martins film debut, in the short movie The Absent-Minded Waiter was in what year?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1977","choices":["1987","1967","1980","1977"]},{"question":"In 1979, Steve Martin wrote and starred in his first full-length movie, named what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Jerk","choices":["Bringing Down the House","The Spanish Prisoner","The Jerk","Shopgirl"]},{"question":"Steve Martin made his first appearance on The Tonight Show, hosted by Johny Carson, in what year?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1972","choices":["1972","1970","1968","1971"]},{"question":"This album, which in 1977 won the Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album, was Steve Martins first.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lets Get Small","choices":["Lets Get Small","Introducing Steve Martin","A Wild and Crazy Guy","Excuse Me!"]},{"question":"This 1986 comedy western file was written by Steve Martin and Lorne Michaels.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Three Amigos!","choices":["The Jerk","Dead Men Dont Wear Plaid","Three Amigos!","All of Me"]},{"question":"This 1991 movie, directed by Mick Jackson, tells the story of weatherman Harris K. Telemacher, portrayed by Steve Martin.","category":"celebrities","answer":"L.A. Story","choices":["L.A. Story","Grand Canyon","Pennies From Heaven","The Out of Towners"]},{"question":"This play, set on October 8, 1904, was written by Steve Martin in 1994.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Picasso at the Lapin Agile","choices":["Picasso at the Lapin Agile","The Tempest","The Sleeping Prince","Saved"]},{"question":"Jack Nicholsons first academy award nomination came for portraying a southern lawyer in the film Easy Rider.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Jack Nicholson holds the record for number of acting academy award nominations received in the history of cinema.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which actress did not appear with Jack Nicholson in the film The Witches of Eastwick?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jessica Lange","choices":["Michelle Phiffer","Jessica Lange","Susan Sarandon","Cher"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not an academy award winning character portrayed by Jack Nicholson?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jack Torrance","choices":["Melvin Udall","Garrett Breedlove","Randle P. McMurphy","Jack Torrance"]},{"question":"What kind of character did Jack Nicholson portray in the movie Terms of Endearment?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A retired astronaut","choices":["A fired C.E.O. of an Electronics company","A retired astronaut","A fired cattle rancher","A retired banker"]},{"question":"In the film The Last Detail Jack Nicholsons character works in the oil fields, but is really an accomplished pianist.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"With 3 of Jack Nicholson Oscar wins, his female costar in the respective movie has also won an Oscar.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these performers has Jack Nicholson not appeared in a movie with?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paul Newman","choices":["Marlon Brando","Barbara Streisand","Robert DeNiro","Paul Newman"]},{"question":"You cant handle the truth. is a famous Jack Nicholson quote from what movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Few Good Men","choices":["A Few Good Men","The Last Detail","Ironweed","The King of Marvin Gardens"]},{"question":"Which of these movies did Jack Nicholson not appear in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Score","choices":["Broadcast News","The Score","The Fortune","Tommy"]},{"question":"Where does he get all those wonderful toys? is a quote from what Jack Nicholson film?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Batman","choices":["Anger Management","The Shinning","Batman","The King of Marvin Gardens"]},{"question":"In The Raven, Jack Nicholson gets to perform with Boris Karloff and Vincent Price, and Peter Lorre.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What 1958 movie marked Jack Nicholsons debut as an actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Cry Baby Killer","choices":["Little Shop of Horrors","Psych Out","The Shooting","The Cry Baby Killer"]},{"question":"On July 2nd 1986, Lindsay Morgan Lohan was born to Dina and Michael Lohan in New York City, New York. She was then raised in this town.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cold Spring Harbor, New York","choices":["Saginaw City, Michigan","Elbridge, New York","Newburgh, New York","Cold Spring Harbor, New York"]},{"question":"Lindsay began her career at this age, as a model of Ford Academy. Finding work as a child model was rather difficult at first, because her auburn hair and freckled face werent very popular.","category":"celebrities","answer":"3","choices":["2","3","5","4"]},{"question":"In a 2004 movie, Lindsay Lohan played a girl who lived in Africa for her first 15 years. Suddenly, she has to learn what high school in the U.S. means and how to survive it (this is true). The movie was a Disney production.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In this non-musical MTV show, a practical joke was played on Lindsay Lohan- the show crew made her believe that a vehicle had been stolen. Can you remember the name of the show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Punkd","choices":["Punkd","Boiling Point","Diary","Direct Effect"]},{"question":"Lindsay entered the world of pop music when she signed a five-album production deal with Emilio Estefan in 2002. In 2003, she performed this song for the Freaky Friday soundtrack.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ultimate","choices":["Happy Together","Ultimate","I Wonder","Backstage"]},{"question":"In 2004 Lindsay Lohan dated the actor Wilmer Valderrama.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Lohan signed a recording contract with Casablanca Records in 2004, and her debut album was released on 7th of December of the same year. What was the name of the album?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Speak","choices":["Speak","Over","First","Rumors"]},{"question":"Lindsay Lohan has played in one of the movies in the Herbie series- Herbie: Fully Loaded. What was the name of her character in the movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Maggie Peyton","choices":["Charisma","Maggie Peyton","Sally","Mary Elizabeth Cep/Lola"]},{"question":"Lindsay is involved in many charity organisations and projects, such as The Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Foundation, Save the Children and The United Cerebral Palsy Association. She also has her own charity organisation, called this.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dream Come True","choices":["Dream Come True","For The Children","Abolish Slavery - Soon","Distressed Celebrities"]},{"question":"Lindsay has three younger siblings- Michael, Dakota and this girl.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Aliana","choices":["Aliana","Kate","Dina","Allison"]},{"question":"They called her this, because her body shape bears resemblance to it.","category":"celebrities","answer":"La Guitarra","choices":["La Guitarra","The Pear","Coca Cola","La Piovra"]},{"question":"She started taking dancing and singing lessons at this age.","category":"celebrities","answer":"5","choices":["12","2","5","15"]},{"question":"Before becoming a star Jennifer did work with this celebrity.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Janet Jackson","choices":["Latoya Jackson","Madonna","Janet Jackson","Aretha Franklyn"]},{"question":"For her part in Selena Jennifer was paid this sum.","category":"celebrities","answer":"$1 million","choices":["$1 million","$2 million","$3 million","$4 million"]},{"question":"Jennifer Lopez was born there.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bronx, New York","choices":["Bronx, New York","Rio De Janeiro, Brazil","Mexico City, Mexico","Los Angeles, California"]},{"question":"This is the name of Jennifers own line of perfume.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Glow","choices":["Sparkle","Flash","Twinkle","Glow"]},{"question":"She does not drink this.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Alcohol","choices":["Soda pop","Coca Cola","Alcohol","Natural juices"]},{"question":"For her role in Gigli Jennifer won Razie for this.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Worst actress","choices":["Best kiss","Best actress","Worst actress","Best debut"]},{"question":"Lopez attended this kind of high-school.","category":"celebrities","answer":"All-girl high school","choices":["Minorities-only high school","Catholic high school","Mixed high school","All-girl high school"]},{"question":"In 2001 Jennifer Lopez was ranked this in FHMs 100 Sexiest Women list.","category":"celebrities","answer":"# 1","choices":["# 4","# 1","# 2","# 3"]},{"question":"What is the name of Tom Hanks character in the movie The Green Mile?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paul Edgecomb","choices":["Paul Edgecomb","Rick Gasko","Ray Petersen","Chuck Noland"]},{"question":"What is the name of Tom Hanks character is the movie The Burbs?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ray Petersen","choices":["Sam Baldwin","Ray Petersen","Allen Bauer","Joe Banks"]},{"question":"What is the name of the character played by Tom Hanks in the movie Castaway?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chuck Noland","choices":["Carl Hanratty","Jimmy Dugan","Chuck Noland","Paul Edgecomb"]},{"question":"What is the name of Tom Hanks character in the movie Sleepless in Seattle?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sam Baldwin","choices":["Walter Fielding Jr.","Sam Baldwin","Allen Bauer","Rick Gasko"]},{"question":"What is the name of the character portrayed by Tom Hanks in the movie Splash?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Allen Bauer","choices":["Allen Bauer","Joe Banks","Rick Gasko","Walter Fielding Jr."]},{"question":"What is the name of Tom Hanks character in the movie A League of Their Own?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jimmy Dugan","choices":["Carl Hanratty","Ray Petersen","Chuck Noland","Jimmy Dugan"]},{"question":"What is the name of the character played by Tom Hanks in the movie Bachelor Party?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rick Gasko","choices":["Allen Bauer","Paul Edgecomb","Sam Baldwin","Rick Gasko"]},{"question":"What is the name of Tom Hanks character in the movie The Money Pit?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Walter Fielding Jr.","choices":["Joe Banks","Carl Hanratty","Sam Baldwin","Walter Fielding Jr."]},{"question":"What is the name of Tom Hanks character in the movie Catch Me If You Can?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Carl Hanratty","choices":["Allen Bauer","Carl Hanratty","Jimmy Dugan","Paul Edgecomb"]},{"question":"What is the name of the character played by Tom Hanks in the movie Joe Versus the Volcano?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Joe Banks","choices":["Joe Banks","Walter Fielding Jr.","Allen Bauer","Sam Baldwin"]},{"question":"Which American actress was banned from The Philippines in September 1998?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Claire Danes","choices":["Claire Danes","Kirsten Dunst","Maggie Gyllenhaal","Sarah Jessica Parker"]},{"question":"Which actress played the younger sister in 1999s 10 Things I Hate About You?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Larisa Oleynik","choices":["Gabrielle Union","Julia Stiles","Larisa Oleynik","Michelle Williams"]},{"question":"Which actress was the first choice for “Rose from the 1997 hit “Titanic?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Claire Danes","choices":["Kate Winslet","Claire Danes","Cate Blanchett","Rose McGowan"]},{"question":"In 1991 Sarah Jessica Parker appearred in “L.A.Story. Who was the male star of the movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steve Martin","choices":["Woody Allen","Johnny Depp","Nicolas Cage","Steve Martin"]},{"question":"Which of these actresses won an Oscar for portraying a male character?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Linda Hunt","choices":["Helen Hunt","Linda Hunt","Gwenyth Paltrow","Barbara Streisand"]},{"question":"Which actress has had at least four songs written about her?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Claire Danes","choices":["Claire Danes","Rose McGowan","Kirsten Dunst","Rosana Arquette"]},{"question":"Which of these actresses did not appear in the 2002 film Adaptation?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kate Winslet","choices":["Meryl Streep","Kate Winslet","Judy Greer","Maggie Gyllenhaal"]},{"question":"Which of these actresses was born in Florence, Italy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rose McGowan","choices":["Angelica Huston","Rose McGowan","Cate Blanchett","Joan Cusack"]},{"question":"Elizabeth Taylor campaigned hard for her new husband John Warner who became a senator from Virginia in 1978.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Fireworks were expected when Madonna married this intense, actors actor. The dismal reception to their movie Shanghai Express couldnt have helped the marriage.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sean Penn","choices":["Warren Beatty","Guy Ritchie","Sean Penn","Guy Pierce"]},{"question":"This is Pariss nickname.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Princess","choices":["Princess","Model","Beauty","Queen"]},{"question":"In 2001 Paris was engaged to him.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jason Shaw","choices":["Rick Salomon","Jason Shaw","Leonardo DiCaprio","Baron Nicholas"]},{"question":"Her popularity rose significantly after this appeared on the internet in 2003.","category":"celebrities","answer":"An explicit home-made video","choices":["A picture of Paris nude on the beach","A recording of Paris cursing","A recording of Paris singing in the bathroom","An explicit home-made video"]},{"question":"This is Paris trademark quote.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Thats Hot","choices":["Stay Away","Love Me","Dont Hate Me Just Because Im Beautiful","Thats Hot"]},{"question":"Fashion critic Mr. Blackwell chose her as such.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The worst-dressed celebrity","choices":["The best-dressed celebrity","The most stylish celebrity","The worst-dressed celebrity","The least stylish celebrity"]},{"question":"This is the number of parties Paris Hilton threw for her 21st birthday.","category":"celebrities","answer":"5","choices":["5","8","3","2"]},{"question":"This actress is a good friend of Paris Hilton.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tara Reid","choices":["Tara Reid","Tyra Banks","Jenifer Aniston","Alicia Silverstone"]},{"question":"Paris wears this color contact lenses.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Blue","choices":["Green","Blue","Grey","Brown"]},{"question":"Paris has these kinds of dogs as pets.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pomeranians and Chihuahuas","choices":["Pomeranians and Chihuahuas","Afghan Hounds and Basenjis","Chihuahuas and Chow Chows","Bearded Collies and Bulldogs"]},{"question":"Paris Hilton is related to this star.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Zsa Zsa Gabor","choices":["Jackie Onassis","Gretta Garbo","Zsa Zsa Gabor","Rita Hayward"]},{"question":"The author of these words -- American actor, writer, and stand-up comedian, is known for his ironic, witty, and sometimes confusing jokes and lines.\nI have a large seashell collection, which I keep scattered on beaches all over the world.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steven Wright","choices":["Gilbert Gottfried","Steven Wright","Paula Poundstone","George Carlin"]},{"question":"This great comedian, whose career spanned vaudeville, film, radio, and television, was especially popular for the team performances with his wife - the well-known comedienne Gracie Allen.\nThe most important thing to succeed in show business is sincerity. And if you can fake that, youve got it made.","category":"celebrities","answer":"George Burns","choices":["George Burns","George Carlin","George Wallace","George Cambridge"]},{"question":"Complete this popular line of comedian Ronnie Shakes: “After twelve years of therapy my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes. He said, _______. “","category":"celebrities","answer":"No hablo ingles.","choices":["No hablo ingles.","Sorry, I wasnt listening for the last 12 years..","Repeti conmigo por favor!","Im giving up!"]},{"question":"Which famous American comedian made this ironic statement about marriage?\nI love being married. I was single for a long time and I just got so sick of finishing my own sentences.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brian Kiley","choices":["Freddie Roman","Jim Gaffigan","Brian Kiley","George Tyler"]},{"question":"This famous one-liners author starred along Roberto Benigni in 2003s, Coffee and Cigarettes.\nI was coming back from Canada, driving through Customs, and the guy asked Do you have any firearms with you? I said: What do you need?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steven Wright","choices":["Steven Wright","Louis Black","Emo Phillips","George Carlin"]},{"question":"Although this comedian initially considered becoming a lawyer, he eventually got into comedy.\nMy father heard the story of the Menendez brothers. He quit playing the lottery. He said ‘Screw it, I’ve got twelve kids. Any one of them could snap.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paul Rodriguez","choices":["George Lopez","Carlos Mencias","Tino Tavaras","Paul Rodriguez"]},{"question":"Finish this old joke by famous comedian Steven Wright: I went to a restaurant with a sign that said they served breakfast at any time. So I ordered French toast ____","category":"celebrities","answer":"during the Renaissance","choices":["during the Stone Age","at 3 a.m. in the morning","during the Renaissance","for tomorrow morning"]},{"question":"A grandmother is watching her grandchild playing on the beach when a huge wave comes and takes him out to sea. She pleads, please God, save my only grandson. I beg of you, bring him back. And a big wave comes and washes the boy back onto the beach, good as new. She looks up to heaven and says: He had a hat!\nThe author of this joke was a popular American comedian, storyteller, and nightclub entertainer famous for his imitations of foreign accents.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Myron Cohen","choices":["Myron Cohen","Don Adams","Jackie Mason","Henny Youngman"]},{"question":"This English-born American comedian, who was also a violinist, is well known for his “one-liners, which were short and simple but at the same time very effective.\nTwo cars collide. The paramedic asks one of the victims, an elderly Jewish man: Are you comfortable? The man answers: I make a good living.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Henny Youngman","choices":["George Burns","Henny Youngman","Myron Cohen","Jerry Seinfeld"]},{"question":"This comedian dropped out of high school to pursue a show business career and became one of the most popular stand-up comedians in the United States, due to the casual, razor-sharp wit of her performances. Here is a line delivered by her.\n“Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because theyre looking for ideasâ€?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paula Poundstone","choices":["Paula Poundstone","Roseanne Barr","Lucille Ball","Franny Brice"]},{"question":"Morgan Freeman portrayed this character in two films, based on the novels of James Patterson and released in 1997 and in 2001.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dr. Alex Cross","choices":["Dr. Sherard","Mitch McDeere","Andrew Gross","Dr. Alex Cross"]},{"question":"For which movie did Morgan Freeman receive an Academy Award for best supporting actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Million Dollar Baby","choices":["Million Dollar Baby","Driving Miss Daisy","The Shawshank Redemption","Street Smart"]},{"question":"Morgan Freeman has starred with Clint Eastwood in more than one movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Morgan Freeman is an advocate for Black History Month.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What childrens show was Morgan Freeman on in the 1970s?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Electric Company","choices":["Figure It Out","The Electric Company","Color Me A Rainbow","Mr. Rogers Neighborhood"]},{"question":"Morgan Freeman starred in this 2002 movie based on a Tom Clancy novel.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Sum of All Fears","choices":["The Sum of All Fears","Clear and Present Danger","Without Remorse","The Hunt for Red October"]},{"question":"Morgan Freeman co-starred with Anthony Hopkins in this 1997 movie based on an actual event in U.S. history.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Amistad","choices":["High Crimes","Lean On Me","Glory","Amistad"]},{"question":"Actor Alfredo James Pacino was born in The Bronx, New York on what date?","category":"celebrities","answer":"April 25,1940","choices":["April 25,1946","April 25,1945","April 25,1940","April 25,1950"]},{"question":"Al Pacino attended which Middle School in The Bronx?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hermann Ridder Junior High School","choices":["Hermann Ridder Junior High School","The Middle School for Performing Arts","The Arturo Tuscanini Middle School","Anton Bruckner Junior High School"]},{"question":"Which two famous actors were acting teachers of Al Pacino?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Charles Laughton and Lee Strassberg","choices":["Uta Hagen and Lee J. Cobb","Charles Laughton and Marlon Brando","Charles Laughton and Lee Strassberg","Lee Starssberg and Uta Hagen"]},{"question":"In a Playboy magazine interview, Al Pacino claimed that he was fired from his job as a movie theater usher for what reason?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was caught admiring himself in a mirror","choices":["He spent too much time watching the movies","He was caught admiring himself in a mirror","He was always late","He memorized the lines of the star actors and said them out loud"]},{"question":"Al Pacino won a Tony Award, a Drama Desk Award and a Theater World Award for his role in which play?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Does the Tiger Wear a Necktie?","choices":["Bang the Drum Slowly","Bobby Deerdield","Why is a Crooked Letter","Does the Tiger Wear a Necktie?"]},{"question":"Paramount executives offered the role of Michael Corleone to Al Pacino, after seeing him play the role of a drug addict in which movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Panic in Needle Park","choices":["Dog Day Afternoon","The Natalie","And Justice for All","The Panic in Needle Park"]},{"question":"In 2004, Al Pacino became the 18th performer to win the Triple Crown of Acting, which includes which three acting awards?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Oscar, Tony and Emmy","choices":["Oscar, Tony and Golden Globe","Oscar, Tony and Obie","Oscar, Tony and Clio","Oscar, Tony and Emmy"]},{"question":"In 1993, Al Pacino received Academy Award nominations for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor, for which two movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Scent of a Woman and Glengarry Glen Ross","choices":["Scent of a Woman and Glengarry Glen Ross","Scent of a Woman and Dog Day Afternoon","The Godfather Part II and And Justice for All","The Godfather Part II and Bang the Drum Slowly"]},{"question":"In 2001, this award was given to Al Pacino for his outstanding contribution to the entertainment field.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Cecil B. DeMille Award","choices":["The Special Oscar for Lifetime Achievement","The Special Oscar for Humanitarian Work","The Cecil B. DeMille Award","The Bernard Baruch Award for Stage Work"]},{"question":"Antonio Banderas, who speaks English, sings in Spanish and plays in a many Latin American movies, was born in which country?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Spain","choices":["Cuba","USA","Spain","Argentina"]},{"question":"World famous actor Antonio Banderas once had another dream concerning his career. What was the job of his dreams, when he was a child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"a professional soccer-player","choices":["a cook","a professional soccer-player","a photographer","a teacher"]},{"question":"Does actor Antonio Banderas have siblings?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He has a brother","choices":["He has a brother and a sister","He has two sisters","He has a brother","He has no siblings"]},{"question":"Did Antonio Banderas receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2005?