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Last active May 10, 2024 22:42
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Git Speed Test Case - VsCode Algo hits 5second throttle for tiny files


There's a couple of small text files that cause the VsCode view to hit the 5,000 ms timeout. On the command line diffing the two files takes < 200 ms

I don't currently know if it's because of settings with the stock-vscode-git window Or if that's using a custom viewer that's affected by the gitlens extension.

It's probably something I did, directly, or through extensions.


They are all files from the (opensource) game Beyond All Reason

> git diff .\BYAR-1.lua .\BYAR-2.lua
> git diff .\infolog-1.txt .\infolog-2.txt
  • BYAR.lua functions as a json config file for the game, but as lua
  • infolog.txt is the main log file. I theorize the contents having many partial matches could be causing extra work.
  • _script.txt are the settings used for the most recent game. Essentialy json. Unknown whether it's valid lua or u a lua-related format used by the engine.
Name          SizeMb Lines
----          ------ -----
BYAR-1.lua    0.11    4338
BYAR-2.lua    0.15    7068
infolog-1.txt 0.37    3999
infolog-2.txt 0.79    8649

Vscode config

Maybe it's not the default diff viewer -- because toggling diffAlgorithm had zero imporovement. (Both settings hit the 5sec timeout)

"diffEditor.diffAlgorithm": "advanced",
"diffEditor.diffAlgorithm": "legacy",


    // still experimental ? Is this work post-parse or during the parse as well?
    "diffEditor.codeLens": true,
    "diffEditor.experimental.showMoves": true,
    "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": false,
    "diffEditor.renderIndicators": false,
    "diffEditor.renderSideBySide": false,
    "diffEditor.wordWrap": "inherit",


Not set, these are these are from default values

   "diffEditor.diffAlgorithm": "advanced",
-- Widget Custom data and order, order = 0 disabled widget
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allowUserWidgets = true,
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gameFrame = 79950,
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lockcameraHideEnemies = true,
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[0] = {
[1] = 11,
[2] = 62,
[3] = 243,
["AdvPlayersList Mascot"] = {
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["AdvPlayersList Music Player New"] = {
curTrack = "music/original/gameover/ryan krause - resilience.ogg",
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["Ally Selected Units"] = {
selectPlayerUnits = true,
version = 2,
AllyCursors = {
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showCursorDot = true,
showPlayerName = true,
showSpectatorName = false,
["Anti Ranges"] = {
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["Attack Range GL4"] = {
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["Auto Cloak Units"] = {
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[48] = true,
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[423] = true,
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[2] = 7,
[18] = {
[1] = "cortrem",
[2] = 3,
[19] = {
[1] = "armhawk",
[2] = 2,
[20] = {
[1] = "corvamp",
[2] = 6,
[21] = {
[1] = "corwolv",
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[1] = "armjeth",
[2] = 6,
[23] = {
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[2] = 2,
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[2] = 1,
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[2] = 1,
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[2] = 1,
[32] = {
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[2] = 1,
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[2] = 1,
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[38] = {
[1] = "armmlv",
[2] = 7,
[39] = {
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[2] = 2,
[110] = {
[1] = "armpnix",
[2] = 3,
[111] = {
[1] = "armham",
[2] = 1,
[112] = {
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[114] = {
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[2] = 1,
[115] = {
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[2] = 2,
[116] = {
[1] = "corparrow",
[2] = 4,
[117] = {
[1] = "armfboy",
[2] = 3,
[118] = {
[1] = "corhrk",
[2] = "2",
[119] = {
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[2] = 1,
[121] = {
[1] = "armjam",
[2] = 1,
[122] = {
[1] = "corvalk",
[2] = 6,
[123] = {
[1] = "armsub",
[2] = 3,
[124] = {
[1] = "armbanth",
[2] = 4,
[125] = {
[1] = "armcom",
[2] = 5,
[126] = {
[1] = "armrock",
[2] = 1,
[127] = {
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[2] = 1,
[128] = {
[1] = "armthund",
[2] = 2,
[129] = {
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[2] = 5,
[130] = {
[1] = "armart",
[2] = 1,
[131] = {
[1] = "cormist",
[2] = 1,
[132] = {
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[2] = 6,
[133] = {
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[2] = 5,
[134] = {
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[2] = "2",
[135] = {
[1] = "corbw",
[2] = "5",
[136] = {
[1] = "armfido",
[2] = 3,
[2] = {},
[3] = {},
[4] = {},
[5] = {},
[6] = {},
[7] = {},
[8] = {},
[9] = {},
["Auto mapmark eraser"] = {
eraseTime = 60,
version = 1,
pointsToErase = {},
["Bloom Shader Deferred"] = {
glowAmplifier = 0.85000002,
preset = 2,
version = 1.10000002,
["Build menu"] = {
alwaysShow = false,
defaultColls = 5,
dynamicIconsize = true,
gameID = "a9fc3a6656efbb15d5fd9ffae25bb485",
maxColls = 30,
maxPosY = 0.74000001,
minColls = 11,
showGroupIcon = true,
showPrice = true,
showRadarIcon = true,
stickToBottom = true,
BuildBar = {
align = 1,
offset = 0,
side = 1,
["Builder Priority"] = {
lowpriorityCons = false,
lowpriorityLabs = true,
lowpriorityNanos = true,
["Building Grid GL4"] = {
opacity = 0.5,
["Camera Remember"] = {
dist = 10919.9355,
dx = 0.1705775,
dy = -0.9853443,
dz = 7.4562e-9,
fov = 45,
mode = 2,
name = "spring",
px = 0,
py = 384.837708,
pz = 2558.05664,
rx = 2.97017694,
ry = 2.03991771,
rz = 0,
CameraShake = {
powerScale = 80,
["Changelog Info"] = {
lastviewedChangelogLength = 0,
lastviewedHash = "",
Chat = {
chatBackgroundOpacity = 0.25,
fontsizeMult = 1,
gameFrame = 79950,
gameID = "a9fc3a6656efbb15d5fd9ffae25bb485",
handleTextInput = true,
hide = false,
inputButton = true,
maxConsoleLines = 2,
maxLines = 5,
showHistoryWhenChatInput = true,
shutdownTime = 7962.92627,
sndChatFileVolume = 0.55000001,
sndMapmarkFileVolume = 0.5,
version = 1,
inputHistory = {
[1] = "/",
[2] = "/keydebug",
[3] = "/options",
[4] = "/widgetselector",
[5] = "/chain dsf",
[6] = "/keydebug",
[7] = "/console",
[8] = "/keydebug",
[9] = "air",
[10] = "\\",
[11] = "air",
orgLines = {
[1] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Overview Camera TAB hold & release <gui_overview_cam_tab_hold.lua> ...",
[2] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Map Lighting Adjuster <map_lighting_adjuster.lua> ...",
[3] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: API Resource Spot Finder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_finder.lua> ...",
[4] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Font handler <gui_fonthandler.lua> ...",
[5] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Game Speed <cmd_gamespeed.lua> ...",
[6] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: HighlightUnit API GL4 <gfx_highlightunit_gl4.lua> ...",
[7] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Language <gui_language.lua> ...",
[8] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Limit idle FPS <gfx_limit_idle_fps.lua> ...",
[9] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Map Grass GL4 <map_grass_gl4.lua> ...",
[10] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: SmartSelect <unit_smart_select.lua> ...",
[11] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Top Bar <gui_top_bar.lua> ...",
[12] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Spy move/reclaim defaults <unit_default_spy_move_cloaked.lua> ...",
[13] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Set target default <cmd_default_set_target.lua> ...",
[14] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Unit Stats <gui_unit_stats.lua> ...",
[15] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Tooltip <gui_tooltip.lua> ...",
[16] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "+inf",
[17] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: GUI Shader <gfx_guishader.lua> ...",
[18] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Vote interface <gui_vote_interface.lua> ...",
[19] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Chat <gui_chat.lua> ...",
[20] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: API Screencopy Manager <api_screencopy_manager.lua> ...",
[21] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: API Unit Tracker DEVMODE GL4 <api_unit_tracker_gl4.lua> ...",
[22] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Auto Cloak Units <unit_auto_cloak.lua> ...",
[23] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: BAR Hotkeys <cmd_bar_hotkeys.lua> ...",
[24] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "BAR Hotkeys: Loaded hotkeys from uikeys.txt",
[25] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Changelog Info <gui_changelog_info.lua> ...",
[26] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Keybind/Mouse Info <gui_keybind_info.lua> ...",
[27] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Options <gui_options.lua> ...",
[28] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Set \"shadows\" config-parameter to 1",
[29] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: TeamStats <gui_teamstats.lua> ...",
[30] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Highlight Unit GL4 <gui_highlight_unit_gl4.lua> ...",
[31] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Infolos API <gui_infolos.lua> ...",
[32] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "InfoLOS GL4, recompiled in , 0, ms at, 0, success, true",
[33] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: DrawUnitShape GL4 <gfx_drawunitshape_gl4.lua> ...",
[34] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Save Game Menu <gui_savegame.lua> ...",
[35] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Defense Range <gui_defenserange.lua> ...",
[36] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Attack Range GL4 <gui_attackrange_gl4.lua> ...",
[37] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Resurrection Halos GL4 <gui_resurrection_halos_gl4.lua> ...",
[38] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "ResurrectionHalosShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true",
[39] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Selected Units GL4 <gui_selectedunits_gl4.lua> ...",
[40] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "selectedUnitsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true",
[41] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Self-Destruct Icons <gui_selfd_icons.lua> ...",
[42] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Given Units <gui_given_units.lua> ...",
[43] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Unit Energy Icons <gui_unit_energy_icons.lua> ...",
[44] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "energy iconsShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true",
[45] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Snow <gfx_snow.lua> ...",
[46] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Health Bars GL4 <gui_healthbars_gl4.lua> ...",
[47] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Health Bars Shader GL4, recompiled in , 4, ms at, 0, success, true",
[48] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Map Info <gui_mapinfo.lua> ...",
[49] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: BuildETA <gui_build_eta.lua> ...",
[50] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Clearmapmarks button <gui_clearmapmarks.lua> ...",
[51] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList <gui_advplayerslist.lua> ...",
[52] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Game Info <gui_advplayerslist_gameinfo.lua> ...",
[53] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "frames-per-second indicator is disabled!",
[54] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "small digital clock is disabled!",
[55] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "simulation speed indicator is disabled!",
[56] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Music Player New <gui_advplayerslist_music_new.lua> ...",
[57] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Awards <gui_awards.lua> ...",
[58] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "EndGame Graph enabled, causes reload",
[59] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Camera Minimum Height <camera_minimum_height_limiter.lua> ...",
[60] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Unit Totals <gui_advplayerslist_unittotals.lua> ...",
[61] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Pregame UI <gui_pregameui.lua> ...",
[62] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Commander Name Tags <gui_com_nametags.lua> ...",
[63] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Player-TV <camera_player_tv.lua> ...",
[64] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: API Resource Spot Builder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_builder.lua> ...",
[65] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Airjets GL4 <gfx_airjets_gl4.lua> ...",
[66] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Ground AO Plates Features GL4 <gui_ground_ao_plates_features_gl4.lua> ...",
[67] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Ground AO Plates FeaturesShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true",
[68] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Ground AO Plates GL4 <gui_ground_ao_plates_gl4.lua> ...",
[69] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Ground AO PlatesShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true",
[70] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Cloak Fire State <unit_cloak_firestate.lua> ...",
[71] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Factionpicker <gui_factionpicker.lua> ...",
[72] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Ally Selected Units <gui_allyselectedunits.lua> ...",
[73] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "allySelectedUnitsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true",
[74] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Area unload <cmd_area_unload.lua> ...",
[75] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Attack no ally <cmd_attack_no_ally.lua> ...",
[76] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Auto First Build Facing <unit_autofirstbuildfacing.lua> ...",
[77] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Auto mapmark eraser <map_auto_mapmark_eraser.lua> ...",
[78] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Autoquit <cmd_autoquit.lua> ...",
[79] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Blast Radius <gui_blast_radius.lua> ...",
[80] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Bomber Attack Building Ground <cmd_bomber_attack_building_ground.lua> ...",
[81] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Attack and Move Notification <unit_attackmovenotification.lua> ...",
[82] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Camera Anchors <gui_camera_anchors.lua> ...",
[83] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Camera Remember <camera_remember_mode.lua> ...",
[84] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Switching to Spring style camera",
[85] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: CameraFlip <camera_flip.lua> ...",
[86] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Auto Group <unit_auto_group.lua> ...",
[87] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: CameraShake <camera_shake.lua> ...",
[88] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Converter Usage <gui_converter_usage.lua> ...",
[89] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: DGun no ally <cmd_dgun_no_ally.lua> ...",
[90] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Death Messages <death_messages.lua> ...",
[91] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: EMP + decloak range <gui_emp_decloak_range.lua> ...",
[92] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Build Split <cmd_buildsplit.lua> ...",
[93] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Ghost Radar GL4 <unit_ghostradar_gl4.lua> ...",
[94] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Ghost Site GL4 <unit_ghostsite_gl4.lua> ...",
[95] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Builder Priority <unit_builder_priority.lua> ...",
[96] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Guard Remove <cmd_guard_remove.lua> ...",
[97] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Guard damaged constructors <cmd_guard_damaged_constructors.lua> ...",
[98] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Highlight Selected Units GL4 <gui_highlight_selectedunits_gl4.lua> ...",
[99] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Reloaded cmdcolors from file: cmdcolors.tmp",
[100] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Ignore List API <api_ignore.lua> ...",
[101] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: LOS View <gfx_los_view.lua> ...",
[102] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: LOS colors <gfx_los_colors.lua> ...",
[103] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: DGun Stall Assist <unit_dgun_stall_assist.lua> ...",
[104] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Limit Build Spacing <cmd_limit_build_spacing.lua> ...",
[105] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Line-Build Hotkey Ignore <cmd_line-build_hotkey_ignore.lua> ...",
[106] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Log UnitDefIDs <log_unitdefids.lua> ...",
[107] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Logo adjuster <logo_adjuster.lua> ...",
[108] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Easy Facing <gui_easyfacing.lua> ...",
[109] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Factory hold position <cmd_fac_holdposition.lua> ...",
[110] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Map Edge Extension <map_edge_extension2.lua> ...",
[111] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Lava Mapname, archsimkats_valley_v1",
[112] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Minimap <gui_minimap.lua> ...",
[113] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Onoff for Hound and trajectory <cmd_onoff.lua> ...",
[114] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Paralyze Effect <gfx_paralyze_effect.lua> ...",
[115] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Persistent Build Spacing <cmd_persistent_build_spacing.lua> ...",
[116] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Point Tracker <gui_point_tracker.lua> ...",
[117] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Priority Construction Turrets <cmd_nanoturrets_assist_priority.lua> ...",
[118] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Holdfire Fix <cmd_holdfire_fix.lua> ...",
[119] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: ReclaimInfo <gui_reclaiminfo.lua> ...",
[120] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: RelativeMinimap <minimap_relative.lua> ...",
[121] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: ImmobileBuilder <unit_immobile_builder.lua> ...",
[122] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Scavenger Blueprint Generator <ai_scav_blueprint_generator.lua> ...",
[123] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Screen Mode/Resolution Switcher <cmd_resolution_switcher.lua> ...",
[124] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Jammer <gui_sensor_ranges_jammer.lua> ...",
[125] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges LOS <gui_sensor_ranges_los.lua> ...",
[126] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "LOS Ranges GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true",
[127] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Load Own Moving <unit_load_own_moving.lua> ...",
[128] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Radar Preview <gui_sensor_ranges_radar_preview.lua> ...",
[129] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "radarTruthShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true",
[130] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Show Orders <gui_show_orders.lua> ...",
[131] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Sonar <gui_sensor_ranges_sonar.lua> ...",
[132] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Specific Unit Reclaimer <unit_specific_unit_reclaimer.lua> ...",
[133] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Spectate Next Alive Player <gui_spec_next_alive_player.lua> ...",
[134] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Spectate Selected <gui_spectate_selected.lua> ...",
[135] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: NoDuplicateOrders <cmd_no_duplicate_orders.lua> ...",
[136] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: State Reverse Toggle <cmd_state_reverse_toggle.lua> ...",
[137] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Statistics Collection <stats_damage.lua> ...",
[138] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Stop means Stop <cmd_stop_selfd.lua> ...",
[139] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Share Tracker <unit_share_tracker.lua> ...",
[140] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Take Proxy <cmd_take_proxy.lua> ...",
[141] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Preserve Commands <cmd_transport_preserve_commands.lua> ...",
[142] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Test Runner <dbg_test_runner.lua> ...",
[143] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Under Construction gfx GL4 <gfx_undercontruction_gl4.lua> ...",
[144] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Unit Finished Sounds <snd_unit_finished.lua> ...",
[145] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Unit Groups - Clear selection on empty <cmd_unitgroup_clear_selection_on_empty.lua> ...",
[146] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Volume OSD <snd_volume_osd.lua> ...",
[147] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: gui_transport_weight_limit <gui_transport_weight_limit.lua> ...",
[148] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Set Target by Unit Type <unit_set_target_by_type.lua> ...",
[149] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Smart Area Reclaim <unit_smart_area_reclaim.lua> ...",
[150] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Specific Unit Loader <unit_specific_unit_loader.lua> ...",
[151] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Unit Group Number <gui_unit_group_number.lua> ...",
[152] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "unitGroupsShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true",
[153] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Transport AI <unit_transport_ai.lua> ...",
[154] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Build menu <gui_buildmenu.lua> ...",
[155] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Mascot <gui_advplayerslist_mascot.lua> ...",
[156] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Radar <gui_sensor_ranges_radar.lua> ...",
[157] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Chain Actions <cmd_chainactions.lua> ...",
[158] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Screen Mode Info <gui_screen_mode_info.lua> ...",
[159] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: GameTypeInfo <gui_game_type_info.lua> ...",
[160] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Start Boxes <map_startbox.lua> ...",
[161] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Area Mex <cmd_area_mex.lua> ...",
[162] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Attack AoE <gui_attack_aoe.lua> ...",
[163] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Command Queue Manager <cmd_commandq_manager.lua> ...",
[164] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Ecostats <gui_ecostats.lua> ...",
[165] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Extractor Snap (mex/geo) <cmd_extractor_snap.lua> ...",
[166] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Factory Guard Default On <cmd_factory_guard_pref.lua> ...",
[167] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Info <gui_info.lua> ...",
[168] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Order menu <gui_ordermenu.lua> ...",
[169] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Overview Camera Keep Position <gui_overview_keep_camera_position.lua> ...",
[170] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Context Build <cmd_context_build.lua> ...",
[171] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Unit Groups <gui_unitgroups.lua> ...",
[172] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: BuildBar <gui_buildbar.lua> ...",
[173] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Pregame Queue <gui_pregame_build.lua> ...",
[174] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Commands FX <gui_commands_fx.lua> ...",
[175] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Game info <gui_gameinfo.lua> ...",
[176] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Mapmarks FX <gui_mapmarks_fx.lua> ...",
[177] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Metalspots <gui_metalspots.lua> ...",
[178] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Metalspots GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true",
[179] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Mouse FX <gui_mouse_fx.lua> ...",
[180] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Idle Builders <gui_idle_builders.lua> ...",
[181] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Geothermalspots <gui_geothermalspots.lua> ...",
[182] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: AllyCursors <gui_ally_cursors.lua> ...",
[183] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Anti Ranges <gui_anti_ranges.lua> ...",
[184] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Rank Icons GL4 <gui_rank_icons_gl4.lua> ...",
[185] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Rank IconsShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true",
[186] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Waypoint Dragger <unit_waypoint_dragger_2.lua> ...",
[187] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: CommandInsert <cmd_commandinsert.lua> ...",
[188] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Set fighters on Fly mode <unit_set_fighters_fly.lua> ...",
[189] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Notifications <snd_notifications.lua> ...",
[190] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Select n Center! <gui_center_n_select.lua> ...",
[191] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Replay buttons <gui_replaybuttons.lua> ...",
[192] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Show Builder Queue <gfx_showbuilderqueue.lua> ...",
[193] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Commander Hurt Vignette <gui_commanderhurt.lua> ...",
[194] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Mouse Buildspacing <gui_buildspacing.lua> ...",
[195] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Decals GL4 <gfx_decals_gl4.lua> ...",
[196] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Decals Gl4 Shader, recompiled in , 3, ms at, 0, success, true",
[197] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Decals Large Gl4 Shader, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true",
[198] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Lups <lups_wrapper.lua> ...",
[199] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Quick Build (mex/geo) <cmd_quick_build_extractor.lua> ...",
[200] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Reclaim Field Highlight <gui_reclaim_field_highlight.lua> ...",
[201] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Prospector <gui_prospector.lua> ...",
[202] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Contrast Adaptive Sharpen <gfx_cas.lua> ...",
[203] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Rejoin progress <gui_rejoinprogress.lua> ...",
[204] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: CustomFormations2 <cmd_customformations2.lua> ...",
[205] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Darken map <gfx_darken_map.lua> ...",
[206] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Cursor <gui_cursor.lua> ...",
[207] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Messages <gui_messages.lua> ...",
[208] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Scavenger Audio Reciever <ai_scav_audio_reciever.lua> ...",
[209] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Bloom Shader Deferred <gfx_bloom_shader_deferred.lua> ...",
[210] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Pause Screen <gui_pausescreen.lua> ...",
[211] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: SSAO <gfx_ssao.lua> ...",
[212] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: Widget Selector <widget_selector.lua> ...",
[213] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Loading widget from mod: FlowUI <gui_flowui.lua> ...",
[214] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[Game::Load][7] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0",
[215] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[Game::Load][8] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0",
[216] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text=\"Loading Skirmish AIs\"",
[217] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=0)]",
[218] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=1)]",
[219] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=1 team=2] creating callbacks",
[220] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[221] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[222] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[223] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Loading the Terrain-Map ...",
[224] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Water Damage: 0.000000",
[225] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Sector-Map Block Size: 64",
[226] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Sector-Map Size: 16384 (x128, z128)",
[227] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Determining Usable Terrain for all units ...",
[228] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Map Land Percent: 97.58%",
[229] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Minimum Elevation: -267.56",
[230] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Maximum Elevation: 542.27",
[231] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-0.000000 / any) Is buildable across 96.911621% of the map. (used by 145 unit-defs)",
[232] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5.000000 / any) Is buildable across 97.241211% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)",
[233] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-20.000000 / any) Is buildable across 98.602295% of the map. (used by 6 unit-defs)",
[234] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -25.000000) Is buildable across 0.567627% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)",
[235] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -24.000000) Is buildable across 0.585938% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)",
[236] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-1.000000 / any) Is buildable across 96.972656% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)",
[237] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -30.000000) Is buildable across 0.488281% of the map. (used by 8 unit-defs)",
[238] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.000000) Is buildable across 0.897217% of the map. (used by 10 unit-defs)",
[239] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)",
[240] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -5.000000) Is buildable across 1.544189% of the map. (used by 9 unit-defs)",
[241] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -1.000000) Is buildable across 1.800537% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)",
[242] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -16.000000) Is buildable across 0.793457% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)",
[243] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -2.000000) Is buildable across 1.715088% of the map. (used by 7 unit-defs)",
[244] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -0.000000) Is buildable across 1.849365% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)",
[245] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -11.000000) Is buildable across 0.933838% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)",
[246] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)",
[247] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.000000) Is buildable across 0.897217% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)",
[248] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -30.000000) Is buildable across 0.488281% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)",
[249] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -10.000000) Is buildable across 0.982666% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)",
[250] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -20.000000) Is buildable across 0.677490% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)",
[251] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-9999.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)",
[252] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -6.000000) Is buildable across 1.379395% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)",
[253] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)",
[254] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.000000) Is buildable across 0.805664% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)",
[255] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.000000) Is buildable across 0.805664% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)",
[256] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -31.000000) Is buildable across 0.463867% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)",
[257] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-1000.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)",
[258] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -40.000000) Is buildable across 0.372314% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)",
[259] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5000.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'habot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 85.25% of the map. (used by 50 unit-defs)",
[260] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -8.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat4' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 19 unit-defs)",
[261] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'bot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 84.46% of the map. (used by 30 unit-defs)",
[262] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat8' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 23 unit-defs)",
[263] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.11)) Move-Data used:'htank4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 75.65% of the map. (used by 44 unit-defs)",
[264] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'hhover4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 79.93% of the map. (used by 17 unit-defs)",
[265] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hover5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 85.28% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)",
[266] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -10.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat5' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 8 unit-defs)",
[267] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5000.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.19)) Move-Data used:'vbot5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 81.23% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)",
[268] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-26.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hbot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 84.58% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)",
[269] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'bot1' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 83.37% of the map. (used by 21 unit-defs)",
[270] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'htbot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 98.67% of the map. (used by 9 unit-defs)",
[271] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-24.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'htank5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 79.16% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)",
[272] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.00) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'hhover4' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)",
[273] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-30.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hbot5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 84.70% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)",
[274] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[275] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[276] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[277] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[278] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[279] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[280] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[281] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[282] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[283] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[284] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[285] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[286] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[287] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[288] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[289] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[290] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[291] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[292] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[293] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[294] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[295] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[296] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[297] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[298] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[299] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[300] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[301] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (1) Initialized!",
[302] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=1 team=2] numUnits=0",
[303] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=2)]",
[304] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=2 team=3] creating callbacks",
[305] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[306] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[307] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[308] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[309] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[310] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[311] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[312] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[313] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[314] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[315] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[316] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[317] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[318] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[319] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[320] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[321] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[322] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[323] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[324] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[325] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[326] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[327] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[328] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[329] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[330] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[331] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[332] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[333] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[334] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[335] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (2) Initialized!",
[336] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=2 team=3] numUnits=0",
[337] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=3)]",
[338] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=3 team=4] creating callbacks",
[339] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[340] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[341] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[342] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[343] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[344] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[345] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[346] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[347] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[348] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[349] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[350] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[351] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[352] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[353] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[354] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[355] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[356] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[357] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[358] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[359] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[360] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[361] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[362] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[363] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[364] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[365] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[366] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[367] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[368] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[369] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (3) Initialized!",
[370] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=3 team=4] numUnits=0",
[371] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=4)]",
[372] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=4 team=5] creating callbacks",
[373] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[374] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[375] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[376] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[377] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[378] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[379] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[380] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[381] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[382] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[383] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[384] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[385] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[386] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[387] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[388] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[389] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[390] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[391] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[392] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[393] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[394] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[395] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[396] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[397] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[398] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[399] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[400] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[401] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[402] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[403] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (4) Initialized!",
[404] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=4 team=5] numUnits=0",
[405] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=5)]",
[406] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=5 team=6] creating callbacks",
[407] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[408] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[409] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[410] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[411] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[412] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[413] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[414] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[415] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[416] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[417] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[418] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[419] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[420] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[421] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[422] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[423] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[424] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[425] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[426] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[427] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[428] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[429] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[430] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[431] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[432] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[433] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[434] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[435] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[436] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[437] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (5) Initialized!",
[438] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=5 team=6] numUnits=0",
[439] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=6)]",
[440] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=6 team=7] creating callbacks",
[441] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[442] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[443] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[444] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[445] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[446] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[447] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[448] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[449] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[450] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[451] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[452] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[453] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[454] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[455] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[456] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[457] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[458] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[459] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[460] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[461] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[462] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[463] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[464] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[465] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[466] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[467] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[468] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[469] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[470] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[471] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (6) Initialized!",
[472] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=6 team=7] numUnits=0",
[473] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadSkirmishAIs] 872ms",
[474] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaIntro (unsynced)] index=6 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 127820, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 11163213}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0127}",
[475] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[CUS GL4] Cache Textures",
[476] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Set \"shadows\" config-parameter to 1",
[477] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "GameID: a9fc3a6656efbb15d5fd9ffae25bb485",
[478] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Connection attempt from Player",
[479] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Player Player finished loading and is now ingame",
[480] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[Initial Spawn] manual spawning based on positions chosen by players in start boxes",
[481] = {
[1] = 517,
[2] = "Buildings set to face East",
[482] = {
[1] = 7753,
[2] = "Added Grunt to autogroup #1.",
[483] = {
[1] = 11861,
[2] = "Metal Extractor is being attacked!",
[484] = {
[1] = 12323,
[2] = "Construction Bot is being attacked!",
[485] = {
[1] = 15819,
[2] = "Incisor is being attacked!",
[486] = {
[1] = 16237,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[487] = {
[1] = 16965,
[2] = "Added Thug to autogroup #1.",
[488] = {
[1] = 16965,
[2] = "Added Sheldon to autogroup #1.",
[489] = {
[1] = 16965,
[2] = "Added Trasher to autogroup #1.",
[490] = {
[1] = 16965,
[2] = "Added Grunt to autogroup #1.",
[491] = {
[1] = 18479,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[492] = {
[1] = 19947,
[2] = "Metal Extractor is being attacked!",
[493] = {
[1] = 20886,
[2] = "Added Arbiter to autogroup #3.",
[494] = {
[1] = 20890,
[2] = "Grunt is being attacked!",
[495] = {
[1] = 23002,
[2] = "Added Sheldon to autogroup #2.",
[496] = {
[1] = 27000,
[2] = "Incisor is being attacked!",
[497] = {
[1] = 28886,
[2] = "Sheldon is being attacked!",
[498] = {
[1] = 28970,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[499] = {
[1] = 30136,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[500] = {
[1] = 30214,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[501] = {
[1] = 31882,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[502] = {
[1] = 32337,
[2] = "Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[503] = {
[1] = 32368,
[2] = "Thug is being attacked!",
[504] = {
[1] = 32962,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[505] = {
[1] = 33025,
[2] = "Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[506] = {
[1] = 34167,
[2] = "Trasher is being attacked!",
[507] = {
[1] = 35119,
[2] = "Player shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[508] = {
[1] = 36099,
[2] = "Thug is being attacked!",
[509] = {
[1] = 37069,
[2] = "Added Shuriken to autogroup #6.",
[510] = {
[1] = 37806,
[2] = "Added Sheldon to autogroup #2.",
[511] = {
[1] = 37806,
[2] = "Added Arbiter to autogroup #2.",
[512] = {
[1] = 38198,
[2] = "Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[513] = {
[1] = 38213,
[2] = "Added Shuriken to autogroup #3.",
[514] = {
[1] = 38811,
[2] = "Deceiver is being attacked!",
[515] = {
[1] = 39816,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[516] = {
[1] = 40595,
[2] = "Added Fiend to autogroup #1.",
[517] = {
[1] = 40595,
[2] = "Added Trasher to autogroup #1.",
[518] = {
[1] = 40595,
[2] = "Added Thug to autogroup #1.",
[519] = {
[1] = 40595,
[2] = "Added Augur to autogroup #1.",
[520] = {
[1] = 40595,
[2] = "Added Sumo to autogroup #1.",
[521] = {
[1] = 41649,
[2] = "Sheldon is being attacked!",
[522] = {
[1] = 42848,
[2] = "Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[523] = {
[1] = 42899,
[2] = "Fortification Wall is being attacked!",
[524] = {
[1] = 43677,
[2] = "Arbiter is being attacked!",
[525] = {
[1] = 45173,
[2] = "Manticore is being attacked!",
[526] = {
[1] = 45676,
[2] = "Fortification Wall is being attacked!",
[527] = {
[1] = 46143,
[2] = "Graverobber is being attacked!",
[528] = {
[1] = 46182,
[2] = "Buccaneer (AI) shared units to Blizzard (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[529] = {
[1] = 46801,
[2] = "Added Graverobber to autogroup #7.",
[530] = {
[1] = 46916,
[2] = "Fortification Wall is being attacked!",
[531] = {
[1] = 48668,
[2] = "Blizzard (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[532] = {
[1] = 49962,
[2] = "Metal Extractor is being attacked!",
[533] = {
[1] = 51061,
[2] = "Sheldon is being attacked!",
[534] = {
[1] = 51588,
[2] = "Fortification Wall is being attacked!",
[535] = {
[1] = 52039,
[2] = "Termite is being attacked!",
[536] = {
[1] = 52517,
[2] = "Pounder is being attacked!",
[537] = {
[1] = 52538,
[2] = "Buccaneer (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[538] = {
[1] = 52987,
[2] = "Janus is being attacked!",
[539] = {
[1] = 53046,
[2] = "Blizzard (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[540] = {
[1] = 53462,
[2] = "Sheldon is being attacked!",
[541] = {
[1] = 54080,
[2] = "Blizzard (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[542] = {
[1] = 54429,
[2] = "Player shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[543] = {
[1] = 54573,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[544] = {
[1] = 56369,
[2] = "Sheldon is being attacked!",
[545] = {
[1] = 56916,
[2] = "Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[546] = {
[1] = 57080,
[2] = "Sheldon is being attacked!",
[547] = {
[1] = 57458,
[2] = "Player shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[548] = {
[1] = 57541,
[2] = "Sheldon is being attacked!",
[549] = {
[1] = 58178,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[550] = {
[1] = 58832,
[2] = "Sheldon is being attacked!",
[551] = {
[1] = 60017,
[2] = "Arbiter is being attacked!",
[552] = {
[1] = 60475,
[2] = "Sheldon is being attacked!",
[553] = {
[1] = 60952,
[2] = "Player shared units to Blizzard (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[554] = {
[1] = 61388,
[2] = "Added Fiend to autogroup #1.",
[555] = {
[1] = 61388,
[2] = "Added Termite to autogroup #1.",
[556] = {
[1] = 61388,
[2] = "Added Trasher to autogroup #1.",
[557] = {
[1] = 61388,
[2] = "Added Thug to autogroup #1.",
[558] = {
[1] = 61388,
[2] = "Added Mammoth to autogroup #1.",
[559] = {
[1] = 61388,
[2] = "Added Manticore to autogroup #1.",
[560] = {
[1] = 61388,
[2] = "Added Augur to autogroup #1.",
[561] = {
[1] = 61388,
[2] = "Added Sumo to autogroup #1.",
[562] = {
[1] = 61749,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[563] = {
[1] = 62338,
[2] = "Arbiter is being attacked!",
[564] = {
[1] = 63307,
[2] = "Fiend is being attacked!",
[565] = {
[1] = 63695,
[2] = "Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[566] = {
[1] = 63758,
[2] = "Thug is being attacked!",
[567] = {
[1] = 64269,
[2] = "Sumo is being attacked!",
[568] = {
[1] = 65454,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[569] = {
[1] = 66018,
[2] = "Termite is being attacked!",
[570] = {
[1] = 67388,
[2] = "Shuriken is being attacked!",
[571] = {
[1] = 67890,
[2] = "Termite is being attacked!",
[572] = {
[1] = 68488,
[2] = "Fiend is being attacked!",
[573] = {
[1] = 69187,
[2] = "Sumo is being attacked!",
[574] = {
[1] = 69431,
[2] = "Buccaneer (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[575] = {
[1] = 70486,
[2] = "Fiend is being attacked!",
[576] = {
[1] = 70824,
[2] = "Added Valiant to autogroup #5.",
[577] = {
[1] = 70824,
[2] = "Added Shuriken to autogroup #5.",
[578] = {
[1] = 70824,
[2] = "Added Finch to autogroup #5.",
[579] = {
[1] = 70824,
[2] = "Added Whirlwind to autogroup #5.",
[580] = {
[1] = 70977,
[2] = "Whirlwind is being attacked!",
[581] = {
[1] = 71535,
[2] = "Aggravator is being attacked!",
[582] = {
[1] = 72153,
[2] = "Blizzard (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[583] = {
[1] = 72509,
[2] = "Arbiter is being attacked!",
[584] = {
[1] = 73385,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[585] = {
[1] = 73721,
[2] = "Vache (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[586] = {
[1] = 74049,
[2] = "Fiend is being attacked!",
[587] = {
[1] = 74447,
[2] = "Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[588] = {
[1] = 75050,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[589] = {
[1] = 75330,
[2] = "Player paused the game",
[590] = {
[1] = 75331,
[2] = "Player unpaused the game",
[591] = {
[1] = 75490,
[2] = "Valiant is being attacked!",
[592] = {
[1] = 76180,
[2] = "Vache (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[593] = {
[1] = 79620,
[2] = "Watcher rode on into the sunset",
[594] = {
[1] = 79620,
[2] = "SuperMadmax was terminated",
[595] = {
[1] = 79620,
[2] = "Blitz has bowed out",
[596] = {
[1] = 79620,
[2] = "Condor has gone to a better place",
[597] = {
[1] = 79620,
[2] = "[EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=1)]",
[598] = {
[1] = 79620,
[2] = "[EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=4)]",
[599] = {
[1] = 79620,
[2] = "[EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=6)]",
[600] = {
[1] = 79804,
[2] = "<autoquit> Automatically exiting in 12 seconds. Move mouse to postpone the quit for 60 seconds",
["Commander Name Tags"] = {
nameScaling = true,
showPlayerRank = false,
version = 1.10000002,
["Commands FX"] = {
duration = 0.85000002,
filterAIteams = true,
filterOwn = false,
opacity = 1,
useTeamColors = false,
useTeamColorsWhenSpec = true,
["Contrast Adaptive Sharpen"] = {
version = 1.05999994,
Cursor = {
cursorSet = "icexuick",
cursorSize = "100",
sizeMult = 1,
version = 5,
CustomFormations2 = {
maxHungarianUnits = 39,
["Darken map"] = {
darkenFeatures = true,
darknessvalue = 0.03,
["Decals GL4"] = {
lifeTimeMult = 1,
["Defense Range"] = {
enabled = {
ally = {
air = false,
ground = false,
nuke = false,
radar = false,
enemy = {
air = true,
ground = true,
nuke = true,
radar = false,
["Deferred rendering GL4"] = {
intensityMultiplier = 1,
playerCursorLightBrightness = 1,
playerCursorLightRadius = 1,
radiusMultiplier = 1,
showPlayerCursorLight = false,
Ecostats = {
cfgRemoveDeadOn = false,
cfgResText2 = true,
right = true,
xRelPos = 1,
yRelPos = 1,
["Font handler"] = {
fontScale = 1.23328006,
fonts = {
["GUI Shader"] = {
blurIntensity = 1,
Geothermalspots = {
metalViewOnly = false,
opacity = 0.5,
showValue = false,
["Ghost Radar GL4"] = {
dots = {},
["Ghost Site GL4"] = {
ghostSites = {
[1368] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 7,
unitDefID = 297,
x = 5248,
y = 197.677612,
z = 6032,
[2337] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 420,
x = 6104,
y = 91.3696289,
z = 5176,
[4149] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 302,
x = 5328,
y = 93.5717773,
z = 5264,
[5385] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 337,
x = 4832,
y = 113.093056,
z = 1968,
[5963] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 297,
x = 6320,
y = 90.2720642,
z = 5200,
[7040] = {
angle = 90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 337,
x = 5280,
y = 198.181152,
z = 6160,
[7739] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 420,
x = 7032,
y = 191.299438,
z = 4168,
[8015] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 240,
x = 5616,
y = 153.459778,
z = 2016,
[10275] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 2,
unitDefID = 338,
x = 5264,
y = 198.181152,
z = 6144,
[10279] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 387,
x = 6528,
y = 91.704483,
z = 5200,
[10923] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 306,
x = 6432,
y = 114.381485,
z = 2560,
[11228] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 240,
x = 6928,
y = 180.007935,
z = 4176,
[11704] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 354,
x = 6520,
y = 91.704483,
z = 5192,
[12033] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 2,
unitDefID = 359,
x = 5440,
y = 89.0441132,
z = 5168,
[12390] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 306,
x = 7472,
y = 306.355286,
z = 4960,
[13202] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 306,
x = 6432,
y = 114.381485,
z = 2560,
[14356] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 338,
x = 5280,
y = 197.647095,
z = 5952,
[16306] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 306,
x = 6432,
y = 88.2521057,
z = 5104,
[16630] = {
angle = 90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 352,
x = 7600,
y = 288.019714,
z = 5408,
[16763] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 5,
unitDefID = 161,
x = 7840,
y = 99.6062469,
z = 656,
[18423] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 2,
unitDefID = 359,
x = 5104,
y = 196.763611,
z = 7056,
[20814] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 302,
x = 7024,
y = 199.872131,
z = 3824,
[21155] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 2,
unitDefID = 296,
x = 7856,
y = 309.646606,
z = 5488,
[21777] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 302,
x = 7568,
y = 275.859985,
z = 5056,
[22194] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 354,
x = 5528,
y = 77.934494,
z = 5256,
[22918] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 394,
x = 5336,
y = 93.5717773,
z = 5256,
[23252] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 297,
x = 5536,
y = 91.2032318,
z = 5264,
[25217] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 297,
x = 6336,
y = 117.248535,
z = 2448,
[27588] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 240,
x = 6544,
y = 92.0236206,
z = 4832,
[28204] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 306,
x = 6272,
y = 131.53656,
z = 3136,
[28903] = {
angle = 90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 338,
x = 5488,
y = 213.027954,
z = 6160,
[30314] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 302,
x = 6384,
y = 202.362061,
z = 3536,
[31051] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 5,
unitDefID = 136,
x = 4736,
y = 117.233276,
z = 1872,
["Grid menu"] = {
alwaysReturn = false,
alwaysShow = false,
autoSelectFirst = true,
gameID = "225535669f97965d01c05e552fd22a2d",
showGroupIcon = true,
showPrice = true,
showRadarIcon = true,
stickToBottom = true,
useLabBuildMode = false,
["Health Bars GL4"] = {
barHeight = 0.89999998,
barScale = 1,
drawWhenGuiHidden = false,
variableBarSizes = true,
["Idle Builders"] = {
alwaysShow = true,
["Ignore List API"] = {},
Info = {
alwaysShow = false,
displayMapPosition = false,
showBuilderBuildlist = true,
["LOS View"] = {
lastMapDrawMode = "los",
["LOS colors"] = {
colorize = false,
losWithRadarEnabled = false,
opacity = 0.68000001,
["Map Edge Extension"] = {
brightness = 0.30000001,
curvature = true,
fogEffect = true,
["Map Grass GL4"] = {
distanceMult = 0.40000001,
Messages = {
messageLines = {
[1] = {
[1] = 5255.19043,
[2] = "Choose your starting location",
[3] = 29,
[4] = 30,
[5] = 0.52246135,
[7] = 30,
[2] = {
[1] = 5543.38379,
[2] = "Low power",
[3] = 9,
[4] = 10,
[5] = 0.16671382,
[7] = 10,
[3] = {
[1] = 5617.38184,
[2] = "Low power",
[3] = 9,
[4] = 10,
[5] = 0.1653742,
[7] = 10,
[4] = {
[1] = 5664.38916,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36651894,
[7] = 21,
[5] = {
[1] = 5730.78271,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36198506,
[7] = 21,
[6] = {
[1] = 5782.38086,
[2] = "Low power",
[3] = 9,
[4] = 10,
[5] = 0.1644264,
[7] = 10,
[7] = {
[1] = 5886.79395,
[2] = "Your commander is receiving heavy damage",
[3] = 40,
[4] = 41,
[5] = 0.7246384,
[7] = 41,
[8] = {
[1] = 5935.79102,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36543262,
[7] = 21,
[9] = {
[1] = 5940.38916,
[2] = "Radar lost",
[3] = 10,
[4] = 11,
[5] = 0.18475774,
[7] = 11,
[10] = {
[1] = 6061.38477,
[2] = "Tech 2 unit detected",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36329618,
[7] = 21,
[11] = {
[1] = 6070.38281,
[2] = "Low power",
[3] = 9,
[4] = 10,
[5] = 0.16460651,
[7] = 10,
[12] = {
[1] = 6181.38574,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36027479,
[7] = 21,
[13] = {
[1] = 6320.98389,
[2] = "Aircraft spotted",
[3] = 16,
[4] = 17,
[5] = 0.29170585,
[7] = 17,
[14] = {
[1] = 6334.58838,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36406046,
[7] = 21,
[15] = {
[1] = 6895.58301,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36499721,
[7] = 21,
[16] = {
[1] = 6934.38672,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36443785,
[7] = 21,
[17] = {
[1] = 6970.58984,
[2] = "Long Range Plasma Cannon(s) (LRPC) detected",
[3] = 43,
[4] = 44,
[5] = 0.78103852,
[7] = 44,
[18] = {
[1] = 7035.18701,
[2] = "Enemy Long Range Plasma Cannon(s) (LRPC) are targeting your units",
[3] = 65,
[4] = 66,
[5] = 1.17596149,
[7] = 66,
[19] = {
[1] = 7563.98828,
[2] = "Tech 3 unit is ready",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.371355,
[7] = 21,
[20] = {
[1] = 7779.98389,
[2] = "paused",
[3] = 6,
[4] = 8,
[5] = 0.1324944,
[7] = 8,
[21] = {
[1] = 7808.98633,
[2] = "battle started",
[3] = 14,
[4] = 15,
[5] = 0.25352293,
[7] = 15,
[22] = {
[1] = 7841.98438,
[2] = "You are overflowing metal",
[3] = 25,
[4] = 26,
[5] = 0.46140492,
[7] = 26,
[23] = {
[1] = 7922.58398,
[2] = "You are overflowing metal",
[3] = 25,
[4] = 26,
[5] = 0.45354524,
[7] = 26,
Metalspots = {
metalViewOnly = true,
opacity = 0.5,
showValue = true,
Minimap = {
leftClickMove = true,
maxHeight = 0.19999999,
Notifications = {
displayMessages = true,
globalVolume = 0.69999999,
playTrackedPlayerNotifs = false,
spoken = true,
tutorialMode = true,
LastPlay = {
AircraftSpotted = 31564,
ChooseStartLoc = 0,
ComHeavyDamage = 18539,
GamePause = 75330,
GameStarted = 75333,
LowPower = 24046,
LrpcDetected = 51052,
LrpcTargetUnits = 52990,
MexLost = 49966,
RadarLost = 20146,
T2Detected = 23776,
Tech3UnitReady = 68854,
WholeTeamWastingEnergy = 2000,
WholeTeamWastingMetal = 1200,
YouAreOverflowingMetal = 78741,
customNotifications = {},
soundList = {
AdvRadarLost = true,
AirTransportDetected = true,
AircraftSpotted = true,
BanthaDetected = true,
BattleEnded = true,
BuzzsawIsReady = true,
ChooseStartLoc = true,
ComHeavyDamage = true,
CommandoDetected = true,
EMPmissilesiloDetected = true,
EnemyCommanderDied = true,
FlagshipDetected = true,
FriendlyCommanderDied = true,
FriendlyCommanderSelfD = true,
GamePause = true,
GameStarted = true,
IntrusionCountermeasure = true,
JuggernautDetected = true,
KorgothDetected = true,
LavaDropping = true,
LavaRising = true,
LowPower = true,
LrpcDetected = true,
LrpcTargetUnits = true,
MexLost = true,
MinesDetected = true,
NuclearBomberDetected = true,
NuclearSiloDetected = true,
NukeLaunched = true,
PlayerAdded = true,
PlayerLeft = true,
PlayerReconnecting = true,
PlayerResigned = true,
PlayerTimedout = true,
RadarLost = true,
RaptorsAndScavsMixed = true,
SeaTransportDetected = true,
T2Detected = true,
T3Detected = true,
TacticalNukeSiloDetected = true,
TeamDownLastCommander = true,
Tech3UnitReady = true,
TransportDetected = true,
UnitsReceived = true,
VulcanIsReady = true,
WholeTeamWastingEnergy = true,
WholeTeamWastingMetal = true,
WindNotGood = true,
YouAreOverflowingMetal = true,
YouHaveLastCommander = true,
t_buildenergy = true,
t_buildmex = true,
t_duplicatefactory = true,
t_factoryair = true,
t_factoryairsea = true,
t_factorybots = true,
t_factoryhovercraft = true,
t_factoryships = true,
t_factoryvehicles = true,
t_paralyzer = true,
t_readyfortech2 = true,
t_welcome = true,
tutorialPlayed = {
t_buildenergy = 2,
t_buildmex = 2,
t_duplicatefactory = 1,
t_factoryair = 2,
t_factoryairsea = 2,
t_factorybots = 2,
t_factoryhovercraft = 2,
t_factoryships = 2,
t_factoryvehicles = 2,
t_paralyzer = 2,
t_readyfortech2 = 2,
t_welcome = 2,
tutorialPlayedThisGame = {},
Options = {
advSettings = true,
cameraPanTransitionTime = 0.03,
cameraTransitionTime = 0.18000001,
changesRequireRestart = false,
currentGroupTab = "sound",
desiredWaterValue = 4,
edgeMoveWidth = 0.003,
firsttimesetupDone = true,
guishaderIntensity = 0.0035,
mapChecksum = "73f600724263c568168651d3bd5457058b430d4f8271ba052261e455356fbe42cf02b2c178c30956b4abec49787fc5153977e061f5aec57c3144c39da7348257",
pauseGameWhenSingleplayer = true,
pauseGameWhenSingleplayerExecuted = false,
resettedTonemapDefault = false,
show = false,
useNetworkSmoothing = false,
version = 1.39999998,
waterDetected = true,
defaultMapFog = {
fogEnd = 1,
fogStart = 0.5,
fogColor = {
[1] = 0.63,
[2] = 0.66000003,
[3] = 0.69,
defaultMapSunPos = {
[1] = -0.5916549,
[2] = 0.6101442,
[3] = -0.5269427,
defaultSunLighting = {
groundAmbientColor = {
[1] = 0.56,
[2] = 0.55000001,
[3] = 0.55000001,
groundDiffuseColor = {
[1] = 1,
[2] = 1,
[3] = 1,
groundSpecularColor = {
[1] = 0.60000002,
[2] = 0.5,
[3] = 0.5,
unitAmbientColor = {
[1] = 0.56999999,
[2] = 0.56942999,
[3] = 0.56942999,
unitDiffuseColor = {
[1] = 1,
[2] = 0.98533332,
[3] = 0.92000002,
unitSpecularColor = {
[1] = 0.80000001,
[2] = 0.60000002,
[3] = 0.60000002,
requireRestartDefaults = {
catchupminfps = 2,
catchupsmoothness = 0.15000001,
decals = 2,
doubleclicktime = 200,
msaa = 4,
networksmoothing = false,
screenedgemove = true,
screenedgemovedynamic = false,
["Order menu"] = {
alwaysShow = false,
colorize = 0,
stickToBottom = true,
version = 1,
disabledCmd = {
Attack = true,
Fight = true,
Guard = true,
ManualFire = true,
Move = true,
Patrol = true,
Reclaim = true,
Repair = true,
Stop = true,
Wait = true,
["Persistent Build Spacing"] = {
buildSpacing = {
armmav = 6,
armsolar = 1,
armspid = 4,
coraap = 0,
coradvsol = 0,
corafus = 0,
corageo = 0,
coralab = 0,
corap = 0,
corarad = 0,
corasp = 0,
corbhmth = 0,
corbuzz = 0,
cordl = 0,
cordoom = 0,
cordrag = 0,
corerad = 0,
corestor = 0,
corexp = 0,
corfasp = 0,
corfdrag = 0,
corfort = 0,
corfrad = 0,
corfrt = 0,
corfus = 0,
corgant = 0,
corgeo = 0,
corhllt = 0,
corhlt = 0,
corint = 0,
corjamt = 0,
corlab = 0,
corllt = 0,
cormadsam = 0,
cormaw = 0,
cormex = 0,
cormexp = 0,
cormmkr = 0,
cormoho = 0,
cormstor = 0,
cornanotc = 0,
corpun = 0,
corpyro = 0,
corrad = 0,
corrl = 0,
corshroud = 0,
corsolar = 4,
cortermite = 0,
cortoast = 0,
coruwadves = 0,
coruwadvms = 0,
coruwgeo = 0,
corvipe = 0,
corwin = 2,
["Player-TV"] = {
alwaysDisplayName = true,
playerChangeDelay = 40,
toggled = false,
["Pregame Queue"] = {
gameID = "a9fc3a6656efbb15d5fd9ffae25bb485",
buildQueue = {},
["Rank Icons GL4"] = {
distanceMult = 1,
iconsizeMult = 1,
["Reclaim Field Highlight"] = {
showOption = 3,
SSAO = {
preset = 2,
radius = 5,
strength = 8,
["Scavenger Info"] = {
numGames = 0,
["Selected Units GL4"] = {
opacity = 0.19,
teamcolorOpacity = 0.60000002,
["Sensor Ranges Jammer"] = {
opacity = 0.34999999,
["Sensor Ranges LOS"] = {
opacity = 0.08,
useteamcolors = false,
["Sensor Ranges Radar"] = {
opacity = 0.16,
["Sensor Ranges Sonar"] = {
opacity = 0.17,
SmartSelect = {
includeBuilders = false,
includeNanosAsMobile = true,
selectBuildingsWithMobile = false,
Snow = {
articleStep = 10,
autoReduce = true,
averageFps = 60,
customParticleMultiplier = 1,
gameframe = 79950,
snowMaps = {
frozen_ford_v2 = true,
sacrifice_v1 = false,
TeamStats = {
sortAscending = false,
sortVar = "damageDealt",
guiData = {
mainPanel = {
draggingBorderSize = 7,
visible = false,
absSizes = {
x = {
length = 1214.23633,
max = 1939.91101,
min = 620.088867,
y = {
length = 864.000061,
max = 1094.40002,
min = 791.400024,
relSizes = {
x = {
length = 0.47431108,
max = 0.75777775,
min = 0.24222222,
y = {
length = 0.60000002,
max = 0.75999999,
min = 0.22,
["Top Bar"] = {
autoHideButtons = true,
["Unit Groups"] = {
alwaysShow = true,
["Widget Selector"] = {
show = false,
startEntry = 1,
order = {
["API Resource Spot Builder (mex/geo)"] = 52,
["API Resource Spot Finder (mex/geo)"] = 4,
["API Screencopy Manager"] = 20,
["API Unit Tracker DEVMODE GL4"] = 21,
["API Unit Tracker Tester GL4"] = 0,
AdvPlayersList = 44,
["AdvPlayersList Game Info"] = 45,
["AdvPlayersList Mascot"] = 133,
["AdvPlayersList Music Player New"] = 46,
["AdvPlayersList Unit Totals"] = 49,
["Airjets GL4"] = 53,
["Ally Selected Units"] = 57,
AllyCursors = 155,
["Anti Ranges"] = 156,
["Area Mex"] = 136,
["Area unload"] = 58,
["AtlasOnDemand Tester"] = 0,
["Attack AoE"] = 137,
["Attack Range GL4"] = 33,
["Attack and Move Notification"] = 65,
["Attack no ally"] = 59,
["Auto Cloak Units"] = 22,
["Auto First Build Facing"] = 60,
["Auto Group"] = 69,
["Auto mapmark eraser"] = 61,
Autoquit = 62,
Awards = 47,
["BAR Hotkeys"] = 23,
["Blast Radius"] = 63,
["Bloom Shader Deferred"] = 176,
["Bomber Attack Building Ground"] = 64,
["Build Split"] = 75,
["Build menu"] = 132,
BuildBar = 147,
BuildETA = 42,
["Builder Priority"] = 78,
["Building Grid GL4"] = 0,
["Cache Icons"] = 2,
["Camera Anchors"] = 66,
["Camera Joystick"] = 0,
["Camera Minimum Height"] = 48,
["Camera Remember"] = 67,
CameraFlip = 68,
CameraShake = 70,
["Chain Actions"] = 135,
["Changelog Info"] = 24,
Chat = 19,
["Chili Draw GL4 API"] = 0,
["Clearmapmarks button"] = 43,
["Cloak Fire State"] = 56,
["Command Queue Manager"] = 138,
CommandInsert = 159,
["Commander Hurt Vignette"] = 162,
["Commander Name Tags"] = 50,
["Commands FX"] = 148,
["Context Build"] = 145,
["Contrast Adaptive Sharpen"] = 169,
["Controller Test"] = 0,
["Converter Usage"] = 71,
Cursor = 173,
CustomFormations2 = 171,
["DGun Stall Assist"] = 85,
["DGun no ally"] = 72,
["DGun no ground enemies"] = 0,
["Darken map"] = 172,
["Death Messages"] = 73,
["Decals GL4"] = 164,
["Defense Range"] = 32,
["Defense Range GL4"] = 0,
["Deferred Buffer visualizer"] = 0,
["Deferred rendering GL4"] = 1,
["Deferred shading test"] = 0,
["Depth of Field"] = 0,
["DrawUnitShape GL4"] = 30,
["EMP + decloak range"] = 74,
["Easy Facing"] = 90,
Ecostats = 139,
EnemySpotter = 0,
["Everything hold position"] = 0,
["Extractor Snap (mex/geo)"] = 140,
["FFA start points picker"] = 0,
["FOV changer"] = 0,
Factionpicker = 59,
["Factory Auto-Repeat"] = 0,
["Factory Guard Default On"] = 141,
["Factory hold position"] = 91,
["FactoryQ Manager"] = 0,
["Flanking Icons GL4"] = 0,
FlowUI = 180,
["FlowUI GL4 Atlas"] = 0,
["FlowUI GL4 Tester"] = 0,
["Fog Volumes Old GL4"] = 0,
["Font handler"] = 5,
["Frame Grapher"] = 0,
["GUI Shader"] = 17,
["Game Speed"] = 6,
["Game info"] = 149,
GameTypeInfo = 140,
Geothermalspots = 154,
["Ghost Radar GL4"] = 76,
["Ghost Site GL4"] = 77,
["Given Units"] = 37,
["Global Fog GL4"] = 0,
["Grid menu"] = 0,
["Ground AO Plates Features GL4"] = 54,
["Ground AO Plates GL4"] = 55,
["Ground Fog GL4"] = 0,
["Guard Remove"] = 79,
["Guard damaged constructors"] = 80,
["Health Bars GL4"] = 40,
["Highlight Selected Units GL4"] = 81,
["Highlight Unit GL4"] = 28,
["HighlightUnit API GL4"] = 7,
["Holdfire Fix"] = 99,
["Idle Builders"] = 153,
["Ignore List API"] = 82,
ImmobileBuilder = 102,
Info = 142,
["Infolos API"] = 29,
["Jitter Timer"] = 0,
["Keybind/Mouse Info"] = 25,
["LOS View"] = 83,
["LOS colors"] = 84,
Language = 8,
["Limit Build Spacing"] = 86,
["Limit idle FPS"] = 9,
["Line-Build Hotkey Ignore"] = 87,
["Load Own Moving"] = 107,
["Log UnitDefIDs"] = 88,
["Logo adjuster"] = 89,
["Loop Select"] = 0,
["Lua UiKeys loader"] = 0,
Lups = 165,
["Map Draw Blocker"] = 0,
["Map Edge Extension"] = 92,
["Map Grass GL4"] = 10,
["Map Info"] = 41,
["Map Lighting Adjuster"] = 3,
MapLights = 0,
["Mapmarks FX"] = 150,
Messages = 174,
Metalspots = 151,
["Middle Mouse SmoothScroll"] = 0,
Minimap = 93,
["Mouse Buildspacing"] = 163,
["Mouse FX"] = 152,
["Mouse to Mexes"] = 0,
["Nanospray GL4"] = 0,
NoDuplicateOrders = 114,
Notifications = 168,
OnlyFightersPatrol = 0,
["Onoff for Hound and trajectory"] = 94,
Options = 26,
["Order menu"] = 143,
["Overview Camera Keep Position"] = 144,
["Overview Camera TAB hold & release"] = 2,
["Paralyze Effect"] = 95,
["Pause Screen"] = 177,
["Persistent Build Spacing"] = 96,
["Player-TV"] = 51,
["Point Tracker"] = 97,
["Pregame Queue"] = 154,
["Pregame UI"] = 51,
["Preserve Commands"] = 120,
["Priority Construction Turrets"] = 98,
["Profiler Histograms"] = 0,
Prospector = 168,
["Quick Build (mex/geo)"] = 166,
["Rank Icons GL4"] = 157,
["Reclaim Field Highlight"] = 167,
ReclaimInfo = 100,
["Rejoin progress"] = 170,
RelativeMinimap = 101,
["Replay buttons"] = 12345,
["Resurrection Halos GL4"] = 34,
SSAO = 178,
["Save Game Menu"] = 31,
["Scav Stats Panel"] = 42,
["Scavenger Audio Reciever"] = 175,
["Scavenger Blueprint Generator"] = 103,
["Scavenger Info"] = 26,
["Screen Mode Info"] = 139,
["Screen Mode/Resolution Switcher"] = 104,
["Scrolldown Toggleoverview"] = 0,
["Select n Center!"] = 169,
["Selected Units GL4"] = 35,
["Self-Destruct Icons"] = 36,
["Sensor Ranges Jammer"] = 105,
["Sensor Ranges LOS"] = 106,
["Sensor Ranges Radar"] = 134,
["Sensor Ranges Radar Preview"] = 108,
["Sensor Ranges Sonar"] = 110,
["Sepia Tone"] = 0,
["Set Target by Unit Type"] = 127,
["Set fighters on Fly mode"] = 160,
["Set target default"] = 14,
["Shard Help: Draw and timer"] = 0,
["Share Tracker"] = 118,
["Show Builder Queue"] = 161,
["Show Orders"] = 109,
["Smart Area Reclaim"] = 128,
SmartSelect = 11,
Snow = 39,
["Specific Unit Loader"] = 129,
["Specific Unit Reclaimer"] = 111,
["Spectate Next Alive Player"] = 112,
["Spectate Selected"] = 113,
["Spectating Stats"] = 0,
["Spy move/reclaim defaults"] = 13,
["Start Boxes"] = 141,
["Startbox Editor"] = 0,
["State Prefs V2"] = 0,
["State Remover"] = 0,
["State Reverse Toggle"] = 115,
["Statistics Collection"] = 116,
["Stop means Stop"] = 117,
["TEST DrawPrimitiveAtUnit GL4"] = 0,
["TEST DrawPrimitiveAtUnit GL4 Minimal Example"] = 0,
["Take Proxy"] = 119,
TeamPlatter = 0,
TeamStats = 27,
["Test Runner"] = 121,
["Test Runner Watchdog"] = 0,
Tooltip = 16,
["Top Bar"] = 12,
["Transport AI"] = 131,
["Under Construction gfx GL4"] = 122,
["Unit CSV Export"] = 0,
["Unit Energy Icons"] = 38,
["Unit Finished Sounds"] = 123,
["Unit Group Number"] = 130,
["Unit Groups"] = 146,
["Unit Groups - Clear selection on empty"] = 124,
["Unit Mover"] = 0,
["Unit Stats"] = 15,
UnitCallinsWidget = 0,
["Unitdefs JSON Export"] = 0,
["Volume OSD"] = 125,
["Volumetric Clouds"] = 0,
["Vote interface"] = 18,
["Waypoint Dragger"] = 158,
["Widget Profiler"] = 0,
["Widget Selector"] = 179,
gui_transport_weight_limit = 126,
-- Widget Custom data and order, order = 0 disabled widget
return {
allowUserWidgets = true,
data = {
AdvPlayersList = {
absoluteResbarValues = false,
alwaysHideSpecs = true,
customScale = 0.84999996,
enemyListShow = true,
expandDown = false,
expandLeft = true,
gameFrame = 86265,
hasresetskill = true,
lockcameraHideEnemies = true,
lockcameraLos = true,
m_pointActive = true,
m_takeActive = true,
specListShow = false,
transitionTime = 1.29999995,
version = 1,
vsx = 2560,
vsy = 1440,
widgetPosX = 2192.97778,
widgetPosY = 4,
widgetRelRight = 0,
widgetRight = 2556,
widgetTop = 297.511292,
lastSystemData = {},
m_active_Table = {
ally = true,
chat = false,
country = true,
cpuping = true,
id = false,
income = false,
indent = true,
name = true,
rank = true,
resources = true,
share = true,
skill = false,
originalColourNames = {
[0] = {
[1] = 11,
[2] = 62,
[3] = 243,
["AdvPlayersList Mascot"] = {
currentOption = 2,
["AdvPlayersList Music Player New"] = {
curTrack = "music/original/warhigh/ryan krause - recall.ogg",
showGUI = true,
["Ally Selected Units"] = {
selectPlayerUnits = true,
version = 2,
AllyCursors = {
addLights = true,
lightRadiusMult = 0.5,
lightStrengthMult = 0.85000002,
showCursorDot = true,
showPlayerName = true,
showSpectatorName = false,
["Anti Ranges"] = {
fadeOnCloseup = true,
showLineGlow2 = false,
["Attack Range GL4"] = {
cursor_unit_range = true,
selectionDisableThresholdMult = 0.89999998,
shift_only = false,
["Auto Cloak Units"] = {
unitdefConfig = {
[13] = false,
[15] = true,
[48] = true,
[68] = false,
[87] = false,
[108] = false,
[115] = true,
[151] = false,
[188] = false,
[193] = true,
[293] = false,
[417] = false,
[423] = true,
["Auto Group"] = {
addall = true,
immediate = true,
persist = true,
verbose = true,
version = "5.00",
presets = {
[0] = {},
[1] = {
[1] = {
[1] = "armaak",
[2] = 5,
[2] = {
[1] = "armaas",
[2] = 3,
[3] = {
[1] = "armaca",
[2] = 6,
[4] = {
[1] = "armack",
[2] = 8,
[5] = {
[1] = "armacv",
[2] = 7,
[6] = {
[1] = "armflash",
[2] = 1,
[7] = {
[1] = "cornecro",
[2] = "7",
[8] = {
[1] = "armflea",
[2] = 7,
[9] = {
[1] = "corpship",
[2] = 1,
[10] = {
[1] = "corpyro",
[2] = 1,
[11] = {
[1] = "corraid",
[2] = "1",
[12] = {
[1] = "correcl",
[2] = 8,
[13] = {
[1] = "corroy",
[2] = 4,
[14] = {
[1] = "corseah",
[2] = 5,
[15] = {
[1] = "corshad",
[2] = 5,
[16] = {
[1] = "corsnap",
[2] = 1,
[17] = {
[1] = "armgremlin",
[2] = 7,
[18] = {
[1] = "cortrem",
[2] = "4",
[19] = {
[1] = "armhawk",
[2] = 2,
[20] = {
[1] = "corvamp",
[2] = 6,
[21] = {
[1] = "corwolv",
[2] = "3",
[22] = {
[1] = "armjeth",
[2] = 4,
[23] = {
[1] = "armkam",
[2] = 2,
[24] = {
[1] = "armlance",
[2] = 2,
[25] = {
[1] = "armlatnk",
[2] = 1,
[26] = {
[1] = "armatlas",
[2] = 8,
[27] = {
[1] = "armliche",
[2] = 2,
[28] = {
[1] = "armlship",
[2] = 3,
[29] = {
[1] = "armlun",
[2] = 1,
[30] = {
[1] = "armmanni",
[2] = 1,
[31] = {
[1] = "corban",
[2] = "1",
[32] = {
[1] = "armmart",
[2] = 1,
[33] = {
[1] = "armmav",
[2] = 1,
[34] = {
[1] = "armmerl",
[2] = 4,
[35] = {
[1] = "corcat",
[2] = "3",
[36] = {
[1] = "armmh",
[2] = 2,
[37] = {
[1] = "armbats",
[2] = 7,
[38] = {
[1] = "armmls",
[2] = 7,
[39] = {
[1] = "armmlv",
[2] = 7,
[40] = {
[1] = "corcrash",
[2] = "1",
[41] = {
[1] = "armmship",
[2] = 3,
[42] = {
[1] = "armblade",
[2] = 2,
[43] = {
[1] = "armpeep",
[2] = 8,
[44] = {
[1] = "armpincer",
[2] = 2,
[45] = {
[1] = "armbrawl",
[2] = 2,
[46] = {
[1] = "corfav",
[2] = 1,
[47] = {
[1] = "armpship",
[2] = 3,
[48] = {
[1] = "armpt",
[2] = 3,
[49] = {
[1] = "corfink",
[2] = 5,
[50] = {
[1] = "armpw",
[2] = 1,
[51] = {
[1] = "armrecl",
[2] = 6,
[52] = {
[1] = "armrectr",
[2] = 7,
[53] = {
[1] = "armca",
[2] = 7,
[54] = {
[1] = "armroy",
[2] = 3,
[55] = {
[1] = "armsam",
[2] = 1,
[56] = {
[1] = "armsb",
[2] = 2,
[57] = {
[1] = "armscab",
[2] = 1,
[58] = {
[1] = "corlevlr",
[2] = "1",
[59] = {
[1] = "armserp",
[2] = 3,
[60] = {
[1] = "armsfig",
[2] = 2,
[61] = {
[1] = "cormh",
[2] = 2,
[62] = {
[1] = "armsh",
[2] = 1,
[63] = {
[1] = "cormlv",
[2] = 7,
[64] = {
[1] = "armsjam",
[2] = 3,
[65] = {
[1] = "cormuskrat",
[2] = 8,
[66] = {
[1] = "armspid",
[2] = 3,
[67] = {
[1] = "armsptk",
[2] = 3,
[68] = {
[1] = "corpt",
[2] = 1,
[69] = {
[1] = "armstil",
[2] = 2,
[70] = {
[1] = "armstump",
[2] = 1,
[71] = {
[1] = "correap",
[2] = "1",
[72] = {
[1] = "corsala",
[2] = 1,
[73] = {
[1] = "corsent",
[2] = "1",
[74] = {
[1] = "corsh",
[2] = 1,
[75] = {
[1] = "corsumo",
[2] = 1,
[76] = {
[1] = "cortermite",
[2] = 1,
[77] = {
[1] = "corthud",
[2] = "1",
[78] = {
[1] = "cortitan",
[2] = 6,
[79] = {
[1] = "armvang",
[2] = 3,
[80] = {
[1] = "armwar",
[2] = 1,
[81] = {
[1] = "corvalk",
[2] = 6,
[82] = {
[1] = "corveng",
[2] = 5,
[83] = {
[1] = "corvoyr",
[2] = 1,
[84] = {
[1] = "corvrad",
[2] = "3",
[85] = {
[1] = "coraak",
[2] = 1,
[86] = {
[1] = "coraca",
[2] = 8,
[87] = {
[1] = "coracv",
[2] = "6",
[88] = {
[1] = "armconsul",
[2] = 5,
[89] = {
[1] = "corak",
[2] = "1",
[90] = {
[1] = "corape",
[2] = 6,
[91] = {
[1] = "armcrus",
[2] = 3,
[92] = {
[1] = "armamph",
[2] = 1,
[93] = {
[1] = "corawac",
[2] = 6,
[94] = {
[1] = "armcv",
[2] = 7,
[95] = {
[1] = "armdecade",
[2] = 3,
[96] = {
[1] = "corcan",
[2] = 1,
[97] = {
[1] = "corch",
[2] = 7,
[98] = {
[1] = "armdfly",
[2] = 2,
[99] = {
[1] = "armanac",
[2] = 1,
[100] = {
[1] = "corcrwh",
[2] = 6,
[101] = {
[1] = "corcv",
[2] = 8,
[102] = {
[1] = "cordemon",
[2] = "1",
[103] = {
[1] = "coresupp",
[2] = 1,
[104] = {
[1] = "armepoch",
[2] = 4,
[105] = {
[1] = "corah",
[2] = 1,
[106] = {
[1] = "armthund",
[2] = 2,
[107] = {
[1] = "armjanus",
[2] = 1,
[108] = {
[1] = "armantiship",
[2] = 4,
[109] = {
[1] = "armfark",
[2] = 5,
[110] = {
[1] = "armcom",
[2] = 5,
[111] = {
[1] = "armbanth",
[2] = 4,
[112] = {
[1] = "coreter",
[2] = "1",
[113] = {
[1] = "armck",
[2] = 8,
[114] = {
[1] = "armpnix",
[2] = 3,
[115] = {
[1] = "corgarp",
[2] = 3,
[116] = {
[1] = "corgator",
[2] = 1,
[117] = {
[1] = "armfav",
[2] = 2,
[118] = {
[1] = "armham",
[2] = 1,
[119] = {
[1] = "armfboy",
[2] = 3,
[120] = {
[1] = "corhrk",
[2] = 2,
[121] = {
[1] = "corhurc",
[2] = 6,
[122] = {
[1] = "cormart",
[2] = "1",
[123] = {
[1] = "armaser",
[2] = 1,
[124] = {
[1] = "armzeus",
[2] = 1,
[125] = {
[1] = "corgol",
[2] = 2,
[126] = {
[1] = "corparrow",
[2] = 4,
[127] = {
[1] = "armsub",
[2] = 3,
[128] = {
[1] = "armrock",
[2] = 1,
[129] = {
[1] = "armbull",
[2] = "1",
[130] = {
[1] = "corbw",
[2] = 5,
[131] = {
[1] = "armjam",
[2] = 1,
[132] = {
[1] = "armart",
[2] = 1,
[133] = {
[1] = "cormist",
[2] = "1",
[134] = {
[1] = "cormls",
[2] = 6,
[135] = {
[1] = "armfig",
[2] = 5,
[136] = {
[1] = "cormort",
[2] = 2,
[137] = {
[1] = "armawac",
[2] = 2,
[138] = {
[1] = "armfido",
[2] = 3,
[2] = {},
[3] = {},
[4] = {},
[5] = {},
[6] = {},
[7] = {},
[8] = {},
[9] = {},
["Auto mapmark eraser"] = {
eraseTime = 60,
version = 1,
pointsToErase = {},
["Bloom Shader Deferred"] = {
glowAmplifier = 0.85000002,
preset = 2,
version = 1.10000002,
["Build menu"] = {
alwaysShow = false,
defaultColls = 5,
dynamicIconsize = true,
gameID = "4b473c665e53320062a6f1651a6f2935",
maxColls = 30,
maxPosY = 0.74000001,
minColls = 11,
showGroupIcon = true,
showPrice = true,
showRadarIcon = true,
stickToBottom = true,
BuildBar = {
align = 1,
offset = 0,
side = 1,
["Builder Priority"] = {
lowpriorityCons = false,
lowpriorityLabs = true,
lowpriorityNanos = true,
["Building Grid GL4"] = {
opacity = 0.5,
["Camera Remember"] = {
dist = 4210.19727,
dx = 0.1705775,
dy = -0.9853443,
dz = 7.4562e-9,
fov = 45,
mode = 2,
name = "spring",
px = 4608.13574,
py = 206.267761,
pz = 7024.42578,
rx = 2.97017694,
ry = 2.03991771,
rz = 0,
CameraShake = {
powerScale = 80,
["Changelog Info"] = {
lastviewedChangelogLength = 0,
lastviewedHash = "",
Chat = {
chatBackgroundOpacity = 0.25,
fontsizeMult = 1,
gameFrame = 86265,
gameID = "4b473c665e53320062a6f1651a6f2935",
handleTextInput = true,
hide = false,
inputButton = true,
maxConsoleLines = 2,
maxLines = 5,
showHistoryWhenChatInput = true,
shutdownTime = 5433.31689,
sndChatFileVolume = 0.55000001,
sndMapmarkFileVolume = 0.5,
version = 1,
inputHistory = {
[1] = "/",
[2] = "/keydebug",
[3] = "/options",
[4] = "/widgetselector",
[5] = "/chain dsf",
[6] = "/keydebug",
[7] = "/console",
[8] = "/keydebug",
[9] = "air",
[10] = "\\",
[11] = "air",
orgLines = {
[1] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[2] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[3] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[4] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[5] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[6] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[7] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[8] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[9] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[10] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[11] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[12] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[13] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[14] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[15] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[16] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[17] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[18] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[19] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[20] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[21] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[22] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[23] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[24] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[25] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[26] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (1) Initialized!",
[27] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=1 team=2] numUnits=0",
[28] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=2)]",
[29] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=2 team=3] creating callbacks",
