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Last active November 22, 2023 22:04
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using namespace System.Collections.Generic
# $PSStyle.OutputRendering = 'Ansi'
I used winget as a quick example case.
if you're doing more with it, check out the export as json and detailed logging options
function GetBin {
using Get-Command -CommandType Application is usually good enough. here's a slightly stricter version
if( $FirstOnly ){
$ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommands($Name, 'Application', $AsPattern)
| Select -first 1
$ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('python', 'Application', $AsPattern)
function InvokeWinget {
using @() expressions to build the arguments
[List[Object]]$BinArgs = @()
$Config = @{
VerboseLogs = $True
DisableInteractive = $True
# Option A)
# You can build native commands up using an implicit array
# and conditions inside
$BinArgs = @(
if( -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $Query )) {
if( $Config.VerboseLogs ) { '--verbose-logs' }
if( $Config.DisableInteractive ) { '--disable-interactivity' }
$BinArgs | Join-String -op "toInvoke`n winget " -sep ' ' | write-host -back 'blue'
function InvokeWingetList {
using [List]s to build the arguments as arrays
I'm using [List[Object]] rather than [List[String]] on purpose
it makes it easier to use expressions without getting errors.
now you can use pretty much anything like:
List.AddRange( @(
# ...
) )
[List[Object]]$BinArgs = @()
$Config = @{
VerboseLogs = $True
DisableInteractive = $True
# Option B)
# or using an array/list
[List[Object]]$BinArgs = @( 'list' )
# You can use essentially the same thing wrapped in one AddRange@()
if( -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $Query )) {
if( $Config.VerboseLogs ) { '--verbose-logs' }
if( $Config.DisableInteractive ) { '--disable-interactivity' }
$BinArgs | Join-String -op "toInvoke1`n winget " -sep ' ' | write-host -back 'blue'
# $winget = GetBin -name 'WinGet' -FirstOnly
# & $winget @BinArgs
# Option C)
## Or if it makes more sense to build them up 1 at a time, use Add()
[List[Object]]$BinArgs2 = @( 'list' )
if( -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $Query )) {
$BinArgs2.Add( '--query' )
$BinArgs2.Add( $Query )
if( $Config.VerboseLogs ) {
$BinArgs2.Add('--verbose-logs' )
if( $Config.DisableInteractive ) {
$BinArgs2.Add('--disable-interactivity' )
$BinArgs | Join-String -op "toInvoke2`n winget " -sep ' ' | write-host -back 'blue'
$winget = GetBin -name 'WinGet' -FirstOnly
& $winget @BinArgs2
InvokeWingetList Microsoft.PowerShell
# or
# "to invoke:`n winget {0}" -f @(
# $BinArgs -join ' '
# )
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