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"What does Antonio Banderas surname actually mean in Spanish?","category":"celebrities","answer":"flags","choices":["hats","flags","bandage","banana"]},{"question":"Antonio Banderas starred in the movie Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, directed by Pedro Almodóvar.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which character did Antonio Banderas voice in the 2004 movie Shrek 2?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Puss in Boots","choices":["Puss in Boots","None of these","Shrek","The Donkey"]},{"question":"Antonio Banderas composed a song for the soundtrack of the 2003 movie Once Upon A Time In Mexico.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"When was actor Antonio Banderas born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"August 10, 1960","choices":["January 11, 1955","August 10, 1960","May 28, 1956","June 17, 1950"]},{"question":"In the movie Original Sin, Antonio Banderas portrayed Luis Vargas, a character obssessed with a femme fatale, played by which actress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Angelina Jolie","choices":["Angelina Jolie","Salma Hayek","Catherine Zeta-Jones","Eva Mendez"]},{"question":"This line belongs to a renowned American comedian, known as “King of the One Linersâ€? because of his short and simple jokes, usually delivered rapid-fire: My wife and I have the secret to making a marriage last. Two times a week, we go to a nice restaurant, a little wine, good food... She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Henny Youngman","choices":["Jack Benny","Rodney Dangerfield","Henny Youngman","Buddy Hackett"]},{"question":"This American comedian and actor became best known for the line, I dont get no respect and his monologues on that subject. The following line was delivered by him, too: When I was born I was so ugly that the doctor didnt know which end to slap!","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rodney Dangerfield","choices":["Andrew Dice Clay","Steven Wright","Rodney Dangerfield","Richard Pryor"]},{"question":"The following quote belongs to a comedian and storyteller, famous as a master imitator of the Jews in New York City: Two women, who have known each other all their lives, meet. The first woman says, I dont know how to tell you this... Im having an affair! The second woman asks, So whos the caterer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Myron Cohen","choices":["Gary Shandling","Myron Cohen","Woody Allen","Rita Rudner"]},{"question":"This American actor, writer, and comedian is famous for his observational humour - a type of comedy where jokes are based on trivial daily life matters. He delivered the following line: TV commercials now show you that they can take out bloodstains! I say, if youve got bloodstains on your t-shirt, maybe laundry is not your biggest problem!","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jerry Seinfeld","choices":["Bill Maher","Larry Miller","Jerry Seinfeld","George Carlin"]},{"question":"The following line belongs to an American stand-up comedian, who made his debut on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson on April 19th, 1989:\nI voted for the Democrats because I didnt like the way the Republicans were running the country. Which is turning out to be like shooting yourself in the head to stop your headache.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jack Mayberry","choices":["Louis Black","Gary Shandling","Gilbert Gottfried","Jack Mayberry"]},{"question":"The following words belong to what comedian and writer (The Bernie Mac Show, Moesha): In elementary school, in case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file line from smallest to tallest. What is the logic? Do tall people burn slower?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Warren Hutcherson","choices":["Warren Hutcherson","Bill Maher","Richard Lewis","Woody Allen"]},{"question":"This American stand-up comedian is an ordained rabbi and is known for his provocative and sometimes abusive language. He delivered the following words: My grandfather always said, Dont watch your money; watch your health. So one day while I was watching my health, someone stole my money. It was my grandfather.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jackie Mason","choices":["Henny Youngman","Jack Benny","Myron Cohen","Jackie Mason"]},{"question":"This American comedian and writer became especially popular after her appearances on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. This is one of her jokes: Waiters and waitresses are becoming nicer and much more caring. I used to pay my check, they would say Thank you. That’s now escalated into You take care of yourself, now. The other day I paid my check and the waiter said, Don’t put off that mammogram.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rita Rudner","choices":["Judy Gold","Rita Rudner","Rosie ODonnell","Ellen Degeneres"]},{"question":"The author of the following line is a Jewish American stand-up comedian and actor, noted for his grating voice and tendency to shout a lot during performances.\nLast night I was having dinner with Charles Manson, and in the middle of dinner he turned to me and said Is it hot in here, or am I crazy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gilbert Gottfried","choices":["Richard Lewis","Gilbert Gottfried","David Letterman","Emo Phillips"]},{"question":"This American stand-up comedian, actor, and writer has an innocent appearance that is in contrast with her comic material, in which she deals with many controversial topics such as racism, abortion, rape and child abuse. The following line was delivered by her: “My sister was with two men one night. She could hardly walk after that. Can you imagine? Two dinners!â€?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sarah Silverman","choices":["Paula Poundstoen","Judy Gold","Sarah Silverman","Rita Rudner"]},{"question":"Which of these great guitarists did not play for The Yardbirds, the band that became Led Zeppelin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brian May","choices":["Eric Clapton","Jimmy Page","Brian May","Jeff Beck"]},{"question":"The movie Almost Famous was loosely based on Cameron Crowes adventures as a teenage journalist touring with Led Zeppelin.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The final Led Zep album that featured previously unreleased studio music was titled Coda. What does Coda mean?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The end of a song","choices":["The end of a song","Satan","Death","A drunken stupor"]},{"question":"Led Zeppelins final concert took place in 1980, in what country?","category":"celebrities","answer":"England","choices":["Japan","The U.S.","England","South Africa"]},{"question":"Who came up with the name Led Zeppelin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Keith Moon","choices":["Keith Moon","Jimi Hendrix","Paul McCartney","Jimmy Page"]},{"question":"For years this was the theme song to the British music TV show, Tops of the Pops.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Whole Lotta Love","choices":["Whole Lotta Love","Dazed and Confused","Communication Breakdown","Stairway to Heaven"]},{"question":"Who managed rock band Led Zeppelin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Peter Grant","choices":["Pete Townsend","Peter Grant","Don Kirschner","Jimmy Page"]},{"question":"Who produced all of Led Zeppelins albums?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jimmy Page","choices":["Clive Davis","Robert Plant","Phil Spector","Jimmy Page"]},{"question":"Which artist was not ever a member of Led Zeppelin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Roger Daltry","choices":["Roger Daltry","Robert Plant","John Bonham","John Paul Jones"]},{"question":"What the real name of John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin?","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Baldwin","choices":["John Entwhistle","Peter Paul Jones","John Baldwin","John Bonham"]},{"question":"Where was Richard Dreyfus born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brooklyn","choices":["Santa Monica, California","Beverly Hills","Brooklyn","Boston"]},{"question":"In 1986 Richard Dreyfuss appeared in Down and Out in Beverly Hills. Who played his wife in the movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bette Midler","choices":["Barbara Streisand","Amy Irving","Elizabeth Pena","Bette Midler"]},{"question":"Who played Jerry Baskin in the movie Down and Out in Beverly Hills?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nick Nolte","choices":["Nick Nolte","Danny DeVito","Paul LaMat","Ron Howard"]},{"question":"Who portrayed the Whitemans neighbor in the movie Down and Out in Beverly Hills?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Little Richard","choices":["Forest Whitaker","James Earl Jones, Jr.","Joe Piscopo","Little Richard"]},{"question":"In what Neil Simon movie did Richard Dreyfuss appear in 1977?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Goodbye Girl","choices":["The Goodbye Girl","Whose Life is It Anyway","Tin Men","Brighton Beach memoirs"]},{"question":"Who co-starred with Richard Dreyfuss in a 1977 movie written by Neil Simon?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Marsha Mason","choices":["Barbara Streisand","Lanie Kazan","Marsha Mason","Bette Midler"]},{"question":"In 1980 Richard Dreyfuss played Paul Dietrich in The Competition. What instrument did his character play?","category":"celebrities","answer":"concert piano","choices":["rock guitar","all of these - he was a music teacher","concert piano","concert violin"]},{"question":"Who played the female leading role in the 1980 movie The Competition?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Amy Irving","choices":["Bette Midler","Lanie Kazan","Christine Lahti","Amy Irving"]},{"question":"In 1981 Richard Dreyfuss starred in Whose Life Is It Anyway?. Which actress was famous for starring in the Broadway version?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mary Tyler Moore","choices":["Amy Irving","Lainie Kazan","Mary Tyler Moore","Christine Lahti"]},{"question":"What is the decision of Judge Wyler in the movie Whose Life Is It Anyway?, starring Richard Dreyfuss?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Harrison has the right to have his tubes turned off.","choices":["Harrison has the right to demand that his death be induced by injection.","Harrison has no right to have his tubes turned off.","Harrison has no right to demand his own death.","Harrison has the right to have his tubes turned off."]},{"question":"In the1987 comedy film Tin Men, Richard Dreyfuss plays an aluminum siding salesman. Who plays his competitor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Danny DeVito","choices":["John Goodman","Forst Whitaker","Nivck Nolte","Danny DeVito"]},{"question":"Who played Bob in the 1991 film What About Bob?, starring Richard Dreyfuss?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bill Murray","choices":["Nick Nolte","Joe Piscopo","Charlie Korsmo","Bill Murray"]},{"question":"In 1995 Richard Dreyfuss starred in Mr. Hollands Opus. In this movie what was true about Mr. Hollands son?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was deaf.","choices":["He was wheelchair-bound.","He was addicted to pain killers.","He was blind.","He was deaf."]},{"question":"Which statement regarding Richard Dreyfuss is false?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dreyfuss never appeared in a movie set in Canada.","choices":["Moon Over Parador starring Dreyfuss was not set in Mexico.","Dreyfuss was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War.","Dreyfuss never appeared in a movie set in Canada.","Dreyfuss was only 30 when he first won the Oscar for Best Actor."]},{"question":"Which statement about Richard Dreyfuss is false?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dreyfus is the only major actor to appear in films by both Spielberg and George Lucas.","choices":["Dreyfus quit movies in 2004.","Dreyfus is a Civil War enactor.","Richard Dreyfuss says the line This is no boating accident.","Dreyfus is the only major actor to appear in films by both Spielberg and George Lucas."]},{"question":"This Dirty Dancing star died in September of 2009.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Patrick Swayze","choices":["David Carradine","Patrick Swayze","Jerry Orbach","Jennifer Grey"]},{"question":"This actor who died in 2009, used to be the co-star on the 70s television show The Streets of San Francisco.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Karl Malden","choices":["Tommy Whitmore","Karl Malden","David Carradine","Ed McMahon"]},{"question":"This actor who died in 2009 is best known for co-starring in Burt Reynolds movies in the 70s and 80s.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dom DeLuise","choices":["Jerry Reed","Marvin Kaplan","Dom DeLuise","Henry Gibson"]},{"question":"This actress who passed away in 2009, starred on the hit television show Maude.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bea Arthur","choices":["Rue McClanahan","Adrienne Barbeau","Bea Arthur","Betty White"]},{"question":"This famous news reporter died at the age of 92 in July of 2009.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Walter Cronkite","choices":["Chuck Scarborough","Roger Grimsby","Walter Cronkite","Bill Beautel"]},{"question":"Ed McMahon, who was the sidekick for Johnny Carson for 30 years, died in 2009.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This former famous wrestling manager died in 2009.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Capt. Lou Albano","choices":["Capt. Lou Albano","The Grand Wizard","Sir Oliver Humperdinck","Classie Fred Blassie"]},{"question":"This famous boxer died in July of 2009.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Arturo Gatti","choices":["Randall Tex Cobb","Arturo Gatti","Scott LeDoux","Marvin Hagler"]},{"question":"This former pornographic actress died in April of 2009.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Marilyn Chambers","choices":["Seka","Sharon Mitchell","Nina Hartley","Marilyn Chambers"]},{"question":"This folk singing legend, who was a member of the group Peter, Paul and Mary, died in September of 2009.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mary Travers","choices":["Mary Travers","Peter Lemongello","Paul Stookey","Peter Yarrow"]},{"question":"He was born March 24th, 1930.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steve McQueen","choices":["Steve McQueen","Clint Eastwood","Paul Newman","Robert Redford"]},{"question":"He was born August 18th, 1936 and is the youngest of these four actors.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robert Redford","choices":["Paul Newman","Robert Redford","Steve McQueen","Clint Eastwood"]},{"question":"He was born January 26, 1925 and is the oldest of these four actors.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paul Newman","choices":["Robert Redford","Steve McQueen","Clint Eastwood","Paul Newman"]},{"question":"He was born May 31st 1930 and is actually a Jr. (Junior).","category":"celebrities","answer":"Clint Eastwood","choices":["Robert Redford","Paul Newman","Clint Eastwood","Steve McQueen"]},{"question":"He is open about his membership in the Libertarian party and has said that he has a lot in common with Michael Moore. Both want to be given the opportunity to live in America free, but he says if Michael shows up on his doorstep with a camera, he will kill him.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Clint Eastwood","choices":["Robert Redford","Steve McQueen","Clint Eastwood","Paul Newman"]},{"question":"He turned down the role of Dirty Harry, that was later given to one of the other actors on the list below.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steve McQueen","choices":["Steve McQueen","Paul Newman","Robert Redford","Clint Eastwood"]},{"question":"It was reported that he was 510 tall in all his bios, however it has been revealed that he wore lifts and was actually 57.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steve McQueen","choices":["Paul Newman","Robert Redford","Clint Eastwood","Steve McQueen"]},{"question":"One of these actors died of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. He may have been exposed to asbestos during his auto racing career.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steve McQueen","choices":["Steve McQueen","Robert Redford","Paul Newman","Clint Eastwood"]},{"question":"This actor was married to Barb, Ali and Neile.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steve McQueen","choices":["Robert Redford","Steve McQueen","Paul Newman","Clint Eastwood"]},{"question":"He was married to Jackie, but then married Joanne. He was awarded the Academys life time achievement award in 1985.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paul Newman","choices":["Clint Eastwood","Robert Redford","Paul Newman","Steve McQueen"]},{"question":"He admits to being a liberal (like another one of these actors) and is proud of his political stance. 60+% of his federal political contributions have been to the Democratic party. He has also supported environmentalism and Native American rights.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robert Redford","choices":["Steve McQueen","Paul Newman","Robert Redford","Clint Eastwood"]},{"question":"Which actor starred in the 1968 movie Bullitt?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steve McQueen","choices":["Clint Eastwood","Robert Redford","Paul Newman","Steve McQueen"]},{"question":"This actor has two daughters named Amy and Shauna.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robert Redford","choices":["Robert Redford","Steve McQueen","Paul Newman","Clint Eastwood"]},{"question":"This actor was 19th on Richard Nixons enemy list and regards this as one of his highest achievements.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paul Newman","choices":["Paul Newman","Robert Redford","Clint Eastwood","Steve McQueen"]},{"question":"This actor played a brawler accompanied by an orangutan named Clyde.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Clint Eastwood","choices":["Robert Redford","Paul Newman","Steve McQueen","Clint Eastwood"]},{"question":"Where was Jennifer Love Hewitt born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Waco, Texas","choices":["Harker Heights, Texas","Waco, Texas","Los Angeles, California","New York City, New York"]},{"question":"Jennifer Love Hewitt played in this 1984 Disney series.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kids Incorporated","choices":["Saved by the Bell","Kids Incorporated","As a Cartoon","Micky Mouse Club"]},{"question":"Jennifer Hewitt appeared in an episode of Boy Meets World.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The first name of Jennifer Love Hewitt was actually given by her older brother Todd, who picked it after this person.","category":"celebrities","answer":"A blond girl he then had a crush on","choices":["Jennifer Blake, because he loved her romantic novels","A blond girl he then had a crush on","Jennifer Warnes, who he was a great fan of","His music teacher"]},{"question":"Jennifer Hewitt played Enrique Iglesias girlfriend in the video for this song.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hero","choices":["Be With You","Rhythm Divine","Hero","Escape"]},{"question":"Jennifer Love Hewitt appeared in all, but one of these movies. Can you spot the odd one?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Romeo And Juliet (1996)","choices":["Sister Act 2 (1993)","Romeo And Juliet (1996)","I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998)","Cant Hardly Wait (1998)"]},{"question":"When Jennifer Love Hewitt was 4, she disappeared in a restaurant-dance hall and was found singing this song on the stage.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Help Me Make It Through The Night","choices":["Help Me Make It Through The Night","For The Good Times","A Moment Of Forever","Broken Freedom Song"]},{"question":"Jennifer Love Hewitt dated actor Wilmer Valderrama in 1999.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which one of these songs is not included in Jennifer Love Hewitts album Lets Go Bang (1995)?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rock the Roll","choices":["Cant Stand in the Way of Love","Everywhere I Go","Kiss Away from Heaven","Rock the Roll"]},{"question":"Some of the characters this actor has played are Kalidor, Jack Slater and Howard Howie Langston. He also provided the voice of the White Wolf in Dr. Dolittle 2.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Arnold Schwarzenegger","choices":["Arnold Schwarzenegger","Bruce Willis","Danny De Vito","Sylvester Stallone"]},{"question":"Which one of these characters has not been played by Meg Ryan? If she has played all of them, which one of them dis she play last?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Carly Jones","choices":["Donna Caldwell","Kathleen Kelly","Catherine Boyd","Carly Jones"]},{"question":"In a movie from 1993, Tom Cruise played a young and very promising lawyer. What was the first name of his character?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mitch","choices":["John","Mitch","Charlie","Ray"]},{"question":"Which one of these pairs actor- character he has played is wrong?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Samuel Jackson- Xander Cage","choices":["Denzel Washington- Coach Herman Boone","Julia Roberts- Maggie Carpenter","Bruce Willis- David Dunn","Samuel Jackson- Xander Cage"]},{"question":"In this movie David Duchovny played Dr. Ira Kane, Julianne Moore played Dr. Allison Reed and Orlando Jones, appeared as Prof. Harry Phineas Block.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Evolution","choices":["The Crazy Professor","Zoolander","Doctor Dolittle","Evolution"]},{"question":"Leonardo DiCaprios character in the movie Titanic was named Cal Hockley.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which one of these characters has been played by Robert De Niro? If he has played more than one of the characters, which one did Robert play first?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Detective Eddie Flemming","choices":["Detective Skinner","Jeff Talley","Russ Richards","Detective Eddie Flemming"]},{"question":"Adam Sanlder was Robert Boucher Jr. in this movie. His character suddenly discovers his talent- tackling people much bigger than him.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Waterboy","choices":["Billy Madison","Mixed Nuts","The Waterboy","Mr. Deeds"]},{"question":"Which one of these pairs character- movie is wrong?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Malcolm Crowe- Signs","choices":["Sergeant Martin Riggs- Lethal Weapon","Willy Wonka- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory","Malcolm Crowe- Signs","Marty Martini Blank- Mean Creek"]},{"question":"In a movie from 1992, Keanu Reeves played Jonathan Harker- a young lawyer who is assigned to a gloomy village in eastern Europe. What was the title of the movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dracula","choices":["The Devils Advocate","Dracula","Speed","The Firm"]},{"question":"To many people he epitomized the 1950s rebel. He appeared in only eight movies but he was a true star. Who was this actor who starred in Giant, Rebel Without a Cause and East of Eden?","category":"celebrities","answer":"James Dean","choices":["James Dean","Joseph Cotten","Sal Mineo","Richard Farnsworth"]},{"question":"He had a great voice. He was born in Wales and spoke the Welsh language. He was terrific in the film version of 1984. He was nominated for six Oscars but won none. Who was this man who was twice married to a very famous actress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Richard Burton","choices":["Peter OToole","Richard Burton","Robert Shaw","Peter Sellers"]},{"question":"Some of the movies this actor starred in were Bullitt, The Magnificent Seven, Papillon, and The Great Escape. He was nominated for an Oscar for his part in The Sand Pebbles.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steve McQueen","choices":["Charles Bronson","Steve McQueen","Martin Landau","Yul Brynner"]},{"question":"This great actor was a close friend of Marilyn Monroe and Liz Taylor. He appeared in From Here to Eternity, Freud, The Misfits and Red River. Who was this Omaha-born actor who was nominated for four Oscars but never won one?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Montgomery Clift","choices":["Malcolm Little","Montgomery Clift","Marlon Brando","Henry Fonda"]},{"question":"This actor was born in Limerick, Ireland. He appeared in A Man Called Horse, Camelot, The Field, and This Sporting Life. He was nominated for an Oscar for each of the last two movies on the list.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Richard Harris","choices":["Richard Burton","Peter OToole","Richard Harris","Telly OShea"]},{"question":"He was born in Lancashire, England. His best known movies include: A Man for All Seasons, The Sting, The Deep,The Lavender Hill Mob, From Russia with Love, and Black Sunday. He starred on several TV series including The Buccaneers and William Tell. Who was this wonderful actor who left us in 1978?