[30] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[31] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[32] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[33] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[34] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[35] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[36] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[37] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[38] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[39] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[40] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[41] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[42] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[43] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[44] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[45] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[46] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[47] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[48] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[49] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[50] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[51] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[52] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[53] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[54] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[55] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[56] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[57] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[58] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[59] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[60] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (2) Initialized!",
[61] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=2 team=3] numUnits=0",
[62] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=3)]",
[63] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=3 team=4] creating callbacks",
[64] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[65] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[66] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[67] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[68] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[69] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[70] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[71] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[72] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[73] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[74] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[75] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[76] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[77] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[78] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[79] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[80] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[81] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[82] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[83] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[84] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[85] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[86] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[87] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[88] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[89] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[90] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[91] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[92] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[93] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[94] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (3) Initialized!",
[95] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=3 team=4] numUnits=0",
[96] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=4)]",
[97] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=4 team=5] creating callbacks",
[98] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[99] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[100] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[101] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[102] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[103] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[104] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[105] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[106] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[107] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[108] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[109] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[110] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[111] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[112] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[113] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[114] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[115] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[116] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[117] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[118] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[119] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[120] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[121] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[122] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[123] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[124] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[125] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[126] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[127] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[128] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (4) Initialized!",
[129] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=4 team=5] numUnits=0",
[130] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=5)]",
[131] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=5 team=6] creating callbacks",
[132] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[133] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[134] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[135] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[136] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[137] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[138] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[139] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[140] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[141] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[142] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[143] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[144] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[145] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[146] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[147] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[148] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[149] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[150] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[151] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[152] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[153] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[154] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[155] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[156] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[157] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[158] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[159] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[160] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[161] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[162] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (5) Initialized!",
[163] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=5 team=6] numUnits=0",
[164] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=6)]",
[165] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=6 team=7] creating callbacks",
[166] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[167] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[168] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[169] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[170] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[171] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[172] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[173] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[174] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[175] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[176] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[177] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[178] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[179] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[180] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[181] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[182] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[183] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[184] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[185] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[186] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[187] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[188] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[189] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[190] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[191] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[192] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[193] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[194] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[195] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[196] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (6) Initialized!",
[197] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=6 team=7] numUnits=0",
[198] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=7)]",
[199] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=7 team=8] creating callbacks",
[200] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[201] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[202] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[203] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[204] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[205] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[206] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[207] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[208] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[209] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[210] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[211] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[212] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[213] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[214] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[215] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[216] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[217] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[218] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[219] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[220] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[221] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[222] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[223] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[224] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[225] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[226] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[227] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[228] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[229] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[230] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (7) Initialized!",
[231] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=7 team=8] numUnits=0",
[232] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=8)]",
[233] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=8 team=9] creating callbacks",
[234] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[235] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[236] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[237] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[238] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[239] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[240] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[241] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[242] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[243] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[244] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[245] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[246] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[247] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[248] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[249] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[250] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[251] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[252] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[253] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[254] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[255] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[256] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[257] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[258] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[259] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[260] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[261] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[262] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[263] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[264] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (8) Initialized!",
[265] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=8 team=9] numUnits=0",
[266] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=9)]",
[267] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=9 team=10] creating callbacks",
[268] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[269] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[270] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[271] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[272] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[273] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[274] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[275] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[276] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[277] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[278] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[279] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[280] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[281] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[282] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[283] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[284] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[285] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[286] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[287] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[288] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[289] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[290] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[291] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[292] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[293] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[294] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[295] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[296] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[297] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[298] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (9) Initialized!",
[299] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=9 team=10] numUnits=0",
[300] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=10)]",
[301] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=10 team=11] creating callbacks",
[302] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[303] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[304] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[305] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[306] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[307] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[308] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[309] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[310] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[311] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[312] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[313] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[314] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[315] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[316] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[317] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[318] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[319] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[320] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[321] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[322] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[323] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[324] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[325] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[326] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[327] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[328] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[329] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[330] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[331] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[332] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (10) Initialized!",
[333] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=10 team=11] numUnits=0",
[334] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=11)]",
[335] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=11 team=12] creating callbacks",
[336] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[337] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[338] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[339] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[340] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[341] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[342] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[343] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[344] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[345] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[346] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[347] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[348] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[349] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[350] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[351] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[352] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[353] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[354] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[355] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[356] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[357] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[358] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[359] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[360] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[361] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[362] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[363] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[364] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[365] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[366] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (11) Initialized!",
[367] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=11 team=12] numUnits=0",
[368] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=12)]",
[369] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=12 team=13] creating callbacks",
[370] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[371] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[372] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[373] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[374] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[375] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[376] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[377] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[378] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[379] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[380] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[381] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[382] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[383] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[384] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[385] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[386] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[387] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[388] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[389] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[390] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[391] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[392] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[393] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[394] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[395] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[396] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[397] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[398] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[399] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[400] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (12) Initialized!",
[401] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=12 team=13] numUnits=0",
[402] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=13)]",
[403] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=13 team=14] creating callbacks",
[404] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14",
[405] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[406] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!",
[407] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\behaviour.json",
[408] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\block_map.json",
[409] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\build_chain.json",
[410] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\commander.json",
[411] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\economy.json",
[412] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\factory.json",
[413] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\config\\hard\\response.json",
[414] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'",
[415] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'",
[416] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'",
[417] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'",
[418] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'",
[419] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'",
[420] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'",
[421] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'",
[422] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'",
[423] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'",
[424] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'",
[425] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'",
[426] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'",
[427] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'",
[428] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'",
[429] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'",
[430] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'",
[431] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'",
[432] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'",
[433] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\\Configs\\BARb\\stable\\script\\hard\\",
[434] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (13) Initialized!",
[435] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=13 team=14] numUnits=0",
[436] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadSkirmishAIs] 1475ms",
[437] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaIntro (unsynced)] index=2 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 132986, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 12295566}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0100}",
[438] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[CUS GL4] Cache Textures",
[439] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Set \"shadows\" config-parameter to 1",
[440] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[~CRectangleOverlapHandler] 0% overlap reduction",
[441] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "GameID: 4b473c665e53320062a6f1651a6f2935",
[442] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Connection attempt from Player",
[443] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "Player Player finished loading and is now ingame",
[444] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = "[Initial Spawn] manual spawning based on positions chosen by players in start boxes",
[445] = {
[1] = 379,
[2] = "Buildings set to face East",
[446] = {
[1] = 6748,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[447] = {
[1] = 9101,
[2] = "Added Grunt to autogroup #1.",
[448] = {
[1] = 9101,
[2] = "Added Trasher to autogroup #1.",
[449] = {
[1] = 9101,
[2] = "Added Thug to autogroup #1.",
[450] = {
[1] = 10881,
[2] = "Construction Bot is being attacked!",
[451] = {
[1] = 10932,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[452] = {
[1] = 12338,
[2] = "Added Lasher to autogroup #2.",
[453] = {
[1] = 13469,
[2] = "Metal Extractor is being attacked!",
[454] = {
[1] = 17701,
[2] = "Added Lasher to autogroup #3.",
[455] = {
[1] = 17701,
[2] = "Added Wolverine to autogroup #3.",
[456] = {
[1] = 19012,
[2] = "Graverobber is being attacked!",
[457] = {
[1] = 19805,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[458] = {
[1] = 19919,
[2] = "Added Graverobber to autogroup #7.",
[459] = {
[1] = 20270,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[460] = {
[1] = 21601,
[2] = "Added Wolverine to autogroup #2.",
[461] = {
[1] = 21601,
[2] = "Added Lasher to autogroup #2.",
[462] = {
[1] = 25199,
[2] = "Wolverine is being attacked!",
[463] = {
[1] = 25810,
[2] = "Construction Bot is being attacked!",
[464] = {
[1] = 26950,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[465] = {
[1] = 27649,
[2] = "Graverobber is being attacked!",
[466] = {
[1] = 28109,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[467] = {
[1] = 28670,
[2] = "Guard is being attacked!",
[468] = {
[1] = 30803,
[2] = "Metal Extractor is being attacked!",
[469] = {
[1] = 31251,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[470] = {
[1] = 31307,
[2] = "Added Wolverine to autogroup #3.",
[471] = {
[1] = 31702,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[472] = {
[1] = 32219,
[2] = "Metal Extractor is being attacked!",
[473] = {
[1] = 32669,
[2] = "Construction Bot is being attacked!",
[474] = {
[1] = 33119,
[2] = "Brute is being attacked!",
[475] = {
[1] = 34207,
[2] = "Pounder is being attacked!",
[476] = {
[1] = 34658,
[2] = "Thug is being attacked!",
[477] = {
[1] = 35317,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[478] = {
[1] = 35681,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to kek (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[479] = {
[1] = 36294,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[480] = {
[1] = 38650,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to kek (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[481] = {
[1] = 38673,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[482] = {
[1] = 39687,
[2] = "Graverobber is being attacked!",
[483] = {
[1] = 40141,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[484] = {
[1] = 40153,
[2] = "Impostor (AI) shared units to LSR (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[485] = {
[1] = 41048,
[2] = "Thug is being attacked!",
[486] = {
[1] = 41542,
[2] = "Metal Extractor is being attacked!",
[487] = {
[1] = 41727,
[2] = "Impostor (AI) shared units to LSR (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[488] = {
[1] = 41877,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to kek (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[489] = {
[1] = 41990,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[490] = {
[1] = 42545,
[2] = "Wolverine is being attacked!",
[491] = {
[1] = 42718,
[2] = "LSR (AI) shared units to Rebelnode (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[492] = {
[1] = 43014,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to kek (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[493] = {
[1] = 43053,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[494] = {
[1] = 43288,
[2] = "Added Fury to autogroup #4.",
[495] = {
[1] = 43706,
[2] = "Impostor (AI) shared units to LSR (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[496] = {
[1] = 43722,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[497] = {
[1] = 44966,
[2] = "Added Fury to autogroup #5.",
[498] = {
[1] = 45157,
[2] = "Added Tremor to autogroup #4.",
[499] = {
[1] = 45683,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to kek (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[500] = {
[1] = 45997,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[501] = {
[1] = 46256,
[2] = "Added Advanced Construction Vehicle to autogroup #6.",
[502] = {
[1] = 46315,
[2] = "Impostor (AI) shared units to LSR (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[503] = {
[1] = 46766,
[2] = "Impostor (AI) shared units to Prime_Federator (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[504] = {
[1] = 48003,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[505] = {
[1] = 48577,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Rebelnode (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[506] = {
[1] = 48707,
[2] = "Metal Extractor is being attacked!",
[507] = {
[1] = 48910,
[2] = "Impostor (AI) shared units to LSR (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[508] = {
[1] = 48985,
[2] = "Impostor (AI) shared units to Prime_Federator (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[509] = {
[1] = 49187,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[510] = {
[1] = 49822,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Prime_Federator (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[511] = {
[1] = 50863,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[512] = {
[1] = 51064,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Impostor (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[513] = {
[1] = 52784,
[2] = "Tiger is being attacked!",
[514] = {
[1] = 53172,
[2] = "LSR (AI) shared units to Rebelnode (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[515] = {
[1] = 53257,
[2] = "Bull is being attacked!",
[516] = {
[1] = 53751,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Impostor (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[517] = {
[1] = 53855,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[518] = {
[1] = 55536,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Impostor (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[519] = {
[1] = 55728,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[520] = {
[1] = 55906,
[2] = "Added Tiger to autogroup #1.",
[521] = {
[1] = 55906,
[2] = "Added Obscurer to autogroup #1.",
[522] = {
[1] = 55906,
[2] = "Added Grunt to autogroup #1.",
[523] = {
[1] = 55906,
[2] = "Added Thug to autogroup #1.",
[524] = {
[1] = 55906,
[2] = "Added Brute to autogroup #1.",
[525] = {
[1] = 55906,
[2] = "Added Banisher to autogroup #1.",
[526] = {
[1] = 55906,
[2] = "Added Pounder to autogroup #1.",
[527] = {
[1] = 55906,
[2] = "Added Lasher to autogroup #1.",
[528] = {
[1] = 55906,
[2] = "Added Quaker to autogroup #1.",
[529] = {
[1] = 55906,
[2] = "Added Fury to autogroup #1.",
[530] = {
[1] = 55906,
[2] = "Added Trasher to autogroup #1.",
[531] = {
[1] = 57347,
[2] = "Dragon's Maw is being attacked!",
[532] = {
[1] = 57490,
[2] = "LSR (AI) shared units to Rebelnode (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[533] = {
[1] = 57801,
[2] = "Wolverine is being attacked!",
[534] = {
[1] = 58331,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[535] = {
[1] = 61714,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Impostor (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[536] = {
[1] = 62083,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[537] = {
[1] = 62602,
[2] = "Warden is being attacked!",
[538] = {
[1] = 63084,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[539] = {
[1] = 64158,
[2] = "Graverobber is being attacked!",
[540] = {
[1] = 64911,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[541] = {
[1] = 65450,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[542] = {
[1] = 65834,
[2] = "Cortex Commander is being attacked!",
[543] = {
[1] = 66290,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[544] = {
[1] = 66604,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Impostor (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[545] = {
[1] = 66757,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[546] = {
[1] = 67016,
[2] = "TrackMode: Average",
[547] = {
[1] = 67527,
[2] = "Thug is being attacked!",
[548] = {
[1] = 68300,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Impostor (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[549] = {
[1] = 68789,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[550] = {
[1] = 69417,
[2] = "Graverobber is being attacked!",
[551] = {
[1] = 71783,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[552] = {
[1] = 73249,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Impostor (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[553] = {
[1] = 73428,
[2] = "Tiger is being attacked!",
[554] = {
[1] = 74329,
[2] = "Quaker is being attacked!",
[555] = {
[1] = 74840,
[2] = "Bull is being attacked!",
[556] = {
[1] = 75109,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Rebelnode (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[557] = {
[1] = 75833,
[2] = "Brute is being attacked!",
[558] = {
[1] = 76365,
[2] = "Thug is being attacked!",
[559] = {
[1] = 77308,
[2] = "Quaker is being attacked!",
[560] = {
[1] = 77838,
[2] = "Dragon's Maw is being attacked!",
[561] = {
[1] = 78289,
[2] = "Tiger is being attacked!",
[562] = {
[1] = 78739,
[2] = "Thug is being attacked!",
[563] = {
[1] = 79190,
[2] = "Lasher is being attacked!",
[564] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "Trying to save:, savegame 20240508_233223",
[565] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[LSH::SaveGame] saving game to \"Saves/20240508_233223.ssf\"",
[566] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "Lua 14.8 MB",
[567] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "Game 51.0 MB",
[568] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=0)] active=1",
[569] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=1)] active=1",
[570] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=2)] active=1",
[571] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=3)] active=1",
[572] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=4)] active=1",
[573] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=5)] active=1",
[574] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=6)] active=1",
[575] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=7)] active=1",
[576] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=8)] active=1",
[577] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=9)] active=1",
[578] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=10)] active=1",
[579] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=11)] active=1",
[580] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=12)] active=1",
[581] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[EOH::Save(id=13)] active=1",
[582] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "AIs 34.7 KB",
[583] = {
[1] = 79302,
[2] = "[ILoadSaveHandler::CreateSave] saved game to file \"Saves/20240508_233223.ssf\"",
[584] = {
[1] = 79623,
[2] = "Quaker is being attacked!",
[585] = {
[1] = 80264,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[586] = {
[1] = 80550,
[2] = "Added Catapult to autogroup #3.",
[587] = {
[1] = 80550,
[2] = "Added Wolverine to autogroup #3.",
[588] = {
[1] = 80550,
[2] = "Added Omen to autogroup #3.",
[589] = {
[1] = 80721,
[2] = "Added Bull to autogroup #1.",
[590] = {
[1] = 80721,
[2] = "Added Demon to autogroup #1.",
[591] = {
[1] = 80721,
[2] = "Added Obscurer to autogroup #1.",
[592] = {
[1] = 80954,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[593] = {
[1] = 82128,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Prime_Federator (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[594] = {
[1] = 82602,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[595] = {
[1] = 82877,
[2] = "Ripperjack (AI) shared units to Prime_Federator (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor",
[596] = {
[1] = 83856,
[2] = "Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!",
[597] = {
[1] = 84937,
[2] = "Omen is being attacked!",
[598] = {
[1] = 85697,
[2] = "Bull is being attacked!",
[599] = {
[1] = 86265,
[2] = "Player paused the game",
[600] = {
[1] = 86265,
[2] = "Quitting...",
["Commander Name Tags"] = {
nameScaling = true,
showPlayerRank = false,
version = 1.10000002,
["Commands FX"] = {
duration = 0.85000002,
filterAIteams = true,
filterOwn = false,
opacity = 1,
useTeamColors = false,
useTeamColorsWhenSpec = true,
["Contrast Adaptive Sharpen"] = {
version = 1.05999994,
Cursor = {
cursorSet = "icexuick",
cursorSize = "100",
sizeMult = 1,
version = 5,
CustomFormations2 = {
maxHungarianUnits = 39,
["Darken map"] = {
darkenFeatures = true,
darknessvalue = 0.03,
["Decals GL4"] = {
lifeTimeMult = 1,
["Defense Range"] = {
enabled = {
ally = {
air = false,
ground = false,
nuke = false,
radar = false,
enemy = {
air = true,
ground = true,
nuke = true,
radar = false,
["Deferred rendering GL4"] = {
intensityMultiplier = 1,
playerCursorLightBrightness = 1,
playerCursorLightRadius = 1,
radiusMultiplier = 1,
showPlayerCursorLight = false,
Ecostats = {
cfgRemoveDeadOn = false,
cfgResText2 = true,
right = true,
xRelPos = 1,
yRelPos = 1,
["Font handler"] = {
fontScale = 1.23328006,
fonts = {
["GUI Shader"] = {
blurIntensity = 1,
Geothermalspots = {
metalViewOnly = false,
opacity = 0.5,
showValue = false,
["Ghost Radar GL4"] = {
dots = {
[0] = {
[1] = 92,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[174] = {
[1] = 153,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[335] = {
[1] = 47,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[358] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[503] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[527] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[538] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[675] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[706] = {
[1] = 7,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[743] = {
[1] = 237,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[776] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[842] = {
[1] = 7,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1031] = {
[1] = 5,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1070] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1083] = {
[1] = 405,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1095] = {
[1] = 267,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1106] = {
[1] = 4,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1188] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1199] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1267] = {
[1] = 391,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1357] = {
[1] = 340,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1404] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1500] = {
[1] = 376,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1524] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1620] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1685] = {
[1] = 5,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1737] = {
[1] = 96,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1927] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1944] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[1981] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[2043] = {
[1] = 41,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[2050] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[2303] = {
[1] = 129,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[2370] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[2371] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = true,
[4] = true,
[2471] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[2539] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[2585] = {
[1] = 391,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[2765] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[2767] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3024] = {
[1] = 390,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3154] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3186] = {
[1] = 376,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3245] = {
[1] = 285,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3265] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3269] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3343] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3348] = {
[1] = 285,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3444] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3482] = {
[1] = 410,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3490] = {
[1] = 177,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3543] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3587] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3606] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3661] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3663] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3707] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3762] = {
[1] = 41,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[3894] = {
[1] = 37,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[4008] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[4041] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = true,
[4] = false,
[4502] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[4541] = {
[1] = 170,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[4577] = {
[1] = 267,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[4669] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[4676] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[4759] = {
[1] = 188,
[2] = 1,
[3] = true,
[4] = false,
[5050] = {
[1] = 119,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5109] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5116] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5196] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5271] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5297] = {
[1] = 23,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5340] = {
[1] = 42,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5359] = {
[1] = 92,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5380] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5392] = {
[1] = 340,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5462] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5505] = {
[1] = 162,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5558] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5643] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5749] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5771] = {
[1] = 129,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5772] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5790] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = true,
[4] = true,
[5880] = {
[1] = 129,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5891] = {
[1] = 376,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5923] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[5978] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[6016] = {
[1] = 237,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[6041] = {
[1] = 234,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[6043] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = true,
[4] = true,
[6060] = {
[1] = 85,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[6179] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[6200] = {
[1] = 425,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[6405] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[6449] = {
[1] = 84,
[2] = 10,
[3] = true,
[4] = true,
[6538] = {
[1] = 438,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[6545] = {
[1] = 268,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[6615] = {
[1] = 285,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[6656] = {
[1] = 66,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7002] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7044] = {
[1] = 66,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7055] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7166] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7197] = {
[1] = 153,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7295] = {
[1] = 41,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7335] = {
[1] = 42,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7605] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7699] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7753] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7755] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[7864] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8075] = {
[1] = 66,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8143] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8155] = {
[1] = 23,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8159] = {
[1] = 170,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8225] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8242] = {
[1] = 267,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8254] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8296] = {
[1] = 111,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8300] = {
[1] = 334,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8328] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8346] = {
[1] = 92,
[2] = 1,
[3] = true,
[4] = false,
[8401] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8481] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8533] = {
[1] = 455,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8557] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8572] = {
[1] = 410,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8822] = {
[1] = 41,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[8828] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = true,
[4] = true,
[8965] = {
[1] = 274,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9031] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9369] = {
[1] = 455,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9427] = {
[1] = 340,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9462] = {
[1] = 195,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9483] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9506] = {
[1] = 268,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9542] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9570] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9597] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = true,
[4] = true,
[9612] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9628] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9727] = {
[1] = 129,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9746] = {
[1] = 1,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9822] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9872] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9916] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[9920] = {
[1] = 47,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[10029] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[10113] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[10330] = {
[1] = 191,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[10399] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[10455] = {
[1] = 41,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[10497] = {
[1] = 239,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[10623] = {
[1] = 267,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[10658] = {
[1] = 274,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[10747] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[10750] = {
[1] = 135,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11083] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11103] = {
[1] = 267,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11287] = {
[1] = 195,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11327] = {
[1] = 42,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11335] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11338] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11427] = {
[1] = 334,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11436] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11534] = {
[1] = 85,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11582] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11645] = {
[1] = 153,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11848] = {
[1] = 425,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11858] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[11946] = {
[1] = 42,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[12056] = {
[1] = 153,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[12123] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[12283] = {
[1] = 47,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[12493] = {
[1] = 129,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[12616] = {
[1] = 376,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[12637] = {
[1] = 427,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[12751] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[12819] = {
[1] = 7,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[12885] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13004] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13105] = {
[1] = 170,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13204] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13217] = {
[1] = 376,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13231] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13269] = {
[1] = 410,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13351] = {
[1] = 455,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13382] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13419] = {
[1] = 455,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13470] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13520] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13551] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13600] = {
[1] = 455,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13832] = {
[1] = 427,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13845] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13847] = {
[1] = 85,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13852] = {
[1] = 7,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[13926] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14030] = {
[1] = 285,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14049] = {
[1] = 431,
[2] = 12,
[3] = true,
[4] = true,
[14055] = {
[1] = 292,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14085] = {
[1] = 110,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14129] = {
[1] = 188,
[2] = 1,
[3] = true,
[4] = false,
[14172] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14192] = {
[1] = 227,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14207] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14387] = {
[1] = 237,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14443] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = true,
[4] = false,
[14461] = {
[1] = 340,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14788] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 7,
[3] = true,
[4] = true,
[14833] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14883] = {
[1] = 220,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14906] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[14923] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15031] = {
[1] = 39,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15099] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15107] = {
[1] = 129,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15122] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15160] = {
[1] = 47,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15192] = {
[1] = 92,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15218] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15257] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15304] = {
[1] = 423,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15359] = {
[1] = 167,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15397] = {
[1] = 92,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15860] = {
[1] = 455,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15868] = {
[1] = 405,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15909] = {
[1] = 405,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[15943] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16001] = {
[1] = 42,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16189] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16192] = {
[1] = 433,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16205] = {
[1] = 423,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16211] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16214] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16217] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16399] = {
[1] = 5,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16426] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16428] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16470] = {
[1] = 47,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16537] = {
[1] = 42,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16552] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16578] = {
[1] = 226,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16661] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16759] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16770] = {
[1] = 7,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16820] = {
[1] = 129,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[16943] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17009] = {
[1] = 66,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17272] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17292] = {
[1] = 41,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17307] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17329] = {
[1] = 433,
[2] = 12,
[3] = true,
[4] = false,
[17363] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17528] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17689] = {
[1] = 170,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17784] = {
[1] = 285,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17785] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17798] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17834] = {
[1] = 376,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17873] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17885] = {
[1] = 226,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17896] = {
[1] = 268,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17932] = {
[1] = 47,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[17989] = {
[1] = 23,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[18118] = {
[1] = 425,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[18182] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[18186] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = true,
[4] = true,
[18264] = {
[1] = 195,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[18670] = {
[1] = 261,
[2] = 6,
[3] = true,
[4] = false,
[18896] = {
[1] = 47,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[18963] = {
[1] = 170,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19168] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19200] = {
[1] = 423,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19265] = {
[1] = 4,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19469] = {
[1] = 405,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19475] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19519] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19543] = {
[1] = 153,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19573] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19743] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19826] = {
[1] = 292,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19912] = {
[1] = 4,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[19990] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20051] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20067] = {
[1] = 4,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20103] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20129] = {
[1] = 37,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20238] = {
[1] = 4,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20267] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20344] = {
[1] = 1,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20378] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20551] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20685] = {
[1] = 95,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20741] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20749] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20801] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[20812] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = true,
[4] = false,
[20942] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21027] = {
[1] = 431,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21105] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21132] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21257] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21300] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21330] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21408] = {
[1] = 239,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21600] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21652] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21790] = {
[1] = 376,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21895] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[21974] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[22062] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[22164] = {
[1] = 4,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[22399] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[22500] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[22639] = {
[1] = 92,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23014] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23144] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23300] = {
[1] = 391,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23316] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23448] = {
[1] = 37,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23585] = {
[1] = 226,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23587] = {
[1] = 427,
[2] = 4,
[3] = true,
[4] = false,
[23634] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23643] = {
[1] = 268,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23653] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23776] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23894] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[23913] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[24008] = {
[1] = 37,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[24052] = {
[1] = 42,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[24128] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[24148] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[24405] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[24509] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[24725] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[24837] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[24906] = {
[1] = 274,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[24914] = {
[1] = 239,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25080] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25105] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25115] = {
[1] = 226,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25172] = {
[1] = 227,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25182] = {
[1] = 376,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25189] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25246] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25537] = {
[1] = 4,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25543] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25548] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25575] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25699] = {
[1] = 110,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25837] = {
[1] = 39,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[25839] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26027] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26115] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26231] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26316] = {
[1] = 267,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26389] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26405] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26410] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = true,
[4] = true,
[26436] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26472] = {
[1] = 170,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26478] = {
[1] = 50,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26780] = {
[1] = 273,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26790] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26799] = {
[1] = 376,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26911] = {
[1] = 85,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[26988] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27017] = {
[1] = 66,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27029] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = true,
[4] = false,
[27065] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27109] = {
[1] = 285,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27133] = {
[1] = 47,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27193] = {
[1] = 376,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27284] = {
[1] = 375,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27293] = {
[1] = 177,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27436] = {
[1] = 95,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27515] = {
[1] = 455,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27554] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27658] = {
[1] = 4,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[27692] = {
[1] = 42,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28020] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28080] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28103] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28124] = {
[1] = 433,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28151] = {
[1] = 237,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28172] = {
[1] = 391,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28187] = {
[1] = 353,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28199] = {
[1] = 425,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28213] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28217] = {
[1] = 220,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28253] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28295] = {
[1] = 459,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28313] = {
[1] = 239,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28442] = {
[1] = 195,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28666] = {
[1] = 427,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28690] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28744] = {
[1] = 425,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28899] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[28970] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29016] = {
[1] = 244,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29129] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29131] = {
[1] = 130,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29134] = {
[1] = 237,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29204] = {
[1] = 226,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29265] = {
[1] = 34,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29266] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29294] = {
[1] = 123,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29356] = {
[1] = 459,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29531] = {
[1] = 375,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29563] = {
[1] = 405,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29575] = {
[1] = 391,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29661] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29671] = {
[1] = 267,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29766] = {
[1] = 376,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29796] = {
[1] = 391,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[29957] = {
[1] = 391,
[2] = 6,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30037] = {
[1] = 119,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30104] = {
[1] = 167,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30186] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30223] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30226] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30295] = {
[1] = 162,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30414] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30440] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30494] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30610] = {
[1] = 188,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30611] = {
[1] = 153,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30650] = {
[1] = 135,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30674] = {
[1] = 227,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30729] = {
[1] = 147,
[2] = 7,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[30917] = {
[1] = 268,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31018] = {
[1] = 114,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31019] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31048] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31214] = {
[1] = 50,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31290] = {
[1] = 50,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31301] = {
[1] = 380,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31432] = {
[1] = 388,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31619] = {
[1] = 160,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31646] = {
[1] = 37,
[2] = 10,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31776] = {
[1] = 224,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31852] = {
[1] = 164,
[2] = 1,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31854] = {
[1] = 37,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31886] = {
[1] = 433,
[2] = 12,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31912] = {
[1] = 37,
[2] = 2,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
[31977] = {
[1] = 372,
[2] = 4,
[3] = false,
[4] = false,
["Ghost Site GL4"] = {
ghostSites = {
[955] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 2,
unitDefID = 115,
x = 6336,
y = 201.523285,
z = 6720,
[1129] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 7,
unitDefID = 36,
x = 6288,
y = 200.973511,
z = 6752,
[1149] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 12,
unitDefID = 345,
x = 6496,
y = 239.960373,
z = 832,
[1275] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 6,
unitDefID = 359,
x = 3568,
y = 238.881989,
z = 784,
[1292] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 6,
unitDefID = 296,
x = 3712,
y = 239.736938,
z = 704,
[2757] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 12,
unitDefID = 144,
x = 4880,
y = 270.458221,
z = 224,
[5962] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 144,
x = 8784,
y = 252.242279,
z = 4352,
[6009] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 6,
unitDefID = 371,
x = 6624,
y = 228.131104,
z = 1712,
[6776] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 4,
unitDefID = 144,
x = 6704,
y = 204.288483,
z = 5920,
[6898] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 12,
unitDefID = 387,
x = 6688,
y = 241.357422,
z = 704,
[7178] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 6,
unitDefID = 319,
x = 7936,
y = 286.281586,
z = 2160,
[12347] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 7,
unitDefID = 144,
x = 9728,
y = 207.997894,
z = 7072,
[13076] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 4,
unitDefID = 318,
x = 6000,
y = 243.29422,
z = 4256,
[13160] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 10,
unitDefID = 225,
x = 6584,
y = 241.869339,
z = 4312,
[13446] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 12,
unitDefID = 354,
x = 5976,
y = 341.125946,
z = 1752,
[15174] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 2,
unitDefID = 144,
x = 6416,
y = 196.43219,
z = 6704,
[15178] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 12,
unitDefID = 144,
x = 4880,
y = 239.152527,
z = 1568,
[18136] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 2,
unitDefID = 125,
x = 5056,
y = 267.784729,
z = 2304,
[18914] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 10,
unitDefID = 112,
x = 6048,
y = 267.618561,
z = 4416,
[20111] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 1,
unitDefID = 14,
x = 9136,
y = 254.759979,
z = 4960,
[20333] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 7,
unitDefID = 19,
x = 6576,
y = 207.47757,
z = 5728,
[20478] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 7,
unitDefID = 144,
x = 4640,
y = 243.11676,
z = 2464,
[21032] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 7,
unitDefID = 112,
x = 6048,
y = 316.89682,
z = 3600,
[22685] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 2,
unitDefID = 87,
x = 5128,
y = 253.92746,
z = 2344,
[23539] = {
angle = 179.912109,
teamID = 2,
unitDefID = 19,
x = 6256,
y = 201.81015,
z = 6864,
[23865] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 12,
unitDefID = 240,
x = 7584,
y = 280.465698,
z = 96,
[25712] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 12,
unitDefID = 354,
x = 5832,
y = 342.728424,
z = 1752,
[25842] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 12,
unitDefID = 144,
x = 8112,
y = 252.242279,
z = 240,
[27415] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 12,
unitDefID = 144,
x = 4880,
y = 270.458221,
z = 224,
[27482] = {
angle = -90,
teamID = 7,
unitDefID = 103,
x = 9928,
y = 204.439545,
z = 6240,
[30094] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 12,
unitDefID = 371,
x = 6416,
y = 237.695618,
z = 800,
[31950] = {
angle = 0,
teamID = 12,
unitDefID = 371,
x = 7952,
y = 252.359772,
z = 560,
["Grid menu"] = {
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showPrice = true,
showRadarIcon = true,
stickToBottom = true,
useLabBuildMode = false,
["Health Bars GL4"] = {
barHeight = 0.89999998,
barScale = 1,
drawWhenGuiHidden = false,
variableBarSizes = true,
["Idle Builders"] = {
alwaysShow = true,
["Ignore List API"] = {},
Info = {
alwaysShow = false,
displayMapPosition = false,
showBuilderBuildlist = true,
["LOS View"] = {
lastMapDrawMode = "los",
["LOS colors"] = {
colorize = false,
losWithRadarEnabled = false,
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["Map Edge Extension"] = {
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fogEffect = true,
["Map Grass GL4"] = {
distanceMult = 0.40000001,
Messages = {
messageLines = {
[1] = {
[1] = 2715.3252,
[2] = "Aircraft spotted",
[3] = 16,
[4] = 17,
[5] = 0.2925953,
[7] = 17,
[2] = {
[1] = 2767.72852,
[2] = "Low power",
[3] = 9,
[4] = 10,
[5] = 0.16711342,
[7] = 10,
[3] = {
[1] = 2925.93115,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36263913,
[7] = 21,
[4] = {
[1] = 3045.93481,
[2] = "You are overflowing metal",
[3] = 25,
[4] = 26,
[5] = 0.45681849,
[7] = 26,
[5] = {
[1] = 3074.52466,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36706364,
[7] = 21,
[6] = {
[1] = 3111.52588,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36569625,
[7] = 21,
[7] = {
[1] = 3214.3269,
[2] = "Your commander is receiving heavy damage",
[3] = 40,
[4] = 41,
[5] = 0.72761178,
[7] = 41,
[8] = {
[1] = 3227.92114,
[2] = "Your commander is receiving heavy damage",
[3] = 40,
[4] = 41,
[5] = 0.72281772,
[7] = 41,
[9] = {
[1] = 3232.72266,
[2] = "Low power",
[3] = 9,
[4] = 10,
[5] = 0.1684339,
[7] = 10,
[10] = {
[1] = 3410.54834,
[2] = "Tech 2 unit detected",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36021283,
[7] = 21,
[11] = {
[1] = 3597.12036,
[2] = "Your commander is receiving heavy damage",
[3] = 40,
[4] = 41,
[5] = 0.72208297,
[7] = 41,
[12] = {
[1] = 3627.52124,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36408731,
[7] = 21,
[13] = {
[1] = 3664.32251,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36348605,
[7] = 21,
[14] = {
[1] = 3718.72119,
[2] = "You are overflowing metal",
[3] = 25,
[4] = 26,
[5] = 0.45228228,
[7] = 26,
[15] = {
[1] = 3808.12573,
[2] = "You are overflowing metal",
[3] = 25,
[4] = 26,
[5] = 0.4584915,
[7] = 26,
[16] = {
[1] = 3937.72266,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36178854,
[7] = 21,
[17] = {
[1] = 4093.93188,
[2] = "Your commander is receiving heavy damage",
[3] = 40,
[4] = 41,
[5] = 0.72152668,
[7] = 41,
[18] = {
[1] = 4100.521,
[2] = "You are overflowing metal",
[3] = 25,
[4] = 26,
[5] = 0.45217678,
[7] = 26,
[19] = {
[1] = 4175.92236,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36283049,
[7] = 21,
[20] = {
[1] = 4180.93506,
[2] = "You are overflowing metal",
[3] = 25,
[4] = 26,
[5] = 0.45567295,
[7] = 26,
[21] = {
[1] = 4261.52344,
[2] = "You are overflowing metal",
[3] = 25,
[4] = 26,
[5] = 0.45537272,
[7] = 26,
[22] = {
[1] = 4319.13037,
[2] = "An allied commander has died",
[3] = 28,
[4] = 29,
[5] = 0.50925457,
[7] = 29,
[23] = {
[1] = 4348.92188,
[2] = "You are overflowing metal",
[3] = 25,
[4] = 26,
[5] = 0.45373625,
[7] = 26,
[24] = {
[1] = 4373.14209,
[2] = "Tech 3 unit detected",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36399212,
[7] = 21,
[25] = {
[1] = 4476.52441,
[2] = "Metal extractor lost",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36269009,
[7] = 21,
[26] = {
[1] = 4844.73291,
[2] = "Tech 3 unit is ready",
[3] = 20,
[4] = 21,
[5] = 0.36331254,
[7] = 21,
[27] = {
[1] = 4979.15527,
[2] = "Enemy Long Range Plasma Cannon(s) (LRPC) are targeting your units",
[3] = 65,
[4] = 66,
[5] = 1.17588854,
[7] = 66,
[28] = {
[1] = 5363.94287,
[2] = "Titan detected",
[3] = 14,
[4] = 15,
[5] = 0.25979382,
[7] = 15,
[29] = {
[1] = 5412.13281,
[2] = "Nuclear missile launch detected",
[3] = 31,
[4] = 33,
[5] = 0.58609581,
[7] = 33,
[30] = {
[1] = 5430.79395,
[2] = "paused",
[3] = 6,
[4] = 12,
[5] = 0.21077032,
[7] = 0,
Metalspots = {
metalViewOnly = true,
opacity = 0.5,
showValue = true,
Minimap = {
leftClickMove = true,
maxHeight = 0.19999999,
Notifications = {
displayMessages = true,
globalVolume = 0.69999999,
playTrackedPlayerNotifs = false,
spoken = true,
tutorialMode = true,
LastPlay = {
AircraftSpotted = 4893,
BanthaDetected = 84266,
ComHeavyDamage = 46252,
FriendlyCommanderDied = 53007,
GamePause = 86265,
LowPower = 20415,
LrpcTargetUnits = 72808,
MexLost = 57729,
NukeLaunched = 85711,
T2Detected = 25750,
T3Detected = 54628,
Tech3UnitReady = 68775,
WholeTeamWastingEnergy = 2000,
WholeTeamWastingMetal = 1200,
YouAreOverflowingMetal = 53901,
customNotifications = {},
soundList = {
AdvRadarLost = true,
AirTransportDetected = true,
AircraftSpotted = true,
BanthaDetected = true,
BattleEnded = true,
BuzzsawIsReady = true,
ChooseStartLoc = true,
ComHeavyDamage = true,
CommandoDetected = true,
EMPmissilesiloDetected = true,
EnemyCommanderDied = true,
FlagshipDetected = true,
FriendlyCommanderDied = true,
FriendlyCommanderSelfD = true,
GamePause = true,
GameStarted = true,
IntrusionCountermeasure = true,
JuggernautDetected = true,
KorgothDetected = true,
LavaDropping = true,
LavaRising = true,
LowPower = true,
LrpcDetected = true,
LrpcTargetUnits = true,
MexLost = true,
MinesDetected = true,
NuclearBomberDetected = true,
NuclearSiloDetected = true,
NukeLaunched = true,
PlayerAdded = true,
PlayerLeft = true,
PlayerReconnecting = true,
PlayerResigned = true,
PlayerTimedout = true,
RadarLost = true,
RaptorsAndScavsMixed = true,
SeaTransportDetected = true,
T2Detected = true,
T3Detected = true,
TacticalNukeSiloDetected = true,
TeamDownLastCommander = true,
Tech3UnitReady = true,
TransportDetected = true,
UnitsReceived = true,
VulcanIsReady = true,
WholeTeamWastingEnergy = true,
WholeTeamWastingMetal = true,
WindNotGood = true,
YouAreOverflowingMetal = true,
YouHaveLastCommander = true,
t_buildenergy = true,
t_buildmex = true,
t_duplicatefactory = true,
t_factoryair = true,
t_factoryairsea = true,
t_factorybots = true,
t_factoryhovercraft = true,
t_factoryships = true,
t_factoryvehicles = true,
t_paralyzer = true,
t_readyfortech2 = true,
t_welcome = true,
tutorialPlayed = {
t_buildenergy = 2,
t_buildmex = 2,
t_duplicatefactory = 1,
t_factoryair = 2,
t_factoryairsea = 2,
t_factorybots = 2,
t_factoryhovercraft = 2,
t_factoryships = 2,
t_factoryvehicles = 2,
t_paralyzer = 2,
t_readyfortech2 = 2,
t_welcome = 2,
tutorialPlayedThisGame = {},
Options = {
advSettings = true,
cameraPanTransitionTime = 0.03,
cameraTransitionTime = 0.18000001,
changesRequireRestart = false,
currentGroupTab = "gfx",
desiredWaterValue = 4,
edgeMoveWidth = 0.003,
firsttimesetupDone = true,
guishaderIntensity = 0.0035,
mapChecksum = "ae7de692de27480e740d956a27adbae895d2ce5ccbdc52f1af8e89780de2b271a161a55a00b42e423d18f3e394c1caa4611acde75d9b6585d96167323425ad19",
pauseGameWhenSingleplayer = true,
pauseGameWhenSingleplayerExecuted = true,
resettedTonemapDefault = false,
show = false,
useNetworkSmoothing = false,
version = 1.39999998,
waterDetected = false,
defaultMapFog = {
fogEnd = 1,
fogStart = 0.80000001,
fogColor = {
[1] = 0.80000001,
[2] = 0.80000001,
[3] = 0.5,
defaultMapSunPos = {
[1] = 0.48506972,
[2] = 0.72760451,
[3] = -0.4850697,
defaultSunLighting = {
groundAmbientColor = {
[1] = 0.25,
[2] = 0.25,
[3] = 0.40000001,
groundDiffuseColor = {
[1] = 1,
[2] = 1,
[3] = 0.87,
groundSpecularColor = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = 0,
[3] = 0,
unitAmbientColor = {
[1] = 0.27000001,
[2] = 0.28999999,
[3] = 0.38999999,
unitDiffuseColor = {
[1] = 1,
[2] = 0.89533335,
[3] = 0.75,
unitSpecularColor = {
[1] = 0.80000001,
[2] = 0.60000002,
[3] = 0.60000002,
requireRestartDefaults = {
catchupminfps = 2,
catchupsmoothness = 0.15000001,
decals = 2,
doubleclicktime = 200,
msaa = 4,
networksmoothing = false,
screenedgemove = true,
screenedgemovedynamic = false,
["Order menu"] = {
alwaysShow = false,
colorize = 0,
stickToBottom = true,
version = 1,
disabledCmd = {
Attack = true,
Fight = true,
Guard = true,
ManualFire = true,
Move = true,
Patrol = true,
Reclaim = true,
Repair = true,
Stop = true,
Wait = true,
["Persistent Build Spacing"] = {
buildSpacing = {
armmav = 6,
armsolar = 1,
armspid = 4,
coralab = 0,
coravp = 0,
cordoom = 0,
cordrag = 0,
corerad = 0,
corestor = 0,
corexp = 0,
corflak = 0,
corfus = 0,
corgant = 0,
corhllt = 0,
corhlt = 0,
corjamt = 0,
corllt = 0,
cormadsam = 0,
cormaw = 0,
cormex = 0,
cormexp = 0,
cormmkr = 0,
cormoho = 0,
cormstor = 0,
cornanotc = 0,
corpun = 0,
corrad = 0,
corrl = 0,
corscreamer = 0,
corsolar = 4,
cortoast = 0,
corvp = 0,
corwin = 2,
["Player-TV"] = {
alwaysDisplayName = true,
playerChangeDelay = 40,
toggled = false,
["Pregame Queue"] = {
gameID = "4b473c665e53320062a6f1651a6f2935",
buildQueue = {},
["Rank Icons GL4"] = {
distanceMult = 1,
iconsizeMult = 1,
["Reclaim Field Highlight"] = {
showOption = 3,
SSAO = {
preset = 2,
radius = 5,
strength = 8,
["Scavenger Info"] = {
numGames = 0,
["Selected Units GL4"] = {
opacity = 0.19,
teamcolorOpacity = 0.60000002,
["Sensor Ranges Jammer"] = {
opacity = 0.34999999,
["Sensor Ranges LOS"] = {
opacity = 0.08,
useteamcolors = false,
["Sensor Ranges Radar"] = {
opacity = 0.16,
["Sensor Ranges Sonar"] = {
opacity = 0.17,
SmartSelect = {
includeBuilders = false,
includeNanosAsMobile = true,
selectBuildingsWithMobile = false,
Snow = {
articleStep = 10,
autoReduce = true,
averageFps = 60,
customParticleMultiplier = 1,
gameframe = 86265,
snowMaps = {
frozen_ford_v2 = true,
sacrifice_v1 = false,
TeamStats = {
sortAscending = false,
sortVar = "energyExcess",
guiData = {
mainPanel = {
draggingBorderSize = 7,
visible = false,
absSizes = {
x = {
length = 1214.23633,
max = 1939.91101,
min = 620.088867,
y = {
length = 864.000061,
max = 1094.40002,
min = 690.400024,
relSizes = {
x = {
length = 0.47431108,
max = 0.75777775,
min = 0.24222222,
y = {
length = 0.60000002,
max = 0.75999999,
min = 0.22,
["Top Bar"] = {
autoHideButtons = true,
["Unit Groups"] = {
alwaysShow = true,
["Widget Selector"] = {
show = false,
startEntry = 1,
order = {
["API Resource Spot Builder (mex/geo)"] = 52,
["API Resource Spot Finder (mex/geo)"] = 4,
["API Screencopy Manager"] = 20,
["API Unit Tracker DEVMODE GL4"] = 21,
["API Unit Tracker Tester GL4"] = 0,
AdvPlayersList = 44,
["AdvPlayersList Game Info"] = 45,
["AdvPlayersList Mascot"] = 132,
["AdvPlayersList Music Player New"] = 46,
["AdvPlayersList Unit Totals"] = 49,
["Airjets GL4"] = 53,
["Ally Selected Units"] = 57,
AllyCursors = 153,
["Anti Ranges"] = 154,
["Area Mex"] = 136,
["Area unload"] = 58,
["AtlasOnDemand Tester"] = 0,
["Attack AoE"] = 137,
["Attack Range GL4"] = 33,
["Attack and Move Notification"] = 65,
["Attack no ally"] = 59,
["Auto Cloak Units"] = 22,
["Auto First Build Facing"] = 60,
["Auto Group"] = 69,
["Auto mapmark eraser"] = 61,
Autoquit = 62,
Awards = 47,
["BAR Hotkeys"] = 23,
["Blast Radius"] = 63,
["Bloom Shader Deferred"] = 175,
["Bomber Attack Building Ground"] = 64,
["Build Split"] = 75,
["Build menu"] = 131,
BuildBar = 146,
BuildETA = 42,
["Builder Priority"] = 78,
["Building Grid GL4"] = 0,
["Cache Icons"] = 2,
["Camera Anchors"] = 66,
["Camera Joystick"] = 0,
["Camera Minimum Height"] = 48,
["Camera Remember"] = 67,
CameraFlip = 68,
CameraShake = 70,
["Chain Actions"] = 134,
["Changelog Info"] = 24,
Chat = 19,
["Chili Draw GL4 API"] = 0,
["Clearmapmarks button"] = 43,
["Cloak Fire State"] = 56,
["Command Queue Manager"] = 138,
CommandInsert = 157,
["Commander Hurt Vignette"] = 161,
["Commander Name Tags"] = 50,
["Commands FX"] = 147,
["Context Build"] = 152,
["Contrast Adaptive Sharpen"] = 168,
["Controller Test"] = 0,
["Converter Usage"] = 71,
Cursor = 172,
CustomFormations2 = 170,
["DGun Stall Assist"] = 85,
["DGun no ally"] = 72,
["DGun no ground enemies"] = 0,
["Darken map"] = 171,
["Death Messages"] = 73,
["Decals GL4"] = 163,
["Defense Range"] = 32,
["Defense Range GL4"] = 0,
["Deferred Buffer visualizer"] = 0,
["Deferred rendering GL4"] = 1,
["Deferred shading test"] = 0,
["Depth of Field"] = 0,
["DrawUnitShape GL4"] = 30,
["EMP + decloak range"] = 74,
["Easy Facing"] = 90,
Ecostats = 139,
EnemySpotter = 0,
["Everything hold position"] = 0,
["Extractor Snap (mex/geo)"] = 140,
["FFA start points picker"] = 0,
["FOV changer"] = 0,
Factionpicker = 59,
["Factory Auto-Repeat"] = 0,
["Factory Guard Default On"] = 141,
["Factory hold position"] = 91,
["FactoryQ Manager"] = 0,
["Flanking Icons GL4"] = 0,
FlowUI = 179,
["FlowUI GL4 Atlas"] = 0,
["FlowUI GL4 Tester"] = 0,
["Fog Volumes Old GL4"] = 0,
["Font handler"] = 5,
["Frame Grapher"] = 0,
["GUI Shader"] = 17,
["Game Speed"] = 6,
["Game info"] = 148,
GameTypeInfo = 139,
Geothermalspots = 160,
["Ghost Radar GL4"] = 76,
["Ghost Site GL4"] = 77,
["Given Units"] = 37,
["Global Fog GL4"] = 0,
["Grid menu"] = 0,
["Ground AO Plates Features GL4"] = 54,
["Ground AO Plates GL4"] = 55,
["Ground Fog GL4"] = 0,
["Guard Remove"] = 79,
["Guard damaged constructors"] = 80,
["Health Bars GL4"] = 40,
["Highlight Selected Units GL4"] = 81,
["Highlight Unit GL4"] = 28,
["HighlightUnit API GL4"] = 7,
["Holdfire Fix"] = 99,
["Idle Builders"] = 152,
["Ignore List API"] = 82,
ImmobileBuilder = 102,
Info = 142,
["Infolos API"] = 29,
["Jitter Timer"] = 0,
["Keybind/Mouse Info"] = 25,
["LOS View"] = 83,
["LOS colors"] = 84,
Language = 8,
["Limit Build Spacing"] = 86,
["Limit idle FPS"] = 9,
["Line-Build Hotkey Ignore"] = 87,
["Load Own Moving"] = 107,
["Log UnitDefIDs"] = 88,
["Logo adjuster"] = 89,
["Loop Select"] = 0,
["Lua UiKeys loader"] = 0,
Lups = 164,
["Map Draw Blocker"] = 0,
["Map Edge Extension"] = 92,
["Map Grass GL4"] = 10,
["Map Info"] = 41,
["Map Lighting Adjuster"] = 3,
MapLights = 0,
["Mapmarks FX"] = 149,
Messages = 173,
Metalspots = 150,
["Middle Mouse SmoothScroll"] = 0,
Minimap = 93,
["Mouse Buildspacing"] = 162,
["Mouse FX"] = 151,
["Mouse to Mexes"] = 0,
["Nanospray GL4"] = 0,
NoDuplicateOrders = 113,
Notifications = 159,
OnlyFightersPatrol = 0,
["Onoff for Hound and trajectory"] = 94,
Options = 26,
["Order menu"] = 143,
["Overview Camera Keep Position"] = 144,
["Overview Camera TAB hold & release"] = 2,
["Paralyze Effect"] = 95,
["Pause Screen"] = 176,
["Persistent Build Spacing"] = 96,
["Player-TV"] = 51,
["Point Tracker"] = 97,
["Pregame Queue"] = 153,
["Pregame UI"] = 51,
["Preserve Commands"] = 119,
["Priority Construction Turrets"] = 98,
["Profiler Histograms"] = 0,
Prospector = 167,
["Quick Build (mex/geo)"] = 165,
["Rank Icons GL4"] = 155,
["Reclaim Field Highlight"] = 166,
ReclaimInfo = 100,
["Rejoin progress"] = 169,
RelativeMinimap = 101,
["Replay buttons"] = 12345,
["Resurrection Halos GL4"] = 34,
SSAO = 177,
["Save Game Menu"] = 31,
["Scav Stats Panel"] = 42,
["Scavenger Audio Reciever"] = 174,
["Scavenger Blueprint Generator"] = 103,
["Scavenger Info"] = 26,
["Screen Mode Info"] = 135,
["Screen Mode/Resolution Switcher"] = 104,
["Scrolldown Toggleoverview"] = 0,
["Select n Center!"] = 168,
["Selected Units GL4"] = 35,
["Self-Destruct Icons"] = 36,
["Sensor Ranges Jammer"] = 105,
["Sensor Ranges LOS"] = 106,
["Sensor Ranges Radar"] = 133,
["Sensor Ranges Radar Preview"] = 108,
["Sensor Ranges Sonar"] = 110,
["Sepia Tone"] = 0,
["Set Target by Unit Type"] = 126,
["Set fighters on Fly mode"] = 158,
["Set target default"] = 14,
["Shard Help: Draw and timer"] = 0,
["Share Tracker"] = 117,
["Show Builder Queue"] = 160,
["Show Orders"] = 109,
["Smart Area Reclaim"] = 127,
SmartSelect = 11,
Snow = 39,
["Specific Unit Loader"] = 128,
["Specific Unit Reclaimer"] = 110,
["Spectate Next Alive Player"] = 111,
["Spectate Selected"] = 112,
["Spectating Stats"] = 0,
["Spy move/reclaim defaults"] = 13,
["Start Boxes"] = 140,
["Startbox Editor"] = 0,
["State Prefs V2"] = 0,
["State Remover"] = 0,
["State Reverse Toggle"] = 114,
["Statistics Collection"] = 115,
["Stop means Stop"] = 116,
["TEST DrawPrimitiveAtUnit GL4"] = 0,
["TEST DrawPrimitiveAtUnit GL4 Minimal Example"] = 0,
["Take Proxy"] = 118,
TeamPlatter = 0,
TeamStats = 27,
["Test Runner"] = 120,
["Test Runner Watchdog"] = 0,
Tooltip = 16,
["Top Bar"] = 12,
["Transport AI"] = 130,
["Under Construction gfx GL4"] = 121,
["Unit CSV Export"] = 0,
["Unit Energy Icons"] = 38,
["Unit Finished Sounds"] = 122,
["Unit Group Number"] = 129,
["Unit Groups"] = 145,
["Unit Groups - Clear selection on empty"] = 123,
["Unit Mover"] = 0,
["Unit Stats"] = 15,
UnitCallinsWidget = 0,
["Unitdefs JSON Export"] = 0,
["Volume OSD"] = 124,
["Volumetric Clouds"] = 0,
["Vote interface"] = 18,
["Waypoint Dragger"] = 156,
["Widget Profiler"] = 0,
["Widget Selector"] = 178,
gui_transport_weight_limit = 125,
[t=00:00:00.150889] DetectCores: cpu mask fff
[t=00:00:00.150891] [CpuId] found 6 cores and 12 logical cpus (mask: 0xfff) of type general
[t=00:00:00.150893] [CpuId] setting logical cpu affinity mask to 0xfff
[t=00:00:00.150894] [DataDirLocater::FindWriteableDataDir] using writeable data-directory "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\"
[t=00:00:00.150897] Using writeable configuration source: "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\springsettings.cfg"
[t=00:00:00.150899] Using additional read-only configuration source: "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\springsettings.cfg"
[t=00:00:00.150954] LogOutput initialized. Logging to F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\infolog.txt
[t=00:00:00.151007] ============== <Log Sections ([A]vailable, [E]nabled)> ==============
[A] ArchiveScanner
[A] AutohostInterface
[A] BumpWater
[A] CSMFGroundTextures
[A] CregSerializer
[A] DynWater
[A] Font
[A] GameServer
[A] GroundMoveType
[A] KeyBindings
[A] LuaSocket
[A] Model
[A] Net
[A] Path
[A] Piece
[A] RoamMeshDrawer
[A] Shader
[A] SkyBox
[A] Sound
[A] Texture
[E] Sound (Notice)
[E] VFS (Info)
[t=00:00:00.152386] Enable or disable log sections using the LogSections configuration key
[t=00:00:00.152393] or the SPRING_LOG_SECTIONS environment variable (both comma separated).
