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Created September 29, 2022 19:32
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using namespace System.Collections.Generic
function Compare-StringSet {
Compare-StringSet ('a'..'g') ('c'..'z')
Compare-StringSet ('a'..'g') ('A'..'E')
Compare-StringSet ('a'..'g') ('A'..'E') -Insensitive
other functions:
.ctor, Add, Clear, Comparer, Contains, CopyTo, Count, CreateSetComparer, EnsureCapacity, Enumerator, ExceptWith, GetEnumerator, GetObjectData, IntersectWith, IsProperSubsetOf, IsProperSupersetOf, IsSubsetOf, IsSupersetOf, OnDeserialization, Overlaps, Remove, RemoveWhere, SetEquals, SymmetricExceptWith, TrimExcess, TryGetValue, UnionWith
if($Insensitive) { throw "NYI: Equality comparison"}
todo: future:
When empty column format string as '∅'
intersect as ..
union ∪
'∉' etc
class StringSetComparisonResult {
$results = [ordered]@{}
$SetA = [HashSet[string]]::new( [string[]]$ListA)
$SetB = [HashSet[string]]::new( [string[]]$ListB)
$SetA.IntersectWith( $setB )
$results['Intersect'] = $SetA
$SetA = [HashSet[string]]::new( [string[]]$ListA)
$SetB = [HashSet[string]]::new( [string[]]$ListB)
# $SetA -notin $results.Intersect
$results.'RemainingLeft' = $SetA | ?{
$results.'Intersect' -notcontains $_
$results.'RemainingRight' = $SetB | ?{
$results.'Intersect' -notcontains $_
$SetA = [HashSet[string]]::new( [string[]]$ListA)
$SetB = [HashSet[string]]::new( [string[]]$ListB)
$SetA.UnionWith( $SetB )
$results.'Union' = $SetA
# [hashset[string]]::new( [string[]]('a', 'b')
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