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robert Shaw","choices":["Peter OToole","Robert Shaw","Albert Finney","Richard Harris"]},{"question":"This American-born actor can been seen in Citizen Kane, The Magnificent Ambersons, The Third Man, Petula, and Tora, Tora, Tora.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Joseph Cotten","choices":["James Mason","Joseph Cotten","Orson Welles","Robert Shaw"]},{"question":"He was best known for his role on TVs Shogun but he also starred in Rashomon, The Seven Samurai and Throne of Blood.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Toshiro Mifune","choices":["Clyde Kurasawa","Toshiro Mifune","James Ito","Akira Kurasawa"]},{"question":"Which one of these actors plays Detective Grissom on the original hit series, C.S.I.?","category":"celebrities","answer":"William Peterson","choices":["John Pankow","William Peterson","John Turturro","Willem Dafoe"]},{"question":"Willem Dafoe has carved a niche for himself in independent films by starring in such films as Barton Fink.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of these actors played a strong supporting role in Oliver Stones 1986 film, Platoon?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Willem DaFoe","choices":["John Turturro","William Peterson","Willem DaFoe","John Goodman"]},{"question":"Which of these great talents is also a trained Shakespearean Actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"William Peterson","choices":["John Turturro","William Peterson","Willem Dafoe","William Friedkin"]},{"question":"Which of these talented actors hails from the city of Chicago?","category":"celebrities","answer":"William Peterson","choices":["William Peterson","Barton Fink","Willem Dafoe","John Turturro"]},{"question":"John Turturro, William Peterson and Willem Dafoe played opposite each other in a 1985 movie which, while critically acclaimed, did poorly at the box office. Name the movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"To Live and Die in LA","choices":["8 Million ways to Die","To Live and Die in LA","Goonies","Manhunter"]},{"question":"This actor starred in a 1996 comedy, where he plays a character named Al Fountain, a man coming to terms with a mid-life crisis. Give the actor and the film.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Box of Moonlight - John Turturro","choices":["Moon Over Parador - William Peterson","Moon over Miami - Willem Dafoe","Blue Moon - Bruce Willis","Box of Moonlight - John Turturro"]},{"question":"William Peterson portrayed Sgt. Elias Grodin in Oliver Stones 1986 film Platoon.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What is John Lennons date of birth?","category":"celebrities","answer":"October 9th 1940","choices":["December 8th 1940","September 8th 1940","October 9th 1940","November 9th 1940"]},{"question":"What is the name of the aunt with whom Lennon lived as a youth?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mimi","choices":["Julia","Ada","Mimi","Minnie"]},{"question":"What is the name of the famous building in New York in which John Lennon lived until his death?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dakota Building","choices":["Dakota Building","Nebraska Building","Wyoming Building","Nevada Building"]},{"question":"In which city did John Lennon and Yoko Onos first bed-in for peace take place?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Amsterdam","choices":["New York","Berlin","Paris","Amsterdam"]},{"question":"Which song are the following lyrics taken from: Everybodys talking about ministers, sinister, banisters and canisters?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Give Peace a Chance","choices":["Give Peace a Chance","Instant Karma","Imagine","Cold Turkey"]},{"question":"Lennons handwritten lyrics for which Beatles song sold for £600,000 at an auction in London in 2005?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All You Need is Love","choices":["Come Together","All You Need is Love","I Want to Hold Your Hand","Strawberry Fields"]},{"question":"What is the name of the album released by John Lennon and Yoko Ono just weeks before Lennons murder?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Double Fantasy","choices":["Double Fantasy","Some Time in New York City","Rock n Roll","Mind Games"]},{"question":"What is the name of John Lennons first wife?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cynthia","choices":["Cilla","Celia","Cynthia","Carolyn"]},{"question":"Elizabeth Montgomery made her acting debut in the ABC sitcom Bewitched.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In 1956, Elizabeth Montgomery married which actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gig Young","choices":["Frankie Avalon","Troy Donahue","Rock Hudson","Gig Young"]},{"question":"The TV series Bewitched, starring Elizabeth Montgomery, debuted on ABC in what year?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1964","choices":["1964","1962","1960","1966"]},{"question":"Elizabeth Montgomery, the star of Bewitched, was married in real life to which person involved with the show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Director/Producer of the show","choices":["The Network Executive in charge of the show","The Creator of the show","The Director/Producer of the show","The Male Star of the show"]},{"question":"The leading role in the show Bewitched was specially written for Elizabeth Montgomery.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Elizabeth Montgomery won four Emmy Awards for her portrayal of Samantha Stephens on Bewitched.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The show Bewitched, starring Elizabeth Montgomery, ran for how many seasons?","category":"celebrities","answer":"8","choices":["9","8","7","10"]},{"question":"What was the first TV movie in which Elizabeth Mongomery starred, after the end of the TV show Bewitched?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Victim","choices":["The Legend of Lizzie Borden","The Victim","A Case Of Rape","The Rules Of Marriage"]},{"question":"In the mini-series The Awakening Land Elizabeth Montgomery co-starred with which of these actors?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Jane Seymour (Doctor Quinn, Medicine Woman)","All of these","William H. Macy (ER)","Hal Holbrook (Designing Women)"]},{"question":"In the movie Sins of the Mother, Elizabeth Montgomery played the mother of a sick, sadistic, criminal man. On what book was this movie based?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Son. A Psychopath And His Victims","choices":["Son. A Psychopath And His Victims","Protected By Family","The Ted Bundy Story","A Man And His Victims"]},{"question":"Brad Pitt started an affair with Angelina Jolie during the filming of what movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mr. Mrs. Smith","choices":["Alexander","Mr. Mrs. Smith","Shark Tale","Lara Croft: Tomb Raider"]},{"question":"What is the color of Brad Pitts eyes?","category":"celebrities","answer":"blue","choices":["brown","green","blue","hazel"]},{"question":"Actor Brad Pitt has had his ears pierced.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Brad Pitt voiced one of the characters in the computer-animated film Shark Tale.","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"What was the first movie in which Brad Pitt appeared?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No Mans Land","choices":["Alexander","Fight Club","Troy","No Mans Land"]},{"question":"What actress co-stars with Brad Pitt in the romantic comedy The Mexican?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Julia Roberts","choices":["Jennifer Aniston","Jennifer Garner","Angelina Jolie","Julia Roberts"]},{"question":"Did Brad Pitt marry Angelina Jolie in 2005?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Did Brad Pitt star in the movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitts adopted child, Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt is from what country?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ethiopia","choices":["Ethiopia","Zambia","Indonesia","Cambodia"]},{"question":"Is it true that the names of Mr. and Mrs. Smith from the self-titled movie were John and Jane?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"What actress would answer when one dialed BUtterfield 8 in a movie with a tagline Most desirable woman in town and the easiest to find.?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Elizabeth Taylor","choices":["Lana Turner","Tuesday Weld","Elizabeth Taylor","Kim Novak"]},{"question":"In this movie Joe Buck bragged, Well, sir, I aint a freal cowboy. But Im one helluva a stud.\nWhat is the only X-rated movie to win an Oscar for Best Picture?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Midnight Cowboy","choices":["My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys","Coming Home","Midnight Cowboy","Klute"]},{"question":"A working girl needs her beauty sleep. According to the title of this 1960 Greek film starring Melina Mercouri, one could kiss her any day of the week EXCEPT on her day of rest. What day of the week was Mercouris day of rest?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sunday","choices":["Friday","Monday","Saturday","Sunday"]},{"question":"What actress won the 2003 Oscar for her portrayal of Aileen Wuornos, a former prostitute and serial killer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Charlize Theron","choices":["Hallie Berry","Christina Ricci","Charlize Theron","Kate Blanchett"]},{"question":"Britney Spears first husband, to whom she was married for a short time, had the same name as one of the actors on Seinfeld.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which one of these couples did not marry in Las Vegas?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Britney Spears and Kevin Federline","choices":["Axl Rose and Erin Everly","Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos","Britney Spears and Kevin Federline","Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman"]},{"question":"Lisa Marie Presley was married for the shortest time to which one of the following?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nicolas Cage","choices":["Nicolas Cage","Michael Jackson","Danny Keough","Michael Lockwood,"]},{"question":"What actor was Michelle Phillips married to for 8 days?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dennis Hopper","choices":["Jon Voight","Dennis Hopper","Christopher Walken","Burt Reynolds"]},{"question":"Is it true that Drew Barrymores first marriage lasted less than 6 months?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"This actress had an invalid marriage which lasted one day. The marriage was annulled as she hadnt yet divorced hubby #7.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Zsa Zsa Gabor","choices":["Mia Farrow","Phyllis Diller","Elizabeth Taylor","Zsa Zsa Gabor"]},{"question":"The doomed nuptials of Darva Conger and Rick Rockwell took place on what TV show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Who Wants to Marry a Multi-millionaire?","choices":["Who Wants to Marry a Multi-millionaire?","Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?","Who Wants to be a Millionaire?","Who Wants to Get Married?"]},{"question":"The middle name of Houston-born actress and singer Hilary Duff is Rose.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This song was the first single of Hilary Duffs second album, entitled Hilary Duff.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fly","choices":["Our Lips Are Sealed","So Yesterday","Fly","Girl Can Rock"]},{"question":"Hilary Duff appeared in Hallmark Entertainments western miniseries True Women (1997).","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Does Hilary Duff star in the teen romance film, A Cinderella Story (2004) together with Chad Michael Murray?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Hilary Duff, who gained prominence in the television show Lizzie McGuire, was born on what date?","category":"celebrities","answer":"September 28, 1987","choices":["September 28, 1987","December 14, 1999","September 10, 1978","December 4, 1988"]},{"question":"How old was Hilary Duff when she starred as the young witch, Wendy in the movie Casper Meets Wendy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"11","choices":["13","14","11","22"]},{"question":"What is Vin Diesels real name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mark Sinclair Vincent","choices":["Vincent Sinclair Diesel","Mark Sinclair Vincent","Mark Diesel","Vincent Mark"]},{"question":"Which character from the sci fi movie Pitch Black was portrayed by Vin Diesel?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Richard B. Riddick","choices":["Greg Owens","Ghost","Agent Johns","Richard B. Riddick"]},{"question":"Vin Diesel has a twin brother named Paul.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Vin Diesel was born in New York on July 18, 1968.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What was special about the town of Columbia, MD where actor Edward Norton Jr. grew up?","category":"celebrities","answer":"It was created by his maternal grandfather, urban planner James Rouse.","choices":["It banned cable television.","It was created by his maternal grandfather, urban planner James Rouse.","It was created by Edmund Bacon, the father of his friend Kevin Bacon.","It was famous for its nude theater company."]},{"question":"Singer Etta James is not a billiards player, but she is very aware of the exploits of legendary pool shark Minnesota Fats. Why?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She believes that Fats was her father.","choices":["None of these","Her father lost the family home in a gambling debt to Minnesota Fats.","As a child, she appeared as an extra in the pool movie The Hustler.","She believes that Fats was her father."]},{"question":"What do the sons of Henry Kissinger, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and former New York Times executive editor Max Frankel have in common?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Each of them works as a TV/film director or producer.","choices":["They attended the same prep school in the suburbs of Washington, DC.","Their nicknames are all Stinky.","They were fraternity brothers in college.","Each of them works as a TV/film director or producer."]},{"question":"Why does U.S. Congressman Rahm Emanuel (D-Illinois) have a keen interest in one major character on the HBO series Entourage?","category":"celebrities","answer":"His brother, Hollywood agent Ariel Emanuel, is the model for the agent character Arie.","choices":["He worked his way through law school as a parking valet for Hollywood celebs.","His brother, Hollywood agent Ariel Emanuel, is the model for the agent character Arie.","His mother runs the shows craft services table.","His actress daughter plays character Vinnie Chases press agent."]},{"question":"What does President George W. Bush have in common with the 16th-century religious dissenter Anne Marbury Hutchinson?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Both are descended from an Irish warlord named Strongbow.","choices":["None of these","Both are distant relatives of the Kennedys","Both are distant relatives of the Nixons.","Both are descended from an Irish warlord named Strongbow."]},{"question":"How is the movie Casablanca linked to the end of the Curse of the Bambino and the Boston Red Sox World Series victory in 2004?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The brothers who wrote Casablanca are related to the general manager of the Red Sox.","choices":["Much of Casablanca was originally shot in Florida, spring home of the Red Sox.","The brothers who wrote Casablanca are related to the general manager of the Red Sox.","The director of Casablanca also directed Field of Dreams with Kevin Costner.","David Papi Ortiz, the Red Sox slugger, who grew up in the Dominican Republic, learned to speak English by watching the movie on tape."]},{"question":"What crossed paths connect Uma Thurman with psychologist Timothy Leary, the notorious Pied Piper of LSD, who died in 1996?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Leary was once married to Umas mother.","choices":["Timothy Leary was the godfather of Uma Thurman and Winona Ryder.","Leary was once married to Umas mother.","Leary and Umas father, a Buddhist-scholar, shared the same mantra.","Learys stepson is Ethan Hawke"]},{"question":"How are actor William Hurt and Henry Luce, founder of the Time-Life publishing empire, linked?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hurts mother was married to Luces son, Henry Luce III.","choices":["They were both once part of the trivia team NYs Strongest.","Hurts former wife, actress Mary Beth Hurt, is Luces granddaughter.","Hurts mother was married to Luces son, Henry Luce III.","They both dated Marlee Matlin."]},{"question":"What do The Alamo, The Exorcist, and the classic TV series The Honeymooners have in common?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Relatives Jason Patric, Jason Miller, Jackie Gleason","choices":["Relatives Davy Crockett, William Friedkin and Audrey Meadows","Relatives Jason Patric, Jason Miller, Jackie Gleason","They all include characters named Ed Norton.","Relatives Billy Bob Thornton, Ellen Burstyn, Art Carney"]},{"question":"Who or what is the common thread among Bernie Williams, Hank Williams, Jr. and Vanessa L. Williams?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Only their last names","choices":["Only their last names","They all played outfield professional baseball.","Their skill in playing classical Spanish guitar pieces","Theyve all served as judges in the Miss America Pageant."]},{"question":"This actors birth name was Etienne Pelissier Jacques de Bujac. Can you guess his stage name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bruce Cabot","choices":["Tyrone Power","Bruce Cabot","Clark Gable","Ward Bond"]},{"question":"My favorite health club is the International House of Pancakes. Because no matter how much you weigh there will always be someone there who weighs 150 pounds more than you will ever weigh.\nThese words belong to what Jewish-American stand-up comedian, whose autobiography is entitled Nothings Sacred?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lewis Black","choices":["Lewis Black","Jim Hannigan","Jeff Foxworthy","Chris Rock"]},{"question":"This comedian and actor, one of the favourite guests of Howard Stern and Conan OBrien, appeared in the movies Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Blue Streak, and Half Baked.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dave Chappelle","choices":["Craig Charles","Tom Cool","Dave Chappelle","Chris Rock"]},{"question":"This comedian, born in 1955 in Flint, Michigan, starred in the movies The King of Comedy, Hudson Hawk and The Apocalypse. She is also the author of the book Confessions of a Pretty Lady .","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sandra Bernhard","choices":["Roseanne Barr","Ellen Degeneres","Jo Brand","Sandra Bernhard"]},{"question":"This Cambridge University graduate quit a job with Shell Oil in England to become a stand-up comedian. He was recruited by the Brittish Channel 4, to host the game shows Distraction and Your Face or Mine?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jimmy Carr","choices":["Jimmy Carr","Craig Charles","Craig Ferguson","Jackie Danielson"]},{"question":"This tall comedian, a regular guest on the show Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, acted in the 1994 ABC sitcom, All-American Girl. She also won 2 Emmy Awards for writing and producing The Rosie ODonnell Show.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Judy Gold","choices":["Elon Gold","Elayne Boosler","David Brenner","Judy Gold"]},{"question":"This comedian, who starred in Ten Things I Hate About You as Dr. Walter Stratford, made the following observation about the difference between sexes: You have nooo idea... the difference in sex drive, between a man and woman, is like the difference between shooting a bullet and throwing it!","category":"celebrities","answer":"Larry Miller","choices":["Jim Hannigan","Elon Gold","Andy Richter","Larry Miller"]},{"question":"This comedian, born in Mexico but raised in East L.A., starred in films such as Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles, A Cinderella Story and The Worlds Fastest Indian. Many of his comedy specials focus on serious issues of the Latino community.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paul Rodriguez","choices":["Carlos Mencias","Paul Rodriguez","Pablo Hernandez","Paul Provenzano"]},{"question":"This comedian, author of the humorous book Yeah I Said It, won the 2001 award for Funniest Female Stand-Up Comic. She is known for her blunt observations on current events and on issues such as the difference between the sexes and races.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wanda Sykes","choices":["Shirley Hemphill","Retta","Jan McInnis","Wanda Sykes"]},{"question":"This Jewish-American comedian, who studied drama at Yale University, became popular in the 1970s, with his extensive routines about the Watergate scandal.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robert Klein","choices":["Robert Klein","Robert Sclimmel","George Carlin","Chris Rock"]},{"question":"This country was known to the Romans as Bactria and is today an Islamic republic. Its capital is Kabul.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Afghanistan","choices":["Afghanistan","Albania","Algeria","Armenia"]},{"question":"This country, called Illyria by the Romans, is a republic located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Its capital is Tirana.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Albania","choices":["Afghanistan","Argentina","Algeria","Albania"]},{"question":"This country was known to the Romans as Numidia. Today it is the second largest country in Africa. Its capital is Algiers.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Algeria","choices":["Angola","Afghanistan","Algeria","Argentina"]},{"question":"This country and its capital have the same name. It is located between Spain and France in the Pyrenees Mountain Range.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Andorra","choices":["Angola","Andorra","Armenia","Austria"]},{"question":"This country, located in Africa along the Atlantic coast, has a capital, named Luanda.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Angola","choices":["Angola","Armenia","Antigua and Barbuda","Andorra"]},{"question":"This country is located in the Caribbean Sea and has a capital named Saint Johns.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Antigua and Barbuda","choices":["Argentina","Armenia","Antigua and Barbuda","Andorra"]},{"question":"This countrys capital is Buenos Aires. It is the second largest country in South America.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Argentina","choices":["Andorra","Antigua and Barbuda","Austria","Argentina"]},{"question":"This country is located in the Caucasus Mountains in Asia and its capital is Yerevan.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Armenia","choices":["Algeria","Armenia","Afghanistan","Andorra"]},{"question":"This country is located down under between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Its capital is Canberra.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Australia","choices":["Argentina","Armenia","Australia","Angola"]},{"question":"This country is located between the Danube river and the Alps in Europe. Its capital is Vienna.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Austria","choices":["Armenia","Andorra","Austria","Australia"]},{"question":"This country, located in Asia along the western shore of the Caspian Sea, has a capital named Baku.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Azerbaijan","choices":["Azerbaijan","Armenia","Angola","Andorra"]},{"question":"In 1917 Charlie Chaplin became the first male actor to ever earn one million dollars as part of a deal with which company?","category":"celebrities","answer":"First National Exhibitors Circuit","choices":["Paramount Pictures","Keystone Film Company","Warner Bros.","First National Exhibitors Circuit"]},{"question":"Lita Grey, Charlie Chaplins second wife, played the role of a tempting angel in which Chaplins movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Kid","choices":["Dogs Life","City Lights","The Circus","The Kid"]},{"question":"Which song composed by Charlie Chaplin was covered by Nat King Cole?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Smile","choices":["Let There Be Love","Paradise","Smile","Poinciana"]},{"question":"This 1940 movie, nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture, was the first dialogue film in Charlie Chaplins career.