[t=00:00:00.152400] Use "none" to disable the default log sections.
[t=00:00:00.152406] ============== </Log Sections> ==============
[t=00:00:00.152423] ============== <User Config> ==============
[t=00:00:00.152565] AllowDeferredMapRendering = 1
[t=00:00:00.152573] AllowDeferredModelRendering = 1
[t=00:00:00.152578] BumpWaterAnisotropy = 2
[t=00:00:00.152584] BumpWaterBlurReflection = 1
[t=00:00:00.152589] BumpWaterDepthBits = 32
[t=00:00:00.152594] BumpWaterReflection = 2
[t=00:00:00.152599] BumpWaterTexSizeReflection = 1024
[t=00:00:00.152605] CamMode = 3
[t=00:00:00.152610] CrossAlpha = 0
[t=00:00:00.152620] CubeTexGenerateMipMaps = 1
[t=00:00:00.152625] CubeTexSizeReflection = 1024
[t=00:00:00.152631] DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft = 1
[t=00:00:00.152636] EdgeMoveDynamic = 0
[t=00:00:00.152641] EdgeMoveWidth = 0.003
[t=00:00:00.152646] FPSFOV = 90
[t=00:00:00.152651] FeatureDrawDistance = 600000
[t=00:00:00.152656] FeatureFadeDistance = 600000
[t=00:00:00.152662] FontFile = FreeSansBold.otf
[t=00:00:00.152667] FontOutlineWeight = 2
[t=00:00:00.152671] FontOutlineWidth = 6
[t=00:00:00.152680] FontSize = 41
[t=00:00:00.152684] Fullscreen = 0
[t=00:00:00.152689] GrassDetail = 0
[t=00:00:00.152694] GroundDecals = 2
[t=00:00:00.152698] GroundDetail = 200
[t=00:00:00.152703] HangTimeout = 30
[t=00:00:00.152708] HardwareCursor = 1
[t=00:00:00.152714] InitialNetworkTimeout = 0
[t=00:00:00.152719] InputTextGeo = 0.35 0.72 0.03 0.04
[t=00:00:00.152724] KeyChainTimeout = 333
[t=00:00:00.152729] LinkIncomingMaxPacketRate = 2048
[t=00:00:00.152735] LinkIncomingPeakBandwidth = 1048576
[t=00:00:00.152744] LinkIncomingSustainedBandwidth = 1048576
[t=00:00:00.152749] LinkOutgoingBandwidth = 196608
[t=00:00:00.152755] LuaGarbageCollectionMemLoadMult = 1
[t=00:00:00.152760] LuaGarbageCollectionRunTimeMult = 1
[t=00:00:00.152766] MSAALevel = 8
[t=00:00:00.152771] MaxDynamicModelLights = 0
[t=00:00:00.152776] MaxNanoParticles = 6800
[t=00:00:00.152781] MaxParticles = 20000
[t=00:00:00.152793] MaxSounds = 256
[t=00:00:00.152799] MaxTextureAtlasSizeX = 8192
[t=00:00:00.152807] MaxTextureAtlasSizeY = 8192
[t=00:00:00.152813] MaximumTransmissionUnit = 0
[t=00:00:00.152818] MiddleClickScrollSpeed = -0.001
[t=00:00:00.152823] MiniMapCanFlip = 1
[t=00:00:00.152828] MiniMapMarker = 0
[t=00:00:00.152833] MouseDragBoxCommandThreshold = 37
[t=00:00:00.152839] MouseDragCircleCommandThreshold = 37
[t=00:00:00.152844] MouseDragFrontCommandThreshold = 37
[t=00:00:00.152849] MouseDragScrollThreshold = 0
[t=00:00:00.152854] MouseDragSelectionThreshold = 21
[t=00:00:00.152885] NetworkLossFactor = 2
[t=00:00:00.152890] OverheadMaxHeightFactor = 1.39999998
[t=00:00:00.152895] OverheadScrollSpeed = 50
[t=00:00:00.152901] RapidTagResolutionOrder =;
[t=00:00:00.152908] ReconnectTimeout = 0
[t=00:00:00.152913] RotateLogFiles = 3
[t=00:00:00.152918] ScrollWheelSpeed = -20
[t=00:00:00.152923] ServerSleepTime = 1
[t=00:00:00.152979] ShadowMapSize = 3560
[t=00:00:00.152987] Shadows = 1
[t=00:00:00.153002] ShowClock = 0
[t=00:00:00.153007] ShowFPS = 1
[t=00:00:00.153011] ShowPlayerInfo = 0
[t=00:00:00.153016] ShowSpeed = 1
[t=00:00:00.153022] SmallFontFile = FreeSansBold.otf
[t=00:00:00.153027] SmallFontOutlineWeight = 2
[t=00:00:00.153033] SmallFontOutlineWidth = 6
[t=00:00:00.153038] SmallFontSize = 41
[t=00:00:00.153043] SmoothTimeOffset = 2
[t=00:00:00.153048] SplashScreenDir = ./MenuLoadscreens
[t=00:00:00.153054] UnitIconDist = 160
[t=00:00:00.153059] UnitIconFadeVanish = 3000
[t=00:00:00.153069] UnitIconScaleUI = 1.05
[t=00:00:00.153074] UnitIconsAsUI = 1
[t=00:00:00.153079] UnitIconsHideWithUI = 1
[t=00:00:00.153084] UseDistToGroundForIcons = 1.10000002
[t=00:00:00.153090] UseHighResTimer = 1
[t=00:00:00.153094] UseLuaMemPools = 0
[t=00:00:00.153099] UseNetMessageSmoothingBuffer = 0
[t=00:00:00.153105] VFSCacheArchiveFiles = 0
[t=00:00:00.153110] Water = 4
[t=00:00:00.153115] WindowBorderless = 1
[t=00:00:00.153119] WindowPosY = 0
[t=00:00:00.153124] XResolution = 2560
[t=00:00:00.153133] XResolutionWindowed = 2560
[t=00:00:00.153138] YResolution = 1440
[t=00:00:00.153143] YResolutionWindowed = 1440
[t=00:00:00.153148] snd_airAbsorption = 0.35
[t=00:00:00.153154] snd_volbattle = 72
[t=00:00:00.153159] snd_volgeneral = 76
[t=00:00:00.153163] snd_volmaster = 76
[t=00:00:00.153168] snd_volmusic = 0
[t=00:00:00.153173] snd_volui = 62
[t=00:00:00.153188] ============== </User Config> ==============
[t=00:00:00.153194] ============== <User System> ==============
[t=00:00:00.153204] Spring Engine Version: 105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 BAR105
[t=00:00:00.153212] Build Environment: gcc libstdc++ version 20230727
[t=00:00:00.153231] Compiler Version: gcc-13.2.0
[t=00:00:00.153289] Operating System: Windows 10 TBA Insider Update (build 19045)
[t=00:00:00.153344] Hardware Config: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz; 32692MB RAM, 42932MB pagefile
[t=00:00:00.153353] Binary Word Size: 64-bit (native)
[t=00:00:00.153365] Process Clock: std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
[t=00:00:00.153372] Physical CPU Cores: 6
[t=00:00:00.153377] Logical CPU Cores: 12
[t=00:00:00.153382] ============== </User System> ==============
[t=00:00:00.153597] [good_fpu_init][STREFLOP_SSE]
[t=00:00:00.153605] SSE 1.0 : 1, SSE 2.0 : 1
[t=00:00:00.153611] SSE 3.0 : 1, SSSE 3.0 : 1
[t=00:00:00.153615] SSE 4.1 : 1, SSE 4.2 : 1
[t=00:00:00.153620] SSE 4.0A: 0, SSE 5.0A: 0
[t=00:00:00.158143] [WatchDog::Install] installed (hang-timeout: 30s)
[t=00:00:00.158174] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [main]
[t=00:00:00.169182] [GL::CheckAvailableVideoModes] desktop={2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz} current={2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz}
[t=00:00:00.205674] Display (ROG PG279Q)=1 modes=156 bounds={x=0, y=0, w=2560, h=1440}
[t=00:00:00.205692] [ 1] 2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205699] [ 9] 1920x1440x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205706] [17] 1920x1200x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205711] [25] 1920x1080x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205743] [33] 1680x1050x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205749] [41] 1600x1200x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205753] [49] 1600x1024x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205758] [57] 1600x900x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205764] [65] 1440x1080x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205770] [73] 1366x768x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205775] [81] 1360x768x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205780] [89] 1280x1024x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205785] [97] 1280x960x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205790] [105] 1280x800x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205795] [113] 1280x768x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205849] [121] 1280x720x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205855] [129] 1152x864x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205861] [137] 1024x768x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205866] [141] 800x600x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205871] [145] 720x576x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205876] [149] 720x480x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.205880] [153] 640x480x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.210342] Display (Dell U2412M(DisplayPort))=2 modes=22 bounds={x=-1920, y=234, w=1920, h=1200}
[t=00:00:00.210360] [ 1] 1920x1200x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210381] [ 3] 1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210386] [ 4] 1680x1050x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210392] [ 6] 1600x1200x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210397] [ 7] 1600x1024x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210402] [ 8] 1600x900x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210407] [ 9] 1440x1080x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210413] [10] 1366x768x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210418] [11] 1360x768x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210423] [12] 1280x1024x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210430] [13] 1280x960x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210445] [14] 1280x800x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210455] [15] 1280x768x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210460] [16] 1280x720x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210465] [17] 1152x864x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210470] [18] 1024x768x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210475] [19] 800x600x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210481] [20] 720x576x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210487] [21] 720x480x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.210493] [22] 640x480x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.580531] [GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for main window
[t=00:00:00.581527] [GR::SetWindowAttributes][1] cfgFullScreen=0 numDisplays=2 winPos=<0,0> newRes=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:00.581551] [GR::SetWindowAttributes][2] cfgFullScreen=0 numDisplays=2 winPos=<0,0> newRes=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:00.671177] [GR::LogVersionInfo]
[t=00:00:00.671203] SDL version : 2.0.18 (linked) / 2.0.18 (compiled)
[t=00:00:00.671211] GL version : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 551.76
[t=00:00:00.671217] GL vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
[t=00:00:00.671222] GL renderer : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
[t=00:00:00.671243] GLSL version: 4.60 NVIDIA
[t=00:00:00.671248] GLEW version: 2.1.0
[t=00:00:00.671253] GPU memory : 8192MB (total) / 6225MB (available)
[t=00:00:00.671298] SDL swap-int: 1
[t=00:00:00.671303] SDL driver : windows
[t=00:00:00.671313] Initialized OpenGL Context: 4.6 (Compat)
[t=00:00:00.671319] GLSL shader support : 1
[t=00:00:00.671324] GL4 support : 1
[t=00:00:00.671329] FBO extension support : 1
[t=00:00:00.671354] NVX GPU mem-info support : 1
[t=00:00:00.671370] ATI GPU mem-info support : 0
[t=00:00:00.671388] Texture clamping to edge : 1
[t=00:00:00.671395] NPOT-texture support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.671402] S3TC/DXT1 texture support : 1/1
[t=00:00:00.671409] texture query-LOD support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.671414] MSAA frame-buffer support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.671419] Z-buffer depth : 32 (-)
[t=00:00:00.671437] primitive-restart support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.671442] clip-space control support: 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.671453] seamless cube-map support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.671460] frag-depth layout support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.671467] persistent maps support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.671473] explicit attribs location : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.671479] multi draw indirect : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.671485] array textures : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.671490] buffer copy support : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.671496] indirect draw : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.671501] base instance : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.671515] max. FBO samples : 32
[t=00:00:00.671523] max. FS/program texture slots : 32/192
[t=00:00:00.671528] max. texture size : 32768
[t=00:00:00.671537] max. texture anisotropy level : 16.000000
[t=00:00:00.671542] max. vec4 varyings/attributes : 31/16
[t=00:00:00.671547] max. draw-buffers : 8
[t=00:00:00.671553] max. rec. indices/vertices : 1048576/1048576
[t=00:00:00.671559] max. uniform buffer-bindings : 84
[t=00:00:00.671564] max. uniform block-size : 64KB
[t=00:00:00.671579] max. storage buffer-bindings : 96
[t=00:00:00.671585] max. storage block-size : 2047MB
[t=00:00:00.671594] enable AMD-hacks : 0
[t=00:00:00.671599] compress MIP-maps: 0
[t=00:00:00.671688] Number of compressed texture formats: 23
[t=00:00:00.671770] [GR::ToggleGLDebugOutput] OpenGL debug-message callback disabled
[t=00:00:00.672989] [GR::UpdateGLConfigs]
[t=00:00:00.673082] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=-1 (adaptive)
[t=00:00:00.673099] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][1] winSize=<1,1>
[t=00:00:00.673110] [GR::UpdateScreenMatrices] vpx=0.000000, vpy=0.000000, vsx=2560.000000, vsy=1440.000000, ssx=2560.000000, ssy=1440.000000, screenPosX=0, screenPosY=0
[t=00:00:00.673130] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][2] winSize=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:00.673136] [GR::InitGLState]
[t=00:00:00.674339] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz (windowed::borderless)
[t=00:00:00.764073] [TexMemPool::Resize] poolSize=536870912u allocSize=0u texCount=0u
[t=00:00:00.791280] [~ScopedOnceTimer][FtLibraryHandler::FontConfigInit (version 2.13.1)] 23ms
[t=00:00:00.793933] [CglFont::CglShaderFontRenderer] Creating Font shaders: GLEW_ARB_explicit_attrib_location = true
[t=00:00:00.822878] [Font] [CheckGenFontConfigFull] Using Fontconfig cache dir "F:/games/Beyond-All-Reason/data/fontcache"
[t=00:00:00.822907] [Font] [CheckGenFontConfigFull] fontconfig for directory "C:\WINDOWS\fonts" up to date
[t=00:00:00.823702] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [vfsi]
[t=00:00:00.825052] [DataDirLocater::FindWriteableDataDir] using writeable data-directory "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\"
[t=00:00:00.825080] [DataDirLocater::Check] Isolation Mode!
[t=00:00:00.825143] [DataDirLocater::FilterUsableDataDirs] using read-write data directory: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\
[t=00:00:00.825195] [DataDirLocater::FilterUsableDataDirs] using read-only data directory: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\
[t=00:00:00.838673] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base
[t=00:00:00.838957] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\maps
[t=00:00:00.839054] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\games
[t=00:00:00.839235] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps
[t=00:00:00.840567] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages
[t=00:00:00.843330] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\2f2b808ee8776cf020cc6fd4576c9f64.sdp" numZipFiles=2434 sumInflSize=294157kb sumReadTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.843362] file="modinfo.lua" indx=2408 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.843369] file=".luacheckrc" indx=4 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.843374] file="anims/icexuick_100/cursornormal_0.png" indx=8 inflSize=2kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.843381] file="anims/icexuick_133/cursornormal_0.png" indx=9 inflSize=3kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.843388] file="anims/cursornormal_0.png" indx=7 inflSize=2kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.843399] file=".gitignore" indx=3 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.843405] file=".github/workflows/publish_config.yml" indx=1 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.843412] file=".travis.yml" indx=5 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.843417] file=".github/workflows/launcher.yml" indx=0 inflSize=2kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.843424] file=".github/workflows/quick_deploy.yml" indx=2 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.852976] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" numZipFiles=15842 sumInflSize=2148053kb sumReadTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.853067] file="modinfo.lua" indx=8634 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.853074] file=".github/issue_template/bug_report.yml" indx=4 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.853081] file=".github/workflows/issue_labeler.yml" indx=8 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.853088] file=".github/workflows/main.yml" indx=9 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.853101] file=".github/" indx=7 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.853108] file=".github/" indx=3 inflSize=5kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.853114] file=".gitattributes" indx=1 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.853120] file=".github/issue_template/config.yml" indx=5 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.853127] file=".editorconfig" indx=0 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.853132] file=".github/advanced-issue-labeler.yml" indx=2 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.857699] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 19ms
[t=00:00:00.857733] [VFS] [SpringVFS::ReserveArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>]
[t=00:00:00.857834] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:00.870788] [VFS] [VFSHandler::SetGlobalInstanceRaw] handler=00000215a1d221f0 (SpringVFS) global=0000000000000000 (null)
[t=00:00:00.870808] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [vfsi]
[t=00:00:00.935020] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=6 current=1 maximum=12 (init=1)
[t=00:00:00.935294] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=5
[t=00:00:00.935417] [Threading] Worker 5 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x10
[t=00:00:00.935520] [Threading] Worker 1 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x1
[t=00:00:00.935737] [Threading] Worker 4 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x8
[t=00:00:00.935743] [Threading] Worker 2 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x2
[t=00:00:00.935821] [Threading] Worker 3 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x4
[t=00:00:00.935898] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 0xfe0
[t=00:00:00.936387][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 0ms
[t=00:00:00.936495][f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.1ms)
[t=00:00:00.936607][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=256
[t=00:00:00.936625][f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[t=00:00:00.936633][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[t=00:00:00.936671][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] UseSDLAudio is set, rendering openal-soft audio to SDL buffer and let SDL audio handle the hardware
[t=00:00:00.961518][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] SDL audio device(s):
[t=00:00:00.961556][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "0" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)"
[t=00:00:00.961566][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "1" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)"
[t=00:00:00.961575][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "2" "Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=00:00:00.961596][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "3" "ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)"
[t=00:00:00.961604][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "4" "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=00:00:00.961613][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[t=00:00:00.983573][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening loopback device
[t=00:00:00.993201][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] device=00000215a1f3bfd0(default) context=00000215e83f9c90 numChannels=2 frameSize=8
[t=00:00:00.993233][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[t=00:00:00.993245][f=-000001] [Sound] Vendor: OpenAL Community
[t=00:00:00.993253][f=-000001] [Sound] Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.21.0
[t=00:00:00.993259][f=-000001] [Sound] Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[t=00:00:00.993267][f=-000001] [Sound] AL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_BFORMAT AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_BFORMAT AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_EXT_SOURCE_RADIUS AL_EXT_STEREO_ANGLES AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_bformat_ex AL_SOFTX_bformat_hoa AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFTX_callback_buffer AL_SOFTX_convolution_reverb AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_direct_channels_remix AL_SOFT_effect_target AL_SOFT_events AL_SOFTX_filter_gain_ex AL_SOFT_gain_clamp_ex AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFTX_map_buffer AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length AL_SOFT_source_resampler AL_SOFT_source_spatialize
[t=00:00:00.993323][f=-000001] [Sound] ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_loopback_bformat ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[t=00:00:00.993342][f=-000001] [Sound] Devices:
[t=00:00:00.999364][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=00:00:00.999383][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)]
[t=00:00:00.999390][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)]
[t=00:00:00.999398][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[t=00:00:00.999405][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=00:00:00.999440][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=29
[t=00:00:00.999449][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={256,255}
[t=00:00:01.001595][f=-000001] [Sound] EFX Enabled: yes
[t=00:00:01.001617][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[t=00:00:01.050012][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 113ms
[t=00:00:01.051859][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "rapid://byar-chobby:test"
[t=00:00:01.065944][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="BYAR Chobby test-3273-6fb691f", overwrite=false)] section=3 cached=0
[t=00:00:01.068531][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:01.068646][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:01.128818][f=-000001] LuaMenu Entry Point: "LuaMenu/main.lua"
[t=00:00:01.176013][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Searching for new Widgets
[t=00:00:01.176033][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/Addons/
[t=00:00:01.176074][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/Widgets/
[t=00:00:01.176230][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/SystemAddons/
[t=00:00:01.176246][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/SystemWidgets/
[t=00:00:01.176266][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/chili/
[t=00:00:01.176280][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/chilifx/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:01.176310][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/chotify/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:01.176327][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/i18n/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:01.176346][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:01.181554][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: base64.lua
[t=00:00:01.185508][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: engineversion.lua
[t=00:00:01.189401][f=-000001] Spring.GetWindowGeometry, 2560, 1440, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[t=00:00:01.189430][f=-000001] Spring.GetViewGeometry, 2560, 1440, 0, 0
[t=00:00:01.189438][f=-000001] gl.GetViewSizes, 2560, 1440
[t=00:00:01.189457][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: function_override.lua
[t=00:00:01.194771][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: json.lua
[t=00:00:01.200520][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: tablefunctions.lua
[t=00:00:01.205957][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: timefunctions.lua
[t=00:00:01.495202][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widgets <>=vfs **=raw ()=unknown
[t=00:00:01.496469][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Delay API <api_delay.lua>
[t=00:00:01.503476][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: spring-launcher <api_spring_launcher_loader.lua>
[t=00:00:01.504188][f=-000001] [spring-launcher] Connecting to
[t=00:00:01.505983][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Away Tracker <gui_away_tracker.lua>
[t=00:00:01.507934][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Chili Framework <api_chili.lua>
[t=00:00:01.829698][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: LibLobby API <api_lobby.lua>
[t=00:00:01.834884][f=-000001] [liblobby] liblobby configuration:
[t=00:00:01.834904][f=-000001] [liblobby] serverName, BAR
[t=00:00:01.834914][f=-000001] [liblobby] port, 8200
[t=00:00:01.834921][f=-000001] [liblobby] protocol, spring
[t=00:00:01.834927][f=-000001] [liblobby] address,
[t=00:00:01.859737][f=-000001] tracy, <table>, nil, false
[t=00:00:01.866424][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: i18n <api_i18n.lua>
[t=00:00:01.887460][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: BAR LibLobby overrides <api_lobby_bar.lua>
[t=00:00:01.889398][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: ChiliFX <api_chilifx.lua>
[t=00:00:01.898790][f=-000001] [ChiliFX] Enabled: true
[t=00:00:01.900410][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Chotify <api_chotify.lua>
[t=00:00:01.908442][f=-000001] [Chotify] Enabled: true
[t=00:00:01.911184][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Download Handler <api_download_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.937252][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Ingame Interface <api_ingame_interface.lua>
[t=00:00:01.946417][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Limit idle FPS <gfx_limit_idle_fps.lua>
[t=00:00:01.948090][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Test <dbg_test.lua>
[t=00:00:01.950464][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Command Buffering <api_command_buffering.lua>
[t=00:00:01.951382][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle List Window <gui_battle_list_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.957188][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Community Window <gui_community_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.960923][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Download Window <gui_download_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.963544][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Friend Window <gui_friend_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.965709][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Notification Handler <api_notification_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.970020][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Replays window <gui_replay_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.979724][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Settings Window <gui_settings_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.988195][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Users Handler <api_user_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.990419][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Cache Handler API <api_cache_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.991694][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Internet Browser API <api_internet_browser.lua>
[t=00:00:01.992625][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Map Handler API <api_map_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.997938][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Scenario window <gui_scenario_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.103701][f=-000001] Scenario Window SetConfigData
[t=00:00:02.104408][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Spring-Launcher log-upload <sl_upload_log.lua>
[t=00:00:02.107010][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Spring-Launcher wrapper loopback interface <sl_loopback.lua>
[t=00:00:02.108486][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Rapid Pool Cache <api_rapid_pool_cache.lua>
[t=00:00:02.108749][f=-000001] Initializing Rapid Pool Cache
[t=00:00:02.110358][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: API Script Handler <api_script_generator.lua>
[t=00:00:02.116655][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Analytics Handler <api_analytics.lua>
[t=00:00:02.117683][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Animation control <api_animation_control.lua>
[t=00:00:02.119860][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle Login Rejoin <gui_battle_login_rejoin.lua>
[t=00:00:02.135893][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle Room Window <gui_battle_room_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.139594][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle status panel <gui_battle_status_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.142387][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Color change window <gui_color_change_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.147945][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Cursor tooltip <gui_tooltip.lua>
[t=00:00:02.159666][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Discord Rich Presence Handler <api_discord_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.160959][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Faction change window <gui_side_change_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.163748][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Integer Selector Window <gui_integer_popup_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.166560][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Keys Panel <gui_keys_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.170475][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Load Game Menu <gui_loadgame.lua>
[t=00:00:02.173877][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Login Window <gui_login_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.178597][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Maplist Panel <gui_maplist_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.180849][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Mission Progress Handler <api_mission_progress_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.184057][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Modoptions Panel <gui_modoptions_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.187161][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Party status panel <gui_party_status_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.189581][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Popup Preloader <gui_popup_preloader.lua>
[t=00:00:02.191591][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Resize Scaling <gfx_resize_scaling.lua>
[t=00:00:02.192526][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Resolution limiter <gfx_resolution_limiter.lua>
[t=00:00:02.195506][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Steam Coop Handler <gui_steam_coop_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.198364][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Steam Handler <api_steam_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.199622][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Text Entry Popop Window <gui_textentry_popup_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.202690][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: User status panel <gui_user_status_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.205393][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Cursor scaler <gfx_cursorscaler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.207953][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: ChiliProfiler <dbg_chili_profiler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.211114][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Chili lobby <gui_chili_lobby.lua>
[t=00:00:02.325309][f=-000001] [Chobby] Detected game config, byar-dev
[t=00:00:02.325331][f=-000001] [Chobby] Detected game config, byar
[t=00:00:02.325349][f=-000001] [Chobby] Detected game config, generic
[t=00:00:02.393493][f=-000001] Vendor and GL, Nvidia, 4
[t=00:00:02.749165][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Standalone lobby tools <gui_standalone_lobby.lua>
[t=00:00:02.750969][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Block Input <gui_block_input.lua>
[t=00:00:02.758812][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Music Player Lite <snd_music_lite.lua>
[t=00:00:02.759304][f=-000001] RANDOMSEED, 2608326
[t=00:00:02.759828][f=-000001] Intro Tracks
[t=00:00:02.759841][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/leon devereux - waystation theta (intro).ogg
[t=00:00:02.759850][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - confined chaos (intro).ogg
[t=00:00:02.759859][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - friend or foe (intro).ogg
[t=00:00:02.759868][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/matteo dell'acqua - foobar (intro).ogg
[t=00:00:02.759916][f=-000001] Peace/Filler Tracks
[t=00:00:02.759923][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - divergents.ogg
[t=00:00:02.759932][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - sanctum.ogg
[t=00:00:02.759940][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/matteo dell'acqua - game of chicken.ogg
[t=00:00:02.759948][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - new order.ogg
[t=00:00:02.759963][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - the architect.ogg
[t=00:00:02.759971][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/matteo dell'acqua - from the ashes.ogg
[t=00:00:02.759979][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/leon devereux - lost directive.ogg
[t=00:00:02.760742][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Disable NonBar Widgets <api_disable_nonbar_widgets.lua>
[t=00:00:02.762372][f=-000001] Scenario Window GetConfigData
[t=00:00:02.771026][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] LuaMenu v1.0 (Lua 5.1 with Recoil-specific changes)
[t=00:00:02.790178][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Activate(msg="")] luaMenu=00000215e864d0c0
[t=00:00:02.790216][f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, true
[t=00:00:02.790230][f=-000001] SetLobbyFullscreenMode, 1
[t=00:00:02.796651][f=-000001] Starting Track, luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/leon devereux - waystation theta (intro).ogg, 0.5
[t=00:00:02.834221][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:02.834230][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Sound::Iconified] 0ms
[t=00:00:02.834237][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][2]
[t=00:00:02.834376][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:02.834405][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLConfigs]
[t=00:00:02.834500][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=1 (standard)
[t=00:00:02.834520][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][1] winSize=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:02.834531][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateScreenMatrices] vpx=0.000000, vpy=0.000000, vsx=2560.000000, vsy=1440.000000, ssx=2560.000000, ssy=1440.000000, screenPosX=0, screenPosY=0
[t=00:00:02.834542][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][2] winSize=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:02.834548][f=-000001] [GR::InitGLState]
[t=00:00:02.834609][f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz (windowed::borderless)
[t=00:00:02.834629][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][GlobalRendering::UpdateGL] 0ms
[t=00:00:02.834894][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ActiveController::ResizeEvent] 0ms
[t=00:00:02.834903][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED][2]
[t=00:00:02.834917][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:02.834925][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Sound::Iconified] 0ms
[t=00:00:02.834931][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][2]
[t=00:00:02.837588][f=-000001] [GR::ConfigNotify][1] key=Fullscreen val=0
[t=00:00:02.839534][f=-000001] Adding news item, Welcome to Beyond All Reason
[t=00:00:02.840421][f=-000001] Adding news item, BAR is accepting donations again!
[t=00:00:02.841614][f=-000001] Adding news item, New Map: Feast of Hades
[t=00:00:02.842407][f=-000001] Adding news item, New Map: Hellas Basin
[t=00:00:02.843184][f=-000001] Adding news item, Guides for new players
[t=00:00:02.843840][f=-000001] Adding news item, Steam release roadmap
[t=00:00:02.844478][f=-000001] Adding news item, Play with your friends: use our servers!
[t=00:00:02.845054][f=-000001] Adding news item, Useful commands in Multiplayer!
[t=00:00:02.853761][f=-000001] [Analytics] Using port: , 8200
[t=00:00:02.930857][f=-000001] SetLobbyFullscreenMode, 1
[t=00:00:02.933352][f=-000001] Saved lobby versions.gz from, rapid/, size = , 101811
[t=00:00:02.933652][f=-000001] Wrote , rapid/, successfully
[t=00:00:03.196081][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: Your load speed 12MB/s, below 80MB/s advise pre-caching
[t=00:00:03.196936][f=-000001] Disabled NonBar Widgets:, Party status panel
[t=00:00:03.369735][f=-000001] [GR::ConfigNotify][1] key=Fullscreen val=0
[t=00:00:03.406374][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=00:00:03.457114][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (534 KB, 10.48 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:03.545024][f=-000001] [GR::SetWindowAttributes][1] cfgFullScreen=0 numDisplays=2 winPos=<0,0> newRes=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:03.545046][f=-000001] [GR::SetWindowAttributes][2] cfgFullScreen=0 numDisplays=2 winPos=<0,0> newRes=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:03.720525][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:03.720534][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Sound::Iconified] 0ms
[t=00:00:03.720541][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][2]
[t=00:00:03.720577][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:03.720607][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLConfigs]
[t=00:00:03.720616][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][1] winSize=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:03.720647][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateScreenMatrices] vpx=0.000000, vpy=0.000000, vsx=2560.000000, vsy=1440.000000, ssx=2560.000000, ssy=1440.000000, screenPosX=0, screenPosY=0
[t=00:00:03.720658][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][2] winSize=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:03.720670][f=-000001] [GR::InitGLState]
[t=00:00:03.751836][f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz (windowed::borderless)
[t=00:00:03.751859][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][GlobalRendering::UpdateGL] 31ms
[t=00:00:03.752144][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ActiveController::ResizeEvent] 0ms
[t=00:00:03.752155][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED][2]
[t=00:00:03.752171][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:03.752191][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Sound::Iconified] 0ms
[t=00:00:03.752197][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][2]
[t=00:00:04.340181][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (674 KB, 12.72 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:04.696651][f=-000001] steamMode, false, true
[t=00:00:04.982879][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (444 KB, 8.72 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:05.577981][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (377 KB, 7.12 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:06.195002][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (640 KB, 12.08 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:06.840006][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (595 KB, 11.46 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:07.466447][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (838 KB, 15.81 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:08.092449][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (496 KB, 9.74 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:08.699361][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (395 KB, 7.61 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:09.292907][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (477 KB, 9.01 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:09.903404][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (2498 KB, 46.28 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:10.525117][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (597 KB, 11.72 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:10.948931][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=00:00:11.131982][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (2071 KB, 39.84 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:11.779836][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (410 KB, 8.04 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:12.390103][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (316 KB, 5.86 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:13.032592][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (416 KB, 7.86 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:13.656069][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (116 KB, 2.29 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:14.267524][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (420 KB, 8.25 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:14.883659][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (699 KB, 13.19 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:15.466881][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (526 KB, 10.32 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:16.108762][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (893 KB, 16.87 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:16.734277][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (162 KB, 3.06 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:17.378841][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (1081 KB, 20.03 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:18.042526][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (1864 KB, 32.70 MB/s) in 0.06s
[t=00:00:18.656751][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (84 KB, 1.59 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:19.269111][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (495 KB, 9.53 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:19.887039][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 3 files (15148 KB, 297.02 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:20.641634][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (965 KB, 18.92 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:20.776196][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=00:00:21.261653][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (547 KB, 10.74 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:21.891536][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (202 KB, 3.97 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:22.510323][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (465 KB, 8.79 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:23.174384][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (1128 KB, 15.46 MB/s) in 0.07s
[t=00:00:23.780909][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (1041 KB, 20.03 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:24.387431][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (83 KB, 1.58 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:24.450791][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=00:00:24.984787][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (1452 KB, 25.48 MB/s) in 0.06s
[t=00:00:25.596561][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (731 KB, 13.54 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:25.849448][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=00:00:26.194686][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (904 KB, 17.40 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:27.206690][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (635 KB, 12.22 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:27.894599][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (3598 KB, 66.63 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:28.182568][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=00:00:28.612957][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (592 KB, 11.61 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:28.783124][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=00:00:29.329205][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 16 files (276 KB, 5.21 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:30.049300][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (2462 KB, 47.35 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:30.667887][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=00:00:30.779735][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (2487 KB, 48.77 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:31.444449][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (735 KB, 14.14 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:31.712349][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=6 (standard)
[t=00:00:32.115549][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (408 KB, 7.71 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:32.333552][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=00:00:32.752000][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (976 KB, 19.14 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:33.409502][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (408 KB, 8.00 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:33.542724][f=-000001] 20240507_121427
[t=00:00:33.543272][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, XResolutionWindowed, 2560
[t=00:00:33.543297][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, YResolutionWindowed, 1440
[t=00:00:33.543308][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, WindowPosX, 0
[t=00:00:33.543320][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, WindowPosY, 0
[t=00:00:33.543329][f=-000001] SetSettings Value, WindowBorderless, 1
[t=00:00:33.543362][f=-000001] Missing self.client!!!
[t=00:00:33.543372][f=-000001] Game starting, ensuring Chobby garbage is collected.
[t=00:00:33.550719][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: OnBattleAboutToStart, exiting
[t=00:00:33.550751][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: Done with 6273 files (505805 KB, 20.46 MB/s) in 24.73s
[t=00:00:33.551254][f=-000001] [ReloadOrRestart] Spring "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\spring.exe" should be reloading
[t=00:00:33.551283][f=-000001] nil
[t=00:00:33.551745][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][1]
[t=00:00:33.551756][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=6 maximum=12 (init=0)
[t=00:00:33.578511][f=-000001] [async=0] threads=6 tasks=300 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{63.373, 0.211}, {1.439, 0.005}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578535][f=-000001] thread=1 tasks=60 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{12.864, 0.098, 0.541, 0.214}, {0.173, 0.000, 0.054, 0.003}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578547][f=-000001] thread=2 tasks=60 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{12.605, 0.077, 0.532, 0.210}, {0.328, 0.000, 0.058, 0.005}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578571][f=-000001] thread=3 tasks=60 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{12.535, 0.084, 0.540, 0.209}, {0.411, 0.000, 0.056, 0.007}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578582][f=-000001] thread=4 tasks=60 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{12.782, 0.097, 0.527, 0.213}, {0.176, 0.000, 0.054, 0.003}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578594][f=-000001] thread=5 tasks=60 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{12.586, 0.095, 0.532, 0.210}, {0.350, 0.000, 0.063, 0.006}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578608][f=-000001] [async=1] threads=6 tasks=5 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.367, 0.073}, {1.338, 0.268}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578619][f=-000001] thread=1 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.089, 0.089, 0.089, 0.089}, {0.123, 0.123, 0.123, 0.123}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578630][f=-000001] thread=2 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.055, 0.055, 0.055, 0.055}, {0.395, 0.395, 0.395, 0.395}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578641][f=-000001] thread=3 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.051, 0.051, 0.051, 0.051}, {0.470, 0.470, 0.470, 0.470}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578656][f=-000001] thread=4 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.109, 0.109, 0.109, 0.109}, {0.313, 0.313, 0.313, 0.313}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578667][f=-000001] thread=5 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.063, 0.063, 0.063, 0.063}, {0.038, 0.038, 0.038, 0.038}}ms
[t=00:00:33.578676][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[t=00:00:33.578698][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=6 current=1 maximum=12 (init=1)
[t=00:00:33.579025][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=5
[t=00:00:33.579339][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 4 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x8
[t=00:00:33.579464][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 5 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x10
[t=00:00:33.580455][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 2 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x2
[t=00:00:33.580477][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 3 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x4
[t=00:00:33.580485][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 1 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x1
[t=00:00:33.580598][f=-000001] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 0xfe0
[t=00:00:33.580611][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][2]
[t=00:00:33.580618][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][3]
[t=00:00:33.580624][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Kill] soundThread.joinable()=1
[t=00:00:33.624724][f=-000001] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[t=00:00:33.624771][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] #sources=255 #items=1
[t=00:00:33.624976][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=00000215e83f9c90 dev=00000215a1f3bfd0
[t=00:00:33.625039][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5] ctx=00000215e83f9c90 dev=00000215a1f3bfd0
[t=00:00:33.625062][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcDestroyContext(00000215e83f9c90)]
[t=00:00:33.625965][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcCloseDevice(00000215a1f3bfd0)]
[t=00:00:33.626010][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][SDL_CloseAudioDevice(2)]
[t=00:00:33.653821][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][6]
[t=00:00:33.654296][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][4]
[t=00:00:33.654317][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][5]
[t=00:00:33.654351][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][6]
[t=00:00:33.654360][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::UnMapArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(reload=1)] (#mod=0 #map=0 #menu=2434)
[t=00:00:33.656389][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base
[t=00:00:33.656625][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\maps
[t=00:00:33.656726][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\games
[t=00:00:33.656893][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps
[t=00:00:33.658237][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages
[t=00:00:33.661671][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 5ms
[t=00:00:33.661689][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][7]
[t=00:00:33.661733][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][8]
[t=00:00:33.661804][f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.1ms)
[t=00:00:33.661989][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=256
[t=00:00:33.662014][f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[t=00:00:33.662023][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[t=00:00:33.662048][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] UseSDLAudio is set, rendering openal-soft audio to SDL buffer and let SDL audio handle the hardware
[t=00:00:33.682259][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] SDL audio device(s):
[t=00:00:33.682300][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "0" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)"
[t=00:00:33.682318][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "1" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)"
[t=00:00:33.682326][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "2" "Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=00:00:33.682334][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "3" "ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)"
[t=00:00:33.682342][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "4" "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=00:00:33.682356][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[t=00:00:33.695261][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening loopback device
[t=00:00:33.696327][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] device=00000215ee25f020(default) context=00000215eda1bb80 numChannels=2 frameSize=8
[t=00:00:33.696348][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[t=00:00:33.696367][f=-000001] [Sound] Vendor: OpenAL Community
[t=00:00:33.696374][f=-000001] [Sound] Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.21.0
[t=00:00:33.696380][f=-000001] [Sound] Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[t=00:00:33.696388][f=-000001] [Sound] AL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_BFORMAT AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_BFORMAT AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_EXT_SOURCE_RADIUS AL_EXT_STEREO_ANGLES AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_bformat_ex AL_SOFTX_bformat_hoa AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFTX_callback_buffer AL_SOFTX_convolution_reverb AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_direct_channels_remix AL_SOFT_effect_target AL_SOFT_events AL_SOFTX_filter_gain_ex AL_SOFT_gain_clamp_ex AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFTX_map_buffer AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length AL_SOFT_source_resampler AL_SOFT_source_spatialize
[t=00:00:33.696433][f=-000001] [Sound] ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_loopback_bformat ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[t=00:00:33.696454][f=-000001] [Sound] Devices:
[t=00:00:33.702658][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=00:00:33.702680][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)]
[t=00:00:33.702708][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)]
[t=00:00:33.702716][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[t=00:00:33.702723][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=00:00:33.702734][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=29
[t=00:00:33.702742][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={256,255}
[t=00:00:33.703652][f=-000001] [Sound] EFX Enabled: yes
[t=00:00:33.703669][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[t=00:00:33.769277][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 107ms
[t=00:00:33.769403][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][10]
[t=00:00:33.769435][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][11]
[t=00:00:33.769444][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "rapid://byar-chobby:test"
[t=00:00:33.782788][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="BYAR Chobby test-3273-6fb691f", overwrite=false)] section=3 cached=1
[t=00:00:33.784105][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:33.784231][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:33.809295][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][12] #script=97
[t=00:00:33.810020][f=-000001] [CPreGame] using server IP localhost and port 8452
[t=00:00:33.810063][f=-000001] [NetProto::InitLocalClient] connecting to local server
[t=00:00:33.960490][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddMapArchivesToVFS][server=0000000000000000] using map "Cape_Violet_V1" (loaded=0 cached=0)
[t=00:00:33.960646][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Cape_Violet_V1", overwrite=false)] section=1 cached=0
[t=00:00:33.966704][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Map Helper v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:33.972715][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="cape_violet_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=00:00:33.972797][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:00:33.973076][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:00:33.973168][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:00:33.973229][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:00:33.973255][f=-000001] [PreGame::StartServer]
[t=00:00:33.973897][f=-000001] Warning: [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] opening socket on loopback address, other users will not be able to connect!
[t=00:00:33.974042][f=-000001] [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] binding UDP socket to IPv6-address ::1 (localhost) on port 8452
[t=00:00:33.974057][f=-000001] [UDPListener] successfully bound socket on port 8452
[t=00:00:33.975875][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::StartServer] 29ms
[t=00:00:33.975892][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][13] reloadCount=1
[t=00:00:33.991449][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddMapArchivesToVFS][server=00000215e8d53990] using map "Cape_Violet_V1" (loaded=1 cached=0)
[t=00:00:33.991629][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Cape_Violet_V1", overwrite=false)] section=1 cached=0
[t=00:00:33.991714][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Map Helper v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:33.991780][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddModArchivesToVFS][server=00000215e8d53990] using game "Beyond All Reason test-25984-a26b422" (loaded=0 cached=0)
[t=00:00:33.991943][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Beyond All Reason test-25984-a26b422", overwrite=false)] section=0 cached=0
[t=00:00:34.012604][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:34.012745][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:34.013039][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="cape_violet_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=00:00:34.013116][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:00:34.013435][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:00:34.013504][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:00:34.013560][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:00:34.013981][f=-000001] [CDemoRecorder::WriteSetupText] SetupText="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"
[t=00:00:34.014101][f=-000001] [PreGame::GameDataReceived] recording demo to "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\demos\2024-05-08_02-50-27-579_Cape_Violet_V1_105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 BAR105.sdfz"
[t=00:00:34.014114][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::GameDataReceived] 37ms
[t=00:00:34.014507][f=-000001] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] received local player number 0 (team 0, allyteam 0), creating LoadScreen
[t=00:00:34.088181][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=00:00:34.103007][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="cape_violet_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=00:00:34.103083][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:00:34.103329][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:00:34.103403][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:00:34.103461][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:00:34.209045][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Searching for new Widgets
[t=00:00:34.209065][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Addons/
[t=00:00:34.209101][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Widgets/
[t=00:00:34.209116][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemAddons/
[t=00:00:34.209129][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemWidgets/
[t=00:00:34.209142][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/chili/
[t=00:00:34.209792][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "SpringLogo"
[t=00:00:34.210080][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadTexture"
[t=00:00:34.218395][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadProgress"
[t=00:00:34.223603][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Main"
[t=00:00:34.229094][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Music"
[t=00:00:34.229121][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widgets <>=vfs **=raw ()=unknown
[t=00:00:34.229776][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: Engine Taskbar Stuff <engine_taskbar_control.lua>
[t=00:00:34.235958][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: LoadProgress <loadprogress.lua>
[t=00:00:34.253543][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: Main <main.lua>
[t=00:00:34.254299][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: Music <music.lua>
[t=00:00:34.302289][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: LoadTexture <bg_texture.lua>
[t=00:00:34.302494][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] LuaIntro v1.0 (Lua 5.1 with Recoil-specific changes)
[t=00:00:34.308102][f=-000001] Setting Mouse Drag thresholds based on resolution (2560x1440) for Selection to 21, and Command to 37
[t=00:00:34.309525][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::Init] single-threaded
[t=00:00:34.309558][f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [load]
[t=00:00:34.309687][f=-000001] [Game::Load][1] globalQuit=0 threaded=0
[t=00:00:34.309706][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Parsing Map Information"
[t=00:00:35.106869][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading SMF"
[t=00:00:35.193655][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Map (84 MB)"
[t=00:00:37.342781][f=-000001] Warning: [CSMFReadMap::CreateSplatDetailTextures] Invalid SMF splatDetailTex maps/iwantDNTS.tga. Creating fallback texture
[t=00:00:37.739607][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadMap] 3429ms
[t=00:00:37.739854][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading GameData Definitions"
[t=00:00:37.743453][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="cape_violet_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=00:00:37.743586][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:00:37.744089][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:00:37.744238][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:00:37.744334][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:00:39.385250][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Loading all definitions: ] 1629ms
[t=00:00:39.408327][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (GameData)] 1668ms
[t=00:00:39.408374][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Radar Icons"
[t=00:00:42.964459][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Sound Definitions"
[t=00:00:42.983866][f=-000001] [Sound] [LoadSoundDefsImpl] parsed 896 sounds from gamedata/sounds.lua
[t=00:00:42.984336][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (Sound)] 36ms
[t=00:00:42.984347][f=-000001] [Game::Load][2] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:00:42.984361][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Smooth Height Mesh"
[t=00:00:42.999898][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][SmoothHeightMesh::MakeSmoothMesh] 6ms
[t=00:00:42.999937][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating QuadField & CEGs"
[t=00:00:43.001607][f=-000001] [Init] number of ArmorDefs : 16
[t=00:00:43.001783][f=-000001] Warning : [Init] UnitDef "legsolar" in ArmorDef "standard" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:00:43.001846][f=-000001] Warning : [Init] UnitDef "legsolar_scav" in ArmorDef "standard" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:00:43.001869][f=-000001] Warning : [Init] UnitDef "legca" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:00:43.001878][f=-000001] Warning : [Init] UnitDef "legaca" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:00:43.001920][f=-000001] Warning : [Init] UnitDef "legca_scav" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:00:43.001958][f=-000001] Warning : [Init] UnitDef "legaca_scav" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:00:43.404460][f=-000001] [RegisterModelFormats] supported (Assimp) model formats: *.3ds;*.blend;*.dae;*.lwo;*.obj;
[t=00:00:43.414421][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Unit Textures"
[t=00:00:43.416680][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Sky"
[t=00:00:43.915003][f=-000001] [Game::Load][3] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:00:43.915040][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Weapon Definitions"
[t=00:00:43.919719][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "armcomcon_repulsor1"
[t=00:00:43.925089][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "armfgate_sea_repulsor"
[t=00:00:43.925837][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "armgate_repulsor"
[t=00:00:43.936101][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "corcomcon_repulsor1"
[t=00:00:43.941488][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "corfgate_sea_repulsor"
[t=00:00:43.942256][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "corgate_repulsor"
[t=00:00:43.961995][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (WeaponDefs)] 46ms
[t=00:00:43.962024][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Unit Definitions"
[t=00:00:43.980058][f=-000001] Warning: Unit '' (babyarmvader) has really low power? 0.000000
[t=00:00:43.980079][f=-000001] Warning: This can cause a division by zero in experience calculations.
[t=00:00:44.002383][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (UnitDefs)] 40ms
[t=00:00:44.002410][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Feature Definitions"
[t=00:00:44.016614][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (FeatureDefs)] 14ms
[t=00:00:44.038273][f=-000001] InitStatic: NUM_SPEEDMOD_BINS=10, MIN_SPEEDMOD_VALUE=0.000000, MAX_SPEEDMOD_VALUE=2.000000
[t=00:00:44.038332][f=-000001] InitStatic: MAP_MAX_NODES_SEARCHED=0, MAP_RELATIVE_MAX_NODES_SEARCHED=0.000000
[t=00:00:44.038341][f=-000001] [IPathManager::GetInstance] using QTPFS
[t=00:00:44.038356][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Initializing Map Features"
[t=00:00:44.043722][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Models"
[t=00:00:44.045709][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating ShadowHandler"
[t=00:00:44.169438][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating InfoTextureHandler"
[t=00:00:44.176656][f=-000001] InfoTexture: shaders
[t=00:00:44.176685][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating GroundDrawer"
[t=00:00:44.186099][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Map Tiles"
[t=00:00:45.191797][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Square Textures"
[t=00:00:45.244925][f=-000001] Switching to ROAM Mesh Rendering
[t=00:00:45.244968][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::Resize] to 2097152
[t=00:00:45.266729][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::InitPools] newPoolSize=2097152 PoolSize=2097152 (shadowPass=0)
[t=00:00:45.266757][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::Resize] to 2097152
[t=00:00:45.288125][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::InitPools] newPoolSize=2097152 PoolSize=2097152 (shadowPass=1)
[t=00:00:45.350061][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating GrassDrawer"
[t=00:00:45.368518][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar1_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.457542][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar2_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.491303][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar3_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.532479][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar4_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.552701][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar5_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.580240][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar6_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.594253][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/scars/scar1_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.756377][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/arm_acv_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.775397][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/arm_acv_tracks_2_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.796649][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/arm_stumpy_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.818684][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armacv_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.839319][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armbull_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.866244][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armcroc_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.890943][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armgremlin_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.912495][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armmart_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.936078][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armpincer_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.971179][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armsam_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:45.999173][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armseer_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:46.027089][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armstump_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:46.047148][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armyork_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:46.066661][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/bigfoot_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:46.090232][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/bottrack1_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:46.115675][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/comtrack_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:46.148287][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/corparrowtracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:46.183144][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/corwidetracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:46.199346][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/raptortrack_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:46.240754][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/raptortrackpointy_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:46.261465][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/stdtank_normal.bmp"
[t=00:00:46.309757][f=-000001] Loaded DecalsDrawer: standard
[t=00:00:46.309864][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating ProjectileDrawer & UnitDrawer"
[t=00:00:46.311010][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Projectile Textures"
[t=00:00:50.485404][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Water"
[t=00:00:51.226936][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Finalizing Models"
[t=00:00:51.870704][f=-000001] [Texture] Warning: [LoadAndCacheTexture] could not load primary texture "" from model "objects3d/rocks30/rocks30_map_05.s3o"
[t=00:00:52.657564][f=-000001] [Game::Load][4] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:00:52.705314][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadInterface (Console)] 0ms
[t=00:00:52.712030][f=-000001] [Game::Load][5] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:00:52.712074][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[LoadFinalize] finalizing PFS"
[t=00:00:52.713446][f=-000001] InitRootSize: map root size is (1280, 640)
[t=00:00:52.713482][f=-000001] InitRootSize: root node size is set to: 128
[t=00:00:52.713914][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="cape_violet_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=00:00:52.713999][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:00:52.714204][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:00:52.714269][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:00:52.714358][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:00:52.766618][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[PathManager::InitNodeLayersThreaded] using 6 threads for 43 node-layers"
[t=00:00:53.244857][f=-000001] [QTPFS] pfs-checksum: 01a52400
[t=00:00:53.244876][f=-000001] [QTPFS] mem-footprint: 260MB
[t=00:00:53.266614][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[PathManager::Load] Complete. Used 6 threads for 43 node-layers"
[t=00:00:53.267521][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[LoadFinalize] finalized PFS (554ms, checksum 01a52400)"
[t=00:00:53.270953][f=-000001] [Game::Load][6] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:00:53.270972][f=-000001] [Game::LoadLua] Lua developer mode disabled
[t=00:00:53.270985][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Synced LuaRules"
[t=00:00:53.295852][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="cape_violet_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=00:00:53.295952][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:00:53.296314][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:00:53.296434][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:00:53.296510][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:00:53.333427][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][creg::AutoRegisterCFunctions(LuaRules)] 36ms
[t=00:00:53.334742][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Synced LuaGaia"
[t=00:00:53.342966][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="cape_violet_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=00:00:53.343091][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:00:53.343377][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:00:53.343452][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:00:53.343538][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:00:53.376786][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][creg::AutoRegisterCFunctions(LuaGaia)] 33ms
[t=00:00:53.377619][f=-000001] [Game::Load][7] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:00:53.377640][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Saved Game"
[t=00:00:54.726309][f=0024061] [Game::LoadLua] Lua developer mode disabled
[t=00:00:54.726372][f=0024061] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Unsynced LuaRules"
[t=00:00:54.740485][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="cape_violet_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=00:00:54.740574][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:00:54.740849][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:00:54.740929][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:00:54.740991][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:00:54.805871][f=0024061] [AI Loader] ShardLua bot Deactivated!
[t=00:00:54.841041][f=0024061] <LockCamera>: Sorry for the camera switch spam, but this is the only reliable way to list camera states other than hardcoding them
[t=00:00:54.841092][f=0024061] Switching to Overview style camera
[t=00:00:54.841110][f=0024061] Switching to Spring style camera
[t=00:00:54.841132][f=0024061] Switching to Free style camera
[t=00:00:54.841165][f=0024061] Switching to Rotatable overhead camera
[t=00:00:54.841191][f=0024061] Switching to Overhead (TA) style camera
[t=00:00:54.841208][f=0024061] Switching to FPS style camera
[t=00:00:54.841221][f=0024061] Switching to Rotatable overhead camera
[t=00:00:55.221327][f=0024061] [ATMOSPHERIC] Current map: cape_violet_v1
[t=00:00:55.221376][f=0024061] [ATMOSPHERIC] No map config found. Turning off the gadget
[t=00:00:55.231751][f=0024061] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=00:00:55.236481][f=0024061] Lava Mapname, cape_violet_v1
[t=00:00:55.571628][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Dev Helper Cmds <cmd_dev_helpers.lua>
[t=00:00:55.571805][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: CMD limiter <cmd_limiter.lua>
[t=00:00:55.572016][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Get Player Data <cmd_get_player_data.lua>
[t=00:00:55.572201][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Stats <api_damage_stats.lua>
[t=00:00:55.572471][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Permissions <api_permissions.lua>
[t=00:00:55.572688][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: ranks api <api_ranks.lua>
[t=00:00:55.572856][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: No Share Self-D <unit_prevent_share_self_d.lua>
[t=00:00:55.573024][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: AutoColorPicker <game_autocolors.lua>
[t=00:00:55.573195][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Explosion Deformation Fix <map_explosion_deformation_fix.lua>
[t=00:00:55.573363][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map Atmosphere CEGs <map_atmosphere_cegs.lua>
[t=00:00:55.573706][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map NightMode <map_nightmode.lua>
[t=00:00:55.573876][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Feature Death Explosion <feature_dead_explosion.lua>
[t=00:00:55.574637][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: IconGenerator <unit_icongenerator.lua>
[t=00:00:55.574839][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: API Resource Spot Finder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_finder.lua>
[t=00:00:55.575022][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: CameraBroadcast <camera_lockcamera.lua>
[t=00:00:55.575401][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map Lava Gadget 2.4 <map_lava.lua>
[t=00:00:55.575576][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: AA Targeting Priority <unit_aa_targeting_priority.lua>
[t=00:00:55.575755][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Awards <gui_awards.lua>
[t=00:00:55.575918][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Geo fix <map_geofix.lua>
[t=00:00:55.576112][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Healthbars Widget Forwarding <unit_healthbars_widget_forwarding.lua>
[t=00:00:55.583886][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: PBR enabler <api_pbr_enabler.lua>
[t=00:00:55.587366][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Scum GL4 <gfx_raptor_scum_gl4.lua>
[t=00:00:55.587684][f=0024061] Map Sun Handler: Clearing groundSpecularColor via SetSunLighting because map does not change it from default.
[t=00:00:55.588138][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Sun Handler <map_sun_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:55.588577][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnitCallinsGadget <dbg_unit_callins.lua>
[t=00:00:55.588824][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: AI namer <ai_namer.lua>
[t=00:00:55.589055][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Activity Broadcast <activity_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:00:55.589282][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Air Transports Speed <unit_transports_air_speed.lua>
[t=00:00:55.589511][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: AirPlantParents <unit_air_plants.lua>
[t=00:00:55.589740][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Ally Selected Units <cmd_selected_units.lua>
[t=00:00:55.590764][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Area Mex <cmd_area_mex.lua>
[t=00:00:55.591021][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Area Timed Damage Handler <unit_area_timed_damage.lua>
[t=00:00:55.591247][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Boombox Spawner <game_boombox_spawner.lua>
[t=00:00:55.591471][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Build Icons Slowy (/luarules buildiconslow or buildiconanim or buildiconanimslow) <dbg_buildicons_run.lua>
[t=00:00:55.591707][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Builder Priority <unit_builder_priority.lua>
[t=00:00:55.591882][f=0024061] [CUS GL4] Initializing materials
[t=00:00:55.593406][f=0024061] [CUS GL4] Compiling Shaders
[t=00:00:55.628343][f=0024061] [CUS GL4] Initializing bins
[t=00:00:55.628365][f=0024061] [CUS GL4] Init Feature bins
[t=00:00:55.752891][f=0024061] [CUS GL4] Init Unit bins
[t=00:00:55.770420][f=0024061] [CUS GL4] Collecting units
[t=00:00:55.770448][f=0024061] [CUS GL4] Ready
[t=00:00:55.770645][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: CUS GL4 <cus_gl4.lua>
[t=00:00:55.770938][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Cancel orders on share <unit_cancel_orders_on_share.lua>
[t=00:00:55.771192][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Capture Only Enemy <unit_capture_only_enemy.lua>
[t=00:00:55.771481][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Continuous Aim <unit_continuous_aim.lua>
[t=00:00:55.771767][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Cursor Broadcast <cmd_mouse_pos_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:00:55.772085][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Cursors <unit_cursors.lua>
[t=00:00:55.772347][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Custom weapon behaviours <unit_custom_weapons_behaviours.lua>
[t=00:00:55.772607][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: D-Gun Behaviour <unit_dgun_behaviour.lua>
[t=00:00:55.772857][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Debris Explosions <gfx_debrisexplosions.lua>
[t=00:00:55.773123][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Display DPS <gui_display_dps.lua>
[t=00:00:55.773404][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Dragons Disguise <unit_dragons_disguise.lua>
[t=00:00:55.773679][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Dynamic collision volume & Hitsphere Scaledown <unit_dynamic_collision_volume.lua>
[t=00:00:55.773935][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Engine Hotfixes for Various Engine Kludges <engine_hotfixes.lua>
[t=00:00:55.774191][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Experimental Bots Steps Damages <unit_stomp.lua>
[t=00:00:55.774493][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Explosion_lights <gfx_explosion_lights.lua>
[t=00:00:55.774760][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: FPS Broadcast <fps_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:00:55.775082][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: GPU mem Broadcast <gpumem_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:00:55.775950][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: GUI Sound Effects player <gui_soundeffects.lua>
[t=00:00:55.776270][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Game End <game_end.lua>
[t=00:00:55.776586][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Geo Upgrade Reclaimer <unit_geo_upgrade_reclaimer.lua>
[t=00:00:55.776868][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Initial Spawn <game_initial_spawn.lua>
[t=00:00:55.777117][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Juno Damage <unit_juno_damage.lua>
[t=00:00:55.777387][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Load/unload <unit_airtransport_load_unload.lua>
[t=00:00:55.777655][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: LuaUI Reload <cmd_luaui_reload.lua>
[t=00:00:55.777948][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Flamethrower Jitter <lups_flame_jitter.lua>
[t=00:00:55.778210][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Manual launch command <cmd_manual_launch.lua>
[t=00:00:55.778527][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Mex Upgrade Reclaimer <unit_mex_upgrade_reclaimer.lua>
[t=00:00:55.778790][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Nano Radar Pos <unit_nanoradarpos.lua>
[t=00:00:55.779055][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Objectify <unit_objectify.lua>
[t=00:00:55.779335][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Only Target Emp-able units <unit_onlytargetempable.lua>
[t=00:00:55.779636][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Only Target onlytargetcategory <unit_onlytargetcategory.lua>
[t=00:00:55.779927][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: PopUpWaterStructures <unit_pop_up_water_structures.lua>
[t=00:00:55.780196][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Pre-aim <unit_preaim.lua>
[t=00:00:55.780508][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Cloaked Unit Reclaim <unit_prevent_cloaked_unit_reclaim.lua>
[t=00:00:55.780790][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Lab Hax2 <unit_prevent_lab_hax2.lua>
[t=00:00:55.781057][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Nanoframe Blocking Hax <unit_prevent_nanoframe_blocking_hax.lua>
[t=00:00:55.781406][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Unload Hax <unit_prevent_unload_hax.lua>
[t=00:00:55.781692][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Area Healers <pve_areahealers.lua>
[t=00:00:55.781960][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Defense Nuke Controller <pve_nuke_controller.lua>
[t=00:00:55.782238][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Queen Anti-Dgun behavior <pve_boss_priority_targetting.lua>
[t=00:00:55.782562][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Reclaim Fix <unit_reclaim_fix.lua>
[t=00:00:55.782840][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Reclaim effect <gfx_reclaim_fx.lua>
[t=00:00:55.783110][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Scav Cloud Spawner <scav_cloud_spawner.lua>
[t=00:00:55.783411][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Sea bed Platforms <unit_platforms.lua>
[t=00:00:55.783708][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Shockwaves <lups_shockwaves.lua>
[t=00:00:55.783981][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Stockpile control <unit_stockpile_limit.lua>
[t=00:00:55.794146][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: System info <system_info.lua>
[t=00:00:55.801497][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Target on the move <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
[t=00:00:55.801858][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Tombstones <unit_tombstones.lua>
[t=00:00:55.802177][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Tree feller <gfx_tree_feller.lua>
[t=00:00:55.802524][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: TurnRadius <unit_airunitsturnradius.lua>
[t=00:00:55.802811][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unally on demand <cmd_alliance_break.lua>
[t=00:00:55.803093][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnderwaterPickup <unit_disallow_underwater_load.lua>
[t=00:00:55.803402][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit Script Decals <gfx_unit_script_decals.lua>
[t=00:00:55.803781][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit Script Lights <gfx_unit_script_lights.lua>
[t=00:00:55.804066][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnitDefs Turret TurnSpeeds <unit_turretspeed.lua>
[t=00:00:55.804395][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Widget Events <api_widget_events.lua>
[t=00:00:55.804679][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: ai_ruins.lua <ai_ruins.lua>
[t=00:00:55.804949][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: ai_scav_loader.lua <ai_scav_loader.lua>
[t=00:00:55.805235][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_idle_players.lua <cmd_idle_players.lua>
[t=00:00:55.805565][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_onoffdesc.lua <cmd_onoffdesc.lua>
[t=00:00:55.805844][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_paused_is_paused.lua <cmd_paused_is_paused.lua>
[t=00:00:55.806136][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_remove_stop.lua <cmd_remove_stop.lua>
[t=00:00:55.806474][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_remove_wait.lua <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
[t=00:00:55.806806][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: feature_debris_physics.lua <feature_debris_physics.lua>
[t=00:00:55.807095][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: fx_reclaim_shards <fx_reclaim_shards.lua>
[t=00:00:55.807394][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_assistdronespawn.lua <game_assistdronespawn.lua>
[t=00:00:55.807681][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_commander_builder.lua <game_commander_builder.lua>
[t=00:00:55.807974][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_dynamic_maxunits.lua <game_dynamic_maxunits.lua>
[t=00:00:55.808271][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_ffa_start_setup.lua <game_ffa_start_setup.lua>
[t=00:00:55.808575][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_id.lua <game_id.lua>
[t=00:00:55.808865][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_logger.lua <game_logger.lua>
[t=00:00:55.809361][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_marketplace.lua <game_marketplace.lua>
[t=00:00:55.810009][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_no_share_to_enemy <game_no_share_to_enemy.lua>
[t=00:00:55.810550][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_selfd_resign.lua <game_selfd_resign.lua>
[t=00:00:55.811122][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_unit_market.lua <game_unit_market.lua>
[t=00:00:55.811687][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: gfx_wade_fx.lua <gfx_wade_fx.lua>
[t=00:00:55.812240][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: lib_startpoint_guesser.lua <lib_startpoint_guesser.lua>
[t=00:00:55.812803][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: map_metal_spot_placer.lua <map_metal_spot_placer.lua>
[t=00:00:55.813348][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: map_voidground.lua <map_voidground.lua>
[t=00:00:55.813895][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: transport_dies_load_dies <unit_transport_dies_load_dies.lua>
[t=00:00:55.814472][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
[t=00:00:55.815036][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_attributes.lua <unit_attributes.lua>
[t=00:00:55.815620][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_custommaxranges.lua <unit_custommaxranges.lua>
[t=00:00:55.816184][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_factory_guard.lua <unit_factory_guard.lua>
[t=00:00:55.816754][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_factory_unblocking.lua <unit_factory_unblocking.lua>
[t=00:00:55.817318][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_hound_weapon_toggle.lua <unit_hound_weapon_toggle.lua>
[t=00:00:55.817717][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_juno_damage_mini.lua <unit_juno_damage_mini.lua>
[t=00:00:55.818061][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_timeslow.lua <unit_timeslow.lua>
[t=00:00:55.818387][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_wanted_speed.lua <unit_wanted_speed.lua>
[t=00:00:55.818682][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_xmas.lua <unit_xmas.lua>
[t=00:00:55.819034][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Airbase Manager <unit_airbase.lua>
[t=00:00:55.819321][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Area Attack <unit_areaattack.lua>
[t=00:00:55.819623][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Deny Invalid Mex Orders <cmd_mex_denier.lua>
[t=00:00:55.819936][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Give Command <cmd_give.lua>
[t=00:00:55.820229][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Message <game_message.lua>
[t=00:00:55.820534][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Send Command <cmd_sendcommand.lua>
[t=00:00:55.820822][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Team Com Ends <game_team_com_ends.lua>
[t=00:00:55.821113][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Team Death Effect <game_team_death_effect.lua>
[t=00:00:55.821409][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Undo Self Destruction Havoc <cmd_undo.lua>
[t=00:00:55.821733][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnitDamagedReplay <dev_replay_data.lua>
[t=00:00:55.822034][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Garbage Collector <api_garbage_collector.lua>
[t=00:00:55.822329][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: GeoVent Sounds <fx_atmosphere.lua>
[t=00:00:55.822906][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Notifications <sfx_notifications.lua>
[t=00:00:55.823231][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit kill count <unit_kill_count.lua>
[t=00:00:55.823539][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: resurrected param <unit_resurrected.lua>
[t=00:00:55.823896][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Cloak FX <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
[t=00:00:55.824613][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit Evolution <unit_evolution.lua>
[t=00:00:55.824996][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Crashing Aircraft <unit_crashing_aircraft.lua>
[t=00:00:55.825409][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Death Animations <unit_death_animations.lua>
[t=00:00:55.825729][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Hats <unit_hats.lua>
[t=00:00:55.869471][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups <lups_wrapper.lua>
[t=00:00:55.869929][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Sinking Ship <unit_sinking_ship.lua>
[t=00:00:55.870445][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Orb <lups_orb.lua>
[t=00:00:55.872485][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Shield <lups_shield.lua>
[t=00:00:55.872779][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Synced Proxy <dbg_synced_proxy.lua>
[t=00:00:55.873049][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map Waterlevel <map_waterlevel.lua>
[t=00:00:55.873330][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Scenario Loadout <unit_scenario_loadout.lua>
[t=00:00:55.873799][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Scenario Script <unit_scenario_script.lua>
[t=00:00:55.874311][f=0024061] Loaded unsynced gadget: Gadget Profiler <dbg_gadget_profiler.lua>
[t=00:00:55.874417][f=0024061] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Unsynced LuaGaia"
[t=00:00:55.883144][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="cape_violet_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=00:00:55.883228][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:00:55.883505][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:00:55.883586][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:00:55.883646][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:00:55.892041][f=0024061] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading LuaUI"
[t=00:00:55.896776][f=0024061] LuaUI Entry Point: "luaui.lua"
[t=00:00:55.896797][f=0024061] LuaSocket Support: enabled
[t=00:00:55.904910][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="cape_violet_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=00:00:55.904993][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:00:55.905267][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:00:55.905344][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:00:55.905409][f=0024061] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:00:55.905596][f=0024061] Using LUAUI_DIRNAME = LuaUI/
[t=00:00:55.912958][f=0024061] Reloading GUI config from file: LuaUI/ctrlpanel.txt
[t=00:00:56.027688][f=0024061] [i18n] "units.names.corvacct" is not translated in en
[t=00:00:56.027709][f=0024061] [i18n] No translation found for "units.names.corvacct"
[t=00:00:56.027725][f=0024061] [i18n] "units.descriptions.corvacct" is not translated in en
[t=00:00:56.027745][f=0024061] [i18n] No translation found for "units.descriptions.corvacct"
[t=00:00:56.066151][f=0024061] LuaUI: bound F11 to the widget selector
[t=00:00:56.076853][f=0024061] LuaUI: Allowing User Widgets
[t=00:00:56.083867][f=0024061] Failed to load: __defs_write.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=00:00:56.120094][f=0024061] Failed to load: autocheat.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=00:00:56.193720][f=0024061] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=00:00:56.354787][f=0024061] Profiler using highres timers, true, 1
[t=00:00:56.492948][f=0024061] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=00:00:56.600716][f=0024061] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=00:00:56.608274][f=0024061] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=00:00:56.767927][f=0024061] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=00:00:56.782543][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legacv
[t=00:00:56.782937][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl7
[t=00:00:56.783039][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legck
[t=00:00:56.783192][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl4
[t=00:00:56.784165][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl2
[t=00:00:56.784225][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl6
[t=00:00:56.785048][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legaca
[t=00:00:56.785304][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl10
[t=00:00:56.785315][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl9
[t=00:00:56.785322][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl3
[t=00:00:56.786116][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legotter
[t=00:00:56.786527][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legack
[t=00:00:56.786805][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl8
[t=00:00:56.786816][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legca
[t=00:00:56.786824][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcv
[t=00:00:56.787078][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl5
[t=00:00:56.787086][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcom
[t=00:00:56.787265][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legvp
[t=00:00:56.787331][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: leglab
[t=00:00:56.787440][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legap
[t=00:00:56.787607][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: leggant
[t=00:00:56.787727][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legalab
[t=00:00:56.787737][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legaap
[t=00:00:56.787875][f=0024061] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legavp
[t=00:00:56.886628][f=0024061] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=00:00:56.940544][f=0024061] [Font] [LoadCustomFonts] loaded fonts "Exo2-SemiBold.otf" and "Exo2-SemiBold.otf"
[t=00:00:57.025272][f=0024061] Failed to load: gui_scavenger_info.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=00:00:57.094423][f=0024061] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, false
[t=00:00:57.110086][f=0024061] Failed to load: gui_unit_market.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=00:00:57.172963][f=0024061] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=00:00:57.172999][f=0024061] Loading LuaGrass custom parameters from mapinfo.lua
[t=00:00:57.173029][f=0024061] Map is, Cape_Violet_V1
[t=00:00:57.223351][f=0024061] missing voice notification file: "sounds/voice/allison/tutorial/makefactory.wav" (t_makefactory)
[t=00:00:57.402026][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Deferred rendering GL4 <gfx_deferred_rendering_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.402305][f=0024061] Initialize DLGL4 Trace:[] Args:()
[t=00:00:57.489753][f=0024061] 24061, DLGL4 weapons conf using, 831, light types
[t=00:00:57.504561][f=0024061] Deferred Lights GL4, recompiled in , 4, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:57.507150][f=0024061] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=00:00:57.507336][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Cache Icons <gui_cache_icons.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.507569][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Overview Camera TAB hold & release <gui_overview_cam_tab_hold.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.507758][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Map Lighting Adjuster <map_lighting_adjuster.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.507890][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: API Resource Spot Finder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_finder.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.528751][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Font handler <gui_fonthandler.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.528986][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Game Speed <cmd_gamespeed.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.529179][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: HighlightUnit API GL4 <gfx_highlightunit_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.530630][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Language <gui_language.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.530861][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Limit idle FPS <gfx_limit_idle_fps.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.531041][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Map Grass GL4 <map_grass_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.573063][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: SmartSelect <unit_smart_select.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.573391][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Top Bar <gui_top_bar.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.591316][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Spy move/reclaim defaults <unit_default_spy_move_cloaked.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.591563][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Set target default <cmd_default_set_target.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.591735][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Unit Stats <gui_unit_stats.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.591919][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Tooltip <gui_tooltip.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.592081][f=0024061] +inf
[t=00:00:57.592098][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: GUI Shader <gfx_guishader.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.593166][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Vote interface <gui_vote_interface.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.593493][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Chat <gui_chat.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.648438][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: API Screencopy Manager <api_screencopy_manager.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.649032][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: API Unit Tracker DEVMODE GL4 <api_unit_tracker_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.658465][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Auto Cloak Units <unit_auto_cloak.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.658849][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: BAR Hotkeys <cmd_bar_hotkeys.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.663213][f=0024061] BAR Hotkeys: Loaded hotkeys from uikeys.txt
[t=00:00:57.663247][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Changelog Info <gui_changelog_info.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.677055][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Keybind/Mouse Info <gui_keybind_info.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.687761][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Options <gui_options.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.691379][f=0024061] Set "shadows" config-parameter to 1
[t=00:00:57.692111][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: TeamStats <gui_teamstats.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.705903][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Highlight Unit GL4 <gui_highlight_unit_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.706246][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Infolos API <gui_infolos.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.712986][f=0024061] InfoLOS GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:57.713393][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: DrawUnitShape GL4 <gfx_drawunitshape_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.720508][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Save Game Menu <gui_savegame.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.720770][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Defense Range <gui_defenserange.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.728756][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Attack Range GL4 <gui_attackrange_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.731390][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Resurrection Halos GL4 <gui_resurrection_halos_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.743976][f=0024061] ResurrectionHalosShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:57.744366][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Selected Units GL4 <gui_selectedunits_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.751651][f=0024061] selectedUnitsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:57.751921][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Self-Destruct Icons <gui_selfd_icons.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.754657][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Given Units <gui_given_units.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.755107][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Unit Energy Icons <gui_unit_energy_icons.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.761208][f=0024061] energy iconsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:57.761695][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Snow <gfx_snow.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.762094][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Health Bars GL4 <gui_healthbars_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.776260][f=0024061] Health Bars Shader GL4, recompiled in , 4, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:57.782294][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Map Info <gui_mapinfo.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.782694][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: BuildETA <gui_build_eta.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.784386][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Clearmapmarks button <gui_clearmapmarks.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.784718][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList <gui_advplayerslist.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.790929][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Game Info <gui_advplayerslist_gameinfo.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.792306][f=0024061] frames-per-second indicator is disabled!
