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Last active November 27, 2023 22:01
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Minimum Native Completer Template for Pwsh 7
using namespace System.Collections
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Management
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
function New.CompletionResult {
# original base text
[Alias('Item', 'Text')]
# actual value used in replacement, if not the same as ListItem
[Alias('Replacement', 'Replace')]
# Is there a better default?
$ResultType = ([CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue),
# multi-line text displayed when using listcompletion
[Alias('Description', 'Help', 'RenderText')]
[System.ArgumentException]::ThrowIfNullOrWhiteSpace( $ListItemText , 'ListItemText' )
$Tooltip = $Tooltip -join "`n"
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Tooltip )) {
$Tooltip = '[⋯]'
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $CompletionText )) {
$CompletionText = $ListItemText
<# completionText: #> $completionText,
<# listItemText : #> $listItemText,
<# resultType : #> $resultType,
<# toolTip : #> $toolTip)
function __SortIt.WithoutPrefix {
# future: can completer take arguments to the sorting interface? else make it work with one of them
[string]$PropertyName = 'ListItemText'
$Input | Sort-Object { $_.$PropertyName -replace '^-+', '' }
function __module.Wsl.buildCompletions {@(
New.CompletionResult -Text '--distribution' -Replacement '--distribution ''distro''' -ResultType ParameterValue -Tooltip '
--distribution, -d <Distro>', 'Run the specified distribution.'
New.CompletionResult -Text '--system' -Replacement '' -ResultType ParameterValue -Tooltip '--system', 'Launches a shell for the system distirbution'
| Sort-Object 'ListItemText' -Unique
| __SortIt.WithoutPrefix 'ListItemText'
$scriptBlock = {
# param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)
[List[CompletionResult]]$items = @( __module.Wsl.buildCompletions )
$FilterProp =
# 'CompletionText'
[List[CompletionResult]]$selected =
$items | ?{
$matchesAny = (
$_.ListItemText -match $wordToComplete -or
$_.CompletionText -match $wordToComplete -or
$_.ListItemText -match [regex]::escape( $wordToComplete ) -or
$_.CompletionText -match [regex]::escape( $wordToComplete ) )
return $MatchesAny
return $selected
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName 'wsl' -Native -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Verbose
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