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Great Dictator","choices":["Modern Times","The Great Dictator","Limelight","Monsieur Verdoux"]},{"question":"This actor, who starred in the first movie version of The Mark of Zorro, co-founded the United Artists Corporation, together with Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and D.W. Griffith.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Douglas Fairbanks","choices":["Robert McKim","Douglas Fairbanks","Noah Beery, Sr.","Sidney De Gray"]},{"question":"The movie The Circus brought Charlie Chaplin his first honorary Oscar in what year?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1929","choices":["1928","1930","1973","1929"]},{"question":"Limelight, the only movie in which Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin appear together, was shot in what year?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1952","choices":["1957","1952","1950","1951"]},{"question":"This 1925 silent film stars Charlie Chaplin as the Little Tramp, who goes to the Klondike in order to find gold.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Gold Rush","choices":["A Woman in Paris","The Kid","The Gold Rush","City Lights"]},{"question":"This 1931 movie, starring Virginia Cherill as a blind girl, was Chaplins best film according to Woody Allen.","category":"celebrities","answer":"City Lights","choices":["The Kid","A Woman of Paris","City Lights","The Pilgrim"]},{"question":"Charlie Chaplin died on Christmas Day, 1977 in which Swiss city?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vevey","choices":["Vevey","Orbe","Morges","Vaud"]},{"question":"Which of these statements about Australia is not true?","category":"celebrities","answer":"They are all true.","choices":["Australian law imposes fines on people who do not vote.","They are all true.","Australia has approximately nine sheep for every one person.","Australia is the smallest continent"]},{"question":"The Koala bear is not actually a bear, it just resembles one.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This is the smallest of all Australian states.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tasmania","choices":["New South Wales","Tasmania","South Australia","Victoria"]},{"question":"Lake Eyre, the largest lake in Australia is also the lowest point, located at approximately this depth below sea level.","category":"celebrities","answer":"15 m (50 ft)","choices":["15 m (50 ft)","240 (787 ft)","128 (420 ft)","71 (233 ft)"]},{"question":"No part of Australia is further than 280 miles (450 kilometres) from the sea.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"The first radio station in Australia was launched in this year.","category":"celebrities","answer":"1912","choices":["1901","1925","1934","1912"]},{"question":"Sydney hosted the Olympic Games in the year 1998.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Australias national flag is one of only two in the world to feature a seven-pointed star. The other one belongs to this country.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jordan","choices":["Jordan","Albania","New Zealand","Cuba"]},{"question":"The Fondas are related to which former news anchor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tom Brokaw","choices":["Peter Jennings","Tom Brokaw","Walter Cronkite","Dan Rather"]},{"question":"Peter Fondas portrayal in Easy Rider delved in part into his real mothers death. How did she die?","category":"celebrities","answer":"suicide","choices":["alcoholism","suicide","heart attack","motorcycle accident"]},{"question":"This Fonda starred in the movie Wooly Boys.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Peter","choices":["Francis","Jane","Henry","Peter"]},{"question":"Henry and Jane Fonda appeared together in On Golden Pond co-starring with which leading actress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Katherine Hepburn","choices":["Katherine Hepburn","Katherine Ross","Florence Henderson","Shirley McClaine"]},{"question":"What is Jane Fondas birth name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lady Jayne Seymour Fonda","choices":["Lady Jayne Seymour Fonda","Cassandra Jane Fonda","Katherine Janet Fonda","Jane Elizabeth Fonda"]},{"question":"What movie brought Henry Fonda his first Golden Globe Award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"On Golden Pond","choices":["The Grapes of Wrath","12 Angry Men","The Cheyenne Social Club","On Golden Pond"]},{"question":"Jane Fonda was an outspoken critic of which war?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Vietnam war","choices":["WWI","The Vietnam war","The Korean war","WWII"]},{"question":"This granddaughter of Henry Fondas is an actress herself.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bridget","choices":["Katherine","Bridget","Bethany","Candace"]},{"question":"Henry Fonda had a lifelong friendship with which of these actors?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jimmy Stewart","choices":["John Wayne","Gregory Peck","Johnny Carson","Jimmy Stewart"]},{"question":"How many times was Henry Fonda married?","category":"celebrities","answer":"5","choices":["5","2","3","4"]},{"question":"How old was Angelina Jolie when she started to cut herself along with her boyfriend?","category":"celebrities","answer":"14","choices":["15","16","14","13"]},{"question":"Angelina Jolie had a sexual relationship with her Foxfire co-star Jenny Shimizu.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Where was Angelina Jolie born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Los Angeles, CA","choices":["Long Beach, CA","London","Los Angeles, CA","Canada"]},{"question":"Angelina Jolie was 5 years old when her parents divorced.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Jolie is actually Angelina Jolies middle name.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"As a child, Angelina Jolie wanted to become what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"funeral Director","choices":["funeral Director","ballet dancer","bunny","fairy"]},{"question":"Right after filming the movie Gia, Angelina Jolie quited acting for how long?","category":"celebrities","answer":"6 months","choices":["7 months","8 months","6 months","2 months"]},{"question":"The letter H, tattooed on Angelina Jolies left wrist, stands for what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"both Haven and Hutton","choices":["Hungry","both Haven and Hutton","Heaven","Hutton"]},{"question":"Which of these actors was originally offered the role of Detective John Kimble in the 1990 comedy Kindergarten Cop?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bill Murray","choices":["Bill Murray","Chevy chase","Clint Eastwood","Chuck Norris"]},{"question":"The 1996 film Jingle All the Way was based on the obsession with these toys in the 80s?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cabbage Patch Dolls","choices":["Cabbage Patch Dolls","Beanie Babies","Nintendo Entertainment System","Rubiks Cube"]},{"question":"What is the name of the toy that Arnold Schwarzeneggers character is after in the 1996 comedy Jingle All the Way?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Turbo Man","choices":["Kung Fu Gangster","Ultraman","Turbo Man","Space Ranger"]},{"question":"Arnold Schwarzenneger and Danny DeVito were originally offered to star in this 1991 film before starring in Twins.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Suburban Commando","choices":["Uncle Buck","Mr. Nanny","Lethal Weapon","Suburban Commando"]},{"question":"Arnold Schwarzenegger co-starred in Jingle All the Way with funnyman Eddie Murphy.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Meg Ryan was born on this date in Fairfield, Connecticut.","category":"celebrities","answer":"November 19, 1961","choices":["November 18, 1961","October 19, 1961","November 19, 1961","November 19, 1962"]},{"question":"What is Meg Ryans full birth name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Margaret Mary Emily Hyra","choices":["Susan Ryan Jordan","Margaret Mary Emily Hyra","Margaret Emily Jordan","Karen Emma Walden"]},{"question":"Meg Ryan had a relationship followed by a marriage with actor Randy Quaid.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which of the following pairs of movies star both Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Joe Versus the Volcano and Youve Got Mail","choices":["Youve Got Mail and I.Q.","Joe Versus the Volcano and Youve Got Mail","Joe Versus the Volcano and Courage Under Fire","I.Q. and Addicted to Love"]},{"question":"Meg Ryan was in what daytime drama from 1982 to 1984?","category":"celebrities","answer":"As the World Turns","choices":["The Young and the Restless","As the World Turns","Another World","Days Of Our Lives"]},{"question":"Meg Ryan has an asteroid named after her.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Meg Ryan played the niece of Albert Einstein in what 1994 romantic comedy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"I.Q.","choices":["When a Man Loves a Woman","French Kiss","Prelude to a Kiss","I.Q."]},{"question":"Did Meg Ryan turn down the role of Catherine Tramell in Basic Instinct?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"How old was Meg Ryan when she made her first television commercial?","category":"celebrities","answer":"18","choices":["21","7","16","18"]},{"question":"When and to what parents was actor Edward Norton born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"August 18, 1969 to a teacher and a lawyer","choices":["August 18, 1979 to a banker and a history professor","August 18, 1969 to a teacher and a lawyer","August 18, 1974 to an insurance salesman and a doctor","August 18, 1964 to a doctor and a teacher"]},{"question":"Edward Nortons grandfather was the developer who designed the city of Columbia, Maryland.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"From which college did actor Edward Norton graduate?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yale University","choices":["Harvard","New York University","Yale University","Columbia University"]},{"question":"Actor Edward Norton joined a theater group called The Signature Players that produced plays written by which great playwright?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Edward Albee","choices":["Edward Albee","Tennessee Williams","Eugene ONeil","David Mamet"]},{"question":"In which of these films was Edward Nortons first major role?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Primal Fear","choices":["Destination Anywhere","The Juror","Primal Fear","Deconstructing Harry"]},{"question":"For which movie did Edward Norton put on 30 pounds to make himself look more dangerous?","category":"celebrities","answer":"American History X","choices":["The People vs. Larry Flynt","Destination Anywhere","American History X","Fight Club"]},{"question":"In which movie did Edward Norton play a poker hustler?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rounders","choices":["The Life of Aaron Stampler","Oceans Eleven","Rounders","Fight Club"]},{"question":"In which of these movies did Edward Norton sing?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Death to Smoochy","choices":["Kingdom of Heaven","The Score","The Days of Song","Death to Smoochy"]},{"question":"Which was the first movie that Edward Norton directed, produced and acted in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Keeping the Faith","choices":["The Score","Keeping the Faith","Kingdom of Heaven","Frida"]},{"question":"In which movie does Edward Norton play a thief who tries to double-cross his partner (played by Robert De Niro)?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Score","choices":["The Destination","The Score","Rounders","Lost in moment"]},{"question":"Rapper Bow Wow, who released his first album at the age of 13, starred in which 2005 movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Roll Bounce","choices":["Boyz in The Hood","Like Mike","Johnson Family Vacation","Roll Bounce"]},{"question":"In 2002, rapper and actor Mos Def starred in what Pulitzer Prize-Winning Broadway play?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Topdog/Underdog","choices":["Something The Lord Made","The Woodson","God Bless The Child","Topdog/Underdog"]},{"question":"Which 2001 comedy-romance film starred Gabrielle Union as Conny Spalding?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Two Can Play That Game","choices":["Bad Boys 2","Two Can Play That Game","The Brothers","Deliver Us from Eva"]},{"question":"The members of boy band B2K played in which movie, directed by Chris Stokes?","category":"celebrities","answer":"You Got Served","choices":["You Got Served","Bebes Kids","House Party 3","Fat Albert"]},{"question":"LisaRaye portrayed Diana Armstrong/Diamond in what 1998 film?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Players Club","choices":["One On One","The Players Club","Strippers on The Floor","All of Us"]},{"question":"Halle Berry co-starred with Penélope Cruz in which 2003 horror movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gothika","choices":["Soul Food","Ghost Ship","Gothika","House On The Haunted Hill"]},{"question":"In what movie does Queen Latifah play a speed demon?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Taxi","choices":["Taxi","Movin Half Past","Living Color","Beauty Shop"]},{"question":"In this 1997 action movie, Vivica A. Fox co-stars with Will Smith.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Independence Day","choices":["Why Do Fools Fall In Love","Independence Day","Two Can Play That Game","Booty Call"]},{"question":"Ludacris appeared in which hip-hop-styled film, featuring Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Xzibit and DJ Pooh?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Wash","choices":["The Wash","Hustle And Flow","Crash","Yeah"]},{"question":"What renowned film director did actor Vincent DOnofrio play in 1994s film, Ed Wood?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Orson Welles","choices":["John Ford","Cecil B. Demille","Orson Welles","Alfred Hitchcock"]},{"question":"How much weight did Vincent DOnofrio gain to play his break out role of Private Gomer Pyle in Stanley Kubricks Full Metal Jacket?","category":"celebrities","answer":"70 pounds","choices":["60 pounds","80 pounds","50 pounds","70 pounds"]},{"question":"What year was Vincent DOnofrio Born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1959","choices":["1962","1960","1959","1961"]},{"question":"An Academy Award winning Actress thanked Vincent DOnofrio in her acceptance speech.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Vincent DOnofrio starred as pulp writer Robert E. Howard in the film The Whole Wide World with Renee Zelleweger. What heroic fictional character was Howards most famous creation?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Conan","choices":["Mike Hammer","Will Parry","Conan","Luke Skywalker"]},{"question":"What was the first film Vincent DOnofrio acted in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The First Turn On!","choices":["The First Turn On!","Adventures in Babysitting","Mystic Pizza","Full Metal Jacket"]},{"question":"Vincent DOnofrio co-starred in Men In Black II with Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In which Law Order show has Vincent DOnofrio starred?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Criminal Intent","choices":["Special Victims Unit (SVU)","Law Order (the Original)","Life on the Streets","Criminal Intent"]},{"question":"Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman were stabbed several times in front of their L.A. home on June 12, 1994. Who was found guilty of the crime?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No one","choices":["No one","O.J. Simpson","The Night Stalker","Walter Payton"]},{"question":"What was John Ritters birth name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Johnathan Southworth Ritter","choices":["None of these","Johnathan Southworth Ritter","John Ritter","John Southworth Ritter"]},{"question":"What was John Ritters major in college?","category":"celebrities","answer":"psychology","choices":["architecture","psychology","drama","pre-med"]},{"question":"Which of these movies was John Ritter in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Sling Blade","All of these","Hearts Afire","Problem Child"]},{"question":"John Ritter was married more than once.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How many children did John Ritter have?","category":"celebrities","answer":"4","choices":["4","3","none","1"]},{"question":"John Ritter died in the same hospital in which he was born.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"John Ritters wife filed a $5 million wrongful death suit against the radiologist and cardiologist that diagnosed him.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Ronnie Van Zant, a founding member of the Southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd, died in a tragic incident involving what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"An airplane","choices":["A vehicle","An airplane","Drowning","Skiing"]},{"question":"Lynyrd Skynyrds three disc set, released in 1991, was simply titled Box Set.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Johnny and Ronnie Van Zants brother, Donnie, is the founder of .38 Special -- an American rock band.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Comedic actor Jonathan Harshman Winters was born in Dayton, Ohio on what date?","category":"celebrities","answer":"November 11,1925","choices":["November 11, 1920","November 11, 1936","November 11, 1929","November 11,1925"]},{"question":"Where did Jonathan Winters meet his wife, Eileen Schauder?","category":"celebrities","answer":"at the Dayton Art Institute.","choices":["at Kenyon College.","at a bowling alley in Springfield, Ohio.","at the Dayton Art Institute.","in Gambier, Ohio."]},{"question":"Jonathan Winters portrayed character Fats Brown in an episode of which fantasy TV series?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Twilight Zone","choices":["The Sixth Sense","The Dead Man","Alfred Hitchcock Presents","The Twilight Zone"]},{"question":"This 1955 show, which was a summer replacement of The George Gobel Show, featured comedian Jonathan Winters.","category":"celebrities","answer":"And Heres the Show","choices":["Davis Rules","And Heres the Show","The Davis Family","Hang Ups"]},{"question":"In a 2005 interview on XM radio this actor, host of the TV program Kids Say the Darndest Things, called Jonathan Winters The King.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bill Cosby","choices":["Bill Cosby","Steve Martin","Rodney Dangerfield","Buddy Hackett"]},{"question":"Which of these movies did not feature comic actor Jonathan Winters?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hollywood, Hollywood 1989","choices":["Moon Over Parador 1988","The Shadow 1994","The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle 2000","Hollywood, Hollywood 1989"]},{"question":"This character, portrayed by comic Jonathan Winters, was a seemingly sweet old lady with a sharp tongue.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Maudie Frickert","choices":["Jane Davis","Maudie Frickert","Mary Glenworthy","Henrietta Glenworthy"]},{"question":"In this movie, based on a novel by Evelyn Waugh, Jonathan Winters played the roles of Henry Glenworthy and Rev. Wilbur Glenworthy.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Loved One","choices":["The Loved One","Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World","Stand -Up","The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming"]},{"question":"In this situational comedy, Jonathan Winters appeared as the infant son of the character, played by Robin Williams.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mork and Mindy","choices":["Family Matters","Home Improvement","Gilligans Island","Mork and Mindy"]},{"question":"She was born in December of 1945 in Honolulu, Hawaii.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bette Midler","choices":["Beverly Sills","Barbra Streisand","Bette Midler","Madonna"]},{"question":"She was born in April of 1942 and throughout her life, she has been a liberal political activist.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Barbra Streisand","choices":["Barbra Streisand","Bette Midler","Madonna","Beverly Sills"]},{"question":"She won 4 Grammy Awards in the period 1994-1991, an Emmy Award in 1992, and a Tony Award in 1974.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bette Midler","choices":["Barbra Streisand","Bette Midler","Beverly Sills","MaDonna"]},{"question":"She is known as the Queen of Pop.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Madonna","choices":["Madonna","Beverly Sills","Barbra Streisand","Bette Midler"]},{"question":"She was born in May of 1929 and was famous for her coloratura soprano roles in opera.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Beverly Sills","choices":["Madonna","Barabra Streisand","Beverly Sills","Bette Midler"]},{"question":"She co-hosted The View in 2006 during Best Friends week as a Best Friend of Barbara Walters.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Beverly Sills","choices":["Beverly Sills","Barbra Streisand","Madonna","Bette Midler"]},{"question":"She was named after a famous film actress (who her mom admired), although the name is pronounced differently.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bette Midler","choices":["Madonna","Beverly Sills","Bette Midler","Barbra Streisand"]},{"question":"She attended Erasmus Hall High School as a teenager, where she sang in the choir with Neil Diamond.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Barbra Streisand","choices":["Madonna","Bette Midler","Beverly Sills","Barbra Streisand"]},{"question":"She shared her 1968 Academy Award for Best Actress with Katherine Hepburn.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Barbra Streisand","choices":["Barbra Streisand","Madonna","Beverly Sills","Bette Midler"]},{"question":"In 2001, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized her as the most successful female musician.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Madonna","choices":["Beverly Sills","Bette Midler","Madonna","Barbra Streisand"]},{"question":"When was actor Jim Carrey born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"January 17, 1962","choices":["January 17, 1962","October 2, 1965","February 21, 1970","June 15, 1960"]},{"question":"What year did Jim Carrey win his first Golden Globe?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1999","choices":["2005","2000","2002","1999"]},{"question":"What is Jim Carreys real name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"James Eugene Carrey","choices":["Jim Eugene Carrey","Jon Eugene Carrey","James Eugene Carrey","Jake Eugene Carrey"]},{"question":"In what movie did Jim Carrey play the character of Officer Charlie Baileygates/Hank Evans?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Me, Myself Irene","choices":["Fun with Dick and Jane","Me, Myself Irene","Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind","Dumb Dumber"]},{"question":"In which of these movies does Jim Carrey play the adult Joe Wenteworth?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Simon Birch","choices":["Bruce Almighty","How the Grinch Stole Christmas","Simon Birch","Man on the Moon"]},{"question":"Has actor Jim Carrey confessed publicly that he suffered from paranoia?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Jim Carrey is known to be a fan of which of these bands?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cannibal Corpse","choices":["ACDC","Reo Speedwagon","Cannibal Corpse","Atreyu"]},{"question":"Jim Carrey has stated that he dislikes which one of the following movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes","choices":["Forrest Gump","The Village","Houseboat","The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes"]},{"question":"Jim Carrey was cast as Dr. Evil in the movie Austin Powers.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Jim Carrey was an excellent student in high school.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Where was actor Will Ferrell born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"California","choices":["Virginia","Carolina","Detroit","California"]},{"question":"What is Will Ferrells characters plan in the movie Zoolander?","category":"celebrities","answer":"to kill the prime minster of Malaysia","choices":["to gain control of the cereal companies","to kill the prime minster of Malaysia","to become the best fashion designer ever","to re-join his old band"]},{"question":"What university did Will Ferrell graduate from?","category":"celebrities","answer":"University of Southern California","choices":["Boston College","University of Southern California","University of Delaware","University of North Califonia"]},{"question":"In 2001, Will Ferrell became the highest paid cast member of Saturday Night Live.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In 2000 Will Ferrell married an actress from this country.