[t=00:00:57.792339][f=0024061] small digital clock is disabled!
[t=00:00:57.798939][f=0024061] simulation speed indicator is disabled!
[t=00:00:57.798977][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Music Player New <gui_advplayerslist_music_new.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.800878][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Awards <gui_awards.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.801183][f=0024061] EndGame Graph enabled, causes reload
[t=00:00:57.804754][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Camera Minimum Height <camera_minimum_height_limiter.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.805033][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Unit Totals <gui_advplayerslist_unittotals.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.806337][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Pregame UI <gui_pregameui.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.806820][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Commander Name Tags <gui_com_nametags.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.807214][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Player-TV <camera_player_tv.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.825397][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: API Resource Spot Builder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_builder.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.825815][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Airjets GL4 <gfx_airjets_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.827923][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Ground AO Plates Features GL4 <gui_ground_ao_plates_features_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.842895][f=0024061] Ground AO Plates FeaturesShader GL4, recompiled in , 4, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:57.843280][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Ground AO Plates GL4 <gui_ground_ao_plates_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.852106][f=0024061] Ground AO PlatesShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:57.853219][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Cloak Fire State <unit_cloak_firestate.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.853718][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Factionpicker <gui_factionpicker.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.854127][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Ally Selected Units <gui_allyselectedunits.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.860468][f=0024061] allySelectedUnitsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:57.860687][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Area unload <cmd_area_unload.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.860965][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Attack no ally <cmd_attack_no_ally.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.861131][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Auto First Build Facing <unit_autofirstbuildfacing.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.861278][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Auto mapmark eraser <map_auto_mapmark_eraser.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.861435][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Autoquit <cmd_autoquit.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.861583][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Blast Radius <gui_blast_radius.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.861761][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Bomber Attack Building Ground <cmd_bomber_attack_building_ground.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.861914][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Attack and Move Notification <unit_attackmovenotification.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.872255][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Camera Anchors <gui_camera_anchors.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.872591][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Camera Remember <camera_remember_mode.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.872784][f=0024061] Switching to Spring style camera
[t=00:00:57.872818][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: CameraFlip <camera_flip.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.872978][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Auto Group <unit_auto_group.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.873238][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: CameraShake <camera_shake.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.873413][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Converter Usage <gui_converter_usage.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.873611][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: DGun no ally <cmd_dgun_no_ally.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.873864][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Death Messages <death_messages.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.874052][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: EMP + decloak range <gui_emp_decloak_range.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.874373][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Build Split <cmd_buildsplit.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.874675][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Ghost Radar GL4 <unit_ghostradar_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.874999][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Ghost Site GL4 <unit_ghostsite_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.875365][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Builder Priority <unit_builder_priority.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.875669][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Guard Remove <cmd_guard_remove.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.875844][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Guard damaged constructors <cmd_guard_damaged_constructors.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.875998][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Highlight Selected Units GL4 <gui_highlight_selectedunits_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.882716][f=0024061] Reloaded cmdcolors from file: cmdcolors.tmp
[t=00:00:57.882882][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Ignore List API <api_ignore.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.883229][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: LOS View <gfx_los_view.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.890505][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: LOS colors <gfx_los_colors.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.892039][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: DGun Stall Assist <unit_dgun_stall_assist.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.892708][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Limit Build Spacing <cmd_limit_build_spacing.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.893016][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Line-Build Hotkey Ignore <cmd_line-build_hotkey_ignore.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.893254][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Log UnitDefIDs <log_unitdefids.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.894875][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Logo adjuster <logo_adjuster.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.895190][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Easy Facing <gui_easyfacing.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.895416][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Factory hold position <cmd_fac_holdposition.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.895611][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Map Edge Extension <map_edge_extension2.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.896449][f=0024061] Lava Mapname, cape_violet_v1
[t=00:00:57.898636][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Minimap <gui_minimap.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.899018][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Onoff for Hound and trajectory <cmd_onoff.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.899242][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Paralyze Effect <gfx_paralyze_effect.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.902188][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Persistent Build Spacing <cmd_persistent_build_spacing.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.902543][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Point Tracker <gui_point_tracker.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.903794][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Priority Construction Turrets <cmd_nanoturrets_assist_priority.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.904001][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Holdfire Fix <cmd_holdfire_fix.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.904204][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: ReclaimInfo <gui_reclaiminfo.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.904521][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: RelativeMinimap <minimap_relative.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.904871][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: ImmobileBuilder <unit_immobile_builder.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.905284][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Scavenger Blueprint Generator <ai_scav_blueprint_generator.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.905732][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Screen Mode/Resolution Switcher <cmd_resolution_switcher.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.906198][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Jammer <gui_sensor_ranges_jammer.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.908588][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges LOS <gui_sensor_ranges_los.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.915137][f=0024061] LOS Ranges GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:57.916107][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Load Own Moving <unit_load_own_moving.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.916432][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Radar Preview <gui_sensor_ranges_radar_preview.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.921877][f=0024061] radarTruthShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:57.988750][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Show Orders <gui_show_orders.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.989276][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Sonar <gui_sensor_ranges_sonar.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.991265][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Specific Unit Reclaimer <unit_specific_unit_reclaimer.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.991564][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Spectate Next Alive Player <gui_spec_next_alive_player.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.991793][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Spectate Selected <gui_spectate_selected.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.991999][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: NoDuplicateOrders <cmd_no_duplicate_orders.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.992221][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: State Reverse Toggle <cmd_state_reverse_toggle.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.992390][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Statistics Collection <stats_damage.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.992564][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Stop means Stop <cmd_stop_selfd.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.992722][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Share Tracker <unit_share_tracker.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.992907][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Take Proxy <cmd_take_proxy.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.993081][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Preserve Commands <cmd_transport_preserve_commands.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.993258][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Test Runner <dbg_test_runner.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.993415][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Under Construction gfx GL4 <gfx_undercontruction_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.994268][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Unit Finished Sounds <snd_unit_finished.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.997197][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Unit Groups - Clear selection on empty <cmd_unitgroup_clear_selection_on_empty.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.997588][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Volume OSD <snd_volume_osd.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.997822][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: gui_transport_weight_limit <gui_transport_weight_limit.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.998104][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Set Target by Unit Type <unit_set_target_by_type.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.998277][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Smart Area Reclaim <unit_smart_area_reclaim.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.998464][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Specific Unit Loader <unit_specific_unit_loader.lua> ...
[t=00:00:57.998641][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Unit Group Number <gui_unit_group_number.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.004078][f=0024061] unitGroupsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:58.004256][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Transport AI <unit_transport_ai.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.004689][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Build menu <gui_buildmenu.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.006646][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Mascot <gui_advplayerslist_mascot.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.007087][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Radar <gui_sensor_ranges_radar.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.008648][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Chain Actions <cmd_chainactions.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.008857][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Screen Mode Info <gui_screen_mode_info.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.009051][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: GameTypeInfo <gui_game_type_info.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.010645][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Start Boxes <map_startbox.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.011598][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Area Mex <cmd_area_mex.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.011819][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Attack AoE <gui_attack_aoe.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.018215][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Command Queue Manager <cmd_commandq_manager.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.018537][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Ecostats <gui_ecostats.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.019075][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Extractor Snap (mex/geo) <cmd_extractor_snap.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.019297][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Factory Guard Default On <cmd_factory_guard_pref.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.019467][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Info <gui_info.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.040056][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Order menu <gui_ordermenu.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.043657][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Overview Camera Keep Position <gui_overview_keep_camera_position.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.043995][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Context Build <cmd_context_build.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.044290][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Unit Groups <gui_unitgroups.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.048535][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: BuildBar <gui_buildbar.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.051115][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Pregame Queue <gui_pregame_build.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.051428][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Commands FX <gui_commands_fx.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.051709][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Game info <gui_gameinfo.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.052931][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Mapmarks FX <gui_mapmarks_fx.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.053593][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Metalspots <gui_metalspots.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.060823][f=0024061] Metalspots GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:58.063615][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Mouse FX <gui_mouse_fx.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.064063][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Idle Builders <gui_idle_builders.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.126567][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Geothermalspots <gui_geothermalspots.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.128981][f=0024061] Tried to add existing element to an instanceTable, geoSpotInstanceVBO, 1850_4000
[t=00:00:58.129008][f=0024061] Tried to add existing element to an instanceTable, geoSpotInstanceVBO, 1250_750
[t=00:00:58.129031][f=0024061] Tried to add existing element to an instanceTable, geoSpotInstanceVBO, 9000_4372
[t=00:00:58.129043][f=0024061] Tried to add existing element to an instanceTable, geoSpotInstanceVBO, 8400_1100
[t=00:00:58.129055][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: AllyCursors <gui_ally_cursors.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.129394][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Anti Ranges <gui_anti_ranges.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.129757][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Rank Icons GL4 <gui_rank_icons_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.135539][f=0024061] Rank IconsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:58.203057][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Waypoint Dragger <unit_waypoint_dragger_2.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.203436][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: CommandInsert <cmd_commandinsert.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.203836][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Set fighters on Fly mode <unit_set_fighters_fly.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.204079][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Notifications <snd_notifications.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.204675][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Select n Center! <gui_center_n_select.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.204956][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Replay buttons <gui_replaybuttons.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.205437][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Show Builder Queue <gfx_showbuilderqueue.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.218493][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Commander Hurt Vignette <gui_commanderhurt.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.219053][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Mouse Buildspacing <gui_buildspacing.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.219296][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Decals GL4 <gfx_decals_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.236180][f=0024061] Decals Gl4 Shader, recompiled in , 3, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:58.243935][f=0024061] Decals Large Gl4 Shader, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 24061, success, true
[t=00:00:58.249075][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Lups <lups_wrapper.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.278275][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Quick Build (mex/geo) <cmd_quick_build_extractor.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.278845][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Reclaim Field Highlight <gui_reclaim_field_highlight.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.279600][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Prospector <gui_prospector.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.279991][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Contrast Adaptive Sharpen <gfx_cas.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.281216][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Rejoin progress <gui_rejoinprogress.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.281545][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: CustomFormations2 <cmd_customformations2.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.281869][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Darken map <gfx_darken_map.lua> ...
[t=00:00:58.282131][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Cursor <gui_cursor.lua> ...
[t=00:01:01.781078][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Messages <gui_messages.lua> ...
[t=00:01:01.782699][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Scavenger Audio Reciever <ai_scav_audio_reciever.lua> ...
[t=00:01:01.783622][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Bloom Shader Deferred <gfx_bloom_shader_deferred.lua> ...
[t=00:01:01.785695][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Pause Screen <gui_pausescreen.lua> ...
[t=00:01:01.786522][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: SSAO <gfx_ssao.lua> ...
[t=00:01:01.818576][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: Widget Selector <widget_selector.lua> ...
[t=00:01:01.825895][f=0024061] Loading widget from mod: FlowUI <gui_flowui.lua> ...
[t=00:01:01.964124][f=0024061] [Game::Load][8] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:01:01.964180][f=0024061] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Skirmish AIs"
[t=00:01:01.965173][f=0024061] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=0)]
[t=00:01:01.965210][f=0024061] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=0 team=1] creating callbacks
[t=00:01:02.022162][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:01:02.059729][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:01:02.070067][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:01:02.071540][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Loading the Terrain-Map ...
[t=00:01:02.071606][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Water Damage: 0.000000
[t=00:01:02.071954][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Sector-Map Block Size: 64
[t=00:01:02.071973][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Sector-Map Size: 12800 (x160, z80)
[t=00:01:02.077905][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Determining Usable Terrain for all units ...
[t=00:01:02.110861][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Map Land Percent: 59.53%
[t=00:01:02.110885][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Water is a void: false
[t=00:01:02.110952][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Water is harmful: false
[t=00:01:02.110969][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Minimum Elevation: -305.29
[t=00:01:02.110978][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Maximum Elevation: 497.01
[t=00:01:02.110994][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-0.000000 / any) Is buildable across 56.328125% of the map. (used by 145 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111017][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5.000000 / any) Is buildable across 56.929688% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111031][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-20.000000 / any) Is buildable across 62.968750% of the map. (used by 6 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111044][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -25.000000) Is buildable across 30.320312% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111061][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -24.000000) Is buildable across 30.429688% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111074][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-1.000000 / any) Is buildable across 56.476562% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111087][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -30.000000) Is buildable across 29.757812% of the map. (used by 8 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111103][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.000000) Is buildable across 35.179688% of the map. (used by 10 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111116][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111129][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -5.000000) Is buildable across 36.546875% of the map. (used by 9 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111145][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -1.000000) Is buildable across 36.984375% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111159][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -16.000000) Is buildable across 31.367188% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111172][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -2.000000) Is buildable across 36.875000% of the map. (used by 7 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111187][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -0.000000) Is buildable across 37.085938% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111200][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -11.000000) Is buildable across 35.406250% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111216][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111229][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.000000) Is buildable across 35.179688% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111241][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -30.000000) Is buildable across 29.757812% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111258][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -10.000000) Is buildable across 35.578125% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111271][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -20.000000) Is buildable across 30.796875% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111283][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-9999.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111330][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -6.000000) Is buildable across 36.320312% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111343][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111355][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.000000) Is buildable across 31.492188% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111399][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.000000) Is buildable across 31.492188% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111416][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -31.000000) Is buildable across 29.671875% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111429][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-1000.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.111450][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -40.000000) Is buildable across 28.828125% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.118356][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5000.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'habot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 78.77% of the map. (used by 50 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.120755][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -8.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 35.93% of the map. (used by 19 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.123743][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'bot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 50.54% of the map. (used by 30 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.125378][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat8' Has 2 Map-Area(s) occupying 31.49% of the map. (used by 23 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.127981][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.11)) Move-Data used:'htank4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 43.70% of the map. (used by 44 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.133325][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'hhover4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 79.04% of the map. (used by 17 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.139315][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hover5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 83.62% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.141478][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -10.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 35.58% of the map. (used by 8 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.146143][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5000.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.19)) Move-Data used:'vbot5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 70.55% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.149227][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-26.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hbot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 50.77% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.151977][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'bot1' Has 2 Map-Area(s) occupying 45.20% of the map. (used by 21 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.155889][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'htbot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 62.52% of the map. (used by 9 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.158658][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-24.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'htank5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 46.41% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.160623][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.00) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'hhover4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 35.18% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.163741][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-30.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hbot5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 50.90% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=00:01:02.225275][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:01:02.234061][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:01:02.239035][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:01:02.240005][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:01:02.244932][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:01:02.250259][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:01:02.260423][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:01:02.697918][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.697976][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:01:02.698226][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.698261][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:01:02.698380][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:01:02.698390][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.698460][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:01:02.698471][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:01:02.698486][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:01:02.698501][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:01:02.698511][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:01:02.698520][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:01:02.699366][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:01:02.699415][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:01:02.699525][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:01:02.699562][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:01:02.699589][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:01:02.699612][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:01:02.700692][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:01:02.706312][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:01:02.737915][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (0) Initialized!
[t=00:01:02.739726][f=0024061] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=1)]
[t=00:01:02.739749][f=0024061] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=1 team=2] creating callbacks
[t=00:01:02.739969][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:01:02.760752][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:01:02.767071][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:01:02.772416][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:01:02.775670][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:01:02.776350][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:01:02.777280][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:01:02.777731][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:01:02.778647][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:01:02.784776][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:01:02.793657][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.793713][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:01:02.793949][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.793998][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:01:02.794114][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:01:02.794125][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.794193][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:01:02.794208][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:01:02.794216][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:01:02.794226][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:01:02.794235][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:01:02.794244][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:01:02.796712][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:01:02.796757][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:01:02.796885][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:01:02.796923][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:01:02.796964][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:01:02.797002][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:01:02.797934][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:01:02.799571][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:01:02.818483][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (1) Initialized!
[t=00:01:02.819048][f=0024061] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=2)]
[t=00:01:02.819072][f=0024061] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=2 team=3] creating callbacks
[t=00:01:02.819377][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:01:02.840090][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:01:02.846312][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:01:02.851806][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:01:02.854965][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:01:02.855618][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:01:02.856561][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:01:02.857018][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:01:02.857907][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:01:02.863825][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:01:02.867903][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.867969][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:01:02.868205][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.868238][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:01:02.868344][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:01:02.868354][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.868426][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:01:02.868436][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:01:02.868445][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:01:02.868454][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:01:02.868467][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:01:02.868476][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:01:02.868536][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:01:02.868565][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:01:02.868668][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:01:02.868704][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:01:02.868728][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:01:02.868747][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:01:02.869482][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:01:02.870963][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:01:02.889737][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (2) Initialized!
[t=00:01:02.890281][f=0024061] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=3)]
[t=00:01:02.890295][f=0024061] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=3 team=4] creating callbacks
[t=00:01:02.890452][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:01:02.911473][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:01:02.917635][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:01:02.923352][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:01:02.926599][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:01:02.927299][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:01:02.928339][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:01:02.928813][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:01:02.929736][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:01:02.935694][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:01:02.939627][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.939678][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:01:02.939916][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.939948][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:01:02.940072][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:01:02.940082][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:01:02.940156][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:01:02.940166][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:01:02.940175][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:01:02.940190][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:01:02.940199][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:01:02.940208][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:01:02.940265][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:01:02.940300][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:01:02.940403][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:01:02.940435][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:01:02.940466][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:01:02.940485][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:01:02.941334][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:01:02.942900][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:01:02.961665][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (3) Initialized!
[t=00:01:02.962247][f=0024061] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=4)]
[t=00:01:02.962273][f=0024061] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=4 team=5] creating callbacks
[t=00:01:02.962426][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:01:02.983628][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:01:02.989853][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:01:02.995439][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:01:02.998709][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:01:02.999388][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:01:03.000297][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:01:03.000744][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:01:03.001765][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:01:03.007669][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:01:03.011830][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:01:03.011883][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:01:03.012121][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:01:03.012172][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:01:03.012277][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:01:03.012287][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:01:03.012353][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:01:03.012373][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:01:03.012383][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:01:03.012392][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:01:03.012400][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:01:03.012409][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:01:03.012467][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:01:03.012496][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:01:03.012600][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:01:03.012633][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:01:03.012663][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:01:03.012688][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:01:03.013482][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:01:03.014900][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:01:03.033964][f=0024061] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (4) Initialized!
[t=00:01:03.034516][f=0024061] [EOH::Load(id=0)] active=1
[t=00:01:03.041722][f=0024061] [EOH::Load(id=1)] active=1
[t=00:01:03.047723][f=0024061] [EOH::Load(id=2)] active=1
[t=00:01:03.054256][f=0024061] [EOH::Load(id=3)] active=1
[t=00:01:03.060294][f=0024061] [EOH::Load(id=4)] active=1
[t=00:01:03.067680][f=0024061] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadSkirmishAIs] 1103ms
[t=00:01:03.080043][f=0024061] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaIntro (unsynced)] index=2 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 125485, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 10659157}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0051}
[t=00:01:04.540569][f=0024061] TotalHideLobbyInterface, true
[t=00:01:05.592207][f=0024061] [CUS GL4] Cache Textures
[t=00:01:07.719319][f=0024061] Set "shadows" config-parameter to 1
[t=00:01:07.729366][f=0024061] Tried to add existing element to an instanceTable, geoSpotInstanceVBO0.9443897, 1850_4000
[t=00:01:07.729409][f=0024061] Tried to add existing element to an instanceTable, geoSpotInstanceVBO0.9443897, 1250_750
[t=00:01:07.729423][f=0024061] Tried to add existing element to an instanceTable, geoSpotInstanceVBO0.9443897, 9000_4372
[t=00:01:07.729434][f=0024061] Tried to add existing element to an instanceTable, geoSpotInstanceVBO0.9443897, 8400_1100
[t=00:01:08.046898][f=0024061] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=-1 (adaptive)
[t=00:01:08.053395][f=0024061] GameID: 73e83a6670178dd7c9c8bbe8c1e17bc4
[t=00:01:08.053464][f=0024061] Connection attempt from Player
[t=00:01:08.053478][f=0024061] -> Version: 105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 BAR105 [Windows 64-bit (native)]
[t=00:01:08.060504][f=0024061] -> Connection established (given id 0)
[t=00:01:08.060551][f=0024061] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Player" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums]
[t=00:01:08.060608][f=0024061] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Player" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums]
[t=00:01:08.262447][f=0024071] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=4 (standard)
[t=00:01:08.432162][f=0024091] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Player" string="[Game::Load][lua{Rules,Gaia}={000002166ee02320,000002166ee03b50}][locale="C"]"
[t=00:01:08.432194][f=0024091] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(2)" (ID: 0, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 1
[t=00:01:08.432206][f=0024091] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(3)" (ID: 1, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 2
[t=00:01:08.432231][f=0024091] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(5)" (ID: 2, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 3
[t=00:01:08.432241][f=0024091] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(4)" (ID: 3, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 4
[t=00:01:08.436585][f=0024091] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(1)" (ID: 4, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 5
[t=00:01:08.458146][f=0024091] Player unpaused the game
[t=00:01:08.458229][f=0024091] Player Player finished loading and is now ingame
[t=00:01:11.967147][f=0024207] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=-1 (adaptive)
[t=00:01:12.261750][f=0024217] Input grabbing is enabled!
[t=00:02:05.643304][f=0025819] Janus is being attacked!
[t=00:02:21.507675][f=0026294] Buildings set to face East
[t=00:02:25.819707][f=0026424] Blitz is being attacked!
[t=00:02:47.904893][f=0027086] Player paused the game
[t=00:03:09.608659][f=0027086] Player unpaused the game
[t=00:03:30.302046][f=0027708] Beaver is being attacked!
[t=00:05:12.176954][f=0030764] Armada Commander is being attacked!
[t=00:05:12.518496][f=0030774] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=4 (standard)
[t=00:05:27.450727][f=0031222] Armada Commander is being attacked!
[t=00:05:50.340736][f=0031908] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=-1 (adaptive)
[t=00:05:50.573922][f=0031916] Input grabbing is enabled!
[t=00:06:04.581609][f=0032336] Player paused the game
[t=00:06:57.364575][f=0032336] Player unpaused the game
[t=00:07:07.257598][f=0032634] Player shared units to HiMom (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=00:08:43.819748][f=0035531] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:08:51.937619][f=0035774] Added Jaguar to autogroup #1.
[t=00:08:51.937657][f=0035774] Added Blitz to autogroup #1.
[t=00:08:51.937681][f=0035774] Added Mauser to autogroup #1.
[t=00:08:51.937704][f=0035774] Added Starlight to autogroup #1.
[t=00:09:18.627502][f=0036575] Blitz is being attacked!
[t=00:09:22.316326][f=0036686] Armada Commander is being attacked!
[t=00:09:41.103107][f=0037249] Added Jaguar to autogroup #1.
[t=00:09:41.103143][f=0037249] Added Janus to autogroup #1.
[t=00:09:41.103165][f=0037249] Added Mauser to autogroup #1.
[t=00:09:41.103183][f=0037249] Added Starlight to autogroup #1.
[t=00:09:49.638116][f=0037505] Added Skater to autogroup #3.
[t=00:09:49.638150][f=0037505] Added Ambassador to autogroup #3.
[t=00:09:52.508560][f=0037591] Added Skater to autogroup #3.
[t=00:09:52.508622][f=0037591] Added Ambassador to autogroup #3.
[t=00:09:52.508644][f=0037591] Added Dolphin to autogroup #3.
[t=00:10:00.060768][f=0037818] Added Ambassador to autogroup #4.
[t=00:10:03.768659][f=0037929] Added Groundhog to autogroup #7.
[t=00:10:03.768696][f=0037929] Added Construction Vehicle to autogroup #7.
[t=00:10:03.768717][f=0037929] Added Advanced Construction Vehicle to autogroup #7.
[t=00:10:15.986927][f=0038296] Dolphin is being attacked!
[t=00:11:08.549639][f=0039873] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:12:41.923396][f=0042673] Player paused the game
[t=00:13:13.159259][f=0042673] Input grabbing is enabled!
[t=00:13:14.389855][f=0042673] Player unpaused the game
[t=00:13:17.282909][f=0042760] Player paused the game
[t=00:13:21.203685][f=0042760] Player unpaused the game
[t=00:14:01.711948][f=0043976] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:14:17.534041][f=0044451] Pincer is being attacked!
[t=00:14:49.819000][f=0045419] Added Corsair to autogroup #3.
[t=00:14:50.246653][f=0045432] Metal Extractor is being attacked!
[t=00:14:53.250694][f=0045522] Added Eel to autogroup #3.
[t=00:14:53.250730][f=0045522] Added Corsair to autogroup #3.
[t=00:14:54.267806][f=0045553] Armada Commander is being attacked!
[t=00:15:30.891779][f=0046652] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:16:22.973904][f=0048214] Jaguar is being attacked!
[t=00:16:38.368203][f=0048676] Mauser is being attacked!
[t=00:17:01.097528][f=0049358] Harpoon is being attacked!
[t=00:17:04.307052][f=0049454] Armada Commander is being attacked!
[t=00:17:29.332449][f=0050205] Dragon's Claw is being attacked!
[t=00:17:52.036520][f=0050886] Pincer is being attacked!
[t=00:18:07.068316][f=0051337] Construction Vehicle is being attacked!
[t=00:18:39.868154][f=0052321] Harpoon is being attacked!
[t=00:18:55.005005][f=0052775] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:19:12.160711][f=0053290] Starlight is being attacked!
[t=00:19:31.506632][f=0053870] Shellshocker is being attacked!
[t=00:19:56.272261][f=0054613] Starlight is being attacked!
[t=00:20:12.306626][f=0055094] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:21:37.928576][f=0057663] Starlight is being attacked!
[t=00:21:59.817047][f=0058319] Added Eel to autogroup #3.
[t=00:21:59.817083][f=0058319] Added Skater to autogroup #3.
[t=00:21:59.817110][f=0058319] Added Dolphin to autogroup #3.
[t=00:21:59.817131][f=0058319] Added Ellysaw to autogroup #3.
[t=00:21:59.817150][f=0058319] Added Corsair to autogroup #3.
[t=00:22:09.636111][f=0058614] Stout is being attacked!
[t=00:22:27.775121][f=0059158] Oppressor is being attacked!
[t=00:22:43.005423][f=0059615] Starlight is being attacked!
[t=00:22:51.609817][f=0059873] Player shared units to LoloJojo (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=00:23:13.839186][f=0060540] Dragon's Claw is being attacked!
[t=00:23:22.608259][f=0060803] Player shared units to LoloJojo (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=00:23:32.167299][f=0061090] Dragon's Claw is being attacked!
[t=00:23:47.306879][f=0061544] Riptide is being attacked!
[t=00:23:55.608558][f=0061793] Player shared units to LoloJojo (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=00:24:11.165488][f=0062260] Riptide is being attacked!
[t=00:24:32.575566][f=0062902] Player shared units to LoloJojo (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=00:24:51.929079][f=0063483] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:25:07.102431][f=0063938] Grim Reaper is being attacked!
[t=00:25:22.241539][f=0064392] Ellysaw is being attacked!
[t=00:25:38.779188][f=0064888] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:25:56.209406][f=0065411] Oppressor is being attacked!
[t=00:26:20.738497][f=0066147] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:26:55.665256][f=0067195] Skater is being attacked!
[t=00:27:15.633979][f=0067794] Ellysaw is being attacked!
[t=00:27:43.167101][f=0068620] Advanced Metal Extractor is being attacked!
[t=00:27:58.249293][f=0069072] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:28:14.007027][f=0069545] Turtle is being attacked!
[t=00:28:29.569374][f=0070012] Construction Vehicle is being attacked!
[t=00:28:53.675063][f=0070735] Added Corsair to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:53.675123][f=0070735] Added Skater to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:53.675146][f=0070735] Added Longbow to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:53.675168][f=0070735] Added Dolphin to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:53.675193][f=0070735] Added Ellysaw to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:53.675213][f=0070735] Added Eel to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:55.857677][f=0070800] Added Eel to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:55.857709][f=0070800] Added Skater to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:55.857732][f=0070800] Added Bermuda to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:55.857750][f=0070800] Added Longbow to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:55.857793][f=0070800] Added Dolphin to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:55.857812][f=0070800] Added Ellysaw to autogroup #3.
[t=00:28:55.857832][f=0070800] Added Corsair to autogroup #3.
[t=00:29:04.837200][f=0071070] Construction Vehicle is being attacked!
[t=00:29:23.869549][f=0071641] Possum is being attacked!
[t=00:29:46.041726][f=0072306] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:30:10.185781][f=0073030] Added Eel to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:10.185818][f=0073030] Added Skater to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:10.185913][f=0073030] Added Longbow to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:10.185940][f=0073030] Added Bermuda to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:10.185961][f=0073030] Added Paladin to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:10.185979][f=0073030] Added Dolphin to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:10.185997][f=0073030] Added Ellysaw to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:10.186016][f=0073030] Added Corsair to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:12.348906][f=0073095] Added Eel to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:12.348946][f=0073095] Added Corsair to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:12.348983][f=0073095] Added Maelstrom to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:12.349003][f=0073095] Added Dolphin to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:12.349022][f=0073095] Added Ellysaw to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:12.349040][f=0073095] Added Skater to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:12.349062][f=0073095] Added Longbow to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:12.349080][f=0073095] Added Paladin to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:12.349098][f=0073095] Added Bermuda to autogroup #3.
[t=00:30:17.396533][f=0073247] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:30:32.662442][f=0073705] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:31:14.636897][f=0074964] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:31:32.424331][f=0075498] Whistler is being attacked!
[t=00:31:48.076557][f=0075967] Dolphin is being attacked!
[t=00:32:03.201639][f=0076421] Corsair is being attacked!
[t=00:32:11.219751][f=0076661] Added Starlight to autogroup #1.
[t=00:32:11.219787][f=0076661] Added Whistler to autogroup #1.
[t=00:32:18.515774][f=0076880] Paladin is being attacked!
[t=00:32:33.564163][f=0077332] Construction Ship is being attacked!
[t=00:32:48.603343][f=0077783] Eel is being attacked!
[t=00:33:04.507892][f=0078260] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:33:21.133596][f=0078759] Moray is being attacked!
[t=00:33:36.573572][f=0079222] Naval Construction Turret is being attacked!
[t=00:33:54.270949][f=0079753] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:34:14.170156][f=0080350] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:34:30.248047][f=0080832] Grim Reaper is being attacked!
[t=00:34:50.699957][f=0081446] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:36:07.979631][f=0083764] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:37:08.973492][f=0085594] Whistler is being attacked!
[t=00:37:24.246408][f=0086052] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:37:39.249452][f=0086502] Ambassador is being attacked!
[t=00:37:54.274398][f=0086953] Corsair is being attacked!
[t=00:38:18.695618][f=0087686] Construction Ship is being attacked!
[t=00:38:31.084255][f=0088057] LoloJojo (AI) shared units to HiMom (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=00:38:59.694452][f=0088916] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:39:20.835518][f=0089550] Pit Bull is being attacked!
[t=00:39:51.397515][f=0090467] Stout is being attacked!
[t=00:40:09.405928][f=0091007] Epoch is being attacked!
[t=00:40:24.601016][f=0091463] Corsair is being attacked!
[t=00:40:39.663814][f=0091915] Corsair is being attacked!
[t=00:40:57.036927][f=0092436] Mauser is being attacked!
[t=00:41:19.505032][f=0093110] Sentry is being attacked!
[t=00:41:25.542228][f=0093291] LoloJojo (AI) shared units to HiMom (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=00:41:37.836183][f=0093660] Grim Reaper is being attacked!
[t=00:41:53.071584][f=0094117] Starlight is being attacked!
[t=00:42:36.035677][f=0095406] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=00:43:01.693588][f=0096176] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:43:33.274653][f=0097123] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=00:43:48.302586][f=0097574] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:44:03.715504][f=0098036] Buccaneer is being attacked!
[t=00:44:08.286004][f=0098173] LoloJojo (AI) shared units to HiMom (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=00:44:20.243083][f=0098532] Maelstrom is being attacked!
[t=00:44:44.872623][f=0099271] Serpent is being attacked!
[t=00:45:03.196763][f=0099821] Skater is being attacked!
[t=00:45:18.269436][f=0100273] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=00:45:34.955061][f=0100774] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=00:45:35.526522][f=0100790] Armada Commander is being attacked!
[t=00:45:50.573924][f=0101242] Serpent is being attacked!
[t=00:46:07.398818][f=0101747] Metal Extractor is being attacked!
[t=00:46:26.169255][f=0102310] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:46:41.972461][f=0102784] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:47:09.699298][f=0103616] Naval Radar / Sonar Tower is being attacked!
[t=00:47:46.800067][f=0104729] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:48:02.898031][f=0105212] Paladin is being attacked!
[t=00:48:03.528835][f=0105230] Added Longbow to autogroup #3.
[t=00:48:03.528869][f=0105230] Added Paladin to autogroup #3.
[t=00:48:03.528913][f=0105230] Added Dragonslayer to autogroup #3.
[t=00:48:03.528934][f=0105230] Added Bermuda to autogroup #3.
[t=00:48:17.935176][f=0105663] Dragonslayer is being attacked!
[t=00:48:36.735576][f=0106227] Turtle is being attacked!
[t=00:48:53.975429][f=0106744] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=00:49:09.008034][f=0107195] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:49:52.310206][f=0108494] Shellshocker is being attacked!
[t=00:50:08.977730][f=0108994] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=00:50:24.005875][f=0109445] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=00:50:39.507326][f=0109910] Paladin is being attacked!
[t=00:50:55.070932][f=0110377] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=00:51:10.748773][f=0110847] Dreadnought is being attacked!
[t=00:51:28.169770][f=0111370] Roughneck is being attacked!
[t=00:52:05.516322][f=0112490] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=00:52:23.004487][f=0113015] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=00:52:57.209959][f=0114041] Shark's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=00:53:15.300920][f=0114584] Gorgon is being attacked!
[t=00:53:38.850019][f=0115290] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=00:53:53.862941][f=0115741] Mauser is being attacked!
[t=00:54:09.040767][f=0116196] Whistler is being attacked!
[t=00:54:42.404394][f=0117197] Construction Ship is being attacked!
[t=00:55:09.303929][f=0118004] Advanced Construction Sub is being attacked!
[t=00:55:27.132212][f=0118539] Turtle is being attacked!
[t=00:55:47.633858][f=0119154] Pincer is being attacked!
[t=00:56:02.741720][f=0119607] Sweeper is being attacked!
[t=00:56:18.401263][f=0120077] Marauder is being attacked!
[t=00:56:44.335444][f=0120855] Beaver is being attacked!
[t=00:56:49.571413][f=0121012] : self-destruct in 5s
[t=00:56:49.630365][f=0121014] : self-destruct in 5s
[t=00:56:49.630775][f=0121014] : self-destruct in 5s
[t=00:56:49.630957][f=0121014] : self-destruct in 5s
[t=00:56:49.630989][f=0121014] : self-destruct in 5s
[t=00:56:50.565327][f=0121042] : self-destruct in 4s
[t=00:56:50.629510][f=0121044] : self-destruct in 4s
[t=00:56:50.629978][f=0121044] : self-destruct in 4s
[t=00:56:50.630197][f=0121044] : self-destruct in 4s
[t=00:56:50.630246][f=0121044] : self-destruct in 4s
[t=00:56:51.572349][f=0121072] : self-destruct in 3s
[t=00:56:51.629824][f=0121074] : self-destruct in 3s
[t=00:56:51.630242][f=0121074] : self-destruct in 3s
[t=00:56:51.630475][f=0121074] : self-destruct in 3s
[t=00:56:52.569647][f=0121102] : self-destruct in 2s
[t=00:56:52.636657][f=0121104] : self-destruct in 2s
[t=00:56:52.637063][f=0121104] : self-destruct in 2s
[t=00:56:52.637237][f=0121104] : self-destruct in 2s
[t=00:56:53.564682][f=0121132] : self-destruct in 1s
[t=00:56:53.630215][f=0121134] : self-destruct in 1s
[t=00:56:53.630638][f=0121134] : self-destruct in 1s
[t=00:57:00.330634][f=0121335] Dreadnought is being attacked!
[t=00:57:16.363046][f=0121816] Buccaneer is being attacked!
[t=00:57:21.141302][f=0121959] HiMom (AI) shared units to LoloJojo (AI): Naval Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=00:57:31.397306][f=0122267] Paladin is being attacked!
[t=00:57:47.773534][f=0122758] Lunkhead is being attacked!
[t=00:58:03.066206][f=0123217] Buccaneer is being attacked!
[t=00:58:30.508653][f=0124040] Pincer is being attacked!
[t=00:58:45.511209][f=0124490] Pincer is being attacked!
[t=00:59:28.897547][f=0125792] Eel is being attacked!
[t=00:59:43.976144][f=0126244] Lunkhead is being attacked!
[t=01:00:13.241637][f=0127122] Turtle is being attacked!
[t=01:00:34.271502][f=0127753] Paladin is being attacked!
[t=01:00:52.477674][f=0128299] Eel is being attacked!
[t=01:01:17.869441][f=0129061] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:01:46.304340][f=0129914] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=01:02:02.165953][f=0130390] Blink is being attacked!
[t=01:02:17.902657][f=0130862] Paladin is being attacked!
[t=01:02:32.915491][f=0131312] Dreadnought is being attacked!
[t=01:03:50.041625][f=0133626] Sweeper is being attacked!
[t=01:04:23.334523][f=0134625] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:04:38.399766][f=0135077] Maelstrom is being attacked!
[t=01:04:53.712184][f=0135536] Construction Hovercraft is being attacked!
[t=01:05:09.004430][f=0135995] Paladin is being attacked!
[t=01:05:40.699869][f=0136946] Pincer is being attacked!
[t=01:05:58.841215][f=0137490] Paladin is being attacked!
[t=01:06:19.012506][f=0138095] Paladin is being attacked!
[t=01:06:57.875899][f=0139261] Turtle is being attacked!
[t=01:07:10.131468][f=0139628] <Player> Allies: air
[t=01:07:12.903622][f=0139712] Ambassador is being attacked!
[t=01:07:28.474023][f=0140179] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:07:53.868777][f=0140941] Turtle is being attacked!
[t=01:08:09.042170][f=0141396] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=01:08:24.135201][f=0141849] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:08:39.875906][f=0142321] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:08:58.972244][f=0142894] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:09:20.246937][f=0143532] Dragonslayer is being attacked!
[t=01:09:35.538563][f=0143991] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:09:50.544458][f=0144441] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:10:07.378669][f=0144946] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:10:23.900946][f=0145442] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:10:38.981091][f=0145894] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:10:54.009993][f=0146345] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:11:14.242496][f=0146952] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:11:31.672600][f=0147475] Juggernaut is being attacked!
[t=01:11:46.718100][f=0147926] Juggernaut is being attacked!
[t=01:12:01.781544][f=0148378] Juggernaut is being attacked!
[t=01:12:17.342842][f=0148845] Eel is being attacked!
[t=01:12:33.012992][f=0149315] Juggernaut is being attacked!
[t=01:12:49.246345][f=0149802] Jaguar is being attacked!
[t=01:13:04.302184][f=0150254] Construction Hovercraft is being attacked!
[t=01:13:19.709613][f=0150716] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:13:34.737256][f=0151167] Possum is being attacked!
[t=01:13:50.101655][f=0151628] Pincer is being attacked!
[t=01:14:21.047472][f=0152556] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:14:36.078593][f=0153007] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:14:51.781019][f=0153478] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:15:06.870788][f=0153931] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:15:21.877856][f=0154381] Hornet is being attacked!
[t=01:15:40.175361][f=0154930] Turtle is being attacked!
[t=01:15:55.440377][f=0155388] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:16:04.154611][f=0155649] LoloJojo (AI) shared units to HiMom (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:16:13.568369][f=0155932] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:16:28.640174][f=0156384] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:16:44.077001][f=0156847] Tsunami is being attacked!
[t=01:16:59.249669][f=0157302] Bull is being attacked!
[t=01:17:10.575706][f=0157642] Armada Commander is being attacked!
[t=01:17:58.109150][f=0159068] Pincer is being attacked!
[t=01:18:13.306862][f=0159524] Pincer is being attacked!
[t=01:18:28.369443][f=0159976] Hornet is being attacked!
[t=01:18:47.313930][f=0160544] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:19:09.104484][f=0161198] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:19:25.113490][f=0161678] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:19:41.347214][f=0162165] Tsunami is being attacked!
[t=01:19:56.605728][f=0162623] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:20:07.605767][f=0162953] LoloJojo (AI) shared units to HiMom (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:20:14.813309][f=0163169] Lunkhead is being attacked!
[t=01:20:26.711623][f=0163526] Added Eel to autogroup #3.
[t=01:20:26.711664][f=0163526] Added Serpent to autogroup #3.
[t=01:20:26.711685][f=0163526] Added Blizzard to autogroup #3.
[t=01:20:26.711705][f=0163526] Added Longbow to autogroup #3.
[t=01:20:26.711724][f=0163526] Added Maelstrom to autogroup #3.
[t=01:20:26.711743][f=0163526] Added Dragonslayer to autogroup #3.
[t=01:20:26.711783][f=0163526] Added Paladin to autogroup #3.
[t=01:20:26.711803][f=0163526] Added Bermuda to autogroup #3.
[t=01:20:30.697112][f=0163646] Shellshocker is being attacked!
[t=01:20:45.848579][f=0164100] Consul is being attacked!
[t=01:20:57.079487][f=0164437] LoloJojo (AI) shared units to HiMom (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:21:01.045728][f=0164556] Blizzard is being attacked!
[t=01:21:01.620331][f=0164573] HiMom (AI) shared units to LoloJojo (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:21:31.196131][f=0165461] Ambassador is being attacked!
[t=01:21:47.641498][f=0165954] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:21:53.083331][f=0166117] LoloJojo (AI) shared units to HiMom (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:22:15.699454][f=0166796] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:22:30.741508][f=0167247] Titan is being attacked!
[t=01:22:42.586039][f=0167602] LoloJojo (AI) shared units to HiMom (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:22:47.508347][f=0167750] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:23:03.679829][f=0168235] Longbow is being attacked!
[t=01:23:39.100431][f=0169298] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=01:23:43.581974][f=0169432] LoloJojo (AI) shared units to HiMom (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:23:55.306345][f=0169784] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=01:24:30.366329][f=0170836] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=01:24:52.132307][f=0171489] Dragonslayer is being attacked!
[t=01:24:52.158013][f=0171490] Centurion has bowed out
[t=01:24:52.158847][f=0171490] DrWizzard is toast
[t=01:24:52.159750][f=0171490] [Master_Conquest] was terminated
[t=01:24:52.179387][f=0171490] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=1)]
[t=01:24:52.184910][f=0171490] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=2)]
[t=01:24:52.189930][f=0171490] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=3)]
[t=01:24:52.198991][f=0171490] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(3)" (ID: 1) being removed from team 2
[t=01:24:52.238660][f=0171491] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(5)" (ID: 2) being removed from team 3
[t=01:24:52.253804][f=0171491] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(4)" (ID: 3) being removed from team 4
[t=01:24:57.976980][f=0171664] EndGame Graph disabled
[t=01:24:57.978317][f=0171664] Input grabbing is disabled!
[t=01:24:57.978354][f=0171664] <autoquit> Automatically exiting in 12 seconds. Move mouse to postpone the quit for 60 seconds
[t=01:25:07.594178][f=0171952] EndGame Graph enabled, causes reload
[t=01:25:11.131105][f=0172058] EndGame Graph disabled
[t=01:25:13.833019][f=0172139] EndGame Graph disabled
[t=01:25:13.879571][f=0172141] Player paused the game
[t=01:25:14.864102][f=0172141] Player unpaused the game
[t=01:25:20.627434][f=0172314] EndGame Graph disabled
[t=01:25:20.685232][f=0172316] Player paused the game
[t=01:25:22.388921][f=0172316] [ReloadAction] user exited to menu
[t=01:25:22.388948][f=0172316] [SpringApp::Reload][1]
[t=01:25:22.388958][f=0172316] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=6 maximum=12 (init=0)
[t=01:25:22.413938][f=0172316] [async=0] threads=6 tasks=14733665 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{1824002.875, 0.124}, {790562.500, 0.054}}ms
[t=01:25:22.413979][f=0172316] thread=1 tasks=2946733 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{388631.344, 0.000, 494.016, 0.132}, {89168.141, 0.000, 18446744027136.000, 0.030}}ms
[t=01:25:22.413994][f=0172316] thread=2 tasks=2946733 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{362914.438, 0.000, 486.955, 0.123}, {167666.000, 0.000, 18446744027136.000, 0.057}}ms
[t=01:25:22.414006][f=0172316] thread=3 tasks=2946733 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{357749.688, 0.000, 1123.780, 0.121}, {176716.344, 0.000, 18446744027136.000, 0.060}}ms
[t=01:25:22.414023][f=0172316] thread=4 tasks=2946733 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{355324.719, 0.000, 484.871, 0.121}, {178837.812, 0.000, 18446744027136.000, 0.061}}ms
[t=01:25:22.414036][f=0172316] thread=5 tasks=2946733 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{359382.812, 0.000, 479.386, 0.122}, {178174.125, 0.000, 100.718, 0.060}}ms
[t=01:25:22.414049][f=0172316] [async=1] threads=6 tasks=1638 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{41732.793, 25.478}, {8924204.000, 5448.232}}ms
[t=01:25:22.414064][f=0172316] thread=1 tasks=327 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{8360.115, 0.001, 1423.865, 25.566}, {1807320.125, 1.339, 8368.938, 5526.973}}ms
[t=01:25:22.414076][f=0172316] thread=2 tasks=328 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{8333.896, 0.001, 1408.220, 25.408}, {1773319.625, 1.324, 8360.604, 5406.462}}ms
[t=01:25:22.414089][f=0172316] thread=3 tasks=328 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{8339.097, 0.001, 1406.296, 25.424}, {1809766.375, 1.320, 8368.740, 5517.581}}ms
[t=01:25:22.414104][f=0172316] thread=4 tasks=328 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{8337.732, 0.001, 1408.489, 25.420}, {1757496.500, 0.262, 8364.453, 5358.221}}ms
[t=01:25:22.414117][f=0172316] thread=5 tasks=327 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{8361.953, 0.001, 1431.995, 25.572}, {1776301.625, 0.306, 8356.317, 5432.115}}ms
[t=01:25:22.414126][f=0172316] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[t=01:25:22.414149][f=0172316] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=6 current=1 maximum=12 (init=1)
[t=01:25:22.414448][f=0172316] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=5
[t=01:25:22.414678][f=0172316] [Threading] Worker 3 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x4
[t=01:25:22.414749][f=0172316] [Threading] Worker 5 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x10
[t=01:25:22.414802][f=0172316] [Threading] Worker 2 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x2
[t=01:25:22.414946][f=0172316] [Threading] Worker 4 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x8
[t=01:25:22.415148][f=0172316] [Threading] Worker 1 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x1
[t=01:25:22.415190][f=0172316] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 0xfe0
[t=01:25:22.415202][f=0172316] [SpringApp::Reload][2]
[t=01:25:22.415290][f=0172316] [DemoRecorder::WriteDemoFile] writing client-demo "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\demos\2024-05-08_02-50-27-579_Cape_Violet_V1_105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 BAR105.sdfz" (61008455 bytes)
[t=01:25:22.415374][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=0 loadscreen=0000000000000000
[t=01:25:22.415383][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=0 luaUI=000002166f04f4a0
[t=01:25:22.453772][f=0172316] Highlight Unit Widget Exiting, nil
[t=01:25:22.454529][f=0172316] Healthbars GL4 unloaded hooks
[t=01:25:22.455099][f=0172316] frames-per-second indicator is enabled!
[t=01:25:22.461313][f=0172316] small digital clock is enabled!
[t=01:25:22.467556][f=0172316] simulation speed indicator is enabled!
[t=01:25:22.467658][f=0172316] EndGame Graph enabled, causes reload
[t=01:25:22.475068][f=0172316] Reloaded cmdcolors from file: cmdcolors.tmp
[t=01:25:22.694401][f=0172316] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaUI (unsynced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 273353313, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 23204729152}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0087}
[t=01:25:22.708302][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=0 luaGaia=000002166ee03b50
[t=01:25:22.716756][f=0172316] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaGaia (unsynced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 1, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 30}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}
[t=01:25:22.717252][f=0172316] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaGaia (synced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 0, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 0}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}
[t=01:25:22.717302][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=0 luaRules=000002166ee02320
[t=01:25:22.773966][f=0172316] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (unsynced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 1505, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 291097}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0379}
[t=01:25:22.775932][f=0172316] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (synced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 0, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 0}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}
[t=01:25:22.776027][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=0
[t=01:25:22.776037][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][5] dtor=0
[t=01:25:22.792256][f=0172316] [SpringApp::Reload][3]
[t=01:25:22.792279][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::Kill] soundThread.joinable()=1
[t=01:25:22.811623][f=0172316] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[t=01:25:22.811662][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] #sources=255 #items=416
[t=01:25:22.812642][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=00000215eda1bb80 dev=00000215ee25f020
[t=01:25:22.812798][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5] ctx=00000215eda1bb80 dev=00000215ee25f020
[t=01:25:22.812829][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcDestroyContext(00000215eda1bb80)]
[t=01:25:22.814093][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcCloseDevice(00000215ee25f020)]
[t=01:25:22.828270][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][SDL_CloseAudioDevice(2)]
[t=01:25:22.857393][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][6]
[t=01:25:22.858380][f=0172316] [SpringApp::Reload][4]
[t=01:25:22.858398][f=0172316] [Game::~CGame][1]
[t=01:25:22.858406][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=1 loadscreen=0000000000000000
[t=01:25:22.858440][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=1 luaUI=0000000000000000
[t=01:25:22.858448][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=1 luaGaia=0000000000000000
[t=01:25:22.858455][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=1 luaRules=0000000000000000
[t=01:25:22.858462][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=1
[t=01:25:22.858474][f=0172316] [Game::KillLua][5] dtor=1
[t=01:25:22.858622][f=0172316] [Game::KillMisc][1]
[t=01:25:22.858672][f=0172316] [Game::KillMisc][2]
[t=01:25:22.858691][f=0172316] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=4)]
[t=01:25:22.872436][f=0172316] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=0)]
[t=01:25:22.928471][f=0172316] [Game::KillMisc][3]
[t=01:25:22.928492][f=0172316] [Game::KillRendering][1]
[t=01:25:22.939971][f=0172316] [~CRectangleOverlapHandler] 21% overlap reduction
[t=01:25:23.026358][f=0172316] [3DOParser::Kill] allocated 1 pieces
[t=01:25:23.026381][f=0172316] [S3OParser::Kill] allocated 5735 pieces
[t=01:25:23.027559][f=0172316] [AssParser::Kill] allocated 0 pieces
[t=01:25:23.077644][f=0172316] [Game::KillInterface][1]
[t=01:25:23.085682][f=0172316] [Game::KillInterface][2]
[t=01:25:23.087457][f=0172316] [Game::KillSimulation][1]
[t=01:25:23.087523][f=0172316] [Game::KillSimulation][2]
[t=01:25:23.193300][f=0172316] [CCollisionHandler] dis-/continuous tests: 4293/76590592
[t=01:25:23.193327][f=0172316] [Game::KillSimulation][3]
[t=01:25:23.244827][f=0172316] ~PathManager: 0 entities still active!
[t=01:25:23.715275][f=0172316] [~CRectangleOverlapHandler] 21% overlap reduction
[t=01:25:23.761217][f=0172316] [LosHandler::Kill] raycast instance cache-{hits,misses}={1394542,1100022}; shared=21%; cached=35%
[t=01:25:23.782202][f=0172316] [Game::KillSimulation][4]
[t=01:25:24.110293][f=0172316] [CommonDefHandler::KillStatic] 3030 sound-set data items added
[t=01:25:24.110328][f=0172316] [Game::~CGame][2]
[t=01:25:24.113492][f=0172316] [Game::~CGame][3]
[t=01:25:24.113554][f=0172316] [NetProto::~CNetProtocol] [LocalConnection::Statistics]
48844597 bytes sent
47531242 bytes recv'd
[t=01:25:24.123988][f=0172316] Kill: client disconnecting...
[t=01:25:24.586953][f=0172316] CloseConnection: client connection closed
[t=01:25:24.587122][f=0172316] [SpringApp::Reload][5]
[t=01:25:24.587161][f=0172316] [SpringApp::Reload][6]
[t=01:25:24.587175][f=0172316] [VFS] [SpringVFS::UnMapArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(reload=1)] (#mod=15841 #map=64 #menu=2434)
[t=01:25:24.591097][f=0172316] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base
[t=01:25:24.591403][f=0172316] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\maps
[t=01:25:24.591524][f=0172316] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\games
[t=01:25:24.591700][f=0172316] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps
[t=01:25:24.592795][f=0172316] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages
[t=01:25:24.595995][f=0172316] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 4ms
[t=01:25:24.596013][f=0172316] [SpringApp::Reload][7]
[t=01:25:24.599719][f=0172316] [SpringApp::Reload][8]
[t=01:25:24.606117][f=0172316] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (6.4ms)
[t=01:25:24.606368][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=256
[t=01:25:24.606389][f=0172316] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[t=01:25:24.606398][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[t=01:25:24.606453][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] UseSDLAudio is set, rendering openal-soft audio to SDL buffer and let SDL audio handle the hardware
[t=01:25:24.627892][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] SDL audio device(s):
[t=01:25:24.627915][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "0" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)"
[t=01:25:24.627927][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "1" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)"
[t=01:25:24.627935][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "2" "Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=01:25:24.627943][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "3" "ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)"
[t=01:25:24.627964][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "4" "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=01:25:24.627978][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[t=01:25:24.641906][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening loopback device
[t=01:25:24.643398][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] device=000002161d11a020(default) context=00000217264d56c0 numChannels=2 frameSize=8
[t=01:25:24.643458][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[t=01:25:24.643472][f=0172316] [Sound] Vendor: OpenAL Community
[t=01:25:24.643481][f=0172316] [Sound] Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.21.0
[t=01:25:24.643491][f=0172316] [Sound] Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[t=01:25:24.643503][f=0172316] [Sound] AL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_BFORMAT AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_BFORMAT AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_EXT_SOURCE_RADIUS AL_EXT_STEREO_ANGLES AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_bformat_ex AL_SOFTX_bformat_hoa AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFTX_callback_buffer AL_SOFTX_convolution_reverb AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_direct_channels_remix AL_SOFT_effect_target AL_SOFT_events AL_SOFTX_filter_gain_ex AL_SOFT_gain_clamp_ex AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFTX_map_buffer AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length AL_SOFT_source_resampler AL_SOFT_source_spatialize
[t=01:25:24.643594][f=0172316] [Sound] ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_loopback_bformat ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[t=01:25:24.643634][f=0172316] [Sound] Devices:
[t=01:25:24.652858][f=0172316] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=01:25:24.652893][f=0172316] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)]
[t=01:25:24.652901][f=0172316] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)]
[t=01:25:24.652909][f=0172316] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[t=01:25:24.652917][f=0172316] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=01:25:24.652928][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=29
[t=01:25:24.652941][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={256,255}
[t=01:25:24.654489][f=0172316] [Sound] EFX Enabled: yes
[t=01:25:24.654512][f=0172316] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[t=01:25:24.705668][f=0172316] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 105ms
[t=01:25:24.705788][f=0172316] [SpringApp::Reload][10]
[t=01:25:24.705852][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][11]
[t=01:25:24.705862][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "rapid://byar-chobby:test"
[t=01:25:24.723104][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="BYAR Chobby test-3273-6fb691f", overwrite=false)] section=3 cached=1
[t=01:25:24.724592][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=01:25:24.724840][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=01:25:24.763502][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][12] #script=0
[t=01:25:24.763761][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Activate(msg="")] luaMenu=00000215e864d0c0
[t=01:25:24.763788][f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, true
[t=01:25:24.764117][f=-000001] Starting Track, luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - divergents.ogg, 0.5
[t=01:25:24.803251][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][13] reloadCount=2
[t=01:25:24.805382][f=-000001] Missing self.client!!!
