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Last active September 29, 2022 20:44
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Using conditional variables in

In dax studio (or tabular) You can output multiple tables, for different stages of your test

Codepoints are fun

  • This converts numbers (codepoints) to text
  • PBI blocks some codepoints, so you need to transform them
  • It preserves control chars by replacing them with symbols
  • For example: tabs becomes
  • Both IFERROR were required, because some codepoints threw an exception. (Null u+0000 IIRC)
Calculated Rune =
var curCodepoint = SELECTEDVALUE( Number[Codepoint] )
var x = IFERROR(
        // curCodepoint < 32, "Control Chars", // if you want to just cut it off
        curCodepoint < 33,
            UNICHAR( curCodepoint + 9216 ),  // = 0x2400
        curCodepoint = 127,
            UNICHAR( 9249 ),
        curCodepoint >= 1114111,
            "Too Big", // 0x10ffff
            UNICHAR( curCodepoint ), "Failed!"

, "OuterError")
return x

Links if you're curious

What Dec Hex
unicode-max 1114111 0x10ffff
[c0] . [0x0, 0x1f] inclusive
space 32 0x20
del 127 0x7f
9249 0x2421
Block Name Range
Ascii / latin 0x0000..0x007f
latin-1 suppliment 0x0080..0x00ff
Control Char Symbols 0x2400..0x243f
Plane Name Range
Private Use Areas plane 15 (U+F0000-U+FFFFD)
Private Use 2 plane 16 (U+100000-U+10FFFD)
Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP) 0x10000..0x1FFFF
Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP) 0x20000..0x2FFFF
Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP) 0xe0000..0xEFFFF

I forget what this was for

    VAR curStartTime = 0 
    VAR curEndTime = 20
    VAR prevEndTime = 0
    TABLE table1 = FILTER(Events, Events[ParentID] == 1)

    table table2 = CALCULATETABLE(
        Events[EndTime] >= prevEndTime,
        Events[StartTime] < curEndTime             

    "Min Start",
    MIN(table2[EndTime] ),
    "Max End",


Changes color based on the date

ColorMeasure = 
    var delta = datediff( SelectedValue( [CurDate] ), TODAY(), DAY )
    var shouldColor = SelectedValue( [CurDate] ) > 300
    var curColor = switch(True()
        delta = 2, "red",
        delta = 1, "yellow",
    var finalValue = 
         if(shouldColor, curColor, "black" ) // I forget if "" or "white" or "black" is default

Changes format strings the the extra ,

[ Dynamic UnitSize] :=
    // docs: <>
    var CurVal = SELECTEDVALUE( Files[Bytes] )
    var cult = "en-us"       
    var fStr_perK = "#,#,"
    var fStr_perM = "#,#,,"
    var fStr_Labeled_perK = fStr_perK & " k"
    var fStr_Labeled_perM = fStr_perM & " m"
    var dynamicFStr = SWITCH(TRUE(),
        CurVal > 1000000, fStr_Labeled_perM,
        CurVal > 1000, fStr_Labeled_perK,
    VAR renderFinal = IFERROR( FORMAT( CurVal, dynamicFStr, cult ) , "error" )    
return renderFinal
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