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sweden","choices":["England","Sweden","Japan","China"]},{"question":"Will Ferrells co-star, who plays Cal in Talladega Nights, stars in which of these movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Walk Hard","choices":["Walk Hard","American Ganster","Benchwarmers","Good Sheperd"]},{"question":"Which of the following movies starring Will Ferrell was released in 2008?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Semi-Pro","choices":["Old School","Zoolander","Semi-Pro","Anchorman"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not a movie character portrayed by Will Ferrell?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bobby Ricky","choices":["Ron Burgundy","Bobby Ricky","Jackie Moon","Mugatu"]},{"question":"Which statement about the birth of actor Jerry Seinfeld is true?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was born on 29 April 1954 in Brooklyn, New York","choices":["He was born on 29 April 1954 in The Bronx, New York","He was born on 29 April 1954 in Brooklyn, New York","He was born on 29 April 1954 in Flushing, New York","He was born on 29 April 1954 in Massepequa, Long Island"]},{"question":"Which statement concerning Jerry Seinfelds education is true?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He attended Oswego College in upstate New York and transferred to Queens College in New York City. He graduated from Queens College.","choices":["He attended Oswego College in upstate New York and transferred to Queens College in New York City. He graduated from Queens College.","He got his B.A. degree from Oswego College in upstate New York in psychology.","He attended Long Island University but graduated from Queens College in 1976.","He attended and graduated from Long Island University with a degree in 1976."]},{"question":"Which of these women is famous as Jerry Seinfelds manager?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Carolyn Liebling","choices":["Drew Lansker","None of these","Carolyn Liebling","Carol Liefer"]},{"question":"In real life, William Peterson is a grandfather.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In what year did William Peterson make his film debut?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1981","choices":["1983","1979","1985","1981"]},{"question":"In Michael Manns Thief, what role did Peterson play, and what was his screen name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Katz Jammer Bartender - William L. Peterson","choices":["Katz Jammer Bartender - William L. Peterson","Attorneys assistant - Mike Gerafin","Member Mighty Joe Young Band - Thomas Gitlin","Large detective in suit - Allouyitious Dance"]},{"question":"In 1985, Mr. Peterson played a U.S. Secret Service agent in Willliam L. Friedkins film, To Live and Die in L.A. His characters first name was Rick. Was the last name Choice?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"Which of these actors did not act with Peterson in the film To Live and Die in L.A.?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Stockard Channing","choices":["John Pankow","Dean Stockwell","Darlanne Fluegel","Stockard Channing"]},{"question":"In a 1986 film, Mr. Peterson portrayed a character named Will Graham. Give the name of the film, and its director.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Manhunter - Michael Mann","choices":["Into the Night - John Landis","Manhunter - Michael Mann","Goonies - Steven Spielberg","Ferrris Buellers Day Off - John Hughes"]},{"question":"In this little known 1992 comedy, William Peterson played a character named Frank Scanlon. Name the movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Passed Away","choices":["For the Boys","Passed Away","Riding in Cars With Boys","Weekend at Bernies"]},{"question":"William Peterson wears an old football jersey in many of his movies.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In what year was actress Sally Field born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1946","choices":["1947","1948","1949","1946"]},{"question":"Sally Field got her start as a surfer girl on the 1960s show Gidget.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Who did Sally Field marry in 1968?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Stephen Craig","choices":["Alan Griesman","Burt Reynolds","Paul Lenoke","Stephen Craig"]},{"question":"In which 1993 movie did Sally Field co-star with Robin Williams?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mrs. Doubtfire","choices":["Forrest Gump","Mrs. Doubtfire","Eye For An Eye","Not Without My Daughter"]},{"question":"Sally Fields birth mother and father divorced in 1950.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Was Sally Field a cheerleader in high school?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"During her 2007 Emmy Award acceptance speech, Sally Field made a pro-war statement.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"In which movie did Sally Field provide the voice of a cat named Sassy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Both of These","choices":["Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey","None of These","Both of These","Homeward Bound II: Lost In San Francisco"]},{"question":"This 1992 film, directed by Ron Howard, starred Nicole Kidman as an Irish immigrant who made her way to the United States to take part in the Land Run of 1893.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Far and Away","choices":["Windrider","Archers Adventure","Far and Away","Room to Move"]},{"question":"This movie, directed and co-written by Stanley Kubrick and based on the novel Traumnovelle, stars Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, who play a troubled couple in New York City.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eyes Wide Shut","choices":["Skin Deep","Eyes Wide Shut","Days of Thunder","Far and Away"]},{"question":"This 2001 horror/suspense film stars Nicole Kidman as a mother of two young children living in a house they assume to be haunted, only to find out they are the ghosts inhabiting the house.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Others","choices":["The Others","The Haunted","The House on Haunted Hill","The Messengers"]},{"question":"Nicole Kidman provided the voice of Norma Jean in what 2006 animated comedy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Happy Feet","choices":["Ice Age: The Meltdown","Barnyard","Over the Hedge","Happy Feet"]},{"question":"In this movie Nicole Kidman plays a woman named Isabel who just wants to live a normal life. She meets a failing movie star who wants to find an unknown actress to star with him in a TV show and he picks her for the role.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bewitched","choices":["To Die For","Bewitched","Practical Magic","The Bit Part"]},{"question":"Nicole Kidman plays Dr. Chase Meridian in this 1995 superhero film also starring Val Kilmer.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Batman Forever","choices":["Batman Begins","Batman Forever","Batman Returns","Batman"]},{"question":"This 2003 movie stars Nicole Kidman and Jude Law as lovers torn apart by the Civil War and Renee Zelweger as a helping hand.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cold Mountain","choices":["Dead Calm","Cold Mountain","The Peacemaker","The Interpreter"]},{"question":"This 2004 film stars Nicole Kidman as a young widow, who believes her dead husband has been reincarnated into a young boy, who has intimate knowledge of the past she shared with her deceased husband.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Birth","choices":["Eyes Wide Shut","My Life","Birth","Human Stain"]},{"question":"This 1989 thriller stars Sam Neill and Nicole Kidman as a couple vacationing on their yacht in the Pacific. They come across a stranded man played by Billy Zane, who claims to have lost his companions on a sinking ship.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dead Calm","choices":["Malice","Days of Thunder","To Die For","Dead Calm"]},{"question":"In this film Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock play sisters who are witches and belong to a family that is cursed - any man who falls in love with a woman from the family will die tragically.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Practical Magic","choices":["Practical Magic","The Portrait of a Lady","My Life","To Die For"]},{"question":"This thriller/action movie stars George Cooney as a Special Forces Intelligence Officer and Nicole Kidman as a nuclear expert for the White House.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Peacemaker","choices":["Dogville","Malice","The Interpreter","The Peacemaker"]},{"question":"Nicole Kidman starred with Matt Dillon and Joaquin Phoenix in this novel-based movie about an older woman who seduces a teenage boy and convinces him to kill her husband.","category":"celebrities","answer":"To Die For","choices":["Eyes Wide Shut","Far and Away","The Human Stain","To Die For"]},{"question":"American actor Jerry Orbach was born on October 20, 1935 in which city?","category":"celebrities","answer":"New York City","choices":["Los Angeles, CA","New York City","Nanticoke, PA","Philadelphia, PA"]},{"question":"Actor Jerry Orbach studied drama and acting in which two famous educational institutions?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Northwestern University and the Actors Studio","choices":["Uta Hagens Acting Academy and The Aspen Acting Space","University of Southern California and the Actors Studio","Northwestern University and the Actors Studio","Uta Hagens Acting Academy and the Actors Studio"]},{"question":"In his first major role, actor Jerry Orbach played El Galo, in which 1960 musical comedy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Fantasticks","choices":["Scuba Duba","The Fantasticks","The Cradle Will Rock","Carnival"]},{"question":"Jerry Orbach starred with Anna Maria Alberghetti in which Tony-award winning Broadway musical?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Carnival","choices":["The Cradle Will Rock","Chicago","Scuba Duba","Carnival"]},{"question":"Jerry Orbach received his first Tony Award nomination for his portrayal of Sky Masterson, in which Broadway show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Guys and Dolls","choices":["Guys and Dolls","The Cradle Will Rock","Carnival","Scuba Duba"]},{"question":"In this movie, directed by Woody Allen, Jerry Orbach played a criminal, named Jack Rosenthal.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989)","choices":["Mad Dog Call (1961)","Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989)","Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989)","The Gang That Couldnt Shoot straight (1971)"]},{"question":"Jerry Orbach won the Tony Award for Best Actor for his role in which 1968 musical?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Promises, Promises","choices":["Carnival","Promises, Promises","Chicago","Guys and Dolls"]},{"question":"This Broadway musical, produced by David Merrick, featured Jerry Orbach in the role of musical director, Julian Marsh.","category":"celebrities","answer":"42nd Street","choices":["42nd Street","6RMS RIV VU","Chicago","Annie Get Your Gun"]},{"question":"Jerry Orbach starred with Chita Rivera and Gwen Verdon in which 1975 play?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Chicago","choices":["The Cradle Will Rock","The Natural Look","Chicago","Scuba Duba"]},{"question":"In the long-running drama Law and Order, detective Lennie Briscoe, portrayed by Jerry Orbach, had a nephew whose name was what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ken Briscoe","choices":["John Briscoe","Ken Briscoe","Ken Branch","David Briscoe"]},{"question":"When was comedian Bob Newhart born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"9/05/1929","choices":["9/05/1919","9/05/1939","9/05/1949","9/05/1929"]},{"question":"Where did Bob Newhart live as a child?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Oak Park","choices":["Indianapolis","Los Angeles","St. Paul","Oak Park"]},{"question":"From which college did Bob Newhart graduate?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Loyola (of Chicago )","choices":["Loyola (of Los Angeles)","Marquette","DePaul","Loyola (of Chicago )"]},{"question":"What was Bob Newharts vocation before entering the entertainment industry?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bookkeeper","choices":["College instructor","High school English teacher","Bookkeeper","Cadillac salesman"]},{"question":"How many children do Bob Newhart and his wife have?","category":"celebrities","answer":"4","choices":["1","4","3","2"]},{"question":"How many times did Bob Newhart appear as a guest on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson?","category":"celebrities","answer":"87","choices":["87","29","18","43"]},{"question":"When did the sitcom The Bob Newhart Show air?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1972-1978","choices":["1971-1980","1969-1976","1972-1978","1970-1979"]},{"question":"What role did Bob Newhart play in The Bob Newhart Show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dr. Bob Hartley, psychologist","choices":["Dr. Bob Loudin, psychiatrist","Dr. Bob Hartley, psychiatrist","Dr. Bob Hartley, psychologist","Dr. Bob Loudin, psychologist"]},{"question":"Which is true about Bob Newharts sitcoms, The Bob Newhart Show and Newhart?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bobs character had no children .","choices":["Bobs character had no children .","Bobs character was married to a sexy blonde.","Bobs character had a best friend who was a dentist.","Bobs character wore glasses."]},{"question":"Who portrayed Bobs wife on The Bob Newhart Show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Suzanne Pleshette","choices":["Suzanne Pleshette","Mary Frann","Marcia Wallace","Julia Duffy"]},{"question":"Who portrayed the doctors sassy red-haired assistant in The Bob Newhart Show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Marcia Wallace","choices":["Mary Frann","Marcia Wallace","Suzanne Pleshette","Julia Duffy"]},{"question":"What role did Peter Bonerz play in The Bob Newhart Show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The dentist","choices":["Bobs brother-in-law","The dentist","The pilot","The paranoid patient"]},{"question":"Bob Newharts album The Button Down Mind of Bob Newhart outsold the cast album of The Sound of Music.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"This actors first role was in the hit movie Animal House and he has starred in over 30 movies since 1978. Can you name him?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Kevin Bacon","choices":["Kevin Bacon","Danny DeVito","John Belushi","John Lithgow"]},{"question":"James Caan played Don Vito Corleone in 1972s The Godfather.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Meryl Streep began her career in 1987.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This amazing actress, born Margarita Carmen Cansino, was on the stage when she was 6 with The Cansinos who were Spanish dancers working in vaudeville. In 1937, she changed her name and gave an impressive performance in Only Angels Have Wings with Cary Grant. Can you name her?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rita Hayworth","choices":["Marilyn Monroe","Sophia Loren","Hedy Lamarr","Rita Hayworth"]},{"question":"This rockin guitarist, nicknamed Slowhand, started his career in 1963 and has been a member of such bands as The Roosters, Cream and The Yardbirds.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eric Clapton","choices":["Ginger Baker","Eric Clapton","Peter Frampton","Jeff Beck"]},{"question":"Actor John Cazale was born on August 12, 1935, in what city?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Boston, Massachusetts","choices":["Los Angeles, California","Boston, Massachusetts","New York City","Portland, Maine"]},{"question":"During his teenage years, actor John Cazale made friends with which famous Italian-American actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Al Pacino","choices":["Robert DeNiro","Dustin Hoffman","James Caan","Al Pacino"]},{"question":"Actor John Cazale won an Obie for his performance in which off-Broadway play, written by Israel Horovitz?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Indian Wants The Bronx","choices":["The Peace Creeps","The Line","The Indian Wants The Bronx","The Winner"]},{"question":"In 1962, John Cazale starred in which short film?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The American Way","choices":["The Way","The way to Success","The American Way","The Conversation"]},{"question":"In total, John Cazale starred in how many feature movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"5","choices":["12","2","23","5"]},{"question":"How many movies, starring John Cazale, won an Academy Award for Best Picture?","category":"celebrities","answer":"3","choices":["8","3","5","3"]},{"question":"John Cazale received how many Academy Award nominations?","category":"celebrities","answer":"0","choices":["3","0","1","2"]},{"question":"John Cazale was engaged to which Oscar-winning actress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Meryl Streep","choices":["Diane Keaton","Meryl Streep","Glenn Close","Teri Garr"]},{"question":"Actor John Cazale died on March 12, 1978, in New York from what disease?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bone cancer","choices":["Throat cancer","Leukemia","Lung cancer","Bone cancer"]},{"question":"When was Redd Foxx born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"12 /9//1922 in Saint Louis, MO","choices":["12/9/1927 in Chicago, IL.","12 /9//1922 in Saint Louis, MO","12 /9/1932 in Kansas City, MO","12/9/1937 in East Saint Louis, IL"]},{"question":"What was Redd Foxx name at birth?","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Elroy Sanford","choices":["Lamont Elroy Sanford","John Elroy Sanford","Richard Elton Sanford","Whitmore Elvin Sanfird III"]},{"question":"Redd Foxx was once called Chicago Red so that he would not be confused with another red-headed man called Detroit Red. Who was this man?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Malcolm Little","choices":["Malcolm Little","Charles DuSable","John W. Bubbles","Chuck Green"]},{"question":"Which statement about Redd Foxx is untrue?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Redd was one of the first comedians to use relationship humor in his act.","choices":["In the 40s and 50s Redd engaged in illegal activities including draft dodging.","Redd was one of the first comedians to use relationship humor in his act.","Redd took his last name from baseball star Jimmy Foxx.","Redd first gained comedic fame with his very raunchy stand-up."]},{"question":"When was the show Sanford and Son aired?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1972-1977","choices":["1971-1978","1973-1981","1972-1977","1974-1982"]},{"question":"How did Redd Foxx get the name Fred Sanford for the lead role on the show Sanford and Son?","category":"celebrities","answer":"It was Redds brothers real name .","choices":["It was Redds name when he was a boxer.","He needed a short name so he picked Fred.","It was Redds brothers real name .","It was the first name of the corresponding character in the British version of the show."]},{"question":"Who played Fred Sanfords son on the sitcom Sanford and Son?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Demond Wilson","choices":["Delmont Wilson","Demond Wilson","Desmond Mayo","Desmond Wilson"]},{"question":"Name the actor on Sanford and Son who played Freds friend, Grady Wilson?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Whitman Mayo","choices":["Wilson Bexley","Don Bexley","Whitman Mayo","Bubba Bexley"]},{"question":"A member of the Our Gang troop starred in Sanford and Son.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"When Redd Foxx first entered show business, segregation forced him to perform at segregated clubs. What was the collective name given to these clubs?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Chitlin Circuit","choices":["The Greenville Ciruit","The Copasetic Circuit","The Leedsville Circuit","The Chitlin Circuit"]},{"question":"Where was the junkyard located in the TV series Sanford and Son?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Los Angeles","choices":["San Francisco","Los Angeles","New York City","Kansas City, MO"]},{"question":"Why did Redd Foxx quit the show Sanford and Son?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He got his own variety show on ABC.","choices":["CBS offered him a three picture deal.","NBC wanted to replace him with Flip Wilson.","He got his own variety show on ABC.","Ratings were very low."]},{"question":"Which statement regarding Redd Foxx is false?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Redd has a star on the L.A. Walk of Fame.","choices":["The IRS seized his house and jewelry in a raid in 1989.","The original choice for Fred Sanford was Clevon Little.","Redd made a comeback in 1991.","Redd has a star on the L.A. Walk of Fame."]},{"question":"Who wrote the theme song for Sanford and Son?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Quincy Jones","choices":["Quincy Jones","Mike Post","Errol Garner","Redd Foxx"]},{"question":"What is the name of the lipstick Courteney Cox designed for CARGO, a Canadian cosmetics company?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cece","choices":["Cox","Coco","Courteney","Cece"]},{"question":"Before marrying David Arquette, Courtney Cox dated this member of the Counting Crows rock band.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Adam Duritz","choices":["Charlie Gillingham","David Bryson","Jim Bogios","Adam Duritz"]},{"question":"For which role on the Friends TV show did Courteney Cox originally audition?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rachel","choices":["Janice","Phoebe","Judy","Rachel"]},{"question":"What was the name of Courteney Coxs character in the Scream trilogy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gale Weathers","choices":["Billy Loomis","Casey Becker","Tatum Riley","Gale Weathers"]},{"question":"Courtney Cox provided the voice of this character in the 2006 animation movie Barnyard.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Daisy the Cow","choices":["Etta the Hen","Pip the Mouse","Daisy the Cow","Bessy the Cow"]},{"question":"In the Dirt TV series, Courteney Cox plays the editor-in-chief of this tabloid magazine.","category":"celebrities","answer":"DirtNow","choices":["Lucy","DirtNow","DIRT","Tabloid"]},{"question":"Jennifer Aniston guest starred in the season finale of the Dirt TV show.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Courteney Cox appeared in the 1984 music video of this Bruce Springsteen song.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dancing in the Dark","choices":["Dancing in the Dark","Streets of Philadelphia","Pink Cadillac","Everything I Do"]},{"question":"Who co-starred with Courteney Cox in the 2004 movie November?","category":"celebrities","answer":"James Legros","choices":["Michael Keaton","Kurt Russel","James Legros","Kevin Costner"]},{"question":"Willem DaFoe shares a birthday with what other well known actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"David Spade","choices":["Chris Cooper","Robert DeNiro","Liam Neeson","David Spade"]},{"question":"What is The Wooster Group, and how is Willem DaFoe connected with it?","category":"celebrities","answer":"An experimental theatre group. Willem was one of its original founders.","choices":["A film preservation archives group. Mr. DaFoe serves on its board of directors.","A financing arm of Indy Titles Pictures. Mr. DaFoe is a major investor.","A non-profit organization which establishes scholarships for aspiring actors. Mr. DaFoe is Vice president.","An experimental theatre group. Willem was one of its original founders."]},{"question":"In To Live and Die in L.A., what were the name and profession of DaFoes character?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rick Masters - Counterfeiter/Artist","choices":["Bob Grimes - Lawyer","Rick Masters - Counterfeiter/Artist","Rick Chance - U.S. Secret Service agent","John Vukovich - Undercover informant"]},{"question":"Willem DaFoe acted opposite William Peterson in Michael Manns 1986 film, Manhunter.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"This 1984 film features Willem DaFoe in one of his first leading roles.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Streets of Fire","choices":["Forbidden Streets","Streets of Fire","Blade Runner","Streets of Desire"]},{"question":"In which of the following films does Willem DaFoe not appear?","category":"celebrities","answer":"8 Million Ways to Die","choices":["Streets of Fire","English Patient","8 Million Ways to Die","The Last Temptation of Christ"]},{"question":"Willem DaFoe acted with Mick Jagger in the 1992 Sci-fi thriller Freejack.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"When was actress Sandra Dee born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"April 23, 1942","choices":["April 23, 1943","April 23, 1942","April 25, 1942","September 20, 1942"]},{"question":"Sandra Dees birth name was Alexandra Zuck.