[t=01:25:24.805441][f=-000001] TotalHideLobbyInterface, false
[t=01:25:25.417995][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=01:25:25.818196][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=01:25:26.816729][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=6 (standard)
[t=01:25:27.875981][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=01:25:29.461439][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaVFS::UnMapArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(reload=0)] (#mod=0 #map=0 #menu=2434)
[t=01:25:29.461463][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Beyond All Reason test-25990-cd89bfb", overwrite=false)] section=0 cached=0
[t=01:25:29.483232][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaVFS::RemoveArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(archiveName="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp")][1] section=0
[t=01:25:29.483326][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaVFS::RemoveArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>][2] #files[section]=15842/0
[t=01:25:29.483841][f=-000001] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" numZipFiles=15842 sumInflSize=2148053kb sumReadTime=0ms
[t=01:25:29.483880][f=-000001] file="modoptions.lua" indx=8635 inflSize=47kb readTime=0ms
[t=01:25:29.483889][f=-000001] file=".github/issue_template/bug_report.yml" indx=4 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=01:25:29.483897][f=-000001] file=".github/workflows/issue_labeler.yml" indx=8 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=01:25:29.483905][f=-000001] file=".github/workflows/main.yml" indx=9 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=01:25:29.483913][f=-000001] file=".github/" indx=7 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=01:25:29.483928][f=-000001] file=".github/" indx=3 inflSize=5kb readTime=0ms
[t=01:25:29.483936][f=-000001] file=".gitattributes" indx=1 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=01:25:29.483943][f=-000001] file=".github/issue_template/config.yml" indx=5 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=01:25:29.483950][f=-000001] file=".editorconfig" indx=0 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=01:25:29.483957][f=-000001] file=".github/advanced-issue-labeler.yml" indx=2 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=01:25:29.486220][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaVFS::ReMapArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(reload=0)] (#mod=0 #map=0 #menu=0)
[t=01:25:31.575805][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base
[t=01:25:31.576196][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\maps
[t=01:25:31.576359][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\games
[t=01:25:31.576640][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps
[t=01:25:31.578325][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages
[t=01:25:31.582237][f=-000001] Warning: [ArchiveData] version "3.0" included in name "Tropical Assault v3.0"
[t=01:25:31.586832][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 11ms
[t=01:25:32.252798][f=-000001] SortableList tried to scroll to non-existent item, Tropical Assault v3.0
[t=01:25:38.923324][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=01:25:38.981707][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=01:25:42.298626][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=01:25:43.167216][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=01:25:46.128769][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base
[t=01:25:46.129020][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\maps
[t=01:25:46.129107][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\games
[t=01:25:46.129283][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps
[t=01:25:46.130386][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages
[t=01:25:46.133756][f=-000001] Warning: [ArchiveData] version "1" included in name "Archsimkats_Valley_V1"
[t=01:25:46.135933][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 7ms
[t=01:25:59.065946][f=-000001] LuaArchive::GetAvailableAIs] game="Beyond All Reason test-25990-cd89bfb" (cached=0 loaded=0) map="" (cached=0 loaded=0)
[t=01:25:59.065983][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaArchiveVFS::UnMapArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(reload=0)] (#mod=0 #map=0 #menu=2434)
[t=01:25:59.065997][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaArchiveVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Beyond All Reason test-25990-cd89bfb", overwrite=false)] section=0 cached=0
[t=01:25:59.087760][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaArchiveVFS::ReMapArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(reload=0)] (#mod=15842 #map=0 #menu=0)
[t=01:26:10.962813][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=01:26:11.291229][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=01:26:12.440491][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=01:26:13.443839][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=6 (standard)
[t=01:26:14.878836][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=01:26:15.973276][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=01:26:16.973932][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=6 (standard)
[t=01:26:17.658936][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=01:26:21.198423][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=01:26:21.268162][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=01:26:25.622794][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=01:26:26.270538][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=01:26:27.991232][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=01:26:28.431632][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=01:26:33.798316][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, XResolutionWindowed, 2560
[t=01:26:33.798370][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, YResolutionWindowed, 1440
[t=01:26:33.798382][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, WindowPosX, 0
[t=01:26:33.798393][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, WindowPosY, 0
[t=01:26:33.798403][f=-000001] SetSettings Value, WindowBorderless, 1
[t=01:26:33.798422][f=-000001] Missing self.client!!!
[t=01:26:33.798431][f=-000001] Game starting, ensuring Chobby garbage is collected.
[t=01:26:33.823312][f=-000001] Skirmish: Using custom startboxes, <table>
[t=01:26:33.823336][f=-000001] Skirmish: startbox for team:, 1, is, 160, 0, 200, 200
[t=01:26:33.824486][f=-000001] Skirmish: startbox for team:, 0, is, 0, 0, 40, 200
[t=01:26:33.824677][f=-000001] [Game]
startrectright = 0.2;
startrectbottom = 1;
startrectleft = 0;
numallies = 0;
startrecttop = 0;
startrectright = 1;
startrectbottom = 1;
startrectleft = 0.80000001;
numallies = 0;
startrecttop = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(6);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 2;
Version = stable;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(5);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 5;
Version = stable;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(1);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 6;
Version = stable;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(4);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 7;
Version = stable;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(2);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 3;
Version = stable;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(3);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 4;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = SimpleConstructorAI(1);
ShortName = SimpleConstructorAI;
Team = 1;
Version = <not-versioned>;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = Player;
Team = 0;
rank = 0;
hostip =;
hostport = 0;
numplayers = 1;
startpostype = 2;
mapname = Archsimkats_Valley_V1;
ishost = 1;
numusers = 8;
gametype = Beyond All Reason test-25990-cd89bfb;
nohelperais = 0;
GameStartDelay = 5;
myplayername = Player;
[t=01:26:33.824844][f=-000001] [ReloadOrRestart] Spring "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\spring.exe" should be reloading
[t=01:26:33.824880][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][1]
[t=01:26:33.824887][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=6 maximum=12 (init=0)
[t=01:26:33.854260][f=-000001] [async=0] threads=6 tasks=30 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{5.174, 0.172}, {0.047, 0.002}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854286][f=-000001] thread=1 tasks=6 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{1.037, 0.151, 0.187, 0.173}, {0.011, 0.000, 0.010, 0.002}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854316][f=-000001] thread=2 tasks=6 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{1.028, 0.150, 0.185, 0.171}, {0.006, 0.000, 0.004, 0.001}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854328][f=-000001] thread=3 tasks=6 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{1.033, 0.149, 0.186, 0.172}, {0.008, 0.000, 0.006, 0.001}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854340][f=-000001] thread=4 tasks=6 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{1.035, 0.151, 0.184, 0.173}, {0.013, 0.000, 0.010, 0.002}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854357][f=-000001] thread=5 tasks=6 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{1.041, 0.156, 0.190, 0.173}, {0.010, 0.000, 0.007, 0.002}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854368][f=-000001] [async=1] threads=6 tasks=5 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.888, 0.178}, {1.176, 0.235}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854386][f=-000001] thread=1 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.173, 0.173, 0.173, 0.173}, {0.523, 0.523, 0.523, 0.523}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854398][f=-000001] thread=2 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.122, 0.122, 0.122, 0.122}, {0.229, 0.229, 0.229, 0.229}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854413][f=-000001] thread=3 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.228, 0.228, 0.228, 0.228}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854425][f=-000001] thread=4 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.154, 0.154, 0.154, 0.154}, {0.348, 0.348, 0.348, 0.348}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854437][f=-000001] thread=5 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.212, 0.212, 0.212, 0.212}, {0.075, 0.075, 0.075, 0.075}}ms
[t=01:26:33.854449][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[t=01:26:33.854474][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=6 current=1 maximum=12 (init=1)
[t=01:26:33.854750][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=5
[t=01:26:33.854899][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 1 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x1
[t=01:26:33.854922][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 2 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x2
[t=01:26:33.855147][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 4 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x8
[t=01:26:33.855176][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 3 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x4
[t=01:26:33.855321][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 5 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x10
[t=01:26:33.855392][f=-000001] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 0xfe0
[t=01:26:33.855405][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][2]
[t=01:26:33.855413][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][3]
[t=01:26:33.855420][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Kill] soundThread.joinable()=1
[t=01:26:33.889131][f=-000001] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[t=01:26:33.889172][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] #sources=255 #items=1
[t=01:26:33.889891][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=00000217264d56c0 dev=000002161d11a020
[t=01:26:33.890450][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5] ctx=00000217264d56c0 dev=000002161d11a020
[t=01:26:33.890466][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcDestroyContext(00000217264d56c0)]
[t=01:26:33.902451][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcCloseDevice(000002161d11a020)]
[t=01:26:33.902555][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][SDL_CloseAudioDevice(2)]
[t=01:26:33.925731][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][6]
[t=01:26:33.926504][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][4]
[t=01:26:33.926519][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][5]
[t=01:26:33.926553][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][6]
[t=01:26:33.926561][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::UnMapArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(reload=1)] (#mod=0 #map=0 #menu=2434)
[t=01:26:33.929390][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base
[t=01:26:33.929655][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\maps
[t=01:26:33.929760][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\games
[t=01:26:33.930021][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps
[t=01:26:33.931183][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages
[t=01:26:33.934677][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 5ms
[t=01:26:33.934706][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][7]
[t=01:26:33.934916][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][8]
[t=01:26:33.935026][f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.1ms)
[t=01:26:33.935350][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=256
[t=01:26:33.935376][f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[t=01:26:33.935386][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[t=01:26:33.935413][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] UseSDLAudio is set, rendering openal-soft audio to SDL buffer and let SDL audio handle the hardware
[t=01:26:33.958397][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] SDL audio device(s):
[t=01:26:33.958422][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "0" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)"
[t=01:26:33.958433][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "1" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)"
[t=01:26:33.958441][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "2" "Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=01:26:33.958463][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "3" "ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)"
[t=01:26:33.958473][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "4" "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=01:26:33.958486][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[t=01:26:33.971246][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening loopback device
[t=01:26:33.972393][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] device=000002161d11a020(default) context=00000216cc7722d0 numChannels=2 frameSize=8
[t=01:26:33.972426][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[t=01:26:33.972434][f=-000001] [Sound] Vendor: OpenAL Community
[t=01:26:33.972442][f=-000001] [Sound] Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.21.0
[t=01:26:33.972449][f=-000001] [Sound] Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[t=01:26:33.972457][f=-000001] [Sound] AL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_BFORMAT AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_BFORMAT AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_EXT_SOURCE_RADIUS AL_EXT_STEREO_ANGLES AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_bformat_ex AL_SOFTX_bformat_hoa AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFTX_callback_buffer AL_SOFTX_convolution_reverb AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_direct_channels_remix AL_SOFT_effect_target AL_SOFT_events AL_SOFTX_filter_gain_ex AL_SOFT_gain_clamp_ex AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFTX_map_buffer AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length AL_SOFT_source_resampler AL_SOFT_source_spatialize
[t=01:26:33.972499][f=-000001] [Sound] ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_loopback_bformat ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[t=01:26:33.972518][f=-000001] [Sound] Devices:
[t=01:26:33.978874][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=01:26:33.978913][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)]
[t=01:26:33.978922][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)]
[t=01:26:33.978930][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[t=01:26:33.978938][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=01:26:33.978949][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=29
[t=01:26:33.978962][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={256,255}
[t=01:26:33.980543][f=-000001] [Sound] EFX Enabled: yes
[t=01:26:33.980572][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[t=01:26:34.034927][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 99ms
[t=01:26:34.035037][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][10]
[t=01:26:34.035056][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][11]
[t=01:26:34.035063][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "rapid://byar-chobby:test"
[t=01:26:34.048730][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="BYAR Chobby test-3273-6fb691f", overwrite=false)] section=3 cached=1
[t=01:26:34.050005][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=01:26:34.050128][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=01:26:34.075765][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][12] #script=2443
[t=01:26:34.077404][f=-000001] [CPreGame] using server IP and port 0
[t=01:26:34.077790][f=-000001] [NetProto::InitLocalClient] connecting to local server
[t=01:26:34.092476][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddMapArchivesToVFS][server=0000000000000000] using map "Archsimkats_Valley_V1" (loaded=0 cached=0)
[t=01:26:34.092638][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Archsimkats_Valley_V1", overwrite=false)] section=1 cached=0
[t=01:26:34.093358][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Map Helper v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=01:26:37.750161][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="archsimkats_valley_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=01:26:37.750319][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=01:26:47.930785][f=-000001] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" numZipFiles=15842 sumInflSize=2148053kb sumReadTime=41055ms
[t=01:26:47.930828][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/raptor_scum/alien_guts_colorheight.tga" indx=8246 inflSize=16384kb readTime=141ms
[t=01:26:47.930839][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/raptor_scum/alien_guts_normalspec.tga" indx=8248 inflSize=16384kb readTime=133ms
[t=01:26:47.930864][f=-000001] file="fonts/sourcehansans-regular.ttc" indx=6168 inflSize=19029kb readTime=123ms
[t=01:26:47.930873][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/raptor_scum/" indx=8247 inflSize=21845kb readTime=122ms
[t=01:26:47.930881][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/groundscars/t_groundcrack_09_a.tga" indx=8013 inflSize=16384kb readTime=108ms
[t=01:26:47.930891][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/" indx=7902 inflSize=21845kb readTime=107ms
[t=01:26:47.930904][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/groundscars/t_groundcrack_21_a.tga" indx=8085 inflSize=16384kb readTime=104ms
[t=01:26:47.930913][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/groundscars/t_groundcrack_21_n.tga" indx=8086 inflSize=16384kb readTime=89ms
[t=01:26:47.930921][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/groundscars/t_groundcrack_09_n.tga" indx=8016 inflSize=16384kb readTime=89ms
[t=01:26:47.930931][f=-000001] file="music/original/bossfight/matteo dell'acqua - mother of all raptors.ogg" indx=8657 inflSize=10732kb readTime=88ms
[t=01:26:47.933702][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=01:26:47.933894][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=01:26:47.934048][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=01:26:47.934083][f=-000001] [PreGame::StartServer]
[t=01:26:47.934235][f=-000001] Warning: [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] opening socket on loopback address, other users will not be able to connect!
[t=01:26:47.934585][f=-000001] [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] binding UDP socket to IPv4-address ( on port 0
[t=01:26:47.934602][f=-000001] [UDPListener] successfully bound socket on port 58143
[t=01:26:47.936443][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::StartServer] 13858ms
[t=01:26:47.936457][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][13] reloadCount=3
[t=01:26:47.953553][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddMapArchivesToVFS][server=0000021699095660] using map "Archsimkats_Valley_V1" (loaded=1 cached=0)
[t=01:26:47.953766][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Archsimkats_Valley_V1", overwrite=false)] section=1 cached=0
[t=01:26:47.953835][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Map Helper v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=01:26:47.953903][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddModArchivesToVFS][server=0000021699095660] using game "Beyond All Reason test-25990-cd89bfb" (loaded=0 cached=1)
[t=01:26:47.954061][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Beyond All Reason test-25990-cd89bfb", overwrite=false)] section=0 cached=1
[t=01:26:47.961390][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=01:26:47.961556][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=01:26:47.961896][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="archsimkats_valley_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=01:26:47.961968][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=01:26:47.962271][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=01:26:47.962352][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=01:26:47.962411][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=01:26:47.964238][f=-000001] [CDemoRecorder::WriteSetupText] SetupText="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"
[t=01:26:47.964464][f=-000001] [PreGame::GameDataReceived] recording demo to "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\demos\2024-05-08_04-16-41-528_Archsimkats_Valley_V1_105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 BAR105.sdfz"
[t=01:26:47.964487][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::GameDataReceived] 28ms
[t=01:26:47.965278][f=-000001] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] received local player number 0 (team 0, allyteam 0), creating LoadScreen
[t=01:26:47.975771][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:26:47.979865][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="archsimkats_valley_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=01:26:47.979945][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=01:26:47.980266][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=01:26:47.980332][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=01:26:47.980397][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=01:26:48.073629][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Searching for new Widgets
[t=01:26:48.073650][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Addons/
[t=01:26:48.073693][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Widgets/
[t=01:26:48.073719][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemAddons/
[t=01:26:48.073733][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemWidgets/
[t=01:26:48.073746][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/chili/
[t=01:26:48.074581][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "SpringLogo"
[t=01:26:48.074892][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadTexture"
[t=01:26:48.075649][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadProgress"
[t=01:26:48.076891][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Main"
[t=01:26:48.077283][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Music"
[t=01:26:48.077301][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widgets <>=vfs **=raw ()=unknown
[t=01:26:48.077924][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: Engine Taskbar Stuff <engine_taskbar_control.lua>
[t=01:26:48.080069][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: LoadProgress <loadprogress.lua>
[t=01:26:48.100087][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: Main <main.lua>
[t=01:26:48.100835][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: Music <music.lua>
[t=01:26:48.128214][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: LoadTexture <bg_texture.lua>
[t=01:26:48.128440][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] LuaIntro v1.0 (Lua 5.1 with Recoil-specific changes)
[t=01:26:48.133832][f=-000001] Setting Mouse Drag thresholds based on resolution (2560x1440) for Selection to 21, and Command to 37
[t=01:26:48.136616][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::Init] single-threaded
[t=01:26:48.136641][f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [load]
[t=01:26:48.136785][f=-000001] [Game::Load][1] globalQuit=0 threaded=0
[t=01:26:48.136800][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Parsing Map Information"
[t=01:26:48.922380][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading SMF"
[t=01:26:49.024494][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Map (107 MB)"
[t=01:26:51.524759][f=-000001] Warning: [CSMFReadMap::CreateSplatDetailTextures] Invalid SMF splatDetailTex maps/iwantDNTS.tga. Creating fallback texture
[t=01:26:51.922863][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadMap] 3786ms
[t=01:26:51.922916][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading GameData Definitions"
[t=01:26:51.933698][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="archsimkats_valley_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=01:26:51.933834][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=01:26:51.934163][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=01:26:51.934237][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=01:26:51.934311][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=01:26:52.101748][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Loading all definitions: ] 161ms
[t=01:26:52.126128][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (GameData)] 203ms
[t=01:26:52.126156][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Radar Icons"
[t=01:26:53.522639][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Sound Definitions"
[t=01:26:53.532766][f=-000001] [Sound] [LoadSoundDefsImpl] parsed 896 sounds from gamedata/sounds.lua
[t=01:26:53.533452][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (Sound)] 10ms
[t=01:26:53.533468][f=-000001] [Game::Load][2] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=01:26:53.533482][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Smooth Height Mesh"
[t=01:26:53.545247][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][SmoothHeightMesh::MakeSmoothMesh] 7ms
[t=01:26:53.545278][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating QuadField & CEGs"
[t=01:26:53.547690][f=-000001] [Init] number of ArmorDefs: 16
[t=01:26:53.547844][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legsolar" in ArmorDef "standard" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=01:26:53.547893][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legsolar_scav" in ArmorDef "standard" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=01:26:53.547920][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legca" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=01:26:53.547929][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legaca" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=01:26:53.547986][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legca_scav" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=01:26:53.547997][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legaca_scav" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=01:26:53.688796][f=-000001] [RegisterModelFormats] supported (Assimp) model formats: *.3ds;*.blend;*.dae;*.lwo;*.obj;
[t=01:26:53.689251][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Unit Textures"
[t=01:26:53.692506][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Sky"
[t=01:26:54.122194][f=-000001] [Game::Load][3] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=01:26:54.122241][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Weapon Definitions"
[t=01:26:54.127667][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "armcomcon_repulsor1"
[t=01:26:54.132806][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "armfgate_sea_repulsor"
[t=01:26:54.134001][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "armgate_repulsor"
[t=01:26:54.143405][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "corcomcon_repulsor1"
[t=01:26:54.148727][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "corfgate_sea_repulsor"
[t=01:26:54.149561][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "corgate_repulsor"
[t=01:26:54.168809][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (WeaponDefs)] 46ms
[t=01:26:54.168837][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Unit Definitions"
[t=01:26:54.186025][f=-000001] Warning: Unit '' (babyarmvader) has really low power? 0.000000
[t=01:26:54.186046][f=-000001] Warning: This can cause a division by zero in experience calculations.
[t=01:26:54.207356][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (UnitDefs)] 38ms
[t=01:26:54.207384][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Feature Definitions"
[t=01:26:54.220751][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (FeatureDefs)] 13ms
[t=01:26:54.249569][f=-000001] InitStatic: NUM_SPEEDMOD_BINS=10, MIN_SPEEDMOD_VALUE=0.000000, MAX_SPEEDMOD_VALUE=2.000000
[t=01:26:54.249601][f=-000001] InitStatic: MAP_MAX_NODES_SEARCHED=0, MAP_RELATIVE_MAX_NODES_SEARCHED=0.000000
[t=01:26:54.249610][f=-000001] [IPathManager::GetInstance] using QTPFS
[t=01:26:54.249628][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Initializing Map Features"
[t=01:26:54.251249][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Models"
[t=01:26:54.254273][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating ShadowHandler"
[t=01:26:54.260262][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating InfoTextureHandler"
[t=01:26:54.265914][f=-000001] InfoTexture: shaders
[t=01:26:54.265958][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating GroundDrawer"
[t=01:26:54.268410][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Map Tiles"
[t=01:26:55.566845][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Square Textures"
[t=01:26:55.633879][f=-000001] Switching to ROAM Mesh Rendering
[t=01:26:55.633908][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::Resize] to 2097152
[t=01:26:55.633916][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::InitPools] newPoolSize=2097152 PoolSize=2097152 (shadowPass=0)
[t=01:26:55.633924][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::Resize] to 2097152
[t=01:26:55.633932][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::InitPools] newPoolSize=2097152 PoolSize=2097152 (shadowPass=1)
[t=01:26:55.706416][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating GrassDrawer"
[t=01:26:55.719829][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar1_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.799309][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar2_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.827614][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar3_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.832314][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar4_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.837025][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar5_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.843952][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar6_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.849726][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/scars/scar1_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.935864][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/arm_acv_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.942242][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/arm_acv_tracks_2_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.949266][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/arm_stumpy_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.954640][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armacv_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.961194][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armbull_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.968971][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armcroc_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.973714][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armgremlin_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.979847][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armmart_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.984476][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armpincer_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.990662][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armsam_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:55.995421][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armseer_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:56.001171][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armstump_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:56.008958][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armyork_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:56.017119][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/bigfoot_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:56.022464][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/bottrack1_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:56.028343][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/comtrack_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:56.035974][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/corparrowtracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:56.040606][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/corwidetracks_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:56.042436][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/raptortrack_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:56.047485][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/raptortrackpointy_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:56.052172][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/stdtank_normal.bmp"
[t=01:26:56.071670][f=-000001] Loaded DecalsDrawer: standard
[t=01:26:56.071696][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating ProjectileDrawer & UnitDrawer"
[t=01:26:56.073926][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Projectile Textures"
[t=01:26:57.847288][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Water"
[t=01:26:58.019341][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Finalizing Models"
[t=01:26:58.530335][f=-000001] [Texture] Warning: [LoadAndCacheTexture] could not load primary texture "" from model "objects3d/rocks30/rocks30_map_02.s3o"
[t=01:26:58.944586][f=-000001] [Game::Load][4] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=01:26:58.974126][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadInterface (Console)] 0ms
[t=01:26:58.975947][f=-000001] [Game::Load][5] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=01:26:58.975994][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[LoadFinalize] finalizing PFS"
[t=01:26:58.978059][f=-000001] InitRootSize: map root size is (1024, 1024)
[t=01:26:58.978080][f=-000001] InitRootSize: root node size is set to: 128
[t=01:26:58.978419][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="archsimkats_valley_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=01:26:58.978493][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=01:26:58.978683][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=01:26:58.978790][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=01:26:58.978849][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=01:26:59.031768][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[PathManager::InitNodeLayersThreaded] using 6 threads for 43 node-layers"
[t=01:26:59.526440][f=-000001] [QTPFS] pfs-checksum: 9166e200
[t=01:26:59.526460][f=-000001] [QTPFS] mem-footprint: 285MB
[t=01:26:59.529785][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[PathManager::Load] Complete. Used 6 threads for 43 node-layers"
[t=01:26:59.530779][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[LoadFinalize] finalized PFS (552ms, checksum 9166e200)"
[t=01:26:59.531411][f=-000001] [Game::Load][6] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=01:26:59.531426][f=-000001] [Game::LoadLua] Lua developer mode disabled
[t=01:26:59.531438][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading LuaRules"
[t=01:26:59.545518][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="archsimkats_valley_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=01:26:59.545609][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=01:26:59.545858][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=01:26:59.545936][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=01:26:59.545995][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=01:26:59.574649][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][creg::AutoRegisterCFunctions(LuaRules)] 28ms
[t=01:26:59.606366][f=-000001] [AI Loader] ShardLua bot Deactivated!
[t=01:26:59.985175][f=-000001] [ATMOSPHERIC] Current map: archsimkats_valley_v1
[t=01:26:59.985212][f=-000001] [ATMOSPHERIC] No map config found. Turning off the gadget
[t=01:26:59.987128][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:26:59.987616][f=-000001] Lava Mapname, archsimkats_valley_v1
[t=01:26:59.989727][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:27:00.147458][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Dev Helper Cmds <cmd_dev_helpers.lua>
[t=01:27:00.147620][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: CMD limiter <cmd_limiter.lua>
[t=01:27:00.147775][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Get Player Data <cmd_get_player_data.lua>
[t=01:27:00.147921][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stats <api_damage_stats.lua>
[t=01:27:00.148082][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Permissions <api_permissions.lua>
[t=01:27:00.148581][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: ranks api <api_ranks.lua>
[t=01:27:00.148764][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: No Share Self-D <unit_prevent_share_self_d.lua>
[t=01:27:00.148959][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Anti Stacking Hax <unit_stack_hack_fix.lua>
[t=01:27:00.149116][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: AutoColorPicker <game_autocolors.lua>
[t=01:27:00.149320][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Explosion Deformation Fix <map_explosion_deformation_fix.lua>
[t=01:27:00.149474][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map Atmosphere CEGs <map_atmosphere_cegs.lua>
[t=01:27:00.149668][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map NightMode <map_nightmode.lua>
[t=01:27:00.149897][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: SimpleAI <ai_simpleai.lua>
[t=01:27:00.150047][f=-000001] [Gaia Critters] gadget:Initialize() Game.mapName=Archsimkats_Valley_V1
[t=01:27:00.150135][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: gaia critter units <gaia_critters.lua>
[t=01:27:00.150305][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: supply drops <pve_supply_drops.lua>
[t=01:27:00.150507][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Feature Death Explosion <feature_dead_explosion.lua>
[t=01:27:00.150702][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: IconGenerator <unit_icongenerator.lua>
[t=01:27:00.164365][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map Lua Metal Spot Placer <map_metal_spot_placer.lua>
[t=01:27:00.190067][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: API Resource Spot Finder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_finder.lua>
[t=01:27:00.190268][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: CameraBroadcast <camera_lockcamera.lua>
[t=01:27:00.190552][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map Lava Gadget 2.4 <map_lava.lua>
[t=01:27:00.190753][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: AA Targeting Priority <unit_aa_targeting_priority.lua>
[t=01:27:00.190942][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Awards <gui_awards.lua>
[t=01:27:00.191151][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Geo fix <map_geofix.lua>
[t=01:27:00.193125][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Healthbars Widget Forwarding <unit_healthbars_widget_forwarding.lua>
[t=01:27:00.193316][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: PBR enabler <api_pbr_enabler.lua>
[t=01:27:00.194539][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Raptor Scum GL4 <gfx_raptor_scum_gl4.lua>
[t=01:27:00.194755][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: UnitCallinsGadget <dbg_unit_callins.lua>
[t=01:27:00.195195][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: AI namer <ai_namer.lua>
[t=01:27:00.195370][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Activity Broadcast <activity_broadcast.lua>
[t=01:27:00.195592][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Air Transports Speed <unit_transports_air_speed.lua>
[t=01:27:00.195829][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: AirPlantParents <unit_air_plants.lua>
[t=01:27:00.196041][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Allow Builder Hold Fire <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
[t=01:27:00.196265][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Ally Selected Units <cmd_selected_units.lua>
[t=01:27:00.197235][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Area Mex <cmd_area_mex.lua>
[t=01:27:00.197450][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Area Timed Damage Handler <unit_area_timed_damage.lua>
[t=01:27:00.197759][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Boombox Spawner <game_boombox_spawner.lua>
[t=01:27:00.198033][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Build Icons Slowy (/luarules buildiconslow or buildiconanim or buildiconanimslow) <dbg_buildicons_run.lua>
[t=01:27:00.198272][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Builder Priority <unit_builder_priority.lua>
[t=01:27:00.198464][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Cancel orders on share <unit_cancel_orders_on_share.lua>
[t=01:27:00.198685][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Capture Only Enemy <unit_capture_only_enemy.lua>
[t=01:27:00.198922][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Cloak <unit_cloak.lua>
[t=01:27:00.199162][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Com Counter <mo_com_counter.lua>
[t=01:27:00.199435][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Commando Watch <unit_commando_watch.lua>
[t=01:27:00.199659][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Continuous Aim <unit_continuous_aim.lua>
[t=01:27:00.199860][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Controls Unit's maxrange <unit_custommaxranges.lua>
[t=01:27:00.200091][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Cursor Broadcast <cmd_mouse_pos_broadcast.lua>
[t=01:27:00.204738][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Cursors <unit_cursors.lua>
[t=01:27:00.205013][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Custom Map Tidal <game_custom_map_tidal.lua>
[t=01:27:00.205271][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Custom weapon behaviours <unit_custom_weapons_behaviours.lua>
[t=01:27:00.205502][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: D-Gun Behaviour <unit_dgun_behaviour.lua>
[t=01:27:00.205722][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: DGun CmdType Fix <unit_dgun_cmdtype_fix.lua>
[t=01:27:00.206002][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Debris Explosions <gfx_debrisexplosions.lua>
[t=01:27:00.206256][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Debris physics <feature_debris_physics.lua>
[t=01:27:00.206485][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Depthcharge splash <fx_depthcharge_splash.lua>
[t=01:27:00.206992][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: DirectControl <unit_direct_control.lua>
[t=01:27:00.207457][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Display DPS <gui_display_dps.lua>
[t=01:27:00.210670][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Don't target flyover nukes <unit_interceptors.lua>
[t=01:27:00.211207][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Dragons Disguise <unit_dragons_disguise.lua>
[t=01:27:00.218831][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Dynamic collision volume & Hitsphere Scaledown <unit_dynamic_collision_volume.lua>
[t=01:27:00.219345][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Energy Conversion <game_energy_conversion.lua>
[t=01:27:00.219600][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Engine Hotfixes for Various Engine Kludges <engine_hotfixes.lua>
[t=01:27:00.219865][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Experimental Bots Steps Damages <unit_stomp.lua>
[t=01:27:00.221229][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Explosion_lights <gfx_explosion_lights.lua>
[t=01:27:00.221497][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: FPS Broadcast <fps_broadcast.lua>
[t=01:27:00.221714][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Factory Guard <unit_factory_guard.lua>
[t=01:27:00.221960][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Factory Stop Production <cmd_factory_stop_production.lua>
[t=01:27:00.222213][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Factory Unblocking <unit_factory_unblocking.lua>
[t=01:27:00.222432][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: GPU mem Broadcast <gpumem_broadcast.lua>
[t=01:27:00.222772][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Game End <game_end.lua>
[t=01:27:00.223002][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: GameID GameRulesParam <game_id.lua>
[t=01:27:00.223220][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Geo Upgrade Reclaimer <unit_geo_upgrade_reclaimer.lua>
[t=01:27:00.223449][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Hound Weapon Toggle <unit_hound_weapon_toggle.lua>
[t=01:27:00.223927][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Infestor Replication <unit_infestor_spawn.lua>
[t=01:27:00.224207][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Initial Spawn <game_initial_spawn.lua>
[t=01:27:00.224434][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Instant Self Destruct <unit_instant_self_destruct.lua>
[t=01:27:00.224691][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Juno Damage <unit_juno_damage.lua>
[t=01:27:00.225032][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Liche Cruise Control <unit_liche_cruisecontrol.lua>
[t=01:27:00.225432][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Lightning Splash Damage <unit_lightning_splash_dmg.lua>
[t=01:27:00.225898][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Load/unload <unit_airtransport_load_unload.lua>
[t=01:27:00.245167][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Lua unit script framework <unit_script.lua>
[t=01:27:00.245467][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: LuaUI Reload <cmd_luaui_reload.lua>
[t=01:27:00.245739][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Lups Flamethrower Jitter <lups_flame_jitter.lua>
[t=01:27:00.246100][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Manual launch command <cmd_manual_launch.lua>
[t=01:27:00.246378][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map VoidWater <map_voidground.lua>
[t=01:27:00.246643][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Mex Upgrade Reclaimer <unit_mex_upgrade_reclaimer.lua>
[t=01:27:00.246913][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Missile smoke <fx_missile_smoke.lua>
[t=01:27:00.247187][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Nano Radar Pos <unit_nanoradarpos.lua>
[t=01:27:00.247456][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: No Land Damage <unit_no_land_damage.lua>
[t=01:27:00.247761][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Nonblocking mines <unit_nonblocking_mines.lua>
[t=01:27:00.248067][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Objectify <unit_objectify.lua>
[t=01:27:00.248364][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: On/Off descriptions <cmd_onoffdesc.lua>
[t=01:27:00.248690][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Only Target Emp-able units <unit_onlytargetempable.lua>
[t=01:27:00.249099][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Only Target onlytargetcategory <unit_onlytargetcategory.lua>
[t=01:27:00.249386][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Paralyze Damage Multiplier <unit_paralyze_damage_multiplier.lua>
[t=01:27:00.249663][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: PopUpWaterStructures <unit_pop_up_water_structures.lua>
[t=01:27:00.250242][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Pre-aim <unit_preaim.lua>
[t=01:27:00.250947][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Cloaked Unit Reclaim <unit_prevent_cloaked_unit_reclaim.lua>
[t=01:27:00.251240][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Excessive Share <game_prevent_excessive_share.lua>
[t=01:27:00.251513][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Lab Hax <unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua>
[t=01:27:00.251797][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Lab Hax2 <unit_prevent_lab_hax2.lua>
[t=01:27:00.252063][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Load Hax <unit_prevent_load_hax.lua>
[t=01:27:00.252339][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Nanoframe Blocking Hax <unit_prevent_nanoframe_blocking_hax.lua>
[t=01:27:00.252595][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Range Hax <unit_prevent_range_hax.lua>
[t=01:27:00.252853][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Strange Orders <unit_prevent_strange_orders.lua>
[t=01:27:00.253148][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Unload Hax <unit_prevent_unload_hax.lua>
[t=01:27:00.253452][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent outside-of-map hax <unit_prevent_aircraft_hax.lua>
[t=01:27:00.253814][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Raptor Queen Anti-Dgun behavior <pve_boss_priority_targetting.lua>
[t=01:27:00.254133][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Reclaim Fix <unit_reclaim_fix.lua>
[t=01:27:00.254576][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Reclaim effect <gfx_reclaim_fx.lua>
[t=01:27:00.254990][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Remove Stop <cmd_remove_stop.lua>
[t=01:27:00.255266][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Remove Wait <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
[t=01:27:00.255533][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Scav Cloud Spawner <scav_cloud_spawner.lua>
[t=01:27:00.255807][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Sea bed Platforms <unit_platforms.lua>
[t=01:27:00.256064][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Shockwaves <lups_shockwaves.lua>
[t=01:27:00.256332][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Starburst Missile Liftoff <fx_missile_starburst_liftoff.lua>
[t=01:27:00.256596][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stealthy Passengers <unit_stealthy_passengers.lua>
[t=01:27:00.256898][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stockpile Script <unit_stockpile_script.lua>
[t=01:27:00.257226][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stockpile control <unit_stockpile_limit.lua>
[t=01:27:00.257527][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stun Control <unit_stun_control.lua>
[t=01:27:00.257894][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stun Script <unit_stun_script.lua>
[t=01:27:00.258379][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stun Storage <unit_stun_storage.lua>
[t=01:27:00.259647][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:27:00.259818][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Sunfacer <unit_sunfacing.lua>
[t=01:27:00.260177][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: System info <system_info.lua>
[t=01:27:00.260538][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Target on the move <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
[t=01:27:00.260867][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Tombstones <unit_tombstones.lua>
[t=01:27:00.261161][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Tree feller <gfx_tree_feller.lua>
[t=01:27:00.261474][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: TurnRadius <unit_airunitsturnradius.lua>
[t=01:27:00.261750][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unally on demand <cmd_alliance_break.lua>
[t=01:27:00.262020][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: UnderwaterPickup <unit_disallow_underwater_load.lua>
[t=01:27:00.262296][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Range XP Update <unit_xp_range_bonus.lua>
[t=01:27:00.262631][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Script Decals <gfx_unit_script_decals.lua>
[t=01:27:00.262953][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Script Lights <gfx_unit_script_lights.lua>
[t=01:27:00.263230][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit transportable nanos <unit_transportable_nanos.lua>
[t=01:27:00.263510][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: UnitDefs Turret TurnSpeeds <unit_turretspeed.lua>
[t=01:27:00.263807][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Wade Effects <gfx_wade_fx.lua>
[t=01:27:00.264684][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Watereffects <fx_watersplash.lua>
[t=01:27:00.265021][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Windmill Control <unit_windmill_control.lua>
[t=01:27:00.265313][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: ai_ruins.lua <ai_ruins.lua>
[t=01:27:00.265594][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: ai_scav_loader.lua <ai_scav_loader.lua>
[t=01:27:00.266034][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: api_widget_events.lua <api_widget_events.lua>
[t=01:27:00.266597][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: cmd_idle_players.lua <cmd_idle_players.lua>
[t=01:27:00.267164][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: cmd_paused_is_paused.lua <cmd_paused_is_paused.lua>
[t=01:27:00.267734][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: fx_reclaim_shards <fx_reclaim_shards.lua>
[t=01:27:00.268223][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_assistdronespawn.lua <game_assistdronespawn.lua>
[t=01:27:00.268567][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_commander_builder.lua <game_commander_builder.lua>
[t=01:27:00.268902][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_dynamic_maxunits.lua <game_dynamic_maxunits.lua>
[t=01:27:00.269208][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_ffa_start_setup.lua <game_ffa_start_setup.lua>
[t=01:27:00.269514][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_logger.lua <game_logger.lua>
[t=01:27:00.269831][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_marketplace.lua <game_marketplace.lua>
[t=01:27:00.270153][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_no_share_to_enemy <game_no_share_to_enemy.lua>
[t=01:27:00.270598][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_selfd_resign.lua <game_selfd_resign.lua>
[t=01:27:00.270983][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_unit_market.lua <game_unit_market.lua>
[t=01:27:00.271279][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: gui_soundeffects.lua <gui_soundeffects.lua>
[t=01:27:00.271563][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: lib_startpoint_guesser.lua <lib_startpoint_guesser.lua>
[t=01:27:00.271855][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: lups_cloak_fx.lua <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
[t=01:27:00.272161][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: lups_wrapper.lua <lups_wrapper.lua>
[t=01:27:00.272479][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: preventcombomb <mo_preventcombomb.lua>
[t=01:27:00.272816][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: transport_dies_load_dies <unit_transport_dies_load_dies.lua>
[t=01:27:00.273125][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_attributes.lua <unit_attributes.lua>
[t=01:27:00.273449][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_combomb_full_damage <unit_combomb_full_damage.lua>
[t=01:27:00.274007][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_juno_damage_mini.lua <unit_juno_damage_mini.lua>
[t=01:27:00.274569][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_timeslow.lua <unit_timeslow.lua>
[t=01:27:00.275103][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_wanted_speed.lua <unit_wanted_speed.lua>
[t=01:27:00.275623][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_xmas.lua <unit_xmas.lua>
[t=01:27:00.276233][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Airbase Manager <unit_airbase.lua>
[t=01:27:00.276859][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Area Attack <unit_areaattack.lua>
[t=01:27:00.277415][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Deny Invalid Mex Orders <cmd_mex_denier.lua>
[t=01:27:00.277987][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Give Command <cmd_give.lua>
[t=01:27:00.278544][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Message <game_message.lua>
[t=01:27:00.279487][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Mission API triggers <api_missions_triggers.lua>
[t=01:27:00.280078][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Send Command <cmd_sendcommand.lua>
[t=01:27:00.280814][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Team Com Ends <game_team_com_ends.lua>
[t=01:27:00.281408][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Team Death Effect <game_team_death_effect.lua>
[t=01:27:00.282017][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Team Resourcing <game_team_resources.lua>
[t=01:27:00.282431][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Undo Self Destruction Havoc <cmd_undo.lua>
[t=01:27:00.282825][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: UnitDamagedReplay <dev_replay_data.lua>
[t=01:27:00.283145][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Garbage Collector <api_garbage_collector.lua>
[t=01:27:00.283482][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Notifications <sfx_notifications.lua>
[t=01:27:00.283871][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit kill count <unit_kill_count.lua>
[t=01:27:00.284329][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: resurrected param <unit_resurrected.lua>
[t=01:27:00.285798][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Attached Construction Turret <unit_attached_con_turret.lua>
[t=01:27:00.286176][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Paralyze On Off Behavior <unit_paralyze_on_off.lua>
[t=01:27:00.286513][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Place Target On Ground <cmd_place_target_on_ground.lua>
[t=01:27:00.286846][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Evolution <unit_evolution.lua>
[t=01:27:00.287192][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Explosion Spawner <unit_explosion_spawner.lua>
[t=01:27:00.287561][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Carrier Spawner <unit_carrier_spawner.lua>
[t=01:27:00.287917][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Mobile Unit Paralyze Damage Handler <unit_paralyze_damage_limit.lua>
[t=01:27:00.288271][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Crashing Aircraft <unit_crashing_aircraft.lua>
[t=01:27:00.288624][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Death Animations <unit_death_animations.lua>
[t=01:27:00.289043][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Hats <unit_hats.lua>
[t=01:27:00.289429][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Sinking Ship <unit_sinking_ship.lua>
[t=01:27:00.289817][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Lups Orb <lups_orb.lua>
[t=01:27:00.290195][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Lups Shield <lups_shield.lua>
[t=01:27:00.290569][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Synced Proxy <dbg_synced_proxy.lua>
[t=01:27:00.291017][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map Waterlevel <map_waterlevel.lua>
[t=01:27:00.291466][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Scenario Loadout <unit_scenario_loadout.lua>
[t=01:27:00.291989][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Scenario Script <unit_scenario_script.lua>
[t=01:27:00.292448][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Gadget Profiler <dbg_gadget_profiler.lua>
[t=01:27:00.300960][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="archsimkats_valley_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=01:27:00.301041][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=01:27:00.301305][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=01:27:00.301371][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=01:27:00.301436][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=01:27:00.332296][f=-000001] [AI Loader] ShardLua bot Deactivated!
[t=01:27:00.339043][f=-000001] <LockCamera>: Sorry for the camera switch spam, but this is the only reliable way to list camera states other than hardcoding them
[t=01:27:00.339090][f=-000001] Switching to Overview style camera
[t=01:27:00.339113][f=-000001] Switching to Spring style camera
[t=01:27:00.339130][f=-000001] Switching to Free style camera
[t=01:27:00.339163][f=-000001] Switching to Rotatable overhead camera
[t=01:27:00.339176][f=-000001] Switching to Overhead (TA) style camera
[t=01:27:00.339192][f=-000001] Switching to FPS style camera
[t=01:27:00.339206][f=-000001] Switching to Rotatable overhead camera
[t=01:27:00.411606][f=-000001] [ATMOSPHERIC] Current map: archsimkats_valley_v1
[t=01:27:00.411659][f=-000001] [ATMOSPHERIC] No map config found. Turning off the gadget
[t=01:27:00.413852][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:27:00.414396][f=-000001] Lava Mapname, archsimkats_valley_v1
[t=01:27:00.478990][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Dev Helper Cmds <cmd_dev_helpers.lua>
[t=01:27:00.479173][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: CMD limiter <cmd_limiter.lua>
[t=01:27:00.479343][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Get Player Data <cmd_get_player_data.lua>
[t=01:27:00.479534][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Stats <api_damage_stats.lua>
[t=01:27:00.479768][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Permissions <api_permissions.lua>
[t=01:27:00.479954][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: ranks api <api_ranks.lua>
[t=01:27:00.480147][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: No Share Self-D <unit_prevent_share_self_d.lua>
[t=01:27:00.480316][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: AutoColorPicker <game_autocolors.lua>
[t=01:27:00.480520][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Explosion Deformation Fix <map_explosion_deformation_fix.lua>
[t=01:27:00.480689][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map Atmosphere CEGs <map_atmosphere_cegs.lua>
[t=01:27:00.480995][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map NightMode <map_nightmode.lua>
[t=01:27:00.481208][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: SimpleAI <ai_simpleai.lua>
[t=01:27:00.481380][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Feature Death Explosion <feature_dead_explosion.lua>
[t=01:27:00.482170][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: IconGenerator <unit_icongenerator.lua>
[t=01:27:00.482382][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: API Resource Spot Finder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_finder.lua>
[t=01:27:00.482576][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: CameraBroadcast <camera_lockcamera.lua>
[t=01:27:00.482916][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map Lava Gadget 2.4 <map_lava.lua>
[t=01:27:00.483134][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: AA Targeting Priority <unit_aa_targeting_priority.lua>
[t=01:27:00.483389][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Awards <gui_awards.lua>
[t=01:27:00.483562][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Geo fix <map_geofix.lua>
[t=01:27:00.483855][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Healthbars Widget Forwarding <unit_healthbars_widget_forwarding.lua>
[t=01:27:00.487010][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: PBR enabler <api_pbr_enabler.lua>
[t=01:27:00.504125][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Scum GL4 <gfx_raptor_scum_gl4.lua>
[t=01:27:00.504282][f=-000001] Map Sun Handler: Clearing groundSpecularColor via SetSunLighting because map does not change it from default.
[t=01:27:00.504550][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Sun Handler <map_sun_handler.lua>
[t=01:27:00.504798][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnitCallinsGadget <dbg_unit_callins.lua>
[t=01:27:00.505089][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: AI namer <ai_namer.lua>
[t=01:27:00.505382][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Activity Broadcast <activity_broadcast.lua>
[t=01:27:00.505661][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Air Transports Speed <unit_transports_air_speed.lua>
[t=01:27:00.506014][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: AirPlantParents <unit_air_plants.lua>
[t=01:27:00.506263][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Ally Selected Units <cmd_selected_units.lua>
[t=01:27:00.506529][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Area Mex <cmd_area_mex.lua>
[t=01:27:00.506782][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Area Timed Damage Handler <unit_area_timed_damage.lua>
[t=01:27:00.507087][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Boombox Spawner <game_boombox_spawner.lua>
[t=01:27:00.507337][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Build Icons Slowy (/luarules buildiconslow or buildiconanim or buildiconanimslow) <dbg_buildicons_run.lua>
[t=01:27:00.507560][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Builder Priority <unit_builder_priority.lua>
[t=01:27:00.507727][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Initializing materials
[t=01:27:00.509243][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Compiling Shaders
[t=01:27:00.541209][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Initializing bins
[t=01:27:00.541231][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Init Feature bins
[t=01:27:00.573900][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Init Unit bins
[t=01:27:00.591387][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Collecting units
[t=01:27:00.591410][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Ready
[t=01:27:00.591586][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: CUS GL4 <cus_gl4.lua>
[t=01:27:00.591857][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Cancel orders on share <unit_cancel_orders_on_share.lua>
[t=01:27:00.592142][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Capture Only Enemy <unit_capture_only_enemy.lua>
[t=01:27:00.592380][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Continuous Aim <unit_continuous_aim.lua>
[t=01:27:00.592659][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Cursor Broadcast <cmd_mouse_pos_broadcast.lua>
[t=01:27:00.592957][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Cursors <unit_cursors.lua>
[t=01:27:00.593242][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Custom weapon behaviours <unit_custom_weapons_behaviours.lua>
[t=01:27:00.593488][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: D-Gun Behaviour <unit_dgun_behaviour.lua>
[t=01:27:00.593727][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Debris Explosions <gfx_debrisexplosions.lua>
[t=01:27:00.594052][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Display DPS <gui_display_dps.lua>
[t=01:27:00.594331][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Dragons Disguise <unit_dragons_disguise.lua>
[t=01:27:00.594668][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Dynamic collision volume & Hitsphere Scaledown <unit_dynamic_collision_volume.lua>
[t=01:27:00.594960][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Engine Hotfixes for Various Engine Kludges <engine_hotfixes.lua>
[t=01:27:00.595272][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Experimental Bots Steps Damages <unit_stomp.lua>
[t=01:27:00.595591][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Explosion_lights <gfx_explosion_lights.lua>
[t=01:27:00.595845][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: FPS Broadcast <fps_broadcast.lua>
[t=01:27:00.596336][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: GPU mem Broadcast <gpumem_broadcast.lua>
[t=01:27:00.596621][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: GUI Sound Effects player <gui_soundeffects.lua>
[t=01:27:00.596947][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Game End <game_end.lua>
[t=01:27:00.597237][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Geo Upgrade Reclaimer <unit_geo_upgrade_reclaimer.lua>
[t=01:27:00.597524][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Initial Spawn <game_initial_spawn.lua>
[t=01:27:00.597812][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Juno Damage <unit_juno_damage.lua>
[t=01:27:00.598062][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Load/unload <unit_airtransport_load_unload.lua>
[t=01:27:00.598347][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: LuaUI Reload <cmd_luaui_reload.lua>
[t=01:27:00.598644][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Flamethrower Jitter <lups_flame_jitter.lua>
[t=01:27:00.598990][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Manual launch command <cmd_manual_launch.lua>
[t=01:27:00.599293][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Mex Upgrade Reclaimer <unit_mex_upgrade_reclaimer.lua>
[t=01:27:00.599585][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Nano Radar Pos <unit_nanoradarpos.lua>
[t=01:27:00.599922][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Objectify <unit_objectify.lua>
[t=01:27:00.600230][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Only Target Emp-able units <unit_onlytargetempable.lua>
[t=01:27:00.600592][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Only Target onlytargetcategory <unit_onlytargetcategory.lua>
[t=01:27:00.600944][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: PopUpWaterStructures <unit_pop_up_water_structures.lua>
[t=01:27:00.601292][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Pre-aim <unit_preaim.lua>
[t=01:27:00.601601][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Cloaked Unit Reclaim <unit_prevent_cloaked_unit_reclaim.lua>
[t=01:27:00.601905][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Lab Hax2 <unit_prevent_lab_hax2.lua>
[t=01:27:00.602248][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Nanoframe Blocking Hax <unit_prevent_nanoframe_blocking_hax.lua>
[t=01:27:00.602556][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Unload Hax <unit_prevent_unload_hax.lua>
[t=01:27:00.602847][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Area Healers <pve_areahealers.lua>
[t=01:27:00.603140][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Defense Nuke Controller <pve_nuke_controller.lua>
[t=01:27:00.603435][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Queen Anti-Dgun behavior <pve_boss_priority_targetting.lua>
[t=01:27:00.603706][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Reclaim Fix <unit_reclaim_fix.lua>
[t=01:27:00.604040][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Reclaim effect <gfx_reclaim_fx.lua>
[t=01:27:00.604339][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Scav Cloud Spawner <scav_cloud_spawner.lua>
[t=01:27:00.604627][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Sea bed Platforms <unit_platforms.lua>
[t=01:27:00.604923][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Shockwaves <lups_shockwaves.lua>
[t=01:27:00.605253][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Stockpile control <unit_stockpile_limit.lua>
[t=01:27:00.624499][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: System info <system_info.lua>
[t=01:27:00.625786][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Target on the move <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
[t=01:27:00.626129][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Tombstones <unit_tombstones.lua>
[t=01:27:00.626439][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Tree feller <gfx_tree_feller.lua>
[t=01:27:00.626740][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: TurnRadius <unit_airunitsturnradius.lua>
[t=01:27:00.627199][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unally on demand <cmd_alliance_break.lua>
[t=01:27:00.627540][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnderwaterPickup <unit_disallow_underwater_load.lua>
[t=01:27:00.627908][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit Script Decals <gfx_unit_script_decals.lua>
[t=01:27:00.628221][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit Script Lights <gfx_unit_script_lights.lua>
[t=01:27:00.628518][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnitDefs Turret TurnSpeeds <unit_turretspeed.lua>
[t=01:27:00.628885][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Widget Events <api_widget_events.lua>
[t=01:27:00.629172][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: ai_ruins.lua <ai_ruins.lua>
[t=01:27:00.629475][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: ai_scav_loader.lua <ai_scav_loader.lua>
[t=01:27:00.629778][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_idle_players.lua <cmd_idle_players.lua>
[t=01:27:00.630092][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_onoffdesc.lua <cmd_onoffdesc.lua>
[t=01:27:00.630423][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_paused_is_paused.lua <cmd_paused_is_paused.lua>
[t=01:27:00.630713][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_remove_stop.lua <cmd_remove_stop.lua>
[t=01:27:00.631068][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_remove_wait.lua <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
[t=01:27:00.631359][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: feature_debris_physics.lua <feature_debris_physics.lua>
[t=01:27:00.631680][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: fx_reclaim_shards <fx_reclaim_shards.lua>
[t=01:27:00.631984][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_assistdronespawn.lua <game_assistdronespawn.lua>
[t=01:27:00.632286][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_commander_builder.lua <game_commander_builder.lua>
[t=01:27:00.632593][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_dynamic_maxunits.lua <game_dynamic_maxunits.lua>
[t=01:27:00.632919][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_ffa_start_setup.lua <game_ffa_start_setup.lua>
[t=01:27:00.633322][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_id.lua <game_id.lua>
[t=01:27:00.633666][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_logger.lua <game_logger.lua>
[t=01:27:00.634052][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_marketplace.lua <game_marketplace.lua>
[t=01:27:00.634361][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_no_share_to_enemy <game_no_share_to_enemy.lua>
[t=01:27:00.634696][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_selfd_resign.lua <game_selfd_resign.lua>
[t=01:27:00.635010][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_unit_market.lua <game_unit_market.lua>
[t=01:27:00.635342][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: gfx_wade_fx.lua <gfx_wade_fx.lua>
[t=01:27:00.635645][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: lib_startpoint_guesser.lua <lib_startpoint_guesser.lua>
[t=01:27:00.635948][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: map_metal_spot_placer.lua <map_metal_spot_placer.lua>
[t=01:27:00.636252][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: map_voidground.lua <map_voidground.lua>
[t=01:27:00.636562][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: transport_dies_load_dies <unit_transport_dies_load_dies.lua>
[t=01:27:00.636940][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
[t=01:27:00.637250][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_attributes.lua <unit_attributes.lua>
[t=01:27:00.637554][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_custommaxranges.lua <unit_custommaxranges.lua>
[t=01:27:00.637861][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_factory_guard.lua <unit_factory_guard.lua>
[t=01:27:00.638209][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_factory_unblocking.lua <unit_factory_unblocking.lua>
[t=01:27:00.638519][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_hound_weapon_toggle.lua <unit_hound_weapon_toggle.lua>
[t=01:27:00.638827][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_juno_damage_mini.lua <unit_juno_damage_mini.lua>
[t=01:27:00.639169][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_timeslow.lua <unit_timeslow.lua>
[t=01:27:00.639543][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_wanted_speed.lua <unit_wanted_speed.lua>
[t=01:27:00.639931][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_xmas.lua <unit_xmas.lua>
[t=01:27:00.640268][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Airbase Manager <unit_airbase.lua>
[t=01:27:00.640603][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Area Attack <unit_areaattack.lua>
[t=01:27:00.640933][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Deny Invalid Mex Orders <cmd_mex_denier.lua>
[t=01:27:00.641292][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Give Command <cmd_give.lua>
[t=01:27:00.641651][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Message <game_message.lua>
[t=01:27:00.642152][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Send Command <cmd_sendcommand.lua>
[t=01:27:00.642588][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Team Com Ends <game_team_com_ends.lua>
[t=01:27:00.642939][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Team Death Effect <game_team_death_effect.lua>
[t=01:27:00.643259][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Undo Self Destruction Havoc <cmd_undo.lua>
[t=01:27:00.644103][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnitDamagedReplay <dev_replay_data.lua>
[t=01:27:00.644519][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Garbage Collector <api_garbage_collector.lua>
[t=01:27:00.644814][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: GeoVent Sounds <fx_atmosphere.lua>
[t=01:27:00.645128][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Notifications <sfx_notifications.lua>
[t=01:27:00.645422][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit kill count <unit_kill_count.lua>
[t=01:27:00.645727][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: resurrected param <unit_resurrected.lua>
[t=01:27:00.646068][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Cloak FX <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
[t=01:27:00.646405][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit Evolution <unit_evolution.lua>
[t=01:27:00.646710][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Crashing Aircraft <unit_crashing_aircraft.lua>
[t=01:27:00.647077][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Death Animations <unit_death_animations.lua>
[t=01:27:00.647410][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Hats <unit_hats.lua>
[t=01:27:00.675647][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups <lups_wrapper.lua>
[t=01:27:00.676011][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Sinking Ship <unit_sinking_ship.lua>
[t=01:27:00.676297][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Orb <lups_orb.lua>
[t=01:27:00.678169][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Shield <lups_shield.lua>
[t=01:27:00.678489][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Synced Proxy <dbg_synced_proxy.lua>
[t=01:27:00.678755][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map Waterlevel <map_waterlevel.lua>
[t=01:27:00.678995][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Scenario Loadout <unit_scenario_loadout.lua>
[t=01:27:00.679233][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Scenario Script <unit_scenario_script.lua>
[t=01:27:00.679483][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Gadget Profiler <dbg_gadget_profiler.lua>
[t=01:27:00.725880][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading LuaGaia"
[t=01:27:00.733376][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="archsimkats_valley_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=01:27:00.733460][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=01:27:00.733719][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=01:27:00.733798][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=01:27:00.733885][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=01:27:00.760699][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][creg::AutoRegisterCFunctions(LuaGaia)] 26ms
[t=01:27:00.780829][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="archsimkats_valley_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=01:27:00.780910][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=01:27:00.781188][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=01:27:00.781255][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=01:27:00.781339][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=01:27:00.793006][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading LuaUI"
[t=01:27:00.794222][f=-000001] LuaUI Entry Point: "luaui.lua"
[t=01:27:00.794254][f=-000001] LuaSocket Support: enabled
[t=01:27:00.802321][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="archsimkats_valley_v1.sd7" cs="b103632df7e5f6403df70ae4cbe2b7e8527bbc867faf4d25670f4fdc1176f3abb7da64c4be3c2db5559d086b6c0ce3663f7266b85282b56a481c5c4e94c228ed"
[t=01:27:00.802447][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=01:27:00.803089][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=01:27:00.803202][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=01:27:00.803309][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=01:27:00.803644][f=-000001] Using LUAUI_DIRNAME = LuaUI/
[t=01:27:00.804481][f=-000001] Reloading GUI config from file: LuaUI/ctrlpanel.txt
[t=01:27:00.906471][f=-000001] [i18n] "units.names.corvacct" is not translated in en
[t=01:27:00.906493][f=-000001] [i18n] No translation found for "units.names.corvacct"
[t=01:27:00.906510][f=-000001] [i18n] "units.descriptions.corvacct" is not translated in en
[t=01:27:00.906534][f=-000001] [i18n] No translation found for "units.descriptions.corvacct"
[t=01:27:00.933071][f=-000001] LuaUI: bound F11 to the widget selector
[t=01:27:00.937982][f=-000001] LuaUI: Allowing User Widgets
[t=01:27:00.940532][f=-000001] Failed to load: __defs_write.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=01:27:00.952761][f=-000001] Failed to load: autocheat.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=01:27:00.967767][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:27:01.003839][f=-000001] Profiler using highres timers, true, 1
[t=01:27:01.066818][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:27:01.114348][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:27:01.120940][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:27:01.186234][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:27:01.189229][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legacv
[t=01:27:01.189542][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl7
[t=01:27:01.189599][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legck
[t=01:27:01.189745][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl4
[t=01:27:01.190398][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl2
[t=01:27:01.190418][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl6
[t=01:27:01.191003][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legaca
[t=01:27:01.191235][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl10
[t=01:27:01.191245][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl9
[t=01:27:01.191253][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl3
[t=01:27:01.191968][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legotter
[t=01:27:01.192360][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legack
[t=01:27:01.192488][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl8
[t=01:27:01.192496][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legca
[t=01:27:01.192505][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcv
[t=01:27:01.192722][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl5
[t=01:27:01.192731][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcom
[t=01:27:01.192867][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legvp
[t=01:27:01.192964][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: leglab
[t=01:27:01.193089][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legap
[t=01:27:01.193198][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: leggant
[t=01:27:01.193260][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legalab
[t=01:27:01.193285][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legaap
[t=01:27:01.193375][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legavp
[t=01:27:01.247316][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:27:01.269374][f=-000001] [Font] [LoadCustomFonts] loaded fonts "Exo2-SemiBold.otf" and "Exo2-SemiBold.otf"
[t=01:27:01.302793][f=-000001] Failed to load: gui_scavenger_info.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=01:27:01.340331][f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, false
[t=01:27:01.347014][f=-000001] Failed to load: gui_unit_market.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=01:27:01.377644][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:27:01.377666][f=-000001] Loading LuaGrass custom parameters from mapinfo.lua
[t=01:27:01.377695][f=-000001] Map is, Archsimkats_Valley_V1
[t=01:27:01.394971][f=-000001] missing voice notification file: "sounds/voice/allison/tutorial/makefactory.wav" (t_makefactory)
[t=01:27:01.442810][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Deferred rendering GL4 <gfx_deferred_rendering_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.443075][f=-000001] Initialize DLGL4 Trace:[] Args:()
[t=01:27:01.516808][f=-000001] 0, DLGL4 weapons conf using, 831, light types
[t=01:27:01.526522][f=-000001] Deferred Lights GL4, recompiled in , 3, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.528387][f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[t=01:27:01.528671][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Cache Icons <gui_cache_icons.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.528865][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Overview Camera TAB hold & release <gui_overview_cam_tab_hold.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.529101][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Map Lighting Adjuster <map_lighting_adjuster.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.529238][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: API Resource Spot Finder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_finder.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.555035][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Font handler <gui_fonthandler.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.555251][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Game Speed <cmd_gamespeed.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.555414][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: HighlightUnit API GL4 <gfx_highlightunit_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.556430][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Language <gui_language.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.556598][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Limit idle FPS <gfx_limit_idle_fps.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.556774][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Map Grass GL4 <map_grass_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.599967][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: SmartSelect <unit_smart_select.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.600266][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Top Bar <gui_top_bar.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.612764][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Spy move/reclaim defaults <unit_default_spy_move_cloaked.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.613138][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Set target default <cmd_default_set_target.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.613291][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Stats <gui_unit_stats.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.613462][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Tooltip <gui_tooltip.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.613727][f=-000001] +inf
[t=01:27:01.613752][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: GUI Shader <gfx_guishader.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.614449][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Vote interface <gui_vote_interface.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.614657][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Chat <gui_chat.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.625610][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: API Screencopy Manager <api_screencopy_manager.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.625985][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: API Unit Tracker DEVMODE GL4 <api_unit_tracker_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.626214][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Auto Cloak Units <unit_auto_cloak.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.626523][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: BAR Hotkeys <cmd_bar_hotkeys.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.630847][f=-000001] BAR Hotkeys: Loaded hotkeys from uikeys.txt
[t=01:27:01.630879][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Changelog Info <gui_changelog_info.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.648944][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Keybind/Mouse Info <gui_keybind_info.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.655391][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Options <gui_options.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.655747][f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[t=01:27:01.658604][f=-000001] Set "shadows" config-parameter to 1
[t=01:27:01.659077][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: TeamStats <gui_teamstats.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.670846][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Highlight Unit GL4 <gui_highlight_unit_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.671159][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Infolos API <gui_infolos.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.673729][f=-000001] InfoLOS GL4, recompiled in , 0, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.674054][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: DrawUnitShape GL4 <gfx_drawunitshape_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.680401][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Save Game Menu <gui_savegame.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.680658][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Defense Range <gui_defenserange.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.680869][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Attack Range GL4 <gui_attackrange_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.682812][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Resurrection Halos GL4 <gui_resurrection_halos_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.689553][f=-000001] ResurrectionHalosShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.689757][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Selected Units GL4 <gui_selectedunits_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.695396][f=-000001] selectedUnitsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.695575][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Self-Destruct Icons <gui_selfd_icons.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.695872][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Given Units <gui_given_units.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.696089][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Energy Icons <gui_unit_energy_icons.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.701311][f=-000001] energy iconsShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.701467][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Snow <gfx_snow.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.701755][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Health Bars GL4 <gui_healthbars_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.706281][f=-000001] Health Bars Shader GL4, recompiled in , 4, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.708977][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Map Info <gui_mapinfo.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.709296][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: BuildETA <gui_build_eta.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.710744][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Clearmapmarks button <gui_clearmapmarks.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.710977][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList <gui_advplayerslist.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.716416][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Game Info <gui_advplayerslist_gameinfo.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.717375][f=-000001] frames-per-second indicator is disabled!
[t=01:27:01.723894][f=-000001] small digital clock is disabled!
[t=01:27:01.729430][f=-000001] simulation speed indicator is disabled!