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Sandra Dee was 4 years old when she entered the second grade.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What was the title of Sandra Dees first movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Until They Sail","choices":["Until They Sail","Tammy","Gidget","A Summer Place"]},{"question":"What was the last movie in which Sandra Dee starred?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lost","choices":["Two on a Guillotine","The Dunwich Horror","Lost","Imitation of Life"]},{"question":"When did actress Sandra Dee die?","category":"celebrities","answer":"February 20, 2005","choices":["February 21, 2005","December 25, 2000","February 20, 2005","December 21, 2005"]},{"question":"Which of these describes Bob Newharts stand-up style?","category":"celebrities","answer":"One-sided phone calls and a stammering style delivery.","choices":["Insult type humor","One-liners delivered one after the other","Off-color jokes with non-political context","One-sided phone calls and a stammering style delivery."]},{"question":"How many times did Bob Newhart appear on The Dean Martin Show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"24","choices":["11","24","0","1"]},{"question":"What is true about The Bob Newhart Show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The expression Hi, Bob was said 256 times.","choices":["The expression Hi, Bob was said 256 times.","The expression Love that Bob! was said 199 times.","Bobs character has trouble relating to his teenage daughter.","Bobs character is sued for malpractice in his psychiatry practice."]},{"question":"What role does Bob Newhart play in Newhart?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dick Loudin","choices":["Dr. Dick Loudin","Dr. Bob Loudin","Dick Loudin","Bob Loudin"]},{"question":"When did the sitcom Newhart air?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1982-1990","choices":["1982-1990","1979-1987","1981- 1991","1980-1988"]},{"question":"Who played Bobs blond wife in Newhart?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mary Frann","choices":["Julia Duffy","Mary Frann","Suzanne Pleshette","Marcia Wallace"]},{"question":"Who portrayed the handyman in Newhart?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Tom Poston","choices":["Tom Poston","Richard Stahl","William Sanderson","Peter Scolari"]},{"question":"Who played the rich, spoiled Stephanie Vanderkellen in the sitcom Newhart?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Julia Duffy","choices":["Melanie Chartoff","Julia Duffy","Priscilla Morrill","Marcia Wallace"]},{"question":"William Sanderson played the local weirdo Larry in Newhart. What were the names of his brothers?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Darryl and Darryl","choices":["Mitch and Mike","Louie and Herbie","Sam and Sammy","Darryl and Darryl"]},{"question":"In the Christmas episode of Newhart, who comes to the inn the day after Christmas?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The three Weismans","choices":["George and Suzanne","Marcia and Julia","Julia","The three Weismans"]},{"question":"What is unusual about the opening credits of the sitcom Newhart?","category":"celebrities","answer":"They show a scene from On Golden Pond.","choices":["They show a scene from an old Bob Newhart show","They show Bob living in Chicago.","They show Bob and Marcia driving to Vermont.","They show a scene from On Golden Pond."]},{"question":"How does the last season of the show Newhart end?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bob wakes up next to Emily and finds that he has been dreaming the entire show.","choices":["Bob wakes up next to Emily and finds that he has been dreaming the entire show.","Bob awakens to find that he has two wives, one blond and one brunette and he owns an inn and a psychology practice.","Bob awakens to find that he is an Illinois psychiatrist who has just bought a Vermont inn and the entire cast of The Bob Newhart Show is in the inn.","Bob wakes up to find the inn is under sixty inches of snow and the characters are forced to get along."]},{"question":"Comedian and actor, Rodney Dangerfield was born Jacob Cohen on November 22, 1921 in which US state?","category":"celebrities","answer":"New York","choices":["Connecticut","California","New York","Pennsylvania"]},{"question":"Comedian Rodney Dangerfields first participation in cinema was in 1971, in this movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Projectionist","choices":["Easy Money","Little Nicky","The Projectionist","Back to School"]},{"question":"American comedian, Rodney Dangerfield had two significant relationships in his life, with which two of these women?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Joyce Indig and Joan Childs","choices":["Paula Bernstein and Joyce Mathison","Joan Childs and Marian Martaugh","Joyce Indig and Joan Childs","Joan Indig and Paula Bernstein"]},{"question":"Besides the 1994 American Comedy Award for lifetime creative achievement, what other significant award did comedian, Rodney Dangerfield win?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Grammy","choices":["Obie","Grammy","Emmy","Oscar"]},{"question":"Actor and comedian, Rodney Dangerfield bought a Manhattan nightclub in 1969, which he turned into a comedy club, named what?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dangerfields","choices":["Hollywood Comedy Theater","The Comedy Station","Rodneys","Dangerfields"]},{"question":"Which of these pseudonyms did comedian Rodney Dangerfield use, before settling on the one he became famous with?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jack Roy","choices":["Roger Dangerland","Robbie Danger","Jack Roy","Jackie Davis"]},{"question":"In addition voicing the character of Burnss son, Larry Burns, on The Simpsons, Dangerfield was also involved which of these animated films?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rover Dangerfield","choices":["Shrek","Rover Dangerfield","The Flintstones","Monsters, inc."]},{"question":"Al Czervik was an important part of Rodney Dangerfields career as comedian and actor. Who was actually Al Czervik?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A character in one of Dangerfields movies","choices":["Rodneys agent","A character in one of Dangerfields movies","Rodneys childhood idol","Rodneys manager and best friend"]},{"question":"On October 5, 2004, actor and comedian Rodney Dangerfield, 82, passed away at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. His death was the result of which of these?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Heart valve-replacement surgery","choices":["Lung cancer","Drug overdose","Heart valve-replacement surgery","Brain surgery"]},{"question":"When did the notorious incident in which actor Michael Richards was involved in a shouting match with members of the audience during which he made racist statements happen?","category":"celebrities","answer":"November 17, 2006","choices":["November 17, 2006","November 19, 2006","September 15, 2006","October 21, 2006"]},{"question":"What did Michael Richards claim was the cause of his racial tirade in a comedy club in 2006?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Uncontrolled rage","choices":["Personal problems","Mental problems","Uncontrolled rage","Racism"]},{"question":"After the controversial performance in the fall of 2006, Michael Richards opened the next night at the very same location.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"On what day did Richards appear on late night TV via satellite to apologize and explain the situation?","category":"celebrities","answer":"November 20, 2006","choices":["November 20, 2006","Octomber 21, 2006","September 19, 2006","November 18, 2006"]},{"question":"On what nighttime television program did Michael Richards apologize via satellite for the comedy club incident?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Late Show with David Letterman","choices":["The Jimmy Kimmel Show","The Tonight Show","Late Night with Conan OBrien","Late Show with David Letterman"]},{"question":"Did the comedy club in which the racist incident happened eventually ban Michael Richards from performing at their venue in the future?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["Yes","No"]},{"question":"After the Michael Richards incident in the fall of 2006, comedian Paul Mooney, former regular on the Dave Chappelle Show and frequent user of the N word, vowed never to use that word again in a live press conference.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Has it ever been reported that Michael Richards has made anti-Semitic remarks in the past as well?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Yes","choices":["No","Yes"]},{"question":"Boris Karloff was born in 1887 in London, England.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Boris was orphaned at an early age and raised by his siblings.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"The first films Boris made in Hollywood were silent.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Boris Karloff appeared in the role of Frankenstein in what year?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1931","choices":["1931","1928","1936","1941"]},{"question":"Even though Boris Karloffs career was closely tied to Bela Lugosi, they were not friends.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Boris never starred with film Basil Rathbone (famous for his portrayal Sherlock Holmes)?","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This movie is considered by the critics Boris Karloff’s greatest performance.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Body Snatchers","choices":["Frankenstein","The Body Snatchers","The Tower of London","The Bride of Frankenstein"]},{"question":"Despite his numerous successful roles in cinema, Boris Karloff never tried his hand at TV series.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Boris Karloff has how many stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?","category":"celebrities","answer":"2","choices":["3","4","2","1"]},{"question":"In what year did Boris Karloffs Frankenstein monster appear on postage stamps?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1998","choices":["1991","1995","1998","1975"]},{"question":"What was the first movie, written, directed and produced by M. Night Shyamalan?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Praying with Anger","choices":["Unbreakable","Lady in the Water","The Sixth Sense","Praying with Anger"]},{"question":"What 1999 movie written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan was nominated for six Oscars?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Sixth Sense","choices":["The Village","The Sixth Sense","Wide Awake","Signs"]},{"question":"When was M. Night Shyamalans first child born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1996","choices":["1996","1991","1999","1993"]},{"question":"What is M. Night Shyamalans real name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Manoj Nelliyattu Shyamalan","choices":["Mike Jon Shyamalan","Milo Alex Shyamalan","Manoj Nelliyattu Shyamalan","Nelliate Manoj Shyamalan"]},{"question":"Where was M. Night Shyamalan raised?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Philadelphia","choices":["Bosten","New York","Philadelphia","India"]},{"question":"What 2002 science fiction/horror movie, starring Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix, was directed by M. Night Shyamalan?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Signs","choices":["Unbreakable","Signs","The Village","Lady in the water"]},{"question":"What are the names of M. Night Shyamalans parents?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nelliate and Jayalakshmi","choices":["Nick and Jamie","Nelliate and Jayalakshmi","Harold and Carol","Manoj and Jasmine"]},{"question":"M. Night Shyamalans parents were both doctors.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which one of M. Night Shyamalans movies received four Golden Raspberry Award nominations?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lady in the Water","choices":["Lady in the Water","The Village","The Happening","None of these"]},{"question":"What movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan deals with the supernatural?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["Signs","All of these","Unbreakable","The Sixth Sense"]},{"question":"Late Night with David Letterman premiered in 1985.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In 2002 this film score composer and piano player broke the record for most Oscar nominations without a win with 16, but finally won in 2002 for Best Song in the movie Monsters Inc.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Randy Newman","choices":["Randy Newman","Alfred Newman","Joe Newman","Paul Newman"]},{"question":"This American actors famous roles include Oscar Madison and Dr. Quincy.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jack Klugman","choices":["Ron Perlman","Phil Hartman","Jack Klugman","Scatman Caruthers"]},{"question":"There is a Bond girl actress with the letters man in her name.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Who portrayed Wolverine in 2000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hugh Jackman","choices":["Arman Poiret","Hugh Jackman","Ron Perlman","Jack Klugman"]},{"question":"This actress was in Shes the Man (2006), Hairspray (2007) and had her own show on Nickelodeon (1999-2002).","category":"celebrities","answer":"Amanda Bynes","choices":["Melanie Jackman","Amanda Bynes","Amanda Pete","Sarah Manchester"]},{"question":"In the mid 80s, this pop singer came out with the hits Touch Me and I Wanna Have Some Fun.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Samantha Fox","choices":["Mandy Moore","Amanda Ridgley","Samantha Fox","Chloe Bergman"]},{"question":"Lindsay Lohan has been linked to which of the following?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Samantha Ronson","choices":["Tory Spellman","Samantha Ronson","Amanda Bynes","Rachel McAdams"]},{"question":"I talk to the trees\nbut they dont listen to me.\nI talk to the stars\nbut they never hear me.\nIn what movie did Clint Eastwood sing (sing is not a typo) I Talk to the Trees?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paint Your Wagon","choices":["Every Which Way but Loose","Hang em High","The Gauntlet","Paint Your Wagon"]},{"question":"In which Clint Eastwood directed film would you find the characters Ira Hayes and John Doc Bradley?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Flags of Our Fathers","choices":["Firefox","Flags of Our Fathers","The Eiger Sanction","Heartbreak Ridge"]},{"question":"He named his kid Speck Wildhorse. For a while he gave himself a middle name, which means a puma.","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Mellencamp","choices":["Simon LeBon","John Mellencamp","NIkki Sixx","Woody Guthrie"]},{"question":"She is an Australian-born actress who plays Samantha Spade on a popular TV show. The star of the show is also Australian-born. Her birth name is Poppy Petal Emma Elizabeth Devereaux. What last name does she go by?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Montgomery","choices":["Hargitay","Gertz","Rimini","Montgomery"]},{"question":"Bill Lear, the developer of the Lear Jet, named his daughter Shanda Lear.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This actor, who was the boss of John Travolta and Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction, has named his children Freedom, Tiffany , and Rein Beau.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ving Rhames","choices":["Stanley Tucci","Ving Rhames","Harvey Keitel","Bruce Willis"]},{"question":"What is in the briefcase that Mary Swanson leaves at the airport in the 1994 comedy Dumb and Dumber?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Money","choices":["Some instruments and gadgets","Money","Dirty laundry","Diamonds"]},{"question":"Which unforgettable character does Jim Carrey portray in the 1995 superhero movie Batman Forever?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Riddler","choices":["Two-Face","Mr. Freeze","Robin","Riddler"]},{"question":"What is the reason that Officer Charlie Baileygates (Jim Carrey) develops a split personality in the 2000 comedy Me, Myself Irene?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He has suppressed his anger all his life","choices":["He is taking drugs","When the Moon shows he starts acting crazy","He has suppressed his anger all his life","Sugar makes him do insane things"]},{"question":"What is the final message shown at the end of the 2007 movie The Number 23, starring Jim Carrey?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Be sure that your sins will find you out","choices":["You will never find a way out","The end is near","Be sure that your sins will find you out","Nothing else makes sense but the number 23"]},{"question":"How does Bruce cope with all the prayers that he receives as e-mails in the 2003 comedy Bruce Almighty?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He says Yes to all","choices":["He teaches his dog how to answer them","He ignores them","He deletes them","He says Yes to all"]},{"question":"What does little Max wish when hes blowing the candles on his birthday cake in the 1997 comedy movie Liar Liar, starring Jim Carrey?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He wishes his dad would stop lying for a day","choices":["He wishes for a motorbike","He wishes for a new daddy","He wishes his dad would stop lying for a day","He wishes his parent would get back together"]},{"question":"What comedy actor directed the 1996 comedy The Cable Guy starring Jim Carrey?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ben Stiller","choices":["Eddie Murphy","Ben Stiller","Jack Black","Rowan Atkinson"]},{"question":"What is the name of Stanley Ipkisss dog in the 1994 action comedy movie The Mask, starring Jim Carrey?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Milo","choices":["Milo","Shiloh","Remshoh","Buster"]},{"question":"The masks of what famous couple are Dick and Jane wearing during their crime spree in the 2005 comedy Fun with Dick and Jane, starring Jim Carrey?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bill and Hillary Clinton","choices":["Bill and Hillary Clinton","Bonnie and Clyde","Beavis and Butt-head","Ike and Tina Turner"]},{"question":"It was while making this movie that Elizabeth Taylor met her fifth husband, Richard Burton. This movie cost 40 million to make and four years to bring to the big screen. Fox Studio sued Taylor and Burton for depreciating the films commercial value by their scandalous conduct and deportment. Can you name this movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cleopatra","choices":["The Sandpiper","Ben Hur","Cleopatra","Whose Afraid of Virginia Woolf"]},{"question":"Elizabeth Taylors third husband, Mike Todd, won a Best Picture Oscar when he produced Around the World in Eighty Days. Elizabeth Taylor was devastated at his death when his private plane crashed on March 22, 1958. What was the name of Mike Todds plane?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lucky Liz","choices":["Liz Liza","Todd-O","Lucky Liz","The Liza"]},{"question":"Elizabeth Taylors first Oscar-winning role had the tagline The most desirable woman in town and the easiest to find. What number did one just have to call?","category":"celebrities","answer":"BUtterfield 8","choices":["Angel 32","BUtterfield 8","Dial M for Murder","BEachwood 4-5789"]},{"question":"At the age of twelve Elizabeth Taylor rode into Americas heart on a horse called The Pie. What was the name of this 1944 movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"National Velvet","choices":["Black Beauty","National Velvet","Misty","Piebald"]},{"question":"Elizabeth Taylor was married on December 4, 1976 to this gentleman who became the Senator from Virginia.","category":"celebrities","answer":"John Warner","choices":["John Warner","Jesse Helms","Bill Bradley","Trent Lott"]},{"question":"Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson played Leslie and Bick Benedict in a sprawling modern day western based on Edna Ferbers book, Giant. This movie also featured a young handyman named Jett Rink, played by a young actor who was the first actor to be nominated posthumously for an Academy Award. Who was this actor that was to fast to live and to young to die?","category":"celebrities","answer":"James Dean","choices":["Freddie Prinze","Brandon Lee","James Dean","Nick Adams"]},{"question":"When she was a child, Lindsay Lohan appeared along with Bill Cosby in a commercial for what food product?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jell-O","choices":["Quakers Oatmeal","Welchs Grape Juice","Jell-O","Life Cereal"]},{"question":"When Lindsay Lohan first moved to Los Angeles, she shared a home with which fellow Disney Star?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Raven Symone","choices":["Kirsten Storms","Raven Symone","Christy Carlson Romano","Hillary Duff"]},{"question":"Lindsay Lohan played Bette Midlers on-screen daughter in the first episode of which 2000 sitcom?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bette","choices":["Mothers in Love","Single Mother","Bette","Apple of my Eye"]},{"question":"What is the debut album by Lindsay Lohan, released on December 7, 2004?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Speak","choices":["Rumors","Speak","A Little More Personal (Raw)","Talking"]},{"question":"Lindsay Lohans father, Michael, wanted to develop a reality show about the Lohan family in order to bring the family closer together, after his legal trouble. What was the potential name of this reality show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Living with the Lohans","choices":["Living with the Lohans","Cleaning up Our Act","Life after Court","Meet the Lohans"]},{"question":"Which actor portrayed Nick Parker in the 1998 movie The Parent Trap, co-starring with actress Lindsay Lohan?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dennis Quaid","choices":["Anthony Hopkins","Shane West","Dennis Quaid","Demi Moore"]},{"question":"Lindsay Lohan played the role of Alli Fowler in which soap opera?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Another World","choices":["One Life to Live","Days of Our Lives","Another World","The Young and the Restless"]},{"question":"Lindsay Lohan, a regular subject of tabloid media, has been associated with which of the following rumors?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All of these","choices":["All of these","Getting Breast Implants","Feuding with Hillary Duff","Having an Eating Disorder"]},{"question":"What is the favorite food of actress and singer Lindsay Lohan, according to her fan site?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sushi","choices":["Cheese Pizza","Grilled Chicken","Salmon","Sushi"]},{"question":"What was the first movie in which Andy Griffith starred?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Face in the Crowd","choices":["Onionhead","No Time for Sergeants","Second Time Around","A Face in the Crowd"]},{"question":"Andy Griffith began a life-long friendship with this actor, after meeting him on the movie set of No Time for Sergeants.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Don Knotts","choices":["Don Knotts","Jamie Farr","Will Hutchins","Nick Adams"]},{"question":"Andy Griffith stated that Matlock was his favorite role.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What actress did Andy Griffith marry in 1983?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cindi Knight","choices":["Barbara Edwards","Julie Sommers","Cindi Knight","Cindi Turner"]},{"question":"What is Andy Griffiths middle name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Samuel","choices":["David","Jesse","Samuel","Lee"]},{"question":"Andy Griffith appeared in episodes of The Love Boat and Fantasy Island.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"James Dean was born in Los Angeles and moved to Indiana after his mother died.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What car did James Dean drive in Rebel Without a Cause?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1949 Mercury","choices":["1955 Chevrolet Bel Air","1951 Ford","1955 Porsche Speedster","1949 Mercury"]},{"question":"When did James Dean die?","category":"celebrities","answer":"September 30, 1955","choices":["September 30, 1955","February 8, 1955","September 1, 1955","October 23, 1955"]},{"question":"When James Deans mother died, he went to live with his paternal aunt and uncle.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"James Dean was not interested in which of the following?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fencing","choices":["Painting","Fencing","Bull Fighting","Race car driving"]},{"question":"What was James Deans very first acting job?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Pepsi Cola Commercial","choices":["Pepsi Cola Commercial","East of Eden","The Immoralist (play)","Bubble Gum Commercial"]},{"question":"James Dean died before Rebel Without a Cause and Giant were released.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What was the name of James Deans mother?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mildred","choices":["Melinda","Mary","Mildred","Margaret"]},{"question":"There were rumors that James Dean was bisexual.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Michael Douglas has been married 3 times prior to 2003.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"For which of the following movies did Michael Douglas win an Academy Award for best producer?","category":"celebrities","answer":"One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest","choices":["The Ghost and The Darkness","The China Syndrome","Jewel of The Nile","One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest"]},{"question":"In how many 1980s movies did Michael Douglas co-star with Danny DeVito and Kathleen Turner?","category":"celebrities","answer":"3","choices":["3","0","4","2"]},{"question":"In what state was Michael Douglas born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"New Jersey","choices":["New York","Vermont","New Mexico","New Jersey"]},{"question":"Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas were born on the same day in November but not in the same year.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"For what 1988 movie did Michael Douglas win an Academy Award for best leading actor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wall Street","choices":["Basic Instinct","Jewel of The Nile","Wall Street","The War of The Roses"]},{"question":"Where is Michael Douglass mother from?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bermuda","choices":["Los Angeles","Bermuda","Phoenix","Mexico City"]},{"question":"In 1994 Michael Douglas teamed up with Kathleen Turner to do Basic Instinct.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"How many children did Michael Douglas have prior to 1999?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1","choices":["5","3","2","1"]},{"question":"In the movie Falling Down Michael Douglas played a disgruntled postal worker.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Between 1966 and 2006 Michael Douglas was involved in at least one movie per year.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In which U.S. state was actress Meryl Streep born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"New Jersey","choices":["New York","Philadelphia","New Jersey","Pennsylvania"]},{"question":"What is the middle name of Meryl Streep?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Louise","choices":["Elisa","Jane","Erika","Louise"]},{"question":"Which one of these actresses is known to have despised Meryl Streep as an actress?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Katharine Hepburn","choices":["Bette Davis","Audrey Hepburn","Katharine Hepburn","Lucille Ball"]},{"question":"For which of the following movies did Meryl Streep win the Best Actress Oscar?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sophies choice","choices":["Adaptation","Sophies choice","The Deer Hunter","Kramer vs Kramer"]},{"question":"In which movie did Meryl Streep play a cynical and ruthless fashion magazine editor?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Devil Wears Prada","choices":["Death Becomes Her","The Manchurian Candidate","The Devil Wears Prada","Silkwood"]},{"question":"This actress was replaced by Meryl Streep for the lead in Music of the Heart.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Madonna","choices":["Catherine Zeta-Jones","Jennifer Lopez","Madonna","Nicole Kidman"]},{"question":"In which category did Meryl Streep win an Oscar for her role as Joanna Kramer in Kramer vs Kramer.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Best Actress in a Supporting Role","choices":["Best make-up","Best Actress","She didnt win","Best Actress in a Supporting Role"]},{"question":"In what year did Meryl Streep receive her first Academy Award nomination?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1979","choices":["1960","1980","1985","1979"]},{"question":"Which of the following actresses did not co-star with Meryl Streep in the 2002 movie The Hours.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Courteney Cox","choices":["Julianne Moore","Nicole Kidman","Courteney Cox","Miranda Richardson"]},{"question":"Meryl Streep voiced a character in which of the following animation movies?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Ant bully","choices":["A bugs life","The Little Mermaid","The Ant bully","Shrek"]},{"question":"The movie Man on the Moon, directed by Milos Forman, was based on the life story of this legendary stand-up comedian.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Andy Kaufman","choices":["Jake Johannsen","Arsenio Hall","D.L. Hughley","Andy Kaufman"]},{"question":"The work of this legendary stand-up comedian has influenced many other performers, and artists like Radiohead, Tool, Fila Brazilla have albums, dedicated to his memory.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bill Hicks","choices":["Darrell Hammond","Brian Haley","Bill Hicks","Johnny Hardwick"]},{"question":"The words I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too belong to which of these stand-up comedians?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mitch Hedberg","choices":["Mitch Hedberg","Fred Wolf","Ron White","Mark Wirtz"]},{"question":"This legendary Academy Award-winning actor, who starred in numerous movies such as Good Will Hunting, Hook and Popeye, begun his career as a stand-up comedian.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Robin Williams","choices":["Mat Damon","Dustin Hoffman","Gabriel Birne","Robin Williams"]},{"question":"This legendary stand-up comic, who starred in many cult movies, such as Reservoir Dogs and Coffee and Cigarettes, is famous for his slow, monotonous voice and deadpan delivery.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Steven Wright","choices":["Vince Vaughn","Steve Buscemi","Steven Wright","Roberto Benigni"]},{"question":"This great stand-up comedian, is most famous for hosting The Daily Show on Comedy Central.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jon Stewart","choices":["Red Skelton","Jay Leno","Jon Stewart","Joe Rogan"]},{"question":"This American Golden Globe- and Emmy Award-winning actor and comedian, produced, co-wrote and starred in Bee Movie.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jerry Seinfeld","choices":["Paul Rodriguez","Don Rickles","Bob Saget","Jerry Seinfeld"]},{"question":"This legendary stand-up comedian, has reached world fame and acclaim with numerous blockbusters, such as Beverly Hills Cop, The Nutty Proffesor, Boomerang and many others.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eddie Murphy","choices":["Chris Rock","Eddie Murphy","Martin Lawrence","Eddie Griffin"]},{"question":"This legendary stand-up comedians most controversial routine, called Seven Dirty Words, was the central focus of the Supreme Court case F.C.C. v. Pacifica Foundation.","category":"celebrities","answer":"George Carlin","choices":["Cedric the Entertainer","George Carlin","Tommy Chong","Robin Williams"]},{"question":"This American comedians most famous stand-up routines include Killing Them Softly and For What Its Worth.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dave Chappelle","choices":["Mario Cantone","George Burns","Dave Chappelle","Drew Carey"]},{"question":"Which statement concerning Sidney Poitiers birth is true?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He was born on February 20th in 1927 in Florida.","choices":["He was born on February 20th in 1927 in Florida.","He was born on February 20th in 1937 on Cat Island, the Bahamas.","He was born on February 20th in 1927 on St. Kitts.","He was born on February 20th in 1927 on Cat Island, the Bahamas."]},{"question":"Which statement is untrue about Sidney Poitier?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Poitier came to the USA after graduating from High School in the Bahamas.","choices":["When he was 16, he moved to new York to study acting.","While a drama student, Poitier was once the understudy for Harry Belafonte.","Poitier worked as a janitor in The American Negro Theater in exchange for drama lessons.","Poitier came to the USA after graduating from High School in the Bahamas."]},{"question":"Sidney Poitiers first big break came when he was featured in this famous Greek play.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lysistrata","choices":["The Wasps","Lysistrata","Oedipus Rex","The Birds"]},{"question":"Sidney Poitiers first big hit movie was about an African-American doctor who confronts racist felons in a prison hospital ward. What was the name of this movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"No Way out","choices":["Blackboard Jungle","Concrete Jungle","No Way out","Stir Crazy"]},{"question":"Sidney Poitier starred in the movie version of this Lorraine Hansberry play.","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Raisin in the Sun","choices":["All the Young Men","Paris Blues","A Raisin in the Sun","Lilies of the Field"]},{"question":"What was the name of the movie in which Sidney Poitier and Tony Curtis played runaway prisoners who were chained together.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Defiant Ones","choices":["The Concrete Jungle","The Defiant Ones","In The Heat of the Night","The Blackboard Jungle"]},{"question":"Sidney Poitier was the first African American to win the Oscar for Best Actor. For which movie did he win this award?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lilies of the Field","choices":["The Jackal","Lilies of the Field","Guess Whos Coming to Dinner","Porgy and Bess"]},{"question":"Sidney Poitier wrote this movie in which he stars as a possible love interest for Abbey Lincoln, a maid.","category":"celebrities","answer":"For the Love of Ivy","choices":["For the Love of Ivy","Pretty Maids All in a Row","For the Love of Mary","The Preacher"]},{"question":"In which of these movies did Sidney Poitier play a teacher?","category":"celebrities","answer":"To Sir with Love","choices":["To Sir with Love","In the Heat of the Night","Blackboard Jungle","Lets Do It Again"]},{"question":"Sidney Poitiers first wife was Juanita Hardy. This made this famous boxer Sidneys brother-in-law.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Archie Moore","choices":["Jack Johnson","Mike Tyson","Archie Moore","Joe Louis"]},{"question":"Sidney Poitier was named US Ambassador to Japan in 1997.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"This English guitarist, singer-songwriter and pianist is best known for his work with Humble Pie and his signature model Les Paul.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Peter Frampton","choices":["Jeff Beck","Peter Frampton","Ace Freely","Don Henley"]},{"question":"This A-List actor got his first movie break in the movie The Cry Baby Killer and has been nominated for an Academy Award in 5 different decades. If youre the lucky actress starring with him and he wins an Oscar, youll win one too...its happened 3 times!","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jack Nicholson","choices":["Roger Corman","Jack Nicholson","Peter Lorre","Dennis Hopper"]},{"question":"Not only did Marilyn Monroe star in 1953s Calamity Jane, but she was also an accomplished singer having several chart toppers.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Although this actors career didnt last that long his legacy will live on through his movies. He was born in 1931 and was the 1st actor to receive a posthumous Academy Award nomination for Best Actor.","category":"celebrities","answer":"James Dean","choices":["David Bacon","Christopher Marlowe","James Dean","Brandon de Wilde"]},{"question":"Lynn Redgrave starred in the movies Julia, Deja Vu and made an appearance on the television series Nip/Tuck.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Ms. Farrah Fawcett was born in Corpus Christi, Texas.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Ms. Farrah Fawcett appeared in several commercials, including a campaign for what shampoo company?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Wella Balsam","choices":["Pert","Vidal Sasoon","Wella Balsam","Noxema"]},{"question":"On what series was Farrah Fawcetts first television guest spot?","category":"celebrities","answer":"I Dream of Jeannie","choices":["Six Million Dollar Man","Bewitched","I Dream of Jeannie","American Love"]},{"question":"Farrah Fawcetts last major movie appearance was in this 2004 film where she played the wife of Danny Glovers character.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Cookout","choices":["Barbershop 2","Undead","The Cookout","50 First Dates"]},{"question":"Farrah Fawcett was of German, English, and Choctaw Native American ancestry.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Farrah Fawcett was married to both Ryan ONeal and Lee Majors.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What was the cause of Ms. Farrah Fawcetts death?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cancer","choices":["Car accident","Suicide","Cancer","Overdose"]},{"question":"What 1980 movie starred Farrah Fawcett and Kirk Douglas?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Saturn 3","choices":["Saturn 3","The Blue Lagoon","Superman II","Extremities"]},{"question":"Farrah Fawcett starred in this comedy series that ran from 1996-2002. She appeared on the show after Michael J. Fox left in 2000.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Spin City","choices":["Spin City","Judging Amy","Seinfeld","Growing Pains"]},{"question":"What is his nickname of New Zealand-Australian film actor Russell Crowe?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rusty","choices":["Rusty","The Crow","The Grunt","Cruel Crowe"]},{"question":"In 2003, Russell Crowe married this woman.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Danielle Spencer","choices":["Lucille Chadwick","Meg Ryan","Danielle Spencer","Claire Louise"]},{"question":"In 1999 Russell Crowe appeared in his first Disney movie. What was its name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mystery, Alaska","choices":["Team Play","The Big Green","Five on the Ice","Mystery, Alaska"]},{"question":"In 2000 Russell Crowe directed and produced a documentary about his band, Thirty Odd Foot of Grunts. What is the name of this movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Texas","choices":["Texas","The Showcase","The Commitments","The Grunts"]},{"question":"This 2007 movie about a rough gang that roamed a suburb of Sydney, was directed by Russell Crowe.","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Bra Boys","choices":["The Abbertons","Sydney Peak","South Dorchester","The Bra Boys"]},{"question":"For which movie did Russell Crowe win his first Oscar?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Gladiator","choices":["Gladiator","The Insider","Cinderella Man","A Beautiful Mind"]},{"question":"Russell Crowe was in this 2007 movie about a 1970s American drug dealer who tries to import heroin in the coffins of Vietnam war soldiers.","category":"celebrities","answer":"American Gangster","choices":["H","The Boys in Company C","Horse","American Gangster"]},{"question":"In 1992 Russell Crowe starred with Anthony Hopkins in this movie in which big business is taught to smell the roses.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Spotswood","choices":["Inside Moves","L.A. Confidential","Spotswood","All the Right Moves"]},{"question":"In the movie Cinderella Man Russell Crowe plays boxer Jim Braddock. Who played Jim Braddocks wife?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Renee Zellweger","choices":["Jenny Agutter","Meg Ryan","Toni Collette","Renee Zellweger"]},{"question":"Russell Crowe portrayed the Nobel Prize winner John Nash in the 2001 movie A Beautiful Mind. When did John Nash win the Nobel Prize in mathematics?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He never did win the Nobel Prize in Mathematics.","choices":["1992","He never did win the Nobel Prize in Mathematics.","1994","1991"]},{"question":"This great English actor died during the filming of the 2000 movie Gladiator.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Oliver Reed","choices":["Richard Harris","Richard Burton","Oliver Reed","Tony Burton"]},{"question":"Which actor plays Mike Wallace in the 1999 movie The Insider?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Christopher Plummer","choices":["Christopher Plummer","Guy Pearce","Al Pacino","James Cromwell"]},{"question":"The 1997 movie L.A. Confidential focuses on the investigation of a murder by three different detectives. Which of these actors is not in the movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Denzel Washington","choices":["Ron Rifkin","Denzel Washington","James Cromwell","Guy Pearce"]},{"question":"In the 2000 movie Proof of LIfe, Russell Crowes character gets the kidnapped victim home safely. Who plays this victim?","category":"celebrities","answer":"David Morse","choices":["Ron Rifkin","Meg Ryan","Kevin Spacey","David Morse"]},{"question":"Which of the following actors did Robin Williams go to school with?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Christopher Reeve","choices":["None of these","Christopher Reeve","Robert Dinero","Al Pacino"]},{"question":"Robin Williams started his acting career as a stand-up comedian, performing for tips only.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which of the following movies did Robin Williams not appear in?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Bridges of Madison county","choices":["The World according to Garp","Popeye","The Bridges of Madison county","The Birdcage"]},{"question":"How many children does Robin Williams have with his first wife?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1","choices":["0","3","2","1"]},{"question":"Robin Williams had a serious addiction to cocaine.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Robin Williams older brother died in 2007. What was the cause of his death?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Complications from heart surgery","choices":["Drug overdose","Complications from heart surgery","Car accident","Lung Cancer"]},{"question":"Paul McCartney wrote this Beatles tune reportedly about a real life event involving a member of the Moody Blues.","category":"celebrities","answer":"She Came in Through the Bathroom Window","choices":["I Want You (Shes So Heavy)","She Came in Through the Bathroom Window","You Never Give Me Your Money","Why Dont We Do It in the Road"]},{"question":"This Beatles song is from the Yellow Submarine album (1969) and written by John Lennon.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Hey Bulldog","choices":["Honey Pie","Lady Madonna","Hey Bulldog","Its All Too Much"]},{"question":"This psychedelic song by George Harrison was originally meant to be included on the Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band album.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Only a Northern Song","choices":["Tomorrow Never Knows","Savoy Truffle","Only a Northern Song","Blue Jay Way"]},{"question":"Which Beatles album is the song featured in the sound clip found on?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Let It Be","choices":["Rubber Soul","The White Album","Abbey Road","Let It Be"]},{"question":"This White Album tune is about an old fairy tale that John Lennon remembered from his youth.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Cry Baby Cry","choices":["Rocky Raccoon","The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill","Cry Baby Cry","Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"]},{"question":"This song from the Revolver album is about one of John Lennons first LSD trips.","category":"celebrities","answer":"She Said She Said","choices":["Doctor Robert","Tomorrow Never Knows","She Said She Said","Im Only Sleeping"]},{"question":"This Harrison tune was performed on the Beatles very last concert in Candlestick Park on August 29, 1966.","category":"celebrities","answer":"If I Needed Someone","choices":["Dont Bother Me","Do You Want to Know a Secret","If I Needed Someone","Taxman"]},{"question":"This was the first song to be credited as being written by all four members of the Beatles.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Flying","choices":["Good Night","All Together Now","Flying","Good Day Sunshine"]},{"question":"This song was the B-side of the A Hard Days Night single in the UK.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Things We Said Today","choices":["When I Get Home","Every Little Thing","I Should Have Known Better","Things We Said Today"]},{"question":"This song is reportedly about McCartneys muse, and appears on their White Album.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Martha My Dear","choices":["Mother Natures Son","Dear Prudence","Martha My Dear","I Will"]},{"question":"Mick Jagger was present during the recording of this song, and is thought to have contributed backing vocals.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Baby Youre a Rich Man","choices":["Good Morning, Good Morning","And Your Bird Can Sing","Your Mother Should Know","Baby Youre a Rich Man"]},{"question":"The Great Wall Marathon along the Great Wall of China is annually held in what month?","category":"celebrities","answer":"May","choices":["August","March","December","May"]},{"question":"Which of the following was not invented in China?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Glass","choices":["Compass","Glass","Paper","Gunpowder"]},{"question":"What is the name of the science that studies China, Chinese history and Chinese culture?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sinology","choices":["Chinology","Cynology","Sinology","Cinelogy"]},{"question":"Which of these statements about the giant panda, native to southern and central China, is true?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The giant pandas pupils are vertical slits.","choices":["The giant panda is not a bear but a large raccoon.","The giant panda hibernates.","The giant panda is also native to South America.","The giant pandas pupils are vertical slits."]},{"question":"Which of these variants of the Chinese language has the largest number of native speakers?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Mandarin","choices":["Mandarin","Wu","Cantonese","Xiang"]},{"question":"Who was the first foreign political leader to visit the world-famous Shaolin temple in China?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Russian President Vladimir Putin","choices":["Russian President Vladimir Putin","UK Prime Minister Tony Blair","South African President Nelson Mandela","U.S. President George W. Bush"]},{"question":"Which of these martial arts is not Chinese?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Taekwondo","choices":["Dragon Kung Fu","Shaolin Quan","Kuen-Do","Taekwondo"]},{"question":"What two colours are featured on the national flag of the Peoples Republic of China?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Red and yellow","choices":["White and green","Red and white","Blue and yellow","Red and yellow"]},{"question":"Which of these lines consists only of movies starring Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Memoirs of a Geisha, House of Flying Daggers","choices":["Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever","Memoirs of a Geisha, House of Flying Daggers","Hero, Kill Bill: Volume 1","Rush Hour 2, Charlies Angels: Full Throttle"]},{"question":"Which is the most populous city in the Peoples Republic of China?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Shanghai","choices":["Hong Kong","Nanjing","Beijing","Shanghai"]},{"question":"Fill in the blank in this song by Elton John:\n\nRaised to be a lady by the golden rule\n_________ was the spawn of a public school.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Alice","choices":["Jeannie","Amy","Sarah","Alice"]},{"question":"Name the girl mentioned in the song Crocodile Rock.\nI remember when rock was young,\nMe and ________ had so much fun.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Suzie","choices":["Suzie","Silvia","Sandy","Stacy"]},{"question":"What is the title of the song by Elton John which contains these lyrics?\nAnd I want you to be my acrobat, I want you to be my lover\nOh there were others who would treat you cruel....","category":"celebrities","answer":"Little Jeannie","choices":["Lady Samantha","Little Jeannie","Amy","Tiny Dancer"]},{"question":"Who plays the organ in the Elton John song Sixty Years On?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Magdelena","choices":["Magdelena","Maggie May","Magellana","Mary Martha"]},{"question":"What is the title of the song containing these lyrics?\nTread on my face if you like little lady\nTurn me inside out if you have to baby\nBut dont you cross me off your list\nI am young and I aint never been kissed\nNever been kissed by a lady called ______.