[t=01:27:01.729467][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Music Player New <gui_advplayerslist_music_new.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.731476][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Awards <gui_awards.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.731751][f=-000001] EndGame Graph enabled, causes reload
[t=01:27:01.735209][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Camera Minimum Height <camera_minimum_height_limiter.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.735535][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Unit Totals <gui_advplayerslist_unittotals.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.736690][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Pregame UI <gui_pregameui.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.738433][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Commander Name Tags <gui_com_nametags.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.738714][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Player-TV <camera_player_tv.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.751502][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: API Resource Spot Builder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_builder.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.751810][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Airjets GL4 <gfx_airjets_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.753450][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ground AO Plates Features GL4 <gui_ground_ao_plates_features_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.765336][f=-000001] Ground AO Plates FeaturesShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.765727][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ground AO Plates GL4 <gui_ground_ao_plates_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.774840][f=-000001] Ground AO PlatesShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.775004][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Cloak Fire State <unit_cloak_firestate.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.775300][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Factionpicker <gui_factionpicker.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.775536][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ally Selected Units <gui_allyselectedunits.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.781246][f=-000001] allySelectedUnitsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.781417][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Area unload <cmd_area_unload.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.781720][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Attack no ally <cmd_attack_no_ally.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.781897][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Auto First Build Facing <unit_autofirstbuildfacing.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.782058][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Auto mapmark eraser <map_auto_mapmark_eraser.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.782219][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Autoquit <cmd_autoquit.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.782382][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Blast Radius <gui_blast_radius.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.782557][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Bomber Attack Building Ground <cmd_bomber_attack_building_ground.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.782714][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Attack and Move Notification <unit_attackmovenotification.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.792510][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Camera Anchors <gui_camera_anchors.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.792815][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Camera Remember <camera_remember_mode.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.793017][f=-000001] Switching to Spring style camera
[t=01:27:01.793044][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: CameraFlip <camera_flip.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.793201][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Auto Group <unit_auto_group.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.793412][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: CameraShake <camera_shake.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.793585][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Converter Usage <gui_converter_usage.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.793773][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: DGun no ally <cmd_dgun_no_ally.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.793966][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Death Messages <death_messages.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.794165][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: EMP + decloak range <gui_emp_decloak_range.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.794351][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Build Split <cmd_buildsplit.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.794521][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ghost Radar GL4 <unit_ghostradar_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.794712][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ghost Site GL4 <unit_ghostsite_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.794896][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Builder Priority <unit_builder_priority.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.795092][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Guard Remove <cmd_guard_remove.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.795251][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Guard damaged constructors <cmd_guard_damaged_constructors.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.795410][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Highlight Selected Units GL4 <gui_highlight_selectedunits_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.801509][f=-000001] Reloaded cmdcolors from file: cmdcolors.tmp
[t=01:27:01.801688][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ignore List API <api_ignore.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.802060][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: LOS View <gfx_los_view.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.802256][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: LOS colors <gfx_los_colors.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.802561][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: DGun Stall Assist <unit_dgun_stall_assist.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.803008][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Limit Build Spacing <cmd_limit_build_spacing.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.803184][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Line-Build Hotkey Ignore <cmd_line-build_hotkey_ignore.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.803345][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Log UnitDefIDs <log_unitdefids.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.804621][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Logo adjuster <logo_adjuster.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.804863][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Easy Facing <gui_easyfacing.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.805080][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Factory hold position <cmd_fac_holdposition.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.805257][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Map Edge Extension <map_edge_extension2.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.806205][f=-000001] Lava Mapname, archsimkats_valley_v1
[t=01:27:01.807808][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Minimap <gui_minimap.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.808152][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Onoff for Hound and trajectory <cmd_onoff.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.808349][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Paralyze Effect <gfx_paralyze_effect.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.810697][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Persistent Build Spacing <cmd_persistent_build_spacing.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.810944][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Point Tracker <gui_point_tracker.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.812182][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Priority Construction Turrets <cmd_nanoturrets_assist_priority.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.812443][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Holdfire Fix <cmd_holdfire_fix.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.812641][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: ReclaimInfo <gui_reclaiminfo.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.812818][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: RelativeMinimap <minimap_relative.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.812997][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: ImmobileBuilder <unit_immobile_builder.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.813185][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Scavenger Blueprint Generator <ai_scav_blueprint_generator.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.813466][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Screen Mode/Resolution Switcher <cmd_resolution_switcher.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.814025][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Jammer <gui_sensor_ranges_jammer.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.815014][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges LOS <gui_sensor_ranges_los.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.816334][f=-000001] LOS Ranges GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.816494][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Load Own Moving <unit_load_own_moving.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.816753][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Radar Preview <gui_sensor_ranges_radar_preview.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.817954][f=-000001] radarTruthShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.885830][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Show Orders <gui_show_orders.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.886404][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Sonar <gui_sensor_ranges_sonar.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.887406][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Specific Unit Reclaimer <unit_specific_unit_reclaimer.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.887629][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Spectate Next Alive Player <gui_spec_next_alive_player.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.887818][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Spectate Selected <gui_spectate_selected.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.888014][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: NoDuplicateOrders <cmd_no_duplicate_orders.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.888213][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: State Reverse Toggle <cmd_state_reverse_toggle.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.888399][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Statistics Collection <stats_damage.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.888573][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Stop means Stop <cmd_stop_selfd.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.888744][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Share Tracker <unit_share_tracker.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.888941][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Take Proxy <cmd_take_proxy.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.889144][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Preserve Commands <cmd_transport_preserve_commands.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.889327][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Test Runner <dbg_test_runner.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.889487][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Under Construction gfx GL4 <gfx_undercontruction_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.889689][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Finished Sounds <snd_unit_finished.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.892770][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Groups - Clear selection on empty <cmd_unitgroup_clear_selection_on_empty.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.893181][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Volume OSD <snd_volume_osd.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.893428][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: gui_transport_weight_limit <gui_transport_weight_limit.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.893732][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Set Target by Unit Type <unit_set_target_by_type.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.893940][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Smart Area Reclaim <unit_smart_area_reclaim.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.894154][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Specific Unit Loader <unit_specific_unit_loader.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.894346][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Group Number <gui_unit_group_number.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.899532][f=-000001] unitGroupsShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.899688][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Transport AI <unit_transport_ai.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.900077][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Build menu <gui_buildmenu.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.902370][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Mascot <gui_advplayerslist_mascot.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.902726][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Radar <gui_sensor_ranges_radar.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.903683][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Chain Actions <cmd_chainactions.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.903930][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Screen Mode Info <gui_screen_mode_info.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.904140][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: GameTypeInfo <gui_game_type_info.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.905771][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Start Boxes <map_startbox.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.930497][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Area Mex <cmd_area_mex.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.930912][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Attack AoE <gui_attack_aoe.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.937554][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Command Queue Manager <cmd_commandq_manager.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.937976][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ecostats <gui_ecostats.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.938515][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Extractor Snap (mex/geo) <cmd_extractor_snap.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.938744][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Factory Guard Default On <cmd_factory_guard_pref.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.938924][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Info <gui_info.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.960301][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Order menu <gui_ordermenu.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.963620][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Overview Camera Keep Position <gui_overview_keep_camera_position.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.963969][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Context Build <cmd_context_build.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.964277][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Groups <gui_unitgroups.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.968869][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: BuildBar <gui_buildbar.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.971689][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Pregame Queue <gui_pregame_build.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.972099][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Commands FX <gui_commands_fx.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.972411][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Game info <gui_gameinfo.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.976754][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Mapmarks FX <gui_mapmarks_fx.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.977172][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Metalspots <gui_metalspots.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.978585][f=-000001] Metalspots GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:01.981059][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Mouse FX <gui_mouse_fx.lua> ...
[t=01:27:01.981436][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Idle Builders <gui_idle_builders.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.006695][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Geothermalspots <gui_geothermalspots.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.008795][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AllyCursors <gui_ally_cursors.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.009144][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Anti Ranges <gui_anti_ranges.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.009371][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Rank Icons GL4 <gui_rank_icons_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.014834][f=-000001] Rank IconsShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:02.048664][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Waypoint Dragger <unit_waypoint_dragger_2.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.049101][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: CommandInsert <cmd_commandinsert.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.049360][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Set fighters on Fly mode <unit_set_fighters_fly.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.049573][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Notifications <snd_notifications.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.050037][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Select n Center! <gui_center_n_select.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.050322][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Replay buttons <gui_replaybuttons.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.050841][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Show Builder Queue <gfx_showbuilderqueue.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.051126][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Commander Hurt Vignette <gui_commanderhurt.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.051474][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Mouse Buildspacing <gui_buildspacing.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.051695][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Decals GL4 <gfx_decals_gl4.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.055023][f=-000001] Decals Gl4 Shader, recompiled in , 3, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:02.056778][f=-000001] Decals Large Gl4 Shader, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=01:27:02.062005][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Lups <lups_wrapper.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.090182][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Quick Build (mex/geo) <cmd_quick_build_extractor.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.090625][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Reclaim Field Highlight <gui_reclaim_field_highlight.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.091410][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Prospector <gui_prospector.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.091968][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Contrast Adaptive Sharpen <gfx_cas.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.092738][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Rejoin progress <gui_rejoinprogress.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.093147][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: CustomFormations2 <cmd_customformations2.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.093476][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Darken map <gfx_darken_map.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.093808][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Cursor <gui_cursor.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.570876][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Messages <gui_messages.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.572503][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Scavenger Audio Reciever <ai_scav_audio_reciever.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.573378][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Bloom Shader Deferred <gfx_bloom_shader_deferred.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.575346][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Pause Screen <gui_pausescreen.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.576200][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: SSAO <gfx_ssao.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.594915][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Widget Selector <widget_selector.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.601944][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: FlowUI <gui_flowui.lua> ...
[t=01:27:02.715562][f=-000001] [Game::Load][7] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=01:27:02.803298][f=-000001] [Game::Load][8] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=01:27:02.804514][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Skirmish AIs"
[t=01:27:02.806386][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=0)]
[t=01:27:02.806433][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=1)]
[t=01:27:02.806446][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=1 team=2] creating callbacks
[t=01:27:02.807616][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=01:27:02.829441][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:02.835944][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=01:27:02.837133][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Loading the Terrain-Map ...
[t=01:27:02.837186][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Water Damage: 0.000000
[t=01:27:02.837577][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Sector-Map Block Size: 64
[t=01:27:02.837589][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Sector-Map Size: 16384 (x128, z128)
[t=01:27:02.842628][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Determining Usable Terrain for all units ...
[t=01:27:02.869865][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Map Land Percent: 97.58%
[t=01:27:02.869903][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Minimum Elevation: -267.56
[t=01:27:02.869913][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Maximum Elevation: 542.27
[t=01:27:02.869928][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-0.000000 / any) Is buildable across 96.911621% of the map. (used by 145 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.869943][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5.000000 / any) Is buildable across 97.241211% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.869961][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-20.000000 / any) Is buildable across 98.602295% of the map. (used by 6 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.869974][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -25.000000) Is buildable across 0.567627% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.869987][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -24.000000) Is buildable across 0.585938% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870003][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-1.000000 / any) Is buildable across 96.972656% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870015][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -30.000000) Is buildable across 0.488281% of the map. (used by 8 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870027][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.000000) Is buildable across 0.897217% of the map. (used by 10 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870044][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870055][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -5.000000) Is buildable across 1.544189% of the map. (used by 9 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870067][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -1.000000) Is buildable across 1.800537% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870083][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -16.000000) Is buildable across 0.793457% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870095][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -2.000000) Is buildable across 1.715088% of the map. (used by 7 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870116][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -0.000000) Is buildable across 1.849365% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870128][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -11.000000) Is buildable across 0.933838% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870140][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870158][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.000000) Is buildable across 0.897217% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870170][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -30.000000) Is buildable across 0.488281% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870233][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -10.000000) Is buildable across 0.982666% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870259][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -20.000000) Is buildable across 0.677490% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870277][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-9999.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870291][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -6.000000) Is buildable across 1.379395% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870308][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870320][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.000000) Is buildable across 0.805664% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870333][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.000000) Is buildable across 0.805664% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870349][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -31.000000) Is buildable across 0.463867% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870361][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-1000.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.870377][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -40.000000) Is buildable across 0.372314% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.878317][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5000.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'habot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 85.25% of the map. (used by 50 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.878484][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -8.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat4' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 19 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.886397][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'bot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 84.46% of the map. (used by 30 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.886537][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat8' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 23 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.893360][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.11)) Move-Data used:'htank4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 75.65% of the map. (used by 44 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.900659][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'hhover4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 79.93% of the map. (used by 17 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.908773][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hover5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 85.28% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.908923][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -10.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat5' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 8 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.916183][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5000.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.19)) Move-Data used:'vbot5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 81.23% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.924088][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-26.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hbot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 84.58% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.931694][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'bot1' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 83.37% of the map. (used by 21 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.940833][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'htbot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 98.67% of the map. (used by 9 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.947919][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-24.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'htank5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 79.16% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.948245][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.00) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'hhover4' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:02.955917][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-30.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hbot5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 84.70% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=01:27:03.007008][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=01:27:03.010251][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=01:27:03.010934][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=01:27:03.011844][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=01:27:03.012325][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=01:27:03.013245][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=01:27:03.019133][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=01:27:03.256353][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.256424][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.256657][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.256688][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.256795][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=01:27:03.256804][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.256880][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=01:27:03.256908][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=01:27:03.256917][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=01:27:03.256925][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=01:27:03.256978][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=01:27:03.256988][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=01:27:03.260414][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=01:27:03.260497][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=01:27:03.261101][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=01:27:03.261178][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.261248][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=01:27:03.261309][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.262216][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=01:27:03.263797][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:03.282811][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (1) Initialized!
[t=01:27:03.283542][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=1 team=2] numUnits=0
[t=01:27:03.283558][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=2)]
[t=01:27:03.283570][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=2 team=3] creating callbacks
[t=01:27:03.283838][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=01:27:03.304323][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:03.312721][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=01:27:03.318416][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=01:27:03.321482][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=01:27:03.322185][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=01:27:03.323161][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=01:27:03.323622][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=01:27:03.324822][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=01:27:03.330649][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=01:27:03.343206][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.343260][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.343494][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.343558][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.343680][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=01:27:03.343711][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.343827][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=01:27:03.343837][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=01:27:03.343857][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=01:27:03.343865][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=01:27:03.343877][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=01:27:03.343887][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=01:27:03.347337][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=01:27:03.347380][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=01:27:03.347496][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=01:27:03.347534][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.347562][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=01:27:03.347602][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.348671][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=01:27:03.350179][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:03.369699][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (2) Initialized!
[t=01:27:03.370249][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=2 team=3] numUnits=0
[t=01:27:03.370266][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=3)]
[t=01:27:03.370277][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=3 team=4] creating callbacks
[t=01:27:03.370409][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=01:27:03.391350][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:03.397504][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=01:27:03.403120][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=01:27:03.406523][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=01:27:03.407194][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=01:27:03.408100][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=01:27:03.408543][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=01:27:03.409448][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=01:27:03.415251][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=01:27:03.421555][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.421629][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.421866][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.421907][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.422019][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=01:27:03.422030][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.422105][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=01:27:03.422115][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=01:27:03.422123][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=01:27:03.422132][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=01:27:03.422145][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=01:27:03.422154][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=01:27:03.422214][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=01:27:03.422243][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=01:27:03.422355][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=01:27:03.422386][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.422412][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=01:27:03.422432][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.423146][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=01:27:03.424605][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:03.443733][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (3) Initialized!
[t=01:27:03.444309][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=3 team=4] numUnits=0
[t=01:27:03.444326][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=4)]
[t=01:27:03.444338][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=4 team=5] creating callbacks
[t=01:27:03.444901][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=01:27:03.465387][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:03.475165][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=01:27:03.481795][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=01:27:03.484978][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=01:27:03.485639][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=01:27:03.486541][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=01:27:03.486975][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=01:27:03.487873][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=01:27:03.493673][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=01:27:03.499802][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.499862][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.500097][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.500149][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.500258][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=01:27:03.500267][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.500333][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=01:27:03.500343][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=01:27:03.500356][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=01:27:03.500366][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=01:27:03.500375][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=01:27:03.500386][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=01:27:03.500451][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=01:27:03.500480][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=01:27:03.500589][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=01:27:03.500620][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.500646][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=01:27:03.500674][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.501404][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=01:27:03.502873][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:03.521405][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (4) Initialized!
[t=01:27:03.521975][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=4 team=5] numUnits=0
[t=01:27:03.521991][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=5)]
[t=01:27:03.522002][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=5 team=6] creating callbacks
[t=01:27:03.522285][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=01:27:03.543448][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:03.549714][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=01:27:03.555398][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=01:27:03.558554][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=01:27:03.559203][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=01:27:03.560172][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=01:27:03.560835][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=01:27:03.562210][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=01:27:03.572251][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=01:27:03.579264][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.579336][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.579565][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.579595][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.579706][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=01:27:03.579716][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.579788][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=01:27:03.579798][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=01:27:03.579808][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=01:27:03.579816][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=01:27:03.579829][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=01:27:03.579838][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=01:27:03.579893][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=01:27:03.579927][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=01:27:03.580038][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=01:27:03.580072][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.580096][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=01:27:03.580115][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.580822][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=01:27:03.582290][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:03.600818][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (5) Initialized!
[t=01:27:03.601382][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=5 team=6] numUnits=0
[t=01:27:03.601400][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=6)]
[t=01:27:03.601410][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=6 team=7] creating callbacks
[t=01:27:03.601600][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=01:27:03.621991][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:03.628358][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=01:27:03.633940][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=01:27:03.637083][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=01:27:03.637732][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=01:27:03.638635][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=01:27:03.639226][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=01:27:03.640592][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=01:27:03.648447][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=01:27:03.653829][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.653881][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.654155][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.654227][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=01:27:03.654340][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=01:27:03.654354][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=01:27:03.654419][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=01:27:03.654428][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=01:27:03.654443][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=01:27:03.654452][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=01:27:03.654460][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=01:27:03.654469][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=01:27:03.654526][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=01:27:03.654553][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=01:27:03.654692][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=01:27:03.654724][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.654747][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=01:27:03.654771][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=01:27:03.655634][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=01:27:03.657249][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=01:27:03.675640][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (6) Initialized!
[t=01:27:03.676239][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=6 team=7] numUnits=0
[t=01:27:03.676252][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadSkirmishAIs] 872ms
[t=01:27:03.688758][f=-000001] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaIntro (unsynced)] index=6 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 127820, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 11163213}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0127}
[t=01:27:06.253852][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Cache Textures
[t=01:27:07.135787][f=-000001] Set "shadows" config-parameter to 1
[t=01:27:07.685235][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=-1 (adaptive)
[t=01:27:07.687795][f=-000001] GameID: a9fc3a6656efbb15d5fd9ffae25bb485
[t=01:27:07.688178][f=-000001] Connection attempt from Player
[t=01:27:07.688190][f=-000001] -> Version: 105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 BAR105 [Windows 64-bit (native)]
[t=01:27:07.690062][f=-000001] -> Connection established (given id 0)
[t=01:27:07.690087][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Player" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums]
[t=01:27:07.690120][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Player" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums]
[t=01:27:07.690247][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Player" string="[Game::Load][lua{Rules,Gaia}={000002171df03aa0,000002171df02270}][locale="C"]"
[t=01:27:07.690262][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "SimpleConstructorAI(1)" (ID: 0, Short-Name: "SimpleConstructorAI", Version: "<not-versioned>") took over control of team 1
[t=01:27:07.690279][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(6)" (ID: 1, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 2
[t=01:27:07.690315][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(2)" (ID: 2, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 3
[t=01:27:07.690326][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(3)" (ID: 3, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 4
[t=01:27:07.690340][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(5)" (ID: 4, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 5
[t=01:27:07.690365][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(1)" (ID: 5, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 6
[t=01:27:07.690375][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(4)" (ID: 6, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 7
[t=01:27:07.690390][f=-000001] Player Player finished loading and is now ingame
[t=01:27:07.736537][f=-000001] TotalHideLobbyInterface, true
[t=01:27:48.968619][f=-000001] [Initial Spawn] manual spawning based on positions chosen by players in start boxes
[t=01:28:06.221743][f=0000517] Buildings set to face East
[t=01:28:37.862127][f=0001466] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=4 (standard)
[t=01:28:37.940118][f=0001468] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=-1 (adaptive)
[t=01:28:53.810241][f=0001944] Input grabbing is enabled!
[t=01:28:57.145191][f=0002044] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=4 (standard)
[t=01:28:59.643808][f=0002119] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=-1 (adaptive)
[t=01:28:59.874023][f=0002126] Input grabbing is enabled!
[t=01:32:07.420173][f=0007753] Added Grunt to autogroup #1.
[t=01:34:24.348953][f=0011861] Metal Extractor is being attacked!
[t=01:34:39.751740][f=0012323] Construction Bot is being attacked!
[t=01:35:27.817654][f=0013765] Construction Bot is being attacked!
[t=01:35:43.254502][f=0014228] Construction Bot is being attacked!
[t=01:35:59.470607][f=0014715] Construction Bot is being attacked!
[t=01:36:19.974934][f=0015330] Construction Bot is being attacked!
[t=01:36:36.286321][f=0015819] Incisor is being attacked!
[t=01:36:50.205046][f=0016237] Cortex Commander is being attacked!
[t=01:37:14.473086][f=0016964] Added Thug to autogroup #1.
[t=01:37:14.473122][f=0016964] Added Sheldon to autogroup #1.
[t=01:37:14.473142][f=0016964] Added Trasher to autogroup #1.
[t=01:37:14.473160][f=0016964] Added Grunt to autogroup #1.
[t=01:38:04.942466][f=0018479] Cortex Commander is being attacked!
[t=01:38:53.877859][f=0019947] Metal Extractor is being attacked!
[t=01:39:25.172538][f=0020885] Added Arbiter to autogroup #3.
[t=01:39:25.316622][f=0020890] Grunt is being attacked!
[t=01:39:40.320370][f=0021340] Grunt is being attacked!
[t=01:40:35.727604][f=0023002] Added Sheldon to autogroup #2.
[t=01:42:48.980226][f=0027000] Incisor is being attacked!
[t=01:43:51.852990][f=0028886] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=01:43:54.649239][f=0028970] Cortex Commander is being attacked!
[t=01:44:33.518403][f=0030136] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=01:44:36.116788][f=0030214] Cortex Commander is being attacked!
[t=01:45:31.707639][f=0031882] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=01:45:46.883160][f=0032337] Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:45:47.910150][f=0032368] Thug is being attacked!
[t=01:46:07.712882][f=0032962] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=01:46:09.820958][f=0033025] Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:46:47.881774][f=0034167] Trasher is being attacked!
[t=01:47:19.618492][f=0035119] Player shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:47:52.286632][f=0036099] Thug is being attacked!
[t=01:48:24.621541][f=0037069] Added Shuriken to autogroup #6.
[t=01:48:49.193151][f=0037806] Added Sheldon to autogroup #2.
[t=01:48:49.193186][f=0037806] Added Arbiter to autogroup #2.
[t=01:49:02.258895][f=0038198] Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:49:02.760696][f=0038213] Added Shuriken to autogroup #3.
[t=01:49:22.675707][f=0038811] Deceiver is being attacked!
[t=01:49:40.142861][f=0039335] Deceiver is being attacked!
[t=01:49:56.179684][f=0039816] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=01:50:22.157356][f=0040595] Added Fiend to autogroup #1.
[t=01:50:22.157392][f=0040595] Added Trasher to autogroup #1.
[t=01:50:22.157416][f=0040595] Added Thug to autogroup #1.
[t=01:50:22.157436][f=0040595] Added Augur to autogroup #1.
[t=01:50:22.157555][f=0040595] Added Sumo to autogroup #1.
[t=01:50:57.288484][f=0041649] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=01:51:14.053796][f=0042152] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=01:51:37.245383][f=0042848] Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:51:38.944605][f=0042899] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=01:52:04.885464][f=0043677] Arbiter is being attacked!
[t=01:52:54.741605][f=0045173] Manticore is being attacked!
[t=01:53:11.522241][f=0045676] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=01:53:27.086795][f=0046143] Graverobber is being attacked!
[t=01:53:28.384677][f=0046182] Buccaneer (AI) shared units to Blizzard (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:53:49.036779][f=0046801] Added Graverobber to autogroup #7.
[t=01:53:52.851269][f=0046916] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=01:54:27.822912][f=0047965] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=01:54:46.975138][f=0048540] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=01:54:51.243754][f=0048668] Blizzard (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:55:34.389000][f=0049962] Metal Extractor is being attacked!
[t=01:56:11.022193][f=0051061] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=01:56:28.583038][f=0051588] Fortification Wall is being attacked!
[t=01:56:43.616061][f=0052039] Termite is being attacked!
[t=01:56:59.552775][f=0052517] Pounder is being attacked!
[t=01:57:00.244592][f=0052538] Buccaneer (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:57:15.210531][f=0052987] Janus is being attacked!
[t=01:57:17.180933][f=0053046] Blizzard (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:57:31.055645][f=0053462] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=01:57:51.657486][f=0054080] Blizzard (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:58:03.289063][f=0054429] Player shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:58:08.079054][f=0054573] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=01:58:51.674737][f=0055881] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=01:59:07.942863][f=0056369] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=01:59:26.184195][f=0056916] Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:59:31.649251][f=0057080] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=01:59:44.261744][f=0057458] Player shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=01:59:47.028682][f=0057541] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=02:00:08.240338][f=0058178] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=02:00:30.053444][f=0058832] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=02:00:50.380917][f=0059442] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=02:01:09.556833][f=0060017] Arbiter is being attacked!
[t=02:01:24.821544][f=0060475] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=02:01:40.524800][f=0060946] Sheldon is being attacked!
[t=02:01:40.719771][f=0060952] Player shared units to Blizzard (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=02:01:55.271245][f=0061388] Added Fiend to autogroup #1.
[t=02:01:55.271282][f=0061388] Added Termite to autogroup #1.
[t=02:01:55.271303][f=0061388] Added Trasher to autogroup #1.
[t=02:01:55.271339][f=0061388] Added Thug to autogroup #1.
[t=02:01:55.271360][f=0061388] Added Mammoth to autogroup #1.
[t=02:01:55.271380][f=0061388] Added Manticore to autogroup #1.
[t=02:01:55.271401][f=0061388] Added Augur to autogroup #1.
[t=02:01:55.271420][f=0061388] Added Sumo to autogroup #1.
[t=02:02:07.288411][f=0061749] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=02:02:26.918411][f=0062338] Arbiter is being attacked!
[t=02:02:59.214294][f=0063307] Fiend is being attacked!
[t=02:03:12.149228][f=0063695] Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=02:03:14.248441][f=0063758] Thug is being attacked!
[t=02:03:31.288435][f=0064269] Sumo is being attacked!
[t=02:04:10.790972][f=0065454] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=02:04:29.583815][f=0066018] Termite is being attacked!
[t=02:04:44.941932][f=0066479] Termite is being attacked!
[t=02:05:00.148289][f=0066935] Termite is being attacked!
[t=02:05:15.240373][f=0067388] Shuriken is being attacked!
[t=02:05:31.977512][f=0067890] Termite is being attacked!
[t=02:05:51.914591][f=0068488] Fiend is being attacked!
[t=02:06:15.220233][f=0069187] Sumo is being attacked!
[t=02:06:23.365792][f=0069431] Buccaneer (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=02:06:58.527693][f=0070486] Fiend is being attacked!
[t=02:07:09.786466][f=0070823] Added Valiant to autogroup #5.
[t=02:07:09.786502][f=0070823] Added Shuriken to autogroup #5.
[t=02:07:09.786526][f=0070823] Added Finch to autogroup #5.
[t=02:07:09.786548][f=0070823] Added Whirlwind to autogroup #5.
[t=02:07:14.884247][f=0070977] Whirlwind is being attacked!
[t=02:07:33.476594][f=0071535] Aggravator is being attacked!
[t=02:07:49.798001][f=0072024] Aggravator is being attacked!
[t=02:07:54.091140][f=0072153] Blizzard (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=02:08:05.946356][f=0072509] Arbiter is being attacked!
[t=02:08:35.144082][f=0073385] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=02:08:46.355087][f=0073721] Vache (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=02:08:57.297366][f=0074049] Fiend is being attacked!
[t=02:09:10.561062][f=0074447] Blizzard (AI) shared units to Vache (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=02:09:30.650244][f=0075050] Dragon's Teeth is being attacked!
[t=02:09:39.992913][f=0075330] Player paused the game
[t=02:09:49.159531][f=0075330] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=4 (standard)
[t=02:10:08.191936][f=0075330] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=-1 (adaptive)
[t=02:10:08.475558][f=0075330] Input grabbing is enabled!
[t=02:10:09.063732][f=0075330] Player unpaused the game
[t=02:10:14.369682][f=0075490] Valiant is being attacked!
[t=02:10:37.373484][f=0076180] Vache (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=02:10:58.297321][f=0076808] Vache (AI) shared units to Buccaneer (AI): Advanced Metal Extractor
[t=02:12:32.026391][f=0079620] Watcher rode on into the sunset
[t=02:12:32.027375][f=0079620] SuperMadmax was terminated
[t=02:12:32.028377][f=0079620] Blitz has bowed out
[t=02:12:32.029576][f=0079620] Condor has gone to a better place
[t=02:12:32.038023][f=0079620] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=1)]
[t=02:12:32.043483][f=0079620] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=4)]
[t=02:12:32.050231][f=0079620] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=6)]
[t=02:12:32.056771][f=0079620] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(6)" (ID: 1) being removed from team 2
[t=02:12:32.080456][f=0079620] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(5)" (ID: 4) being removed from team 5
[t=02:12:32.089064][f=0079620] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(4)" (ID: 6) being removed from team 7
[t=02:12:38.162881][f=0079804] Input grabbing is disabled!
[t=02:12:38.162916][f=0079804] <autoquit> Automatically exiting in 12 seconds. Move mouse to postpone the quit for 60 seconds
[t=02:12:43.048544][f=0079950] [SpringApp::Reload][1]
[t=02:12:43.048566][f=0079950] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=6 maximum=12 (init=0)
[t=02:12:43.075982][f=0079950] [async=0] threads=6 tasks=9381785 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{617210.812, 0.066}, {757019.375, 0.081}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076028][f=0079950] thread=1 tasks=1876357 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{146531.984, 0.000, 731.337, 0.078}, {55393.066, 0.000, 18446744027136.000, 0.030}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076043][f=0079950] thread=2 tasks=1876357 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{119186.328, 0.000, 611.406, 0.064}, {168633.094, 0.000, 18446744027136.000, 0.090}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076056][f=0079950] thread=3 tasks=1876357 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{120823.562, 0.000, 489.323, 0.064}, {172066.562, 0.000, 18446744027136.000, 0.092}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076075][f=0079950] thread=4 tasks=1876357 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{116428.602, 0.000, 1393.370, 0.062}, {179283.875, 0.000, 18446744027136.000, 0.096}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076088][f=0079950] thread=5 tasks=1876357 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{114240.367, 0.000, 464.568, 0.061}, {181642.766, 0.000, 129.028, 0.097}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076100][f=0079950] [async=1] threads=6 tasks=17601 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{88752.266, 5.042}, {70521712.000, 4006.688}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076116][f=0079950] thread=1 tasks=3520 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{18028.451, 0.000, 1730.749, 5.122}, {14328344.000, 0.002, 10050.301, 4070.552}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076128][f=0079950] thread=2 tasks=3520 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{17777.268, 0.001, 1730.804, 5.050}, {13847309.000, 0.017, 9748.048, 3933.895}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076141][f=0079950] thread=3 tasks=3520 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{18013.320, 0.001, 1555.452, 5.117}, {14464881.000, 0.275, 10094.551, 4109.341}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076157][f=0079950] thread=4 tasks=3521 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{17774.211, 0.001, 1542.956, 5.048}, {14164234.000, 0.230, 9867.176, 4022.787}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076169][f=0079950] thread=5 tasks=3520 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{17159.016, 0.001, 1552.163, 4.875}, {13716941.000, 0.463, 9159.569, 3896.858}}ms
[t=02:12:43.076180][f=0079950] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[t=02:12:43.076203][f=0079950] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=6 current=1 maximum=12 (init=1)
[t=02:12:43.076478][f=0079950] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=5
[t=02:12:43.076572][f=0079950] [Threading] Worker 1 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x1
[t=02:12:43.076670][f=0079950] [Threading] Worker 2 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x2
[t=02:12:43.076814][f=0079950] [Threading] Worker 3 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x4
[t=02:12:43.076896][f=0079950] [Threading] Worker 4 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x8
[t=02:12:43.077006][f=0079950] [Threading] Worker 5 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x10
[t=02:12:43.077080][f=0079950] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 0xfe0
[t=02:12:43.077092][f=0079950] [SpringApp::Reload][2]
[t=02:12:43.077159][f=0079950] [DemoRecorder::WriteDemoFile] writing client-demo "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\demos\2024-05-08_04-16-41-528_Archsimkats_Valley_V1_105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 BAR105.sdfz" (27165137 bytes)
[t=02:12:43.077215][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=0 loadscreen=0000000000000000
[t=02:12:43.077224][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=0 luaUI=000002172293c020
[t=02:12:43.111454][f=0079950] Highlight Unit Widget Exiting, nil
[t=02:12:43.111978][f=0079950] Healthbars GL4 unloaded hooks
[t=02:12:43.112598][f=0079950] frames-per-second indicator is enabled!
[t=02:12:43.118563][f=0079950] small digital clock is enabled!
[t=02:12:43.124358][f=0079950] simulation speed indicator is enabled!
[t=02:12:43.124427][f=0079950] EndGame Graph enabled, causes reload
[t=02:12:43.132545][f=0079950] Reloaded cmdcolors from file: cmdcolors.tmp
[t=02:12:43.285515][f=0079950] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaUI (unsynced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 139478178, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 14297288064}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0106}
[t=02:12:43.299725][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=0 luaGaia=000002171df02270
[t=02:12:43.307416][f=0079950] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaGaia (unsynced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 2, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 60}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}
[t=02:12:43.307746][f=0079950] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaGaia (synced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 0, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 0}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}
[t=02:12:43.307832][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=0 luaRules=000002171df03aa0
[t=02:12:43.339624][f=0079950] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (unsynced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 1343, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 271689}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0127}
[t=02:12:43.341414][f=0079950] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (synced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 0, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 0}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}
[t=02:12:43.341691][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=0
[t=02:12:43.341709][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][5] dtor=0
[t=02:12:43.362931][f=0079950] [SpringApp::Reload][3]
[t=02:12:43.362957][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::Kill] soundThread.joinable()=1
[t=02:12:43.388725][f=0079950] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[t=02:12:43.388761][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] #sources=255 #items=306
[t=02:12:43.389490][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=00000216cc7722d0 dev=000002161d11a020
[t=02:12:43.389619][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5] ctx=00000216cc7722d0 dev=000002161d11a020
[t=02:12:43.389640][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcDestroyContext(00000216cc7722d0)]
[t=02:12:43.390605][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcCloseDevice(000002161d11a020)]
[t=02:12:43.405521][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][SDL_CloseAudioDevice(2)]
[t=02:12:43.438809][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][6]
[t=02:12:43.439458][f=0079950] [SpringApp::Reload][4]
[t=02:12:43.439474][f=0079950] [Game::~CGame][1]
[t=02:12:43.439481][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=1 loadscreen=0000000000000000
[t=02:12:43.439502][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=1 luaUI=0000000000000000
[t=02:12:43.439509][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=1 luaGaia=0000000000000000
[t=02:12:43.439516][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=1 luaRules=0000000000000000
[t=02:12:43.439533][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=1
[t=02:12:43.439543][f=0079950] [Game::KillLua][5] dtor=1
[t=02:12:43.439699][f=0079950] [Game::KillMisc][1]
[t=02:12:43.439706][f=0079950] [Game::KillMisc][2]
[t=02:12:43.439713][f=0079950] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=5)]
[t=02:12:43.448636][f=0079950] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=3)]
[t=02:12:43.455143][f=0079950] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=2)]
[t=02:12:43.510250][f=0079950] [Game::KillMisc][3]
[t=02:12:43.510280][f=0079950] [Game::KillRendering][1]
[t=02:12:43.520792][f=0079950] [~CRectangleOverlapHandler] 16% overlap reduction
[t=02:12:43.624871][f=0079950] [3DOParser::Kill] allocated 1 pieces
[t=02:12:43.624896][f=0079950] [S3OParser::Kill] allocated 5765 pieces
[t=02:12:43.626642][f=0079950] [AssParser::Kill] allocated 0 pieces
[t=02:12:43.667042][f=0079950] [Game::KillInterface][1]
[t=02:12:43.668064][f=0079950] [Game::KillInterface][2]
[t=02:12:43.669512][f=0079950] [Game::KillSimulation][1]
[t=02:12:43.669590][f=0079950] [Game::KillSimulation][2]
[t=02:12:43.768617][f=0079950] [CCollisionHandler] dis-/continuous tests: 4293/109175332
[t=02:12:43.768638][f=0079950] [Game::KillSimulation][3]
[t=02:12:43.815368][f=0079950] ~PathManager: 0 entities still active!
[t=02:12:44.259097][f=0079950] [~CRectangleOverlapHandler] 16% overlap reduction
[t=02:12:44.287579][f=0079950] [LosHandler::Kill] raycast instance cache-{hits,misses}={564586,619113}; shared=18%; cached=30%
[t=02:12:44.306058][f=0079950] [Game::KillSimulation][4]
[t=02:12:44.619013][f=0079950] [CommonDefHandler::KillStatic] 3030 sound-set data items added
[t=02:12:44.619055][f=0079950] [Game::~CGame][2]
[t=02:12:44.619062][f=0079950] [Game::~CGame][3]
[t=02:12:44.619660][f=0079950] [NetProto::~CNetProtocol] [LocalConnection::Statistics]
21793407 bytes sent
21085213 bytes recv'd
[t=02:12:44.624800][f=0079950] Kill: client disconnecting...
[t=02:12:44.771445][f=0079950] CloseConnection: client connection closed
[t=02:12:44.771595][f=0079950] [SpringApp::Reload][5]
[t=02:12:44.771633][f=0079950] [SpringApp::Reload][6]
[t=02:12:44.771642][f=0079950] [VFS] [SpringVFS::UnMapArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(reload=1)] (#mod=15842 #map=91 #menu=2434)
[t=02:12:44.781771][f=0079950] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base
[t=02:12:44.782041][f=0079950] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\maps
[t=02:12:44.782130][f=0079950] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\games
[t=02:12:44.782302][f=0079950] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps
[t=02:12:44.783414][f=0079950] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages
[t=02:12:44.786538][f=0079950] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 4ms
[t=02:12:44.786556][f=0079950] [SpringApp::Reload][7]
[t=02:12:44.787363][f=0079950] [SpringApp::Reload][8]
[t=02:12:44.788957][f=0079950] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (1.6ms)
[t=02:12:44.789150][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=256
[t=02:12:44.789174][f=0079950] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[t=02:12:44.789184][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[t=02:12:44.789213][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] UseSDLAudio is set, rendering openal-soft audio to SDL buffer and let SDL audio handle the hardware
[t=02:12:44.810328][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] SDL audio device(s):
[t=02:12:44.810350][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "0" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)"
[t=02:12:44.810362][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "1" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)"
[t=02:12:44.810371][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "2" "Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=02:12:44.810380][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "3" "ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)"
[t=02:12:44.810404][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "4" "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=02:12:44.810414][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[t=02:12:44.823712][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening loopback device
[t=02:12:44.824840][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] device=000002161d11a020(default) context=0000021760db1070 numChannels=2 frameSize=8
[t=02:12:44.824879][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[t=02:12:44.824888][f=0079950] [Sound] Vendor: OpenAL Community
[t=02:12:44.824896][f=0079950] [Sound] Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.21.0
[t=02:12:44.824903][f=0079950] [Sound] Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[t=02:12:44.824911][f=0079950] [Sound] AL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_BFORMAT AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_BFORMAT AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_EXT_SOURCE_RADIUS AL_EXT_STEREO_ANGLES AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_bformat_ex AL_SOFTX_bformat_hoa AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFTX_callback_buffer AL_SOFTX_convolution_reverb AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_direct_channels_remix AL_SOFT_effect_target AL_SOFT_events AL_SOFTX_filter_gain_ex AL_SOFT_gain_clamp_ex AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFTX_map_buffer AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length AL_SOFT_source_resampler AL_SOFT_source_spatialize
[t=02:12:44.824954][f=0079950] [Sound] ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_loopback_bformat ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[t=02:12:44.824970][f=0079950] [Sound] Devices:
[t=02:12:44.831170][f=0079950] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=02:12:44.831205][f=0079950] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)]
[t=02:12:44.831222][f=0079950] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)]
[t=02:12:44.831230][f=0079950] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[t=02:12:44.831237][f=0079950] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=02:12:44.831250][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=29
[t=02:12:44.831262][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={256,255}
[t=02:12:44.832630][f=0079950] [Sound] EFX Enabled: yes
[t=02:12:44.832650][f=0079950] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[t=02:12:44.888776][f=0079950] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 101ms
[t=02:12:44.888925][f=0079950] [SpringApp::Reload][10]
[t=02:12:44.889012][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][11]
[t=02:12:44.889021][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "rapid://byar-chobby:test"
[t=02:12:44.903161][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="BYAR Chobby test-3273-6fb691f", overwrite=false)] section=3 cached=1
[t=02:12:44.904554][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=02:12:44.904682][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000215a1d221f0>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=02:12:44.944077][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][12] #script=0
[t=02:12:44.944312][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Activate(msg="")] luaMenu=00000215e864d0c0
[t=02:12:44.944339][f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, true
[t=02:12:44.944636][f=-000001] Starting Track, luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - confined chaos (intro).ogg, 0.5
[t=02:12:44.975877][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][13] reloadCount=4
[t=02:12:44.976666][f=-000001] Missing self.client!!!
[t=02:12:44.976741][f=-000001] TotalHideLobbyInterface, false
[t=02:12:45.411579][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=02:12:48.168077][f=-000001] Quitting...
[t=02:12:48.176247][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][1] fromRun=1
[t=02:12:48.176269][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=6 maximum=12 (init=0)
[t=02:12:48.185347][f=-000001] [async=0] threads=6 tasks=0 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000}}ms
[t=02:12:48.185371][f=-000001] [async=1] threads=6 tasks=5 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.394, 0.079}, {1.193, 0.239}}ms
[t=02:12:48.185397][f=-000001] thread=1 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.102, 0.102, 0.102, 0.102}, {0.006, 0.006, 0.006, 0.006}}ms
[t=02:12:48.185411][f=-000001] thread=2 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.075, 0.075, 0.075, 0.075}, {0.122, 0.122, 0.122, 0.122}}ms
[t=02:12:48.185425][f=-000001] thread=3 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.069, 0.069, 0.069, 0.069}, {0.267, 0.267, 0.267, 0.267}}ms
[t=02:12:48.185437][f=-000001] thread=4 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.072, 0.072, 0.072, 0.072}, {0.341, 0.341, 0.341, 0.341}}ms
[t=02:12:48.185453][f=-000001] thread=5 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.076, 0.076, 0.076, 0.076}, {0.456, 0.456, 0.456, 0.456}}ms
[t=02:12:48.185462][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[t=02:12:48.185469][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][2]
[t=02:12:48.185532][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Kill] soundThread.joinable()=1
[t=02:12:48.203933][f=-000001] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[t=02:12:48.204010][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] #sources=255 #items=1
[t=02:12:48.205196][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=0000021760db1070 dev=000002161d11a020
[t=02:12:48.205503][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5] ctx=0000021760db1070 dev=000002161d11a020
[t=02:12:48.205515][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcDestroyContext(0000021760db1070)]
[t=02:12:48.215094][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcCloseDevice(000002161d11a020)]
[t=02:12:48.215179][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][SDL_CloseAudioDevice(2)]
[t=02:12:48.237335][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][6]
[t=02:12:48.239402][f=-000001] Scenario Window GetConfigData
[t=02:12:48.242531][f=-000001] [Chobby] Chobby Shutdown
[t=02:12:48.326011][f=-000001] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaMenu (unsynced)] index=0 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 17923080, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 1594350505}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0130}
[t=02:12:48.328866][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][3]
[t=02:12:48.328893][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][4] font=00000216cd001f40
[t=02:12:48.356385][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][5]
[t=02:12:48.362617][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][6]
[t=02:12:48.362635] [SpringApp::Kill][7]
[t=02:12:48.362719] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_0 max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {20400, 65536, 65536}, EBO = {0, 131072, 131072}
[t=02:12:48.362730] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_C max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {125856, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {245760, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=02:12:48.362753] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_N max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {0, 1024, 1024}, EBO = {0, 2048, 2048}
[t=02:12:48.362762] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_T max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {6, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {0, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=02:12:48.362771] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_T4 max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {1304, 65536, 65536}, EBO = {1956, 262144, 262144}
[t=02:12:48.362783] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_TN max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {0, 65536, 65536}, EBO = {0, 131072, 131072}
[t=02:12:48.362792] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_TC max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {3604, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {5406, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=02:12:48.362802] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_PROJ max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {103440, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {155160, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=02:12:48.362819] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_TNT max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {0, 0, 0}, EBO = {0, 0, 0}
[t=02:12:48.362828] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_2D0 max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {4, 65536, 65536}, EBO = {0, 131072, 131072}
[t=02:12:48.362836] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_2DC max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {0, 65536, 65536}, EBO = {0, 131072, 131072}
[t=02:12:48.362848] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_2DT max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {544, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {816, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=02:12:48.362862] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_2DTC max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {17436, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {26154, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=02:12:48.496692] [LuaSocket] [~CLuaSocketRestrictions] dumping luasocket rules:
[t=02:12:48.496713] [LuaSocket] TCP_CONNECT ALLOW * -1
[t=02:12:48.496725] [LuaSocket] TCP_LISTEN ALLOW * -1
[t=02:12:48.496761] [LuaSocket] UDP_LISTEN ALLOW * -1
[t=02:12:48.497081] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>]
[t=02:12:48.497101] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(section=0)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[t=02:12:48.497117] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(section=1)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[t=02:12:48.497131] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(section=2)] #archives[section]=3 #files[section]=327
[t=02:12:48.497157] [VFS] archive=F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base\maphelper.sdz (00000215f0b0d300)
[t=02:12:48.497242] [VFS] archive=F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base\springcontent.sdz (00000215a1d1d8f0)
[t=02:12:48.497355] [VFS] archive=F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base\spring\bitmaps.sdz (00000215a1d1e130)
[t=02:12:48.497466] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(section=3)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=2434
[t=02:12:48.497636] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(section=4)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[t=02:12:48.497650] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(section=5)] #archives[section]=2 #files[section]=0
[t=02:12:48.497662] [VFS] archive=F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp (000002173f890d80)
[t=02:12:48.498540] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\0aac0a74e695f9c7bc9db0b89e3e1342.sdp" numZipFiles=15842 sumInflSize=2148053kb sumReadTime=3391ms
[t=02:12:48.498633] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/" indx=7902 inflSize=21845kb readTime=108ms
[t=02:12:48.498652] file="fonts/sourcehansans-regular.ttc" indx=6168 inflSize=19029kb readTime=106ms
[t=02:12:48.498664] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/" indx=7904 inflSize=21845kb readTime=78ms
[t=02:12:48.498691] file="unittextures/" indx=15031 inflSize=21845kb readTime=66ms
[t=02:12:48.498713] file="unittextures/" indx=15035 inflSize=21845kb readTime=62ms
[t=02:12:48.498732] file="unittextures/" indx=14928 inflSize=21845kb readTime=58ms
[t=02:12:48.498744] file="unittextures/" indx=15034 inflSize=21845kb readTime=58ms
[t=02:12:48.498757] file="bitmaps/projectiletextures/barflame02.tga" indx=5875 inflSize=24576kb readTime=54ms
[t=02:12:48.498772] file="unittextures/" indx=14929 inflSize=21845kb readTime=47ms
[t=02:12:48.498789] file="unittextures/" indx=14930 inflSize=21845kb readTime=34ms
[t=02:12:48.504837] [VFS] archive=F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp (00000215eee09f00)
[t=02:12:48.505869] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\45c6fd2971845ebdddf57df13081a7dd.sdp" numZipFiles=15841 sumInflSize=2148032kb sumReadTime=18601ms
[t=02:12:48.505948] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/" indx=7902 inflSize=21845kb readTime=135ms
[t=02:12:48.505979] file="fonts/sourcehansans-regular.ttc" indx=6168 inflSize=19029kb readTime=108ms
[t=02:12:48.505986] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/" indx=7904 inflSize=21845kb readTime=92ms
[t=02:12:48.506001] file="unittextures/" indx=15030 inflSize=21845kb readTime=82ms
[t=02:12:48.506016] file="bitmaps/projectiletextures/barflame02.tga" indx=5875 inflSize=24576kb readTime=74ms
[t=02:12:48.506031] file="unittextures/" indx=15033 inflSize=21845kb readTime=72ms
[t=02:12:48.506058] file="unittextures/" indx=15034 inflSize=21845kb readTime=62ms
[t=02:12:48.506073] file="unittextures/" indx=14927 inflSize=21845kb readTime=56ms
[t=02:12:48.506087] file="unittextures/" indx=14928 inflSize=21845kb readTime=52ms
[t=02:12:48.506100] file="bitmaps/projectiletextures/smoke-ice-anim.tga" indx=5977 inflSize=16384kb readTime=44ms
[t=02:12:48.513935] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(section=6)] #archives[section]=2 #files[section]=0
[t=02:12:48.513967] [VFS] archive=F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps\cape_violet_v1.sd7 (00000215eda21b30)
[t=02:12:48.515354] [VFS] archive=F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps\archsimkats_valley_v1.sd7 (00000216d09a6650)
[t=02:12:48.515782] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(section=7)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[t=02:12:48.515796] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=00000215a1d221f0>(section=8)] #archives[section]=1 #files[section]=0
[t=02:12:48.515813] [VFS] archive=F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\2f2b808ee8776cf020cc6fd4576c9f64.sdp (00000215e83f9ee0)
[t=02:12:48.515845] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\2f2b808ee8776cf020cc6fd4576c9f64.sdp" numZipFiles=2434 sumInflSize=294157kb sumReadTime=1402ms
[t=02:12:48.515866] file="luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbymusic/original/ryan krause - divergents.ogg" indx=309 inflSize=2760kb readTime=20ms
[t=02:12:48.515889] file="luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbymusic/original/leon devereux - waystation theta (intro).ogg" indx=304 inflSize=2823kb readTime=19ms
[t=02:12:48.515902] file="luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/minimapthumbnail/hotlips_remake_v3.1.1.png" indx=1043 inflSize=46kb readTime=18ms
[t=02:12:48.515919] file="luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbymusic/original/ryan krause - confined chaos (intro).ogg" indx=308 inflSize=2549kb readTime=12ms
[t=02:12:48.515928] file="luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/minimapoverride/altair_crossing_v4.1.jpg" indx=325 inflSize=348kb readTime=8ms
[t=02:12:48.515942] file="luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/minimapoverride/theta_crystals_1.2.jpg" indx=721 inflSize=385kb readTime=7ms
[t=02:12:48.515950] file="luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/minimapoverride/ancient_bastion_remake_0.5.jpg" indx=332 inflSize=188kb readTime=7ms
[t=02:12:48.515959] file="luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/minimapthumbnail/omega_valley_v1.01.png" indx=1157 inflSize=39kb readTime=7ms
[t=02:12:48.515971] file="luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/taskbarlogo.png" indx=1501 inflSize=7kb readTime=6ms
[t=02:12:48.515978] file="luamenu/widgets/chili/themes/theme.lua" indx=2299 inflSize=1kb readTime=6ms
[t=02:12:48.518960] [SpringApp::Kill][8]
[t=02:12:48.518977] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [main]
[t=02:12:48.518985] [WatchDog::Uninstall][1] hangDetectorThread=00007ff7152c0170 (joinable=1)
[t=02:12:48.518992] [WatchDog::Uninstall][2]
[t=02:12:49.101192] [WatchDog::Uninstall][3]
[t=02:12:49.101240] [SpringApp::Kill][9]
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
[t=00:00:00.159248] DetectCores: cpu mask fff
[t=00:00:00.159250] [CpuId] found 6 cores and 12 logical cpus (mask: 0xfff) of type general
[t=00:00:00.159252] [CpuId] setting logical cpu affinity mask to 0xfff
[t=00:00:00.159254] [DataDirLocater::FindWriteableDataDir] using writeable data-directory "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\"
[t=00:00:00.159256] Using writeable configuration source: "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\springsettings.cfg"
[t=00:00:00.159258] Using additional read-only configuration source: "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\springsettings.cfg"
[t=00:00:00.159317] LogOutput initialized. Logging to F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\infolog.txt
[t=00:00:00.159372] ============== <Log Sections ([A]vailable, [E]nabled)> ==============
[A] ArchiveScanner
[A] AutohostInterface
[A] BumpWater
[A] CSMFGroundTextures
[A] CregSerializer
[A] DynWater
[A] Font
[A] GameServer
[A] GroundMoveType
[A] KeyBindings
[A] LuaSocket
[A] Model
[A] Net
[A] Path
[A] Piece
[A] RoamMeshDrawer
[A] Shader
[A] SkyBox
[A] Sound
[A] Texture
[E] Sound (Notice)
[E] VFS (Info)
[t=00:00:00.160707] Enable or disable log sections using the LogSections configuration key
[t=00:00:00.160714] or the SPRING_LOG_SECTIONS environment variable (both comma separated).
[t=00:00:00.160721] Use "none" to disable the default log sections.
[t=00:00:00.160727] ============== </Log Sections> ==============
[t=00:00:00.160741] ============== <User Config> ==============
[t=00:00:00.160889] AllowDeferredMapRendering = 1
[t=00:00:00.160897] AllowDeferredModelRendering = 1
[t=00:00:00.160903] BumpWaterAnisotropy = 2
[t=00:00:00.160908] BumpWaterBlurReflection = 1
[t=00:00:00.160914] BumpWaterDepthBits = 32
[t=00:00:00.160919] BumpWaterReflection = 2
[t=00:00:00.160924] BumpWaterTexSizeReflection = 1024
[t=00:00:00.160930] CamMode = 3
[t=00:00:00.160935] CrossAlpha = 0
[t=00:00:00.160946] CubeTexGenerateMipMaps = 1
[t=00:00:00.160951] CubeTexSizeReflection = 1024
[t=00:00:00.160957] DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft = 1
[t=00:00:00.160963] EdgeMoveDynamic = 0
[t=00:00:00.160968] EdgeMoveWidth = 0.003
[t=00:00:00.160973] FPSFOV = 90
[t=00:00:00.160978] FeatureDrawDistance = 600000
[t=00:00:00.160985] FeatureFadeDistance = 600000
[t=00:00:00.160990] FontFile = FreeSansBold.otf
[t=00:00:00.160996] FontOutlineWeight = 2
[t=00:00:00.161001] FontOutlineWidth = 6
[t=00:00:00.161010] FontSize = 41
[t=00:00:00.161015] Fullscreen = 0
[t=00:00:00.161020] GrassDetail = 0
[t=00:00:00.161025] GroundDecals = 2
[t=00:00:00.161030] GroundDetail = 200
[t=00:00:00.161035] HangTimeout = 30
[t=00:00:00.161040] HardwareCursor = 1
[t=00:00:00.161046] InitialNetworkTimeout = 0
[t=00:00:00.161052] InputTextGeo = 0.35 0.72 0.03 0.04
[t=00:00:00.161057] KeyChainTimeout = 333
[t=00:00:00.161063] LinkIncomingMaxPacketRate = 2048
[t=00:00:00.161069] LinkIncomingPeakBandwidth = 1048576
[t=00:00:00.161078] LinkIncomingSustainedBandwidth = 1048576
[t=00:00:00.161084] LinkOutgoingBandwidth = 196608
[t=00:00:00.161090] LuaGarbageCollectionMemLoadMult = 1
[t=00:00:00.161096] LuaGarbageCollectionRunTimeMult = 1
[t=00:00:00.161102] MSAALevel = 8
[t=00:00:00.161106] MaxDynamicModelLights = 0
[t=00:00:00.161112] MaxNanoParticles = 6800
[t=00:00:00.161117] MaxParticles = 20000
[t=00:00:00.161122] MaxSounds = 256
[t=00:00:00.161127] MaxTextureAtlasSizeX = 8192
[t=00:00:00.161143] MaxTextureAtlasSizeY = 8192
[t=00:00:00.161148] MaximumTransmissionUnit = 0
[t=00:00:00.161154] MiddleClickScrollSpeed = -0.001
[t=00:00:00.161159] MiniMapCanFlip = 1
[t=00:00:00.161165] MiniMapMarker = 0
[t=00:00:00.161170] MouseDragBoxCommandThreshold = 37
[t=00:00:00.161175] MouseDragCircleCommandThreshold = 37
[t=00:00:00.161181] MouseDragFrontCommandThreshold = 37
[t=00:00:00.161186] MouseDragScrollThreshold = 0
[t=00:00:00.161191] MouseDragSelectionThreshold = 21
[t=00:00:00.161245] NetworkLossFactor = 2
[t=00:00:00.161252] OverheadMaxHeightFactor = 1.39999998
[t=00:00:00.161258] OverheadScrollSpeed = 50
[t=00:00:00.161264] RapidTagResolutionOrder =;
[t=00:00:00.161273] ReconnectTimeout = 0
[t=00:00:00.161284] RotateLogFiles = 3
[t=00:00:00.161293] ScrollWheelSpeed = -20
[t=00:00:00.161298] ServerSleepTime = 1
[t=00:00:00.161303] ShadowMapSize = 3560
[t=00:00:00.161308] Shadows = 1
[t=00:00:00.161322] ShowClock = 0
[t=00:00:00.161329] ShowFPS = 1
[t=00:00:00.161339] ShowPlayerInfo = 0
[t=00:00:00.161349] ShowSpeed = 1
[t=00:00:00.161361] SmallFontFile = FreeSansBold.otf
[t=00:00:00.161367] SmallFontOutlineWeight = 2
[t=00:00:00.161372] SmallFontOutlineWidth = 6
[t=00:00:00.161378] SmallFontSize = 41
[t=00:00:00.161383] SmoothTimeOffset = 2
[t=00:00:00.161388] SplashScreenDir = ./MenuLoadscreens
[t=00:00:00.161394] UnitIconDist = 160
[t=00:00:00.161399] UnitIconFadeVanish = 3000
[t=00:00:00.161409] UnitIconScaleUI = 1.05
[t=00:00:00.161415] UnitIconsAsUI = 1
[t=00:00:00.161420] UnitIconsHideWithUI = 1
[t=00:00:00.161425] UseDistToGroundForIcons = 1.10000002
[t=00:00:00.161431] UseHighResTimer = 1
[t=00:00:00.161436] UseLuaMemPools = 0
[t=00:00:00.161441] UseNetMessageSmoothingBuffer = 0
[t=00:00:00.161446] VFSCacheArchiveFiles = 0
[t=00:00:00.161452] Water = 4
[t=00:00:00.161457] WindowBorderless = 1
[t=00:00:00.161462] WindowPosY = 0
[t=00:00:00.161467] XResolution = 2560
[t=00:00:00.161476] XResolutionWindowed = 2560
[t=00:00:00.161481] YResolution = 1440
[t=00:00:00.161485] YResolutionWindowed = 1440
[t=00:00:00.161491] snd_airAbsorption = 0.35
[t=00:00:00.161497] snd_volbattle = 44
[t=00:00:00.161502] snd_volgeneral = 48
[t=00:00:00.161506] snd_volmaster = 30
[t=00:00:00.161511] snd_volmusic = 0
[t=00:00:00.161516] snd_volui = 62
[t=00:00:00.161533] ============== </User Config> ==============
[t=00:00:00.161539] ============== <User System> ==============
[t=00:00:00.161557] Spring Engine Version: 105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 BAR105
[t=00:00:00.161567] Build Environment: gcc libstdc++ version 20230727
[t=00:00:00.161589] Compiler Version: gcc-13.2.0
[t=00:00:00.161650] Operating System: Windows 10 TBA Insider Update (build 19045)
[t=00:00:00.161699] Hardware Config: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz; 32692MB RAM, 46122MB pagefile
[t=00:00:00.161708] Binary Word Size: 64-bit (native)
[t=00:00:00.161736] Process Clock: std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
[t=00:00:00.161745] Physical CPU Cores: 6
[t=00:00:00.161750] Logical CPU Cores: 12
[t=00:00:00.161755] ============== </User System> ==============
[t=00:00:00.161912] [good_fpu_init][STREFLOP_SSE]
[t=00:00:00.161920] SSE 1.0 : 1, SSE 2.0 : 1
[t=00:00:00.161925] SSE 3.0 : 1, SSSE 3.0 : 1
[t=00:00:00.161930] SSE 4.1 : 1, SSE 4.2 : 1
[t=00:00:00.161935] SSE 4.0A: 0, SSE 5.0A: 0
[t=00:00:00.166305] [WatchDog::Install] installed (hang-timeout: 30s)
[t=00:00:00.166346] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [main]
[t=00:00:00.178125] [GL::CheckAvailableVideoModes] desktop={2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz} current={2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz}
[t=00:00:00.227084] Display (ROG PG279Q)=1 modes=156 bounds={x=0, y=0, w=2560, h=1440}
[t=00:00:00.227104] [ 1] 2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227110] [ 9] 1920x1440x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227116] [17] 1920x1200x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227122] [25] 1920x1080x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227143] [33] 1680x1050x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227148] [41] 1600x1200x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227153] [49] 1600x1024x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227159] [57] 1600x900x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227164] [65] 1440x1080x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227170] [73] 1366x768x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227175] [81] 1360x768x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227180] [89] 1280x1024x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227185] [97] 1280x960x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227192] [105] 1280x800x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227197] [113] 1280x768x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227250] [121] 1280x720x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227257] [129] 1152x864x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227262] [137] 1024x768x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227267] [141] 800x600x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227272] [145] 720x576x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227277] [149] 720x480x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.227283] [153] 640x480x24bpp@144Hz
[t=00:00:00.231381] Display (Dell U2412M(DisplayPort))=2 modes=22 bounds={x=-1920, y=234, w=1920, h=1200}
[t=00:00:00.231400] [ 1] 1920x1200x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231419] [ 3] 1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231425] [ 4] 1680x1050x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231430] [ 6] 1600x1200x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231436] [ 7] 1600x1024x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231441] [ 8] 1600x900x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231446] [ 9] 1440x1080x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231451] [10] 1366x768x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231457] [11] 1360x768x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231462] [12] 1280x1024x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231469] [13] 1280x960x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231475] [14] 1280x800x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231485] [15] 1280x768x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231491] [16] 1280x720x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231497] [17] 1152x864x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231502] [18] 1024x768x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231507] [19] 800x600x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231512] [20] 720x576x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231517] [21] 720x480x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.231522] [22] 640x480x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.601436] [GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for main window
[t=00:00:00.602306] [GR::SetWindowAttributes][1] cfgFullScreen=0 numDisplays=2 winPos=<0,0> newRes=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:00.602339] [GR::SetWindowAttributes][2] cfgFullScreen=0 numDisplays=2 winPos=<0,0> newRes=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:00.680309] [GR::LogVersionInfo]
[t=00:00:00.680325] SDL version : 2.0.18 (linked) / 2.0.18 (compiled)
[t=00:00:00.680332] GL version : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 551.76
[t=00:00:00.680338] GL vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
[t=00:00:00.680344] GL renderer : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
[t=00:00:00.680363] GLSL version: 4.60 NVIDIA
[t=00:00:00.680368] GLEW version: 2.1.0
[t=00:00:00.680373] GPU memory : 8192MB (total) / 6604MB (available)
[t=00:00:00.680397] SDL swap-int: 1
[t=00:00:00.680402] SDL driver : windows
[t=00:00:00.680411] Initialized OpenGL Context: 4.6 (Compat)
[t=00:00:00.680417] GLSL shader support : 1
[t=00:00:00.680422] GL4 support : 1
[t=00:00:00.680427] FBO extension support : 1
[t=00:00:00.680449] NVX GPU mem-info support : 1
[t=00:00:00.680466] ATI GPU mem-info support : 0
[t=00:00:00.680484] Texture clamping to edge : 1
[t=00:00:00.680492] NPOT-texture support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.680498] S3TC/DXT1 texture support : 1/1
[t=00:00:00.680505] texture query-LOD support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.680510] MSAA frame-buffer support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.680517] Z-buffer depth : 32 (-)
[t=00:00:00.680531] primitive-restart support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.680537] clip-space control support: 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.680547] seamless cube-map support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.680553] frag-depth layout support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.680558] persistent maps support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.680564] explicit attribs location : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.680569] multi draw indirect : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.680575] array textures : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.680581] buffer copy support : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.680586] indirect draw : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.680592] base instance : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.680605] max. FBO samples : 32
[t=00:00:00.680610] max. FS/program texture slots : 32/192
[t=00:00:00.680616] max. texture size : 32768
[t=00:00:00.680623] max. texture anisotropy level : 16.000000
[t=00:00:00.680629] max. vec4 varyings/attributes : 31/16
[t=00:00:00.680636] max. draw-buffers : 8
[t=00:00:00.680647] max. rec. indices/vertices : 1048576/1048576
[t=00:00:00.680653] max. uniform buffer-bindings : 84
[t=00:00:00.680658] max. uniform block-size : 64KB
[t=00:00:00.680671] max. storage buffer-bindings : 96
[t=00:00:00.680676] max. storage block-size : 2047MB
[t=00:00:00.680686] enable AMD-hacks : 0
[t=00:00:00.680691] compress MIP-maps: 0
[t=00:00:00.680742] Number of compressed texture formats: 23
[t=00:00:00.680808] [GR::ToggleGLDebugOutput] OpenGL debug-message callback disabled
[t=00:00:00.681864] [GR::UpdateGLConfigs]
[t=00:00:00.681920] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=-1 (adaptive)
[t=00:00:00.681936] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][1] winSize=<1,1>
[t=00:00:00.681947] [GR::UpdateScreenMatrices] vpx=0.000000, vpy=0.000000, vsx=2560.000000, vsy=1440.000000, ssx=2560.000000, ssy=1440.000000, screenPosX=0, screenPosY=0
[t=00:00:00.681966] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][2] winSize=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:00.681972] [GR::InitGLState]
[t=00:00:00.683032] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz (windowed::borderless)
[t=00:00:00.770761] [TexMemPool::Resize] poolSize=536870912u allocSize=0u texCount=0u
[t=00:00:00.793862] [~ScopedOnceTimer][FtLibraryHandler::FontConfigInit (version 2.13.1)] 19ms
[t=00:00:00.796651] [CglFont::CglShaderFontRenderer] Creating Font shaders: GLEW_ARB_explicit_attrib_location = true
[t=00:00:00.824974] [Font] [CheckGenFontConfigFull] Using Fontconfig cache dir "F:/games/Beyond-All-Reason/data/fontcache"
[t=00:00:00.825003] [Font] [CheckGenFontConfigFull] fontconfig for directory "C:\WINDOWS\fonts" up to date
[t=00:00:00.825916] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [vfsi]
[t=00:00:00.827258] [DataDirLocater::FindWriteableDataDir] using writeable data-directory "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\"
[t=00:00:00.827318] [DataDirLocater::Check] Isolation Mode!