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Amy","choices":["Suzie","Samantha","Heather","Amy"]},{"question":"Who glides over the hill in a long satin dress that she wears every day according to a song by Elton John?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Lady Samantha","choices":["Princess Brenda","Clementine","Sweet Rose","Lady Samantha"]},{"question":"Whose song opens with these lines?\nCast a pebble on the water\nWatch the ripples gently spreading\nTiny daughter of the Camargue\nWe were meant to be together?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Michelles Song","choices":["Michelles Song","Little Jeannies Song","Maggie Thatchers Song","Lady Samanthas Song"]},{"question":"Halle Berry was born in Columbus, Ohio.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Ms. Halle Berry has been the executive producer on at least 2 projects.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Name Halle Berrys first movie. It was released in 1991 and her characters name was Vivian.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Jungle Fever","choices":["Strictly Business","Boomerang","Swordfish","Jungle Fever"]},{"question":"What famous actress did Halle Berry portray in a 1999 television movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dorothy Dandridge","choices":["Josephine Baker","Eartha Kitt","Dorothy Dandridge","Pearl Bailey"]},{"question":"Halle Berry made several early appearances on television. Her first series role was in 1989 on this sitcom spinoff of Whos the Boss.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Living Dolls","choices":["Paradise","Whos Your Boss","Phenom","Living Dolls"]},{"question":"Halle Berry won Miss Teen All-American, Miss Ohio and Miss USA.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Name the movies in which Halle Berry has starred with Hugh Jackman.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Swordfish, X-Men 1-3","choices":["X-Men 1-3, Die Another Day","Catwoman, X-Men 1 3","Swordfish, X-Men 1-3","Monsters Ball, X-Men 1-2, Executive Decision"]},{"question":"When was actor Orlando Bloom born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"January 13, 1977","choices":["January 13, 1978","January 13, 1977","January 15, 1978","January 12, 1977"]},{"question":"What was Orlando Blooms first major screen role?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Legolas Greenleaf","choices":["Legolas Greenleaf","Joe Byrne","Will Turner","Hawkeye"]},{"question":"Orlando Bloom made his film debut in the movie Wilde.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"As a teenager Orlando Bloom was diagnosed with dyslexia.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What sign is Orlando Bloom according to the Chinese horoscope?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Dragon","choices":["Horse","Cock","Pig","Dragon"]},{"question":"What role did Orlando Bloom play in the 2004 movie Troy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Paris","choices":["Achilles","Menelaus","Paris","Hector"]},{"question":"Orlando Bloom attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Broderick Crawford once played the role of J. Edgar Hoover.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"How did Broderick Crawford die?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He had a series of strokes that proved fatal.","choices":["He committed suicide.","He was killed doing a stunt.","He suffered from cancer.","He had a series of strokes that proved fatal."]},{"question":"Broderick Crawford won an Academy Award for Best Actor in 1949 by playing the character of Willie Stark in which movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"All The Kings Men","choices":["Rowdy Boys","All The Kings Men","Then Came a Fisherman","Route 66"]},{"question":"How many stars does Broderick Crawford have on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?","category":"celebrities","answer":"2","choices":["2","1","4","0"]},{"question":"Broderick Crawfords most notable role probably came as Chief Dan Matthews in which television program?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Highway Patrol","choices":["Adam 12","Dragnet","Route 66","Highway Patrol"]},{"question":"What production did Broderick Crawfords Broadway acting career began on?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Of Mice and Men","choices":["Of Mice and Men","The Odd Couple","King Lear","Cats"]},{"question":"What was the occupation of Broderick parents?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Vaudeville performers","choices":["Crawford was an orphan.","Teachers","A dock worker and a writer","Vaudeville performers"]},{"question":"Broderick Crawford was often type-cast as in what specific role?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A rough talking tough guy","choices":["A dimwit","A father figure","A rough talking tough guy","A well-mannered bore"]},{"question":"Broderick Crawford appeared on the American TV series CHiPs in at least one episode.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"What year was Robert De Niro born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1943","choices":["1948","1940","1945","1943"]},{"question":"Which of the following is not a Robert De Niro movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Departed","choices":["Mean Streets","Bang the Drum Slowly","The Departed","Taxi Driver"]},{"question":"Robert De Niro is the co-founder of a film production company.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"For which of these movies did Robert De Niro gain over 60 pounds?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Raging Bull","choices":["Casino","Raging Bull","The Godfather II","Goodfellas"]},{"question":"Who did Robert De Niro say was his favorite actress to work with?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Meryl Streep","choices":["Meryl Streep","Juliette Lewis","Julia Roberts","None of These"]},{"question":"What condition was Robert De Niro diagnosed with in 2003?","category":"celebrities","answer":"prostate cancer","choices":["lung cancer","none of these","heart disease","prostate cancer"]},{"question":"This comedian, who co-starred with Edward Gallagher in the vaudeville act Gallagher and Shean, was Marx Brothers uncle.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Al Shean","choices":["Al Shean","Max Shean","Franz Shean","Joseph Shean"]},{"question":"Who was the first of the Marx Brothers to go on stage in, 1905?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Groucho","choices":["Groucho","Manfred","Harpo","Chico"]},{"question":"Which of the Marx Brothers wore a red wig, carried a taxi-cab horn and never spoke?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Harpo","choices":["Chico","Zeppo","Gummo","Harpo"]},{"question":"What were the first two talkie movies released by the Marx Brothers in 1929 and 1930?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Cocoanuts and Animal Crackers","choices":["The Cocoanuts and Monkey Business","The Cocoanuts and Animal Crackers","Monkey Business and Horse Feathers","Humor Risk and Animal Crackers"]},{"question":"Which was the Marx Brothers first feature length movie that was not based on a Broadway show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Monkey Business","choices":["The House That Shadows Built","Monkey Business","Horse Feathers","Duck Soup"]},{"question":"What was the first movie that the Marx Brothers made for MGM with producer Irving Thalberg?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Night at the Opera","choices":["Room Service","A Day at the Races","A Night at the Opera","Go West"]},{"question":"Why did the Marx Brothers shoot the movies A Night at Casablanca and Love Happy?","category":"celebrities","answer":"They had to pay Chicos gambling debts.","choices":["They were trying a new formula with Groucho in the role of a villain.","They had to pay Chicos gambling debts.","None of these","They needed the money to pay back taxes."]},{"question":"What was the name of the TV special in which the Marx Brothers last appeared together in 1959?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Incredible Jewel Robbery","choices":["The Incredible Jewel Robbery","The Show of Shows","The Incredible Brothers","The New Cocoanuts"]},{"question":"In 1955, Harpo, one of the Marx Brothers, appeared in a scene with Lucille Ball, on which popular sitcom?","category":"celebrities","answer":"I Love Lucy","choices":["The Man Who Came To Dinner","Duck Soup","I Love Lucy","I Love Betty"]},{"question":"Which famous entertainer said that Steve Allen was so multi-talented that he could be on every page in the yellow page phone book?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Andy Williams","choices":["Dave Garroway","Andy Williams","Johnny Carson","Jack Paar"]},{"question":"Which line presents Steve Allens date and place of birth?","category":"celebrities","answer":"December 26, 1921, New York City","choices":["December 26, 1932, Drake, Iowa","December 26, 1926, Encino, California","December 26, 1935, Tempe, Arizona","December 26, 1921, New York City"]},{"question":"Comedian Milton Berle often made Steve Allens mother, Belle Montrose what compliment?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She was the funniest woman in vaudeville","choices":["She was the best mother in vaudeville","She was the most beautiful woman in vaudeville","She had the best singing voice in vaudeville","She was the funniest woman in vaudeville"]},{"question":"Which famous expression did Steve Allen coin, while participating in a game show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Is it bigger than a bread box?","choices":["Wanna buy a duck?","Is it bigger than a bread box?","Would you like to make a deal?","Who do you trust?"]},{"question":"Which statement best describes Steve Allens personal life?","category":"celebrities","answer":"His first marriage lasted less than 10 years but his second was a 46-year one.","choices":["He was never married and had no children.","His first marriage lasted less than 10 years but his second was a 46-year one.","He was happily married to the same woman for almost 58 years.","He was married six times, each ending in divorce."]},{"question":"In the late 1950s, Steve Allen used what pseudonym for his music album?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Buck Hammer","choices":["Sol Yaged","Nat Hentoff","Al Cohn","Buck Hammer"]},{"question":"In what year did Steve Allen introduce the First Tonight Show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"1956","choices":["1956","1952","1972","1960"]},{"question":"Which of these innovation was instituted by Steve Allen on the Tonight Show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"He had a scientist as one of his regular visitors.","choices":["He had at least two musical guests on each show.","He had a dancing act once a week","He had a scientist as one of his regular visitors.","He played jazz piano on every show."]},{"question":"According to the Guinness Book of World Records, how many songs did Steve Allen write in his life?","category":"celebrities","answer":"8,500","choices":["1,750","8,500","7,500","3,000"]},{"question":"Which of these songs was not written by Steve Allen?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Tonight Show Theme","choices":["Gravy Waltz","The Tonight Show Theme","Pretend You Dont See Her","Cool Yule"]},{"question":"What was the name of Steve Allens music company?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Meadowlane Music","choices":["AM Records","Allen Music Corporation of America","Meadowlane Music","Steverino Music"]},{"question":"What song by Steve Allen is played, when a football player is enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ten Feet Tall","choices":["Meeting of Minds","Ten Feet Tall","The Wake","Reflections"]},{"question":"When and where was Jerry Lewis born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"3/16/1926 in Newark, NJ","choices":["3/16/1926 in Newark, NJ","3/16/1941 in Baltimore, MD","3/16/1936 in Paterson, NJ","3/16/1946 in Brooklyn, New York"]},{"question":"Jerry Lewis was thrown out of high school for hitting his principal.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Which is not one of the nicknames of Jerry Lewis?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Loud One","choices":["Pichiatelli","Le Roi du Crazy","The King of Comedy","The Loud One"]},{"question":"Which is the theme song of Jerry Lewis?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rock-a Bye Your Baby","choices":["Its So Nice We Had This Time Together","Laugh Clown, Laugh","Youll Never Walk Alone","Rock-a Bye Your Baby"]},{"question":"Jerry Lewis has 5 biological children. How many of them are girls?","category":"celebrities","answer":"0","choices":["2","0","1","4"]},{"question":"Jerry Lewis had a top 20 music album.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Jerry Lewis has often taught film classes in California. Which answer includes two of his students?","category":"celebrities","answer":"George Lucas and Steven Spielberg","choices":["George Lucas and Steven Spielberg","Francis Ford Coppola and Nicholas Cage","Martin Cortese and David Mamet","M.Night Shamlyn and Christopher Walken"]},{"question":"For which of these awards was Jerry Lewis nominated in 1977?","category":"celebrities","answer":"The Nobel Peace Prize","choices":["The Nobel Prize in Literature","The Nobel Peace Prize","The Lifetime Achievement Award of the Tribeca Film Festival.","The Sundance Best Director Award"]},{"question":"From which of these ailments has Jerry Lewis never suffered?","category":"celebrities","answer":"lung cancer","choices":["diabetes","prostate cancer","lung cancer","pulmonary fibrosis"]},{"question":"Jerry Lewis was pronounced clinically dead in 1982.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"In the 1983 movie The King of Comedy, Robert DeNiro played the wanna-be comedian. He based his routine on the comedy of this actor.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Richard Belzer","choices":["Richard Lewis","Lenny Bruce","Mort Sahl","Richard Belzer"]},{"question":"Which statement concerning Jerry Lewis is incorrect?","category":"celebrities","answer":"After their breakup in 1956, Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin never appeared together.","choices":["After their breakup in 1956, Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin never appeared together.","Every Muscular Dystrophy Telethon has raised at least $1,000,000","One of Jerrys sons had a top ten hit with This Diamond Ring.","The character of Professor Frink on The Simpsons is based on Jerry Lewis."]},{"question":"Which of these English actors is not a member of the comedy group Monty Python?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Sir Anthony Hopkins","choices":["Graham Chapman","Terry Gilliam","Sir Anthony Hopkins","John Cleese"]},{"question":"What was the comedy show Saturday Night Live called, when it first aired on NBC?","category":"celebrities","answer":"NBCs Saturday Night","choices":["The Saturday Sketch Show","NBCs Saturday Night","The Saturday Night Show","Saturday Night Comedy"]},{"question":"Which of these people wasnt impersonated by Dave Chappelle on the sketch program Chappelles Show?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Martin Luther King Jr.","choices":["George W. Bush","Lil Jon","Samuel L. Jackson","Martin Luther King Jr."]},{"question":"This sketch comedy show, starring Aziz Ansari, Rob Huebel and Paul Scheer, premiered on MTV on April 5, 2007.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Human Giant","choices":["Human Giant","Wondershowzen","Funny or Die","Mind of Mencia"]},{"question":"Which famous actor played the role of Bruce Dickinson in the famous Saturday Night Live sketch More Cowbell?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Christopher Walken","choices":["Al Pacino","Christopher Walken","Rober De Niro","Dustin Hoffman"]},{"question":"Which famous funk singer did Dave Chappelle impersonate in the first sketch of the series Charile Murphys True Hollywood Stories?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rick James","choices":["Rick James","Ike Turner","Michael Jackson","Isaac Hayes"]},{"question":"The sketch comedy program Mr. Show with Bob and David was created by stand-up comedian David Cross and this actor.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Bob Odenkirk","choices":["Bob Saget","Bob Odenkirk","Bob Newhart","Bob Hope"]},{"question":"Which of these actors was not among the cast of the Canadian sketch comedy show Second City Television?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Eddie Murphy","choices":["John Candy","Eddie Murphy","Eugene Levy","Joe Flaherty"]},{"question":"The movie Monty Pythons Life of Brian was a parody of which of these Biblical stories?","category":"celebrities","answer":"the story of Jesus","choices":["the story of Joseph","the story of Jesus","the story of Noah","the story of Moses"]},{"question":"Which of these famous American comedians served as the first host of Saturday Night Live?","category":"celebrities","answer":"George Carlin","choices":["Elliott Gould","Buck Henry","George Carlin","Richard Pryor"]},{"question":"Walter Brennan won an Academy Award for playing this character in the John Wayne movie Rio Bravo.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Stumpy","choices":["Stumpy","Festus","Lumpy","Bull"]},{"question":"What popular 50s rock and roll singer played the brother of John Waynes character in the movie North to Alaska?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Fabian","choices":["Elvis Presley","Bobby Vee","Ricky Nelson","Fabian"]},{"question":"Name the three John Wayne movies in which Ben Johnson played a supporting character.","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rio Lobo, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, and The Undefeated","choices":["The Hellfighters, Big Jake, Chisum","Green Berets, Fort Apache, Train Robbers","Sands of Iwo Jima, Rio Grande, McClintock","Rio Lobo, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, and The Undefeated"]},{"question":"In this movie, John Wayne played aging US Cavalry Capt. Nathan Cutting Brittles.","category":"celebrities","answer":"She Wore a Yellow Ribbon","choices":["She Wore a Yellow Ribbon","Rio Grande","Fort Apache","Rio Lobo"]},{"question":"In the movie, The Quiet Man, John Waynes characters name was John Thorn.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"John Waynes nickname, Duke, derived from the name of his childhood dog.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Name the three movies in which John Wayne and Maureen OHara co-starred.","category":"celebrities","answer":"McLintock, Big Jake, and Wings of Eagles","choices":["McLintock, Big Jake, and Wings of Eagles","She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, Rio Grande, and Red River","The Hellfighters, The Quiet Man, and The Undefeated","Green Berets, Rio Lobo, and The Man Who shot Liberty Valance"]},{"question":"Which of the following John Wayne characters is not correctly matched with the movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Major John Stryker in Sands of Iwo Jima","choices":["Major John Stryker in Sands of Iwo Jima","G.W. McLintock in McLintock","Chance Buckman in The Hellfighters","John Chisum in Chisum"]},{"question":"What was the name of John Waynes horse in the movie True Grit?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ol Blue","choices":["Star","Ol Buck","Ol Blue","Ol Blacky"]},{"question":"What part did John Wayne play in the movie The Greatest Story Ever Told?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Roman Centurion","choices":["Roman Centurion","Apostle","Roman General","Roman Senator"]},{"question":"John Wayne played various roles, but he never portrayed a baseball player.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"John Wayne costarred with Sophia Loren.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Which John Wayne character is correctly matched with the movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"J.B. Books - The Shootist","choices":["Cord McNally - Rio Bravo","John T. Chance - Rio Lobo","J.B. Books - The Shootist","Chance Buckman - The Undefeated"]},{"question":"Tom Felton, who is popular for the role of Harry Potters principal rival, Draco Malfoy, was born on this date.","category":"celebrities","answer":"22 September, 1987","choices":["28 September, 1987","28 September ,1988","22 September, 1987","22 September, 1988"]},{"question":"At what age did Tom Felton start acting?","category":"celebrities","answer":"8","choices":["9","6","8","7"]},{"question":"Besides being an actor, Tom Felton is also a talented singer.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Tom Felton has sang with the Guildford Cathedral Choir.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Tom had read all the Harry Potter books before being cast as Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"Originally, Tom Felton auditioned for the role of Harry Potter.","category":"celebrities","answer":"True","choices":["False","True"]},{"question":"Duck hunting is one of Tom Feltons favourite pastimes.","category":"celebrities","answer":"False","choices":["True","False"]},{"question":"What is Tom Feltons full name?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Thomas Andrew Felton","choices":["Thomas Louis-Andrew Felton","Thomas Louis Felton","Thomas Andrew Felton","Thomas Hunter Felton"]},{"question":"What piece of furniture did Frank Welker play in the the Oscar nominated, Disney masterpiece, Beauty and the Beast?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A footstool","choices":["A chair","A footstool","A dresser","A table"]},{"question":"Which movie star beat out Frank Welker to become number one on Top 100 Stars of the 1980s list?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Harrison Ford","choices":["Tom Cruise","Dan Aykroyd","Harrison Ford","Eddie Murphy"]},{"question":"Where was Debra Messing born?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brooklyn, New York","choices":["Brooklyn, New York","Santa Monica, California","Boston, Massachusetts","Providence, Rhode Island"]},{"question":"From which college did American actress Debra Messing graduate?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Brandeis","choices":["Brandeis","Northeastern","Boston College","Boston College"]},{"question":"TV actress Debra Messing was voted Junior Miss of what state?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Rhode Island","choices":["Massachusetts","New York","Rhode Island","California"]},{"question":"Which actor and screenwriter did Debra Messing marry on September 3, 2000?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Daniel Zelman","choices":["Chad Zola","Ben Zwygmund","Daniel Zelman","Anthony Ziegler"]},{"question":"The first TV show appearance of Emmy Award-winning actress Debra Messing was in which of these TV series?","category":"celebrities","answer":"NYPD Blue","choices":["NYPD Blue","Seinfeld","Law and Order","Home Improvement"]},{"question":"On the TV series Seinfeld” Jerry was very smitten with the character played by actress Debra Messing. What stood in Jerrys way?","category":"celebrities","answer":"She was married and anti-Semitic.","choices":["She was divorced three times.","She was married and anti-Semitic.","She was not a very neat person.","She wanted Jerry to change his job."]},{"question":"Will and Grace was perhaps Debra Messings most popular TV work. Whom did she beat out for the role of Grace Adler?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Nicollette Sheridan","choices":["Marcia Cross","Jamie Gertz","Nicollette Sheridan","Helen Hunt"]},{"question":"Which of the following was Debra Messings first movie?","category":"celebrities","answer":"A Walk in the Clouds","choices":["Lucky You","A Walk in the Clouds","Purple Violets","Open Season"]},{"question":"Which was the first TV show in which American actress Debra Messing played the female leading role?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Ned and Stacey","choices":["Prey","Will and Grace","Celebrity","Ned and Stacey"]},{"question":"Who played Grace Adlers mother in the Will and Grace TV series?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Debbie Reynolds","choices":["Laura Kightlinger","Leslie Ann Warren","Blythe Danner","Debbie Reynolds"]},{"question":"Who portrayed Grace Adlers father in the Will and Grace TV series?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Alan Arkin","choices":["Sydney Pollack","Kathleen Turner","Alan Arkin","Rip Torn"]},{"question":"What was the name of character who married Grace in the sitcom Will and Grace?","category":"celebrities","answer":"Leo Markus","choices":["Leo Markus","Dr. Stuart Lamarack","Dr. Ben Doucette","Lyle Finster"]},{"question":"How many Emmys did American actress Debra Messing win for Will and Grace?","categ
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