[t=00:00:00.827426] [DataDirLocater::FilterUsableDataDirs] using read-write data directory: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\
[t=00:00:00.827484] [DataDirLocater::FilterUsableDataDirs] using read-only data directory: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\
[t=00:00:00.841101] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base
[t=00:00:00.841403] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\maps
[t=00:00:00.841540] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\games
[t=00:00:00.841726] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps
[t=00:00:00.842991] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages
[t=00:00:00.845407] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\df3e82a240a582b297ad6c8b6ca916ce.sdp" numZipFiles=2436 sumInflSize=294561kb sumReadTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.845444] file="modinfo.lua" indx=2410 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.845451] file=".luacheckrc" indx=4 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.845456] file="anims/icexuick_100/cursornormal_0.png" indx=8 inflSize=2kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.845463] file="anims/icexuick_133/cursornormal_0.png" indx=9 inflSize=3kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.845469] file="anims/cursornormal_0.png" indx=7 inflSize=2kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.845480] file=".gitignore" indx=3 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.845486] file=".github/workflows/publish_config.yml" indx=1 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.845493] file=".travis.yml" indx=5 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.845498] file=".github/workflows/launcher.yml" indx=0 inflSize=2kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.845505] file=".github/workflows/quick_deploy.yml" indx=2 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.855191] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" numZipFiles=15845 sumInflSize=2202669kb sumReadTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.855273] file="modinfo.lua" indx=8634 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.855304] file=".github/issue_template/bug_report.yml" indx=4 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.855311] file=".github/workflows/issue_labeler.yml" indx=8 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.855318] file=".github/workflows/main.yml" indx=9 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.855330] file=".github/" indx=7 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.855337] file=".github/" indx=3 inflSize=5kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.855343] file=".gitattributes" indx=1 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.855355] file=".github/issue_template/config.yml" indx=5 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.855376] file=".editorconfig" indx=0 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.855382] file=".github/advanced-issue-labeler.yml" indx=2 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:00.860830] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 19ms
[t=00:00:00.860855] [VFS] [SpringVFS::ReserveArchives<this=00000190bfcd5d20>]
[t=00:00:00.860955] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:00.872682] [VFS] [VFSHandler::SetGlobalInstanceRaw] handler=00000190bfcd5d20 (SpringVFS) global=0000000000000000 (null)
[t=00:00:00.872703] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [vfsi]
[t=00:00:00.941369] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=6 current=1 maximum=12 (init=1)
[t=00:00:00.941635] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=5
[t=00:00:00.941742] [Threading] Worker 4 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x8
[t=00:00:00.941780] [Threading] Worker 2 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x2
[t=00:00:00.941978] [Threading] Worker 5 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x10
[t=00:00:00.942009] [Threading] Worker 3 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x4
[t=00:00:00.942757] [Threading] Worker 1 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x1
[t=00:00:00.942839] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 0xfe0
[t=00:00:00.943304][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 0ms
[t=00:00:00.943404][f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.1ms)
[t=00:00:00.943506][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=256
[t=00:00:00.943525][f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[t=00:00:00.943533][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[t=00:00:00.943573][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] UseSDLAudio is set, rendering openal-soft audio to SDL buffer and let SDL audio handle the hardware
[t=00:00:00.965812][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] SDL audio device(s):
[t=00:00:00.965851][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "0" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)"
[t=00:00:00.965861][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "1" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)"
[t=00:00:00.965870][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "2" "Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=00:00:00.965893][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "3" "ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)"
[t=00:00:00.965901][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "4" "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=00:00:00.965910][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[t=00:00:00.993644][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening loopback device
[t=00:00:01.002269][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] device=00000190bfc4c720(default) context=00000190bfc47f90 numChannels=2 frameSize=8
[t=00:00:01.002305][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[t=00:00:01.002319][f=-000001] [Sound] Vendor: OpenAL Community
[t=00:00:01.002327][f=-000001] [Sound] Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.21.0
[t=00:00:01.002333][f=-000001] [Sound] Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[t=00:00:01.002341][f=-000001] [Sound] AL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_BFORMAT AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_BFORMAT AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_EXT_SOURCE_RADIUS AL_EXT_STEREO_ANGLES AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_bformat_ex AL_SOFTX_bformat_hoa AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFTX_callback_buffer AL_SOFTX_convolution_reverb AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_direct_channels_remix AL_SOFT_effect_target AL_SOFT_events AL_SOFTX_filter_gain_ex AL_SOFT_gain_clamp_ex AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFTX_map_buffer AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length AL_SOFT_source_resampler AL_SOFT_source_spatialize
[t=00:00:01.002398][f=-000001] [Sound] ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_loopback_bformat ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[t=00:00:01.002418][f=-000001] [Sound] Devices:
[t=00:00:01.008613][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=00:00:01.008634][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)]
[t=00:00:01.008642][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)]
[t=00:00:01.008649][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[t=00:00:01.008656][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=00:00:01.008701][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=29
[t=00:00:01.008710][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={256,255}
[t=00:00:01.011031][f=-000001] [Sound] EFX Enabled: yes
[t=00:00:01.011053][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[t=00:00:01.050355][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 107ms
[t=00:00:01.052289][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "rapid://byar-chobby:test"
[t=00:00:01.066957][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="BYAR Chobby test-3278-6a78ace", overwrite=false)] section=3 cached=0
[t=00:00:01.069480][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:01.069587][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:01.131529][f=-000001] LuaMenu Entry Point: "LuaMenu/main.lua"
[t=00:00:01.179620][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Searching for new Widgets
[t=00:00:01.179646][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/Addons/
[t=00:00:01.179682][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/Widgets/
[t=00:00:01.179837][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/SystemAddons/
[t=00:00:01.179853][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/SystemWidgets/
[t=00:00:01.179868][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/chili/
[t=00:00:01.179881][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/chilifx/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:01.179911][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/chotify/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:01.179928][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/i18n/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:01.179953][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:01.185216][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: base64.lua
[t=00:00:01.189569][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: engineversion.lua
[t=00:00:01.193796][f=-000001] Spring.GetWindowGeometry, 2560, 1440, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[t=00:00:01.193828][f=-000001] Spring.GetViewGeometry, 2560, 1440, 0, 0
[t=00:00:01.193836][f=-000001] gl.GetViewSizes, 2560, 1440
[t=00:00:01.193855][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: function_override.lua
[t=00:00:01.199547][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: json.lua
[t=00:00:01.205729][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: tablefunctions.lua
[t=00:00:01.211258][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: timefunctions.lua
[t=00:00:01.483464][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widgets <>=vfs **=raw ()=unknown
[t=00:00:01.484519][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Delay API <api_delay.lua>
[t=00:00:01.495537][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: spring-launcher <api_spring_launcher_loader.lua>
[t=00:00:01.496143][f=-000001] [spring-launcher] Connecting to
[t=00:00:01.498574][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Away Tracker <gui_away_tracker.lua>
[t=00:00:01.500680][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Chili Framework <api_chili.lua>
[t=00:00:01.810084][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: LibLobby API <api_lobby.lua>
[t=00:00:01.814919][f=-000001] [liblobby] liblobby configuration:
[t=00:00:01.814940][f=-000001] [liblobby] serverName, BAR
[t=00:00:01.814950][f=-000001] [liblobby] port, 8200
[t=00:00:01.814963][f=-000001] [liblobby] protocol, spring
[t=00:00:01.814970][f=-000001] [liblobby] address,
[t=00:00:01.838464][f=-000001] tracy, <table>, nil, false
[t=00:00:01.848261][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: i18n <api_i18n.lua>
[t=00:00:01.868672][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: BAR LibLobby overrides <api_lobby_bar.lua>
[t=00:00:01.870356][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: ChiliFX <api_chilifx.lua>
[t=00:00:01.879159][f=-000001] [ChiliFX] Enabled: true
[t=00:00:01.880984][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Chotify <api_chotify.lua>
[t=00:00:01.889964][f=-000001] [Chotify] Enabled: true
[t=00:00:01.892717][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Download Handler <api_download_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.922812][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Ingame Interface <api_ingame_interface.lua>
[t=00:00:01.931674][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Limit idle FPS <gfx_limit_idle_fps.lua>
[t=00:00:01.933221][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Test <dbg_test.lua>
[t=00:00:01.935524][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Command Buffering <api_command_buffering.lua>
[t=00:00:01.936485][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle List Window <gui_battle_list_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.941709][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Community Window <gui_community_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.945326][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Download Window <gui_download_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.947541][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Friend Window <gui_friend_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.949682][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Notification Handler <api_notification_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.954022][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Replays window <gui_replay_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.963710][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Settings Window <gui_settings_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.973112][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Users Handler <api_user_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.975671][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Cache Handler API <api_cache_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.977171][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Internet Browser API <api_internet_browser.lua>
[t=00:00:01.978087][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Map Handler API <api_map_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.983440][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Scenario window <gui_scenario_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.089461][f=-000001] Scenario Window SetConfigData
[t=00:00:02.090169][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Spring-Launcher log-upload <sl_upload_log.lua>
[t=00:00:02.092753][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Spring-Launcher wrapper loopback interface <sl_loopback.lua>
[t=00:00:02.094158][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Rapid Pool Cache <api_rapid_pool_cache.lua>
[t=00:00:02.094437][f=-000001] Initializing Rapid Pool Cache
[t=00:00:02.096265][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: API Script Handler <api_script_generator.lua>
[t=00:00:02.102491][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Analytics Handler <api_analytics.lua>
[t=00:00:02.103459][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Animation control <api_animation_control.lua>
[t=00:00:02.105860][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle Login Rejoin <gui_battle_login_rejoin.lua>
[t=00:00:02.121957][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle Room Window <gui_battle_room_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.125593][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle status panel <gui_battle_status_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.128509][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Color change window <gui_color_change_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.134169][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Cursor tooltip <gui_tooltip.lua>
[t=00:00:02.146657][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Discord Rich Presence Handler <api_discord_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.147992][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Faction change window <gui_side_change_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.150362][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Integer Selector Window <gui_integer_popup_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.153357][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Keys Panel <gui_keys_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.157184][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Load Game Menu <gui_loadgame.lua>
[t=00:00:02.160395][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Login Window <gui_login_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.165002][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Maplist Panel <gui_maplist_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.167421][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Mission Progress Handler <api_mission_progress_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.170758][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Modoptions Panel <gui_modoptions_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.173997][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Party status panel <gui_party_status_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.176465][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Popup Preloader <gui_popup_preloader.lua>
[t=00:00:02.178534][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Resize Scaling <gfx_resize_scaling.lua>
[t=00:00:02.179519][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Resolution limiter <gfx_resolution_limiter.lua>
[t=00:00:02.182940][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Steam Coop Handler <gui_steam_coop_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.185799][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Steam Handler <api_steam_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.186975][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Text Entry Popop Window <gui_textentry_popup_window.lua>
[t=00:00:02.189818][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: User status panel <gui_user_status_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:02.192369][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Cursor scaler <gfx_cursorscaler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.194963][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: ChiliProfiler <dbg_chili_profiler.lua>
[t=00:00:02.197501][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Chili lobby <gui_chili_lobby.lua>
[t=00:00:02.294710][f=-000001] [Chobby] Detected game config, byar-dev
[t=00:00:02.294732][f=-000001] [Chobby] Detected game config, byar
[t=00:00:02.294750][f=-000001] [Chobby] Detected game config, generic
[t=00:00:02.362136][f=-000001] Vendor and GL, Nvidia, 4
[t=00:00:02.692535][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Standalone lobby tools <gui_standalone_lobby.lua>
[t=00:00:02.693560][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Block Input <gui_block_input.lua>
[t=00:00:02.700532][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Music Player Lite <snd_music_lite.lua>
[t=00:00:02.701144][f=-000001] RANDOMSEED, 2541804
[t=00:00:02.701759][f=-000001] Intro Tracks
[t=00:00:02.701773][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - confined chaos (intro).ogg
[t=00:00:02.701783][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - friend or foe (intro).ogg
[t=00:00:02.701791][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/leon devereux - waystation theta (intro).ogg
[t=00:00:02.701800][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/matteo dell'acqua - foobar (intro).ogg
[t=00:00:02.701865][f=-000001] Peace/Filler Tracks
[t=00:00:02.701886][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/matteo dell'acqua - from the ashes.ogg
[t=00:00:02.701895][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - sanctum.ogg
[t=00:00:02.701911][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/matteo dell'acqua - game of chicken.ogg
[t=00:00:02.701919][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - the architect.ogg
[t=00:00:02.701934][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - divergents.ogg
[t=00:00:02.701960][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - new order.ogg
[t=00:00:02.701969][f=-000001] luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/leon devereux - lost directive.ogg
[t=00:00:02.702736][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Disable NonBar Widgets <api_disable_nonbar_widgets.lua>
[t=00:00:02.704170][f=-000001] Scenario Window GetConfigData
[t=00:00:02.711660][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] LuaMenu v1.0 (Lua 5.1 with Recoil-specific changes)
[t=00:00:02.730078][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Activate(msg="")] luaMenu=00000190e6296780
[t=00:00:02.730118][f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, true
[t=00:00:02.730132][f=-000001] SetLobbyFullscreenMode, 1
[t=00:00:02.736493][f=-000001] Starting Track, luamenu/configs/gameconfig/byar/lobbyMusic/original/ryan krause - confined chaos (intro).ogg, 0.5
[t=00:00:02.771445][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:02.771454][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Sound::Iconified] 0ms
[t=00:00:02.771461][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][2]
[t=00:00:02.771596][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:02.771625][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLConfigs]
[t=00:00:02.771716][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=1 (standard)
[t=00:00:02.771730][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][1] winSize=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:02.771741][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateScreenMatrices] vpx=0.000000, vpy=0.000000, vsx=2560.000000, vsy=1440.000000, ssx=2560.000000, ssy=1440.000000, screenPosX=0, screenPosY=0
[t=00:00:02.771752][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][2] winSize=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:02.771758][f=-000001] [GR::InitGLState]
[t=00:00:02.771818][f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz (windowed::borderless)
[t=00:00:02.771837][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][GlobalRendering::UpdateGL] 0ms
[t=00:00:02.772108][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ActiveController::ResizeEvent] 0ms
[t=00:00:02.772119][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED][2]
[t=00:00:02.772132][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:02.772140][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Sound::Iconified] 0ms
[t=00:00:02.772146][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][2]
[t=00:00:02.775308][f=-000001] [GR::ConfigNotify][1] key=Fullscreen val=0
[t=00:00:02.777820][f=-000001] Adding news item, Welcome to Beyond All Reason
[t=00:00:02.778894][f=-000001] Adding news item, BAR is accepting donations again!
[t=00:00:02.780122][f=-000001] Adding news item, New Map: Hera Planum
[t=00:00:02.781252][f=-000001] Adding news item, New Map: Feast of Hades
[t=00:00:02.782812][f=-000001] Adding news item, Guides for new players
[t=00:00:02.784180][f=-000001] Adding news item, Steam release roadmap
[t=00:00:02.785043][f=-000001] Adding news item, Play with your friends: use our servers!
[t=00:00:02.785697][f=-000001] Adding news item, Useful commands in Multiplayer!
[t=00:00:02.794669][f=-000001] [Analytics] Using port: , 8200
[t=00:00:02.969058][f=-000001] SetLobbyFullscreenMode, 1
[t=00:00:02.971153][f=-000001] Saved lobby versions.gz from, rapid/, size = , 102022
[t=00:00:02.971448][f=-000001] Wrote , rapid/, successfully
[t=00:00:03.231953][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: Your load speed 12MB/s, below 80MB/s advise pre-caching
[t=00:00:03.232718][f=-000001] Disabled NonBar Widgets:, Party status panel
[t=00:00:03.396473][f=-000001] [GR::ConfigNotify][1] key=Fullscreen val=0
[t=00:00:03.433334][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=00:00:03.487585][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (514 KB, 9.52 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:03.599682][f=-000001] [GR::SetWindowAttributes][1] cfgFullScreen=0 numDisplays=2 winPos=<0,0> newRes=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:03.599713][f=-000001] [GR::SetWindowAttributes][2] cfgFullScreen=0 numDisplays=2 winPos=<0,0> newRes=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:03.774412][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:03.774421][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Sound::Iconified] 0ms
[t=00:00:03.774428][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][2]
[t=00:00:03.774451][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:03.774477][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLConfigs]
[t=00:00:03.774486][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][1] winSize=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:03.774496][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateScreenMatrices] vpx=0.000000, vpy=0.000000, vsx=2560.000000, vsy=1440.000000, ssx=2560.000000, ssy=1440.000000, screenPosX=0, screenPosY=0
[t=00:00:03.774507][f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][2] winSize=<2560,1440>
[t=00:00:03.774518][f=-000001] [GR::InitGLState]
[t=00:00:03.805369][f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 2560x1440x24bpp@144Hz (windowed::borderless)
[t=00:00:03.805403][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][GlobalRendering::UpdateGL] 30ms
[t=00:00:03.805865][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ActiveController::ResizeEvent] 0ms
[t=00:00:03.805877][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED][2]
[t=00:00:03.805893][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][1] fullScreen=0
[t=00:00:03.805913][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Sound::Iconified] 0ms
[t=00:00:03.805943][f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][2]
[t=00:00:04.352818][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (1025 KB, 19.35 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:04.611128][f=-000001] steamMode, false, true
[t=00:00:05.022849][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (714 KB, 13.48 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:05.617983][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (528 KB, 10.16 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:06.213579][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (401 KB, 7.43 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:06.865785][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (1146 KB, 21.63 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:07.077998][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=6 (standard)
[t=00:00:07.532771][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (3409 KB, 46.70 MB/s) in 0.07s
[t=00:00:08.150660][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (4392 KB, 81.35 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:08.813529][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (932 KB, 17.26 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:09.434449][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 11 files (776 KB, 14.65 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:10.066886][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 11 files (643 KB, 12.62 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:10.698787][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (413 KB, 7.51 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:11.350040][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (151 KB, 2.86 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:11.965379][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (193 KB, 3.52 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:12.592018][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 9 files (4841 KB, 89.67 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:13.240937][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (640 KB, 12.09 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:13.875023][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 11 files (267 KB, 5.24 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:14.496972][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 11 files (442 KB, 8.04 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:15.134947][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (127 KB, 2.41 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:15.765813][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 10 files (140 KB, 2.47 MB/s) in 0.06s
[t=00:00:16.365509][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 11 files (40 KB, 0.80 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:16.997740][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 10 files (337 KB, 6.50 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:17.556499][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=00:00:17.610342][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 11 files (523 KB, 9.89 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:18.236361][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 8 files (5809 KB, 111.73 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:18.900464][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (874 KB, 16.50 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:19.558078][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (666 KB, 12.57 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:20.263612][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 11 files (1258 KB, 24.67 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:20.891171][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (332 KB, 6.53 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:21.515675][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (87 KB, 1.71 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:21.825940][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaVFS::UnMapArchives<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(reload=0)] (#mod=0 #map=0 #menu=2436)
[t=00:00:21.825993][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Beyond All Reason test-26001-4681dde", overwrite=false)] section=0 cached=0
[t=00:00:21.845108][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaVFS::RemoveArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(archiveName="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp")][1] section=0
[t=00:00:21.845217][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaVFS::RemoveArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>][2] #files[section]=15845/0
[t=00:00:21.845723][f=-000001] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" numZipFiles=15845 sumInflSize=2202669kb sumReadTime=0ms
[t=00:00:21.845755][f=-000001] file="modoptions.lua" indx=8635 inflSize=47kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:21.845763][f=-000001] file=".github/issue_template/bug_report.yml" indx=4 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:21.845772][f=-000001] file=".github/workflows/issue_labeler.yml" indx=8 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:21.845785][f=-000001] file=".github/workflows/main.yml" indx=9 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:21.845794][f=-000001] file=".github/" indx=7 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:21.845801][f=-000001] file=".github/" indx=3 inflSize=5kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:21.845809][f=-000001] file=".gitattributes" indx=1 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:21.845816][f=-000001] file=".github/issue_template/config.yml" indx=5 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:21.845827][f=-000001] file=".editorconfig" indx=0 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:21.845834][f=-000001] file=".github/advanced-issue-labeler.yml" indx=2 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[t=00:00:21.848148][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaVFS::ReMapArchives<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(reload=0)] (#mod=0 #map=0 #menu=0)
[t=00:00:22.429849][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (159 KB, 3.02 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:23.070072][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (233 KB, 4.50 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:23.760742][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (482 KB, 8.94 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:24.432506][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (368 KB, 7.08 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:25.078548][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (487 KB, 9.37 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:25.763137][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (770 KB, 14.26 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:26.455491][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 10 files (1078 KB, 19.62 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:27.127638][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (1039 KB, 18.90 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:27.801458][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (52 KB, 0.97 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:28.465877][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (262 KB, 4.96 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:29.135556][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (525 KB, 10.10 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:29.790487][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (901 KB, 17.01 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:30.474963][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (953 KB, 18.69 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:31.146328][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (496 KB, 9.36 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:31.864874][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 16 files (455 KB, 8.60 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:32.516025][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (60 KB, 1.19 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:32.592656][f=-000001] LuaArchive::GetAvailableAIs] game="Beyond All Reason test-26001-4681dde" (cached=0 loaded=0) map="" (cached=0 loaded=0)
[t=00:00:32.592677][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaArchiveVFS::UnMapArchives<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(reload=0)] (#mod=0 #map=0 #menu=2436)
[t=00:00:32.592707][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaArchiveVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Beyond All Reason test-26001-4681dde", overwrite=false)] section=0 cached=0
[t=00:00:32.642891][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaArchiveVFS::ReMapArchives<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(reload=0)] (#mod=15845 #map=0 #menu=0)
[t=00:00:33.245507][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (156 KB, 3.07 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:33.907355][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (1390 KB, 27.27 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:34.593415][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (397 KB, 7.79 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:35.237722][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (663 KB, 13.00 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:35.858325][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (1025 KB, 19.00 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:36.483067][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (600 KB, 11.77 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:37.165360][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (2249 KB, 42.44 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:37.853327][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (506 KB, 9.74 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:38.538090][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (1132 KB, 22.21 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:39.161136][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (321 KB, 6.07 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:39.790981][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 10 files (5524 KB, 106.24 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:40.475017][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (403 KB, 7.47 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:41.150769][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (135 KB, 2.50 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:41.845142][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 11 files (690 KB, 12.78 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:42.508169][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (1401 KB, 27.48 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:43.187765][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (470 KB, 8.88 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:43.852039][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (721 KB, 14.15 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:44.508568][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (710 KB, 13.93 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:45.201658][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (468 KB, 9.01 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:45.889101][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (500 KB, 9.27 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:46.569902][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (73 KB, 1.35 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:47.269966][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (853 KB, 15.81 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:47.929702][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (875 KB, 17.16 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:48.593455][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (599 KB, 11.76 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:48.897472][f=-000001] SortableList tried to scroll to non-existent item, Ascendancy v2.2
[t=00:00:51.616559][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (145 KB, 2.79 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:54.092411][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 11 files (1790 KB, 33.79 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:54.800587][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (668 KB, 13.11 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:55.490870][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (1743 KB, 34.19 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:56.170350][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (1169 KB, 22.94 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:56.893040][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (957 KB, 17.74 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:57.592419][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (659 KB, 12.21 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:00:58.450020][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (362 KB, 6.71 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:00.332567][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (1253 KB, 23.65 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:01.889598][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (255 KB, 4.91 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:03.050070][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (1395 KB, 26.33 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:03.840412][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 16 files (625 KB, 11.58 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:05.066767][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (614 KB, 11.82 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:06.197376][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=00:01:06.413405][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (412 KB, 7.49 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:06.994891][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=6 (standard)
[t=00:01:07.091305][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=00:01:07.713036][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (92 KB, 1.77 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:09.411566][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (329 KB, 6.34 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:10.718356][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (1250 KB, 23.16 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:11.711973][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (266 KB, 4.94 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:13.233679][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (652 KB, 12.79 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:14.546280][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (189 KB, 3.64 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:15.650005][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (361 KB, 3.48 MB/s) in 0.10s
[t=00:01:16.756870][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (694 KB, 13.35 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:17.659966][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (197 KB, 3.66 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:19.181148][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (770 KB, 14.54 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:20.503454][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (497 KB, 9.75 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:21.475569][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (270 KB, 5.20 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:21.516683][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=5 (standard)
[t=00:01:22.503077][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=00:01:22.885921][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (253 KB, 4.70 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:23.505032][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (1050 KB, 20.59 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:24.149851][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (510 KB, 9.46 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:24.797829][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (177 KB, 3.48 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:25.439591][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (874 KB, 16.51 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:25.843524][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base
[t=00:01:25.843787][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\maps
[t=00:01:25.843874][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\games
[t=00:01:25.844043][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps
[t=00:01:25.845246][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages
[t=00:01:25.848167][f=-000001] Warning: [ArchiveData] version "2.2.1" included in name "Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1"
[t=00:01:25.850070][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 6ms
[t=00:01:26.242257][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (1321 KB, 25.91 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:26.984063][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (709 KB, 13.91 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:27.614339][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (157 KB, 2.96 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:28.273583][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (102 KB, 1.93 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:28.920142][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (42 KB, 0.79 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:29.561803][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 8 files (7318 KB, 143.50 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:30.247222][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (169 KB, 3.32 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:30.900630][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (344 KB, 6.38 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:31.558097][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (909 KB, 17.49 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:32.209025][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (983 KB, 18.56 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:32.853408][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (1750 KB, 34.32 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:33.505688][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (362 KB, 6.97 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:34.140073][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (1196 KB, 23.01 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:34.797764][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (609 KB, 11.95 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:35.484509][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (530 KB, 9.82 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:36.127663][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (2311 KB, 44.45 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:36.792133][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 7 files (9262 KB, 178.13 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:37.446528][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (751 KB, 14.73 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:38.157454][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (1088 KB, 20.54 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:38.804358][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 16 files (924 KB, 17.45 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:39.480870][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (507 KB, 9.95 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:40.163146][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (1093 KB, 21.03 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:40.779776][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (197 KB, 3.72 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:41.482429][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 4 files (2313 KB, 43.66 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:42.131644][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (693 KB, 13.34 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:42.779368][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (772 KB, 14.57 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:43.383069][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (414 KB, 7.82 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:44.041594][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (6287 KB, 95.27 MB/s) in 0.07s
[t=00:01:44.713068][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 12 files (1109 KB, 21.76 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:45.333391][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (479 KB, 9.40 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:45.973315][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (1262 KB, 23.82 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:46.641155][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 13 files (597 KB, 11.28 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:47.311735][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 11 files (2386 KB, 45.89 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:47.966874][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 14 files (716 KB, 13.27 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:48.632970][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: loaded 15 files (214 KB, 4.20 MB/s) in 0.05s
[t=00:01:48.747396][f=-000001] Rapid Pool Cache: Done with 17532 files (1410806 KB, 19.66 MB/s) in 71.76s
[t=00:02:06.132764][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, XResolutionWindowed, 2560
[t=00:02:06.132823][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, YResolutionWindowed, 1440
[t=00:02:06.132835][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, WindowPosX, 0
[t=00:02:06.132846][f=-000001] SetSettings Int, WindowPosY, 0
[t=00:02:06.132856][f=-000001] SetSettings Value, WindowBorderless, 1
[t=00:02:06.132874][f=-000001] Missing self.client!!!
[t=00:02:06.132883][f=-000001] Game starting, ensuring Chobby garbage is collected.
[t=00:02:06.165459][f=-000001] Skirmish: Using custom startboxes, <table>
[t=00:02:06.165483][f=-000001] Skirmish: startbox for team:, 1, is, 143.654816, 14.2131977, 188.832489, 179.695435
[t=00:02:06.165517][f=-000001] Skirmish: startbox for team:, 0, is, 15.7360411, 15.228426, 61.928936, 177.664978
[t=00:02:06.165925][f=-000001] [Game]
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(8);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 10;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(5);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 12;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(9);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 5;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(14);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 2;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(10);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 9;
Version = stable;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(2);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 3;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(13);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 6;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(12);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 7;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(4);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 4;
Version = stable;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(3);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 8;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(11);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 14;
Version = stable;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
startrectright = 0.30964467;
startrectbottom = 0.88832492;
startrectleft = 0.0786802;
numallies = 0;
startrecttop = 0.07614213;
startrectright = 0.94416243;
startrectbottom = 0.8984772;
startrectleft = 0.71827406;
numallies = 0;
startrecttop = 0.07106599;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(1);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 11;
Version = stable;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(7);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 13;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(6);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 1;
Version = stable;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = Player;
Team = 0;
rank = 0;
hostip =;
hostport = 0;
ishost = 1;
GameStartDelay = 5;
numplayers = 1;
startpostype = 2;
numusers = 15;
mapname = Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1;
myplayername = Player;
nohelperais = 0;
gametype = Beyond All Reason test-26001-4681dde;
[t=00:02:06.166212][f=-000001] [ReloadOrRestart] Spring "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\spring.exe" should be reloading
[t=00:02:06.166277][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][1]
[t=00:02:06.166292][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=6 maximum=12 (init=0)
[t=00:02:06.191540][f=-000001] [async=0] threads=6 tasks=450 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{77.883, 0.173}, {2.352, 0.005}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191564][f=-000001] thread=1 tasks=90 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{15.860, 0.069, 0.391, 0.176}, {0.230, 0.000, 0.060, 0.003}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191576][f=-000001] thread=2 tasks=90 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{15.425, 0.066, 0.381, 0.171}, {0.590, 0.000, 0.059, 0.007}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191604][f=-000001] thread=3 tasks=90 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{15.646, 0.072, 0.382, 0.174}, {0.374, 0.000, 0.060, 0.004}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191616][f=-000001] thread=4 tasks=90 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{15.611, 0.068, 0.390, 0.173}, {0.398, 0.000, 0.059, 0.004}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191628][f=-000001] thread=5 tasks=90 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{15.342, 0.000, 0.394, 0.170}, {0.760, 0.000, 0.201, 0.008}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191638][f=-000001] [async=1] threads=6 tasks=5 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.442, 0.088}, {1.527, 0.305}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191652][f=-000001] thread=1 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.060, 0.060, 0.060, 0.060}, {1.050, 1.050, 1.050, 1.050}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191663][f=-000001] thread=2 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.067, 0.067, 0.067, 0.067}, {0.053, 0.053, 0.053, 0.053}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191674][f=-000001] thread=3 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.193, 0.193, 0.193, 0.193}, {0.151, 0.151, 0.151, 0.151}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191689][f=-000001] thread=4 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.076, 0.076, 0.076, 0.076}, {0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191700][f=-000001] thread=5 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045}, {0.271, 0.271, 0.271, 0.271}}ms
[t=00:02:06.191717][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[t=00:02:06.191740][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=6 current=1 maximum=12 (init=1)
[t=00:02:06.192061][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=5
[t=00:02:06.192309][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 5 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x10
[t=00:02:06.192398][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 1 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x1
[t=00:02:06.192601][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 4 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x8
[t=00:02:06.192811][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 2 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x2
[t=00:02:06.193037][f=-000001] [Threading] Worker 3 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x4
[t=00:02:06.193107][f=-000001] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 0xfe0
[t=00:02:06.193128][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][2]
[t=00:02:06.193135][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][3]
[t=00:02:06.193142][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Kill] soundThread.joinable()=1
[t=00:02:06.193443][f=-000001] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[t=00:02:06.193480][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] #sources=255 #items=1
[t=00:02:06.196595][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=00000190bfc47f90 dev=00000190bfc4c720
[t=00:02:06.196675][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5] ctx=00000190bfc47f90 dev=00000190bfc4c720
[t=00:02:06.196696][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcDestroyContext(00000190bfc47f90)]
[t=00:02:06.197329][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcCloseDevice(00000190bfc4c720)]
[t=00:02:06.197997][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][SDL_CloseAudioDevice(2)]
[t=00:02:06.225855][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][6]
[t=00:02:06.226232][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][4]
[t=00:02:06.226259][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][5]
[t=00:02:06.226346][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][6]
[t=00:02:06.226353][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::UnMapArchives<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(reload=1)] (#mod=0 #map=0 #menu=2436)
[t=00:02:06.228552][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base
[t=00:02:06.228782][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\maps
[t=00:02:06.228901][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\games
[t=00:02:06.229073][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps
[t=00:02:06.230266][f=-000001] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages
[t=00:02:06.233724][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 5ms
[t=00:02:06.233741][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][7]
[t=00:02:06.233850][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][8]
[t=00:02:06.233925][f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.1ms)
[t=00:02:06.234142][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=256
[t=00:02:06.234174][f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[t=00:02:06.234182][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[t=00:02:06.234204][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] UseSDLAudio is set, rendering openal-soft audio to SDL buffer and let SDL audio handle the hardware
[t=00:02:06.255262][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] SDL audio device(s):
[t=00:02:06.255285][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "0" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)"
[t=00:02:06.255307][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "1" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)"
[t=00:02:06.255316][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "2" "Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=00:02:06.255325][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "3" "ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)"
[t=00:02:06.255333][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "4" "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=00:02:06.255346][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[t=00:02:06.268089][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening loopback device
[t=00:02:06.269229][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] device=00000190ebc029e0(default) context=00000190eb3c87c0 numChannels=2 frameSize=8
[t=00:02:06.269249][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[t=00:02:06.269257][f=-000001] [Sound] Vendor: OpenAL Community
[t=00:02:06.269275][f=-000001] [Sound] Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.21.0
[t=00:02:06.269288][f=-000001] [Sound] Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[t=00:02:06.269295][f=-000001] [Sound] AL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_BFORMAT AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_BFORMAT AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_EXT_SOURCE_RADIUS AL_EXT_STEREO_ANGLES AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_bformat_ex AL_SOFTX_bformat_hoa AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFTX_callback_buffer AL_SOFTX_convolution_reverb AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_direct_channels_remix AL_SOFT_effect_target AL_SOFT_events AL_SOFTX_filter_gain_ex AL_SOFT_gain_clamp_ex AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFTX_map_buffer AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length AL_SOFT_source_resampler AL_SOFT_source_spatialize
[t=00:02:06.269332][f=-000001] [Sound] ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_loopback_bformat ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[t=00:02:06.269368][f=-000001] [Sound] Devices:
[t=00:02:06.275932][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=00:02:06.275953][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)]
[t=00:02:06.275962][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)]
[t=00:02:06.275988][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[t=00:02:06.275996][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=00:02:06.276006][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=29
[t=00:02:06.276014][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={256,255}
[t=00:02:06.276885][f=-000001] [Sound] EFX Enabled: yes
[t=00:02:06.276912][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[t=00:02:06.334347][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 100ms
[t=00:02:06.334547][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][10]
[t=00:02:06.334595][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][11]
[t=00:02:06.334606][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "rapid://byar-chobby:test"
[t=00:02:06.350201][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="BYAR Chobby test-3278-6a78ace", overwrite=false)] section=3 cached=1
[t=00:02:06.351463][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:02:06.351598][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:02:06.374084][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][12] #script=4170
[t=00:02:06.377343][f=-000001] [CPreGame] using server IP and port 0
[t=00:02:06.377376][f=-000001] [NetProto::InitLocalClient] connecting to local server
[t=00:02:06.392274][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddMapArchivesToVFS][server=0000000000000000] using map "Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1" (loaded=0 cached=0)
[t=00:02:06.392485][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1", overwrite=false)] section=1 cached=0
[t=00:02:06.393032][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Map Helper v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:02:10.729722][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:02:10.729845][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:02:15.442259][f=-000001] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages\58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" numZipFiles=15845 sumInflSize=2202669kb sumReadTime=11541ms
[t=00:02:15.442307][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/raptor_scum/" indx=8247 inflSize=21845kb readTime=141ms
[t=00:02:15.442318][f=-000001] file="fonts/sourcehansans-regular.ttc" indx=6168 inflSize=19029kb readTime=126ms
[t=00:02:15.442329][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/" indx=7902 inflSize=21845kb readTime=125ms
[t=00:02:15.442338][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/raptor_scum/alien_guts_normalspec.tga" indx=8248 inflSize=16384kb readTime=105ms
[t=00:02:15.442351][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/groundscars/t_groundcrack_09_a.tga" indx=8013 inflSize=16384kb readTime=95ms
[t=00:02:15.442361][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/" indx=7904 inflSize=21845kb readTime=92ms
[t=00:02:15.442370][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/raptor_scum/alien_guts_colorheight.tga" indx=8246 inflSize=16384kb readTime=91ms
[t=00:02:15.442379][f=-000001] file="luaui/images/decals_gl4/groundscars/t_groundcrack_21_a.tga" indx=8085 inflSize=16384kb readTime=88ms
[t=00:02:15.442391][f=-000001] file="unittextures/" indx=15035 inflSize=21845kb readTime=77ms
[t=00:02:15.442398][f=-000001] file="unittextures/" indx=15750 inflSize=21845kb readTime=76ms
[t=00:02:15.444895][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:02:15.445028][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:02:15.445096][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:02:15.445115][f=-000001] [PreGame::StartServer]
[t=00:02:15.445420][f=-000001] Warning: [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] opening socket on loopback address, other users will not be able to connect!
[t=00:02:15.445795][f=-000001] [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] binding UDP socket to IPv4-address ( on port 0
[t=00:02:15.445831][f=-000001] [UDPListener] successfully bound socket on port 64329
[t=00:02:15.451280][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::StartServer] 9073ms
[t=00:02:15.451298][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][13] reloadCount=1
[t=00:02:15.467183][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddMapArchivesToVFS][server=00000190ee86f250] using map "Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1" (loaded=1 cached=0)
[t=00:02:15.467359][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1", overwrite=false)] section=1 cached=0
[t=00:02:15.467501][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Map Helper v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:02:15.467567][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddModArchivesToVFS][server=00000190ee86f250] using game "Beyond All Reason test-26001-4681dde" (loaded=0 cached=1)
[t=00:02:15.467724][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Beyond All Reason test-26001-4681dde", overwrite=false)] section=0 cached=1
[t=00:02:15.474707][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:02:15.474883][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:02:15.475192][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:02:15.475265][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:02:15.475608][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:02:15.475673][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:02:15.475736][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:02:15.476160][f=-000001] [CDemoRecorder::WriteSetupText] SetupText="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"
[t=00:02:15.476450][f=-000001] [PreGame::GameDataReceived] recording demo to "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\demos\2024-05-09_03-08-02-958_Coastlines_Dry_V2.2_105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 BAR105.sdfz"
[t=00:02:15.476462][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::GameDataReceived] 25ms
[t=00:02:15.476774][f=-000001] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] received local player number 0 (team 0, allyteam 0), creating LoadScreen
[t=00:02:15.489146][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:02:15.489222][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:02:15.489490][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:02:15.489557][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:02:15.489614][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:02:15.576041][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Searching for new Widgets
[t=00:02:15.576061][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Addons/
[t=00:02:15.576097][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Widgets/
[t=00:02:15.576118][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemAddons/
[t=00:02:15.576132][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemWidgets/
[t=00:02:15.576155][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/chili/
[t=00:02:15.578275][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "SpringLogo"
[t=00:02:15.578583][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadTexture"
[t=00:02:15.579322][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadProgress"
[t=00:02:15.580391][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Main"
[t=00:02:15.580755][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Music"
[t=00:02:15.580772][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widgets <>=vfs **=raw ()=unknown
[t=00:02:15.581378][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: Engine Taskbar Stuff <engine_taskbar_control.lua>
[t=00:02:15.589196][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: LoadProgress <loadprogress.lua>
[t=00:02:15.603085][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: Main <main.lua>
[t=00:02:15.603802][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: Music <music.lua>
[t=00:02:15.652838][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: LoadTexture <bg_texture.lua>
[t=00:02:15.653060][f=-000001] [LuaIntro] LuaIntro v1.0 (Lua 5.1 with Recoil-specific changes)
[t=00:02:15.658353][f=-000001] Setting Mouse Drag thresholds based on resolution (2560x1440) for Selection to 21, and Command to 37
[t=00:02:15.660180][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::Init] single-threaded
[t=00:02:15.660214][f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [load]
[t=00:02:15.660383][f=-000001] [Game::Load][1] globalQuit=0 threaded=0
[t=00:02:15.660402][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Parsing Map Information"
[t=00:02:16.420137][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading SMF"
[t=00:02:16.536864][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Map (117 MB)"
[t=00:02:19.104848][f=-000001] Warning: [CSMFReadMap::CreateSplatDetailTextures] Invalid SMF splatDetailTex maps/iwantDNTS.tga. Creating fallback texture
[t=00:02:19.856012][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadMap] 4195ms
[t=00:02:19.856074][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading GameData Definitions"
[t=00:02:19.865187][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:02:19.865267][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:02:19.865526][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:02:19.865662][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:02:19.865733][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:02:20.010952][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Loading all definitions: ] 139ms
[t=00:02:20.034218][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (GameData)] 178ms
[t=00:02:20.034247][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Radar Icons"
[t=00:02:20.926854][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Sound Definitions"
[t=00:02:20.936924][f=-000001] [Sound] [LoadSoundDefsImpl] parsed 896 sounds from gamedata/sounds.lua
[t=00:02:20.937385][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (Sound)] 10ms
[t=00:02:20.937397][f=-000001] [Game::Load][2] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:02:20.937412][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Smooth Height Mesh"
[t=00:02:20.948030][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][SmoothHeightMesh::MakeSmoothMesh] 7ms
[t=00:02:20.948061][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating QuadField & CEGs"
[t=00:02:20.949833][f=-000001] [Init] number of ArmorDefs: 16
[t=00:02:20.950000][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legsolar" in ArmorDef "standard" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:02:20.950062][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legsolar_scav" in ArmorDef "standard" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:02:20.950091][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legca" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:02:20.950100][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legaca" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:02:20.950169][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legca_scav" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:02:20.950179][f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "legaca_scav" in ArmorDef "vtol" already belongs to ArmorDef category 12!
[t=00:02:21.083846][f=-000001] [RegisterModelFormats] supported (Assimp) model formats: *.3ds;*.blend;*.dae;*.lwo;*.obj;
[t=00:02:21.093505][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Unit Textures"
[t=00:02:21.098215][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Sky"
[t=00:02:21.203697][f=-000001] [Game::Load][3] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:02:21.203728][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Weapon Definitions"
[t=00:02:21.208977][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "armcomcon_repulsor1"
[t=00:02:21.214152][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "armfgate_sea_repulsor"
[t=00:02:21.214975][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "armgate_repulsor"
[t=00:02:21.224593][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "corcomcon_repulsor1"
[t=00:02:21.229769][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "corfgate_sea_repulsor"
[t=00:02:21.230472][f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "shield.energyupkeep" in "corgate_repulsor"
[t=00:02:21.249793][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (WeaponDefs)] 46ms
[t=00:02:21.249820][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Unit Definitions"
[t=00:02:21.267664][f=-000001] Warning: Unit '' (babyarmvader) has really low power? 0.000000
[t=00:02:21.267684][f=-000001] Warning: This can cause a division by zero in experience calculations.
[t=00:02:21.289243][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (UnitDefs)] 39ms
[t=00:02:21.289270][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Feature Definitions"
[t=00:02:21.305010][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (FeatureDefs)] 15ms
[t=00:02:21.327382][f=-000001] InitStatic: NUM_SPEEDMOD_BINS=10, MIN_SPEEDMOD_VALUE=0.000000, MAX_SPEEDMOD_VALUE=2.000000
[t=00:02:21.327446][f=-000001] InitStatic: MAP_MAX_NODES_SEARCHED=0, MAP_RELATIVE_MAX_NODES_SEARCHED=0.000000
[t=00:02:21.327458][f=-000001] [IPathManager::GetInstance] using QTPFS
[t=00:02:21.327472][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Initializing Map Features"
[t=00:02:21.329297][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Models"
[t=00:02:21.332082][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating ShadowHandler"
[t=00:02:21.450316][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating InfoTextureHandler"
[t=00:02:21.458191][f=-000001] InfoTexture: shaders
[t=00:02:21.458221][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating GroundDrawer"
[t=00:02:21.459351][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Map Tiles"
[t=00:02:22.780946][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Square Textures"
[t=00:02:22.835294][f=-000001] Switching to ROAM Mesh Rendering
[t=00:02:22.835372][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::Resize] to 2097152
[t=00:02:22.859491][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::InitPools] newPoolSize=2097152 PoolSize=2097152 (shadowPass=0)
[t=00:02:22.859530][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::Resize] to 2097152
[t=00:02:22.883719][f=-000001] [TriNodePool::InitPools] newPoolSize=2097152 PoolSize=2097152 (shadowPass=1)
[t=00:02:22.954308][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating GrassDrawer"
[t=00:02:22.968798][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar1_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.057202][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar2_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.087713][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar3_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.097120][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar4_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.108480][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar5_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.115335][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "scars/scar6_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.124343][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/scars/scar1_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.206028][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/arm_acv_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.214171][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/arm_acv_tracks_2_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.220412][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/arm_stumpy_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.226581][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armacv_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.232304][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armbull_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.237995][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armcroc_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.243027][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armgremlin_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.249704][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armmart_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.254580][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armpincer_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.260620][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armsam_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.264097][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armseer_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.390759][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armstump_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.392923][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/armyork_tracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.394453][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/bigfoot_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.395971][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/bottrack1_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.397284][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/comtrack_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.400938][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/corparrowtracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.404161][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/corwidetracks_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.405806][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/raptortrack_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.407361][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/raptortrackpointy_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.408645][f=-000001] Warning: Could not load ground decal "bitmaps/tracks/stdtank_normal.bmp"
[t=00:02:23.422768][f=-000001] Loaded DecalsDrawer: standard
[t=00:02:23.423302][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating ProjectileDrawer & UnitDrawer"
[t=00:02:23.425895][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Projectile Textures"
[t=00:02:25.253810][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Water"
[t=00:02:25.368351][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Finalizing Models"
[t=00:02:26.009348][f=-000001] [Texture] Warning: [LoadAndCacheTexture] could not load primary texture "" from model "objects3d/rocks30/rocks30_map_05.s3o"
[t=00:02:26.411506][f=-000001] [Game::Load][4] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:02:26.457395][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadInterface (Console)] 0ms
[t=00:02:26.459402][f=-000001] [Game::Load][5] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:02:26.460182][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[LoadFinalize] finalizing PFS"
[t=00:02:26.462501][f=-000001] InitRootSize: map root size is (1280, 896)
[t=00:02:26.462547][f=-000001] InitRootSize: root node size is set to: 128
[t=00:02:26.463004][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:02:26.463081][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:02:26.463325][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:02:26.463391][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:02:26.463449][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:02:26.519251][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[PathManager::InitNodeLayersThreaded] using 6 threads for 43 node-layers"
[t=00:02:27.026372][f=-000001] [QTPFS] pfs-checksum: 83c14c00
[t=00:02:27.026392][f=-000001] [QTPFS] mem-footprint: 288MB
[t=00:02:27.083407][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[PathManager::Load] Complete. Used 6 threads for 43 node-layers"
[t=00:02:27.084544][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="[LoadFinalize] finalized PFS (622ms, checksum 83c14c00)"
[t=00:02:27.085375][f=-000001] [Game::Load][6] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:02:27.085393][f=-000001] [Game::LoadLua] Lua developer mode disabled
[t=00:02:27.085407][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading LuaRules"
[t=00:02:27.100024][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:02:27.100120][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:02:27.100463][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:02:27.100555][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:02:27.100624][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:02:27.144781][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][creg::AutoRegisterCFunctions(LuaRules)] 43ms
[t=00:02:27.179609][f=-000001] [AI Loader] ShardLua bot Deactivated!
[t=00:02:27.565501][f=-000001] [ATMOSPHERIC] Current map: coastlines_dry_v2.2.1
[t=00:02:27.565543][f=-000001] [ATMOSPHERIC] No map config found. Turning off the gadget
[t=00:02:27.567899][f=-000001] Lava Mapname, coastlines_dry_v2.2.1
[t=00:02:27.740226][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Dev Helper Cmds <cmd_dev_helpers.lua>
[t=00:02:27.740412][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: CMD limiter <cmd_limiter.lua>
[t=00:02:27.740572][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Get Player Data <cmd_get_player_data.lua>
[t=00:02:27.740723][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stats <api_damage_stats.lua>
[t=00:02:27.740878][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Permissions <api_permissions.lua>
[t=00:02:27.741576][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: ranks api <api_ranks.lua>
[t=00:02:27.741858][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: No Share Self-D <unit_prevent_share_self_d.lua>
[t=00:02:27.742082][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Anti Stacking Hax <unit_stack_hack_fix.lua>
[t=00:02:27.742388][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: AutoColorPicker <game_autocolors.lua>
[t=00:02:27.742570][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Explosion Deformation Fix <map_explosion_deformation_fix.lua>
[t=00:02:27.742770][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map Atmosphere CEGs <map_atmosphere_cegs.lua>
[t=00:02:27.742940][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map NightMode <map_nightmode.lua>
[t=00:02:27.743088][f=-000001] [Gaia Critters] gadget:Initialize() Game.mapName=Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1
[t=00:02:27.743173][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: gaia critter units <gaia_critters.lua>
[t=00:02:27.743465][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: supply drops <pve_supply_drops.lua>
[t=00:02:27.743671][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Feature Death Explosion <feature_dead_explosion.lua>
[t=00:02:27.743843][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: IconGenerator <unit_icongenerator.lua>
[t=00:02:27.751051][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map Lua Metal Spot Placer <map_metal_spot_placer.lua>
[t=00:02:27.779902][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: API Resource Spot Finder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_finder.lua>
[t=00:02:27.780098][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: CameraBroadcast <camera_lockcamera.lua>
[t=00:02:27.780509][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map Lava Gadget 2.4 <map_lava.lua>
[t=00:02:27.780680][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: AA Targeting Priority <unit_aa_targeting_priority.lua>
[t=00:02:27.780903][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Awards <gui_awards.lua>
[t=00:02:27.781097][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Geo fix <map_geofix.lua>
[t=00:02:27.783903][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Healthbars Widget Forwarding <unit_healthbars_widget_forwarding.lua>
[t=00:02:27.784127][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: PBR enabler <api_pbr_enabler.lua>
[t=00:02:27.789948][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Raptor Scum GL4 <gfx_raptor_scum_gl4.lua>
[t=00:02:27.790266][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: UnitCallinsGadget <dbg_unit_callins.lua>
[t=00:02:27.790814][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: AI namer <ai_namer.lua>
[t=00:02:27.791051][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Activity Broadcast <activity_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:02:27.791381][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Air Transports Speed <unit_transports_air_speed.lua>
[t=00:02:27.791663][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: AirPlantParents <unit_air_plants.lua>
[t=00:02:27.791923][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Allow Builder Hold Fire <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
[t=00:02:27.792153][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Ally Selected Units <cmd_selected_units.lua>
[t=00:02:27.793290][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Area Mex <cmd_area_mex.lua>
[t=00:02:27.793564][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Area Timed Damage Handler <unit_area_timed_damage.lua>
[t=00:02:27.793787][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Boombox Spawner <game_boombox_spawner.lua>
[t=00:02:27.794055][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Build Icons Slowy (/luarules buildiconslow or buildiconanim or buildiconanimslow) <dbg_buildicons_run.lua>
[t=00:02:27.794405][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Builder Priority <unit_builder_priority.lua>
[t=00:02:27.794627][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Cancel orders on share <unit_cancel_orders_on_share.lua>
[t=00:02:27.794908][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Capture Only Enemy <unit_capture_only_enemy.lua>
[t=00:02:27.795351][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Cloak <unit_cloak.lua>
[t=00:02:27.795611][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Com Counter <mo_com_counter.lua>
[t=00:02:27.795890][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Commando Watch <unit_commando_watch.lua>
[t=00:02:27.796223][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Continuous Aim <unit_continuous_aim.lua>
[t=00:02:27.796492][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Controls Unit's maxrange <unit_custommaxranges.lua>
[t=00:02:27.796729][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Cursor Broadcast <cmd_mouse_pos_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:02:27.800694][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Cursors <unit_cursors.lua>
[t=00:02:27.800931][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Custom Map Tidal <game_custom_map_tidal.lua>
[t=00:02:27.801181][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Custom weapon behaviours <unit_custom_weapons_behaviours.lua>
[t=00:02:27.801435][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: D-Gun Behaviour <unit_dgun_behaviour.lua>
[t=00:02:27.801756][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: DGun CmdType Fix <unit_dgun_cmdtype_fix.lua>
[t=00:02:27.802133][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Debris Explosions <gfx_debrisexplosions.lua>
[t=00:02:27.802391][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Debris physics <feature_debris_physics.lua>
[t=00:02:27.802672][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Depthcharge splash <fx_depthcharge_splash.lua>
[t=00:02:27.802917][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: DirectControl <unit_direct_control.lua>
[t=00:02:27.803166][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Display DPS <gui_display_dps.lua>
[t=00:02:27.805425][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Don't target flyover nukes <unit_interceptors.lua>
[t=00:02:27.805694][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Dragons Disguise <unit_dragons_disguise.lua>
[t=00:02:27.809649][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Dynamic collision volume & Hitsphere Scaledown <unit_dynamic_collision_volume.lua>
[t=00:02:27.810121][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Energy Conversion <game_energy_conversion.lua>
[t=00:02:27.810425][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Engine Hotfixes for Various Engine Kludges <engine_hotfixes.lua>
[t=00:02:27.810640][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Experimental Bots Steps Damages <unit_stomp.lua>
[t=00:02:27.811924][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Explosion_lights <gfx_explosion_lights.lua>
[t=00:02:27.812169][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: FPS Broadcast <fps_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:02:27.812558][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Factory Guard <unit_factory_guard.lua>
[t=00:02:27.812823][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Factory Stop Production <cmd_factory_stop_production.lua>
[t=00:02:27.813068][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Factory Unblocking <unit_factory_unblocking.lua>
[t=00:02:27.813325][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: GPU mem Broadcast <gpumem_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:02:27.813693][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Game End <game_end.lua>
[t=00:02:27.813911][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: GameID GameRulesParam <game_id.lua>
[t=00:02:27.814176][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Geo Upgrade Reclaimer <unit_geo_upgrade_reclaimer.lua>
[t=00:02:27.814483][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Hound Weapon Toggle <unit_hound_weapon_toggle.lua>
[t=00:02:27.814864][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Infestor Replication <unit_infestor_spawn.lua>
[t=00:02:27.815164][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Initial Spawn <game_initial_spawn.lua>
[t=00:02:27.815458][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Instant Self Destruct <unit_instant_self_destruct.lua>
[t=00:02:27.815693][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Juno Damage <unit_juno_damage.lua>
[t=00:02:27.815971][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Liche Cruise Control <unit_liche_cruisecontrol.lua>
[t=00:02:27.816385][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Lightning Splash Damage <unit_lightning_splash_dmg.lua>
[t=00:02:27.816623][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Load/unload <unit_airtransport_load_unload.lua>
[t=00:02:27.827811][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Lua unit script framework <unit_script.lua>
[t=00:02:27.828102][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: LuaUI Reload <cmd_luaui_reload.lua>
[t=00:02:27.828431][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Lups Flamethrower Jitter <lups_flame_jitter.lua>
[t=00:02:27.828703][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Manual launch command <cmd_manual_launch.lua>
[t=00:02:27.828951][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map VoidWater <map_voidground.lua>
[t=00:02:27.829209][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Mex Upgrade Reclaimer <unit_mex_upgrade_reclaimer.lua>
[t=00:02:27.829602][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Missile smoke <fx_missile_smoke.lua>
[t=00:02:27.829830][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Nano Radar Pos <unit_nanoradarpos.lua>
[t=00:02:27.830051][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: No Land Damage <unit_no_land_damage.lua>
[t=00:02:27.830377][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Nonblocking mines <unit_nonblocking_mines.lua>
[t=00:02:27.830639][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Objectify <unit_objectify.lua>
[t=00:02:27.830914][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: On/Off descriptions <cmd_onoffdesc.lua>
[t=00:02:27.831137][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Only Target Emp-able units <unit_onlytargetempable.lua>
[t=00:02:27.831432][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Only Target onlytargetcategory <unit_onlytargetcategory.lua>
[t=00:02:27.831661][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Paralyze Damage Multiplier <unit_paralyze_damage_multiplier.lua>
[t=00:02:27.831949][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: PopUpWaterStructures <unit_pop_up_water_structures.lua>
[t=00:02:27.832294][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Pre-aim <unit_preaim.lua>
[t=00:02:27.832812][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Cloaked Unit Reclaim <unit_prevent_cloaked_unit_reclaim.lua>
[t=00:02:27.833095][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Excessive Share <game_prevent_excessive_share.lua>
[t=00:02:27.833416][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Lab Hax <unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua>
[t=00:02:27.833704][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Lab Hax2 <unit_prevent_lab_hax2.lua>
[t=00:02:27.833932][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Load Hax <unit_prevent_load_hax.lua>
[t=00:02:27.834273][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Nanoframe Blocking Hax <unit_prevent_nanoframe_blocking_hax.lua>
[t=00:02:27.834608][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Range Hax <unit_prevent_range_hax.lua>
[t=00:02:27.834892][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Strange Orders <unit_prevent_strange_orders.lua>
[t=00:02:27.835161][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent Unload Hax <unit_prevent_unload_hax.lua>
[t=00:02:27.835492][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Prevent outside-of-map hax <unit_prevent_aircraft_hax.lua>
[t=00:02:27.835807][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Raptor Queen Anti-Dgun behavior <pve_boss_priority_targetting.lua>
[t=00:02:27.836109][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Reclaim Fix <unit_reclaim_fix.lua>
[t=00:02:27.836501][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Reclaim effect <gfx_reclaim_fx.lua>
[t=00:02:27.836781][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Remove Stop <cmd_remove_stop.lua>
[t=00:02:27.837127][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Remove Wait <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
[t=00:02:27.837482][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Scav Cloud Spawner <scav_cloud_spawner.lua>
[t=00:02:27.837854][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Sea bed Platforms <unit_platforms.lua>
[t=00:02:27.838128][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Shockwaves <lups_shockwaves.lua>
[t=00:02:27.838518][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Starburst Missile Liftoff <fx_missile_starburst_liftoff.lua>
[t=00:02:27.838752][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stealthy Passengers <unit_stealthy_passengers.lua>
[t=00:02:27.839028][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stockpile Script <unit_stockpile_script.lua>
[t=00:02:27.839418][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stockpile control <unit_stockpile_limit.lua>
[t=00:02:27.839684][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stun Control <unit_stun_control.lua>
[t=00:02:27.840002][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stun Script <unit_stun_script.lua>
[t=00:02:27.840313][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Stun Storage <unit_stun_storage.lua>
[t=00:02:27.841378][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Sunfacer <unit_sunfacing.lua>
[t=00:02:27.841669][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: System info <system_info.lua>
[t=00:02:27.841965][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Target on the move <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
[t=00:02:27.842290][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Tombstones <unit_tombstones.lua>
[t=00:02:27.842603][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Tree feller <gfx_tree_feller.lua>
[t=00:02:27.842913][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: TurnRadius <unit_airunitsturnradius.lua>
[t=00:02:27.843231][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unally on demand <cmd_alliance_break.lua>
[t=00:02:27.843524][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: UnderwaterPickup <unit_disallow_underwater_load.lua>
[t=00:02:27.843817][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Range XP Update <unit_xp_range_bonus.lua>
[t=00:02:27.844101][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Script Decals <gfx_unit_script_decals.lua>
[t=00:02:27.844474][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Script Lights <gfx_unit_script_lights.lua>
[t=00:02:27.844744][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit transportable nanos <unit_transportable_nanos.lua>
[t=00:02:27.845035][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: UnitDefs Turret TurnSpeeds <unit_turretspeed.lua>
[t=00:02:27.845431][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Wade Effects <gfx_wade_fx.lua>
[t=00:02:27.846286][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Watereffects <fx_watersplash.lua>
[t=00:02:27.846612][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Windmill Control <unit_windmill_control.lua>
[t=00:02:27.846889][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: ai_ruins.lua <ai_ruins.lua>
[t=00:02:27.847208][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: ai_scav_loader.lua <ai_scav_loader.lua>
[t=00:02:27.847506][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: api_widget_events.lua <api_widget_events.lua>
[t=00:02:27.847797][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: cmd_idle_players.lua <cmd_idle_players.lua>
[t=00:02:27.848117][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: cmd_paused_is_paused.lua <cmd_paused_is_paused.lua>
[t=00:02:27.848530][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: fx_reclaim_shards <fx_reclaim_shards.lua>
[t=00:02:27.848818][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_assistdronespawn.lua <game_assistdronespawn.lua>
[t=00:02:27.849104][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_commander_builder.lua <game_commander_builder.lua>
[t=00:02:27.849423][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_dynamic_maxunits.lua <game_dynamic_maxunits.lua>
[t=00:02:27.849710][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_ffa_start_setup.lua <game_ffa_start_setup.lua>
[t=00:02:27.850014][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_logger.lua <game_logger.lua>
[t=00:02:27.850353][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_marketplace.lua <game_marketplace.lua>
[t=00:02:27.850672][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_no_share_to_enemy <game_no_share_to_enemy.lua>
[t=00:02:27.850987][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_selfd_resign.lua <game_selfd_resign.lua>
[t=00:02:27.851291][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: game_unit_market.lua <game_unit_market.lua>
[t=00:02:27.851578][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: gui_soundeffects.lua <gui_soundeffects.lua>
[t=00:02:27.851855][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: lib_startpoint_guesser.lua <lib_startpoint_guesser.lua>
[t=00:02:27.852109][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: lups_cloak_fx.lua <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
[t=00:02:27.852601][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: lups_wrapper.lua <lups_wrapper.lua>
[t=00:02:27.853030][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: preventcombomb <mo_preventcombomb.lua>
[t=00:02:27.853361][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: transport_dies_load_dies <unit_transport_dies_load_dies.lua>
[t=00:02:27.853698][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_attributes.lua <unit_attributes.lua>
[t=00:02:27.854020][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_combomb_full_damage <unit_combomb_full_damage.lua>
[t=00:02:27.854320][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_juno_damage_mini.lua <unit_juno_damage_mini.lua>
[t=00:02:27.854605][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_timeslow.lua <unit_timeslow.lua>
[t=00:02:27.854888][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_wanted_speed.lua <unit_wanted_speed.lua>
[t=00:02:27.855180][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: unit_xmas.lua <unit_xmas.lua>
[t=00:02:27.855544][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Airbase Manager <unit_airbase.lua>
[t=00:02:27.855895][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Area Attack <unit_areaattack.lua>
[t=00:02:27.856209][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Deny Invalid Mex Orders <cmd_mex_denier.lua>
[t=00:02:27.856507][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Give Command <cmd_give.lua>
[t=00:02:27.856794][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Message <game_message.lua>
[t=00:02:27.857269][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Mission API triggers <api_missions_triggers.lua>
[t=00:02:27.857593][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Send Command <cmd_sendcommand.lua>
[t=00:02:27.857983][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Team Com Ends <game_team_com_ends.lua>
[t=00:02:27.858299][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Team Death Effect <game_team_death_effect.lua>
[t=00:02:27.858683][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Team Resourcing <game_team_resources.lua>
[t=00:02:27.859029][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Undo Self Destruction Havoc <cmd_undo.lua>
[t=00:02:27.859376][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: UnitDamagedReplay <dev_replay_data.lua>
[t=00:02:27.859700][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Garbage Collector <api_garbage_collector.lua>
[t=00:02:27.860069][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Notifications <sfx_notifications.lua>
[t=00:02:27.860418][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit kill count <unit_kill_count.lua>
[t=00:02:27.860722][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: resurrected param <unit_resurrected.lua>
[t=00:02:27.861867][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Attached Construction Turret <unit_attached_con_turret.lua>
[t=00:02:27.862300][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Paralyze On Off Behavior <unit_paralyze_on_off.lua>
[t=00:02:27.862707][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Place Target On Ground <cmd_place_target_on_ground.lua>
[t=00:02:27.863071][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Evolution <unit_evolution.lua>
[t=00:02:27.863531][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Explosion Spawner <unit_explosion_spawner.lua>
[t=00:02:27.863981][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Unit Carrier Spawner <unit_carrier_spawner.lua>
[t=00:02:27.864327][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Mobile Unit Paralyze Damage Handler <unit_paralyze_damage_limit.lua>
[t=00:02:27.864696][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Crashing Aircraft <unit_crashing_aircraft.lua>
[t=00:02:27.865063][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Death Animations <unit_death_animations.lua>
[t=00:02:27.865521][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Hats <unit_hats.lua>
[t=00:02:27.865931][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Sinking Ship <unit_sinking_ship.lua>
[t=00:02:27.866350][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Lups Orb <lups_orb.lua>
[t=00:02:27.866746][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Lups Shield <lups_shield.lua>
[t=00:02:27.867172][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Synced Proxy <dbg_synced_proxy.lua>
[t=00:02:27.867663][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Map Waterlevel <map_waterlevel.lua>
[t=00:02:27.868141][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Scenario Loadout <unit_scenario_loadout.lua>
[t=00:02:27.868908][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Scenario Script <unit_scenario_script.lua>
[t=00:02:27.869409][f=-000001] Loaded synced gadget: Gadget Profiler <dbg_gadget_profiler.lua>
[t=00:02:27.877298][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:02:27.877391][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:02:27.877680][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:02:27.877748][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:02:27.877813][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:02:27.906769][f=-000001] [AI Loader] ShardLua bot Deactivated!
[t=00:02:27.912554][f=-000001] <LockCamera>: Sorry for the camera switch spam, but this is the only reliable way to list camera states other than hardcoding them
[t=00:02:27.912610][f=-000001] Switching to Overview style camera
[t=00:02:27.912627][f=-000001] Switching to Spring style camera
[t=00:02:27.912649][f=-000001] Switching to Free style camera
[t=00:02:27.912682][f=-000001] Switching to Rotatable overhead camera
[t=00:02:27.912695][f=-000001] Switching to Overhead (TA) style camera
[t=00:02:27.912711][f=-000001] Switching to FPS style camera
[t=00:02:27.912724][f=-000001] Switching to Rotatable overhead camera
[t=00:02:27.981739][f=-000001] [ATMOSPHERIC] Current map: coastlines_dry_v2.2.1
[t=00:02:27.981774][f=-000001] [ATMOSPHERIC] No map config found. Turning off the gadget
[t=00:02:27.984337][f=-000001] Lava Mapname, coastlines_dry_v2.2.1
[t=00:02:28.045858][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Dev Helper Cmds <cmd_dev_helpers.lua>
[t=00:02:28.046036][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: CMD limiter <cmd_limiter.lua>
[t=00:02:28.046201][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Get Player Data <cmd_get_player_data.lua>
[t=00:02:28.046398][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Stats <api_damage_stats.lua>
[t=00:02:28.046560][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Permissions <api_permissions.lua>
[t=00:02:28.046749][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: ranks api <api_ranks.lua>
[t=00:02:28.046908][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: No Share Self-D <unit_prevent_share_self_d.lua>
[t=00:02:28.047101][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: AutoColorPicker <game_autocolors.lua>
[t=00:02:28.047275][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Explosion Deformation Fix <map_explosion_deformation_fix.lua>
[t=00:02:28.047468][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map Atmosphere CEGs <map_atmosphere_cegs.lua>
[t=00:02:28.047731][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map NightMode <map_nightmode.lua>
[t=00:02:28.047900][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Feature Death Explosion <feature_dead_explosion.lua>
[t=00:02:28.048659][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: IconGenerator <unit_icongenerator.lua>
[t=00:02:28.048852][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: API Resource Spot Finder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_finder.lua>
[t=00:02:28.049059][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: CameraBroadcast <camera_lockcamera.lua>
[t=00:02:28.049378][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map Lava Gadget 2.4 <map_lava.lua>
[t=00:02:28.049547][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: AA Targeting Priority <unit_aa_targeting_priority.lua>
[t=00:02:28.049746][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Awards <gui_awards.lua>
[t=00:02:28.049934][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Geo fix <map_geofix.lua>
[t=00:02:28.050166][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Healthbars Widget Forwarding <unit_healthbars_widget_forwarding.lua>
[t=00:02:28.052786][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: PBR enabler <api_pbr_enabler.lua>
[t=00:02:28.056396][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Scum GL4 <gfx_raptor_scum_gl4.lua>
[t=00:02:28.056551][f=-000001] Map Sun Handler: Clearing groundSpecularColor via SetSunLighting because map does not change it from default.
[t=00:02:28.056827][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Sun Handler <map_sun_handler.lua>
[t=00:02:28.057084][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnitCallinsGadget <dbg_unit_callins.lua>
[t=00:02:28.057440][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: AI namer <ai_namer.lua>
[t=00:02:28.057748][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Activity Broadcast <activity_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:02:28.058013][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Air Transports Speed <unit_transports_air_speed.lua>
[t=00:02:28.058296][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: AirPlantParents <unit_air_plants.lua>
[t=00:02:28.058560][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Ally Selected Units <cmd_selected_units.lua>
[t=00:02:28.058833][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Area Mex <cmd_area_mex.lua>
[t=00:02:28.059085][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Area Timed Damage Handler <unit_area_timed_damage.lua>
[t=00:02:28.059469][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Boombox Spawner <game_boombox_spawner.lua>
[t=00:02:28.059749][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Build Icons Slowy (/luarules buildiconslow or buildiconanim or buildiconanimslow) <dbg_buildicons_run.lua>
[t=00:02:28.060014][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Builder Priority <unit_builder_priority.lua>
[t=00:02:28.060246][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Initializing materials
[t=00:02:28.061923][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Compiling Shaders
[t=00:02:28.093715][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Initializing bins
[t=00:02:28.093747][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Init Feature bins
[t=00:02:28.133674][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Init Unit bins
[t=00:02:28.151984][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Collecting units
[t=00:02:28.152006][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Ready
[t=00:02:28.152181][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: CUS GL4 <cus_gl4.lua>
[t=00:02:28.152572][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Cancel orders on share <unit_cancel_orders_on_share.lua>
[t=00:02:28.152956][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Capture Only Enemy <unit_capture_only_enemy.lua>
[t=00:02:28.153247][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Continuous Aim <unit_continuous_aim.lua>
[t=00:02:28.153829][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Cursor Broadcast <cmd_mouse_pos_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:02:28.154076][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Cursors <unit_cursors.lua>
[t=00:02:28.154392][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Custom weapon behaviours <unit_custom_weapons_behaviours.lua>
[t=00:02:28.154639][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: D-Gun Behaviour <unit_dgun_behaviour.lua>
[t=00:02:28.154930][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Debris Explosions <gfx_debrisexplosions.lua>
[t=00:02:28.155288][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Display DPS <gui_display_dps.lua>
[t=00:02:28.155560][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Dragons Disguise <unit_dragons_disguise.lua>
[t=00:02:28.155823][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Dynamic collision volume & Hitsphere Scaledown <unit_dynamic_collision_volume.lua>
[t=00:02:28.156102][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Engine Hotfixes for Various Engine Kludges <engine_hotfixes.lua>
[t=00:02:28.156394][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Experimental Bots Steps Damages <unit_stomp.lua>
[t=00:02:28.156742][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Explosion_lights <gfx_explosion_lights.lua>
[t=00:02:28.157065][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: FPS Broadcast <fps_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:02:28.157389][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: GPU mem Broadcast <gpumem_broadcast.lua>
[t=00:02:28.157666][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: GUI Sound Effects player <gui_soundeffects.lua>
[t=00:02:28.157938][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Game End <game_end.lua>
[t=00:02:28.158225][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Geo Upgrade Reclaimer <unit_geo_upgrade_reclaimer.lua>
[t=00:02:28.158511][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Initial Spawn <game_initial_spawn.lua>
[t=00:02:28.158798][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Juno Damage <unit_juno_damage.lua>
[t=00:02:28.159165][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Load/unload <unit_airtransport_load_unload.lua>
[t=00:02:28.159500][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: LuaUI Reload <cmd_luaui_reload.lua>
[t=00:02:28.159787][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Flamethrower Jitter <lups_flame_jitter.lua>
[t=00:02:28.160074][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Manual launch command <cmd_manual_launch.lua>
[t=00:02:28.160362][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Mex Upgrade Reclaimer <unit_mex_upgrade_reclaimer.lua>
[t=00:02:28.160840][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Nano Radar Pos <unit_nanoradarpos.lua>
[t=00:02:28.161364][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Objectify <unit_objectify.lua>
[t=00:02:28.161703][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Only Target Emp-able units <unit_onlytargetempable.lua>
[t=00:02:28.161970][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Only Target onlytargetcategory <unit_onlytargetcategory.lua>
[t=00:02:28.162325][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: PopUpWaterStructures <unit_pop_up_water_structures.lua>
[t=00:02:28.162614][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Pre-aim <unit_preaim.lua>
[t=00:02:28.162914][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Cloaked Unit Reclaim <unit_prevent_cloaked_unit_reclaim.lua>
[t=00:02:28.163254][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Lab Hax2 <unit_prevent_lab_hax2.lua>
[t=00:02:28.163588][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Nanoframe Blocking Hax <unit_prevent_nanoframe_blocking_hax.lua>
[t=00:02:28.163889][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Prevent Unload Hax <unit_prevent_unload_hax.lua>
[t=00:02:28.164198][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Area Healers <pve_areahealers.lua>
[t=00:02:28.164566][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Defense Nuke Controller <pve_nuke_controller.lua>
[t=00:02:28.164852][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Raptor Queen Anti-Dgun behavior <pve_boss_priority_targetting.lua>
[t=00:02:28.165158][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Reclaim Fix <unit_reclaim_fix.lua>
[t=00:02:28.165546][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Reclaim effect <gfx_reclaim_fx.lua>
[t=00:02:28.165868][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Scav Cloud Spawner <scav_cloud_spawner.lua>
[t=00:02:28.166159][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Sea bed Platforms <unit_platforms.lua>
[t=00:02:28.166487][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Shockwaves <lups_shockwaves.lua>
[t=00:02:28.166779][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Stockpile control <unit_stockpile_limit.lua>
[t=00:02:28.178987][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: System info <system_info.lua>
[t=00:02:28.180349][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Target on the move <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
[t=00:02:28.180709][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Tombstones <unit_tombstones.lua>
[t=00:02:28.181013][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Tree feller <gfx_tree_feller.lua>
[t=00:02:28.181308][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: TurnRadius <unit_airunitsturnradius.lua>
[t=00:02:28.181619][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unally on demand <cmd_alliance_break.lua>
[t=00:02:28.181977][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnderwaterPickup <unit_disallow_underwater_load.lua>
[t=00:02:28.182300][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit Script Decals <gfx_unit_script_decals.lua>
[t=00:02:28.182697][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit Script Lights <gfx_unit_script_lights.lua>
[t=00:02:28.183006][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnitDefs Turret TurnSpeeds <unit_turretspeed.lua>
[t=00:02:28.183331][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Widget Events <api_widget_events.lua>
[t=00:02:28.183658][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: ai_ruins.lua <ai_ruins.lua>
[t=00:02:28.183936][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: ai_scav_loader.lua <ai_scav_loader.lua>
[t=00:02:28.184429][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_idle_players.lua <cmd_idle_players.lua>
[t=00:02:28.184840][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_onoffdesc.lua <cmd_onoffdesc.lua>
[t=00:02:28.185124][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_paused_is_paused.lua <cmd_paused_is_paused.lua>
[t=00:02:28.185469][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_remove_stop.lua <cmd_remove_stop.lua>
[t=00:02:28.185753][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: cmd_remove_wait.lua <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
[t=00:02:28.186029][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: feature_debris_physics.lua <feature_debris_physics.lua>
[t=00:02:28.186329][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: fx_reclaim_shards <fx_reclaim_shards.lua>
[t=00:02:28.186641][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_assistdronespawn.lua <game_assistdronespawn.lua>
[t=00:02:28.186952][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_commander_builder.lua <game_commander_builder.lua>
[t=00:02:28.187417][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_dynamic_maxunits.lua <game_dynamic_maxunits.lua>
[t=00:02:28.187741][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_ffa_start_setup.lua <game_ffa_start_setup.lua>
[t=00:02:28.188056][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_id.lua <game_id.lua>
[t=00:02:28.188420][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_logger.lua <game_logger.lua>
[t=00:02:28.188749][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_marketplace.lua <game_marketplace.lua>
[t=00:02:28.189106][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_no_share_to_enemy <game_no_share_to_enemy.lua>
[t=00:02:28.189474][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_selfd_resign.lua <game_selfd_resign.lua>
[t=00:02:28.189792][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: game_unit_market.lua <game_unit_market.lua>
[t=00:02:28.190104][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: gfx_wade_fx.lua <gfx_wade_fx.lua>
[t=00:02:28.190521][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: lib_startpoint_guesser.lua <lib_startpoint_guesser.lua>
[t=00:02:28.190844][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: map_metal_spot_placer.lua <map_metal_spot_placer.lua>
[t=00:02:28.191205][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: map_voidground.lua <map_voidground.lua>
[t=00:02:28.191519][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: transport_dies_load_dies <unit_transport_dies_load_dies.lua>
[t=00:02:28.191843][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
[t=00:02:28.192159][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_attributes.lua <unit_attributes.lua>
[t=00:02:28.192579][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_custommaxranges.lua <unit_custommaxranges.lua>
[t=00:02:28.192897][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_factory_guard.lua <unit_factory_guard.lua>
[t=00:02:28.193253][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_factory_unblocking.lua <unit_factory_unblocking.lua>
[t=00:02:28.193582][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_hound_weapon_toggle.lua <unit_hound_weapon_toggle.lua>
[t=00:02:28.193902][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_juno_damage_mini.lua <unit_juno_damage_mini.lua>
[t=00:02:28.194306][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_timeslow.lua <unit_timeslow.lua>
[t=00:02:28.194627][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_wanted_speed.lua <unit_wanted_speed.lua>
[t=00:02:28.194938][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: unit_xmas.lua <unit_xmas.lua>
[t=00:02:28.195287][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Airbase Manager <unit_airbase.lua>
[t=00:02:28.195675][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Area Attack <unit_areaattack.lua>
[t=00:02:28.195990][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Deny Invalid Mex Orders <cmd_mex_denier.lua>
[t=00:02:28.196393][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Give Command <cmd_give.lua>
[t=00:02:28.196750][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Message <game_message.lua>
[t=00:02:28.197141][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Send Command <cmd_sendcommand.lua>
[t=00:02:28.197548][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Team Com Ends <game_team_com_ends.lua>
[t=00:02:28.197925][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Team Death Effect <game_team_death_effect.lua>
[t=00:02:28.198276][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Undo Self Destruction Havoc <cmd_undo.lua>
[t=00:02:28.198596][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: UnitDamagedReplay <dev_replay_data.lua>
[t=00:02:28.198936][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Garbage Collector <api_garbage_collector.lua>
[t=00:02:28.199383][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: GeoVent Sounds <fx_atmosphere.lua>
[t=00:02:28.199804][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Notifications <sfx_notifications.lua>
[t=00:02:28.200220][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit kill count <unit_kill_count.lua>
[t=00:02:28.200571][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: resurrected param <unit_resurrected.lua>
[t=00:02:28.200913][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Cloak FX <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
[t=00:02:28.202371][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Unit Evolution <unit_evolution.lua>
[t=00:02:28.202769][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Crashing Aircraft <unit_crashing_aircraft.lua>
[t=00:02:28.203130][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Death Animations <unit_death_animations.lua>
[t=00:02:28.203631][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Hats <unit_hats.lua>
[t=00:02:28.248463][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups <lups_wrapper.lua>
[t=00:02:28.248822][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Sinking Ship <unit_sinking_ship.lua>
[t=00:02:28.249111][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Orb <lups_orb.lua>
[t=00:02:28.251176][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Lups Shield <lups_shield.lua>
[t=00:02:28.251561][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Synced Proxy <dbg_synced_proxy.lua>
[t=00:02:28.251876][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Map Waterlevel <map_waterlevel.lua>
[t=00:02:28.252122][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Scenario Loadout <unit_scenario_loadout.lua>
[t=00:02:28.252478][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Scenario Script <unit_scenario_script.lua>
[t=00:02:28.252862][f=-000001] Loaded unsynced gadget: Gadget Profiler <dbg_gadget_profiler.lua>
[t=00:02:28.295785][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading LuaGaia"
[t=00:02:28.303608][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:02:28.303695][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:02:28.303957][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:02:28.304035][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:02:28.304096][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:02:28.338274][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][creg::AutoRegisterCFunctions(LuaGaia)] 34ms
[t=00:02:28.362468][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:02:28.362548][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:02:28.362820][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:02:28.362888][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:02:28.362948][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:02:28.374300][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading LuaUI"
[t=00:02:28.376056][f=-000001] LuaUI Entry Point: "luaui.lua"
[t=00:02:28.376077][f=-000001] LuaSocket Support: enabled
[t=00:02:28.384280][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:02:28.384371][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:02:28.384634][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:02:28.384700][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:02:28.384766][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:02:28.384961][f=-000001] Using LUAUI_DIRNAME = LuaUI/
[t=00:02:28.391722][f=-000001] Reloading GUI config from file: LuaUI/ctrlpanel.txt
[t=00:02:28.491369][f=-000001] [i18n] "units.names.corvacct" is not translated in en
[t=00:02:28.491393][f=-000001] [i18n] No translation found for "units.names.corvacct"
[t=00:02:28.491411][f=-000001] [i18n] "units.descriptions.corvacct" is not translated in en
[t=00:02:28.491435][f=-000001] [i18n] No translation found for "units.descriptions.corvacct"
[t=00:02:28.520225][f=-000001] LuaUI: bound F11 to the widget selector
[t=00:02:28.532570][f=-000001] LuaUI: Allowing User Widgets
[t=00:02:28.535312][f=-000001] Failed to load: __defs_write.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=00:02:28.548135][f=-000001] Failed to load: autocheat.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=00:02:28.607261][f=-000001] Profiler using highres timers, true, 1
[t=00:02:28.804037][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legacv
[t=00:02:28.804310][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl7
[t=00:02:28.804369][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legck
[t=00:02:28.804511][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl4
[t=00:02:28.805182][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl2
[t=00:02:28.805194][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl6
[t=00:02:28.805761][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legaca
[t=00:02:28.806021][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl10
[t=00:02:28.806031][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl9
[t=00:02:28.806039][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl3
[t=00:02:28.806779][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legotter
[t=00:02:28.807109][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legack
[t=00:02:28.807239][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl8
[t=00:02:28.807257][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legca
[t=00:02:28.807279][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcv
[t=00:02:28.807498][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcomlvl5
[t=00:02:28.807506][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legcom
[t=00:02:28.807677][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legvp
[t=00:02:28.807730][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: leglab
[t=00:02:28.807834][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legap
[t=00:02:28.807954][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: leggant
[t=00:02:28.808027][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legalab
[t=00:02:28.808036][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legaap
[t=00:02:28.808111][f=-000001] gridmenu config: no unitdefname found for: legavp
[t=00:02:28.885767][f=-000001] [Font] [LoadCustomFonts] loaded fonts "Exo2-SemiBold.otf" and "Exo2-SemiBold.otf"
[t=00:02:28.921674][f=-000001] Failed to load: gui_scavenger_info.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=00:02:28.959624][f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, false
[t=00:02:28.966349][f=-000001] Failed to load: gui_unit_market.lua (no GetInfo() call)
[t=00:02:29.005179][f=-000001] Map is, Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1
[t=00:02:29.022310][f=-000001] missing voice notification file: "sounds/voice/en/allison/tutorial/makefactory.wav" (t_makefactory)
[t=00:02:29.087163][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Deferred rendering GL4 <gfx_deferred_rendering_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.087451][f=-000001] Initialize DLGL4 Trace:[] Args:()
[t=00:02:29.167914][f=-000001] 0, DLGL4 weapons conf using, 831, light types
[t=00:02:29.178280][f=-000001] Deferred Lights GL4, recompiled in , 3, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.180628][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Cache Icons <gui_cache_icons.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.180830][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Overview Camera TAB hold & release <gui_overview_cam_tab_hold.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.181020][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Map Lighting Adjuster <map_lighting_adjuster.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.181247][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: API Resource Spot Finder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_finder.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.209638][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Font handler <gui_fonthandler.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.209867][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Game Speed <cmd_gamespeed.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.210051][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: HighlightUnit API GL4 <gfx_highlightunit_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.211319][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Language <gui_language.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.211492][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Limit idle FPS <gfx_limit_idle_fps.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.211677][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Map Grass GL4 <map_grass_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.220568][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: SmartSelect <unit_smart_select.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.220864][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Top Bar <gui_top_bar.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.234438][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Spy move/reclaim defaults <unit_default_spy_move_cloaked.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.234694][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Set target default <cmd_default_set_target.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.234897][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Stats <gui_unit_stats.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.235196][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Tooltip <gui_tooltip.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.235438][f=-000001] +inf
[t=00:02:29.235469][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: GUI Shader <gfx_guishader.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.236318][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Vote interface <gui_vote_interface.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.236517][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Chat <gui_chat.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.246771][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: API Screencopy Manager <api_screencopy_manager.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.247258][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: API Unit Tracker DEVMODE GL4 <api_unit_tracker_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.247756][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Auto Cloak Units <unit_auto_cloak.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.248072][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: BAR Hotkeys <cmd_bar_hotkeys.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.256133][f=-000001] BAR Hotkeys: Loaded hotkeys from uikeys.txt
[t=00:02:29.256178][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Changelog Info <gui_changelog_info.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.275465][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Keybind/Mouse Info <gui_keybind_info.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.281702][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Options <gui_options.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.282077][f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[t=00:02:29.284365][f=-000001] Set "shadows" config-parameter to 1
[t=00:02:29.284850][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: TeamStats <gui_teamstats.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.298395][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Highlight Unit GL4 <gui_highlight_unit_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.298688][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Infolos API <gui_infolos.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.300686][f=-000001] InfoLOS GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.300970][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: DrawUnitShape GL4 <gfx_drawunitshape_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.307375][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Save Game Menu <gui_savegame.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.307675][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Defense Range <gui_defenserange.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.307893][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Attack Range GL4 <gui_attackrange_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.309839][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Resurrection Halos GL4 <gui_resurrection_halos_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.317029][f=-000001] ResurrectionHalosShader GL4, recompiled in , 3, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.317174][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Selected Units GL4 <gui_selectedunits_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.323435][f=-000001] selectedUnitsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.323611][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Self-Destruct Icons <gui_selfd_icons.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.323897][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Given Units <gui_given_units.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.324103][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Energy Icons <gui_unit_energy_icons.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.330124][f=-000001] energy iconsShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.330370][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Snow <gfx_snow.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.330802][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Health Bars GL4 <gui_healthbars_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.336019][f=-000001] Health Bars Shader GL4, recompiled in , 4, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.339651][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Map Info <gui_mapinfo.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.339974][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: BuildETA <gui_build_eta.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.341245][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Clearmapmarks button <gui_clearmapmarks.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.341478][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList <gui_advplayerslist.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.347507][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Game Info <gui_advplayerslist_gameinfo.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.348661][f=-000001] frames-per-second indicator is disabled!
[t=00:02:29.348696][f=-000001] small digital clock is disabled!
[t=00:02:29.354370][f=-000001] simulation speed indicator is disabled!
[t=00:02:29.354404][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Music Player New <gui_advplayerslist_music_new.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.356361][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Awards <gui_awards.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.356656][f=-000001] EndGame Graph enabled, causes reload
[t=00:02:29.359681][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Camera Minimum Height <camera_minimum_height_limiter.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.359968][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Unit Totals <gui_advplayerslist_unittotals.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.360967][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Pregame UI <gui_pregameui.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.362602][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Commander Name Tags <gui_com_nametags.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.362860][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Player-TV <camera_player_tv.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.376924][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: API Resource Spot Builder (mex/geo) <api_resource_spot_builder.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.377226][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Airjets GL4 <gfx_airjets_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.378915][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ground AO Plates Features GL4 <gui_ground_ao_plates_features_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.391252][f=-000001] Ground AO Plates FeaturesShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.391773][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ground AO Plates GL4 <gui_ground_ao_plates_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.400710][f=-000001] Ground AO PlatesShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.400864][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Cloak Fire State <unit_cloak_firestate.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.401170][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Factionpicker <gui_factionpicker.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.401429][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ally Selected Units <gui_allyselectedunits.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.407094][f=-000001] allySelectedUnitsShader GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.407253][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Area unload <cmd_area_unload.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.407520][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Attack no ally <cmd_attack_no_ally.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.407717][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Auto First Build Facing <unit_autofirstbuildfacing.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.407872][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Auto mapmark eraser <map_auto_mapmark_eraser.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.408034][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Autoquit <cmd_autoquit.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.408248][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Blast Radius <gui_blast_radius.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.408427][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Bomber Attack Building Ground <cmd_bomber_attack_building_ground.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.408583][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Attack and Move Notification <unit_attackmovenotification.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.418499][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Camera Anchors <gui_camera_anchors.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.418862][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Camera Remember <camera_remember_mode.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.419086][f=-000001] Switching to Spring style camera
[t=00:02:29.419115][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: CameraFlip <camera_flip.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.419325][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Auto Group <unit_auto_group.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.419544][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: CameraShake <camera_shake.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.419727][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Converter Usage <gui_converter_usage.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.419944][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: DGun no ally <cmd_dgun_no_ally.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.420119][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Death Messages <death_messages.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.420336][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: EMP + decloak range <gui_emp_decloak_range.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.420513][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Build Split <cmd_buildsplit.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.420680][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ghost Radar GL4 <unit_ghostradar_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.420858][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ghost Site GL4 <unit_ghostsite_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.421047][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Builder Priority <unit_builder_priority.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.421260][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Guard Remove <cmd_guard_remove.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.421460][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Guard damaged constructors <cmd_guard_damaged_constructors.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.421618][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Highlight Selected Units GL4 <gui_highlight_selectedunits_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.428426][f=-000001] Reloaded cmdcolors from file: cmdcolors.tmp
[t=00:02:29.428596][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ignore List API <api_ignore.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.428939][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: LOS View <gfx_los_view.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.429151][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: LOS colors <gfx_los_colors.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.429805][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: DGun Stall Assist <unit_dgun_stall_assist.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.430322][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Limit Build Spacing <cmd_limit_build_spacing.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.430516][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Line-Build Hotkey Ignore <cmd_line-build_hotkey_ignore.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.430689][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Log UnitDefIDs <log_unitdefids.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.432018][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Logo adjuster <logo_adjuster.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.432239][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Easy Facing <gui_easyfacing.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.432444][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Factory hold position <cmd_fac_holdposition.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.432616][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Map Edge Extension <map_edge_extension2.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.433473][f=-000001] Lava Mapname, coastlines_dry_v2.2.1
[t=00:02:29.435081][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Minimap <gui_minimap.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.435421][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Onoff for Hound and trajectory <cmd_onoff.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.435623][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Paralyze Effect <gfx_paralyze_effect.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.438202][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Persistent Build Spacing <cmd_persistent_build_spacing.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.438436][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Point Tracker <gui_point_tracker.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.439888][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Priority Construction Turrets <cmd_nanoturrets_assist_priority.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.440276][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Holdfire Fix <cmd_holdfire_fix.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.440616][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: ReclaimInfo <gui_reclaiminfo.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.440940][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: RelativeMinimap <minimap_relative.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.441242][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: ImmobileBuilder <unit_immobile_builder.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.441588][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Scavenger Blueprint Generator <ai_scav_blueprint_generator.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.442069][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Screen Mode/Resolution Switcher <cmd_resolution_switcher.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.442572][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Jammer <gui_sensor_ranges_jammer.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.444248][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges LOS <gui_sensor_ranges_los.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.445567][f=-000001] LOS Ranges GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.445729][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Load Own Moving <unit_load_own_moving.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.445985][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Radar Preview <gui_sensor_ranges_radar_preview.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.447279][f=-000001] radarTruthShader GL4, recompiled in , 0, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.515770][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Show Orders <gui_show_orders.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.516331][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Sonar <gui_sensor_ranges_sonar.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.516822][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Specific Unit Reclaimer <unit_specific_unit_reclaimer.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.517005][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Spectate Next Alive Player <gui_spec_next_alive_player.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.517176][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Spectate Selected <gui_spectate_selected.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.517368][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: NoDuplicateOrders <cmd_no_duplicate_orders.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.517548][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: State Reverse Toggle <cmd_state_reverse_toggle.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.517722][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Statistics Collection <stats_damage.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.517898][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Stop means Stop <cmd_stop_selfd.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.518060][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Share Tracker <unit_share_tracker.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.518251][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Take Proxy <cmd_take_proxy.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.518424][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Preserve Commands <cmd_transport_preserve_commands.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.518613][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Test Runner <dbg_test_runner.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.518777][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Under Construction gfx GL4 <gfx_undercontruction_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.518986][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Finished Sounds <snd_unit_finished.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.521828][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Groups - Clear selection on empty <cmd_unitgroup_clear_selection_on_empty.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.522143][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Volume OSD <snd_volume_osd.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.522379][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: gui_transport_weight_limit <gui_transport_weight_limit.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.522651][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Set Target by Unit Type <unit_set_target_by_type.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.522834][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Smart Area Reclaim <unit_smart_area_reclaim.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.523026][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Specific Unit Loader <unit_specific_unit_loader.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.523210][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Group Number <gui_unit_group_number.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.528445][f=-000001] unitGroupsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.528590][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Transport AI <unit_transport_ai.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.528963][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Build menu <gui_buildmenu.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.531254][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AdvPlayersList Mascot <gui_advplayerslist_mascot.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.531612][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Sensor Ranges Radar <gui_sensor_ranges_radar.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.532637][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Chain Actions <cmd_chainactions.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.532890][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Screen Mode Info <gui_screen_mode_info.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.533135][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: GameTypeInfo <gui_game_type_info.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.534578][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Start Boxes <map_startbox.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.558449][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Area Mex <cmd_area_mex.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.558831][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Attack AoE <gui_attack_aoe.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.565740][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Command Queue Manager <cmd_commandq_manager.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.566102][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Ecostats <gui_ecostats.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.566895][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Extractor Snap (mex/geo) <cmd_extractor_snap.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.567132][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Factory Guard Default On <cmd_factory_guard_pref.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.567313][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Info <gui_info.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.590983][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Order menu <gui_ordermenu.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.594175][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Overview Camera Keep Position <gui_overview_keep_camera_position.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.594522][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Context Build <cmd_context_build.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.594808][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Unit Groups <gui_unitgroups.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.599037][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: BuildBar <gui_buildbar.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.601569][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Pregame Queue <gui_pregame_build.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.601919][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Commands FX <gui_commands_fx.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.602225][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Game info <gui_gameinfo.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.603789][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Mapmarks FX <gui_mapmarks_fx.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.604111][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Metalspots <gui_metalspots.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.605583][f=-000001] Metalspots GL4, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.608044][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Mouse FX <gui_mouse_fx.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.608417][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Idle Builders <gui_idle_builders.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.638857][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Geothermalspots <gui_geothermalspots.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.641174][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: AllyCursors <gui_ally_cursors.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.641618][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Anti Ranges <gui_anti_ranges.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.641875][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Rank Icons GL4 <gui_rank_icons_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.647681][f=-000001] Rank IconsShader GL4, recompiled in , 2, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.682056][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Waypoint Dragger <unit_waypoint_dragger_2.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.682671][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: CommandInsert <cmd_commandinsert.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.682945][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Set fighters on Fly mode <unit_set_fighters_fly.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.683199][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Notifications <snd_notifications.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.683634][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Select n Center! <gui_center_n_select.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.683920][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Replay buttons <gui_replaybuttons.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.684509][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Show Builder Queue <gfx_showbuilderqueue.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.684761][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Commander Hurt Vignette <gui_commanderhurt.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.685033][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Mouse Buildspacing <gui_buildspacing.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.685223][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Decals GL4 <gfx_decals_gl4.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.688524][f=-000001] Decals Gl4 Shader, recompiled in , 3, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.690318][f=-000001] Decals Large Gl4 Shader, recompiled in , 1, ms at, 0, success, true
[t=00:02:29.698001][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Lups <lups_wrapper.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.726845][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Quick Build (mex/geo) <cmd_quick_build_extractor.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.727249][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Reclaim Field Highlight <gui_reclaim_field_highlight.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.728397][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Prospector <gui_prospector.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.728870][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Contrast Adaptive Sharpen <gfx_cas.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.729894][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Rejoin progress <gui_rejoinprogress.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.730206][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: CustomFormations2 <cmd_customformations2.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.730557][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Darken map <gfx_darken_map.lua> ...
[t=00:02:29.730782][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Cursor <gui_cursor.lua> ...
[t=00:02:30.185021][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Messages <gui_messages.lua> ...
[t=00:02:30.186426][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Scavenger Audio Reciever <ai_scav_audio_reciever.lua> ...
[t=00:02:30.187111][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Bloom Shader Deferred <gfx_bloom_shader_deferred.lua> ...
[t=00:02:30.189283][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Pause Screen <gui_pausescreen.lua> ...
[t=00:02:30.190005][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: SSAO <gfx_ssao.lua> ...
[t=00:02:30.209695][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: Widget Selector <widget_selector.lua> ...
[t=00:02:30.216652][f=-000001] Loading widget from mod: FlowUI <gui_flowui.lua> ...
[t=00:02:30.332118][f=-000001] [Game::Load][7] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:02:30.428674][f=-000001] [Game::Load][8] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[t=00:02:30.429730][f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Skirmish AIs"
[t=00:02:30.433332][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=0)]
[t=00:02:30.433375][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=0 team=1] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:30.506263][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:30.540389][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:30.549442][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:30.550638][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Loading the Terrain-Map ...
[t=00:02:30.550689][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Water Damage: 0.000000
[t=00:02:30.550763][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Sector-Map Block Size: 128
[t=00:02:30.550773][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Sector-Map Size: 4480 (x80, z56)
[t=00:02:30.553115][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Determining Usable Terrain for all units ...
[t=00:02:30.563654][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Map Land Percent: 100.00%
[t=00:02:30.563679][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Minimum Elevation: 200.02
[t=00:02:30.563706][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Maximum Elevation: 748.09
[t=00:02:30.563722][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-0.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 145 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563736][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563754][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-20.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 6 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563768][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -25.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563781][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -24.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563798][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-1.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563811][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -30.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 8 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563823][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 10 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563841][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563853][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -5.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 9 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563866][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -1.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563886][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -16.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563899][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -2.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 7 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563911][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -0.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563930][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -11.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563942][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563965][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563978][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -30.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.563990][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -10.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.564006][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -20.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.564019][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-9999.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.564031][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -6.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.564047][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.564059][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 4 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.564072][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.564088][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -31.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.564100][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-1000.000000 / any) Is buildable across 100.000000% of the map. (used by 3 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.564112][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Immobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -40.000000) Is buildable across 0.000000% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.567431][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5000.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'habot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 79.87% of the map. (used by 50 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.567482][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -8.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat4' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 19 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.569660][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'bot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 79.87% of the map. (used by 30 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.569725][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -15.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat8' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 23 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.571581][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.11)) Move-Data used:'htank4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 60.36% of the map. (used by 44 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.573462][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'hhover4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 65.45% of the map. (used by 17 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.575056][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hover5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 79.87% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.575107][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -10.00) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'boat5' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 8 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.576554][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5000.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.19)) Move-Data used:'vbot5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 67.90% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.578142][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-26.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hbot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 79.87% of the map. (used by 5 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.579765][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-5.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'bot1' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 79.87% of the map. (used by 21 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.581632][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-22.00 / any) Max Slope=(1.00)) Move-Data used:'htbot4' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 100.00% of the map. (used by 9 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.583156][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-24.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'htank5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 65.45% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.583224][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(any / -12.00) Max Slope=(0.16)) Move-Data used:'hhover4' Has 0 Map-Area(s) occupying 0.00% of the map. (used by 2 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.585027][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Mobile-Type: Min/Max Elevation=(-30.00 / any) Max Slope=(0.41)) Move-Data used:'hbot5' Has 1 Map-Area(s) occupying 79.87% of the map. (used by 1 unit-defs)
[t=00:02:30.603665][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:30.607400][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:30.608088][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:30.609082][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:30.609611][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:30.610536][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:30.616609][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:30.958597][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:30.958652][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:30.958910][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:30.958942][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:30.959049][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:30.959059][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:30.959143][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:30.959153][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:30.959162][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:30.959171][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:30.959180][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:30.959195][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:30.959518][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:30.959550][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:30.959662][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:30.959720][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:30.959766][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:30.959786][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:30.960833][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:30.962428][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:30.981939][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (0) Initialized!
[t=00:02:30.982728][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=0 team=1] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:30.982747][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=1)]
[t=00:02:30.982773][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=1 team=2] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:30.982843][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.003280][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.009244][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.015332][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.018524][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.019193][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.020120][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.020599][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.021491][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.027313][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.032601][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.032654][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.032883][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.032934][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.033068][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.033077][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.033140][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.033150][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.033167][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.033176][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.033185][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.033194][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.033251][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.033287][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.033423][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.033453][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.033478][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.033502][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.034255][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.035783][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.054000][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (1) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.054577][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=1 team=2] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.054605][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=2)]
[t=00:02:31.054616][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=2 team=3] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.054694][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.076373][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.083574][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.088888][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.092246][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.093009][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.093924][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.094489][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.095430][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.101229][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.108858][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.108912][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.109155][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.109201][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.109323][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.109335][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.109438][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.109447][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.109456][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.109464][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.109474][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.109490][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.109778][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.109824][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.109950][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.109990][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.110015][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.110034][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.110860][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.112618][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.131827][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (2) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.132551][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=2 team=3] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.132572][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=3)]
[t=00:02:31.132583][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=3 team=4] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.132814][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.154040][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.160128][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.165630][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.169004][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.169748][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.170659][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.171093][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.171971][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.177926][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.182906][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.182962][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.183203][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.183234][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.183374][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.183422][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.183623][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.183648][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.183681][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.183702][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.183723][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.183755][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.183828][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.183872][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.183991][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.184027][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.184062][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.184090][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.184855][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.186367][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.204982][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (3) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.205524][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=3 team=4] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.205551][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=4)]
[t=00:02:31.205563][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=4 team=5] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.205722][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.229040][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.235409][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.240855][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.244016][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.244670][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.245572][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.246033][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.246959][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.252784][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.257662][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.257717][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.257966][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.258001][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.258107][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.258118][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.258190][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.258201][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.258209][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.258219][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.258235][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.258249][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.258301][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.258330][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.258434][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.258507][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.258532][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.258551][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.259267][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.260794][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.280654][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (4) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.281165][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=4 team=5] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.281182][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=5)]
[t=00:02:31.281193][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=5 team=6] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.281348][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.302557][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.308658][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.314225][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.317413][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.318060][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.318962][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.319407][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.320267][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.326057][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.331333][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.331391][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.331629][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.331662][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.331791][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.331800][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.331867][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.331876][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.331891][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.331900][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.331909][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.331917][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.331971][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.332004][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.332110][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.332140][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.332165][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.332192][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.332952][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.334470][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.352942][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (5) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.353475][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=5 team=6] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.353504][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=6)]
[t=00:02:31.353515][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=6 team=7] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.353721][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.374597][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.380471][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.385892][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.389116][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.389779][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.390710][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.391173][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.392070][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.397875][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.402694][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.402766][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.402994][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.403068][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.403172][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.403183][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.403253][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.403263][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.403271][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.403280][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.403293][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.403301][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.403364][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.403393][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.403523][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.403558][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.403583][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.403602][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.404349][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.405958][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.424252][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (6) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.424763][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=6 team=7] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.424783][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=7)]
[t=00:02:31.424794][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=7 team=8] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.425006][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.445609][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.451573][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.457236][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.460421][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.461093][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.461993][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.462538][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.463438][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.469390][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.474247][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.474306][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.474536][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.474573][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.474725][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.474734][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.474801][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.474811][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.474824][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.474833][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.474842][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.474850][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.474909][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.474942][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.475073][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.475104][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.475127][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.475151][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.476009][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.477471][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.495921][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (7) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.496472][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=7 team=8] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.496488][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=8)]
[t=00:02:31.496498][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=8 team=9] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.496693][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.519483][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.525591][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.531248][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.534662][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.535444][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.536700][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.537143][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.538059][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.544031][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.549342][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.549448][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.549875][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.549937][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.550150][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.550169][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.550309][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.550327][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.550347][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.550369][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.550416][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.550431][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.550532][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.550578][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.550751][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.550790][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.550832][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.550853][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.551649][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.553226][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.571939][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (8) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.572475][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=8 team=9] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.572492][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=9)]
[t=00:02:31.572504][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=9 team=10] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.572655][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.595597][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.601868][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.607406][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.610532][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.611194][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.612280][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.612762][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.613667][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.619579][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.624359][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.624421][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.624661][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.624692][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.624819][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.624831][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.624899][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.624908][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.624923][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.624932][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.624941][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.624950][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.625004][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.625038][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.625170][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.625205][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.625229][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.625255][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.626039][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.627646][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.646792][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (9) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.647346][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=9 team=10] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.647363][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=10)]
[t=00:02:31.647373][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=10 team=11] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.647524][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.668763][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.674828][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.680438][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.683634][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.684278][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.685230][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.685675][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.686574][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.692593][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.697468][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.697553][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.697791][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.697829][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.697944][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.697954][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.698032][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.698042][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.698051][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.698060][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.698074][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.698083][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.698155][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.698187][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.698307][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.698348][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.698375][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.698398][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.699240][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.700950][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.719684][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (10) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.720220][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=10 team=11] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.720238][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=11)]
[t=00:02:31.720250][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=11 team=12] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.720420][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.741398][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.747814][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.753292][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.756606][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.757269][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.758192][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.758644][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.759534][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.766718][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.772392][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.772447][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.772684][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.772717][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.772838][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.772849][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.772923][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.772934][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.772949][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.772957][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.772966][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.772975][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.773034][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.773064][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.773173][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.773205][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.773236][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.773261][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.773991][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.775556][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.794448][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (11) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.795006][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=11 team=12] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.795023][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=12)]
[t=00:02:31.795034][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=12 team=13] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.795180][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.816507][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.822883][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.828407][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.831551][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.832199][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.833100][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.833675][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.834596][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.840512][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.845465][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.845543][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.845781][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.845812][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.845917][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.845927][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.845998][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.846007][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.846016][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.846025][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.846038][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.846047][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.846107][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.846136][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.846238][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.846276][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.846302][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.846321][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.847094][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.848654][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.873715][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (12) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.874243][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=12 team=13] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.874258][f=-000001] [EOH::CreateSkirmishAI(id=13)]
[t=00:02:31.874269][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::PreInit][AI=13 team=14] creating callbacks
[t=00:02:31.874429][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: 1.6.14
[t=00:02:31.900163][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.906232][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: hard AngelScript Rules!
[t=00:02:31.911792][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\behaviour.json
[t=00:02:31.915057][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\block_map.json
[t=00:02:31.915714][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\build_chain.json
[t=00:02:31.916650][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\commander.json
[t=00:02:31.917079][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\economy.json
[t=00:02:31.917992][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\factory.json
[t=00:02:31.923924][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load config: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\config\hard\response.json
[t=00:02:31.928790][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.928843][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'armfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.929081][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'cordrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.929126][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corfort_scav'
[t=00:02:31.929233][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag'
[t=00:02:31.929243][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'corscavdrag_scav'
[t=00:02:31.929310][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_easy'
[t=00:02:31.929325][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_epiq'
[t=00:02:31.929341][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_hard'
[t=00:02:31.929350][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_normal'
[t=00:02:31.929359][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryeasy'
[t=00:02:31.929368][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: has unknown UnitDef 'raptor_queen_veryhard'
[t=00:02:31.929428][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armamsub' can't build 'armamph'
[t=00:02:31.929457][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'armasy' can't build 'armcarry'
[t=00:02:31.929567][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coraap' can't build 'corcrw'
[t=00:02:31.929599][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coramsub' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.929629][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'corasy' can't build 'corcarry'
[t=00:02:31.929655][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: factory 'coravp' can't build 'corseal'
[t=00:02:31.930417][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: CONFIG hard: response riot vs unknown role 'skirmisher'
[t=00:02:31.931891][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: Load script: LuaRules\Configs\BARb\stable\script\hard\
[t=00:02:31.950772][f=-000001] Skirmish AI <BARbarIAn-stable>: BARbarIAn 1.6.14 (13) Initialized!
[t=00:02:31.951324][f=-000001] [AIWrapper::SendUnitEvents][AI=13 team=14] numUnits=0
[t=00:02:31.951338][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadSkirmishAIs] 1522ms
[t=00:02:31.963790][f=-000001] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaIntro (unsynced)] index=2 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 125631, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 10712144}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0046}
[t=00:02:34.793886][f=-000001] [CUS GL4] Cache Textures
[t=00:02:35.720152][f=-000001] Set "shadows" config-parameter to 1
[t=00:02:36.064718][f=-000001] [~CRectangleOverlapHandler] 0% overlap reduction
[t=00:02:36.338617][f=-000001] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=-1 (adaptive)
[t=00:02:36.342297][f=-000001] GameID: 123e3c665e53320062a6f165dcdf113b
[t=00:02:36.342680][f=-000001] Connection attempt from Player
[t=00:02:36.342692][f=-000001] -> Version: 105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 BAR105 [Windows 64-bit (native)]
[t=00:02:36.345211][f=-000001] -> Connection established (given id 0)
[t=00:02:36.345253][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Player" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums]
[t=00:02:36.345276][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Player" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums]
[t=00:02:36.345418][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Player" string="[Game::Load][lua{Rules,Gaia}={00000191406060d0,00000191e5eff9b0}][locale="C"]"
[t=00:02:36.345437][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(6)" (ID: 0, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 1
[t=00:02:36.345453][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(14)" (ID: 1, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 2
[t=00:02:36.345465][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(2)" (ID: 2, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 3
[t=00:02:36.345500][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(4)" (ID: 3, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 4
[t=00:02:36.345515][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(9)" (ID: 4, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 5
[t=00:02:36.345525][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(13)" (ID: 5, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 6
[t=00:02:36.345558][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(12)" (ID: 6, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 7
[t=00:02:36.345573][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(3)" (ID: 7, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 8
[t=00:02:36.345584][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(10)" (ID: 8, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 9
[t=00:02:36.345596][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(8)" (ID: 9, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 10
[t=00:02:36.345628][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(1)" (ID: 10, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 11
[t=00:02:36.345639][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(5)" (ID: 11, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 12
[t=00:02:36.345650][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(7)" (ID: 12, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 13
[t=00:02:36.345696][f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] local skirmish AI "BARbarianAI(11)" (ID: 13, Short-Name: "BARb", Version: "stable") took over control of team 14
[t=00:02:36.345726][f=-000001] Player Player finished loading and is now ingame
[t=00:02:36.399497][f=-000001] TotalHideLobbyInterface, true
[t=00:03:42.853708][f=-000001] [Initial Spawn] manual spawning based on positions chosen by players in start boxes
[t=00:03:43.601963][f=0000022] Player paused the game
[t=00:03:51.177118][f=0000022] Player unpaused the game
[t=00:04:00.601282][f=0000305] HandleLobbyOverlay SetMainInterfaceVisibley
[t=00:04:00.601489][f=0000305] Input grabbing is disabled!
[t=00:04:00.603644][f=0000306] TotalHideLobbyInterface, false
[t=00:04:00.829093][f=0000306] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=3 (standard)
[t=00:04:00.829644][f=0000306] Player paused the game
[t=00:04:03.134566][f=0000306] SetSettings Int, XResolutionWindowed, 2560
[t=00:04:03.134602][f=0000306] SetSettings Int, YResolutionWindowed, 1440
[t=00:04:03.134640][f=0000306] SetSettings Int, WindowPosX, 0
[t=00:04:03.134652][f=0000306] SetSettings Int, WindowPosY, 0
[t=00:04:03.134668][f=0000306] SetSettings Value, WindowBorderless, 1
[t=00:04:03.134689][f=0000306] Game starting, ensuring Chobby garbage is collected.
[t=00:04:03.164681][f=0000306] Skirmish: Using custom startboxes, <table>
[t=00:04:03.164711][f=0000306] Skirmish: startbox for team:, 1, is, 143.654816, 14.2131977, 188.832489, 179.695435
[t=00:04:03.164747][f=0000306] Skirmish: startbox for team:, 0, is, 15.7360411, 15.228426, 61.928936, 177.664978
[t=00:04:03.165098][f=0000306] [Game]
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(8);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 10;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(5);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 12;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(9);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 5;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(14);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 2;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(10);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 9;
Version = stable;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(2);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 3;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(13);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 6;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(12);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 7;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(4);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 4;
Version = stable;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(3);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 8;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(11);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 14;
Version = stable;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
startrectright = 0.30964467;
startrectbottom = 0.88832492;
startrectleft = 0.0786802;
numallies = 0;
startrecttop = 0.07614213;
startrectright = 0.94416243;
startrectbottom = 0.8984772;
startrectleft = 0.71827406;
numallies = 0;
startrecttop = 0.07106599;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Armada;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(1);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 11;
Version = stable;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 0;
TeamLeader = 0;
Side = Cortex;
Handicap = 0;
RgbColor = 0.99609375 0.546875 0;
AllyTeam = 1;
TeamLeader = 0;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(7);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 13;
Version = stable;
Host = 0;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = BARbarianAI(6);
ShortName = BARb;
Team = 1;
Version = stable;
IsFromDemo = 0;
Name = Player;
Team = 0;
rank = 0;
hostip =;
hostport = 0;
ishost = 1;
GameStartDelay = 5;
numplayers = 1;
startpostype = 2;
numusers = 15;
mapname = Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1;
myplayername = Player;
nohelperais = 0;
gametype = Beyond All Reason test-26001-4681dde;
[t=00:04:03.165285][f=0000306] [ReloadOrRestart] Spring "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\spring.exe" should be reloading
[t=00:04:03.165317][f=0000306] [SpringApp::Reload][1]
[t=00:04:03.165325][f=0000306] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=6 maximum=12 (init=0)
[t=00:04:03.190635][f=0000306] [async=0] threads=6 tasks=89665 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{15941.824, 0.178}, {188636.719, 2.104}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190674][f=0000306] thread=1 tasks=17933 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{2990.228, 0.000, 498.944, 0.167}, {34057.930, 0.000, 18446744027136.000, 1.899}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190689][f=0000306] thread=2 tasks=17933 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{3048.865, 0.000, 527.911, 0.170}, {37216.348, 0.000, 18446744027136.000, 2.075}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190703][f=0000306] thread=3 tasks=17933 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{3319.754, 0.000, 877.363, 0.185}, {39434.168, 0.000, 247.950, 2.199}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190721][f=0000306] thread=4 tasks=17933 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{3236.252, 0.000, 1247.406, 0.180}, {39129.965, 0.000, 244.426, 2.182}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190734][f=0000306] thread=5 tasks=17933 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{3346.726, 0.000, 1595.362, 0.187}, {38798.316, 0.000, 244.401, 2.164}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190745][f=0000306] [async=1] threads=6 tasks=17882 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{66591.258, 3.724}, {26894844.000, 1504.018}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190762][f=0000306] thread=1 tasks=3576 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{13513.762, 0.000, 1711.163, 3.779}, {5678360.000, 0.290, 4824.404, 1587.908}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190775][f=0000306] thread=2 tasks=3576 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{13668.404, 0.001, 1702.530, 3.822}, {5658559.500, 0.669, 4823.357, 1582.371}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190795][f=0000306] thread=3 tasks=3578 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{13557.021, 0.001, 1693.250, 3.789}, {5341576.000, 0.353, 4823.061, 1492.894}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190813][f=0000306] thread=4 tasks=3576 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{13734.768, 0.000, 1712.500, 3.841}, {5869515.500, 0.447, 4824.589, 1641.363}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190826][f=0000306] thread=5 tasks=3576 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{12117.307, 0.001, 1700.386, 3.389}, {4346832.000, 0.068, 4823.475, 1215.557}}ms
[t=00:04:03.190836][f=0000306] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[t=00:04:03.190860][f=0000306] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=6 current=1 maximum=12 (init=1)
[t=00:04:03.191141][f=0000306] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=5
[t=00:04:03.191443][f=0000306] [Threading] Worker 1 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x1
[t=00:04:03.191517][f=0000306] [Threading] Worker 4 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x8
[t=00:04:03.191546][f=0000306] [Threading] Worker 3 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x4
[t=00:04:03.191685][f=0000306] [Threading] Worker 5 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x10
[t=00:04:03.192417][f=0000306] [Threading] Worker 2 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x2
[t=00:04:03.192532][f=0000306] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 0xfe0
[t=00:04:03.192547][f=0000306] [SpringApp::Reload][2]
[t=00:04:03.192556][f=0000306] [DemoRecorder::WriteDemoFile] writing client-demo "F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\demos\2024-05-09_03-08-02-958_Coastlines_Dry_V2.2_105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 BAR105.sdfz" (28385 bytes)
[t=00:04:03.192654][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=0 loadscreen=0000000000000000
[t=00:04:03.192663][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=0 luaUI=0000019163e31170
[t=00:04:03.220396][f=0000306] Highlight Unit Widget Exiting, nil
[t=00:04:03.220585][f=0000306] Healthbars GL4 unloaded hooks
[t=00:04:03.220997][f=0000306] frames-per-second indicator is enabled!
[t=00:04:03.227246][f=0000306] small digital clock is enabled!
[t=00:04:03.233028][f=0000306] simulation speed indicator is enabled!
[t=00:04:03.233095][f=0000306] EndGame Graph enabled, causes reload
[t=00:04:03.238348][f=0000306] Reloaded cmdcolors from file: cmdcolors.tmp
[t=00:04:03.423211][f=0000306] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaUI (unsynced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 8917913, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 952180670}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0201}
[t=00:04:03.426074][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=0 luaGaia=00000191e5eff9b0
[t=00:04:03.430846][f=0000306] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaGaia (unsynced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 2, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 60}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}
[t=00:04:03.430914][f=0000306] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaGaia (synced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 0, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 0}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}
[t=00:04:03.430945][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=0 luaRules=00000191406060d0
[t=00:04:03.483298][f=0000306] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (unsynced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 1127, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 238537}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0151}
[t=00:04:03.484157][f=0000306] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (synced)] index=18446744073709551615 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 0, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 0}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}
[t=00:04:03.484220][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=0
[t=00:04:03.484235][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][5] dtor=0
[t=00:04:03.499113][f=0000306] [SpringApp::Reload][3]
[t=00:04:03.499153][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::Kill] soundThread.joinable()=1
[t=00:04:03.503386][f=0000306] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[t=00:04:03.503411][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] #sources=255 #items=24
[t=00:04:03.503743][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=00000190eb3c87c0 dev=00000190ebc029e0
[t=00:04:03.503894][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5] ctx=00000190eb3c87c0 dev=00000190ebc029e0
[t=00:04:03.503916][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcDestroyContext(00000190eb3c87c0)]
[t=00:04:03.504622][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcCloseDevice(00000190ebc029e0)]
[t=00:04:03.504944][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][SDL_CloseAudioDevice(2)]
[t=00:04:03.534055][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][6]
[t=00:04:03.534674][f=0000306] [SpringApp::Reload][4]
[t=00:04:03.534689][f=0000306] [Game::~CGame][1]
[t=00:04:03.534696][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=1 loadscreen=0000000000000000
[t=00:04:03.534714][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=1 luaUI=0000000000000000
[t=00:04:03.534721][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=1 luaGaia=0000000000000000
[t=00:04:03.534729][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=1 luaRules=0000000000000000
[t=00:04:03.534736][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=1
[t=00:04:03.534745][f=0000306] [Game::KillLua][5] dtor=1
[t=00:04:03.534914][f=0000306] [Game::KillMisc][1]
[t=00:04:03.534920][f=0000306] [Game::KillMisc][2]
[t=00:04:03.534938][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=13)]
[t=00:04:03.540782][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=12)]
[t=00:04:03.540949][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=11)]
[t=00:04:03.545733][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=10)]
[t=00:04:03.550018][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=9)]
[t=00:04:03.554596][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=8)]
[t=00:04:03.558757][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=7)]
[t=00:04:03.563372][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=6)]
[t=00:04:03.567848][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=5)]
[t=00:04:03.572851][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=4)]
[t=00:04:03.577351][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=3)]
[t=00:04:03.584197][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=2)]
[t=00:04:03.590187][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=1)]
[t=00:04:03.594426][f=0000306] [EOH::DestroySkirmishAI(id=0)]
[t=00:04:03.615355][f=0000306] [Game::KillMisc][3]
[t=00:04:03.615377][f=0000306] [Game::KillRendering][1]
[t=00:04:03.622682][f=0000306] [~CRectangleOverlapHandler] 0% overlap reduction
[t=00:04:03.706422][f=0000306] [3DOParser::Kill] allocated 1 pieces
[t=00:04:03.706450][f=0000306] [S3OParser::Kill] allocated 5889 pieces
[t=00:04:03.706911][f=0000306] [AssParser::Kill] allocated 0 pieces
[t=00:04:03.740254][f=0000306] [Game::KillInterface][1]
[t=00:04:03.741430][f=0000306] [Game::KillInterface][2]
[t=00:04:03.742485][f=0000306] [Game::KillSimulation][1]
[t=00:04:03.742553][f=0000306] [Game::KillSimulation][2]
[t=00:04:03.769391][f=0000306] [CCollisionHandler] dis-/continuous tests: 0/717250
[t=00:04:03.769438][f=0000306] [Game::KillSimulation][3]
[t=00:04:03.784012][f=0000306] ~PathManager: 0 entities still active!
[t=00:04:03.885226][f=0000306] [~CRectangleOverlapHandler] 0% overlap reduction
[t=00:04:03.893388][f=0000306] [LosHandler::Kill] raycast instance cache-{hits,misses}={2,49}; shared=2%; cached=2%
[t=00:04:03.908079][f=0000306] [Game::KillSimulation][4]
[t=00:04:04.022527][f=0000306] [CommonDefHandler::KillStatic] 3030 sound-set data items added
[t=00:04:04.022581][f=0000306] [Game::~CGame][2]
[t=00:04:04.022589][f=0000306] [Game::~CGame][3]
[t=00:04:04.022983][f=0000306] [NetProto::~CNetProtocol] [LocalConnection::Statistics]
18817 bytes sent
17279 bytes recv'd
[t=00:04:04.034433][f=0000306] Kill: client disconnecting...
[t=00:04:04.035962][f=0000306] CloseConnection: client connection closed
[t=00:04:04.036006][f=0000306] [SpringApp::Reload][5]
[t=00:04:04.036042][f=0000306] [SpringApp::Reload][6]
[t=00:04:04.036050][f=0000306] [VFS] [SpringVFS::UnMapArchives<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(reload=1)] (#mod=15845 #map=246 #menu=2436)
[t=00:04:04.048083][f=0000306] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\base
[t=00:04:04.048326][f=0000306] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\maps
[t=00:04:04.048422][f=0000306] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar\games
[t=00:04:04.048590][f=0000306] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\maps
[t=00:04:04.049743][f=0000306] Scanning: F:\games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\packages
[t=00:04:04.053161][f=0000306] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 5ms
[t=00:04:04.053183][f=0000306] [SpringApp::Reload][7]
[t=00:04:04.053725][f=0000306] [SpringApp::Reload][8]
[t=00:04:04.054339][f=0000306] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.6ms)
[t=00:04:04.054517][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=256
[t=00:04:04.054539][f=0000306] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[t=00:04:04.054561][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[t=00:04:04.054589][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] UseSDLAudio is set, rendering openal-soft audio to SDL buffer and let SDL audio handle the hardware
[t=00:04:04.075196][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] SDL audio device(s):
[t=00:04:04.075227][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "0" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)"
[t=00:04:04.075250][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "1" "Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)"
[t=00:04:04.075295][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "2" "Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=00:04:04.075317][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "3" "ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)"
[t=00:04:04.075336][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "4" "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=00:04:04.075360][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[t=00:04:04.091694][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening loopback device
[t=00:04:04.092629][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] device=00000190ebc029e0(default) context=0000019186399e10 numChannels=2 frameSize=8
[t=00:04:04.092653][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[t=00:04:04.092662][f=0000306] [Sound] Vendor: OpenAL Community
[t=00:04:04.092669][f=0000306] [Sound] Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.21.0
[t=00:04:04.092676][f=0000306] [Sound] Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[t=00:04:04.092695][f=0000306] [Sound] AL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_BFORMAT AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_BFORMAT AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_EXT_SOURCE_RADIUS AL_EXT_STEREO_ANGLES AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_bformat_ex AL_SOFTX_bformat_hoa AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFTX_callback_buffer AL_SOFTX_convolution_reverb AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_direct_channels_remix AL_SOFT_effect_target AL_SOFT_events AL_SOFTX_filter_gain_ex AL_SOFT_gain_clamp_ex AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFTX_map_buffer AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length AL_SOFT_source_resampler AL_SOFT_source_spatialize
[t=00:04:04.092733][f=0000306] [Sound] ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_loopback_bformat ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[t=00:04:04.092752][f=0000306] [Sound] Devices:
[t=00:04:04.099710][f=0000306] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=00:04:04.099732][f=0000306] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)]
[t=00:04:04.099741][f=0000306] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)]
[t=00:04:04.099748][f=0000306] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[t=00:04:04.099775][f=0000306] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=00:04:04.099786][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=29
[t=00:04:04.099794][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={256,255}
[t=00:04:04.100862][f=0000306] [Sound] EFX Enabled: yes
[t=00:04:04.100882][f=0000306] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[t=00:04:04.160424][f=0000306] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 106ms
[t=00:04:04.160558][f=0000306] [SpringApp::Reload][10]
[t=00:04:04.160731][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][11]
[t=00:04:04.160740][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "rapid://byar-chobby:test"
[t=00:04:04.174210][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="BYAR Chobby test-3278-6a78ace", overwrite=false)] section=3 cached=1
[t=00:04:04.175349][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:04:04.175485][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:04:04.210606][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][12] #script=4170
[t=00:04:04.212350][f=-000001] [CPreGame] using server IP and port 0
[t=00:04:04.212369][f=-000001] [NetProto::InitLocalClient] connecting to local server
[t=00:04:04.227547][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddMapArchivesToVFS][server=0000000000000000] using map "Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1" (loaded=0 cached=1)
[t=00:04:04.227737][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1", overwrite=false)] section=1 cached=1
[t=00:04:04.227854][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Map Helper v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:04:04.228094][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:04:04.228173][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:04:04.228432][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe61198ccfbb71ed42006516bd5041a9266d7b737356e4e237fe19"
[t=00:04:04.228501][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="springcontent.sdz" cs="9579ba863e4281b096f5375c12fdcd537e22f8e579024e08152359dc90769cb2e5641d731d2b18f2e7d140f041a65824890758117b6b2e93430d3f4e9208773b"
[t=00:04:04.228566][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="bitmaps.sdz" cs="ed5fc4f7d9e73b042c36ab1bbab84c1699bc25f327ea61bac92e86d89ffb780b8bfaa27e254ca7975ab27990723bcf2ad65db2650689e93c90aeded31f975de5"
[t=00:04:04.228584][f=-000001] [PreGame::StartServer]
[t=00:04:04.228683][f=-000001] Warning: [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] opening socket on loopback address, other users will not be able to connect!
[t=00:04:04.228920][f=-000001] [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] binding UDP socket to IPv4-address ( on port 0
[t=00:04:04.228936][f=-000001] [UDPListener] successfully bound socket on port 60815
[t=00:04:04.230923][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::StartServer] 18ms
[t=00:04:04.230939][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][13] reloadCount=2
[t=00:04:04.247935][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddMapArchivesToVFS][server=00000190ee86f250] using map "Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1" (loaded=0 cached=1)
[t=00:04:04.248248][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Coastlines_Dry_V2.2.1", overwrite=false)] section=1 cached=1
[t=00:04:04.248484][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Map Helper v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:04:04.248580][f=-000001] [PreGame::AddModArchivesToVFS][server=00000190ee86f250] using game "Beyond All Reason test-26001-4681dde" (loaded=0 cached=1)
[t=00:04:04.248835][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Beyond All Reason test-26001-4681dde", overwrite=false)] section=0 cached=1
[t=00:04:04.257147][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:04:04.257332][f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=00000190bfcd5d20>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:04:04.257653][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="coastlines_dry_v2.2.1.sd7" cs="6c8885cd6ba17b265f7cce5d511b5a054cea7f953602a5d1eae022f129fbff98d9b9735fc64b0aa1dc2e17c180b2ecd7671f4b3efab71593a039f8e107d307a3"
[t=00:04:04.257728][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="maphelper.sdz" cs="c2f5635fb58633282b715b3776b6e0edd938b1c9fddef720456eab8924194de978d8d605c6ff24e3e136e42214732673060586d9a72c701679589fd333f6aaba"
[t=00:04:04.258010][f=-000001] [CAS::GASCB] Archive file="58ad032fbf017d7b7c25e63cf14f6976.sdp" cs="538256be1184e6aecf4bbc0564d8e396855f02744160069b7fb7cba60573599891035b2a3abe6119
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